The Centre reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1871-1940, January 21, 1875, Image 4

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    Calendar far 1575.
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Furn Nates.
After all the diaetnadona, the pith of
the licit t<-r alnuit kivping fruit in winter
may bo. boiled down to a very wuall
atom; keep winter fruit at a nnifortn
temjK-nitupi, but slightly aliove the
fpvriug jnnut, and if that is attended to
carefully. v< <v little bur need IK> enter
taimxl nUuit having fruit all winter long,
proviihnl it i# not all eaten up early.
Lucky is he who owns a ovlaimisl
awamp with tlw muck all thrown out u
a hivip, and mixed with lime, for this
forms a stimulant to tries w inch cannot
hanu ami never fails to invigi>rate iu a
w. i. icrful manner.
Tla> Wcotorn Indians predict no gress
lmppwu for the lu-xt six years; and now
somebody wjuits them to pmlict uo In
dians vluring the same time.
Here is a paragrafih cixntributcd by
Fl>li. Heamnont, Hartlaml. Wis., "tlie
lieatings of which he in the application
of it:" "" Eleven years ago I puurted an
evergreen purchased in Rochisater, N.
\., and the following year I had a splen
did crop of t'.uisdn thistle* iviue up
aioii'nl it I liave dug them, hivsl them,
and saltisl thciu every year since. Five
year- ago the evergrx en got discouraged
and ilii\l; and yet la-1 summer I hwl iiatf
u tloxen rick'y lvK-king Canada thistle*
come up." The only glimmer of hoi>o
in tl* whole business lurks in that cv>m
jHnuid word iu the concluding line.
Attain Mtk lalauk.
Kcariy all sick animals become so bv
im(upcr feeding, in the first place.
Nue i-festis out of ten the digest.on i*
wrong. Cliarcoal is the unvst tfficaeut
and rapi.l Ourrectiw. It will cure ia a
majority of cases, if projierfy admiius
tered. A*a example of its use. The
hire,! man came in with the intelligence
tliat one i>f tlit- tin.'st cvtws was very sick,
and a kind neighbor nropoeoil the usual
drug* ml poisons. The owner being ill,
and uuable to examine the cow. cvmclud-
Cil that th- trouble came from ovt-reatrng,
and ivnleisxl n tcacupful of pulverised
chanxxal giveu in water. It was mixed,
placed in a junk bottle, the head held
upward, aud th * water ami charcoal
poured downward. Iu five minutes im
provement was visible, and in a few
hours the animal was in the pasture
quietly eating grass. Another instance
of INJUAI TOocess occurred with a vonng
heifir wliich ha .l liadly bloated
by eating gr>vn apples after a hard wind.
Tlie bloat was so severe tliat the sides
were almost as hard as a Ivmvl. The
ojd remedy, saleratus, was tried for cor
recting the accidity. But the attempt to
put it d >wu always caused coughing, and
it did little good. Half s teacupfol of
fresh powdered charcaal was given. In
six hours all sp}*>arance of the bloat had
gone, and the heifer was well.—LUt
St or I JoumaL
To Itftul a 14mm-.
Lot the bird lie about eight month*
*ll. and kill's!..: least twenty-four hours
before it is cooht'.L Tle fatt r it is the
bett- :*. R >movc every pin feather, ring*"
carefully, ilraiv ami take away everything
not eatable from the neck aud Is sly. All
the loose fat should betnuinal and trie*l
out by itself. Take the neck, middle
joint of the wings, liver, heart, and giz
xanl, ami stew them together geutlv for
several hours. They wiil make a nice
pie. For tlie stuffing take two large
onions ohoppol tine, r. tableepooiiful of
pulverized aitg-, a teanpconful of black
pepper, and two teaspootifuls of salt,
adding a little crumbled bread. Goose
is strong food, and requires str< >ng iLreas
ing. Wh'ti the liotiy of the bird is
stuffed, close the opening to kvp the
steam in and th" fat out. Put butter or
a slice of fat p< r k on tho breast when
the goose is put in tlse oven, bnt il<> not
put any water in the ilripping pan. Bake
two hours, basting every 30 or 30 rain- '
utes with the fat in the pan. When the ,
goose is done remove from the pan. pour .
off the fat an l set it away, add to tlie !
brown gravy in tlie pan the gravy from j
the gibkta, bring the whol" to a boil aud
serve. Apple sauce and onion sauce im
proper aero m pan inicnts to roast gojse. j
llrlawirr Bl*rnlt%.
A latly corraspondmit of the German- j
tav.ii TJ> graph thinks she lias made a
ilecided improvement in her biscuits and
thus gives the l-enetit of her experienc :
" I take as much flour as I think will do
and use my judgment with regard to the
amount of lariL Some folks Tike more,
wmi: l"s. Tlicy are neither so light aor
grsxl when t>o greay. I put salt to the
taste and rub it all together, then add
cold water slowly and as little as will
posribly answer. I make the dough so
very stiff that I can neither knead or
beat it, with any comfort, until it is si t
away awhile—some twenty or thirty min
utes, wheu it softens a little. I then
beat it until it is very light, and make
out the biscuits and bake in a quick
oven, which liad better be too hot than
too cool. I cover up the dough, when
I set it by to aoft r n. They liake in fif
teen or twenty minutes, if not too large,
and when done they feel very light."
To .llalir Hnrd Snp.
The following is recipe f< ir making har< 1
soap which is excellent and t>conouiica! :
Nearly every family accumulates through
the winter ilrippiugs from lieef and mut
ton. These can be utilized for tlie grease
by boiling in water, allowing it to c<sl,
then removiug from the water and boil
ing till all th' ■ water is expelled. Of
course the whiter the greaw the nicer
the s-iap. Tnk ' six pounds of sal sotla,
six pounds of grease, three and a half
pounds new rte.U'- lime, four gallons soft
wat r, half a potind of iiomx. Put soda,
lime and wat-r into an iron lioiler ; leiil
till all i ; dissolved. Wh -u well settle.l
pour off th clear lye, wash out the ket
tle and put in th" lye, grease and 1 vornx ;
noil till it comes "<> soap, pour into a tnb
to cool, and when sufficiently hard cut
into Ivan and put on boards to dry.
Thin is very nioe for washing white
flannel and calico,.
To Keef PollMfK.
A writer in the Mobile Itrgutter WITS :
" I always put my potatoes np in dated
lini-, sprinkling it thoroughly among
ami over them through tho barrels. It
takes no great deal of lime, but it pre
vautv the potatoes from getting strong.
Northern potatoes would soon get strong
in our climate unless so treated, but lime
mid a dry room keep them good the year
Replanting an Orchard.
The planting of n young tree on the
site of an old one is not advised unless
the ground is thoroughly broken up, in
termixed and manured. It is 1 tetter,
where the location, soil, etc., is available, I
to plant jovmg trees en new sites,
though it is not necessary. Some
•rchardists make it a rule to extend
(and thus renew) their orchards an
nually by planting a few young trees
adjoining (wliere practicable) the old
orchard and on its outskirts. It is a
good rule to plant annually as many
trees as annually die from earlier
Smith and Jones were at the menage
rie, and the conversation turned on Dar
win's theory. " Look at that monkey,"
said Smith. " Think of its being an un
developed human 1" "Human!" said
Jones, contemptuously. "It's no moro
human than I am."
Tlic flrM OlufitfrT of <SoUI In I rtllfornlw—
An luifmiiiia Hkrirb.
A correspondent of the San Franciwo
HulUtiit gives the following interesting
story of the first discovery of gold in
California, IIH told him by Mrs, Wimnier.
who baa in her piswesdiou the identical
pivo which innacd such u revolution in
the history of the Pacific coast ;
•' We arrived herv in Novinuber, lSlt'i,"
•aid Mrs. Wimmer, "with a i*u*ty of
fourtis n families, across the plains from
Missouri. t)n arming at Sutter's Fort,
Sacramento, wo found Fremont in need
of mop- men. My bu*bt\td ruled, d I*'
fore wc had g-4 tlie unyokcil. ami
left me ami our *ev n children at the
fort in the litre of Commissary t'uriain.
We drew our rations like common sol
diers for four motiflis. t'aptain Sutter
aiirutged a room for lis in the fort As
NOOU AN Mr. Wimmer returned from
Simla Flam, where he had lss>n station.*!
during the winter, lie joined three others
ami went wr the uiouutaiu* to what is
now i\dh\l IKm tier laike, to fetch over
the effect* of the lhiuuer fiuuilv, after terrible winter of suffering tfint you
have heard alsmt.
"lu June, IStT. they loaded all our
honscliold plunder for Battle Freek, up
on the Sacramento, to put np a sawmill,
but thev changed their plans mid weut
to Coloma. Fuptain Sutter and J. W.
Marshall were isjual (sinners ami were
the head of th<- exjH'dition. After * \.-u
iUys of travel, blar ing Itvos, we afrivwsl
at sundown a mile above the town.
Next morning Mr. W tuna or went out to
select a site tor the mill, ami I a site for
the house. He was to ovwraec the lu
.bans, lea Lastly man a!suit ami 1 was
t be cook. We had from fifteen to
twenty JUen emplovod. We feou had a
log house a gvssl log house - and a log
heap to cook by.
" Tlicy liad Ivvn wurkiug on the mill
nav, dam ami mill alsmt six months,
when, one morning along the last .lava
of IVoemWr <r the tirst wiri. of Janu
ary, 1547 IS, aft. r an aliaeuee of several
days to the fort (that was our San Fran
Cisco iu them days) Mr. Marshall tvoh
Mr Wimmer and went down to see what
had been done while lie w;cs away. The
water was entirety shut off, and as they
w-alh.d along, talking and < xaminiiig the
work, just ahead if them, on a little
rough luuddv nvk, lay something look
iug bright, like gold. l'hey botli saw
it, but Mr. Marshall was tlie tirst to
stoop to piek it np, anil, as he looked at
it, doubted its W iug gold.
" t>ur little sou Marliu was along with
them, and Mr. Marahal! gate it to him
to bring up to me. He came iu a hurry
.unl said : • Hare, mother, here's some
thing Mr. Marshall and pa fouml, ami
they waut you to put it into federal us
water to few* if it will taruisli.' I said:
• This is gold, and 1 ill throw it mio
my lyo-kcttle, which I hav,. just trnnl
villi a feuther, and if it is gold it will bo
gold wlien it oumea out.' 1 liiushod off
my sotip that day ami s"t it off t > t\H>l,
:uid it st.ud there till next morning. At
tin- br*ak!a*l table one of the w.irk
hands nu uvl tip his head from eating,
and said : * I heard something about
gold lving ihsewvered, whit ultontiti"
Mr. Marsluill told him to ask Jenny, and
I told Lim that it it was in my ycpk.'t
tle. Mr. Mnrslmli said it was there if it
hod IUU gone back to California.
" A plank wto> brought for me to lay
my stsip ujs'n, and I cut it in chunks.
At the bottom of the pot was a double
lmndful of potash, which I lifted in my
two lianas, and there was lay goi.i a*
bright as it could ls>. Mr. M.irslmll still
contended it wxs not gold, but whether
he was afraid his inn. would leave him
or he really thought so I don't know.
Mr. Wimmer remarkwd that it l<x>ked
like gold, weighed lnnvy and would ilo
to make monay out of. The men oroni-
USHI not U> leave till the mill was Uuish-
IHL Not Ix-iiig sure it was gold, Mr.
Wimmer urged Mr. Marshall to go to
the fort and have it tested. Ho did so,
and George McKinstry, on a u saver, pne
nouncetl it gold. Captain Hutt- r carue
right m with Mr. Marshall, an.l cn!!-sl
all the Indians together, and agnssl with
them to tvrtain bountlaries that they
claimed, tuid on the nght of discovery
demamled thirty js-r cent, of all gold
taken out. They, in payment, were to
give the Indiaiis a certain number of
handkerchiefs, jsk*l;*h looking glasses,
shirts, liends and other trinkets."
"Mrs. Wimmer, wiH you lx kind
enough t.> tell me how yon came iu poa
uessioa of this piv of gold f"
" Yes ; it was just tliis way : One
ilay Mr. Marshall was jvu-king np to go
aw ay. H" hail gutherisl t >gether a gtsxl
deal of ilust on this .'lo iierccut. nrrange
meut, and i.:id it buried under tin- tli>or.
In overlwmlil.g hLs traps, lie sanl to lue
in tlie preaenco of Ki.-dui I'_.*,
•Jenny, I will give you this piis** of
gohl. I always inU tided to have a ling
made from it for my mother, but I will
give it to y.*u.' I took it and I have
liad it in my pi*wi4wi<m from that ilay to
" You have not the exact date of tin
difeMvery of the gohl f" I askisL
" No, but it was somewhere al>out tha
The j.i'-ce of gohl I mnst describe. Its
value is Is-tween four and flv* ihllars.
It looks like ( pardon the mniisirison) a
piece of spruce gum just out of th®
mouth if a s4*h<K>l-girl, except tlio color.
It is rather flat, full of indentations, jnst
as th;- make ill a piece of nice gum.
Tliere arc one or two rough jH)ints on
tlie i*dge, which, with a little stretch of
the imagination, give the ap|>eanuice of
a man's head with a hclnn t on ; then,
turu it another way, and, as Mrs. Wim
mer ni l, "it looks lih" some hind of a
varmint or tli t. ** It eon be easily
identiti"d by any -tni wh t has ever seen
it before.
The Diphtheria.
Diplitheriaappearsiuider throe varieties
or forma. 1-t. Tie re is fever, sovere
pains in the back,* and Limbs, arid
, very great prostration. There may l>e
no aoren-aa of the throat. but on ex
amining it, small white sj>eck* will be |
noticed on the tonsils, but few or none
on thr r t of the tliroat. These cases •
will recover nnder any am! every variety
jof treatment in four" to six <liiys. Th
gr> :d ln:t false repnta'ion of many reme
dies a:i.l physicians is bawd upon the
nece i'Biriiy favorable results of these
'v s. 21. J, irge patches of false mem
brane wiii lie observed both on the ton
sils and back of the throat; but tho plainLs
of th<* neck do ie>t become swollen. 'l'he
majority of these cam* will also recover
under very simple treatment, unless the
disease ext'Twls down to the wind-pipe,
which it very rar* ly does. 3d. True ma
lignant diphtheria, with a welling of the
glands of the neck and under the jnw;
profuse and ofb n ofT. naive exudations of
the month iui<! throat; mora or h-nn tlis
charge front tie nostrils. Chlorate of
jK.tash is a disinfectant as well as a cura
tive remedy, and if given purr aud dry j
upon the tongue, every hour, night and
day, will rarely disappoint the practi
tioner. A small dose every night may
act as n preventive remedy. F unctimea
tannin may !• given more r ulily tlian
th" clilorate of jxiianh. The sulphate of
iron is rather more irritant, and must Imj
given in smaller quantities. ''"he main
points ia the use of tb so rcv.i i.,ea are to
give them d?y upon the tory ;c. and fre
quently and regularly, both y night and
Thj Were Indignant.
As a Council Blnffa < Iowa) weman was
doing her washiug, one of iier children
fell into a kettle of wutor. The mother
seized the infant, whose heart-remling
cries indicated the terrible nature of its
injuries, and dojxisitod it on a led, while
she ran to a neighbor's to get him to run
for the doctor. Before tho doctor ar
rived, all the neighbors had gathered,
and among them had undressed tho
screaming infant—very carefullv, so that
the scalded skin should not peel off—and
sprinkled it with flour. At length the
doctor arrived, reaching tho door at tho
same moment with the terror-stricken
husband, whom also tho messenger had
found and bidden to "go homo and pro
pore for tlie saddest news." The doctor
made a careful ex--urination of the infant,
and promptly advised the mother to put
a shirt or something 011 the child, so it
might not freeze to death. The assem
bled neighbors, one after another, felt of
the water in the kettle, found it icy cold,
and quietly departed.
Gerrlt Siullh a* a HiiklniMi* >1 mii
Tlic lmiii<w of tin* bit*' Ger
rit Smith was almost unmiiig. li>
he loirohnNod a water-power a! OnM po
for JU.OttO, which for many year* haa
yielded an income estimated t >,4KW> n
viHur. The Vt<n giv< tlic following utuv
ilolc 'f hi* business integrity
•• Hub in 183" Mr Smith's father
ilitil. hv hi* will he left t tternt
nearly all of lit* large pn|erty, much >f
il consisting of unproductive Imi.U, Mnt
eliarg. d Willi luwvV to othei
heir*. 4tld debt* of i oiisiiierwl'le amount.
Twit or throo uioiitlt* iiflorwaril the ttumc
of INJT iHVnritsl. The batiks llihl HU."
|*<lltlcd s|ss'ie p.nlllelits, Ullil txulld ttf
lord Mr. Smith only feeble l.stiui to meet
JU'OMM IK obligations. He WAK IWIM-HS)
to itmke un NMAt|nmit*nt of lu* prepiuty
for flic benefit of Ins creditor®, but de
olined until he had tirst conferred with
John Jacob Astor, the ohl frit'tnl of hut
father, ninl who IVIIH well acquiunhsl with
the business affairs of Isith hither ami
son. Smith wrote to Aator. ami tuforui
en him of his situation, mid MI. I that if
(HMsiblc he wouhl Is* glad It he could
nt.ike him a loan, ami take such security
therefor AH he ha.l to offer. Mr. Astor
invite.l him to come t<> the city ami
talk the matter over. He came, ami with the great tuilh moire. AsU.r,
of course, knew his erraml, but during
the protracted tliuuer aeeunsl more in-
eline.l t.i tell anecilotoa nlnuit his excur
snuia tlurtv ami forty years K-f..p with
Peter Smith up the vdlei of the Mo
hawk than to li ten to details id suit tier
rit Smith's pnv. Nt obligations, ami the
value of the projs'rty w hich he ivmhl put
under mortgage. As thwy sjit nt the his
pitabie iKianl, Mr. A*t>r wouhl fieipient
1\ bled. 111 Willi the enthusiastic ex
. t>n : "Why, tierrit, hew much
vou do hs>k as your fatiier usml to wheu
lie and I went up the Mohawk among
the Indian* after fun !' At length they
ctuue down to businens, and Mi*. Ator
feiki d Smith how much of a loan he
wanted. He told him ' l>o
you want it immediately, and all at
iHuwl' askisl Astor. " 1 do,' said Her
rit. Aitor'a countenance fell a little,
but after a .short paiim. he rejdusl,
• Thou yon shall have it.' It was ar
rangtil that Snath should Astor a
mortgage on the (hwrgu r power,
for which Snath had jvud $14,U00 als>nt
t u years Moru, for this loan of £230.
Mr. Smith returned to IVterboro',
ami in throe or four tlavs received Mr.
Astor'* check by uuiil for s_,'o,ix*l. lie
mailo out the mortem*' h nt it to ()•
to be recorded, with direction* to
send it to Mr. Astor as soon as it was in
scribed on the record*. Smith went on
using the money, ami Mipjxwod that all
had gone right about the forwarding of
the mortgage. After a delay of several
weeks, judge of his surprise at receiving
a letter from Mr. Astor, saying that he
was afraid that his friend Smith had for
gotten to make out that mortgage which
they about when lie wits last in
the city. Smith hastened to ttsw.-go
and found tliat, through some stupidity,
the county derk had forgotten to • ml
the mortgage to Astor, although it ha.l
been duly and seasonably recorded. Of
course, it was now sent forward, aorom
panied by an appropriate < vploualion.
Hi us, for several weeks, John Jacob
Astor had nothing but tierrit Smith's
word for a loan of £ioO,UMI)."
Negro Funeral*.
Wiwt the negr >e* call a fuiurwl s-i
--mou, says a Southern correspondent, is
usually preached many .-ck, sometimes
months, after a man is dead. It is ustiai
to announce these addresaes a uumlier of
davs in advance, and very often aervico
is held for ten or ti dozen dead brothers
or si->t< 11 at the same time. This is the
rule in the riti.s ami towns of North
Alabama, but in tin' country districts of
the lower i*rt!.>ii of the State, where
churches ami ordained preach. r* are not
plenty, the dead ore interred with a rude
cereuionv tluvt is exocilingly impressive.
While visiting a gentleman living oti a
remote plautaUou iii Montgomery coun
ty, 1 witnessed a burial s vie of this
kind. At a litt 1 -liefore iiiglitfall, all the
negroes, men, women ami children, on
the plantation, asseinltlcd around the
cabin of the dead man. H>< was a
widower, and childless, ami had died
alone. When they were all gathered
together, two ohl men, fri.n.U of the
disstfoi, went mt.> tie" lint, mid carried
out the r i Igh pirn' cofliu containing the
IKXIV. Tliey then placed themaelves
silently at the h a.l of the liegmeo, who,
in the meantime, had formed them*-Ives
into line, ami then, witli a slow uud
ui<*asnre.l step, proceeded to an mljoining
woo 1. When they arrived ut the i-dge
of the wootl it was unite dark, an.! a
uuudv-r of pine torches were lit, and
several ni< n carrying tlim went in front
of tlie pi vY si.ill. In this way they
marched through the Hinging a
slow, mournful hymn, tlm o-fmin of
which was :
•• Yen, Men, U> a <i*mu'.
Couiin fwt to j*m tlie host."
After passing through the wood tliev
Ciime out upon a snuili eburing which
W slightly elevated. Here a grave had
been dug. The coffin was placed beside
it and the torches thrown into a heap of
ilrv pine w.xvl which had been previously
collected. As the tire up the ne
gro<-s gathered around the oje-n grnve
and listened with nipt attention to an old
man who, in a few simple words, proved
for the soiii of their dead friend. Then
the coffin was lowered into the shallow
grave, and as the earth was thrown upon
it the negroes, unable to control them
a*. Ives longer, commenced walking
around ami ar. <un.l in " the holy danee.'"
They sang as they went, and th nas tiny
Itecanie more and more cxrit'-d, shouted
and groam d like in dm m. Thia con
tinued until the grave was closed, and
then after a short prayer, the hymn,
" Yea, Massa, he's n corain'," was sung
again, with a sort of wild pathos that
was very thrilling. As the men and
women stood around in this, the last act
of the sal ceremony, the red light of the
fire shone with a bright glow upon their
bright,earnest faces, and behind the dark
wood wowed almost to echo the refrnin,
" t'siuin' fast to join the host." The
scene was, in .very way, a solemn nud
impressive oue.
Obeying Orders,
Will S. Have, the song maker, tolls
this story in tit" Louisville Omrirr-Juur
m tit In tic barbae Aop of UmKtlro
politan Hot"l, in New York city, lie saw
a kill, rough looking man leaning against
the wall. A dandy canto in, took off his
hat and coat, and coolly handed them to
the stranger, whom he mi*tok for a
barlvr. Tlie stranger as coolly hung
them on a peg, and, wh*n tlie dandy
said "Trim my hair," he pointod to a
chair. Tlie encircling of the neck with
a towel, and the preliminary flourish of
the shears, were barber-like, but when
the dandy felt the hair being cropped
close, to the scalp, ho leaped from the
chair and ran to tlie mirror." " What
have you dole- he shouted, in demon
strative wrath. "Well," replied the
stranger, still cool, "yon said cut it. and
I wasn't going to refuse a small favor
like tliat, nor make a half way job of it,
Hrftnxu IT. —A Harvard professor
went down to < ne of the beaelies on the
New England coast to bath" one stormy
day, bnt the men in charge refused to let
him go in on account of the dnngerous
swell. On his way back lie expressed
his disappointment ami indignation to
the driver of the omnibus. "Well, I'll
tell von how it is, said the driver : "we
don r t like to have strangers come down
here and get drowned. it hurts the
Next spring one hundred English
swells are coming for a grnnd buffalo
hunt on the Plains. The hunt is to l>e
organized on a magnificent scale. Twenty
scouts, headed by Buffalo Bill, will cha
peron them, and in addition to a vast re
tinue of servants, cooks, grooms and
valets, they will be accompanied by a
brass band, which will discourse sweet
mnsie as they gather about their ramp
fire to partake of the evening meal of
buffalo meat.
The following directions are given for
detecting romo counterfeit Us it ad Btntes
fifty cent notes now in circulation : (in
the counterfeit the lock of kair in the
corner of Dexter's forehead touches the
other hair at each end, while in the '
genuine it is a "C" shaped lock, and
touches only at the lower end.
A Sail Drowning Cuininlty.
A ilrownittK fnhtntilv iilunwd iu< nitil 11a
that which kapiwMKwi t IVeakiu-a* n
win k Iwforo, ami liy which Arc fhiUlrcu
fell lliivutgli tho ui" mu! wore tlrtiwnoil,
whilotho 1111 dlter 1.H.kc.l nn hut cNrttltl
tod hell) them. iKVtirtoil nt Hruw.-rtown,
N. J. Tba yichini want thrw childrt tt,
Knlto. Kllcti ami iliti, igcl rowpis tivnly
• igbt. m'Vi'ti uml wis, of 11 widow untiicd
Mrs I'.lixa Vivolitlltl, wltri luiil left tin in
in olmrgo of un nU man tutuicd ITiotuns
Mourn vtliilo lu went to tho fatoieoii
market. She al-o left 11 fotlltli otto, four
vi niHohl, the only one tlint In wm aid.
to toko euro of, ami it alrai lm l n tiartow
i .s\i|H> front In nig w tilt it* brotlii't'atnl
alHtor* w hen thov canto t>> tin if ili iltll.
Tito Itouao of tho widow is soput,it< >!
frotn tlu* Morris onital hy it voty narrow
rondw.iy, Tito children wont out to
nittUHi. Ui<'tnne)vcs on the uv d. spit, tho
rotnonhtrutnwsr of tho old tnun. lie did
not Iwdtovo, how. v. r, Uuvt tin to wtm
much danger, as all tilt* lu ighls't alxiut
hud )h<oii crvwutig tho catud that morn
llig and even tho |>re\ toil" cVi ttillg, and
no vera) laiys luvd la-s'tt Ltrtinß alk>ut tlie
Unto tho children wont out, vet nolkwly
*aw (he mvident. It ars-ui* tin- old malt
had fotgotton all ahoiit the childioii for
hourly three hours, and when he uitiuia
lis! Ins f.-ars to the m ighU>rs tho whole
vicinity for luuvrlv a mile around wua
ivuv fnfly ik-imhod iH'fojvever susjss ting
the canal.
This proUddv arvek' from the fact tlmt
It auv wipiuwil Ui In-mi firmly froa. it,
fho its- Is-mg* aliout two iuohos tu thick
no- s. At h iigtli a Uiau named lh-nrv
l.siitU'tt peltk-tved a ml shawl lielMwth
the ice, and, hv this indicatuiu, was is.n
vnussl of the fate of tho children. fie
broke up the ice at this plant", and in
w| it* of tho fm-ziuft vsihl iiuuu-vliat. Iv
uudmwa<d hiuioolf and pluiiyfed beiMutli
the l-e.
At a few f.s-t from the opk-niug ho
found at tin- Isdtoni the two little girla
tlrmlv looked in eaclt other's arms, near
!y >}v]Kute their own dwelling. 'l'ho
tkklv of the Isiy was found about lift*
feet frv.ui the b< ,u-h. further lij'thc canai
Curiously enough it would sviu that tlie
W..V had sw.iiu this distatuv under the
i*-c. It docs not apjioar tin t the current
lia.l anything bi dvi wuii it, f->r tlie Ivodu-a
of tlie girls were carried iu t!ic oppovit*
direction. The mother returned from
Diikrlpt just its ihi- tushes of her children,
whom alio left in hi<olth a few hours pro
viiW|slv, Hi'ft' Iwiiii; risviv ered from tli<°
bottom of the canal. Her pro f was un
controllable, mot it was with sonic diffi
culty that :>he was restrainedfrom plung
lUg beneath tin' ie'.
A reporter m\*oiuj>(uiiel the coroner t<>
the KVU of the calamity. It would lie
difficult to imagine n more deplorable
picture than ttiat pr -sented by the moth
er, the very |w*r> mitiuatiuu of anguish
mid di tpair, standing over tiic o ad
Unties of her three children. Her grn f
ttoeio' d to pruduiv temporary insanity,
and she implored in the tmwt pitiful
toast one of the little girls t sjs-ak
just one word to her. The , hild kiokeil
lovely iu death, with her eye* lialf open
and her lips gently parted. She appear
ed to be awakening from soft alundtcr i:i
olsslienee to the imploring iuvismtion of
her broken hearted mother.
< a nail I nil Postal Arrangement.
The I'mted Sub* |swtal ileparUneiit
lias made arrangements with the (hum
dian dejiartiueiit relative to jswtage on
iicwKpajK-rs and letb rs between tlie two
Countries. Under the trt.v IrlUr* and
printed matter for any part of the
Dominion will Is- sent under I'nibd
States stamps and rates, and while letters
will Is'piu to U* came ! tliua only from
the first of Febrnarv. the carriage of
(•aper* ts-gan wiUi tfie first day of the
new year, when the new rote of two
oenU js-r pound for jmnhsl matter went
inti effect in the I rated Stale*. 'lire
assistant Poetmaater-t tener.d of the
lhiuamou came to Washington ut Uic
reijuest i f Mr. Jwcll, tutu tlie j
treaty was ncg.dinted there. It was hud
before the Cabinet and at once approved
and signed. It is estimated that nuder
the new arrangement the Unit' 1 Ht iU-s
government will low not more than
lf-itt,o<>Ois-rnnuuni, while tire is<nveuiet:oe
and business interests of the people will
le greatly advanced. It is |n>i-ibh thai a
similar arrangement will Is- iicrfivtel with
Mi xico aft'-r a while, and the s.-n mt>* on
letters to Cuba is also to lie lowered.
The Pint master-General is also ihairvnu
to CNtubhab a wis'kly sh mail to ling
land, under which a Urns' is ut ps-ing
stamp would carry a letter from any iart
of the United States to any part of Great
Hritaiu mid Ire Land. The double rate
would still l>e callisl for on letter* sent
by fast steamers, Imt the single rate
would lie a saving and a convenience to
thousand* of the poorer people who hare
frii-uils in the olu country. Mr. Jewell,
United State* Postnur-ter General, thinks
he ran g.-t a slow mail carried for IMO
per ton, :uid that this would enable him
t- arrange for three cent ocean {otago.
Kruk. ii lYomitrii.
Reader, never break rnar promise*!
Aiul to tliis pnd, never make u promise
that you nr.' not *ure Ton nui fulfill.
You nmy think it tntliug matter to
tunkr an a].|Hiiiitni> lit with n fru-ud or
agTi*' to do a ceftain thing, nnil tli-n foil
to "wine to time;" hut it is awnm!ly
not small affair, if yon got in the
hal >it of neglecting to make g.mtl your
promiant, how long, do you thiuk, will
your friends and acquaintance* n-tmn
confidence in you f The nearest and
.lear.xd "f them will in time l> aru to
d<mbt you. and w ill put tiut little faith in
your wi-rila. And there is a wrv of half
meeting one's obligation*. whmh
might !.• called " bending " a proutriu,
which is also a very bail practice, and
should Im carefully avoided.
For instance, you agree to meet a p. r
son at a certain time; but, of be
ing punctual, yoi\ put iu an appearance
several minutes, jMTluqet an hour, after
time; or you promise to do something
for a friend, and only partially |terform
the duty. You may not exactly have
broken your promise, but you have cer
tainly bent it, which is alm.v t, if not
quite, a* bad. Keep your pnunis. sto the
l*tb r; l>e prompt and exact, and if will
save yon much trouble and eare through
life, ami win for Ton the retqwet and
trust of your friends.
t'omposting Manure...
\ writer in th Mr .hn Ms /'• if
ifin says: "The subject of n.'Uilir ,
their preparation an 1 use, is ever n w,
and yet it ban attracted moi >• or .• r at
tetition through tlierenturies. Hut tin i
ia no specific yet discovered for all eroj s
on u!l soils, although there have lie. n
letters patent grant' .1, f..r ftp" id c •
Tlie pomt which per!-ip-. cornea the war
est to harmonizing nil coiuli-tmg vi< ws
is probably that of com|xisting u uinr> a,
for the coni|Mist manure may !>■> mud" nt
any time and in any form, and iu it may
be* collected few or many of available
constituents of nil manures ; an element
inny Iw buried or spread—all values liiav
be saved by the mixture of muck or s< ii,
or any audi thing as experioaco or by
jsithews or theory may suggest. It 11
safe for nny fanner bi lie a dilige: t oom
poster. In order to miTocs in the
compost heap there must Is. much fork
ing over it. To enable one to do this
eflleiently in the lung winter# a manure
cellar is needed, and this well supplied
with sods and soil ami muck and 'odor
ous things' and leaves and refuse Hay
and sand and all else."
As Uxr.ASR TKNANT. —Mrs. .Samuel
Ryder, of Olvmpin, Nevada, nome time
since swallow. .1 a little lizard while
drinking a glass of water iu Missouri.
Bhe now suffers constantly from its un
welcome presence in her stomach.
Should she eat anything not phasing to
his lizardahip he kicks up a teniblo row,
turning her deathly sick. In order to
reduce him to subjugat ion she in com
pelled to drink pniu killer, which for the
time lieing makes it very tropical, and
willingly he subsides into a stupor, only
to repeat the performance ngnin when oc
casion requires. The medical faculty of
the Willamette university will ntteiui to
the case.
Death from euttinp a corn is a novelty
in necrology. The luatunoe win Hint of
Mr. T. R. Zircon, of Atlionn, Ohio,whose
death occurred from gangrene, superin
duced by trimming a com on his right
foot. Amputation of the leg was resort
ed to without avail.
Itrnt* of ImrrrM from llttmr nnl Ahrootl.
Joint Murph? *! • Wt* hftiiK*! t Ciumw,
NdiiiU, fur tii* mimlar ef J. It. M* allutu,
was a nan*'# of Ijuhl. ant at chi* limn
liltrlnl Willi J oleic I'. Itneitaii, Konif! *!*' n "K {
• llitblliiHta WlitKuii lli.illiet* A i'u. ( iuHi
maftiutac-tttreiv, Ull Uttit |wtili<i In l**tik
rilj-tev, Till. (.• h11>(,!•' of llie lialolitl#* of lite
llrm la ♦Jly.ll. Tim are atan*! at
f I'U.MT J llolllfca I'cxlllicll. I'loMorwr of
t'llliil-i I'.aml euillily, Me., w* ktiorknl ilowii
111 lii oltlc* ami I lie onto iukl.e.l of Ihilwotii
r*.(IOO aiui #lil,lUo. lino of Ilia lot. I too. firal
.-linage! lila attention la asking to have a
1 lir. k (Waked an.l luiluntialcljr afloiw an!
kn.xkr.t li 1111 t.n#l#**. Willi llio anl af a
e*..federate, (li* aafn wan |>lttii>l<-iit of ll*
tfiila. Ml. I'elilir!!'* pocket# or* al*o lifted.
11i thieve* im*|w<l I terrlUe factum
fight IwiaMH the |iirta Hint li linen* at l or
klii'e Mill* 111 Ti-tnjle ton, Fana-la, look | lam 011
1 'ln irtiuan day. lliele ant iriilni of
fiHlrla adherent* U Mlwil of tllltleu'*.
11. 1 fought unit! evening an.l ever* luau Ua>i
la Ik .Wticl aaajr. A |.rtoal tiiod lo atop Ilea
lighting, lull lie waa alao liealeb Hie
*U|<ejrliilati4wu( of the Saw York Nate A** turn
for the Insane aai* llial Kale KlcaKlarcl, who
killed I'liar lew llaulrirji In Brooklyn, la a h*.|>-
lia luualii' . ..John Jolrliacui, liie luurdeiei
of Aioltow J bun.m, waa M nten.o.l m FieVe
itaiicl Ohm, lo le hanged mu lite isih of April.
John liooctiuan waa haugts! Ui OU* aa,
I'uliiaiti count*. O!:io, fur llie Winder i f the
llaywotal fauuly lanl Apr it. Tbe puaouer fon
f cased llie c:line while on the scaffold.
Jelrituali I'.al a farun r. of I ant '.lrs l.a
I laing lnlau.t. Wont lo New York with a load of
ha*. Oil lon ri-|. in he l.>|*|*e lln Hempstead
and took novel*] dlluki). In the luanuiig lon
wife, alarmed at Ida alwence, went to lite barn,
there alio aaw the wagon o*ertuiitl, and
1 found Mr. I'ual under lice wagon, lira nor*
( l.rokru. lho wagon waa thadod with rial*,
and had l*en uj-rel l.y pile at atone*
:m-e tire fauune net in Aia Minor 60,000 |r
noiia bare migrated frc-ui <ar, .*u jail*
of the cointry to the city of Adaua, liaif of
whom h**e ainoe atuvumbud to diseaee. Hie
atrauge climate, dit e-, arid extiewa ra|-
" Wi.cinti.nvi >.f ti... [awall.irrrn aggravate the
mortality Mm, Nolan win-found dead in l<|
in Chicago witii a knife worn* 1 in to r side,
tier tao lutle elitl.lreu arc too young to
give any account of the mother* death, 'llie
. hllnlHUnl kOld htn wife led aboot UUie oVI-c-k.
In at ho weut for help, and afterward pot
1 drunk, an 1 faded to return, fie |<\ fiaaei u>
. know n -thing about 1 . wife'a vrouisl*
Two men. Fuller and Clemen*, at Fie.teru-k#-
t-tirg, Mc.,ijuarrrledabout ! oky, and (ttemcn*
'lnd Fuller with a .1 >uble-barr*!e 1 ahot gun,
]*lltilig the Colitenta of two barrrla iUUi hum
Fuller, aUh- lgh tuMUI v blown to pieces, alal laxl
! Clemen*, altuort doretnlwiwehng bint. Ik lb
nr. 11 died , . Another aw atuxiiar to tbe
j Uuibord >u f l.koij t-. arte out of tbe
refusal of the liotuali I athohc c.ergy lo bury
tlie lerusma of a lale In udeter at >t- Marie, ui
com-ccral -l ground, "llie remains are interred
for tbe jr.-iH-iit in an uurouax*nrted i"ti...u of
tlie cemetery Tire leant labor dispute in
llie elate .juarrie*, South Wales,
which laefcct nearly three months, coat the
workmen aleut #li?l.i*io, Iwwidea the |.*a Iti
wtu'Cc . There are nrarK J2 ijfk) granges
organ.icsl 111 the Fulled Staten. Mmanuri, F wa,
and T#nnreee are llie Male*. Tlie
metulx-rahip exceed* I,3UU,OUCI. It la rlalumt the oidet now luo> u\cr fl'.iW.OuU lu
*e*tei! in elc alora. (tra.u wartdiouaea, flour
lUilia, a,:r-cultural uo cat'!e-feeding
uiatcrtabc, aral aitullar facUiiica, bank.*. Ate,
and at <nu 1: .attrance r*>m|sunea . ,'llte . s |tnMi
artn* Ikn Aifonao a* nurg Ibe
young man la a a.>u of ci\Mirij Inrlwlia,
and ergl.leen yearn of age.
A fatrn hollar and baru, with their poutenta.
owned by John Hwaiioa, in llui.aUl le. Maea..
were i .meet Mr. harali .w intend the burmug
baru and waa I t::ufd to death .. Mary l.yim
and Kdtuud Muisui were l.ori.ed lo death by
the burning of Stuilii l.ynu'a houae, near
lUairwTiUe. Fa, and Mr. l.yuu, anotlinr of bia
dauglitem. and < iara Stewart were fata..v m
jurrd by jumping from the wu.dowa . .The
S ulo gan N'ali ual liai k of ifi'if : i. N". 11.,
fswr.iT.l ru< -1 of tlie lndi> and aeeuriUea
atoleti from its tault on the 19rh of tkleler
bo-t. Tl.e jmtjierty. am tinting to als-.:t
♦ 11U..♦ h wa reeoverfcl flu* High lite j re. .lent
am! .-ficiais of the bank. ho way the
were rwotmd witiun Ave hundred miiea of
ilia! play, ar-1 Uiey that na ein|c..m:w
n made with tlie rubber*. The people of
Mtlford are julalant Tlie German Amba
aal .r has informed the 1' tke 1e ares ihal
Germany ie | r.-t>a-ed t<. Alfeuau a*
King ef spa;. I'h< , f lite lie!. .alia liae
Htn' 1... 1 I.a' t-gtatn'a t \!f. ./a.
~. . Jaru. Mrt 'au'rr w ►upj.auxl to iiaie I yen
burtted t> drMtt; J mi., a fire at IVrt Jcii.a.
N". Y • nnty Trea. ■ rl .:■r, of Milwaukee,
haw Is.-, •| : e| : . vacate hi* aflice. being
a defaulter t . tin annmiit of -U.'SAI.
Belgwun lias rea-ognKol G*n Alfouto, and
it la a inoitneml that moat if not all of tbe
court* of Furope will do wo aa w*in aw bra
repivwentalivaa are acentditesl . . The Fruit*!
elites ; ui debt statement wl.owa an iricTwaw#
of td,;7.V! during lite month of Ihvrm
lyr; rvau liahutee, psj,.'s7 tlP.?t ; currency
! .'.a- e, Xi 1.22 ; certifleatew of deysaut,
111.200 000 ; rvan rertirtratcw, f23.6t>i.000
A <hw|iateh has Iren reoeireil from the < arliwt
hesd p arte:* denying ariy on tl'.e
jrt of cither t men. 111 conaequanrw
of the prtsdaniatiou of Hon Aifouro, or in fai.r
of tit new king A company of Fulled
States cavalry haw slatted from the lied Ootid
agency t* i.ust the minora from the lllack
lIJl*. While t harh- Myers, of salrmcounty,
N. J.. wan in hia wife waa at Work at a
neighls 1 a. Ins two boy*, aged nine and eleven
year*, amused thcmsrlvea by budding a Are in
the abed adjieiiing the house. Tlie flames
*]<* lily got In'* • 1 their control. I cruiiig
down tlie I mtdmg are', an infant cluld that waa
111 the cradle .. The governments nf Switzer
land. Australia, and Helglum have adopted
stringent measure* the imj>rl&ii<>n those nmntnea cf American p'tatoe* in
fected with the rvlo l*<*tlo ~ Px-pnest
tier-I<> man, cf Philadelphia. ha* l*Mn reniai. ted
fui t rial for the rniiwr/lrment of fund* !>eloig
nig to tit Bmufaeiua'a linman fat hollo Churrh,
after a hearing up... a hnlcnt mrpus.
A J-o-t-mortem examination *i> liel.l oior
the I. >.lv of Iliuleih MWartlijr, who wa*
•xitxl dead n n l in Jersey City, ami
l was i-i'Tlaim-1 that a!.. fr../e to death. liav
w, ' " fuel v covering ...Tlio Milwaukee
t 1 ■ irt ha* t > 'ii.h 1 Ji J.-e Vouchees,
• f Jfaekonsack, ail Henry J. While, of Jersey
i li. .->rnruif r ."iu r to tak" the tiwtiiuouy of
Mis. I• Auff;av. Iwtler known as tho escaped
mm. Her evtleace is to l>e use.! m a suit | .end
ing before tin: court, for the purpmo of cx
postlig the internal arrangement* of convent*
ai'.l nunneries . Tho debt of the eity of
Brooklyn, incltKhag all her obligation* of what
ever character, anaanlw to tho sum of ♦3.V
--('I an increase HI the past yoar of
♦ '.A UHSJ... Il>o debt of tho city of Sow
h il ... alsiut f 11ti.(aai.taai..,. The ©wdeneo
in tho Yickfthurg case alniaa that seventy-six
nc;'r..e* ami two while men were killed iu tho
attack upou the eity Sir Henry Klliot, 11.0
It illsh Amha**ador at Constantinople, Una
lolged a complaint with the Porie protenltug
ar-iinst the in. r. a-ing slave tra<h which i
lieing carrie 1 on hi jiarts of the (>tlu
man I'uipire in One of the boiVm
a! the Fraaoouia lion rompany'a mill, at Wares
hats, Ma*c., burst niMi a
deniolishing the wrest end of tlie immense
building and shattering the entuo structure
tnoro or loss. Out of eighteen inrn in the
huikling, Pdnard f'afeiy was fatallv and four
other* slightly injured.
flic father of ft ui t'arloa ha* giien hie
a-llie 'on to King Alfoncn. Otlier Mipjv.rters
of the Jlou-l on Pretender are expected to fol
low his example, thn compelling Don Carlo*
to lav down hi* a-tn* and rcrngnire the new
ir/i'n.r or retire to o. ... I'jiou the assem
bling of the Ixnneiaua l.egislature an iuteuae
oxcitetiiont exists 1. Ilolh men claiming to he
.rrrnor of the Htato issued proclaiualions to
the peoj !e. 'I ke Conservative* eloclod Wiit*
for Spcakei, tlie other party dociuiu.g to vote.
Khortly after Cnited Htatee troops entered the
State house and unseated the ticwly-elocted
Kj*akor and five other tnemlier*. (ieneral
Sheridan is in command at New Orleans, and
telegraphed to Washington as follows : I have
to aimounco to you tho exist, lire in this State
of a f|>irit of defiance to .xl! lawful authority
and an insecurity < f life which i* har.lly re
el /.od hy tho general government of the
.* oi.'itry at i trgp. The* of citi/.or.s have
bccoiua so je.tjrtU'.l.zed that iinlsw something
la done to glvo prulertluii bi the pwplo all
security usually affoolnl hy Taw will lot over
ridden. lb-ftau.-a Ui tlie laws and the miirvlnt
of Individuals aesina to l.a looked Upon Ivy tha
eoiiuaiintiy liar# from a si.n.'p.ini which gives
Impunity to all whock.Miao to indulge 111 allliar,
and Ike civil government ap|iaara jiuwetlaa* to
), 111, lab or even aneat.
it 1 M,'CV.luuek loa.l "liparvls.if of the
Kanaaa I'ai iflc railnwd, aud alao Mayor of
lUoobville, has hi-. u aii. ,-l* *l an I i-oiiiinltted at
F.tlswolUl, Ivaneas, cbaigtsl with rlldm/zlilig
large sum-of lii'Htoy fioni the Kansas Fa* ilk*
lailroad liming the yearn I aba, 'Otf, tint '7O ~
llie leaiden* * uf MUu Itugglea, at l'lit-lu-ltay,
(llilo, waa bullied, and lii* 10 dlier, ainter, and
alater'a abibl w.-ii< binned to death. Ml lliig
glas jiiuipc! from a window and waa fatally iu-
Juis.l Ita. he) t ard waa aentein ed to
twenty yeaiw imprtaunmeiit lu New lirunawick,
N. J., foi killing FhaileeTen Itroouk J.amph
rttiielda, of Hie Pom.*) li anl* Itaiii.owJ ( .-ii.jjo.y,
waa killed a( lilmet.ii Juu.t4i ....A large
Are lu iMaugoboig, H. C., dealruyod u. "I uf the
loiaiiicea portion of the tuwu 'the loos la
*l*oUl fr.hai.iKHi, with but hit le 1 jniran.-e. Th*
M* li.nev Hotel, ibe llrangvbui, ,\ri,-a bulldlug,
and all the aburo un Itua-.-U ell is t *>#.* da
sli ed ihe ti King 0/ tha Two NciltO*
lis* viaitcl Alf.tuzu, and aesurt-1 him thai th#
t o.iufa t'asort* au t Han will withdraw from the
t ailtat I' .1 alu.-a JeJTlies a member uf
the l.ouiai*n* Legislature, ha* tiled a atut I*
the Fulled Nate* t ircml Court against tb-nteal*
Nierl.hur, Kruory, and l>e Trohtloii<l, for IUU,-
. t*>> di.ui*,.es fur ejecting turn from hie *e*t ai
th* House of I>| lesenlaliv os. A atiuiiar ouil
was also llie.l by l(s.,rg# U. Kolly, wit* saa arao
ejected The t mted -latos abip lv.uant
' ba* Icon dalailed lo carry Jxiug halakau* lo
bis b. uie At ItothorUain. Lnglaud, an ox
pi.avion of lire-damp took jiia. c iu a cual uuj,. ,
kdliug org bi pcuxiua.
Jlit- ( oniing Wife.
Mltu'tt a lit tin bit of a airmail, all pa
1 Ut-uc*v ami Hiiiiiiliine, ami I'd hik,il tho
ln-:d Milk hut that miwioy could buy f< r
tho j rivil.-gi- nf h-tidiiip h*r my nmbrvdiii
' in a rain Ktonn,
Nli -'h marrn-d ami alu-'a p. t iui nld rhi
iiixvi-riM nf a luialituul. Ho urnkn* it u
practice to ("nmo homo ' tight ut cloven
u'cltxik •v. ry otlior uigtit, iunl lire* fur
your-, L> cwu't rouicuilior t!iat oho
ever gave him a er-.-.s word about it.
When lie folia into tlie lirdl sin- in wait
ing to close the d.ior and lielp liim imck
I 1 the sitting r.Hint, where u guwHl fire
awaits him. Hhe .IrawHiifT hut lajota, un
buttons his collar. In brs lam off vrillt hi*
.•■•nt. uml all the time alio i* waving:
" J'iKxr Ht-ury! how sorry I ton Uiot
you Imd this attack of vertigo! I'm
ufrui-t lliat you will lie found dead by
Ui r*<adsiao home night."
" WTuizzer mean by wrthigo!" he
growls; lint sin- heljrs him off with hi*
Vie-t and pleasantly contliiuas:
•' I'm -o glat you got home all righC
I hojM- the d:>y Will OIIW whl-U yutt crur
|om more of jfotif time ul houie. It 1*
dn-u Iful how your bu-.uie.wi drives j.u !"
" Wliaz bizslim w wlioz vcr talking
'ls.ut (" h- rcjihes.
" lVir one how hot your head is!"*
idle continues, and presently In- Im-aka
down and weejm, and exdaims:
" Y-z, zur zn' a 'om* wearing zelf
.out fhivat nai wislizi wasderwl!"
N xt uiuruing ah< u< v. r 1, !.-n to the
Mtlqwl, but phw-MUitly iaduin* how he
slept, and if hw mind is dear. His
IksjFv may !>e missiiig, and he yella
" Mliar Ti thundcr'a my lsw-t!"
" Hight here, my dar ahe replica,
and In- semi* tln-m out nil nicely black
ed up.
If she waiiLs a ilr.-sh, or a imt or a
doak, lu* yells out tliat the household
< vjH-u s art eating him up. She never
"sa.*wa" him back or t<-Ils him tlrnt
sin tnu!J !iave marrii-vl a
Dor dtvlum that ohe will writ*- to ln-r
mother and tell her just how it is.
"Tliat's iw>, my door, tunes are luxrd,"
ahe tvays, and alio g- t up just as good
a >li utter as if he had 1-. ft her 4k r AI.
lie may come home tight ut Mlpjier
tiru- liil she is u* ! shock--iL She r
J*lt* i that it is an unexpected pk-.'Otl ta
futVd liim home so early runt she pr. temla
not to notice !iis stupid look. He sees
tliiso eh.-.ira win re there is but oue and
tu trring n> sit down he strikes the
floor Ilk.- a derrick.
" Whuzaer jaw zliat cliair 'way for?"
he vi-lla, and ahe replies :
" It's tlut hole in the carpet I km-w
y.-tt would stumbleaiui die ltdps him
tip -mil liriupw him a strong cup of tea.
lliey do not keep n servant, aiul when
cold weather came she m-v.r thought
of plunking hi-r-s-lf dowti ui a cluiir oj>-
pK.lte bun and saying :
" Now, tlieu y.-u'H eitin r get uji nud
light tlie lir-s or then# won't IK* any
liglitcd mark that, old Ixddht-Ad !"
Vi. she didn't resort to any sndi Isx-w
md tynuinicitl measures. When <lny
light eomca ahe alipw nut of lwwl, make*
two fii-e, warm-, his socks, and then
Iveiivltng over him, she whisper* :
" Ari*-, darling, and grs-t the festive
lie's sick sonn-tintes, and I've known
that woman to ouu him for two straight
hours to take the doctor's medicine, turn
over his j.illow twenty two times, ke-jv
a vvi t cloth on his le nd, jsxre his corn
down mid then w-h she ha>l a uttail to
mnkc him some soup. When lie gets
into a tight down town and oouuw home
with his ears bitten up and his nose
pointing to the northeast, she inquirca
liow the hole luvj'pi n< d to ntn nwiiy
with hint, and ahenuys she is so thankful
that he wasn't killed. She lias an exense
for anything, and she never admits
that any one but herself i* to blame
altotit anything. levr' bless her—l Ixnw
she'll slip into lieavt a mid never Ik
aski-d a question.
Somewhat Rommitir.
A recent number of a Portland (Ore
gon) jvnjver tells a pleasant little story to
the following effect: A young lady well
known in that city lias just atartev) to join
her par*nts, whom she has no recullee
tion of ever having seen. Her name is
Kinnin Frankle, and hr par>ntn liv- in
Florence, Italy. At the ago of In tween
throe nml four she wan given to n family
named Stokec, who promiacd lo inlucate
and otherwi <• provide for her. It wn-ms
that she was trained for eirens jverform
am-es, nn.l traveled with cirrus troupes
ttntil she was eighteen years old, when
she alvindoncd the busiiMW<, made her
home in Portland, and having h- ir >1 t •
set tyjve, sup|Kirt-sl herself by that work
during the past four years, biking g.ssl
rare of h* no-lf, and winning naonv
fri ti-l: Meanwhile ahe luul bilwl in
quirii-i for her )<arents to be made in
Florence, f!i< *ie only rwently proving
successful, the pnrcntn hiving also Ikh-h
for some years advertising for their lost
daughter. Money was wv n t tsi the daugh
ter from Florence with which to defray
her rxpen, .'s home, and by this time she
has prolvably tx-en reunibul to those who
long ago parted from her. hoping it
would prove to her advantage.
A Hai Stat* or \i faiuh. In China
it is n regular bit? inesa l > buy up girls
for the San Francisco market, just as in
this country np nf 1 gi nlsvut nn.l buy tij>
r< (ton and hogs. Si thoroughly i ths
business established tlmt a regular priiv
current is published in San Francisi,
giving (Tiines d- bails of the St. I • of th.
market, and th*- jiriis s nt which it will lie
.safe to buy. The girls ore s- nt to San
Francis -o brothels.
Opinion*, of the Press.
Tho Texan AVer Yorkrr says : "An
old Scotch physician once said to one of
his patients: 'Keep your feet wnrin,
your head cool, mi l your Ivowels vpon,
nn' there's little "ilso" can harm vc.'
Titis iqihorism is full of wi-doin, ntul u*
prenses exactly wltot I *r. Widkrr'a Culi
forni.i N'inegar Hitters will do for yon.
Wc speak of what I*o know from nearly
two years, j-rni tieal exjverieneo in tlie nee
of this indispensable family medicine.
Its office is to ntt.nck n lnzy, torpid liver,
and impart new life to this vitid organ— !
n proper flaw of bile and a prompt dis
charge of effete matter. A good diges
tion and appetite are restored to the suf
brer. Pure blood, the *lifo of tlie
limb,' is si-1-uicd, and tho patient soon
feel, luni' * If a walking clc trioal battery.
Good health i.- more precious than flue j
gold—Vinegar Bitt"r"i restores it, and is,
thereft nlvove j>ri.-e. The man who
dis.-ov.- 1 it is s philosopher and a bene
factor cf his race."— Gom.
Miwaa Tavl. r and <sJ.m -toens petition that
that wef* owner* of mwrchatit vaaanl* which
. Ie ileatroyet hy tha Hheutnlsah. ami aak In
aliara 111 tlie award
'llia foil..sing billa wara rspdal a.lverselv
frma Die Fiuaniw issumittea ami ludaAwtaly
|uisl|srtioi| Tt.o flotiaa bill flting lite aniwnut
of legal lender luitwa at HOU UOU 000. TTia
11.. is* bill authorizing gold not* batik* to bwua
cncnlatlis. bi llie extent of ninaty par eautuw
Oil tlie amount >'f FtiUndHlata* bsm .ls|UM
an- irtty atgl Nenator Htewart'a bill to (iro
blbil tba uatloual bank* front b-aning no ne, on
1< gal |.-i>4*ia I iite*l Ktato* .'llio. y ot gofl aa
sis i.ritv.
const Al *.iiia Utl nwkiiig I'nttwd Nairn
iiltvor c.i os a legal ten }r for aut.M.iita uot ax
es ting A!l' aaa rej .'tad atu ieely but placed
on tbe caleii lar.
isenat.-i llavia'a bill In rssbiea tha bit ai *r
.. lalii uof Htala bank" b> an aiuooul ts|ual bi
that I*l*l to national Iwnka waa r*|mrt.| a.l
- l . t 111 n,*sn>ii of Mr. hargent waa
pla. e.l 011 Uie . alcsi tar.
Tba bill to remove the liiuiiatloti rmrirktUig
tha rlreulati.Hi of Iwi.kliig a*as-:a(.<sui Iswub.g
iiulsvr pays M.. ui g<44, wee laisatad fa*<.r*My
It pro. uW lbat at. much of seeUiß. 5.156 of
tha rwviamt eUtutea of the Fulled Alalea an
Unute the circulation of IwnkUtd aaaaietalunia
urgao.awU fur tba jsupwe of loaautg wwea
payable Ui g- ld, aaverafjy, to Mi* amount of
<sia .! .lar*, Ira, ami the swine >. bere'l v
rpMll 1 a ltd sweh of aueh earatuig banking
waeoeiali.s.s 11.ay mrrsWae tt* eiirulatuig uoUw.
and ilea banking aaaoulOf uma may ba orgauund
in atvs.fdan.e w.tb tba ex la ting law without 1*
spool to aiidi hnutaziim.
Mr. Thurmau ilk-m , nf Glno. offtwesl the
following rr~.luu.rn - Krmtiw-l, 'Tbat the
Freaideiit of llie t ruled K'.aloa la hereby it
jucame.! t.> inform tin. Senate whether any pur of Uie army of lii* Filled Nate*, or any
t officer, ofkcsua, aokber or aoktiara of stub army
(.lid in any manner inlarfera or inlermoddta
witii. cailM >t seek lo rsaitrol tba urpamcatuiti
of Ilia (leiicral Assembly of tbe Male of Ixauat
ana. or snthes branch Uieiwuf, on the tlb mat..
, and rsjH-oiilly whether any iiermni or per**-tie
claiming real* in either I .ranch of aanl
fire bave teu d|mvod thereof, or |ir*veu!ed
fr su taking tbe same, by any such luihtary
bile*, oflkor or aoldier ; and, if *ucli ha* baeii
the case, than thai the Piecideot uifuna the* by what autiumty audi nublory lalar
tenbon and interference Uavo taken place.'
During the .Use ins.*.n un the rswolutnm of
Mr. Tlrurtwai., tnu. b foebng waa evincwd In tha
remarka made by un-inborn of both (write*.
I lessee,
Mr. >rr reported a btU granting right of way
and grounds to Ui* Oregon (antral
J'asatv railway. Mr. ib.latan ino.ed an auus. l
incut tbat the Males through which the read
may ]w*m shall always ha* e the right to regulate
tba rate* for oarrytng freight and (Waaengar*.
Agreed to, and the biU passed.
The new army tali, which was diacuaaad, i|>
jTt.jmafvc e27,if*l,sii. it furtida rsscrurUug
' beyond the number of 39,000 collated man, in
cluding Indian asvoata and huapual atewarda
Mr. Haia, of Main*, ufferssi a reaoiutlou :
That the J ndlciary c. tuuutUw. he inatrurtod to
)ire|wre and report, witho-it delay, a Mil prawtd
ng for a now . its-turn of Male I.thorn, and ibs)-
reseiiUti* s*i in tVmgrwaa in Kouiauuta, under
i such guards, rswtrictioua, and guaranlewa aa
i will luwute the f..litest lH*ty to every citizen to
* v.-:cise the right of suffrage without fear and
1 without and as *;I1 provide such
* a rutin! an t declaration * *f the renult a* will tu
nur to the majority their corutituUsinai and
legai rights.
A Ml! was intr idaced U> mcrswaa the duty oa
-ljsUlled si irita from 70 to wu cents par gallon.
The i urt-Acatvon full, which jwaeed t*.a
House, ap| rupnatw* OtOvi.UUO. including, 160.-
000 for lurla lu New York harbor.
JJk b.!l waa 1 wear 1 providing that theadjatar;t
--1 enseal a department of lha army shall .-unseat
of una *d;utant-gneral. with ike rank, |wy,
and emoluwei.ta of the brigadier general . two
at* -lanta with the rank <*f four with
the rank of tenant-colonel, and ton with th*
rai.k of rnajur.
Mush uf the Utile of the House was uaed in
dmcuarlng the )uialana trout"
Kim pit- Dv-pspsia liem.dy,
I)VH|>S-| si* nriik-B frmu a gr>-ut raris ty
of ttiujv. H, (okl ilifTm-at jK-rwina arc r*
liov. il lv differt-nt n-nicdiea, m-.v .r.linp
t.i tiio nature of tils- >lihs-*h-an.l condition
of t!i# htomach. Wc know of * lady who
luvs ui-rtrval gr*it 1* u. lit from lirinkinpa
tuiulilor of tuiik—th ru-hor and
fn-alu-r the bs-Ut-r—* kcuevcr a buming
wtra.tiou w exjH-rn bood in tho stomocji.
An ldi rly p. fitlofuaxi of our arqujun-
Uuu o, who wiik afflicted for many year*
I with great ilitrrvw after s-atiu|r, liaa
eIT.-te.l cure 1T mixing a totileiijksouful
i of win at bran 111 half a tumbler of vra
v r, and drinking it lialf ou hour afu-r lii*
tnii-K. It ia nwiasaiy to stir quickly
and drink immediately, or the bran will
asth.-ru to the gloaa mid btvsMme uostrv.
Coffee and UdLNtcro arw pr. .hably tfie
worht imlvetitursva |>ersouo tniubl-'d* with
dv.qteivaia or*- in tlie habit of tisi-ig. and
Wb'uld lie avoided, lh-yntlar eating of
nuUMduiip plain fskkl, and the uw uf
some simple remedies lika tlie aUnre,
w ill efls-ct in most cam* quicker ctiret
than inedicitK*.
Tlie huge, drast;.-, gnjiiug. ak-ketung pilh.
v-ens: nv,-t< t of cruds*. c*r~* and l*ulky iiigrwu.-
ciite. arc fast Iwing auieraadsvd hy Dr." Pkuet's
t l'ur;-*t:*p Fclicta, or k.igar-Cu*t.L
l i 11-rats.! Mi 4 and llni ai Jtnce. Anli
lt.!i < isiinu.uls* thr Ijitls (ivanf t athartic ,
r Aft. .. ,*. f'.irr** Chyme. M.alern chctu.cai
sc.eui-. ■ ahlsw lr. Fierce to extract fmra lha
j::i* 1 1 <*f th- must val.ial*!# ruota and hart*
the.r active moibcxnal ]wiiici|4-s>. wl.ich. when
work. 1 into hitlc |*e!!cf or g-rauutaa, wcwireiy
lai -c; f ban u*ustu*l ael. imder* each little
p< Met a* active and powerful a* a large pill,
*h le ti.* v are much mure jwlxtabl* and pleas
ant .11 eTsict.
IV. Ita A. '1 bxver. ef lta.-oueh.irg, Ohio.
wr t -1 regard your IVllete a* ilia beet
n r e.Sy for tlie c.*KhOt*ia for which you (JSe
aenhe than uf anythiug I have ever -uw-d. act
a..hi and certani in effect, and learuig tbe
Mvwela in an eicellent cmditiou. It seems to
me they must lake the place uf all other ca
thartic piHa ami nmdmiios. *
l.yvwi A Mo.niler, dniggieto, Y'emulh vn. IX
T.. sv : •• YVe thmk they- are gotng to aeli
hk I i-*ksw a* woou •* javople gs t ac.piauiUvl
wii.i li ra, and will h|shl the |sll trade, as
t!.< ae t at have IV-d tl.rm like lltetu much
belter than large pilla."—> iww.
K - ■ inv. comfort, l(M>ka. all combine
U> rtake -hlv. r Tipped alios* itaii>|venaable fur
rhndr. a. Try Never wear through at
tlie foe, 1 uih.
M<wd |vsw>vvlc like to hear of a g-ood
thing. YVe will fell them in confidence, if
th } want f.v 1-c dressed well, tliwv ahuukd wear
th. Warwick Foliar. An old adage nay* that
with a nice collar and clean t-oota a tuau "ala*y*
1.. k" well drcese.l. Ivememlver the YY'arvnck.
If wrt" can l>cn<"fit tho rwnlont of thin
tvajer any by reconuacriding f'araont' Atrjo
nW f'l.'fa t* lw the lavs 1 anti-bihuua motirine in
Ihe otwiutry. we are willing to do *O. YVe have
lia.l alvvut as g.] a h) know aa any
ma —Com.
WOIETHT or NOTK.— An ricluuigo any*
tl ere i- scarcely a day loses* that wa do not
li- at, either frvvtu jverruns coming into our
..flirt- 14 in some other war. of the snocee* of
J.Jiv • i"r .tn.v/vwc /jnti.Hw/ in tlie cure of
cou.' .is end col.l. so prev alci.t aMmt town juat
Ik.W. ( urn.
Itnatwraa for IH7.Y. Nsw hras. arUcla.ssikrapid
h ;- . 1 s * fit* a ■t-.lsd, iumss Zviarantasd Ad'v
,*■ M INN t I'O .Hl Jf lleaarvl 81.. HafMnsHs. Md
The M:trkrti.
Mfvr Teat
It f i*. TWisst • l-vtr* lluflueka WSdl Hi,
C., • ■--! t* Oost T-ian* ie\i4 CY
M -i t tun *0 ou <*"
I 7 '* .4 07 *
tthrejv .... tV4 r ' "v
lfS<4 OTS
F. ft M■*! U'v4 l
I. .ir KxtraY* .eru . ... *Oi 1* ;•
Siai. Kvlra. . * 00 m i 10
Wl;e' Iti iv- !• ru 1 If Hi*
No. . Nj'tllig 1 U I n
1: l <A w
fv .1 ley— *.l*l.' t it d I d
II rit J Mall IB Ctß
flat* Wveit W.aVero.... tt 14 71
i'..ri—Vtlvsd Western . It d 8
1 . * ra 1 M (4 P0
w-a*, --cr ewt M- •* **
11..- 71.,1W17-i 00 a* 1*
S.,H ... V f 0
t xr.l U'.'4
I .'1 -M t. re! * o 1.t,. l;i 00 elino
No. Xtn vr If, 00 (alii #0
. Out, i,. r cat 0 00 *4 a to
II rrr. -sled, vcv box. 30 a HO
rvtrulcutu- t'rnds ... *S<4V R'Onrd, UN
Ytou! '"allf.vrtil* Heeee..... 3>h<* SZ"v
Tcxa. •• *> # 81
AustraHan " <•' J, id
tt-.ilter -Sials... 41 4 It
Wislrru Hair* SO <4 0Z
W- stern Yellow M (4 70
V.reteru Ordtnary JO i 4 it
Ivnnsytvaaia Fine so <4 40
f'IUH-ss ilnte Faslory ....
*• skimmed...... 0* .4 05
XWUern.. ... 10 iw IS
F44 S.sle it 8 It (
\v vl * 1 AS ( J .V
live— Ma;.' MB 07
Ciri Mixed.. Nl • 04
f.rlcy Mate 120 l 1
rtmir 5 75 <a T 00
WHcv-S. Sapling 00 * 00
cdtm—Uioml 05 ot m
Ot:# 00 B 00
l.t, 1 (O (SIM
ilarley 1 B I 20
Cotton —low Middling* 14 B 14
Flour— P.xtra 0 15 B 0 3A
Wheat—Ue<l Western 18 l ,
Kjc I CO B 1 tl
Corn—'Yellow 81 *4 01
101 V .ed MB OS
iitroleur* MV
h i IT 1. 171187 IvBfFB F.tUfc. ....... B S" <sl ft
Wi:M Vwii-m lift! 1 W W 1 33
If; • W < VI
< * "1 fYt 89 M
•; , 4 m <a M
* 1 .!*- - Vii v sii 61 (A 64
—CniUe... 08\B00 T , Reflnct, llh 1
TH SAW TOU riunioi OOMFAWIOJI DM* M IV brrA ti til kl ftil; ito'l.
poUUhad 111 IV InM Matoa. 11l tiraaltilaa H aßati ■W* l ■* ** c*tititi
jounl la Uil varfcl. _
TV mil Viaia af 71U Xrtr Tea* JVati* Caatgwatoa li*4 smUmmvl
ri ronulix iv and rwti lorr *..rtai tt Va IV large* Mti W* vS
A(MMillf bw*f Mjaii njr Ur Oir wtll wy t*> #y —-
eacrtod >l'iu bi Mrortag IV M artier* UuiUm MRS *• kopa f fWto I"**
frwd iVrtei ond • |inl amnoat if food Mtitor of til dwarlpllam, lV hai aeer v
ltr A> family l'pe, Tk* Sm T-k ftrut-l* (ka/iflti N allkaat fw *1
Iroal Ms l uiillnurd llirlti wUI V piUUfcal atiaatiy. and a a— tifT |W la
naauwl aHual eerp feoond seek, •" IV* va taid.ri *ttl V abli I"•"*•** * *
tiury ti U>< utxkiliii, or af m. u* —mar a> afcti liar Ifcrp way aokaartfca ■"* aiusVn
•an aiaaj• i,e IV, roolalolng IV owncMeal ti rrwrf |Wf.
ft< ffUvuinj it a partial Mti ti aw I 'vmlribmtrr, fur UTS. __
oijm orrn i>. j, ,11. n avium am*. tost r*mHL nrrtoutM '**£**. 5Vi* 4
umCKTUP, MAST i. Wlack A W. rSARCS. 0. U AIKBI, O. 0. MALI,
Na rforl If ifwrtil to aJd to U> latorti* aad rarieiy af V aoetosto ti IV payer. BmMN arr .iwrtwtrd io faiwritara free M (epytaaatiA. Early la > •• (Nail MkOah
A M*w fry by Mr,. (.war MvA A Smm Story Ny Ayi le taw.
A Mm* Wiry by i-iirrr ttmiir. AMlw'rf " Trea to Ml AIM, tia.,tia.
A Now Story by Tony C|,,r, AulVr if '<OU Rfcruifc. IV LeOrekr."TV ftllw
tMacUre,** "TV lift ...tag InieaUre," ato
A Mmm Story by frrf. J Amu, fto MUU, AtiNar •* "Tba Sato* la ba Waad;" TV
India ITaN ;** " L"rypi<>craai; " "C**4 lad Crmr." <r.
A Xaar Story Ny />r. ..A* M WUlbmmu. AHtoW * Dto/ Tati;- " T|fM*| Urn a
tttiTasf ■* " Mlllrfr* Klilkf 1 M ** l'f>4tf a Uuk "fU
A Kru Wiry by Mr,, l.i'y kmmdmit Cumtrnrt. AalVr a( "tSAk Oaf, ar PlSat irtltl.-lto.
*.. itiWrl Ay i'drrlrwA C. XaaAy. . . ... _ .
A *AT Story Ay AVaiair Carry, Aalfcor ti " BaitiNaart and WWa, Ma.
TV payar wtu km iv Val SArri S.artoa. SSatoSai, faalry, JMiyrsyAy. /"A
to* irtMri, tlmmrnr. Ummty. mmA Avtoto to CwfwpiadnS.
So oßorl ar pal ..arc iporod Mailt lAe awti tittatiha as*
aarfal to aar roaA.r*. Tlu. li atitod kf a fcalkaaaa ti atoa aaparlaaai asd waad
)u4fatctit, aul a rati HNM ti la..naatoa li ( IMWt to RaaSlaW to to.l aaA
r.x ( .ctic. legal auA io.Alaal yeawluwi, laformoiAaa tor Uw atocVa aa4 NtaAti ;la laet, aa
••"I la all Mtoottoaa U.a. lara ap la Ma. eaa V torn ad la Ikli iSiaan.
HMA lit AO Mum i-ItTLK roLMM. TUi kM • aaaltoaa to V aac WIV
ynalwxi fsaloraa of IV papar TV eoeulkalLee# to life ('(art rial Ito fc'lts carp turtmm
Wftton for cADMrca la tV outirp. Tfalc tiiv M-S IV fIISSDi OOMfASSJN tacalaallr la
ccccy koaitimitl wbara Vara ar rktld.aa. W kaay ti laliaaato (Vi VMV ooa lato*_ S*"*
kariag Urar oruUcc taad wrar tad aw agala tolVat tort IV pipit ti IV fojorti.g aack a
Tl Urred a.d awti ariert pepalig wetidp Mr yeaat Mu MM V aalp payn wtvl. ri
• una IV i .d ti MnnciaMoii aaHkrr. waat to raad ahwd to tmt, mm, asdvMck rwpMM aw#
aakatitoUoglp pdaac at 0m aaada ti Ml tidMiaa. U ntialm a Mryr awaaal aiti caring tiyati
. odtof lot glriiaad VpalNaacu V Vd la aep oUcr rockijr ar anew; piM.SrL
TK KM, ram tttß-mow IS THK tmmmto * r */**•, __, n ,
mrsK<r* Glum asd tort or ammhica <ud tkk mmw roir r/Arynr
OOMKASH'S: HMBPI ti tioartil ItiWe aad Snyl ti AmuUm mttt V aaal V ajrr
to AO) ml > tV r.iltod Malta ca rati|A ti SAW; laa ooylai tor V. V. i aVa
Aid r. Aw P'orA fctit > rwpati w UI V aral far av aar ar twin ti W. toa < wgtol
0. R.',. or. oluc aoytri for 5" (rctun op af Oloka aaa aVcrardi aAd roglc aotito at |<Jd caek.
irtU I wpnoiMr for r.Vtnnioi act la tagltimd Lritorm, ar kp Na oAec Moaap Ordin.
SoU. papers mi to oao ..Jno for RAAa. IVtosi ftoo k| iHaw in|loi. to ptotof. Vftw.
GEORGE XOIfRO, FublUher, 84 Beekmsn Btreet, New York.
1. O. HOI. OOG7.
"hO SILLS Ckucni* ( Ucm. Only f|. 10 • ?••* wl*M
icSy 1 " VT#4 - Ifjrrp P TWO f IMirM'l INSTANT DRESS
WbM!\ ••* OVERBKIRT, wuJti rioib WeAal, erhi ha f FRll.ntm-
Pgßyy:.; t niiiiM, mlu **. •* will CUT THIS OUT, aad ntd a wiA their tab
l4pSS?Si \ • f> Il "IAZAAR." *• ■<■ Ik* IMUIM aext
'*•* fffT "r"' laarl " CRANCERS '** an4 tor anr toto. Fanpli "If M .
>i •• h-tstih'e UMratlUa Ka.h, ar her-rata f fr—— ik!■,**
lu Cents. < tulaga* it-alAd tor one Stamp.
ftEaaJL Add roan, *ery plain,
®. • *•. 914 NmaJway, Www Twrfc OWy.
W af rtotooa m . m 1■* SO CtS
On of the (hltirat of arwutalisu* in Mid
to la. I lint of littuiß loworc.l fifteen htm
dml feet into s mim*. The great length
f cslilc sllosrti a "jtring of s foot or more
npon the "light *1 wovrmcnl in the has
l.ct, and W J. Flopstw*. srho has jtutt
hati the txtterienoe in Nevatla, asyn it
(oris like hetug a lll at the end of s
ruller string.
II J^^^N
\ I
ft tZ
T1 " W fitu all ever Unesuj tsaall oar Fksa
W Riwd luptrtwa. < nta a. thafoa Draw.
_"V Ina*. lUnrataatfaw. Fb.rt.^
W. BOW pahUH) lb. ftmwt aawwtaaaal w*et placid > ■Si its
to pvbUc. aad oar prtoa are MSrksrt dowa so low as SS
safy aS matwn'i '■ Thorn who tsssa i. s Us. b am.
warn ta am wh to nan. o* so far away fron ton*, can add
a baadaoan Suit •ta to toa tamins be wihSlm hr as
n itosr owa lor alliMw dunaa toa .patw Una
Wa ban taani tort aeaata at work ft a us who ban
aal. (asnaau to twnfea. psi(tws,ata.. Uator baanan
to raasa. aad ttoj SU report that to) can mad* nut
ante notary at work to as to an at tarUUM toss Oat
pttoa ate as low that all can aff wd to i-itrctoa. aad
Unrotow to. ptotarn uk at Msbi at alaaat eeatrfnaaa
Raw bastnanri da aa well a* inu who bate bad lassa
atpnrtoaoa to oar t.aattful aubpua. aad tow prtoaa at*
ai>[u*atsaad bf aIL To nak. late* --h- 11 nitbo. aB
aa aaoat has to A- bto shoo to ptrtona fmta >i al la
boaas Itoat bad lot wark olanwhete aaul yoa bare
sown what steal inl t* tan's a* Far tea to saaka
asoaof W. bars aol spa., tortplai-all t*w bat aaad
aa roar add raws aad wa will wad fill parurwlata. baa.
hj mail tksnh dalar If paw waal prtottaala sntw la* pat
toons, or to /war wrtods Una New |a too fsmr
able tias* to oasasa In ton bast asm Oar RMsns ma
to. Boost aad auwt ptoastas to tie. Mtsitf. ami aae la
dnread bt all to# load lac papwra. taaladaas to* Now Torfc
A—old Tb aa who aaaa-rt ct*. to* bmlasn totdr aaSSrs
attaaUoo. ran wwk ap Inter owe to slnts. aad asaba a
handscaa* .ra aitb'Ußl wwsv betas away frutn k asi ewe*
aiykt Lot all who waat plosssat. aroSlabla anptapnaah
wttooat rtakinc eapttal. —->rt as toast adrti im a* saaa.
aad barm all attest to. lwMa foe tlcniMdin Fkaaaa
tut# what pap— pw saw tots adtirlinntst ta.
(IKOKIIK sTINMIk A HI., An FabHihni,
I liil
MI'IWPV —to ettyodl* wtto Staori) 4 Kay Cbsek
laUXVCtX t .lobsae atmpl*.aad felt pap
Ural arm Km. H. M. HrptCRR. 11l Rtairat Ml. hake
CDII CDC V " KIT* mred bf to. warn of Boas'
fcrlLfcroT Kinirn. Iliw.m Trtoi Park
nt as* I wrlrx i.lars. e<td#moauf
row Ross P.HOH.. Ki. taa.tod. lad.
C| t) cutflr jir nmni t Wtura. Osyr. a. onto
J. ft. VVtaalaw A I
IP' .4 [ p..A— t. /Orrl*-d. Mt. a*. -"W*
A<m towMwUfib tk/of set Itutaasa-
JL^Mm—CaR poTt.wtaall'.abM Bakinc Fow.iotw."
U rtl, Mass & t a.. Ct—s,
fX>nf\V -V-rwwdrld, •*, -'Sea F.wra
fy, # ,>> rawabtaasaU to. qaslwln do.i-e.l in
I miid il a tiitubanrkb, Ptebt. Try It
. V.lTWly IJ a •It w pwt lb* thins to iWwp
IvVWaii tie* and weak p*tw.ia, and twltat
IvV'.'fS'Vl #l.ll to th* .trams aad wall " Many
I vh-T ——W a \ .lu#t.l# ootint rorttwa owl f*wa
VM a W.N til Send t toralat to
ill KO. V. 11A NT/ A 14ra
P ■ W |7ii tin one hi.. New, I orh ,
Of say and svnry ktud. Send ataiup^^^^^
kr ' .i. ttw. ACCtWBS lira*t M i alasa Seaj^^M
ana rural ta—a*. riTTsaunia, FA w
'tus't*' Ku/s, !/r
BJBN]RmU ■•>•*. 8c to rft. a. KIM.-
■ #1 Wot w. K*i T Kurt It. t'aa
t* rrr.i .rOM. Mvninu,
KrW 1r Rk!1111 knmnM, Aiviat.
kl) I Il ikiaU tHarcraia. hiotttTa, amJ
all t-.raiu at Ike SSfW and
aflV Rl/Mtn /"•!''* r9 r'aUr
any nstartmd i a nD mmm
.ir t wh*:* #1 a txttto bond to i ircni%
A lh* nntrw of TfT ATT QfH
at4 boat Ml no* may r*p*at ><• W/I XJAJ UX .
•iHitfuj or 9UKN). Coaiph<p
loMt aud IDuatrMknna to any T( >l
lllMiHti: V fO., lUftkkK* am
Strait. Now York _____
■ . OABIMET or
LETTER F ILL t>uMfui imr
bottom man, to km BILLS. LET-
TktßjJ or TAVEKS alwaja oUu
wd In ■lDk>l'U<l orderi holds
4.000 Uiwn. ran b* nwd an dank
•r nunc to Ua wll. Wt prepay
Kiprritehtrfft. Send tor rlrteilnr
and pnow 1. with l.uoo i tfai unnta
ill Hum a A. OOP* * CO. OMntwo. lit.
The JVays
of Women,
It IN.CJ. T. C. SMITH. V r>„KfU ~t ••awUlli Wela
.r Iwt.d fr.® VI * timu pitaa IV. Hill •Ivtx
r>"n> It a Kt ana at itwainot ■ TH It** l**l
It'wld aay*. "It tt * imi mv *f **[ *r> tmaairiM paa
tola aavaa " [. MaUa,tkaMf*t*atad rraau
•Seat? ran ra want, ntmn n . | rraU **.
pirteally fcr affaala la mat a mj I WIIY HIT STILL, twa
p'aln'af affcart llmaat Seed f™, aliaaUrt ;
■>T rata bVSTIN, OILMAN * CO., HanAoA, Caaa.
\V 4 VTyn AGENTS for !h. "Idle and
TTA.N I fill Fxplnrutlnna of"OK. .
IMiHTONComplete. aotheitlAo, a fveali b.e>li
rrkw WLletl t I Ilia time* Ad l: H
_ R- B Iti'SSI.LI.. Falitlh*r, Realem, Maaa.
A Morhlv Journnl cf M jmtm Kint MUUr And Mill
wright Ah kuld tak* it. Aodr *• SIMI*BOJ9 A GAULT.
finrinnnt i. O. fl M p*f anaß'ii. Son 4 Itvr anronU* cifit.
H*> inf t ujuicJ l wanly a r*' balwaaa M aafl
-W.t.*UhjlMllM4,l aaparimraia* by
ponndln* r u and hi t and labaMag tba mni.
•Hoc* 1 f-vtOMtr y dtaevrarad a wonderful
ramMy and aaswrmwfor jUti.oiaand Cntarrk.
Warranto* to raMero wrsrwt pam*yao> !-
•tantly. ao tlia patient ran Ita down to reat and
•l*e r taMr. I n- <IU ara tuppttad arttk
•ample paekarea for rats dtatribatioa. told bj
drujulMa. Farb+s* by mail II.S&.
Addraaa ■>. LAMiELL, Aypia Craak. OUa.
Dr. J. Walker'* CAllfornls Vis
fgar Ilfltem are a purely Vegetable
preparation, made chiefly from the na
tive herha found on the lower range* of
the Sierra Nevada mountains of Califor
nia, the medicinal i rapertiee of which
ore extracted therefrom without theeaee
of AkoboL The question Is almost
daily fcsked, "What is the cause of the
unparalleled success of VIXRGAB BIT
TERS P Our answer is, that thej remove
the cause of disease, and the patient re
covers bis health. They are the great
blood purifier and a lire-giving principle,
a perfect Renovator and lnvigorator
of lite system. Never before in the
history of* the world bta s mediant Uws
conip'Cjdrd poMCtfMtif the rannrkabt;
qiiAiius of rissosß Birrtsa ia bcslinftb#
<ck of every disease man is heir in. They
s:s s prati* Psrystivs s* well ss e Toaic.
relieving looses Lan or Inflnra matwi ef
ths Liver sad Viscersl Organs, in BilioOi
The properties of PB. WA urate
fisioAS HITTSSS vt aperient. Pisphoeßtkv
Connsnative. Nutritious. Laistive. Ihsrsoe,
Sedaure, Coanter-lmiast. bodonfi Jlar*-
uve. sod Ash M 'hu
R. It. MrDOSALD ss CO.
I>rsrria*i andOn Arts.. Sao Pmmdswv ('attfnmto
aad tar of Waab;n*v#n and Ctortms Sis.. X. I.
WIS bjr all DragflMi >.S Dealers.
K T H. C -*o. S ~
uonrrniMi ron TOI . .ad •■>, aod *>
K K!. ■ all Adlris
__ J 4 ' K>T SOUJt 11 iiin■ final. Xe_ Yetfc.
Richmond Prints
Ma*, laws hats SUMS* SUM lt toon wto mm a OAa
VSar • • p—daeed ia aB 'b 'iMa trf chaaetns kak>
■ at s 1 la naMTrallir el/in suited MUa waata al
aaiw-a lawn its Usu ass to*
Frapar fat the boaas a ana- basaWfal la IMsm sad
II Hi ila nil—
ta ■< ,ai *srMr. aad widely bm *# naM ssrHli.sH.
rami* Nototne MIW We dtl west Tbtaa roods
Ca Mm nm l ■>■ Tm note staaM ba*a
lhlti.aod yuwr sesails ill o aad *ee*wwml sSM aatoalA*
h%> K FK* RAT S3O a weak Sal
Oat) sty KM Kit ia W* . it sad will pay
A Apply— A*. FT WGBBKB S OS . Msrtsa O
f vONwTANT EMFt-OYMENT. Alton. Mala
V or V.asß . ~i ( '> ' Wo aapHal-a
oulrwd esrtlratos sad eslaaSW aafia to hsa Art
diwn Wits Se Mars stsne. <1 Boas wHiaisaOaefkJt T.
Am nvrKTIWKMW! toad t reals M CEft T.
KOV* t: I *OO .41 Far* Row, W. T , itok
nmmf Ito / 100 ew. Ktrtaaoi ttste ot 3SOU oaws
paprfs. sad awlm.n. Aoebj MW iSwrtatm
Aucnw WANTBO. Mas or snaa. 934 •
weak, or |M h lAtwA r.PnW. awla (Va.
FastsaaaktFH RjHP. IClaSta Sttwac Waw taek.
M. T. R. I nil ■. raav. SUM rauwt. n.
K /N A MONTH- Asaan a.atad a**rr
Vi,v Kl I .Ws SMWW taaorshla aad StaV
(HwiUV/ elan. Fsnieslar. taal flaw Addnaa
~ WORTH S 00. St taS.Ha
•nOs sad waalai ayna drtwwt. ssbnrts and toaea
W popular For nsitlrular. and !.-* >Mna
tn-RKARO RfcOH. Fatosbars. sakse FiutoMpbia.
hmtiwi or OIMIbmU.
KiU\ Aumntn WAMN u> II
O' " ' rwry deNrslW Krw PATWtt uißtto for how
k—psri sad othm. C. J. Cfiffwm. < heshlrt. Oom.
WN Br Mm. Susliwi at Salt Lake Ct*. foe U
■ .rats Mm wife of a Rana Bat. IMtat ts
m ti. Mm Ktaao. Ttia Mar* ,< a
■ snMl aapetbae* br> toalS*-AaWnSA.*
■ solera auilSataga r% of th. M.enoaa m a
WB' .-Ur .aat* Maw aa. Km" Rnt Fsr*
sad OoaA W a th* tot saw Soak cut artssllr
amb tint with aesd thhw. tar at. It b paealar tr*rT
a •..-!*. w .ik nwfMf. sal autwlh sR Shn tawk. Ito* n
am. MIIISM at <Aat a.'l it." Esuscst woswa
r.Sots. it Eiwjktl. >uii Hi aad MM MS nttaa
Iran IS Is SS a as/ kit Saaaai saw M pwiTs#
wsai vat) want ll mil m*du MiW-arn ae woaws —aad
w* a.ll na I MaUWrnw fc> Oawt who will cm raw. Lares
pamphlet. wilkfaß putkulsrv terms m- trat me ta aB
Vij— V I) Wfttt.oioe. S"a ll.refanl Casa
1 if .;
Habit Cured
A certain and tart ears, with )ct lneonrenlenee,
sod at borne. As anUdou that stand, pure)/ an Its
own merits. Send for mj ooarterly masssino (
eottt ftm noUUng i, oonlainliifcertlfleales of hundreds
that have been permanent)/ eared. I claim to hate
discovered and produced the nssr, oniotxai. t/s
OXLT sens eras ros orir* SATIXO.
DR. g. p. COLLINS. Irti fort-'. Intl.
HABTnCtrBKU at Home. So
ft D 111 Sfl PubUcity. Terms mfKlersla.
tOft"fttXm!ulC Addteas Lr.F.K
_ ex p r ~ iea a month to tuemta. Address
S2OOA. U sVtmUAKO, doaaavllle, Mich.
—dbatnawy B,W. BtuACo, Dasatot, HI,