jJxNTKE Reporter. Miter. Centre Hell, Pa., Feb. 11,1875. f ERM$.— tiper year, m adraxcr, 2.5H skn not paid in adranc*. Advtrti*em*it* 2tVsvr/iac for thrrr >■ •*rtio*U,*ndfor6a>ui 12 months Ay ciai contract. For Awembly. WM. K. AI.KXANDKK, of lVnn Forney's Prosa*. the loading radical or gan, denounivx tlaxxy IVolf x oottvlnct in the House and nay* he wax w rong. lot Union county keep her lmhbling atnl un ruly boy at homo, ltoroaftor. Thore have Ixh-u over five hun drexl convemiona in Clinton county, tin a inter,say* the L>ck Haven Kopuldioan Now look out for an increased democrat ic majority next fall. What can vou mention againxt the private character of Win K Alexander, our nominee for awembly * Nothing, absolutely nothing. Why the radnal nominee i* not xutheient to hold an old fashioned gtesmc lamp to Alexander. Fact. The Louisiana outrage is not >et •wallowed by all the republuaiw .u Con grew Late Waaliiugtou advice* •> that the republican senators are still un able to reach any agreement on the Ixiuiaiana questitvn or the admisaion of Pinchback. It ia uuderst-xxl a majority of the caucus is favorable to recognise the Kellogg government and also the mission of Pinchback, but there are about ten senators who will support nei ther proposition. ♦ • We hear it charged that Mr. Alexan der, our nominee for Assembly sympathized with the independent movement last fall. We have gooil au thority to doubt this. The large vote received in Penn show s that the demo crats there have confidence in his de mocracy, and there i* not a braver set of democrats iu the county tlian those of Penn. and they will speak for thetu selre* on 16. Mr. G.W. Campbell, of Harris twp.. s the republican nominee for Assembly. Mr. Campbell ia no doubt a good private citizen, and may remain such for a long time vet, and if he thinks of beating Al exander in the race.for Awembly, be must rise early and start without his breakfast, and then will still find him self behind. Before another issue of the Reporter (cache* it* readers, the election for As sembly will be over. Mr. Alexander is the regular nominee, and it behooves the democracy to give him the regular, old-fashioned majority also. To do thi#. they must turn out on election day, not forgetting to enter into the work lefore hand and assisting to arouse the voters. Let us make a good, old fashioned fight for our candidate, and send him to Hnr rishurg with a majority that will make him feel that he has the confidence of the people. Spoony Butler will occasionally be re minded of his sins. We all remember how, at a recent meeting at which he spoke, a large spoon was let down in front of him by aatring, which bothered him considerably; now we see that in congress the other day. sonic one re minded him of his hanging an innocent man when he domineered in New Or- j leans. We copy from the congressional proceedings: *Tn Butler's opening remarks on the civil rights bill in the house he alluded to some portions ofthe southern people as banditti, horse thieves, and assassins, to which M'Lean, of Texas, retorted by remarking that Butler was the only | murderer on the floor, as he hanged a man at New Orleans. A point of order was made amid much excitement, and the language was read from the clerk's desk. After much debate in relation to the ob jectionable remarks of Messrs. M'Lean and Mr. Batler, which were both dsdiK i ed to be unparliamentary." ABOUT MODOCS The miserable Modoc movement last fall in this county, to defeat such good j and excellent nominees as Mackey ami Wallace, we fear may have hail sojne I bad effects that were not thought of then. We now hear some use that as an ex cuse for not voting for Mr. Alexander, because, they say that these disorgani se rs last fall are still considered in good standing and have promises of office*. Now see the evil effects of time Modoc seed sown last fall. This is had. The Reporter warred against it then, ami we trust that that bad breed of "chick ens will not come home to roost" now, upon the principle of "tit for tat." Let us hare harmony, give Mr. Alexander your support —he hails from the truest democratic stock in Pennsvalley. We fear the countenance given to the inde pendent movement last fall will yet make trouble in a manner little thought ofthen, and that it will he deeply re gretted by many of its instigators on the Bellefonte side, and they will regret the bad example they set. Harmonize, democrats, harmonize CARPENTER TLGORED IN WISCONSIN. And now senator Carpenter, like Chan dler, has gore overboard. A dispatch from Milwaukee, Feb. 3 tell* the tale thus: The 11th ballotforUnitedfltatex senator, this morning, resulted in the choice of Hon. Angus Cameron, of La Crosse, by the following vote: Cameron 68, Carpenter 59, Hazleton 3, J. C. Clark 1. The election of Mr. Cameron wa* brought about by a coalition of the dem crats with the bolting republicans. The latter offered the democrats four name* ftom which they might choose a candi date—Judge Cole, ex-Governor Lewis, General Guppey and Hon. Angus Cam eron. The democratic caucus last night nom inated Cameron conditionally upon his acceptance of a platform that includes hard mony, tariff for revenue only, ami tbe supremacy of civil power in time < of peace. ——.# 1 The communication signed "Gregg" 1 complaining of the action of the late democratic county convention, "and its J utter disregard for the wishes of the , democrats of this aide who do the voting 4 and hold the power when it comes to tlie polls," we withhold for prudential rea sons. Let that.matter he attended to 1 after the election and the men who led t off In it—such is now the expressed e SChtiihent ofthe Pennsvalley democracy. r AN ALTERS'A 7/17 Fred. Dugla**. Jno. M. latngMon and other influential colored citizens have united in an addrex* of warning to the Ki'publiiYii party in longr*-**. anil threaten iflhcmlnnil folk* am not bet tcr nnni for, thry nill commit murih'r or join the democratic party. M e are j not prepared to xay whieh would le the greater evil. Wc irive their own word* mul, if il'' "rapine blood ami tin " dotit l*rii the radical*, wby the threat to join the •! mocracv certainly will foiwiilrrinit that mo lclong to . lu~x of citiaena who will *uffi rby th it'-n action of Omgrc**, wv earnestly apical for relief. If affaire are permitted I" pro (ihil an now, It reipiin a nounnxual f> ii • sight to are tliat the colored eitiaena of tlie flout h will either in- driven into neutrality, or, for xelf-protectlon, tomel to act with their old oppressor* in the iVttnvmlic party. and the latter tx mote proliahle than the former, a* a peac* fill organization for the purpose of neutrali ty would naturally excite xuapieion, biirvelliainv and violence there i* atill one other alternative t,i which wo are ex|Kxvd, one which i- truly fearful to contemplate. Human nature ix tin xanie everywhere fhere are many va rietiex of man. hut only .one human na ture, and Jit i> |-.->il>le thai, xtnrj: to uiadmx# ami dexja ration hy tentrivetl ami tnereaali|t x, and *eciu>; uo ineana of excape. a xpirit of n.laliation and rerenjre may In-arrouxett which will till the South with rapine blood and tin MHS. FITCH'S l> I AXIOM'S Prcxiih-n! tiranl was highly incem-ed at the Khedive of Egypt for making a fSQtt.OiAt present to General Shesuian's daughter instead of giving it to tinml'x Nellie. The following to the New Y.-ik Sun confirms it. Washington Jan. 31.—The magnificent present wliieh the Khedive has *ent to the daughter ti,-ner.il Slu-nuati ha.- inused a flutter of , atitpjnent not alto gether untinged with envy, tu taaiiuitia ble circles in this city, uud it ix x;ti,l among tju - inmates i>f a certain oflicial family, the only daughter of which and her husband arrived here a few days ago. At the first blush this may seem not only strange but jw-tty ; but those who remember the Graut Sartoris wed ding at the White Jl-mse. and the shod dy eclat that was attempted to be given to it, and the Sherman-Fitch nuptial* which took place subsequently, wil! not Ik? surprised at the little breeze which the munificent generosity ofthe Khedive has occasioned. At the time 11 ashing ton society was divide.l into two hostile social fuevions, one of them, the Grant jvarty, sneered at tie- Fitch affair as a mesalliance. He was only a ),o# greas er in the navy, while Sartoris ln-longed to the crtmc iuo< rpt. ' The London Times, in an aide erii- I torial, ridicules the new finance bi 1 1 just passed in congress : The last act of the UuiUd .Slate* senate is of a kind to provoke the i laughter of all mockers. That enii uent biaijr, the ceuGe of stability and prop of confidence in the constitution ' of federation, has, we learned by a telegram on Wednesday morning, passed a bill decreeing the resump tion ot specie payments on tlie Ist ui January, 187' J. The bill, we are in formed, was framed by a republican caucus, and was then tbrust through the senate by a party vote, all the re publicans supporting and all tie dem ocrats opposing it, and as it would seem no dhcussiou bsvipg been at tempted of its merits. The humor ol this transaction deserves to be fully appreciated. It is as though a man who knows there is something faulty in ' his household were to enter in bis (rock et book a resolution that its disorders shall be reformed some four years hence. Keforui which does nnt begin at once is the confirmation and not the amendment of evil. The annual report of the Pennsyl vania Institution fur the Blind just published says that in 1800 there ware 1,187 blind persons in the State, and that the present number is about 2,- 000. —This institution La* now 20.1 pupils, nil that it can accommodate, with forty-four applications for admis sion not yet acted upon. Thprp are 125 males and 78 femules among the inmates. (For the Reporter.) ——•We think gentlemen who .occupy position* as Chairman of ?>{i)|ifiirig Coin mittees and County Couventi- mi should provide theroM-]vi* with u f thr rules of the party to which they belong, if they are not ported iu them, a* they ought to be.— Watchman. Will the editor of thr Wati-liuian tell his democratic friend', by what rule he was governed when ho wusaonu!tjng yvjtb I the Modocs of ClcaifieUf and lack tpiig gle of Clinton, endeavoring to ri-e an In dependent candidate for Senator iu oppo sition to Hon. W. A. Wallace. Gray iin di4#ndi that iule. A Schn-rirkr. The Maine ConstiUabmt}) Convention have defeated the proposition t., „i(L hen dotriei* of \-i Minor xi<- heartrending A correspondent i I the I • mlon lnn<'" ►ln* le* that "the misery e\ ■ i> here i nothing I#* than drsadful \t iNrrsaroa m> te* than t.iKX) lainihi". are ptasvrvod ilay by ,lav by the chaiity ilole.l out to theni. In line v illajie at least lUtii person* have died of hunger, in another oiie-thit.l ot the en lire population have perished, while in a liiir.i ,a-e to- ilealh from mini are te ported Many other oases of n similarly finlresing oliaraetet nti|tlit he < itad, ami a* tlie lurui* of (tie Central Relief Commit I tee are almost exhausted, it u belicv-d lliul ulile llir tloverniuenl not* in n ati• I more libetat spitil thousands Mill have >uoi utuln J Wlore the winter i over \ Constantinople eerri |>olideiil Ot the Char* ill Oritani .ilioii Reporter state* thai last year, when merchants mil tin corn into the famine region, it was -en , I In the authorities ami older#.! to he,old ~i n h-w i"loe. Tin Intention * good, hut the result exactly uhat might have heelt peeled. Dealrri in produce Mere ready to itir.nv large supplies into the dUlliot if the oper* allol promised to l' at u'.l profitable, hut when the seizure of the tiit venture be came known they of courae enl their tock> #Uew here I'hut the pie c-uld procure neither f.Hd for llielr immediate ' want- nor ed-eorn to put into the ground, I '•♦ * I KSI Al'K UK CUI'NTKKKf ITKKS , Si I.oiti, Feb. i When the deputy jailor, John Kcnaud, went to relieve tin , watchmen Miller and 11,-ad at the jail l' l • , muliiitig, lie found them locked iu a • ell, and u)ion evuininatioii it wa> discovered] that llobetl Wilm.-r, u, Rankin, J. tin Hall, J. W Moore, and Hubert blown, nil liotoi iou* counterfeiter- had escaped It appears that about 3 ■■ cl.u k a ui, b ibner and llankin got their ceils open, l-assed ! out into the large ball of the jail, seitej \y*trb!tian Miller, I und ai d gagged bin), then laid io ail :.ir Wfitchman Head, whom lbey Healed ill lUe shine wanner, ami Kicked both in tint coll At this tine, having everything their own wav, they relet.ed the filler men named above also John Lee ami ,1. \\ l'urdon, under charge* of murder, and V in Har row, a hotel thief, rhey then look tlie key* from Miller, opened the inside gate removed seveial Lii,.-s from the wall un derneath a window, clept through the hole, and escaped, Lee and l'urdon re fused to leave the jail and soon unbound the watchmen, but would not unlock the door of the cell ui which they wtro gopfin* ed, con*ejuontly the eac ipe was n#t dls covetod until the time arrived for their regular relict. LANDAULKT WILLI kXB AUTHOR ITY. Attorney (Jenetai VV 11!>#*..• appeared before the select committee on Alabama atfairs and wa* interrogated as to his send ■ ing troop* into Alnbauia last fall. It ap peared he had no correspondence with the ! governor of the stale on the subject, but , j acted on information frotu other sources. Tfte Sewiug Machine Patent, i There is no pros ( >e*. ot.jtev r that anv i of th# sewing machine companies mil, during this session, tuccced iu obtaining an extensii-n ol their patents, notwith standing the efforts which i ntinue to be J made for that purpose. MEXICO, The City of Mciico, Feb 2.—Via Havana, Feb. 7. The w omen of Guanjurio, in their t protest against the new law abolishing . convents, >/ , '' o promise not to r-.-cog ni/.e as father, brother, ay f.#si.stj J ny I body who, directly or indirectly, look i part in the action of congrcs- expelling the 1 | sisters of charity.'' The "Trait d' Union' says "I'rotest -1 antitro, ia:aiT,J by funds remitted troui 1 London and the United atate>, u tsiakj;>| - an active propaganda in the lopubiic, and i the number of reformed churches is in creasing. Not a month passes without I conflict between the Catholics and Fro . tcsUnts." THE WAlt IN SI'TIS-HATTI.K UK- T\V KEX CA L J ISTS AN 1> A1- Ft •N* s til>TS. Madrid, February ti.—(tfficial despatch ' ; e, have been received at the Ministry of ' ' War announeing that ciglit battalions of ' Csrlits made a furious attack u|ivii King Alfonso's troop.s tirar Orteira, making a i bayonet charge, but were repulsed wish grout loss. Despatches have also been re i ccived reporting other successes by lite na . tioruil troops. A decree has been issued directing mili tary and naval officers to abstain from at tending political meetings. RECEPTION OF AMERICANS BY THE I'Ol'E Rome, February 6.—The Pope to day Received a number of Americans, includ ing Miss Mas -n, who wis accompanied by several ladies from Baltimore some of the ' members of the family of the late General Lpo, and Judge Woodward, of Philadel . phin. The partis'* arera,presented to the Holy Father by the Rector ..f tlie Xoitti American College. r AIJ HA RTR KN DIN GA F FAI li. I Hartford, February 7.—During the ab aence of Mr. and Mr- Richard Daniel*, of I yme. from their home on Thursday night ' their house wa* buf;;cJ, 'aking fire from ' tlie explosion of u kerosene lamp. Their children, seven In number, Iho oldest be ' ing seventeen years, were obliged to flee ' hiilfdressed. One ol them, a boy eight years old, reached a neighbor'*, and wa* I found on the doorstep* next morning, half dead. The others took refuge in clamp of cedar* near by, *rd on Friday morning j t when licip arpived oim offhpin, a girl thir- ( teen year* old, was so bi.dlj' frozen thul life i* despaired of. LOUISIANA -PEACE MAKING- New Orleans, February s.—The |iro.- pects for a eompronii*o are much better than at ai.y previous time. Antoine i* willing to abdicate a favor of a Perm con servative. Kellogg remain*, and the five expelled con*ervativo assemblymen are reseated, JJip senate will be republican, but wil] have ilcmocr#tio presiuenl, THE SOUTHERN QUESTION. It it understood that the senate will re. fuse to agree to the civil rights bill us it passed the house. As soon as it conies up a motion will be made to non-concur, and a pf conference will be utked. Before this is done, lioweycr, there will probably be considerable debate- The question will eventually be settb-d in conference, and there is little doubt but that the house bill will be adopted. DISTURBANCES AT ASPINWALL. Kingston, Jamaica, February 8.--DUtur; bances are reported in Aspinwail in con sequence ofth'' imprisonment of I)r. Pige ott, a BritixK subject. A man-of-war iias been ordered from this port to Aspinwail to support tlie British consul, who has been nssaulteo. We repeat, for public information that, any purson who tnkcs up stray cattle and neglects to advertize the same in at least one npwr j r iu the county within ten days therpaßpf, himself to a cer tain penalty prt'*uijbt4 1/ iqs/- i Meiiipiii-, Ti'iui., February '2 —-A des ' patch to tlie Chief of Police front Hcndcr soii to-night xuys that Captain White, n I notorious horxe thief and jail-breaker, wa. oseitsksii u> dby n party sent in | ur* suit of hint aftci sscapt'ng hnn, jsil here, ) and, resisting ai rest, was *h"t and killed j It is probable that Vice-President Wil son will attempt to lead un form move ment in the ItepublieHii party. E gl.t boiiics have beau l-wind in the yuina of file jtouufoit (Cuiut n) Liiiiali. Asylutn, whtc-h wa* dcst;o. c-d l-v tl.c- iu wet k. c rut: twins to. wort Wo lilM u'k mentioned lllc luet •'( till' :lM< -t lli (111 llotlM ill' tin lllkM Uu-llilm I I'lulJl I 'ttloU. I IllllleV Wolf, In t'HIIIMI III' Hillllil lllit (like lli* M'ttt lit tlie ooiniuainl of tin l speaker persisting t<> oc cupy the limit when I 111 If Mil* till quo* linn ii|i Tin' u<\t tiny, Tuesday, the follow iug pr< -reeding* tinik |>hu. till' juurtllll 111 lllkt 1111* 11 ( Mux li ml It recited the fni I tlint Mr. Wnlfi' liutl l*t evening mim .I u |iinl ufiinli't m hii li tin* -peaker liuil titled out. Mi. Mil. In I rep. Hiiixi'it iii mrrt'tt (In- J. mi nut ll li.nl la-ell ||ll< under -landing nf lit in unit Mi Wulfi' uii.l nf xolite i * la-lit (a|M'itkcr pro ti ut. laitt eveningi ili'cliircil lli.it tin* journal tie it htul been tv.ul mis lorrcct tunl tliut lie hail rulcil ami hail intended to rule nut tin- point of order raiat il by Mr. Wolfe. A number of gentlemen now explain iil in hUivoMMoit tluir uiiilt lataiiiling ol the pro.nnliug-ami tlicir |Mirticipatiuii therein. Mr. Tnllcy anhctantiitteil the atnteincnt of Mr. Luak Mr. 1-Uak atatcil tltat lite journal of the hou>c l ing uuilcr xltapulc, the*only n N.irt left vv.ii the legislative record of the prm-eetliuga, in taken hy Joaeplt I, till In rt, of l'hilaih Ipltia, eteuiigrapltic re tauter 'Thy ppaffvlmgi in tjuyMioit Well- fw-.d bv Nil. Klinuei it, I citliua, of the legiidulive reiorvi. The motion of Mr. Mitchel to amend the journal vv.ii loat by a Vote of !i"i aye to tai uay-t. Mr. Filteher idem. • declined to Vote, and Mr Swan ilein voted with the republicnlta. After the al>o\ e vote was auuounced the apeakerortlcted tlu- Mrgeant-at-arun to hriug before the lor oft lie houac Hon t'harleiS Wolfe, of I'nion county, who had Iwett ordered under arreat lust night. The ,-ergt unt-al-ariiia ai cordingly i ante forward and aiiuouutxxl that he had the gcutleiuati in cUatody. The hjicaker then presented the ease i to the house, alating that Mr. Wlofc waa in ilpifg) fo> having refumd obctlience - the rules of the hultiv, Mr. I.uak aaid that for thentkeof har* ' tuoiiy, and inasmuch at* there ap|x*urod 1 to have been a miaundcrUiujiiliiig of the facta moved that the gentleman ahouhl have have to | surge hiiuaelf of contempt. Leave won given Mr. Wolfe to doao. .Mr Wolfg -.• I he waa willing to aland f by Use bull 1 and theeottrae whichhclia.t taken, lie Iwlieved he waa j untitled in hi** action IteoatiM* the tlimr had la-en ttnaigned to hint hy the ajn aker pro tern. He did not know or Itelieve that he hail violateil any rule of the hotiae in aueh a M.aniicr ,:* to la* punished for any tram*- . gmvion. He wa. gjjlinjr to comvde r that if the atate of facta which Bpjvcareit * to have received the endorsement* of the ' demoeratie aide of the h*ue, he would ' Jj't' t' Iwi-ii wrong ts> have inaiated upon the floor. Hut tit* itciitx4 ti.a' ,u a' "'ate ' of facta cxiated aa hail been alleged and did not eonaider that he had violated , the rules. Mr. I.tiak thought that at the time the ] trnuldc happgngij My Wijlfi* had not - posaeaaion of the floor ami the apsswkei l had a j*crfe<*t right to order him to be seated. Mr. Huhtt offered tiie follow ig : Resolved, That in view of the expla - nation made by the gentleman from I'm ion, allowing that a misunderstanding •'aioae aa to what jcaiij' V as the division f of the sja-aker on the point of order, that ' it is inexpedient to take any further uv *' tioit ill his case, and tliat he Ik* diacharg " ed from the custialy of the sergetit-at arm, Mr. Ltisk oflfervd the following as a auWtitute: Whereas, Charles S. Wolfe, a metnlwr of this body, by refuaing to yield to the authority of the sju-aker. placcil himacll • in ojK'n rontempt of thia houae ; there fptvi, Ueaolvcd, That he be censured foreott. duet unbecoming a memlier. r Mr. Mitchell sjvoke at length in de p fense of Mr. M'olfe, holding that he was ' in order as an appeal was Ik*fore tite :house. In the course of his remarks r Mr. Mitchell referred to the action of the speaker last year when an attempt was made to take a memlter front the thrnr and in conclusion stated that he did not . in liia legislative career this year intend fito Ik? intimidated hy the majority, t Mr. Kcighard said: Mr. S|K*aker, I i 'think the matter before thia house may rj wgjj bg cppaidc'jrod one of grave impor* itance. With the gentleman from Tioga ' (Mr. Miteheli) I would like to have tlijs M session pass away pleasantly atul would 'J like to have our relations cordial, and | the metuberaon both sides of the house agree on legislation, but sir, iftliat agrec |! mcnt and thai harmony are to be pttr i cjjased by a submission to the dictation of the minority then as far as I am con cerned I cannot agree to puichaae it at eucji a price. 1 have had the highest respect for the gentleman from I'nion (Mr. Wolfei, but 1 if he has so far forgotten himself on occasion as to require the house to oon isure him in order to preserve his digni ty it is his misfortune. I would have] preferred that he should have purged himself of tho coiittimpi in which h* j stands before tlds house rather than that a resolution of censure should lie passed, j As I understand this matter there was no question of np|u-al from the decision! of the chair ami the gentleman from l Tioga (Mr. Mitchell) was in error in ar guing that there was. Mr. Wolfe was discussing his |>oint of order and he knew from his legislative,experience that he had no constitutional right to stand upon the floor of the house ami discuss that question. If a man does not OlH*>* the rules of the house what other remedy is thi'i'g bpt Jo remove him. Mr. Heighard discussed the subject | further at some length, referring to tin I ease of removal of last year, and show ' ing |)iut Mr. Wolfe himself hy his re marks ami action Unt not guusidef tlntl he had entered an pjK*al to the decision of the chair. Pending his remarks a motion was made to make the whole subject the special order fur twelve o'clock to-inor row Mr. Mitchell said it would require two-third vote to estahlish a special or der. Tin* motion was withdrawn, ami the hqpf of one o'clock having arrived, the , iiotise niljoujitsib i PENNSYLVANIA LEGISLATURE. J I Senute. WKONKSOAV, Faburary3, 1876 ' Petitions were presented n* !'• II uc 1 From 16 uofl citixens of Pi isburg, 6,00U citizens ot westeiu l'viimjlnuiis, mnl u ' tin*' iitniit*iHMgi- Hi n lint> pipe line lu* I I nun • til •■! nl Allegheny, Armstrong I'l. tin.t.-l(ilii*. <'iluiiibiH, Washington, j f M- , rr, Hiill• r, L i wrruct-and Lyoomingll COU 111 !•'*, asking |nr llu- repent nf the Hi' I! II lax ng bituminous coal From oiti*-•!> I'l ('leul drill, I •> i'timllig, J llii.it, (• eelie, I'umtii'l IhIIII villi Hr Mil Tor i) * 'counties, Hiking fm llii- I'Hnngi) i'l law r | loti-gulnU) IIHIIIIHI |iratlit• ami In pro* I , tci'l tin- |n "I'll' agailil lut'tliral tin|n•• ters i I Fin iii t'lli&etiH nf Worirn county, ro lliulltlratllillt against (liu ti'|iral nf llie In* val II|I|III|I law |' From I,'tO t-jlui-in u( Lycoming Ooui.lyjt Hiking Ini llii< repeal of the lornl option ' law. Frniu i iiiariit uf M niiigi'iiii i y county,, l atkillg f-if protection against railroad cor ■ por.iiiou-, especially to prevent damage,' by lire, ' From citizens u f I'htladelphie and ' Washington county praying for the repeal t ol ao much of the act approved March 'df, t PW7, entitled alt act relating to certain • foreign insurance companies, at uapuaei a c tax of three per cent, upon the premiums • . collected hy life and lire Insurance cum- ) panic, of t*th as I atatea within thla coilimon* wialth. I Of c linen# of lilair county, for the pa.i- i age i f an act granting a stay of execution H •■II all judgment.. Of t itici'tie of Montgomery county, ak- * ing lor the repeal ot an act approved > • Apiil 2. |N'(), ho the reduction of fee. ot i ounty i tllear#, • The follow ing hill# were favorably re ' ' ported : To validate certain conveyances made Iby married women. To aulhoriae the judge, of tiie several: murt. to tix tho number o| the regularL terms of the .nid courts ami lillif lor hold- ( ing the .anie, the time f *r .umiuotiiiig the. grand jury and fur tliu return, of ron.ta-i hh s, aMrrm-'ti and juatier. of the peace to I.a i' (he -aum b Dei la: Ing all promissory note, cotitaili* ng it conferaiol! of judgtitet.l if a Warrant ot attorney to cotife*. judgment, negotiable' pa (ii r To prevent the unlawful taking and us ing of lh horse, i art luge orotlier proper- ; , tjr of another, and to pui.ish tin. satna in cai* where such taking and using does not amount to the crime of larceny. To enable the shi.-r.lt of any County wherein a jury wheel is in uie, and hn# ( become unfit for use, to rsiusvs the eon tenia of amjt w'n i l and place the aante in a new wheel. Defining the limitation on prosecution# for forgory. To provide a remedy fur irregularity in - the sealing up of jury wheels, and in the • cuslod t thereof. l'ropoxin,; amendments to the coiiati tulioil Of tl.e lOlilln-n waaitli. j For the incorporation and regulation of batik, ufilisc tunt and de|sosit For lbs codification of the laws relating to the insane. To provide tor the erection of watering Ucughs mi the public roads for tie U>< of ' bor.t . aini cattle. 1 litM rsft OF UKI'KnSKS I ATIVK-i lifUtt' ti.l at ?Uvrn o t lK'l. ' Frajer Was offeied by Kcv Slotting Thsjournal of yesterday was read and ' approved. The unfinished busin. as f the * house bc:ng the conaideration of the rwso ' hition censuring Mr Wolfe for conduct 1 ut.becoming a tiiember, offered by Mr t i.u.k, Mi 11.11,1.#;.J ta# "warded the i- fi.jor. I Mr Mitcbsll rat.ed the p. ml of order i that the gciitletti.ni Mr Heighard was I- not in order, a* this was unfinished huai t sm Si.|si: aa- iiVl '.fl order. The speaker deilJed that nothing would be in order until the hou*c *n in order, which would not be until the matter of contempt wa decided. Mr. Reighard *rmn altriupted to |fo '* Crrd. wllen I.U <*? intealuplej l>> Ml *' M ill hell, who (eta notice that he w>>uld appeal from the decision of the chair. Thirteen minute* were occupied by the *- gentleman in preparing the following ap - peal l> The uiincite of yesterday having been u read and it appearing by them that a re •> ,1 wa* pr. • *ed and an amendment, ... thereto wa* under conricieiation at tlie time when the hour of adjournment Hied jhy the rule* of thi* h "Ue arrived, andthat the eentle" an from I.J coming Mr. Reig iiarji liml the lioor when the spfstct ad " Jccurned the hotl*e under aid rule, Mr R.-igi-aiJ hailng rlren in hi* place |u ad-] r dres* the houe upon the amendment afore *" raid, the gentleman from Tioga (Mr. G M itchelll through the speaker called the •*' gentleman from Lycoming to order on the ground that the unfnithed biuines* pend i. ng a* ahiremid at the time of adjourn ment yesterday could not bo considered at ..i thi* lime, bill* on firt reading being by the rule* uf thi* houe the regular order for ' thi* day The (peaker ruled the point of order not well taken. Whereupon Me*r. Brown, * of Erie *nd Miteholl, of Th g:i, r ipwct hilly appeal from the decision of the, ,r : chair. d (Signed) J go. Mitchell, •I Wm 11. Blows. Mr. Irwin of Allegheny i called to I the chair v Mr. Patterson ttated that a* hi* decision had not been recited in the appeal he would ntiu what jt *n, „nd did to a*, j Mr. Mitchell *aid he did not offer the .'appeal for the sake of delay but baled it upon the rule* of the house, which he dis -1 cuued at length. Mr. Kaunce thought tho position 1 ' tho gentleman from Tioga wa* > nut tenable, as this wn* a privileged qees - tion, and the question sheuld be decided I o that tho gentleman from Union (Mr. j Wolfe) could participate in the procaed 1 , ing* and hoped thnt no longer time would t be taken up with this unnecessary subject. On the question, shall the decision ol i I the chair stand for the judgment of the | bouse. Tlie yeas and nays were called, and were , 'I —yeas &7, nays 8V, the denoerat* voting ''aye and the republicans nay. So the question was decided in the nf- , t Urinative, and Mr. Hetghard again taking i . the floor, drew a contrast between the ! i! democrat* last year and the republican* , thi* in tlie case of an arrest, lis claimed , , > thnt the democratic member then artested 1 ; withdrew from the hall without any dis- 1 < turbance, but the conduct of the other ! (I I side the Otbpr night was different. In- | i itend of enlllng on the member to obey the j order of the speaker, they came to .his 1 assistance in resisting the officer* of the , ' j house. The trouble with the other side ' 1 was thnt they did not realise that there '| was i change in the [complexion of the i'bou-e, ( | He utidrtktood thnt gentlemen on the 1 other side had threatened to delay legists- J i tion unless the wishes of the minority - wete respected in this matter. lie was ' i willing that tlie people should understand j this, but there are methods by which a , stop can be put to this kind of work, and he for one had determined to apply* these f methods, and at the ronclusien of his ro- * marks ho moved tlie previous question f which motion was seconded by twenty A other members as by lite rule required, e and on the question, ' shall the main que*- jtion bo put," the yens and nays were de- d ' manded, and were—yea*Ufl, nays 80. Tho d ] democrats with the exception of Burnett r land Butler, voted in the affirmative. p J The question recur ting on the substitute c jof Centura offered by Mr. Lusk, it was h adopted by a ote of 08 yi a* at d M nays. * Mr. Butier, deipficrat, voting with the re 0 publicans. w On the resolution of Mr. Huiiii to drop j'. the matter amended by the substitute of j Mr. Lusk, the yeus were 06 and 83 nays. it So the resolution censuring -Mr. Wolfe oi for conduct utibecoming a member of the j] lii hi* 1* vim agreed to ami ordered to In* en-! lerrd on the Journal of (be hoii,e anil lha ! legislative riord Mr. Fauni-e front the < oimnh'ee of coin Irran .'on mitete bill No p|„ reletcm* to the magistrates Court* of Philadelphia, mailt' a report Mi l-ngno I kni'l rota to a i| in**timi ol privilege and iefiitr.l th tbarges niajt* ag lillit hi 111 ill the S. raliloli Morning In r pre.i, characterising tlio author at a will, ful libeller. Tie huuie ihni adjourned until dercn o'clock t i morrow, At iitoiter, England, a worrten was ic ccntly Irit-il for killing her ho.batid. The tt-.liui''tiy .how i-1 that the bore patiently long continued provocation, At la.t iri a moment of ungoven able irritation the threw n .h trpiUied alee) at him, struck him ami f i illy wounded hint. The judge he* ltd id from the evidence that the i oine i|i|ei era ••) the att were deeply deplored ti the wift-j that ihedid all in her power to Mi l the man after wounding biro, and tlie-efore, although the jury Convicted, be made the following unique addre.a to the criminal "All the leal right in thi* caae n nil juur aide, and the real wrong on y ur hu.haml . ami God lorbid that I should puuieh you. 1 will bo no par.y to it. 1 will riot even make tin* judgment compter I will not allow it to bo aaid by anybody thai you are a convicted felon for a mill Iclloli i. not complete until a tenlt nee i paa.t'd, and 1 mean to pa.a no .entent eHI all. I .hail merely a.k you to enter into your own recogniaanee to come up i n judgment it cailetl upon ; and no body in the world will ever call upon you God furbul thejr ever abuiild." The Detroit Fieu Pre**.- "A Buffalo pa ' per sa.vs that Bei-cher can easily get out f the Moultoii trap. Leave a woodclmek (long enough and he will get out of a trap by gnawing hit leg off. ' Dunbar found jit much taucr to g.-t into the trap by fool ing with oilier people s legs than it will be ito get out of it by gnawing off hit own j j Courier Journal. 1 or the Reporter. AN OLD MAN'S ADVICE To HIS SON. \\ to n David was about 70y ear*old, and j Solomon about "JO. the former gave the Utter the following good advice: Bo strong and show thyself a man. The conduct ot David is certainly very commendable, and hit example may b safely followed by purenU and thu aged in general. It may lit- that uiany a yoqiig man will con sider such courses superfluous, indiscreet and uncalled tor. hut there may bo a good .teal ol misapprehension just here. The writer need not apprise the readers ofanv periodica! nor the community in general, lhal there is a grral deal of crudene**, rudetiesr, vulgarity, obscurity and profan ity in every village, town and hainiol 111 the country It is scarcely possible to vis it * store or I* O , or |>ats a v tail to a ftieiid without being spattered with the scum ! and lltill of some obscure click allied l" the out-croppitigs of Randimoaium. It does sieiu neeottasy, therefore, to place a *-e *h i n the imiti of such \ oung men a* they go down ad iq/irrc*. Could soma ol I the young men of ibis enlightvuetl day. •re * f*tln a> eye weep or a mother s heart , ble. d m solitude, because ol his dissipation ( *' d tlie odium he has cast upofl them, he Would st-ek refuge a- Judas did in the h<,< <-iiist of suotde. Young man, I w i,i not appsai to t 4 an J Jco us Christ just ri'-w, I appeal Li your fond mother and kind father, and say to j ou. don't wound them don't disgrace them. Oh, I spare a t-sreni s he?irl! Now young gen tiriueu, 1 wish to Jo two things for you in rth - v •mmunicatton 1 hope you w ill giv * . me a patient liauring : j lii i.-A fo ysi rsenfre, for yuor tumr gir/ It nit* fur y< u la net Ay. 1 Do not swear. George Washington said, ntamuin yoqr tytih. vulgarity d p.ej To |s neither brave, polilt ne wi-e. you would not twt-ar upon a bed of death ; remember your Creator now could stop your breath. J Don't bn-*k the Sabbath. All Sab-, bath h'eakrrt live wrcU'hedlj and die u I *>' no strong drink. Touch not. , taste not, handle not Let Total absti f nerce he y.-ur motto I. I:c no Tobacco It it an offensive, unprofitable, filthy, and destructive habit •V Don t U-ll falsehoods Kuy the truth , u.o sell U Hut t*< trualo your word and I all your engagements. n Don't st<-al Be uncompromisingly honest- An liui est man is the noblest! r work of (id. 7 Don't go into bad company. Many .a v -iing man has been ruined in this Way.] Alas! How often on a bed of death is the] 1 hitler regret utUred. bad company ruined tne, and there is no doubt but the ab-nir k of the lost are full of such regrets Act accordit.g to these rule*, yoyt-.g man, and] f the way to vou is op, n io prosperity and I honor. ( J /u.- k (a f>rttr>ht fur you a gwf spir it tu act with. Ttiis is an important mat ti i to ttcrjr y oqr.g ..isn, 1 lou must have Reoolutlou. There is dicoumgemonL. and every young man need* Resolution to meet it Resolutions are the stations along the wav of life. i. You must be diligent. By diligence, . I mean, keep at it Diligence is the phi'o , sonhei's stone that turns every thing into f go oi. it touches. .1. You must be f aitbful constant and is apt n she performance ol all your 'dulW 1 ' ! f You must bo cariie*t. An earnest man weighs ton times as much as another man does there Is Avoirdupois in earn ' eslnrss. •V You tnu-i be j iitient--adopt this moj , to; vincit omnia—Perse verance overcome* all thing*. You may ■ have to douh'o up your t i.tience some ,ln.es, bui hold un *tid hold nut to the end pray for patience here, and re-l in Hea ven, God will prosper. il. You must have confidence. The good book say*. Trust in tho Lord, and he will bring il to pass. Hold yourself at an un ( wavering confidence in God an J his word. In short be strong, quit ye like nun; man yourselves, be men, honorable men, i j Christian gentlemen, and to excite you to ,' al 1 this, a NapoUon told hi* soldier* inj Egypt, jOg<:iie|-aljoCtt look duwn upon you. | Let the;, overy yuung man who reads this| short and hasty article, resolve to be a ~ man, an Konctt man. J. T. I Aaronsburg, Pa. • • THE CHRISTIAN'S LIGHT. . Servian iit Rev. John Hall, at Tut Cooper Institute. Dr. Hall look as his text a part of the j twenty-third verse of the tquth chapter of I Exodus-' Hut all the children of Israel had light in their dwelling*.'' You have sometimes looked, he said, al picture and at books which wero imbued with what 1 may call the spirit *of sug gestiveness, and thi* hn been considered i an element of value. You can all recall sitrli works. It is a characteristic of the Bible as Its peculiar suggestivenest. Its pictures bring us much to think of. The more we examine the moro wo ilnd. There seem* to ho an infinite fund of -uggeslivc ness. We arc not to run our eye over them, but we are to examine them and' look deep into them. There is a picture ' of thi* kind in these text word*.- "The children of Israel bad gone down into t Egypt amidst the jtreatest idolater* of ail ancient people, (tod delivered the perse cuted Hebrews, but at the same time taught the greatest nation of idolatry a great lesson. Tlihl le-son still holds for us. That God not only hate* idolatry, but , shows that it is senseless and futile. The \ plagues were no! random strokes, but hit al the'ehief point of heathen worship. ' They worshipped the sun, and ho hangs a ' curtain bufore it. They worshipped the ' Nile, and he turns it blood -red. They ! worshipped a sacred hull, and a nut train desolated the herd*. They wero made to see that God was tho real God. Whon a boy 1 thought Pharoah was a very, very bad man, but I do not think so now. There are thousands now just as bad— . worse, in fact, as we havo greater opportu nities. a thousand times the tight Phnrogh had, and a thousand fold heavier punhh- i I ment will fall upon u*. He was what we ( would all be if the grace of God were not found in our hearts It is the aim of true i religion to keep many kinds of darkness r out of our home* —not such darkness as * came out of Egypt. There is the darkness of grief, of disgrace. When a fond moth- . er lu ars of her son in lite hunds of tho law, then is the darkness < f disgrace and shame in her heart. There are hundreds of dwelling* in thi* city that it would bo ' desecration to call homes. There is no ®, real love in them ; there is no warmth of *' affection in litem. May bo it is an intern- pcrate father or, worse, a drinking inatb-j *' cr; n son who is breaking Irs parent's Sl hearts, or u daughter gono en the road of shame. That house is not a home, it is a £ veritable place of darkness. The olackost opening in thu world is the grave into which a Christies* man looks, but in tbeir C dwelling in tho cemetery God's people have p light. It is a balmy homo to them, not a ft dark, cold, receptacle, and God wakes t! then as a mother wukes h child, and puts H on tho garb of immoitul tv ere be ushers ic them into the everlasting light of bis glo- u rious and eternal home. h Ho! for Susbman's!! Jual openi-il it* liia new quarters iu Hush's Arcade. A I.A IUiK STOCK OF Trunks, Valicet. All kinds of Lbiilhb/* i!i UhDb /hidings Shoemakers call and see SLSSMA A for cheap stock. BUVH AND SELLS CLOY Kit I Nil TIMOIiIY SEED dec t I f. Miller & Son, CENTRE HALL. FA. DEALKKS IN DURE DRUGS ASD MED WIS FA CHKMICAI-S, OILS, I)YK MTUFPS, FF-ItKCMKUY NOTIONS, AKTK'LES Foil THE TOILET, Ac . A. . Ac ii us: him: ami i.iql €>um,| for .medicinal pur|io,ea. Truasce 4* HuppJfUfa hi yr.al variety. A Do, ch .icu CIOAItH AND lOUAtXO. I and all Other arltcDs usually kept in a fir.tcUaa Drug Store. Prwcripiloui carcfmlv t oiupouud®d. _ i .. t If MILLEH A SON. CENTKI HALL FOUNDRY & MACHINE SHOPS ' , 11 The under.igued ha\ i ILANING, TURNING BORING, Ac All k'nd* of repairing done on hort no tice VAN PELT A SIiOOP, jari-l-ly- Centre Hall. CENT HE HALL I ( OACU SUUP, LEYI IHRIIiY, > at bis establishment el Centre Hall. kocp> on hand, and lot sale, at the most rea-ona j ble rates. . Carriages, Buggies, ii Spring Wagons, Pi.a in and Fancy, and vehicles of every description made toj order, and warranted to be trade of l*t bet seasoned material, and by the most skilled and compel< nt workmen. Persons wanting anything in his line are requested to call and examine hi* work, they will fln' 'G- I.EYI NlßltlY, NOTARY PUBLIC. SORIHNKR AND CONVEYANCER, CENTRE HALL I* A. Will attend t-> administering OaUit. Ac knowledgement of Deeds. Ac, writing Ar ticle* of Agreement, Deeds, l*u, way 16 V. H. WILSON. T. A. UtCKB. WILSON & HICKS. WHOLESALE AND LETAIL llarduuro Hiitl Movo Defilfl* ißuilders Hardware CARRIAGE MAKERS GOODS, j SADDLERS TRIMMINGS, ALL KINDS OF HARDWARE AND HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS. STOVES. SI'EARS ANTI-CLINK Kit STOVES & DOUBLE HEATERS whi?h will heat one or two rooms down stairs, and same numlxr above. Cost very little more than single stoves These are the best parlor Moves made. SUSQUEHANNA UOQK I STOVE. Thi* love ha* large ovens, will burn ! hard or sort coal and wood. Every one warranted to give perfect satisfaelion. ] WILSON A HICKS, marlfitt Ballofoota, Pa 4DM tNISTKATOR'S NOTICE.— 1 etters of administration on the estate of 1 S. S, Wolf, of Centre Ilall, dee'd, have been granted to the undersigned, who re quest nil persons knowing themselves in debted to s*id estate t make immediate I payment, and those having demands against the same to present them duly su- ( thenticatcd I>\ law tor settlement. PETER HOFFKR. 5 MRS. C. K. WOLF, Jan H 6L Adm'rs. jQK. A.J. OKNDORF. DENTIST. , I* Mill located at Pine Grove Mill* and I is now prepared to travel b> tie homes of * patients at a distance and render any de sired service in hi* line, in tho best man ner, of best quality and at reasonable rale*, lnserlieu of n--w dentures made a " specialty. Teeth crtractetl without pain ' 21 jan 74 11 L. K. ETTINGER. S Aaronsburg Centre Co., Pa., Dealer in c PIANOS, and Musical Merchandise of ij every deserintion, Sheet Music, Music j, Books, Ar. Also Agent for tho itynder r Jrgaus, Tunes and repairsall kinds of in. itrument* ; old organs repaired and tuned y to as to play as well as new. All work n warranted to give entire satisfaction. i> Jec 3 tf. P DR. 1. D. XEI'F, to at Qentrolial), Pa., thankfuito]tbe public for S] past patronage, he takes this method of in- R forming his trionds that he will continue in L ho practice of medicine as heretofore. S< Having the experience of 27 years in ined- B cal practice, his best endeavors will be T tsed to tender satisfaction to all giving him a call dec. 10t*f. r jw NEW GOODS! NEW GOODS !j A. W GRAFF, CENTHE HILL, CENTRE CO., PA., Hasju*l nvfivMl a Urge invoice of Winter Good*. Consisting oi the bent uturlment of RKADY-M ADE CLOTHING! DRESS GOODS GROCERIES, PROVISIONS. BOOTH A SHOES, HATHA GAPS, AND FANCY A RTJCLKH, ever brought to Potter twp. LOWEST CASH PRICES! .HHr-Produce taken in exchange at highest market price*. A, W. GRAFF. my 8-5 jr. TPECK'S New Coach Manufactory. CENTRE HALL. PA. The undersigned ha. . new es tablishment, el hi- new ,b.,ps, fur the uianufactuie of Carriages, Buggies, & Spring Wagons, MLXIOHM IXU SLIM, PLAIX A*P FAMCY of every description , All vehicle* manufactured bjr him are warranted to render satisfaction, and a* eM Canton*, aad Woll Flannel*. Ltdir* Dress Goods, such u Detain*, Alpacq*. Poplin*, Kmprew Cloth. Sateens, Tametse, together with a full stock of everything usually kept in tb Day Goods line. which he ha* determined to tell Tet . cheap, confuting of NOTIONS: A full stock, consisting part of Ladle* and Children's Merino Hose, Collars, Kid gloves, best ouality silk aud Ltalu thread Gloves, lloods, Nubigt. Riwakbut shawls, IIATS A CAPS, : A full aisortmont oi Men'* 80/' and Children's bf lue latest style and best. CLOTHING, Ready made, a choice selection of Men's and Boy*sot the newest styles and most serviceable materials. ! ROOTS & SHOES, WM. WOLF. HATL Hardware Store. J. U. DEININGER A new. o>>iuplrle Hardware Store has I been opened by the undersigned in Cen tre llafi, where he it prepared to sell all kind* of Building and House Furnishing Hardware, Nails, Ac. Circular and Hand Saws, Tcnnon Saws, Webb Saws.-Clothe* Racks, a full assort ment of Glass and Mirror Plate Picture Primes, Spoke*. Felloes, and Hubs, table Cutlery, Shovels, Spade# and Forks, Lock#," Hinges, Screws, Sash Springs. Horse-Shoes, Nails, Norway Rod#. Oils, Tea Bells, Carpenter Tool#, Paint, Varn ishes. Picture* framed in tbc finest style. Anything not on hand, ordered upon shortest notice. *A-Remember, all nod* offered cheap er than elsewhere Hug *26 73-tf The Granger Store! Something New! CASH AXD PRODUCE FOR CHEAP GOODS. SHORT CREDIT A SHORT PROFITS. IKRKALtiRIAOULF, Spring Mill* hm established a store to suit the time*, and ha* a complete stock of DRV GOODS. NOTIONS. GROCK RIBS. HARDWARE, QUKKNSWARE HATS, CAPS, BOOTS & SHOES, FISH, SALT. CIGARS. TOBACCO. DRUGS, SPICES, OILS, In short a lull line of • EVERYTHING FOR LESS PRICES THAN ELSEWHERE. CQMR AND JUDGE FOR YOUR SELVES. sfeb. y. HARDWARE STORE. J. & J. HARRIS. No. 6, BROCKERIIOFF ROW. Anew and Hardware Store ha* been opened by the undersigned in BrockerholFs new building—where they *ro prepared to sell all kind* of Building and House Furnishing Hardware, Iron Steel, Nail*. B ,itggy wheel* in sett*, Champion Clothe* t\ ringer. Mill Saws, Circular and II and. Saw*. Tennon Saw*. Webb Saw*, Ice Cream Freeiers, Bath Tubs, Clothes Racks, a full assortment of Glass and Mirror Plato of all *i*e, Picture Frames, Wheelbarrows, Lamps, Coal Oil Lamps, Belting, Spokes, Felloe*, and Hub*. 1 low*, Cultivators, Corn Plows, Plow Shear Mold Boards and G'ultiva- i lor Teeth, table Cutlery, Shovel*, Spade* , and Forks, Locks, Hinges, Screws. Sash Springs, Horse-Shoes, Nail*, Norway " Rods, Oils, Lard, Lubricating Coal, Linseed, Tanners, Anvils, Vices, Bellows. Screw Plates, Blacksmiths Tools, Factory ] Bells, Tea Bells, Grindstones, Carpenter Tools, Fruit Jars and Cans, Paint, Oil*, Varnishes received and for sale at iunes 8-tf. J. AJ, HARRIS. . <"HFAKMRhn AND ALL Ol! .71.> Go tn I. Cliiggenheimer. FOR FOREIGN A DOMYftTlt im GOODS, NOTIONS, READY MADE CLOTHING DRKMSuOODa, ÜBOCKRJJ&, PBOTIIHONS, Boon A xuotm, HATS, CAPS, iiUUiaA SiiOES lI FAHCV AlmcXKn QUEENSWAKE, groceries phu VIRIONS! FUiUK*ic PHth nd is now prepnrcU to neeomodnu . bu old customers, and to welcome u D . C * °°* *"> •£ f-vor Jkltu n,. he.r patron.gc lU fec j, iu „,. mglbst he cap picaae the Oioat la#ti!.-. oua Call aod aee, I M f l AA S ouo<, * Kfl VN£i:. to< ( „i77, - "°" O "'H C*LO T VA*, iyW".?"""'""' in .he M d TI , U °TUr bKELb. bt f!'uoJ rooni ' * Lt m *. v ! 12ap.il 'l* Ji E undersigned!" determined to meet Prir.. **'}? f r d "'d fur Lower the noM. r 0 ! " 7 C * Ut lhe "*"ld.n ..f me public to bit stock of SADDLERY, • lb old aland. DeligheU f bd tbc time*, the -FT?""*} Collar., BIKII.*, an!n ? £**eri§i4ioH and quaiuy • Whip. 10 a Ira — JACOB DlNGhb. Ceatir Ijall Stoves! Fire! Stov'sj A * A"ty Ktesman'i. Centre Hall, ar ou S Le , hMiu ' 1 rvuvfc e. '* of Cook Stores, the Piooeer Cool, the Eclipse Cook, „.. , the Reliance Cook. PARLORS-The Radiant Light, calf-fa*- der, Ga* Burner, National Ear ,, Jewell. Ac. WlH*m4D •tore* a> LOW a* any when J. M'fflm or Centre co. TIN AND SHEETIRON WARE ITOVE PIPE * HPOCTI.It. All kind* of repairing dona. He . alwayton band Fruit Cans, of aJI Sixes BUCKETS, HVperm. . FUB>;ITURE. JOHN HRFXUHILL, f in bi* elegant New Rooio. Spring street, Ballafoate. .. on band n splendid assortment 01 HOUSE FURNITURE from tbc 1 tm monest to the moat elegant. i 1 CHAMBER SETS. PARLOR SETS, SOFAS. CHAIRS. BEDSTEADS, , WOOL MATTRESSES HAIR MAT TRESSES. and anything wanted In the line of hi* buMßttt—hotoemd<* and city work Al* *O, ha* made a speciality and keep* on hand, the largest and finest atock of WALL PAPER.' 1 I Good* sold at reasonable rate*, whoio*ala and retail. Gire kiln a call before pur chasing elsewhere. feUMy J.ZELLER A SON DRUGGISTS No 6 Brockerhoff Row, BeUeiiHtr.fh Dealer* In Dfne*, CJleffllrela, Perftintery, Fancy (Daixin do., die. Pure Wine* and Liquor* for medical purpo*e* nlwny* kept. may A). 72. QKNTRKHALL Furniiurc Rooms! 1./.H t klll MitlM:, retpeclfuliy infoitu* the ciliaen* of Centre county, that he baa bough t out the old stand of J. O. Deininger. and ha* reduced the price*. They have constantly on hand and make to order BEDSTEADS, BUREAITS, SINKS W ABHSTA N 8, CXNIM CUV BOARDS. TAU.LhS. Ac., Ac, Hoax MAtis CwAins Alway* OK HAXU. Their dock of ready-made Furniture ta lug* nod warranted of good worltmamkip and is all made under their own immedi ate supervision, and it offered at rates clieaner than elsewhere. Call and see our stock before purchasing elsewhere. 26 feb. )y Gift & Flory's New Shoe Store ! t AT CENTRE HALL. They have now opened, and will ecnstanl ly keep on hand, a splendid stock of asm SHOES, GAITERS, A SLIPPERS, for men, women and children, from the best manufactories in the country, and now of fered at the Lowest Prices. BOOTS and SHOES made to order, upon short notice. They invite the people o. thu vicinity to give them a call, a* thtw will strive to merit a share oftneir pat ron 'Q > - mylOtf D. 11. RITTEKHOUBB, WITH KOO.YB, HCHWARZ A CO. . WHIIiKSAUt DRALXBB IK Fish, Cheese and Provisions. 144 North Delaware Avenue 137 North W.ter Street" .. . „ u PHILADrLrHIA. maiAly ° J 8 — THE GREAT CAUSE HUMAN °MISEiY. J*< Published, in a Stele J Enieltpe. Price six cents. A lactam on tbo utan. Tmnml, and Radical S2 r if °£ WeaknoM. or eponuatonlKaa, tadao- Jd b* St-lf Abu, ln>Juntar/ Kaituienr. liniwtcccr. Korroa. ll.bilujr, aad Inincdionrat. to Marrtse. (.a W Kl.j,. M. D., autaor oi lb. "Greon Book." A. Tho world ru<.wnd author, la tbl* admlrabl. La*, tare, cloarljr protM from hia own .aperleaco that Ik. awful roaMajaonraa of Rolf A baa. may b. oSrclualy reiaorad wiibout uiodklar, anil without dan*roua .urclcal operation., boustM. lnalruaianta, rlusa, or rorilUlaiiolntlna out a mod. of euro at one* cortala and fSectuat, by which mq nilem, o uutlUr what tua condition may be, may care himaelf cheaply, pri Rod ridksilj. Thia Lecture U1 prote a boon ta thoaaaad* tml thnuaaodt Rant under aeei.ta a plata envelope, to aay eddreee. >< r * a >Uu "' CHAS. S. C. KLINE A CO. H7 Broederey. New York; Poet CHce Box, Urd S July- BUTTS HOUSE BKLLEFONTE, PA. J.H. BUTTS, Prop'r. las first class accommodatioD; charg- 1 * refutnitJt leer tf liTILLEE'b HOTEL, Woodward P LU Stages arriro aad depart daily