Utile Rag-Tag. A curly, bright head, and perched upon i little Ragtag brown run-bonnet; A pair of old shoe*, forever untied. Whone ole h*v* bole*, who** to** grl* Wide. Cone wan or com* *t)*de. corn* *bine or com* rein. To little Rag-tag it'* ever the Mine ; With en eit of the moet *upreme content. Bhc peddle* and play* till Ute daj ia %put. Why people complain ahe never cut eee. When ibel t* a* good a evet can be; She talk* to hereelf. and laugh*, and wug About the world and ita beautiful thing* . But, though He i* good to all of the reat. She i very aura that He love* her Us* l-e*t' Otv how much letter tin* world would wag If we all had hearts like Utile Hag-tag ' K Discontented Poet. Mtu'e • foil ! Whan it's hot he wants it cool. When it e enkl he wants it hot Ncer couteuted with hi* lot. When it * dty lie for shower* i* heard to avgh ; When to mod his w,*h it raiu*. Of the wet the fool complain*. Hot or cold, dry or wet. Nothing *uit* that h*can get 1 CMuaider, a* a rule. Mau'. a bio). THE OCEAN DEPTHS. 1 am a divet—a direr from choice— and 1 am proud of niv profession. Where i* such courage nspi ired as is needed here t It is uothiug to lie a soldier ; a diver, however—but 1 forlxxir, 1 will tell my storv, and leave others to judge concerning it. An appalling ahipwre -k .wurnvl, not long ago, upon tlie wildest |>art of the coast of Newfoundland. The tiding* of this calamity reaclusi the ears of thou sands ; but, amid the crowd of accidents which followed in quick succession, it was soon forgotten. Not by us, how ever. We fouud that the vowel had sunk upon a spot where the water's depth was by no means groat and that a dating man might easily reach her. She was a steamer .ailed the Marmiou, and had been aeon going suddenly down, without an instant's warning, by some fislienncn near by. She had, undoubt edly, struck a hidden rock, and had thus oeen, in one moment, destroyed. I spoke to my associates of the plan, and they approved it. No time was lost in making tlie n,x\<®*ry preparations, aril a short time lt, each tu the (HMitiou in which death had found hitu. IJV. II one had sprung from hi* diair at the nh.vk of the aitiktng ship, and, with one o-uiituou emotion, all liad started fir the d.vor. Hut the water* of the S.W had Ixxui t.x> swift for them. le>! tlum -anuc wildly grasping the table, others the beams, others the side* of the cabin there they all st.xxl. Near the d.K>r was a crowd of people, heaped upon oue another —now* on the fi,x>r, . mo they were Uxikuig! They were glancing at me, all those dreadful, those terrible eye* ! Kves in which the tire of life had been displaced by the a-hilling gleam of death. Kyes which Mill glared, like the eyvs of the mama.*, with no ex pression. They froze me with their cold and icy stare. They had no moaning; for the soul had gone. And this made it still more horrible than it could have been iu life; for the appalling contortion of their faces, expressing fear, horror, destiair. and whatever els.' the human ■out may fool, contrasting with the cold and glassy ryes, made their vacancy yet more fearful. He ujx>nthc table seem.sl more fiendish tliau the others, for hts long black liair was disheveled, ami floated horribly duwu—and his Ix-ard and mustache, all loosoiuxl bv live water, gave him the grimuess of a deinou. Oh, what woe and torture ! wliat unut terable agonies apjwurod in the despair ing glance of those faces—faces twisted into spasmodic contortions, while the souls that lighted them were writhing and struggling for life. 1 heeded uot the dangerous sea which, even wheu we touched the steamer, had slightly rolled. Down in these awful depths the swell would not be very strong unless it should increase with ten fol.l fury above. But it had been increasing, though 1 had uot noticed it, and the mo tion of the water Ix-gmi to lx> felt in tlie abysses. Suddenly the steamer was shaken and recked bv the swell. At this the hideous forms were shaken and fell. The heaps of jxxiple rolled asunder. That demon on the table seemed to make a spring directly toward me. I lied, shrieking ail were after me. I thought. I rushed out, with uo purpose but to escape. I sought to throw off my weights and ris \ My weights could not tx' looaemxl—l pulled at them with frantic exertion*, but could not ltxvteu them. The iron fastenings had grown stiff. Oue of them I wrested off in my convulsive efforts, but the oilier still kept me down. The tube, also, was lying down still in my passage way through the machine rooms. I did not know this until I had exhausted my strength, and almost my h >po, in vain efforts to loosen the weight, aud still the horror of that scene in tin- cabin rested upon me. Where was Rimmer ? Tlie thought flashed acr.ns me. He was not here. He had returned. Two weights lay near, which seemed tlirown off in terrible haste. Ye*. Rimuu-r hail gone. I looked up; there lay the boat, tossing and rolling among the waves. I rushed down into the machine room, to go laek, s- >a* to looser. my tul*\ i had gona through pungen carelessly, and this lay thare, for it was unrolled from above sis I went on. I went back in haste to extricate myself; I could stay here no longer; for if ail the gold of tiol. coudu was in the vessel, I would not stai in company with the dreadful dead! Rack—fear lent wings to my feet. 1 hurried down the stairs, into the lower hold once more, and retraced my steps through the |>assagea below. I walked lack to the place into which I had first descended. It was dark; a new feeling of horror shot through me; I looked up. The ajierturo was closed Heaven! was it closed by mortal hand I Had Rimmer, in his panic flight blindly thrown down the trap-dour, which I now remembered to have seen open when I descended ( or hail some fenrful lteing frum the cabin—that demon who sprung toward me I 1 started lwick in terror. But I could not wait here; T must go ; I must escape from the den of horrors. I sprang up the ladder, mid tried to rain the door. It resisted my efforts; I put my be line ted head against it, and trial to raise it; the rung of the bidder broke beneath me, but the door was not raised; my tube came down through it and kept it jwirtly open, for it was a strong tula and kept strongly expanded ly close wound wire. I seized a bar of iron, and tried to pry it up; I rauied it slightly, but there was no way to get it up further. I looked around, and found some blocks; with these I raised the heavy door, little by little, placing a block in, to keep what I had gained. But the work was slow, and laborious, and I had worked a loug while before I had it raised four inches. The sea rolled more and more. The submerged vessel folt its power, ami rocked. Suddenly it wheeled over, and lay upon its side. I ran an >und to get on the deck above, to try and lift up the door. But when I came to the other outlet, I knew it was impossible; for the tube would not JHT mit me to go so far, and then I would rather have died a thousand deaths tluui have ventured again so near the cabin. I returned to the fallen door; I sat down in despair and waited for death. I saw no hope of escape. This, then, was to be my end. Hut the steamer gave a sudden lurch agnin acted upon by the power of the waves, She had been balanced upon a rock, iu such away that a slight action of the water was sufficient to tip her over. She croaked, and groaned, and labored, and then turned upon her side. I rose; I clungt<> the ladder; Ipressed the trap-door open, while the steamer lAy with her deck perpendicular to the ground. I sprang out, and touched the bottom of the sea. It was in good time: for a moment after, the mass went over back again. Then, with a last effort, I twisted the iron fastening of the weight which kept me down; I jerked it. It was loosed, it broke, it fell. In a moment I liegan to ascend, and in a few minutes I was floating on the water—for the air which is pressed down for the diver's consump tion eonsitutes a buoyant mass, which raises him up from the sea Thanks to heaven! There was the strong boat, with my bold, brave men ! They felt mo raising; they saw me, and came and saved me. Rimmer liad fled from the horrid scene when I entered the cabin, bnt re mained in the boat to Jend his aid. Ho never went down agnin, but lecame a sea captain. As for me, I still go down, but only to vessels whoso crows have been saved. A NEW " JERUSALEM. " —This is the way one choir sings the first verse of " Jerusalem, my happy home Yia-lu-nah-leug, Yiffi-lu-ah-leng. bi -ming jib eza pao-pe ; Ling-coug z'eo kyi-z we Uo, I'eh ugo zin gji en we ? The choir to which we now refer is composed of Chinamen ; but there are plenty of American choirs that sing just a) badly or worse. THE CENTRE REPORTER Editorial lte*|>oulblllt;. In the Brooklyn trial hi* honor Judge Neil son, rendered, iuet.lentallv, what seems to us an eminently wise decision, the New York Herald says, and we are happy to note that g,xxl law and strict justice seem for once to coincide. His judgment was that however the editor or proprietor of a newsj>a|H>r luav l>e re sjxnisinle tu damages for iujuries done t.i others by publications made in his journal, yet lie eanuot In* accounted morally responsible for the effect of any artiehsv that ap|>cnr m hts pntx-r unlove it IH< shown tluit tlvey were either written by himself or distinctly publislied with kuowlcdge and consent. l)icussion of the point arose upon the proffer bv Mr. INarts of certain articlos prmtc.l iu the (tolden Aye wlulo Mr. Tilton was odi tor. t>ne of them articles was an ex tract from the Trov Time*, given as news, and of course it was not pretended tliat Mr. Tilton wrote it; ami it was uot piopomxl even to show tliat he wrote the others. It was argued that as these pieces contemplated marriage from a very Usvae staiid|oiiit it would l*< sufti eieut to show that they were published in a paper controlled by Mr. Tilton in order to show that he helil tlie same views, and tin' learned counsel projusied to make a precision! in this caae " to hold an editor responsible iu the sphere of public opinion and morality for arti clou that are published in liis newsjaper, whether he is personally the writer of them or not, if they appear as the issue of his paper, and uot credited to any other source "—that is, as was further explained, if the articles were "original matter." Now the theory of editorial reaponsi bilitr thus imagine,! liy Mr. Evarts woul,l pla.-e txlitors ill a difficult dilemma betweeu their obligations to public mo rality aud tlieir obligations to give the news. For the " original matter" con teuqilated by tlie lawyers covers all tliat is given in a m-wspajx-r that has uot been previously printed. It ,lr. C'oniil, oil certain experiments made by Dr. Mogtuui to inveoiigate the • ffeots of al coholism on the annual economy. The first series comprint-! the administration of brandy to dogs. The animal at first evincea aonie yxeiU-ment, wlucli gradit.l ly incraMea, and ends in tu| x-hution and a comatose sh-cp, accompanied by a full in the temperature of the laxly, in sensibility, and paralysis of the hind legs. This state is transitory; but if the experiment I** tnditiniU ly repeated, a |Hvtiliar nervous aenaitiTpniw* may Iw remarked at the end of a fortnight. The subject pricks no its ear*, watches, then starts at the slightest noise, shows f> ar, and experiences illusions and huliucitm tions which assume the form of a regular delirium within the suaoe of a mouth, with tits of trembling. If the brandy Is- suppn-wd death ensues, accom panied by indifference ami stni-facUou. Then-is a great difference ln-twren the action of mere brandy and the liquor known as absinthe, which is an alcoholic tincture of wormwood; and Dr. Mag nan's experiments go far to refute the opiuiou of tli.se- who consider this favorite Ix-vcroge to Is- inert except in so "far as it is alcoholic, (iivcu in a weak dose to a dog. a shivering is obtw-rved to t-ike place, with mnwular twitches and jerks in the neck, and rapid but uplifted motions of the head, shoulders, and back. Adminiatcred in heavy doses, convulsive fits are the consequence, but differing materially from paraplegia. or delirium tremens. Hallucinations, moreover, appear at the very lir>t ex periments, instead of U-ing nearly the i;ist stage, a* in the case of mere brandy. In man Dr. Magiuiii divides intoxication by alcohol into thris- stages—mania, delirium tremens, and stnjvir. We need not here deserilie these liiffi-reut s'ates, which are pretty generally known, but cannot omit the fact that convulsive fits almost exclusively mvur in that kind of alcoholism that is produced by ab:e confounded with m re dipsomat ia, or hard drinking at irregular intervals, or hv (Its and starts. ( hinese Politeness. Rules of politeness are all regu!attd at Pekiu by a Tribunal of Rites. In ease you wish to JMIV a visit to a mandarin, the proper thing to do is to send in your card, on a small piece of red paper, on which is your name, followed by a jHilito sentence, as this: " The tend . ami sin cere fiend of your lord -.up, and the perpetual disciple of your doctrine, thus presents himself to pay his respects and to Isfw Is l fore you to the earth. ' If the mandarin is willing to receive yon, he asks yon to pass la-fore him. Von are expected to make the humble reply, " I dare not;" and, after an intiuity of ges tures, which are all arranged, ami obli gatory phrases, the master of the house bows to n chair, and slightly dusts it with the corner of his robe, upon which yon are at length Seated. The difficul ties are much increased when ten or a dozen inamlorins call upon an English man at once, and, according to the cus tom, tea is offered, lieginning at one of the highest rank. He pretends to offer to the next, then to the third, ami so on to the Inst. All having politely refused, he jiermits himself to drink it. The sec ond, in turn, has to offer the cup to the others, ami thus the farce proceeds until all luive gone through the weariaom*- task. Of Manslaughter. At Coventry, in England, nfter a long coroner's inquiry, a verdict of man slaughter was returned agaiiiMt a mid wife named Elizabeth Ingram. The evidbnoe showed that she had attended a large numtx-r of confinements, nud bad conveyed puerperal fever to the patients. Hhe was cautioned bv the coroner to cease from practice, but did not do so. Since then two inquests have been held on fatal cases she had attended. At the first inquiry Ingram was censnred, and finally she was committed to take her trial on a charge of manslaughter. Four other cases of puerperal fever attended by her liave proved fatal. Talking of the Cold. The cold wave that visited the country made a special visit to the West. A Mon tana paper gives a record of the ther mometer during a portion of the month. The register for one week showed all the way from thirty to fifty-six degrees be low zero, going far below the bottom figures of thermometers generally, and making it necessary to linve special ones arranged for the purpose. Ordinary thermomel -rs were frozen up. Numbers of people were frozen to death. CENTRE HALL, CENTRE CO., l'A., THURSDAY, MARCH 11, 187-". (IMHAI, 11'KU'i, 1 utriraltu ft.rltrra from 4 olunrl IU| to ilir .% uirrli au 4*rurui>ltt-I hx lrlf-~ Auutbrr \Nairrbril ( tUr I ||rr NUr UUtavrrrtl tuiiiuluun |lo|*ltallty. An inqiortaiit letter lias IKUUI rixxdved by Chief J ustioo Daily, president of the American t leogruplu'eal Society, from Col. Charles C. lauig, the African ex plorer, who accomplished the uudertak uig of navigating the water of the Vic toria Nytuiza, and who is a cliumniit to the diMovcrv of oue of tlie sources of tie- Nile. The letter It arx date tionda Koru, Centnd Africa, ltT-t, and begins by stat iug Unit the writer was commissioned by Colonel 0. tl. tlordon, C. 11., (loveruor iletieral of tlie lhvvinooa of the F.qua tor, to visit M'Tse, King of Cguudo, ami for .which object lie left I lon du Kora iui the 2-tlli of Aj>ril hist, aiMoin |suiied by two soldiers and two servants, and reaehed Victoria Nyauza, ufter fifty - eight days of painful marehing, and all suffering from the jungle fever. King M Ise nveivod Mr. Long (the White Prince) with courtly honors, and ou Uie follow iug day, to complete the honors, decapitated thirty of hi* subjects, the King during these bloody executions displaying great f-eling. He (Mr. Long), after a few days' sojourn, ob turned the king's jiermissiuu to vi-it the lake and to return Uieucc by lLpon Falls ami by the river to I'roudoguiu. On his return the king again dowpitateJ seven of In* subjects, saying in broken Arabic: " It is necessary to do M, because you wish to go bv the river Nile; but it pains my heart to kill tlieiu." M'Tse Is thirty live years of age, tall, lias a goikl figure and possesses a higher intelligence than his subjects. Mr. lamg reiuaiinsl twenty-nine days as tlie guest of tlie king, and frequent \uiti to him were huuuml by the killing of eight or hm of his subjects. His liorwi', the only one in I gandn, wits an object of the greatest wonder to M'Tse. and of wonder and fear to tlie whole country. The lung's manner toward Mr. Long was one of marked consideration. In his presence he (L>ug)sat in a chair, while the king's tvurtiers prostrated thumaclves at las fist. M'Tse Btwmvd carried away by Mr. Long's description of the various civilised countries, and frequently ex clumeJ, " All that l lmve is yours, if you make nie a great king. I want a carriage and u lionu-." Aft.-r mueh trouble the king consented to allow him to return by the Victoria Nile, which he ilescrilml ns full of rtH'ks, no water, iuid savage tribes, and on the I4th of July, although stifii ring from dyaeutery, he visibxi tlie Victoria Nyauxa. He was escorted by a tiioas.ui,l . f M"l'se's war riur* t > the lake, which he f. uml twenty five to eiglitv feet in depth, and a cloud l.-ss sky. The wnt r wu *w,st and light, ami although the light shone, m> tnus' of sliell* or tide marks were found to disturb this one source of the Nile. He retunieil t M'l'se's, having compelled to alHimh'ii the project, when he liade him adieu audb ft for Unmdogani on the ltth f July, wli- r< the exjNsli lion arriv, ,l altera march of twenty tlays. H re great o|qKMUtioU was uuuufesbxl by the native cln fs ugnuiht him ln-cunse lie lusl 1-los.sl the war 11 Zuitilar and had received tli" axstinunv of M 'Toe tliat all ivory should in future j>.iss 1 y kio and down the Nile. African diplomacy did its utmost to d< tcr Long from his purpose to uarignte the UllkuoWU Nile, who, however, seized (wo bark can's . and at daylight on the Dth of August stole silently away. On the 11th, iu uorth latitude l.Jrt, the ix|sdi tion entered a Urg< bs*.n *>r lake, where the ls-d "f the fiver loses ilx If. Thecx- I kciill' 111 w.i by aicnint, without coin pi.'-, and was forty-eight hours struggling to find its way 111 the lake, wljjeh is at lea-t twenty to twenty live luiiea wide. This lake wruiH not aloue the reservoir of the wahrsof the I'bteau, the gn at wut< r aheet extending south ward, the real source of the Nile. IVr petual ruiua, except iu duly or August, fall and till this basin almost to an im measurable depth, and when the ual.-rs get too high they break through the chanuel, and ja rli ips tins accounts for the js reali vd uinndaU tl f the Nile. On August 17th the little Isuul arrived near M "Booli, when it was attached by four hundred men of Klb* Hrtjis in canoes, and after a severe tight, in which the natives lost thirty two killed, they were defeated. On tic 20th he arrived near Karuma Falls, where they wen- r< oeive I bv the adjutant of the garrison and by Itioriga, who showed great do light at the defeat of Kil>n Hum. 'Hie river there, from Karuma to Forn ato Ormdogaiii, is navigable for ships like the Great Eastern. Kunning its march northward on the 15th of September, the ex|sliti>>n arrived at (ionda Koru on the lHth of October. Th" letter then goes on to do*'rile the I'ganda country, which is mountainous and picturesque, noil fertile and impreg nated with iron. The climate is aaluhn OUS, but debilitating for Europeans, and is a land of uu'rant and marsh iu some quarters. It abounds with buffalo and clciihaiits. Jungle fever is prevalent, and even the natives arc subject to it. Spring may tw> said to exist there at all seasons of the year. At nine a. m. there is excessive heat from the sun's rays, while from four to five i. m. rnin cuui menoes, and the night* are damp and chilly, and woolen clothes a necessity for Europeans. Housetop Hardens. Housetop gardens, says the (iarilwr't Matfaziiw, have not attained to tho im portanoe predicted of them in the days when the lowering of tho price of glass brought thnt useful article into demand for n thousand uses uuthought of pre viously. But a safllcieut numlier of ex amples are to be found, in Loudon for example, to suggest thst the covering of roofs with glass will in a few years be come common. The photographers have given all impetus to the enterprise by showing how sunlight, previously wasted on unsympathetic tiles, is mid be utilized for the advantage of mankind. A housetop garden not only provides a source of pleasure, and it may be even of profit, in itself, Imt it adds materially to the comfort of a dwelling by equaliz ing the temperature of the tipper rooms. bv screening the sunshine from the roof, the suffocating hent that often prevails in houses in the height of summer is abolished, and in the depth of winter the chambers nearest the rodf nro some degrees warmer tlinn they would be were the roof exposed to tlie chilling influence of wind and frost nnd anow. In 11 Western Court. " I couldn't gel nothing to do," stud a prisoner in n Detroit court. "I hear yon couldn't," replied the judge, "but if I were nyoungman eight een years old, in sound health, anil th fat on my ritm wae an inch and a half thick, I'd find work enough to pay for my hoard or I'd slide off the wharf and make business for a coroner.' "I've looked all round," said tho pri seiner. " Well, we won't argue tho case. I know that work is scarce, but I also know that there arc dozens of fat loafers around this town who wouldn't turn a grindstone two hours for a week's hoard. You are charged with vagrancy, are guilty, and I'll give von sixty days. That will let yon out aliout the time the pansies bloom, and if you can't find work then I'll scud ysu hack for six months." it vim:*, nous, AMI POULTRY. .1 l wuh mi ihe l vhii.uu.... mm tbr mrm now WM iu We live in till tig* of exhibition aud of coast-leascoiuj>etitiou whichhardly ¥iua to have had any [woiKluit in the jtu*t. 'l'liu Greeks mi.ih! in chariots or ar.*tl<-d iu Uw WEU, or MU(Ur Ulite ! it wolll.l have had Do rlianc* With the big babies of the show, but it was nicer every way than the little bursting lumps of adipose with foo< made mean mgh-vs bT their abnonital J.lumjMiesft, and with legs like the least ajijM-tixing of German s. asag. a. Yet we are wilting t<> admit tl.nt a r>w of j.nre lmbi.w i not without its charm*. The parental pride which brought tli.**c specimen* to tin fair is an earnest of .-are ami gsssl treatment. No animal of any value is so much at the mercy in its infancy of enj.rioe and convenience as man. We train hul this strain, undid! tliat; it is oniy our own frames of which we un* neglectful, so that a tuan or woman of jwrfect j.hysionl dc v.-l ipineiit in ail exocjitiuo. It is \'-ll p, b • a deal more careful in such matters, and to ls-giu with the new Intra. Considering in whose image wc sr. all made, it is a little uuj.k-amrit Ui find the liabies exhibited with the dogs mid hen* the spaniel* and stag hounds, the Dorkings and lite bantams, One child is of more value tluui a thousand black • ami tan*. though every one <>f them weighed less than ten pound*. Yet, iu B|>ilc of hydrophobia, the d*>g is an m teresLing anunal. ami by his fidelity, m telligeuct* and fondness be mukos uj> for hi* il<-aa ami his nocturnal how la, and leads us t ■ forgive his j>u **loll.l to apix*- tito for muttou. He divide* our aitee ti.ni with the cat or the canary bird, an 1 is often invested by our fond fancy with instinctive intelligence which would hardly stand the test of scientific scru tiny. No domestic animal, however, degenerate* so rapidly through neglect, and no vugalx.ud is more of a nuisance than a homeless dog. It is right, there fore, that ho should In* an object of in ter**t nii.l a candidate for premiums. (if poultry, wre do not find tliat we liave much V < say. The*.* feathered fro quenfeer* of the I tarn yard are newt in sj.iriug, we must admit, in a roasted state, or considered as the pr.slueers of eggs for the morning un-al. Still, tlie rule bold* of the fltt.**t in the ls*t of it* kiml. An old hen is not usually re garded a* a marvel of Intelligence, ami a somewhat draggled old age awaits the rooster who is spared the spit. Never theless, in the strength of his j.rimo, ar rayed like Solomon in ail his glory, and tanking salutation to the morn, he is a gorgeous and impressive creature. So we e.'Ui imagine uiiuiy duller shows tluui a show of roosters, or for tliat muttwr of dogs, or even of liabies. The Inebriates' Home. The annual rpjnirt of the Inebriates' Home for Kings comity, Now York, shows that The whole number of caees trratml iii this institution daring the last your was two hundred and seventy seven. This is inclusive of forty five (sun's of ro iidmissions. The total number of per sons was 232. Of this a unifier sixty live patients iaid more or hsw for board, and K>7 received medical treatment, HUS tenanee and clothing, fr>-e of expense. The total average time which these 232 patients remained in the home was 173 days, or after deducting twenty-eight persons who remained for less than thirty day . lie* nvernge time of the re maining 2vl ~ ..cuts has loen IDS days. Though a very largo proportion of the |>ationta entered the home broken down, sick and utterly prostrated by long con tinued excessive drinking, there was not a single death in the institution tor the last tlfteen months. The president of the institution, in liis riqiort, says: Of the 232 patient* treated Inst year eighty five remained in the home on the 31st of Oooeiubcr, 132 having left during the year to resume the active duties of life. Of the last number eighty-six are known to be doing well nt present; thirty chiefly free patients—are lost sight of for the time being, but many of this class turn up at different periods and present unmistakable evidences of hav ing led a solwr life. We only know of twenty-eight who ore rejsirted as having returned to their former drinking habits. A business Transfer. Rome months ago a young mechanic iu Newport, H. 1., found himself his em ployer's creditor for wages that had Itecii unpaid for some time. He was not successful in his efforts to get the cur rency that was acknowledged to lie his due, but persistent dunning on the jwrt of his journeyman provoked the em ployer into declaring in the presence of third parties thnt if he didn't settle the claim in full before a certain day named he would give his creditor his shop and its con tents. Nothing further was said about the uncollected balance, but when the (bv arrived the rash employer went to his shop and foiled to get in. The lock had been changed. The young mail took his employer at his word, and the latter surrendered unconditionally, and made no resistance, business goes on at the old stand, but there has been a , change in the proprietorship. The change wan mode so quietly that but few pooplc are aware of its existence. FAMILY LIFE AM) TRAINING. l.rl Wlr Ptttbtali iu Tbrlr II••! Auihoill) ml m llMsbuud •kotild Ifrwldr tat bit I# I * till > •••Tit r 4| •*-•! luu ml IMtorrf. He v. Dr. lie! low N, in a diacuaaiou on '■ Family Life and the training of (.'hi! dren," vlia.-uss.-d the law of authority, (minting out tlmt it *u much easier to obey than to govern. He referred also , to tile ftu*lhli<*s of divorce, and naked how it could IM* ex|M-.*ted tliat any true I and inllueiitiul opinion should pre . ail with regard to domestic government when marriage was pronounced to Is* a contract st the will of the contracting jioities, and when .-very day Is gi-lutui.-.* Were making it more easy to dissolve that ti* upon which the welfare of chil dren and of society depend*. If, he Haiti, there was any thing worwe than an othor, it won the growth of such a state of things aa this, which made the gen .-ral interests of society sulwrv i.-nt Pi {invute iiu-hnatiou. It was not admitted jy aome tliat the public had any right to .|uestioii the jirivaU* uffuir of on in dividual, but tlie argument was only tliat of the j>irute who justifiinl his crime by abjuriug lua alh-giumw. lie is, the jiroacher uud, but a madman who de fies hut Muker, IKf the Divine w til. The (Hwitioii of the rights of miui ant man, wh*. was mint iiileriwtedin that relation, for her position was injured w hoi: man Ixxam*- her ju.lge inspad of h-r tt.lv.xat... The worst c..ns<-*jueui** of tlus discussion was found iu the tern j'orary unsettling of all tilings under its luflileuoe. It was a wal mutter of deluit**. Accursed was the hour w hen a wife appealed from tlie tenderness r< net rejxisitory of authority, and stated tliat it should resadt- in a loulwud'H dignity. Ju this connection lie j>ron<*ut>e<-d the theory tlmt obxl:<-noc i* a mortificati<*u to be a fallacy, and aaserte.l that, on tlie contrary, it was a j>nvil*ge aud an lu-uor. Neither, lie aaid, did authority nixxsisarily uujdy superiority. Authority was not a token of i*. rH..nal copertority, but rather an indication of a divine office and function. Wivea, he con- Pud* d, ahookl, th'tvfor.*. submit to their huslauids in the Li**r.l. It was n tembl thing, however, when tlus au thority fell into desuetude and negle.-t Then it was not woman who was to IK* heldacxuntable, but man who abdioatod his .MH'j.t'T and laid down hi-i crowm It wio u.'t slie w|n> r*fu**d to U gK\.-rui*l, but L ■ who refua.xl to govsni. Tlie jir.-a.-her then j.*s*l on p. sh**w that obedience wo* the j>roi'r ml.- for tin* trnimiig of cliildren. ami tliat all hope of pnqn-r training was loat until it was projwwiy iuculoapxl. The wiis.* of au thority should a-.-s*rt itself iu the whole family order, and front tie- very tsrt. lie <* .iidomued the j.rnrlioe iu pj.rents of making chthlr.-n jmrt of their own osP-n --tatiou and weakness, refemsl to tin* unnatural growth ami development of so-called "qui'-k" children who were burui*hed by contact with their .-luers, ami iu.beat.sl tin* injustice which was done them by tlx.- withholding of jrojK-r authority. The Salmon. In an article on salmon Scth (ireen says: Kvcry river tliat lias salmon in it. of course, lias a c.-rtain uninlier of female*, and tliew f.-uialoa never go into other river, ex.s-j.t on the rur.vd .XJ casi.na. If, then, you catch the females . f v-dtnou out of a river, it stands to r tiuvt then* will IK* HM nion* little salmon in that river until they an* put then* artificially. Tliat's common sense, lun't it! Now, salmon, when tli.y waut to hjmirn, or.* bound to fetah tlie river where they were born, am! nowhere <*ls.. Tliat's the reason why salmon try ing to get tij* a river and xjuiwn. when caught by mill .lams or other Bnch <>l strnrtious, are so easily captured. Tho natives living on l>oth sides of tin* dam will have sonic snro way to take the fisli, and in this way will stoj. all their neighbors als.ve from getting a taste of Hidiuou. Tliere are JK.H>JII.< liv nig around sueli j.lmv** whom yon couldn't ever stop from biking salmon. No, sir; not if (Sen. (.rant aud the whole of hi* forc*s tri.sl to prevent it. You ean see what an injury it is to j.revent these salmon from ajiuwiiitig. Now, theae fish niske their Isxls iu shallow wnh r. aud are therefore the men* easily taken. The young fiah live in the shallows until tlicy an* one or two years old it ain't certain exactly how old lliey really are - that question is kind of mixed, and then they put down strenm for the ooenn. If there ain't any eel weirs or fish traps in the river tliey stand n fair chance of getting to salt water. When they are giving down they will weigh nigh on to four and six ounces. They stay in tho *.oer.ii six months and return, now mind y his father's at Salisbury. Thinking he hod n right to some rctnrn for the money he had ex|>ended on their educa tion, the father put scythe* ink. their hands and ordered them to mow. Daniel mode a few w**cj> and then resting on his scythe w iiwd the jiersjiira tion from Ilia brow. His fntlier said : "What is the matter, Dan?" "My .scythe doesn't hang right, sir," lie an swered. His father fixed it, and Dan went to work again, but with no lietter success. Something was the luatterwith the scythe, and then it was again tin kered; but it was not long before it wanted fixing again, and the father said, in njM*t, "Well, hang it to suit your self !" Daniel, with great composure, hung it on the next tree. CARONT HIM. —Mr. Kent, N resident of Hoch.*stcr, heard his door l*ll ring, aud going out quickly found a haby on the stcjiH and a man running around the corner. He chased the man, collared him after a long roc*, and discovered him to he a well-known young j.hysieiiin j of that city, who had been j.aid fifty dol lars by the mother of the bal>v to get rid lofit in this way,she choosing Mr. Kent's , house because he luul just lost a little ahild, and so she liojied lie might wel couia this out* iu its jtwad. Term*: $2.00 a Year, in Advance. AN ANECDOTE OF ADOPTION. HBM II b IIMM IK fraaer, ud lb* lol.r. IKKBIK ATIKKILM ml llmm tt !••). I Kuys the French CiviK'ode: " A man luux ndoj.t as hi* eliihl and eoiiatltute as 1 his heir, with reserve of oua third of hia proporty to the heira at law, any jwraou ' wh*.n)ioll liave saved hia life." An inci ' .Ittil has lately occurred which lata ot tnu*tt**l atP-utiou. One day there ap jM-ared in the l'nris jiajien. an advertiae uieiit offering 10,000 from* a year f*.r ' a.loj.tiou by an authentic duke or prince. Tb* advertisement was inserted by a ' Frenchman, who, liable to do military duty, lunl deserted, left F'ronoe, made ' a fortune abroad, ami was anxious to sj>end it at home. He was liable at any moment to arrest for desi-rtion. His name was Charles (iredoti, but he ap jieared in France under the name of Wig gina. One .lay tliere appean d at Wiggins | roouui a dilapidated little old man. " You are tlie Due de Pontbrise I" said Wiggins, motioning him civilly to a ; chair. " Y.; and Marquis de \ ieuxcre tu aux; tliat would be tin* title of my eldest mm if 1 hud one, but I haven't. 4 ' 44 1 should like P. see your jsuvl. .u-nts." 44 1 have them oil iu my pocket. Our family was ruined by the U .volution; ( we picked up agoiu under ( liar lea X., j but unhappy sjiecuhitiouN under the reigns of liouia PhilipjM* and the late usut|K*r stri].j>ed me of all I had reoov cr*d and brought mo to my jirosent (.light, which is wretried enough." 44 And you would IK* r>dy to alopt uie tor 10,01 W francs a year!' Pardon me, I alt. .uld like the capital of that income, 200,001) fration, down." The lnv'-stigatioii being aatisfactory, ; Wiggins gave the man 1,000 franc*, to buy clotliiiig to urnke him prwientable ana his note-of-baud for thirty tlayw for 2(K>,O(M franca, and arrangemeuta for adoption .* made. Home three weeks after the alrnva in cidents a pleasure party of. five px.k a l*aat at St. Cloud to go and fish for ! gudgeon n the Seine. There won the Due de l'ontbriae, fresh sliaved, and clal in a fine country cuit of gray; our Wiggins in a Panama; a brother Anieri can, euriohed bv mis; and a brace of genuinely ennobled Fr-nebmeu, whoa.* aequsiutauix* Wiggins had t.icked up at .n.- of those Parisian clubs to wnich moiiey.-il foreigners obtain such easy ar , .-.•as. The oily American and the two French nobles lunl fr**juentiy dnnxl with Wiggins of iato, and lunl always met at his table tliat Y. nerabht Due d>< Pont l.riw, vbiw eouvcrsalion, at once festive and j*>li*hed, ajuu-kle.l with thut topj.iug the dismay of the j.revioua nliout sprang from the tlirviats of the three men in the Istat, f*>r at St. ('loud th* river takes a bend, and round this I**ll*l w* *.** ii a *t.*amer from Paris I waring Ntraight down uj**n the drown ing duke and the devoted Wiggins, who i WM clutching him by the hair. Another fiirw* w.**ks, and the scene is fa room; the dmtnatU t x-rsomr, Wig > gm* in IHHI, with his lnsnl shaved, a Ki*ter of mercy, and two policemen. One i of tlie jK.licemeu has s jsiinful communi • cation to m*k<*. 44 Monsieur tlmlon," > lie savs, symjvalhetically, ,4 you are well I enough now to IM> tol.l that you are in , custody for d.*e. rti<*n. You let out tho i fa.*t tliat that you wore Charles Grcdon while raving in f.-ver, and tho hotel • JKVVJ.LE commmucat.*! with us." Wig gins . ighs, 44 You lisve not y4 told me i how I come to bo here. I jumped into tlie river, but I am a good swimmer • enough." " Yes, but a steamer jawscd i over you luckily without hurting your • old friend in tlie gray suit, who swam f | away, tuid has never been heard of f sinrt." 44 Never IK**II heard of siiuw!" I itawl* Wiggins, collecting his sense*; ' 44 but he had a uoto-of-baiid for 2O(.O0U f franca of miue, an.l he called himself a < dnke." 44 All, there an* plenty of dnkoa i of his sort in France," answer.*! the i jxilicemnn j.hilosophicolly. A ( uriou* Case. ' A eurioua case of assumjvtiou of sex wa* lately discovered in Paris. A pen sioned officer, named Senkeisen, now nearly eighty years old, fell ill, an.l had 1 to be token to the Neokar Hoopital. There the d.K*t*>r in cluirge discovered ' tlmt the officer lK*long.*l to the female sex. Her secret being thus detected, the " virille dr la i " no longer hesi fated giving the story of her life. Hlie 1 ws* fourteen when sVic lost lier fatlier, a Havnrian colonel. H.*r grandfather, (ten, Huron Yon Senkeisen, luul the com iu:uid of a Havwrian army wijvs. Havaria 1 VVSIH then the allv sf France. Hv some nuexplained < vvfiiiu this gratulfather forced li.w t enlist in one of tlie regi ment* of his division. She advanced rnjiidly in tlie (-rvinjaugiiv of Germany j and Hjiain, and wns wounded twice, and severely, nt Waterloo. She was then admitted in the hoKjiitals a* on officer of the second class. In 1830 she took sei vice again, and went to Algeria; in 1833 she obtained French naturalization and a pension. This woman has a glorious character to boast of, having received let ters of congratulation on her valorous deeds from Marshals Rerthier, Augorenu, Sachet, and Gen. Dupout, who WHK sentenced to death for having onpitulatod nt Haylen with 40,000 men. The (Jranges. The National Grange of Patrons of Husbandry at Charleston, in allowing the jtrogrcss of trie order in the United Stat-a, declared tliat the grangers now embraced 22,000 subordinate granges and from a million and a half to two ' million of meinlKrs, Wing in many parts • of the West and South c..extensive with 1 the agricultural jx.piilation. It has in " vested iu its enterprises of every ile ' Hcription some £18,000,000 of cajiital, ' and from it ucernea an anuuul saving to 1 the fivrmiug class of uot less than £20,- j 000,000. s It is safe to conclude when you see a a physician sprinkling ashes on the icy sidewalk ill the front of his residence . that he has retired from active j.nw-tioe. NO. 10. E&traordluary Heeas la a Church. Ike Mauchnater Courier aaya: On ' | Sunday morning the aerrice at the Iron gate cathedral, at Albury, was uiterrujH N| in 1 somewbst alarming manner. Tin. service bad proeotxtod to the reading of tlie prayers, when Captain Hymns, a member of the congregation, was ob served to lea re his seat. H- at once as ceuded Die -tain and entered the pulpit (losing Urn d<*r, he stretched forth hia , hands and addressed the congregation, lie said be was commissionad or God to deliver a message which would not ba hoard with favor. At this juncture several of the church official- malted on to the pulpit stairs and I-egged the gal lant captain to desist The request waa met by the captain drawing a sword from u sltauth which was concreted under his , cuat, and waving it a I-ire his head, lie -aid that if any person interfered with ; hiui in Die delivery of his message he would run him through to the heart. A piecipitste retreat was made by the officials, and in the meantime Captain Hymen proceeded to address Die congre gation, warning them Dial il was his duty P. tell them that perdition was their fate if they 00 u tin uned in their present faith. Mr. Armstrong, a barrister at law, and su intimate friend of Captain Hymm, left his seat, and running up the pulpit stairs begged hiiß to come down. ihe captain raised bis award,/tnd striking Mr. Armstrong actons the baud nearly severed one of his Augers. The alarm caused bv this extraordmarT conduct waa very great. The ladies of the congregation arrvatned, and many of them fainted. The male portiou of the congregation left their seats, and, assembling in knots m Die aisles of the church, called to , Captain Hyiura to cumc dowa. One gentleman, undeterred by the injury in-1 flic ted on Mr. Armstrong, ascend-d the pni pit stairs to expostulate with the cap tain. The only reply he received was the presentation St liis bead of a loaded j revolver. Hearing the click of Die j weapon he slid down the atairs on his . I Mick, and hid behind the staircase. I luring this ncene the Duke and l>uehaaa ' of Nurlhunilcriaad, who are regular at tendants of the church, left their scate The 1 >urlua fainted, and waa carried from Die chunk by her attendants. Captain Hymes had now full poawwrioit of Die pulpit, and, striking Die sword on the Bible, he waa proceeding in a bmd tone to di iiever what he U-rrued hia message, amid the screaming of the fcioak-v and the vociferous calls to 4 4 come down" of the men. The official* of the church bail by this tune armed themaelviw with long poles, and with three they went to the pulpit, and after a treimiuJon* ssuffle succeeded in knock ing the -word and revolver out of the hands of Die captain. Tbey then laid bold of bim, and lugged turn down the pulpit stair*. A r< -pc being procured he was bound with it, band and foot, and tied to one of the pillars of the hr?tiding- Mr. I*arke, of the county jx>lioe, was sent for, and the captaiu w* given into his charge. He was taken almost immediately bsfote Mr. It. Broy, one of the county magistrate, Two surgeon* were ordered to examine him and on their certificate! b waa removwd to • luuati 4 asylum. gal treating a Boy. A very interesting case, and one ahov ing in a strong light the necessity for the formation in all parts of the coun- i try of aocirtiea similar to uuo recenUy binned in New New city for the preven tion of cruelty to children, waa on trial a few dav* since in a comity court in a Western State. A brutal fanner was charged with grossly maltreating and overworking an orphan boy only twelve rears of age. The neighbors who brought the allegations agaiust the fann er axwrted that the cruelties extended over a period of three years; and that, during the present winter, the ill-fed and thinly-clad child had served as a cow- • herd," remaining cut of doom from early morning until late at night, and Uiat hia hand*, arms, face, and lower limba had several times been dreo-lfully froaen. He had always been denied the articles of food ou wWh Die family of Ids liarah employer subsisted, and hail been fed on corn ineal and muali. When he was un fortunate to sleep as late as sunrise in winter, the farmer punished him by dragging him to the pump, and deluging hishalf-jiaralysicd laxly with cold water. Once or twioe the child sttwyed to the houses of the neighbor* in search of food, warmth, and rest; bnt on every such occasion he was pursued, recap tared, and deajicrately beaten. One Jay Die boy was unable to manage the cattle confided to his care, as his limbs were froxeu, and he could not walk, but stag gered about like a drunken man ; and while he was in this condition the fanner mounted his horse, and hastening to the pasture, beat the child with his horse whip until he was senseless. At tills point Die neighbors interfered, took the boy forcibly from his master, and caused the latter to be arrested. He lias been held for trial at the circuit court, and as the neighbors are thoroughly incensed toward him. he may have to remain without bull and .in confinement until *P rii - J Getting Heady la Time. The AWf 7saland Ifrrald has s very j "sinful story, told in illustration of the grest present dearth of respectable dross making hands in Uiat colony. It moms j that a well-to-do settler near Auckland was Lately attacked by an illness which his rncdiivd attendant declared roust ter minate fntrdlv, so severe were the syinp turns. After lying in an apparently hcqie less state for some days, he suddenly took a turn for the lietter, aud, thanks to n strong constitution, made n rapid re covery. Not long after he had returned to business he was much startled, on opening su account presented at his office, to find himself charged with s full set of widow's weeds of elaborately complete description. A domestic ex planation naturally followed, and hia wife reminded him Uiat ho luul always made it s special desire that the fact of thoir having immigrated to a colony should uot prevent her dressing as a lady, " And the dressmakers bore, you know," she added, "have matters so en tirely in their own hands tliat they gen erally keep you waiting for mouths for ' anything new. So when 1 was told that 1 you could uot possihlv recover,'! ordered 4 what I knew yon would wish mo to wear l>cforehand ; anil now the things have 1 only just pome home." The bill was ■ ! promptly settled. WhoUier the husband ' j was consoled for the outlay by the 1 thought that his provident wife had the things reaily by her is a question that is left open to conjecture. f Tree* on Bonndary Lines. [ The New York Court of Appeals not . long since detailed that a man has no , right to the fruit growing upon branches ) of a tree overhanging his land where the , trunk of the tree stands wholly upon the I land of his neighbor. But the law re gards the overhanging branches as a nuisance, and they may be removed as such; or the owner of "the land shaded j may remove them if he is careful not to commit any wanton or unnecessary de struction iu so doing. Where the trunk of a tree stands on the line, the owner 1 of the adjoining land have a joint awner - sh : p in the tree and fruit, and neiDier • j one has a right to remove it without the J consent of the ether. I Ira* uf literal. An tnaide ura its bring waters, and at whwh .•very man may come and drink. Oh ! for those good old dsya, aiglis an Indiana editor, when this office rewired enough poti-ut offloe reports to keep ever* store red hot from November to March. Mrs. Johnson, of Georgia, put m fire pound atone into her peper rag bag to (iruitf down tlio wrtffbt, bat iwrtifu became cuiiacici,oc-etnckcn and poisoned haras If. It ia a mistaken idea to think the close cropping of hair will pnsvent Imldnesa. The longer a man wears his hair, the longer will Dm tone be before be tea none. The F.ureka iNev.J NmHmel aay* Dial Duwe are more than one thousand torn of bullion, in haw, now corntgitmcrv county, New Turk, who baa a beard four feet three incba* in length. He keepa it braided and tucked beneath hu clothes. Persons who desire to est waffles Inked at street corners, but ate deterred from the (ear that they are not prepared in a cleanly manner, may dismiss such lean and partake with impunity, as the men osrafuDy wipe their knives upon their pantaloons before they tarn the cakes. There was a veer disgusted thief the other day at a fashionable wedding. He •tele an "ostentatiously displayed check fur a tkomand dollars fromth-- gifts, only to find that the old man's balance in the laid was four dollars and fifty cents. He now rtdnka there is no chance for hornet industry. Two Bridgeport (Conn.) young men, who wanted the asme giri, met for mortal combat the other day, with what weapons tiaa not been made known to the world, but ihev both came out of the contest alive, and were subsequently both dis miasc-d bj the jmxng lady 00 account of their fight The wt>o buy* more book* than any other person in Louisville work* for a moderate uhrr in oue of the newe pajwr officwa. I'bc book* he buys are always good, and be gives them swap as fast sa he buys them, only xtipulsting that the person who receives a book shall read it A vouag bride who had be* fashion - ably "educated was asked by her fond baa • band to attend to the ordering of tha dinner, as hs shouldn't have time to goto the market. It is a fact that abe blandly requested the butcher to sand lame s of tongue, seventeen pounds of steak and two halibut" At Schoharie, N. Y., not long since, a mouse crept into a beehive to steal honey, bnt waa caught in the act and stung to death by the irate bees. Soon the mouse began to disseminate a tad smell, which bees cannot tolerate; being nnatJa to remove it, they went to work and sealed him up hermetically in wax, so that not the slightest odor escaped. Very stern parent indeed— 44 Come here, sir ! What is this complaint Die schoolmaster has made against you! Much injured youth—" It's just nothing at aIL You see, Jimmy Hughes bent a pin, and I only just loft it on the teacher's chair for him to look at, and he came iu without hia specs and ml right down ou the pin and now he blames me for it!" A Cincinnati family, whose two-year old child, a mn b beloved little girl, died over a year ago, managed to preserve the body of the child almost perfectly by an embalming process, and have kept * n their house ever since. Daily the pa rents have viewed the form of their little one, almost as fresh as when in life, and the effect has been very deleterious upon the mother's health, insomuch that tba burial of the child ia uow rendered neces sary. When the Duke of Newcaatle was in this country, * citixen of Cincinnati, who had managed to get introduced to the duke, thus introduced hia wife at Pike'a Opera House: " Duke, let mc introduce you to mv wife, Mrs. Judge , the cousin of jlra. Abraham Lincoln and the daughter of Major-General 1 of Kentucky, who was brutally massacred by the British and Indians while glori ously fightiug for hia country at the ttattle of the River Raieen." A oouutry schoolmaster had two pupils, to oue of whom he waa jtartial, and to the other severe. One morning it happened that these two boys were late, and were called up to aocouut for it. " You muat have heard the bell, hoys; why did you not eomef" "Please, air," said the favorite, 44 1 waa dreaming that I was going to Hndson, ami I thought the achoolite 11 waa the stearaltoat bell." " Very well," said tho maater, glad of any pretext to excuse the favorite, "And now, sir," turning to the other, " what have you to aav? 44 Please,air," said the pnxxleil boy, 44 1—1 was waiting to ace Tom off!" A 44 yaller " llog has covered himself with glory as a traveler ox pilgrim or quadrupeiWrian. He wa# taken last fall from Indiana to Kaunas. But he didn't like Kansas, and was homesick through and through. He found meal scarce and was averse to a diet of grass hoppers. 80 he tramped it over miles anil miles of desolate prairies; he swam the Kansas and Missouri rivers; and one day, footsore, weary, and lean, he barked at the old door. He was six weeks upon the journey; and the flret thing he did upon getting home was to sat his dinner calmly, the next to drive the pigs out of the yard according to his ancient custom. Ho had learned something, but he had forgotten nathing. THE COST.— United STATE® naval ex penses amount to $3,500 for eat-b en listed r"*" per annum. It costs $1,000,- 000 a year to take ears of a regiment of United States troops.