The Centre reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1871-1940, March 04, 1875, Image 3

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t)ur friend* v* iU oblige by ,e "£ in^ 1 "*
nt local new* In tUmr JocaUy. gi**
the fact* only, and wo will "
shape, alo notice* ot death* and warn
**Any one sending u*
subscriber*, with the ca*h, will be em a
to receive the UcroßTKn one >car Ire .
The UKI'OHIKH being re*l V *V ;
every body on thia *! , £ lion .j, mn *nv
where it ha* beet medium
two paper*, will befouna •
for advertising t>uine*. • *•
*-Subscriber* to the Reporter, mid-
; u ,< tvntr* county* should
, H dvrarTr.for po.lage which
mil ua K c >. tbe postage
rri-nr'-Vii Vy "
one vcar'* postage WHS ITS
txTPublie Sale* *hould be advent- .1
in the Reporter, a* it goes to nearly every
family in the valley.
11 A. Larimer* sale, seuth of Muhelui,
* Mary A. Ro*'s sale. Gregg t*l>. ! " re
farm stock, March 11th.
J H Mover'* *al*. farm stock, near t en
tre Hall. March 4th
p, Rreon s sale, near BelUtonpi, March
J. A. Haine s sale, near Churehvillo,
March'JS . tlB
Sale, Dr. Van Valtab. dee'd Sprtn*
Mill*. March 17
Sale ef And. llousman, Stale College, -
~ March, farm stock
Sale ofEd. Kline, Centre Hill, 24 March,
farm stock,
Klia* Kramers sale. Penn, 0 March
Ana. Stover, deed. Hainee, a!e. 11
Mich. Ream, Gregg. sale lf> March.
Sam'l l.i ng. Mdc*. sale 17 March.
John Ocker. Miles, sale IS March.
Jacob Gephar.l, Penn. sale 19 March.
sCrt-übscriber* changing their post ol
fice addrees this spring, should not fail '•>
notify ua of the fact, and furnish us tbe
name of the office they remove too. to thai
the Reporter can be mailed according
. About six inch* of snow lob on
Mocsdxv forenoon, Ist in*t
Wednesday. 3rd, set in with a fierce
etiow storm.
--The Laubacb farm near Hublers
burg, was sold to W F. Crydcr for $lO,-
Eugh Larimer on about first of
April, next, will become proprietor of the
Cenue Hill store, now carried on by A.
W. Graff.
—A. W- Graff wanu per*on hating
.accounts lo Call at Centre Hill and settle.
See notic*.
The neat 4ring on the carpet i* the
election *f ColEujmriolendent. The can
didates for tbe place are already on the
move. The election comes ot early in
• May. Candidates visiting the editor are
limited to 24 minute speeches, and not to
speak more than upon the same *ub
The Logan House, in Logaiiirille,
Z has been purchased from the stockholders
by Mr. Joel KSeckner. of that place, who
artil take charge about the first of April,
and continue the hotel.
An g.J citizen. Mr. Geo. M. W as
son. died at Cia* Springs on the night of
the 22d instant. He bad passed the allot
ted three score year* and ten,and wai aged
83 years.
The family of Mr. Mark, of Gregg
township, were poisoned, la*t week, froui
tbe effects of eating "wursl" which had
tseen done up in common earthen crocks,
the glazing of which- -a poisonous matter—
became loosened and mixed with tbe con
tent* of the crock. Medical aid had t<t be
summoned, by which fatal results were
At Hugh Larimer"* sale, in Penn
twp. on Thursday last, a pair of butt
chaiues. still in good order, were knocked
off to Gib Larimer. These chains were
uiaJe 50 years ago for Gib's father, and
after the death of the latter, were bought
by It ugh Larimer at the sale of deceased *
personal property, and now they have
been bought back again by his so%Gib*on
of Pleasant Gap.
—This iatkeflrit time In tha memory of
xnwr, say* the Salt Lake Tribune, that
Greet Salt Lake be* been frozen and tha
mercury ha* not been below zero this win
ter. Here i* a aica queation for scientist*
-to e*plain.—Who cares about that as long
n* Scchler A Co., in the Bush hou*c Bkwk
- _ „cll the cheapest and be*t groceries
In England, recently, a tin of beef,
which had been prepared for the soldiers
in the Crimea in 1856, was recently opened
and it# content* found perfectly sound and
-wholesome—Just so at Seehler A Co s,
m in the Bush house block, anything you
buy of them canned or other groceries,
you always get a perfectly sound and
wholesome article, cheap.
Mr. Beecher think* the wickedest thing
in the world is te thump a child on tha
tx-ad. This is undoubtedly true. The best
way to punish a child is to pour hot bces
unxdownit# back.—Yes, and the best;
way to benrft wvenkind in general is to
ee lh<jn nice and cheap groceries, just
the ssknfollowed by fteehler A Co.. in the
IVu-b house block, Bcllefontc.
Twektv Yeans.—Last rtaturday
evening. *J9th, the friend* of Mr. ad Mrs.
Daniel Bower-, residing in James street,
"happened in' f on them byway of re
minder that it was their chum wedding-.
dv. The party was a very pleasant one|
und some nice souvenirs of the occasiorfl
were left with the happy couple.— Akrvn
, iOkio) toil* Baton,
Mr. and Mrs. Bowor wero formetly from
Aaron-burg, this county, and we congrat
ulate the happy couple. May their mat
riuiooial years continue to be crowned
with perennial bliss.
Township odicers elec ted on Tuesday JC.
Ferguaon T p.
Justice—J. Gates.
Constable —J. Keller.
Judge—J. Miller.
Inspectors —S. J. Gates, J. 8. Krapc.
Assessor— Henry Kreps.
School Directors—C. Snyder, J Hebber
liag, Wm. Bailey.
Supervisors—S. Gates, A. Hoy.
->. Overseers—J. F. Kreps, J. T. McCois
Auditor—G. W. Hoinan.
ri er v : _j. M. C. Sample.
Harris Ttfp.
Judge—K. M'Farland.
** Inspectois—J. G. Irwin, D. F.Taylor.
Justice—W. L. Sellers.
Assessor—A. Hess.
Overseers —A. Keller, W. W. Leech.
Supervisors—W. Lytic, P. Kuhn.
School Directors-J. f. P*o*, A. kY
Constable—Adam Stoyer.
Auditor —R Kendall.
Clerk —T. Dale
Miles Twp.
Justice —Sam'l Gramly.
Constable —John Wate.
Assessor—Dan. Brumgart.
School Directors—Geo. Weaver, John
> Overseers —John Hubler, Henry Ger
Judge— Reuben Kreanrer.
Supervisors —Adam Shnfer, Geo. Brum
Inspectors—Adam B.iir, A Shafer.
Auditor—J. B. Kreamer.
Town Clerk—Jos. Weber.
Baßoaix*. Bai.u'Aika -In closing out our
winter su>ck. we'offer special bargains to
all in Clothing, Furnishing good*. Hat*,
Caps, Boots, and Shoe*, Cloth and Rubber
Overshoes, Trunks, Valises, Ac., Ac. Cull
* at the Clothing Store, Milroy.
4aa:.2t. Z KBI3E.
Mr. Uarv.y Mann, of 11.die fun to,
who wn* injured by a railroad collision,
in Ohio, a short time ago, died in conse
| Mr. Mann died in Ohio and his remain*
i were hroftght home tr burial. The fun-
I oral took place on Thursday, and wa at
j tended hy a large concourse of people.
I _.)lr. J M. Seltzer, formerly of the
j Loop, iv engaged in the Drug business in
N. Y. t'itv. Mr, S is a young man yet
and hi* industry and perseverance have
been enabled him to establish himself in
the great metropolis ofthe country.
A* BROAD Aa Civ IMXATION. The agent
ofthe Wilson Sowing Machine Company
will, in a few days, sail from San Francis
00 lor Chili in South America, where he
will open a Branch House and exhibit the
world renowned Wilson Shuttle Sewing
Machine at the grand exposition l-> be
held at Santiago under the auspices otthat
government. By this step the Wilson
I Sewing Machine Company will complete
j the circuit ofthe globe. They have a.
immense agencies in China. Japan, British
lndit*, England, Franco and other parts
of South America. Supreme in its superl
ority over all ether sewing machine*, the
Wilson goC* on widening it* field year af
j lor vear, carrying the blessings ot a cheap
capable and perfect s w ing machine to the
remotest haunts of civilization Machine
will be delivered at any railroad station in
this county, free ot transportation charge*
if ordered through the Company's Brai-ch
House nt 22? *"d 229 Broadway New
They send an elegant catalogue and
chroma circular, free, on application.
Tli: Company want a few more gosal
Die Nittiitiv Yd! lev \ nriegnled Mar
bit—Fiuc Sjscciiuen* in the Hands
of a Gtullfroau of Willintnsport.
Our esteemed fellow citiaen, Ges>. A.
Cramer, E>q . a year or more ago secured
m the cast end of Niitanyvalley, about
two mile* from Mill Hall, Clinton countv,
a large tract of laud, having therein ex
tensive bed* ot variegated marble of di
verse qualities and figure*. These marble
quarries are located en the south-east side
of Fishing creek The layers of marble
are very regular, ranging from two to four
leet thick, and lying almost horizontal, in
a perfectly sound condition, and in such
petition—and under the circumstances—
the rocks remained at "borne," and there
fore "live."
The quality, variety and favorable loca
tion of these rocks render their location
exceedingly valuable. The growing de
mand for wrought stone, ornamental
building, and monumental purposes, will
doubtless call into u?e alt the variety ot
marble in the quarrie* in a short space of
Similar rocks may be found in aii our
limestone valleys, but being disturbed
and broken, are worthless, and uol practi
cable for manufactuiing. A gentleman
who has devoted a great deal of hi* time
for the past t> er.ty-tivo years on the sub
ject of geology, and who i- quite tamiliar
with the various limestoue formations
throughout Pennsylvania, says that he
ha* not found anywhere similar rock* un
der *> favorable condition for manufac
turing, Qii.l hi* opinion t* that if those
rocks were properly prepared, they would
find a market over a n_mh>r of thp tate,
as he i* persuaded they could bo
and manufactured very cheaply ; and be
ing only two miles from railroad andcana!
transportation, could be transported to all
points at *uc'n rates as to afford them to
builders and monumental marble men at
very reasonable price* and yet pay largely
to the company or party producing them.
Some flue dresed specimens of this mar
ble are now in the possesion of Mr. t ra
iiior, which are well worth looking at
Among thorn are lis-' /ill jo wing. Ruins
warble ; black, mottled, with pure hit®
specks of cryslalized silex ; yellcw ribb>>n
ed. resembling petrified wood in its struc
ture, but which i stone dcpoited in a
large layer, and easily polished as smooth
as glass* TL7. quality is peculiarly adapt
ed to ornamental wok, *2 c h BS clock
frames, furniture and lamp vases. *ll the
different varieties of marble found in this
quarry are susceptible of a high polish, and
being of a homogeneous/close structure,
must be very valuable, and once knowr. to
builder* and othar* XT ill be In gresl de
mand. —[Bullstin.]
Por the Reporter.
Penn township iiad fis* candidate* for
constable, and the re-ult was the," elected
one of the tallest they had. via: Daniel
Geary of Penns Creek.
The majority of the voter® in some other
township*. dasirodto have a COMIC/ repre
ient them at Harri'bslrg UP w queer
that would ound.
On Thursday morning 18th ult. Col. Jos.
Adams, of Millhcim, retired from tha U
Me, walked into another room took a seat,
and In a few moments more his time was
numbered and his spirit had taken its de
parture into eternity. Only a few days be
fore be was r.ble to ba being out in
, During the freshet of last week all the
bridges in Peon fownship (awing Pcnns
creek, i were endangered. The ice on the
creek was about t* o feet thick some places
and being frozen fast to the frames, when
the water raited the ice broke in the mid
dle and being fast at the frame* it raised
the bridges also. They were almost im
passible. The frame uc-'tr the bridge at
the forks wa* torn out by the Ico. the
bridge howler was considered safe for an
"ordinary load to pass over Some few
driving over it on Thursday and Friday
and on Friday night broke down.
Some time ago a cigai peddler stopped
at one of the hotels in Millheim, putting
hi- wagon in the-hoj. and in his absence
a certain class of fellows (.not belonging to
the hotel; took an inventory of bis stock
taking as their commission four boxes of
cigars. That was rather rough on the ped
dler, say boys,
The Millheim Grammar /school gave n
public exhibition on Saturday evening
last, in the Town Hall at Millheim. The
programme conxi-led of essays, declama
tions, dialogues and soleol reading, tfuite
a respectable audience bad assembled and
all passed off quietly, decently and in or
der, all honor is due to Prof S. O. M'Cur
| dy and his School for the getting up of this
A certain chop from Si - - \ lley, to-
ing out oa a wedding stopped at Krca
mer's hotel, and upon leaving handed the
hostler 25 ct, as u-ual the hostler put tha
money in his pocket when tho man de
manded some change, saying twenty-five
cents was too much. We would have re
turned all and unhitched the lior# o again
for nothing.
Mr. 11. A. Larimer'* sain amounted to
the snug sum of SI6OO within a few dollar*
only. Hugh looks pleasant
Mr. Jneoh Gephart will eel I his farm
*toek at public sale, with the intention of
quilting the farm and goingto New Berlin
with hi* family. Mr. Gephart want* to
educate his children at the New Berlin
Seminary, and think* thi- the cheapecl
plan. 10 S. G.
CtAUTION. —We hereby caution the
/ public again-t buying infringment*
on the Champion Washing Machine, Gip
son'* patent. See tiuit the machine you
buy is patented, for any machine poses*-
ing real merit, that i not an infringrnetit
is patented. Parties buying infringmente
are liable to prosecution with the vender
of such maahine.
Wc are the only authorised agent tor
Centre county of the OhninpTon Washing
Machine. Parties wishing tote*t the mn
ehine at their house- will he aceommoda
'ted br addressing, Z. P. KKISE.
| 4mar*2t. Milroy, Pa.
L>sT A brown fur cape between
this pla -e and Linden llali. The finder
will ob ige by leaving it at this office.
JAN I*l IK ITOJ AN. Ist 1876
Jv> 11N B MITCHELL. TroMUMf #f
Centra IVimljr. •
Jan, I, 1875. l'R.
To cash IV. :n former treasurer $ 1 '76 54
To laves outstanding Jan 1, '7l J! 9Ri •
To (aii'i a*e*Hl (or 1874 "'■*
To taxes from Unsealed Lauds 4 087 ■ 0
To eah from Unseated Land*
redo* nunl 938 80
To c*h trom Cotn'r* ofUentrs
county l
To amount transferred Irom
M mini v fund..... ........
To rath from Estray* ' *~
To conscience fUnd. . '
l\> Hint, over jut by treasutsr.. t. __
J 80 iHUi 26
11 \ amount ofouLtanding la** t , „ u
" o. Jan. Ist. 1876 s*>3o4 46
By ronuuiuionei* w.rMHli
paid l>y treasurer .... . loon, at
Uv amount in hand* of officer*
for collection |* l j *
By exonerations a commissions twi
B'v Tr'. .aiarv and allowance
for stationery..- a www
fMi 26
By balance due the treasurer . hRM 31
JOHN B MITCHELL Treasurer, in
account with the Commonwealth of 1 onn
1876, Jan I DR.
To outstanding taxes at last
To taxes assessed for 1874 4 t,.' I>l
To amount overpaid by trea-
surer - *
s'.i 533 H
Hv amount outstanding taxes $o 41.' .8
B'v Slate treasurer uxes a 40* on
liv exonerations .% eomtmssiona oi
B'v amount in Hands of officer*
for collection '•* '
By treasurer s commlssKin*— _
fy 3tut '£>
Bv balance due treasurer $1 w
Jan I, 1876. i'R- . tli
l'o amt outstanding Jail 1, .4
$686 18
By taxes outstanding-
liv and. transferred lo county
By exonerations Acoiumission* l'"8
By treasurer s commission—
s6tC 18
Jan t. DK
To amount outstanding at last
settlement sl3Ww
CK .
By amount outstanding $ lo
By amount in hand* of officers
for collection. I>4 oo
$l2O 98
We, the auditor* of Centre county, do
hereby certify that we haYe examined the
above account* of John B Mitchell, trea
surer of said county, and find tbetu cor-
Witnesz our hand* and seals this tith day
of Jan. A. D . 1875. „„ , ,
A- J- liKIKbT. t-a.
Commissioner's pay—
Samuel F. Foster on
act. of service a*
com'r 1874 .....$ 688 4">
Bal, due for work on
U. L lor 74 A' 75... 271 %- $9,0 42
A G llinton on ait. of
services as com* r '74-
Sam'l Oraujley for bal
due on services 1873 tUU)
On act, service* a*
com'r 1874 020 00- 38oO)
It 11 Forsicron act, of
service* as com'r*
clerk - - fl
Jury commissioners... 36 4-
Co. auditors -U.--
settlemenl 1873 l*w*z;
Daniel McOinley lum
ber for court house. * 43 4o
R Hollabush repair* lo
treas. office . IS-o
D II Yi rpcr masonry
for safe .....
W m Donal painting A
graining - B*'
Geo O* Bryan repair*
to treasurer* office... 8 tt>
J W Campbell A sons
blinds for Court
Hen. Hoffman luiub-,
A work at Court H-. M 4i
Jno McDermot t.. H.
pavement out*id... 427 $0
Jno McDerinot C. H
pavement inside 738 2)— 1 Iwdl
II b Hartley repair to
Jno McDi-rmot rapi,
to furnace flues _ tf 00
II Hoffman repair jail. IS Of
H Hoffman ** stable 6 80 — To 04
Jno S Loneberger iron
roof for lail ........... 837 44
BellefontecarCo. lum
ber for flooring Ac- 93 A.
Galbrntb 4 White .
piumbiDg..— 4) AO
Nora M AI lister wash
ing for prisoners an J
eleanintf jail A- e ffl
ec* 1674 . * IJ3 .5
it it Knight ga- bills. Sk4 y0
Jno Pelleinbaum iron
bedstead* for jail... fIOOO
J It A C T Alexander
coal bills 725 44
J J Greuohla indexing
dockets.... SO 00
A Pomcroy A Co.
county atlM —. 1000
J H Dobbins. M I>,
medical attendence
prisoners....... 7000
R FRankin*Co. med _ r
icine for priaoners... 1
J C Williams medicine
for prisoner}.., 3Si
Geo O' Bryan f
furniture...... -J **)
Soli Dcrr wood forlAil
Dan'l LuU " " 14 00
Jno Lutz wood for
Court House - 400
I Guggenheimermdsc
for jail "7 20
C T Frybcrgcr md#o
! for jail tOO
' Frybcrgcr A Moian
mdsc for C. House... ~o
Henry pcrr whitewashing A labor
at jail 15 0O
H Derr nursing McMullin in jail 5a t*>
A Sehroyer A Son matrasses jail..
M G Rvmati ice for C. House 3 'JO
Krnnk Miller cutting wood 4Us
Bcllefonte borough water tax 10000
James F Weaver bal on commis
sions on tatc tax 1873 55 30
Com' rs expense to Lock Haven... 500
Freight paid on chairs for regis
ters office
W H Wilkinson & Co. IxVahlinjg
jury in case of Com. vs N orris 03 "U
Dan'l Garman buur<ling jury in
case of Com vs Durst }'•• •'0
Furniture for registers office ifOU
Sam' I Br;gger plan of bridge Ac. 8 Oil
Jacob Snrom repairing matting... '
John T Johnston p05tage.......... la<M
Alexander Uret n removing ashes. 3 WJ
Gephart A Gramley qualifying
assessors - < 0"
11 1* Treziyulny map of Hogg*
twp 100 W
David McC'loskcy watching fires
in unseated 1and5........ '"•'i;*
Jn'j 111.1 lory bill cf smithing <o | 1
D 8 Keller Agricultural Society.. 100 60 j ]
S llano pen- for office.... - - 0 ]
Henry Hoffman making esse for _ ]
jury wheel &'*'
J fl Harri* uleel ien* ' **' 1
John D'DermotCKmning flue* end
repairing heater* at jail 11 85
Wm J KeaUh auditing record*... 85 00
John II Morrison will book for
register* office 1"
i Win P Murphy At Son* deed book
recorder* office 18 .O
Wm Man docket* f-.r prolhonota
> ry* office *6 •*'
, II Y Stitzer stationery..... >*J •'
llellefonte Piea* Co. binding a-
* e* book* ?2!i!
* A William* appearance docket... , r
f Scalp premium*
Road damage* q H*i
(Commissioner* nolo, paid •' 100 i
9 Interost paid 3 134 41
r Juror* pay
, t Court Reporter JwjW
| Constables pay ••••• *•'* 3J 9
Court crier'* pay lib 00
Tip slave* ••••••••• •• £',J) JJJ;
lusuranee on Publie Buildings... JUKI)
Hospital for insane Danville (*SB 31
State ianatie hospital HiirrUburg.. 384 (16
Western Penitentiary... 487 64
Inquisitions on dead bodies 123 78
Commissions in lunacy 61 00
llnrtrim Gulbraitb janitor* pay
for 1873 oiOdO
for 1874 30 00
Premium paid to collectors
Conors paid alt'ys'collections 38 37
It F Shaffer sheriff on act. 00
J U Hankey bai. or oom'r* er
vice • - 440 00
Wm Furey on bat. for setvieca*
commissioner* clerk 586 08
Aarm William*proth'y bill r n
I dereil for 1873 82 32
IR M Msgee teacher institute 1873 1100
Refunding la*" on unpaid ncc i >w .
Stale IIU paid 11*14
Redemption o( unsealed land*... W"-
Refunding overcharged taxes on
uttt*nli'<l land* I SKIOO
Refd'g J H Mitchell, trea*,, for
null n U 1., bought by U> t 2H'> 27
Commonwealth cost* paid 2IHNV,
Bridges & bridge view* I ')*' 'J' 1
Koa.l view* '' k, l 40
A*e*or* for a-*es>n out .V regis-
I ration 1871 2 .'.ld 01
Election* I 671 '*>
P lirnv'Mork balance li*7'l WI2M
•• •• 1X74 000 II)
W w llrowii . 1X74 10 m>
Fred. kurtr balance Ix '.ll 26010
•' " 1X74 176 U'
KT .V II r Tuten 21.1 IV.
Umrn< W Knot 1411*'
S4O 1K.7 81
II K. SUA KKK It, Slmiiff. in account
with Centre Countv for year ceiling Deo
si.t, ix7B.
Ily untuning jurors A returning
veliirrs -f .. -1'
By antify ing juro*< not to attend . 20 00
Ily conveying Durst. t.arncr A
Have to penitentiary '-Jot*)
Hy conveying Helen Smith and
other* to ho. pita I lor insane.., I4oi*.i
Hv conveying tiro Jones ami Jno
Mi Kinney to iuMue >f refuge*'
Ily am t paid hospital lor support
of Helen Smith - 39 't'
Ily uiiise bought for jail
it • rep lira pan! for tail I TO
Hy care of lUxnl McMollin Hit*'
lty making bej tick* ami filling
same ami washing beil.lttig,
tewrlsAc, during year 23 t*'
By hoarding prisoner. a per bill
retnlered I 185 50
$2 080 4t
To county order as per account of
commissioner* - 1 t*i
Balance I 750 40
fJtWO 4<<
Jan. 1, '76, By bal. due B K Shaf
fer 17.50 4<>
t'EN I KK *•>!' NTY
Wo the un Jer*igned Auditors il tVntr.
County, do hereby certify tbat m pursu
ance of an Act of Aen:bly entitled, "An
Aol relating t<> CVunlie* aiid Tonntbip*
and County and Townthiu officer*.' t
mot at tho I'omUti-Moliort office, at Brlle
fonte. on the ll Monday o: January, la*/',
and did audit, and -rule and adjuat the
•everal accounla act forth in tho foregoing
Statement. In itne<* whereof we have
hereunto aet our hand* and teal* thia 16th
dav of January. A. 1> . I s 7 6.
A .1 tiRUT, (i - '
' ADAM YKA KICK, ft a 1
We, the underaigned Commiaaioneis
of aatd County do hereby certify that the
foregoing it a true and correct itatrtuent
of the receipts and expenditure* of -aid
County iron) the |at day of January,' 1*74
to the lat day of January, 1875.
Coiu'r* of Centre County.
Outatanduig late* due l>* collector*
Jan 1 1875
'O6 M Murphy Buriuid.j 176 82- 176 82
'6B D F Fortney Bel! ft 490 78
J M Huah I'atlon 76 98
D Hoaterman llainaa IAS OS— TiVf 79
'7O D Oerr HMlcfoute .. #iT ct
S prickly Howard... t> 37 386 41;
'7l H Carten Be'lefonta 24)7 at
K Hunter Phi'iptb'g 1004
A J llaaiinger Benner J2
Jno M inick Gregg.. 160 26
5 Bricklr Howard.. 46 6b
Jot Shatter Walker 617 66 1 24a 65
'72 W Riddle#
T Marahail B-nner. 131 05
J C Walker Hogg*... 160 26
J M C'oaky Cumn. . 104 88
8 N oiat tiregg .. 4JO 27
Jno W#r J Half Moon 25*1 7
David Rubb Liberty 108 'J?
David Harter Marion 117 SS
lleo Stover Poller... 395 16
Jat Gate* Snow Shoe .'..'t 79—2 hV 42
'73 C Brown Bellefonte 414 19
KH Carr Mileaburg 10148
8 Yearick Benner... 122 97
Dan I Malupu J, Si* at
R Kior.hoff Curtin_ 94 17
A Hoy Ferguson 366 96
D llartges Gregg 631 X)
Jno Ketner Haines... 21)1 39
W T Leathers How
ard 30 23
W Spangler Lilterty 223 66
L C Kartcb Marion 631)44
joi n, sit uc r*attwit. , 210 *r
Dan I Mu.. r Penn. 302 no
1* D Neff Potur 189 94
J Thompson S Shoe- IS! S3
Jos Kivs Spring 700 56
K Turner Worth 11 HO
W Kiddles Philip*.
a-rr 720 46—6 471 13
'74 Jos Put BelteAuitu. . rt 4V) 6o
K Purr man 11"66 62
David Lobr Benner .. i 877 77
F Caraon Burn*ide... 90 28
F Kierchoff Curtin... 249 94
George W McWill
ianis Ferguson 2 69147
Fred Zritle Gregg ... 2 426 H4
6 ti WiDv |||r; J 12fi U
A J Hosteruian Ha nts 1 38206
WT Leathers How
ard township 724 69
Jno Mi-El wain How
ard hnrough, 239 84
D W Kline Huston. 410 28
Wm C roat Hal f M oon 678 23
W W Spaaglcr Liber
•y 11 1 626 90
Perry Condo Marion. 1 248 lit
Jno A Miller Miles.. 1472 88
Kll Carr Milesburg ... 408 20
W Kiddles Pbiiiptb'g 96* 61
RM'Cormick Potter. 3 632 03
NViii if Heed aiattoii.. 06
Mich Kcrsietler Penn 1473 33
II B Wilcox Rush 1 old 51
I) IJ Yeager S. Shoe... 276 99
Job Ross Soring 2 291 Btt
JnoS Fink Taylor... 22167
jYnj Spoiu Union 387 27
V. M Luiaa Dolor. -
vllte ... 126 02
Mich Shaffer Walker. 1 361 85
Klias Turner Worth . 311 37-45 140 14
In han 1* of att'ys for collection... 1 225 82
$46.164% ;
Lan 1, 1875. Ll.
By outstanding taxes $45 141) 14
" Unsealed lands 2 000 00 I
By note* hold by Cora'r* 208 30 j
" 40., in hands of att'ys for
collection ......... 1 361 64
pyo from borough of Bellefonto 811 76 I
Due from township* t 071 21
Duo from Sam'l Foster' 28 46
Due from P Gray Moot 6000
Duo on State tux acc't 1874 167 37
s6l 148 87
Jan 1, 1875. DR.
fo amount ol note* and bonds
due to sundry persons S3B 241 GO
To Jno 1$ Mitchell, treasurer 6 126 81
To It F Shaffer, sheriff 1 731 40
To T Z Kline, bnl. due on acc't... 610 07
To John (4 Saiikoy bsl. duo on
acc't - 23U 00
To It Gray M. ek Ul. duo on act. V 24 26
To A ( s llinton on services
1874 82 .'io
To Sam' l Crumley " " At., 201 0C
To Hll Forster " " Ac., 'JtW 62
To State tax 1 826 02
To ha 1 1 868 61
ittl U8 87
By ha I iii favor uf county Jau 1,
1876 $ 1 868 51
Ist, 1876.
187" Ifhn'l Dcrr Ih-llafuiite $ 18 70
1871 Jos Shaffer Walker 60 60
1872 Tlios Marshall Henner 36 00
Geo Stover Potter 62 83
1873 Dan' l A Muster l'enn 100 00
Jos Ross Spring 66 00
Daniel Bartges 11000
K Turner Worth pd. in full
W W Spangler Liberty 60 00
J Thompson S. S. pd. in full
J Kotner Unities " '* "
Jonas Sline Pulton " "
Albert Hoy Ferguson 24(0
1* D Nell' Potter |>d. in full
Dnti'l Malonc Hoggs lot) 00
1874 Jos Ross Spring 348 20
Ferry Condo Alanon tilt*)
U W Kline Huston 14000
John s Fink Taylor 6000
Mich Rerstelter peroi 72(1 (XI
J no Mi El wain Howard buro <6 (Ml
Fred Kirchuff Curtin..... 22 25
Klias Tumor Worth 167 26
John A Miller Milos... 73H 15
Win H lteed Potton 281 46
Robert M'UwrmlcK Potter... I 100 flo
A J Hosteriii'iii Haines.... 67500
l. W M' \\ illinms Ferguson 738 00
s It Wilson Harris 1 QM 'si
R B Poorman Boggs 120 21
Fred Zultle Gregg 99000
Mich'l Shaffer Walker -oUCt,i|
David Lohr banner.., U,i
* JO3,FO* Bullefunte G<>s 79
Wni F Leather* Howard T. 26 0(1
Wm Cro>> Hull' Moon HOOO
Win SpotU yplop tij Ua
--Stork For SAt-X.—The *tore of 8.
8 Wolf, dee d, in Centre Hall, is offi-rrd
fir -ale on very reasonable terms. The
stand is in e of the best in the valley, and
offer* an excellent opportunity to any par
tie* wi.-hing to g<> into busini!**.
FEB 4. AIR 3. U. K. WOLF, AIM rj
Waahinglon. Kvli. 21.—1 i ||o*r
from official dnt* ihnt the nutubei of
Indian* captured l>v I nitcil Stnlr-a
Irooj a in I*7S wn* 2'27 ; Indiana kill
e.l hy Uniliil Stales troop*. 405; tit ;
item killed ly Indlsna, 44 ; aolditm
killed by lndtatta, I* ; and during i* I
mouth* of 1874 the number <f Indian*
captured bv United Sutra troop* wn*
71; litdotoa killed by TiiUed Stair*
t roots*, 151; cititcna killed by Indian*
16; aolibera killed by ludinna, 1.1
The liat of captured Indiana embrace*
15H Modoc*, men, women, and chil
drt u, and Irout 100 to 1>'0 men, wo- ;
men, anil children, of the I nolo 1
Ai'itcbc*. being a j>rl uf over Uoo who
left their rtaervation and were killed
Hy United Stale# troopa aciit out by
the l'oal Tomtuander lo bring litem
back In the reaervatiun, which allempt,
they rcaiatcd or evaded : a' the
killing ol IHI men, Women and chil
dren, Apache*, of Tamp Verde (the
detail* ate not given ) ; and, alau the
killing of liMy three men, women and
children of the Apache*. Klkimiugiu.j
an Apache Thief, San Carina Agency,
wa* <trrtsled ami put in the guard
hnuac by order id the officer* in com
maud at that putt. He oar aped and
fled to the uiountalua, and hi* exam*
pie wa* followed lv a large portion of
the reservation Indiana. United!
Stale* troop* and Indian acouta, umter
the orders of the officer in command,
pursued and attempted to bring them
back, and the Indian* misted, with'
the above result.
[.SUM FrancUco, Co//., Feb. 15]
Nature i* puttiuj; ou it priuj j;ai
niturc. A aucct esioii of several warm
day* ha* caused the shrubbery ami 1
trcca to icaf out, while thp 111114 fv-j
cry where vcrdauL A jx.iul bus U-cn
icacacd in the sc.i-oii wlieti hut little
int*iru|itiuu i* riptfld in the pre
vailiog growth froui severe frosts or
Coi l winds. In ccrlaiu favorable lo
calities tlie grain lias attained it height*
of lroiii title to three lVet, and wo rcud
of olio vaiirv field in which the wheat
stands six feet high. In tin! nouthcrti
portion of the State the plain* ate
dotiel with wild flowers. The fai
tuers look out upon ihee cheer
ful guouriti of a proapefoua harvest.
All lint will he u ceiled for a
lull reali/atioti of liu ir hopeful auti
e'ipaliotia 11 the coming of the usual
Apiii ami May shower.-. These are
nt r ijuired in any great prolusion to
insure the crop, ami the miner* are
satisfied with the tains and suow* that
hare already fallen. The nver* and
mountain ktrtftn* fiff fH iu overflow
ing. All ihi lewcrVoir* mill dilchc*
an' tureharg'>l with wnier, and the
supplv promise* to be sufficiently
abundant, with the acquisitions from
the spritig thaw, to last far into the
summer. What moie could be desir
ed from a bountiful Providence ?
Now i- the time lor the shivering d< ui
zeu* of lite Atlantic slope lu pay our
State a visit The ('harm* of the
"Happy Valley," a* deptoud 111 Uaa
sella*, are here outdone. Combined
with all (be beauties which nature lias
so generously lavished > n her land
scape ami inoutitain scene Iv, will tie
encountered toft, genial ami healthful
air*- amid which Hie poet will find
inspiration anil the ai list subjects f r
hi* easel.
Oatoun, Eel. 20. —Tht |utrlK-uiars
of n sal easeuf death by frccxitig Lave
been received in thia place from the
town of Exeter during the inuuaely
Cold weather that prevailed here ail
of thia week. The victims were three
boys, named Patrick .Martin aud
Michael O'Brien, the first agcl eight,
the sec >nd ten, and the third eleven
years. * They were hroth?r, living
with their parent* in KxiD-r. The
father ami tit other are laay and d>Mi
pated people, aud live on the fruiu of
the labor of their children, who were
•even in number. The four oldest
made baskets, aud the three others
just named traveled on fool about the
country > jling ttiem.
'Ju Tuesday last the thermometer
in the town of Exeter marked twenty
five degree* below xero. Mr. ami Mra.
O'Brien told their three little children
that tin v to tut staii out with a lot of
InskcU. The boys begged to be ol
lowed to wail until the weather turnß
crated. They were poorly clad and
were barely able to keep warm in the
miserable SioUo it* which the family
The brutal parenU forced tlieui
with threais ami lieatings. however, to
go out with the baskets. They started
in the direction of NNestville. some
miles distant, over a bleak and deso
late roi, billy and iu utp placey
badly driftnl. Each bov had a num
ber of baskets lied to him reaching
above bis bead. Wheu last seen alive
bv any of the family they were strug
gliug up the hill away from tha house,
two of tlient weeping bitterly. They
never reached Westvillc.
Wednesday morning n gentleman
who was driving from Westvillc over
the Exeter road saw the bodics of
three children lying in the road.
Each had a number of baskets tiedi
around his body, and the large-t of
the three had his arms around the
neck of tho smallest. It needed huM
glance fo enable the geullciuan to see
that the boys weie dead, and had
doubt ess been froxen to death.
Frozen traces of tears on thcjclieeks
of cud) one. Ihe bodies were taken
to Westvillc. where they were recog
nised :u tli<Vic of the tlt toe little bus-'
kct JMMI<IICIS, who were well known
throughout the seotiun. 1 liev wer<
tik.n home, and when'it was learned
that the little fellows had been driven
out in the coUl to sell their basket* the
popular iudiguation was intense
acftiust the parent*. If there is any
legal r-uuishmenl it v.i'.l U invoked (
on the uunutural father ami mother.
The ice gorge at LewWtuwn laited the;
new bridge, t that place, and cau*od it to
fall into the river one dy latt week.
Incendiarism among the striking miners
ia the Pennsylvania coal regions seems to|
be on the increase.
There is a great ice gorge in the
waro and Port Jervis is threatened by in:
At Malbcrt's Bend, above Lackawanna,
there is nn ice gap a mile long, 60 fcethigk;
and 600 feet wido.
fn Cochepton Kails there is a jam 80 Iteet j
high and a mile long. A body of ice from |
Ten Mile River to Hridgn No. 9 fill* the
river from bank to brink, 2 miles long and
30 feet thick. From Cochecton Fall* the :
water is dammed back 7 miles, flooding!
the flat* to Callicoon.
The report that the brid"o r,;:o>„ the
Delaware-', Miliord, l'n., ats threatened
by the breaking up of tlih ice at that point
is incorrect. There i* no break In the river
below illir point.
Harpers' j4 u C u ' no b'r March is au un
u-ua|ly good number, containing, among
other thktg*, an artlole on Carrlwiture in
the Middle Age*,"by James Parton, one
on Lost Empires, illustrated, by Kngcne
Lawrence, and one on The Last Journals
of David Living-tone, by T. J. Conent.
No other periodical car e r e.~ tf "e tfteplaoo
o i Jlatpirs.
• The Awembly Kecogtiigea the He
1 Paris. Fuhruaiy 24. The Assembly to-
Jay finally passed ilia hill for llni urgani
! ratbm of lit* Senate by a vole of 448 yea*
to .41 nays.
I The clquso implying recognition ol
ilia republic, which had a malurliy of on*
1 only. on January *Hb was finally adopted
hy a vote of 4 hi yeas to nay*.
Tan II l.t u s forty lout abut
low water murk nt KuoxvtlU, Twin, and
I rising eight ou-Urs an hour Ihe gas,
wurks are under ssln and several houses, j
mills and bridges have baeu swept away. ;
| Fifty-one residents uf Owen County,l
Ky. are on trial for conspiring to prevent
'.lie lleputy United Stales Marshal from
j executing court processes.
Tlireeof the leaders of a gang of roun-
Uei fetters have been arrested in Massachu
setts and commuted for trial.
It is reported that Bender, the Kansas
tmuderer, has been arrested near Florenc e
I Arkt.
• ♦ •
'I A terrible icrident happened in St.
Andrews church (Catholic) New Yolk, ou
Friday. While the congregation were at
worship and the house thronged with peo
' pie, a part of the building caved in and
' buiied many in Us ruins, A rush was
! made for the doors, and men, women and
' children weic trampled under foot in the
stampede. Five persons were killed, and
. | many injured.
Chicago, Feb. 'JO.- The Baltimore and
Ohio railroad has aold ever fMO 000 Worth
of tickets at this point iu the last three
lay*, in consequence of its reduction in
; rates.
N r OTICE All per*nt indabtrd and all !
persons having claims against Ur*B
A Thompson and the uiider*<gi>*4 are re-1
quested iu <' l ausi >ul iheir necauntaj
] with James M Lasnell. at Centre Hill, on
or before the Xlst day of March, usxt.
l'rumpl attention to the aboveis requested 1
imar at. A. W UitAFF. !
i 1 A I'TIoN.- An ii.Jetitured boy. naui-;
\ / nd Wt-ilrv Edg< >, in the 17th year'
of bis age. having run away from me, 1
hereby caution ai! per*4ins against harbor
ing or tiusting him with any thing on myj
ncci-unt, as I will pal no debts contracted
by him. WM. WEAVER, farmer,
Feb. 26. St Farmer's Mills
Thprc will be ofiwrnd at Publie Bale, at
the residence of the uinlersigneO, near,
.w.ate College. Ferguson tssp, oil \\ Ell-
NESDAY, MARCH 24th. the tollowing
nrssperty . Three llead Horses, 14 Head,
Horned Call's, 2 Hogs, I Centre Hall,
Threshing Ms.hine, snd I Millbeim Ma
chine, Hay Hake, Gum Hpring Grain
Drill, 1 Plantation Wagon, 1 Spring Wa
gon Plow*. Harrows, 2 small Cultivator*, j
: Millheim Cultivator. 1 Bled, Befai r.
Corn Planter Hay Fori, qnfl Pul-I
lies. Log *ila. tohoyel Plow. Silver plated'
double Harness just new. Horse Gears. 4
Fly-nets, Double and Single treus, Chains
.if nil kinds. 1 Grain Cradle, and a variety;
->f other articles. Bale to commence nt 1
o'clock, P. M when terms will be made
Feb 25 t-d.
There will be exposed at Public bain at
tbr rr;idt.w-ui the wiiJervigned. at Cen
t:i Hill. WKUNESHAY. MARCH 24.
tlie following property: 2 Work li'Tae-,
2 2 teat old Colls. 1 yearling Coil. 2 Cows.
1 Bull. Farming Implements, 1 Plantation
Wagon with Hay ladder*. Piowa, liar
r*r. I I hurve Cultivator. 1 2 borae Cui
us alar, Plank Roller. Singlelrwws, Dou
blalrees. Hore Gears. Its itch-bands. Fros:l
Gears, Plow Gears I brut lea*, and
Uift aC'viaa to cutttaroui l-> mention
Rale at 1 o'clock p m when term* will be
made kn-wn. EDWARD KLINK
Fab. 261-4. |
anufF ■ BAisß
Bv virtue of aw rit of Fieri Fact**, Its-,
audi out of the Court "f CotuUvUtt J iuha,
t.. tut diiudpi thi'ti will be to
Public Kslc at the Court Mouse in Belle
foiite, on Saturday the 20th day of
March, 1375, at one o'clock P 51. the
follow ing (iesvcnlis-sl real catatc to w it :
All that certain lot of ground situate
in Jacksonville, Marion townhj, Cen
tre Co pa Ihgnimng at a atone, tlicniy
8. VSj". W. 12j puF- to a atone, thence N.
4.'si°,"K 5 3-10 per. to a atone, thence N.
5(4*. E. 12 ps-r. to a atone, thence K. 52*.
E. 'j jwr. to tlie place of ticgiiinuig con
taiiiing B2 i>er n'at iin*aaurv, thereon
erectoi a lgg Dwelling Heine, Stable
and other outbuilding*. Sciaod, taken
in Execution und to by aold ua th- pro
perty of John II TrvviUyau.
SuKairr'a Orrtcm, )
Belle(linte. > B. F. SHAFFER
February 23,1875. J Sheriff.
Bv virtue •>{ a wrij of Fiari Fauiaa i
sued out of tha flourt of Comtpon Pioas uf
Centre Co. Pa . to me direiAed, there will
be exposed at public sale at the Court
llouse in Belicfunia on Tuuaday, tha 16th
day of March A D. 1875, at 2 o'clock P. t
M tha following described real E.Ula |<o.
Wit: , , I
All that certain tract < f Upu situate ir.
lleftner twp, said county, begining at a
tiltic tree thence South 34'. "K. IW' per to a
blaek oak, thenie N. 56*. East 16 per. to a
hickory, thence N. 38*. E. "131 per. to
stones, thence N. 33 s , W UilJ per. to,
.tones, thenceS 66*. Vf. 14-t) per hi the'
i.lace uf htiginning, contaiiiUig one hun
ircd and flfly-tifo lucres and fitty-lno
perches and kliOWance ; thereon erecl< d
a two story frame dwelling House, large
Bank Barn, and other outbuildings. Seis
ed, taken in Execution and to be aold as:
Ihe property uf Wni. F. Tibbens.
SuxKtrr a Orrtcr, 1
jlellufbrto, b. E. SHAFFEH,
Feb. 19. A f. 1876. I Shenff.
Will be sold at public sale, at tho Into
residence of Dr. $)• Van Valiah, dau'd at
MARCH 17. the fallowing property, vu
r\VO lIGRShS. two buggies. Sleigh, [
sleigh-tongue- 2Holts Single Harness, one,
will liouhlo Harness. Dorse Collars. gmd
<aildle and Ufidle, Strieh-hells. Hoard', i
Mirror, Knd-Tnblw, Dinner, Breakfast,!
Extension and Centre Tables, Marble Top;
' Centre table. Vases, China-ware, full xotf.
Dinner di'hes. Glass and Guecnsvsarc,
' Stoneu'am oite-haif barrel Coaf I nr, Bed*
•leads. Bureaus, Washstands, Dressing
Table, Cane-Bottom chairs, .Sofa, ail
kinds of Carpet, one just new. Hair-bot
tom Reception and Hair Cloth Chairs, 2
Eight day cloeks. Lamps, one- half barrel'
'ot eider, one-half barrel of Vitiogar. Reg..
Mculbeueh, XloatywtuU. 'Vuhs, Ulotlie
| hor,e C'othw-i,r(i:gcr, d Couk stovos one
•mi eclipse just new.
Drum and stovepipe, C"pl>er kettle, new
Union Churn, Corner Cupboard, all kinds
ofTinware, Demijohns 3 and sgal . Ice
tongues, lluffalorobe. llorscnlankoU.
11■ h*s. In>ke.. Rockets and other nr^elos.
Sale to coinmenee at V] j o'olock, when
;crini i"'ll U us(t known.
F,.h l- F. U. VAN VALZAU.
' Ad in r.
Will bo "uvred. at public sale, at the
residence ot the subscriber, near Rellefolite
on Tt rspAV, March 16. at 10o'clock,the
following personal property.
Horses, Cows, Voung Qtllle, sitieep
Hog*, Thrething Machine, Keaper,
all kinds of \Yagons, Oornplanter. all
kinds of Plows and farming implements.
Fits Cured Free!!
Any person suffering from the above
discasn i- requested to address Du. PRICK,
! and a trial b -1110 of medicine will be for*
i warded bv express,
The only cost being tb" K.prv.s char
j gen, whirli ,1. uy large business, are
l>r. Pierce ha- made the treatment of
u study for years, and ho will warrant a
cure by the uc of bis remedy-
Do hot n;i tfl .end tu hint Iter a trial bot
tie, it t-oh nothing, and bo
, no mattet of bow long standing your case
may be, or how many other remedies may
1 {have failed, j
Circulars and testimonials sent wi h
Be particular to give your uUtM, ajj
well as year Pc, OtdcedlrbfUoYi, and
0 t DkCHAS. T.PRICE. ,
mar.4 ly. 67 William Street, New York.
London. Feb. 22 5 a. m.-Advica*
from Zarxibar report that a fleet of British
men-of-war have bombarded and capture I
Fort Mmb*xlqiie, on the Island of Mom
haa, off tho east coast af Africa The en
gagement lasted live hour*. Seventeen of
the garrison were killed, end fifty wound
ed. Two slave-ships were captured, with
800 slave* on board.
White r/heal |1 00 lied 100. 00
70 Clorerseeil 6,00 ... ..l'ulatoe*
l.ard per pouri.i x Fork per pound 0C
Butter 'JO Kggsl6 I'last'-r perton
414 Tallow X Bacon 10 Ham 16
Lard per pound M cents Buckwheat
A6 eta Fosur per barrel relailT.OO...
Nova Hciuia plaster fl4 to 16. Cayuga
plaster S'J,6O per "JOUO lbs,
Chicago, February 27. Wheal steady
and in moderate demand . No. 1 spring (!(£■
spei, X6JI. bid seller Marcli. Corn steady;
No 2 mixed 04fc spot; bid seller;
April Oat* closed tak. No 2 63|c bid
spot; 634 c sailer March Barley- demand
I active and price* advanced; Nu 'J §1 IX
* pot or seller March, fil UU taller April.
Orested b'uft f? SOt* Lard dull and
nominal at glS'AKiblfi tpoi fix 424 set
ier April
Philadelphia. February 27.—Flour quiet
and very firm; superfine f3 76;
tras A.l U'i4(s46o Wheat Is beld steady,
red 9I 2u amber $1 Ibnyt 25 Rre steady
at bflc. Corn dud and weak; yellow 7IMA
|oi; western mixed Hue. Uata quiet. wh<"
li74(w\K, mixed fltic. pelpeie"-
refined 144* Utc. C>" : „ r teed in go.. 1 dm
On 2H. ult , at the Lutheran Parsonage
Boalsburg, by Kev. W. U. Urob. Mr.
M liiiam Meyer*, uf Banner twp , and
•a'** A lace J. Wiee, of Aarontburg.
I On 1", ult, by ltev W M Laodia, Mr.
Franklin Parker to Mitt Elixabelb Sbullx.
jllh of Brush valley.
On lb, ult, b> ltev M L. rSinyser, Mr.
'Jno. K Murray, of Leiuont. and Miss Ma
ry A. Bleele, of Pleasant fiap.
On 2b, ult, at Aronsburg. Mrs. Susan
Kussat, wifa of John Kusael, aged &Ii years
and b months.
On b. ult, Mrs. Barbara Miller, of Mad
itoeburg. mother ..( Mr Kiia- Miller, aged
;M year*. I month and 42 days.
On 16, ult , of apoplexy, Mr Geo. Carus,
of Sugar Valley, aged 7! years, 1 tnooth
and 16 daya.
On 16, ult, Mr. Jno. Colvey. of Sugar
V alley, aged X! year* 1 month and 15
On 24. ult. in Christian faitb. at Holier*-
burg. Mrs. B. Jane llilkish, wife of llr I).
J llilbish, aged 40 years. 10 twoaths and 0
Public Sale
W ill be exposed at public sale, at the!
iate residence of John V Hot* dee d, in
Gregg twp two mile* wettof Spring Mill*
heavy Draft llurtM, one Ct)rsikiM Stal
lion 4 years old. one U*v Ssallion. "Mirer
Mare* with Vn tine 2 Year old Colt,
Four Yearling Colts, Three Spring Colts.
Three Milk Cow* of Improved SUsck, 1
Fat Steer. I Devon Bull 18 mcntbs old, II
Head "I Choice Sheep 3 Breed Sows and
lot of Sh<iat>, Geuer Grain Separator with
Power one Small Threshing Machine and
Shaker, 1 Grain Drill, Fanning Mill. 1
Clover Huller, 1 F.wlder Cutser, Gne
Buckeye Reaper *t.d Mower combined. I
grain tcrMu,, 1 Uav rake, 1 circular wood
,*W. 1 broad end I narrow wheel S-horse
wagon, 1 cart entlrelr new, 1 pair bob
sleds, i log sled hay fork, ropes, pullies, 2
Centre Hail nomplanters. one c >rn scra
per, plows, barrows, shovel plows, 22-hor*e
cultivator* 3 *mail cuhtralora, 1 grind*
stone, dinner ball, lot of uak aanntling, a
lot of
1 set of doub'e carriage harness, 1 set of
tug harness, britehhands, front gears, 6 sets
of strap nets, double and single tree*,
chain* of all kinds, rakes, forks, grain era
dim, and a variety of othar articles 100
numerous to mention. Bala la pouimence
at 10 o'clock of *6>d Jay when terms will
be made knowt; and a liberal credit gis
F. h t
PROPOSALS will be received el Use
office of the President, in Lewisbtirg, until
Saturday, March li, 1175,
t'or the Graduelion. Maeotirv and Bridg
ing on Secliowa No*. 28, 29. 30 and 66. on
the Lewiaburg, Centre A Spruce Creek
Railroad, (formerly allotted to M How
lev A Co); and also for sections Not. 81,
32, S3 and 34, formerly alloled to David
W iiliarr.s
The b'd<ier* are request*-! to stale in
their prp,s-gls the price asked by taking
one-half in bonds of the Company and ihi
other half in cash ; and alto the price ask
ed if a|i paid in cash.
Prest. L C. A SC R K Co.
I-ea isburg. Feb. Ist, 1475.*
The undersigned be** (cava lo inform
hu patrons and the public generally thai
ho u now prepared lo tnakc Coffins and
respectfully solicits t share of their patron
age Funeral* attended with a neat
hoarse. J. B. SfIAFKR
fob 11 tf Madison burg
Furniture Rooms.
Extension Tables,
Chamber Suits,
FlneA Common Furniture,
Consisting in pari oi BUREAUS, RED
The pubiic generally arc invited to cail
and see the fine assortment of FURNI
TURE to be found at the above establish
ment, all ut our own Manufacture.
Undertaking tn nil its branches,
Uuflius, Uuskfts uiul Shrouds.
Having purchased an elegant Hearse, 1
will attend all orders of undertaking 1
, may receive from Pennscal!ey, Centre Co.
Jan 28 tf.
Letu-r* of administration on tlio eUtc of
Jon at From, late of Potter twp.,
have been granted to the und wvigued, who
ronuosts a'.T person; knowing Uicraselvct
i indebted to ca.ti *(a'.o to make immediate
I'JU'-Aonti *"d thoe having demand*
against the fame to prevent tbem duly au
thenticated by law for settlement.
•lan. 28 til. Adas'r.
McClain's Block, Directly Opp. Bush
Bollefonle. Pa
IV. HERMAN A CO., Prop'rs.
Dry Goods,
VAN- .
! Below the Usual Prices.
• NOT 12. tt
611 OUT LID GE <fc CO, tO*A<,
Burnera end Shipper! of the celebrated
r wihihtiei mm. z
Dealer# in Ibe very beat grides of
!ANtHI tACiTK' l3tJ AM •
The ouly dealer! in Centre County who eell the
Will LI Ki E!Bi BIAI R; Rl E CI 01 Ai I*
from tha old Baltimore mine* Alio
of Anthracite Coal dryly boueed espreaely for bouie uia, at tbe lowiit prieM.
They pay the highett price* in cab for grain t)*tat the Eaitem market* will effort.
; It 'light or ail] be tobi on commiuion when deeired, and full prkea it*rntiert las
formation concerning tbe grain trade will be furniabed at all itnrt to faraMS*
wttb pleaiura, free of charge.
which i alway. aold at low price*, end warranted to be a* gwd a fertiliser aa amy
other pleetrr.
ormz mo tAm
Lime! Lime!
Lima o| th* Wu quality, always on!
I hand, at the kiln near Centre Hall.
MHlhelm, Pa.,
VV it' L tests AXD Rat Ait Dxalbks is J
|Thay hare juit returned from the Eastern
I Cities, where they hare pairkawd a well
Mi'dciml Block of
.HARDWARE. Cutlskt, IEO*. Nana.
Plasterers and Masons,
Saddler*, Shoemakers!
Housekeepers, and in fact.
We call particular attention to a Ine as
ortmeat 1 Picture Frames aad Moulding,
rcry cheats
And Curuio Futures of every kind.
•iteation w celled u our Mock of Spoke*.
Hub*, Felloes, Sh*fl*. Role* end bugs*
W heel*, ell of No. 1 quality and selling ve
iy cheap. Our Mock i* Urge, and r*n
•lanlty renewed, eod we are selling
—wholesale and rMail—at very low prions.
Remember—much money ha* been lon by
paying too much for Hardware. Try
tilutsiu* & fiunkJs lift's,
I'hey buy for Ca*h and tell at Cath Price*
for few profit tban any other liardware
Store in the County.
&V~Catl and toe U*. Satisfaction guar
laug £7-y 'Tt
Manufacturer* of
Sheetiron & Tin
Millbeim, Pa.
All kind* of Tinware, contlanlly on
hand and made to order.
Skeetirun Ware of ererv description,
■l-V on hand.
Itooßng in Tin and Shectiron done in
the tuo*t approved and satisfactory ttyle.
Spouting done to order.
Their Mock of Tin and Shootiron Good*
i large and complete, and offered at the
Their establishment ha. been enlarged
:ind stocked completely throughout.
Satisfaction guarlantecd, and all jobs
promptly attended to. aprlft-y
Next door to Wilson & Hicks' Hard
ware store, Allegheny St.,
J as. C. Williams.
(Successor to B. F. Rankin oc Co.)
for medicinal purposes.
Also, Cfeca**
and all other articles usually kept in fir
class Drug Store.
C. T. Alexander. C. M. BOWXI
at*Law. Bellefonte, Pa. Speci
I, attention given to Collections, and 0
phant' Court practice. May be consult
im German and English. Office in Gs
' man's Building. my 28 '74
Banking Co.
[And Allow lasereet.
Discount Note
Buy and Soil
j Government Securities, Gold andl
Co u poEi
I Pktkx Hurras. Wk. B. Mimi
l*re*t. CukWt
Chas. H. Held.
( lot h, % att bmnkerdk Jeeiv
Miiibeim, Centre Co., Pa.
Respectfully informs hia friaada aad tha
public in general. that he has Just < peced
at hia Dew t-.iablinhment, abort Alexna.
der's store. aad keepa constantly on hand,
al! kind* ot Clock*, Watchea end J■ elry
<>f the latett *tyi**, as mlao the MaranrflM
Patent Calender Clocks, provided with n
complete index of the month aad day ef
Jtht month and week on iu fact, which it
! warranted as a perfect time-keeper.
pfr-Clocks. Watches and Jewelry re
-1 paired on short notice and warranted.
Best Sample Booms is Town.
|D. JOHNSTON A SONS. Proprietor*
Bellefonie, Penna.
Fret BUM to and /rem (At PtptL
Excelsior Cement
I The undersigned bow man utuurw Ce>
"• warranted of ascperior
V'i n ' ;" l u PIM
C. reek if ills, ta Hemes twp. Tkiseaamft
ha* already twati uaad in larwe aaantitim
P®theL c Aa C. KK..sE\L Um
ouad hiyhly satitlactcry upue all mi
where it has bees used, aad at mssl to
any sow manufarturod for use ia fit#.
TERNS, WATER *"" - ,
purpose a rood quality of Cemeat is de*-
rabls This Cement has already hesa
tasted fr sad wtda. aad rsadsns tie m,
moat satisfaction. Per.uiu. therefore sr
trocu.< Oistcras. laying Water Pim
Ac., will lad it to their ad restart u> heat
this in auod. and also. Übx he
article as represented.
may 21 If Aarotuhmg. fro
Johk Sraxouw, Proprietor.
| Stages arrive aad depart daily, tor ai
[points, north, south, aanssd we
n*xar iiw KKattorr, j. t, urnif
President, Cashier.
( * il,lk * a . Hoorer A Co.)
And Allow interest,
Discount Notes,
Bey end oetl,
Corernment Secu: lite, Gold 4
af.Hr oar Uoepees.
Would most respectfully inform the eR
sen* of tbia vicinity, that he ha* Martad a
new Boot and Shoe Shop, and would be
thankful lor a share of the public patrol
•ge. Boot* and Shoes made to order aad
according to stylo, and warranto his work
o equal any mad# elsewhere. All kind*
of repairing done, and charge* rweaoaebie
Give him a call. fb U ly
£jr so. outkllTs;
Dentist, Millheim.
Offers his professional services to the
public. He is prepared to perform all
operations in tbe dental profession.
i* BOW fully prepared to extract
■teeth waifith/y wttoat pmim. myß-7S-tf.
DF.FORTNKY, Attorney at Law,
e Bellefonte, Pa. Office over .Rev*
on id s bank . may 14' M
rv. £'n r,y PP***' I *. hotel. ,
CnLtlall where he Uat al! time*, prepared
to make all kind* of men and cloth*
■ ng, according to the lateM styles and al
reasonable charge*.
J A H n M r MANITB ' Attorney at Law,
U Bt lle.onte, promptly attend* tcr a)
bunaeas entrusted to him iui2.'Mt
offers hi* service* to the citixensof Miflin
Centre and adjoining countie- in
llouKt*. Slgu mid OrnamnMtgl
I Hinting,
Mnt,jr. AO
loov Ctf * d ° no forotl,er Phioten.
"IUQ Finw aoO
New Improved
For Bona or Una fttlf.
Oross-Cut and Circular
Descriptive CireoUz* and Priw-Llet*et trie.
BLYMYER NannrMlwrluOl.
%4t0694 West Eighth St., CI*CI*jrATI
Manufacturers of Can* Machinery. Steam*
Engines, Shaker Thresher, Farm,
School, and Cherch [Bella, etc.
Dec 10. y.
ew cT