MET FOR CHI LOU EN. T.dnr.ilnc Drankanl. 4 ■ lllaxrnllMi f Ikr I*roper Fool for Children. In a recent. lecture. Dr. J a*. Edmunds, of London, said: English babies of the present generation are never sober, from the earliest period of their existence until they have lveeti snuMtl. The mothers have Mqninnl the habit of using wine, ami the wvithed condition of the body after the mother has taken half u pint of beer or trine is really the tlrst stage of drunkenness in the child. The fact is, the Imby is only the infinitely more sensitive extension of the mother's system, ami it is more likely than any other part of the mother's system to re c ave the things which are injurious that are taken through the medium of the mother's diet. 1 x-t those mothers who lnnk l>eor understand that they are dis tilling that Ixx-r into their children's frames; that the very mold they are to preserve for the rest of their lives is wing constructed out of blood that is alooholiaed—out of a condition of the system 111 which intoxication is the real substantial element for the tlrst twelve months of its growth. If children thus nurtured become drunkards when adults, aavs the New York childkotxl will haw only a normal apix-tite; it will not hanker after cake and pie and canity and sweetmeats; nay, it will refuse them, and choose plain and wholesome fmxl. In tins normal choice the eliihl should lx> confirmed, and every temptation to in diligence iu unwholesome diet lx- re m ved afar (hxu it. Nothing more pro motes swivtneSs of temper and uniform amiability iu either ohu'ren or adults than a strictly w holt-some diei, and no diet in which spices, pickles, pasting sweetmeats, coiulunouts are frequent in gredients, can be called wholesome. The fact that a child is indulged in ell the candy and cake it can eat vices uot prove anything but tlial its parents are exceed ingly unwise and injudicious. Many fond fathers till their pockets with confections ami nnta for the little folks at koine, and tiiiuk they are thus showing themselves kiml .111.1 indulgent. But how much bet ter for the children if the money thus spent was invested in hooks or toys, or {Hit iu the savings hank. There is no class of {iconic so particu lar about their vlict as brain-workers. The cookery of the foixl no loss than its quality is to them a matter of prune im portance. Thiw# {xirents who are auxious to develop in the lx->t manner the intel lectual capacities of their children, should take tins fact into consideration. The staple articles in the diet of a brain work or arc fresh tisk, broiled or baked, beefsteak, or mutton, {wultry, vege taldes, simple puddings, and wheat bread well done, Pit-is, rich puddings, and all fried meats are given over en tirely to those who work with their muscles, ami so can "work off" in
  • one of the ladies present, he exclaimed: 'jSee! the dresswoman has spoiled this waist, (pointing to the darts). Come Up, please, and tell her what to do. She is cutting everything into ribbons ; and all because we are strangers, and know no better." The lady comforted him by telling him that " crooked lines" were necessary to the proper fit of the waist, and the ribbons were to lie transfigured into beautiful flounces, and that the dressmaker was very reliable, and knew what she was about. What will the lit tle lady do when all the mysteries of a civilized woman's toilet are" displayed to her astonished vision ? His First Poems. The following story is told of John O. Whittier's early contributions to Mr, Garrison's Prte Pre** ; The editor of the paper found the first poem tucked under the door of his office by the postman, and noticing that it was written in blue ink was tempted to throw it into his waste-basket. He read the poem, saw there was true genius in it, and so he published it. Happy was the Quaker farmer bov when he saw hm verses in print. He feft that Go.l liad something iiwstart- in life for him—that he was called in some wav to he good and useful to others. He wrote other poems, and sent them to Mr. Garrison. They were full of beau ties—these poems. Mr. Garrison one day asked the postman from what quar ter they came. "I am accustomed to deliver a pack age of jiajiers to a fanner-boy in East HaverhilL I guess they ooine from him." Mr. Garrison thought lie must ride over to East Haverhill and see. So ho went one day, and found a slender, sweet-faced fariner-bov working with his , plain, practical father on the farm. The boy modestly acknowledged tliat be bail , written the poCms; nt wliich his father did not seem over well pleased. " You must send that boy to school, | Friend Whit tier," said Mr. Garrison. [ Friend Whittier was not HO sure; but ' the good counsel of the Xewburyport ] editor, in the end, was decisive. The , boy was sent to the academy. , True Hospitality. True hospitality of the home is never i loudly and noisily demonstrative. It I never whelms -you with its greeting, j though you have not a doubt of its per fect sincerity. You are not disturbed 1 by the creaking pf the domestic ma- 1 chin ?ry, suddenly driven at unwonted t speed for your accommodation. Quietly t it does its work, tliat it may put you in i peaceable possession of its results. He < is not the true host, she is not the best i hostess, who Is ever going to and fro i with hurried action and flurried manner i and heated countenance, as if to say, i "See how hospitable I can be," but 1 rather the one who takes your coming J with quiet dignity and noiseless pains- i taking, who never obtrudes attention, t yet is very attentive all the while; who v makes you, in one word—the most ex- 1 pressive word in the English tongue—to i be at home. There is no richer, deeper, I larger hospitality than that. 1 v ADVICE TO "STATESMEN." A rill Joarnal lihfa Ihf Nrw li-Klx-lcl iHHi-fn Simf Idilir In a Surcmilc M ■. The New York Iferahl, in a sarcastic ' article headt-d " Advice hi Statesmen," ' says: Without disheartening nnticqm tione AS to what mar be the I-OMIII of ' recent reforms, it may be well for our . "statoamou "to learn a few lessons from ' the |mat. The cardinal principle of statesmanship is " not to lx- found out." ' As the prudent householder builds bis ' foundation upon u nx-k in calm tune*. iu order Unit lie mav laugh nt the tempest ' w hen it does its fearful will, so the eau tious " statesman,'" in the lxginnmg of his career, will do a ell to profit by the mistakes ami overweening oonfidetuxxi of the {ast. 1 As wo have sniff, the "statesman's* duty is "uot to lie found out." It is ' not so tuuch what we do as that jvople do not know that we do it. To that end let our " statesmen" never keep ac ' counts; for Link i-Hshiem have u habit of merciless Until telling, when under oath. They do not like to go to (irisoii for {x r jury". Tliey lisve never Ixx-n known do s\i ear a customer out of a soriqie, and they have no hearts shove their flgiues and* their ledgers. L-t our statesmen also avoid Ivuiking houses, nor sek to have checks cashed for largo amounts of money; for lxuik officers have k IS often disagretwble property. Somehow when a cheek is once written it ueverdtea. An iuuoivut, harmless, iuexprni-iiYc clnvk, written long ago and forgotten, its prtKvssls gone into cluuu|>agiie ami trnttios, will rise u{i like a phantom to arrest the most {iros{H'reus "statesman," Nor is it safe to bo carvh-ss aUntt liank liills. Bank bills are sometimes marked ami trmwl. A wise " stati'sunut " would do well to keep all his inutaactious iu gold. Auother rule is not to divide with plasterer* sml ,-ar{s-ntTs ami safeuiakers ami vulgar jHsq-le who eare more aKmt money llian friendship. They w ill "s{ueal" at the first appearance of danger. Tim i-xperienre of the retired " statesniau " on Black well's Island on this {Hiint will tie instructive. (.hire liaving ohtiiimsl their honest wages in gold it is always s.ife to put it away ami keep it. Ih> not squander it on lawyers. If Uie truth were known alxnit the ring corruptions, ami we could tivuv the al ventures of Uie many millions taken from the treasury under the Twetsl reign, a lar, v jiart would nowr be found in the possession i-f attorm-vs at law. One good, live, active, bustling lawyer, not txi divir. is a gvxxl thing m a well con - ductixl business, and may Vx- called a prudent investment. The abuse Ix-gins when six or eight lawyers are hirtxl; not because of their ability, but their " iu flueiMV." Oure a "stateaman" in nils fortune falls into the hands of these gentlemen Ids chamx-s of bankraptcy are alxuit as sure as tlie well fattemxl Stros bourg gvxoe is of finding its ultimate destiny iu pate tie foie t/ra*. The "atatesmeu" of the jxist were wiser in this resjxx-t than tlie tmxlern gentlemen. No one ever heard of Mr. Turpin, i>r Mr. Shepparvl, or Mr. Claude lhival, or any of these renowned " statesmen " of the post, taking checks, or going to ttauks, or receiving anything but gold, or devoting their liard-earned wealth to the aggrandisement of attornevs-at-law. Wliat thw gentlemen eormsl tney kept, because what they ke{>t Uiey had. If there is any objret in the world less in teresting to an attorney tliau another it is a client who lias paid all his moue\ in fees and is sen mg out his term in jail. There are minor points that should be remembered. Avoid velvet ix>ats iunl scarlet nrekties. They attnu't attention. A true statesman always prefers the sliady side of the walk. IV> uot wear diamond pins nor gaudy ajqvarel. nor in vest in trotting lwr-s-s, nor frixjueiit public places, nor wrrih- for the newrqia {x-rs, nor lx- "interviewtxL" Remember tliat journalists are the common enemies of mankind, tliat they are a corrupt, venal class. cu]>al>le of di>ing violence to illustrious reputations. 11<> not seek notoriety by organizing clubs, target companies or excursions. Reserve all these comforts until you have retired from public life and investigations are over. If trouble should come, serious, searching trouble, a five years' trip to Europe is always in reserve, with this Ultimate advantage, that at the end of the five years you may return to New- York, take up the cause of reform, or ganize a committee and purify public affair* just as you yourselves were puri fied in the pis!. Execution of a ( arlist ( kief. The Madrid correspondent of the Lon don Dotty Trlet/rapb writes as follows j concerning the execution of the Car list - Chief Loziuio by the Republicans; "But Lozituo was not so fortunate. Though he had been but a year in Car list uniform, he hud ravaged a third of j Spain, hail damaged railway property to the extent of over a million aterling. and j shot iu cold bhxxl railway officials down even to the grade of porter. Tlie ques- j tion before the government was—could tliey spare his life, or dare they take it. It was a hard choice, and all honor to | them for deciding in the only way that j would satisfy public opinion* Tiie in human scoundrel has been cxoontxl at j Alliacete, and, what is even better, the Carlists have not ventured to fulfil their threat. Lozano showed considerable pluck at the last moment. He was, after being ' confessed 'in the elm pel of , his prison, at seven in the morning , driven to the place of execution, not in , the prison van, but in the open carriage of a private gentleman, and the account j from which I quote says he occupied j 'the place of honor' therein. Two j priests and an intimate friend orenpiod , the other seats. He descended from the , auTiage and walked to the fatal sjw.t with the greatest serenity, nml he him- , wlf gave the order to fire.* He fell dead j at the first discharge, but in order to f make assurance doubly sure a hall was ] afterwards tired into his head. He had , such great hopes his life would be Hjiareff j tliat during Lii incarceration he gave r orders for a p;.;r of new riding lxMts. He addressed n {letition for inthitfo to the government ; imrelf, at the request • of his family. He liad served just oue j year in tlie Car'; t ranks. He joined .. them on the 3d of Ihceinbor, 1373, nt t Chelva. in his unit nn of captain in the | Republican army. On the 3d of Decern- , l>er, 1874, he was executed in Albacte. ( He was but twenty-six years of age. n Six days after he deserted to the Car! i-t a army he was made commandant'- and , given command of a battalion, which he had to organize himself, and to which lie gave tlie title of Cazadores of Ori- •[ hueta. He ap{>ears to have taken an n active part in the disgrace and arrest of n the Carlirt chief Santos, whom he susp ported of entering into treaty with the ( . Madrid government." Cutting Flies. Tlie exactness and skill shown in file cutting attest the dexterity tiiut can Is; reached by constant jirai-tiee. Files are s; cnt by liaiul and by ma<-liiueM l but the h latter have not achieved any greater ti regularity or precision than those cut by p hand, and by many artisans the ma- d chine-cut files are considered inferior, n The expert billiard player makes count- n less false strokes; but none of the errors a remain on record—they perish as soon tl as made. Bat the fife cutter's works l> live after him. The blanks, as they are a 1 technically called, are steel strips in the 1 shape of tiles, and the teetli are raised ai upon them by small chisels held in a I peculiar way and struck by a hammer, fi The frequency of the teeth is determined a by the force of the blow, which raises aw furrow in the blank; the chisel is then ft slipped along until it strikes tlie back of n the furrow, and another blow is given; vi and so on alternately until the tile is ti completed. The whole process is as c< rapid in the hands of an expert as writ- A ing, and goes on continuously from tt morning till night with no cessation. An A uneven blow does not destroy the file, st but injures its workmanlike appearance, b Any one who examines the files of com- " meroe will see their regularity. Some ii files are so small that they will float in it water, being little over an inch in length, i ti They v ary from this size to thirty inchen h in length, the latter being used in the | si heaviest machine and steam engine | p work. ' The Sliver Mine Speculation. A Nevada paper giv\x tlie following incidents of the excitement there relative to silver mining *tx*ks nn-l the specula lions in them: \ schoolmistress in one of the public tx-hiMils saved gNIHI out of her salary, and placed it in tlie hands of n friend. This the fneint manipnUbxl in Conaoli dated N irgiuiw, and the acluxduiistrowi has nwigmxl to take charge >f her jkUHt, (Nkk She is said to have pome from Newark, N J. Then there are many people who have escaped making colossal fortuilis, ami Oonse|lielitly almost f-, I |xx>r. There are men who bought Consolidated \ir ginia at fliU* and sold at tCJtNt, or Cub forma at tkV> ami sold at !*tHI. Snus then California and Consolidate,! \l r gtnia have toiieluxl fliUlt) and I'hiv-e men are almost unhappy, end attend the tune they are not hanging about tlie st.s-k Ixtard counting iqt what they might have mode, as bitterly as if they were /■ ma fis-s it, and is off to the "street," where lie hnngw olx-ut the curb stones picking up wliat lie can of the doings w itlim his t.-nqs future, rising and falling willt the bits of information lie catches from the lips of the crowd. Human nature is elastic and may re cover its t->ne after itu- furore lia-s |siss,.,l away, but its effect in main respects can not but lx- disastrous. As m all such tunes out of nx-klesstiesa, and si tuuch which iqqx-oi-s to the uninitiated like "tu-k," siqx-rstition crx|v, out, and men who in ordinary eireumatiuns-s us.- their reaaoit with ixvmmutt ability, will buy st.x-ks on the same principles as they would choose a lottery ticket. 11l L7O the total value of the silver mines was SJii.Otkl.tMO. Their {>r.-s-nt value is Sltis,tlilti,iitMk Frartical tnnrlusionx lit Diphtheria. 1. If diphtheria lias gained a foothold iu any city or populous neighlxirhixxi, it s, as sliowu by rejx-:te,l out breaks, or continued prevalence, s,x-ins to hohl an iuqxirtaiit relation to xf the sick from the wrell, at least of chil dren sick with this disease from all oth ers, should lx- regarded as u first rate suuiturv duty. 3. That the immediate siuiitarv as well as {x-rfect medical cure of every family -x|x>.s-d to it s,s-ins to lx- a duty required by every consideration of humtuuty and public health. -t. That a complete and exact ivts-rd of diphtheria as it prevails in any locality ts a duty of much inqxirtnnoe to mx-n-ty, and tliat for the pur{x*s- of promoting the sinsx-ssful diactiargv* of this duty to s.x-iety and tlx- uuXictd profnssion, the lhiblu- Health Ass,x-iation of the.ity of Yew York resjxx-tfuliy asks; That , very Ixwird of health, every county and city medical society, and ev.-rv practiti->ner ,l uiedieim- cans.- a cirr.x*t n-*sril to lx- prepared comx-rii ing the Ix-gmning, progress, l >k place at Clinton. Mr. James Brvxikn, consta ble of that township, his a family of nine very promising children. Among them were two little lxiys, one ug- ,1 -x-ven and the other the yt-ora. Lately Mr. Bnx>ks was standing by the stove with hhv children aroond him. He lia.l a revolver iu his pocket, or strapix-d around him, which by sonic means lx>- eume disengaged and fell. "The pistol struck tlie stove, and oue barrel was ,Us eliargvsl, the hill passing through tln- Ixxly of the little five-vear old child and into tlie laxly of the other. The young est child was struck near the navel, ami the IXill. passing through the lxidy, came out near the spinal column, {inxiuciug death in a short time. After passing through the youngest child, the lxill eu tered the Isxlv of the aev.-n-yi-ar old lx>y alxive the hip, and {tassisl int< the abdomen where it lodged. The oldi-st lxiv may recover, although very serious ly injured. The most remarkable part of this sail affair remains to lx- told. The night lx-- fore the accident the eldi-st ls-y, nft<-r Ix-ing {>ut to Ixxl upstairs, awoke in a great fright, and coming down stain, told his fatlu-r tluit a neighbor's lxy (culling him bv name) liuil shot liiia and his little brother, and that his brother died, luff he did not. The little fellow was dreaming, but he was so much frightened tlmt he would not go to his Ix-d again, so his father took him in his own lx-d to pacify liirn, where he slept the remainder of the night. A If Ii ml Man's Fall. Tlie Bockville find.) llcjMibliean has the following: Harvey Fulwider, u blind nam well known in tins community, ami who is accustomed to walking around over the country, started out to Ibivid Fulwider's, distant alxuit four miles from town. After walking nearly three miles he l>st his way and wandered around until lb o'clock, when his calls for help were heard, and he was taken to the resi dence of Henry T. Martin, where he re mained all night. Next morning after breakfast he left Mr. Martin's ami pro cix-Jed again on his journey. Again he became, and wamlered aromul through the woods near the cowl mines. In his wanderings he found himself iu a ravine. After a length of time he climb ed out of it, and supposed himself to be on tin- road. Coming to a declivity he imagined it was the same j-lm-e lie !uul been in. After feeling around with his tune be concluded he would slide down the hill. He started on what proved to lx- u fearful leap. After sliding shout ten feet he was hurled over n precipice twenty-five feet high by aetual measure ment, breaking lx>th legs three inehes nlxive the ankle joint. The left leg sus tained n compound friu-ture, the Lines protruding tlirongh the flesh, Ix-siiles having his back and liijm badly bruised. I'liis occurred about nine o'clock in the morning ami he remained there all alone until live o'clock in the afternoon, when his cri"s for aid wore heard, and lie was [•arried to tin- house of Mr. Martin again, !ind a physician adjusted the fractured liinbs. * A Singular < ave. Iu Paris a juvenile has originated a ipecialtv. He rolw Ix-ggars, more jinr ti-tilarly blind ones. He- selM-ts his vic tim, follows him, chats with him and plays with the dog. He caresses the log. He even generally has n hit of meat ill his pocket, for the dog. He makes friends with this faithful animal ind then regards the ease ns safe; and :he dog thus adroitly engaged with a one does not interfere with the mere distraction of a few sous from a tin cup. ' I'hi.i prcxM-aa has had many suewsses, ' ind ui> to this time but one failure. Kvcn dogs are uncertain. Recently a ! ine specimen held the blind man's penny J •atchcr in bin mouth. It was u little ' vooden bowl, and there were three or ' 'our coppers in it ; but the dog liad had ' i tine lione in the morning, and tin-boy, < vho depended on that, depended irrn- i ionally. As he put his hand on the i ■oppers the dog seized him by the throat, i kssistance from the police was necessai-y i o comjiel him to relinquish his hold. , knd the boy, did the thought of prison , itir his soul? Not in the least. He was juny with the other subject. He said, j •An ungrateful dog. That is unnatural, mpossible even. This ilog, therefore, ' nust lie mad." And this fancy pros- 1 rated the youth to sucli a degree that 1 te was taken to the hospital und died ' iliortly after, his case being stated by the 1 jhysicians in attendance as a most acute * •ase of hydrophobia. I NUMMARY OF SEWN, t InfrrrallnM llrm* IVmn llonir nml llnociri. In tlir* niton Higher ca##, Monlton wu on * the utlite*R tui.lor eiamtitaMott. U*lilaya. Thn l'rolithtUoiiintn uonil imlM limit* t*. Siuith for (lovornot, Ji m> I' liaMeui fi UiiutoiiAiitmuvarttoi, au>t Hue I IV 4 I'owlrn loi SvirlW Vof Sl|i' Hie ana lUvldaU oflWwl to i\nii|4tinlo mill tin 1 alive* lV giving tlieiu one half ( the ntnuU-iw of the ffotti*#, an I alio v. an.: S|oakei I Wilt.* to take hla acaV ]irovt lsl the t • •tmntxa , liiea greo to the piroiit tvnau atul a. KNOW ICHIJ;< ki'llogg AN lioveilkoi Tilt* State lUhttuial AwortlttiHl of iVitlin)! i \am a met at Hainohoi| V i<-lu!ion ** a*lo|t(st ap|KUiiUnf; a v>miiut(<<> of thi to uota|i|*i the ait> laahiht v of |H\a*urttlK in I rhllal jtialtein of 1 the aaMkuaUtm ttuiuijg the I . ate uiuai I v|a aitioii. '1 he i-AUUlillttee Man (lite* tent to ir|alt at the lie it lurtliin, I Ultimo flvilit the rlcvMoti for h*lr.*at t the < v>tD tit tit loliol (M|| veitUoil l* te hekl at Jrltrmdi 4 *ti. Mo., in Ma*. nhoMn the Ics'Uoit of (iiimi lliio|irii>|ti|tt all |!OvKtala aat (hire lU|uMuaim ... lieutenaiile of the I'liltial hl4tr ivgnlai army left tHnaha elothiiif. which the A aiU dUatxiUute m the | iaaaiiojjH-i region Mi ijuooiii of I>!*(!to, into the Sea Yufk a hill t • ie|< al the * !iar lei of Um> Wine ami B|*iil 1 ra*teia Koeirt* of the I luteal Mat ON, ouatvount of the lr*lalili,n feeiuii; in the ilialitot V hill hAn twrll dtwftixl wbicii mlliiuuca a con ixmsmm I ,\ (lid Pacific Mail IJ MH'tirr thru Alllsikly Til* machinery hall of lit* ( niloiiural lots Urn I'l*. *- 1 under cvmtra. t ui Tin lA.tdlpl.Ul. John Andersou, th* luunl. rtr of IIOIAIIO (i. HAJI, AAA Mirteiued At New Haven, t'ului., to lw> hanged ou April 'JO, l-Til Th* judge . greatly affected Ahlle pronouncing sentence, but 111* pilsoncr ap| eared unmoved... ,tn ih* Ohio Hous* resolution- A*l* adopted repirel lug emigres* to grant no more ulidii* to railway and steamship line. A rceohitiuu favoring A mglc Pirsidential lorniof Ml yearn and declaring agaiu-l A thud Icitu, hm tabled. Th* Culled State. ixMnuuilc* ou naval affair* rrjxirt Ui* Brooklyn navy yardiu g>*d cxin.liti.Mi ah.l recommend tliAt th* Wadungh n AU.I Philadelphia VAnls IK. transferred to I*-agur I-land l'h* MAsrA.*htis*tiA lVntA Society txMidrnuui chloroform as AH an. -ihri:.-. :i.I will *\|>rl AUV member so using it. At a m**tiug of th* iron uiniiufacturrrn of NTH I lug land, th* foil.) a uig i .•solution was adopted lrfsov.l, lliai th* ixxln.-Uou of tli* Agm at 111* \V**t liAMUg IKK.II greater than at th* l *t, it is th* of tlos meeting that a further reduction iu wages i> lir.essary to euahle Taeteru luanufacturerA to cm in (k-u- inux-o-fullv Ailli th.v* at th* Went. Th* Navv d*|>artiurHt! i.ldii _• at W.sluugtou Aas r*t ou lire for the fourth time .. liortnior I'liamt-erlaui. of Houtli OATOIIUA. issinxl a (wwlamatioa disanmng th* colored ttuhtia of dKff*field county and distnuiding all the tuihtaiy organisation* of the county Sohle 8. lieiniett, an agrdinmale of th* Klall.tti-h S.V l.utiauc Alum. AU murdrrcd t v htyh * 8 Mlddletou an inmate ..f the same uietituUcii. Vn urpediliuu under tVI. Itradley will lcace Fort l-aratuir aLxiut the tfoth of Ayrd, for th* ltlack Hills nominally to make a thorough room.ontsaiie* of the .xiuntry, hut really to oc cupy it to the exclusion of Uir miner*. H<-ad .piarter* for (*nt*iuaal (Me|ratu*is hate Iwen *staM.hcl 111 New \ uk •.1 V V . r is to he established by th* Tinted State* gu\- eniment tu the Centennial building at I'hila drlplua. llie various .le|rtineut of the gov emnieiit aie to xlul t tin ;r |u a few days was to join lu at iheir home. V regatta is to take pla * in ThtUlelphia during the Centennial under direction . f the SchaylltiUnavy — Tin g vemmont of llussta has rc-uguir d Alf• u.- .as King i f S-kuii The liepubhcan Tutted B!at.*> Senate caucus decided to aupport lho Trceideut's conrae m Lonnuaua, and to a.lmit the 1< galirv of the Kellogg government Tlie Facilic Mail in vestigating c mimittee examined the ser -eant at-arms, and found that his hooka nhowed no large depo-its by Totigremmeu in connection with the large sums |i 1 by Irwm The House of llepresnitativon of Miunla pass.-l a series of resolutions asking Congressman W. 8. King to resign .. 'idieyueea of gas<*ar has declared that no more slaves shall lie brought to her dominion, and that all who have lieen imi>orte.l smce l k ts. are now free. . An ex-Cuitod States army oflker. who had come to want, cmnutti l su.ridc in New Vtk city.... \ severe .ironcht has occurred m r uthern New Haniiihiie and many mills wer# oblige-1 to stop The old book, for which the KugUsh government offer*.! a reward of ♦ 5,000. is iu ]*>we*sii>n of a lusnsville attor ney. It was brought from Kngland two years ago. lYeaideut MacMahon has llirratened to re sign if excluded from the chief command of the French army... The Secretary of the Tinted Slates Treasury has issued a rail for the redemption of #15.000,000 5.2>) b.uels of ]*< U. A hill AAS ordered to the tlurd reathng in the New York State Assembly prvo iding for the piuushmeiit of ]rents or guanhaiis who dl trcat or neglect the children m their rare, or jwruut them to beg or steal A lull was introduced m the New Jersey Benate for the creation of a State board of health...... Mr. T.mter has withdrawn hi* natue a* a candidate for the leailerslnp of the luberal party iu Tog- ' land.... The (iermaii Kcleral Council hiu. eni]lico and creating a State detective force passed the Massachusetts Senate 'Hie stomach of a bullock slaughtered by John Mahnti in the Jersey City Abattoir contained five hundred hair puis mixed with the undigested food. Tliev were not corrrsied. and only a few of them were bent. The unrulier of patients known to he missing sine* the homing of the lleaufort Female Asylum iu ljuehec is now statist officially to lie twenty. Only two tmdics were discover! d in the ruins The new pontal law in Canada makes letter Jo*tago to th Tinted States three cents Petitions are liemg circulated in Pennsylvania and Virginia, and in some )iartfl of th" West, tvarticularly in Missouri, praying th* Cnited Siatee Congress t increase the duties ou imports, and not lo restore the duties on tea and ixiffee. The select committee on lrans|M,rtation of th" Tinted State- Senate have derided to recom mend the following appropriations as amend ments to the Iliver and Harlmr hill For im proving the Mississippi under the jetty system, ♦ 1,500.000; Fox and Wisixiusin rivers, Hen nepin canal. Ohio river, and Jnmee Itiver and Kanawha and Tennessee and Georgia nmti*. IN4MQ aach.... The r-j*it onthestaui of the Arkansas State govenuneut was dc< i bxl by the United State* House special committee ' on the subject in favor of the present State government and with the conclusion that there I is no necessity for Congressional act ion ....Mr. Ward, of New Jersey, succeeded in securing the passage, in the United States House, under a suspension of the rules Mid without debate, of lus hill giving the same bounty that was 1 paid to men enlisted for throo yearv to the ' heirs of soldiers enlisted for one year only who wore killed or who died from wounds or disease j received in the service. This is an im|Miitant ] bill, wrlucli will appropriate some ♦nOO.OOu j, should it become a law. The accounts of the ! . War department show that atsiut thirty thou sand soldiers of the three hundred and odd t h usaud culis'ed for oue year lost their lives i in th* sni ice. 'llie I * unity provided hy Ih* nr( lit f Jihf |< flio htiirof liPim f Nriltiirr. In tho Mm \ork I*lattrr Um t;ll rv|Ut! * illg nßtlltAiiJKHl OiIIMIUD U> |irui|t|l tlliNl J AJrtMA i overv tiiur !ti#y tolo At li#r* JH'IU |mi a I*o. t t A Uunl it'Atlmit ... Th* by fU in New FiikUiul .titling jMiniAi/ ißtniiiiltHl to I 02.1, IT A. IM ITH SI \ I I srt>Ni;ia NS. HrMNir. 1 V limuUl f |K* 1111 >t| ll' tt tip |*| Ogp 11 (cm | A Alli w 1 thf rmUmttiHi of the duty m tra Aint niflw, •ltd ft llui 1 c|>.'al of tho Mi t i f I v;* 2, irJtok coi(Ait 1 firi|tt4 j fMhn tA "f ten JM r n-iit. tint) Mr. Motrtll, 1 f Mp , frout lire imiuiuiUpc on •||rtjiiAln.iiA. rn|H*itvt fAVoiAI lv *n the t*il! < ill'deM >u the H.t*6 Imiiiln of the huii .i l f t ViluttihlA, Alt.! Artkt t i(a lltJltiediA'.e 1 Ciiitnldet aMoii, m the UitetoAl fAlhi ttlir 111 A f-*% 1 lUO . Ait.t tho I ntjoili le- f\ I oat tie fill it, of i. >in t* It muni I e JtAJtl. Ihe lull HM jAAPCtI. I tie f*>!hWilig UU %% t e The 11-mvap t hill £t4UUtjg the if ma y AIHI .lr|t , h-rtmndA to the 1 iViflc )Uilf>A4l 1 ltl|klY through lho } ithhc lAJ•'tn of titr \ mted M*lw, ft*4ll UiiitirtiitHVA, N vfl*t*, to 1 I lie t ulululiiA lilt- VIA I*. itUnd. Oiegnn , tin- Hen Ate hill |ito\,.hli£ for tli. A] |iil*tnirf tt of A t>*iUti>Pf*-w( AJI I u| j.lonrnUry to A. 1 of MAICIi 1 Ih#2 en tth t -'AitAcl toilet a 14M t a reitAtn (lA* tof ' lalld Iflllg IIPAI the ht-ad MIICIM uf (he \rlh>M Htt'tte itvrr aj* A public |>Afk , the fieiiAte I4U f.*l 1 h* hi f dAiu*f* SiiudAir, deer a/- m 1 ; tho Nona!* hill f< i tile 1 ©lief of the Holy (MM MiAit4i in the ietnbi|\ of i*ko|JL Mt, *-f Ma, Viispiilp.l joint reolu tutfUi t'f the MIAPOUII l.ef;i*lAttire cMindrfnniii|{ the military Intelfrieii. r in 1 xMUemii*, And lIA*I thmi it' Ait at the clerk p drak. thdeicnl lo be piiiiteal end he on the tnhle. Iho Amendment *f the IIIMIPO to the hill to jro\ule ti i the j lytueiit of mu ieel on the 9,66 UumU *f the Idietiiit uf lUamUA, map afford to and the htl! |IIMN1. \t the rtvjueet *f Mr. NAi>;eiit, if Celiforuie, Mr. ! if lliii*in, |-1 rfxrltlcvt irwKlutioiU* *f titr l hn*f;o lk.ftid of 11 a*tr in reference to the hill recently iitUtabu ed in the Semite fjrttl A| |4*|4iAtloii to eaUMieh a mint at i lie reMilutioiu* Ark that the hill l*e reiMirted to tlie Semite and a. tod ll|**lA fA\orhly. lle fcitrsl t the m finance. Mr. Norwood, of (ie*r)*ia, pireentml tlie rre uluti nm of the l. of tliat Htate, r*n- 1 .-in al inter feitiice 111 iinlered to Ie punted and lie on the table. Mr. Sherman of Ohio, called up the Hoiiee I ill to amend the Nati -uai Hanking a*d, and to !i\ the * itupeiinatiou of national bank riainUi* eix, whidl ma lej*rted lately ith tuenta by the Finance c*>lllllll Iter. '11e amend tsmut* vtne agreed lo and the hill |4WM>e*t. Mr. tdaytHi, of Ark., j rerouted a uirinotiai . f Jopeph i>rt*i>k H of that State, rlaoiiHig that at the election held Noiriuber 5, 1*72, he WAJ* duly ele*UMl (inventor i>! for four yea:> fmui tlie tiiat MvHalav m January, !h# i ; that a *m in all ie<*|irc( eligible, hut tliat the i:o\ eruun-nl of that Stale lias leoi uruq>ei hy forrv and fraud, and m u. w he Id hy an amie.l f*r*x , ill piio|MKrt i f wlnch he trfare t t!e (eetationy taken an i the re|.it made by the . > man!tee * f the s# i f Kej rtertimiv*. He aeka that the lawful government *f the .vale le re*x>guue.l, an 1 ru h act; n taken by I ougrra* ah mil j r.t ct oociHiituUocial goYcrtt- Ulrlit ill that State. Onlrlrd t* 1* Jiftlited. and irfern 1h the c numt'.c on jtrifih -tv and r !* ctiOM, Mr. < inc: ui cf JVnu | rswriite.) llie crw ileiiUols . f ttm. A. Walla.*, Tuitr.l States Sruatoi rlc.-t frvuu Peiinsylvauia for MX .ears from th* 4th of Match, 1x75. li*a all up Ui* hill an i tug* its |***agr at th* earliest o|r|H>rtuuuy. Mr. Nhwrunui. of Ohio, sulmnttcl a rasuluUou lustrurting the Judiciary •oiumitt** to impure an 1 irivrt vihrthcr there is now lu fore* anv ad of legislation iui !. r which th* auth ritis# , f tlie District of l' luiuhia ait rin|tovri- sreutr an 1 suppfi-ss UoHwious vain! ling e-lal" hshliiriiU*. an ! .f there is ] t such legislation to irjsjit a Uil 100 uft-r such itk le. islat..:< lu rrdalltai Uv the iniprvvt-uieuLs of 11*11 lian. Nrw Vtek hait- r. ait la, a.ust th* prtjxtsed uupittv *ui*.,t i f lull vuu Hull. Otvlrrtxl U) 1* pril l L Mr. lligolls, i f Kaiisos. colled up the House 1 ill to authorize the Sri.oca nali.n t f \*w itia In!.ana t lease loi. Is withm thr I altar ali gns aii I AUrghoii. rernvatittiis. and to ixuiitrm r sUug least x. Mr. I ovool, t*f I't lettan opjxtsexl the lull antl wal l a.xx,rvhng to his i,l<. there was a stain upon the g-oemnu nt on acxMiiil of its treatment of t. o 1 ti.La . - i"ht t were the it-m. Hauls of a great j* tpl*. and the land >*x-ti) ied l4 . nays. 63. Mr. I'iatt i f New Voik. from I\t-oft!r* commit tee, offerxl a resolution authonzmg ami iidnwiits to l offered to the Tost-offiiv Ap| ro|.nation bill, as follows Fixing the sala ries of |aetmasters. and the nvHle of comput ing the same . authorizing the I'ostmasler (ioiierwl to pay the expena-s of taking weights of mails on railroads . and to pay ex/ert* and other employee' ill the jweparalion and lnibli ca'.ion of post route maps also to abolish the publication of certain | -ml-office odvertiee nwute in three Washington papers. Ad .pfcl. Mr. Fort, of Illinois, offered a like resolution io allow an amoiidment to IK> offered fixing I etage on jwil lie ihwunieiita at two cents a jxvuisl. and the warn* on agricultural seels. AilojUed. Mr. Marnard. of Tennessee, moveil to sus jieiid the rules and pas- the lull allow ing pris diiccrs of tobacco to sell it at rrtail m the leaf, wholly tin manufacture.! at the place of produc tion, only t . an amount not exceeding #SO annually. I(ejected yeas. 102 : nays. 10-. | Mr. litiller. of Massachusetts, moved to eae ■ |vend the rules so a- to allow tlie committee on rules lo report at the I resent time for amend ment and a< - tion any new rules or change of rules, and providing that dunng the considera tion anil discussion of auch rs|vrt and amend ments offered thereto, the Sjieakcr shall enter tain DO dilatory motion whatever, and that ilis- CUKSIOU on the nilcs and amendments thereto shall ievt excmsl one hour. There was great excitement as the vote pro gressed, and particularly when it became known that the necessary two-'thinb had not lieen oh tauM-L it lacking four of that iiuml>er when the roll-call wa- finished. Mcsseiigen* were sent to the committee room* to look for alswrnt tnrmls>rs. and every effort was made on the part of the majority to secure tho lu-ceusnry t wo- birds. The vote was announced as yeas. 170 : nays, N4>. being lee* than two-thirds in the affirma tive, and so the motion was reje-fed. The only exception to tlie vote isung a strict |iaity one was that Mr. Sener. of Virginia, voted ■ "No." His vote the oilier way would have corned the motion. Mr. fobb, of Kansas, moved to siis|s>iid the rules and pass the bill directing tlie President to supply fi- d ami disused army clothing to all de-titute and helpless | rrson- living on the Western frontier, who nave been rendered eo destitute and helpless hy the lavages of tho graneho) |>*rs last summer. Agreed t yeas, 170 ; nays, 43. Mr. Kasson. of I >wa. moved to suspend the rules and allow the committee on mlee to re lirt now any new mte or change of ntle: that during its consideration the Speaker shall eu t"rtaiii no dilatorv i.i ition ; and that tlie dis cussion lie reou sliai! he limited to one hour. Carried yens. IHi ; nays. 90, The result was the cause of great congratulation ou the lU<- puhheau side of the House, and of corres|smd ing itepreeeion t v ids in the for.-ii of |H'iiduut. The J car rings are ixnupomri of u inmiU r of the larger aioed dlainrimls lurauged to i uuitcli the Uix'kljHX', Ihitli lU'e iKinUtllii-l tn a Hii|>erb jewel case of velvet ami are accompanied bv a •• >ugrutulatory letter from Ilie KhedtVe. l.lellt Fitch, acxiin > pant'd by several of his wtfe'a relatlVea, i called at the custom house and viewed 1 the present. All who HBW it Were elltliU slant u • in their expressions uf mlmiratioii. CongieNH, r< ceiitlv, l>y a joint reaolutiixi, i authorized the 1 ,ietitu hauling wissl from a tiuils-r ranch to Austin, IU-eae river, Nev. There waa a house over the sUIUIUII from the ill-He , piace, where resided two ftuuilles |M* longing to the wiHsl-ehop|ier, ami on arriving tu night of the house a woman came out and lieokotiixl UIA to make haste, that Something wan wiung. 1 did si, and just in time, for the other Woman * cattle out holding a ch'ld iu h<-r anna, ap|M.relitly dead. It was black lit the face. She told me the child lutd In en eating pine iiltta, and liud got a shell ill its throat, had choked, ami was dying. 1 immediately got a piece of iNiard about four feet long and plutx-d it acrowa the d)S>r sill. Sill' sat the child ou ula end and 1 tipia-d the other, making a sudden jar, which caws.xl the shell to pan* down : ward, and gave the child immediate re ' lief. No jiersou can imagine how over ; tliat mother was for saving her oniv child. 1 know uf several cane* in which this pirts-rvaii lias proved success ! fill. Giving 1 p Iter Children. The following episode is given of the distress caused bv the famine ui Asia j Minor: A Turkish lolv, mother of five or six children (the efdest eight), went on board nt Saiisottm, to jiin her hmdmrnl j at Constantitu'pie, who had ili-iwrlsd her for se vend years. The imfortuuate wotnaii with her rugged children had to ; rely on the charity of the fellow pas—-11 gers during the voyage. On hunting at Kregit, the manager of th> .sdltert'-s having' come on 1, and seeing the jssir cluldreti, asked the mother whether she would jstrt with one. " Take your choice," wu* her answer. The manager left the ship with the oldest one, a girl i of eight. Some minutes later auotlier resident, hearing of the occurrence, also went oil l-iald, and matle the OC<{UUUtXOtI of nnotln r of the children for a trilling sum. NYln-n she se] sun ted from her ! lids - the tn 'thvr did not slnul one tear j nor iitt- r any complaint; misery hud ttiled all maternal love. She prolxably knew, nl—', tluit by this se|iaraUon her clrilvlr. n would lw from starvation. A Tartar Tent. A writer on tlie Tartars says: Tlieir t'-nts are made of felt, stretched on a framework i f thin curved eUi]*. of wsxl six fc. t long, which fold up for the cauiels to carry, and when opened out t.ike the form of a segment of a circle, j Four of tin-- frnnn-s form the circular side of the tent, and tii tlie top are | 'laced cttrv'sl n.fters which concentrate tu a htsip three or four feet in diameter, which is the roof tree ami chimney. As nt a- it is all iKiitml together with camel's hair rojsw nothing short tif a tortuulo will make it budge. When the bright fin- of the muaut ta shrub which servo as fuel here) throws its ruddy light over tin* bright colored earjveta, rug*, and cushions which aru spread within, ami lights up the arum ami cook ing utensils, the noddles and bridles, Tartar guitars, and various household articles which are hung ttjvon on a light trelli* of wood covered with thick white felt, then' are less pleasing int< riors to |v mvu not far from Istndon or New Y'ork tlian the kibitka f the Tartar. Two Villages. Show me two villages, nays Thorcatt, ( one einlH'wered in treca, and blazing with ail the glories of OctolnT, Uie other a merely trivial and treeless wast.-, or with oulv a single tree or two for stti ciili*. and 1 -luxll !*■ sure tliat in tlie lat t-r will IH' found the most starved and bigot** 1 religionists and most dcsjveraU' drinkers. Fvery wonhtub am! milk etui atid gravestone will lie 'T]His.var abraptlv Is land their IHITU* ami houses, like desert \ Araba amid their ns-k*, and I sliall lmik to *•>• spears in tlieir hands. They will le remly to accept the most latrren ami forlorn iloctriue—as tliat the world is p|eedily K'iuing to an end, or ha* al ' ready got t" it, or tlint they themselves are tiniiiKl wrong side outward. They will jvereliance crack their dry joints nt one another and call it n Hpiritual coin luntitcatioii. The Itg. The pig wax thus written up by a Georgia boy, whose composition was published in his local jmjver. the Griftm ,V ic*, ami was as follows: The pig is nix nit as big a* a sheep, only a pig's v.*'vol isn't good for making stockings of. Why is a pig like n tree I llecausc #he r<*'ts; that i* a ivnuiiilrum. A i>ig wiislies himself in the niinl. A ]vig has four leg*, one under each t*rucr of his body. Thevpicklepig'afeet, but not until alter the pig is done using 'em. A pig squeals awful when it rains, also when von pttll its tail. A pig lias got a first mt<' voice for siptealuig, nnd he grunts when lie feels good. Yon can't make a whistle of a pig's tail, 'cos it is crooked. Why is a pig like Tommy Grant ? 'Cos he's got hi* nose in everybody's tmsi liess. This is another conundrum, which is all 1 know about the pig. An Important Kill. A bill is lveforo the New Jersey legis lature in the shit)>e of a supplement to the general law for the punishment of crimes. It provides that if any rnom of a board of chosen freeholders, town ship committee, board of aldermen, j common council, or any board of com- ; missioners, shall be concerned in the construction of any bridge or building of any kind whatever, or any improve- ' ment wliatcvcr for the pulxlic use, or a party to tlie aatne, or in fiirnishing ma- i t-ria!*. goodsor supplies, shall Is- guilty 1 of misdemeanor, ami ahall he pniuxhixl 1 by tine and imprisonment, as tho cuurt may impose. I , ks'niug Mnchine Patent*. It is said tliat $250,000 is in Washing- i ton to be ]>laeeil where it will do the 1 most good in aiding the sewing ma J chine companies to extend their patents. , A sewing machine that costs thirteen i dollars now M-HM for sixty-five dollars, I nnd will as long as lnrge royalties are \ paid by the companion which nnuitifac- j ' ture them. Will Wonders Never Cease. When Dr. Walker proclaimed that he < hak their ltetuls. Yet his Vine- 1 gar Hitters i* now the standard roe torn- • live of tlie Western world. Under the operation of the new remedy, dyspeptics regain their health; the bilious nml oon stijvnted arc relieved of every distressing symptom; the consumptive and rheu matic rapidly recover; intermittent ami ( remittent fevers are broken; the heredi- t tory taint of scrofula is eradicated! I Skepticism is routxl, nnd this wonderful preiiaration i* to day the most }Kjmlar tonic, alterative, and bhxxl dopurent ever advertised in America. We don't 1 sell rum under the guise of medicine. J Wo advertise and soil a pure medicine j which will stand analysis by any chemist t iu the couutry.— Com. FLUTING HY THE PEOPLE. V. lis I I buna* la lb* Mnnsrr ml Vallaa I* Kssrrlrd la Do. In the United ,Stales Henate, the bill amending the Constitution so tliat the (MMiple shall vote directly for Preatdont and Vii*' Prnaitlent was under iliacna alon. Morton, of Indiana, said tlie propositi!. ll was Ui amend the Conntitn tn ui ao as t<> bring the flection home to the |Mxiplf aa near aa ixmaihle, ami at the same time avoid the ilangera whieh are threatened by the preM-nt inisle. When he liNikeil biu k over the hinUiry ml the country, it wua a uiatU'r of aiirpriac to hilii that there hail not beet! trouble re stilting flout tlie im|N'rf sent under aeal. Hix tune* it luwd liap |K ll"d tliat the Vice Pr. snU'lit liod COUIIt id Votes where lie hlUiaelf was a candi date. John Aiiaum counted the vote ami •b . lured Inn.self ehx-ted 111 17M7. Mr. Jetlernou eotitiUxl the vote in 1801, when there was a tie. Hup|MMe there had lawn two sets of elector* there from any our* , one w( making a tie vote and tlie other elix'tlllg Jert'eraoli; there wua no |H>wer tnprevtnit kitiix from eotiuUiig Uie Vf>4*' wllU'll Would ItaVO elrx-ted htm. Again, iu lajl, Mr. Tompkins, who was a candidate, counted the vote, lu 18*27 Mr. Van Huren dnl the naiiio thing and declared himself elected. In IK4I Mr. Johnson counted tlie vote, and in DHll Mr. lireckinriilge dul ao. Although the O'Ullt liinl IMB holiest 111 all thebe eases, an instance might arise when dishonesty oil the part of the Vice President Would elect. It did Uot sex-iu to liave occurred to the fram*n of tlie Constitution tliat there might la- two srts of delegates, or framl in their election. The danger* ami difficulties which at tended the |>resellt svitfeut were many. Iu case of death or nou attemliuice of ehs'tors from any Stat*- elfltfioil from Utat State might tijl vacauuiea. KttpjMMe the electors from any State were eveitly divided, and if one died or faile.l to attend, the other aide could select ! one, and tliu* liave the majontv on their i wile. A majority of one couh\ cast tlie entire vote of tne State f New York, uud two uiid a half million |s*i>le might tw utterly ailent in their vote for Presi dent. Under the present system ten States could t'iei't Uie President of the Uliitexl .States. It was now alt election by States, not a national election. He sent to the clerk'a desk and had read the tweutv-wcond joint rule of (Viugri'tia, in regard to the (xiuntllig of tlie electoral vote, slid saiil it woa grossly uucoustitu tioual. It was the intention uf tlie framcra of the CiHistitution to make tlie election of President iudejxendeut of Congress; but this twenty second rule made the election of President depend U|MIU either House of CougreoN, aa either House under the rule could prevent tlie coiuiting of the vote of any Stat. . lu COM- the House was Democratic and tlie tienatc 1(. publican, the former might throw out the Republican State*, and the latter throw out the Democratic Stub s, until no rob*, were left, and theu the election would lie thrown into the House of Representative*. An election by the House of Representatives had Ih*-II twice tried, and both times the country came very near leing ahip wrnekixl. In an election by tlie House, Nebraska with her 42,'JGU js-oplo would lutve the same vote IU electing a presl ilent as New Y'ork with her S,UOti,UHO in habitants. Under lite pit-went ITlUtn the electoral vote never approoclieii within b'ti jH-r xvni. of the jHtpular vote, nml tu some instancea it varied as much as thirty js-r cent. A Scene in the Motive. The following in a report of the scene iu the United State* Houaw when Uie " filibustering " w-s going on to prevent the taking up of the Civil Rights bill: Cries of " regular order " came from all jitrts of the House, ami the meaningless work of calluig Uie roll waa again pro ceeded wiUt. The mouotouv of Uie clerk' voice was occasionally relievisl by a demand for tellers, on seconding the demand for the y>-as and nays, and some merriment wa* excibxl by tlie lbqiubli eaua lw-ing compelletl b> vote for the flli bustering motions of the Democrats, in order to olitain a quorum. At om- time S|Mwkcr Blaine called Mr. Ceaona U> the chair. The Democrats took advntibtge of tlii*, and worried Mr. Cowma with ]Miints of orxh-r and jvirluum ntary que* j bona until Mr. Rlaine wan comiM'lled to resume Uie cluor ami <'Xtricate the Houar from the noiw ami difficulty iuto which it had drifbxL (food fci'lillg Jirevaileil among the memlM-rs, and all laughed heartily when iititler and Randall were aitpouitwd bv the S]leaker to count Uie House, ltotli aidew were unusually vigi lant all dav, the Republicans hoping to catch the iMnocrat* abort of then-quired numtier ou some of the votes, and th DeimK-rats fearing that some ingenious I nrbatnentarv trap might be sprung to their discomtiture. Hpongra. "Pie total value of the sponge* fished on the coast of Syria is front twenty to twenty-five thousand pounds per annum. The pnxluction i*, however, falling ofl through exwsaivw fishing and tlie rvmac queut exhaustion of the fialiery gTottnda AlKuit two humln-d and fifty to three htimln-d Ixiatx an at pn-sent emjdoyevl in this industry on tlie cost of Syria, manned by nlsnit fifb-en hundred men. The centers of production are Tri|Nilit I.atokia, anil Rartrutin on the coast of Mount le'lsuion. Tlie Is-st qualities on to Is- found in the ncighlsirlnsxl of Tri ]w>li and Bartnmn ; but the Kinta visit sill jNirt* of the coast, fnmi Carmel in the south to Alexandn'tta in Uie mirtlv S]Hutg<>s nltouml everx'wlien-—an-n who. :ilwuya read a j-ajx-r but never |my for it Snlamle for sonic pnjs-r ami don't lx a sjxingc. How WK GOT IT.—A poor fanner in Scotland iu 1750, finding it nlmoot im |N|tute getiorallv the custom to take str.Hic liver stiiniilaiite tor ths cm* of liver cotui'UinL, and t-'lli tin- mineral oisl vegetal le kingdoms hvo liceii diltgentlv eearrlieil to |o --cur* th* must drastic and poJiKXlona |nirgsbv a in order to produce a |*>wrrfnl effect upon !he liver, and arouse Uie lagging and eufceh ed organ. Tin- system of treatment is on ihe viiii' principle as that of giving n weak and deliilitatcd man large |wrbons of Imo dy to cualile lum to do a certain amount of work. When the stimulant Is withheld, the t rgan. like the system, gradually relapses into a mene torpid or sluggish and weakened condition than IwfoiT. Wha' then is wanted .' Me>li< inea B MI li. while they cause th" bile to flow f ecly fiom tlie livei. as that organ is t*med into action, will not overwork and time drhthtatrit. hut will, when Uieir use is discontinued, leave the liver strrugtheiuxl and healthy. Snih remedies are found in Dr. Pierces (tolds.; now she weighs 140 ths.. and i robust and In arty. She lias taken eighl Isvltlos in all. so you see I am an advocate for your medicines. WIIJ.IAM Mrxxcu moji THE NOTED SCVTT, "wmt* mix." HOIXAND Horwr.. Rockford, HI, April 20, '74. Dr. K. V. Pierce, Duffs 10, N. Y.: Sir— l have now taken four bottle* of your Golden Medical Discovery in connection with your ]>ellets. and must say that nothing 1 have ever taken for my liver has done ax much good. 1 feol like a new man. Thank* for your won derful medicine. W. F. Con*. ("Buffalo Did'). Thousands have been changed by the | use of the Peruvian Syrup (a protoxide of iron > from weak sickly, suffering creatures, to strong, healthy, and happy men and wotneu, and invalid* cannot reasonably hesitate to give it a t trial. For dyspepsia and debility it is a specific. —Coin. I Many people, imrtioukrlr cluUlran, attfTnr w illi tit* . UK-fir ; *ll.l rr|tiM of ■ noch w* giro * aura bat "ititjl# NWn. I'at io two or thr** drop* of Jhtinom .twtdyw . UntmetU, *toji the #r witii nr*lru**d wow. 1 both* th* f**t In warm w*t*r baft** gwnt ■< to bad, and h**| tii* li*ad warm at night. ft Coin. _____ ('not. fliarlon .Soger, who keep* R *tii>r(i et< k of lieary human In Portiaixl. M*.. • I inform*.! u* raeautiy tliat b* n" Sheridan't > OotHi , Flour Eitr* *Uru .... 47* at •I* ' Hill. Kalra 4*o #4OO Wheat- IU.I Weetera 1 M a* I M.H No. 1 fprtug 1 07 gIMH Up* (Nate M # M Marie, Male 1 I* # I M 1 Merle, Mail 140 #1 00 tft*la—Mliad Wratem ............. #7 a* 40 I'om g!i"l Weeseru ?*,# M* ll*,. peg m*[eii, Ittahnaa CuaaUpMftuu, Crural. Jan.-Ilea, Bright'! 1 Her tee, Ncr-.fuU. rarer t • ■ Waakieau. la all Da lanua. all then n ■■ at the Mtdoere and Laogi Fame Barrel.. tM half da. O: rraa. )ugt dan' tnbue aad Iriltlaa. tr rta per gaiV*e |arta< nut Money taael uecvatpaa, lha order head ma, far oar lewft of O lugea. girtag daerrtpUue of the ahoea dle.auae C. C. OLIN * CO., Wkakrukt. W la. GREAT OFFER! T erel) Ureal ICepradartwa, of flam ptrTeret. urig taaj 'U'l'lfl worth Biltl.tKl. " Paled te t- Free," Jeaa larel e'i great at**,, pne ta book form tl.7.ft. " A Wotaua *a limn.'t Ihniliaa atat, of Anarteaa hair life, later la bout fern •I. J. Taenl, ehuar ri rtee a rich eartrt, ef wuriilleriri ie leading, and una lie) iantra of rare plrtuteu All the time ta< ludc-d la the odra of tllilT, aan Hour rta rail! Ull Jul, 1. heat noM paid for oair W1 .(HI. "t' - r—' ■—* ——r't redaoad to * F.JII per ,ear r ingie nuurtun at eaala Al teat elaud* or t>, uuni l.reet lada*eateula l*> ageau and e Ml. Head M emote lor a pack rill Meol oar Nraru De.rl Haaqml later Awl e.-d oar I alaKigue f PminaMh aad lat ported > "T Neol. for >:!. _*> DONNKI.I.Y A CO.. Kurhmer. >. 7'. lowa R.R.Land Co. lift* for I ..Mill. IttdlAHß AYerMF rfwdH jirlcw H.t #nl IMI t#rrr S'*ri tlwhl ! i ll >wr M>Q.l I*7 the * "Oi"flic#. f>£ K*nilt4, j STrwi. Ihirnfn. and ct <*tn fall hfcrmtlh* nnd hrm W YMHI the Und* frw* Kdf rai|# and pmphUta. with ihcpi ami twrmi, wWfTwrti }••! KAiimaui land IVk, ChkEf. at (Mar Raphlt. lima JOHN n. €' % I.Mill N, ! ldH I 4Mtiw!l*Uiirr. Ba I|. Plrrcr A V*— i , m. IpRRg, #• / . ti "W# buTT nsll* hke |M *ka* SwtYd f.7 rlr I' *- Ur ( r i ivv, p rMWrM.N Y. \KW CIIOH F. MICKIM* !US vu \\ Kaod for )M H MTTo.Vt rprm* Milk. LI. K Y f AAINH) Virnl. Ufinlcd. Wrtlr fnr ClfwUr. ItrtP )|o|.HRH)k PKK 00 N T. The Tribune Almanac AND Political Register for 1875. Oldrei. I .arm-el. Ilcu. 14*t Page a. The tun lard Pobttcml andttaileilcal Aiuiual. Price, porl peld. 'JO Crnle 1 torn ft ft I .00. Adirwe. THE TKI 111 \t. New York. UAKAt OCB BV CATAUMRm, M ni/m El P*C'A OooU nlng the rraaleet r-* . ,v „ rarfcty d lltrdrq and Plotrw ( , HCj \A/ N Sred.and Uiehrat el ram, of lioine rroen eee-lrAor Mart el i .nrdeneru CETimC PatnilT ilardme. Amaleor, and 9 Ee En %J 9 Plon-U. eeol ftre to all a hoappl, UOYIY A (X), 53 No. Market St. Boeton.Maaa DTT ti r% WH4T ' *** Kl.mii I I IRKADt "PI.AIN UU HT I |Krl." a Treatlrc uu Hie m Caumm. Hlilnrr, Core and ■ % i*iTroiK.a of rii.rv r.i!. t-r P NKLBT AKD- B BR Rl f-H A ro.. 14 Will, Mrret. ■ New York. Stni PKKE to all I M Bp,ri, of the I'niled Nu-ee oa I Pa a wnr rrcni'i of a leuer Mam,. SONGS OF JOY! A !f KW OOLIaECTIOIt OK HY3VHNTS and TTJNBS Kipwltllj sdtpted for Ftimv and l'*rn, Mm(lb*, Chrtalinn AwMiK-i.iti"piw and Family Worship By ,1. H. 1 TrNNrV Bt *n\*. 5U caat# . Kleitbis Cloth, 25 croU. 1 Neat postpaid oa rrrolpt el the price. I.KI* A hIIKPARII. BM(M. This ww Trass is worn srlth |#r(vc( comfort Mm V ▼ Aftl* T Plk night sad day. Adapts SI " , 5T 1 U N "•*" to rrsry motion of VL. TKU 88 • WM (h* ttodjr. retaining Rnp- ture under tbe hardest exercise tr severest strain m tinfll permsoenfly cured, m m Sold cheep by the Elastic Truss Co., 1 No. fIS3 Brosdwsy, N. Y. Illy, and sent by mail Call or send for Circular, and be cured. The Cincinnati Weekly Star! Including peltge and th, flnel,' Illartrated Mtnr At. ■nannc. K1 per jraar. Anil-Aianoi'olr —The (1 runner'* I* it per Oontrtfitn* ft Urge page* of „. orU' Til reading matter. The farmer, merchant and mechanic in an, part of the oonntr, will find thta lha heal of the weelliee. to ea, nothing of the low prion. Agent, are uflerrd ir.dureroenta auperior to atalhing heretofore attempted Specimen coplee free. Add raw. TIIK MTAK. Clnrlunnll. Ohio. ,% /\ TIN WIRE RINGS. aVm< Xn WM TaATaZ Ci' J wll thaw. Oa.Bacatur.Dk j 'I , ilr. J. Walker's California Yin rgsr Hitters arc a poreij Vegetabls i prppare! lon, roade chiefly from the oa ( I tlvo herbs found on the lower rangee of the Sierra Neridamountaiaaof CaJWbr i nla, the roedtcloal propertioe of which ' ! ere extracted therefrom withoat the nee of Alcohol. The qaeetioo ta almoßt daily anked, " What ta the eauae of the , unparalleled atieceM of Vivboa* BIT. TERst" Our aiiawer ta, that they reroore the cauM of dlaeaee, and the patient re coven hi* health. Tbey are the great blood purifier and a life-giving principle, a Kenorator aad Inrlgorator of the aystem. Never before in the hiatory of the worid bad a modtctoa bean eompouDtUd poaaeaaing the resMitahte qooutiee of V INROAI iliTTßaa ta hwtitiig ih# 4t£k of .very ma ta Mr In. They ore a gaoU# Piirgative *•** Oft. CRl—. UL Qor^n %Ddmk%J\J eimn Farumku,aant (ran Addaaaa WORTH 4 U0 .R a DOM. AO E NTS WANTED R ETELL IT ALL rsS^g 'S&S&W *ll| ii Vaatrinaaiu, a Cm. MirtheU. Ciaia The Ways of Women, h}NCJ Y C OCfTM.Ii cfmesMl r-Brta,Hita— (mil tarn ue An ul— p'esa thr. Mali ssys* *!•* • s*w*sm as a l> after flru, Pr. pH. A4.KNIH* Uft NTI 11. A I thr re I die ffl • fWirrt. fiMrim. fltfVfLr V>. /, . s*r. Nscrlsl l4irfisrttt*islbr lf>4f. Illss. irelrd ( elatagur-* HniDd. IH'ltK ft 7ft A TKIDA M>. 4*l K'dw'* ftnrli.RoeMC A D ai3sSTO:4r?lrk t VrT f r&LL rmnft .i agume ■ i,i|han. Addcwaa •r —"" 1 I"'. ' o . !.*nau kikrg THE FAVORITES. FAMILY FAVOSmt. * The TRiaa MftM PACTt KI ttn'JrAVOKITB, ledmaM l.tM II H. I IftOttlTl . 'lb le ft full int"nii"!i mMeti'UMrt.ivdi.e Afeecße hr aaen addme. W KKI) "KW I.Mi MAC HIM: CuIPASV at llurtferd, I eae., cw eac P.ranck (fee, ta t*adtn t Uhe Great Bargains in Land. lUOO Mar,land l ame hr Sab Uhe*. tm all ■ muf ill CVmn'r, lUmMu. t'alalugne aeet free f' W. I'lßkilU. Hut Xr. Marker. Pn hiaKr Ma. Md AOCUTk WANTen-irew oo*i*,rtc* ypot—that & in SBBMEIP 6 te Cweer/^^^^^^^^S^illaZJ^a^aMia. H BMUI. Ir ewe turn. PBILa MOtßLtf MP CO. ■a, PiuaftlM Barea, rmeAeighia. Pe AIiKXT* W AHTKO. Man a* Md SS4 d week, or flu fotfMUri raft.all. aaaedat JVaa. SaaCunaaleP M RPKD Fftghth fllteet. Nee tariL OPIUM Habit Cured A rcrtala ami a ere cur* with et uad *1 bmuc. An antidote thai atandt purct, on te ova urth Rand tor mj vurttri, mMa ring (4 row yew nottia# i. iwoielnlag MrtiScete, uf hundred* that bar* burs ;* rtnanrnt:, cured. 1 Claim tu tar, dlMorcrud uad produced lha mux. ostniaai. rig WIT ar*u era* roe orrrw KATlga. PH. ft. H. (AILLINN. L Pwft. led. ■ I Vl*s psrt ■ fy wt< ss. iJcscnc* CSSA fOOtiutarucai tla. Addrte,DrJt.F-ftUruh.yulncy.MMh. BB—nan 18. 1 1 s'.ii^w if f* A W KKK. ftgael, waeled ril1Jahaia For (J! 4) owlln SV luii. a ft Vt.ivt. Durion. Ohfta. (One bux of ceag'a lataaal fak r**4n V wntMft,apt*tf inr IMI ! I*K la tealnw I gl Aft par EPILEPSY XHUBTO tonrntni "tikj ier ■eweamee *g- For aluinlamaeldciw of BftMM 19Q4. RftMeaoed. led ssnrtrnß w ARRANTRD A PKR gaitll SVM TOT CIRK /or a lt it, ■ I iron J -cue V I UJDg. Ur SOTS ut. Iriorrit. Rtwo I# IMljir!v] m. CiTAuam. siruuni. ■B if Rutmruu A, TUB, ■ftjf |Lih#u| Pitrrrni. Xr.Mfi. -- i Hums twfnb madh W&ZdEJktHD Monro rrUirtud in all imii of tuliuie rt l ruWl-K. tftra.o, K> et.m Sold mm where ft a bottle Send lor t Areolar B' ASTHMA ? CATARRH* iN#ftibf •! ##wd (rty y#m fift *•\ jtanth WtUi IVTHIIi. 1 fip*ftrl*4 bf row IpwMSitst rmc tt mm 4 hcta sstttetaslMc thssswA. iWtß*. I fortEMtai; S>siNiwstw4 m Si >isf< , 'efre.'. *n4 9WFW Crw Ar AltklMNßd Ontsrrta. .w *r . J to rs4tw# srwwrws* |*HmEywaß tu }rlm:Y. SO Hd Italw t (9MB lis Assru So rsst m 4 l*tawy >#bsNn Ssl Iy. MffHu srw wrl:|| Jssp# rorS#c*Mflsr tua NrtHWtl#E. bUif firstctatt (Wkt|9 by SB#U lI.H AAii 1 as* LAMEUe Agpto Cfssfe. OUs. Mnvrv M 4* Btu Htaseil A Ksf (M aunJCiX Outfits . ssosplws snd full nsr tftcular, Fier. R M RrtttcAai. 117 Hn. m St , Bndmn. Italle tn Agrnta. K4 new arttrlaa and the Ve't ht famil, Paper to America with two Mt* ob omw. free AM M PS CO . 3IMI lirmadwug. N Y giiTKs. CTor-nnrs. BYTOLTTBS, Dfaarandercrykind, ftrnd tunp tarfuulngue 4Jn* Oreo! Wmm Oom eed Otalei UU'eeh*. flTTllllfi tt, VA^" ("vONNTANT p I'IdIYMFAT.-AI her. M# j or Female. (tJO week uarranted Ko capital ru- SMulred Particular, and ralaahta umrir aent true Ad ruaa. wtthftc return atamp. I' R"*s,WQlUn>mburgb.N.Y. Mind ft 7 rnr.Salai, and riptnre, paid. Oil ,MVV ftt hew A-u!ut> l e package ent for lftr'e return potare (' H I.I'RNKV. WeteO..'. gwte.V, RFiDY t** r*AM"°* wor or trxbiwh. FOR 1 THE GREAT SOUTH. AGENTS See Specimen Page, ta SCRIRNKRW nu 1.11 I#. MA,. AEIXK. lor Norambur, lk ROO PACKK, and tJOO ILXOMTRATIONS. The moat magnificent work eewr pabHthtd te thta eounu,. A genu who can Bail a good book, oaa obtain territory on mo ' llt-erid terma. b, addrrralng _ A7IKRIC ftN Pl' BlisHl MjlXl* llartlord. (J., and Chlrneu. 111. SENT FREE A Book et peeing th* myatariea ol TTT AT T Om and h- an, one ma, oparate auo- ih tilt OA. ceaafuU, with a ranttal of WOO or RIOOO. Complete lnetruction, and iiluatmtiona to ,t>, addnua Tf 71 - HKIIMtK A CO., BriUU AMD BHOilU.Swa Street. New Yoth. l*i ,ft e PER DAY Oommtaalon.or R3O a week 8,1 ar, and F.ipenaea. We olfer n and will pny tt Applynaw. H WKBBKR A CO.. Marlon (t CATARRH Ms®- DR. T.P. CMILM. TMOV. MIAMI COURY, O.