WARDEN AM) HOUSEHOLD. l.lshi nnil llrnv> Sells. A paper mm ren.l before the AmMimn Farmers' Club as follow*: A fair crojv of excellent wheat m*T I*> pnxlnce.l on a light, sandy soil; but much kuid will not furnish a e more sati* factory in every reaivot to ch.xoo the heavy land, as anch ground will be found more congenial to a larger numlvcr of Ssop plant* than the light soil. Resides lis, the heavy soil is susceptible of U> ing brongfat to a higher stake of fertility han the wry light land, and the fertility can be maintained from year to y<>ar with less laltor and fertilising material than where the soil is so light and parens that tli" elements of fertility are not re tniued for the roc of growing plant*. When a supply of j.hosj.hatic, nitixv genfitiA, or other fertiluung matier is in rogm*uvo agriculture, chooses i. judicious rotation of mm Here, also, tlie important principle of adaptation must l>e strictly observed. t>n the heavier kinds of lands the billowing rotation system will be fonud quite satisfactory in nearly every rrsjvvt, uauielv: lmlian *rn. Ixtrley, - oat.*. w heat, and red clover. Th* crop of red clover should be plow-,si under tlit' next year after seeding. On some grain farms the svsteu; of rotation is varied from the foregoing, tint*: Indian corn, ,vit*. rye. and ril clover. In some locations rye straw is so valuable at mar kets in certain cities, that certain farmer* prefer to raise rye instead of wheat, a* th .remunerative price rixvived for the atmw, together with the returns for the grain, w ill grvwtly preponderate over the pre fit* tvf a crop of wh.xit on the same ground, Bcm.!"* this, then- is no other crop among the cereals with wiucli the fsssl of ml clover can be sown with tlie same assurance tliat there will be " a gwal -catch" as with rye. A crop of clover in a judicious rotation is more valuable and more important than a crop of rye or wheat, lb si itit will " catch " satisfactorily in some instances with wheat, oats, or liarley. But as oat* and barley art *o liable to viehl such a heavy and dense burden of leaves near the ground, the young clover is often in danger of being smothered to a ruinous extent. \t%trr l Farmer*. 1. Take good palmers and read theiu. 2. Keep an account of fanniug opera tion*. 5. Po not leave implements scattered over the farm, exposed to snow, rain ami heat. 4. Bepair tools ami buildings at a proper time, ami do not suffer stiboe queut threefold -xjvnditure of time and money. ,">. l'-e money judiciously, ami do not attend auction wiles ami purchase all kind of trumpery because it is cheap. 6. S-v tliat fooen are well repaired, and cattle Ret grazing in the meadows, or grain fields or orchar.is. 7. l>o not refuse to make correct ex periment* in a small way, of many new things. 8. Plant fruit trees well, care for them, and get good cropa. 9. Practice economy by giving st the *•.! in bettor ami cheaper tluui broadcasting. From the midille of September to the la*t of October is the beat time for sow ing. If drilled, one bushel of seed per acre ; if broadcast, twa bushels. One heavy rolling aft* r sowing does much good. For flour, cut when the grain lvegins to harden ; for seeds, not nntil it has harden* *l. C allina nn.l -iorlri* (Iran.. There i u<> better time to cnt graft* than at the commencement of winter. If these bunches or bundle* are now placed on end in a IkTx. with plenty of •lamp nioas 1* tween them and over the top. they will keep in a cellar in good condition, and. any sort may lie selected and withilraw-n without disturbing tlie r-*t by reeling th* projecting laliel. We liavo never bum 1 sand, earth, sawdust, or any other parking snltnnce so con venient, el-nn and easily removed as moss, for protecting graft*.. It is need fnl. li'iwever, to keep an occaaional eje to tliem, to see that the proper degiw of moistnre is maintained—which should lie just enough to keep them from shriv eling, and no more. I Mexican Cannibal*. The Alcalde of n small village in Chi huahua, a mount anions region of Mexico, hail l*-en for at>ine montlis observe! to meet his friemLi late at night at n house in the outskirts of the town, for supper and a genial outpouring of wit. The principal tlisli at these gatherings was usually compounded of the savory flesli of swine or kids. To tliis there could be no possible objection ; and the Alcalde, Iwing the principal authority of the place, wan naturally free from any queotiona concerning the late hotira and strange orgies which he and hiseronies were said to indulge in. lint one day a neighbor, an Indian woman, missed her little three year-old child, and at once, in Mexican- Indian fashion, began to accuse everv one in the vicinity of sorcery. She hall already selected several unfortunates as agents in her child's sudden disappear ance, and one or more of them would doubtless liavo been burned alive lnnl not another, and still another, and yet another neighbor, on succeeding days, reported the losses of their tender "in fants. Groat excitement ensued ; and at last suspicion fell upon the midnight sappers of tlie Alcalde and liis compan ions. The " political cliief" of the sec tion was snmrnoned. Armed with his superior anthority, he penetrated the secrecy of tlie Alcalde's mystic rendez vous, and there discovered the heads and bones of thirteen children. The Alcalde confessed tliat the missing in fants hail been barbecued, or roasted whole, and tlie cannibals, ere they were hanged—speedy vengeance was their portion—told the political chief, with fiendish joy, that " had he ever tasted the raast he would liave joined the infer nal association." This story all the re spectable papers of the City of Mexico vouch for, and the children in Chihuahua are not allowed to leave their parents' houses even to play about the doors. A GRAND THIXO.—A scheme has been set on foot with the view of encouraging in the public schools of Shetland the in dustrial and domestic training of girls, especially in the necessary branches of plain sewing, mending, darning, and other useful household arts. It is ex pected tliat there will shortly be fifty schools in existence in the islands. According to official statistics just pub lished, there were 5,275 suicides in Franoe in 1872. A HIM/11.1 IN ROMANCE. Vlnrrlnjo- nl ihr Unnahler nf n Mln.no. Ktna rsirsor.llnnr. nn.l InihnsU". iccANNI of MN ValMltUhlnn IMeplfi) Ii •• llir Intlißflona >\ mt lml, ttittl ll llonac Mccoi nlttl, Th" hour i* midnight, anv* a Hnunlis comvqxm.leut, and I luive jimt mme in trifle jad.vl, but before ret iring 1 prop, while yet the fact* arc vivid in my mm. to give you aim.' account of a wedding tin* evening. It wn* a we, ding, 1 make Ivold to any, the like . which vvus never celebrat.il oil eith. continent. The high .imtnu'tiug parti, to the marriage were Malta, only dang) t.r of De Solum t'abral, the grv* diamond king of S.>uth America, an tbi.rge Vrthur TliMvcknuvrton, a nativ of Kentucky, United State* of \mene. who, for the past tiv.' year*, ha* I** sinxivs-iflllly engaged m railroading i this country, vvitb h.xi.lquarter* at Hi Janeiro. 1 .• S.ura t'abral is principi owner of nine of the richest diain.iti mines in South America, ami from then in the nggrv>nOc, he derive* an anum iiitiim.' of not l.\s* than fi2ik.HVl,(itl|i 11 iiitervxit* in gold iinn.x. luvvlvably amoiini to aa much more, and 1 iuu cognizant. the fact tliat last August he sold a otu tenth interest in the ,vlcbrnt. l Haluamiti —f which, until then, he had Ixx-li sol proprietor, for sd,mxt,t*t' lie ha*, hauiiat, a grvxit •><•/> n for rvxil estate, and I was but ti ,xr fellow whom he found starving m a garret at M.vraii luun, for such a Isigatell" as 81*-- !• .lay the machine i* cxU nsively u*il all over the wrorl.l, and t'abral draw* a day from this source alone. And then there an hi*ix'wing machiue roy all tics tliat yield him fio.tMi a .lay. I lie .unrect ncsa of tin* last it.'iu i* voiieh.il for by a friend of untie, who i* tkc manager of tlie leading sewing in.ah me colli t-any m Hraz.il. J lud.xil, it u* < ay t > nil wlut he is uitenxrf.il in, but tiord to think of something, that t* anything, m wliich he ia not. It would L- a puzzle to name z 1. admg railroad in S uth America or Fnglaml in which l e luv* not a stake. He take* in aoiu.rfliingov m other source*. A cxwd, clear h< al. .1 man of sixty, mv ftx*t lngh, straight a* an ar nw, with an eye like an eagle, a judgment aa unemng a* fat,- and a decision :u. quick a* tlie lightinng. witlisujxvrl. nerve, unconquerable lxd.lua, and an apjvan-nt inea|>acity for bhimlermg, 1V Snixa t'abral -tatid* t ' .lay the wealthi.it man .vn 'th-> "gloU-. He wa* lately aske.l by au*ititiuute friend, iu my presence, if ht lva.l any .xnuvptiou of the sum t.tal of his*i>< ►**< **i,vtis. Hfdh.>nght for a moment and then quietly rcplie.l: " I could not sw.xvr that I was n.t wortli pn-suniiug tliat 1 could niihze on all mv prop rtv fi7sktktit,tkkt,Utt>." H. made tlii* a*totui.l illg exhibit with i*'if.x-t KUHj Anml, but I nni*t confess that as he sj>ke I felt some thing very like pity for him. 1 could not but tnink how sjw.-jdlr .liflicult it might be for him to satisfactorily solve tlie problem of the .vuu.-l and the needle'a eye. I would not have .levotrxl so much space t. the father .>f tlie bride of this evening were it not for tin' f.wt that oth-rwi.se til" aixxnint that follows of the wedding might lx> reeeive.l with in cmlulitv. The bridegrooni, young Throckmorton, is .1- aocn.led from otic of the oldest famili.-s of the "bine grass country," as he loves to call it. He came to Hrazil with a matter of half a million in hi* own right, an.l since luv* jvrosjver.il famously, so that bwlay he eami -t U worth leas than But a jua.r pittanc" in comnariaivu with lit* father ui-law's overwhelmingly gigantic for tune, but still quite aufßcieitt to relieve him from the imputation of marrying tit- fair Malta Catvral for money. He met her first a year ago at a Kill at IVr nambuco, and the result wnvs ii en.*.' of love at first sight on Ix-th tin ir jurt* (at hast, ao " they say"). They make an exceedingly j>r*j s*.-.s*nig <1 uj>le* h tall, broad should' ml, yellow of liatr and mustache, and she a tiny, graceful, lovelv-fa.nl brnnett.'. An.l now if I had but th.* jhui of a ready writer t-i doacribc t-> vuu in fitting term* th unqualified and limn-asnrnhle jNimp and rircumatanoe of their w.sl diug. Hut, tiLis, I cannot, and its I cast about for a beginning of mv narrative, 1 am much 'embarrassed with the sichca tliat wrait* t. )*' treated of. Tlien* vr.-n' the invitation*, for instance, lliev w.-re written on parchment by artistic hand*, in quaint t-xt, exquisitely illuminat.il. Instead of being inclomxl fjKiper <>n velojves they wen* sent to their favored recipients each iu it* .lainty U>x of sandal-wood. These Ivoies, 1,000 in number, were imumfaetuml to order ex preaaly for this wedding at Canton. Kadi one of them was fnnnshe.l with a l.vok and key of solid gold, wa* ex quisitcly carv.il with Oopiils an.l hearts and other designs apprupriab* to the oc casion, and crvst 81.'si. >fy own in vita tion li.-* liexidc me a* I write, and I catch the delicate scent of the sandal. The residence of th- grxit J>Lirnoud King, at which the wedding U*ik pla.*-, is situated a little over half u mile from IHamenttna, which is, you know, the chief town of the diamond district. I may alO-mjit t< d.es-rils' its maguificemx in another letter ; let it suffice to say now that the lion*.' is the complete reaiiza tion ..f the ideal cnatl-a of the regulation Kuglish novels, and tluvt the ground* oonnrctrxi with it are th" livst expression of liatnn' at lut loveliest reiliforc-sl by art at its newt coiummmate. This even ing the plmx- M-cined a j.aradi*". Wax candles Ivy the thousand*, each caught and held in it* jilmx' by a bronze figun-, fl.ssl.il tin- nsitn* within and the miles of grounds without, with n soft yet bril liant light. Here nnd tlie re, on the gre-n slopes, or in tlie rustic bowers, or at the edge of some romantic ravine, large mtwic-boxea, imU'.ld.il atnl eom jiletely hidden from view in moos, jilay.il a soft and ilreauiy nccornjninM-ut t* > the voice of tlia fountains. One hundred mtwic-lioxe* were empl.iy.xi in this ser vice, and the tunes that were jiricked on their cylinders were comivose.l .-ajw ciailv for the nnjitial night by no less celefinit-.l a musician than Liazt. He received a draft of fi20,000 for his witch ing work, and who shall say that lie did not earn itCertainly no one tliat list ened to the music, which was little Kliort of heavenly. The mnsic-bnxes will l>e 1 it ril lll t< -< 1 on the morrow among the bridesmaids and other guests of the crcoinK, n/< mii que remembrances of the wedling. Each one of them was im|Ntrt*sl from l'aris, is ill rnowil*, and eUlstrutcly finished in gold, silver, and a variety of precious atones. The lmmlri'd boxes et an many thousand dollars. Tlie drawing room in which the Kentnekiiui and hi* " dark Kraliliiui bride" were made one flesh, had one featnre in ita adornment which elicited the moat fervent expres sion of delight and amazement from nil who were present. I allude to the deoo ration* of the four walls. They were one niaaa of full-blown white enmrilin* from floor to ceiling, and a g<*d sized din mond was inserted in tlie renter of each to cunningly counterfeit the dew drop. Tlie effect waa aim pi v ravishing. " Words and phrases," as Mr. Webster said of eloquence: " may la- ar.-lialled in every way, but they cannot express it." Ita very suggestion waa sweetness, and light, and purity. It is estimated that the adornment of this one room called for an expenditure of not leaa tlian ten millions of dollars. No diamond was given the role of tlie dew drop that was not white, and perfect "as the bosom of a star." The entire distance from the Oabral mansian to the nearest railroad station, something less tlian a quarter of a mile, was literally away of flowers—not under foot, but in graceful arches overhead. Thus a long, snow-white Ixiwer, fash ioned entirely of roses, was the connect ing link between the drawing-room and drawing-room far. The demand made on Flora for the materials for this pie tureaqne covered way was unprecedented. The flower bill of the wedfhng—exclusive of the item of hand bouquets—amounted to $50,000. Bat the strangest thing in I r gard to thi* bower I have yet to tel It* thxir for the entire length was invert ' was camel'* hutr aliawls, to my own mil "i n ptis-c of preixHiteroii*. ayo, wicked e ' traviigamv. Itnt the father <>f the brii ilivliuvil that *> long a* it was In* on daughter and only child alio-*' imumn lie \Mi* it'lebratilig, lie would aend In out of her home to the *l> on earii n " that was to carry her away from Inn over a |tavment not likelv t > 1" imitt !• in the future hi*tory of maruage* i ' Houth America. The ahawll"rUie e I tnioivhunrv ptirtK*i> were puodiatMsl 'f liomlou, tlii> otvler lanug for " the lx >r that t'Mil l>e got for gold," ami the bi '• s for the item amounted to the euormoi 1 sum of Aftei the bridal |Mirl enb'iml the train theahuw la were gathert "I up. and will !*• r of tlie dl*triet. ! '. And now . few word* almut tlie bride ■n pro.-u-ntM. They w, re. bv n. tun! eouu n 1,54( ni numlier, ami the glial r |mrt < them, I noticed, t *ik the form of eitln gold or diamond*. The mother'* gi d wn* a dinner *< t of Jul pic <, of >oh >. gold Mail piiHv la-tit * tlu< monog'twi id of f'abral ami I'hr* i. im 11 -n in ill '* UHHltla, The cat of tin* proof of lit. !* tertlal aflVvlmil was ikiinethitlg over fit 'f 000,000b gold. In addiii 'ii. l' bral gladdened the b/nli' - In art with 1 if 000 yard* of jsuiit hwv . !k>'. morunn le aflermHiit ami evening i-o-tuim , one f< each ntH-ial dlvt*iou of ev ry il*y ill th ia year ; ami. to crown all. is itilloato i dcmiMt ivuieil by tlie Hank m , the bridal tout for A*l,ooo,tNlO. IV* t till* l.*t item weeiu the very np"tln*>*i l' of pnxllgwhtv t It dt* l * aretn no lllit > yotl hear w iiat tin father did for hi n darling, and then it take* a Hiilxinluiat r |HV>itit>u. He gave hci title ih**U of magnificent town and country leaiae i * all the leading capital* of the worltl at n the uioet faiuotl* watering plaiV*. Tin-* many man*ioiia are thoroughly furtti*l ill, and in each a< a tender reminder t Malta of h-T maidetih **l there 1* a d ajvirtment tliat exactly cormqaniil* in ftu it mture and adornment* to her own n*u >t at her father * hour. Nt eoliti'litiu himself with tin* display of hi* Ivouuty a t'nbial ptv*.'iit*l her with a* fine f *team.*hip a* could I* built on tlu Olydi " with full (xuuplemeut of -villor* uilde -t contract for ten yrsvr*' *tv i<*-, uml wit 1 aviortei pmd tn ailvaiMv I r tin- fill e term ; one dozen milk white Arabia a horw s, and tliirtasajoke !,(*)!' ]*>uml r of enramela, a ooiifeetiim for which th hride i* *ai.l to haven proiioillicevl llklltg I Hut his erowning gift was a neck lac . that ikwerviw to rank amo g the enti il tueraUil woinlera of the world. Sivtx'i vearw ago, **>n after Malia'* birth, li \x-gan to collect the diamond* of wbicl it li (vhu|hmil. Whenever or when ie lie lienol of a inarvelon* *tile he was o hand in |<*r*on or by ageut and **-ure it. He hal all Kurope. A*ia and Afrie raltsackisl ill Iwhalfof the pn'|r>m-il n*-li hwv, ami at one time uctuullv made ovei turea for the celebrated I'itt diamouil winch i*t the 1 Hike of Orleans, accord nig t history. ami whieli N.: iKilixm at one time wore on hi* awon hilt. He was UitH.il in tin* attempt however, lnueh to hi* dliappoutttuclil but aft r ten year* of nureunttiug hunt 1- uig he at last got together thirty of th I largest and purest iliamoinls in the world no one of which was mnch infermr to th I lhtt gem. Taking those to Ainstenhuii t he MilHUloUnt the Uet talent ill tie. e city, fatnou* for it* diamond cutters, an e stot-*I what he ih*iml which wra* tin. each one of the thirty t. >n-s slitmld liav |r a fanta*tie fa.*'eut ii}*iii it. Vne tenUt s at tir*t said the task was m re tlia t herculean—tliat it was iiu|H*cihle. liu ti when i'abral *t*t the result was that a w.-ek U-fore th n wedding, tlie diaiuotuls, cut, mrvr.l, m .1 on a gold string, and all ready to en e brat** the snowy neck f the bride, wer r pUunl in the hand* of the jubilant Cu •- lral. I happened to lie present when Mali, first was sliowii tlie mi-kl > *-, acoapleu j tiny* U-fore *!• was man nil. She wor a black nlk at the time, ami In r father -. after throwing tlie brilliant*, that con f traatnl so strongly witli the mhvr of th t dresw, over her lu-ad, atcppel Uwk af. v ;i jxui'* to notitvp the ethi-t. 11 iv.tig g*z<* - at tlie flashing necklace for a minute o r so he suddenly lmkc into a loud lattgl , and cri.il out merrily, "M v .1.-ar, on m life ytm'd d-- i(#tike heed light tive. Th>* lei'khui* -"*t lH'Soiix CabraJ. stone*, cutting, ami earring ,■ sllf.,UU),9No.v. CalifiU ahowed me th rxi*ipt*, so that I am able to -date tit t *xaA tignre*. Ami yet this doting fatln r 1 in nanung the e>*t to nie, add. d tluvt h s would willingly have pai l vvliat lie li< s twin' over rather tluvn liave mianed lu f aim, or Ixs'ii unable to give hi* .larhni , the wchliug pres. Nt he .l-*.igmil for lie . while yet sh<- was in her cradle. Then you have tlie man in his nnliounded ex 1 penditurr of money t> obtain his end* f and in his absorbing love for In* .laugh i ter. Yon must not expect fnmi me any de amption of the ornate and bewildering toilets worn at tin l wrddinp no, no enm of the bride's nuv nunx-nt. I d not understand such nuttrrn, ami, veil turnip to dincnurs** nnuvniinj; them likely enouph I should call lace pimp and peasant waists polonaises. Is t uu briefly state tlmt, so far us 1 could judpe the preat heiress w,xt married in clothe befitting her ivwition. lam indebted t< a lady piicst for the information tliat he dress WHH of jMiint lace, tloiiucisl, o ratlmr p>rlauded, to the waist witl Htrinpa of wsal jv-arls, with the voltuni nona tnun eilpe.J with n 'llapns- of poh thickly act with diamonds. Her neel WUH circled by her father's wotnlerfu offering, la'aiih-a which there wi-re dia monda bunded on her linir nnd in brace lets on her wrista. She n.t certainly tin most hla/.inp 1M aut v I ever par.'si upon. Tliere WHH on> feature of the weddiiq arrangement which struck nie miph 1M tter have lieen omitted entirely, or a least very materially modified,but which nevertheless, in the mock it made of e* prune, warn quite in keeping with all tin other feafurea. I allude to the phenomr nallv hospitable pmiimnn made for th luu'krneii who drove the guests to am from the festivities. On the velve lawn jiiat outside the C'abral nianaioii, i dozen or more exquisite Sevres vase were Ret —corresjionding in size am sluij>e t an American |>rarh linaket each one of which was lc-njwd to tie brim with the pohl coin of the cmntn The drivers as they dropped their load had their attention called to the currency in the vases, ami were cordially invibs to help themselves '/ lihititm. AH ofb'l an the vases were emptiod they weri promptly repleninhetl bv servants de tailed for that Hole purpose. One of tin liackraen HO heartily to tin invitation that when the time cuinc fo: him to drive buck to town lie was fnmi to reuueat liis two passe lipern to favoi him by tukiup a neat on the IM>X. LB explained, not without blualiea am stammering, that the inside of his eoael wan occupied by tile pohl pieces he hn< arcumttlab-d during th(> eviuiinp; am tluit he would not hare taken HO main had it not lieen for the thoupht of a nict wife at home. Havinp liste ned to him bin load, ls-fore mounting the box, re turned to the lioune and narrated tie incident to(lnbra), who was HO tonehei at the mention of a nick wife that, oi sudden impulse, he proponed ft sulwcrip tion for her lienefit. i'lic responac wm peneral, and in a ahort time the sum Rtim of 810,00(1 was raised nmonp th< pu-stH, to which (labrul added his owi chock for 840,000 more, saving that h< iliii not wish nny henrt to 1M- sad on tlin' joyful occasion. When the $50,000 wen handed to the hnckmnn, "ft cordial fo: your ftilinp wife, my mail," an Onbra put it, lie bufHt into burs, declarinp thn l there never wan Riieh a man in the worh as De Bonza Cabral. And he wan ripht But here I must stop, for ! have al ready written you a lonp letter. A thousand and one things connected witl the weddinp, each worthy of note, inn* po undeacrilted—at leant until anothei occasion. But frarn what I have tob you, you must judpe of the proportion and quality of what f have not told yoi —ex. prde J/eeeu/em, you know. Ah if my old friend. Senator Webster Wnp lier, could have seen the bridal drawing riH>m car in winch tho bride left home with its exterior composed entirely o carved ivory—but I lind I liave juat tinn to nave tho 3 A. M. mail. ftICHAHD Sc CODER. •11. WHKFI.KR A WII.SOVS NKA NO. D HEWINU M V) DIM . ml 1 leu il. an InatllHlr, Vr Turk Jmlar'* Mr. ear I. Nat. 11. 1N74. ily g / b Ho A.xii if uf W!•' exatlliualioll of the article* desctilN-d, Die lltldelNlglied pldge.. Illllke tile follow e.l „,g •n UKIMHT tAMKTMAI-T): , u Hint Sewing llliu'ltilie No. t.'ltl (AA ln-el I er A AYIIMUT* N< W NO. ll| woe .IN line. l U U to IHI NO great an improvement, lw.tli lls upon the well known fiiiully iinu-hiiie (v made b\ the Niiuie com j nil o, mid ll|Milt ~d nil otle-l sewing lllil.-lltl.e-. ;i entitled ll P . to i l'.N .glutloii iv. ii ti.-w mi. l vnlll'tble in volition. I'mler DION.- ein uiu .t ui. •, UII • extremely thorough nn.l inliiub .-xitinliui J t mil IM-OMUIO boUi dcmrnhlc ami in >-• -m.il. lt j m-t only of it* novelty Rut of the skill _ .'Mid WorkUUUlllllp tll.Ullfl-.-.I-ii 111 Die |f l fitting mid ailjiiNtui. tit ol nil it * |NU'ta. u | We have I i*a ll flolll Mitch extillillliitlou l(1 with nil lllllple colli let toll tlillt the chilli), t| 111 ul! It* .it* titl.il featured, in M, 11 ul foitmh-d. I At the isniliueiuvhlelit of oltl eXntllius • lion, we were pruvidcd with m-Nctal coin I plate Net* of alt the working part* an Utev came froiu Die mauufactorx, and wei* ut liwerty to make ear own *. I.H-tion fm the L LT , IN. iitruction of ii complete machine in |( j our j ii.-e. IUN*. \\ . thu* I tad, t a large ! j d.-giiN-, n A-iuouatrutniu of the inc. ty of the maiiufacture. Every jirt wa* foruieil s i i tit every other |wrt with exact pn tiitn of novelty and excel p lemv if the Ituu-iuue. Alllollg other*; . , Tin- *impleanti i rticient .h vi.N- for j.ro in dttctig variable motion f.-r tin i.-Urtj-. g t h.Mik; m The itlde|>endetit take up lever, which lff ms-lir.-N the tight-tiillg of tlie stitch Utt v dcr the Nut jaae.it.l.• circumsDui'ies; ' The jHvuhar form of tin- hook un.l the ~ lira- of a Isibbui holding u gient .JIUUltitV t ,j of the under thread; i). The niinple .lev l.N- for priHlucing aud I vwrung the t.- -i >n .>f th.- ISM. r thn-.ul ; Tile hollow at -el llveille-liar, I'lie fncihty of apidying and using t< . many useful attacluueut* the lieiuiut-r, binder, conh-r, rutfier, Ac. Having iNitllph-t. d Die .vilirtnu tloll of „ .mr trial machine, in tin- way indicated, , (1 it wa* ra.Hiut.sl upon a rviuvt-uienl rtniiil, and submitted t even variety of teat ** .j. to the range of work Uiat .s.uld U- . Xecu l-r t-sl upon it pro j airly and well, and with (!1 out other n.liij.Liti.iu than Htiupl.-cluxugoa . ; of lie.-.lie ami thread. lie mere ll~t of ojH-ratioii* jierforimsl in our presence x w ltkoiit the-light. -at hi-Nitation >-r lail-.0. . ami without tin- diNisivemble !• — N of NO I much as single stitch, Would .-•• vey mi iniwhsjllate id. -i of tin c ' .J'l t- .Ik'.we ;J achiev.-d. , B.gtiiuiiig with a tier die measuring but 17 1)9*1 inch iu diameter, and opara ting with the finest thread upon la.- i l" g-a HIS, the Hiviin- lmxchiur- pai*a <1 through ~, all the slag.-* of lausliu, uitil broadcloth j of all iXHiO'ivwble tliickl. *--< * iu;.i fel l Jt " tag* and ri.lguigs, and then with wux.st thri-a.l stitclnug through js-rtion- of 'j heavy luxnuwa leather. I Aft- r thru ih-ia..natrati u- f it.- tang. 4l .if wotk, we eilt-'INsl llj-01l tin- iit.s-r t-*t rrt|iiind f.-ra family aud light nuuiufae turmg luacliine. lu DUN dej-artmeiit w writn.srNrsl all tin- varictiea of w..rk on h- mining, felling, and braiding, ami *!*•> j. a degree of MICVOHN iu single and .lo,ibl<- . , rufilit'g which WE IM-11.-M unj .rnlh-L. i . j The voriiNl kiud* of work >n a lady > (h Faait Were til. II |H-rfon!liNl, aud oa.-h of . j th>-N- with Die Name markul Nii.-crsei. In " t deeil, whatever tin- teat, iuil wluil v.-r ( t the work pr<--4.-iit-.1. the same luifailmg JH-rf.- tl.>U wn* exhibited, not only 111 the fi work a* a |ti-, but ill the eXixUlttuli of each individual aUtch. With much |m Df-ut exiuiilluvti.>U, we w.-re tillable t-1 ■ ( di-HNiver a Single defect, .f ..... e IN- Tli- luinutr IIISM of this r--j"irt i-a aim r. nle ri 11.-ction of the cari w:tlt which v.. si liar.-endi-avori-l t<. .-xaituiie tli.w cLaima. i,- We find the chief advantage of tin- 'nn w cllUK' to IH- in the tine of n n -llfi. d Jorill si of the ntating hiHik a* a sulaiDtute for •r tin- shuttle, the h >k cwrrying the npj er ;!i tlin i-d arvmnd the tiobbui (VHitaimng th< IV lower Din-ad, and thu- j ri-liiciug id. ti o callv the Will' effect it* Uie-lillttie. Hie bt *upi-ri"rity >f tin* rv-t.irv motion •> r tin u, n-ciprocauiig motion of the shuttle nut u- chines cannot Ih- di-jiutcxL Tin- " lock I. atib-h " whicli IN thus -A cure ih .. iilwny - r, r.mk'-d high<--t on account ..f the )H-rtna l<< lieucr, Ix-nuty, and general ill -irableuerx'l id of Die stitching when done. :uid tin- wni i* range of it* ajijdicatioii. !({ To the-u- coiic.-1.-l advantage- tll'-r --•r have IH*-:I added. 111 our J'r-*etice. till [8- N.-ven*t and most *" an-hing te't- of it. X cl*K-ity wild llNt-fulm-SN IIJHUI every a t ordinarily poasible kind of work, and I- sr.- I-IWI do DO less tluui N-ar witlKw* to the en tin- and re mark id 4e sua.-—* which lux- atteiiiled it* action in every jmrt -f _ ffitr exiimiiiatiou. It i* a MMknl) • /i-A. 4v 'tn wfttfffptf, in- M " | (1 li"' imi*' r irit'imlli/ *njp nu ilr all of hi r* HIM r Jt'iioirii H-i'/i which if cam* * in caul ( jntitmn. AN tin- only conclusion to which we tl , (Biii arrive nfier an iuvetigwtion of the Several merit.* of ea.-ll of the lU-wuig which we have eoilcav.ired t • make pa , r tn-titly and completely in every r.-JH .-t, , r and IUXK H'tstuig these Willi our IHWI J, judgment IIJHIII th" merit* of the *ev j end imw-liioM which are in us* but l ( | int on exhibition: IIV rccomtnrml for Ihr Whirlcr .(• jj llV*ii .Vrir Vn. )> v. wing machine, 4 Ihr highrnt award which il i* in tin ... Jiowcr of th> fwlttuh lo In flow. LT , JOHX A. Bvasirrr, 1 NIOHEM S. BEACH, 11. AV. STKKI.k. JudgisL LT JOHN MXTTHEWS, Km iirx Bt t.i,, i t Tlw lioixnl of Managers unanimously x ajiproved the n-port, ami recommended ie fortius machine flu liohf Mnhil of tin r- ln*lilulr. ic Tie- It. >nrd "f Dirrs-tion ntuutimotialy id approTcd this roc.immetubitum, and i-t uwiir.le.l the ' iohl Mi • lal to AVli.-.-1.-r .V a Wileon, nly gold medal awarded for 8. aewing-miichine by tin- American In id atitub- fur many year*. Poisoned Confectionary. 1* A gloom vv.x". thrown .n -r tlii citin •y community, aays a I'lainville. Conn., let ■d ter, by tie- d.-nth of a twelve year-old 'ii daughter of Mr. Ivlwunl Mnrklninl. The ra itiuib-diate CIOIH.- of her th-ini*" was the i'- (siting of candy in which wa- iiraenie. ic Home tliriN- wi-eka ago tlii.* girl, in tum u- puny with two girl* luum-d rcajiertivoly >r Mi.*.* Bunnell and Mi-- Hemniingwny, d nt ten. h-d an evening party, nf which, by >r wnv of entertainment, #.ui offered eon [c feetionery purcliaoetl in th'' town "f Eor i* book stores the other day, and said ah** would like to take a look nt some " ehro rneoe," as she would like to find something to please Harvey, who had worked on the* farm al summeV and should le rewarded. " Any thing religions?" asked the clerk as ho ran over a lot of anoh ohromoa and en grnviagn. " Wall, no, not exactly reli gions," alio answered. " Some* of it might bo solemn like, hut down in tho oornor there ought to ls a dog fight, or a man fallin' off a bom, or suuuun' to kinder interest the young mind." Ml *M A ItY 01' XKWH. Ilium f lulrrr| lloinr miiil %lrwil. i h.ktirs wim npiitriti'ot! to lUi|rU*m mom fr li(* INn Mono** f{/t iwuilfi, \t it <*rtWt| tf fifty Minrit mit ititt#*krtl RMMi iinnvnlril l lli* fill US' lilt* Jbtlt I Mil) >•*!< kMlli Hovmitt from lu tH'li mil* it lt" Allil ItUlt# Uim U A lultlp At ill* DDtlifl of I lie |uiUo Hi|l!Alf* 111 l! I IrM-ti.Hl (Viurt Mi. Wiinoti M. I* for I • \ OitHiiiv mm HinMnlyii for Utility U> ifftHiln, (tin I 4 w| W. 1| I|t lif to |l U tMMfitn l'orotlto tll(DIgtr of MdlllOll iUilk ||A fUli AM AN Altli If i I I**l 111® OMAlotb of tU 41 It-r tf "HdislgsrH f t llAl"it N " liAA l*t"Mt*ll 1WI |4# i| Iv 11 i*a MmtiMi t on. w* 111 to ftf 11 if Ol|ironA i til}AlftiMl Will rAlt > illtilfilliDHll flit llir It Al trv an Alut N I'lwk* tutlfi'liffi flrfi Ilk# TAUlinot At 1 tnmtfV MiAritAl KaIUMMv Albs Intiliiyl. Alut two {ttttKMßtll iu |Ur ft AilK A Joilll II UcHliiprwJti '* tf I'tko iMHIIItV. I'A WW AsS'itlr tit Ail \ AktCil A I Willful I■% Ut A*H. lit® two iiAif I rA k t®AI AWA> A |(OttilAl of lib® (tfiUl* AJui li Hi In* ((fxAll. il® then! in A nllDft lltlb®. ll® i®Ab a A fain iy . .'Hin luutilt t|Wbi rliHlloli lit IkinlDß Vtwuitv| 111 tliv It rlrt'UDH of Mayor (V*bU, lM'lUilrr>f l*4ii tli® Uopul'ikMUk* Ailil l4Wto4iAk® id 111 Ally iH.tHm lilAjoiUV o*ei tieAi. I tUi iO HAVT®, llu|t)Hji 'lll® lilt of ill® I*r*M>kiWtll lf til® I'nitoml SIA(m i-AUMMI uouii oifUewetil ui uU..., lao w ifn Aini 4tf i'oir i iiuniiiioll, f Auiuni, l'otui., w®r® Uttru®*) i> iU uta in a iiortihie lUMiubi, Mi. !iuiiu4kii |4A *l A tin f*Ail (XllltAlilUlj, A tlllllurs of |UI]OliUllO llj thr t • iicwbt. Wtuii H wa® h®Atx| Mr®. liueiiJtrii I'vk tit® )®kll off ill® *4A>%® Aiul Wa m irrTiu| it win.a it nj . Uxl, AJH! ti*r uifiAiuntA iilr tlb*x(riAi Wan thrown ort hrl || r r t*>®a w®r® |m( i/tii A( tHir® AIM) her wet on rirr !i®r ®hiUt WA, ontiir litnir now/ the Atty® wiirn (h® ri]4il<'ii |igk |iA*r, aiml n4wit her tniibl® Mtffcrinir, Mrw. 1 ihn®fl l* r Aii r At"*u! ,llie In Mir if 11 WAr AAI®. lid h!lAl4®i i.Ai i Ul® tt'|fl Ai I t All UJi BlAif® t>• ftj. i i4la Wif® tiAWlitk|l At Ult'l |il® tl: b ni liAUlf-, AU et*ll ri#h*A hill. tAJking thAt which la*t %®*i 1 • I 4 -h -a® A4.1 now |en4iU|f ui ii*® HkHlm) A** tli® fiHtlriiAiidti for 11. I'll® fMlijT * * J %ti 4* Air tli® ulttiwo; ui I Ui® r®Uirt®nr4Ua)*tU<~lit® Aii.l ir\i% tvuoii* for Ui® motrtnrtiiMi ru A!J r®|®N4® m|4iaUun of Ih® orhiwki ftmil to l® |i ; fat a irlwwii the iix ~, . . 'flic I lutc-sl NAlrt lli OfW tVXnmitt®® (Hi llAiiWA*® AiJ't ( Alllk ii AN ® JifTjiifnl A f'diwUtdtr for tit® Inii |x)%nhii|; ft A hrt.kl®-trAck fft rwjfwa> fittn Now hik t • CiiifAff®, Ht, I/>(ur an! <\uii4*ii filuffo. It r®(Uifrii th® rott))*ktiv lo ootnj irf® it® rviAct ui lirw *®ATA. AJJ rtrrr At ft%® uuiU jrf thi ji®r (uii® for 750 m.io® AIH! o* or, Aid as A AUa*!® holier |*kw for blidltrl tU'IAUiXw. John A. Oittnan, ®tlj*ennU>iwl®t. whil® niAku.j; hit* ,1 tour of '.ion th;> w^i> th® Ihu|a®®tte, IV, miiie®. wa® flrrvi cm to Jti® linknowa |®*nMn ad I fAtwliy * uiblol I t- atuior* ®iu|4ov®ct i#y the 1 P®- k|ur; lit th® )4t *a* ttiMw.\-u|4c.t At th® l.m® tu® MvNHii! *i# uuuir. .... Kt*ur mo wrwruiK ruA®k* riAir uj lt Ui® JioUb® t*f a 1 Arm®! aUwM twoiir tin I®® north of i hrbnih Ark The> |iul th® fArmrr, ch k®l hit wifr, rohh®! iuttt of fwV, Aii.f mijvxi,.,. KATaio! l'ATrcvli. |at®ktilUb®l®i ' . \S A'irii, M®., Am! hi w.f. v.,, ♦ .. . 1® vl in tiinr I'alo. Atiff' *(*! hjr cwii j;iw. Another ®lMl|4® trie uor}* v, tiuhno sf tfmjvl.itineiii wa* i®4 PD] }4mi for ti ilAlliUj; aim! rom]nainU)g thAt ItAliAlta wrr® 4i th® Odieiiiutl tmiMiiiftis n? j rlo'Lin: A*~tt*Ai ciUmim ~A rhihbilrljihiA ; wa* Ul*cil I;A% n•. .* tii At A nwm i®r of U® (Vtnttioti IVunrt! lia) j i<*ibwl lit® jwrirt of a tOAfi !® wtAln® *if tioorn® M'A*hift.- l®ti ®i 4*lini4itit wtiNrrf of A ai%®r wnufT l®\. lh A rtilmfltl tu law a *c\f. r iJ offiirubl* of til® I'*wa !;kt*:on .f th® lihtui* ( mtml rmi! A! w®r® kww! x . { , *| \ Jaiixi, Attempt wa® nvwd® to nh th® llrrliUft iltitk of Mixitnwi Hi® I'nryiAfw iimwokn) tn k4owni|C lib® ®af® o|*ii, till Ihe not*® nuui® fn|thtniw! the tn away, wh®fi th® txwitoiit® of th® unit wrofo in ti|{hl .A duel wam (uufiil in Han aim lwf treii hmico Mnwlo kiicnetxiA AI• U>Uai*.*, i®®uitUi|C Ui thr d®Ali: of ( ArtrilAU.*. i • . a 'til pill liebfle lUelreeentg am nut* id the fanuue iu Anna Miu-ir Tbe bin lee "( a farmer > amcd Aielcaa Petit, Uimg nar I' l Ne! . ii, (luiari . wa* ii-dcntly bcke, into I i a gang of deejerwd(re, two of wlmni < lit" !• 1 Mr. Pelit'c id i v k * tiie io>! iT'unlel Ibe *ii ( te!r\*ifii with rerolmrra. The iiiffiaiie came i off caeh to the amount of ♦ .. liel.an mitragee arc rrp 'ilc-d near Pi-a-ho, N'V. Tlie nlusn are niUnnit arm*, atul aek for military (fito-lliti Tli* bop of the l igli prlidol in New Orleanu r*Mcall"! their vu-it to the gtrla biwrr high *"-h*il. and fo:i> I tlie i ...red girl* to leave. The school b-wrd hae j*ecd a rmiltltioii ilietnieeilig all tlie pihlw echool* until further notice ... A new I I I IS.ia.lo, ui the *ha}-e of rich gokl nunee in the northern wildarueee of H tnomisk. i" re (■Iflol. It i* claimed that ore Mint to New York from till* pxnt average* (1.7)8) I*7 !<*. j lu the Kcctnoi* of NePtarka and Kaneae v;*ill by gi**elio;tf4>ra, farmer* hare lieen | ci'ni|-e!lel lo feed whea' to work animal*. | Many |mr farm!!** are already couijielleil to live on wheat bran. TbmiNand* of women and children go *!mt their lioueee ltaref<*>ted. Ni ally ( VI.(MI ate ri (iure.l !o fee.l the uilialu taut* imlil nemt fall, ami a* much more ta 1 ch>Uie them Sm*!!-(.\ i- raging at Horel, Viicl ec, HI the most Timlent form.... Tliirty !wo tlioueaiid (ierrnan* have iiumigralod into HlraeUmrg niM tlie war. The Pi,itcl State* Senate licpuhlican canon* i ha* agiee-t on a finance hill, tbe leading feature* of which ate : Free l*iiking. the re tirement of an amount of greentiack* cjiial to NO |'r cent, of the amoim! of new national bank i■ ■o* ii>*ii"vl, until the gteenh*. k circula tion i lediiced lo *;tl"*l.(**i,(Kßt, after which no fu Iktrntatß Of greenl ai-h* will tak>- )>lv e -.- ild rodcmptiou damiary I, 1*7!). and j the Seen t.vy of flic Treaeiiry t > !- cnahie.l to p-.* the treaeiiry note* iu gold, by u*mg the enrjdu- rj*M in iu the treaenry. and. if tha! t* | not i-llf.i-iint, l > celling IN>I*1 .. The Hei. ( IV. K. Iluiiluigloii la* deelmcl the hi*linpnc ( of low* and will remain in Worceeter, Ma. ! Hie tannery of Ncigler A(' at y tire, with a low* of (70.0tw. ' .('alio* limrcia, tlie iioloil Cuban bandit, - an t In* follower*, have niit-rcndered to tho anthnrith"- Captain 11 nine, of the Second precinct Itrimklrii |mhoe, wa* accidentally *liot j and kille Paterwon. The children went on th* ice in the Morn* canal ami break * nig through were drowneiL The old man *anl that they would not tiuiid him ... A Pralw nioiitli, N. 11., man hue In* life in*iirei| for ♦2rtt 000 Canadian* own 8.7*3 vcwcl* of all kind", Jnieaennng 1,073,748 foil* . The newspaper publialioiw in Connoctient have n ,'renl lo ad I tlie eovt of |*>at*go to the aitb arriplion price of thoir editioua, and lo invari ably retpiire paymt nt lu advance A dia aslrnu* fire occurred a' jTokio, Japan. About |.(*kl liou*a* were tie Iwjrwl. .. Count Von Arnim, of tiermaiiv, wae aentenced to three month*' iinpriainmeiit, inclnding one month of the term during which, ho ha* previously been under arrcat The iron work* of the (Irea* Weetem lUilway Compatty. at Heading. F.ng land, were destroyed by tire. Four hundred |ier*oiin are thrown out of employ m*nt by tin lire Tim roof of a new Catholic chinch gave way a' Sedalia, Mo., precipit itirig tlnw car| muterw a dirtanco of thirty fe t to th<- groitud. Alf wore killed Whilo Michael ityau nih on lu* way home with a home and wagon from (iirardville to tlie Colorado colliery, t lie wae attacked by three men and received I three giin-aliot wound*, when lie wa* left for la r Pinal tent elective and by Ibe | pi. ibe officer* te bold Unsr pla. na *ll year* A lull aulhoriring tlie PreaU >l. lit of Ihr t ulted Male* f laane tem|**artly a. ].pllMi of f<| an I duouM-larvit clothing euffi dent I.> pre.aUwfiaiuig ♦ *i nun lo carry out lite ISullal.Sia uf the acC A I*ll u iulr*ln i uuiuitee on t otumnicc rejairted farur al : v ~ tlir lull (o i . Ulalitule i'al. bogui *l, ill* - till aide uf bur Island, lu the Ntale of New Y --rk a j*ift of 1 I Yb kai.lllg M,*.v Mtve-vfa. t ongar of Ml. it lluilbcM of IU. M diialiia. of Wia Sjeel *f Penn aial 11'P.rieii of Mil he.tc • ititltltfee on Umtwtiu an t Uie Southern Stalee ilwai* (I. F il.var, of Miaa Wheeler of Y V Five of Ma, Peter of Ulu* Pheljn, ..f N J„ ilotgiinoii of IU , and P.Sler of Y \ Ile la-naiatue A p|mat.on UU wa* ctai eideri-1 ill the liiMiae an 1 during tiie .lelaie a .U*.-UN*IOU arna(i.*i lull, rejecte.l a merit*. !.• tncreaee tin .leri.-al force of ihr But ran of Fdunaiiou. Ibe lloiiae jva*n<*l thn legislative Appro pi.al..i tail, aflei a heated vhacuaauai o*er the allowaiw* foj the l'cj*;ljnrol r net, luat'-a.i of a cwuDiituuioe of the tocmiwi of I*l,- tax) or 11,tM® in a year, the liiunlw-r l'-it|ievi iiji lo 1fti.941, an ltuTeawe of nearly .Ti.tkxl ov.-r the pmvvlmg year. The <-, iaea l.iawlitiff to lliia iurrrrawe are un knwwu, but it i* more auiotig men than wimien. In 187 the immla-r ivrtael 74>4i men and 2.">,4it7 women three lu.-ii to ntrunw tn-nrlv ti*) iu -x.*-* of Uiat number. Tbe nistiral offin-r of tie* institution feaniig an outbreak of an <-pi.l< nnc among hi* clue;-.*, inforiuevl Die | tVNiiling; iiugta tmt ■* -f Dun (Vitiditiviu of affair*, and they agreed to limit the aeuta'iieea of this claw* of off.-tul.-r* to 7 u!* a nar row <-*-a|(.- of it* rilv father* a* follows ; 4 narrow what would linx" I*h*ll a real lahuinty to the rity ov um .1 recv-iiDv, uo 1< -e Uian the in v Ins.- >,f the liviw of the >!n\orarl the City Counci!. It liaN thu> far l**'ii kept i|tin t. and Lrnat.sl a* n little joke. The g.-i:th m n vr:. itiMib- the new *.l ff the hominy mill ptuwe* undetrieaDi the w. r. and that it hapjiened to la the Drue for closing <>f work iu the mill for the .lay, and the engineer, not know mg they were there, liad ntarted to let out tin- steam. But a* lie did ao lie found Mune trifling olvdruction wa.* in the valve, and so he let down Die lever until lie cotil.l utt'-ml to it, and did not 1.-t out the i t.-aiu until some time after- WKTVI. wrlieti tlie MnTor and OiHincilmeii were out. The deluging of the Hewer with hot steam, at a hundred |M>uud* t>r< -euue, from Uiose thr>*- Isiib-rs, would liave killed any inetiilx-r of the |Hrty al most instantly, atnl In-fore they eouhl have succeeded in gi'tting out of the pUo(\ Tlieir eecajwi i cems j>rovidcntia'. Where IVtmlcitiu lte. lb-filled |>etrolenm i* the most impor tant item in value of American nuiniifao tntvd . xjiorts. For the year ending Jitne.ltl, 1874. the x|ort of n-finwd oil wa* 271.n00.000 gallon*, of an aggregate value <.f |*17,f8>1.513, and the residuum and crude ex|Krted in the aamr year swelled the amount to almut 941 .IXIO.IkXI. No other iiuinufnctured article approxi inntes tins value. The consumption of refined oA in this country i* not nearly what irT- in Europe. The l-st con triviie"s for burning kerosene in lamjM have lieen invent *1 111 this eonntrv, and our lamp* and <>nr oil have lieen atsl in fop-ign eolintrie*. lint abroaerf.B-tly safe article, while the home market i* flooded with an unsafe article. Over sixty different na tiiuiN, including Japnn, n.>-d of 811,4(1!', Ifd , Belgium, 22,<>lfi,Wfi gnl Imi,. (N.sting $5,1X7,4(8; England, 92, Oou.tHin worth ; and Ireland at*>ut 91,- 341,7(15 worUi. COSTS Too MITH. -TWO young geti tleinen, anys a lecturer, wen- looking at fiuOtionable ladies prouietinditig iu front of a fashionable note]. Otic of them inked the other why he did not get mar ri -d. " You have money enough," said lie, "to feed a wife." "Yes," replied the other, " but I have not money, enough to clothe her." Those who stand and wait nre merely servant*. Nu l iirrrlaiii Sound. When n limn discovers n great truth, it is his duty t proclaim it to hi* fellow man. Tlie use of l>r. Walker'a Vinegar Bitters cannot lie t.*> strongly recom mended to the invalid public. To those who have triisl it. nothing necvl lie said their experience is their prt*>f, nure and positive as Hely Writ To tliora who have not tri.sl it, these truths cannot 1 Ik> too often repeated. It is a certain vegetable N|w-oino, which aidH falh-ring nnture ngainst tlie triumphs of dyapepaia, bilious disorders of every kind, malarious fevcra, constipation of the Isiwels, liver complaint, spring and fall th-bility, etc., etc. It coats but little, and can always be at hand. It is the poor man's friend. It rhm'n a doctor's bill, and the time lost iu riding tiie, t"i>, or twenty miles after him; Imsides l*-ing free from all the jHii * ui- ill i ineWi'-auieuts of the pharnin coptpio. It will not stimulate you to-day to leave you weaker to-morrow. Its benefits are permanent.— Com. A CMmm* I nan met km T tided. Charge d'Affaire* Williams, writing to the HmNmv <>f HtaU under .lab- of IYkin, njH'ivk* of thn reduction of Die last stronghold of the Muhoiuiin'iijtji i els-la who controlled tfu> northwestern province* of Hlicnai mid Kuwuli for mora t him U'ii vmnt. He show* Die merciless nature i>( Chinese warfare atnl the rancor of war an aggravated in tin* reliellioti by the bitterness of religion* bigotry in I whlcli the Mftlioiilllieduti* fuelled. There i* no reason for doiilitmg the statements here given, Mid MM Die relN'l* hud thelllHelve* given Uo tJUarter I MIJI |HINC they el jM-ote.l nolle. 'Hie illHtir t reetion thu* ended has left larg* |mrtion of thoHo two (irovmee* nearly dejiopu I luted, ami year* liiUHt elnjute lief ore tliey ' ' mil recover from Die deaolatioii* of war. r 111 rat* where Diene reU'U, who are Maul r to la- all pure ('hiiiiwe, and not 'Turk*, r • IMet Unite* of native Catholic- in Un'ir progreiw, thi'V are rejxirted to luive aJ * wmm xpitii'd their Uvea if not found m u arm*. 'Tin-eajiture of Huh Cluui bring* r to mi end *ll orgMiiaed ri U-llioii within i) the 1 (order* of Chin* jirojaT or Die cigh 1 teen provinces It tiegoji in IH4B in Die ' town* lying went of tan toil eitv, and, „ through the mismanagement of tlie pro t vilKlill auUlurtUen, it* leader* WttV-.i I Ktnmger Mid more daapMata, aud under " Die UMlie of Tae|i|lig* (fireat Ponce) nearly succeeded iii di*nieinla*nug the Empire. They were finally ntilidued in 18(15. After the rapture of Nankin Die ■ MohainuietUiia r>s*- in array in Die aoiith weat anil northweat, w here they aet Die I imperial lid* at doflaiiue for U'II Vear* or more, hut are no longer formidable, and >• Die lew elitef* who may luive or*a I**l I with a Mimll following will not aide to gather load in thone devastated dl*tivt. ( 'The iiiautier in which orderly govern meut, triah Mid rebuilding 111 the ruined f town* ha* revived in thine deiiartiuent* * Hi Die Valley of the Yaagtae, which were ' Ult iihiiont like a wilihtlnn* ill lhfSs, lead* u* to ho|* for • Mimilnr reviving in the , western province*. How Optrri are Item. Our bivalve, *y* Trif. Las-kwisal, doe* not *|nwu after the utauiirr of mol ltuik* gem-rally. It ia in it* own way vivijmroua. It dm* not emit egg* ; but, at tin- proper time, w-nda forth it* young alive. Hie egg* an* dlMlodgnd from the ovarii-* Mid oouuuitted to Die minting care of Die gill and mantel. At tir*t earn egg is* tun to lie uirhmed in a oajtMulc. a It in of a yellowish color ; but, a* iucu button or m home. They ; are npit fortli, or ejected from tie- shell. Filled with wat-r, the valve* are middetil;,- uapiM*l together. Kvenr anap emit* a mal!, * luted. cloud. Though a little of Die milky fluid l- in it, Uii* whiUnli cloud ia com|ioM*t chn-fly- of the Dnv fry, for individually thev an- alnio.4 invisible.. , Itnli**l, who ahull count Die oyater'* off * itpring f Science, by her own method*, ha* made the compiitaDoti, Mid ao whe fivra it* the aetouniliiig assurance tliat a Kliigle oyater during one spawning neWMiU emit* 2,000.000 embryos ? How to rgi*aof the rural district* rwme to MlUcdgi ville and Nought lu* Mire*eilta■ live in the I*-gi*lature. " Mr. Toombs," k *v* he, "we must liave more money. W . 're olilwcccd to liave more money." •* Well," say* Tooml*, in hi* brnaqbe way. "how are you going to get itf" "Out of the Stab* Bank." say* the financier. " Rut." say* Tooml*, stnick ; by the i-wrneetness of hi* eautitnret, I " how us tin- State Hank going to get it ?" " Stamp it," ssys tin- financier. " Slfttnfi it!" reared Toombs, "Mid how i* it , going bi n*h*-m the money it *tsni[Mf" I A glow MiiflfilNwd the fare of the financiiT. "Why, Mr. Ti*ml*,' saya he, " that a [ just w luit I'm a-coming to. ToU m-e, , Mr. Tooml*. I'm agin rrdrmjtlum I" The Tramp I'riater. Tluw wli> liave known Miything of "jour priub'ra" vnll ri**h* tin* time. Tiling* are in n liad way there "half rat* and half union men.' When lie struck lin liana pal in he hal wealth a i>*'l hundred; but he t 'em tip for the Ivors Mid got broke. Chicago w* a p**l bwi>, but there wa* a fearful mob there; lie could not ntand it. St, l*mi* "boot played out. Mid there'a going t<* 1*- n *tnke, an he hop|>ei! cut. Isought a half fan- ticket to Atchi* li. but tli" rooab-r that did the purichin' wouldn't have it. Believed he'd akip t > Kan-sai City and *tir up the l*ya. Ml-1 then go over to the I'.u*iflc al|ie. ' S*iy, ain't there a freight West I (live u* a chew tobacco. Well, ao haig. la>y*.' And lie wa* gone." Have the nvuler* of tlii* |>apor ever iwml any uf Parm>>i*' /Viyglm /Vlj If ma why le* t They re lh lm* family | and warm water, nil* dry. with * clean cloth, then *|<]>ly the lini ment. nib in well with the hand. —I 'vtn. In cold weather tha lc*t collar vow can wear i* the Rlinwood. It aiake* Ui- neck warmer, while il fit* *> nicely you do not feel it aromid vour neck. Another advantage in. il keejw clean longer tliau any otlier collar. Owe. Fearful Tho ninount of money tlicswiiaeay in not liyina aleme t-rotectc 1 by Silver Tljat l'arrnt*. lie wie-- and in*i*i thai your alioc dealer alxMild keep Ihem. 'Vim. The Market*. **W TO**. IW..f CiUe_rrlme In Kilra llulloch* o*\i4 I*V iVimmon to Oood Tumi * * I" Milch Cow* torn tso on Hoc* I-I re 0* * v Pfi eel il ...... i ,i ,a C* Hheep •* Bk ic' - w. a in l , ii.U.-* Cod, per awt. ...... * SS it 4(W llrrr, Scaled, |r hoi ... SO (4 a Petroleum—Crude S',!**', Krflnod, HV Wl*l< I'V' lonila neeee R" 5,4 W Teaaa " SO <4 Anatrallan " 80 (4 ST llnUer—Male 48 <* ** W'eelern I'alrjr. , J7 (4 SI W'mtern TeDow. '.'B <4 80 Wreterii Ordinary 30 it TT IVnnaTleanla Pine 80 it 80 Chew Stale Factor? IM||4 10 " Skimmed 04 i 4 IS Wcatern 10 (4 IS Etg -Slate 90 <4 91 i.*aoT. Wheat I 90 <4 1 88 Ree—Stale *0 f Corn Mimed 8J <4 M lUrlev- Stale . ... 180 it 1 W Oata—Stole 04 (4 08 ■rrrtLo 1 flour 3S (4 7 0* Wheal - No J Spring I OS (4 1 00 Corn—Mimed SO <4 00 'lata . . 80 |4 87 R,c t>o .4 90 Barley J 30 (hi I 5.7 SALTIMoa*. Cotton lew Middling* ISNOV UN Klonr—Kmtra 0 J8 <4 8 35 Wheat- Hod Weetern 1 38 ( 1 30 Rye !* C I 08 Corn—Yellow .... PV <4 W Oata— Mlmivl *8 <*' W heal Mietern liml I 18 (4 1 '>4 Rre I NO (4 I 00 Corn -Yellow SO (4 S4 Mued 84 01 F "ata—Mtm*d 84 (4 85 1 Petroleum -Crude 08>a<406l* Kaflned, 11S liidU|iiltsH)p E illicit pp. Ht Ki.w*v 111.. July H, 1"74. ~ It V, flare*. M I)., Itaffahk N. I.;~l wtah r In all nt iMHtum fct iho w.-mharful surall*# i (jnutr Alt Kit. w OoMsn i i'lii •'?' I hm< taken great tuferrel tn tlila , mo ! • in.- Minn I flrt ihmnl It. I *• Irarily t ulllh 1" I Willi .l> "| • |n livri IrraiiK'wl end Hi elmrf*rl j'r' irl i irrfnt rare llitl It acuta.) unwe lik ,■ iiik'' Mil a |rfoct wonder Ui uiyaelf Mid , Kiiif" lltkt blur h*a never Iwm wtUi.wit k UW.le etf th* I Il*n7 Mi 1 I'lirffaUi* l'ellta 111 tlir bieUMi. 'liter krr k ra-ltd. a-miid family I'limii uui in llw lnnuH- mml rtkili kt ||] tanaa li> x flv" In til" iidirf of air k nana wilheut char**. . { We lute iton M u hwdi* In Uie be mm mine we ttrnt beet Mi the nee eif yemr tmlleta Mid illMtnert. I hare raromut. ml™! the um of * liner tnr.ll' t.mi .u aetaral navere eJ r-i elktr of the tdomi and In no it.ful ol.Jo. la rear era it, loa fane ewoliaa out of eliape. , a. alia Mid artinll-iua with en end. attending to the U.lt, vi huh waa amijiletaly mearad with hlob har, an I a ale-., N< thine that ha look 1 armed to eflart it a iierttclr I Anally Uidnrwd hiin to try a few l*>ttl<-a of the (h-llen Vedrtl 1 Hanoi rry with daily nae of thr |>rtlrte owinnt htm that U would a.iraly enre hua He I TUB tiiemad lie uae flu. all wsekaalaoa. taking two I*llela ra. h night for a work (lien one each ' lueht. Mel the iIW-raery aa dura-fed. Ilia re ault la. lo -lar Ina akn la (wrferily afnuoth. and , Uie aaalt ni|l4itM Mr gotta. Ha haa taken antnr er. en • eight hotlhaa in all, and ivmai lara hlltteeif rural Tl.-lu rear liad I raffled tlir aktli ' of our beat |t)iiiufiuu Mmairw. llunfued 4 to. ilruggieta of thle jdanr, are eeUittg largely of your Btmhi-lt re au! th" VtnMid ateadily i " fraan Mid tliri fin irrfwt akiufartlMi tii etary caer. Iter) *■!folly, IV 11. C**nj Aft Am. Kij., Go. i'mlmlilv no "to (listm** La the rwtiar i of > miWi tardily turnery and unhainiliiaH i Mi.l the d.-raar . aJra.mt uniraraal aire ma Uie Alii r. an imojdr >aa deafo)** Ita riauaaa are man* and vartmjk, fvtug chiefly in the halata of ir.i j> "l ie. Ilie ranted- la aun|da 1 and e(fe.t .1. I'M If. Wiahart'a (ireat Atnriki mi i i core. -' ... MUSICAL GIFTS For the Holidays! Iter toil I ittllraa Trkr #.(■! ml Ibeee Ktraeei t allmlaai ml Iteewd Madr. retlllrdi (iKMa or STRAUS*. lemiMUi t.RMK or tnarrrtaM M.ho Vmi titHii ur urltu Miiu i.tm or (.KUMAR alio , wkkath or oEita PIANI litisTit I.KMIt - operatic miu i ami* km or r* a rial im. ; MUSK Ah TIiKAMKK Y eai aad taauweaelat 1 riARO AT HOUR Reu Itoi I Waa . OK'.At AT MOMS Brd (WM Mane riAKirT'B AlJit'M leMnuaeulal rtARofOKTB OKMM I Prtrr ft Vulnmm, la Marda. Rla (Tell.. HA at rail ' toil, mtua I AW. naadni mlt l.H *' lie" ol Um (.ml Meau 1 MaairlrAn Moiert. (WAi. * . caauag I 41 ?i. ti vu -.mi tmK K44 .vTW , rumptly Ay wM. rear /re. , fm irei fmr tr Am ... v. OI.IVKK IIITMIN A I 11., BM*M. , t HAM. 11. lilTwOA A in, TII llfuadwaii. Nru V art. ' WAHIi'V Ml ' mv kadi la CM fliUltCil imiau • lUkrw uevlaaa4 M eat lb elan I'rrr. a M eraa< n ll* Uae aer Ha .Beak*. DO Am Aaa.e>eameeetr InAretl * Kmmt) tarurHe IbUa'ta wnb W, e>iea>Mk. YOU faeaC aluam., la. tugun wm ■..irvrmr, reel br melt. lewj-eIA US " el 41 A. - SIN Q ?K i. kit.' 1., i! ..'Rj Bret.ar.R T. : .Tlie MILLER A MILLWHIGHT. A Moaubt J' eiwai ef M ime*e I ••7 MUier end Mill enefct aW".i4 lake IK Add ram MMIfaUR At.At KT i ivrv.rr.l O. 411 p -1 I.'.vera iWid far aemyle umig)l - WHAT YOU WANT -- TUB I 11( |\ N ATI MKBKt.V TIMKn fn, fm n*f t *U aeud Lh* Map Ujr at |*f*w UiiSf Uryr Mkm4wM Vw4|l tl 1 MRkflU MV fMf. •d ur Timra lllNMrtlrd Ifi.n4ll>>k of siu alii* lil.Rmaiim. •* IfCA K *♦-• ft* If Htll 44t "tlMf •Utaa m a ktca •• # iwaa*m " Tba Nf Inn v ■ Mva *lf a m waa. a*t or* wwanat a*a ft* Ut ...etwaM f**lsfcrl^,ttn ti f*a M*stt.fftatiV w oai." A w%*4 *f •W* ft. f mrf •la *-**•• WMf WT tTH J,*t. eta uf + 'i.m* * - •* Tk* m aaJi ft**4 A* dmil— > at trti! ft ftt*. CTI V * !k. A oa. M*fl< Caaa. EMPLOYMENT Ifi it*i l*aealer Itaak ml Ike raraeaa. A WI IJTK 1 I A ND t\ KI.K;A>T TOM U Hi Fl.u r.nu* . . Pitte Sl.hO A jrr.il A PeSnrien ** vtille heed ** bet a. ullWlem one ehtrit fm e eeentxael'r rakr KenitWl mieteke and ale a-vj did 4 I Hall It a etUaal Mr ml Wme ml "1 modern I 'M el -rM, red boUl eer r.WU tad eer B. ua eerd ti inTerror of ran. ,n tike MUWaat l itlla ItMiawi n. MITIIKOr At On I'eblt.krre. Mean, tl t. A l Butdwe UeirWraad fine red 4HI Hire Sl.irLrr the Paee> InAl red t|.etrd af Iter baedrart oOirr . b ior Uk* tor The I'rmilr awd & \ t Jbrrnm I 'tlei rao trre Am radoaw arnt poet prrd • -n iroHji ml price VUTKKTInKKM! Head M rente to ti*i r ROW Kl.l A CO.. 4 I Part Bow. N Y t<* tbab IbmAlw r* It Ml Jim". eotiWitnoe Urtr of MINI nee • prperr. roil etlliuln itvmla| ea at rlmtem HOC RIM; EBL A>i4s, \ . lK.eM.oe* Rterr. •vs.'tew.. v Da*f*ia ft*ll TWm. fJßKkjm T\ , V lu**a fl. Al*fra*r |nPCa4* f ■ Tn n| by ■**. n*M. ; I CbtMikMrk A Hi ■ 11 Uk# Bemt InrrnmtmenM J DrmiM rat WIWJ I* * Q(arrlpUoi to Um j R ror cHiLi>mmxs^ / Ml\-T%\T I MI'KM 1I:>T. A ''-mr.V.lr V..' *•* - | 3 uir**! rartlmUn hhJ tilnthlr Mmnlaeeml fmt AA feet rhb reliirtiNtafir. I' K t i 1 1 N i ' ' ir'v.N Y OV KH II \l. V T i V via! tn I Riemttifft.in If in V. jravuan, N Y ftk/"% K \ MONTI! Afrntii mtried rrfff . VL* Jr*| 1 wh*T* nu'i'i"*Vntnhla anil ft rat rUa I'art irtilara a>ul fw. AOctmas Wf>KTH J ' M Mn Cfl C9O ' K t> \ \ - lf-wfrta AH ' H OtU i | 1 IVirtiand. ITK DAY < nkiniMna,or ftSO• ali !U1 vut) *ry and Riptnoa We oiler it and wiU |y . It Afply now. *: WKHUKK A IHV. MarAoo,D ; \rKNTS W INTRO. Mi r ■■■■ $34 a | • rw*k. or ftlHO ftf l'dafwoAl# MMp'fi trm. i Wrttr at nra f> 1 Nf KRRP 1 K'>tHv Sfronl. lf*o Tnrft. j Bi>ok agents w anted niwbooJELLITALL toy Mra. Ptrnhnua# of Part Lata Clf. for M vraira Ui vtfa of a Normoo Huch Prtrat. I®- IrudoCtkcNl b; Mr*. *ov. TYU alnry of a . ■ amto'i wprrkMira Uik bora tlio "AJ*tm kfe* myatortoa, aacrrt dmnf, rtf. of thr laonnoii* aa a "m Jroi*Ar uwtM iA M , Dura and Good, it la ihe hr<4 na hook oit, artuaUj o Mh food thiiitfa lot all. It ia popular t\try a hara, arith mrtbodT, aad oulaelb "Tl othrr U>*ka Ikrtr 9o omf. Mintilrra aa> ** the Sierra Nevada mountains of Califor. 1 nta, tho medicinal i ropertle* of whleb ' are extracted therefrom without the uae j of Alcohol. The question Is almost j daily asked, "What Is tho cause of the -1 unparalleled success of Vixkoah HIT ' j ruif Our answer la, that tliey remove ! the cause of disease, and Uie patient re i | covers bis health. They aro the grtbit i [ blood purifier and a life-giving principle, |' a perfect Renovttor and Invlgoretor 1 of the system. Never liefino in the ; history of" lbs world haa a inedu-m,. two , compounded poaaseaing the remarkable I j qoshtiea of Virmab UiTTßsa in hasiiuf die tick of srery dnwaaa man is heir to. They ere s genUa PurgHJve sa wall aa s Tome, reUsving Congeauon of Inflssuiistina of ' i the Liver sad Visceral Organs la D>iW ' ; Disease*. The propertiin of Dk- Walk**#. Vissoas ilirrvs* srs Aperient, liisphorwlic, i Carminative. Nstriuon*. Lssstiva. Iriurwic, I ttsdauve. Counter Imtsst. ftadonfi -Jlpr*. , I uvs sad Anti O 'ioui. f. It. H. SScOOBALO A CO.. vlvjmW m 4 Owe AfU. Haa Rmntaa CailSwwts i aad ew. af Waakiafum aed CkartUa Sta_ X T. SoM ky aUDraSNbli aad D-kUra. I *ii v-M aad rmmfJM. wfrna u. rabjMia aad bw w Iran kill* Maai Fa* aarWalara aad Iraiaa add.rar HIJIS tntWtmraV PrtbaWr. mbM raildObH, ."< H) zz I krafiraa ad rAMfW C J IrfCTPi, CTbrahWa.OWk Qhicago |eoglr THE CHEAPEST AND BUST PAPER IN THE OOUNTRT. Uiwzotllod by any Weekly Literary Publication, Eaet or Weet CUT ANHFRJi WANTED IN EYEIT TOWN IN THE UNITED STATE*. fWMMUMNI Fraaalaaaa aad Ciak latea ave* *Uanl b aa; aawaaap. Write tar a Cliaataa aaatalalae fab iriwaaiua, a*a. Stealaiaa aepMa laraukat aa affk aakiaa. Addraaa ■ ' TUU tJSB fSBPART. CSIOASA Ur IHB NKtSLY llttW VEtS* TUB Richmond Prints Hara bram bald M k*b Haaa b, braa a*r mlOafrra. Tbmf ara. twudroad la all dm raraakM M rbi'Wtas fa*- km* aad ia m laami i all n Qia awMart a* Um mmmtm ul : aaaj |iaaaiar. Aaaoaa (Sa Ulkra ara tba ; STANDARD GRAY STYLES," I PravarfcwUmbww aara-a baeenfwlle daatgwaed I j piehsitig I® ; CHOCOLATE STAJfDAJO) STYLES ' ' la *rarat rriM, aad wiMh kmrana aa aaraa am .11 ■ abla ■ *a.aatfrat aaaa>aabm aad afsawalaade*a 111 8 TINMVII ®IT M'SK: Jaa "aa. J U 0 * I i-rafwt. Haadramra. . *baa. H-a. aarara TIIK I wbrav kd t " IVa|ratai W * C m n n w ! A Rarri., vratl V-.a* BOOKIItHW . Mi.imaaaaa.O. . STEINWAY I Grand, Spare & flyrifil fia> trawM aa all * Riiui Anmui* f*tu, K II Kant L aad Pla!bvUaß*.U>fM aad a half rauaa. la Cwut I'pttsM Bammast I am.***- llrcalara fram MASON A HAMLIN ORGAN CO., tl I wtew "aaarr. New York t lAt Trraaaat Ml., Bawtai wo A M3f Itaaaa Mt.. ( kkata. OPTIC'S MAGAZINE, 1875 • Now la the tttwe ta a.bra-i (be ! Tba Sew Vt oat wUI rratata Rtra sum t>: Ultra (taaiot. Kluati Katlr** aad tirara trandra larrj araa f>rt"ra atf ml trblrt. am dot? rat ht oar P.w war Trara- BA.IHI pat jot,, ta adraaaa. Hpailai a aamlraa mrii-l frra bra- Pll IS. LJtT " *.v3 a* rAPBBC rln alraa and ta atpkatrataarl order, koMa KUDO Leurra. "Ml lra,<> aed oa a dad* ae bun* ta tba wall. Wi pawpar BtrrraaaMrira Send ter etreMar gadprtoa Ima wWk Ifiro ~*■ m IM . Addraaa C. A. OOOX * Oft. CM aagra UL OPIUM isgg BTR^hl A.) ,1,1 aad rnrara. a wrawtb to araab Addraaa •71 ' a l sn>r>DAßJ>. JmwßK. mts. _ £75 EPILEPSY tonUili- Kl KPii" Vilalßrf- - -draaae "I taramrTatr.. addrrat kIFK- BXUS.. Rlckm>ra|l. W. B ASTHMA ! CATARRH. |gM| m *rti twwuty ywu'is :*mpw llwsaft j4**ti Brttk AMTIMA. | imeBKNI I f wen*" Jltmsktflsc ra*i*M4 twr*u**4(*MlUhc itkwuMA. . irtkk | 'nrtMMtsl Uhli ! kfrws kv s '---ffilWdl w *4 Jestmyiw - rtt v W YkUftM. ®44bf 4rwrt fVkkr Vt UU It ®h . J AMvs• O- LA-NCakU . Affl* C rwek. Wishart's Pine Tree Tar Cordial! J Nature's Geat I 1 % • -X As Remedy FOR ALL Throat & Lung j Diseases. V For Sale by all Drag & gists and Storekeepers.