ras JHTRS RISPO&TSR TRURSDAY JAN. *, i*:&. ' LOCA.L ITEMS. Our friends will oblige by sending u* items t local news in their locality, five u the fact* only, and w# will put them in shape, also notices of death* and marri- Aire*. , . Anv ouesendlng u* the name* of sis new subscriber*, with the cash, will be entitled to receive the Rgroar** otic year l™*- The Rki-orvka being rend by neatly everybody on this side cf where it h* a larger circulatiowthan an\ two papers, uill be found the best medium for advertising Business, sale*, Ac. etc. g#-Subscriber* to the Reporter, wid ing outside of Centre county, *hould re mit u* 10 cents, yearly, for postage which we will pay here ; this reduce* the postage to one half, as the sum paid by them Tor oneyear'* postage wa* -M ct*. C-jrPublic Sales should be advertised in the Reporter, a* it goes to nearly every family in the valley. The school home at Jacksonville wis destroyed by fire, one day last week. A letting for the unfinished railroad work will soon he had. Dr. Runkle sold hi* house and lot in this place to Sam'l Musscr. We had a couple inche* of snow on Sunday last —-Johnson A Son willleava the Brock erhoflThouse in the spring John Limberl will also vacate the Aaron*burg hotel in April. # lloalsburg has a debating club, in which the citiaens generally participate For sale—a sleigh, with cushioned seats, for one or two horse* Apply at this office. The Centre Hall post-otfice w ill be removed to Reesnisn s stov* and tinware store, and while Andy attends to the mails a he will still continue to sell the best im proved stove* and anything wanted in the tinware line cheaper than eWewhere. Thanks to those of our patrons who responded to our call for amount due; there are stilt many hack yet, tti them the call is still open and thanks in reserve. Candidates of the past included For the information of person* not booked in chronology we will state thai Methusaleh's grandfather died belore. Methusaleh. A subscriber from Harris endowing liis subscription in hi* letter remarks, "he is pleased to find ike Reporter is not in the lie bit of publishing those disgusting per sonal puffs." We are glad to inform our friecd that the Reporter need not resort to those soft-soap notices to gain Iriends. It i- a cheap bait, and enly catches gud geons, and is necessitated by a lack ot merit to secure appreciation in better quarter*. Burnside Je Tlumai, opposite the Bush house, are still telling at the lowest city price*, alt kind* of groceries and oth -er household necessities. They tell for A'ash, hence lower than other* can afford to tell geed* at. There U no inn that doe* business on a smaller profit—they make it all up on the principle of small profit* and (uiek tales. Try them, far inert and housekeeper* of Pvnnsralley. "We hear complaint of hoy* misbe having while attending the protracted meeting in this place. Come boy*, don't d.sgrace yourselves, a* you will if your name* are placed into the hand* of the district attorney, and you be marched off 4o board with Sheriff Shafer. Take warn ing now, boy*, for the church officer* hate resolved to put up with bad conduct no longer, and we would be very sorry indeed to see you go to jail, it would Inake our town to lonesome you know. We Jike boys—we like to tee them sleighing, • kating and sliding and tee them fall and roll over, and dump each other into the snow, and pelt one another with snow ball* that have no lumps of ice in them, and when big like to see them "seethe girl* home from meeting" -but we don't likcto hear of your luisbehav ing at church. .Lookout, now, boy*, the law i* very se vere on such an offense, and we know you'll not relish a taste of it when it • uines, You are not humbugged, you are not cheated, you are nut imposed upon, you are not dissatisfied, if you buy your groceries in the Bush bouse block, at liechler dt Co's. handsome establishment, where none but fresh and wholeaome goods are kept- They are in constant re ceipt of supplies and never keep on hand anything leng enough to become stale. This shows business tact and a desire to cater to the want* of their customers. Such u firm deserve* encouragement, and the large patronage it enjoys show* that house keeper! know wberetogo to to be well served. Sechler's grocery is second to none in central Peon's, in any respect Peter's Household Melodies. No. 2, is upon our table, containing all the latest and best song*. SOcts per single munber, $4 per year. J. L. Peters, New York. Capt Dunlap, of Pine drove Mills, is spoken of by the republican! for' Asse mbly—the captain is a good looking man and a widower, and if there was women tuffiage he would poll some votes that others might fail to get. Rev. D. Leilzel, of Sligo, Clarion co., formerly of this valley reports: I bare lately closed a series of meetings in one of my congregations, and as a result £' conversions, thus far 20 have united with the church. The pastor, liev. Leit zel, expresses hit thanks tc bit flock for a handsome donation. A regular meeting of the Centre County Agricultural Society was held in | the Court Room on Monday evening Jan. 2>>th 1875. Vice President Adam iioy in the Cbair. Minute* of the previous session read and approved. The Report of the treasurer was read, approved-and ordered to be recorded. The Chair appointed the following gen tlemen a committee ou nominations, viz: John S. Foster of Harris; John Risbct of Potter; Hon. 8. T. Shugert of Bellefente; Benj. Lygett of Liberty, and Gen. George Buchanan of Gregg, who retired and after seme deliberation submitted the following report, which was unanimously adopted. President, John A. Woodward of How ard twp. Vice Presidents, Adam Hoy of Bellefonte, Samuel Grainloy of Miles, Jno. RUhel of Gregg, Richard Con lay of Ben ner. Secretary and Treasurer, D. S. Kel ler of Bellefonte Librarian, John T. Johnston of Bellefonte. F.xecutive Com mittee, James A. Beaver of Belleionte. John Rishei ol Benner, James F. Weaver of Boggs, Johr. A. Hunter of Halfmonn, Leonard Rhone of Potter, and Samuel Gilliland of Harris. During the absence of the Committee on nominations, President Orvii having meantime arrived and taken the Chair, Gen. Beaver from the Executive Commit tee submitted a report of the operations ol the past year, and ol the prospects of the Society for tke future. There being no further business before the Sociel/on motion adjourned until the 4th Monday of April. D.S. Keli.kk. Secretary. An old man whose name is not given, a resident of Curwinsville, Clearfield coun ty, went to Clearfield town. Friday week, and to return home, took the railroad. Instead of taking the Curwinsville road however he took tho Tyrone road and, up on reaching and attempting to cross the high railroad bridge over Clearfield Creek, he fell through to the ground, a distance of fiftv-eight feet, breaking hi. neck, and meeting with instant death His body was not fouod until the follow ing Tuesday. The Irish World deplores the loss in membrthip of the Roman Catholic Church in tbis oountry. It itys there were 1,200,- 000 persons of that faith in the L nited States in 1856, and 'hat there is now only about 1,000,000. A^cnibl)' We are Authorised to announce the name of It. F. Philips, of Aaronsburg, at a candidate for Assembly, subject to the decision of the democratic county conven tion. We are authorixed to announce the name of Dr. P. b'mith, of Centre ltall, a* a candidate for Assembly, subject to the decifion of the tiemoeratie county conven tion. Hon. F. Kvate— /Jror Sir:- A* the time i* fast approaching when the Democ racy of Centre County will Its called upon to meet in Convention in order to place in nomination a Candidate for assembly, to till the vacancy caused by the death of Mr S. S. Wolf of Centre Hall, and i| being conceded that our side is entitled to the nomination, we should be very car* fui to bit on the right person, one well qualified for the position and also a man who ha* the interest* of Centre County as well as the interests of the whole state at heart and who will stand by theiu un flinchingly and not sutler himself to be carried away from them on the wing* of corruption. That person 1 believe with many other* to he Hon, Sattt'l Gillilaffd, an old farmer of Harris Township 1 need say nothing of hi* qualifications less of hi* honeet.v and firmness- his past Leg islative recoid is sufficiently strong be yond all doubt to give him the confidence of the people. I'KsxaVALt.icv. The following are the candidate* for Assembly . R F. philips. Haines. John F. K rep* Ferguson. San'l Gilliland, and W A. Murray, Harris. Dr. P. Smith, Folter. Jas, Van Ormer, and U u. Alexander, Penn. For the Reporter. SPAWLS FROM PKNN. Mr. Charter Wingard formerly of Penn* Creek Mill*, hailing at preaent fro.n Adaiusville, Michigan, was here visiting among hi* many friends and neighbor*. Mr. Wingard looks well, and likes the west. * Mr. Amot Alexander one of Millheim't moat worthy cilixens, had for iornt lime been confined to hi* house with a very sore neck. We are glad to *ay that he i* again in a convalescent slate. M Ithoim has two candidates for assem bly, and both are good tuen. Now how are the people going to do justice to both, unless they elect both, and catl each of them a good half-man ? On Sunday eve, 17th inst, curing preach :ng at the Paradise church (Penn Creek) torn* one made bimaeif useful, br stealing a blanket belonging to Key P. M. Coup, and two belonging to Mr. Confer. Ere long it will be ay to walk altogeth er, or some one stay with the team and watch it Lrnk out for vagabonds and scoundrels, everywhere, is the watch word. Last Saturday night a week ago, two young men from an upper township had quite a spree. They were found at about midnight, in the vicinity of SinilhviUe were they were taken in and cared for. If they had not been found they would both have been in eternity ere morning. 0 take warning young men. There is a yonng man in Miilheiui named Willi* Muster, thai takes a nail keg with a hundred weight of nails in it, and lift* it with hi* teeth. He takes hold at the staves with hi* teeth Millheim had a modern wonder dollar store, which wa* a sure plan for helping tome of the loose change along. Once bit, would *sl bite again. The snow on Bqnday improved the sleighing considerably, and the lover* o sleighing enjoyed it Well, notwithstanding the inclemency of tbe weather. 10 S. C.| PISK GKOVK, JAM. 25, 1875 Ms. KI ETZ— Sir:— lt is almost a year since J last saw an account in your paper from this plaue, and if permitted 1 will give a few of the moat interesting topics of the day. Rev. Karhart is holding a pro tracted meeting in the Lutheraji church. A. A. Kerlin has been assisting him for almost two weeks, and much good has been done. Let it continue. John J. Krebsone of Ferguson's best democrats it much talked of as the man for the Legis lature. The Academy under Prof. Rhone U in a nourishing condition. A large cumber of pupils ar*> if} attendance, and the Spring session proves an iocyegje. Those desirous of an Academic course can chose no better place. Report says tbnt Dr. Smith resigned his office as a school director. Sorry to hear this, wonder who will be the candidate for that office. The musical talent of this place it culti vated by J. A. Weaver uod J F. M*ek, two of the best teachers in the county. In this art Pine Grove can compare with any part of the county. Fitica PENNSYLVANIA GERMAN On Friday evening 15th in*t, Mr. 11. O Deiningcr of Millheiin delivered a lecture in Kreiders School boue on the subject of "Counterfeit*." A respectable audience had assembled to lulon to the interesting lecture. The house was called to order by D. L. Zerby. Mr Jacob Kersteler was then appointed chairman and on mo tion. D. U Zerby was appointed Sec , the chairman then introduced Mr Deitiinger, who delivered a very interesting and well prepared Ivcturo on the subject above stat ed, showing that there are counterfeit* in almost all trade*, occupations, and pro fessions, giving appropriate illustrations to substantiate the same All his argu ments were to the point and answered their intended purpose well. All were highly delighted and many expressed their desire to have Mr. Dtinlnger, repeat his I visit to our place and give us another lec ture. D. L. ZKRBY. Sic. Keasscmbling of the Democratic Count) Convent ion At a meeting of the Democratic Stand ing Committee, held in Bellefonte, on Saturday, 16th last, the following resolu tion was adopted .- Revived. That the Chairman of the Standii g Committee he directed to request the President of the last Deinocratii'Coun- ty Convention to reassemble the Conven tion which tnet in August 1874. for the purpose of placing in nominaticn candi dates to fill the vacancy caused by the death of Hon S. S- Wolf, and any other vacancy that may occur—allowing the poople to re-instruct their delegates if they desire. In compliance with the above, the del egates to the County Convention "which met in August, 1874, are hereby notified to re assemble in the Court House in Belle fonte, on Tuesday the 2nd day of Februa ry next, nt2o'chck p. tu . for the purpose mentioned in the resolution. By reiuot of J.H.WOODWARD. J. H. Mokkihon, Prc.it. Don. Co. t\,n. Chairman Standing Com. CALL OF AN ELECTION FOE RE INSTRUCTION OF DELEGATES. At a meeting of the Democratic Stand ing Com ill itfeo, held on Saturday Jan. 16, 1875, the following resolution was adopt- Revived, further. That the present com mitteeman of each election precinct is hereby requeued to appoint two suitable persons who shall meet at the usual place of holding elections on Saturday prexceed ing the assembling of the Convention, for the purpose of holding an election to re instruct the delegates, between the hours of two and five o'clock P. M.,of said day, the Committeeman being the Chairman of said Board-" In compliance with the above resolution, I hereby give notice that an election will lake place on Saturday, the 30 day of Jan., 1875 lor the purpose of re instructing the delegates to the Convention to be held Tuesday, February 2nd. 1875. J. H. MORRISON. Chairman. New York, January 9.—The London Times of the 25th of December gives an account of a terrible accident on tho Great Western Railroad in which thirtyona per sons wera killed and upwards of seventy .wounded. Missouri Letter. GRANT CITT, Mo., Jan, Utb, '74. I EDITOR R*ro*TTA R— Thinking that i 1 your reader* have thoroughly digested my last letter, and knowing al*o their eager ness to read "furrin" correspondence, I i have again allowed my presumption to i overcome my Judgment, and hence this i letter. Your readers will doubtless be edified (?) beyond measure when they peruse this fregmentary epistle, written by i "ex brevities," ewey off in the "puke slate. I know there is an abiding prqju dice existing in the mind* of many of the people of the eastern states against this i state, and, this too without Just cau*e. They entertain the ridiculously absurd idea that Missouri lithe worst governed State in the Union; that it is the rendezvous of murderer*, robber* end desperadoes; that the law* of the state are not enforced agaitut criminal*, through the fear that ! terrible vmgeace would speedily be visi ted upon the head* of those who dared to execute them ; that mob law is the only law recognised, aud that Judge Lynch is • the head centre of justice. All litis haunt* the mind* of the weak-kneed like some terrible phantasmagoria, and one might as well ask*auch persona to yield up tbeir existence as to ask |hem to come to this state. The recital of the bold and daring robberies of the notorious James and Younger brothers, congeal* their blood in holy horror; yet they will sit down end reed the papers containing the report* of the butcheries among the coal miners of their own state, with apparent relish. 1* the crime of butchering a doxen men in the coal mines of Pennsylvania, of a lesser magnitude, than the simple robbing of an express car, or the hanging of some des-, pcrwdo by an outragrd people in Missouri? The extreme is so manifestly evident that it needs no comment. The law* of state, are a* stringent, and are so strictly enforced a* those of Pennsylvania; yet this doe* not entirely prevent crime. The; simple enactment of a law doe* not pre ! vent misdemeanors, nor doc* it* strictest enforcement keep men from committing the worst of crimes Men who have been, reared from tlieir earliest infancy to shun what is pad, cannot he tuade to forsake their ways by enforcing laws; such men will take desperate chances, with the hope of finally evading the penalty that attach es to their crimes. Viewing the situation from the above standpoint, I am convinc ed that MUrsuri is as safe a state for hon est, upright and well-intentioned people, a* any in the Union. Life and property is as safe here as anywnera. But 1 mast bring my sciihbiing to a close, as my let ter has already reached an unpardonable length. 1 imagine I see the compositor leaning against hit case trying to decipher this manuscript If he has the ordinary virtue* of a printer he will a few ad -i jevlivrt at my expense. E. S. G. 1m M kmouiaM.—The following preaiu ble and resolution* were adopted by Washington Grange Mo. HI, Patrons qf. Husbandry, on the '-Vlh instant: Wilis***, God. in hi* infinite wisdom has seen fit to remove from our midst by death our beloved and highly esteemed sister, S. Adeline Myer, wile of brother \Vm C. Myer and daughter ot worthy Past Master J. \V Krumrlne, also a char ter member and late "Pottiona" of this Grange, leaving a large number of friends and relatives within the Grange to mourn her early departure, therefore be it Resolved, That ill the 4c#t{> of oqr young sister, the church and this Grange nave lost a consistent and devoted mem ber, the parent* a dutiful and doting daughter and the young husband an at fectionatc wife. Resolved. That wo sympathize with the bereaved families and friends in their affliction and sorrow, commending them to the t/sqjtr mercies of an all wiso God. bearing in mind that, "ft is lha Lord,";] and with humble resignation say, "Let him do what seeiaeth him good." Resolved, That these resolutions be en tered on the minutes of this Grange and copies of the same sent to the publishers of the "Farmer's FrienJ," the "Centre Hall Reporter," tha "Republican," and the "Watchman," with request that they pubHch them. TWENTY EUiHT* CHINA MEN KILLED IN NF.VADA-SAUMAFC VALLEY, UAL. UNDER WATER. San Francisco, Jan. 21.—Salinas Valley Is under water resulting in great damage to property, but no loss of life i* reports* thus far. A snow-slide in tha mountain* near Genoa, Nevada, buried 50 Chinamen wood-cutters, of whom 28 were killed. The Pennsylvania State Grange has qnanjspously adopted resolutions in favor of free banking and national currency, and directed copies thereof to he transmit; ted to the two House* of Congress and to both branches of the State Legislature. A NS UAL STATEMENT. Office of the Farmeri Mutual Fire In• iterance Company of Centre County. Cgjfrax Hall, Jan. 11, 1874. In compliance with the provisions of their charter the directors present the seyr entcenth annual statement of the transac tions of the Company. AaaKTTft. Bill* receivable being premium Botes due and Itayableby ineui ters for insur ance the last year - $36,544.84 On which there has been paid.... $828.15 Leaving due on premium note —— taken the la*t $'*5,716.88 year. To which add cash in treasury $700,911 Total available ass •etts of the Corn- pany last year... $36,417.60 Expknsk* Compensation to directors J 103.18 Salnrv of Secreta ry 150.06 j " " Treasurer 50.00 I Printing. Office | rent, Postage & Stationary 114*21 Election Bjttrd.... S.UU Discount Penn* Valley Bunking Co . 25.83 Perms Valley Bunking Co B OOO.UO Daniel Durst bal ance due on burn 600.00 Adam Kiumrinn on reaper 58 (0 Dr. J. W. Stein... 220 84 Dr. J. B Lcitzc-l. 15.00 $1,911,61 Total accruing as selta and fund*of the Company the last year after deducting ex penses $34,476.0 To which add funds reported of previous year... $104,882,60 Minus notes expir ed and canceled $29,529.18 $76,668.8 Making the total available assctl* of the Company this day $109,829.8 Risks and insur ance taken the last year $467,561.00 Same reported for previous year...54,283,710.35 . Grand total* risks and insurances taken since or orgnnization $4,701,261.2 ' From which de duct policies $2,153,4161 } Expired and can- celed leaving $2,547,844 r Due the Company irom agents, " mainly on un 'f paid policies of members $i,705.1 CEO. BUCHANAN, l'res' : Attest: D. F. LUBE, Sec'y. At an election held the Mine day the following member* were elected Director* for the entiling Tear: Geo. Buchanan, Joibua Potter, Henry Keller, J. W. Campbell. Jno. W. Krumrein, Amoi Al exander, J O. Meyer, Jno. Wolf, Ham'l Gramley, Jno. 11. Keller, and David Gil* liland. Sam'l J. Herring. Whereupon the new board organixed and appointed the following officer* ; President—Geo. Buchanan. Vice Pret'l—Henry Keller. Treaturer—Henry Wittner Secretary—D. F. Lute. A M IRAGLE. Tbrlteutthnl Aid not Dit. I Tha Lvwlslon (Illinois) Democrat says: r The Rev. Mr. Wood, the preacher on the - Cub* Methodist Episcopal circuit, ha* I Informed some of our ciliaent of a miracle < performed In Avon last week II The story got* thftt lie we# celled lo j Avon, on Wednesday ol last week, we • believe, to attend at the bedside of e sister r that wa dying. She had been 111 freotn# ' lime, and entirely lialplcot for .oiue day*. • not being able even to r*ie her bead At >! noon of the day named her physician i finally pronounced her case hopeless, and . Mid that the fiatient muel die She ap I |iarently continued lo sink until perbapa I! tit o'cl made. During the prayer Mr. Wood i felt a hanJ u|a>n bia shoulder, and open >ling hit eyea beheld hit titter titling up in i bed, her face beaming with rapture. She told him lie need pray no longer, na the wat cured aou! and body. He ruppoaad her to be in her leal death alruggle tat ex. Inordinary phytical ttrength doe* often come to the dyingl, end, divining hit J thought, ahe rewssured him that it wat not I death, but that the wa indeed fully re- I •tored to health, and that her soul wat | bleaeed equally with her body She aroae from the bed praiting Hod, in ved around among iier Irienda, went to the table and .ate aupper with them, and remained up till 11 o'clock, tolling, in rapturoua •train*. . the great thing* Qod had done tor her aoul and body. The physician came in, mean-1 I tiuie, and, at may be tuppoaed, wat j j astounded to tee hit dying patient, fori whoae recovery he had no expectation, sil- I ting up in a chair, talking with every one She told him of Uer inatantaneou* cure, I and after a careful examination of her vi-| Lai organ* he pronounce,! the cure com- j plete. The next morning thia lady continued iin the aauie atate She took brcakfait ! with the family, and walked to the door to bid her brother tarew*)l aa he tlarted upon I bia return home Thete are the facta a* we get them froiuj two gentlemen (church members', to] whom Brother Wood told them on Sattir- I day last After rc|>eled suggestions by leading friend* of education of a compulsory school law, and pcrsi>ton| recommendations by Governor llartrauft and hit predrcoaaor, General Geary, to the same effect, a bill has been introduced in the Legislature providing that all children between eight and sixteen years of age shall attend j school at leait sixteen week* in the year, or be regularly instructed at heme tor the | tame period, that no child under the age of sixteen years thqll be employed during 1 the hour* of school-day* in the district un less the child ha* been instructed fur six- ' teen weeks during the year; and that any : child so employed shall deliver lo employ er* a certificate given by the school aulho- ' ritias. certifying to the fact of turh attend ance Proper penalties are imposed for : violation of tbe ael. A Ntw DopuK. Re on the alert for tcroqndrel*. Thar* it a swindler l4**iiug in Westmoreland county who represent* himself to be a Government officer, and frightens tbe people into the belief that be ts authorised to search their premise* for ' counterflt money. He secured S2.UOU in ' that way from a widowed lady, who had j just sold a farm, for which she had receiv ed a Istgo sum, and out of which the fel low picked the $2 OiM and condemned lias counterfeit. He was afterwards captured and made to disgorge, and only escaped a 1 a coat of tar and feathers by giving hi* captor* th* slip. |ELECTION PROCLAMATION. ■ SAVE THE COMMON- J WEALTH. I ! 1. B. F. SuArrt*, High Skenfl of ('■ Ire county, Commonwealth of I'entuylva ni. do hereby make known and five no- { tice to the elector* of thecuuntjr aforesaid. ■ # that an electioc will be held in the taid n county of Centra on t TU E.SDA Y. J A N U A K V Id, 1875, e in accordance with the Act of Assembly One person to represent the county of Centre in the House of lseptaen!ative of the Slate of l'enn'a I elo berebv'make known -nd fire no tice that the p;*ce of holding the afore*aid election injlbcseveral Borouf h* and Town- b thip* within the county of Centre are a* t follow*, to wit: I tp, of Hainee, at the Public <1 liou*e of John Limber*. Aaronsburg 1 For the twp, of Half Moon, at the School t Hou*e in Stormstown. a For the twp, of Taylor, at the houie ' 1 erected for the purpose on tho property of h Leonard Merryiijan. For the Towuanip of Mile*, in tho school 1 house in tie town of Rebersburg. c For tho twp. of Potter at the bouia of 1 John Odenkirlc, Old Port Hotel. a For the tap, of Gregg, at the public t ' houto onwed by J. B Either i For the twp, of Ferfuton, in the school house at Pine Grove. For the twp. of llarrii, in the school , house at Boalsburg For the twp. of Patton, at the bouse of 1 Peter Murray. t For the borouf hof Bellefonte and tha township* of Spring and Uenner, at the Court House in Beliefonie. * For tho twp, of Walker, in the echool , bouse at Uublersburf. Forth* borough and township of How ard at the scboolboute in said borough. c For tho twp, of Kush, at tho Cold Mream I i school house. , ! For the twp, of Snow Shoe, at the ichool house near Samuel Askcy. For the twp, of Marion, at the house of ( ! Joel Kline, in Jacksonville. I Forth* borough of Milesburg, nt the new school house in Milesburg. For the twp, of B<>ggt, at tho new school I | liouso in CJtntral City. j { For the twp, of iiu(t. r working in the upper level# of the Ooni< stork e*. 14 per day. He lived In a little I cabin down Hie canyon, did bia own cook* | ing, and whiatled aoftly "There'a a good lime coining. bya." To day that miner walk, about the streets of Vliginla t'lty, aa cordial aa in tlie old day* j lie dresses no better than any ordinary gentleman "f Virginia, and eats no belter food than a [ conscientious editor ought to hnve And yet, * hit fortune la rated in the a took Hat daily, he ia to rich that, were hia ttocka turned into money, he could lend Scott that $70,000, UK) lie wanta and liave enough left to live comfortably U|on. He could, | unaided, go down and open, at hia own eipeiiae, the Daiien Canal; or ahould hia fancy run that way, he could advertiae to morrow that the Uovereiuent through biui had determined te ret,line immediately •pecie payment, and pretty nearly make tlie promiae good. He could endow a college in each Slate of the Union with f'.'.uu.lMi each, or eould build a double track uarruw-guage railroad from San Pram ico to New York, and eolve at once the problem of cheap tranaportation. There iano telling, indeed, what he might do ; but whaldie will doiaapparent enough. Il waa here when thirty feet of ore near the turfare wua a big mine. At 1,500 feel he hat found it three or four timea aa wide, lie believe* at 1,01)0 he will atrike it MOO I eel w ide, and get rich, and tie I* going for i it. GERMANY 8 TREATMENT OF THE CATHOLICS. Berlin, January IB -The Prussian au thorilie* have rioted the Roman Catholic •eminary at Fulda, expelled the heed priest from Herman territory, and *e quvstrated all the property of the Bishop of that dioce**. The lti,hop of Paderborn, whoae term of imprisonment etpirea to-morrow, will probably be immediately interned in the Fortress of Weael, The Church V genua ie*, London, January 195.30 A- M.— -The Time'* correspondent at Berlin telegraph* that the l'rutsian bishop, have been aiked by the Vatican whether mean* exist of filling the vacant diocese# in Pruitia with out infringing on canonical or Prussian law*. It U supposed this inquiry it made because pf the large auuiber of vacant liv ings which the Church i* unable, under present circumstance*, to fill, and the consequent decrease ol student* In the the ological seminaries, i • i TERRIBLE SNOW SLIDE I Salt Lake, January 21- Another *now slide occurred in Big Celtonwood Canyon yesterday near the Richmond mine. Part of the team* engaged in making down ore i in rawhide* were caught by the slide Six j ; : men were carried away and their bodies j 1 have not yet been recovered, M c ' ; I Caul Ili and ThouiaS White were carried ' away and covered will) snow, but wore dug out afterward* and tbeir live* laved. ' Tbe Hide extended for a di*tance of about < one mile and wa* about two hundred yard* ' ' wide. J < Yastcrday, the b -die* of six prts-m* kill, j I •d by a mow Hide iu the city of A ita were i recovered. Msnymoro are supposed to j I have perished, but their bodi** *.* cceer- j" | ed to a great depth by the snow and pro. j , babiy will net be found lor some time. , , In one demolitl ed house wa* found th* ; body of Mrs Carry sitting in a rocking' , chair with an infant clasped in her arms j ( and near them the husband and little girl | —all had been suffocated by the moor. At another h of all. Who fell in the contest, when victory was 1 given i To tnosu who survived them, thougii many f did fail. Yes they fell in the contest, and no one to caress them: ' Their bones stiil unburied en some dis : tant shore. , Let them rest, calmly rest, and a great God le bless t'teni, , Where all earthly sorrow can reach them no more. • Your wifo and your children your death bed surrounded, n With sorrow and heart rending, anguish d and pain ; • And though Jesus our saviour the gospel expounded, And tells us in Heaveu, we shall meet you Rgain. WIFE IN WASHINGTON. Til* RKVRMK fcIDK. | brum u H'a*Ain<,lon paper j Onn of (ho saddest phases of Wfiih iiigton life ia daily pteaeoled at the free-lunch taldea of our large hotel*. Here nnc aei-a daily gathered, with a greed begntteu of want, and which de . hare all that politrneaa ao becoming to any one at nn eating table, ineti whose mission in life ha* been defeat ed in the uncerUintiet of war and po litics, and whoae naitiea, though ouct great, have sunk into obscurity in the rapid change* of our system of gov ernment, i'he general and the stair* man of yesterday come to-day to the bar-room and aurrreptilioualy seek l that food which ia intended for regu lar customer*, and they who once looked upon the bar keeper aa a low lived individual now approach him übaeouiouily, and leave him sneaking-' ly when he directs them in the act of oockctiug the cracker* and cheese. What a *ad commentary upon the vi cia*iludea of tutu who make life arti i ficial! The great difficulty ha* beu; that they have not addressed themeel j vee when the tide of life waa at it* flood, to ita true aud serious cuds, audi now thia mistake comes to them in thia' mokt humiliating form. The free lunch table was one ol the institutions) that did not exist in Shakspeare's lime, or else we could have had from that great master a most philosophi cal free luucher's soliloquy. llardly has the world become fa miliar with the wonders of the alec* trie telegraphic machine, as shown in 1 the operations of the simple Morse in strument, than it ia again called upon to witueaa a new marvel that, not so long ago, would have beeu counted among the vitiout of a dreamer. To be able, by the aid of a few glass and eurtheuware cups, a wire, aud a sim ple magnet lever and grooved wheel, j< to send a message under the sea and across the land, ia wonder enough for ~ a century ; aud yet it has been aurpas ted by what may justly rank as a miracle of science. President Orton. j of the Western Union Telegraph Com- i pay, in his auuual report of October 14,1874, writes a* followa, regarding th-se new triumphs of electricians;.) "The Duplex apparatus of J. 11. < Stears, by meaai of which two tuea- , >3ges are transmitted in opposite direc- * lions upon one wire at the name time, j ha* fully sustained the opinion of its : utility and value which I expressed < iu my last annual report, But the ' past year has produced an invention j more wonderful than the Duplex < Thomas A. Edison and George H frwoott, the electricians of the com pany, hare discovered processes and J invented apparatus, by means of which I two message* can be sent in the same " direction, and two others in thcoppo site direction, kimultaoeously, upon i one and the same wire. Thia invent lion, which ibey christened the (Juad ' ruplex, has beeu in successful Opm- ' lion between our New York and Hoe lon office* for the !at two weeks, and is satisfactorily performing an amount ' of work upon one wire quite equal to 1 the capacity of four wires worked with 1 the ordinary Morse apparatus." An ] extended aud Uchuical description of the*e new machines and method* would doubtless perplex those of our 1 readers who hava not given to tbesub ject special attention. The signifi cance of the improvement may be un derstood, however, when it is known that, in place of four wiiea extended ' between New York and Boston, one " may now be made to ! the wfimel amount of work in the tame lime. At' one labia four operators are seated ; two continually sending and two re cciving messages over oue and the same wire, at one and the same time. DirrtlEßiA.— As there are a num- < tier of cases of this terrible disease in our community at the present time, we copy the following from tbe Will- ( iamsport Sun ; Editor of the [Miilipsburg Journal: l I have been spending a few weeks iu this vicinity, and on visiting among my friends, I havejound many farui-. lies who had l*t friend and dear lit ' tie ours by that dreadful disease ' known aa Diptheria and Croup. For , the benefit of those persons and all other* interested in the matter, 1 beg a brief through your Journal, lo acquaint them with a safe, simple ] and certain cure for these maladies. • It is the application of common tar, j spread over and folded iu a atrip of ' muslin—to keep it from slicking to, 1 the skin—aud then applied to the throat or the part most swollen. The , tar plaster may ha renewed onca a day, fot two or three days, and if this I direction is followed, 1 a* sincerely | guarantee the lite of the patient, as I ; , believe in the efficacy of any human sgetioy in the Providence a* God, j having tested it on many occasions iu j my own family and among my neigh bors. A PARENT. NOTE. —We concur fully aud most cordially, with the writer of the above article, which we copy from the Phil ipsburg, (Pa.,) Journal. In our fatnK ly to-day, there ia one of our aonsj who was twice reacurd from the grave through the appliance of tar, when and after having been given up by two physicians as incurable of the diptheria ! Several years ago in Col umbia county. Mr. Dieterick lost all his four children by this disease, while being attended by three doctors, but when the dreaded affliction entered j j the family of Mr. Miller, (a naar, neighbor,) they applied the tar cloth) lo his children,and they not only all eawnped death, hut hati only a very slight attack of diptheria. —EDITOR SON. • ♦ ■ ■ ■ ■ The annual report of the Pennsyl vania Institution for the Blind just published says that in 1860 there were 1,187 blind persons in the State, and that the present number is about 2,- 000.—This institution has now 203 pupils, all thnt it can accommodate, with forty-four applications for admis sion not yet acted upon. There are 125 males and 78 females among the inma'ca. (1 KUTION.— AII persons are hereby J cautioned againtt interfering in any manner, with the stock, farming utensils, household furniture, sll the hsy end grain in the barn, and wintercrops in theground, ss I here PURCHASED the same at sheriff S ■ale, Jan. 2, 1875, as the properly of Wes ley Swectwood, slid will leave IL in his possession at my pleasure. I. J. GRENOBLE 28 jtn SI. Spring Mills. NOTICK.— Notice is hereby given that the firm of 11. D. Van Felt snd S. D. Minter trading a* firm of H I). Van Pelt & Co. has been dissolved by mutual con sent of both parties. All agents or cus tomers of said firm wishing to look ove'or •ottle their liabililie* will find alt the broki I and papers in the hand* ot 11. D. Van Pell the liquidating partner, at Centre Hall, PA. H. D. VAN PKLT. j B. D. MUSS EH. 1 A DMINISTKATOR'S NOTICE.— 1 Letter* of administration on the estate ol Jones From, late of Pollsr twp., dee'd, - have been granted to the undersigned, whe request* all person* knowing themselsei i indebted to said estate to msk* immedmt* payment, snd those having demand I against the same to preien* taein duly au thenti'-aied by law for settlement. * JACOB W FROM Jan. 28 OT, Adm'r. ' TIIKCOWTOF TINT ILUW* CAS*.— The statistics iu the Cbarlev Iloaa CAM now coming in, are DEPRESSING enough, More than twenty thousand ilollan . have been expended Commieaionera have searched from ocean to ocean and across. It ia said 700,000 circu* I lara have been issued; printing and . photographs coat eight thouaand dol- T lara, A corps of clerks have been I employed in the correspondence about the boy. Two hundred bends of gyp . sir* hnve beeu searched. One stray I. boy has bacn found aud taken borne ) to hia mourning parents. Six hun dred children said to be Charley Ho** ~ have been reported. At least half a • million persons at on* time or another have been on the aearch. And with all this nothing has been heard of him ever since hi* kidoappcrs were dit | covered. MARRTAGES. On th* 19lh Inst, at the residence of tb* brides parent*, by tbo Kv J W Leckle, Mr John Y Miller of Clearfield 00., to Mies Mary K McC'ioskvy. of Centra to. DEATHS. I On 24, at Woxlward, of consumption, jCamies, daughter of Sam'l Mtx, aged jsboul 20 year*. 1 On sth inst, at bar ratidenue. In Aaron*- | burg, Mrs. Susanna Kurt*, wife of Daniel i Kuru dee d, aged 71 years, It month* and 12 day*. Mother Kurtx we* a*faithful Cbrutian woman. She U gone but not for gotten. j "Sweet Is IK* seas* when Christian* die. Where holy soul* retire to reel; How mildly beams the closing eye ' I How gently heave* the expiring breast! , Su (ajes a summer closed away ; So sink* the gale when *term are o'er ; Ho gently shuts tlie eye of day, i So die* a wave along the short." J. T. MARKETS. Produoa, Mew York, Jan. 26.—Wheat irregular and unsealed; receipts 2.OUU bushel*; No. , I spring $1 inn* I '£>, No. t do $1 j WILLIAM BHORTLIDOE. . BOND VALES I. K * SHOBTLIDGE 6c CO.. Humeri tod Shippwt of tbn celebrated Bellefonte i WfHlffiEl [LpiMiE. ~ I] 8 Dealer. io the very bent grades of . -ANTMACITE COAU The only dealer. in Centre County who sell the w IIL!KlE;8!B!A!RiR\E CIO!AIL f from the old Baltimore klbm Alio NHAMOKIN AND OTHER OBADEB of Anthracite Coal dryly housed expraw'y lor hecue use* tf-f low®** prices, DEALERS f.Y GR A I JV. 'B | j They pay the highest price, io cub for grain that the Eastern markets will afford. ■ WHEAT, ! CORN, E 'oATB, CLOVER SEED &C., Bought or will he told o commission when desired, and fall prices MMMWlerd. Ia formation concerning th grain trade will he furnished at all time*, to farmer. with pleasure, ffeee of charge. RIFLE and BLASTING POWDER. FIRE BRICK AND GROUND FIRE CLAY. DEALERS IN CAYUGA GROUND PLASTER, !i which is always sold at low prices, and warranted to he ss good a fertiliser a* any othar plaster. ©met yard NEAR SOUTH END B. E. VALLEY R. R. DEPOT, BELLEFOXTE. PA. w . ■ - ~wr ' * _... Lime! Lime! Lime ot tha beet quality, always on hand, at lb* kiln near Centre Hall. GEORGE KOCH GREAT BAKGAXS AT THE HARD WARE STORE OF MUSSER & RUNKEL BROS., Millheira, Pa., WH. LUILI m KfUIL Dealers IK i . HEAVY*SHELF HARDWARE,! They have just returned from the Eastern! Cities, where they hare purchased a well! selected stuck of HARDWARE. CUTLBBT. ieok. Nail*. Oita, Pun*, VARNISHES, PCTTT, B UILDERS A CO A CHHA KERB GOODS. Plasterers and Masons, Saddlers, Shoemakers,i Housekeepers, and io fhct, HARDWARE FOB EVERYBODY. We call particular attention to a fin# as sortment ot Picture Frames and Moulding, very cheap. WALL { WINDOW PAPER, And Curtaia Fixtures of every kind. COACH and WAGON MAKERS-four attention is called to our stock of Spokes, Hubs, Felloe#. Shafts, Poles and Buggy W heels, all ofNo. 1 quality and telling ve ty cheap. Our slock la large, and con stantly being renewed, and we are telling -wholesale and retail—at rare low prioaa. Remember—much money has been tost by paying too much for Hardware. Try i ttuftstr & Urs's, They buy for Cash and sail at Cash Prices t for less profit than any other Hardware Store in the County. MM-Oell and see us. Satisfaction guar*] an teed. MUSSER A RUNKLX BROS. aug 27-y '74 H. H. REISER Manufacturen of Skeeiirca & Tin wars, 1 MUibmm, Pa. All kinds of Tinware, constantly on hand and made to order. Sheetiron Ware of eeery description, slways on hand. Roofing in Tin and Sheetiron done in r the moet approved aqd satisfactory stylo. I Spouting done to order. Their slock of Tin and Sheetiron Goods it Urge and complete, and offered at the WFEKT FKICEB. Their establishment has been enlarged . and stocked completely throughout. I Satisfaction guaranteed, end ell jobs 1 promptly attended to. aprlfi-y ■ THE PEOPLE'S DRUG STORE. I Next door to Wilson A Hicks' Hard ware store, Allegheny Bt., BELLEFONTE, PA., Jas. C, Williams, r (Successor to B, F. Rankin * Co.) DEALER IN - PURE DRUGS J AND MEDICINES, . CHEMICALS. PAINTS, OILS, DYI STUFFS, VARNISHks, BRUSH ES, f KKFUMERY, NOTIONS, AND FANCY ARTICLES FOR THE TOILET, Ac. , pi]BavrjM2&iLii®iy} J sep tl' Ofi ly ' Beat Sample Rooms in Town? BRGCKERHOFF HOUSE. i D. A SONS. Proprietors Bellefonte, Penna. Fret Bust to and from lit DtpoL Excelsior Cement* The undMmgoed new manafiuLur,-* Cse -2SR , H ,££ R^N T KD , OF ASUPERIOR UUALITI, at his kilns, near Pine . Nills in Hamas iwp. This cement has already been used in large quantine* upon the LC. A S C. RR and ha* beer found highly satisfactory upon all jobs where it haa bea used, and at equal to a®/now manufavturod for use la CIS , TERNS, WATER PIPES, or whs*-,- purpose a good quality of Cement is desi ■ J™".®! --1 b " hern lasted Car and wido and rendered the ut t most satisfaction. Person*. eon- CuJw Uving Water Pipes, • •i" find it to their advantage to beer this in mind, and also, that he warrants the , article as represented, to., J G. MEYER, : a Aaronsburg, K riENTRI HALL HOTEL. V.[ JOB* SFAKOLXR, Proprietor Stages arrive and depart dally, for el i peiata, north, south, east and we I ***** nnocw EKHorr, j. p. BBCOIIT 1 ■ President, Cashier. QENTRE COUNTY BANKING CO. (Late Mllliken, Hoover A Co.) RECEIVE DEPOMITB, And Allow interest, Discount Note*, Boy and dell. Government Socm lie% Gold At npWMlf Coupons. MIB I CENTRE HA UU PA. Would most respectAiliy inform thecit teas of this vkinuy, that he has started a "• w ** Shoe Shop, and would be thankful for a share of the public patron age. Boots and Shoes nude to order and according to style, and warrant, hi work , ito equal any made elsewhere. All kinds of repairing done, and charges reasons bis. , Give him a call. feb 18 lv D O7 GtJTiLIUS, * Dentist, Mlllheim. ' nt Y?" professional services |o the public. He is prepared to perform all 'am^H 10 ?* the dental profession. 1 I®* f ?J'/ prepared to_,*tract teeth abtoiuMy wttAomt pain. myß-73-tf. r r> Attorney Ut Law, MAJ. J. BHREFFLER TAILOR, r B LHt?f , lK Ppo t! te - S P">F" hotel. to*aahw.nfc£2 V*" 1 * l ' tialc *< prepared tomake all kinds of men and boy's cloth "r"1 ■' # T . *'•NAN Dm, Attorney at Law,* ADAMHILD, PAINTER, IK:. ,o SsS36^^as#' Miai " Uonnv, Sign and OrnamenMtal Painting. GRAINING M k°/rony. Ac., , "Ikin and Fancy Paperhanglng, Or |dart reepectftilly solicited All fine work done for other painters. nov 6tf. OHN F. POTTL'R, Attorney-at-Law. Collections promptly made and special attention rtven to those having at l* n ,ds or property for sale. W ill draw up and have acknowledged Deeds, Mortgages, Ac. Office in the diamond, north side o the court house, Bellefonte. OctSTWtf L. SPANGLER, Attorhey-at Law. Bellefonte, PA Office with Bush A Yoeum. Consultation in English and German. Collections promptly attend -51 ed to. febb-tf - I u. B