SENTRE TBEDIUKTI Kditor. 0 Centre Ilall, Pa., lan. 14, 1876. 7ERMS. 9'2 prr in ndrtinre, ! ttAen nclpaid i adranrr. Adrtrtisfn\enl 'AX- ptrlinf tA •' "•frfiona, and/or C ana 12 wmnfA" v cial iontraci". Those radical journals which tor the last eijjht weeks expressed >o much ixn eern lest the denvoerats would not p i along harmoniously with the organita tion of the House at Harrisburg. w ill now |if iwnt|xwotl, ninix l that work has Isvtt performed, m>t orly with the greatest harmony and good feeling among the di iniii ratio tnetiibers. but tothe satWtuc • tion of the deuuvraey of the stat,- ven erally Should Mr. Wallaee be elected to the I s senate on lt'th whu h seents pret tv cvrtain—the pvxvple of this distriit w ill 1h- ealbsl uH>n toM n • tor to take his plaec'. Ibis is a high and honorable position, and our self-rv speet requires it that we In- represented by a gentleman of ability and untarnished reputation. This is work that w ill ixnue Ivofcro thedetms raey soon, and w trust ihev will (H-rfonn it with as good judg ment as when they nominates! Mr Wal lace. follow ing the Society of long stand mi' and doing much go*l—for the IV venh-m of Cruelty to Animal*, Now York now has another t">r the IVvcti tl R ofOudtj to CUMNB. Sin ha hu-| mane organisation is commendable and wo trust its ojvrations will I*' a* thoi ougli as have been those of 4l ; - t,r>t u.mio! But now n> \t in • ni< r would U :>S vietv for Iho Prevention of t'ruel -1 \ K< Mill's. In this week's japvr W* |*hll ;l v, '> interesting letter from Texas ami which will rejxiv perusal, cotuiug trom theable on of Ira ( . Mitchell. c*|, formerly fo ' i this county. Mr. Mitchell has nude Texas his home, ami leing a law • \c> of fine talents and j.isessiug a tniml wed with knowledge, ttistill Hinging to the ohl-liue ileuwcnUc faith, he wi.. . not tail to find a welcome among the j-eple of that state. Ira once was the hading member of the I'entre I ounty Hvr, and one of th ablest dem . eraiic leader* in central IVnn'a. If we could reach the ears of the good people of the Lone Star State, wre would say to them, that they will find Mr. Mitchell a democrat of the firs water, who will le of g.c*l service down there —and ask them to give him their hct eneoumge mentj In the state legislature nothing of .i.vial importance tninspired for the tirsT few days. Acts introduced in the senate regulating the rights ot married unmarried women, the trial of in dictments in Criminal Courts, the train g of teachers for the Common S-hools f the State, and the salaries of County officers. The Morning Patriot. Harrislurg. will ive all that transpires at Harrishug. this winter, in addition to telegraphic news from all jvarta of the world. The Patriot is one of the leading democratic ry.insin the slate, and ably edited, ami reaches Centre county half day ear lier than New York and Philadelphia •iailie. —hence it brings intelligence in advance of these journals. Ikuly *7 per year weekly $2 per year. Secretary Fish and two other mem bers of Grant's cabinet, do not counte nance the Ixuiisiana outrage and tlm-at en to resign. Wt have conversed with many disin te rested democrats of this county, during the last eight or ten days, who are not o eking after a nomination, and w ho on ly have the good of the j>arty at heart, and they all seem to be of one mind, as to how nominations should be made for he -pevial election, and take the same -. iew of the matter, as presented by u in next column. Any candidate objecting, betray- his fear* of the jieople. As this i- the first sjvcial elettion that *x urs in tin county, now is the time to establish aw :se and semable precedent.—and one which will not violate any rule of the party. Kutrust the matter to the people f..r new instructions, aa there are new candidates, who hare a right to present their Haims on ejnal fw>ting with oth- THE SEW KING OF SPA IS. The recent peaceable revolution in Spain by which the republic was set aside and King Alfonso—a 17 yearling— was called to the throne, does not in re ality liave any great significance. w> far as a change of government is concerned. The Sun gives the meaning oft his change concisely, and says, the young Prince Alfonso will, of course, Ik* well received by the iarty which has tailed him lack to S|iin. and as this include* the govern ment of Serrano, with the ]>o]iticians who have supported that government, and the army and navy, there is no im pediment in the way of his establishing himself and commencing business in Madrid. The handful of theoretical Spanish repuhliians will do nothing against him. and the only active opposi tion will be that of the Cariist* in the northern provinces. These will contin ue the civil war, but while it is sure to l>e lasting, it will hardly prove more effec tive against Alfonso then it has been against Serrano. Spain will lie divided by it, and that is all. For the rest, the real government of Spainjor at least of that part of it which a XOMLXA TIOXS. The pmlmlde election of Mi Walltue to the I*. S, Senate and the death uf y a con vent inn to ntake noin inationa for the same, for the lirat time | in the hiatory of thin eounty, ami hcim fithilMt it film i Mll*l'i|llellt to Ihi general clo liun. It ap|war* to us plain, front the very nature of the rules gov * c ruing tin detmsratic jnlly. that these nominations must be retci'rel lmck tothe people, ami that the ohl Convention . an not la' recalled in the iuatt< > II h< 11 that Ial\ made its nomination* ami tin same stood until votetl ti|s>n at th. gi u era! election, its mission was j* rforme.l In tin past the standing . nimittee ha\e la-en ialle.l I > .lo lertain things jH-riaiuinj! to the |>art\ , Mteh as .hosing delegates to Stati Conventions alid t on terr-es, ami the saute has also lien done b\ recalling a t'o < mention, ai. xist iug, l>ul never to make nominations t i a special ehstioii. ami which. under our I present rules, \\ i w ill presenth show is I not admissible. llule t'th s :l \* Is |, gates nitist oU \ I "tin instruction* given them ly their ri "apective ilistriets, ami it violated. it ••shall W the dittv of the l*rv*nleitt of the "< .lllventiell to ,;|st the Vote of Ml. h di 1 1 "egate or delegate* m aeeordanee with "the instructions N. w it tin late i Convention should totalled tore a**,m --' j ble. the delegate* are either all f > from I instructions or are all Iwuml by the " rule : the Utter proposition would phm them in the position of voting for a dead man and for another l\Vallej who is no longer in the field. V\ i hold that no delegate's instructions an- binding !v --youd the Vug list t 'ouveiltioii In was instructed for lh ■■ aloiu V spvyiul election calls for new aiul special in struction.. fresh from the jieople. '•< - mils,- there are in w and nt w can didates and any other ruling would be cutting these otf front their rights to , n ter the contest fr a nomination This w ill be apjwrent to any one disposed i" Is- fair, reasonable and honest, and is the only way to avoid a difficulty which would be certain to arise utnlcr the nth rule, it any other course is pur-md. fills is the hrst ease of tin- kin-' wc hu\i in this county and now i- tin- time to establish a sate and W l-e precedent w illi out violating any rule, aud because it places the difficulty right liaek to the people themselves for s-tt h'me lit. That's democratic and no candidate, ,u4 - j pie. Cnderthese vacancies there w ill le new candidates for the places, ami it is right and proper that they with -itch old one. as wish to enter the field again, g" I*' fore the jieople. Suae of the old candi dates, who had a few delegates instruct ed in their favor, may not desire to hav their names go into Convention again, yet the rule would hnng them in against their wishes. The only fair, sensible, aud sal i-facto-1 ry way to uiake a nomination, for these vacanciea then, is to . all a new con vention. fresh front the jwople. instead of the old one—and the difficulties that would arise under rule I ', would thus I* avoided. LOI'JSIA -V.4 * 7'RVSHEI> HY liA YOXETS. In another column we furnish the | full jiarticulr of (irant'- lust outrage upon asovereign state. I-ouisiana, whose people have rejcatcdly tat tin* ll --j lot-box by overwhelming majoritii - t!..i* they wished n<> part withjcarpet-hagrulc. ha* been pinned down by tin- bayonet i upon oeWn from M'aehin^ton! The l legislature, legally rlectel by the tido citizens ofthat *igter commonwealth, has b*en broken up by (front's soldier-, under the command of Sheriden. The deepot of the white house has just a good a rijrht to send M i*by or Ben Butler !• Bellefonte and drive out of the < >urt housc every democratie official and put in their places carpet baggers from Ver mont or lowa as he liad to order his millions to disperse the conservative leg islature of laxiisiaua. The" result of the lat elections has a rousts l the tyrant in tin white house, and what is no longer possible for him to accomplish through fraud- atjthc bal lot-box, he undertakes with in order to keep j*>wcr. (irant ha- mur dered a sovereign state, by dispersing the legally elected and organized legi-la ture of Louisiana. The halls of legisla tion have lieen cleared of mcmlKT* and federal tnsjjis hold js .sseasion. Tin bayonet rules,and (irant, Kellogg A Co. have taken the government out * f the hands of the people iff !-< uisiana, in or der to accommodate the vilest car|K-t --liaggers anil political adventurers. The most eminent clergymen of all denominations in New Orleans and in Arkansas unite in declaring that Sheri dan tells an untruth relative to the con dition of affairs down there. The city eonneil of New Orleans, the t handier of Commerce, and all the other boards, make the same declaration, us to Sheri dan's slanders and lies. The soldier ty rant on one side, and resjK'ctahle Chris tian people on the other, make* it dear that Sheridan is lacking in truth. Bry ant, Evarts, and other eminent radical leaders, together with the most respecta ble organs of that party, have denounced the New Orleans outrage. The schedule of the assets end liabili ties of the firm of Henry < 'lev* & Co., <>f New York, shows tliatthev owe $4,!*71,- 2!7,*25. Their assets consist mainly of railroad stocks, and at par value, amount t-i *5,515,t5t 1,1 5, are secured by pledge of these stoeks, the balanee of the creditors having no so uritv. It is very doubtful if their secured creditors could he fully faid out of the assets of the firm, let alone the large amount due parties who hold no security whatever. When it is remcmltered tfiat this mushroom con cern was lifted into credit and innsc <|Uence by the I". S. government, and thus enabled to impose itself upon the confi dence of thousands of customers, it may be considered another Isioii of paternal government which we have to be thank ful for. I Among the I'ensyluania creditors who are unsecured, we note the following: Here follows a long list among which is J. J. Tompson & Co., Lemont, : In the list of personal creditors of Henry Clews, is7ohn C. Mot/. A < Millheim. #2,802, 40. Thanks to Gov. llartranfl for an ear ly copy of his annual message. The mes sage contains some good suggestions, is entirely devoted to state affairs, and is not suflied with any endorsements of Grant's outrages upon the southern states. TIIK ( lUnVNIMi INKAMY I.OIISIAN A ( KAM > *|U UK A SOYKKKItIN M'ATK I Ci.lsl VTI \ I II \l l> IN \ \ I II • H Y I s TKOOI'S Niov Oui.mxs. January t, IS7 > The State House is well pmteetod hy I I'. s trmijis. The Legislature eouvened ihis inoni ■ ing 11l tin- House a in< tiou was otleied lo pi into permanent orvauiralioii I los i raised a commotion among tin Itepuhli can*. hill when a Initio i motion was tltade to seat liiemln Is lioiu the toiilesi id jmi lsln - it ti nod to in the I cgislattiir, the excitement wa* .!> •'"inp.ini. <1 with | shouts ami e\i hiiuttttons all kind* wen fearful to heat Mi Mttrrill against Mr Wilt* a> chairman and sllgtitatwcd the I i-oiirsi- pursued in phn ing him there a* i revolutionary l ite motion was then put to admit niemhiis from tin four (mushes, li tlv 11tg tin matte! of ixmtcst fut the l.cgndutUlc, and It was curried amtd tin w tides! e\i itement and g< sticu* lati.ut up<>n the Hadieal siih To m h ! apiwait did tin < \i n ai htliatthe |Si rgcalit *t Villi* w.a I and preserve order, i I'heiii vvlv declared lueittl i is from the ! contested parishes ill i|Uestliiti,V 1* Hieiivtlh- Winn. 1:a and tuanl win , then duly sworn in hy the Sjwuki i Vtti i - uu stotniami i M ill im ut. the ! call ami ballot fot speaki i was proccid ed with. and th i* result was aiiHoiineeilas follows Willi, v.; Itahn, . blank I V quo rum hav ing voted ami Willi having r eeivni a majority In was accordingly ! declared elected Judge Houston their adtuitiisti red tin- oatli of i thee utul us Usual in stub eases the s| cuk.t called fot the oldi-sl Itielllls t. Ml la w. 11, to ad , minister a similar oath, hut he h it (In house during roll with a litlliilier uf uth ! et Kepubli. ans, that duty was | -rforme.l • hy the m vt old. -t iiiiuilh i I hi Speaker theli udilri s-od till' House, thanking them for the honor, while tin Radicals still continued to gradually ' i w ithdravv Mr Kay aihlri d the >|w.ikct on privilege and asked leave to retire from 1 I the House, ami entered a protest apt 1 list 'jits ..rganixattoii The *|wukcr then eharpxt the serp-atit it-Arms to nil w no member out. Nli 1". J I'reoaiatit was then put in ' 1 nomination for elerk and eUvted. Tin 1 swearing in of ptenilH-rs then eotniiteiu ' i-.| ami the radicals eiideavureil to muvi • ut of the House hut tin Si recant at v arms s, .U|ht to prevent tin nr s, vera s, utllejensued, when, on motion of tie. r jlupre, tori, lvtrohriand was -ent for 1 who cleared the lohhv ..f indue am s|s- -tutor- at tin- >| i aker> reqiic-i e tie nil lVtrohriand who had Iveti ' aWot for als.tit a quarter of an hour ap p .red again at tht lb-Use aculiijsi ni l by two otticvr* <>f his stall and utile jof about twenty soldier* who had Iven marched into the corri l> r leading to the hull and at the head of the large stair case in the State 11 use. Ihe js'lice were also draw aup in free. lien. IV trvbriaud at • nee stcpjvd tip to Sjn-akcr ; Write aiul asked that Nlr Vig, r, former clerk of lite House should riad a letter Ihe held in his hand Mr Frenavotit, the clerk eleeted ,'l; when the I lieueral, stating that he was ttnabl. to ■: J. *i... was,ink..-k.,i ;. raM :. lo have the !< tt. r- > f tiovertu r K'U"gg . read by his adjutant whiih was granted. That officer then read the tw litters, i one of whieh stated to the tieneral that jan illegal IHHIV was sitting as the House "! Hepresentativi-s atid that Mr \*ig< rs, elerk, would furnish liim with a list of th> se nu-iulters w ho had Iwendulv e!-i1- ed and us such returned by the Return ' itig Board. The other letter i-outaim d a request to tien. lVtrohriand to eject these meiiiUrs who had not l-eell returned M eleeted by i the bonnl. I THE itrri itxixo Hocim sisruMi uc uii CKVV. Sjw-aker Wilt;, protested and told the < .em ral that this w..s a l. gallvorganixed l- dy t> <|w hieli * ten I replied that he as a soldier, iiud only seK*nd in ev the instructions of i n. ; Kellogg. >1- i.k r \\ dtz -.lid . 1 de-ire to state t" you again that this House was duly elf ted. ha organized itself by electing me as tluir Sja-aker. ( apt. Floyd as argcant-at-Ann* and Mr. Tr#x.irant .is ( lerk After organization we have seated five gentlemen w hose rase* have t-en referred to us by the Betuming ; B -art Will you reject these men? (ieii. lk-trohriaud said: Mr. >[ akcr, I .im an officer, and must ols-v order*, i I came here alone. I thought that my ; presence would Ik- sufficient to have thcae orders obeyed. >|K-aker Wiltz replied lam thankful to you, (ieneral, for. that, while I recog . niz<- in von a gentleman and -h slier, ; while we submit to the United States i Jovernment, it is my duty as Sjieakcr of the House of Representative* of the State of Louisiana to a-k von to use forci* ; until then the five men refuse to leave the ris>ni. (ieneral Itetrohriund- Ido not like to make a show. Ido not kimw the tnem- Is-rs. I should prefer for you to point them out. I will ask them to leave, or will you have nie fill tin* room with sol diers. Sjieaker Wiltz—l cannot permit those member*, whom wo have just recognized a licing elected, to he ]>ut out. My du ty is to keep the dignity of the State of Isiuisiana as well as yours is to keep up that of the U.S. army. \jr. Dupreut this time offered the re port of the Committee on Flections, which declared Jeffries, Luckett and Stafford of Rapides, Vaughn, Koran and Lamh of Caddo, Fchwing of Iberia, and Oi|uiun of Avoyelles, to Ik- elected. bt'n. I Mrohriand, who hud retir ed again advanced toward the Speaker, who said, gentlemeu, hi- ijuiet, ami lu men. '1 he < ieneral then |>ointing to Vi gcrs, ex-(.lerk of the House, says that he had Ik'cii represented to him by (iov. Kellogg as Clerk of the House and also a list of the names of Representatives re turned as elected by the lit turning Board. Speaker Wilt*—l protest against Mr. Vigcrs as having anything to do with this Issly. He is no longer clerk of this House, his mici'i-Ksoi having been h-gal- Iv elected. Hctrobriand—This protest will Is-of no avail. I SjM-aker \\ iltz protested against tie interference of the military, and request ed the members to join in a protest with him. In resfsinse to this call all the Conservative meiulM-rs Htood up and sol emnly protested. After another protest of Niger- successor, (Jen. Ik-trohriand ordered Vigers to call the roll. Speaker Wilts—The Conservative members will not answer when their names are called. None answered. Mr. Lowell, late Speaker of the House then wanted t>> know what these pro ceedings amounted 10. The Kcpuhlicaii members bail, during ibis controversy, entered in a body and either took their seats or stood near the platform. Speak | 1.1 111 111 wllill lltnl Ink. II |illll'c .luring lii* alw. iiiv tiii.t ilint of Ins lin.l v i. nl. !li ii|[u. s \ i||. ni, having liiiislii .l 1 culling llic r<>ll, Ml Ik'H. M mii.l ihiil 111 ( IV fullt ■llllll.'K ll;l.| .IUMH I.hl, two I'. 111 ( oorulr. anhWcnng I>\ inirdukc lie m.n C I tlllll lilt* ll.tllM* I't.l. C.I to I 'l|S 11II' SM Morrill .uli'icl Kiiili.til sr. tin. lllotioll. , I N li'll' --I VTKSSuI.IHKHS KNTKU Til K CM A M IIKU , \ ■* t wuiil.'.l 1.1 g. | )ii ii* I, n1..1 \\ 1,1 t.i1.l li i til I tint lit. Could mi.l tliHt ll mr *ol.' not limn .'ii >U(li i . | him m u ,\i till. tun., ill. I • vlitori .l tli<- I.> iii a Illr .1 filloon, fully . <|iii|>|i. .l, who form* ••.I in lino> tlic bar Gen I e Tto briatid llt tro.l.i. ~1 lion. Mr II J I'm. |. t'cll, who wa> l.> giro adlifahi'o in |>. ml 11>K out tlie moiiibori wlii. h l.t< tliould •jot I W lit; proUitled again.! Mi Campbell • lull...tucli 1 w ll i'r.ibriitd I e CC. V *t' tin I lift! I 111 111 101 l tll-lt tat II Klllt.l v wn.nt lim d>> >r mid would liko to ira lilin. Mo Willi t ill mi l almost Immediately to turned Campbell atakt-d llio Colic-rat to hat . tl.o 101 l . -allc.l I. v \ ixt-fs *'.■ itain lim Il.t iiil.t-tt w lit. ttt-rt. returned >''.'. ..M i tin 1...hi.1 (..ii hrTrohruti.l tin., .in. 0.l lio liad nothing 1.. J., u ill. U. -c returned .. i-1. . ltd l.ul merely w.<> ordoltd It. ojo. t l o It tat dt't'Ullod elect 0.l b) llio f.-tu nil £ board Camph. I. ilmu • tko l jHiiatni An.lff. n ii ho know any id' Mao*, luumber*. Vn.lertOi only kin tt J 11 Ijuinu ol \ v and Cftmphrlllid iim Qhmml , ' M. o iiuu, la o bout Cit 11. I).. I'ru li ... ! ii.ode kliowii bit buitncti VI r II It* i • udlt protected and bat bit pro loti i.t. 1.;.,! In ai>a tt or to tbo General win. a-ko.i il bo tb. uld load billl t Ut. Mr I' Ouinn appealed lo iho Speaker, wb.t • aid lltnl fort, lult.l I.t- tltoj, and ordered one of 111. aids te call a collide ol t.ddiort I an.) itii.lfi it .finii |trtii t! Mr if (duinn I *at put oulild- 11. 1 ti, b all >vt ,-d 1., i• I main ibrrr. ' Mr (I tju> :|t .jig p. nJ.le.l out*l. 11 c-'' let„ ut \ aug n 1 Kapidr- M \ .ugbn j wat rtsjuirt-d by 1..u Mo Trobt ialld in tbo j 11U,c Wat 11. Jaf. It tit d at.d bit piel -I wi.t in . rdftl. Mr .tid In Iho naiuo of my, llio people of l*otiitta>• 111 I til. baytaiiel. Wi'l* Lot it be Jim Mr \ aughti wa> ibrn put out I ait wore toiiio hiitra frotu tbrf u|>|>tr galiciiti but the SjiCakt ral olico . btail.rd t|Uiel Campbell then pointed out .Stafford and Jeffrey aof llapidct, C. C Munu ftoku I ad ds) and it. K K.- y froui \\ inn, ail ol wb. Ui entered a -... t lull 1 . .*l.*tt :tg . lh. outran'.' and wore put out. Willi In the lianio of Iho people and ir. ;h name of b- uitiana, I prolott agatcit Mr Vlgert. He ran t and ill ioi t. re Cojjnite.l by urn a Clerk of tin* lloutv In protetting, I fulfil a toleiun duly to my people, uiyteifsnJ iuy c.d'.vauge* Coming lo a Crisis. \ ijors prtH-ooded t.> road, when Speak - or VVtllr. order..! ihe Sergeai t-al-erm I. remote biui from the rland. Sergeant at arm* Kb-yd put bis band on V (art win j refuted, at.d t ailed oft Gen. M>. 1 robritn.: lo protect bim Campbell then raid lh Vigvra liiUtt be protect, d That ll" no orginiresl houto. whereupon Spcakai WilU ordered hiiii lobe rem ed lien l'< Trobriatiil then ordered two tub dicr* t- a t put \ (iti ill the Clerk • -a.d a lh# legal speaker of tl a li ue of K< presentative* of the State I I. uia)a!.n. I hate piotested against tin of our hall by the toldirrt of the United Statei vith drawn bayonets ai I loaded tnu-et We have teen our broth #r member* violently seiaod by for e of artnt and tort-, from u* in a|*itt* ot the.r tol tttlll protest. \\ a ha* a teen a f-r.:e ■! soldiers march up the ait lea of th. Ha f Representatives of Louisiana and Un protested againit this in the name of a one# free people In the name of lha once free Stale of Louisiana, in the name of tin in the name oflbe Union, be entered Ina itmn proieit The only Speaker "f the U< u*a of i* urr unded I v t til ted Slats- troop* The • til. •r- of the Home are pr.- nor* in lb ■ r band* - s - I solemnly declare that Louisiana ha recd to be a tovereign State, that it h* no lon. gor a K> pub'itMi government and 1 call oil tbe !lcprrentatite of tbe State to retire mo before this allow of arm* Tbe Perot* rati*- Representative*, head* ed by Speaker Wilt*, then mar* bed out of tbe ball and the Slate 11 uac both ofwh h wore closed. A aoon tbe ia-t Item'-erati* Repre sentative went out. they went to N - 71, St l. uit street, followed by a !argt>r. wd who cheered them <-n their nay. iSpeaker Willz Addressee the (.'r.-w-l. Sneaker Wilt* u loudiy tailed up- n. He addressed tbo crowd in .tbe following w-'rdi : Wo havo attempted and succeed ed in orgaiiizii g tbo Home of Represents* liver. 1 win elected Speaker, andrafler a permanent organization notwitbalanding tbo interference of tbe police, we have kept up tbo proceeding* until tbo Cuiled Stale* troop* forcibly expelled about eight or ten a* -ur duly toatad member* We then retired, and left and come to our pto pie to tell lb cm what ha* been done. (>em Sheridan has just ;>>ucd an order stating that bo has been instructed by the Prcaident to assume entire control of the Department of tbo Gulf. Sheridan ha* tent a telegram to the Sec retary War relating tbe circumstances a* noted above. REITBLICAN ARMIES ENDORSE THE NEW KING. Madrid, January I.—Tbe Republican armies iti Catalonia and Sarßgossa have accepted Don Alfonio a* King. I'oli -y of the New Government to Cuba. it i* reported that one of the tirst act* of tbe new ministry will be to telegraph tj the Captain General of Cuba to exercise a conciliatory spirit and to pacify bans by reestablishing a* far as possible, a, cordial understanding between the homesj and provincial governments and Creoles.. The Spanish army and navy yesterday ■ every whereaeCepted Don Alfonso as King Marshal Serrano has ipiiclly trensforred the cenitnand of tbo arThii* to (ieneral Serrano. Carlista Endorsing the New King Pari*, Januaiy I. Dbpstclie* from •Spain nay that Ocn. Dorregaray ha laiJ down hi* arms, and that other oromioent Carlist leaders are about to give in theii adhesion t Kin* Alfonso. The Spanish Ambassador at I'aris has resigned. The tlremaa of the steam heating ap pend;* at tie Central depot Detroit found a penny us ho WHS rakinr over the hot ashes in the furnace, and he took it up with the tongs and placed it on a bench outside to eool off. It had hardly commenced to cool when a heavy man named Johnson, living in .Saginaw, came along. Ho war talking business with a friend and as bo came to tiie bench be part- | i-d ins coat tails and sat down on the pen ny, remarking ; ''As 1 WHS saying, you enn have forty acres for —whoop I Thun der and blazes—ouch—dash it—gosh to whoop!" He galloped around in wild amazement, the hot penny sticking to him likxu brother, and it was two or three minutes before any one I'ouml nut whether he had dropped down on u tuck or been bitten by a dog. There was a heavy aroma of burning cloth and blistered meat, and Mr. Johnson stretched forth hi- arm and exclaimed that he should devote the re mainder of his life to hunting down tin bend who thus planned to waylay aim. UOV Kit Noll'B M KSS A(• I Kiotiiice. The brief •iMtanii'iii of ilif flimtii ■ t liro Willi (übiililted it luadr to embrace tlto tin tail* ot molt Inter**!, itutl I invite your at tention lino el.> will, a view (>• it inortt in trlliKiii u|i|in*hi nloii of llii' tIIM'IIMIHII llinl follow*; I )t'li| Ivfltrmt'il. I>urii>x lUral yen muling November ftoi ' 1H74. Six |ier cent loan Jl.'.'l'Hx'al (Hi Five par i out Ia >ii 'imiui ('hambcrtburg t i rliHi at< 'i.UOS'ft) I!' II Iw4#ft , i in 1.1..iii."- i'trtil*ifi 194?| I'ofal I tld lhi', 57 I it I I ll>(*. IKHIHK Im *1 >FITI i II.IIIIK Ni.v.iiittri ft), 1*74 : lialaio c in i n atui t Not .XI, I*7B fl 1.1 vi Htfi|ii ... o,K I 'M.-> V7 i'oui ... i n tl I llxljUliifllltuU. lining lliral year eliding November HO, i ST 4 Onl. ixj i ii.t * >.l,'i4 •, I .Ii ii"„' I. 'kiti ratioviut tl I,V ft', liftj '*• I 111. I ! "II L .ITIIT 1 4W,'>7l ;S| 1 i. i.4'.'.1ii.7 N. | Hitlunrp 111 I'ra*'v Nov St), i fliM.m *•. I'uiiiif i it-iii Six|nrfi |.i in, ji'i :tj| .vuufti (•ITP|..-ril l.iki.t 4 >i:,Ho4 01 41 |if ri i lonto HT.lftft)mi .'i :7i)vtiti I nfuuilt-i! I if lii It. li l lull. 11l I ilill! *ll. .ft 'H,,|loll till t cititb'ati-i tniltlk tt ... 1-1,4)4.) Itt llii l.rlllt. tlrt tlltf ikililttt! ) 147 linn < ledum* ti'illt. nlc '£> 4D i'l.oiiit..r>llit■ x ".-il* "iii k '.j 7< 'i tl lit- Ikitnp I "J)il 4> $1n.,76l .56 I' .! U .I*l.l N. t U>, |n74 .. Mt ' Iti.iiilh in I timl II l ..! I'l a It It 4\i 7 . >llllll 111 II i .l. I A If t tn lt vltlt i 'nitmitti 'I (I*ll**l ttl li ning the fit.*) year ending Novriti bof.'til, l.tTi. 11,, re. , t|,ia „f ibe Ireaiury amounted 1.. s.',4i.ii 7'.'! ll will bo oil • t ft) thai 1)1 llie |ift*t iter tlie riui.un , likte tlilllinUliCil, and the re fci|il tt. rc only J*i.) , '"l "7 Tbl Jim of f I,'Ji) T.'.l 'it it kt oc ii .i ■ I by lb* ri |fkl, ill IST."., of ibe taxri of gron fi*. of Mtilrok.l., in t earning* of in- Ju'rial kit.l oilier ct.r|i..rlioii*, anil (be lax II cattle ami fanning DIIJ •Ul*til> ll i wmtby ol rem ark Ibal lh rciiet afforded i/V llie l*|.r tl of Ulo in luitiiiiy iiilbrn.t. i.n of|t .ration* cui|loying I ibr frmiteii number of working \\ ilh thi* r. Jo. *it ui "! tin frirtiur, aiiJ J kltlikli ificrcaiej rl'ivl.dilute of |.eba|i> J if ii u.atie fir. . i.jiv by tb. new con •tilUti ll ill Ibe a J Jill olikt outlay for MIIIMIO, Irgulalur* BUJ judiciary, it it iiui.ifrii ibkl ibe leveret! economy mut be .i! in all tl.e il. |.>rtn.i :.l • of |t.r govt-rriuiftil, kit.) ilia a|i|iro|iriatiitii roti • iJerate y and wUely luaJe, ..r tbf atai* will be unable I- nir [ i! illigalit.i u>i- Je r till' ex ial. < 111 law. Hi ibe i i-ntUl utiilt lb* pr.oet*la of llie • klr of |.ablic moral, atij by art of Ikil .. tft.niu, ajifirovrJ May D, 1 ST4 the lax . . 1- ibe ra|illal ilin k of all forpora!i"lil xrir o aiiifiird to in* link. ITI X funj. wlmli ran J • lily ta a|if>ll*.l lo llie (ikynietil of loan' it ti-J. t tin J and intereil on the |iubllt JrbL ii The re- cijiii from iher • jr. i- 4>riotiii r ll.r ifer.ftal tt ir i. fu'xJ and ait l tbr clpCl.dilUl v* *f '(vt U. lilr irr 1' \ * bl* therefrom, it w.ll be clearly the dot) oftkr Irgitltturv 11 hunt tin- ?j>j.r j It it t i the annuii.t of this fumj Th- balance ot the tu* i| in luUutuT it about at fii'hai lite establishment at! 1 assielati* c ir, luttria! n n-,-. union, led t ,;! . er villi a system "ft ->J fr soldiers orphan* after their di-charge from the :*;* n..:,. A trior,- stringent ititurtlKi lsw 1# sug- KU 1 f ' lUr protection ou> puMii again gt imposture The governor gives in * lata but gra- - ful adhcsi.i. to the iiw constitution. II<• inrilw t|>Ki>i lUrhliiin the legislation made necessary bv the new constitution 1,. r.g.vrd 1 - banks. lu'. l uiid trust i.uiipanle), an I rmmtm nds a mre dell n te limitation of their pcwer* f..r th, curdy of person* doing business with them. and also that bank* of discount should be prohibited from pa\ i'-g 1 interest on deposit- The r>ro|Mtitiim< to add to the security the banking *y tctn by pa I up capital slock, personal liability, and frequent and rigid < laminations, are worthy the early attention of the legisla ture The attempt l. influence the pr>. e of money or to pr> v< nt >ta aggregation at una plat.!* or another by statutory inter ferine it a> fold a i the attempt would bo to regulate the pi h u of wheal or pctrolo uni. These are matter* beyond the control of statute*, and that the executive should advi* such legislation shows that hit dis pirits nt reriii dy the evilt attending a business depression is far in niiranrs of hi ability te con prchenJ thrir causes. A suggestion |t made that the bord of pardon* might properly be enlightened by the opinion of the judge and distlict attorney In case# l ining before that body for consideration. Tbe repeal of the tax upon trades, pati-m* and professions i< reconiniendi-d. and the substitution of a general poll-tax, in order to make a uniform •qualification lor the right of suffrage. Tbe propriety of assessing upon the counties, where out break* occur requiring military suppre*- - *ion, the expenses incident thereto, i- sug gested. Another state hospital for the ) insane is needed as soon a* the financial ■ condition ot tbe treasury will permit an appropriation. There are several mil,or recommenda tion* of inferior conse<|ueiica, but with the! [ cxceptio.i ot tin- compulsory education' scheme nothing noteworthy. Tbo affairs ->f the fedora) government arc not alluded (to. f RAILROAD SHOPS TO HE CLOSED I Reading. January 4—The following will appear in the Times arid Dispatch to-! j morrow morning . All shops of the Phila delphia and Rending railroad company in ; this city, and along the entire line ot the! | road, will suspend operations to-day, ow-; ing to tbo difficulties in tbe .Schuylkill! ji oal region. This includes tbo car shops, | rolling mill, machine shops, foundries, etc. A railroad war i- threatened between the | Wilmington and Reading and Reading ami Lehigh railroad companies, the form 'i jer having served a notice upon the latter | of their intention, as soon us possible, toil I lake p,>*se*sion of the ltiadingund Lehigh • I road, in turn the officer* of the Reading and Lehigh have notified the Wilmington! jand Heading that their engines and cur. j will not 1M permitted to run farther on thej| Heading H1., 1 {.'-high road than Court street in the city, 't'liu engines and carsi of the Wilmington and Heading were tn-i ken out of tbe engine bouse of the Read * ing slid Lehigh ami run below Refill .-(reef j > litis evening. Further deve! ipnient* arejl l peeted to-morrow. J f HANtiKD TO A TLLLJIU I I'll POLK. St. Louis, January 7. Joseph 11. North, alia* lluM'alo Joe. who murdered lieorge Jones on Christinas evening a year ago, was hanged to a lulugrupli pole by a mob on thaniglil of the Jiltli till, at Wallace. Kansas. The knot ol the rope with which j he was hanged caught under hi* chili ami did not choke him. IL* hung tiii* way f. r a long time talking to the mob, imploring them to ivlvasu him, but he receivi <1 unit jeers in return. He did not die lor over two hours and bnully froze to death. Sill 1: 11A N S I.IKS DKNOI'NC- I I) IIY NK \V OItI .K A MS ('I.KK <>vM i:N OK AI.I. ( IM;I:DS Nttt < >i lu m-, January (.—-The fol lowing address, signed by t)i- reptt-seu miiv.l. of IIM< <'AT hoi to, Protestant, Jewish, and Methodist churches wait published (o tin y ; I'o tin- Amrricati People: II hernts, (ii-ueral Sheridan, how in 'command of the I>iviaiotl of the Mis sion, under date o| tin* lib instant,' lias inlilri'Mi il u communication to W.i \\ Iblknap, Secretary of War, in which lie rcju. kcnu the people of |,ou' i-inna al large as breathing vengence io all last ml authority no.I approving of iiitlrili-ra .mil ( iiiik m ; ami. II /ititm, Hi- juts given tu that coiu luuiiic.tiioii lull publicity, \V c, i lie uiulci signed, believe il our duly o I'lochti ii to the ttholii Ameri can pi • thai tli hechaiges uio uti tin i tiii, unf IUIIIIIMI, and erroneous, and can have uu other effect thau that •I si ivinjj tin inter*st* of corrupt po liticians, who are at this inoment mak ing in -t <*i renin i (foils to per|wlu tie . their jioisll ,| r the State of Ixruisia ti a Signed) .S. J. I'erc-lis, Archbieh •p. New Or leans OI.. .I ,| I' H. WiJmt'i, Hia'lop of Louisiana. "Mjjiit.l .1 ( K (iUtheim, Miuis t-r, Temple of Sinai. f! , 'C b >1 < Keener, liishup M. * I. <' , South. "ighed t' Doll. Hector S:. Jo seph's ('hitreh, . and in tot others. 1 Ni st Orleans, January 5. No ini|uiit ,i| person doubts that the ard began doc i tiring tlie returns aud paving the' stay f i tbi- stup iij.iu* fraud upon! il lo tst lliuisy prvlexU indet d al most without e-vrii a pretest this K- j turning ii.>ard threw out the returns from a suflicient number oftVuiserva live precincts to leave the completion | Republican*, instead •eo|ile, ami fiitke the Republican. I- >1 ISIANA IN Ct>NGlil->S. I lie I. oisiana outrage vat diacuea *•' .1 -!n it tune iu the House on sth. Mi I' '* got tin flivir,atn) ma ieotie >'■ i.i- emu at Uric-minute riuevhea * hieh ruUMtl tie w h do I loose He tuid that if tiie otiier aide war no auxi >ut tor ItUMUfaa, let liiem take up the IcMiitiana iiu. slion. The latest new* fiont Ncw-Orlran* told of a sovereign *"tate trampled under foot bv Federal lidiei .-. "I'all off your havoneU from ie iiii-.atia," exclaimed Mr. Cox., while the rxciiniienl in the House increased and half the member* were on their feel and crowded together in front of tl. ■ Sjv-aker'a table. '• | am as mix* ii.u lo get at L uisiatia a* any man," est ! aimed (cn, liutler. ami the an ii unci incut was received with laugh t> r ami clapping of hand*, lie then added that the House had Sent a com* mil tee to !nuiiatia, and he pr.>p>el f.i Wait f"i it* repoit before lie auy mi lion u -1 nil atlsiir he would postpone action The ll 'titc bail taken liiin at bis woid. , Mail tbe I'ri Milciit kept hie off? 1 At this point a member nbjecteil to any further debate as being out of or* , tier, and tie 11 Holler, remarking thai I if there ia, to be ftlibuslering there i was no use id keepiug unseasonable > hour*, a* it might lie renewed to-mor row, moved that the House adjourn. Till* wu* rcciivel by the democrat* with applause, and they went Hmne fct ing Iha I they had won quite a vie ' lory. In the Ss-uate there was nleo a warm debate on the Louisiana tvraiiv. The Williamsporl Gaz -ttc, in a re view of the lumber Ira lo of the Wust liranrh region, aays : "Williarosport ' matiulacturer* have *ent to market 2oH.HOC.2Bt> feet, n deerea*e of only 0,- 656,200 feet a. compared with the . liusiners of 1873, How much of this lumber remain" on hand unsold in the • market# below, we have no mentis o| knowing—we uiily Know how much has been !*liip|4L Manufacturer! ' commence the business of 1875 with ' nearly sixty six am! halt millions leer stock oil hanil than they did in 1874. ' The total slock on httud now is only ' 160.516,569 feet, with no logs in the boom ami comparatively ttono in the mil! pools. Of the amount forward ed during the year the Catawis*a rail roa 1 carried 92,7100,3-18 feet, requir ing the service of 9,797 ears ; tha Phil adelphia and Erie railroad 71,424,984 i feet, requiring 7,409 cars, and the ca tual 72,670,057 feet, requiring 813 rafls. The amount sent to market hootn Wiliiatnsporl, Lock Haven, Ue% Irovo, Pine (."reck, Jersey Shore, Lar iiy'a Creek and the Lycoming Creek region foots up the handsome total oil 1 298,322,984 feet: It is safe to a-o-utue/ therefore, that the entire amount of number of all descriptions passing out lof the West Hrunch valley during the year just closed, will fall but little, if any, below four huudred millions, which is nearly one half the tratlie ot Chicago, backed by the immense lum ber districts of Michigan and Wiscon -1 sin. The season, of course, lias been a haul one for the manufacturers, ow-j nig to the financial crisis and conse quent depression of every branch ot business, hut if they can successfully weather the storm a little longer there is evidently a bright future before them." .Judge .John l'nrrci. of Washington county, urn] Republican Assembly* moil elect, died of typhoid fever on Gtli. Ill* makes the fourth deuth J among the member* of the present, viz: Dr. Hunter of Arm* j strong and Knrres of Washington, He* 'publicans : and liatdorfof Berks itndl Wol fit of Centre, Democrats. The Philadelphia Evening Rnlle tin says, that nt the lute exibitioii of th Franklin institute, there were weighed lf),Jj4o men, aggregating 2,1! 14,'200 pounds ; 17,427 women, ag gregating' 2,247, 370 pounds, making the average weight of each man 148f pounds, and of each Woman 129 pOUU da. Ho! for Sussmans!! .1 mi u|'iii'ij in bi* new quarter* ioi'* Arcade. A LAKOK BTOCIK OK Trunks, Valices, All kinds of &3)ofc FJTJVJJ/J4s* SlmrinuLcri call ■r<-. I'lcfriiitionii carefully t '>tiijiouul#d. ; u MILLKIt A SON. CKN I Ml 11 \LL FOUNDRY & MACHINE SHOPS I'tie undersigned bst iug taken posn .ion ol lh *bow reaped* i .fully illf 'Ho the pilbln that the *alle will 1 he carried on by tlir.u in all iu brant he* i as heretofore, i Their manufacture tiie ( KLKBRA 1 Kl) , TJU ft liL I K CO MS FLASTKB, the | best lloW Inajr HHAKKItS. FLOWS, nTOVKS nVKS HOOKS, KKTTLK FLATKt- I KLL A BORATES. FLOW I i Nit KAK> & MILLGKABINu of eve ry description, iu short their Foundry it '(complete n every particular. We Would call particular all.hlioti to our KXCKLSIOB FLOW, acknowl edged!, be tae best Flow note In ue. shifting in the beam fof two or three hor- Ml*. , , Weals ii.situfat-tur. a new aiiJ nuproV .-d TKIFI.K GK AKED HORSE FOW RR, which ha> been use ♦ _1; U ferdrr, en.l warranted to le mnJs tn BKost <-e* ned materiel, end 1> tbc >oal skilled-and iiiii trnt workmen. 1 . roni wanting anything in hi*ai re.jurstec . i.. .-all and examine 1 ll " > *" ♦ finrt it n.t L !• excelled Lr durability lM • %mt may Mi. I _ 1.1. VI JII'HRAV. ■ NoTAlt\ PC nLIC SCHIHNKH AS 1 OONVKYANOKK. C K N T 11 K H A L L. P A. \v;n attend t ■ administering Onthi, Ac ki ui- Igement of lWdseA.. v. riling Ar mayl i J r. a. ttT,s..s. T. A. MEAN WISON & HICKS. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL llunlwan 1 ami Mow 1 Dchlci* Builders Hardware (ARB IAO E MAKERS GOODS, SADDLERS TRIMMINGS, \I.L KINDS OF H AKPWAKK ANI! HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS. STOVES* SPEAR'S A NTI-Cl.l N KKK STOVES & DOUBLE IIKATKRS |whl?h will heat n or two rooms down {stairs, and tame number above. Coal very little more than single stove*. Tbe*< j are the best parlor stores made. SUSQUEHANNA COOK STOVE. ThU stove lias largo ovens, will burn hard or soft coal and wood. Every >nr warranted to give perfect satisfaction. WILSON A HICKS, mar 15 It llollcfonle. Pa L. K. ETTINGER. Aaronaburg Centre Co., I'M, I>olrr in I'IANOS, and Musical Merchandise of every description. Sheet Miwic, Music Books, A. Al >D.> ANP NL W PRICKS ! u , ' nuni HATKS nuhiiKU OUT. K * Good* at Old Fashioned Price*. At the Old hund of VN, WOLF. Would retpertftilly infirm the World and the reel of mankind, that he bat jut; opened out and i* eon* tartly receiving a large ttock of GOODS OF ALL KINDS which he i* offering at the very loved' market price. DRY GOODS and Prim*., Opera Canton*. and Well Flannel*. Ladie* hfeu (iitodi, >licit at Detain., Alpaca*, Poplin*. Kinpre.f Cloth. Sateen*. Taiueue, together with a full ►lock of u vary thing u-ualiy kept in the Day Good. line. which he hat determined to tell veiy cheap, eiri.itiiig of * NOTIONS : A full stuck. mroUting jart of Ladies and Children'* Merino flone, Collar., Kid glove*, be.t quality .ilk and I.itle thread (iIoTC, Hood., Nuliiji, Itreakfast ahawlt, HATS & CAPS, A full assortment i Men's Hoy'* and Children'* id the latest ttyle and beat. CLOTHING, Ready made, a rhcieo .election of Man't and Boy *id ilie in-west tvlea and niot tcrvlcealde material*. ROOTS & SHOES, WM. WOLF. CENTRE. HALL Hardware Store. .1 o. DEININGKIf A new. O'UiipU Ir Hardware Store bu lict.ll by Ibe iinilcrign<>u*e VurnoUifig Hardware, Nail*. V< Circular and Hand Saw*, Tenuou Saw*, Webb Saw*, Clothe* Hark*. a full ateort rnent of , OH*, Tea Bella, Carpenter Tool*, Faint, Varn ifhe*. Picture* (Vatuoa in the fmett tyl. Anything not on hand, ordered upon *hcrte*t notice all t-oda offered tko*|e er than eUewhcte aug 25' 73-tf The Granger Store! Something New! CASH AM) PKODt'CK IX)R CHEAP GOODS. SHORT CREDIT Je SHORT PROFITS. IMREALURENOBLE, Spring Mill* ha* established a store to suit the lime*, and haa a complete stock of DRY GOODS. NOTIONS. GROCERIES. HARDWARE. QUEKNSWARR IIATS, CAPS, ROOTS A SHOES, FISH, SALT, CIGARS, TOBACCO, DRUGS, SPICES, OILS, In short a lull line of' EVERYTHING FOR LESS PRICKS THAN ELSEWHERE COME AND JUDGE FOR YOUR SELVES. Sfeb. y. HARDWARE STORK. J. & J. HARRIS. No. ft, BROCKERHOFF ROW. A new and .complete Hardware Store has been imencd ly the undersigned in Brockerhotls now building— where they are prepared to sell all Kinds f Building anil House Furnishing Hardwuro, Iron, Steel, Nails. Buggy >l|epl in sotu, Chainpjon Clothes Wringer, Mill Saws, Circular and , Hand Sawt. Tennon Snw, Webb Saws, Ice Cream Freetera, Bath Tuba, Clothes Racks, a full assortment of Glass and Mirror Plate ol all, Picture Frames, Wheelbarrows, Lumps. Coal Oil Lamps, Belting, Spokes, helloes, and Hubs, Plows, Cultivators, Corn Plows, Plow Points. Shear Mold Boards and Cultiva tor Teeth, table Cutlery, Shovels, Spades and Forks .Lock*. Hipge*. Screws. Sasb Springs, Horse-Shops Nails, Norway Rods, Oils, Lurd, Lubricating Coal Linseed, Tanners, Anvils, Vices, Bellows. Screw Plates, Blacksmiths Tool*, Factory Bells, Tea Bells, Grindstones. Carpenter [Tools, Fiuii Jais uud Cans, Paint, Oils, iVamisbe* received and for sale at 'juneS W-tf. J. & J. HARRIS. IOH FARMERS ASP ALL OTHERS Go to I. Guggenhcimcr. FOR FOREIGN a DOMESTIC DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, HEADY MADE CLOTHING, DKFMHtIOOHa, OSOOBKtn, I'ROVfHfONH, BOOTH A aiiom, HA IS, CAPS, HoOiftA SHOES TTOTLLINO, OH. II.AIIIS, ASH FANCY AItTICI.I I (ft.-KENS WARE, GROCERIES. PLIU VISIONS, YIAiV K, AE ami LA now prepared to arcomotiaD . I Inn old customers, Hud to welcome mi uew ones who may favor him with tlieii patronage. lie- feel* i(fr in any • iugtbat he ran pletuc the most fatm.- OUR Call aud aee. ISAAC GUGGENHEIM KR. 1 . H.—Mr. Kusfttuati tili teiititiiio to deal in LK ATI! hit AND -SJIOK-FJ NDJNGN. CLOY KB and TIMOTHY SKLLH. ID THE old room, where he may alwa\ t* found. , 'IHIK understgr ED d> termitoed to nwt A the popular demand for leowet I Prin-A, respectfully tall* the attention of lb* public Ui b i* itock of SADDLERY, now offered' at the old ilanik Designed especially for the people and the timer, the largest and most A TIED and COMPLETE as •uruaml of Saddles. Harms., Collar*, Broths, of every de*cri|ion and quality ; Whip*, and in 'ART everything to complete a £rt class TuLli*hm< nt, be now offer* at price* which will suit tnc time* JACOB DING KF. Centre Rail Stoves! Fire! Stov'si At Andy Reeiroau's, CYntre Hail, at latest and best stoves out, lie be. lU.t , received a large lot ~f Cook Stoves, the Pioneer Cook, the Eclipse Cook, the Reliance (look, PABLOKH The Radiant Light, self- fee - der. Gat Burner. National EGG. Jcwcii. A< . AG.LIMRLL.IU.VMOUIW a* any WHEN LA Mifflin or Cecir- co. TIN AND SHEETIRON WARF OOVE PIPE 4 kPOITI.VO j All kinds of repairing done. He ha jalwayson Land Fruit Cane, of all Sises. BUCKETS. CUPS, DIPPERS. 1 DISHES. AC. ALL work warranted and charges reason able. A share of-he public patronage liciud AND REESMAN. 2sep?oß Centre Hall FURNITURE. JOHN KREIUHILL in hi elegant New Kooiut, Spring .treat, Bi llefonte. Ha* on hand a splendid asaorttnent ot Hol'SK HI RXITI UK from the com. nione.l {u the uirwt elegant. CHA If BKU SETS, PARUItt SETS. SOFAS. CHAIRS. BEDSTEADS. Wool. MATTRESSES HAIR MAT- * TRESSES, ( and anything wanted in the line of hit J butine*.— houiemade and city work. Al -1 co, htf made a tpeeiaiity and keef* on hand, the large-t and £ne>t *i tho citizens of Centrs county, that ho hat bough I out the old stand of J. O. Deihinger, Mild lias reduced lb* prices. They have constantly on hand, aud make to order BEDSTEADS, BV RE A US, SINKS. \\ ASHSTANDA CORNER VV PBOA HIS TABLES. Jtc., dec. HOME MADE CttAtas AI.W AY* ON HAND., Thoir stock of ready-made Furniture is '*rro and warranted of good workman-hip and is all mad* under their own immedi ate supervision, and is offered at rntes * cheaper tlian elsewhere. Call and see our stock before purchasing elsewhere. fob. ly. Gift & Flory's New Shoe Store ! AT CENTRE HALL. They have now opened, and w ill constant ly keep on hand, a splendid stock of new SHOES, OA ITERS. Jc SLIPPERS, for men, women and children, from tho best manufactories in the country, and now of fered at the Lowest Prices. BOUTS and SHOES made to order, upon short notice They invite the people ... • this vicinity to give them a call, a-th.-v will strive to inorit a share of their pat mylOtf D. M. RITTKNHOVSE, WITH KOOXS, NCIIB AKZ A < o. WHOLESALE DEALERS IX * Fish, Cheese and Provisions, 144 North Delaware Avenue, 137 North Water Street, „ . „ „ PHILADELPHIA. I A.Hooxs. It S, ■*.• .l.ScnwAa iMi.if. | y THE GREAT CAUSE II U XI A N °M ISKRY . Ju*t , Published, in a Seulril Envelope Price aix cents. A lerturd on lh nituro. Trust maul. in.l KaJlcil i gSviKinliun, laduu W M.1., utn..r of ihu "(jtsrn Hook." Ac Ttis rW rcuoißSd luthur, la Ihii s*nirbl La tare, clearly pruvsa ftt.m hi. own axpartonck Hint tho C4ouwuuoa. es of bell Abu*a rniy t, .jKiif,* issri ' stsnsstasiEr' lis This Lecture Ui pros* a bcoa u. thoaucdl od tbouuuiia. Sent under seel in plain urn elope. to sr., p " ui • i - >■ " CHAS J. 0. KLINE Jt CO is July" Bl0, " J " ,T • Ne " ? ork I Post Dffco l'i i. Sisi. BUTTS HOUSE BZTLRFPKTE. IV ' J 11. BUTTS, Pro|,' Has first class arinmniodatii.u ;, haip es rcaaoi.a A IDLES*HOTEL Woodwiri P * Stage* arriT# and depart daily