MAI-J , • Mln< Thee Tri#. Wwv. I believed the* tnif. And I w Mwt in Uin* believing Bill now I mourn that A'r I knew A inr) so fur And eodeeeivuuj. Few have ever loved"ke me t peace i frona my heart k broken Fare thee well! Ttfiuai Moore. The Children's Hour. TV lieu twiltjjht shadow* aoftlr lower, School book* and toy* ate | ; *he waa simply a sweet, joywUH eliihl, with an ala*nce of fear iu her charwcter, ami a consequent i Wnww of |envption in all tw*e of *uppoe-tl or real danger. Vk hen 1 wa* aixtecu. and Julia eight -eu, niy father hirxsl a laborer muntsl Haua Ss-hmidt, a Hes-jan, wlio liad beeu in the British service, and who. at tlie close of the war, luul dcoerted from llis regiment. He wa* a powerful man. with a heavy, imbrutcd ■■ountenaiuv : ami twdh J alia and myself w ere struck at th* very first with an intuitive dread of huu. Tlie feeling iu Julia hardly took tlie cliamcter of tear, biu was one ratlier of I-talking; yet, if The could liax-e fe-arxvi auythiug. I thiuk it would have la-en that man, fur she had an in tuitive pervvptiou that he was demon like, even beyond what his look* dc ■uoustrattvL Due evening she read of a horrible murder that thrilled our blood ; auiL upon turning her eves from the pai-er, they eucoantered thuue of Hans Sclnuidt. There wa* something torrilde m hia glamv*; and, from tliat moment, she re-*fixed that the villain should be turm-d away. A* her wishes and opin mux were always of much weight with tuy father, the latter gave the H***iau his discharge. Soon after tliis, Julia and I were left alone iu the lmuse, isith our father and mother l-ing abeeut UIKJU a visit until the following day, and we happeniug to he without a female *er ixnt at the moment t for we only kept unci. So Julia and 1 had L**-u remark ably I >ii*x. vino mrly niomiug. making rariotis horiaehokl arnuigeinents with which wx- intenihsl t"surprise and please the old people upon their return, anil, tw-ing unusually wry, proceivltHl to our chamber at an early lioai of the evening. We h:-l jautly di-w-dw-1 our selves when Julia turned hastily to tha window. "I declw," sue naitl. "the ereuiug is so plea-suit iiuit it it a put ta remain indoors. I ilou't feel a hit sleepy; let'a go down upon the lawn." We descended tiie stairs. How little [ imagined what was in Julia's heart! Harry Irving came Hp just a* we reached the Lawn. He waa only casually pawuug flie lions.-. Jnlia engage.! him in con versation, ami lie cam.- and juiued as. My ,-u.ster was more than usually lively and engaging. " WB*rc m Tow, I>D>l Edgar, and Will.' ahe asked, alluding to hi* broth-r*. " Oh," replied Harry, '• She* are over at uiieir a. They Will lie o .ruing back aooii." Hi* ancle'* farm wan * mile off. and his owa house wa* about half Unit dis tance. Th tliive young men noon ap |*-iuvd upon the rood; and, to my sur prise, Julia arose at their approach, aud proceeded to meet them. Then she re turned to Harry awl me. and called ns aside from the dour. " Now, Man. you need not lie ner- T'iiu > " aaio. "Keep quiet, mid do w* spqglt al-ove y.air breath. There a a inn ug*hf our lad - there, there!" and aile elaptierl her hand rtver IUT month—"* mail under <>nr bed. and the rct ween ourselves ; and Hans Schmidt! At times it started up, and once or twice hia fingers were caught in the opening. Then, finding oar combined weight too much for his strength, it would become evident that he was en deavoring to force out an end of the chest, Ait he could not work to ad vantage, Cramped within such limits, P PhD. K1 111 1 /, Kditor ami lVoprietor. vol.. Mil. his giant power of tuu*clo was not wholly available , he could neither kick nor strike with full forue ; aiul hence his chief hot*, txv-ted upon his ability tv> lift ua up lid and all. liven tbeu, in the ab eoiuto U>rr\r tlmt might have been anp p,**st to |HHWWIMM her, • queer feeling of exultation sprang up in Julia's heart. "1 was right, Mary," ulie cried. •• They wou't think lire a fool uow, will thee; 1 ahan't lw ashamed to * ; and we ho(wsl that our prisoner h,l yielded to a fate which must now appear to him inevitable. A small aperture at oue end of the chest, where there wan a fiiaAure in the wood, *up plied him with air ; and hence we could not ho}i**tllMt he would Iws-ome weak through suffovvitio'u. He was evidently resting from the very necessity of tlie rose, for his exertions had been pixsligi own. There was a faint streak of morn ing in the sky ; and there, upon the cheat, we ant tuid watched for the gleam to brotwieu. Suddclily, there wan a tremendous struggle beneath us, as if the rurban hud concentrated all his energies in a timd effort. At my end of the cheat there wa* a crash, aud immediately the (iernnwi's feet protruded through the ajiertiuv tliat they had forced in the l'smrvl. So horri ble now appeux not think i ever st any other tiuie liave had power to imitate. 1 did not know that I was about to scream, so terrible was the fright of which this wan the involuntary ont burst. To get off the lid, in order to defeat the movement tlirottgh the cheat end, would have instantly leen our destruc tion; therefore, still bearing our weight on the cover, we caught at the projecting feet. In doing this, however, we par tially lost our balauoe: and a Midden bracing up >f the miuwular sluq*- la-low ao far forced open the lid. that the head, arms and abottldera of Hans Schmidt ware thrust forth, and, with a fearful clutch, he seised .Julia by the throat. Horrified by the spectacle, I threw my self forward, I waring down with all my might upoi his lewd, as 1 lay partisHv upon the ch.-st. Jn*t then, a heavy crash was Uetud at the floor below, the foot-traiujei spring ing towards us as if some is ison we>, lawn tig up tlu- a'drx-H*. with the full conviction that this was an hour of need. The dim daybreak hardly revealed his identity, as he rushed into onrrvsm; but P had a fniut pen-eptiou that voung Harry Irving had come to n. m our peril. ■Sometime during the morning 1 lolitul myself in l*sl, with Julia au,l severs! of the neighboring women statu ling about me. Julia ciiiaped me ui Iter anna, and cried, she was so njotcol tbnt the I rigid had not Lilies 1 ine. "We are sale. Mary." she said. '• Harry Irving was uear the house all night. He returned, after aeciniug to go home. It was not right, he said to him self, for us to remain here ali uighi, n pecudiy as onr father wa- known b> havi money in tb-- house, Ho he kept out ot our sight, but remained Dear. The least scream he would liave heard, HS he ut la-st heard yours; but I am glad you t scream lirfore, for now we Lave liul an experience, and know what we can do. It was tedious; but I don't wish to be thought afraid at my ahadow, and I'm glad we had to hold the chest down a good while." Han* Schmidt had evidently decided upou the cheat M a safer hiding phav than that in which Julia first discovered him. I"poii the very morning on which Harry Irving -J tin no I and secured the rulhau in onr room, the offieor* of jus tice wiv* Hcorchiag for fit, old 11,-vunn scoundrel, as a *up]*wied nmrdet.-r, and he was soon convicted and hung Julia benuna the wife of Ha ITT it viiig, ami a must excellent wife she w:i*. Magnanimous and nnrevimgeful, sin- was perhajM the only one who felt no grati fioutioii at the fate of old Hans Schmidt, but ratlr-r a pity far the ignorance which lnul stee(*rd him in crime. m latW)fl>' Fees. The lawver* who are fighting in the Beecher-Tilfoti case, a ivirn-apodeut auvs, are not only working for pay, but for fame. It is admitted that whoever triumph* here wall ut once achieve coouto politan distinction. The queotioii has iie-u raistsl in tliis connection whet Iter there can lx- unv limitation to the fee* , deunuahsl by onr |*,pu!ur lawyer* ? Field and Slc-amnui have reiideresl a bill of ffJll.Udd agaiust the <-state of the late Jam,si Fisk. Hhcanuan is now IWs-her'a lawy-T. Ijiwycrw* fees baw runt-lied a *tat - which, whew mmre (Jgdeii floffmnu cimrg,si New York city £l,floo for attending in ,m important ease. It was con*idensl extortionate, but now ten times that amount would 1* small. lU-ach demaiid* slo,l*oo for au important case, and has enongh to k,sqi him busy all the time, tioveruor Tilden was attorney in one cast- in which hi* fee* ww, as is carefully calculated, SIOO,- 000. The fees in the t'nrinh will iwse are isdimabsi ut an e,|tial sum. Half as much was paid a uot>-d lawyer tor ser vice* in settliug th<- BOOM will ease. There are a nnuibcr ot estates uow in settlement whose attoineys will di'aw SOO,OOO from their clients for servicea. Tins golden glory of the legal profes siou. which excels that of all others, is the reason why lawyers strike for uotu-e. A inune when obtained insures immeuse wealth. Tihleii, next to Charles O'Cun or, lias enjoyed a long as well as a lucrative practice, and lu-u uilieh a* IIIIM* j woitluiicav, of acauiru,' and tluit *if it ( WW* ivwllv WiiUt<-*l to preveut toss of Ufe at *,* they wotiUl liave to with the wauien.' You reply, 1 Now on thia ' (KUllt it wem* eiuuietitlv worth) of ob t servatiou that the lane of the Ist I'lata . had nothing whatever to do with thia , source of wrwtliMwii.' 1 etuphativMlly I deny it. Tlie le I'lalii was Rat by igiior aniv of Neauianship. If, when tlie ship | w* making Ltd weather agmust a head j ei to the weMtwiuvl of Ushnlit, Is-fole she waa wutcilogged, the i-wptaiu IwJ , put his lu-iui up and run under bead ( sails tuivl steam, she might have run into 1 treat, where there i* gvssl anchorage, or, if he preferreil the English iss*st, to J Falmouth. There apjs-ar* to me to lie I no more exenae fr l.auug thia ship tlian r there was for loaiug the captaiii, or oue hundred othei Vive-el* wlueh have lieeu l*t ill the laat three year* owtug to the , !gnormn*- of *t-am i-uptoiii*. " I"hc lact is, a rvgular soanniu ha* re j sources under every difficulty; but if a steaiu sailor cannot ride la sue ou s I-oiler . lie is a Uat man. He will never brake a , ship speak under canvas. " NYhen 1 was miilaliipuum tif her majesty's shin IWi-chante. in 1 >*cemlier, . ISI'J. 1 took a tmhavnlo of eighty ton*, l ileeplv laden witli rice ami plunk*, from off Anootia to Malts, tiff the coast of ( Maufreiloiiia I was caught in ail easterly j gab-; heavy *.as wa*luxl away part of the I luilwarks, all the plauk* off her deck, ( uiy iwsk of water, and ray ouly binnacle , and isinipu-4*. t>ur 1 latches were well Littew-i| down, the -w-a breaking over Us. I got bar twfore tlie wind with a storm torestaynail, and having ouly forty mile* [ to run on a Ice shore, where we would , have Is-eii knocked iut* ti*>thpicks, 1 , tow etl a heavy grapnel, witli iwveuty , fathom* of lutwm-r to di-aileti lu-r way and prolong our lives. Getting near tlie lilgluaml the gale broke, aud 1 grutasl j my way to Multa in three dava. 1 iiud four svuin'u, one of whoiu fell ov>-rl**trd and was drowned, and four prus-uer* of ■ war. If I had la-eu bp-light up by *t>m , 1 should have hem final for dog-fishes in 181' J. Three years ago 1 ns-onimeiul t isl the admiralty tw attach sailing ten der* to every flag-ship, brig, or corvette, without -twain lower, that young turn might lie taught to lie seamen, not I sailorv They prefer an •-tabli*hiuent at GPH-nwich, where they may l*e taught gunnery aiul mathematic*. but neither of Uu-wt- i*-iciK-,-s will teoeh them to -sue their *)ii}m in a gale of wind on a Its shop-, or will make tliero tit tw coiuinsnd a -willing ship." The Unicornis of the \te*t. V San Frwuciwco C>rre*)*lUtb-lit oi th" V w \orh tells the following nisrvelous tale, which tho**- who wi*ii can la-lieve: Net many tui-utha ago Mr. lUde slieimer, an engineer who p-ceiv.-d lu* tsluivdiou nt thcfuinos-Miuiug Aivulemv of Freilw-ig, SnXony, which. l-iug con neetcil with the cak-biat-wl tuinea. hs* long la*-n kiM-wn as Uu- l*--t school of mine* in Eonipe. infortneil hi* frieml* tliat thi-p- WMH untold wealth w.-.ilth such ns the worhl luid never ib~<*uuetl of —t" 1*- found in the argentiferous re gion* of ClalifurttM *mi Neva,!*. Shit witlist-übliug Mr. lb-i lis.]t-iuier'* Wi-H --aatablisie d reputation in l!:imj*-an.l hi* ('umi! wk eX|**rieuce, the un-ii P-fu-w-d l> i b-li.-re lum. And I Lev UP- UWW the sortiswt men you ui*-t with Vt tliat tine- ('-m.-oiidated Virginia -t 1 at *7i. faliformu at and f )ih:r at fCiS. The figrip-i now an-, for f'ou*>>ltihif-- pliir, with the Mexican dividend, ' it is simply fully to *ay tiiat tin* unheapl of {KIVXIHV is caused bv laiw-lea* apeoihtiim. The man who pirha up the ii|wrato who urg up *nl down t'ali foruia. Sun • une, and Montgomery atp-eta oil the lookout for •iiaiue* to buy the lIUUI. I MT, who picks lip these melt for madmen ar fo.Js will let them drop again in h hurry. The wealth i* actually here uinh-r th-soil wlu-re it lu* lain for agt-H, but whence it ,-a.i 1*- dug up bv W.wteni pluck and ut -i ju ise. All thai tlie gorgeous itUMgillHti |*-r day, und that of the Consolidated Virginia UIIIM- ut the-rate of sl,"rto.oio per day I The milling anual* of th* Pacific i*a-L or of the world, contain no such rissird n-. this. ■•Mexico and Peru, even iu th* dpwms of the Sjamiali pibta-r*. luul no aueli TVOI i - IIPIIIH atHueuce as this. t'hs great •*> naiir.a extend* thmnghoui the entire (alitor ma claim fitlU feet into the < Iphir, ami indefinitely to the northward. Senator Jones is -aid t-> receive about .*1 .iMNijani froui his mining interest. Mr. Ileideaheimer rstimab-a the value of the gp-it lailiMllAa at 91 .r>4MJ,rifJo.niMl. There i* one pillar iu the CiMiaolidaUsi Virginia which contain* tf7o.(XNl.(tnfi worth of Iml lion. Tile thopiugh development o| th-*e uitnes would make tlie conutrv itninensurably the rich-*t in the world, ami Home of the atiM-kliiihlvr* wealthy !•- ▼olid the dreniu* of th<- leithm-hthl*. Ilie Storj fa Life. One of tlie representative uien ol St. Louis wa* Thomas Pratt, who wa* preai dent of a gas ismipanv, a inemla-i and supporter of a Baptist ehiuvh, ami al way* foremost in public movements. H had li v*l in that city thirty yearn, ami had a wife uml children who were leader* in Nocictv. Aland a mouth ago In- was kilhsl by an explosion in tin- gu* works which he maungi-d, ami the general re gret found expp-**iuii in the usiinl way. Hi* fortune reaclu-d half a million dollar*. Mild the squabble for it liu* revealed as tounding tilings. The 111 111 led was a bigamist. In 1821 be married in Eng land. and by hi* tir*t wila had several children. Alter ten year* of apparently happy wedded life he ilc*rit<*l in* family ana nunc to New York, where iu 1880 he married again. His crime wa- ex|*i*Hl threw year* afterward, uml again lie ran away, this time going to St. Loui*. where he acquired character and fortune. He scut money to his family in England,aud took hia other family to live with him. ■Several year* ago he r*iiife*ard his his tory to soma of the officer* of his church, ami they, deeming that the evil of a re ligion* ncandal should lie averted any how, advised him hi keep hi* secret close. Cli* exposure now come* through tha effort* of the first wife and children to get all the etate, which they can prob ably do, a* the second marriage was void iu law. LB* VINO. — A mau, plaining porter, said it WAS *o excellent u beverage that, t though taken in greut qiiAutitie*, it al way* made him int. " I have *eea the time," naid another, " when it made you : lean." "When? I should l>e glad to know," inquired the eulogist. "Why, no longer ag* than last night against a waR." CENTRE HALL, CENTRE CO.. I'A.. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 187 Hit*band and Bife, After Mix I'll toll had been sitting a little whiUt tu the court r<->tn when tu Ih-eokoi Tiltou case wa* btung tried, a comwiiMiudcut *ii VM, site turned lmr even upon lier hnalauiil, of w horn ah<- lual the advantage, a* alio wa* ten feet liehiud him and tviuld wuich every movement of hi* face a* he isit Milciill) (lehittil Morri*, hi* long g!wyi*h brown ltair falling ou hi* -boulder* and hia profile a little stronger by time and thought. Tin- Voting Tlitun of IM7O ia gtxiwiug hoar iu the Tiltou of 1874. The wifa watclu-d this uiau narrowly, without any higher feeling than strung curiosity. It ha* IMS-II long since *ha sj*ike to him. For seven montha tlu-y liave not, proUtbly, hsikisl at each other. Iu the court room he saw her for the first time. Alter awhile looking suddenly to the left, Tilton olmervett his wife ju*l ilnqi her eyea from hi* face. He looked stsidily until ahe confronted hint again. From thia time forward there were fr* queut glainx— U lwn-n the pail *u hi* l*crt -wiisibility and inquiry, ou her* merely exaggerate,l curiosity. Mr*. I'll ton wa* iu a very |*-i fe.-t slate of equaiumit), hhe wore a purple, velvet liat witli a black how and bnuck of feather*, has Mil llucouitnuul) large eat for *o small a woiinui, wn-l lean, sharp, itdiaimoiiioiis feutuiv*. ,-oiu|*iaing a very small head. Her folehead wa* of the medium size, ahuiwt a *traiglit line ; ahe luid a straight, thin, hlmslh-Ns nose, and cheeks ratlier liollow, but the mouth, lip aud chiu were grumcr and fulle lltun the lean woman who looked out alone, and th" color* of the fienli and evea w.-re WBIUI aud rtliUly. The li|> were iiuite red and inviting; the crsenes of the chin rather iuereas,*! it* jsiwer; the eye* and exprx-nsion wete those of an emotional, unrestrniuable, over cieduloii* young iuarri>-d miss, who |**r**wl greet (tower to foM-imde men, )mrti>nuarly mature and eldeiiv men, who are readily moved bv ehdilioli CMpietry. Mr*, filton wore a m-w suit ot gissl, rich black, the die** a walking silk skirt, the Uiantle or sacque of black velvet, the collar a wlate iutile, and the liat of vel vet, with a feather extending from front to rear. She i* n very little woman. Earring* of gold open work witli jing ling pendant* dropjs-d from the Urge ear* afore-aid. She kept her kid glove* and liat ou during tlie whole day's pro cm-ding*, fon-imon ami nftermsiu. With a lace iiMiidkeivlin-f in her hand, *lle fre qiieidly iis>sl it at Iter noe, inhaling the perfume. Her father. Judge Morse, was an old, resueetabl# js-raun, witli full gray hai'r and is-sird, and silver *|**-ta cit—, and he Niiil nothing, but gave lii* AI 111 M* -lie ell tel.-, I tlie r-s.m ami ret ired. Ihf Affairs of Balur. Gov. Dingley, of Maine, in hi* uc*- -rige place* the red ipt* of the H|*|e dui uig 1874 at $1,853,904; disbuns-mciits, tH thi* 8714,42fi wa* mi ac count of wurdebt.atidNK'T, 177f0r schisd*. Tim ordinary exjs-nscs w,-rv K'i'jo.ft'l, or a little I*-** than I mills ott the dollar oi State valuation. 1. l>t alter d,-lu.ting -inking fuuda, Bo,."*lLo7fi, a redu,-t,>u of $K21.575 in 1874. In ten year* nrorly $7,(M10,(Xa4 have Iveeti pniii of tin- b-lit, nrorly slt,iaiil,iillO ts-iug for the redue fiun of principal, aud A4,O-t without **--ssiug a doll*i ou the town* and cite--. H- arg.-s lh* eufor,*- lueut of the collect 101 lof t-XXaa {mm de linqucul rwilruaih-. reutaiuiug uu (su,i ,St of 11)4,040 a'*Ms>*',l last yenr: favotw (he increase ot tie- license fee* t f insurxuic,- iMm|uiiiics doing business iu tlw State. If throe aiiggestioii* aie en forced, a State tax of 4, nulls--u the dot lor nistend ut four would Is- sufficient to meet all state expenditure*. He KUggrot* tbe divorce LsW* Is reformed ; tli- adoption of an enabling af rvs-ognizuig the eligibility of w,>m<-n to office; and a revision of the Stair con atitiition. He ileplor,*, the fa. t th*t the trustees of savings iiistitaUoH* have thought it luss-wiairy or advisable to invest out of the State eleven am) a half million do! Lvr*. or more than one-third of the de posits of the people of Maiue, capital which is m-edeu at home for tie- develop ment of the ahiimlant resource* of the State. The Debt r IVnnsilvaiii*. During the |*Mt year the State debt of IVtiuavlvanui. the goveiuwr wivs in hi* uioHsitgv>, wa* roducrsl by lßfi. TTie receipt* were $7,197,119; the e\ penditurvs, Nf , .,)i1> , 2,5(>8, leaving * Iwhniee ui the trcuriury of $1,(194,551. Tin- t,t*l debt i $24,3*"iH,fi35, from which should la* de,luetr. nn.l say* tlmt, although glO.lNNMakl ate annually ex pemhsl for edilixitlou, none of the eltil dreti who complete their term* in tho public school* Iwve any sjs-eiiil fitmsa, for trade, nnd few neconie nrtisaii*. He rissiiinueml* the establishment of NCIMSIIS where boya ni I*- instriieted ill tni.les, ami npprovist of isiiupulmiry education. Bj Aeeidr-ut. At Holly Springa, Mi**., F*l. Kofi, of Tate county, tnude un ariungetnent to have an ,-gg nog. and one of his tenant*, (ieorgc Hunt, colored, knd promised to isuue up IM-fix- day and wake hiui nn and help him to make it. At .9 o'clock Kofi wa* awake, and courtuddU h<- would have HOIUC fuu out of limit; ao he got up, took hi* shot gen, utnl went down to Ins cabin, and, cooking l*itli Uirrel* of hi* gun, tirod Vaith. as lie *up(ioMc.l. He then open,si Hunt'* ih*>r and pmiciusl *t liini with hia guu, one Imrrel of the *ame Ic ing discharged, hslging thu load in Huut'a side, ftxmi the efiisds of which he •lirtil tlie next day. Hunt wa* tverferijy cimacions to the la*t, aud trotifhsl tlmt he and F*>fl were atid lunl always been OH the verv !*•*! uf jurau; that lie waa sat infied tile Nhimting wua mvidcutaJ. Baterlug House Plant*. A* many house plant* suffer frotu too much, a* from too little water. It i* a very common tiling to nee 1 lie noil kept thoroughly soaked from week to week. Thi* will uiiMwi-t* for callus, und a few other in—h plants, but for other* nature only tnakea the ground wet ocrowiouallv, anf often it btvianM very dry la for,- nun cornea again. No invariable rule* can lie given for watering. When a plant ia at n-at it needs leas than when growing, and even when growing, it ia lietter to let the soil get somewhat dry now and then before watering. If the soil is full of wnter no air can enter, and the roots need air us well a* water. To BKU. —It in said that a "young gentleman" about eight voara old recent iv aeiit liia card to call on u " young lady" a few yearn younger, and i-nvivid j tla-following answer : " < 'ompiirueuts of Miaa —to Mr. —— and regrets that previous engagements prevent her ac cepts* ce. She took some jelly to-dav without asking for it, for which she n to VM whipped at seven and sent to be at eight." Bar shljo and Their Arwur. Soul eat have beeu the change* if lmmeiM*-me|it of the present century, at least three dif fervul class,-* of ahl|M liave auivvedevl ea.J i other. At the I settle of Trafalgar, Ul IdtlTi, the Victory, Nelauu'* ttag*hip, wa* considered a uuslel of a line of bat tle *bip. Sin- curried IUI gnus, from twelve to twenty four |*uuideis. t'om |-aring her with the lluke of Welling tou, which now fiont* heanlc her in I'ortsuiouth lutilsjr, aiul cvarra-s tlie admiral * flag, we find a great advwuce iu aliip building. Tbo Uuke of Wel lington eiuTies I'll guuo, and i* A.TOO toll* burthen. She i* fitted with en gine* of 780 lmrae |K>wer, and i* alto gellier the finest *pe<-imen existing ut * wissh-u tine of 1 tattle ship. But when we look at our present fieet of ironaluiU, at the Warrior, or the Sultan, or the Hercule*. or tin- tthiek I'riUtV, the change effucted aiuoe the old daya of w\**leu three deekera, la truly lllartel OU*. These *llipM 1 Coliqih telv Ul ivwaxl ui armor, varying from sit to fourteen Uu'hes in thiekueMH ; for it Mviu* tliat tiw wooner have we got armor for a'ahip which i* conceived t" I*- iuipreguable, than Mtraightway a gun i* invented which will pierce it. They are armed with large eighteen toll giuis. a* well a with smaller oue* tat the Whit worth principle; the**- last are made of ateei, which liy a pe.-uliar proivaa ia compressed while in a fiui.l alat*-, aiul th* gnu i* thu* rendered extiaoidiiiarily tough. Hut iu the NMVV, aa in other institution*, in th<-*e day* of rapid progress, ilu- new very quickly becomes the old ; au,l alrrady *Unv the ismstrue tiou of th-Mc fine sliip*, we find m our water* a strange and unfamiliar object, the new cu)*>Li or turret ship, atu-h as the Devastation, in which tin guua are mounted on turret*. The Devastation carrii-* four gun* of the immense aixe of thirty five ton, mounted ou two turret*. Whether ill-*—* iiiisigiiUy *hii*, without etther maata or nggiug, will ever be available for aew going, or whether they will Isi reto-rved as tkaitrug lmtO-ru-a fur the ih-feuiH- of our ixaiata, is a jnobh-iu •till lUlds*ide,l. Tlie moilirtcuti.m* and uiquxn etut-uU in marine artillery xtiossdel <-ach other with surprising rapidity. There i* at present iu prvs-ees of Oou-tructioll * new irom-lad, the Infiexihle, which ia to lie couiplc!. .! iu the year 1877. Tin* •• unsi-gi'-r is to Is- orui—l with gxius of tlie iucrtslible size of wight)-oue ton*. They will Is.- twenty-seven fe-t in length, aiul are rnvrt-vl to )s-m-trate twenty iuelus, of HO) id armor (ilate at a distance of more limit a qnattcr of a mile? Th-ii, again, there i* the t,wjss|o. that tlestnic tivu Hiiiunhnue nunm, agaiuat which tto uian-of w*r, armor plate,! or otherwise, is *nfc. Trul) foimtdabh, wiii 1- naval warfare in tin- tutu re ' fliiilera -ud lMaeur. lb,- leuidou Tutu suvs : ' Haidlv ia tberv asMimms- tb*t cbolerw, alter nine vror* uninterrupted prrvah-mv. has is-n-,-,1 ou tlie rvutineut of F.uroiw-, when * fresli alarm come* from the Lost. (Tiolcta ia report,-,! to la- ravaging tlie I hitch (siMMsouon* in the Indian Arvhi |M-lago. l'ir the safety of tin sarrcl city and of the pilgrim* who will *li,tly rsH.gregate lliwre If iuta acsrtvliugiy CMuuiue-KUM-,1 tlie vuv |>ro*iutatiiiuapl,- to M,- and uuk,- all iHxvuiry pi,swnilionary ammge-nicid*. Tlie coming pit|frimag,- ia et|M>*ed also t-ntauger fioiu piagite ns well * fiotn ehohsr*. EUgnc, a few mouths ago, after upwrard of fifty vrora' alaa-iii-c, it i h,-liwv,*L reaplieansl 111 the As*yr disti I-t, Yemen, iu a IIH-MIIIV eight day*' joiiniev tram Mtwxw. lire Otto mail sunitai) mithoritn-s iu the Ilrsipix ap|>eur to )iav<- satisliej tliem*,-lwsv aa to lln- nature of the ,tiM-u*e ; bt, in view of the iitipiiwching pilgrimage. l>r. riwrle* >lilling,-ti, of ha* Ls-ii sent by the general Issitd of liealtb wi tin* empire to the uifeeted 1,1- calitv t,> loiikc further tiiqtiirira. Tttc outbnsik is striUsl to have lieeu verv cir ciuiiscnls-d. and, MiH*itxiillg to III# lat'sd news. it bo* aoine to an end. A V Bay In Ugfct. An ingeOHina system of lighting is suggcstisl by the M .itffc .tMeWoflii, ss niuong the iirolsibilitiro of tin- future, liiven, aay, * large hotel !• le- furnislusl with artificial light, the plan snggealed i*. instead ot luvving a network of go* pi|*•* leading to dlfien-llt rxsiuis and to different burnaiw in i-*e|i loom, ac-wrd iug to lb'- present method, to lIMTe the light for the whole building generated in one phus*. oay in tlie ni.uu ventilating shaft for tin- utilizing of the surplu* lient. Tlie diatrihntii>n of. the light wouhi 1*- ,-ffcctcd by means of rcfls-t,ins eseli throwing into it* appropriate tuls a bundle of rys made |*u*llel by a Irll*—sufficient lv iutelim- to fi,M*l the room to wh i<-ii t hey were directed with a pure white radiance, which could lie tut lied ou or off, or graduated Ivy siuiply pressing a knob or turning * key. In six,-, the light tulves mssl 1*- no greater than ordinary gas tujie*. and even much smaller, *in#e all fhc light required for the Urgent fXMilll might I*< tlXlllHtnitled to the reflector as an extremely olendei IMXUD. Tin- teriniual lenae* would chwe the tulie agaiiiHt smoke and dust, which would dim the refb-etor* at the angles; nnd by k,s-piug tin- iuciostsl air pure and dry, the almnrptioii of light wail Id be in appreciable. .1 B ife'v Ih-votloN. Westly Ice dewerted a faithful wife two years ngo iu l*,xington, Kv., slid went to Louisville to live. lu Iti* wicked rorot-r In- wa* stricken down and did in the inont abject |*>verty. The devoted wife wu* notifiisl, and inline distely came to the city in m-arvh of her erring hmdainil. who had *, cruelly deertsl her, Hhe was iHiuducted to a low hoivnt of vice, anil there saw the iu inatea preparing him for a rude burial A few women, who had lieeu bis com {miiiuns in crime, were Htatuling almut the drod laxly, hut cstuld contribute to have him decently buried. crime, gave him a Christian burial, and stood weening Reside the grave until the last sod w MM placed upon it. Hr. SAW.- -The following curious v currence in vouched for by contributor to the Polish paper, the Mar/id : "At Iroslnw, u few days aga, a blind liul was walking with hi* father, when two IN>V* bapi Moed to be throwing atone* in tiio mad. One of the missiles atriick the lad* deprived of eight, tout caused hint in UmM |>aiu. Moddcnlv he exclaimed, ' Father, 1 can see," ami to the OMionish ment of the bystanders, it was discovered that hi* cyoaight had returned." The coiTeapondent does not atate whether the atone struck the eye of the Wlind lad or not. THF KATIF kl>b MYMTEIY. Kail* H l*a " TrUa Maw IBR TV LA* MM llvar Mrr le< nHUiu ' Katie King," who created ao groat a --i,*tion in I'hihuh-lphia, Lata given a city i*per a loug account of lu r* lf mnl the manlier iu which ahe aucceednd in deeeivibgliar aildimee. In her state tuent ahe saya she waa boru Ml the lat ilay o( January, Idol, iu Mamachtiaett*. Sa far aa the public- are i-uUoTUcJ hi-r name ia Kuln- King, and thia only she propone* to Use. 1 nkr all oUlera, she saya she Iws of coiuwr a real liame, but the public have no intereot iu kuowmg what it i*. Katie Kr, ahe aos-pteil a |iro|MMiU<>u from tlie HnLuiea to take pin t iu their apiritual nuuiifeota tuNia, and that untler thia anwugt-meut ahe ap|*-*r-l. She received two Jullara a acaui-c, and if Un- part " took," three WtIHM W'ele to bt given a ll*V. She add* ; 1 made up my mind to play the |>eil for a short time, hoping that something Iw-tter woahl turn np in my iuteix-Ht; in the mean time I would tie earning my etiieiiNiw altd ihillig no oue any luUTii. All the nc-i-iiaarv prepniatiou* were made for my drltuf, which was to take place oil the evening of the 12lh of MaV. A Vols* luei l -u pre | wred of tlan, while French uiualiu, teaching to the floor, with long fiowiug sleeve* aud fastened around the waist with a licit, which, when (ml on, gave me a very gruorful uppcnnuicr. A white veil was then thrown looNei) aver my heml. 1 ua-i taken great tauna, by th free use of invguoliM loilm, to give wv fa,e, arms and hands a white, eorpoe like apprar aocr. Altogether, I looked very much likea spirit. Tlie manner iu which I entered and left tlie ewbinet will lie Lrtr after ileoerilied. I entered it the firot tune, alter tlie dark aeau-e waa over, from tlie lash Mr. Hulute* waa ill the 1-wbiurt. Alter oue or two false face* had been exhibited, I gently drew aside tbe curtain hunting over one of tlu apertuto*. allowing tbe audn-iu-e my face, and iu a very whiaper, scaris-lv an dilde, aaid. "tloisl evening, friemta," then drew lwrk lay head and drew d-eru tlie l uriani. The aeusaltoii ui the au ilieltce was great. Katie goi-s on to relate many acenes and im-tilcula of the aeancea, aud the effort* put forth to deceive those who liMiketl #u. She n|]>e*i* to liave done thin witlHuit much tiotible, nnd at tier first and imlovrquciit npiM-aratxa-K the ru, dmina ami the audience* a|peair*t tu la- well plenaed, arid left cougratulatiiig each other " that the uiateriahxatiiin of spint- waa a fact bgyuod iloubt." Kalu- goes Ml to mm) : Tiling* had uow assumed a lovely -hill*-. Katie collkt toik to the aiklirlice, allow theui to eauie ttp, one at a time, to the i-wliillet. Mild take a momentary look at her through tile iqiertmv. Hhe was careful, howvwr, to keep iHit o( rvsw-tl, Itnlews it WM* to a ne-iubei ot the miter cirole. Hhe had allow,si Dr. Child to teel Inn pulse; *! had accepted of a gold nug a* a present fioiu uu,- of the latin-* of tin- tuner circle, ami aliwwot Mr. Owen to put it on Wi finger. >L Owen told the aw diems- tliat "her luuid wax liefliitifully formed, like that ola mortal woman ; He-ail) ft the name t-iiq-rwline a* hi* own, -nil slightly moist," all which wo* literally true, for it wwe wry wwr uiwewlh el. I'.** "dear Father Oweti," lioW wickrsl and srnftil it waa to ihsv-ive auch -a gianl, Liml haartrsl. pur. miude,! man. lie was as luuoreiit a* a child ner,-r doubted tor A moment lln- truth of any thing tliat Katie t>iid him. He caUevl me his ",I,wr daughter Katie;" will me a v>-rv loving lett-r. accompanying a lock of Iwit ; lie also gave me a hair cliam. which 1 thir.k tie said some lady friend had given him many v.wra liefor,-. 1 was afraid witue oue would grab me. One gentleman wh<-u he came up aekrd me to kis huu. I answered huu. moot emphaiinilly, " I aluui't:" piet.-uding to Is* very touch often. fid. ,lrop|*-d the cvu tain, to liave an rxm-e to retire fr the night. Th- next evening when I ap|s-anr,l I a*aniuple to ftt>r>rvMich the a|si ture, uiilc-ot I voluntarilyr.spu-*t-sl tln-m to do so," adding, " tbey forget tliat I am a s|iriL" Father Owen |th*l Id,sis him), with au iiupreawra, fatherly tone of voice refilicl tliat "my wishea should Iw o-mplssl witli," d eoutw.- 1 did uot wish too much familiarity. I bad often been r*|ne*t*l by perwawM in Its- amli cms- to give them piecew of uv dress. Ik ing ileairou* to jdease everybody ♦*• far as I ivintd, 3 proeunsl and carnevl in my pocket a piers- of Bishop lawn aud a piece of Honiton lace, from which I afterward cut nmall pieces, wlicn fnr ntidied with a pair of nciroorw, and ww* thereby enabled lo supply all vrnnta of tlie kiwi. A I idimdou* *t,uy wa* circulated in connection with this which gained cr*-d --i-ikv, it is w4l to ixinw-l. It was said that when I ctit piec-s from my dreaa and veil, making a bole s>uieUine- six iuela-s long, iw a few aecoud* the o|ien iug would diwaiifx-ar aJ tha drew* and veil lasvmie wliole again. Of course this wx>* ituugin*H,Mi. Difference in Midower*. When Mr. Illauk loot hia wife, any* the < hriftia.i ttf H'o, / - , he lay down on the Hi sir. aud for seveu hnur* without inter mission, except for imwl*. he la-at the carrn-t vehemently with hi* Issit liivh. ami cried. " Wlnt *lndl I do f" Wheu hia ehleriy servant mitdl) said. "Hhe - * in n 1 letter place," he beet tlie ground still more violently, *iul roared more piteoualy tlmii ever. Still nothing seemed to isuiie of it. aud *-ho nien-ly sent his wild question liaek again upon hia swelling heart, lu a sympathetic tone tiia fiutliful atlemlnut warned him that he would wear hiuaa-lf out, when-id he lws-ain,- ilKsiimolaltle, and frantically exclaimed, "What disil f ,ki.'" The eldorly woman advised hiiu to look out of tin-window awhile. He lonkrsl out, and in six mouths be was a newly mar ri*l man. Hts neighlior, wlio had *ti tauie.l a similar lo**. never gronned, and never married again. The First Child. A isMiespondenl of the San Francisco HuUrtitt descriliea Ihe first piece of gold found, which mimxl widi u revolution in the history of tlie Pacific ciaat, and which is a* follow*: It* value islaUwccii ami B',. It look* like (|Hirdou tlie coiiqmrisou) A piecft of sprttoe-giuu ju*t out of the month of a aclnail-gul, except the <*> lor. It i* rather fiat, full of inden tation*, jus! a* the teeth make iu M pirsv of nice gum. Tliere are one t* of irou rust ou innaliu or white goods thoroughly with letnou in ice, then lav ill the hoi snll to diy. Kepetil the same if the color ia not removed by one application. When dry. rinse in clear, cold water. Lemon juice cannot- he nsed on colored goods, as it will take out printed colors as well as stains. ft will remove all kinds of stain* from white good*. * , Term*: SH'2.OO a Y*ar,in Adva ' 1 1 '' I Sad Mar; f an Inientor. Tin, store uf tbe inventor, Muzurt, routined iu * lunatic aayluui iu Michigan, ia ii ami uti*. He a intMt ingenious man, nuil aland timt 1/ short <4 nmif) •II Iu- lutd to do wa* to hiilr away for a few day* and invent aoiuetliiuf which be woald m-11 for fI.OOU. He wa* im prudent, and u# want always poor. 11 ie crowning invention of hia life waa a waU'b, • *u-iu-wimbit, to require wiud ing oulr at interval* of urnml day It wna ptwrfeotcd, and be undertook to negotiate for it* introduction in the mar Int. Ho aoou fotuni cdnKaclea to aatia (••laiy an augi-iuetita, and, oftei re and liaraaaing l udoavor* to obiaiu a bat ai-uimj to bun a naaoiialib- art tie mi-lit, br closed in-gotiatioua, witb little 01 no profit to biutaalf, and after an ex pHMnv tlwt liad worn on btou to Mich an rlleut (iiat wbo were inoat tuti mate witb bun aaw tlirii Dm- brat aigua of coining insanity. Not very long aiW lb* loaa of Ida money liv tin- failure of the Lankiiig-luMiae of ktiller A Wet inter aggravated theae ayuiptotua almost, if not quite, to tbe point of actual mania. After thee negotiation* bail ended, however, lie aeenied to feel better, and went energetically to work upon tbe third watch. Hie design waa completed, and waa a curiosity m watch making. . Upon tbe dud were abowu tbe year, month, day uf tbe mouth, and day of the week, the quarter second* were marked, and the aiinple •|*-uing and abutting of the watch four or five time* a day tob-am the time kept it wwuml. if opeued and all lit ofterier Mo injury Waa done, for the machinery was ao arranged tluit wlteu the watch waa fully wound the sjning wa* relieved from Die further atrwin of surplus winding. This wa* jiat uteil, ami accomplished all that wa* churned for it, and eiperta are ami to litle beeu delighted wiUl it. Mozart went bum. , and in tbe interval of leisure undertook to improve upon the appearance of a part of hi* invention by NulMtitiitiug a gilded ami eugtmved cap for tbe one already in place in Lia model. In doing tbi* lie had *uiu# piixe of the mechanism. lie Irieal to rrpbiv it, and could not do *0 ivadilv, Hia eye bad loat it* elearuewi, and hi* tmulde* hiul shattered hi* nerve*. However, with tbe womlerful iiatieuce mini jieraia tencr that luu already characterized him, lie went on trying, breaking hia iwttru meut* .o*u. the asylum at Kulama*i. which wm done. Within two daywbetore hi* removal In- wa* talking extravagantly, but enbemilly enough, of hia brilliant prospect* ami tlw w*dlk and sucrea* I bat awaited bun, and detailed to friend* minutely the t'-i tua of an agnwiueut tliat he claimed to have just Made with |er ua in New York, though be had never gone t that nit after hi* vant in tbe early aumiuer. Hia uuud bail clearly mac-bed that stage at which it regarded the xiaiou* upon which it bad dwelt aa fact* finally aiwotupliahed. Tlmi ca*e i* a ciriou-oue in the record of iuwanity. Tlie h|ie tluit in given by hi* phvMcwti* ia very alight, for the mental disease that bad seized upon bun wa* o strongly defined a* to bar at lewd the possibility of iimui-duitr restoration. Ihtrtng Ida reiictauce at the asylum. bow -' ever, be ha* been comparatively quiet, •rnd. ef coiirwe, lie 1* relieve,i from the straiu of the nelf iiamawvl and almoxt in .-wwMMit laUn wbicu preceded hia re moval. A Heat jr Theft. The CoSulcw* of Dudley '• jrael oaae wa* stolen at the (treat Wenteru railway -tntiot) in Londou, tinder ctrrmn*tance* which leave It!tie doubt that the thief •aa a practiord Itaml, aud had bud hia rbui* witb great lugenuity. Lord and jnly Dudley arrived at the railway *ta Don iu hia lordabip'a brougham. aud were immediately fallmnd by a fottr whi*-lt*i rati convwyuig two of Die emu tewa'a waiting wuiiveii, each iu chmgwofa poiiib roua jewel U.x and other article*. The woman having plaoetl upon tlw pavement the Un under her oare, while turning round to awcid Iter omisuiion. pUrvd one It*it upon the >ew4 cww. Her attention wa*. however, ibverted by the oDu-r maid, and *he removed her foot from the b>>\. H-r comjauiiou liar ing alight,si, ahe M,*>itsl to recover the hot, when *lie found It had lieen re moved. An lUHtaut Meamh waa made by the earl'a *ervnut* and by the l-aiiwray official* iu atteudaucv, but no tiiluig" istubl Iw gnimsl of it. Among the arti cle* 1-et are a (marl and diamond brace let. prewi-uted by tlw inhabitant* of Dud ley cm tbe MUixiiw of the marrnige of the carl and aouuti—. Sow rather *troug reuuirka are lw-ing made iu hw don about Lonl DudleyV a,lverti*einent of a reward for hi* wife'* jewel*. A thounand |*:itniia, and no qnentioiw asked. IB the reward, but •* the jewel* •re valued at fifty thousand pouiala it iw not expectod they will Iw returned. tn ImportaMt luirntioM. An inventive geuiu* at Minneapolis, Minnetwiu, lum jHitcntcsl an ajrparahi*. ahieJi he call* a cai -ahoe, for prereut ing ear* from leaving the track in col lision* or by ninuiug tqam a broken or dislodges! mil. It wa* given a trial a short time since, in which it did all and mora than wa* claimed hw it A rail waa taken trout one aide of Die track, and a car, with the shoe attudievt, backed down at the rate of nliout twenty mile* an hour. .ln*t before reaching tin break, tlw engine wa* detached aud the car fiew acroe* Die break, the frcwit truck striking the track all right, and the rear truck missing it by a few incite*. Die alloc gripping the track and stopping the car without damage ahont nix reals from the break. On Hie aecond trial the car struck the track all light, and went on a luilf mile a* if nothing had happened. In thi* age of railroad* such au appliance a* tliat, if placed iq*m all car*, would lie the menu* of nnvitig tliou*and* of live* ana unity. listaken Identity. The *torv ia told by a Iw-aJ paper of a mail in ObtMgow ivapcwting hi* wife. It i*s-m* that thi* fleetiwnate hnslvaMd carried home from the Great Hollox police station a drunken woman whom. he NupiMKMsl to be his wife. On arriving at his house he deposited his burden tenderly indoor*, and to bia lmrror she aimost iinmisliately died. Hi* grief, however, waa not without ciuso latioii, for 011 exnmiuatiou it was ilia covered tliat the deceased wonnui waa a total stranger. The daliglit of Un- man at Uti* dlacovery wa* at ill further height died by Ins wile U-iitg fouud ut the ivit tml | hdice station, where site had lieen locked up on a charge at druukenncH*. Thus the evening ended happily, and the atory ia n lewson to other husband* not to jiustily jump ut the conclusion that every drunken woman fhey meet must be their wife, 1 NO A MKIMiLF. FOB LIHU 44.rutarr. ml Twa ltWrrrM Oesises to ibr da. ml dUrat Ksrtttaa Wsrrtl.r 1 aaSrrl ms mm 4 Dmrngmm. TB<- narrative of LIT* IUITMIIIUM "T * i*ft of two of the craw, Heury I-naftftnt aud Jiiliti Hooper, uf tit*- *(<-amef la I lata, ahuli foundered Ut th* Mat of Biscsv. in tiumt tirtwaMtif. When Iha • vessel wuik tin-* managed la |M 141 hoard til* rait, which M inaeit, a line drawn on the ground An eithei side of wM plank aud parallel with it, each at Hie distance of the length of the ' sword aul tlirea feet ad.lfti.uial ftxrai the plank, ami the ivtresting uf hie uwu ae oonl ovr such line hy either party during the fight shall le deemed a surrender 01 the contest. This proved mtisfactury. the jrarthw were nrauttcfted. and shook hamia. Ho eudcl Iducdu'a first, lad and only duel. ; But the afUtr Jul not end with Lincoln's witlidrawid froui it. The blood of all the parties who had lieeu connected with it www up, and nearly half a dooen chal lenge* grew out of it, uearh aa many aa have oocurrad iu the whole history of the Hut.: befare ur siuce. Early l e of (*ol. At a tveut uieetiug of the HUtoiical Society of Pennsylvania, Mr. William J Bnck rwul a paper on " The Early I>ra coverv of Coal in Peunayivnuia," which contaiue.l tuaay mteretoiug historioal taet-v Tin- first iiieutiou of ixial was iu a letter front Mr. Sunnn l Tighltuau, ilabsl August 14, 1 Tfifi, which apewks of fimling *an abundance of smalt coal In iu Hie Wyoming valley, which may some time Wof great value." Olwdiah and Itoniel (tons, blscksmiths, first put it iuto use l>y using it in their forges about 177(1 From the Peua luauuscrajibs from wliicli t hem- facts were drawn, it appears that Pittsburgh was laid out aa early aa 1709, aud that flu. existence uf oual iu the adjacent hills was kuowu at that time; also the foot that petroleum, wliich lias so lately been ntilirasl, wa known to exist in Venango county several years Imfore there was any knowledge of coal. 1 There has lieeu much tliacuaMion as to who was the discovwer of the Schuylkill .sail IMHIS, the date of their diacogerv liv ing generally set down aa about hut this .liscnasioii seems to liave lieen unimjauiaiit, as a map dated 1770 lo cated coal lieds in siihiiylkili county. The first sncceasful sttsiupt to burn , nutlinicitc coal in grate* appeals to luivc Ix-cu mode bv Mr. (b>oive Fell, an an- 1 ceetor of J. uillinghiun Fell, at Wilkes bsrrc, in lfiftfi. Tlic commencement of the coal trade ia set down as 1820, in ! . which year Sfis tons were went to Phila delphia. . lottery Tickets. The Louisville ( bmni'n ia* aaya; The gumblei s frenzy has lieen aoattered broadcast through Keutucky by the Library lottery scheme, It in a passion tliut opi euda like a c ikaffl* 1 " 1 toT upwaed of tIMUXk 1 -fi S( ;|; It is aaad tlmt LwUloms* i*s more than a hundred siionbosftig vuhsm- " rea*ly to romiucwc* operallotia. . Iw aud Michigau are the two West em Mates whleti W hot 1og peopl* for murder, except by mt* The crow ta wit aa bad a bird, alter all. It never shown tbe white fcalkcr. and never cmphdna without raws. A convict in the fllinoia Skate, Prior® drove on awl iuto his head witli a ham mer. but M'M Kl lie ■■ expected la / • An Indianapolia woman lto* sued for divorce beraus* her kraidraud mode her cat for he* anppar a large kwf of **ur bread she hail set b*4*r luru, A fsvortte article of food with the ChbiH* is tbe dried which isilleoted in ainmdauee aosong the. <*>. iskinda aud have of the tool ctmAjoi Urn Huoluo sens and bf Palawmi. , A sensible Baltimore girl worth W>, (KM wants to marty. but she rayu sb win not marry any one who baa not learned J trade to fall back 00, Yonug man. wbere ara roar overall* One reason why female telegraph operators are not mora numerous is, be ■ ww. if cue of them xri4od to go to a un he'd get up and go, even if th* President'* meseige was coming over the wires, 9 In New Zealand th* Mb* I wwka the uwu, aud not the inau the mfioe. ra - , neas a recooi advertisement in iW usiicr mlliiig tor a man to ffl a public. JX-, the of which ts* ,W0 gold p*r kuoau. 4 • There iJone poor wretch Who nwy hw tsniefited bv taa acrwaatoed AIIOIMS.. - 1 and that 10 Prime Perkins, who mm late!* iwairanlnt at Paris. As his wife is now Urn poffrin of a king there may b help t s him. Mr. li l\ Luraiit has laeml ffl..- , 000 o budding, near JCafick, Maes., a college exelwlvely far tbe female ore. Keerr offtrar and teacher m the bmW lug. the p*Mid*ut and proftmora amoved utuiuetcr on his myr u prieou lor life, pre him a new* paper, saving: "Tm sorry for yrr. boaa—fhai's the bast I kin do." It was the first kindness shown to the prisoner, and he ipute brake down with eraotao*. while the aituewtnauf the scene rewardral the hoy with convney. Miss Eleanor Bhnikbarn, a scbuolmie trass living near SJiefßeKl. Enghuid, has obtained from a jory a verdict for £•< against Mr. MiunetL a fanwar, lor hreadi eft promiseofnmmag*. Hated courted her far tan years, and at length, when some pecuniary uiisfortuue had ovw taken her. Iwoke off the engagement, and wrote to her tower heth.aaght she would •ut make a fswmw'e xrife. •: A Neteriaws Westera Itasprrade. The career of one of the most desper ate ruffWns whoever infcwft.'d any conn UT tea just been raft abort aft . City, where "The Tenib)e McWaUwa ha- been sentenced to the penitentiat > for twenfy-mte years *1 Mfd labor. Though bat about thirtr year* of age, he. ia kin ram for Ida hktotfebirwtv riekelncM fnnu Nehcaaka to Oregon, and probably has not committed tew tteu a liandred murdera within the la< fifteen years. He is talt, handsome, and finely formed, and bad wit the devil been bora in hirv, might hove turned Inn Kraw of advent un in a diractaon that would tevg made him a h-to of the kilt Carson sort mther than that of Hare and Murrill. He was gradu ate.! from ft Iwd wdioo) that off the Mi* aonri buidiwhackers, though bis mother is said to have Imrn a eafttvafte.! Ken tuckiun. When but twelve year* old lie delighted to do bis little part among the "border ruffians," aud to curve and shoot at the abolitionist* When his friend* raided over iuto KhnaowL At the breaking oat trf the retielliou the little raacal and some pdn Isnrned the Platte bridge and pmcipftatod a .Howftilwl ami St. Joe railroad, tram with all te paastn ger* into nu awful chasm, the pica being that he thought there were Federal sol diers on besuff. He fought wider tftw uofxKMis Jim tssddiM Olid Ueneral Prim for rix muuHis, ami Hieu returned to Bv Creek, to find Uiat his tether >uid mother had been killed in the war. He sire for rCvdhgh then probably excused to hiiuasdt aU furitto dreda pf lawless nee*, aud, together witli soma other ruf fian*, he resolved to xiwr un mankind. He killed Cbptafli Cheesemftji and be tween thirty and forty of hi* men, and afterwonia, with tiie notorious Qiuutrell band, wieked and burned Lawrence. When tin- war eudtxl lie opened 11 saloou in Platte Citv and soon umrdomi a man and e*ca|>cd\o St. Joe, shooting an ofti eer in hi* (tight, in Hi is ffglit Iris friend Kletcli Taylor wan killed, and M< Wators married Husie Latia, who had.|*eu en gaged to Tavlur. Hw tiuu . weut to Wyoming aud *hot ffi. Widfoi atamt a ■ year afterwards he and Johji Crook were rawght mnl confined m an irt#kwge for another rnurdar, but Imth icscaped. After viuu'Uft adventures lie found iiim self among the Black Foot Indians and killed one of them. Next he is heard of at Mparts, in Oregon, whefte, 2 in cold blood, he liwrdered a mau luportl Weed, shouting him ia th terk within needL gun. Tncre weiv uow uuugr for In* capture, arid X short tiiue s&ie Hbei iff Farter, of Melrreskn f 'itr, vPlio owed to 10 a grudge, piuiouvd add rl:*pp*-d hiui uito prison. Tim trial iwulvxiu, ami ended iu ids coiiiieriou mt aputeiiee. Throiiglt all tlieae atUreutiuvs lie had beeto Mhijanw| by Bis wife, who almost adored him. mn'parting from her aud his little bora—whA it is to be hoped will not follow in hia father'* footsteps—was affecting, Odd drew tears even 'vm the eyas of the slierift. . .. ' h 3 JraTilSpF -- - 7