HOW HK POIID HIS. Jasper Garfield wax junior partner and *icvotcl Uvof the great funutcv oompatiT. Margaret Hope aatd of him no girl ouid please Jasper Garfield; ahe never saw lucha man. llerv he was, a gentle man b_v birth and education, ami ho would not marry, would not build on the property he owned, and waa considered very jwnuri °k-*" n <*d®d a wife to teach him j tilings, IVrhaps he mourned over a dead j love, or Karl been jilted by some woman who i preferred another. Margaret Hope felt that alio had been alighted in the most wounding manner by ' Jasjier Garfield. who had grown to be a hero in her eyes. She lived in an obi 1 bonne, into which even her youthful pres ence could infttae no life, for time had act it seal of decay on the atrueture. The property was valuable, at least in the < \ v of her cousin, Jack Krwkine, and when aum nicr draped vines ami flower* a Unit the old homo it might well atttact oilier admira tion Cousin Jack waa g\whlooking, stout, ami broad-shouldered, with aomewhat heavy features. His manner waa genial ami hearty, but hia eye wa* cold ami keen, j Altogether he was a man to 1* associated in onemind with a good supper and thor- ; oughbrvd horwes, ami also with a clow bargain. ''How pretty you look this morning was the salutation, as he drew off a driving | glove and w armed hia hand at the fire. Margaret, glancing down, contrasted him witii a certain other man alio kth-w, who was tall, slender. with calm, serious blue eves, and an oval face, ami retewted, gay lv: " What a fine hoaxc vou are building. J .ick !' " The site is not as good aa this one, ruefully, " Sure lv you do not grudge me this man sion, all tiuffy and moldy with the dust oi my ancestors ?" Mr. Jack Krskine gated at the tire with- j out direct reply. " My new house needs a mistress Mar garet." " iVar me I You w ill have no difficulty in finding one, ! dare say, Mr. Jack." He frowned slight!*, au.l when he frowned the features of Mr. Krskine became surly, even brutal. " Snail I sell the hay for you this year " It you will," she said, carelea&lj^ " I can put it in with mine ; a woman is apt te gel cheated as a farmer." Aunt roily Ho)*? stood at the window knitting She was a brisk old lady, with a brown wig under her cap. a face as full of wrinkles as the homestead was of crack and fissures, and bright twinkling eyrw. Her fingers were invariably knitting, and ahe was usually peering from some window down upon the village which was her erlJ. " I don't s'pow you are as blind as you pretend to be. child, about Jack's liking lor ye," she aid, looking after Cou-in Jack a* he strode down the box-bordered path * If Jane Tompkins ain't look to the mad ' again, I declare Don't see when she d.>e her own work, what with gadding about The wh >!e family will come across the town yet, it's likely. Lor! Margaret, a stranger man is coming in the gate !" Jasper Garfield, pale, jaded, nervous, j with the perplexed aspect of ooe no long, r understanding himwlf, took both of Mar garet's hand-. and looked at her with lover's eyes. Oh, dim old parlor, merging into Novem ber's sombre brown Landscape without, what power has the fallen leaf, the fading past, to chill the hope horn of so recent despair ? j The transition w a- almost unreal in it- de.i cious happinesa A week ago Margaret had turned away from the unattainable in sharp grief of disappointment. Now Jar f*r Garfield had come to tell her that he oved tier. Aunt Polly saw through her critical spectacles only a very ordinary specimen of mankind, not quite as good-looking as Jack, perhaps. Margaret's heart and soul went out to hiui in joyful recognition of her ideal..her hero. " It takes all sorts to make up a world," reflected Aunt Polly, going away to see what there was for dinner. " I never sus picioneil that our Maggie would fancy a man with such a long nose and hair a'niost gr*?" In the parlor the moments flew on wings; there was so much to be told in low wki*- per, reproaches, explanations, and recon ciliations, Jasper Garfield's lips staying the eloquence of other roar lips, or seeking a lock of silky hair, a dimple in the softly rounded cheek. How Margaret bloomed that day ! Happiness in the true balm of beauty, as it is the very elixir of life. he held her at arms-length in the old morose humor. " Are you made of the same stuff as other women. I wonder *" "Test me," said Margaret, proudly. Then a shadow stole upon them—a beau tiful woman stood in the doorway with two little children, clinging to her dm*. *• Dolores!" gasped ' asj>er, rising to his feet like one stunned. The beautiiul woman advanced a step into the room. • •••••* Margaret sat in her chamber, pale with fear and dread. She had slipped away, and left Jasper with the stranger, feeling her presence an intrusion. What did it all mean? Could he not come to declare his love without being tracked by another woman ? What claim had the other on him ? Would she take him away from her? The girl'# heart sickened with jeal ousy and disgust Her bright hour had clouded very soon indeed. A little girl danced into the room, took her hand ?arhwl v. and said ; " You must come." It was impo—ihle to resist the roguish grace of the emiary; laughter lurked in every curve of the round baby face, from which gleamed two large dark eyes like star-, while the tiny form swayed with each varying impulse of the capricious owner. In the parlor the stranger stood with clasped hands ami a look of triumph. Jas per Garfield's head wa* bowed, and bis aspect humble, ashamed, almost sullen. " Let me explain everything," began tin stranger. rapidly. " I am Andrew Garfield's j wife, and Jasper is my brother. My hus band was to make fine more voyage in com- ! mand of the ship Adelaide; he sailed four year* ago, ami the night before he left an i angel appeared to me in my sleep." There was a break in the sweet voice, with itssliglit foreign accent; she hid her J face in her hands. Margaret neither moved nor spoke; she felt herself enchanted by a painful dream. The angel stood beside me on the shore and pointed to she east, where the storm came on, ami I saw a wall of darkness -wallow up the ship Adelaide. I went to the chapel of Our Lady at dawn to pray, and then I was shown that Jasper must take his oath to find his brother if he did not re turn in four years." "I know he did not do it!" cried Mar garet, the spell dissolving in real pain as the truth flashed upon her. "An honorable man never breaks bis word," said Dolores, haughtily. " Oh. you would sacrifice us to your fancy —the vision of a night! Jasper shall never go!" Margaret scarcely knew herself as the force of a new-born passion swept her along; she clung desperately to this one spar, Jaxper Garfield, and he waa to lie stolen from her. The mother quickly thrust the two chil dren between the lov-ra, ami won the day. Margaret caught the little I Mores in her arms, and hurst into tears. " Forgive me for entailing suffering on you," said Jasper, tenderly, " I had no right to love you with this responsibility resting upon me. Now you know why my life has been made one of dreadful susjiense ; and as the limit of time drew on since I've known you, I have searched ship recorils and watched for letter# until 1 nearly went mad." "Where was the ship lost?" whispered Margaret. "Cleared from Ilcng Kong, and never heard from." Jloleres spoke with rigid despair, and tearless eyes fixed on space. " You must forget me," said Jasper, laying his hand on Margaret's head. "I may be absent a very long while, and must not fetter your youth." " Trust me as I trust you," returned the girl, bravely. "If Mrs. Garfield and the children will remain with me, we can watch together." Lost almost as soon as found, Jasper Garfield went out into the early twilight, and the shadows gathered cold and gray about the old homestead. ****• The ship rocked on a sea of treacherous calm. A profound, awful stillness pervaded all nature, as if the elements paused with bated breath for the signal to unloose a tempest. The vessel swayed uneasilv, the corn age creaked, the sailors awaited with strained eye and ear the first notes of the battle in which they must conquer or lie forever lost. the northern horizon the sky was still blue; to the south a mass of lurid vapor rose steadily, rapidly, and ob scured the zenith. Nothing can be tnore fearful than to wait thus, 9 Wely "hip on a vi*t ocean, for the pall of cloud to advance glowing will* eoppor-huod margin and fiingt # of changing nii#t# that seem the lattetvsl ahredm of other Momia, menacing with distant thunder, and holding in ila Lwoui the unspent tin- of the lightning. The moment of agonizing ns penao passed all too IMHOI ; share volle\ of thunder crashed overhead, iut-1 the light ning* leaped forth in flames td pale toe the wind swept over the calm turfae of tin sea, heaping tp greet* wave#, and U-nding the stoutest masts, sheeting the deck ill foam ; and down jHUtrvd tin' rain. The terror of the dark lie*." d< -.vtidod amidat the confuaioiiot sound, the strtiggli oi men nearly spent, the captain * order# signaling the wind, the rending of bulwark* and tinilsr*. A mass ol confined water# rising trom wa to sky. a shook i I tailing spray, a iraii-purvul mountain diwdving with a mighty muling sound, and the -lup had gone down, Darkncw,temw. confusion, and aw idc uiiti named sea The women who watch ami pray fit her return may ncvci see beloved fact* again . lor in the dim caves of ocean, wbeie rwy nulli|K1 yellow, brown, and purple fttetia, and rainhow tinted twollusk* dwell, the sailors shop (W man, swept like a feather from the deck by au advancing billow 1* lore the end came, gra*|wl omo p—tin; fragment of wreck, and la* in the wrnii unom* iciionw Ivtwcvn life ami death, oU viitij only i! blind intiiH-t i 4 clinging to hi ileal Ibe un rv—e itjH.n #nucr#e#tluvi-.t afterlbe deadly -trife. ami -lid a frieinlly ra. e\tr the ~>li tarv figure, already dritte.l tai itvau where the aliip had dinq>evml. lie raiwsl bim- M-lt l.ittgtinllv en bi* eiU-w. A * ball >l*Mltwi iu tin- distance, a -bark -want -Icalthily near. He w;. Healing vita ha.: nit nt ef the ls>w ola tw ktfsl v..!. Hi read the name. A .lei able Tlic wan wa Ja.j* r Garfield ##•#•• t bri-tma* .lay tvn> .cars later IV-vni bw, sere and brown, with va-1.l tinaltine on the window paint- of the old lioni.wica.l Dolores ami Margaret clung together il mutual WRi'W and u*|WiMe. Over ami over again bad Margaret hcar.l the romance of lV.lore # life painted in trojiical w ariulit .J coloring, tor site wa ,>ed in Mexico Ovrr ami .-v.-r again had iN-lore-# heard .'I the river bank where- the furnace --I I'lie inten#e tervivr oi the .Spaniard U-neath * calm exterior blended with tin grav.t Sax.n nature .1 Margaret; llvey loved each other, and waited for two men. ah#etit i ■ f.w tear#. Sturdy Tout ami little lv l. re* of the glancing feel bad tak.n |s— *wsi>>n ol everything; the* ware-hod for tl.-w.-r* ami bird- egg# ju*l a.- it a gray thread had m l come am.-tig the raven ms of then mother* hair arul line# aU ut Margaret - aiclaucholv li| Cousin Jack Krekine wa* drawing hi# nel very closely indeed; if he v-ould gain entire control of Margaret'# property fi. woulc fore* her to marry hint. I'.-u-iti Jack h.iic thes*- u-ttrpv r*. The Spatu-h woman aluditai him with her soft impenetrable black ev.- whilo her nianm-r wa* winningly courteous "That cousin i# cheating you out of every thing." he said. Hswult: bill# for irnure-vemeut# ou tin farm cauie in. which Ma-garei could noi pay. Ja.-k blustered, ami paid the sum himself with an injured air. The subj,-.: of money, even in families, is the true touch stone ol character. " IV. your worst," ud Margaret at la*t when thoroughly aroused to indignation " Father left me the old bill on your place you know, a- part of my jowrwtoo#.' Ih< two women dared no longer to discuss theii hopes or fear* togvth. r tn the morning Cousin Jack t<*-k Tom t drive in his new dog-cart. lVrlore-s I so suspicious of this condt-ssvusi-ui, but Ton came home buoyant with tit-light, and no aware in the U-:.-t that Mr. 1-rekine ha. learne.l Margaret kept all her v.tlua 1 ■!• it a Chine-e eai-tnet in he~ chamber. If lb. old bill on his place could he dewtrorcd thv game was in his own hands. Later in tin day Margaret went to the village jo®i-f!i.x A jiesliller came to tlie door, and wa *ent away by Aunt Polly. Shrill, childish -creams ensued ; Mr*. Garfield rushes! U the window to see the peddler hearing away little Ikilorew in his arms, while Tom shout ed lustily for help. A panther i* not more fierce in the protection of it* young that i was the Spanish mother at that moment Vunt Polly was about to follow, when tin ! little Spitt dog seized her firmly by thi | gown. I'he Sj'itz, mint sagacious of littl beasts, in his fur overcoat, trotted abou | the j.lai* with a business-like aspect, an. wa* understood to know what he was alwntt j When he seized Aunt Polly# gown, there j fore, she pau-ed, and g-zed at him tier vouslv. " Eh? What is it, doggie For answer the Spitz drew her to Mar garet's d<*>r. and -he -aw a man bending over the ojen drawer* >f the Chine**- cab inet. Aunt l'olly dashed forward, grasjn't tell of me auntie. 1 love her. and ' all'# fair in love and war,' you know." " Have you lound the pajwr?" " t hi my word, no." " Very well, go. Whan you was a baby, Jack Krskine, 1 laid you on the hearth to keep the life in ve, and 1 wish 1 hadn't. There!" Ilolores, flu-hed and panting, came up the walk clasping her recovered treasure, and the peddler shrank away with a sting ing blow on lii# face to tell his patron, Mr. Krskine, that the money scarcely paid for the job. " She might have killed me," grumbled the jwddlcr. " Very well, keep quiet, my man. or you may get arrested for attempted child-steal ing." Margaret walked slowly along the lane. Thsre were no letter* in the mail. ' A man in advante of her turned at her approach. Margaret's heart gave a great bound. No, it was not Jasper Garfield. "Can TOU tell me where Mis# Hope lives." "1 am Misa Hope," she answered, with whitening lij>*. " Then I am Andrew Garfield, and my wife i§ here." Thus wa# Andre-w Garfield restored to his own. Aunt Polly believed in celebrating Christmas day. " Jest as if there wasn't alway* mercies enough in the year if we choose to search 'em out!" she said. The feast was ready for weary Andrew Garfield, radiant Ivdores, and the merry children, hut Margaret could not endure the contemplation of their happiness jut vet. A stifled cry of mourning went up from her own heart that to attain thia end she had lost all. Where was Jasper? The feast was ready, but she could not share it; she even went out into the crisp, frosty twilight to escape. Was it an echo, born of her vain longings, that ejK.kc through the evening ? IVas it a gl.ost who advanced and folded her in a long embrace? Jov does not kill, Margaret beheld again with mortal eye* her lover. " I have not found hiiu," sighed Jasper as she led him in. The two men gazed at each other incredu lously. " You promised to search for me," said Andrew. " I have searched over tlic world," re plied Jasper. " The Adelaide wa* bait in a typhoon, and a Danish bark rescued me," said An drew. " I wa* wreekedin a typhoon, and picked up bv a native canoe," s tid Jasper. " I was carried to Sierra f>eone, and nearly died of the fever," said Andrew, " I touched twice at Cape Paltnaa, and concluded you hail perislo ' with the Adelaide," rejoined Jasper. " ! "olores, are you satisfied ?" What a banquet there was, after all! The ivy still hung about the old portraits as Margaret had placed it on the morning when Jasjwr Garfield declared his love, and Marg aret amazed the children by appearing at table in topaz ornaments. The Tweed Cose. The appeal in the case of William M. Tweed, of New Yjrk, of whioh notice waa given at the time of trial and sen tence, appears to have been deferred until the first year of his long term of ptiniahmeDt. It ia now understood that hia counsel will seek to have the case reviewed on the ground that the indictment on which ho was oonvicted charged a single misdemeanor, al though it embraced 220 different counts. It is a very nice point of law •n which it i'j claimed that the judge who sentenced Tweed for fifty-one mis demeanors had previously ruled, that he ocmld be punished for only one. WASHINGTON M ITTFIW. Hrnnlr. among tha bill* ltitrodiie<- l into the S>nle wa* olio filing (lie nln of llio I'll* b-Ut of tlx -I'tcfcd mate.. , a bill reeling national car rencv ; wist tut* |teOVldlttg f.-r ttie rv.n-.lru : 'U ..r l tut ml Slate- govtarnnient telegraph line -I**l*.#ll Washington ami 11.-st. t remnnstianew of lite tvi~- founders .f ih>" I'miml Mates a aii.-t a moult. allow of the re ci|\vii\ treaty, so fai a- it i. lat. to tvj*. s i tvjO metal, was presented \ f>. cliang. " onb w.-i ma I. in the Senate stamliug coniinlttees. Meiii.aials were present ad from lumbernieii -ting again-t the piv>|**e.! iva-ipr.. it * treat, witli i 1t...i.e. lulls weie uilivaluenl as f.Ji. . I teilllO. the allowan.e to hank .* t.. amoiwl (hi National llaiik ng el . to sulci tut.- I tUtod States m.t.e f.a tits Istist of t'ai.Ws ttxoig iwt.e of duties >n -I uieiehamb <• l>. proint t Neiiat.*!**, I'.ept. SMattiM, and I*ele gates in iVttgr. - fr>ui a toig a- .Mtinsel . i ollietw tec 111 Mitts t: . against lite t iule.l stale- |-a-. .l wiltnml op|s-tllut t- 1 restore the tlult of leu |s-r reul. *t certain iuaiuifa.'ttires of cotton, e.ssl, tout, pajwi. glass, leather, etc. . a tall in fa..W of ftwe bankuig to ixq*-al It.e a. is rvspttruo • .amps ut !•■.* clie.'ks, etc. , to tegttlale . .. etc us ill ertlaui Mnilaxru s;at.*. . iei*-al.t.g ibe utciraae of ttie t't.—.-leni salary to rvsbiCe the llxwldeiit s ■MAIJATN *tt Itan.Uli. of arra.gur.l I lie state Went of the president i t bts auutial lite-sago as to lite del* of the l>ttrcl of Uultuwhia, and a s-rt.*t tl t msleait of tie Wo. . til. *ll,l**l,, i! a.tuaily ovwr tfJO.flt*>. IJ. - ■as .te lust ! . other utoutlwi* ai.-t bv the delegate from the Item#. Tit,, l ilia relattie to the ) .-st lrtit> in tr.atu.-ed into tt.eSenate arst tl- tl-e, pn>i-*' to 1 istuce ttie -afaiy to t JA. V" Hie tall pasect by lite House to piv.ent tn#tn- Wra .-f -* from wetiug a- .ottnse! m siut against the t iistd Stalee. at i making it a is-ttaf ofteio-E f.-r s'.icti a *ts, au |#MHSI l-y it.-- tb-Use w llti.'Ut OJ-|a#atl.tU. rt.e bill f.T free tomkii-.g imr.alut-e.l into ttae House ef ite present at i vee bv Mr. Meiiiaui, of New fork, pi. . r- tfdtt W.! law* and jati-s f Us the eh .Illation It-.- Sattoiia. Hank at are hHvhv rt-i**ttia!. The toll introduced in lite House rclu.-uig tlte I-resident s satar. to appJim t . the nrvt PreaMlrut .why it i-anmH applv to the (weeent tucttlttbwul. Lite new tsaid tall Wf.av the tt-aise pi.>|ae-<-- tbat greent-acke may t converted U.U- govern tttent ta*ht> tearing uitejest at the rate of per cent. l'ooIlh Habits. Dr. Hwll cuumcnttoH m verttl practice of tint otrnlwu public, which wro gotuw ttmes us iL-uigerou* a tbev arc ft -*>lir-h : Walking along the streets with the point of wn unbrollw ntickiug out be yond, under the nnu or over the shoulder. BY suddenly to sjH-uk to a friend, or other cause, a person walking in the rear had Lis l-ratu penetrated through the eye, in one oi our streets, ar.J died in a few days. To carry a long tiencil in vest or out side c -at yxK-k. t. Not long since a clerk ia New Yark fell, and hi* 1 ng cedar pencil so pierced ou artery that it had to be cut dowu fnim the Up of the shoulder to prevent hi* blee*hug to death, wtth a three months' illness, To take exercise, or walk for the health, when every step is a drug, and instinct urges re-pose. To guule dowu a g!a--t of redd water, ou gutting up m the morning, without any feehtie of thirst, under tii im pression of the health giving uatare of its washing out qualito-n. To sit at the t tble arul " forc<- ' yourself to eat, when there i- n->t only no appetite, but ad< iJed aversion to fvvod. To take a glass of soda, or toddy, or sangaree, or mint drops on a summer day, under the belli i that it is sa/ir and letter than a gloss of water. To jversuade yourself that TOU are de stroying one unpleasant odor by intro ducing a stronger one ; that is, to *w et en your tin washed garments and per son by enveloping yourself in the fume* oi musk, fan de cologne, or rose water ; the best perfume being a clean skiu and well-washed clothing. The Winter Work of Congress. The calendar of tha United State* Home include* 200 private lulls, not withstanding the large number di jHvsed of last acasion. The Civil liights bill is the first thing on the Sju aker's table, and ufter this bills lot the relief of contractor* for warve -e's, extending the Bayflt 'd and St. Croix land grant, Her.ate bill to protect trt-e* on tiie Unitesl States reservations. At least a hundred bills appear ou the h t referred to the ComtuiUeo of the \Yhob-; among theee are Mr. Dawn's bills for the rej>eai of the taxes on bank checks and friction matches, Mr. Garfield's bill to eonaoldute and revise the legis lation relative to appropriations, the P,-stiil Savings Bank bill, Bruin berg's Quarantine bill, Woodford's bill for the reorganizati-m of the enstoms service, bill* for the reorganization of the State and Treasury Departments, and for re mitting duties on goods destroyed in the Boston tire. In the HeuaU- the "Little Tariff bill," which waa voted down in the House near the end of last session, stands st the bes 1 of the order of business. Among the important bills on the calendar are the bills for paying of French spoliation claims, re ported favorably by the Foreign Isola tions Committee, the bill to ruorgauize the General Lund Office, postal tele graph bill, the bill for a bureau of in ternal commerce, and for admitting Colorado and New Mexico us States. Fight Year*' Litlrntion for ijti.oO, The case of Hotchkiss gt. Hoev, which has been in the c art for nearly eight years, s .va a New Haven, Conn., paper, has reached the Supreme Court The smallii' sa *of the sum involved —57.50 —and the principle embodied in the suit make its appearance in the highef-t oonrt of the State a subject of considerable comment. On Jan. 20, 1807, on the public highway leading from Cheshire to Waterbury, the jlain tiff was driving a sleigh containing a pleasure party and drawu by six horses, when the defendant apjveared before him with a one-horse slugh—compara tively no team at all—and pt misted in walking hiR horse. The plaintiff de sired the defendant to tnru out so thut his pleasure party might pass, but he was iniplocable. For two loDg, drenry, the plaintiff alleges, the one horse sleigh was "unnecessarily, wrongfully, and unlawful v • • • * in a slow walk immediately forward t-f the plaintiff a team." It was not until George Hiue's house was reached that the defendant allowed the plaintiff to pas*. The feelings of the plaintiff nt the time can be imagined, but it is difficult to conceive of n deliberate journey to n lawyer's office, au.l an overhauling of the statute bowk*. "An act oonceming the driving of carriages and the management of steamboats" was found. The penalty for the viola tion of the statute is $7.50, half to the town iu whioh the violation is douennd half to the informer. A suit was nt once brought before a Jtt tice, ami Mr. Ilotehkisn got hia sll 75—that i*. he got a judgment for that amount. The case was then tuken to the Superior Court, on appeal, and thence to the Supreme Court by the plaintiff, because the de fendant's demurrer that the declara tion was insufficient WAS sustained. Eight years of litigation for $7.50 ha* oost somebody something for counsel fees, and will cost somebody more lie fore the cliaisx is reached. Big Con tart A shoemaker in Anburn, Me., hikes contracts to " shoe and hoot" paopio at a stated animal price, which ranges from 815 to s3.j, according to the size of the loot, the size of the man, and his gait. A high stepper gets shod at a less annnal rate ; an ov.rreacher costs more; a shnfller o mtr Mill liigher. At the end of the vear the customer comes in and brings his old boots und shoes that have done service for the year. If there is a month's wear still in his boot leather, the Bhoernaker credits him ac cordingly on the next year. This is something new in theshoemaking busi ness. His FAITH. —Gen. Sherman says that there need be no dispute about his re ligions faith ; for it can be given in a few words. Siys he : "I believe that if people only act half as well as they know how, God will forgirs the baf a see." .HUMMAUY OF NF.WB, lnlei4flua Heuia (I'll lloute ami A It read. Tho Pi.ildbllUsii't* "f Near ll*nip.hi(o have nominated NaUiai-.ial Wlnio f<■ (lovorn i lh#r have li..|ulual# ichl led Is fore (ho Jriet-v I'ity I'lnabytery, rxeitlUlig lit a veidlot of *.'|i|!ttal o ell llio counts In tho hi-ailug ott the writ ■if bt\ ituprtwiiod in the Sii„ j r|t. ti at Auburn, N. V. nuUl tin- ant tint ritiUi.-lel i le.Urticd. ihe ittipr.eoiiQK tit IA not to riA . d ten v. at -. Iho duatna of Memphis have etectrd a mail o iuoiitii:..'iit over tl;. grave if Matuo St. i ( . ■ . u, a yoip.g .f T -wbivlb, 11.. who Ml a vtcttiu to yollew fner it 1.-7:1, after frailer !y ...UAtt g alal. Ol.tiinU-t . f the vieiPna of tb.o -t. ar. I'aitiel Taj mago, a wealthy feriuor, m..dtng (wo end a half tu'.lva ftotu 51 ■ u ' rn, N J. w*amur dned Tb murvlero 1 tuait, who wasarveut)- l o trio* old, had leeii about tho hotter It-.o greater i>*rt of llm vlvy. bi tal tit 4 o'tfiock wn I to the barn, and *r*e shortly afior f urd tuuidrrcd at 1:.- own door. Anarchy ill tlie I !ta li-rtllory, the a itfelsniij; between the facuona 11 Uielea tt-re there. A number of murder* havo l < u com mitted 111 tliu Newlatide- Shaioti wnidlUg tu California, the bnde'* tnarr portion ftom her fathrr wax one m ill m dohare in g< Ul .The election oonU-al in the F. glitli. Wi*H atn Dlatli.-t 1*: iron Mcl'lll, It. p. aud Cate, l'em., ha* lerti (Ivolv'ul by the State bvwi.l . f cai v aei" t* in fav i -f ('ate Tlie Attorney (lei.rial of tho I'lUtr l Stales, >n bl anntt*! ro|.H'rt, eat - tl . judgment* In favor of the I'ulte t Stat< e. lu tbo ■ vrral suite to which It was a petty duit g the tUcoi year, (vrrv SJ.- 021,724, and the amouut actually roa'htid Ui these judgweMs **• fWJ.ISCf . .Cat. dt p- mlof in tbe Oottrt of 4 a u. , t ruth u CAeea dt-;->*rd of. 44. The alJt:i.t ciauut-l tn miacr'.'.aneona cs-te decidtd. #4 132 157 am >unt clatiued in cotton cares decided, $2,- 922.20'J; amount awarvle l lu miecdiaticoua case*. #632,442; amount awarded t colt, n caawa, $1.76(7,362. . AU the amen Imeuto so (he new OubsittnUou of New York wre - lepto-1 bv votes ra ~ .- fr n j - t 4. - (1W.... Lewi* Jarvts i> fouuJ guilty • f the murder of Samuel J. June* iu Otaler Hay, 1.. 1.. luJunelait. The prt-onsr heard with indifference lie v<-* of iko Jury. Jarvis and Jack. u wore aonts&col to t8 ! A!ig< d Januoi.-f 15*.h for tbacrima... .Ce: ain do Cut* f-t (■ .anla : u. . atru.-k on she >1 *. car ( a uao, ai d stttik imment is salts:'., ! Uial tlie (iaal.or la tin: Nana Sahib. Tlie same dis patch rays that Yakutb Khan !s iu c!u*uoui>- tlnemni<: in Cabu! . Patrick Siu:lh and ina son-in-law, Wiiliam X.uuney, were in a aaioon in llo*ton eugage-1 in adrut ken nw. Lum >-y knt .ked Smith dowu and Jumj ,1 upon hem, killing lum. T : . murderer was arr -tod. l'.'iliip Baipaugh. at liiWiln'.a'e, N 1., wlu'g repairing an old gun. which he auj-!vowed win ouloaded, jvut tlie l>irrel in a Llackiunith's f-rge. It was discharged, lodg.: - t!,e charge i,i loa ab 1 vuon and UUh-.-.g lum Uistanlly. .It is said t!-at the part; win. ,-t. '.e*v -ml to nnr cltaae tho I'bitalctphia f'r, n are now seeking to pnrvh* anollier prom.m i l journal, with a view to Uie esUbUnhmenl of an iudepondeut (xvittica! journal .. .There ru a mutiny in Malrtl by a battalion of (.-K{)e wi. i refused tu 01-cy an order to proceed to t' e north At Fail liiver while Workmen wer* Ainklng a jneumaticcthr.! -r, wh'ch is !o form a portion of tlie pier, i!.„ u;, n-f the air lock, to which the lower w** secured, together with the carer, w .. M •> t i ff by tlie pri > - tro of sir iu the cylinder, which at ih* time was thirty pound* to the square p-ch, as iud.catcd I y t!i prta-nre gauge. Fig tit men wi-nn on tbo cylinder al the ham of th r xpl >si,.!t, threo of whom were killv-l untright, <> vefatally Injure d, one aeriutisly atul throe e-ca; <.! unit jurod. The I nilf-d Mmy t# The anntuil rejKr( i f lion. (icr.c M. ledc- A.HI, Secrctjuy of (he Nary. . * the navy t-, lew a rv-niaxkaiiiy cficii-ut c ...! 1 tii a* rec*rv 1a the numler of vec-eIA, thetr armament and sea gvwug quail;' tino veer age Uie navy civiiiualwl of ](ls vr-eels of all rlas •*, ann.-t with 1,269 guns, exclnmve of luitiuen. .-u.-o that time tiier. 1-ae Ic-n a'. led to it e:clil new Ate am Ahi .[*, two t'CJwilo viceel- and one dlw l>atcli lioat, 3i.,1 it ht* Icon diminished by lite sale of two wooden n- 1 eleven light draught ir,>n vws-i-N. leaving as tbe prc-cnt iittinber li>3 .*•!, with 1,254 (tin*, Uie armament having lwen ahghtlr Uicr'-am-l by (lie uu-r, ie 111 the numler of gun* on the new si.i|e. (if this whebv uumler twenty have •■*•l power only, and ~f :li,ee faur an, to le at the din-,-*! • f the Stale am! l-cal authors;:, . n, mliuol or training a' iiude: t!:>- d.ri t.oii-.f tho act of CoiigrtwA provtdtng for aucii liA]Amiti,4i. ueven are in us,- only a* re.-eivui;-shoe, two are ok! bno-f,f-!,a:t!A aliijsi. ali; !i liavt, I . ,>u (lie stuck* f(W many yearw, and eight ore ~f ~k! type Kiel in Lad condition, and can ! u- --1 only for harnw-kw or Atatjonarv iw-hi-,1 idii]*, !< five winch can bo put to practical use a- sea as Aturo-whipa, tran),rt or surveying v., els. (>ur Ateani navy cmci-t of 1.17 v,-n! ~f all i-'.aeeo" and in every c .ndilioti. Of tlii nam! ,-i •J5 are tugs, and, with one or t v,, i -eeptiuno, fir yard puqvow .- . 37 are artn.xed v- -, Is. an ! two are torpedo Iwvetc. leaving 73 steam vac els. oricwslly of a class aia; '•! for cruising. Those are claesitiod aa follows First rate. 5 vescels ; 188 guns I 15.163 tons. Seor ml rate vewaels, 31 ; sln guns ; 57.528 tuns. Third rate, 31 vessels; 133 guns ; Is,!#. 1 *; t.. f .irth rate, r, v, ssels ;21 guns ; Is i i "i, •-at. -vl of 75 vessels. !*i2 gtlt) . . l.i ing h > . i , and 91,3 10 ?, :is. l! a , , f' m .e rejsrtrt Uiat the Seere!erv ha , >< ns| , il a;tontiou to placing the irtm-lad v -els ~f the navy in condition for Mire r- i eiii.-icnt icivice. I'nllril -Inlrv Arinr. In Ids annual rep,rt. the I'iiitc 1 Statow Pes rc tary of War calls aftenti i to tin faet tha* the reduction of the army cff !, 1 little (r tin su, in;;, as trisq-s had to I*. removed from plan to place at great cxt- i" e. Th.- -re :y su-.gesi,. that if the army in to ts r<-bt el. it -h.udd he d tal'UshuiAiit (or the tie. *1 year en.hug June :*•, I*7o, are -32.488,1* 3 is' llic Wppropi lAtioi.a t. ■ li.e . uncut fiscal v eai w el e 28.5-2.392 ll l'.ma of liAAt Vest call mates ovi i this yo*i ap piopiiation* $3,900,577.50 The ict.mates of the t*lin fof lugutctis are auhtulttvsl s. |aiwt ely, aa pseMltel b* (hat officer, til 1 .1 (ft ativuts and other ulk of defense #2, lttß,7(H'3Kl Pub; t inkling* and grounds, and M Mvhiiigloti aqueduct 678,410 50 Kantfx WB,uuß.uo 1 oguo . r dejs't at Wlllet a!' :i I, N, Y V,W*MK Office t|lisve 55,(JtAl.dtl Im, io>. nont ot livers and hai I iw ... 12,970.51"' (*( t0ta1..,,,.,, ~..#1rt,2U".6t10,t) Th* sliip carpenter* on the Clyde have stru> k ..'1 he result# of the election lu Italy -It us.-i v ativ r# ret nn r4. an-l 210 1 l-eral# I'hrco ele.t. wis aie contested Niiietreii inelti I els have ra. h Isu-u rlecteal I y mole than oi.e ustilllollcv (ienrlal ltllst'lu, I', S. A, who Use Is-en odUlUUiml.ii)l by lit itenil I livl to . . l (mi le fur the N.bra-La siiffereis. stair* (hat there are |ii,i**) people iu the western |*rt ot the Mate who aie oil lbs verge of i(9t .tioli. M. -is. Ilawh v A lhtler, profWHWoni at the It. uiing i<. Pennsylvania, wrto luitsl 7-1,(9"). for publishing a hlwl *Ui Mr, thino, f whe li offeu >e they were recently on vie tel. . Two Isjy'A and a girl, children of Mowe* M it Fk l-irt, N. Y., went out to plav. The next uiuru fiig the Unties of the children were (.mud in a mill j-ui.l, upou (be Itiiu ice on which they vent mod the evening titan The boys wert ace.l ris of the Wcel to ruivi Jae.-rvs (it ..( is a (allure, a* a number of rvjala w. ukt M agree to the arrangeiuent. .. tu the ty ;,.graptii. al . latest al YA aahiugtoti, Uie lust prue lu the ke -• jirvifier race was w.m by 11. t'. 'iailri. m, u( Ah .an.lea, Y'a , ernpl-.y nl ui the guv arum ent office, who sot 2.244 ouis iu uuo buur and thirty Uuiuitos .... three Arucrtcaius. a>vueil of forgety and swindling Ui Muynuv, have lta ..aidt-tmiwl to tluee year* imjutsvininenl al barvl 'ls y altriuptnl a cnufidonce game up m a mcrvhont of i-iajnta n.utna* W llianw. a m.ucr, wa- found m a dying i--.- kht.on a! the l- tt.'iu of a .5 ne ravme upwarvt of .nn hundred feet deep in the uutrkirta of .-vi anton, pa. Ttiere was a ternlde gasli acrvw*. the crown of his heo.l, one of but leg* wae Irokeu, and his litv was literally covernl with aroundr. H. was una! Is to talk when fuuiat, and sa.d he bail twsii kicked al !ig llio rval a footloU, ait.l then fiung over lus ;we>- ; ne.,.. The t tuttewiweaith Aieca-iaf-st of lk> ha.e .!. led K. IL lt,xr, presmleuf. and If. I_ Ilene, th Obtey, and J. IL Adams, vi.-sqa-**. lent*, lu Baltiutore a uiuut-er of eulored nium have Ixsvti receivrd tu the t atbolkc . hurrh l'iutl --isle* trvsqw aie ui (Hiratut i( a lorty of miner* who stalled ; ir the IL*. a tilli" liuasta ha# invite# other l'owi-i* t • jar:. ;vaie in the c.n feiprice i9i the war cvalo, which it Is {vropoacd to hold iu St. !'terwhurg. ihwoidout Ma Mah.wt, of F-arxc*. i# to form a u* a bum*try Ul hanieny with his views W luie the ltev. YA*. H. Keruiehwvn was |oea>*ii- Ing tn Knox church at Harmltou. (Hit., burglarw entered his rsulriics and slcie several hundred do!-*m worth of allvvr an.l plated ware.... The town uf lintiwrmy. Maw., ta suffering dta astrousiy from typli..:.! fever, r.gbtoen dealPs. in i !;n. several adult*. havu.g ocettfrwd with- Ui a few weeks. At a large lax- meeting IU Fslgch.kt, H. c>, a rnaohitiou waa pasenl to lynch all jurem*, white or 1-U. k. who may he caught setting fire to gin-house* or dwelling*. If. hush, charged with comnutuiig several burg lain— and an t# tu Con-rvtio. Mi— Ul, was hanged bv a us-!, six milts from tlias vu- U.-.- .. t'futod State* Secretary lit.-tow is particularly explicit and itecided on the finance q'.leetl I". He say* that Congress, elggu lv did -.1.4 intend, when the greeiilarh* weeg first i-iticd. to make them the j mianrnt ctwrei.ry (>f t!ie Country. suloequeiitlr. tlie act of March I<\ 1969, pi.vlgrv.l the faith of the I'uit.-d S:a!>— t.. make provisions at the earl.ret prac tical le Jin til for I heir redriu]g II m rviim Initial li Cumnungw, trunk manufac turer of Sjir.iigfhkl, Maw., lias wit-iwuded. I I ■ a! ani xuit of ins m lebtedtK -• is van . u!y ret.mate"! at from #t2c,(**i to sl4it.(h(. with a - ets of an unascertained amottnt. It i expected (1 Yirgimtu* affair betweoo the Fluted States ai. l hiaun will te amioably settled Miners. Hntheelukl A Co., of l"ans, have a|va: -e.l 3'(,090,000 reals to Uie S)aitish goreniUietit A violent storm occurred at St. Petersburg, and d:d great damage ....The ver: t of the Ji rwey City JTewbytery lu the 0 --iivleiunug caer *•-put* lum of ovarythmg but -mministerial ciaaluct, • f whwli he is found guulty. an.) I t which he is su;wiide>t from hi- |va*torate. ~ Fdwarvl Ma-kten, islitor of the Merced (CoL) Tritnutr. was abut Ai d kiltc-l by If. (inuuee, *:< jsum of t!ie editor of tho San J(quui Ar- . -file u.sfuie, and live tern removed to the government hoepita) for the insane . Tlie amendment t<> tlie Constitution of Wisconsui. limiting mum.-ipal iiKlebtednews to five j#.r cent. ..f the xwri'wl valuation, was carried. 6('.,(X!! votes i emg cast In t!ie alflrmahvp and 1,509 in the negative ..The b."lr of lU-rnard Ylolion. a detective. wae f..imd ui the river at Toledo, (fiim. He had been muniernl. Tlie official acceptance on the (vart of (ireat Britoiu of the invitation of tlie Fiuted Sta'es to 'end a cwnmif-ion to tlio t Vnteuiua!]--n at !') ladelphia ttae Is i n re<'i :vil at YA'aatiing ' nt dei iv at in-is of the transit of Venus in India were successful. Over otic hundred*iL* were taken.... OliverTations of the trai.sit of V, mis were taken at t aire lu id Suez. The pilot..graphic nl-orvatiima ! Th*!"* were perfectly sticcr ftil. At Shanghai the vveatlier was overcoat and tlie sun oberurcl. .... Five thousand men are now employe.l oti Uie Ceiitannial bnil lingw and grounds The 1 I ' un for dimv -s. Proctor vs. Francis I>. "I •11 ■• i. W.i • ttk din New York li-fore a ref eree. Mi-s I'roctor, who was the only witness examined, was award'-! $4,375, !>emg tlie costs in the siu(, and all she would take. The d<>- f, too d-.l not t'-ot the matter of the Idsd vv.c true, but only that it wn* something told them I'lie Howard llotn jat New Ih-tli leheiii. N H.. vvas burnesl The Emjieror Alexainb-r ha- consented to exempt Mcmioiiite* from military ecrvieo. Tin* announcement will probal-ly have the effect of checking the increasing immigration among tha sect.. Kzra ('. rnivll, tho foiinilerof t'onirll I'iiiversilv. (bed in Ithaca N. Y' .A farmer name I Kl in was murdered and reblssl ohotit two milos from Seranton. Pa He had a load of hay and a load of potato**. One of tiio teams was driven liy lum elf and tho other by a young won. While going thr >ngh llio notch of the mountain*, six men s] rang from tlui roa-lsidc and seized the farmer'* liorwoa, and jmlle-l lum from tlie wagon nnd kickel and lieai htm. Jlo lagged for mercy, but finding lus pleading of no avail f.-r lumsolf, lie besought them not to hurt his son. 11. > cries were s'opped at this pilnt by a pistol ball thrmipo < lieart. He was then rot beil of Ins watch and money, and the mur derer* diAappcarcdwut the woods, not having moleHled the Isiy. Tbe litter, however, was so jiaralytt-il by fear that he eoutd not move, and wsr found weeping bitterly half *n hour after ward by some other farmer* on their way home. A Shi Franaisoo engineer atimeß that (artliquakt-s nr e'eotriotil. He ayß t'lnt llio bliock* wiiielt Califoriii experiouccs nearly every yt nr nro tbe most Bovere along tho linos of railw.-y track*, from wliioh lie infi tb that they ' act as gigantic lightning rodr, cquaf ixiug tho ofecfxicsl tenaioni of the e --tions which they connect." I MTKU HTATttt FI V ANFIX Flaunt Irani i hr If ■ uf Ikr Hpfirlnri ml Ikr Tirntun, According to the report of the 8w tixry of tJio I'uiU'il Hlu Treoeury, Ui inioicyw n ivim! hi it I Mviirad into tho TuiuvlllV IWMTMIitII during til" flat-id vinr I'Udiiig J tun-do, |H7A. were im fol In wn : uiiirn. I üBM custom* ... $ list, H>.1,K3.1 f.'l I nun minimi revenue ... 102,409,7*4.90 Imm "Aimof put.lie lands 1,862,428 9i j Kioto lAV on cio'iilali'll and tie !■ mlii of imlloiml batik* ".oIO.OJIH. 17 ] i .*lll t limit of Intel cat L>y )*•>■ tie ml *> imiiii *oii'f 1,02*,Hui.,v. | Kit ■Oil-lilt oil*' lin.|)imlllM,aUi C51.271.7ii I o>ial*l-rt, .Iniui'. storage,elc, 741,435.23 In >lll rft ion of 1 It'll All Hunt (Alula lAHJ, 4.3' J. 60 j I loin lii-w musular, teller* |tAioi.!, Biol land 1,*9,1*9.74 l Flow imnrnh of wales of go* nruiuelit |iro|*ily 1,699,017 83 , I'row marine hospital lav .... 352.379.9* ' i't.-Bi at--.UiImjOI tecs 274,490.91 l i iuAlit -II ' etc 447,970.72 I mill lav on 'sealskins 356,610 4'.' IV in iiutti-ollaoo-tuf. a. mi mi. . 1,694,908.70 - 1' ■*! dinary ;*ts 22 Total lot rtH>ui|4a, etc laive of loam- .. i*3,478,75*. (a, Pavaient by liio Itl'ltudl |flll eminent of tllA A Al't of ll.t- t*il 1111*1 of afb.traU'Hi at tivnieva 15,500,000.(10 1 v.-ess of uH IX OClpt* from cemftcate* of dnlNait .if Ik gal (alula la, rle OVOf leileuip (.11.... 17.i1u7,475.23 - 81,707,475.24 Total not i r iil*a .... 122,1H45,231.22 llalancr m lVraa or* June 30, 131,110,021 50 Amount since re i-r-o .*1 from lata .ia|.l larv, ( tiiciti uaii, Ohio. .. 1,088 70 Total .. 131,192,05?.2$ 1 >chic! unavail able balatuva • nil (l*|tuall ar.o carried to their drlita oil (■oiks Of lit* iiegialei, an 1 to tJn credit of (tin Treasurer of Uie I inUsi h.atrx 13,780.18 131,172.337.10 I. tal atailal lr cash 153.365.503 32 tUKM tn ba. Tbe net r vpmdiliur to warrant* dining ilia eaiue J triioj acre PgrflivflnfWMM |17.027,115 'f.i 1 or f<.reign nitorruuiwe 1,5,f14t17 1. In. ham. 6.692.462 09 loi iluetuitß. . 22,(138,414.60 lor unhtaiv establishment, in cluding f>r(itir*titi. n> c- atul 1. art tor m-pruv. mruls, and at act taic 42,313,227.22 For natal •■-!*' bailment, us-iuJ ing tiwlt and machinery. and iiuprei. uiriita at nail rinl 30.272.V.7 U Fur iiiloegllenaoMe, civil, Uirludilig pubis UliiiUigra, lighthouse*, and .. i.ocl.iig ll.c n tmur V' 414 25 1 r Uiimat un tlie public debt. . 107,112.>15.21 Total net ordinary ei)ndi tarva, exclusive of die |ul. tie tleU . $>5.738.n00.21 l'leUUUUi* uti tsitide pun baaed . 1.325.U73.&5 Tout! . #137.1*1 575.76 Award of (tnin itliit uual. tbreat maut a-.votttrl 15,500.000 00 Total uet dlabatweotMrU #B'2 833 -<73 7(7 Italyi -i latrcaaury Juiie3u.l>74. 150.791.C-2A63 Total #458 863,568.89 111... i ,• M r i I y (!•• ••.a'rtur-.t toal lilt i-*-i rgiotiuoa for Ilia fltoal year were #2"2 47>."5£ 06 At.d Uir ordinary ei|n-iiaes 2>7.153,5J3 76 I.earinca urj>!ti* reretoia of #2 30 lh- llit- moullm uf Jul*. AUfruat and Hrpttnlar of Uie flaca! year 1874. tc uda to t.'.c < Hoot of #12.236.450 arra purrtiaard fur tlia A.nlunil fund aocuunL The StvnUinr rmtinuttoK tlio riwipte fur Urn currtiit tit*-a) ynw at S^X.dld,- '2Vi.y , .(, ami the expenditures al $275,- 913,189.42; nliioli will leave a surjihu ri wiiuc id J;i,flHJ,7ll(i.fi7 I" la* ajij'ln-d I.* tiro sinking Ftiml. The miiu uf sdl,- inS's.'rt.'i vrill 1> m|tiiml under till- law for lint fund, and tliewfrtTf, snleiiw tin rrvenoca >h.-dl iitimwM* la-vond the i.muuut aiilii-i|.ali'.l. there will la- n year of $22.0 , .<1,74J3.43. 111. t >"v lotiumt- i tluit the rixvtpta for the liaeid yeiir i lidillg June 7W, 1*7(7, will In-, from all x'lirom, and tire • iiK-udituree i ! "272,77h,(881. The puhhe d. iit m reduced during the year $5, 7(72,447.(75. 1(1 (TJITh KliOM IVTKHWAt. REVKXrK. The report of the (lommiwMMf of Internal lh v. nue prownte n HatiKfaehiry ethihit of the revenue* in charge of thai huriiiu. The Arrnwe from each source of in ten ill revenue for the Year ending June ."Ul, 1*74. a* ©ouijmreJ with the tbtcal 1*7:7, iipjteani frota the following statement : v lift*. 11*4. I tn-tAOAi. >| #• fit ?• #49.444. - M rAtSM.'C-I 91 V"!.or.. 09 11.142174.63 1,14.1,437.47 Farataalad li'iui r. .J1.957.A4 9.5M.472.7J J6.J59.J3 lUh a a gut} ui.kem, j,7Ti,Mi,a s.:.iav67 Wvi.aro.7o l*'.4lUa*.. 461.4 M.06 J44.316.54 67.4J6.7J Atlbr A 1 V* -!i'i'.. 7.7 137f,6l 6.1 JR. 841,64 I.SRVSM.3I lln-k t*4A* u 0 it * r npisW 6,*J9.:*ino 764.810.14 5.461.601.36 • -A • •.-.'••1 !••• t 644."46 •>♦#11.4.4 .706 7c I>iinng the fiscal year 1*73 over g,*. (841,(891 were ooll(H"Ud from income aa lock tnsea. ami S2mK.2H.!7. and for the same months of I*7l they were #17,47(7.202.99. Witliont some unex|xs'ted interni}tion of the industries U|sin which these taxes are iinjsea-il. the full amount of the estl mate hereinbefore preseiitevl will Ih> imlimL The sagg. vtion of the Commissioner that the taxes now collected by stanrjrs on luuik chts'ks, matches, tH-rfuuicrr, cottmetios, etc., may be alroiished, and compensatitm made therefor by increas ing the lax on spirits ten cents js-r gttl lon, is worth the consideration of Con gross. Hv making this change the items of internal taxation would Is- consider ably reduced, and the system simplitied witliont loan of revenve. The nouns now in use for the collection of t ix on spirits wiil. it is Itoliovcd, secure th • col lection of the incrensed amount. rXPOIITB A*T> IMIXIIITS. The comparative coin value if the ex ports and iinjHirts of the Unit d States for the last fiscal year, an nppe rs from ofliciul ndurnst 'the Hureatiof Statistics, may be exhibited as follows: I',X]Hirta of ilinMtk tiiiM '-liatnlise. .#569,433,421 I vpcrts of foreign nion liaiulise .. 16,549,f>12 Total export* .#5*6,2*3,(140 lin|Hirt 567,407,342 Fxoew of eijwrtA oxer im|*>rte tlH,H7fi,69 i r.xport" of A]w-ie and bullion . #66,6:10.405 ImiNirls of >)wie and bullion 28,454,906 F.xeew of exports over imports. .. #38,176,429 Total excess of exports of mer chandise. spools, and Ixilhan, over litijxjrts of same $57,062,197 The export of coin and bullion was #24,952,13* less Utan for the jireceding year, while the exports of domestic mer chandise have increased #<73,803,118. There appears to have been n dee reuse in importations for the last year of #71,- 729,808 us compared with the previo is fiscal year, and of #59,188,735 us est - pared with the fiscal vmr ended .Tun *. t. Tun*. < Sailing WS.I4 11,7*76 J.751.1M Jl : m.tffl ed in ooneequenoe ' of the passage of the last-named act. l'ostpuacd. In Milwunkea, the other day, a wad diug had to be postjuiurd a few boor* on iteeouut of mistake made by a messenger boy. The lad was employed by a tailor to whom had been intrusted the making of suits of clothes for both priest and bridegroom, and being sent j to curry the garments home he obanoed to deliver each bundle at the wrong house. The chagrin of the priest on ! being coufionled with a swallow-tailed (Mat and white vest, and that of the bridegroom at discovering in bis pack * age au outfit of clothing of the most j sharply defined clerical pattern, oau be better imagined than described. II lluus 1.1 ki- a Fralrle Fire ! I>r. Walker's Vinegar Hitter* runs like 1 a prairie fire. The fame of Uie temjier anoe tonic is, however, luit poorly exem plified by tl.ri figure of speech ; for a pnurie fire runs only in one direction, wliererui the reputation of the Hitter* spres'U toward ail {msiiU of the oimisma There is not a a>)Uare mile of wlialuUvl b rritorv in the I ruled Htates where Utis meritorious preparatum is not ujuireri üb-> go to the l'riurie States, in Uie Mranwsippi Valley, to the i;>re3*7 of Mrl'alia A .8?., -,'y, dl.'t?. .in, al WW*, prtw.-lflTi tlw-.r " Nnriu hyiSn for 175. 7 Ula baa never U fore cvurred in the history of their hoaae. Tlie " /turn! HegiMtr" la fnmtabd wtlboat ebarge to all a I o nae laodrelb'* eeeda —and who do nut !—HUiuUftM ('(inusnxwl US. TrvaUng the H rung Hloease. Huiy l.mra women call u(ctsw, eepar (e ah ! a*Onrt dine—w. for whieb lie preer-rd-ee pi!oi mial jOtnilo. aaeumilig them to be - Kb. nlieu, in reobtr, tbei are *ll evm|4orn* caused ttj - me a: d. -orier. and whiietbej are ihu- <*ilv able pert:aim to [wl'iate for * tliev on- tga iwnt of lire . aw. Kiel eti . tinge tlie.r j.ractrce wild targe UU are made. abr:i the euffertug patient* Are no la-dor in Uir elk!, l-tit gtitaUy w..we fiw tbe de'ay, treat luenl. and other-ouiptlrotena utoda. orkl which A IT"!-*! niediane diro-tod to the cause (eattkl bat e entirely removed thereby uwlituurig health and camfort uiatrad of pmhstgetl imeery. Fix m Mow I-'rusla 11. Sc tTarr, Shade. Athena Co.. (>.. (Kl lllli. 1872 " I'r IL V. Haw, lluflfaio. N. T. -—Your F visite Prrwcnpti.-b la working almost like a nuracie m 1711* A. tv-h*fr,\iUr, Ind.. Aug. 9, I>7l : ••lr. Fiertve 1 received Uie median* you wait ra* and ta-gan uamr it immediately. As a result of the treatment I feel letter than I have i for throe year*." From Mrs. John K. Hamlm. (Mali. 111, Mairb I 13. >72 : •• l>r. Pierce Tlie Favonte 1 Tenonpti >n ha* done me gool. which I aiu very thankful far."— ! Conv. ' If you want to look well and foci nieelv around the neck, wear the Improved Warwick Ooiiar. 1( 1* t'e lateet ty!e in ' width, *n I all the edge briug folded, Uie j eiri.rr- .'o W9 turn up. It ltK'k belter than any r collar, whetl or linen or paper.— fOcitn. Anna S. Gctsingor, of Honosdale, Pa, wr te* Uie following: - After Auffenug for nearly (to ytaia from neuralgia in the breast, paeaing up into Uie throat, face and heal. I w* eutirely cured and roatored to health by ueinr Dr. L y. C. Wiahert* lTne Tree Tar Cordial—[Cam. There is nothing like leather shoes with a Silver Tip for children. Try Uvrro. They nevnr wear through at the toea For ealo°by all dealer*. [Com. lit# Markets. saw vobs. Beef OatUA- Pnmr lo Kvtr* Bailacdt* .*•',* .13 * Common to irood Texan*... A* a C*% Mlieh Ccww .40.00 *16.00 Horr—Uvr... 1 a . 1 Dressed . Sheep . .tem .4i i I.JI St-.e Kitra #.(* • 6. Wheel—K'l Wee!err. 1.36 • 1.31 No. 1 Hprtng................ 1.(4 a I.o* Kr ... Berlay -Malt l. a UO .Yata—Mixed Western .•* t .f*V Corn—Mixed Weeiem *4 a .*4 Kay—per cwt .43 a. Str-w —pet .-w1...... 43 a .60 Itopa rr- 14 A . * a .13 Pork —Y!"a !IW all.fO Urd 1* ,i .!• IVtroiruhi—Ofude . *9(4 * ' r 'ied .It V Butter—oiate...... 43 a .44 eh to, lie 67 a .34 Obi", V' .ovr 3* a .3* Km em ordinary .64 a .31 i n fin*.... 40 a ITiaiar - Hiale ractory 141t ,1S Htale (Vktmnied....... 4 4.3 iHlio 10 a .14 Kggs —Stale 30 a .31 AI.KAWt. .Theat 1.3# S 1.38 Itye—(vtete .. *0 a .*3 Corn—Mixed *! a -67 Barley—elate 1.39 * 1.30 i Wla—BUl# 01 a .67 MVUIA flour.. 6.31 B 1.10 Wh. .3-ia.;Brriiur j.<* a i.o* 00ru........ 96 a.(6 IkvU M .61 Kr.. 66 4 .96 Barley 1.30 4 1.40 PAi.Traoaa. OoUoo—how Middling. It * .14 flour -Extra I* a IB j Who*! 1.6 a 1.3! C0rn...... .60 4 9*3 IS*. 63 * .63 r if :i.nxi.r ni* flour 6.4# a 6Si Wheat—Vt eetern lied 1.39 * I.W (lorn—Vr'Jow. .#3 * .#6 Mixed #3 a. 6 Petroleum—Ornrte .. 9#V*.(*kf Keflned'OJg — / ((INSTANT KMPMiYVm.- At h une. Male \ - or fen. ,!e. Will' a seek ,-uvr.rv'-eMi, W Hin*brflyN Y. 0\ M( II \f .l ! ' irr.n IVwktAl t. ;t k4-nmurt*n ftlookg GODEY'S LADY'S BOOK f XTan to and will gl?# U #f#ry Sutacrlbw, wlth#r Sin- S)k "t it g lul> h • lu ndvanc# lor 1875 and rem!ls tract to this oAca, A Copy of " THE RESCUE." Tb# Hndi innt Chromo #r offrad For iHrcoUy** ■ ro taltiiitic Tfrmi, ate . addraat L. A. OODKY. north rant eoroar SUtli and Cha>tnut Strwu. t'tiiladalphia. P*. CUII CDC V or FITS cored hvlhaiwe <•( R.vaa t r ILt r 5 T Khlei-uc Rruxx ira Trial Pack are r*rr F-.r rlreiil.vra, evidence of RtVSS BHtIS., lUcl-iuond. Ind. Oiv, _ _ For htp ln(ormtlon, prlce-lltt, 2.ARBH etc.. addrea*(withitamp)Rar. OUMtbr T. P. CHILDB. Troy, Ohio. mOf * a wf K _ Agruta vanted everywhere, For IP I 0 tutflim. riftcH * WAtafi*. Dayton, Ohio Musical Gift Books! ! A NN ■•<•1 TMRTIAAIANIUY AMATOL I TO I M-MTR <1 FITIWIT WILL TA. .•)<•> UAA L.LTIABIA •V..RI. F.R WL AT ALL MIA4<- NTOFLTO, to ALL) U TON! TOY MALT, T">L PAID, TON NULL pri— Juut 3'ublimhrd 1 PIANO at IIOM K! SF' Urgm f* FILIAL WLTII LB* NM( H" LHIU IFOTR ] ; W>l FUROTOHLTI* SA IIILSLLLSG FUND OF BUM* ' •UUFULATMUL - UHIIAN AT 111) *IK. NTTOMUJHM EN RARY L*-PUI*T MM; T*M>— 'IW F <• • *.R I#• •/ '##*• AR#/I#A A'# I'MMJ U*M. {/ AM*. " | *T/ *"• MFTML'L THM IMIIM IN TRULY OMK( F " (BOS" OF US HLSD LUTFI. | V | TU* " T|>IIAHD TO UCUI V>!M W .*+**/ DI R*< Mi—* CW /W#L* , >DUWW /O KLMTAAUF BUAAD AND NA M TAITAMAUM HANK* AN ALAO TTO* LL.AN UL FTA.D.I M.NRL WM NT, HAARTLAIMAO. MM DATA DAN. 4A ,MA T>NM (MAT AT IF LO D*T |M TATOMA MS I'M IIITTOON A < 11., HAATAA. I I'LL AM. 11. IIITMIM A I 11.. ILL BNTLATF, NORN VARK TRYIIFO ON THE BOOTS' # , - \*M\ ' JLS •** ANT "1114 IK.A A -M. NFILN-T BL UA KSUA L.TFOA ' ■S'L."T* "TO UAA I'LTKNRUAA TOT U" to. IL„ |'T. >, "^OPNHR ■A* •<*•> KAIL Q5 -F U.. R ■ „ "HI F ALT BRA. AJSJ I MAD IN 2S® RLILTOVJ'T GAR TMBOTAAAR • * M* *TOF I'MMI* RAETATA A** *•* SFTFERWSID <*OF UUUOF UHM. S* I- URWI " ''W MA M; HLLB LW* IAM VLMSLM UW F*R|MSM LIMITS*RE OIIJA IT ;* MI UITU I;M IRTW AT# TTOH S A*4 , LIE* !*• FTL FLU PIESSE MOD HIM LBS YOCWO !-•: *• IFSS I S MM ;*M L F ASI>I#AR 4 S HFLLI" N*ATD S UUM4A< STOMP F S *TWM INTER, ' -*FJ I ' LII LAND /H# TTOF M* ML* 10 M PILL*, TFBIL F I I END *RRBLO) UI LOT FT* IS* ;SR, *TLI. • UMM I L KR-M |IHMI -LU TMIUT ** 1H |#UM* FW TO* MM |MV I MR* IMUD. SIBD UM RCH'SOM OF F.*U < UMOS. |LTL. OF , TU STLH SKTIMM < 1IS* S#MMI4, F|4N I* "LB *CVMU M-ITTSTSD LL.HI OR WTIH/OR •VM* LU TUTTISD. MI-UMMI <'KU OR* I**4| FUR | FIA UUBS IIM%TI S RJKR*##T#MM *mmm fm FLOIIIWIMN— VOM* . ALL ML II AHHTIKV, KABLLALARR, IF I TOANALK TART RATH MRRRT, HALLADA-LIAKLA. FREE TO BOOK AGENTS AN AAITSGAUUY BOUN MI UIUI ISNT FL MSUOI FH rr ?FHI DA* IWRT LOM AAD *MU M* J IUU E£,T#"l *Ul |I I SD BILMRMS S M SSIH O A#MO ADINM* 2/1"' 1 - S*. KVTTTTTT^I FT I L I BOYS aid MIDDLE-AGED MEN TTMIOOD FI S **M'Ul SUN IS USIANO UFS. MOSGTN 1 .. U Fl* S HVTAO. STIR M AO*?, SOD BMO LIU E*(MF*>|*SlWl F.*R H TV DOPSRL- | NNT |U* OSRL *M4 UM UXSST AR*R OF LBS OTMSF OF T.>4> PSLTOM RU** SCRIRTATSRSL PRIWSU TBS UTMT NITWINCRAT* SAD RI|TAARM OF W*RTUL CUHSR )BU, F*l) OF LH KTNUM' T*LOT UTM ASSTASB INMJ*.U'.*-. M*LRA FMFFI IKW.IT"*! F*NAM. SN*I IQLARWCTAF (IKFUSI 111 OF |>RS4-TISI TTMIAG TH P*C** L<* US (AOUJ FAROISTMS LOTORVOT SAD AINUWINBT U rbm FTRWD* DBITOF TB* T*>| #R*NLIIA L ULL TAD TIUDB*TH; L! F. K. CUATRJ PRNDSC*. SAD |MMR! YWDTTF* OATH R*TRTO *!*< * UO UU* F USD I OR TNN II DOLLAR* OR **lll WAD. L^SMMC The Semi-Weeily World, One Year. TILL: NKMI.WEKKLT UOKLU NATOTTA. ■ LUNALU UNT I NDII TILTH, RN'OLMU AT UM •"*>> ."• CAR TARN. BR.! NTO !(F. .TOW UM TUN B TOA . RNLA A PAM. FROM LB# PNRTOTM . I LOW ML CLAB RAIN. ATOM JAAAAAAR I. W*. TIN B*T ON ALL MLTTTIM. OF THK TKIMI >K "• TO R-.A.F T, AA. a/t~ 'A ITH OL T I IIARTOK TO TTOK .RMCMM* THK ' AA KKKI.V TMIIII >K TBA. TOWAM TO> .AALIOCRTBON AIL CLOTO. THK I IIKAKKTOT. .TOATA(KNA L toot, PTFM JMT BS • • '* A MM IR RTTOT S4 ASARRA* L. I %\SI I I . * RAR F RRRK. OKLBI STHLK PATENT CABINET OT LETTER FILE UUAOTODTO.W* LOAUAMAU.ITKIM ■IIXK.LRT TKHTO OR RATKRJALWAJA OLAAA AND IN ALPBABOUCML ORATOR I HOI DA A.OOO MM. OAN BO AM*D ON A FLIRT OR HANP O UAA WALL- WA PROPAX SAPROAACHARCN. BOND FOR OTRRALAR I ANJ PRAOO LIAL WITH IJOOO A OTTORAANAA. TIL LAMA C. A. UOO A * 00. CBTOACM XIL AS ■* ■ ■ ■ A M MORPHINE HABIT ■ I U 111 CUITTL TY IR. IKI K N ONLY I I R 111 VIM KNOW N & SUI IMUTTXLY. ML LLRLWL >-<> <"IIANOE EAR TRMKUXIENT UNTIL CUML. CTLLONORTOWIMI PP- J O- BECK. CINCINNATI!. O. (J[7 F KARH VVAAH. LAROIATT .ANTED PARTLCTO- R iHT LIRA FRAA. WOUTH A PP.. ST. LCIATA. MO I A KANFA IVR. AAIRD. —MAN OR WOMAN. IMAWAAK OL. OR 1100 FORFCITOD. FAIUOIIAR TAAI|IOT/RW. WRLLT OTAOA TO P M. KLIN. ULGBLB BTRAAT. NOW TURK SEN IT TO TB. HAI BIT UIUN A TRUAT CO., TOPRKA, KAN., FOR IDRIMLAR AAPLATNU G THOAR ~'D |A*R CARAT. KAIRN HITRTIA*. UNNITA. LA LORAAT PAID AT YOUR HANKORA OR I I V >W TORK. A OV ERTLBKKO . HA TAD OK ETA. TO ÜBO. P. AOVA A 11.1. A T'O., 41 PARK KOAC, BTVT YORK, TAR THAI Pampkut ll f .00 :Tl gxt, OOCTALNAUC BALA OF SUUI &IT PAP I, I A, AND AATFNTAT.A AHOAATUA COAT OF ADTARTTAINC HOG RIROER. . 16,000,000 RTNAA. A/0* . \,R. RO.OIAO KLN.TR.V Y \A ASO TAAFA HOLD. X. BARDWARA DM'NA.'! TTOA. KLARARTL, KINR.FR IFLOKKIA tsss^t£sr x >**• L>R. J. FFLKER*R T'SLIRORNLB >IB EF?R ULTTEM ARE A PURELY VECEUW* PREJUINITLON. ROAFLE CULSLLY FROM LUE NA TIF HCRBA FOUND MI TBE LOWER RAUGEA OF THE SIERRA NERIULA MOUNTAIN#OF CALIFOR NIA, TBO MEDICINAL OF WHICH ARE EXTRACTED THEREFROM WITHOUT THE UA OF ALCOHOL- TBE QUESTION LA ALMORT DALLY UFTKED, "WHAT LA THE CAUAE OF TBE UNPARALLELED AUCECIUI OF VIXICOA* BTT TKRFLR* OUR ANIWER LA, THAT TLEY REMORE TLE CAUNE OF DIAEOAE. AND THE PJITLENT RE COVER* HIE HEALTH. 1 HEY ARE THE (TREAT BLOOD PURIFIER AND A LITE-GIVLWIR PRINCIPLE, A PERFECT IFCBOV*TOR AND IUVLGORATOR OF LITE YAIBFN. NEVER BEFORE IN TB# KIILORY OF THE WORLD KW A MEDICINE BEEN CIIMTMUADTOD PO.AIM.UIE THE NBUAAUE QNAILTIM OF VMROAB UNTIA# IN HEAIIOFUT* *ICK OF IRTRR DIMW MAN M BEIR to. THEY *J* A YENTIE PORYANRE A WEJI A* A RRHENEY CONAEAIKM T* laI— MTTK'Q * TTIE LATER AND VT-CEFML ORFKAA, to U..I#S THE PROPERTLE* OF DR. WAI EES*, VIKKOAE BITTKAA ARE APENENT. PLKPLIU—NBR CANMAATIVE, N'TTTRIUOO*. I-A*#UT. IMANFT*. HEDAURE, COUNTER IMTAOT, .UMEB- U4. AND ANTT H 'TOTU. . . IF. MRDOLALO S CO.. 'N-YEMKIAKDAEA. AFM.. SHE FIKANTNA FMBAAEATA, AD MAR EF WMKLKFBAM MAD DFTNIS.#- *- _ LAID BP AUORA|MI mm* DADOERW- _ F a~mt m ~ - FLFTO I" LA MAR RUN*" M*WM F MMN ODE I TOAWKAD BF A.ARY L-4Y-RW'_M IA. IDA*, KR AANN, TKTMM*. AT PWNRAM IFPF S2.7R'IT".V '. IAD N 1 IKLM LIAT.I. PHLLANOIPATN. TT KIT CARSON. V R\RZNZ \JSSS& •TOD ATOUMRTM* ID* PAUUTLF. WOO UFADF IIRORICAUD. APAIAFA EITOFID ■' R"V RI to jm A.RRAD. A-IM. FT MA AN at ALL WAR WORFATAATO. A.DNA. RIRKVATO •RI.MATO A 0.. NARRTOWD ON— THE" WEEKLY CWT AA. TK> A'TOFMAI.TOAL '*T'' Zlaal •TOD OKA) TRAM %• MA U> TKO TA * W*| TKR BOAT FAATIR AAW.P.PAR TTO IN ***•*■ OF .TJI.UA I .IT ANA .I • RAC-'.O R"*FK#W , M ? NN,*! PA TOIA KOTKTUT "• MD TH- MGAT NRAPW- L*l AAD I,' IAAAA IRLEC #•' TO .UA. PPRPALD TTO. TOTOAPJATAP.PTOL TA, IL A. *'... TTO* #CTO. MRTIARK M* 1 IT S TL*°*AV IW IT RAJ DUO A I „ #T CA-L SRTIMTOA. CMNTTO* TBE L.RARYWK.R- RNDFI. PNMPAAKRTAI* TOAAELL C. AATPOTO ATO. * —NIAF TON 1-.T_ BOOK (OCJN WN _A TO MRTTTATAW*- OKIE UP. A : TOO IF LTO MI MOAT* AOT NPTM OF •A. LIVE om T HUTTCREIA. , - HACK ATOTAAID* TTO. FARTSOI* |RRT TM M A AAN takU HIM, Al> UM MNUSL '* NWNTRT, TOO.* UWU W.BTTOD. # IDTTMA. BUW BTKO IKS: SBIIUN. PMBKDTO pmiommmmm. STEINWAY Grand, Square & Dpiiti Pianet ITMLORWULEABM BURY PAA* TAR PLOW Y*AC* LLLATTNWT CIATN*E**. O'TTO TOO*. IW. I* A UL ETO.I L • TORWI. KTATO TOR*. EVERY HOUOEHOID CU BE SUPPTMD WITH A BEAUOFU! HLUATLNACA OM BY THE K-Y*TONE SAFETY GAA MHCTITOE IT to SIMPLE TA COOSTCUCTIOA SAFE IN OPERA TIOA. AND CERTAIN TO REEULTA FOR VULA YEA CHURCHEE. SURAL HOMEA, IIIAFLTMHONA. ETC. THE KEYVTOUE APPAFATUA AJFORD* TBE MOU PET FEET MMM at ILHM.INETFEN YET DISOOVERED. PAMPHLETS AND FL INLORMAOON ON APPLICATION KEYSTONE SAFETY OAA MACHINE CO, J. B. WIT-SOPF, PREA. C A BAKER SEC, 717 SANEON ST, PHILA, 110 LIBERTY ST, WEW_YORTT OPTIC'S MAGAZINE, 1875 >W LA TKR- LLMR TA T0.K.1 RLW ! TTOEWTOWT * MTO WILL MTTA N.W MANN B OKNC TMTO. EMM KTOTTAT* WAD ALTOTOA. BMTO maaaj mam * WHKI) ST* DULY FED BTRTK TA NSR FREPIRLITA IT.OF! |AR MM, IN HFJTSMS • F!I mumkm NIAW IDFI'KHKMED, RIMHBRN, HAATAA. 8OK AGEMTB WIHEB (mmkTELL it ALL MAM-, MTPMAOM IAN BAN UA. -AWMKA MT" " Y T**' 7"** **"**^ AAD Goat, to AL MI'KM IKPW KAAK OWT, IHIDLR .AMI .1 2M!STJS&m l&stszz ZtJmJttLZT, TAWRA •• AAMA DA, R EATK AKMIW SAW A PM- WA WLTTOTAMM ART *A* -AATO.MII-AD .1 WALL MART EATETRNA T MOM WK. A* MA ILL LAMA KUR AKAHLI TMIHTT IEIHI THE Richmond Prints TAR. to. to. SAL. LTO •>• -AIAWA to* AHUM WTOC AA* A CMAAA TNA MB .RX#TOAD TA AIL TKA TOOWAKTOA OT RKAASTK* TAAHSOM. AAD TA AORAARRATAWA H|IH AAITAD TA TKA ARAATA OF MAC.7 PARAOAA. AMNAS TKA ISLLSR OPS TBR U STANDARD GRAY STYXIEB," PRO PAR TOR TKA KOOAA OR ATNAT KAAATUTOL IS AA ATM AAD PLAAATAT LA MTORTAF CHOCOLATE BTAJTDARD STYLES IB RRAM WAJ-L.TR, AAD WRTDALY KAAAK AT MAT TAR MAAAKL. PNATL KOTMA KTOTTARTOR FMLF AAAR. TKAA. OODA TOR MRKTO AR I—TRD DM TAAR AATAALAR RAOU D HAWA TKAM, AND YVTSR AWOATAMATK.A AND YPPROWBL WILL GALAALDA rmm THE CHEAPEST AND BEST PAPER IN THE COUNTRY. Unexcelled by any Weekly Literary Publication, Eaat or Weft. CAW ASSESS WASTED 131 WIST TOW3I 15 THE CSITED STATES. TKA MOAT UKARAL FRWMLAM* AAD CTAK EATAA MR OFTORAD BY AN7 OAWRPAPAR WRIT* TOR A CTIMLAF ROATMALNS TOLL TNTARMATLON, RTE ■PAETTAAC ROPTAA TORATAKRD OA APPTICAUOA ADDRAAA THE I.RITTIRR FWTWP ANT. CWICAWO. ILL DUNHAM PIANOS. DUNHAM & SONS, MANUFACTURER*, WA -.ROOMS, 18 LAST I*l H STREAT, [FTRTALAU.BR 1 1834.; RLW YORK. Snaifitr /..'ARFRAUOD CANUL :r AAD F*vr .M. A,)R. PEH UA* OOIAMIAAITOO ZV BR<' STTAIMAP A CO.. V