TIE OtONTTIE HEPOttTI H DKO. 24. 1*74. " r LOCAL ITEMS. OurtYinds will oblige bv tending us item* ot le*l nows in their locality. US tho <**• only, Hnti ** w ' , t,lom . shape, H!-> MIW the namos of i* new subso'rtbrrs, with Uio casb. xxillh* entitled 1,. receive th# K*m*T* one year tree. The RiifoHtKU hone road OF . v. rvh dv '.n this side of theeountv wh.ro ,t U*a larger circulation than any two paper*. will ba found the hot medium for advertising business. sale*, Ac. AO. to tho Reporter, resid ing outside ot t'entrc county, should ro mil us 10 cents, yearly, for postage whuh 0 will par lit ro ; this reduces the poaUttc to one half, as the turn paid by them tor . no year's postage was 20 cts. _ Next week there will ho no paper published from this office, in order to gi*' our hands a vacation w ilh the rest ot folks We tl.rfor# ask the kind indulgence of our'readers, wishing all a rnvrry t hrist t< and a happy N > w year Farmers, go to Hotter A Kline's, for goods at bargains Drygoodt, groceries, clothing hats, caps, hoot*, ahoe* any • thing. . About two inches of now on !*t Sunday forenoon. Sternberg, of BelVefonte, make* some >f the finest and best eigar* in market, •'They will not only do to make a big blow on, but you can do some of the nicest kind of putting too, with one of Sterny * eigar* Vrices a iittlo lower than ordinarily. TOYS. Toys of every style and kind to . amu-e the little folk*. An iuiroe'i-c and varied assortment now being opened and will be sold very low at J. Mieleh .- Hvh and variety store. line day last week a pair of good Lackakin gioves belonging to Hiram Hurst, were stolen. F>ve dollars reward is ottered. The Odd Fellows have commenced fitting up their hall in Miller s building, opposite the Reporter office. The new bank nt Tyrone is called j the "Blair County Hanking Company end is officered as follows President K 1.. Study : Cashier: Ruber A Met by. Pi- j rotors, B. L. Study. S. C. Stewart. A G Ourtin, S. C Hume, an I and J 1* Harris The last three direct. r< are Bellefonte men. HOUDAY BOOL*. Just #p#ning at Welch * book store the largest collection of Books for old and young ever brought j to town. On last Monday luorr.ing two line deer Were hung up before 11 o clock, in the Seven Mountains by a hunting party from Sprucetewn B, :h were dropped in side of four second*. - Mis* Fannie Harshbarger, daughter e: lr. Harshbarger, of Mi'.roy, it is'uuder stcKsd, contemplates going to India, under the auspice* ~f the Woman'* Foreign ' Society of the Presbyterian Church. The track of the Tyrone and Clearfield railroad has been extended to Curwens v le and the people of the latter place are e-ciirspondingty happy. At Harriihurg, on Sunday, and in '.! rr jails of the State, snow fell to tho j eh 1 tk of 14 inches From Iit k & Fitzgerald, New York, wvjhave received two instructive works: entitled "All kind, of Dialogues, and ] "Rcecher's Becilations." These books are made up of dialogue-, recitations, stay x,.table for -, hool, seminaries, and home er.:,ruionien'.- Th' price is on'v 30cents ea. h, and thy are cheap. Address Dick & Fitzgerald, New York The following i said to be the meat ef fectual cure for drunkenness known .- "Sulphate of iron, 5 grains; magnesia, 10 grains; peppermint water, 11 grains; spirit of nutmeg. 1 drachm ; to be taken twice a .lo " This preparation acts as a tonic t stiwnhnL and .o partly supplies the t -t tor liquor, and uiiimately de*trc.ya kH taste for it The quantity to be taken i- i t given, but we presume any physi cian or -killed druggist could tell any fel w- who feels dist>oe< and toilet set*, at •' Welch's. Lieut Jv S. Wolf of tin* place, rep rcscnutive elect of this county, wo regret to say, is lying dangerously ill of typhoid fever, ai:.l will not be able t be in attend ance at alie opening of the session. We trust that his recovery may be speedy. - Dr. J B Mitchell, ex-treasurer of this county, died at his home in Chester Pa . a few days ago Physicians can not be too careful in preparing their m -die no* knottier proof of which is gixen in the case of a child, down the Yallev, which was placed in great danger through a mistake ! nhs kind. The long primer used in the Repor ter i* for -ale. See 2nd page for specimen Rex [.i,u,iis had communion at St. Peter s church, Rebersburg. on last Sum day, received by the >• eiun rite of con firmation six persons into the church > full numbers. A mug. ho number was a widow and two of her children. The ser x ice* will attended notwithstanding the inclemency of th# weather Many of the member* part, kof the holy -uppsr - —A Musical C 'iiveulion i* to be belli during this week at Kebarsburg The c!a-s w . Ic> -.st of about TO inen-.bcr* ansi ;'.l be conducted bv Rex W. M. luxtldi and Prof 11 Meyer Prof. J. UrumgarJ will officiate on the organ. The conven* tion will be closed with a , oncert on Snt urdav evening mxi A happy time i expected Pnot.u.Hxi-it Am; xis i.ow ready, very fine collection of I'rctograph Albums at prices ranging from one to fittceii dol lars which w ill be s,,ld at greatly reduced ! rates. Call at \\ etch'* b- ok store net! door to 1-t National Hank Suaaman i> now fixed in his snug l . quarter-, in Hush s arcade, w ell stocked j with trunks, leather, and shoemaker's findings. Suisiuan's i just the place to!, get the best pries'- for Clover*##d -ho i> I the farmer'* host ir.itid, and will pay spe cial prices for the English big seed, such as ra:-, 1 by Mr K "ka and Mr. Krader Stissman always deals fairly. The Millheim Hand will give a grand j concert of instrumental music, in th* tow r.-j hail, at Millheim, on X, xv Ycarseve, Jan.; Ist. The band dtscource* line music, andi the programme wiil be made up of thej! latest and choicest p-io. s. such as marches quicksteps Ac. The concert will be un '< der the direction of Prof. Fehrcr and son, j assisted by J. C. and \\ illie T. Meyer,! name* which are sufficient to warrant aj! rich musical least The AYilliamsport Register says: , \V. R. Bierly, Ksq , late editor of the Register, ba- made arrangements to re sume the practice of the law. He t now associated with Hon. O. H Keighard, member elect of the Legislature, and a former higldy popular District Attorney ofthi-county. Mr. Bierly ha long since been recognised as a lawyer of great in dustry at d genu : e enthusiasin Li< pro fession. ORVAUKNTS for Christina* trei-, a great variety of new and elegant design* for ale very low by J Welch, n it door to Post-office. Dr. Kunkle intend* to go eat sever al day a the latter part of this week, to meet his wife on h. r return from Baltimore ar.d Lar.ca *.er. He inform* his patrons that Dr. Smith has kindly consented to take charge of his practice until he will return, so that none of his customers will be at any i r.cor.vcnier.ce whatever. It. Cha- Bower, of near Aarontburg, killed a buil, 3 years oid, which dressed MX pounds. Pretty good. We are giad to uu-nti-in that Charlv M iHer, of litis place, is recovering from the fever under which he suffered for tiic las'three weeks. —The fr itzhugh (,ay elevator, which has been worked at Spangler's hotel sev eral times, proves a success. AMOSO TII a PoSTK.—Spending an hnij hour dodging around am tig the poets, we find their subjects differing a* greatly as do their name*. Dryden in one place makes a happy and true hit in the follow ing line, Wl-ii sr taaas boss laar-sj Hock-cads saj " Book learned blockhead is good, and might fittingly be -tuck upon the back ot many in the profet-ion*. But. how was it in M.akipeare - time, with thegirls -ladies we mean—it would seem they had a hor ror <>t work like the Grecian bender* of to day, else why did he say, t JA-Jj;Lt-r when toy old mitt Uv#J, upcu Tt;i d*y. vu both pttitler. butler cool. The "daughter" of Shakespeare'* day, may have thought it a disgrace to "be use fui" hence the reproof inciting "my old wife. Then conies Pope and slaps us all right in the face, lhu, Show roe use thai baa it in hit poser. Tu art consistent with himself an hour, an 1 this brings to our mirul the lines,—we don't know who the nulhor is, that. In Adam's fail. We tinned all. The landlords havo all studied Arbuth- : not, nml from the nee learned to water their whiskey—he saitn. There la no real diluent but niter, and B'aekmore must have got poor grog in hi* day, for he says they Mil tb*tr wg*>ry to this Draiit joins in with moral suasion, thus. Wilt thvu, therefore a drunkard le, A dingthrifl and a knave ' Purely Grecian benders wi-ro not if: style when Sbakipeare penned the.e line*-' I never shw a better 'ashi ■tied gown M ore quaint, more pleasing, nor more com mendable Milton *ai, proposed at the different session* readier* should be prepared to 1 answer andjdi.-cus* every question 1. What are tbe advantage* of a Dis trict llltlllltc U Should the rod aver he used In School * What are the best incentive* to . study 4 Should whispering be allowed in 1 school' ,*• What is the h> -I remedy for truancy ■ and iitegular allnndattdcc tl ltow can parental c 'peration l># beat secured ? ' T. Should we have a law elf "t'ompuUorjf Attendance, tt Should Director* discriminate in teachers salaries on accouut of sex ? i >. Are High Sch--,'N in country districts f practicable ' Ilk Should director* grant teacher* time to attend the County Institute'' i || Why should teacher* read proles , si.mat literature"' I'd W hat i* success in teaching lit. Should pupils bo required to sluJj . out of school hours It To what extent it l! eteacher respon sible for the protection ot tcliool |>roper ty ? to 11,>w cuii a deeper reverence for law and rightful author ty he cultivated ? It, Why should whips not bo kept in sight m the sehool-rootu ' IT. How may tardiness he prevented, ai d how punished ' 1\ \\ hat measures ,! • you adopt to e --euro regularity of attendance T 19 In what manner, and how frequently, should parent* be informed of the conduct si d progress of their children ' 20 l'o what extent should oral leach* : g brx practiced, what topics, and how conducted ' 21. What i- l! c t> acher*' duty in regard to prvvuring t>,>oks for the pupils 22 How should outline map* be used * 2> What it your plan for calling out, a*i,l ditni--ing classe* ' 24 How ,to you conduct an exercise in penmanship ' 2d H> xv do you regulate the lime for different reiilall-'n-? 20. What should be made the opening exerc ses >f a school, and hoxs should sucli tormal cm-lucted * 2T. How should the d-u!y Scripture les ;sen be conducted? 2>. How far is thr teacher respontihle for : the moral training of his pupils ' I 29. What course do you consider best to cultivate obedience, truthfulness, selldem l, honesty < :>■ , in pupil-, and how often should -Ol d I,■•-oils occur ' 0 How : , -e and dismiss n school for the dav 31. \\ i it alt-nlioii should be given to , vocal mu-ic :ii ch -Is and why' 32. How sheul.l the sweeping of the fl.se : be regulated, and what attention -houd be ; ' given, in general t'> cleatilincs ' j | "C>. W !i\- are tasteful e: gravings on the j xxall* desirable ? 34. The objects of study ? ' 30. The object* >f recitation ' 1 So. Mode* ot imparting instruction? I 37. What objection to the "Concert method" of answering? Also to the "cotuecutivo" inelh al 1 ' Advantage* of the "topical" mcth- i od'' What are the charactaristie* of a good answer'' 40. Adxantage* ot reviews, and how frvquiiit should they be ' 41. 11 w should Declamation be taught ' 42. 1- it practicable, in rural districts, to detain pupils uft.-r school, t > prepare or recite neglected lesson* ' 4 11,.xv far may we judiciously arouse pride anil ambition to excel a* motives to *tu,ly an 1 improvement? Evenings. Tu.-.day ex nirg Lecture, by (i. v Cur'.ir: rV: f Sii . maker, ~f Chambers* bu-g. Wednesday evening—XlocwtkNHtry Km.-rt. ■ by Mrs Anna Kaiida.l Di#hl. Thur-dav rv> niiig- Illustrated Lecture, by Pr ' Colder, >f State College RECEPTION OF KING KAI.AKAI'A IN COMOKKSB Washington, December IS.— The an nouncement that King Kalakaua would be ret eivcd in a formal manner by the house to day attracted s very large nutn* ber of perrons to the capitol—many more than ci uld g. t inside the galleries. Fully one h, ur before the hous* met every seat in the galleries was ■ -ecupied, and a large number . f per ns btaired admission to the tloor. At a quarter past twelve o'clock the sen ate headed by Vice President M ilton, en tered the hall of the house and w ere assign ed seats A few minute* later the king ! escorted by Senator Cameron and Repre sentative Orth, of tbe committee of ar rangemenli, entered and (.rocceded to tbe ibarof the li ie, where he wa formally pretented by Senator Camercn. Speaket Blaine, in a few well chosen word*, wel comed, in behalf of the American congress the king to its halls, and alluded signifi cantly to the fact that the first visit of roy alty to this country came from tho west and not the eat. Minister Allen, in be half of the- king. said. "Mr Speaker: For your kind words of welcome I most cordially thank you; of this distinguished mark of confidence IJten der to the honorable -enate and house of repre-- i taliv•** my highest sentiment* of regard. It i* in accord with the very court. ■ u and generous treatment which I have received fr in the executive depart- ment i f the go\eminent and from all the p. pie whom I have had the pleasure l> meet since 1 landed on the shores 'if the Pacific "I appreciate the complimentary terms in which the honorable speaker has refer red to me personally. For our success in government and for our progress in a higher civilization we ar>- very much in debted to tiie government and people of this great country Your laws and your civilization have been in a great degree our m del. 1 reciprocate most cordially the hope for the continuance and growth of friendly relations between the I vo coun tries. lam most t appy, gentlemen, to meet you on this occasion." This concluded tho ceremonies There was a pause for a minute or two, during which the king 1 ike I around nervously, as though ill at ease and not knowing ex actly what to do. There seemed to be a hitch somewhere and an awkward pause. which was finally ended by the speaker leaving the coair and descending to the floor an l shaking the king by the hand. The king then withdrew and the vast aud ience dispersed. TilF. CHRISTIAN AT WORK. With the fir-t buie in September Dr. Talrmge enteral upon tho second year of hiseditoiial management of Tug CHRIS TIAN AT WORK Under Ins influence the paper has Ist. ri a position in (In- foremost j tank of religious weeklies. Its success has been unqualified The liberal tone of its editorial*, the . clcrminalien to avoid all how of secti uml or *•-■ tariun bias, and the overflowing spirit of brotherly love con Utantly manifested, have established its prosperity. The corps of contributors includes many !of the ablest and most interesting writers in this country. Among them are C. II Spurgeon, lion.tins lionnr, and Dr Far ker, of England ; Key. Hubert Patterson, D.I), Rev. Dr. Stone, Hon. A. 11. Steph ens. of Georgia; Rev. Byron Sunderland. D.D.. Hon If oratio King, ex-Postmaster- General, Rev. T Sanfmd Doolittle 1) D , Rev. J. If Tie nip-on. DD . Rev. kibert S. Porter, D D-. Rev. W W. Hicks, of Augusta, G : Mr- Ji nnl Dowling D Wilt, Mr*. Margaret K Sangater. Mrs. Amelia K Ilarr, and many others. A serial story from the facile pen of Mr* Jennie Dowling De Witt i to be one of the attractions of this excellent journal; and the Sunday-school department, which includes each week n treatise on the cur rent lesson, and the "Question Box," is of marked and timely interest. Every num ber also contains one of Dr. Tafmage's stirring sermons, which are here published under hi* sanction and immediate super vision. A choice of premjum* is given to every subscriber. The first is u Portfolio of twelve gcmn, by Ilcndschel, a German nr. list of great colebrity in Europe. It i- an admirable feature of this premium that there is no additional expense for mount ing or frames, as with the chroinos. The other premium is a large chromo, 22*2 ft inches in size, entitled "The Twins." after Landseer's famous animal picture of that name. To secuie uniformity in price, and to avoid all extra charges, which have proved such an annoyance to subscriber*, thechromoi*deliver d unmounted. When the subscriber has paid three dollar* and twenty-five cent* he receives either pre t uniuci, free by mail, the poper for one i rear, and lias bis postage paid also, after January 1, 1875 If he does not desire a premium, he cun have the paper alone, postage paid, at $3. We the atten tion of our rea lers to trie advertisement of this excellent puner in another column. It presents special inducement# to agents. An old resident of 1. Mi Samuel Wren, aged 76 Year# and one , month mid one day, Jieil suddenly in thai i place lait Friday of ptrurlsy and was bU" tried on Sunday He had been for many i \ car#, probably forty, a resident of that acction. The police ha\ been in cloao aearcli alter Chatty Koia. since the shooting of lot abductor#, but have no clue to the b'v yet The Woi hi adi. in another column, show aw liere you can get a good istld cheap paper I'ho W oild i one i-t the leading journal*, and among the moat ably con ducted in lliia country. It colilaiua valua hlo cerrcapoiideiii e front all quarter# of the globe give, all the lie a of the day. and ia the leading democratic journal in the I'nited State#. The planing mill owned by Hummel .V Co , of Selinagrove, am burned Sunday light tith at II o'clock, and 111 cite lour the milt am in ashes, involving a lea# o! ♦22,000, insurant-, probably $l,(iO0 The tire aa aa uaual the woik of incendia riaa ILLEGAL IMPORTATIoN >e Mr. Hag* pioved the unanimity ot public sentiment in California on tin- subject by reading from the platform* of both political parties Gov. Booth's laat message, resolution# t the Legislature, monater petite n*. A T1 c fact of the existence of tlie i ila vomplaiit cd of was exhibited also by affidavit* ol mUsiotiai iet resident in San FratieUto and the Penality for Federal action act forth by quoting a decision of the Uuited State# Circuit Court holding the State ia* paa ed to correct these evils to be In conflict with the Hurlingamv Treaty add the Con stitution of tha I'inted States Mr. Hag. also show c.l that t e pr- v ision of the treaty requiring both nalioiia to enact law# agaiiift the Compulsory introduction o' Chinese subject* into the I'nited Slate# had never been properly complied wul by thia country and not at all by China and that no steps whatever have been tak ell by Cotigrra# to prevent the Itn portal i' of Chinese women a# slaves ! r prostitu tion Coiigrcuiuan Lultrell of California was presaut and < rreboisled hi# col lea- j' gue's statement The members of tin h ComniiUee Clprcs-ed tllClllsc!v fu.iy !UI I pressed with the magnitude of the evils 3 described, and gve the California rep res 1 sedatives assurances that action on the ' subject should be promptly taken I THE M FFKKISG IS NEBRASKA 1 Omaha, Neb., 1 ccember 11 Coloiie: 1 Keniick, the agent sent out by th State , Aid S. •ciety, has returisad fiom t,e grass hopper district, having carefully visited aeven counties tin re| rt shows that - - 300 people will need rations and clothing : Inl they 1..11 raise solm-tliii g to u' • •: • upon in the spring. There have been n. 1 cases of person* starting l • 'death Thi > people are not inactive They hav <• beer: , and are yet ploughing a:. 1 gettir „■ rea ly i for spring planting hoping that #e I w , be in some way provided . but very few s people are leas u.g the district. ■ CONTENTS OF THE ClIlCAfiO ELK VAToK -THE GRAIN Bl'SINKis Chicago, December V The i .cviiiors , here contain 1,'.M0,G4! bushel* of wheat, , 879,024 buthalt of c.>rn, 2>i,lio bushels ■ oata, '.*0.402 bushels of rye, its', 4-1' b.s!. i of barley, making a . Ual of J bush cla, against 2£.*..NW at thi# time Inst y1 sr , Business in grain tbuwi little change in volume, though price* here have been . somewhat effected. Wheat is lower, un- , der rsther unfavorable advices and a gn.|| cral ti ipo* lion to sell, with but little in- , clination to buy. The fact that prices arc | now eight to ten cent* above a shipping j tgure hat a depressing etf'ecl upon specu lators and the general tone i heavy A FRO I'D INDIAN. [XVfrotf t'rtf I'rru ] An Indian yesterday called into a Woodwark avenue store to sell some has- ( kcla, and ha waiio persistent that v>ne of the clerks Anally took down an old c rwt and offered it to him if he would go away and buzz soma one else "What he for* inquired Lo, a> he held up the corset. Hut him on #quaw make lor 1.-ok.gay here, this way, replied the clerk, pa-.- ing the corset around the Indian. 'Ugh; Him good!" growled 1.0, and lo ' took the curact and went out. Keaioning that what wa good for tqunw- wn go. ,i ' for Indian, he alid into the alley cnat ofthc ' avenue, dropped hit bafket, and #lrld t< * put en the coraet lie g't it bottom aide up, hind aide before, and every way hut the right one. but he finally in w what the matter wa. lie wai too big for the coraet. He removed hi# cnat, took the oor#et airing# out, and then claiping the cor#et behind him, ho put tbeatring# back and tied thein in front of bint, and the cor#et was on 11. folded up hit coat, picked up hi# basket, and appeared on the atrect ag; in hat slaril* eJ over his ear, and hia look betraying lii great pride. "Great goata i but what'# that " ahouted the boya, aa tbay caught aight of him. and , they laughed until they foil down The Indian presented a most laughable , a pec tack- as lie paced uii the as enue, but be stepped high and didn't mind the boy* until a policeman stopped him nnd n crowd '. gathered Le then got It through hi. head ~ tlial the clerks had sold him, and that lie was being made fun of, und he unlaced tin coraet, threw it on the aidewalk in greet' wrath, anil exclaimed : "Heap CU# —wlioup !" A MAN SHOT FOR A DKKR Altouiia, Decembero —Ye-tenl iy m .rn ing m ii.an named Joseph F Brown, wlnl-t 0 t hunting on the auiini.it of llru-l mountain four miiea ilistant fr.-in th. i i'y mistook another hunter i allied .1i.1.n 1 Thompson for a dyer, alid at a .Jistam 1 lOOyardt fired at bilu The rifle balijeiiteted ' the occiput and came out at the right eye, killing him instantly. Browii'anrrenderc.i himself and was exonerated from all blame t by ti coroner's jury. DKATII OR A MAMM<>TII YOU MI ! MAN.— On Wednr-day tho hoavieat man in the state, if not ill the county, ditil at ' Dougluaaville, Berks county. Allhougb)but | twenty-one yiars old he weighed 4oW;t pounds The calf of Ins leg measured f twenty-nine inches in circumference. He j was live feet eight ins lies ill height and , hud a handsome face. The name ofthi-jt marvel wu> William Kupp. This young j" man's death was sudden, hu having relir-lj cil to bi'd in good health the night prececd-1 ng the morning on which ho breathed hisjf last. |, • ♦ ' LADIES, ATTENTION) Fashions in the vary latest Paris, Berlin, and Vienna style#, adopted lo the reuuirementa of the I j most fasticljou-, are tn'w placed within , oay reiiph pf ll the mcJiilin <•( "Smiths' Illustrated Pallsirn H.ixnar,' 1 which is eoiirlatilly importing new foreign design#, and supplying them ; each with a neatly made cloth modal, showing how the garment ia made, and enabling any In-; dy to complete her wardrobe without other aid. The "Bazaar" is published in elegant form, every issue containing numerous well gottcn-up fashion illustrations Sub scription price only sl.lo,per year, and no postage to pay For premium, every nil.- acriber receives, lice sit their option, j.) tx> 1 trdrth of pattern#, 6r the Choice of one iYoiu among u number of good chromes, j ' i Secure the golden chance'lo snvji dre#--; I tpjlfef# bill* by t*r.F K A LA KAC A ,As Told t>v nut' of l i >S Own Cmisim (From the Suit Luke I rilmnc I \ In tile v car IS'.'l the w bale-alilp indepiiti t dance, Ir m N. >v Bedford, Mais , It under e l 111 the I'ai iflc Ocean, and all oil b >ar> I, perished, with the czception "t four suil , >rs, wlisi made llicir oscupe in a bind ~'which, niter t - • ing lis Ml> V llav# oil thi ; boundless deep, ut last reachcvl the Sand with Islands, then 111 a state ol semi hat • liari-in, that being about tb time ol thi ' flrsl appealance ol Otiristiuii mitsloiiarlci s' there Olio of lllevo men was a stalwatl line-lookmp young man Irom llutnstabla aiul in the strange laml Upoll which he wai ' cast up from the waste of waters at oner . engaged in such putsUits as a vivacious 1 disposition ami Hue k alikec genius discov ered, both fot eniplot luci.t alid livelihood He Soan aucccdcd and 111 a ve .r . 1 two nf tot making Ins involuntary settlement among the hsuslnu had the t slraordin.t ry fortune of marrying the daughter and sole princess of the monarch than on the throne ol the island This royal dame! h.d fallen in love willi I .1 wrc k*d tnai iner, proposed wedlock in right queenly style, which the ioung New Lug under ac < epted for the reason that the King order ed loin to do so, or have his head chopped ofl Being son-ill-law, and recognized as a member of the dynasty, our hero adapt ed liiins.'lt to I lie dignity of prince consort an ijii 0111 this remarkable union issued the priscnt King of the Satidw ich I-'aiids, the • nly surviving son of tin 1 Mar si husrtts man, out of a The lialue of IV. iktvo.i denote# <>rigill ot the > •vrr eig 1, and, translated, mean# "safe journey" or "Go : speed, referring to the escape >f lus immediate ancestor Irom the peril v f the vvavi- as related ab vc Digressing from the general narrative here, we will mention that the father of our august visi tor, nolw ithstoiiding his illustrious alli ance, had never forgott-n his home in the distant Rep iLi . but da . after day and month after month looked out from the |H>rticu of his puUco for the fflundly can vas and flag of h'l native land, but fiTe and twenty years of hi# Weary watching wore endured before tiie keel of an American -h.p glided into tbe island batbota W hen tin* did take place, ! .o Yankee ! prince, yearning for the scenes and ass - I, lati ius ofyoulh, one night ilcscrtad rank, j wife, and children, jumped into the sen wbi: ha q.inrter of a century before had . at him up nuked, : become the progen it rof a kingly line, and Sa led away for the shores - f Naragaiisett. After a long voyage Barnstable was again visited, but •11 bad changed l.cuv ing there in sunny youth, the ttaVclc r l.vW U mid that the few remain :.g ac.,uaintan- es of the past had du-d, departe i t > ■ ihcr places or had grown gmv and f rgctfu! of the liii.es alen a weic boy sat school together It was a mistaken return ; for the heart could nl give up its iuvi fort cw.ie and chil dren of 11. >rc than a score of years in the far ■i! islands ot the Hacific. The long tig. of wami' r-r i d !.:#!• . ine-s were into.crab e He itnii or.ee in re looked for the speedy bark to carry him back to bis ii y home, and waited three years be- 0...:- T:.c„ -ail. d •way forever. 1 Ist? tin w haicr Thomas Jcffcrs ban NiW 1.1.J0n, Ct , was titi.iiig in the I'm. Meiofig a ache "I of 1< vialhsi s, tin clew pr. pared for llCltoli, andam ng tlie pailii sent out from the slop t ; • .1 as, uinst tbe WlWlll* of Ibe I deep the prince wu. neofliie first to vol unteer .it the hazard: us duty As has uf ten happened, the boat of the harpooners wu demolished by a wounded an 1 infuri ated whale, several of the men, including the father of 1# I'ai.n ls, perishing ill the d.easier. I'i.al wastocclnl of 1 ..r l.eros romantic career. The baliance of ibis iulciOafilig career may be staled biiefly \\ hcli the New Eng. . ei lis ! from tie Sandwich Islands Ins >j a-e mourned for acust m iy par. d, but gi icf did not cause tier to tug lev tills grave n p -nubilities of. Widow hood. She gate her children the best education the 0 .1:1. afldr ,ed, and 1 David being the lav r.lc, though nt liic oldest en, was sent to San Francisco to stU'-y politics ami tiuan ILs mother also directed him lo visit the home of his father an ! kindred, but the young man. for some reason satisfactory to himself, did nut then go to Bamsla' If. fie will do so now, however, after firs! concluding his official interview with lbs President of the I nitcd State- Thus we .av. an easy so lution of the friendship - f ibis in riardi for our country ami institulioi s. F> r this in: resting narrative we are in deble i : I a ( o. .... Maje-ty. res.vlli g in this. .ty, Maj -r , well know n in i uiini. g cirvle*. who, with the e*cet>-' for this in: resting narraliv ewe are in d> bled l 1 a 1 i .... Majesty, rasidil g ill this city. Major——, well known in mini, g circles, who, with the excep tion of bring a fevs years older, is sa:d to resoluble the King in a remarkab degree I'beir fathers were brother*, born and reared in the good old state of Massachu setts. In cases where there are several indorse-1 menu on a note there i* th s difTrtence u | resp.uiaibility, namely, -uccoss.va end rs ers are equally liable to the subsequent, holder, and their rotations to each other are in the tame order- That i, any one of] such end ' rs u|a>n whom the obligation it pressed in ay claim from either or all of those before him, but one from any who succeeded Jiim. Joint endorses are equal-j ly liable I" the holder who is not one of them, but as l elwe n themselves the re covery it to be ( qual y divided. As, if the drawer fail and there are twojoint endors ers, both solvent, . .tlicr may bo called oti to pay the debt, but they must then di-j vide the sum between them. It makes not difference which signed first if they were' joint endorser* in fact that tl.al is. if ll a note is drawn t-> the or Jor of both endors ers. ,'j. j IINK. PRICE TO ALL. j " The New York WORLD ' Till DI-MtM HATH' I'APKR OF SEW YORK THECHEAPEST AND BEST. POSTAGE PREPAID BY US i iu' Weekly W'r the fireside during the long w in ter evenings Full and trustworthy live stock country produce, and general pro j duco market reports show the state of i trade. j Semi- Week ly World, One Yenr . . $2. | An extra copy to getter-up of club of ten i The Daily to getter-up of club of twenty , v "- , I The Moini-W eekly COR ains (Tuesday I nnil Fridayf i nil the contents of tho Week . ly, one or two tlr-t rqt Novel* during the j year, nnd all the i ream of ilio Daily 1 World 'THE WOK Lit AMI ITS WiiltK. [ Ih a-/ft'iint'in Ltudrr ] Thr <>f our IleiiHHTHtic friend* who | .lciro l<" üb*crib for it New Trrrk Paper ; will find noun 111itt i quiils The World in j ability. or that Ml f*nfU'*ly Mid clearly ndvoriitci l)i'nn>triii |>rinci(>lr. In tlm j iuiws from nil part* of the world, it is com- I plete, mid it- i-diloriitl. o.t hit mbjei-O err i vigorous nlid logical. To tlm farmer it i I invaluable; lesi'lim him many things that | tend lo promote It in best intercut* which lie Uorelv need* bin eyes opened to. The ' Worhi it low doing n gnat work in behalf of the Iteinoeratio party, ar.it should b* fully saitained j A THOKoDUH A' k- WfIPAPER. [Aforu')ik thi I* key* to the cells from his pocket, over '1 powered the guard, and i nlen-J the cell 10 where Charles 11. ward, the murderer "I 1 J bason, who waa yesterday saotancad U ' i luiprisonnteiil for life, was confined, ilia ' I wife, who was sleeping with him, clung t ' jiilni, utieniig horriblt slu •!>, anil it was nil that half a dozen men Could do t • drag ' lit ut from I• bed A lop was then plac ed around bis neck, and be was dragged ""j through liii- balls and t'-'url-House y aid to a lnlnp-posl uitd huog All the n.n bad ! their faces blackened and were divided in squads, each doing its allotted work withiul h word sp.ihiti After Howard bud been fattened to tlie post the mob di*- , perscd silently as they came It is sup posid the work was dotia by the meuibers , of tbe V igilaiuc (' "iniiiiltee in this couu ty. s ONE OF DRKXKt. A DO'a CI.KRKS IN TROUBLE Hliilsvtelpbia, Dec. Robert Stalil tbe ' foreign exchange clerk at the house of ' Dtexel A Ci. in tins city, was put under f'AIJMi bail to-night I answer a charge of \ em! etaleinclit The allegation It that by the means of fai#e entries and the registry ' of incorrect amounts of bills of exchange ' In had placed lo his credit at the foreign ! | exchange house about A Ul.lXyi, which had ' been drawn out at various liiuvs by its ; agent# f Philadelphia, December ll.—Nine ; young men of genteel appearance, butdes-j ; tilute from want of employment, were to day committed to the House of Correction . at their own request. King Ka'akaua visited Congress on Fri-i 1 day anTf was welcomed in the house of Representatives by .Speaker Blaine. In the evening His Majesty attended a trail [ at the \\ hite House. The trial of t'ongres.inan Stowell, of Virginia, on a charge of selling a naval cadelship, was begun before the House' <' iim.iitee on Naval Affairs BELLEFUNTK* MARKETS. vVhite rf heat $1 (JA Red lUo Rye 9ft Coin (ill ... ilnts 00 Barley W). 70 . ...Clo • efseet! ,t• • Potatoes Oil Lard per pound K Porkiier pound ttti; Butter'JQ Kggslo ....H.aier perton il l I allow (S Bai oi, 10 11am 16 Lard per p HORN CAT TLE -UOATr' HOUSEHOLD Fl'RNl- Tl' RE LUMBERMEN"* TOOLS FARMING IMPLEMENTS, .nd other articles. Dec 24 Mr# HI'LDA IIUTTON. piRK INSURANCE ELECTION. Office of ' The Farmers Mutual Fire Its-! ■urance t inpany, of Centre county. 1 l . litre Hall, De. 1 *, 1574. T Annual Meeting of the Members' nr.'t I -ection ot twelve Directors to con-i duct tlie aT.e; r• . f tbe < itipany. the ensu-' ing ) • ar, w .11 be held at the house of John Spang.i-r, Centre 11.1 I,on Monday theUihi day of January, ii-ii, A D 1*76, between the hour# 10 A M and 2 H M. of said day The Aiinutl Ststi mcnt ol the troiis a.'.ions of the Company, for tho past vear w: be pn -entedby the Hrc-ident Mem t-.-r, generally nre requer'.cd '. attend. By order "f the Board Alt- •: Gno Bc iia.sAV. D. 1. Li'aK, President, j Secretary. I House and Lot AT PUBLIC SALE ,Ti-e Mouse and lot, belonging to the Estate"! Mary K Jordan, late of Hotter twp.dec'd. w ill be offered at public sab -lon the premises, on S ATI'RDAY. JAN j'Jth, 15,6 1 !,e lot r.'titains 2j acres, there in erected a House and other outbuilding*. I i-rin# One half "J purchase m t.oy on j 1 - 'iflrniali.'ii of *ale, the balance in one year thereafter, with interest to he secured j' by bond and mortgage. JoHN JORDAN, llec 17. St. Administrator I N'OTICK. -Notice is hrrrbv given that the account of Michael Dunkle. • onimittee of Henry Dunkle a lunatic, lit# kmlMkf C C. McCialland adminis-l' Urat.ir Sf ifafclll Dunk'c dc-d. in the, t >urt > f Common Pleas of C"r.tre county, w inch sa d account will be ronfirmed'alj dan. term neit, if there l.e no sufficient' uit sh w n to the contrary. ■ A WILLIAMS. •l-c. 17 Jt Proihonotary. NrOTICB. I have applied to the Sur-| vey- r General of Hctuisvlvania for lone hundred acres unimproved land, situ- 1 ate in Spring twp . Centre Co. Bounded! on the Last , on the South by land in 1 W arrai tee name of Mo*c* Felmalee, on' the W ed by William Wilson, ami 0:1 the North by land of Millers dec. 17 4-t HENRY D. YKKGER.I i>u. p. i>. Centre Hall, IV, thankful nub tic for pa*l patronage, be takes lhi method of in forming his (ri< nd# that be will continue in the practice of medicine i heretofore. Having the experience of 27 year# in med ical practice, hit bett end cavort will be UM-d to lender satisfaction to all giving him a call dec. lOt-f. ; N'OTICK. Notice i h reby given'that l the MCOUOt of Jacob Neete, i oriuuit tee of Elizabeth Gontr.rl a Lunatic, hat been filed in the Court of Common Pleas 1 of Centre county, and will be confirmed at January Term next, if there be no auffi eiaat reaton ibvn t. the eoatrary Dec. Id. St. AARON WILLIAMS, Prothonolary. j • I-CO## fWM |-rtk>tri NW HM^N BX.Y hi T HUM A MTFR ICTURIW (I CTAOTNA*TL.O "I riry lirmcr *nd st.nil New Improved Kor 11 or## or StoAin Pow#r Crow-Cut uil Circular WOOD- SAW INC# MACHINES |lpt rli!lrp I'liriiUni iittU'rlco 14*1 #nt fro#. 111.Y.M A (ill M :ui n tint n r i ng <<. 0 itto'. 'l West Eighth St.. CINCINNATI, 0.. Manufacturers of Cane Machinery. Steam* Kngnes. Shaker Thre*hcr, Farm, School, and Church Hell, etc, 1 Dec 10. v. TAISSOLinTDN The copartnership, 1 t heretofore existing between Drs. P. i D. Nefl and W V. Kunkle, lia# this day ! been dissolved by mutual consent. All i person* knowing themselves to be indebt- ] d to the said firm, will find the book* at the residences of either of the above named persons, where immediate settlement will be required. P. D NKFF, W. V.KUNKI.K, Dec 111 Im. Outre Hall, Nov I, IH7 A t'AKti.—Thankful for pat patronage, and hoping to merit a tmnlinuallon of the same, tbu undersigned most respectfully offer* hit professional service* to the pub lic. w. V. Bmu, Dec 10. tf Centre Hall, Pa. ORPHANS' court sale. lly virtue of an order of tho Orphans' Court of Centre county, 1 will offer atjpub lie outcry upon the premises, on SATUR DAY. DEC. 20. the following real late af Daniel Sliuey. deku, VI.. . ' /\ii that tract In bikdinlng fand* of J. S. k...tor; ReY. Robert Hamiil, and A D Stover, containing about 160 PERCHES. Thereon erected u fine DWELLING HOUSE, und good outbuildings, being the late residence uf the Jec'd. Sle to com mence ut 2 o'clock p. IM. of snla day, when lerui* will be made known. SAM L GILLILAND, Adm'r. A J in* I wua fought at Havana on 1H be tween Mi'inlo Figucr •• and l'p Ca-iolltiri", resulting in the death <>l <'*• lellanoi. The levant Herald publishes dlstress liiK account* of ilia famine in Asia Min or. Indian outrage) are reported near Fb>- cbe, Nev. The citizen* are without anna •ud ask for military protection. DEATHS. tin the Dili i(.at it i*giin*i ill 11. Clinton Co, Mi Samuel Wren Zged 76 years, I month and I day. (Clinton c, papers ji I chic copy.) On 15, in A tir-usburg, of bronchitis. Mr- Narali HailoWay, widow of Daniel liltlloWb.Y, aged lit' jrau, • ♦ • M A K It I AGES. (in tin- Wlh nil. Hi the Kcloriiicd parson age at Kcliorihurv by Jte* \Vm M L*n dis, Mr Michael Wert to Mtat Fiancis t Oramley, all Of Sugar \alley, Clinton ro. 'Clinton eo paper* please crpy.) On the 12th itiet by the same, Mr John Kracier, ta Miss Kate Muser, both of Brush valley, l'a PUBLIC I.KTTINO. Tho Board of Directors of l'otter town ship will receive aoaled proposals at Hot tor* Mill*. Moxpav, 1 >k< zviHxa'dstb neat, at 1 o'cloi'k p in for the building of a now achool houae in Hock Uroi a sub-district. Building I" be briek, 3fi by 37 feet, 11 ft in clear To ee specifications more mi nutely K" to John McCoy. Holler# Mill* lly order of the Hoard, W . W ItoYKK, Atuu 11 NTtauaa, Bec'y. I'rca. j hirnAi PRICES REDUCED. From 40 to 25 cents, J ut received Uy, J. H'KU'H U> BOXES NEW STYLE INITIAL HAH EL'., TWO TINTS 0j on en!., 'Ji Envelope# new atylc, and a.l tor 26 cent# a bo*, thu# placing this beautiful article of autionery within thej reach of all, titll soon nt New Store, Ilurne'sj block, next iloor to Ist Nut. Bnuk, Bcllcfoutc. Nov. 12 2m. NEW YOKK BUAXCHSTOHE, McClain * Block, Directly Opp. Busb llt'UM', Bellofunte, Pa. 11. UtIKNiY A CO., Prsp'rs. Dry Goods# HOSIERY, LINENS, EMBROID ER! US, WHITE GOODS, LA CES, NOTIONS A FAN- C Y GOO I> S, BTKICTLY FIBST-CLABS 000D8, liftlow lho I sual Prices. Nov 12. tf. 11. KOSSMAN. Undertaker. The undt-rsigncvl leave to inform his patron* and iba public generally that he is now prepared to make COrFINS and respectfully solicits a share of their lialronage. Funerals attended with a neat Hoarse HENRY KUSSMAN, J sept 4m. Ctiurchvilla r r ALM A G E~* S PAPER. 0 rr; I8 seTmons w K i L A HThe Editor of B piomiiietit Chrlt lian journal in TLIE Wet M.V>. "I pronounceTiir Citxun AN VR WORK Ej the bet religious weekly in the • rid, my own paper not excepted.' Ta each subscriber la presented a novel, unique, and beautiful premi pLpiftJjo of Gismsj HMV A ItRXKM HKt. Twelve charming sketches for the parlor tab!<-. in an Illuminated Port- TJ I'Mn, >ixb ; it. Subscription pine, including |>oslAge on the Portfolio, I and al" on the paper, a* required by the new po*tal law after January let, IS7'>, S> No frame*, no mount ! ingt, no • xtraa of any kind. m A CHOICE OF F&EMIUXB X .pler.did Chroma, after i.*nd*oer'a T sreat animal painting. "The Twin ' Lambs," aire 22x28 inches, can have AH (unmounted: at the some price. W ithoul Premium, $4.00. N at Agents wanted. Liberal commiaiona. Exclusive territory guaranteed Sample# and circular# #ent on application to HUHATIO < KINO. Publisher, Box 0100, New York, THE ALDINE COMPANIE'S NEW PUBLICATIONS. SOLD OX I. V n )' -V I'HSCR fI'TIOX. THE ALDINK; THE ART JOURNAL OF AMERICA. Thi* MlaaitO it.nwu. I* not onl# wU sustained la •r iMlair. twl 1-elaa cooaUaUl and liuen ><*t II l> *l*l tlnil. without arltl ta lii wliulo world of partial leal llMalut Tito boautlful fnrtrau. Man . I mwltl.il Frtsnd.' a ohfnotu prwntwd t,.i*r> . ila. rll-et. It * .10-ldad hit.Mid will. II j-mltds. add to the poi uUrttr which thl* work ha (aland Th* AHT UNION laatnr* nl*>'promts** (m*t n.t h*n*h.*nt to ■alt* arousing pobUe latorool lo th* ha* art* Uin-a lr* and full Talortastlna oa appb. sUon Pari* I Il.ltlaud IVr r..s.lj STIHITdNN LEA SURE -IIOUK MISCK LI,A N Y To !><• t.impll- ! -.u *' I—l', taailod locnlfhUr #.. ii |uti will. ..n'aia an cllganl froottajdw*. .at# la.11) r,>*-ra>od on *l*al for 111* I. .nd • I Art Journal REPRODUCING • t • eric* within lli popular r*cli. an*r*ln* a*i*r! f.*for* o(T*r*.l at lent than fcrr limo. Hi* am.oinl T.icaal plal.a lix* l*>*t; Ihe attracUou of The Loudon Art Journal, !C* i*ar. tnctadm* th# j #|#Ctit >r\>aUat>i#x*. o# |'UU l*l*r A u.:#rL title pc#. rtehit lUinlu#l#4 lb rtnl sml #ui b# gi veil with th# tirt p#rf. Mnd tb# frluttrm of th# #nt4r wtukUb## withy of th# "Th# Al dine Pr###" which im • l uunlce of #om#tiiin hwautl tttl and valuable AT A COST OF J6 CENTS A PART. PARTS I. tl .t It! AUK .IfST PPBUSHKP THE ALT JOURNAL Comiilrtalß UuontMr paHe, at *1 each. Raprojue j in< Hit* beat ("II !>* Illustrations frnia to. — j,r lt-r i.il'itiiM "I tin AUln<. Krh m.mthl; i.art mil .sioUln .tisuiwrhuUl-* with a. ...million.* d*a.rl|i|lTa mittir. and nlmtirr (.• bludln* ei lumlita. mil !• rnllr.lj brjnnrt i MSM t ston in lirl.i "1 ariuuc . liirn ir K\aq lluar—l— mil l. I.l cirelullr lik*n "ii U. t**A l"n*a M*>. M.i no inlni *llt l<* a>k"-l w mnki no* Uii rtcbml prod notion of * tr*M w hloh lua won. in n mr*lou.lj •hurl ton*, k •■•rid aid* r*|HitaUnn. (■lritttn from Ihe lltliite, IC|*eciall| for ntr <>* in timn*rox*l t>*A*rjwn n ariti \ Urge .diet tion of picture* *f illfleruni M" and ' mi aliuoat ri>it aon enable iiavu been put up tu an attraclit* rutclum. aa4 are now offered at a price InURtM to make them popular in e*er/ aeoe* ¥ nveb.po \u 1. oontalnlng au t>*auUfel eugravtngv ia nuw ron'h. ml will be MUt, postage paid, to any ed ,I„, H fur ONI 1101.1.AH. A liberal discount to agents ami tearhera. NCUAP HOOKS. A iplendld a*nrtinent of SORAP HtHkKSUav V h o ** espreasly prepared fr tha holiday aeeestn a dutftfre*et of mora permanent interest can U V4oV*i far gentle man or lad/, old or iQtim. No 1, HalfhocLdL, v,.QRI aidea, gilt beck. t&u pp. Mm. A W*|f bound ch>t\i aide*, gilt bark, U0 pp. IS i It)lnches 7 uu No. X k'skli murtH'co borolptl boinla, gilt auil au Uuue. very rich, 60U pp Ou l*ettered to oniet in guld at 3& rente each l,p Uur.tbv mall, putt paid.on receipt of the rile Ulllul' I'dtnAC-PaiTiillln. lii t .Mui'ljln.'e elfti reneatml requests, the publisher* of TltK AtnrNK have prepared lmpresatoua of man/ beautiful plate* (or paa*e pariout framing. The*# cute are inouuled on a beautifully tinted ax ore out. with a handsome red boarder line To attach the glaaa. it la only left fur the cuaUmer to uaate and fold over an alreudj attached W&d%r. * I I hi* ma/ be dune by a child IT aubjocta U x it in .a%c. with flat*. fcfc. L SU of thi* ei|*lcd fI.W, nhzu avltctlon la left tf publisher* ! wbMeU. UaU 11 18., Wc.: with ilm. ASc j tubl.nU, 1 iI Sla . lie.. with glnu, Abe U lsWnu. ll * 19 In., tllo j with cUmTTm i Seat by mall. witnont g paid, for price. Can van era Wanted. THE ALDINE COMPANY, dee 3 58 Maids L*ne, New Yark. SIIORTLIDQE A CO, COAL, LI ML, Ac, ' WILLIAM BHOKTLIDOX. BOND VALENTIN I SHORTLIDGE g| at |jficefc DEAL Eli S / JV* (i RJi I JY. They pay the highest price* in cub for grain that the Eastern rnarkcU will afford. WHEAT, CORN, RYE, OATS, CLOVER SEED &C., Bought <>r wilt be oM on coramiarion when detired, and full price* guaranteed. In* formation concerning the grain trade will be furnuhed at all time*, to farmer with pleasure, frea of charge. RIFLE and BLASTING POWDER. KIRK BRICK AND GROUND KIRK CLAY. DBALKK# IN CAYUGA GROUND PLASTER, which it alwayitoid at low price*, and warranted to be a* good a fertiliaer a* any other plaiter. Ofnnt AMD 7AfiX) NEAR SOUTH END B. E. VALLEY R. R. DEPOT, BELLEFOYTE. PA. Lime! Lime! J Lime of the beat quality, a!way* of. 1 hand, at the kiln near Centre Hall. , GEORGE KOCH GREAT BARGANS AT THE IIAKD WARE STORE OF j MUSSER &. RUNKEL BROS.. Miilheim, Pa., l WH LUill AMb UTTLIL DeaLZR* IK ■ 4 X|l a HKAVVASHELF HARDWARE.' 11 They hare just returned from the Eastern Cities, where they have purchased a well: ee'erted a took of HARDWARE, Cctlxrt, leok. Nails, Oils. Paikte, ViKM.Hb, Pcrrr, li UILDERS A CO ACH MA KERB GOODS. Plasterer* and Masons, Saddlers, Shoemakers, " Housekeepers, and io fact, HARDWARE FOR EVERYBODY, t We rail particular attention to a fineat-q aoruuent ot Picture Frame* and Moulding, q very cheap. q ' WALL A WINDOW PAPER, J And Curtain Fixture* of every kind. [ .COACHand WAGON MAK.KRS-Your [ attention i called to our aloek of Spoke*. i Hubs, Felloes. Shaft*. Polaa and Buggy t Wheel*, all of No. 1 quality and telling v*- a ty cheap. Our a toe* it large, and con stantly being renewed, and wa ara telling r I wholetal* and retail—at very low price*. . Remember— much money haa been loat by , paying too much for Hardware. Try jtfussbr & 3un>J® ©re't ij They buy for Cash and ell at Oath Price ;l1 for less profit than any other Hardware 1 Store in the County. / "jrCall and aee u. Satiaiaction guar. " afi teed. MI'SSKK A RUNKLK BRO S ug 27-y *74 h H.H.WEISER 1 Manufacturer* of Sheet iron & Tin ware, 7 n t Miilheim, Pa. * All kir.d* of Tinwara, constantly on J [hand and tuad* to order. Shoot iron Ware of every description, always on hand. Rooting in Tin and Sbeetiron done in J the most approved and satisfactory style. J Spouting don* to order. Their stock of Tin and Sheetiron Goods is large and complete, and offered at the I LOWEST 1* KICKS. Their csiabli.-linienl has been enlarged and stocked completely throughout. Satisfaction g.iarlanteed, and all jobs 1 |>romptly attended to. aprlo-> J THE PEOPLE S DRUG STORE. 2 Next door to Wilton A Hick*' Har dware store, Allegheny St., C BELLE FONTS, PA., ii r Jas. C. Williams- , t (Succe*or to B. F. Kaukin A Co.) DEALER IN PURE DRUGS AND MEDICINES, CHEMICALS. PAINTS, OILS, DYE o STUFFS. VARNISHES, BRUSH, * ES. I KKFUMEKY, NOTIONS, 1 AND FANCY ARTICLES FOR THE TOILET, Ac. ' for medicinal purpose*. |i SHOULDER BRACES, L TRUSSES A SUPPORTERS in great! variety) Alio, uhedee CIGARS AND TOBACCO, j and all other article* utually hept in fir*! clas* Drug Store, , PRESCRIPTIONS CAREFULLY , _ COMPOUNDED, i 9mar74tf * C. T Albxakdkr. C. M. BOWERS. ALEXANDER A BOWERS. ATTOR ney* at- Law, Bellefonte, Pa. Special attention given to Collection*, and Or phan*' Court practice. May be consulted in German and Engliih. Office in Gar* -• mazt'i Building. my2B'74-tf J KARRI*, J U SHL'I.RKT. J A.bkavkk j juu.a HorrKU. rficßtiort-KE. Pennsvalley Banking Go. CENTRE HALL, PA RECEIVE DEPOSITS, .And Allow In j* ret i. Discount Note Buy and Sell Government Securities, Gold erdj Coupon* Prrxx Horrxn, WH. B. MISULL Pr-et t. Cashier Chas. H. Held, il'lwk, HntrlimnkerdJcneler Miilheim, Centre Co., I'a. Respectfully inform* hi* friend* end the public in general, that he be* just opened at bis new establishment, abov* A <-xan. der's ttora, and keep* constantly on hand, all kind* of Clock*. Watches *nd Jewelry * |r °l ,llrcd to extract taeth aiiulwlrly witAonl pain, niytt-73-tf. T) Attorr ey at Law, AJo Bellefonte, p„. Office over K*v onld a hank. mayH • MAJ. J. KIIKKFFLER Tailor, hotel, to naka al7w ?r s 'V s kl " t'raes, prepared ,-nl! . - al l klnd ' wn and boy cloth reasonab'lo obarges.'" laU>n and ttt •I Attorney at Law, Vf Utile.onto, promptly attends to al bin moss entrusted to him. jui2,'6Bt ADAM HILD. PAINTER, te:.?." offen his services to the citizens of Mifflin icntre andadjoining counties, in Houm'. Sgn si n<| 4>ruauiciiatal PaiiitiuK. GRAINING xr , . Oak, Walnut, Maple, Ah MtWony. Ac., 11 Plain and Fancy Paperhanging. Or ders respectfully solicited. All fine work dene for other painters, nov 6 tf. TOHN F. POTTER, Attorney-at-Law. lLr % Collections promptly made: and special attention given to those, having lands or property lor sale. Will draw up •[and have acknowledged Deeds, Mortgages, |Ae. Office in the diamond, north side oi the court house, Bellefonte. oct22*69tf JL. SPANGLER, Attorney-at-Law, Bellefonte, Pa. Office with I Bush A Yocuiu. Consultation in English aad German. Collections promptly attend- I ad to. fob6-tf 'filllSli!