ENTHE EYOHTYH. I TRED KtfHTZ Editor Centre Ilall, r., Jm- < 18*5. IRR.MS, —$2prr pr, i i ■ -■ tpkrn not paid in adrirnrr. Adtimtenents av >. sfrfioH*, VI >' cial ecntraft. The bill fir entertaining King Kahtka na, nt Washington, f.iot- up > i'MkM. and tho house committee on appnj>ri:itions has agreed to rx-j>oit in favor of jv-ix ing it. When CVtjxt. x ook vi-itxil tin- Kaud xvieh i-land-. tlm fund wis k detl and at. him; wonder that king cali.-* wa-u't afraid the Washington lanihal- would do the saint- thing with him ♦ • If the democrats of the nat.- aim house, at Harrisburg. -hottld find it ne iV-.-o.rv to have a . oiprx>niis- eaiuh late , for Vnitixl Stat. - Senator, the choiie couhl tail upon none Utter and inoiv , gxumia '.x sjitisf..eiovx lh.ui Jildge xOxi- Wo think, however, that Mr Malhux-s ehfuixvs aiv as gooit-mo tt'e tin mat tixrin hi- favor \ man down nt t< >rgia ixnttmitti i suicide,one da\, w.vk lwt'.-ne las: bx | -hivotitxg himself. He first tn :dc aw ill.! .ixing minute direction almut hi- bnria . the disjsxal of his cflxH-ts. etc In hi* laspuv * he wills t!:e pistol with xxliiJi Im shot i.iiii-i'n'. to Robert ToomU. xx:!h |1 e r a-! Halt he make the - ;'tm IN of it us he did, and rid Urn world oflii-j ii-enee. Thi- xxa- aloxxil the -nieidc we haVi yet rx-adof, and we siip- Boh Toomh- will lv -low to claim tin • pi-bd uate egi"lHturea.-**-int.hst at liar i iry.oit Fue-day "th. A- we go to I.- we have little intelligence of tho u:■ , >lax - d' lugs presnnm, however, that the House nrg-aiugi-il by i hx'ling Mr. I'atu: oi. dOUKH-nxt, of Ai.eghany. as . aki r. ami Mr. Mxioxxi-ti el i'hd.nb i .a-eliicf-clerk. us these gentlemen .-d :•> have tlm sironge-'. -ujqort. rheekrt&noft s. Senator will take j.iaiv on Idth. i i" any one in Centre county should in |. • . the thief t-f J-diee. ot" New \ork. that he luid slmi a burglar, who died 1 lfan Inuir thereafter, aud that he had ml ie mentxjounei'tinghiin-elfwith -' alshietion and that lii- nanu xx. lVrsimni 'tis, the s*i*l chief of jnuiet' xi fid tvh grii'h Kick -'Uiething like this. "All right, we knew Persimmons was one of them, and have Iven -earthing hit., all along, and would have uab- I U:.a stirx-imsiile of a week, had y u i t headed as off by -hooting him. The honest men an- not all dead yet, ami then* is -till hojH* for the country ; tliov have one left m Haltinmre, iu 1 x tioveraor Bradforxl, who dxx-linea the op;-■.ntiuen: ->f apprais<-r of nmrehau- I'i-w* at Baltimore, on tlm ground that lu lu- i.... know ledge of the practical dehiils oflt.e otil'X . ..ild that tin- duties should L'-discharged by one xx ho ha- Now it !11 holders and otiiee -et-kers xierx* . - Nanilid. in ixmfi-ssing, what a g"X ernment xxe woulxl luixe. < .rant kti >\x- how to Miu.ke a cigar and run a navv, and can pu-li along the 1 liter •!. lie as fast as under a deiim r.-.tic administration. Hi- naval ex . nditure.- during the last five years are greater than the same expenditure-have 'vei; iu ten years under democratic rule, a the folhoving little table sliow - : Grant'-3ve rears, j Ten demy. ars. Ist' .Trsi.iii.!i7|l*sV.... sT.'.xi.7-Jt.'- I-TI '. '.iUl.tr.T.ai.lN'.L. . - SN', is- 'I vt.. s4.r..'.sx In i... s.nlsx.KK.lu .. U.067.788.5S " fg ISM .. '.xt.TVO.O'y. llSiV.... 18,527.F *"'.ll I . -.lj. i-".ii,-> IS.VO. .. 15.0T4.;w.> 'IKiT... 12.651 ,x3M,x'd is-.- . H.akv-k'd' >4 l t.ir'.i.-.i",:. *! T tal sUii l 3ia,tjuU,eW Thus sVsi.u'.l.U nmre were paid l.v X'rant's administration to keiq. up a worth hi— navy for five years than the rViuocrats paid to keep up a good uavy ten yiMrs." i .v. 11 art ran ft. ways the l'atiiot, lion p.jbll-he-l hi- jir ivlaiuation announcing the redenn>tion of < of the p.ibiie debt of the state of Pennsylvania. FTiis fi.ll- a little short of the prome of the xainptiign jironnm-iaiiientos, but the r- jiiibliean [xapenx do nK (ail to claim it . financial achievement. When it is rcumnib. red that the money in the inking fund i- the accretion of tasi-s which munot 1H- divertxil fn>m that fund, ■r.d that the j>roviion f*>r the di-jH.-i --ti" : of th. -• taxe- wa- made by a demo cratic administration and coufirmed by 'i. tituli 'iial sanction, it detracts some what ft >ui tlm financial merit of tlm agents, who jay the debt of tlm state lie cause they cannot do otherwise. Gov. Ilart ran ft a:. 1 his administration arc en titled to a- much credit for the traii-it of Venus a- they are for tho javment in.id' oil the etate dt'bt. Here is one minister who dots* not try to dodge a "little" n"-tnke: The Rev. Hr. Fi-k, pastor "f ix I'niver uah-t ehnreh in Cedar Raj'ids, Nrh., w.i* accu-cd of immorality, and the trustees after an investigation turned him out of the pulpit. In a letter to the Heimx-rat of that place the reverend gentleman say.-: 'T frankly confess to the fearful sin of which I ant charged, and will not be cowardly enough to lie oi wck a jmllia tionof my weaknew or guilt, lean on ly crave tlm pity and eomj.a—ion of tlm world I have offended, and tin forgive ne-ss which my sincere and profound re pentance before God and man i-alis for. I am not a coward or a sneak to make Adam's plea, that a woman did it. It was my own weak and unguarded soul that in a moment of frenzy and jmssioii wrought my down fa II." THE PiTTsBCRf.il POST announces that in consequence of the modifications I placed 5v the post office authorities UJKUI certain sections of the new jsn-tal law concerning nevvsj>ajx.rs, it will commence Januarv Ist to pay the j nn <1 to lis* that' n n< change would |v tm .It >1 in the mh tor tlm government xiftlmdoiiixii ratio ial l> <-l this cxmiitv. Thi- ha- also been uppa relit to Othol donilHTais wllo-0 Mlg'.-i ! tion# agree wit It our \ ioxx -, it ti no reasonable obji. tion We ha r o:ilier. hut jxo-tjionoil it troiii tinn t time. A writx-r in last w< ok'-\\ lehiimn, refer# to till' subject also Iho two itit • portant chang* ■> art* the-' Iho new i tNm*titution fixing our ehvtions in N vember otto month lat< < than tornmib —wo think tho bobbin of our County I Yuivx-ntioii shout.l ah ' fixed it oonvspniiditigly laid Jftio i -y tlu 1 .d Tuesday til "i pit .nli-l t into: tlio tune , t - now fixed for making nomination*, it give# us t*H* loin; .i running from early in Vugo-i to Noiot . • > :x ing too nun h room for tho tab •< -l tti ex.■iicnwixl >l'a campaign n> ill M|i Mid dm oll"U">fbtX Urn i'liMton 1- Imhl Th >uh >, it nor v'.t.iio tho running of tin party machinery ml a< > nsci) out [of xim t •: at h a-t . no xx t. to luouth ' uhotv there i- mi m o i!x foi it sin it | ami -harp eainjiaigns xv ill li ivlishxd | much I n't tor hx all - x'lli i ami voters. 1 Then .-t tlo t h.-.irt,..'ii '.i v :-0.. • x >nuuitt i hi -!. ' ' • nu otai. of t!:o uouiinatiic xYi!.- t,on.a.horx-,0,0n..1-ut lu# 4 lt ua >h- u.*l ixißiiiti'iii • x* it It tho en-itiuj. 'I Ja: un rx, unil xxmtinae out* }r I mlor the pn -rut -x -torn tho Chairman i- i! •>-. n r.ght in tho loot of tt cauxjwig xx In n ho li*%> iuul iioutiu* lor lio'U- U t*r |r* ;.i rat ion, or to itiakxx himself .axutuiotol with luott ami measure- m-ei —are fx.r a sunwiul iximlmi of .. ..oijiapn in •ili 'l't hi ! oi •; -■ i to ; < tut • t imnt important work .! oliic atnl a a grx i u I haitxl Kx hax in-.- hin term coiutmntv in | January, ids hvo work s- nine mouth i alio.nl,"ami ho ha- all tluit turn- U-forn i !um to ilvliln rato upuu hi- iutU - ami ! map out hi- nuniiaip ohart. W i ill* m>t | sex that any ilouowral nw fail t *rvx | ith us in favoring than^i> in tin ruU 'as tbaxo jsjintexl out. There max !s : -otne more changes umlixl ot luin T lut ip itaiiio to any of whuh, if ofxtliole ! -OHIO U-mh liey. We XVollhl .I—out. We xi HI H -ug - that the t'hairn n. • apt j Morrisou, x.ill .t metainnfthe rx jxrx'vii ! latixe-of tint party .XX nil a x ,-xx ■! t f im; such action a- xx ill rx -ult n the ne> i ! o-l chants of the rules. r<)(>l: / OII^IAXA lo spue i>f tl:e laU cUvlm;: la I • j na, in which the people xoti : -loxxu the ti-'.:r|ior- anil hayonvt rule, a rtnliea He turitij; Vwurxl. has thrown out thou-amls | of xlciiMH ralie votes, m te.er : • seat i.oli j oai-ui the leyi-iatui> ami -ooure a ma* j joritv in that Unix. W ill t j ami liraut xlare -ustain furt!i r uMirj.a --i liiut in this xiowutrxshleu state. tiv. \ M'Knorv -out the wins; to the • J 11 era hi : \i.xx thai. iN>, Ji :f. Tile w nuisi.iust perpetratcxl hx the re turnjnu lhoinlajratn-i tlw j sipleof 1 ■ i-iana. ami xihioit xitully threaten- the safely ami integrity of rx publican insti tutions in tile I nito>l -t.it. •. i- a la- re i erowiiinjf infamy I hull the uctn not the ■; l.ymh Keturnine Ik'anl, -urpas-i- even jthe luiitniglit orxh r "flhtrell. and would j not la' submitted to hx any free people Kcsistatuv to the national authority. . repri -elite 1 here hx .. jmrtioii ot tin army anil a mix a! tlcet, nistaiiiius a j usurpation ami-titlintr the \oitv of rhe | jusiple, luis never lecn intslituted. Jons Mi ESBKY. j t upon theal">ve the ller i .-axs the r.i vx - falls upon tin- j >ple of I tin I'nited Stati - like a national calami ty, and is full of akirmint; |rtent- It ! coiiehtdi s'tha* j The recent election- have given un i im-tukahle itiilit alious that tliejieupleof the I'nion are re-olvexeminent t • tin - athern sn.ti - by peace fill revolution, ami in txxo years their work w ill l*e aie. iiiplislieil. Jt i to Is- -iiii-*-rely hoped, therefore, that suffering Louisiana xxill bear Iter ill-, heavy as they may he, until lor sister Slates inn cuuii to hi-r rc-etie under the hanuer of e iisiitutioual r.-lit. But there is -i.ine hope of more -| edy relit f provided p ncefiil Vonn-.-l- pn>- vail. I're-ident (intrd and t'ongri uni.-t U- sciisibli of their ri-ponsihilitv in tlic'matter aml'cunuot avoid taking some action for the pn-serx-ation of re publican government in laitiisiann. They cannot so far jnisundcrstund the -pirit thaQconqoered the rebellion a.- to imag ine tliat the i-eople]of tlie North will much longer tolerate su !i x-jolations of republican prini ijle as mark the usurpa tion- in the Southern state-. The I'r. -i --dent hit- < ailed jhe attention oft'oiijjfi -- to the -uhject and has invited action on the Louisiana trouble-. Helms supple mented this suggestion by t lie significant hint that there is actual ]*-ril in the pre-- ent condition of that State aomel>• >dy is g'dnig to be hurt. < 'ongre-s, tiiercfore, has the matter clearly before it-1 yes. It has known the secrecy, the procra-tilla tion, the trickery that luixe marked the pris-eeding-of the l'eturning l!"ard It ha- the dcs-laration of the coi si-rxative repri sentation on that Board that it-a't have Ixeeti parii-an and unjust and have "defrauded tin-peiipleoftheirch'-icn rep resentatives."' No S,.|i.ii t , r ~r I{epre-(-n --tative of a Northern State who has a j>- litical future before him xxill dare to ig nore these facts or to evade the resjion -ibility ini|sised IIJH.II him by thecon ti tutioii of his country. If, therefore, the |Msiple of Isiiiisiana xxill mukcaiii.iruest apjeal to Coiigrcs- for protection under the laxxs. their voice w ill roeh the peo ple ofthe whole I'niott and will compel a Hint ion. It will, indeed. Is* tie- duty of the deinijcratie representative- in the House ami in the Semite to initiate senile action in regard to the affairs of the suf fering State. Should the majority fail to do so, and to prc-sperHbtently fur action, the public peace i-at stake. The life of lii-puhlican liberty is in danger. No Representative who stands in the halls of national legislation rail evade the du ty of seeking to preserve the one and to .save the other without relinquishing every ho|>i-{of a political future. New York's iK-mocratie mayor-elect, Mr. Wiekham, starts off well. A delega tion from the corneisampi -n urns called on him Wednesday, to secure the rexcr sion ofa resptjiisihle" and lucrative ap pointment for one oftiieir friends. "No." said Mr. Wickliain; "not fit.' - "Well," said the spokesman, "if you d(>n't our ward w ill go buck on voir "The whole city can go hack on mt if it chooses," said Mr. Wickliain, "hut I want jt dis tinctly understood that 1 have determin ed to have no shoulder-hitters, jH.litic.il hangers-on, "f incompetent JMTM.IIS Jilsjiit me. I want th< city business car ried on in a systematic mnniu-f-, and it those whom 1 shall appoint fail to do it, J will git others that can. flood day, (ienth'liieil." AII expruf- train xx'a- thrown down an einliaiikinci.t into u canal on -tilt u!i near WiHubtock, England, s.tol tl.iili l>ersont> were drown d. Twenty inincr- were ktil.-d b.x an ev plo-iiofi in ll.e Signal I Hill Colliery. North j StutforJd.ire, England, on g'tlh ult. lln.i.o* stovi>m" fit. X\ atvhiumi had tin Uowo. P.i .i, i"B|'b 1 u: I • i. t.llu• • ler • t tin e.l - licpubloan ft... aI la lull i -till laboi-iniii.-I tie- hal i lucinut on t'ud ti" l' ;(s bi < u hone all the j daxs of hi- lite W' II let him labm a 1 . 1 mail. f.t llli- • 'dhllldi I:< ! 1 . •■- 1< 'llow - Well troubled iti that wax ill hi- M.IH I iiio mcnbhimr the 'c.litoi while m starch of voiuiltecl i alldidati - I'or I oicrri-—, Judy> and -clislloi Vol xxill w \. leiiiuiiiat home, under Mt< h iir. um-lan* - • hel ! ..'o i oi. Ii - i k ot . .1. |, x, That -jsuk (Voiii the 1... tuoiix. . a I I tlx- night thill t 111 "cilit. I I**l-1 the Mo . tad l.axi lot him in the . x*< I.mi in- i. m oried ill hisotli.v writing .in idit. liai di'lelidillg 'lll nolle lice- l>t li- Jisl go ami -cnat.'t Now i-oitntx priil. tnaki- u -.. i •- Ihit," tlit-rt -no u-< iiHo odlaiidci pUins thtngs oil our aIK iliii k u :dt bullet (hex arc tUlliaa lit, of i oil!-c Fbc 1 Vim H ratic crguli at Lew iat>w n, the True lHtiiocral, also pi. k up a stone and hurl- it into .. window on "•priitg t'tick, from which tin > .atih trout** tin 11 xx i-towii man iu ilis. c.-ii.g the t - -cii,it- : jtn -tiou -.a * We I tfc - huW'cxei ti - n.c MUpii-c t the 1 n -I nt attitude of the \\ alrhmai: 11-edll-a la-t f.t 11 I'ltti! X opp.--I'd Ml Wallace's re iioniit.att n for the Male Set ii and funu-hisl pur..cut argu niciiis :. ainst him l.axtug i> tcrx-m< . iMS iallx t<* Ids coiiiii'- til l: Wit!, taill.a.Us, mip>.rttliou -. i .tig-, i - • If what WW* said of Mi Wa11:... tl,< r. Was tl :;c. I-' i- I f all men the h.-i dc .ixing -t clt.tion t>. I ,'hi-i horn is. the |1 1 st t.i jswiili. II of tin Wutchiu-iu, iht ii f ic, >..n 1. I alltl d ft I 111 olllx i . i of tWo XI ..X , i I'.U --n Mr \li > k'.- objct'i. i. la-t fall were groiiudlc--, r i t c hi mcrclv xx...it- to get Walla- pi (noted in -a h-r to gixe h.tits* It an--! !u i i ban ' i tL. —.dc -en ite Wlii. h horn f tl-.c dih im- : d.w * I' l- Watihman t iki " lunilLE TILUK nAII.UA) FROM XVII YORK TO COI X cm ni.ni\ .ngn--proposes to build a double-j tra k railway r>> the xxv : f r tin t: |s.rtali"ii of freight ..t low rates, iv- will, >■ -.n IN the:..;: II f the lIoUm * oin niitti i > Uadr a i- which liaxc pr*'|*r c.l i -uK-tituto f.r thi bill pr.viding f-r a o ::! !• tr, k freight r.ulxx.n from N- x* Yolk to t .... ... 1.1.111 alld ( . ithitl- Ii risjuirt -the x oiuj'any t->is'iu pli-'i its road in llirei -■ and . ..rrx fr. ightat fix. mills pi r tot jx-r mile for 75*1 miles and .X' r. and at .; -hade high ■ r prit ■- ' i .short. ••• das.. ■ apj- in:- a l o.xcriiiiiciit t.mtui< 1..U to -UJHIXI-I ex: enditnrt's in tin i-oiistruc'.rnii a;nl : : ■ t r .• {' ns thicv th. ra'- - xx hv'Ui xvr tin-not f.trniiig e\tl-t •! eight per icllt.p f aitUUlli UJ-lIS the actu.il ix . I < aj'it.d, and t • J : f Vi-i.t ; ile'i.C on 'on, I . txerti-'g the ~bji t. f tin ill I'lic Coiiitnis-ion t nsjuirx-d to a-t ax. :c at.rlbto khold. rs' UH-etings i-ijui-l t<> the I- '.al -luire- i prc -I'Utcd I'll, i aipaisx i- io m rtgagv i> projHT*x i. u x ..!•:• I i lovernment, xx ith all that it m x l.m after re.jitiic, am! t* p..j all interx-t st ruaHiri - and also the pntu ip..! hx iiu iii ofa sinking fund, a default of wliii hxx rk a fona'loMire ofthe loortwagc, the pi p i r:v reverting to the i li xcrniuvnt, which i-: . atoii-! at live jsrunt on the Is.iuls of the t .-uij.anyat the rate of r .0,1 • x.i 1 1 r nidi- of thv cuiiti III| iated r ad t" Is- issued t • the x ;nj.nx a i-.s h2ormhs is is.ui|>h tsl. Flu- xalux of tin x 'oiDjvtny's j.ro|n-rt>, oon-i-ting of the isjuivaliiit "f nub - of -ingli track, -'.idiug. and 1-rj.iying ready h-i the iron, xxitli rights ..f wax, terminal, and oth.-r fhvm hi-i - purcha-i d, is rtatut :lt -d.onxi.llOxi, .1 -utu equal to the interest upon the entire i— uc--f lo:d- to In* guar anteed for a-ingle xoar, and xxid aeon muUte a til- roail i-eoiopleted ill dou ble j i-"jsrtion ofth< xaliiei fill.- face ol the ls-:-.d t is- i - ad, giving til. X.ov eriunent. it is ■ laitiie l by the proji'.'tors of the rxal, J ri'eet -enirity from the -tart, xxliiih xxill incrx'iise iu the same pnxj.rtion the construction j-iogr. -• -is. It i- further elaiuied tlutl xx bile giv ing • iu-ap trail-]- -rtatJoti, It will only re quire tin- loan of the i i"X t rnruetit credit, as it i- -aid the i-aieiilatioii- of railroad exj'crt Munfirtii tlicnhility ofwieh a road to arrx at the pri< i - named in tie bill. SCI'/, 111 LOUS POSTAL OA L'DS PAXdKnOVS. la • . !l .-pitiful and rexcr .i ful js rs.-n --bexx.iro of j.utting any of their ill teiiijw-r tijsxii js— tal < ard-, it i- against the law, and X'.it mav only be -piling your-elf in the end, instead of the "tie xxhom you may wish to ofTi-ml then-by. The fir-t ■ .iix i. tion iindi r this J ; ,w. xxa- hud a f.-xx day- agr< in New York, a* we learn from one of the journals of that eity. which -ay- In tlicC. v fin nit Court ves. tirdav tie- trial of Mo-, - ('hninbi rbtin. for. -ending scurrilous js.-tal i-ard through the nii.il, re-ulti-d iu his eoiix ii • tion on all of the is.unts in the indiel mi nt,uml he xx..- remanded for M ntence. The indietnicnt ebarged Nfr. fhaniber lain xxitli sciuliitg through tin- mail four teen cards of tliat kind, and. under the amended law. tin- greatc-t jiiini-hment that can be inflicted IIJ n him is Id year's ini]*ri-onnu>nt and a fine of for each card, making in all 140 year's imj.ri-oifi ent and a tiuc of Nfr. i hamls-rlain i an, in the ili - retioii ofthe Court, be fined, or inijtrisoiicd, "i both; but if sentenced lie nnivod on . ach count in tin- indictment, the lowest punish ment, if a fine, must IK- s4,inn, or if im j.risonnient, II years, liecnusc the laxx siiys that the fine for each ofTcnsc shall not 1 K- lew that §IOO, nor the iui|>ris..ii tui ut for i aeh xdlciw lx tlmii mm x ear. This i- tin- fir-t rase tried under the laxx making it a crime to send scurrilous postal card- through the muil, and f r that reason, as mi a< - eouut of the standing in the community ofthose most interested, it has attracted considerable |.nhlie interest. \ motion for a new trial will In- made next Tu-.s day, and there are t wo more iu.lii tincuts against Mr. Chainherlain for like offen se#. As appeared from the evidence, the scurrilous cards xx.-re sent to Mr. Van Vulkmihiirg iu h"j)i ofextorting moimy from him, hut rather than l>e victimized, he inx ok.-d the aid of the law , and j.ro i-tire.l the indict me nt of the one who xx as annoying him. enusiiixo our unit on. Tin- llx-v. Ir. Jo-, jilt ('iiniinings, l'n >• idt nt of tin- Wcsh van I'niversity at .Middlx'toxvn, Conn., i- rej.ortxd in the Kostmi Traiiseri|t as saying at tho re e. rit <'onvi'iition there to -ecure the n-- ligiollsalncii.ini;'!)! ofthe I . S. Constitu tion : "The essential law of nation- is not founded ii;.mi conceded rights, hut IIJMIII 't*f ill | oprll, Mill llu ill, i ■ 11loi11 jilshi < iHti '" iif||ii> • <>nv, itiimi iliil nut t> podliUe thi< • • tilluiilM though 'till I Will- iUllliiltlli ill ill lln u| oiling il ! I lit- llt. i t ill).', Illt.l In lull tlii' 11 -solution" iv in' I'll | mii! \\ i .in mi! at liln ri vln illl|i(lll' lll ilmllillO tin I nil Wilt toil, I-111 MI'III U,V| ll - Hill I'M II leglot lll.lt iliv | *lt • 11111 It 111 j|. IVi > ! I ■>! Ili I i-l l.Hi ll v -liollllt give l \|i|i->iii|| In "41. ll II ll}* vv . litt li! vvlll 111 In Mil lillliiaii In III(J nil! siili i>r ilu* 111•-1 tiltmniiitvi.uit ilivi'i u uf il-.,( i 'hnr. h w lilt It i iftiiu- |ni\v'i*t u\ ,r llu Unlh .> Will il" llu- Mitljn llli li. • v. i li, i tin' uf tlit'it* mn uvvti , h4*ri*he.l (Hi Mil-, In lu:itull* till* i nllill v li> i Itti' all uu-Uilllu-liil In lllr United Muto- I -I ill Mill In vvlliitlllll' llirifll.lll H 1,,1'1U l-l mil in- 111 Muuli.lj.nl H, llu i, i,uiiin ui tin- |n j.li Ami ui itil- I'. • ii • xii :. ui. I>i \t Vl!tnli . Ilii v V Mlil i i.fltu !V li-i-li 1 lli.lt I hi* h : .. II \.vv V in k -Mlhitliv la* mill ilu- |i|i.uuul uf iliu IUUIii ht - I -uuili"it il' - imt Miuki lli a i Ini* I .11 Mali ll . - it * 'nillM .In Vll.l fII..VV ' ' ra!i .i! :u: ,c!il fiutn whi.h uc liavr Itnl alnivi Mv Co) I) h .ill llu* MaU-Itu l!i> ui I lit* >e, ri'ti.rv . aiul lilt* feliuiit" of llu Mit liv.n |ii li lit, with ttich | iMlutiihl i ui..- vvi ntu 2y feel iu r .vrdiiijjcven llu i rui uiul lihuuhi -uf a tut Uli'ill l ull. \\ vt— U'vlll it a |jlV:ll .i> Lim it? lit tin ila.v vv !u a . u*iu 'and iiiti'h I* ilv nitil l! lit iti-ttl ittul Itti'irti IVIU* alt* alii. I tit , i : .1. inttlu I institution* \t itit It t v f thuM- who ought it i* With U- !i l)u *U'Uggh tu tUaltitalll urn it-ui: i |>t i v iltv-i-iimli r tht- jtov* i-rmiti nt of our intelligent t-ltuicc | Ifvv. uiii.it defend our thhuth ami , h! - vn- ! -iitutiiut, wI-w ill ti' lutibU-Mir effort" tu i al.t ll > j i >|>lc uil) hrn-ti ii. - ■ lh.t|dc. Rut when w. tuiit t->t!u-i'i"i"i- ttuii j i utitiiitile's |n i tt'tiW .*ji U the ilutv uf thi Hate to d< with tmlivii! ttals what tii-,1 w ill tlo in hi- own v ■ tjiue, lu- tetu lie" that "in. Infidel ha* a right to any pnitw liun in tilt- • vprv --i t of lib-entinienta,*'iurJ if he attempt tu hrojia.-ate any iJe.etti tiding to aubveii Christ nut 'it :v, lu- ought to In- erudi.v , Ukeavijn. I'ruUiMy tlo- dimb rhetorical, but it in an jj}u-'.rati>*u thai tell- the whit)- niury of the u awittj: aiw pnrjv-e oftlu--jwaker It ..**i-rf> nne ' .jtliMH-ttlv the right alalilnty oft lie M ill . to define infidelity ami irttah t out, hj . nt-ltih}- the infidel u- a \ija-r. To ftaU ' the teenth entrre and in lh tnnt Vtaer tea, ih toevj-iM- I'-wrung amiaron-<-tin innaut jirote-t of the | jfi. If wa !n-lie\e that nnv brge j*.rtiwn of ttu t hriatiwuaof tlri* UntiitMii tinieiit. we would h d:-j— tn a-k nil other t "ti*i-ntiot of the Kvangelii al VI lianee, in whit*ti ttte jotneiple t* "rj-li r iou.- lilw-rty" -110111.1 In* -o di-iinetly a i -. ri i tliat n i man iiiay !-■ inn'., r ttu titijiri i— i-itr thai * hri-tiau* vv a tit the etvi j. ,ti r to l- i mjiloy . it in trr.-hina- infi del- til V ij-r- Hit! the more we |ur i - a ttu .1 the mere wear ittelitu* l In lit \- th.it tin* - ii till) iit'■ I r. t tihiiuin. ihive -ntfere.l many thin.- lit the ltaihl- of the rei- rn r-. althougl - nte vvia-k- have eta]*. it .-inee the!! tttwa-i'lu - vv. re reported in the Traittwriji of ii'i-i'.ti, ah.J t'ipy have made no objec tion. If rlu-. are tlo-ii h iitiment*. ain fairly liiM-10-etlie iitirji<*- w hlrti tiapiii thi m, it i- vv. II for tin- eotmtrv that tin v have di-tiiu tly avovvi •! them fin >an not ut N.Y. ,]U i* tren eon, 1 " r it i- a criim against the ■ - litis a pretty ami tleci.-itii), ami i vii,lnt. l- of the lection lavvs nr. ha LL tu j i Mention ft r trcasoti, lite way of th -*e tran-jiie-sitig gtoumirtiti wii! I:e Imnl, hut it will have lite good el f, ;. f rtth'.cii jj the number of thai Chi.-* of ra-i-nU, si- have In. n getting ao nijinerous its latt- r tiny.-, ami w... through their frauds elect tin tuselvu ami their pal- tu resp< n-ilile oflicei and then i i-.jjug. in wholesale plunder, Wc SftV too it is Itl'n.itli, ulld of till ni am -t kind. Let eorrujit polilicintii now lake warning. One of the tire! tilings which tin Democratic party should do when n filially gels Into power in NY ashing" 1 ton i.s to abolish both the llureau ol Lducatiut) and ti.e Agricultural llu reau. Tiiev arc nothing but eonlti vauct - tu give places tu men vvlto can not earn an honest living in any u-c lul industry. The (iovcrnment of the United ritt;u wa- not formcil to at tend to cither ngiiculUirc or i-tlnca lion. DKATII OF (KRItKTTSMITH. New Yor-, ft.-,- > (jc-rretl Smith, in cnni|WNjr uitli bis wile. ivrri'rJ in town lat Tliurniluy, f..r the i>ur|iu*e ofspendinji the holitlnys smoiig hi- frieinl#. II" vvu, i:t ntoih-rat" jfiioi! health : his < heel, lu-inj! n ruddy, li is eye its clear, hi- voice a. fr-'i his sti-|> as 4-Insti. a It had been lor litany yours. Ih- laid made nrriuiKCiuonU t. meet (.'lt tries O'l'onor Saturday, lie arose early ami -aid tu Mr-. Smith that h* had -S|o|>t uncommonly well, stutinj; lu had not-pent o merry n Christina* for ii Jung time n on the day before. While drcMing. hi* utterance suddenly became indiilinct. and lu- wn born to abed barely able to -ay, in a faint tutu, f eiy weak.'' lie immediately bvcinun uncott scions, uiul th us remuincd until hi* death which occurred til half past twelve o'clock to-day at the residi-ncc of (Jenoral John Cochrane The cause of his death wn a combined attack ut upcple.y ai.d parnly *i*. Oerrilt Smith was widely known ■ ' great phiianttiropist and a writer. Hevva horn in Dtica, N. Y., March it, 2T'.7. and wa*consequently iii his 7ftlt veat Ilia Munificent Liberality. He practically illustrated hi- opposition to land monopoly by di-trinutim; gUO.ttlO acre* ol land, partly among institulium. oi leurjiiog, but mostly among poor whit, and black men, in paiv-i ' about Mly acres. Hi- laige-t gift- "l money imvi been in aid of i-iiiain-ipation and tu buy ; I lioim fur tin- pi or. In InV_' lu- wa- a| nit ipbi i of Coitgrc-., and wa* fur a lonyj tiaii- a po,,iip->nl .'lveateof h Ittrg" lilu-r- I,- of opiliiuil, and I'licMol ii ~,, what In bclieveil In be tlo* bortilagc of -eel lilj IKiil be made .une -pee.-he- in beltall •■ I Ii vigorous and uncompromising proaeeutioiii iit,lbu exi-tillg war, and also wrote many | articles upon ibis subject for the piers. Ml 111iKit W 11.1.H1 T /.'• a (I ii /' f rrll) A !:itlhl ;; I ll ol intui'er 11)0-1 fcl anil tltiiudinal . "U.(( " 111 a i*n p >:ti|. j *:it ,1 ,:.ot if't Mill to i* V- ti' ' ( ;, l IV lo'etluw till Fli.i.ty la ! .."hotel An ■ i r liv II g a short <1 is la tie" vv est - ' I.e. hiiiiott a|4pt ai. d v oluntarily bnlore SherilT ' I II Kluir. and im.i the wa ■ si.it ,-Inn |• i 11i k upon hi* iiuiid and i I t, , , , VI- 111 ' •. • :li • i - Wife ' ml a V it to h U hotre in A Mi ll I. I, I ll.lt ui in; 111 this ho* t, I keep, . 554..1 i 1 Wife u ~t , .t ,„l„ the . i. i i , i , will tbu I IJS llirtlg lv atl-tll lie-] tw i eii them which elided in the cummin ' 1 ( l ■ ■ . 1 „t to- Stmt 1. hi. wti. .1 b! -vv whitb M-nt ler ttooer lb.- bee!* of il . horse, and that tie altiiii*i subsiiplin.!v .is ,'tl li 'i, i aijsilig to-1 - - ''' V ! . I .- ! ~t I lit ~i .i 11. ~ i suiMi (Insult I that th d sill hd re* " sillied ti ui tin* kick utiti.i h-sr. i, arid it tt.is . stated t , ;t',.i ' :,tnol V f.-vs ve .i s .1.,.,|* -tt v lb,ll, . mat - • -.! 4... I- . . ■1 t ,r I „. t i , - ■ li, i. one I U' .. ■ iI- , - Vl!,e. al.e . j lo.oll" it., . i ~ r. *.ni.. I '• ■ • ' - ■ "|l< 4* -■. I * a s,ib.-r man, an si 1.,- aisvays t. ;ne a Ir • ! to. tlillt lit t I . .j!i I o.ei i M l. It it the terrible w i g bt II V \ I. MKSIt VNT ,111' 111 S| id jVf Ii ij ft Y PI It K l- I! V I KKIMItTKIi t !,,s1 Ih* t ip 1 lentr -V <■! A! 11 .r,| IVri-t. Kxci-pt I 'ire I !i ■ L :apr to Tell ' toe ialu. 1 l."iid<" IVn ■ mi" r2k "• a m At-!•- ' gr. I s . i, re, tit 1 from VIJ. i . I'.. • U * /j' , w , ' grail! -lli. ( -|ia| lii 1. lit I.uadcil fol - ; let tlii. .1 tb> t 'iSspalro hurn iat i - - * ' i v - : \ „]l7li Hide •: si. p! m rth, longitude lb! t . d. ( vs. t It i l -V edim.it .I that ll""*- tiItK.VT KIKt IMI Nt* st I I Hhi'l IK11 y I'd'. ! .irg. id-,'i-io-m i VI I i,v 3!eat ilpjl ullll- lit*"' ll ■ - Is Is-ls ; I iis s-la trial ill : itlle Uli ted Ms. I*s circuit - osift r the pa-li I. jit. wii vi, *i n ci'i-s- ti.is siiurn [tug Tin-court strei.lr.t ike ailegrt In VI ■ I,dm ! : : iry t I lave- .! ! r tin , ■*r(ei, til' . uleaving til r Th. ; . -*. * ,isit: ial* th" • .-1.-ni. nation t av,jd <.ll, . show - t rtt : *1 *i s-larian I -. dt . Stalt'.ly ttiaidt st'Sii. likti established it. rite • ; i "ft aliibut its tu id-• M'.IH.V • " •' ' A ''."e ' 1 11 ■ , t * K aiaitsl lies t: ! -ri Patter - J il ll I. . ll Mt, -, it- A II Slept . i. t- [> 11 .li ; I! .a'. -• K or. i*• l'.stms-!er* (sent it. Isev 1 S.nf I.ltl Jiitle I*l*. ' P. i .t ft i • j n, I) I* l: . Kitmn I s p, ni. Ji vv vv ii;, .. \, !S m- H Mr. .It:. !• I), vv ti vi- m nI y -. . • er, M ' Auieiia K liarr, ami ii.ai'V utiiu ii serial isi ry It o !is<- l"i |-n■ ! M r ,| J.-aa-r I• 11. VV ,;t -• *..- i MM . 1,i.. attractions of thi- •\. ■'. nl ysMirtia' . . r- in. :u.l< • . h week a tr< lie ■ ii e , ur ■ ler a!, 11 (i * lain- one •-! |lr Tal(t.a*e >a slirrui*acriuoi.s, . Ii . '■• . r ! uelve a -n. to I1enilel i l, a (sermsn ar list of *reat esslebrilv in Kurn> • I'. i- an il udniinibu- Ii .iliin- .ft i pn lulu-n .t :brrc is no uddiliotial apen :r mount in* or fraipsXs n odh li e c!-' mo* Tin* ■ . -, 'nlith r'-Th • Twi'i.'s! "tfser . , name. To *ecut unif.irmity -n pri.-e. anvi In avi- J all r-rtra s bargqa, vshieh have jj t-ri v"d such -n ruin -villi i- tu sufocribers. i* "ohronio sdi-liv.r d untnoiii.Mai. When •' ':•■ i'esi tber ha, i- .i l three ,1..!1ar. an ) ~ iu"i.iy-a." . • .its he r.. ei-. s .ill r pr.- " ijiiiilp, free by tnll. iho | ii .i for nej. r* v. i., !... ibe 1... i h.gi j .i-l af . after January I. ÜBs Ji hi n>. u : ..- ■ * omnium, k* bm bin tie j.*p. r ttoonj !. P -(!,;• vgi -it* ! ii (' Me'. ar. of ilanovcf, V ,k e .in v ty. having pi, ad eii g .iiiy (on lif 11. ...d || ini-nt charging him with sending through l_ the n ail- art" he ! • b usnl for malprae tica, and lib proper printad tattler alto '' u-• Satin day erilen .] : y Cad- ' g vvnlttsh-r I-.. .'(> imp!! nmenl ■•!' '.lire,- y ears a i JaflnoofsUU) Th accu-ed had llu option ol An i„,,.. i: "iment of four year* and a fin •i A "7- ll* content* einhrra U.e lali. i ni.d most 1 interesting information pertaining t" the ! Industrial. Meehani. al. and (* icnlili Pr -- i-l -n-- f tlo- World l)escri|ition, with Roautifu! Kngravings, of N.-w Inrerition*. la'siw Jinpleinentji. New I'r. us-e* and Im proved i n iiut.-i •• of all kinds; I" -rful Note*, Recipe#, MunnActloii* and Ad vice. by Practical Writer*, fir Workmen I. and Kin plover*, in all the various art*. „ TheSCIRNTIPIC AMERICAN Uthe .i-hc|ie-l and lu-st illustrated weekly p*|ier *! iiubh.'tied Kvery numher contain* from •'into 16 ori(inal engraving* of new ma-j glehinerv ami novel inveiilion*. j KNtiK AV I NU-, illustrating Improve mollis. l>!*c-vTii-h and i mp -rlaiit Wiii i.,. • v pertaining to Civil anil Mechanical Kngin oj.-ering, Mlllillf. Mining and Metallurgv:, . Ih cord- of t!ie latest progress in the appli cation of Steam, Steai Kngineei ing, llail ' ways. Ship-Huilding, Navigation. Tele* ' grnphy, Telegrajdi Kngineoring, Kleetri ii eitv. Magnetism. Light and Heat , FARMERS. Si echanic*. Engineers. In ventor*, Manufaelurer*. Chemist*, Lovs ' ers of Si ienee, Teachers, Clergymen, Law* ' vi r, and people of all Profession*, will i find the Ml KM I FIG V M ERICA N fultofi.rm. It'.hould have a plui-o in eve ry Family. Libra, v, btody, t""oe. and " Counting Room; In every Reaillbg it.u ,n, , ('ollege, A cadi my. or Si-hool i \ A year'* numbers contain St'J pages and n - -I'Vc-ral hundred engraving-. 'I liousniul jot volume* are |>resi-ri . il for binding and fur referi tiee The piactii al r-■. i|iU are well u•, th ten time* the -übaeriptiuli i-riee Term!, iUp a yoar by mail, in- ' •-hilling postage Discount to i : l|,li #pe* ! , iin I i-irculitrs and Specimen sent flee, j ' May be had of all New- Dialer 1) 4 Ti;\TTh! 1,1 conncition A i. IMN 1 N. With the S, |, . ; rtrn ,\ mitit i < p, M,--rs. Mi w A: Co. , ire Solicitor* of American and Foreign', -| Patent*, and have the largest establish-; , mailt in the world. More than 11 fly thou- i I ,iilid application* have been made tor pal- , i elit- through their agency. | Patent* arc obtained on tho bent terms, ,i Model* of New invention- and -ki li-be.- I and gJvico fre A -pecial no-! I Itlce i- made in the ScivN'i in. A "!i [of all finvcntiotl* Patented through tli> Agency, with the namo and residence el. Patenti-e. l'nlc-nts are often sold ill part ci - >r whole, to the person* attracted to the j invention hy such notice Send _ foi , j Pamphlet, lit) Pagpj, contililiing Inw-'and I full directions lor obtaining PtuonU u Ad.liis* for the Paper, or concerning I P„t. Nt , MI'NN A CO., :!7 Park Row. N I V Hiaiich Olli. e, cor. F and 7th St., I VV hi hington, D, C. 1- 1-1,1 MI N I (il'cllHlS'l S 'l KMPTA-I THIN D' IH, lir Thuro., , H,ting* d' M -1 Pre-I.yt- rfgn Chur. h from 111 following text Mttn.iMVe j,, nl | It bihioV • d him to In* made hi.,- unto his brethren,! t ui,i In- might to- a merciful and faithful' lug!, prit- ! in all thing* pertaining toUod,! toiiial' i-."lo-iliation for the iu* of tlo !"■ I- 'of In that b<- him-- If hath *utler-1 '- 1 I 'll I'• MfiU I. he i* abb- t-, MUM ' them l! at nr. tempted Habrewa, ii .17 ! l I - ' -t eia'l eof the text, the pr.-acberj !,ul wa i • ry (mo-itaiit for consideration ' ' il a' I 11. ,4 t.| br"h.4t |i sal *f lliyi ' " i 'Villi Will Itt.l tbU slieuli) give I t.itlo- hio.it* of men ii rewllxation of cm* ' t. *" - ,n. i lioii with 1., ai, s i,u ,sit. ilia • " Ii .aw hi. In hardship anil suit,■•ing It v. ..* ■ vto in. .gllia tt .1 inn w .oildjlurii ' b.-lp 'iut In tiie hour ofuuiiuiw.! •IIP ... Itirely ilitfert lit Few 100k..1 to til S for \ li.-'p tb.-iti t-hungc |i hah th. r Uv<- Such help, however,: eoi i I'm .-r f f ill, "Oinplate. niot f.ilal, I. ,* Je I id II ttlptttl. V lof tempted man, in- I U.-- liwHadtv ..f ll.* WflipUtka* 44*4 . i . , e II .111 ll.at ' '' ' ( 'liV *1 i 'I. :i - I . ~u . i I '• u :myw!• i e .ttld in t pic ' . - • f (M.r -! 11." l ar y i '|| i.e .' iii -thy lli ' ' ei, In | u, !, ). t,. leg •' tinp>.J 11• *.-,>iil.| 1..., , r teliipti'J aaii. .!, • , -11 liter,*.), for Its- r - 1 t * toln pint • 'll ' -..-it out bio- ! ID •IV *1 -.1 t. mptatpih w . for 11, ' t ■' . It*. M -'I ,p. ll lost the • -I. . i : -t - I lie. iii i .i-.. - in adnilratbi'i • f I I'v -1 iry In tt," ,-on#ldernlioTl of In--ti if - - A , -. t'ir. in*i' riant .Ii vi-ion i, ui.- lv, t'o* I. n.|-at on t'.n tempt CTj nb-1 tlo (i -np!e I ,po Ii- :.f • ' ;• ,\ ior, -liv ,s. - teach • >br- - 1 v. tb.ii tin* limh- two I I ' .* t i, ■ "1 the Wilderm -* ■it !th !'*np!a'l 01 ill til,-•• Ud'-n N .eye In • • ! I ;|! -rof tl e lelllpll.tpl.- ll' 14 bed script l,t of both were very brief I* '.--in: tali. i in th" Wi derfi. ie. ..i t ..., ■.l . nog!, t. v ile ike kn-j Ulan asturr 'll..- was (be teu| to v ! the Jot lan "Thi. i my bnlov. d von, in wl. t B ,„ Wt n " Al - ISate'-. 1.-f. -ti.e (emulation! . trliiiH'-bant i*n! r id Jea'j* Into Jeruva-j !■ in .- d eh. ut- --I t. •* ii a During l el ■ inptati-oi in the Wilder! f| . f,restraint ai.d the : ili'leitv s.f ii..-; tniog'. ' * in the effort t- pr.-vulit tkel Wei . h If.- p.. U -..-) or II - vwnb '.etit In the desert he was .-r •ni i Iftint ou I . eild ea-ily bavel 'Htn-'orio.-l the s'otn.s* hvlo bl-.-nd ; b it it! •, nn- ' 12.- rniwi oi t make u f r 11 im* j -<- i .-' i power not p -# ,1 by .-U., i a!. Heeni' I •r. tbr, !' w .- ! !''*.!!< might imva (.inverted the wl. il# of -leru-item bv* . **!sng !,im- If. fr. 'he |Hi,i#cl" f the tempi.-, and tber.j di- ? forth unharmed tut il w** Hit! i . -i • to e. i,vert tlo -H bv a !. v,-r pro I It Wa- lit. till--.nil U, get lb".bono.• i"i, Wl .-. Satan h i but He - Ould n. t| ... ! . a g,fi, 1!,- juuvl u.-, )1 a- a tt'-i' T * L.-.-ji en the level of bumani-i II - t " *rr. I- Hi- i - a* l HI danger ThDmanwbn hadmtanltee! t-o ' -y H - h-- id. ~light l.ave reared ;-1 -' in eatt, w r,i. 11.- -'at . oil) 1,m, i. "• 2l* . • .. go.i.s o| angel* at a Wek | -k o.tts.i p. *V, Ills brow tern with) *.t dhi--.de band- pier.*- - >* manner. Th- -rlf-i- - tii ! Chr'-t *urrn-- d all bty .*,, ' Vain the de*er(. -- in the g ,*- I ' ll 1 1 tbe jsow. rof ~. n > ■'■ ugee-t' i in the same way thai; MX Of tb pr nt day were tem|Ad., K> ■ry I: .11 ad b 1 d ti.ey be, when les* * r t|(,| -ere, TLerp a . 1 p.. 1.0 p. la*, tlo in t lbp t„p of a luoui '.ain, for ti." tdanaclc, f lb# !■'oplf woi.' l ansa • all the ntir ; • I! ! Chr -• wa- •-t *.. ea-ily to 1. -,:r,-.l The two p-riixls of b mpiatlon il! id. 1 to w . re .-a.-eptlw* at. and bad been i.v v i- orded: but there wa* " i.-utit that tint whale ease, r f the (Jodi *u*n .* a pcrpejual court.el ar I a Cor.- • t l .l! uilh i-vil, Sin i> first s< gg.-s --"e, ! *! . opp , n delight, nr,d tina'iv . All the ancient ti..-' .: . - *gm ! m ,o e p..itit, tbi.it the ii.li ii.ev, i-at.b ignorance .-ft) e pm->f , s-s*r . lure. Satan princely in hi* (sower wit!, a Isfg,. retinue, the g s,| of this world, iisaiotble ami relent!.-**, wa* continuallyi •* gipg a uaifaru again/t met It a thought that after tb world had waited for 4 tAM v.-ars for th. ippenrafiee ~f r. It. - d,-emr, th.-deyi!'* -upre naey u with out dispute. Rut the tiiline-- . f time ha. , inc. And with it the inrarnali n of the Divi;,.' L >rd The lnur hn* > of any other man, 1 ! rC or Sine", and it Wa* in till* fa. t that th-- world c.-iild feet n Jv in having lligb I'riert who could .yinpathixe witb< lid . ii mail tbr oigli having b#"D tempted 11.U.5. if 1" tin ll.s. use witbuulMn. Satal. .a* not ignorant of tlii* dlv in# ii.darnat i n. It":' . nrgcls wrr.-ar. ur. d at the birth -.f t'brist. it may t-a11y be conceived I hat tlo fallen nrg.-l- were alo ar,ii little-T Christ shun.at, nature through admiration <->f (he divine Hut the human nature ! .'. •us wa not o\ • r,b:i.iowei| by Ihcdivlm- How c oiipb t" and intcimcly human He) u a can only be known by a careful atudy! .flii* life The divine nature wa- Jtehl hark that tip- human should be letted, in Jj become triumphant Tbd narrative -ay-j that when the ,1,-v il i.-fl. ulige!- CAtU.4 , minister, d unte liim. It wa* that natur. to which tin- atige!* tuinii-te:<• 1 that the! arch llotid a"!.-, k<-! -ium* havi*-aid that :1 - human nature i f Chri-t i>.-ing iinle-. Ho cotjld i.->t • offer -tnurli from tempi i tion * ordinary men. That th.-uy th, preacher could not i.gr.-d with. 1!. , au>, Ciiri-i •*. p.t deprave.l wu* tip i.-ryn,. -on why II flu uld mf r more. Sin dead . ns th. -uffcring of temptation, while puri ty hight.-iii it '1 lie *nmo storm which |. uis, - a [ ip| ' • * tl,. b 'ii of'a little lakn will Insh the ocean Into ftjry. The -ugg. *-) tion of evil to a pur* soul was ropuDivotoJ degree not conceivable hv the itijpur,-. t'lirisi (ought the lmtli" through ! - the! : "ml How many men bad -topped short,' und thu* had not felt the full extent of the: bitternc-. When a man wa* ovwwh.-lni* ed with some great bittorne**, ,-r *n< alon, witli n inlgntv *in Or temptation, then h.*L might realise how nenr Chri*t i* lu the .d. -ertan-l the ynrden Christ vi ,> al":ie, and II" then fell the awful, Ditt* r , vp. !i !,"il vvhut teuip!-.tion vvu- To Him. who could *ymputhb'.e through being ii' sufferer, the kin nor *ho SllAtH I A7-A fd EMU v 1.-s (MAM I>l R (I?l 1I %% I'KUFC M DRY. NDTIONH, I V.M.i AUTD I-KS tun •) in: rorLKr, -V . A ,-V •( H: WIN I". VM OWN,! fr ttiiadU'inal juirjMite*. I"r ! - -.( H tpp rtel IH great variety.J| AI. CHi VR- AN'r ToIIACJCO, • lot ad • I r .lit; . St .'")' 1-. Pl fil first clu- Drug Store. I'/ scripti-m* euref'j'.lv C-)t#jH*unild. MIL LRU A SON. 11 CL NT KK li A I,l* | FOUNDRY &l MACHINE SHOPS,' ' he uuJor-Igio-.) k.v g lukei. p.*-e -fill) nflht sltU'i* :-h ! i'*fll. Idxjjftd* . fully inform tho pulii ihnt uill , Jr • nrric KETTLE FLATKs.* KLLAi-t.itA IP> FLJJW i -■sill. V it* A MILL (iKAIUNt. of eve ry *1- •. upturn, in lb ir bo .ii-iry i* camp'.utc it* ti, ty |>nrti u!r M t would -ah ul*r uiW'O.oj, (a; i .ur EX-GKLSIUK l*t*oW ■ekewF] edge! t-< be t c b,-t Flaw |KiV in uC,' 1 thi ft iti g ii. th" 10-nii) ( r two.orthr.c bar* ■ *M \\ s . , ..* W •**• it.pr .v ; i I Itil'LK (iKAKKi) lldiL-K I'tlW* ! Kit. whuhktt- be, U rived liKHi-'Vely iu; like *),rkb(Mfii u i Wi*#U*ri. Mat" , a'.u h, .taken prep.-I. ,tc *•> <*r 4,11 dilicf*. VV . r< pr, it .1 • ; KINDS of CASTI NO ft ... .hi- *rg* t to till • malic . I , , ,4 1 ' o ; a I.• • lor <1 14.g -1. i k .lids • f IRON VVe Hefilfnt : Ruihlers Hani w are i CAIUU.UtK M AKKUS HOODS, ] SADDLERS TRIMMINGS, \ Ll* KINDS oK IIAKDW ARE \ND HOUSE H KNlslilNd HOODS STOVES. SPEAR'S ANTI-CLINKKR STOVES 1)4)1 UI.K HEATERS wbilh will beat, one or two room* down)" *tair#. and Miiim number itboye. Cati very lillle tu-re than dngle itove# Theao are tbc b. -t parlor *t>v.-- made. _ SUSQUEHANNA cook , STOVE. Thi-t'.iv" lias- large oven-, will burn! hard or- ft co:il nnd wood. Every one. j warranted to give perfect -ntiMnotion. WILSON .v HICKS, j | ttiurlo tf Itellof.inla, l*a L. K. ETTINGER. Aamntburg Centre Co., Fa , Dealer in I ,I'LVNOS, unt! Mini,*) Merchandise of ,-very do#crii'tin, Sheet Music, Musir (• It. Ac. Ai> 4 Agent (7 merit a contiii.i.ition of the S -nine, the uiiilr rsigned most respectfully y offer- hi- profe-lonal services to the pub- B lie. W. V. Kfsklk, P Dec 111 if t'entre Hall, Fa. Noti .• is hereby given'that at il t1,,-a.-.-ouiit oi-Lo ,1. A .commit- S] tee of Elizabeth Oerttrt-l -1 Lunatic, has R been tiled In tho Court of Common Plea? L of Centre county, and will he confirmed at Si January Term next, if there I"- no B ,-ient reason Irnvvn to the contra rv. T Dee 10. dk AARON WIf.LI.VAIS, V Prothcnotary. j NKW GOODS! MIW GOODS! A. W GRAFF, CENTRE HILL, CENTRE CO., PA, Hu*jtil rr< -elved n Inrgn invoke of II inter Goods. < <>tui(iiiK oi the bc>( MMrtmtnl of UKA DV M AVE (![/ )Tlf I NO! DREN.SGOOD.'i, GROCERIES, PuOV iNltiXs, ROOTS A shoks HATS* CAPS. AND FA NOT ARTfOtRS, ever brought p, putter twp. lAIWKST rA.au PRICES 1 A# Produce tnkeu in e*.-haftge B f higheit murUi-t price. * A. W.GRAFF. tuyll-ly. < • P EC k \s New Coach Manufactory. CENTRE HALL. PA. The undersigned t IH - ojo-n-M Üblithinctit ht hi t,#* t. (, r " nianufHt tut* ..I lh * Carriages, Buggies, l k'ASrr iifer cry description . Ail vcl.ic.e ma u ufsetur+d by him •f" MffWltß t" milw uutitditn, and 11 r fttWid but ihi- beat material, and employ# the Ufi*( iklllful workmen. Hi-fi. i they Cutter themMlvf# that ibetf work nb not be I'tn-IM f.#r durability nd £niati. Order* from h distance promptly attend i to. Cotio- ntid t-samtiui w)' nark befor# i l olilra' t ii.k i-i .-where. PUICKs REASONABLE, All kintltiif Heparin;* done. L\V GooDS A Nil NEW PRICKS I hi tut it An a h vim kv out: I Good* at Oid J-'usijiuotd Price*, At lite tod Stand of WH. WOLF. Would r< -|teet(u!ty inform th; World and it - re*t <>f ntankind. tbat be lia* jttil opcio-d out Hfid I* <-> OK ALL KINDS j which h* i* offering t the very iowosi market price. DRV GOODS and j Printa. huln, Op.-ra Caulou#. and Wol Flannel*. Laiiirr Drea Goods, such a Detain*, At|i*ca, Poplins, Ein pre** dot h Sateen*, Tamei*, together with a lul -jock of everything u-ually kept in ih. ! Day Good# line. which lie ha* determined t toil veij j cheap, consisting of NOTIONS : V full tock. consisting part of Ladle* im .Children'* Merino H<*#e. Collar*, Kii glove*, be,t ouatrty - ilk niid Lisle tbrri* iiluy •. Ho d, Nubia*, Breakfast shawl* HATS & ( APS, A full .*•-re to suit < the liutes, and ha a complete stock of j DRY GOODS. NOTIONS, GROCERIES, HARDWARE, Ol SENS WARE MATS, CAPS. 1 ROOTS A SHOES, FISH, SALT, CIGARS, TOBACCO, ORI"GS, SPICES, OILS. In short n lull line of EVERYTHING FOR LESS PRICES THAN ELSE WHERE COME AND JUDGE FOR YOUR SELVES. sfeh. y. VKW HARDWARE STORK. J. & J. IIARMS. No. 5, BROCKRRUOFF ROW. A new and .complete- Hardware! Store nas been opened by the undersigned in UrockerbolT# new building—where they ire prepared to sell all kinds of Building ind House Furnishinir Hardware, Iron, Steel, Nails. Buggy whrols in setU, Champion „•lulhes \Yringer, Mill Saw*, Circular and Hand Saws, Tennon Saws. Webb Saws, lee Creum Freeaer#, Bath Tubs, Clothe* Hacks, a full assortment of Glass and Mirror Plate of all sir.es, Picture Frames, Wheelbarrows, Lamp*. Coal Oil Lamps, Jolting, Spoke*, helloes, and Hubs, Plows, Cultivators, Com Plows, Plow Points, Shear Mold Boards and Cultiva or Teeth, table Cutlery, Shovels, Spader ind JVwks Locks, Hinges, Screws. 3asli Ipringr, llorso-Shoef, Nails, Norway iods, Gils, I.nrd, Lubricating Coal. Unseed, Tanner*. Anvil*. Vices, Bellows, lerew Plates, Blacksmiths Tool#, Factory Jell*, Tea Bells, Grindstoues. Carpentei Pools, Fruit Jars and Cans, Paint, Oils, furnishes rcceiveJ-and for sale at ur.es'b3-tf. J. dt J. HARRIS, J, H>u Farmers AND ALL OTHERS fJ tn I. Uuggenlieinier. For foreign td ORy GOODS, XOTIOks, READY MADKCJ.O'I UJM \ MtKMtUOGDF, OKOCRMIMI^ PkOYISIOMI, htHiiw t fe f I ti A l*rj, CAPrf, W SUOEB (T.OIIIIVf.. OIL LLOIIIN, AND FANCY A ItTH'Lt * 4! KEKSWAItK. GltucKHlKS. PRO VISION'S, FfiOUR, Ac aihiia now |rcjiami to gcoomosial. I hta okl cuttomer*, ant! to welcomi u>i now 'jtie/i who may favor him witl. their patrunage. He fcela *afc- iu **,. t. itijj tbat he cau pit-are the moat fa>liui otia CalJ mid see. ISAAC GUGGENHEIMLJ. I*- B.—Mr. Hu**uart ti|| c ntiuiu to deal >ti LKATH R AND SHOf-FINDJNGS Cf.OVMßand TIMOTHY SEEDS, in Usasdd 1 uuui, uiii if he may uiwu - be found. 12np.tr 'I'IIE ui.ii, trigr.i-u, ileieraiiiicd to meet JL the pupu.sr umand for Lower Prices, ri-*f.i-i tful|y calls the atlc-Mion of '.he public to his slock of SADDLER V, aw olli led at the old stand. Dc*igned c*poc tally fur the pouple and the tunas, the i*rg. tt and n- t i*i.> 4 and complete si soHment of I Saddles, Harness, (.'ollar*, Bridle*, j ifi-vcry d< uriptlon and i|uaiity ; Whips, and in fact every thing to i-omome a tirsl cU# t riabh-hrij. ut, Lc now offer* at price* which wilt suit toe time* J ACUB pJXGhf*. Centie Hall Stoves! Fi re! Stov's! At Andy ltc*rjian'#, Cebtrc liail.at latasl and beat *tory out, he i#a* just raceired a large lot of Cook Stoves, the Pioneer Cook, the Eel ipse Cook, the lie lia nil' Cook. I PAULOUJ—Tiir Radium Light, self-fee der, Gas Burner, National Egg.* Jewell. Ac. •St-lir sell* stov. a a* LOW at anywken j in M.fiiu or Centre to. &--r TIN AND SHEETIRON WARE - . WOVE PIPE A KNmi * I Allkind* of repairing done. He La alwayton hand Kruit Cans, of nil feizo*, BUCKETS, CUPS, DIPPERS, Bmt DISIIkS, AC. - { All wrk warranted and cbrrge# r*a*nr . able. A share of the publi< p*tr<-nsgr licited AND. RKE.f M AN 2sep"or Centre Hal L j FUHNITIJRK. I JOHN (FHa.4 llHfcl I ■ * ( in his elegant 3f*W Rimui. Spring #t;---t, j Beltafbnlc. Hat on Land a wiittdiil aaortiu< iit of jIIGUSi: FURNITURE from it . A I moneft to the m>< tylfj,**nt. 4 l| 1 i CIIAMBER SETS. PAULGU SETS, - 1 ii SOFA.-. CHAIRS. BEDSTEADS. . WOOL MATTRESSES HAIR MaT TU ESSES. - and aaytiling wanted in the line ..f hi* j I Isasiaess —butnemads'and city work AI- I j so, has made a speciality and tr, [ 1 on i hand, the larrest and finest stock of WALL PAPER. I 1 ; Go-*]* sold at reasonable rail-;-, u In. !. -: and retail. Give him a rail before pur chasing elsewhere. fcbft-ly J. ZELI/ER 6r SON ! DRUGGISTS A Nod Brockerhofl'llow, Belicf. i ti-.ra s | Dealer* iu Ikt ui;##. t hemieulH, Pprftimery, Fancy tionda dr., |; 4tC. ' "L Pure Wine# and for medical * ■ pur>Ki#ea always kept. " i..y SkJ'J. , HALL Furiiiiiire Rooms! K/.IC i KKINItI\E, i respectfully inform* tho citixen* of Centre ] county, that he ha* bough t out tin* old slandof J. D. IKdniuger. and ha# reduced the price#. Thev have con-t tnllx on hand, and make to onl< r , BEDSTEADS. RtTBKAI S, SINKS, N\ AFHSTAJj DS. (MR.VFR CUPBOARDS TABLES. Ac , Ac. * j lI.'MK M AUK CII tlas Vl.icay- ..N llaaa. Their ?t. ok of rcady-uiadc Furniture is i large and warranted ofgianl workmanship * 1 ami i- alt made under their own immcdi- * jato supervision, and i# offered at rate# ! .-heaper than eleew iiere. Call and #ce our stock Gift <& Jriory's ~ New Shoe Store f . AT CENTRE HALL. They have now opened, and will constant- Ily keep on han-1, a splendid nock of new SHOES, GAITERS, & SLIPfI irs, f.. r men, women and children, fr. ni the b. t manufactories in the country, aV.,I nou of fered at the Lowest Prices. BOOTS and SHOES made to order, uj 01. . short notice They invite the }. ■ this vicinity togiveUicju n call, a# tbe\ , will #triwc to uiarit a share of their pat ronago. nivlntf . 11. X. M AI.I.ISTSK. JAM*:# A ItKAVaa i M'ALLISTER & BEAVER, A H', *. , U.-llefonte, (Viiti'f Ci>.. P.., a| iißtl —• D. M. IvITTKNHOBBE, i WITU KOOVH, hCHWARZ at €. WHOLKaat.K PKAI.KBS IX Fish, Cheese and Provisions, j 141 Noith Deluwnre Avenue, * 13" North Water Street, j PIiILADKI IMIIA. M r.A.KoOSi, CI H-'IViM J. Ki HW.il, Til HI If IV A LECTURE TO VOUNG 'MEN. Jrn I't-iu imu-p.i* ASr*inK*vviorr. PblctOti. • A LKCTI'KK OX run XATI KE. TKKAYPKNT, AXll HADII M . ur.- oi Seminal W rttcm. ~r >i>er mau.rrhu.*. InUuerO by KIT ACuor, In.ohinTary I.iiiit. •iuK, |uj]K.li-rujr, Xrnrou# lTrbillty siiu lliil . d ! Murrt*#.. a.o#rJljr; r*Maeta>a. l-filejiy. >n d _ ■ I'll*. Mriit#! *b.T I'bjFH-al tncl ,lyr, 4c - T.y Ktlli- KKT .I.CI'I.VKRWEI-L. M 1V.500i.,) ... ibt- -ijTrrta I Brok."4 f . r o Vtp ■ The world rfnowncA aulu>r. in tfan sdiui,.i i, I rr. tur.-, clearly prove# frvtu bl# own cii ri. nn 1).,| ib. iwful i-MUi-ouracc# ul boit-Ab uo iuy ).,■ pflocluallr tr rwmovod IthouC mcTklrc, and wltbcot tlir daDrerou* -Unocal uperatiooa. boocln, inttruui. ni, rlti K or cor dial. . iH.iatiii# out Tbcniodt) o< euro at once rcrt'a.u cud effectual, by wnioh nreiy . offeror, no mott, r wbal bla cuiidilk>D may br, may cure blinaolf clira|.l., urivatolr IH aud radically . ' ■ Mr Tbla Lecture will prcre a l < on i<, ihouiaudu and Iboussnda. Keul undor oel. in a plain onrolope, to an* ai1.!..-,, poat paid, on receipt nf ali eonl# or twu real ' Addrvaa the Publiaherc, CHAS. J. C KLINE A CO U July 7 Nt w vk •* Ctttf let sn BUTT S HOUSE ■ Bellefoxtk, Pa. - £ J B. BIITS, Prt.p'r . Has first flaps arrommndatii n ; i I ea reason* 4n r , u I