The Centre reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1871-1940, March 04, 1875, Image 4

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Frail Harries.
Miction* of various kinds of fruit*
for planting ont the coming spring
should he made early, end ordered in
time to not out as noon as the ground
will permit, In planting a fruit garden ;
for familv w, select to emsMM both 1
early and Ist" sort* of oaclt kind. With
• are in aelecttug, the season of each fruit ;
may be greatly extended.
If new blsdhlwrrv and nwplwry set
tings are to be made in the apring, and
plants iirqooVat hand, order at onoe, a
they start so early that they oannot be
planted too soon after the ground ic
There is now great variety of straw j
lierrioa, the plants are remarkably cheap,
and every one, rich and. poor, nhouli i
lntve an abundance. A bed .f a few rods
in extent w ill supply a Cargo family, if
cultivated urojiedy. *
Curnpito a>!tung svn after the straw
Iverriea ,-uiiT raspberries. supply a plao<
held by no other fruit; provide enough
bushes to freely supply the table during
the season, and for jellies and other nsw
New plants are easily made from cut
tings made either in the fall or early
soring, and in two or three years these
plants will l>e lie abuinlau: Issirmg, and
with propyl pruning and manuring may j
Ik* made to xmiduke fruit of extra sue
During mud weather, when the wood IS
not frosen, inane the bu dies and pro
serve the cuttings in sand in the cellar.
'lTie Versailles (red) and white grape are
the most profitable. Kvery spmig a |
(iresnng of well rotted manure should
be given, and a thick mulch applied to
keep down all the weeds.
Gooseberries require the same general
cultivation as currant-*, but need more
pruning to give the plants an open bead
to admit light and air. The American j
varieties an- hv>t. among these, llough
ton's and Downiugh aC*Uingi are lavo
The garfea culture of Ik * grape i< so
simple that It w stnuige that no more
vinos are planted. The number of varic
is now large and tho experience of
others in the neighborhood is the safest
p*ai lo in .* osteug. We have given from
tun > to tine <eh* various of
pruning and training the vine. The
matter is uot difficult. tho one thing to
hear in mind is that the fruit is pro
ducxlon tho now growth, which will
start thin year from the buds now on
the IWIA Iu pruning, all the buds are
cut away, save thoao needed to form new
('••Una t'Md anal Krttllai Mask.
E. W. Stewart, of tho Litr Stori
Journal, odvvtcated cooking for entile,
because it ton iters digestible cor tain
parts of foM that are indigestible if
nn<\x>kod. lie detailed oip runeuts ia
which it apiMHired that one third of the
nut-imeut, in natural food,
was not digested without cooking, and
that consequently one-thud was added
to the value of such food by steaming or
boiling. Another important eud is also
gamed by the rapidity with which
cooked food digests. Hay is a normal
food for cattle—tliat is, its bulk is will
a.Lipted to the bovine stomach, and the
elements of its nntrition are iu gixvl pro
portion for nourishing the body and for
producing milk. But it is so slow of
digesu-m that a cow cannot possibly di
g,'st enough 11 fill lier capacity fi.r milk
or for pnvluwing th-sh if it is fed to her
in n raw staff", twr would that ca|wuv
ho likely to be Jilltxl with the addition of
raw iLi .d. But when both an- cooked
tu ■ utmost capacity is readily attained.
He explained at" length the nature of
bovine digestion, showing that much
belter results are obtained when flue
food is mixed with coarse. He had fed
Sue food to cattle teu or fifteen minutes
before killing and had found it invaria
bly in the fourth stomach, but food hav
ing a certain degr-u of coarseness was
always found in the first stomach or
puineh. He foil in tlnwe exjwrirueuts
after fasting the animal sixteen hours.
H ' uev r found any freshly swallowed
food, t ith r i\wi* or fine, in the second
or thin.l stomach. He did not, however,
advocate cooking as a nnirrsai practice.
If the herd is small the cost and
l ibor of cooking might be greater than
thr advantage gained. But it will, he
thinks, pay wed in largo herds.
Puns Note*.
There are one hundred and twenty
men residing iu six counties in Cali
fornia, who are credited with owning
3,14(1.0(10 nemm frf land.
An old, ''-spcrleaced fanner ouoe said
to a new beJjjpijrr in fanning: "Young
man, let me give you a Utile piece of ad
vice, will yofl lister stir up your aofl
deeper than you are able to manure it"
This is an i.sbn which it is well to re
mcmbt r. J®"
A good dealef lossrmes from winter
ing the WT< ug kind of stock, anil also
fmm wit;t>riug ijtuck in the wrong wv.
Winters in tlielK w England and Middle
htat's are a heavy expense to the farmer,
and still a great many farmers cam* over
*tek that is. of no more value iu the
spring tiian it was iu the fall.
A 3fame Farmer correspondent cured
a '• cribber " of tate fur stall-hoding bv
saturating all the lumber within reach
with kerosene. "If a horse is inclined
to bite through the bottom of the feed
box, fit some pieces of board into it,
with the gnitn of the wood running
toward his lxxly, and he will make no
progress, and soon give up the job."
li. C. Fisk, of Shelburn, Ix-iieves in
keeping pigs to make manure, and tlint
if farmers whose stomachs are too weak
to digest )>oA would go to work with
their own hands instate! of hiring men to
clear, out thair hog> pons, they would
soon be able to digest pork or almost
anything else. Sirh ox .
|ieri-nce. Bitter raise pork anil use it
than to raise tobacco and as* 1 that.
An ludiaua correspondent reports a
number of imSauens in that State where
farmers who had become wealthv from
t ady pursuit of their legitimate busi
ness for a lifetime, have recently lost
their entire estates by speculation or by
joining hands with their nana in outside
enterprises, with the merits of wliii h
they had only slight acipinintauce.
Doubtless th~in initanrnu can be multi
plied throughout the countrv, but they
all teach the one lesson: "fkiekto the
business you understand, and never
place a mortgage on the form."
Beecher on It*vital*.
At n Friday evening meeting at
Bencher's church, one of the members
queried whether they dnln't want a big
revival once iu a while in the church to
stir up tiling—would not a Moody—the
great revivalist in Scotland—be of
service 1 Mr. Beeeher answered:
Usa everything—Moody and anti-
Moody. All Unit will do good. Now,
Moody if built live feet one way and
tifteen feet the other. He is an enor
mous engine, and tan make more steam
in one hour than yon (speaking to the
memlier) can make iu a week, and he
hammers his way tUroagh. He is good
in his way; but tin-re is a use for dew as
well as for rain storms. Now, those
calliopes and tbi'doonll-ye ups Hint steam
around the bay screeching and making
such tre;uoDi|ou iuu.iio are ]>owerful
things: but becauie my ASoKan harp,
by whicli I sit at twiligltt and listen to
those strange, low, weird tunes that
come tlirougli it, does not screech and
1 u'Uow like the steam-music machine, am
Ito kick it aside in anger ? No; there
is work for the harp, the fiddle, the
bassoon, and the horn. God works in
every way. The great pumps out at
Ridgewood reservoir pump with a great
giant black engine thousands of gallons
a minute, and we look at thc-m rise up
and go down and say, '' Whew! there's
power for you!" But in the meadow on
the hillside, in the grass stalks, there is
more pumping done in one night than
tin y can do in a week, and there is no
noise and no coal or fire. So all the
forces of nature make no observation,
and God's kingdom comes without ob
f ervation.
Spring is Coming.
Ho ! oh ho ! the- winds are saying—
'* Spring is coBSn-, fog of mirth;
Yon may hear her -fodsteps patter
Lightly 0:1 the frozen earth.
Htorms tiiay w§k££ul Kinds bs vailing, J
Clouds be lliack with icy rain;
Vet be sure the grass !• creeping
Upwards to Ike light again." 1
" BURET SllOl*."'
lUcrusa llurlua a Tr •! lM|>rrllH~
"Vrlvn Home* "-—How mid Whrrviltr
Multitude* see llraaralliH.
At the distance of abo|it a block from
Police Headquarters, New Y'ork, is a
! "bucket shop," "distillery" or drink
I ing saloon, known in the neighlnirliood
as the " Morguv," Although it is u
. place where jwople diuik— and drink a
' grout deal—it dovs not come within the
rank of what i known as "saloons;"
and although the proprietor, like many
i otliar owner* of similar placm, ,wteiit
tioualv twills it a " distillery" in large
black letter* ou a white bwnl rnauiug
' from the front wall some distance into
the street, it is not a " distillery;" but,
though few puraoua use the title m
*i>ekng of the den, it is a "bucket
j shop," A "bucket shop" is n large or
small o)xm store, piled up with liarrols,
whore jsnir jxsiple go to drink alcohol.
! I'hre is no loir or fixture of any kind
within the place—at least thera used uot
to lx\ The sire of the glass prompted
the name given to the shop, tin- nl>n in
connection with it that th<> cus
| turner gets a " bucket " of atinmlatuig
, liquor at a low figure. There art- nearly
a thousand of these "shops" in Now
York eitv, and they are spread all over it.
Attached to iwt-h " bucket shop," at the
rear, is a place jartitioiied tiff, which is
' called Uie "velvet room." The name u
a satire of the uiiMt rvtilled acidity, for
nothing tike velvet ever approaches the
" room," unless it may lx< some very
threadl>ar<- relic of a grand lady's finery
or the wornout skeleton of a theatrical
skirt. Sleeping drunkenness and wild
blasphemous riding and quarreling are
frequent enough in the "velvet room,"
and they arc accouiiMituod with veruiiu,
rags, tilth, -oi-t *>dden sawdust. The
"" velvet rvsvui " cannot lie dedcrilwwl
that is, decently nor can it IH< imagined
ler s decent peruon; it must Iv svu to
lie uuderbs-d. No dillerouce or di>
Unction t* made there Ixitweeii age, MXO,
sex or color. The "bucket ahop' is a
Icwlcr of Mviy degree, and the " velvet
KK>m" is tho even plane iut>* which it
rushes thorn. A nutet absolute and jx r
feot fn*edoiu reigns there, the* inhabi
tants being llio judgca of what is ofleu-
WVK and what is not. llalm brings ill
liiftmM*, and tho result is that every
tiling is jx-nuitUsl, and nothing is looked
npou as out of the way. Tho aexes an*
ou a must equal footing thoro. a woman
bt*iug as good as a man as long as aho
has money lo troat. Manv of tko fro
quouters of tho " bucket aliop" livo in
toe " velvet room." 'l'lie only time tliey
sjieud out i>f it is a hilo thoy are alxmi
tho streets "grubbiug " tho monoy to
buy •* drinks." On entering tho "shop"
thoy never any whisky or alcohol or gin;
only, " th' mo a drink." If thoy wore
to use any of these names it would l*e
merely as a pleasant little joke or a mat
tor of. tictiou, for there is but one ma
terial iu tho place, although that is
variously colored to give some founda
tion for the change, according to the
1 mood or temper of the thinker.
When the " velvet room " is tilled to
its greatest extent the thinkers lie down
' upon tlie " shop " tioor, ou the barrels
; or anywhere tlwy can find spats*. With
1 a generosity not to be found among the
upper classes of liquor dealers, the
'•bucket shop " man rarely turns hLs cus
tomers int the atreet when they are
tlruuk. As soon as thoy enter Ids place
is at their disposal, and they make the
most of it That in some measure ac
x>unts for the abundance of tilth iu all
, of them aud the affection thev seem to
feel for it. as they rarely attempt to re
-1 move it. A reporter accompanied one of
r the inspect* >rs of excise in his visits, aud
thus describes it: The " Morgue " was
the tirst place that come in the line of
inspection. It had been in full blast for
a couple of hours when the inspector
' went in, and the result was all o\er the
floor. The difference between it and the
otlier Morgue was tliat it was much more
' crowded. Presently a tall, stout woman
marched boldly in, and, stopping in
' front of the counter, said: "(ii' me a
drink !" then, turning to a half sleeping
1 man sitting on a box bmide Uie counter
and with his head leaning against it, she
" Get up, Bill, and take a drink."
" Bill " did not get up, for he was not
able; but he held on to the counter and
lifted himself into a sort of half standing
position in obedieuce to the invitation.
While he was doing this—it took some
. time, although he was a young and vig
. orous looking man, ami the barkeeper
, • was tilling the glasses—tlie woman walked
over to another, sleeping on a pile of
barrels against tin* walls opposite the
; counter, and slapping him soundly on
the back, went ou, in a lond, hoarse
voice: " Fuli again, Fritz ! Tliat's the
third time to-day! Well, I'm sorry for
ii, I'd like to have treated ye, I've got a
5! tarter." She turned from him and to
te counter. BT Unit time the barkeeper
had deposited the two "drinks" uf alco
hol ami pnt down beside tlie glass an
other huge glass oonUuning w iter. 'The
woman grabbed one of the "drinks,"
!ook*d at "Bill " —who was tremblingly
reaching for the other—an instant, and
said, "Here's to ye. Bill," and tossed
down the drink, without a wink. She
then touched her lips with the water in
the huge glass. " Bill" declined it idto
gethcr. witli a shake of the head, never
vouchsafed a word to any one ami quietly
and slowly settled himself down again
upon his Jox, as he lud risen from it
The woman sauntered ont as she had en
tered, the barkeeper resumed liis doggi*d,
, imjiertur liable air, ami the sleepers con
tinued their snoring. Wherever you see
two or three of these "bucket shops,"
you may be sure a jiuwnbroker is not far
off. First the mouey goes for it, then
the clothes, until noue we left. Of u
Sunday morning this place is full; while
the people are going to ami in church
| over the way, these her** are in a state of
drunkenness. There is aside door there
leading into the hallway, through wiii.-h
they come in and go out, and you'll find
heaps of them lying drunk ill the back
yard any Hunday.
i Down the street was another very hard
place. It was larger than the " Morgue,"
had more barrels in it and a more invit
ing " velvet rootn." It was was crowded
too, in the V<p and in the "velvet
room," ahowii.g that busiiH*ss was in a
thriving eondii -a. Three or four men
in tlie '■ room ' were treating the same
I number of wom-n, giving them drink
from a large gLt which seemed common
to the party. I: their midst was a g<Mid
sized black bot; *, containing liquor,
and on the floor was one of the women
already dmuk. Two of the others seemed
well ou the way to the mine goal, the
fourth, being stout and strong, young
too, and not yet much weakened by the
liquor, appeared likely to last out to tie
end of the course. Around tho stove
seven or eight men lounged heavy ami
silent, looking as if they iiad but one
business in life, and that was to inliale
the smoke and steam from that stove.
But one man was asleep in the place, and
he wus on top of a huge pile of barrels
against the side of tin- wall. A squeez
ing, half rubbing together movement of
the luuids was noticeable in nil of them,
; and they were all bent in the shoulders,
and had the sumo slouching, cringing,
hang-dog carriage of the liody. Not one
stood erect or boldly like a man or lifted
his eyes to meet those of another man.
They had every one of them some feel
ing of being there on sufferance. They
all showed their conviction of the
knowledge on the part of the barkeeper
that there was not a cent among them,
or he would soon have it, aud they hung
about that stove with an air that plainly
begged they should not bo thrust into
the street.
After going into five or six places iu
the name street, Hester street lie came
the objectionable point of inquiry. From
the gas house, on the corner of tho
street, the opposite block, just out of
the Bowery, presented a striking
panorama. At least a hundred women
hovered and buzzed around it, going
into f he " shops" and coming out wip
ing their mouths with the backs of their
hands. Almost every shop and base
ment in the block is devoted to the sale
of liquois, and the customers of each are
" unfortunates." In the basement there
were sixteen women, and in u shop even
with the sidewalk there were eleven
when the inspector entered. Five of
the eleven were standing drinking at a
counter, from behind which a woman
was serving them, and tlie other six
were in the back room being waited on
by the huslmnd. From Hester street
the inspector turned into Mott street,
examined several "shops" ui that
tlioroughfan- and passed on to Bayard
street. He went into two immense
- places in that street, nearly opposite
each other. I loth wore doing a thriving
busim-ns, and the customers in Ixitb were
the nimn poor, bloated, ragged, shiver
ing, miserable wretches. Standing in
front of one, lie pointed to a house ou
the north side of the street, alx>ut three
ihsirs from Baxter street, " That," lie
sknl, "is a private establishment. lad's
go in. The " private isrtabliahment"
consisted of two rooms off the first floor,
but admission was not so easy as the
insjwietor'a invitstion seemed to imply.
When he pushed the door it would not
yield, nud after he had knocked several
iiines it was only ojiened s few iuahes by
n young woman who held iu her hand
the lustvy l>ar that s,-cured the place
from unknown visitors. After a good
deal of pushing and detnaiiduig on the
jart of the imqiector the young woman
finally ojxmed the door and admission
was obtained.
In the front room was a kind of
counter, Ix-hunl it a counter containing
' few ti d tie s and glass,*, and on it three
bits of candles iu brass candlesticks that
gave light to the place. Against the
l*artitiou tliat tb\ided off the rear com
partitu-iit, iu wlueh Uie family lived,
were ihree huge casks of alcohol, and at
a table near one of the windows at the
other end of the room acre four children,
seated tuvuttd a tabic, playing with a
puck of cards. A child just aide lo
stand, was at the bead of oiu- ofthecilor
nn HIS <V*sk. with its hand upon the
Wivxlrn spigot, and with the other it
caught up some of the diopa that were
falling into a bucket and brought them
i, it was a girlto her mouth. The motlu-r
of the children was iu the Kick risUM
w lieii Ihe inspector made his appearance;
but she quickly came forward and tisik
her evidently accustomed place behiud
the liar, "thi* 'shop,'" siud the lU
sjavtor, "is frequented hy a net of quiet
(sMple, who come hero to play cards, gi t
drunk and sleep." There is no sign out.
t no evidence of what in going on within
l on the front, and tlie upper part of the
house in inhabited by the u>utl txvu
juuits of tenements. Here they have it
on the premises, no necessity to go out,
.'Fighter ten other " slnqw' ended the
inspection for the night.
X Valuable tiwtitutian.
• "The Fraternity," is the name given
to an unostentatious hut valuable institu
i lion iu Salem, MavittchuhvUs. Similar
r charities are established iu unuiv cities,
i but " l'lie FraU-nutv " has some features
peculiar to itself. Ihe boys of the streets
' are invited to come to tin* well lighted,
; warm and comfortable rooms of this ss
• lablialmicut and enjoy themselves. They
. may talk, play at games, r*-ad, listen to
music, or, if tlioy choose, 1*- instructed
in the rudiment-* of education, i>r even in
i mot*' advanced studies. The tuain r< ><> m
is devoted to amusements, lieiug fur
> with small tables ami clutirs. A
lady directress sits in this room ami gives
i out the checkers, dominoes, puzzles, or
i whatever articles are required for the
i games, all gambling games Ix-ing pro
i hibtted. Adjoining this room is ar< .*<l
ing room amply provided with ttewn
. pajx-rs ami m&guziues, aud connected
. with it is a library of alxrnt 1,500
> volumes. These lvoksar<* loaned to the
. IKys, and it is a noteworthy fact that out
• of the large numtier token out not more
than half a dozen luive been lout,although
[ no other plelge is exacted fur tlieir re
> turn than the name and residence of the
borrower. There is a room, also, de
[ voted to instruction. Sometiiu.-t an
| amusing or instructive lecture i.x given,
i suited to the tastes and capacities of the
f audience. The boys go and come as
they please. All tliat IB required of them
r is to lie have as well as thfrv cam And it
. is remarkable what restraint they main
> taiu, how clean and tidy thev try to make
> themselves, ami how much comfort mid
i enjoyment they aocui to take iu the
i arrungemeuts made for theiu. Although
i the evening visitors vary from two ( >
j six hundred, seldom is any boy sent away
r for misconduct. If any excitement oc
. curs, a few persuasive wards from the
directress is sufficient to quiet it. < iiris
are allowed the privileges of th • library,
t aud recently a suggesti.-n has been m uie
I that an amusement room should be pro
i vided for tlitun ftls,i. Institutions
similar to " The Fraternity" may v*il
. be multiplied. Pleasant occupation in
. cheerful rooms will keep street boys from
f mischief, from crime, and from prison.
The Kojal I'resent.
V rejKirter was permitted to see Mrs.
,- Fitch's regal pres**nt at the New York
. Custom-house. Eight immense round
• stones, surrounded by smaller on as, are
I linked together at equal diataucea l)V
two rows of small, r stoin-s, four of the
links containing tweutv aton.w each, and
four others sixteen stones i*acli. An
other row of smaller diamonds is fasten
ed in five festoons to tho lower row of
the front links, at oquidistant inter* als
from each of tho Lirg. diamonds. From
each point of contact liangs an immense
pear-shajied diamond, surrounded by
Bimiller diamotlns, the fast 'iiing lx-iTig
of lilagnx* gold work, dotted with still
smaller diamonds. There are s. ven of
thesa ]M*ndaiits. On each side of tin*
center pendant, and between tlie festtxin
aud the lower row of tlio main link, is a
medallion of filagree gold work, studdsl
with large and small diamonds. The
central onea of these on th > left medal
lion, a stono of a! out four rarnts, is
pronouueed by experta to be the l>est
atone in the collection on account of its
exquisite purity and brillinticy. Tin
diamonds are so nrrangeil that tliev
graduallv incr> ase in size from the back
' toward the front, except in the festoons,
in eoeh of which the largest diamond is
in the center, tin* others graduating np
wuid toward the point of fastening. Th/
■ link, ftwtoon, and surrounding diamonds
range from one to four carats in size.
The large round stone in front is five
eights of an inch in diameter, and the
others are but little smaller. So much
for the necklace. Tlie upper part of each
ear ring is coinpoaed of two solitaire
stones, of four and six .sirnts respective
ly, ono above the other, tlie lower one
sej in gold filagree work dotted with .
small diamonds. Beneath these, from
a gold branch studded with small dia
monds, liangs an immense pear-shaped
diamond, iirtv>undod by smaller dia
monds to mstch the necklace. The
jewel casket is of red morocco, stamped
with a gilt flowered border, and lined
tmlow with dark purple velvet, and above
with lavender-colored Hilk.
How a Little Boy IHcd.
A Virginia City (Nev.) paper has this
little paragraph: "Little Eddie Nye,
who was run over by a fiat car last eve
ning, and was so badly injured that he
died next morning, was a rare bright
child, and one of the liest ehildren in the
eity. Just before* h** died he sang 'Tlie
Beautiful River,' with a voiee as aweetas
though he liatl iwnght the tones from tic
wifu-r shore, on tin- brink of which his
spirit wna tlien trembling. After the
song lie repeated a little prayer which
liis mother had taught him. 'i'he child
all his life had a lisp, but liis la-'t prayer
fell from his tongue without a halt or
quaver, but rather steady and clear, and
yet with a far-off tone, as though an
other's voice of infinite sweetness had
seized upon his lips in tho supreme mo
ment, to leave an echo in lim ongui diod
mother's ears which should last as long
as life. Hhortly after the little prayer,
the sunny eyes closed and little Eddie
was gone. On Snnday his funeral at
trotted the whole city, and there was
not n dry eye around tho dear child's
A Cure for Diphtheria.
A correspondent says: Take a flat
tfon and lieot it a little on the stove; on
this apply a very little pitch (not ga)
tor, have the iron hot enough to make a
good smoke. Then let th* patient take
into liis mouth the small end of a funnel,
and have the smoke blown through the
funnel into his mouth, Let the smoke
be inhaled well into the throat for a few
minutes five or nix times a day. In very
bad cases, it might bo well to use it
oftener. After this, let the patient lie
on his back then break up small pieces
of ice and put thern into his mouth, and
let them go as far down to the rools of 1
the tongue as possible. When they
ltavo dissolved, put in Rome moro; this
will kep down tliw inflammation. I
•ema at lalereal treai Heme an* Abroad.
A isllroal li am cmlaiuing King Alfonso and
hi* amis was fired into by r'arhaU. 'lhe
l*ank building, lhe LVwigregatioual Chnrvh,
and aetcial oUier buildings at I'anmiigtou.
6. II , were destroye.l by hie l.ose, vlUO.imh)
Taoehildien of Juhil* tiloek. at Porta
moulll, Ohio, aeie seahle.l (o dt-alh by the up
•<>Uittg of a water boiler on the etote. Ml*
Itlaek waa aleo hsdly scalded in trying to aave
them ... iu the l'ui(e.l Ntateu dwtrli-t couit.
Tieulon, N. J., Judge Nlx.m fined Jatnv* Par
ker and Jauiee Ortlliu #3,1X10 and root* fur *ell
ing Inpior and tolunvo without having paid Ihe
■|ieciai ui. A 1W 1 tin special .In |*ab h says
I'rmce lUautsi. k has given no luUUiatltHito am
one that he intend* to resign, and lie la llj|wly
l-i IrmaiU iu office aa long aa health petunia
For the firet time ill forty tenia pro) le
oxMlwl the North river at New Yolk on the l.*e
during the culd ansp The new taiiff lull
of the I nllod lilatea )-|.i|se* to tax lugh
•i:M 41 per galiuu. The tax t* now setenl;
cut* ll tu i.'Hrra Ihe duty uu ItapuruU
L.pi is. ll a.1.1* four tenia |er p-*uu.l t.<
tobacco. It re|*eal* llie lax . U tuafchee. It
a.1.1* twenty (lie |**f crnt lu the lax uu ayruji*
an 1 lu. laeaee, and ptila on the tert |** l cent
taken fr.HU larioua luipoila a.■ llie lane sUice.
The roevnl arreet of a man iu llaylr willi
a human head lu hi* | ha* Id to U.e
discover; of a son.-ly of catiu I a'* iu the lu
fetiLtr. ihcirchu f, loulo, au.l eighty of hi*
aoccUUldivee have bveu i'aplure.l, It haa bceii
(•rvnie.l thai they wr-ie a.ldictral to nliuj
hnarau, an 1 alt will bo vxcci.led. TUo
hva.l haa been idetillfied a* that of a woman
who di*appeaiv.t aotue time ago. Her body
haa since Utu f.1.1. 1 WiUi jH-rtioli* tuiasing.
Tiie llcv. ArtLui liroeka, of ht Jainen
l hurvh, I hi. ago, haa re-.. ue.l aud ac.v|>tel a
call to the t hutch uf the New
York, at a aalary .*f #IO,<WO. The I'uited
htate* Tw.-tixu.iii of hi.itn Ylanufa---
lurcta have rtxe.l Ihe late at which stoic* are
to lie • l i at 6 , cent* a pound fur common, 7
ceuta for tudinui, and 8 cent* fur l*ct .lha
u -urgc-ni (.eucral liu. hanue ha* born killed
and lu* whele riaff taken |-ruone:* in Peru,
fieii. (Jusvedo ha* 1. ife-l the irma-uu g ihnur
geula a*. (itXiiia, lu lhe .aster,l pari uf the le
public Pe ace ha* l-c. 11 ie-eelal l.shc lur Uie
east and ceuft-r. In the weal the trouble i*
I.tut. -1 t-i tlic Mate ef l ro. an l tl-.cle It la Ix
-1 ectcl to end h. U New* from llohvia
say* that Uie |*aeeeugrn> uf Ihe steaiucr
Yanoaxc, uf lake Tilicaca, >le*crtl e Uie culidi-
Uoa of affaire a* *Ull worse thaw ts-f.-re re
(irtr 1. lu the revolution of I><**-.*tuber 23, iu
favor of ijuenadt, the t uu of Pa l'ax aa*
sacked and over 700 mliaUuntc including
man; old men, women aid children, were put
to Uie sword. The pillage and uiurder last, d
I.Hir daye The prv (lusittuti of the t'uo
scrvtuvee iu Iwrusiaua for a settlement uf the
dahculu.** there has t.m rejected.
1 dUUouJiui there has !■ en rvjcc.wl.
t Th* Nj-amsb ijounimMil lit* issued a iltcm
calling out 70,0 A) men fat military wrtiet, 15,-
, 000 of vv hum are to be sent to Cuba.... Ihe
i 1 San I of ripaui Lu advancod the govaruanani
of King Aifoneo 100,000.000 reals., Prussia
' Ita* prulubitnl the uapututniu uf Ameticau
'Hie *.J m of the lite limperor
of China Jj I not rnlutOit SUiCi-le. uutt
purted. i lor UijvMt la aial to bo rviiAr,
| and, should tbo issue l-s a aim, bo will ho the
legitimate heir to the throne .The Tdtau-
IWliar trial *aa )wal|K iaal uii iceoiliil of 51 r.
, Kvarte auvi ouo juryman ,lc! wed I y the
t ice ou the Ka-t river A firo in Hartford,
CVoil, iliairoiel |>rv'ii<y ttlioj at ♦S'JO.IOO.
The Jml ciarv oummiilw of the New
York Assembly <u Instructed to invest.gale
the charges altrrali- n* hs-l (*•< u made iu
the loot year* S ipj-W t-ill. Ratlway travel
wao gtcatly impedi 1 Ui the North ami Weal by
1 -now a:i.l ice during the late storm. Many
1 r were em.rely closed A man, ouj-
I •• .1 to U) Render, the notortout kanaas mur
derer, wan capturcl iu Ar.zonaby two men who
hail tracked him through Wwi.m Texas and
, New Mill > The New York K ate Senate
cvn:iim*d the ttuumauou < f A. Melrm (Klorn,
, of tirooiio county, to I* Justice of the supreme
> court to the thirl iliatn t in place of
The jore Millar, rc-igned Kaviguy, ilie
. iUetingniahed UUmttv uui e, t deal A
i grand jury iu r.ilc* u his indicted all the
, ajwr* there f . publishing lottery alrettiie
> menu A resolute u a adopted ui the
New York l.-g -lit iro call ng (>u t. ngie-* to
1 eiteirl the Ume iu which auld.era arw required
to rettle on hotu* -teal land* ... One boy
was hurued to death and another seriously in
jured by a tire ui 1.0 idon. Ontario .... lie
Nat; rial <■ ranger* ad,*-ted a rre. l-itiou that
tuauufacturew ought to be encouraged iu tha
Tne new Rouuty bill, passed liy the L'mted
States llo'ae, ptojv-nee to pay el. !tt . per
month to all soldier* ami *aih r* who served ui
the war of tlie rebellion, deducting from lltia
am wint tlie hrmntirs already )*id hy the
general government and State*. It will coat,
it is est mated. from seventy-tire to wis huu
drod BiilUlßt of ,1 dlarw..... .A den wae hrokru
up iu New York in which an aid man hail
seventy-five U.ya. from eight t • fifteen year-of
age. of ahiun he wae making thieves ... It ta
raid that during the cold anather ui New York
the water pipca waro fr zen, and that a fire un
der eren ordinary rirrnmslaiier* would hare
pro red a Chicago or lktm conflagration
The National (irange ado|>t<d alt lute-n ask
ing tlie United Statea Congreet to aid lite Tela*
Pacific railroad Ibif.i* Hstch'swrar* that
fci.UOo.eOO were taken froul the I'acific Mail
treaenty 1 y its officers oti falee vouchers . ..
Hie barrack* c f Fort Sill, Kau-a*, were burned
and all the India:: pi isum rs escaped.... l'oor
Marshal llazaiue receive* nothing hut insults
from Freorhineu in Spain. Judge Wrll
forl, of tlio circuit court of lii dun, ml, \a
ginia, rendered a deoniou Ilia; no sxcculioii
can be made t sell property of tlie State for
debt ... .Sixteen busmen* houec* were bumod
at ludejmndcnec. Mo rlov. tiant ui, of
Massachusetts, h* signed the new Stale De
tective bill, abolishing the present c uiatalmlary
on tlie lat of March Evan SI orris, of
Pittsburgh, Peun., baa issued a chalk-age hi
row airy man in the l'nlte.l State* a five-mile
eiugle-ncull race for SI.WO to a side.
The race to take place iu April i n the Moiioti
gahela, at Pittsburgh.
A riot occurred recently among the 4'hinene
prisoner* in the Singapore jail, and sixty-seven
, lewnc were killed, including eixtreu of the
keepers of the Jail In the Itritiali Moose
of Comuinii*, Mr. Dopen. by the ad wee of Sir.
Disraeli, a)s>logired for and withdrew the
offensive e: press ion* he had uod in regard to
the Irish Home Itulara A file at Darici),
(la., deutroyed pro|>crty valued at < 10U.O00. It
wa* the work of an incendiary.... Henry (1.
Freeman, the oldest member of tlie i'hiladcl
plua bar, excepting Horace liuuiey, dial ro
eontiy, in tlie eighty-sixth rear of his age. He
was admitted to the bar in 100 Mr*. Mc-
Oartliy wa* found dead on the floor of hor
house in l'urtsuiouth. N. 11., having frozen to
death while intoxicated I tarry lloultou.
(J. C., M. l\ I*., an 1 (iraud Master of Ui*
Ontario Orange (Iraiul I.odge. dic<l suddenly
ui Torou'Z) of apuplexy In the Ktigliah
House of Couimoii* Mr. Itourke, Under Secre
tary for the Foreign Drpvtmcut, in reply to an
in'piiry by Mr. o Klery, said that iuetrucUoiia
would t>c sent to Mr. the liritish Mini—
tor at Madrid, to recognize Alfonso as King of
There is null <a!kof serious trouble* ie! wren ;
China and Japan The Pacific Mail is trying
hard to eocure il* sulmidy Another pro
lowed amendinent to tlie Conetittitiou of the
Uniied Statet provilmg f - llio elcctioo of
President and Vice-l'reehlent by t'uo jwsiple is
before the United States Coiigrces Aspin
wall Use again been outraging an Kuglish suli-
Ject and trouble i* a|>prehemk-d A lull is
lieforo the I'enneylvaiiia Legislature authuri
zing the use of unclaimed Dalies of convict*
nad other* for the promotion of medical
science fiencral Ilunuude, at a luunpiet
iu I'rovideuee, R. 1., sai l that he saw no great
orcanon for alarm in the election to Congrcsa
by the Southern people of a large nural>er of
ex-ofilccr* of the Confederate army Tlie
constitutional amendments were passed by the
House of New Jersey, and to make them law
they must be accepted by a vote at special
election John Mitchell has been elected
to tho Rritieh Parliament from County Tip
perary, Ireland. Sir. liiaraeli gavo netico in
the House that he would move a resolution de
claring him incapable uf election, aa lie had
been convicted cf felony, and sentenced to
transportation Henry Walter*, aged seventy
one years, escaped from Auburn priuou by
sealing tlie wall I)r. Keuraly, counsel
'he claimant in the recent Tichlx rue trial, ban
been elected to tho liritiivk Parliament from
Ktoka-upou-Treut The United Mutes House
uf liepieeeuuttv** pe**l Uie bill fur tit* le
erganUaUuii uf Ihe 11 uuurj depai tment ....
The t'oiuu ■ Haul 1 icntoc-rati* Statu Convent.uu
lnimiuale.l the preecnl Stale nßlriMa I ; a-oJa-
Uie lion. l'be platf. tin declare# to favor uf
hud rootle;, Iti* supremacy uf the oivil over
tit* military auUioiltv, aud against k'*.Uiei m
terfeieuce in (It* Ht'Utli.
—i ■* i
Tim eousuittce on naval affaire r|HHted uii
favorably ou tit* liiit* lilUiuiiMi| lit* Presi.lrnl
In pui.-liaso fur a coaling alaUuu, navy
debut, ami utb*r government use* at Curt
Point, I'mt Hotel. H ( , aiul authuruiug tli*
miichae*! uf (tin liailmr. i-t iv ih'gre. ami laud
for Uik establishment of a naval ami ousting
alatiuu iu tin h*lu an islands
, Mi. Uili lt*vak, uf Nebraska, nailed up lit*
linua* Ml) lo |i*( foi I (lie lulled Klaloa gov
filitnrut n guarantor of tin I'uttlii'l of (Vltlltl
b.a 3 66 bolide, ami to eiithorue liiom to bo
rgiaW*ir.l at Uie l ull. ! biales I'ieaauiy, ami
It na* (lassod.
Mr t untiling, of Sow Yolk, presented a me
luuiial of tli* Cliaiuber uf r.-urotn. uf .N
Ymk city, a-kuig for an apuropriaUoO In enable
Urn. Nesl i to ountluu* the w,.ik in aliu'ii he
la SUV aged til repaid lo tbo tlupTuveiu. ul in
S'* Y"i k liaibiif
I'll* KenaUi 111 I t grant a atlr for Ue Pea
Imdy win*>l lu Ml. Augustine, Ha., waa taken
up to a 1:1. It tlielo aaaan anicnj-neul pea ling,
submitted at 111* laat miiuu In Mr. I'Muiui.ds, glial it at auy liut* any dieuuctiuu
shall bo nia io in lit* adiulmmHi of pupil* un a*
count of la'c or Color. tli* alt* aiiall revert lo
the Lnitrtl Slat, ami t; aaa r. j. led yean,
2J , nr.;. a. 34. Mower*. I ameruii, Kerry, <Jrl
-I*ll Morrill, KcbUiX ami Suraguo war*
those who voti 1 lu tli* tiegai.v*.
Mi. Alcorn, of iliswlaslppi, sai.l III* rule tu
.ln air. 1 lii*fa*l Uial ilia la-publicans ha.l t*e-
I'oui* limit.tighly tl iimiaiiti J on the subject
of civil righto.
I'll* lull was |acd withuul a d.vialou.
'l'll* llouao lull lit* lYraulaul lo
appoint • oouitu ooi'4i*r u> attend ih* Interna-
Uoual* y t otu rM, lo l a hold ui
Home neat yrar. waa |anni
thither iu-.i1.-raU. il of the bill to (WuVlde a
go. eminent for til* lIUUICI o' Columbia, Mr.
Morton* atueudweut, l<> liavo the c> uunineiou
cra elected by the t|uallll*il voti ra of Ul* IHa
uirl, luatrailof a;-po .uted ly too l'lraltloni,
wa* ijrfratrd by a vole uf yean 38 ; nays 3*.
Mr. Anlbuuy, uf Klnidr laiaii 1, giro* nt*.l the
ciedeul.ala of I'. Buiuside, lulled
StAira -Senator front the >tal of KUod* island
for a pe-.—t of a. 1 .oars l.oui Match i. lo7i.
Ih t.| a d placed < n file.
The Ht-uale hill providing f.v: lha evtmtror
li> ii ul the IWMaritl, lvitao ami hall t.ake rail
roa.l ami trlrpraph. an.l for the i*rK nnancc
- f all govrmuicul arrvit* (rre of chargr, waa
lakrli U|t.
Mlillr Ui* UII wan t*uig rra.l, Mr. Sherutan.
of Okio, ol irn ted to ii* further reading, and that aa It waa a autiatdy hill, Um Senate
would not |uaao tt, ami therefore it waa
to lake tl|> l.rnt hy ira.lnig it.
Mr. Mttrhell, of Oregon, Jtmrd that it at>l
aul.n.dv hill, and thought II would aave monry
lo Ihe irvtaeury.
The hill v. a* rejrt tr.l |.y a rote of 40 to 1
Mr (YoukUng, of New Y. rk, reimrted fn.w
the Jol.t'.arr eomnnttee a lull t-. tlx the aala
riee of Ihe d.airi.'l judge* of the TulUd Stair*
f..r the uurthrru and aoatheru dminrta of New
Yolk, which provide* thai tile aalartc* of thoae
Jidgra rhali I rC ' Jit annum f.'uui and
a/trr Atvrii I, 175. Tar*. <L
Mr. r'rtrv*. of I'eimertirsl, J.rerented lit*
rradealiaia of \V. \V. 1 i<m,**.l ."v-nator
ftv tn the Slate i f Coiuarcllf ut h. fUI U:e a
eancy caiiae! I.y the deal:, of YVm. A. UurLiug
liain Mr. KaUm lirlug prmenf • rwcurtmi
to the \'lce-l'r< a.Jrut a Unit hy Ml Kerry, ajai
the oath of e av administered Iv hitu ty
Y'.oe iiev!,le i t Wileum
Mr Sargoni. of Uahfurnie. preaeuted Uieme
in >nal of the i'a. .f*c Mail h*ramrhip t '.dujiany.
reatouatrating againat the rrjavai of the act of
June 1. IsTJ. grwi-.tiug a anUidy for the mad
hrrvi e he t a rru San 1 J ail.'or i, Jajaui ami
I huia. and praying for an apjropnat: .n to
carry said anVeidy into effts.-t. hnintd to he
p; mi*.!, ami rv ferrrd lo the o> nunilUc on ap
Ihe tnemiw-ial urge* that tla rejral wouiJ
not only ratn-e a l.wa of miitloua of ihvihun t.i
mi . ■< i.t eu- idiokh-ra ami to u.eir tn.vaekiji
huiKWre, hut would aio l a ~-uiji acknowl
edgment that t owgre-j* ■> hnld Ui joe* the
act < f 1*73. although the cv.untu.ltee
ing the acilidaloua aeeeitmwi hi:, not yrt ina.l*
I! retain, ai d tin teahinoiiv o far haa tilUuiv
failed l ■ ahow any truth Ul Ihe chaige.
Ihe Senate, in mm* h-nug Ihe lull to provide
a govrrumnit for ihe !>.*ir.ct of tVtiumUa,
agreed to an amendment piomling thai ciatoia
allowed under the act of June JU. 1K74, ahall
he prraenled for ex- luuige wiihm four tnunlUa
from the uf thu act. and if not ao iwe-
HUlid. the |Wtv ilego of time etchaitging eiiall
lurt ho ctcrcleed hy any holder > f auy Mich
claiot. AJeo pi> lul iUin- Uie e.uknig fui.d cum
iniMiutH rw of Lhe I>ia hrt of Columbia from la
e mug any h *ud. a* provided in the act of June
I**74. after the otjiiration of font m *ilh
from the lauvnage of lima a. i, and imiv iduig
thai nothing .xmlained Ui tin- act *h*i! be con
eir-.Mvi ui auy isanuer t pledge the fail'i of
llie I'mted Mate* to the )*,Mncut uf any .It h*.
of the lluvtnct .-f i l.itnl ia, o* t f Ihe ri.iea of
YVaah.ngtou and tieorj etowu. other than pro
vided for hy lit* a of lv.l, ami amendment*
thereto, ae to the Ml-year Kind* therein re
ferred to.
I hey ii-o itueikln] Ibe wctiti wh-'.i mak<
it a uiudotneam* to eell or give lienor without
l-< uig hceuaed. hy adding a ciaitae
private rnadrmx-a and aucietira not of a huai
iirmi ct.aracter. aii.l changed lhe cv*ui)*ai*ory
eliicil. ti eertu to r. ad cl.iHrt n " Iftwceii
lhe age* < f eight and tifleeu roar*. ' I luteal of
•n and e ght.eii, ae rej.wte.l hy thee mmtllee.
Mi tV .klliig, of New Y'ork. prcee.ttvl me
m ■ caia of nu eurlMtaa an ! inatila
n. u- in the Slate of New York tn favor of aurh <
h-K'.-daU.m aw ,!1 ppvm. ;e the efficiency of lhe
medical corne of the a* my.
\tr. thwuon | rrwulwl ainnlar onea from
phywlcian* . f lie rg a. licfv-rrod to the roui
utitiee on unhbu-y a .Taint.
Mr. ITiciveocg, of Nebraska, pr aente.l Ui*
credciitiaa. of A S. I'a.Uiocfc, Senator-elerl
from the s'a'e . f N.-1 ra*ka. for a j-r.-ud .*f aix
Jearw {mia Mar. h t |v7i, Head and i land on
The lion** h.ll for the e*jiial:xal:oa of houn
tie wae read twice, and referred tothec. m
miftee on military- affair*.
The Speaker j-reeenled a letter from the
tlcrk in reference to tluv of Mr.
Kurnian. of FYonda. ami directed the name of
Mr. I'urman to ho elrickm from the roll of
Mr. Albright, of Pennsylvania, from Uie
e-mitliUMMi nulitarv aTairv. lejxntetl a bill to
pointUtute a nati r. ineterr out f the par
cel <if gti< in 1 coded lu the I'mtod state* ui the
!!■■ i>ital lfill cemetery at Y'ork, Pa. in
eoldier* frvm aixteen State* are uilrrrvtt.
Mr. Myerw. of Pennsylvania, iulrishtce.l a
hill snjtplemt-nlarv t>v Uie acta in relation to
ininr.gra'.i u. lieferrt.l to the committee on
foreign all air-, lhe lull hie reference eejwvCi
allv to the coolie trade. It provider that when
immigrant* have entered into a contract or
agrwem'-ut fur a term of erv ice within the
1 uitfsl Ktatea, either fur lab <r or for lewd or
liU|>ro|>cr puqsvea such immigration iha'l not
l*e deemed voluntary, and thn Tinted state*
Consul shall not deliver Uie rcjuired ueruul or
certificate. It make* it a j*en*l offcure f,,r
Amencau riluene to lie engaged ill such trade.
It also makes the imiuigrali.ui of lh fallowing
classes unlawful : Persona who are undergoing
sentence for felonious mines other than polilt
cal, or w!i.<* *nt.-iicne have been remittevl on
account of their iranugralmn. aud w oincn im
ported for thepurpuM * of proelitnti. u
Mr. Clayton, of Arkansas, introduced a hill
construing the a. t to place Un- colon-) |w>rs<am
who euhstiHl m the army on the same f.ioiiiig
as other soldiers as to hounly and peusioua
Its fen cd to the c-.tnmittee on miiitaiv affairs.
The House then went into committee of the
whole ou the Pout-office Apjvropnatiun lull.
The amounts recommended to he aptirojiriaied
are: For the general eerv icw of the l'oel-oflice
department fdC.Oon.M'l ; f.w steamslup ser
vice, t537.500 ; for official js—tage rlam)s. for
the use of the Poet-office department #'J*€.-
issi ; pita], 437.531 361 ; to be liruvided for an
follows: Hy the revenue* of lhe depart mint
cslimated at 433.145, 15f.; by an apjiropriattou
for dellciener out of the treasurv. ftv.H63.705 ;
hy direct appropriaUinui out the troasury,
f 1,523,600. The totnl amount re. .mmeiid<>l
hy this lull is lee* than the retiniatee therefor
hy #1,538,173. The decrease ia lu the amount
to provide f. r the general service of lhe de
partment t*JC3.I73, and in the amount recom
mended for sh-amship service 4375.000. The
it etna for steamship service ar* : 4500.000 for
steamship service between Han Kre noise, v.
Junaii and China, under act of February 17.
IHOS ; and 437,600 for the Htariliau mail steam- I
ehin HOI * ice.
Mr. Tviirr. of Illinois, wlio bad charge of
tli* I'll). explained il, mil] t-tilled that the ri
jienxe of |hr dp] artiiirnt wax live |>cr cant. le*x
than la*t tear, while the inert axo of liusiuesx
w -a* to ten ]*'r cent. more.
Mr. Ifohnan, of Indiana, moved to amend by
adding a proviso to the railway mail trananor
tat ion item. ]imriilui|{ that no money should lie
used to inorraxe the rate "f com|ieiisatiot) to
any railway eomjiany beyond that now j>atd ;
the amendment wax f t.
Mr. Merrtam, of .New York, offered aa an
amendment that no swraxmcnt fer jmhtieal ,
purnoarx xhall heroafter he tua<le on ]Ht-o(fiee
eh rkx ; hut it wax rejected en a jxnnt of .viler,
Mr. Smith, of Ohio, united an aiurnduient
repealin|f tho law of 1H72 for additional mail
ateatn<-hi|i eerviee I .Japan and China, and an-
II .11 lit 114 the contract made under it, wlucli wae
agreed to withiHit <hac<ix*iou.
Ike Ilouneln Committee of the Whole, re
sumed the ootiaidcratioii of the l'oet-olheo Ap
propriation hill. Tho hill and ita ainendmente
wax adopted except the one allowing tnetuhere
to send pulilie doeumente and aeeda tree,
Mr. (iiuiekel, of Ohio, front tb eommittee on
military aifairx. reported a hill to e-piahrr
The bill providee for the payment to every
noli •■omtiiixMone-l ofßoer, muxinan, artifieer,
wagoner, and private soldier (including thone
loriio on tho rolle ax elate*l, who eerved in Uie
army and were honorably dim-barged, of fD,B3}t
a* mouth for theterin of hie eerviee, lietween
April 12, IHfd, and May 11, 1K65. with a deduc
tion of all bonntina heretofore paid hy the I'ni
toxl State* and by States. Snlxditutoe, or enrh
an were primmer* of war at the time of enlixt
meiit arc deluded; a'xo euch ax were dia
chargad ax tninem, or at theirown retpiext from
other caiiuxx than disability incurred in the ser
vice, prior to April IV, 1 titiS, unlexa auch dis
charge wax ohlaineif with a view to re-enlist
meut or to accent promotion in the military or
naval eerviee. Where the noldier tx dead the,
Ixmuly in to lie paid to the widow lif not mar
ried i. or the minor child er children.
The Paywaeler-tieneial eetnnated that it
would tak* 137,000,000 to {iay the Isiuiitiee aa
|irw nlmt iu tiie hill, while lhe beound Con
-1 W iler said #ltil,Uoo,lHk) would do it.
Meast a. Ilaa ley and Kellogg, of I "onnectl-ut, ,
' roniinenlevl on in* injustice of requiring htatea
. whiah hail paid Is.nnUea w> tliair
aokliera lu Is- laiod fur the bane til uf tbuaa
butee lliat ha>l iw*l duns au.
Mr. \\ lliaivl, of Veiiuoul, ojipused the hill on
lha aaiue ground, and showed that Ycrmnnl
ha>l |*ud all hn auklieni a Isiunly of #7.00 iwr
monlii, ami they would atuiply tealire the dif l*utweun that atuuunt and 4 8 33.1* |r
Mi Hmall uf New tlamjaihire, also op|>*tid
the lull, and said that aa Ina H'.ate ha.l paid
, houiitla* diutng tli* war, her *okbrr* would u.4
iiow receive a doliar from thl* moiiov. although
ihe Kiatu w.iuld he taied tu help |*j lite aoldlvi*
. uf other Htal. s.
Ktu ther die. nations ware tndulgod In bv
Mis-arw. llawiis, tiaifleld hi phut, UunckeC
t'uhun, K|ser, and liuillioll,
, Mr C.iouiigu'e auteishueut. making the hill
apply Pi the Muwmrt reg.iuenta, aaa agreed pi.
Mr. Myers arueiidmeut, to include sallies
, ' an ! uiariuers, waa agreed to.
Au aiusei.lnanul offried hy Mr Kiianka, of
Indiana, u> include Indians, waa also agreed Pi.
Ihe I -ill waa U.< n |*UW*>l yoaa 177 . nil#. S3.
Mr. llawea, of MaseachuaetU. offered a reeo ,
lutlou threcUug the Judiciary . .unrollP-e tu in
■pur* wuethrr the YVe*tern I'uioa Telegraph .
| t'ouipanv has refused tu transmit disjwtchm
f u lhe Amrrican Prrew Aaava-iatiun, or any
other |*vrtiea, aiinaig the a> veral fftales, on ar
, , rvmnt of crtliuiaru hy atich awauctatton on ihe
lelegrajdi iv .in | amy, with puwer to send > fur
(irr.ui and jaijiera Ado) Had
Ou of Mr. Hoar, of Massactioaella
Ilia Senate hill pi ailuw Thorns* W. Pitch, en
gineer iu the navy, to accept a wedding janaettl
sent Pi ill* wife hy lhe Khedive of Kgypl. waa
taken from lhe Speaker'a talda and |awel.
tin uioUoti it Mr. l'olter, uf New York. Uie
hill allow lug iliu diet, let judge of hia
■alai y dm tag life cat his roaiguaUoti uu aucviunl
of |iertuanrul illness, waa Ukett frulu lha i
Speaker a table Slid (laaaed.
'lhe hid which came over for Uie redemption
of nvervlue Tnile.l Hlatrw bonds, known aa
, Tela* indemnity huuda, aaa t-aared 113 yeaa
Pi 43 nays.
, The io '.iae l.s k Up aa a ajHS ial order the t ill
reporUal from the eolurml tee on dtil
, ref.irm by Mr. KelJogg of Connecticut, for Uie
reugtuiMlMi ut the ireaaury tleisrunenc
Mr. Young, of tieorgia, offered an amend
un ul rtvjmnug the ajijaiinlnveut* of the de
partment i* Ii- distill tiled aim-i.g the Stat, a
and Territories m |iropuiUuu lo the jv*puiaUon.
. Agreed to.
I lhe I,til waa then passed yeaa, 13*1 ; nays,
| SJ. Of the|]si off,.raw iliiaea the sal at ins
aa fullowa Ke.-r.-tary, ts.uvi , tuo aeeuul
aecrrlanea, #4 100 each ; chief clarl, #3,t*<J ;
•U|#rviaitig ar'-hilect, #t OOtl, first c-uu(<ruller,
gl.uoi) : second couiptrtdler. fi Otki. rotmuia
ai.aiar uf cuapiuui. n.irOu ; first sec. ud, Uurd,
, fourth and liflb auditors, tt.hai each t a-id tor
for lb* P<wK-o(&e* de]rtttteiit, #4.0t10 . regis
ter, 41.0*30; treasurer 4C,5t0 ; c .mJ*roller of
1 the curren.-v, 45.000 ; .onubiaaitmer of tatamal
. revenue, 46.000.
■ Mr. Myers, uf Pennsylvania, introduced •
hill to return to llie goverriiueut of Japan une
-1 half uf the indemnity fund paid bv thai got*
r ernruenl p> the l ulled brats* uicier lhe run
veulioti of Ocloher 33, 1844. and lo dlagsao- of
lhe Iniauce of said fund. lU-ferrod tu the
t cotnittltteo un furvugu affair*.
Section one ut Uie Uil direct* the returti u>
I Japan uf #375,000 wiUi inUrvsl, being Uie re
r • maititag half of the Jajiau indemnity fuisl
l pact by Japan Section two directa |iayuieol
I to lire officer.- and crews of the Wyoming and
Ktaug uf 4T36.0U0 out of thu fund for their
■ act vice* in Uie tardea at the bpaita uf Himu
r rioerhi. winch resulted u> the treaty. Section
three direct* that 4X10,00(1 at the rep is ter ed, in which half of thi* fund ta invested,
I shall remain under Uie r >ulrul <>f the Secretary
I uf Slate, the lute rest tu le [*ai Iby lutu fur tbr
eduraliun ufa hunted uumher uf American and
Jajwneee youth* ui the languages uf either
country, to serve as interprrt.-ra aud aaviakauts
to lha legaUuu* and cwrivull uf the l ulled
' Statea. KecUon fuur transfer* the tadance uf
U.e Ja|wuies# nulcnintty fund lo the treasury uf
tha l ulled Stales.
The \car of Juhlle.
llie reoent enrvcli.vil letter of Pop#
Pitin IX., aildnwuMkl to tiiahopa atni
pritvxU and their Catholic cuiigri-galioidi
thmughoul the world, ]*r*-s-rilicw rules to
In* nuojitud for thn cdeblktioo uf the
Jah ill--* of ISTo, 'flu* Jubiiee wm iu
atiluU i l>y 11 VIII., iu It'JJU, wlui
dtcm d lirnt l should ho colcbniUvd
once iu a ivnttiry. The intarvaJ waa
a/U-rvrrod aliorP n< .1 to fifty, th<*u to
thiilT-thrvv*, mid filially to tw*nty-five
yoara. A wore important cluutg*- via
clTcv'P d by the vuxv*Hora of Boniface
VIII., who g'ave the Jubilee the chmnu*
U*r of n to liowc, by jfruititig
indulgencviotxly tu tlnavc who had viviu-d
tilt- churoliee of St. IVP-r and Ht. Paul,
but it waa afterword decide.! that nt
uenVruict at tiie oaUn<ind or tmriah
ohtuchee f the ilirttri.i in win eh the
perwo:.* jo mg in the jubilee maided
i.liouli cut it them to all ltn rrlvilcgwa.
Tiie cncyciinal l.*tt<*r now published rt>- the faithful that "Uk* deplorable
condition of things" did not allow Uie
I'OJHV to celebrate the jubilee of lHftd.arid
inform* them that, though thane difll
ctiluea grow greater every lay, the
Holy Father would not Iw justified in
depriving hi* faithful flock of a. aaluUry
a .iiwpetMsation any longer. The h ttor
tolls them what course thev must adopt
in order to gain the fuil indulgencca
. which he iuteu.ta to diatnlmte vritli a
lavisli iuuid. 'lhe Jubihwr ia to be cele
brated, the Pop* ndvls. "with all the
jmrnji that t lic-M- eril times jvermit."
i ury Case.
At the Bidef.*rd Quarter Sowit-na in
Devonalure, Fnghuid, the other d.vy,
•hero yrun on.* jmiouer for trial indieietl
for embcxilcment and theft. The re
ctu\ler in charging the grand jury, laid
Strom on the fact that their duty was
merely b ih> that there was a primtt
fact* ctviv.*. They were atwvent nearly
two hours, the whole court meantime
lw*it:g in wa.ung. and at length returned, (
tlic foreman solemnly declaring tliat tli- y ,
found the j>ri.aoncr guilty. " I thought
I Uvltl yon, mud the recorder, " Unit you
wore not to try the mse." The foreman
—" Wo tiioiight it a pivrticulai case, and
wo have gutio minutely into tiie whole ',
t-videuce, and we find the prisoner
guilty on Iwitli charge*." The re>r.h*r,
after some oliaervntion* ti the grand
jury ou their vruMitig everyUHly'fi time, ,
jut*x><Nlcd to trv Uie case, when the '
jvetit jury acquitted the man on one ,
count, ami the prcoecution offered no (
•vid.-uivo on Uie other. The grand jury, (
who had wriitisl to l.varn the rewnlt, wore {
heard aa they retire.! to give vent to ,
their indignation and mortification in ,
somewhat atrong huiguage.
She Knew.
.V New Htmpuliiiv pajM>r tells nls.tit a
little nix venr oM girl in n country town
in that Slate who went into a store where
her father was lounging, the other tiny,
and slyly approaching hiin, said: " I'upa,
won't you buy me n new dreos r"
" W'hut! buy yon a new dress, Susy i"
" Yen, pajw, won't you I" "Well, Jll
sec. I'll s|v>nk to your mother alw>ut
it." F.longation loan alarming extent
rapidlv spread over the little face; but a
thought suddenly struck her. and with a
smile she looked up into her father's faee
and said, "Well, papa, if you do sjs'uk j
to mamma about it, toueh her easy, or
she inay want the new drew heme If." i
The father at once saw the point, and the
new dress was purchased without consul
tat ion.
A busy housewife was sitting in a
doorway plying her needle. Her lma
band was lounging on the rail, when his
foot slipped, ami he bruised his knee on
the door-step. " Oh,"saidhe, groaning,
" I have broken the !*>rio, 1 am suro !"
" Well, then," said she, holding up her
nmli with its eye broken out, "you
and 1 have done very marly the same
thing." "How so f" " Why, don't yon
see (" saiil she ; " I have broken the eye
of the needle, man and you have broken
the knee of the idle mau."
To the Suffering,
An old retired physician, who is candid
enough to tell the truth altout progress,
has declared that the recent discovery of
l>r. Walker, of California, of liia lu-rb
remedy, Vinegar Hitters, is one of the
most important in medicine. He has
tested them thoroughly in his own
family, among his friends, nnd upon
himself; and he is driven to the eonclu
sion that they possess rare and unex
celled curative properties. He says of
them: "They contain no dangerous
drug. They never reduce the patient—
never render one liable to take cold—
never interfere with the every-dny busi
ness of life—never make their continuous
use a condition ol cure, and are adapted
to even the most delicate organization.
They act as kindly 011 the tender infant,
the delicate female, or iutirm old age, as
on the vigorous nnd athletic system; ex
ercising healthful effects upon every
blood vessel—on the brain, nerves and
lymphatics—on the blood, bile, gastric
juice, etc., enriching impoverished fluids,
and imparting vigor to mind aud body."
— CVm.
Au A iiierican Ataluuch*.
'llie llaltiinora Uuntte aayti: We won-'
■ler often at the wift dtwtruction of lifo
in ancient Pompeii. The miner graajm
Ilia gold; the ladtrr die* Im*fore nia oven, j
in which Um charred bread atill re- j
main*; thu Nohlier at Ida post aUU bolda
ia douth hi* Uii'-o. In the recent enow i
avttlituclta in the Itooky uiountaitia we
ace how ealaiuity ennua in an instant,
and iu a inanm r nomowhat *itniUr. The •
way iu which thene avalauchen occur ia <
UittM doHcrilicd; Around the valley*
itvalMu*h are cimned by the wind *weup
iug up uu one Hide of Uie mountain and
forming a large drift juat over Uie ridge
on the op)Maut aide, which aoou lie- j
cornea too heavy, and, detaching itanlf, !
pltingi** down the mountain, imwnuauig '
ui *l2O until a moving maw of auow, cov-,
eriug acres and ten to forty feet thick,
Bweejt* with the rapidity of lightning ;
down into Ui4 canyon*, carrying every-1
thing Itcfore it. Not a*.ft auow, but '
|nu*ked and jar:iimxl together ao aolitl
tJiat Ui" niomeut thn in ruts slope heavily '
lotulcd ore trams can be driven anywhere j
■ on top of it, the horses' *hoea only mak '
mg au unprewuttn. In one of Urnee elides
four m*n were overwhelmed in a little 1
log cabin. Tin y were found afterward* i
quite dea<l. 'lha enow lied broken
through til" rf, aud La.l enveloped
them no Hu.ldenly that they had not 1
■novel. They were not bruised in any !
way, but had lic-u auffocatavd. Our man -
sat there at the table iu Uie act of writ
ing, the inkstand not even having tipped '
over, but one wnokiug had probably
beard it couung oue h. <xmd la-fore he
waa ati-uck, a* hi* pipe lay lietwcen hia
feet. Tlnuw they eat molded in the
Hiiow, looking tut mutual ae if abve. Two
men in la d lay wiUi the blanket* ovw
Uicni a* unootlil vaa if jumt aprtval. The '
soft, lii-udioua noinrloNiuwvai of Uie com
ing an.iw make* it all the more dangt-r
--ouh. 'J'he iiihhh como* .down even more
Muddfidy Uiaii iu the Alps, aud with leas
Au Old Man's Death.
The Detroit frrr I'rrtt trlla the story
of an old hnotor who WM found in Unit
city iu a dying condition. To every
question put to him he au*wered with
tern trie utoh*. end although he knew
death waa near he would haten to no ad
vice. No further t|U<wtiou* were aaked,
and during the ueit hour Uie stnuigeold
man dropped quietly aaleeir in deatth, ut
lering no word aud malting no sign.
When Uiey came to remove the clothing
and prepaie the kmdy (or the grave, wliat
do anpjMMe they found, carefully
wrapped in oil-akin and lying ou lu*
breant f A iliiffuerrvotype picture of a
little gill! It was taken years midyear*
ago, and when the child was five or aix
yearn old. The face of the little one wan
fair to look upon, and Uie cane which
held it had been rrcanvd by bullets.
T here were a doaeti near* on Uxor old
man'* body to prove that he had lived a
wild life, liut there wa* not a line among
hi* effect* t<> reveal hi* name or Uie
naxue of the cliild whose pieture he had
w->rn on hi* brr-nnt for y.nrs and veani.
Wlio vra* lief ill* own darling, per
liapa. lie would uot have tr.vuoiro.l the
pi. turc ao e.iref ully unless there was love
iu hi* heml.
No one would have believed that the
wolfskin cont c-verivl a heart which
could feel love or tendero"—, but it did.
lie might have lieen returning home
after yeurs of weary wandering, or he
might have iaft the frontier to t>e *uro of
a ohri*tuui 1 -until and hoping that no
im-Mnpatiietic eye would fall upon the
Nunc a.iid L.-ep it, hoping to make
it identify Uie old man, but other* laid
it back on the liatiie-nearred breast
which had yreserved it *0 long, and it
m there wh. u they buried hiui.
A Mliibter Offended.
Mr. Monroe, the Miuiabr to hngiaiul.
writ** JrvM* Ftmuut, vm justly f to tind himself, ut Uie Blab* din
ner given to tlw diplomatic corps, placed
ut the f.sit of the table, between two
F.nvoy* from tlenunn prinei;*ditiMi.
Thi* inaiie him angry aiul abstracted,
aud when the fir;it h.ndtli was drank and
all i*NC,hc in Kilting down, did net notice
where be placed hi* wiue-gla**, bnt
brought it down into hi* finger-bowl,
■plasdiing hi* neighbor, who thereupon
was civilly insultntg.
Mr. Monroe lud not time for wrath,
for the Rusaiati Minister ririnp, all rose
bi follow hi* toast. It war "a health
and welcome to our new coufrere, the
Monster from Uie United Stnt.-a of
America, and to In* ruler an.l lii* coun
try." Whether tliift was already pre, or was Uie gracious iuspiratiou of
the moment, was Uie mvret of the old
diplomat. Rut lu* must liave had a
n<-w s* lisation. when Mr. Muorts* in his
tlnuiL- t*i him after diun*r, went ou to
sav thid " Jgmivi Monroe did not <* re
wfirre he sat at table;" Imt " for Uie
minister of nucli n country ma 1 rwpre
wilt, to be put down at the ft*4. be
tween two littli* priumpahtn-s no bigger
than any form in Albemarle! Iww
blind with anger; but 1 sliall make i
ajKilogy f.*r splashing his loccd coat."
The Salary Ours!ion.
Thomas Dnrfee. who ho* just lieen
elected Chief Justice uf the Supreme
Court of lth'sle lrdond, iuake of the
Ijegislsture the somewhat remarkable
reqneet that, liefore he take* hi* **t,
the salary of the office, wbi-h is now
Xu.OOO a yenr. or SI,OOO more than tlffu
of U:e as----iiite justice", may Is* reduced
to $1,500, liec.iuw*, he h*vh, the associob*
justioes have almost a* much w-rk to do
a* the Clih-f Justice, and li- thinks Unit
SSOO is difference enough Iwtween the
two. lie lias delayed taking his sent for
the express purpose of making this re
quoat, oh the nalarv of a judge cannot be
changed during hi* term of office. The
general sentiment, however, wen is to lie
ui favor of raising the salaries of the
Mu-.<eiate justices SSOO, and a bill ho*
been introduced into Un* Legislature for
this pur]***". One shudders to think of
the consequences that would result from
a refusal ou the jart of the associate
justices to have their salaries raised.
No use of our I.wesr taY ng tb* larpr, repul
sive. grnsng. drastic sis I übiimsnw pill", rom-
I-c*,l or rnid" and bulky imrre'lisr*". ant! pul
up tn clu-ap wood or psstclsiard boxe". when
as cau, by a careful spphcsUoti of chemical
science, extract all Uie cathartic and olbct
medical prejwrlies from the most valuaUe
routs and herb", and couceiitrate them into a
tni.iu e sranulc-. scarce'; larger Uian a miuilanl
seat, that can In* readily swallowed by those of
Uie mo:.t sensitive st machs aud fastidious
taste". F.acli of
tive Pellets rejTeeent". in a rrr*st e.meenlrated
form, as much ealbartic poaer a-* is embodied
in any of the large pills found for sale in Uie
drug stores. Fr.m their wonderful cathartic
pnarr, 111 (importson to their sU", peo(ile who
nave not tn.-d them lire apt tu suopoM that
thoy arc hsrah m diasue in effect, put ueh 1*
nni at all the case, the different active tne.ii
ciiial principle* of aluch they are composed
tieing ao harinoniic-1, one by tlis othrn-. a* to
produce a most searching and thorough, 7*t
gently and kiudlv operating cailiaruc. llie
pellota ore sold b; dealers in medicmea- Cut".
No TIM* TO Bit IIOKT.—In the incipient
dk. xx of ccwixumptioii, the first symptom* are
generally a harking rough, px.nx in the cheet.
iliffleulty of breathing, or <>l4 reeetoo of t'e
lungx. Something ahouhl be done at onee tc
clieek tiie cough, allav and heal the irritated
parte. Alien x I.utig halaani will tireak up the
cough n an Incredibly short Umc , alau prevent
the formation of t .ilrclea. Where tul-errlra
ate pure formed, the iWai-e ia hard U> cure.
For rale by all medicine dcvler*.— Com.
We noticed iu ouc of our exchangee
tine week tl e statement of Jteaeon John Hotlg
kine. of South Jefferson, Me., whose eon wax
rurnl of inc punt consumption by the use of
J Ano-tyx Uuiamt Wo rvfer to thia
at Una time a* tending to corroborate the statc
mnnt we made la*: week iu relation to thia lini
ment a* applied to consumption. Coin.
If Congress hft'l employed aa much
scientific skill in the arrangement of ita " Ite
rouetruction I'olioy" at tho close, ax ths War
department did in the beginning of the war. in
arranging for the manufaoiute of what wae
railed s.Vrvian' Cnralry Comiititm fotcdrr*,
for the use of the cavalry hoi sea, no doubt the
t'liion would have been lettered long agtx—•
Tlic moat unhappy person in the world
is the d>>pepth\ everything loek* dark and
gloomy : he feels "out of sorts " with himself
aud everybody else. I.ifc in a burden to him.
Thia can all he changed by taking Pentviau
Syrun (a protoxide of tron\ Caeca of 27 yeara'
*tai uiug Lave been enred by it. —Com.
2* I ml** freia K*nt>n, Onto, "I tli* C . V. 4 C.R. It.
In t'ulmatlon and I'ixlurx ti.-xt lloua* and Tenant.
H 'Oi*, barn*. Orrhat-t*. Si nk, Water. (rood Tlmbw.
WUI itlvld* Into l.. or four K-rtnx Wi 1 gt puMsxaiiHi
tli* liret of April, ot V.OHKI Kant for tlia oomluc Yaar.
Pic*. VKMtpr Arm Addrexn.
JOUNhAI 1,441t, tin* 4, Kwnteii, Ohie.
The Market*.
Itw (OU.
IM OalUa-rrtmt to Kitra Mullocks 10*0 U'
Ootamoahi (Joed Tumi *VO W* t
MUeli (V.w# MW 0M ;
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Wheal—>'.*<l Wanloru 1 94 M I U
Kf. 1 Hj.nt>x 1 M ,* 1 OT
Ryo tttalo n 0 ft
tartor-mw* I ft Z i w
i*rW M*ii t ft Slat
(Jala—Ml lad Wratara f| Z T|
(Vrt -Ml tad Waatoru f|*Z fT* '
Hay, |wr owl to Z 00
Btrow, |MT owl 41 2 Tt
"?U,M<#-#lda Of < II
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><fH ltSii U}
>llll lluiMtl Hn. |, It Ml vftt 00
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llama*, Koalail, ym Off .... N 4 M
PolToloam-Orttd* T*oT* K.aaod. US
WoU—I ailfomia rtoaoo. ft m
'iIU " .. 14 ut It
Auotrahao '• It 2 tl
ItßttfT Blflo at 2 t* '
Waotarti liatry ft 0 ft
Wmtarn Ynllow ft 2 ft
kooUru ordinary ft * M '
Pauteylnaia riu< 13 14
Ch**a* BUU Factory . jtkZ lev
" Mklmmod Bt 2
*" UrB II 2 M
a M
*•< I M 0 I M
llya—ttralo MAM
flora Mum II B M
Mor!*y~i*teW j „ Z I M
CM*—UU ••••♦• II 44
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(Mne-laf MittUiai u a uw
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Wlt urt hod I It 2 I ft
*f.. It 0 ft
Wlu-J.0... 71 m '|U
tiUhwHtiod.,,,,, $4 m fau
hKwanj, owta . .It > fcaßtwd, Its
Ta (W rtowaw aad IrfrirMr l.artra. 80... .
Hfally lUualcoted Will ba laallat to Ml addraaa MkL, ,
in. n I oil lira t oaot Mampc It lar yaw IMian
1 K<i>lA* llk>i.t>rla— Ifmi
v rrfftu 3wlr^
Mi aaaaal cauW of VanlaUa aaf flaaa Baal '
f..i !""!■, alii to aaal Ate to aS ate *<,.!, IManai
of laat aaaaua tw*d uot writ* (of It la u will |<* K.aat
amoral ta-a.l b rartrilaauf an mallMa talrnta—d
for Um &<M Uaa Itt aaaa, baataf aiada naw >#.
taiiba a aiwuitr lot ua| raara i. mornt aw aM. ,
drat aad */<■ ana<a< aa aay aaraaal lain. I aaalt
panaolari lunia Iba punaafi at atari at aaidaaaia
and all etlian ate ara iriall| daalaoaa ta Saoa Vaata '
aa) yan and fntt. and ■ f <4a aar* taM >aata 411 aaad
aaal oat fa on aty .ntihahaaaat aaa a"at By Ibraa
taairaau aa grrma m my aatalemva
jlmkm jr. it. i.uuiiißT,
Oarfciataai. ft aaa.
MHllliC I "Kipnoaafaa 4B"f J<t*l la
Boa at U:a dtataaal of ail aba
tatati tar B. and will ha aaal
nARnFN Pitr rtaot irrttcttry.
It maWa Date of IBa altutoaat
aerialtaa. rarvlatly fanwa tram
amd load of auxa. fffMaßß aattad .
tt.- Ua aaal Mark at Uaa- '
dfij ai.,l If 4 Ka* iiat I Bflßß
tarlilrttrl. Klrrall A ( aa.. j
harlrf. Ilalaaao A ..
Baa t A.owa a. fi. w> - Wa
' hat a lira aararaa.aof oar tail a
/dlipjm mUialfat faala Ua bau HM
'V l*"adar frr aatlaa of II ta
fOQoraaaa asaaunaaito."
OCfti), 1.. < la Ilia A fa../'.-*
n£SXX(\ *"**• . f.,aa* Taw
I I Sta Foam V aiaadity raialat ta
k\V Oaf U A ar 4U .paak wall /if Tt ta
'JTV—'C J% tha baat I arawaa attaa oaa aiaai
I <iaa Taa* Hotel ' tea by aaaaf
y™W STaL^m^'i.- 4 W ~ 1 "
t.Kat, r. i.iNT/ A r^
~ 116 Ilaanr Hi., >„ Vark.
Oar Hawrr aad H tirHra alardra lllaaarated
Dlrmara tar laid u taaau urnad tutttem). |
ti si-aaii at Nairlttra and saarialtlaa la
"•I I I)*' • 1 aal-at l.artra lagatetualur Ike Boaeea
M now baaat ratal lo all < naioanma of Uaa yaaw aad atU
Baaaui ta .otiam ran oa aitadioaUoa ABBnaa.
U. T. t I KTW At'; Raataa, Maaa.
< | || l fSA I'l il 1.4> - Saad lor "I man'
™|U J ITBORB.Boaaaa.
AM ann ' w rrk and .i[tooM to all Artlrtea
s>uU *W iTiibarf
, nf ' I "j 1 Tata aaw Tt aaa M wora
our imrtaot aam fan
MTy T AR T T ()■ *" ®d day Ada(4a
U •km*®* l *' *1 tteaif to aaaat motkna ot
, ■ X **~W ataaun aatß imwamib "
\ m rarad ttatd ataay Ly taa
V/ ttastic TrussUo.,
Mr. (INS Rraalny, X. T. (It*.
aad aaal By taa'L Oailaraaad larltaoalar aiUrat 5
tor Iroatsaal ealtl card. Call oa or adiliaaa
Jit Joßn SUwl, ( IMIMMATI. 0010.
Walt ftrrrt
A weekly '• quarto, financial journal,
eon laming fall irporta of aalaa at tlx
New York Stock Exchange.
The seitnnmbri will contain valuable informa
tion regarding the moot aorreeeful method
of operating with
A fall explanation will be given of rata, Colin,
birred* and Straddle* ia which
$lO, SIOO, or SI,OOO
Can be laeewud with a chance of realiaiag
Mormon, >roCta The aubocriptioa price of the
lUroarxa le MOO a year Spertmew number*
will bo mailed free of charge by addreaatag
Wall Street Publishing Co.,
u: : -VWflßtm Street, New YHI
I>airt Vevrltlr,. Uirvt Kutrvwi, Putu, n
th- World FKt.TitXdtO.. |lNem* SaT* T
rl v i\l~ I 1 r.l> th. Ureal lihran Woili of
Aiaartra, ftH • ru t- tw Kn.lar v.bwrirtlea
I'm*, ft. IV
\'| •/. Name, entered imrartialir a* received. and !
T I/i • five Itallarv I avh mt at <tm In war
g ib eaharrfber. t'luhatif five tat •* rerb' ana, rfc,
|,l 1 Tiuber" rhunao " a caah ptomlaai of •! to
ever? fifth amberrtbrr ' The firm two, la a aafltrl-ei
suaranu of tatrneea aad felflilmeet Swd o Cm
L ..1..,- !.!! a. I K (l)I K A IDIUH I'.K
b*hri, OH WIHUw feirM. Nr York __ *
The Tribune Almanac
Political Reg ster for 1875.
OI4rt, l.nrgrM, Hrt. I4M I'ntP*.
The SUndihl PflllUal nod <ut|st*caJ Abbqal f*nwe
)fU € Swn lor I*l.oo.
Add"**. _TIIK TUHinMw Yiit.
VH (iKKTH i huii lianf iflbAtilfhl. Noeeeenry an
mtap < khkU tree. I ftam ( 'hni Mf| (b., Boston
Sk)nil • ro nth to ageni* everywhere. Addreee
-'MI N'l'i. CO . liuchsaea.Mkch.
Dt l!n PtrtiKooM of Belt Ltke City, for U
yrj% the wilt of a Mormon HijrH I'rtrst lo
trodnrtios hy Mrs. Nest v. litis st 7 ef s
omen's experience lays her*' the " kultim A/a/* f
my tlrrm, M>m( rtf. ef the lleneees n. s
'• viilrainklr W.-i are UcM *' Bright. Purt
•id Gaud, it <• the bmi new boo* out. MtwsHj
f with eoe>l thirfs for nil. it Is popular every
where, with evetybod*, end calirlli nil other haokr ti w e
•a*. Nit 1 later* ess " (Jmi ayrcd K." Enuwsat
redonr it. Kmybodr w.att. ut si 1 agent* nrs srlliM
from IB to BO n lay f lath fi.wwrf em n yrce ' W*
want .V IOO Nv ' v trwel* Rjpnts MW - unm Of n ocean -as A
n* mi!) tnml Outfit jr. We to these who wltt cnsirna*. l<arye *
KphtrU wllh fuU pa.Bcu'.s's. terms, etc. sml/rre to utL
to— f oftTmnuioe A Co., llnrtfoit Conn.
selling book e-rer published, fiend 7r specimen rt*e
and our e*tra terms tn A wents
NATIONAL PrBI.tIBHING (TV. Philadelphia _ f
I HA cb leant In the world- Importers' price* larg
A Ufl vet I'.impan) In America staple art ids plences
• vary bod* trade lut-iesatng-bet tndnowneaia
- don't waste time wnd for Circular to ROBERT
WKI 4 A \i se> SI m, New York. P o Bos I**7.
\ DJKttTfMKKK! Send *5 gents to <;r> r
i\ ROWRLL A CO.. 41 Rati Row. N. ¥ for their
l\imnkUt nt UK) r*j;c. containing Usu of ItOOO news
papers, andintimate* showing cost of advertising
49 4DA # Yenr. Salt 17 nod expenses paid OoU
*"v fit free A valuable package sent for Ucts
iwtnrn postage. C. H. U9RNKY. WateihoioOegtieJi e
\ Wm VJXS Kt' *•
>ARLI \.?. Hardware Daalera .ell tfeem.
t Sffle BO*. I Ton— irA; b m2I
(|MO CkmlOTW
\T —4lB.Wi BUI *OeD—
egar Bitter* art a portly Vegetable
preparation, made chiefly from toe n
, tirt barbs fosod on tbt lower ranges tl
Uit Kterra Nerada mountalrm of Caitftm
M ib, tbt medicinal properties of whic*
art extracted therefrom without the of
of Alcohol. Tbt question it aluMf
dally aaked, " What la tbt cause of tat
unparalleled suceeu of Vixxoaa BiT
TKksf Our answer ia, that they ratnoT*
tbt cause of diaeatty and the patient rt
eowrt bis health. I'bey art tbt grtat
blood purifier and a Ute-girina principle,
a perfect Ueoorator and Lurigorator
of tbt BjfUsao. Nerer before in tha
tiuttorf of U> werid hat t medieiitß bee#
eoatoeadtd po-awing Ui rerarkahle
aaaiitiM of Via boa a Birma la bekUaftha
tick of fTary diaaaaa maa ia Mr to. They
ot a gsaUa PurfabT# as wafl aa a Todfc
; rabariog Cvt-gawt- i or laMsmamtiooof
t bo Ldtrar A..J Tiaoeral Oigaaa, la BHlmb
The propcrUc* of Dm. WAtm-a
ara Aptriaat, DiaaWfOe,
Cannieatife, KoUitW, lAiWtifk Uvmua,
hcfUdra, Coßßtar-inilant, bododto, Allm
Bit aad Asti-tiUkuf
R. 11. RrDOXItD M CO..
IVacgWU aad Ooa. AtU, Mod rnmetDm Ctfintt,
aadaor. U WMfctacv* aad CluHtet, IMB. K. f.
kßid kr all Proert.t. Bad PrAlm
' ara U-RB. t
i $250
IS I s2o|BMmum.t;
, or, A, Boot modr $ Atfttk rtaotke. BBd • ta
| MM.C to tfmcJftßd iucaty t fM*
| ti.yj. .<j
j ....i ■*.' i o.i*?t. c^ti^ttH.
tßtt on* aanuta. 1 ■■lotemiu Of OTV
ooooAoa .MUi^oatemi^mUMoteMo^A^ooA
looimityoot MOO MO bt Mitel ood fwild.
taißlil Butißßtelioai oji—oaimo
Uoanuiwm U* mbwbmi Omg.
ZZGSr&TL |M aw. r*
i a. i atew, i , >,ai, ky loonwic. rdtn tauiai, *t —. tvB
g% \V .IB amtQiulrlk. ri It PLOW.
' O ™ P-M BKklMi rorcbCMhteteOai.
.. ww . & 14 at. AS Iroo te oaam aad mm
Poo mated SktarSl. tad MMnUkftyoA
' Hi atya of 081 Mrwral Oararf Saatrtt Balr
AVI aad Mar UlAtw of IBnbmHm aad Uatiatlai
25 iwNNBM.r A aaAwrr, Ik. V.
SJVfsVOTu® £?££
aad ta atifnamiml iiini kteda
*4OO hmirnoMD M oaod oo a dogfe
lowa R. R. Land Co.
MaafaraoU i.MMI.OOO Arwra ot Kattoaad Icaada la
Uw, Bmpoa at Woatern Ll
laaa aaa te teoat claaateta a ALU MriHtaAta Ko
an—a ala ■ll Ko acW' Ko lud oa* Arorvr* otodlt
IWICO b and to yote* tenntW Cad or aaad
w tboToomii'. .do. Wi K.ncWtA ttuon. ctuaaa*.
oa I zblois loM tatomaotoa . bol® mack tte I colt,
lw y amp* oad ycoftwu -aa aw aad una
add**** I'm* koßrvod !, j4 (w.. i !-■ tea. •* Uada*
K*;id*. l"^ JOIIJj B I AIJIAI M, .
liplli l awakaakaawe.
The Ways
of Women,
t> IteU V Cfwmt,* P,e*fA* ww-oAAWteA.
I <-*, Uo Ikm 11, Uote y*o Ot. Hoi Ih„ •In,,
' .** a * tio *-■ * *o,oni • TV. H*w Tact
fU c*<. •1, a * aaca aria ** aw*o aii mna ma
acram.c** IV Mi t ti i li *,| t,M Aj
•I'MI ,wt a mix mnut a •*> lr*d*y
lomacifr te f,ta*a,**Mi WHT trr BTILL, <mw
ri*n.!oi*'o*u> ocl TV.U teak waa. **li a**4teotn*te*t
aaar rwa Ctl-ltAa 4 Ok. Mac Oak Com.
1 $75 IXg'VaAfr:
Habit Cured
A carta tat aad nn rark Wllboat SaeooraalaAfk
cad at boern. At aatkkfka t>l ataada pwasT —Bt
•are mart a tfad tm mr aarttwtf matpVaa (•
MMrii y## Bftfynj 1 *>* Q-TWS 0 f imjhdftOl
.hat Lace ban farmaanUr wet I ekatm to ban
dtasorarad aad pradaaad Mm roar an
osiT ttu cru ma ami xctiia
PR. i m. COLUXS tm. Part., lad.
♦OOUittiiiii ma It AddramlcJ^.MatamjtttacrJOa.
WA'jia* j'z
V I*J| \ ArrVciß*' iili W<AM. Soi.T i'a
■Mnjivrpi aaa. aaTaBXS. MiricUU.
M/WWlll if KatnuTtm. Aa Ta ■a ,
nvarcrwa. Kiuaata, —a
a rted*. Beam*. bold
#■*>twa gl a htwtie janitor Qualm.
(Oca boa ef cmwfa till ■ m IwU r n 111 \
X aU^vi
? ?OWSP or* **W CATALOOtn. w
- awl So . Moa exnlalawc Mm gmaaaat
">pr\ \xr TVT I*> "ewer
7 i ' WIN "ewt'.Mtd the bow mama, of bom*
MO f Y 83n^C£,
U r. ft *u ;i; I'm. few**.
Tmm mm a>> Unm wt, mm 4 Lftt, by h*. s ryg
I flreeta," a TrmaJ^U
. "af
mnahet! ft P RKDCTARia
I II V.** *3>- WeJher kmc
I lit, Twl Fern FKKKleaa
I It Jraew ef the Coiled ta *a
AJJdU ef a latter ale an*.
Waukesha Water
t'araa Proper. Dfaoepete, IhaVaUa, ConaaipaUna.
i.iarel. Jaundiee. llnafcl'a Iharaae. Seroftala. Fever
Stvw. r'vwh Waahnaae. la all Me tonne, all Dtaaana rd
tbahldnw. end L-aoav
hu lUmti. HI half da rr hm,J<|t. dam*,
j-h. . and boiila., | t pa. gallon. paeaa—a una.
Mvt mot aaaawpasj liw er\iar Hand stamp for oaar
111■■■ I'l* B c<T>a * daaartplaMi at Ilia above
C. C. OLIN & CO.,
/ tONNTANT K3IPI.OYMENT.-At homa. Mala
V' or J.ili a araak aarrani.d. No aaptUl ra
aatrad P.rU-ulan and valuator tempi* rant free. Ad
—.iHlliMinirti—,U. ■M.ffQllMißanttJ.y
l A>l FAI'TrBKIt** KATOKITK Indicate
liJKM K.AI. F.OOKITK. ) tb. CMS.
For 101 l to'ormatiiui r*pr*tin, car (iaod..or Arwolra
far rao. .Cidrooa >\ KKll HEW INO MAtTIINE
COMPANY at Itnilforrl, Conn., or oar Uranch
Officaa tn laailin, (.Htloa.
A Book exp-aning the my at sties of "XTT A IT, Oip
and bey* any <ow ntny operate sue- " *xmj*+.
eeasfoly n tU * capital of RhO r 9 IWO. OcnanlMe
kietn c kios and tlimtrstions to any nddrwnn. TKu.
OfFnyendere7kind. Stnd
hM ri,iorw. A.tircM Cimi U'pstem ©••
einimi Pir rsuLncß Rx