The Centre reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1871-1940, January 14, 1875, Image 3

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    the centre reporter
r . o.t will oblige hv ocndiitfr u*
**Tn? one sendingr* the -me,
subscriber*, with the "ah- ^ t f|w
to receive the tUr. Rl j p v . neatly
The Lu'X f the" county,
every b*Mly < ** uiion thnn uny
where it has a ,,", rK r „,,hI the best medium
j *-s,,hHWri t.oV u e >ki - iUI
n.'X'lis'..s '
.no year's postage ■
; verv member ol theCCommutee -e slum d
present, as bu.lllef im,vr s .
belaid before them Let every memtur
Lo itrMont \fc llllOllt 1 R •
.1 11. MoHUtaoN, thairwan.
Bcllctonie, l>eo. tS-t
Sleighing i> good LJllitlHf
the icantiitcM of the MOW.
q, \v, S.. of the tti> ftN •
A* the hunting *ea*n i* now ov.:.
the big blowing i *H M"" 1 - 1 *" ,,r *
you line from the Loop The Loop
Advance Guard*. a company of nine men.
killed If. deer thi* season, one being t e
great granddaddy of all. he we.ghed -1&
We had quite a Cold snap beginning
of this week. On Sunday morning H\ the
HMMMUrtUIi d.grees below
next morning it **- below We maj
catch up w tth the polar regions yet.
Two profound goke* were
tured again last week, in the Bush lLuis.
cellar. Where th re is such a corps of ed
itors embracing military mm. fame s
professors hrodfressers there ought to I e
s if native wit, even though two xa:i p.ox
of it simmered down will come near niak
u g one-filth of * whole "goke.
The stage* up and down lite valley
now run again on old time —we w 11 not
undertake to keep pace with their thang. <
in the fttturc W'e can t keep up
The Commissioner* have made the
fallowing appointments for the ensuing
vear Clerk, Xlaj Harry Forster At
torney, Adam Hoy. Mercantile Apprais
er, Emanuel No!! A'l good apj-oint-j
m rati.
■—Drygoods, groceries and a general
aortiiicnl of goods are constantly offered
at a bargain at tho cheap tore j( 11 tier A
Kline, Farmer* find it the uioat con
venient quarter to dispose of ibeir \ >ro
duce. a.. 1 get any thing they desire in cx
change, without having to run from .cc
place to the other for it. i>> Hoffer & Klrae
make it a point to keep everything belong
ing to their line of trade.
The ick iu thi* vicinity are all
mending up—there have been no new ca
tea of fever ainca our last. Judge 11 ucr
man is suffering again from an attack of
apoplexy. Ati only son of Mr John
\Vo.f in" Metis. i low and in a doubtful
C, million from disease of the heart
The g*nera! council of the Centre
grai ges. mills place, on l'ue-Jay
last There was a full turn out—ail of the
10 grange-, but one, being represented
t\ e old Council uh< disu. --ed and the
new one installed. Many of the granger*
1 ad their baskets along and no doubt had
*t K( nice thing* to eat As we could nut
be a mouse to peep in, this is all we know
- - but thev all seeli.eU to depart Weil ( Ira- -
On Friday 15, the I. O. O. h ol tiiw>
p'sce will have their first installation of
..fleers Their room, over Miller* drug
store is now handsomely furnished and fit*
ted up fur use *
We are glad to learn that Michel
Hishe! 1* s.owly recovering from the acci
dent of which we gave notice m our 'us',
week's issue.
Mr. IsaacTressler. of Linden Hall, tak
es the medal for kiilii g the largest hog we
heard of thi* season. He killed one on
Tuesday, oftbe Poland China breeJ, that
weighed 62C4 p-.und*. Mr. T must unikr
stan 1 how to make grantors weighty, ene
they would Cot pu!! the beam for hiin to
such figure*. Walk up head. Mr. Tress
Sbtriff Chafer advertises the follow
irg property for sale • Tract of land in
Mil.-, property of John L. BrurugurJ;
Hotel property of J. B. Butts, in Bell—
fo'.te tract of land of Jacob Hei-ier. in
Worth twp ; tract of land of Geo. C. Bro
un, in Gregg, twp ; lot • fground of Dan 1
Keaiii !'y. Spring Mills: t*.> lot* of John
11 Alister. of Bellefonte ; lot ol .1 \\
Buck, in Ferguson tap ; lots of J. G L.-
cvs. in S. a shoe ; lots of VTm. Galbraith,
In Boggt; lot ofAbram Stavrart, in Spring.
bcr of Democrats wishing to km w uhet
er B. F. Phillips, E-q . of Aar nsbu-g will
be a candidate for Assembly. We are
autin ri/ed to say to Lis friends that Mr.
Philips, will bembjectto the decision , f
the Democratic County Convention
.Should tiiat body decide that he is the
proper person to nominate, he would con
sider it hi* duty to accept said nomination.
Should the decision, however, fall upon
another, then he considers it to bo hi* duty
to work for the eucces of the nominee.
Mrs. Mitcbc), wife of Rev. Nathan
J. Mitcliel, died suddenly on the morning
of the 30th, at Howard, thi county. She
was preparing breakfast about seven
o'clock on the morning named, when she
was taken with palsy and expired in about
four hours. The funeral took place on
New Year*, lier. D. 11. Kiue'. officiating.
Mrs. Mi'.chei had lived to a ripe old aga,
being G3 years'and 11 days old at toe time
of her death, fslie was a rare woman and
her life reflected a galary of christian
graces. Wo deeply sympathize with the
bereaved family and her ht st of friend* in
their loss. She has left, not only the full
c-t assurances of future saivation. but the
record of a life as pure and noble and
worthy of imitation as any of her race. —
Among the number of svsternal
it-ally conducted and always well st a.kid
stores, in Bellefonte, .Sechler A C >'* gro
cery, in tho Bush house block, stands
among the foremost. One visit to Sech
ler A CVs will satisfy any housekeeper,
that the groceries kept by them are on a
pat with the general aiqetrance of things
in their establishment— iJce. fresh, invit
ing and tasty. And when you pure! &v of
.Sechler A Co , be it coffee, sugur, Va, syr
ups, dried or canned fruit*, or what
ever it be, you have no doub: about i's't.t
ing genuine, w h desome,|elean, andwitl a 1,
a cheap article,-the best good* at the low
est prices. For this they deserve encour
agement. It is one of those few establish
ments where you can goto And make a
purchase, and have no cause to complain
on account of the quality of the article
you get or the price paid for it—you feel
that you have been fairly dealt with and
that you take with you the full value of
your money.
A young laday in a more in Terre
Haute. Ind., Christum eve, was locking
iil a music box that had just ceased play
ing. Wishing to hear it again, she at
tempted to start it, but without success.
J'Qh, pshaw," said she, "it won't go for
me." One of the proprietors overloarii g
the remark, stepped ifpand said . "I wi.-h
J was a niusip box—l'd K" Tor you."
|n the midst of a play in a Chinese
theatre in Yolo, California, two of the per
formed had a combat so realistic und \ ig
orous as to iix the attention of the previ
ously listless audience The actors were
armed with knives, and while they strug
gled with each other on the stage, the
spectators yelled and stamped their ap
proval. At last a stream of blo< d ran
'across the poards, and one of the corite-t
--d;its fed back dead. The fight had betn
genui' - the actors having quarrel-d
about a woman, who also piayed in the
For the Reporter.
The first man you meet, you can put
d iwn a a wouldhe t.nemblvman.
Jack Frost vLited • ur county, on the
9,h 10th V 11th inst in all his terror.
Some time ago, one or a party of appli
cant* lor permits to the penitentiary. *tIo
a buggy and harne - belonging lo * Hr.
tllassreriding with widow Mover w e*t of
Centre TYtll gate, also a horse belonging
|0 Mr M m Mot Mvlag east tti Millheim
of the (lephart farm. The horse ha been
found, lull the buggy and harness ate still
among the to.i-ing.
(In Saturday evening Wlh, inst, the Mill
hcim hand g-.\e a concert at Moodvvard,
and while i . timing home som • frore their
ear?, acme their linger* and otno their feet
thus causing a great calamity, as tome
..em t have double sire! ear-, nlid what
looks best, th. y are highly poll*! ed.
The peopl. ate making lull use of what
little sleighing we have, hells are jingling
almost always and every where
j The ice s. an has been very good lor
| the last week, and the friends of Cool
drinks and S. lid butter, awaited tlivmsel the opportunity of taking it in
The people in this section would he very
glad to heal something ncouraging about
the L 0. A S. O. IIH.
Butter and . ggs are coming down so low
that the >ow have quit giving milk, and
th-s liens .ea-ed laying until the weather
bo. r.. e- uio:.' agreeable ami the price*
have again ru
The protracted me. ting in the M. K
Church at M d in im w as chwed on Sunday
eve ing last, vjuite a number were oon
! \ erted.
.1 11 Stover in Us: week* marriage no
ti. 0-. should read. J 11 W> If instead of
j S'.o ver. Id. S I
For the Reporter.
As we may • ibe called upon to elect
another member to the Legislature, per
mit us to recommend that honest ar.i up
right Citi.-eu >f llarr. tap, Holt. SaUl'l
lliihb.nd who in ev cry respect i* compe
tent for the place A urod that he will
accept the itouiination it tendered him,
the party can seleot none more satisfactory
to the people of this side and of the court
iv in general lie is IViinsva,icy ,* choice
Mans V
(Irami Jurors.
Thilipsburg I.T Mun- K K Mun- |
son. . , _
BcUeionts M Cumin, Wui t ur
tin. \V F Kyn.ilds.
Harris t. \\ Campbell.
Marion—Joel King.
Snowsboe—Jauies Redding. Jc Robb,
Win Stewart , „
Totter Sam'l Slack, Wtu Ko\i-r, it M
Henney. ,
l'enn Jonathan llnrtcr, h " Stover.
LlkatlT fneeph Whtalow. T 8 NN in
slow. J l> Gardner
110 ward tvv i N Askev
Worth—ll co Kelley.
Walker — Geo Kalman l' 1 Rotwkk.
Miiesburg Jo* Roger*.
I'ii.ou \Yn B Fhur.
Traverse — Ist Week.
Benner-F Houser. Win Searson, J W
Shoey, S H Swart.'. II
Spring—Bolt Kay, Tbo* Barnhart, Jtio
Icksirotb. David cheater,
t'urtin —J no 1 Packer.
Haines— J G ilever.
l*nion —J 1' H t. W B Turner
Taylor—J Heckworth, L Merryman.
Huston—Hugh Adams, It Mothers, J
Turner. . ...
Boliafi to -J I Rankin. T Hit k. J H
Sands. J B Graham, t'iiss Cook, J Milch
Mileabarg A T B*.gg..
Pcnn—llonry Weiser. ... I
Fergus* n—Levi Bret*. Mat Rider, Mm
Walker Adam Yonads, 1- Zimtner
man, Joseph Shafer.
Hoggs It' Walker, I) Lucas
Potter-J C B il, J M'l'lintock, Adam
South, Itth.h and. David Kerr.
' Harris—H- ry Dale. Jon Karper.
Liberty J Gunsoiis, W Stul
Halfmooii Tlio-Gray.
Worth—A it JJarlotv.
Rush—H \\ Adam..
Miles—And SliatVr.
Snowahoe—M Ounsoiis
M Work.
Dbowshoe—C T (' G W Mini* ;
ker, A Cau.pbcl!.
Gregg—Sam'l Crawford. M Nolsker.
11. ward U r J sw> r-, A Mootgome- j
l'hilpkturg- GS Hfgnl
Ilaifnio n- •' Ku.nbarger, \\ m t ro*
Ferguson— W E Meek, J_as Sample.
Ru-i: —.l I! Sim. e. Jno Nulall.
M iletburg —J I. |L>u an. J S l'roudfoot.
Uni >n- -H Hoover. S Mitchell.
Unionvil'e -B Hi. h.
s.,r g 11 t Barnes S mi'l Null, John
Beiuicr-Ge liaie, J N Kephart, John
M lies—T Elt yer
Marion —(I 1' ttrr. SGarbritk.
Hallo ►— Geo Ib-wer
Belli; mt- J 11 M Clare, F Mullln
PaU*: Wn W< I F Burkbo di Ala*
M Co v
i'enn Ktosii Ker*tetler.
Bngg- —Ja Teller
r A RY V'.. I*7'.
Ist Week.
Joel King Fergrced l*u'v Jac/etby,
et ux—lSß Jan Term 1875
Semuel ilagertv. use of v Smith Free
man—lSW Nov Terra lHTtt
liahii A Wagner rs Win Poorman —294
April Term 1871.
Joseph Devling vt J I® Delias*, et ill—
Sil Aug Term 187;.'
M.etiael Vloyer \* W C Wagner, et at
223 Aug Term 1 **7 t.
Nathaii Hough C Srliade—lsJ9 Auguit
Term 1873.
S Kuninel v Jno I Tii irupoii--258 Aug
Term 1873.
W W Willtnan A Co vs U M Wagner A
Son— '237 Aug term 1873.
Andrew Zcrby v- It H Lut/. -204 Novem
bet Term 1873. m
2nd Week --January Tcrnt.
Jno H Yoeuni. <t at v* John Lyon—47 Jan
Term 1865.
B A F It Liggei v* LA Mackey- 19 Apr
Tern. 1871.
Eluit r A Fuust vs K A tiieen A Co— 49
Apr Term 1871
Ist National Bank of Huntingdon vaSatne
- 50 Apr Term 1871.
Same use of v* Saino--Apr Term 1871.
Ciine (juggle v> Ge ■ Furst—liUO Aug Term
M illiken. Hoover A Co use of v* J->*ph
I'nderwi.od's .Vim r* -153 Apr Term
R K Bridgens vs Jno B M William*—222
Nov 1 • rm 1872.
Norwood Coal A Lumber Co v * Jno Elliot
A Co—lo7 JnnTemi 1873.
II off' r. 1 iw er A Co v. Mir huel Peter*, et
of—2l'l Jan Terra 1873.
JnO H. ffer v llii.lg. i M.Gill -73 April
Term IfcW.
Jul lGblliwui Vs Gideon \k heelalid- -102
Apr Term 1873
MiC v A Linn s* G.o Feli.-r 101 April
Term 1873
Jas Courtlaiul, et tit v- 1) Z Kline, et ul—
-350 Apr Term 1873.
The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania vi
1) IS Reese, et at- 41 August Term
Samuel B Wyluiui v* Wm Lirlily—6o Aug
Term 18' H.
Loyd Cnldwpll A ( o vs J S Heed A Co
-76 All'ust Term 187-1
Jno Hov * Win liolt- 137 August Term
Terrene® MeKlnrnev vs Jno Thonipton—
-181 Aug Term 1873.
I-a-ic Guinea v Jno lit-iis—loß Nov Tarni
' ' ♦ ♦
The democratic majority, in tin- State
legislature, in joint hull git, la ts or H,
<srant can dispose of this by sending
Sheridan with his bayonets to Harris
burg. as he did reeently in the ease of
tlie Louisiana legislature—he has just as
gooil a right, and eau thus secure the
election of a l". S. Senator.
j the constituents who elected them, and
to follow their original instructions, un
der the circumstances would he redicit
loiis. Hence it follows that the matter
insist he refered liaek to the people again.
Can there be any wrong in that ? Ifuny
candidate is afraid of going liefore the
people, of course he would object to let
ting the people decide this matter.
Rain and sicet on Wednesday all
For ilio R ioi(r
l,o((or from Toms
Hon Facts kraut .V)r Pear t'riru t
I ickiioti Iflno tlic of a copy
your paper, which 1 rwilrr a* * token
| that a oonimufllealion from the Lone Star
•! >t<* *'i>uM he acceptable. There is much littW ilkmil TrlK* Much
i mow than I have the ability to "craln
into anything like suitable proportions (or
! one leltn. liiiimi|uii|l,v I shall have lo
leave much unsaid in (hi*, hut will ettdeav
]or to adapt what 1 >lo say to VOUr readers,
with whom I consider tolerably
well acquaint. J I shall endeavor lo writ*
* though I W*v lldlul lM to fl'* with
lone of yi or intelligent Peniuvalley tar
mcr, ami he was interrogating mo con
' corning thi country for the purpose of ob
taining reliable information
f. xa* territorially i a vat empire, larg
er ti. .11 France and latg.r th:> the New
Ki gland States, New York and I'ennsy!
valiia . . inbined, It* ale* being
square miles or 1(k1,677,.tk' aires. It will
be readily concluded tbat a stale extend
itig over so many degrees ot latitu I* and
longitude and rising from the sea coast lo
an elevation of several thousand feet, e*
luhits a div.raity ol climate, but the te-|
mark that it is neithit to cold in wintai|
| U or lo# in - uinmcr as in I'eiimy Ivania
will apply to alt parts of the slate The
i.t .oi t w approach the liu I the pleasan- j
li-r and uioto uniform the climate Ihe
climate of Sati A ntomo an J I'orpu* I hriiti,
lis pronounced by travelers ax healthfu.,
land salubrio.u as sin in the world. Atj
J thi. place, latitude*l North, the mercu-j
i rv >i Idiiin rtxes ahsiv e t-ue liundred in tli* j
heat of midsummer and never reaches
xero in w inter. Puring the extreme iun
thine of July and Augustan alin.*l con
stant brn.e from the (iulf of Mexico
iw.-.p* over the country and so greatly
mitigates the eflcct of the un * ray that
it is pleasant and balmy in the shade, while
the night- are always *o fool that one cn
sleep with et lire comfort, and wake up
in the morning relreth.-d, while lean,
caxsin* like people want a blanket over
thorn all summer. By reference to alt
Army Meteor-logical report for koirt
Worth t-*. miles west front here) 1 find
the mean temperature put down at i 3" ".'4
and the average annual fall of rain at for
ty itu he*. The only disagreeable winter
weather te which thie locality is subject
colors slow it from the north ill w hat are
called dr. and w.-t norther*, and theii aj
vent is dreaded almost ax much as that ol
a carpct-lagger. The wind blows fiercely
and is laden with the temperature of the
Mow bank* whence they *pring and when
attend*- 1 w ih raiu or slant are truly disa
greeable, but i ot more so than the winds
which frequently prevail along our Penn
sylvania valleys The inhabitant* and
animals however being generally unpre
pared for them, al'.vi the long period of
s;t m tin- r weather laving thini.ed tlie ft - -J,
the . old of the Northerner* * much more
sen.ibly felt than the same degree oftem
lieruturj in a cold e untry would be The
prevailing disease* of the north, uci.
consumption and other dieae* arising
from severe w inters, ate quite unknown in
Texas Chills and fever frequently occur,
in the vicinity of river bottoms, but not
more so than on the river bottoms of Penn
sylvania. and *r!dcm n-ume the malig
nant tJ |:i! of Liiiou* and typhoid Thi* it
one o| thi no *! Uewsuly populated
in the state, and from a residence of nearly
twenty month* my verdict it that I have
never kn-'Wii so little sicknees and so few
deaths in proportion to population, an J I
am told that farther to the s uth-wnt there
are many persons whohato never known
whttt sickness J*, and some of them are
now considerably over one hundred years
of age! From reliable information 1 have
no d<>ubt there it a vast regien in the south
western part of the state, as yet unpenetra
ted bv the great railway system which is
preferable both for soil and climate to the
portion 1 have een. Land is yet cheap in
that region to, and consequently that is
the place for farmers who desire to se
cure land for their children to go. and go
in advance of ll e rail road*. The rail
road* are sur • to coipe, and laud that can
be bought now at from 50ct* to SI.GU per
acre w ill s-urn bring $lO to i'Ju. In this
countv, land which went begging three or
four year* ago at 50 ct. can't be bought
now fur s'2-YUu I am informed that the
oil in that portion of the state i* equal to
thi*, while the water advantage* are supe
rior I will not occupyl*pace to name the
Counties t-i which i refer but it ar. vwif ) ur
readers desire particular information it
will afford me pleasure to accommodate
theui, if thev will address me. There is
no scarcity of water in this part ; although
the streams on the surface all dry up in
summer, there i* an abundance of water
to be obtained at from P.'teen to twenty
five feet under the urfaco.
The district of country of which Dallas
is is *id to be the mmt fartile
in the state, the soil being what they Call
''rich, black and waxy," and it is waxv
and no mistake ju't after a rain. For
sticking to shoes and boots it beat* Illinois
and that was bad. There are two redeem
ing features about Texas mud. htwever;
it drie* away rapidly and it i* pre eniinont
ly like the old woman's greese -"it rubs
off when it get- dry."
The products of the soil of Tsias may be
s imnird up in the language of our old
au'ti n bill*, "other articles tea tedious to
niontinn. The staple article* in Dallas
and adjacent counties are wheat, corn,oats
and cotton all vegetable* and fruits rais
ed anywhere in the North Temperate Zone
do w.)i here, unles I mut except the
smaller but delicious berrie* : such as the
strawberry, raspberry, huckleberry, etc ,
and 1 have not heard of any failure in the
cultivation ■ f these, and 1 surmise that the
absence of them i* attrikuialable more to a
want of effort on the part of the citizens to
raise them, rather than any inadaptation
of soil or climate Good crop* of the va
rious article* named are wheal 30 bu*hels.
corn 40 to 00, oat* tiff arid Cotton from three
to five hundred pounds of lint, f have
heard of as high as 57 buihelt of wheat
arid three 1 hlc, lo*Xl founds of cotton
having bt-.-n raised on an acre in this coun- '
ty, but of cour** the** wore exceptional '
instances. The wheat and cotton croj> 1
were both pa'tial failure* this year—the '
fornur on account of rut striking it about '
tilling time ar.d the latt*-r owing loan uii '
utual period of dry weather in July ant '
August. Sweet potatoes, onion* and hop* 1
there, I was about to entt-r on that in 1
termo able lint, but you just put them all;'
dean that you know anything about up 1
there, and then add <|ttit<> a list from your 1
botanical books
As an illustration of what may tot done
in the funning line, I eitract the follow
ing report from a Texas publication, mere
iy adding that Iteuton county adjoin-
Itallas on the northwest
"Mr. Hrumly, i i January, purchased s
tract of 210 acres, with 4">urre in cultiva
tion for The farm during the year
wrus cultivated by himself and bit two tour,
(boys, and hired labor to the value of $1 to
On the llrst day of January following, af
ter reters ing one year's supplies, the value
of products was as follows :
Cotton, JIMO.OO; Corn, -MlO bu*bul>
$200.0 d ; Oats, .TOO hu. IJ2OOO ; Potato#*.
10C bu. £aJ (K; Sorglaitn, jjo gallons, J7 tjo .
Peat, 10 bu. $lO U>; Total, J2UI! CO. Ie
duct price of farm and hired labor,
(M Farm paid for and a balance of $.177,-
The writer adds, "This is only one in
stance among many wacould give in this
county, < Denton)."
There is no difficulty in making a plan
tation pay for itselt in one year.
Unimproved prairie land can now Le
bought in this county at prices ranging
from 3 to 20 dollars per acre, depending
on location. The Bos p are r Usage Ur
ange is at i.oine on Texas soil, and fur*
nishes u eh ap and substantial fence in
11 about three years lifter planting. Bos
I Date post* are said to be the best that can
Ibe fcund, and will last longer undjt
gr. mid than ittiv ('tin i lIK v command
.IkiiliU for rail road tie*
llercb fore cattle and li(>r>f lime ben
I llic great dependence (d Iclntis, but ill"
, rapid settlement of tli" stale consequent
. 'upon llu* extension >'f tli great railway
, system of the country, within it* borders,
! DtlioKd v being sensibly l"ll in lh" (
menl of the riimiiii ranges over which
. the herds have li"iii \i"ill ta roaiil with
, entire fr*(i(li'lii| lint caring whose lands
thev waru u)k>ii Kvoii fr north
till# "Bill" (id "II (111 III" llt!" g'#** "II
inler, and h„re# not in UK' t "• • 1
laud Tim stale limit continue U> bo
great stock country. and I am ""1 sure
tliat a laud owner woultl not dd well Id
keep bin stock up and raise . rope to feet
and fatten llnmi Tnm glass beef '•
cheap and delicious, and tli" experience
df myself and tamily i that it l>ut K" ' 1
haaltliv (Irali dii onra txinra II'" Irtaa
cattle are peculiar, not only in Ih.-it hern#.
I which arc of marvellous lei i{ I!■ an I fright
(ul altitude, lut alt., injheir nature Tliey
are wild, tlrno and unlallialilr alid it II
dangerous Id J'aaa through a lirrd unarm
cd. lam not it all ur|riaed to occasion
ally hear of aoiii" of tlu in on llie ran page
' r leai in it ml the streets in our large .-llie#
1 It l> an interesting feature to a strange.
' riding lb* 'ail across Hi# tat. t tli"
herdt of long licrna gracing upon lb" hi!'
j ida, and In lli" ( allri , and tli# langu id#
!,f the awcrl Psalmist of Israel, when de
scribing the wealth of tin Lord, i# viv t.i. y
brought lo uiind . "Tha cattle upon a ilont
j taltd till It are hit.
The Central aud Northern portion of
ill" Hal# aa originally -ellled about ! rly
vaars ago by pioneer# from the eld stale#,
principally Kentucky, renin ##"" and M is
lourl, although naarl)' every Southern
'date had at that early day it# representa
tives Many came lither t impro#" thtir
' health, to me to build up fallen fortune#,
jnd other* were attract" I by ft spirit of
ieiilerprixe and adventure the war
'against Meiieo, which in IKtfi, result" I in
the illd"| enj. !K e of Tela#, enlisted 1 e
sympftlhie# of pbi aulhr- puts .• v.' '• "
American I'nion, and many cilixen# (t
the old Hates found their wa) t ' this
state av volunteer soldiers enlisted t tli
war for the independence t the Lori"
Charmed with the richness of it# soil, the
healthful lie## and salubrity of it# . >ma",e
and the beauty of its scenery, they either
remained, or returned to their former
hollies merely to bring an ;
friends The n-rrg, il,g . .vise# < I nhabl
laot# are known as "old I'exans. and fi "u
luv acquamlaiice with them, 1 prut.ounce
them a stern, honest, warm heart" '• gen
erous, not very industrious people In
deed ! Jon l think any of th- m w. old be
■ rtetlded, sli.'ulil I say Ihc.V walo laa.V ,
they generally admit it them#. ,vr. a# 1 •
fore the day of rail having r c,
vrtnent market they had nothing to w :k
for hut a living, alol the facilities • f lb
soil and climate furnish.-.1 that vsit but
liUie exertion. True, Texa# was mi g
looked upon as an Asylum t r fugitives
trom justice in other states hut they have
not found much r.wl here I- r she soles ot
their feat The panai .aws a o tke in >t
s. vere of any state of *h • slat in I t.av a
any knowledge, aiid the d s| at"!i with
which thieves, robbers and murderers ate
caged in the Penitentiary ougl 11" b any
thing but inviting to felons.
Since |hij war of ;ii rrbelli -n fhe p
presnd and J-'wn trodden rtom the isr
pet-baggrd statci have sought re'uge u
large numbers beneath the Tela- flag, and
1.. uiiiana, kl tv*i**ipp., tveo'gla, Alabama,
and the Cardinal bavo at many of lir. r
bct and Ui *l worthy inhabitant* by the
hegira, who arc now il*percd in vat .
pi., l, ui tt. the lat. ar.d ioli.lfluta an ito
ment of strength and urrfulne** v!.:. ti
catin.l be overestimated
The juritprudenrccf the vial# .* pecu <-
ar. There are n • common law ffvi.tfi,
and notbing . an offence un •• defined
by atalulc. Comm. ti Law rule* of evi
dence prevail hy vtatule. whre every Hep
in practice Iroru the institution of a vu.l
until the satisfaction of the judgment it
prcvirtbed by tta'.ute in mr.efme The
old Spanish Law of v mtuunity property
between husband and wife :• y.t in v. ,
ar.d ha* proved the. ccation of r. u. h liti
gation, owing to the fact that land wa*
worth co little at the death of a hutband
or Wife, that the turvtaor tgoi. d In* go
the eipenve of administering. and lue tit',.
wa* traiitferred irregularly. No* the
land i- bee rning valuable the <)ue*lion -
in many instances threatening hnr.evt wn
erj with diaa-ter. lioiuoitead and e*, np
tion law* are liberal here. In awn . r
city a In.ine.lead worth j.>l •• and iu the
country two liundrr.l acre* of land wit!
all improvement*, in. ..ling h- .eholl
furniture, imtdeinent*. t >■!. library .
are exempt ttoin forced -ale
The Trio ai.J i acith Kailroail, of w 1 • h
Totn Scott i. l're.idri aiol Hon. \\ in A
Wallace i \ ice I*rev idotil, i r *>i the
Hou.lon an 1 Tela. Central Hallway at
lli.v point. It it contf uctel and runnu g
ear. .even inile. w. it of hero f*. Kagle
Ford, and there it must r* main unlm
Congret. will grant the required aid. in
in quest of whii h I observe Col Sett ha.
boldly announced him.elfat the .lo.r f
Cengres*. I have always hen opposed to
Government subsidies in aid of private
corporation*, but there seem, to bo consid
erable force in the plea that after w hat ha.
beers done for the Cnion Pacific and
Northern Pacific, the Southern route
aught t> have <>me w nsideration He
aidea, the plan proposed if faithfully ad
hered to by the company ought not in
volvo tho Government in tho payment of
a single dollar. The truth is this should
have been the fi-st road built to the Pacific
Ocean, in which event it would have been
many years before a more Northern route
would have received much encourage
The Huston and Tciat Central a<T->rtL a
continuous finished hie from Galveston,
on tho Gulf of M eiico to St. Louis, and of
course to all other railroad point*, con
necting with the Miooiiri, Kansrt ai d
Ti tin ruihoad at Dent* n. Texas.
The insectivcrou. tribe i. quite nurner
nut, although not more annoying than
along my native Baid Eagle. Lix-iril*
that shoot along the ground like a .lr. sk
of lightning, scorpions, centipede- and
tarantula, are liumeroua during the sum
mer months, and the latter two are vcrv
dangerous. There have b<cn two death,
in Dallas since 1 Clinic here mused by ce:i
tip* de. one thccliild of a denr fr i tnl of
mine and the other the wife of another
friend This reptile produces death sim
ple by its touch in crawling over a p. >••■>n,
enu-iiig the fleeh t-> Jet y end tbua poison
ing the entire sylein. They neither sling
nor bite. The Tarantula i a large spid.-r.
1 bail' seen some a. large at the palm of
inv hand, when their legs aro spraddled.
I l.eir bile is v.iiil in be a* venomous >t tho
bite ola ratllesiiuke. We lia.i a fivorite
(|..g killed by the bito of one Inst summer,
lt i. Very seldom wo hear ol ar.y persons
being bitten by them, ami among the in
habitants very little apprehension L felt
on account of them, as they never bile un-
If dirlurbcu.
M metal* are mid lo aliound in Tci,
•peaking of which |*rof. Rosslcr. an emi
nent iv'ologifj, ny, "Tl| indication* are
tlial the mineral wvalth ui tliu State will
suipna* 110 expectation* even of Iter own
people w hen once the treao*e now lying
doriiiHtit linll have been inaile ncee-sihlo
by intelligence ami labor." The prim ii al
arid mo*t prolific mineral deposit* so fur a*
known, may he enumerated according to
their imperii!nee, in tie following order'.
Iron, Coal, Copper, Silver, I.eml, (told,
llimuih, * litiimmy, ijall, Asphnltiim and
many u.cpil roct •. pre ha* been
found in more than tolly countif* The
coal pieu'iirc of
lc* than b ( *A' ~jnh 1* ui|ie", and ill addition
| there are tippod to he vonio lO.tAkl miles
|of lignite* and other infeii.u coals The
mineral resources ot the S ate how ever are
almost entirely undeveloped us >et mid
must remain so until the railroad system
is extended to the step > V gellth loan
I Ire m Clawtut,il county, I'M , eaninoul hare
a lew years ugoHn.l umlettock lodstel
opa the great mineral i cgioimf North-west
I I'cia*. and I- 1 aslahlish a colony He sue
' "coded 111 galling a i ( only i.allied toi him,
M egal ith tlo menhirs of lh" Legislft
line allil (ittiers g t Ins 100 o \ ,|th" Indians
: ilrov c In# ( otoliv away, and lie returned to'
tli. dK' i stoi c, a sadder it not a wiser
I man
\\ In n 1 ti> at . una here lliey had a lealj
ti Itio ut line 1 , tali tor Judge one ol
I > oil tiaid headed, common sense men of
lh, older school lie reminded me much;
~| the aidcl fudge lluriistdc, and I (1 11 l
know but they might has a competed for
the palm for beauty■ An incident or two;
will suffice to illustrate the salient points
in tbo character <(f m> friend. Judge liar
din Hart On orc occasion while lie was
holding Court at M hliuiry, in Collin
count, a long and tedious suit Wat tiled
, •
w herein one Abraham 4( ian was ptalnt itl
llii i a >r four ft he ablest law vers in the,
District were ngaged "ti each side Tl.a
, aie . i i uj,li i sollie thrvt or four days du
ring win. Ii a pile ol pape's had a, cuinula
-Idon I e Judga s her,, h 1 lie Judgr pa
ltd tly cocked his feet and waited for thai
i lawy . r# to finish their harangues, when lie
first scooped tip all llie papers 111 his two
bands u nil i barged the jury lhu-,y tieii
tlfmeli of the jury, here s the (-apeis You
take the in and d,.l bcrali n them as >on re
■it duty huutiil to do, and then find a > er
dui : r ilsfrndeiii, fortius .ourt judicial
iy knows thai Abraham Ryan is one of
the da mildest scoun J rels in all North Tex • i
us It must ba borne i mint that before j
:lii influx ( i Norilieren barbarism Judge
liarl was persona l) a, quaintest Willi
neatly every man, Woman and child in all
North'loia# llie jury did accordingly, j
Another A suit had occupied sotua
four days the ablest lawyers were on
! each side, including <• >v Throckmorton,
, who was eleitrd to congress at tha late
election Merchants accounts wera in
v.oved, papers accumulated The Jq.lgu'
patiently heard the lawyers through, and
barged tncjut ,in tiuw|. H. re gen
'.'eiiu ii of the jury, taki the papers and If
y.,u know anything about the case you
i *n w a damn *igbt nir# than 1 d>, r the
lawyers either -Sir c then Ike labors of
nir Court have hi ill divided. We now
havi the Dulrict C urt - f Dallas county,
f, r the Ira: >acl, n ! civil business and
the Criminal Distf >I t uri of Da-las City,
\i .lh jurisdiction v. csleoslvw w tin tba'
. only i x •;# vc'y cruii.nai Judge Ilarl
litre rtii n ;.c 1 i ii. a -1 will, is a
Iw ide spread rrputatiuU as a Texas land
luw i , r he will i. • doubt reap a rich bar- !
sis! al ins prof-t-—n Tba two above
I. allied Co rt| It., p-is.-i . -i fwy elegant
and ) .shed legal gi l.tlelllSß who 111 all
r.spacts will i mpare favorably with the
jUri-ts far v state r csuntry. The two
. art- s ! .ul .tv t i !> tci en week*
I in the year :,nd are yet much behind the
The gro
w ndsrfu! i , . r . x years ago its | p
..Us'.oUUv. u-.t a tw honored sciltsrSii
aroi.iid an .1 ii lar < nil House Two
sears ag-, 11 iitinilereu about seven lh. u
'a' red: w W . it:, t • rtstn r fo
teen tl i-and Tiic grow th lias not been
of the mush room and unsubstantial kind,
but tl as. fest# It,, if I!, blocks ( f clegs?.!
brick and s' lie r., iiaoU.oma and
. -l(Uili"-i pi I vat," reside!...'# and the
L< st 4' >t House ii lb,
!u con.lus: ii permit tie to volunteer
this advice to | rsons who may ronlcux-;
plate em grtt n to Texas It is great y
advai.ta.c us t • form n.unities or Co.-
Oliii'S, puni.r.n Bi ds n a bud, ftt.J settie
t M-ds *!) ihist be proturtd
. am per, at,d i.av ing old friends f, r n, :gh
t fs :w. be it. u. . easier lo ba , ,Merit
ed •! liesr , t num. rous , , ...nus <.f the
kind coming to lh. "-tte .no 'age one
from Jj.huyikii! MWiljr, IV When the'
colon is f. rmcd and ti.e !ui d> ready It ie
bettar to send two or throe reliable, fcprr
sor.tativ cs of go ,1 j . Igrnent in advar.;e'
to select location, secure la a..d ptovij*;
(- .I s re. I pti n itl, families There
are mm y other (bit gs I would like I, say
but rny letter has already extended itself
t> me!* in<rJiHAlr It ml 1 mi •lrin
el Kn> one waits to ki w tnoro let
him a>k me and I will reply.
V.ry truly \ urftirnJ,
Tm lit i k . lluro t. t
Mill ik by the mcmbeia • 1 b.s class, jn
the Centre Hail S .blis'.h S. huol.
H it has planted God in the dit
i si.oli i i f h>. Prove!, tlcc t" irmove
fr-m our mi Lt our highly e.tealned and
w r i S "> l'ea< !. r. Cliarlo Miller.
fifes ,'r-■/, T* et in !IV <!. wth we ferl that
ice bavc t a ' Ultful t< . er, l.e Sabt.alh
School .v w r-.-r, and s.-cmly a
worthy mauibcr
ll< Irr l That while we mourn his ab
scnrr. w tn h mem >ry as sacrvd in
our h vails, a 'bow m .üblllis.iun to the
will of hint wno .1 villi a thing, well.
fife, if./, 1 hat w deeply moil in with
th< bert avc 1 family in tlo <r alUiction, aud ,
hereby lander . them i ur sympathy
lltt -ltr.i, 1 hat a copy . : tilc.e rcolu-|
tin* bo t uhii.iied i the Omtra Hail lie
por'.ar, a., a > py l> h inded to the Sec y
of our School t 'be spread upon the min
ute. o! tiic >auis
M rs- M agg ic K- iicr. Mis. Lucy Deininger
Mi-. L M Anna Derstiue,
Mr- Maiy AMmp, M Mollie D%ie.
Mr- Sallieiiirki. . Mis-Fannie Kmcrick
Thi- N. V lAciiing IV.-I, New York
Tiiui r*. t iiicugo Tribune, lending r.uiienl
nrg-stt.*, atronglv dt nottneo lirant'a l/>u
laiilim outrage.
•tt.j oxt run KTU ALU .J, J
The New York WORLD." *
The Weekly World, One Year . . £1
An extra copy to geller-up of club <>f t- n
The Semi-Weekly to gett.-r-up ..f club •! !
The Daily" to g.-ttor-up of club of liltv
All the news of the )>a*t sov. n days i
given in tlia weekly edition of The \\ *1!
Wednesday si, whi"h contain.. In addi-i
lion to tlie news, many al f.-atures pre*
puted expressly for it The tiiange de .
puitni 'i.t give- each week the lnlc-i new*
f th.- order and of the Patron* The g
--t/cultural department til* the Into!
. xpeiunents and experiences o| liraetienlj
TiiiturisU. full reports ol the Far met.
<Tinb of tho American 1 i.-iilute, letters
Iroin practical (armor*, mid interesting dis
cussion* of profitable farming Thepag.-i
tor the family furnishes interi .t and amu-e
--meiit for the during lite long win •
ter evenings. Full ami trustworthy liv. 1
stock country produce, and general pro ,
duce market reports show the slate oil
Semi-Weekly World, One Year . . s'2.
An extra copy to getter-up >*f club of ten.i
The Daily to geller-up .1 i liil. ol twenty
Tin* Semi* Weekly eon ains {*{*us*t|iy'
and Fridayi ujl the . - i :. n'- -dtl.c Week-,
ly, one or tgfo il. -t rate V>'Yel during the
year, and all the cream of the Daily
I Hiiij/hamtoii /,' nilrr j
Those of our Democratic friend* who
deir to ulcrihc for tt New Toili t'aper
will l!nd none that equal* The World HI
ability, or tlint • feurlosly and elearly j
advocates Democratic principle*. In the
new a from all part* ot the world, il in com
plete, and it editorial*on all subject* af'cj
vigorous And logical. To the it is]
invaluable; teaches him loul'i v tiling* that I
tend to promote hi* best ililct'cl- who li he
sorely need* hi* eye. opened to The
WorVd is no\y doing a gjeqt rtPlk 111 bchull
of the nimtjocyatly. pni'ly, •>ud should lie
fully sustained
[Manchtitrr I'uivn.]
The World, in point of übdilv. enter
prise, and influence, stand* at the head ol
the Democratic (ires* inthi; country.
Address, THE WORLD,"
So Park Row. N. Y.
On fi, John II Siovar ami Kmina Crono
hie, both of Perm Hall.
Oil '4 till al the residence f the d ride'#
parent al Aannsbtirg Ir D II Ming)#,
"I M 11 h •-1 in, ami Ml## Lixxia M., daughtei
of John Mail \ life of ha|ipinr## l you,
<'ii Vfi, ult , at llie residenceofjlhalirlda's
parent#, ill llalalead, K , Mr. tieorge
llurd, esq , of )'re#tun, Minn., and M!#
K a, daughter of l-ewi# Kuitx, of Hal
•lead, K > Ttie happy couple have our
hot wishes may life lie sweet and full uf
prosperity f.(r them
N OTK K I# hereby given to owners of, j
and person# interested ill I'nwsMi
l-aiids, in Centre county, that an appeal
l->r the valuation and assessment of #ucb
land#, will he held al tha Conuiiissionerr j
jOrtlce, in llellelontc on llie 2nd, 3d, tlh
and bill dav# of hehiuary, lH7'i
It II Koaeraa HA Ml'Kl.olt A M LKY.
Clerk J N IIA 1.1.,
!Jan 14 41. Couiinistionara.
\HMINM K A 'll Mi - NoTICK
l.etlcr# of ailiiiiiiistralhui on the i-tateof :
S S Wolf, of Centra Hall, dec J, have
boon granted to tba undetsigned, who fS
iikml all per#.>ti# knowing tlieiuselva# in-j
Icbiedtotald estate to make tmioediatr
ipayinelit, and tho#a having demands j
against the eaiue to present llieiii duly au
llielitP ated by law (or #eltlenieli(.
MRS t . K W4ILK,
Juit 14 IH Aitm ri
'ffhr <J tl>r J-'u, I :,f, # A) (fU(|f >'r tty
ii. ~ or 4V i.ipung '/I vm(- c tVunfy.
Citra( litu, Jsn 11,1374
In cum|i!laln e Willi the provisions of
; their ( barter the directors present the sav
: i-ritreiith annual statement of the transac
lluits of the I'ompany,
Hills wecoivable
being premium
note# due and
payable by iuem
bcri tor insur
ance the lital
year... s3<i.b44b4
jOn which there
has been paid JktJS.lfi!
Leaving Ui,e on
premium notes —— ..
taken the first y'db,7lCOi
to which addca-ll
in treaturyJTUO.V.'
1 Ti ta! available a-s
sells ut the Coin- ■ j
pauy first year.. st(i4l7.Qti
C# uipcnsaliun i„
(4(.C*t<'.s } 108 lb
Salary of Setrela
ry Ibail#
" Treasurer bOlt)
Printing. Otßi e
rent, Postage A
Maiionary 114. VI
K.cel.on |tj#r<| . oOb
Umcui.t Pcnns
\ alley Hanking
j Co •Jb.M
i'snns \ alley
Ranking Co .. mtiip
Harnel Durst bal
ance due on
barn tiUU.U)
Adam Krumrina
on reat-er,....... UsUV
I)r .1 W. Ittam Ujihl
,lJr. J U. Leitael. liuj
Tola! accruing a
iciU and funds of
thaCompany the
first year aflcj
dadqrt \ug **.
psotes $:t4.47fi.04 .
lo which add
funds reported of
|.rt vious year $104,W.'.'.b
Minus not*# t-xpir-
• a: d t aUscicd
♦ TViU.til Jbe! r
available assctls
of the Company |
this day ..... fHJU.HSI N'i
Kiss and insur
ance taken llie
first yaar f4-7,0il Oil
Same reported f r
jrt \ ious year. !f4
tsrar.d total risks
and insuratici-s
las en since or -
( rgam/ai.oi. #4,7U|,
1 Prom whith Jc
l duct polities j J,10.'i,41n I*
iKipired and can-
rsM Icaeing... 44i
Due the Company
irom agents,
mainly on un
paid policies of
members fl.TUfiKo
ciEth BUCHANAN. Pre# t
Att i
1> F. I.l'il, S 'jr
At an election held tho satue day the
foil. * .ng mrmbcri were c,e< te.i Director*
ft lite ensuing _><r ti Bucbicin,
Jo. boa Potter, H.nry Koiltr, J. \V
Cami-bIL Jtu \\ Krumrrin. AmosAi
riatid. r, J ti. Meyer. Jno >am 1,
Gratuley, J lio. 11 Keller, Mil David Gil-'
IN be-cuton thenew bstdorgar. seJ and
ap|*->inlrd the t -ll< wits offu ers ;
1 *r t< 1 *r,l Geo. Bin haiitll.
Vice Pri-s 1 Henry k., er.
1 rmsurer Henry Wtinier.
Secretary D !' Luc
■ •.STRAY t'i l*> th premises of the
±j indtni|Bl, near SWtOoikn laj
A ,gtul la.t, an <l Sti er, with t little wh to
u •• , the lower ;aw, and about four year*
1. l'he owner u lequested to come fer
urd, prove pr y < rty, pay charge* and
remove the value
Jan 7. St. D M. NKIDIGII
N'OTICK.— N otico i berehv given that
_ tho account of w. L Wittoit, com
imtteo of Jar b Daniel* a lunatic ha> been
t'. < 1 in the Court of Common Plea* of
Centre county, and will he confirmed at
January term next, if there he t.o eicop
ti :i filed thcrel A WILLIAMS,
Jan T 3t. ProthonoUry.
Public Sale.
On Mondav January©. lhT'i. at Centre
II 1. at 1 o'clock IloftSKS, liOKN CAT
Doc 21. Mr.. HULDA HUTTON.
The following accaunU have haen ex
amined ar.d passed bv me and remain
tiled of record in this office, for the inspec
tion of heirs, legatees, creditors and ail
others in any war inter* .ted, and will be
pre-, uted to the Orphan's Court of Centre
. . uiitv l • be held at Belli finite for allow
anci iiinl confirmation, on Wednesday, the
27th of Jan A l> IST'.
The account of 11. H Vandyke, Admin
i.trator. Cum te.t.*iiiento ancxo . of Henry
Vandyke, late of the Borough of Melle
foiite dee'd
The admiiii.lraiion are*unt of S. S.
Wolf, admiiioliutor of Sue Working
late of Iloulsdalo, Clearfield county Pa.
d -1
The account of Jane Holler and Theo
dore Van Scovaee administrators of the
estate ol John floiter, late *>f Hogg, twp,
The first and final account til Tlioma* B.
M Kirov Executor of the .-slate of Nicho
las Decker, late of Potter twp. Centre co,
dec d.
The account of Thoma* Ho.terinan
guardian of Mary Beaver, late Geary.
Christena M-iyer, ia', e Geary at.,l David
Geary, three oi the children and heirs o(
Lvdia tieary, late ol 11 aim* township
The last and final account of Tlioina*
li ■ >p acting Executor of Joseph Noregn,
lute ol Half Moon tow nship, Centre coun
ty. dw'd
'l'lic account ol John I>. Sfih. adminis
trator of the estate of Elisabeth l'erry, late
of the Borough of Bcllefonte, dec'd.
The final account of Peter I,Ruck and
Benjamin Corl ndminUtrators oT tho es
tate of Samuel Corl, dec'd, late of Fergu-
IPjj township, in the county of Centre.
The account of Samuel (traaaloy Riecu
lor in tho lat ill and teslamont of Peter
Klinefelter Jr. Into of Miles township Cen
lie county, dec'd.
The account of William W. Shaw and
Edward Shaw administrator* of the Ks
tale of John Shaw Into ot l*tiiliprt>urg.
Centre county, dec'd.
The acc milt of Jame* Duiilap
in the laSt will and Lp.wiuent ot Jacob
Shirk, la' t.f i < igu-on' tiiwiuhip, Centre
1 ountjT. qM O
RKUthTKlt's Dkkick, I J. H. Mokrihon,
Bellefonte Dee, 'JU. '74 ( Register.
House a 14 d tot
T'hc Hou*e 'tpd lot h< Vw V 1"
K*tato| Mary V Jordan htiv or rtdlcr
twp., dee'd, will Uo nlli'i'iid at public *lc
on thepreniue*, on SATIIRDAA'. JAN.
Uth, 1376. The lot contains 121 acre*. lhere
on erected a House and other outbuilding*.
Term*.—One half ol purchase money on
continuation of sale, the balance in one
year thereafter, with interest to be secured
bv bond and mortgage.
Dec 17, Bt. Adlfli#VrgW>r.
M AltKhXi.
New York, January '• Kbuir dull and
ill limited ilenialnl, receipts t'i,(ftll barrel#,
superfine western find State s4fu I 40, com
mon to good S4UO(.i4 V*tV; good to choice
M'VifrftAW.; "lira Ohio $1 Mhafl AO; St
icnii# $4 110(4Htm, Kve flour steady at
$t tififa'ilift. ('tnrimral aclire at $4 10(t
4 ftfi Wheat dull and heavy; receipt# 11.-
<X> bushels; .No 1 'prieg $1 1Kf.1,! 23; No 8
spring (I OHfigl OH, So'J Milwaukee f I I'J
fq,l 141; white western fl Tilth 134 Hye
quiet at tKlhaWoc. Ilarlsv quiet and ur
<hanged Oat# firmer; mixed wetern 417
HTOu. t'olfee quiet; Sugar dull; prime kjc;
jrrtlned lOD'V 1"4- I'etroleuin quiet; refill
;( d 121"; ciode li|f" 'He Kgg# firm a! H2(,i
tile I.aid llrm prime -team 141hp14 f> I he,
flutter prims steady; other# heavy; we*,
jlern IH(.< if.'i t'liee-i (iriu at l'.'|V<t,life,
14 ' lover al |IU 2di i 111 fSI.
Chicago, January 14 W heal steady and
11 ti moderate demand .Nol spring ifi ; No
■jMtlecash, KI|I- seller Eehruarv; tftljc sai
ler March No2Kl|c. rejected U|c Corn
diman,l active and price# advanced;
No mixed new il£|e casii sel
ler February 71|escller March; rejected
V. 40. fiat# demand active and prices ad
vanced, No 2 621 c cash; fnfju elter Peb. |
reji-itod 4(,i, 4*ic Itarl" ilaioand fair
aloi market Int.; No 'I ifj 24(5l '/#, Noil
Jl Uo' nl lfi. \Vbiskey steady and in tin-d
--erata demand at'.i4{c. flu inllaf lloard in
the aftnrnooii, grain and provision# were
.quiet atid unchanged.
' Philadelphia, January 0 Flour dull
and nominally unchanged Wheal steady;
'rtdjl*. amber fl-JJiKiaa Itse .lull
'1 ylllc, f orn #4is 11. yellow KhgMr; niia
"d ((aster f'.'f • 't, ita'.s steady :, .a#
•"•i mi*, 11,4 Pctro ,o. turn, rennad
I-' <n |;'ir, t. iia bbl# ;n bulk ,*.fc.c.
t iuVeis- cd J •(' VlO Flaxseed s•„' |f|.
vVhlte iVheat $1 4xi R,-d ldi . RyaflD
Cot n 4WJ ... Hats !tU Har'ey
T'l ...Clo /arseed fi.on „, ~ |'<,ta|ut'* Uj
Lard per pot- r # ,| a ...I'utk Per puupdUO
BnUar...>l'. ... .i'lasfar nartun
114 1 allow b llitnii 10 Ham Jfi
Ixard t" r 1 Ul 1 3 Cents I
(Irk, i ... . - , "j* 1
s, •' oatr. lr. laili.tJi ..
* * piaster sl4 to Ifi. Cayuga
piaster p. r 'JUUO lbs
NOl |( K Nullwi U hereby giveu that
the ai.tinl ..f M.chael Dunkle
■ Oiititmleo of llx-cry Dunkle a lunatic, hat
■n to 1 by (' V. McClelland adtnioi*.
trulo; uf Mil bkcl Hunk r dee'd. in the
• Hifi <,f Common I'imh .jf ( Vi,irr county,
which ta d to count w.ll he confirmed at
Jan. lot in neat, if there be no .uttkienl
rea* >n* tbown to the contrary.
dec. I. .51. Prothonotary.
V* tJi R K 1 have applied u> the Hur
i* v)' i General of I'cnnaylvanm for
one hundred acre* unimproved land, *iUr
ate • Spring tap , Centre Co. Hounded
l<>n the Kati——, o.'i the South by land in
Warrantee name of Moae* Fui.,.!•, on
the \S cat by William Wdaon. and on the
North by land of Miiier*
dec. 17 H lIKNKY L YEKUKK.
IHI. . I. \KI F,
Centre ila.l, l'a . thanafui Uftbe public for
t-atl patronage, he lake* iki* method of in
forming hi* frond* that he will continue in
the practice of medicine a* heretofore.
Having the experience of '2? year* in med
ical practice la* boi tnJnavur* will be
ued to loi.dcl *at !v faction to all giving
IWtWI _ dw. 10 t-f.
M. C'laiu ■ lthck, Directly Opt*. Hub
| HoUfe,
Bellefunto, Pa.
11. Ill'.lttl l\ tl CO., l*ro|**rw.
Dry Goods,
Bt-low i lie Usual Prices.
Nov 12. if.
sa • ■
• f i-<*ev*tali l ff* • anlnlg's prW. r< art! Sm
Bi.rx vxu as snf racrv*x*o 00, i\BC..UU.O
'E" r Kmrnf
St.. a uUS have
1 or Ills* Pcwei
Cr -Cut and Circular
Iv—.. • :;.I|V c, ri Clin sad Pries tail seal free
I*l.A i| A I.l* 'I it nti furl uri nj; Co.
faVlt. ■ >4 W. ' Eigi.tb •*!., CINCINNATI. 0.,
Mi.nufi. liirc-v of Cane Machinery. Steam* Shaker Thrcvhcr, Farm,
School, and Church J Bolls, etc.
Dec 10. y.
soLlt OSI. yli r SlllSt RIPTIOX. i
ThU ipSotdld • M> >l| *ll in
•*rr Uatur*. l* * o.nwthntiy drltt{*d mn*t
tatj.rvaovl |l t • 41 t*nd* wit ho* I U till hx*W
win Lt of ior*o Ileal DtT*lr Tho D<**ultful portrait.
" M*n • Uiw)lh rtood." * c*inmo ) *. *otit*d t*.#r#rj
adtwrrit^t. !• • *!••■ id *4 till, and will, it iooHl4#. odd U<
Utr mmlalMj hMh tfcte work ha Thr ART
r\fo\ fpiiufw 4Trp*i and t*o#fianl ft
IIUMWi4n| mihlteltlMittt Is tb# Hn# *rt ltn
Urt n I full t:.foru*U*n am *jipllrUtMi
PsH. I. H. 11l sn.l IV .r. Bow r~.lj
SI HI Tiff s*S
Tn ln cowplvlcil In V I ((iralsblll
K. ii pir! til ontiUin a rikfMii ffNtnluplncfi, nj
lux.;, anfi it r 1 on •! •! f r th* l>.nd n Art Joum*!
•1 * prtP* within tUw p 'polar mrh atiniTitif. nra>r *t J ram fJ.\n bro ttmoa U># imuHi
Thfi*f pUtnt bar* IxHHi lb* aftra-Huti uf
The London Art .1 urnal,
i-Ach pari will c tn(kit) |> .jnart • iada.tmi U
•l ant fr*ntl*•<"<. n hnory |i*t \ auiwrb
tllli P*4" rtchijr illulnatwl In rwf and gwM. will !*•
g.trtt with tho tiral, an I the |>rinll:tc of tha nattrw
* 'tf k will In- a a wlltf rr;im>niiUi>a of tha "TUO Al
<lln.* PraW' wtiirli ia a (Darar.lw of bxpl!iinf boautl
f al and raluahl#
t'AKT.S t. It * in IKK IfST rPRMSIIKP.
(In it ■' 'nihil part*. i *1 **rH Kenrodac
Ins th# !'.*•* fall pM* t!lu*lrtion from thp
*nrlt*r *t|um of th AJk)la<*
Kisli ttrnnthly tart wISI o*>ni*ln n •itM*rb with
A., itntaityinc iKtcriMv* nutter, hwl tthoUtpr for
MiUng • ft Aialn*- i I*** fwjvm.t t . .uptfl
% in in t*rirp <tr rhitr*ri*r I ten tmrrrl*>n
will cfv'\lljf l*k-i on tJw> fits**! Uinosl ist|ter.
iirt no ptint will bt> t)rl -* raak* tbl th# ilcb—l
vr utai t "t of lii h h** *.. in a mmakosl}
liwir. a * M walr rrpateUtm.
(ienis (Volutin- tliiinc.
KajK. laJtjr AMK>rt4hl fr
M • • i UN
A UrfOoolloction of c*. turv i<f dlffwMl •**• mod
••a *lw •* rt'orj MincolrUllii mbjot i I *n pal u>
in ah attract|t<> on%oli*. ami ar* now off*rw*i at a
lrto* lnt*u4*Hl t m*k thwm !*••;>.Ur tn #rt7 iruw
I ntrlojie No 1. csintatnina k' l"*tiUftil
ia now roaiil ami wilt lw M*nt, j ;attl. !<J anj at!
drrna fr >NK IM>I \ Aty. \ iitm Aftllncount ioaonU
ami loachor^.
MiliP hooks.
\ aplwti4ltl aM<rtm nl of .Ht"H\P Uaan |irp|utrm! fur 111* holltlat aaaa*n and no proawat
of !'■• |wnuan*nt Intwrwat can U iplcotMl for grnllr
man or lad*, old or rouitjr.
No 1. Half bound, t ldh aidna. silt back, 2io pp.
12 a U Inchon 00
No 1 tlalf bound. cltl aldos. tit back. Ttw pp.
12 i Iftnrhn 7 pO
No, 3 Full inumct'u.brvplad traarda. gilt ami at.
tidur, *rry rich, IM pp _ \} <M)
Letttrwi i> trlcr In gold at co ~ *oiob)hie Kfotbf
tuall, p>"*t paid.ou ft*"* 4 '! , Ikl pMcr.
riie Alilint' l*:iwsts-l*.ir tout's.
In cMontdimrc with r>pcatcd rwuvasta. tliapabllabara
of I'll K AI.IH \ K have prpar>d itiipreuinni tt! (twtu;
loautiful p*atc for paaac-partout framing
f'hwaw ouU am t.iouutod mi a I. < + *yut ullj llntcd atura
mat. with a hamlamiiw rm* tvardat liitt*
Po attach b|m, t la only lch f<r tha cuatamar to
paaUt Kou t.Vi ran almatlj atUchtnl border, and
thu may be tbtne br child
j; uuiiioct• ia* Uin .a/w ; with gia*.aoc.
t,u * * ,,te ,or tw * whrn lion u hfl Ki lha
6 subject a, 10 alt J ttin , )gK- ,HUl\t:bte, Ofce.
7 *ubi •.u. i j*si 1 in:, iM., wnb K u. a*.
It I Is, In .Wo : wltb (la.*! I M
n t ®> l( llUoul (!*, pn.l e*.id, for prln
6*nvuitri Wanted,
"•' w ** sS Mniden Lane, New York.
I'he undersigned heg* leave to inform
Ins pHlmos and the public generally thai
1 lie is now prepared to make COFFINS
• mid respectfully solicits a share of their
I patronage. Funerals attended with a seat
3 sept dm. ChurchTiUe
Humeri tod Shippers of the celebrated
Deeleri in the very best grades of
;aWhracite coaQ
The only dealers in Centre County who sell the
W I L! K E; Si Hi Ai It; It E Ci 0 A! L
from the old Baltimore mine*. Alio
of Anthracite Coal dryly boused espressly for heuio use, ,t J Wc>l p t j fM#
They pay tb p ricm la cash for grain that the Ka.tcrn w,rk< u wUI afford.
Bought or will be .old on commission a hen desired, and full price* guaranteed. Ins
formation concern in c tha grain trad. wiU be furnished at all timet, to farmer*
with pleasure, free of charge.
| "
which i* a!way* sold at low price*, and warranted to be a* g• -d a frrtili r at any
other plaster.
o?ns2 AjfD 7A'D
Lime! Lime!
Liu> ol the best quality. always on
baud. at ttia kiln near Outre Hall.
Mlllhelm, Pa.,
They have just returned from the Eastern
Cities, where they hare purchased a well
selected stock of
Plasterers and Masons,
Saddlers, Shoemakers,
Housekeepers, and in fact,
We call particular attention to a fins as
-1 sorttneiit of Picture Frames and Moulding,
j very cheap.
Aud Curtain Fixture* of every kiud.j
attention is called to our slock of Spokes,;
Hubs, Felloes. Shafts. l*ols and Buggy
W heels, all of No. 1 quality and selling ve
!ty cheap. Our stock is large, and con
stantly being renewed, and w are selling
-wholesale and ratail —at vary low prices.
lUnieuihcr—touch uscaay has been lost by
paying too much for Hardware. Try
tiluzzbr & riunfeta 3r&*s
I*hey buy for Cash and sail at Cash Prices
'for lest profit than any other Hardware
Store in the County.
rfrCul! and see us. Satisfaction guar
sug 27-y '74
Manufacturers of
Sheet irou & Tin
Millheim, P.
All kir.ds of Tinware, constantly on
hand and made to order.
Sheatiron War* of every description,
always on hand.
Rooting in Tin and Sheetiron don* in
the most approved and satisfactoty Styl*.
Spouting don# to order
Their stock of Tin and Sheetiron Goods,
is large and complete, and offered at the-
Their e-tablirhment has been enlarged
and stocked completely throughout.
Satisfaction guarUntced, and all jobs
promptly attended to. apr!6-y
Next door to Wilson A Hicks' Hard
ware store, Allegheny St.,
Jas. C. Williams.
(Successor to 11. F. Rankin A Co.)
for medicinal purposes.
Also, Choice
and all uther article* usually kept in first
class Drug Store.
neys at-Law, Bellefonte, Fa. Special
att> Qtion given to Collections, ana Or
phans' Court May be consulted
in Gsrman and English. Office in Gar
mat's Building. my 21 '74-tf
L wuskorrw, PKTKR HO rtk
Baukino Co.
And Allow Inzer est,
UitMunt Note
Ituv and Sell
Government Securities, Gold snd|
. Pras't. CVhiff
Chas. H. Held,
Clock, HalrhmakrrAJeaeier
Millheim, Centre Co., I'a.
Respectfully informs his friends and the
jpublic in general, that be has Juts ujx-r.od
,al fait new establishment, above AJcaan
jder's store, and keej constatlly on band,
al! kind* at Clocks, H au-faci >. td Jewelry
of the latest styles, a> also the Mrai n ill*
'Patent Calender Clocks, prvidrt with a
jc •inplotr index of Ibe month and day cf
ithe month and week on its face, which ia
warranted as a perfect time-k.. per
J W atchc* and Jewelry re
paired on short notice and v suianuvL
.. ep||'Ol|y
Heat Sample 1 oou, iu Town.
'|ll- JOHNSTON d SONS. Proprietors
Bellcfonte, Penna.
Ere* Puts to and from the Depot.
Excelsior Cement*
The under-signed now manufacture* Ce
M l 4¥.T.y " l . b'* kilns, r.oar Pine
Creek Mills, in Hainc* twp. This cctucnl
has alreadv been used in large quantities
upon the L. C. A S. c. RK.and ha- b.-en
found highly satisfactory upon all j b*
wht re it has been used. and : - ml to
j*ny now manufav turod for ue in CLS
-1 KKNS, \\ AT KU PIPES, or what< vet
jpu rtsose a good quality ot Cement i- .!<•..
rabie This Cetncct bas alreadv h< • n
:tested fr and wide, i-.nd r<-i dt-i Jtheut
most satisfaction. Pereons, theref> r. ct i.-
! strutting Cisterns, laying Water P:p<,
Ac., will find it to their advantage to b< r
this in mind,and also, that he warrant- the
article as represented.
""J -1 tf Aarv .tbur.- • .4
Jonx SPAXOLKK, Proprieloi
j Stages arrive and depart daily, for
.points, north, south, east and we
UKSXY BkOCkKftUur, J. I>. rUCCXJ.t
Pmidtnt, (.M-bicr.
(Late Miilikcr., Hoover <k Co.)
And Allow intere*t,
Discount Note*,
BUT and Sell.
Government Seem ties, Goid <fc
aplffdStf Coupons.
Would most respectful))- inform the cii
ten* of this vicinity, that'he ha- .-tarted a
new Boot and Shoo Shop, and would be
thankful for a sHfcre of the public patron
age. Boot* and Shoo* made to order and
according to style, and warrants his work
•Co equal any made elsewhere. All kind*
of repairing done, and charges reasonable.
(Sire Lira a call. !Ybl3 1y
j Dentist, Millheim.
h Offers his professional services to Ihd
' public. He is prepared to perioral all
operations in the dental profession.
'<*~-lie is now fully prepared to extract
•ecth aWstdj) triMamf paim. myff-73-tf.
DF. foRTXEY, Attorney at Law,
• Bellefonte, Pa. Office over Rev
mld i bank. maylC 69
r> "l't k0,l!o Spanglor's hotel.
LntlUll where be is at all times, prepared
totnake ali kind* of men and hov's cloth
<g, according to the latest styles and at
reasonable charge*.
J A g MM Attorney ut Law,
Bclle.oet*-, promptly attends to a)
Dunnes* entrusted to*him. iui2,'6Bt
offers his services to the citizenttf Mifflin
Lentre andwdjoining counties, in
llotiKo, Sijfii Mittl Ornuiuenutal
. Oak, Walnut, Maple, Ash.
Mahogony. Ac
riaii. alu i Fancy Paperhanging. Or
der; respectfully solicited.
All fine wo-k dene for other painters.
nov 6 tf.
f,- I'OTTEK, Attorr.ey-at-Luw.
Collections promptly .made and
pecil attention given to .those' having
nnds or property for sale. Will -draw up
and have acknowledged Deeds, Mortgages,
i * Office in the diamond, north side ot
the Bellefonte. oct&fC9tf
i T L BPANGLKR, Attorney-at-Law,
in \ ® e "efonte, Pa. Office with
' jn locum. Consultation in English
,and German. Collections promptly attend*
M t". fabS-tf
gyrwfc"£g*!ggaga im.