The Centre reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1871-1940, November 26, 1874, Image 3

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    THE vjcltf HEFOtAiaH
Our friends will oblige by sending vis
items ot Uveal news in their locality, give
u- the tacts onlv, and we will put them in
shape, also notices ot deaths and marri
age*. ,
Any one sending us the names of six new
sub-- rihers, with the cash, will be entitle!
to receive the RKPORTRR one year free.
The UKPORIKR being read by neatly
every body on ibis side of the county,
whore it has a larger circulation than any
two papers, will be found the best medium
for advertising business, sales, Ac Ac.
Cold and stormy since Monday
Rev. Lcckie has protracted meet
ing in progress at Sprueetown.
~ Dr. F. H Van Valxah has changed
his residence from Potters Mills, to that
of bis deceased father, at Spring Mills',
whero he will in future be found.
Lust Thursday morning, &>, brought
us the first -egu'ar snow, about two ineheu
in depth, and Johnny Harkins was the
first to take a sleigh-ride, to the music of
the merry bell*.
Bilt Wilton's pike between the Fort
and this place needs some touching up to
stop grumbling.
Rain on Monday !a-t, and some 01-i
fashioned thunder in the afternoon.
Sam. Farner, Jehn Miller, and ihre.
others whose names we did not learn, took
three deer out of the Seven Mountains :-*
The Rock grove district, in Potter,
is to have a new school house See letting
in another column.
John Buir, of Aaronsburg, i- about
with his wagon, ready to exchange firs',
class goods on wool.
Rev. Miller's new double bou>e on
Church street, is up and makes a big ap
pearance. Win. Curry has added a two
stor* kitchen to his new house on same
street, which is quite an improvement to
his* property.
A letter to us from Missouri, says:
Missouri good for another year—not
withstanding the reports thai the chinta
bug and grasshoppers had destroyed the
creps, and that famine was -taring u> in
the face, T. II Greihand Benj. F. Limbert
formerly of this state, now ot Jasper Co , j
Mo., ihrohtd with their steam separator
thirty-nine thousand eight hundred and
forty i&fc-hJ. bushels of wheat in leas than
two months. The wheat crop of Jasper
county this year doe* not fall short of 000.-
(XV busheu, and if people are suffering it
must certainly be for want of something
stronger than brvad.
A murder having been committed
near Pittsburg, a few day- ago, and one of
the guilty parties to it calling himself
Fredrick Meyers, who has made confes
sion, many in this county are under the
impression that this Meyers is Fred. Mey
ers, formerly from fhis valley. We wish
to correct this. Tlui Meyers above men
tioned, in bis confession, states V* >*
from Baden, Germany, and that he worked
at trunk-making 16 years. This much of
his statement satisfies us that it is not Fred.
Meyers, formerly from this valley, who
assisted in the murder, as some are led to
think because a portion of his confession
might answer to him. We give an ac
count of the murder, and Meyer*' confes
sion in another column.
Do you want to get yi ttf holiday
presents, go to Jas. Welch A Co., next
door to Ist Nat. Bank, where you find the
finest assortment of toy#, fancy articles,
albums, neoJU casus, confectioneries, Ac.,
in Central Pent*. Go and sea his hand
some establishment—its a perfect museum
Now is the lima when you want to
buy coal—the best in market and always
kept at the Depot by Shortliuge A Co.,
dealers also in white lime, Du Font s pow
der firebrick, ground fire clay ar.d fertili
zers. and always give farmers the be?t
prices for wheat, corn, rye, oats and clover
The stage coming up thrvug^^ne
valley, in future will start 1-
ward in the and io&c\\ Centre
If*ll at noon to connect stages for
Bellefonte. Going down the stage will
leave here in the morning as heretofore
This change is owing o the mail not be
ing delivered by the train at Laurelton un
til 2p. m., when tbp <uge going west pro
ceeds as far as to Woodward, where it re
mains until next morning. Passengers from
the lower end are thus envied to go
through by stage to Bellefonte the same
e lemm that the contract between
R. 11. Duncan ar.d Messrs "Wagner, Wilson
for tbe purcba.-o of his val
uable property at Spring Mills has fallen
through owing to a very slight difference
between them- respecting a question of
interest—we understand that K. H. Dun
can now offers the property to the highest
bidder upon condition--as regards terms of
payment—much more favorable to a pur
chaser, than those embodied in the former
arrangement. If correctly informed a term
of several years can he had to meet instal
me: t-and will be sold as a whole or in
-—Dr. Mingle, of Miliheim, met with
ftpeinful accident on la.t bund*v. A- he
was driving in a sulky near the factory, he
was accidently thrown out, and broke the
cheek-bone on the right side of his face.
The horse ran away, completely wrecking
the sulky.
Sechler & Co., iu liush Hume bh ck,
do not wish to make a great fuss and blow
about their grocery n many do, and then
have have nothing t fall back upon.
They don't pretend that they sell cheaper
and have better goods than anybody else,
but they invite farmers and house-keepers
gonerally to call in and see their assort
ment, embracing everything that pc|ongi
to their line, and they give the assurance
that their goods will prove satisfactory and
as they represent thein, and will sell at as
low g figure as you can buy groceries from
any other party. Anything in the line of
canned or dried fruits, coffees, sugars,
leas, syrups, stoneware, <Jtc.,
a full assortment to supply any want. Go
to Sechler's and see before buying else
TUT EXT c.—One of the Tutens standing
near tbe locomotive when the train stop
ped, asked the fireman whether they were
the fellers that owned the train, and bow
much a train costs.
The same individual stopped tho stage
driver on the road and akcd bim whether
he had a letter in the mail bag for him,
Tnlen the eiJer-offered to bet the oysters
with a young man just graduated that the
Arabian Nights stories were all true, and
that the 4th of July is celebrated for its
being Washington's birth-day.
One of the Tutens has got Hastings to
believe that it was Geliath that killed Da
vid, the former making it so plausible to
latter by t', 9 fvHSyi.-g (yaaOßtng:
"D yaaee, Hasty, of oourie H was Goliath,
Tor be was the biggest, a slappon big fel
ler of nine feet, and David was only a lit
tle boy and eouldn t stand no chunco at
all." "Yes, yes," -says jfastv, "I M. e it
povf, I was mLtnkn afore 'bout it."
tfUten jnsijU qpon it thnt Shakespeare
was once governor of Massachusetts and
elected by the republican*, and that his
pap voted for hfm,
Tuten snys tlmt tho "rosult of tho elec
tion shows they did not come down here
from Massachusetts for nothing"—the
democratic majority has doubled, and
they on'lother side.
""fSubsciibsrj to J|ppurter, rcsid
pigfHitsitfe'df Lpnlre county, should re
nit qs 10 cents, yearly, for postage which
we will pav here j this reduces the po-tage
toonehalr as tho sum paid by them for
one year s postage was 20 ets.
ffff-Any one wishing toVrade u good
one horse sleigh on corn, wilrWpply to W.
A. Cuty, at Centre Hall. \22 oct4t.
-There are .*>;iil -ros'i'.gs in tli
| town that should he made so n to ho fit to
| walk over decently now that the oaon
! for mini in coming <wi the crossings be
tween the hotel and po*l>nffl(i and at tlie
Rof. church not excepted.
The Philadelphia Prt-s sa\s there is
some talk of building a bridge across the
rivor at Mifflir.burg. Mifllinburg is over
10 miles fVont the rivor, tutd that would
make it the longest bridge in the world.
The Press must have jot mixed in its
geography. .
Onlre To. Bible Sorioty.
On Sunday evening la-t, the C< ntrr
county Hihlo Society held a public moot
ing in the Lutheran church o! Ilellefonte,
to which all the different churches were
invited, and to which they generally re
* ponded by filling up the church so as to
necessitate extra seats. After the usual
opening by mi K Crittenden, the large
audience Joined m singing the tamiliar
hymn, "Come Holy Spirit Heavenlv
BWI Bev. M. Smyscr of the M I
church, read a portion of Scripture, and
load in prayer "All Hail the Power of
Jesus name was then sung K.-\ Ja
Calder D. 1> . president ot the Society,
after announcing the object of the meeting
introduced Kev. 11. l'. Galbraiih, the
agent of the Society. who gave a sorv in
teresting a, count of bis labors in Potter
twp., part of Gregg and Harris, having
visited in all about sixtv-si-ven families
out of which number be found tut three
families entirely destitute of the Rible, ah
of whom he supplied with a copy of the
same, he related various incidents occur
ring during his travels showing the neces
sity ot the work, and commending it fa
vorably to the public. Altogether it wa
it very satisfactory report impressing the
S-v ety with iho importance of the work
snd a determination to push the work
more vigorously, Wing satisfied that their
aguil, II C. wa- doing his
werk faithfully and successfully. Kev.
\V. T. Wylie, • : the Presbyterian ehureh,
spoke briefly and in hi- u-usl earnest and
interesting sly lo showing the p culiar way
Slid manner of the spread of the Go-pel
:nt'the Japanese Empire, closing by read
ing the u-ual Missionary hymn, which ws
ro-ponied by the audience by rising and
singing the same Kev M 1. Smyscr
then -poke in a very feeling and convinc
ing manner in favor of prosecuting the
spcad of the Gospel through the Bible So
ciety urging that if one soul were redeem
ed and -aved through its influence, it
would well repay for ail the money tti-J
labor expended, after whom l)r. ('alder
briefly explained the plan proposed by the
Society to canvass tli? borough ot Belie
fonte to solicit subscriptions for the Society
as follows: The borough to bedeviled
into mno district-, and each district to be
canvassed by two ladies to be selected
I from the different churches i,n the U TO, ,
j while Kev. 11. C. Galbraiih is to continue
iiis work in other portions of the county. !
I'tie meeting then closed hy singing.
"Praise God from whom aii blessing
The following are the name- of the Ex
ccutive committee, selected at a former !
meeting of the Society, * -t
Episcopal Church —Re* J 11 W Allen.
" l>r E H llie.
l AM. E " Kev A A Williams.
John Welsh
Lutheran " Kev \V H Lilly.
Dr J W Kb one.
Methodist " Kev M LSmy-cr.
W M cCfellan.
Presbyterian " liev W T Wylie j
.1 L Spangler K-q
Reformed " Kev Myratn King
Society of Friends 1-aac M iler.
United Krctiiroii Kev L W Stahl.
Jeremiah Fasic.
11. A'. siiT/tta.
a See'y. C. 0. li S.
• ♦ ♦ •
For the Reporter.
MR. EDlTOß Clearfield boasted
of her tournaments through the Raftsman*
J. urnal, and shall not Boalsburg quietly
say to you—she has her Ninirods who
make the mountains merry with their mu
sic, and return {ieas ily ladencd with not
squirrels, pheasants and crows.* the beau
tiful deer. The following Mod-- I ir'.y,
(.apt. Jaca yT. lLley, Boston Charley '
■I. J Con Jo,) Crowfoot Jim 1. Woturr, '
Vermont Yankee iO. M Whipple,! Steak
Punk (Isteal Veung.i Jemmy (C. i
Riley. Big Ingin S. Baiiy.) Mslft'
Foot R. 11. Koal,) from our town, ■
equipped with a good tent, cook stove, j
and plenty of excellent provisions, and in I
good spirits left for a few days hunt. The ;
score when i
Rig report that they
Jeer thro' the heart. Aw ewer* i
all venison hungry, Mr, E litor there i i
none left this time for you. Wail til! next {
time. Yours,
1 1
For the Reporter.
An Example Worthy of Imitation.
MR. Fin Ton —I find by looking over the !
old files of the ' Democratic Watchman, ' i
of January ;Jth the following cor-'
respondence. In these days of Bepuklican
fraud-, high salaries and corruption it is
worthy of reproduction. Mr. Gilliland j
was a Democratic member of the Legisla
ture elected from this county in the year !
1858, and we have seen but few men any I
where willing to make similar sacrifice for
the benefit of the public. Hi. vote on the
general appropriation bill may be found
on page 292 of the Journal of the House
for 1808, where it was proposed to increase
the salary of the members from five to
seven hundred dollar*. Mr. (. not only
opposed tho bill but donated his cxt*a
compensation to the county. Now my ob
ject in this communication is simply that
the public may kn w the facts, it having
been circulated that Mr. Gilliland voted
for an increase of salary at the lime refer
red 10. We havo no spirit of complaint to
offer, for we can afford to t)e a little jubi
lant and gcttcrous oyer Democratic suc
cesses. W#, have rather a long line of
retrospection lo reach back through fraud
and corruption to those far . ff days of
democratic integrity. But that retrospec
tion carries us back to an example worthy
ot imitation, which I desire to make pub
lic. Those days contra-t in bold relief
with the dishonesty and corruption of the
Grant administration, and >1 the honest
men of all parties oust have thought by
. their votes in the late election. But let
the correspondence referred to speak for
itself. • • '
Bellefonte, J,n 17, 1859. J Secly A Barnhart:—
The following letter from Samuel Gilli
land. E-q.. making h donation of two Ann
dred dollar* to Centre county, was receiv
ed yesterday. As it is a matter in which
all our citizens arc interested, I deem it
right and proper that it should be made
public through the pr<* You will there
fore confer a favor by publishing it in the
Watchman. ISAAC BrrrixaroN.
BOALSBURO, July 12, 1859.
I Buffington, Esq. —Dear Sir—Enclos
ed you will find two hundred dollars which
you will please place to the credit of Cen
tre county. 1 suppose you arc aware that
when the general appropriation bill of tbe
last session of the Legislature was taken
up for consideration, that Mr. Foster, of
Allegheny county, offered an amendment
authorizing the State Treasurer to pay
each member thu tutu of two hundred dol
lars in addition lo the amount of compen
sation then allowed by Inw. 1 felt it on
duty lo appose SAID HI; endment (which "j
didj but it panted both branches of the
legislature and became a law.
Accepting a nomination as I did and
looking upon that as a contract between
my constituents and myself to serve them
for the compensation fixed by law at the
time of my election v r _ _
penwtfeY 0O " !l h com*
pensutmn 1 may have received where it
will be distributed among those who
placed me in a situation to take care ol
their interest, and us the time has arrived
when it can have no political influence in
our county, { pl 1(P0 j v | n J our , MM | ieM i„ n
so that the ta*-pavfiii ot tin, county will
receive the benefit of it.
Your Ke.pectfully,
1. AL SUI PORTER offeredto the pub
lic, with the full assurance of the most emi
nent physicians and surgeons in the pro
ession that they would supersede all metal
ot other Instruments in use. for the relief
111 " • ,"'ls; Prolapsus Ut ri. ar.d
nil Abdominal Wcakum-ei. The great
number of luiliunl cures tk-y have effec t
ed, justify the confident prediction
made, ami has dpinoristra ,ed the fact thu)
rupture eau be surely cured without suffer
ing or annoyance, and without the danger
ot mcuriiig Spinal Disease or Paralysis,
often caused by the severe pressure of
Metal Trusses and Supporters, ZKLLEK
ASoN, Druggists, Bellefoute, Sole Agents
Aug 27 8m
SevruUcit lYisotis Drowned.
London, November IS' Morning A
government cutter was run down and sunk
on the Clyde yesterday by another vessel.
Seventeen of the crew of the cutter were
KKOlTlll f til V
London, November IW. A terrible ex
plosion ot fire damp occurred Co day in the
e.ntl mine at Rolhorham, county of X ork,
causing a fearful loss of life. Fifteen ot
the men have been taken out dead, and
many are seriously injured. 1 here i- great
excitement at the scene ot the disaster.
Madrid. November IW. The Cariisl*
shot thirty seven prisoners who were cap
tured at Cava)to,
A very destructive fire broke out in
Scott A Snyder's livery stable in the e#
tern part of Urookville, Pa , yesterday
morning, which, for some hours, rsged
with great fur* and threatened to destroy
the entire town Among other buildings
dctroyed wastlak Hall, owned by Col. K.
Hell ; two house* owned by R. Arthur's ,
Long A Pear-all's hardware .establish
ment ; the Franklin House, owned by J.
S King, K 1.. Mood's drug store. Mill's
gro cry , Kenned* A Oickey's dry goods
store, t>. H Brown's undertaking etai
lishuient; S, U. Fryer's residence and;
store J F. Carroll's store and dwelling,
three buildings owned by \\ J. McKnigbt
S henff Shannon and l'r Ma-soti* office.- ;
the house of J 1' Ceorge, editor for the
JeffYrsotiiati , the rcsidei ce of lie*. Boyd,
pastor of the M K Church ; Harry Wat
son - la'ge dry goods .store, and many
priv ate houses.
Considerable railroad property was atso j
burned. The loss will amount to t.M ; ;
or upward , on which it is believed there I
i not more than $ insurance.
On Friday last, a> the I.osiiUvui Oa
r- tte. 1). F. Robinson, Esq., cashier ot the
Mifflin County National Bank, received a
telegiaphii d spatch from Middleburg.
purporting to be fr.>m Col Wm W illis,
requesting b in to forward by express
tojthe latter's address at Belinsgr>ve As
Uol Wjl j in ut;e:.4:.ce a- pie Sny
der county court as a witness, the money
was promptly forwarded without a shadow
of suspicion thai a swindler was on the
make. Ou the colonel's n turn lo Lewis
town, the matter was incidentally men
tioncd, when it transpired that he bad sent
no jif h h|> since bt-tfii *H'er '
Uiftcd that the swindler called at the o- j
press office at tMinsgrove for the package I
but the agent beir.g sharp enough to re j
quire known proof of identification failed
to gel it. The money has been return
Dr. A. Harshbarger met with an acci
dent on the 10th insl., which might have
euded his lite. In the evening he w*< rid
ing along on horse-back i* front of hi*
residence, wheu a couple ot d >g setting
up a quarrel on the road got under the
horse, which frightened the animal into
running away with the Doctor, his route
lvinc for some distance along a fence, the
b< atd> ot which wore .ticking up. Some j
of these projected far cnougit to strike hiui
on the breast, throwing 1-itn violently t
the ground, breaking three ribs, and cut- '
ting a gash in his head, lie is now Jeing j
It is announced that the Pennsylvania ;
Kailroad Company have, owing
erl in hustnus*. commenced re
trenching their Orders hate
been issued to the varius superintendents
of the New Jer.-ey divisions to discharge
all hands on new constructions and to re
duce the track gangs from twelve to seven
men. A reduction is also to be made in
repairers. The work-ng time
is to from te i to nine hours
and the pay IrlWtfourteen to twelve cents
per hour. The infßfcmienj arc that there
w;'l !>u a general of the working
forces in all the department*.
One good effect of the Cc atinued Jrnild
weather has been, it is said, to hatch out
the grasshopper eggs in the west, ami the
fields ar swarming with young insects
The farmers exult in the prcjpecliTe havoc
the old weather will make with thegrass
hopper crop, and hope to be rid of the
pets next year.
Chattanooga, Norombcr "JO—Among
the guests at the Kced house to day was
Mrs. Abraham Lincoln, enroot* to Flori
da, where she will spend the winter.
St. Louis, November 29.—C. T.
enberry, treasurer of the state grange of
Missouri, who used S2O,C<W of the grangers
money in speculations from which he is
unable to realize, has pledged to the
grange his properly, ample lo meet th
In a Ere near Cincinnati, a few days ego,
27 barrel* of whiskey were destroyed.
Bad news tor topers, but a bully fire after
Oimttcd R. lyatta, I)
Adams 2$6Q 3U>|
Alleghany litfsS 15704
Armstrong 386 ft 362*
Beaver 'JB7? 24Mi
Bedford 2524 2969
Berks 5299 10610
Blair 8300 3220
Bradford 5619 4204
Bucks 01.*3 0514
Butler 412t? 3006
Gambria ...... W3B 3379
Cameron 479 449
Cajbon 2060 2420
"Centre 2118 308.1
Chester 6152 4554
Clarion 1954 32- r >4
Clearfield 1582 3066
Clinton 1481 2436
Columbia .... )K#i 2966
Crawford .v. 4821 4724
Cumberland 3083 4378
Dauphin 6393 4197
Delaware 3509 2207
Elk 464 1127
Erie 5087 4012
Fayette 3111 3714
Forest 367 328
Kranklm 3639 3913
Fulton - 700 1019
Greene J483 2668
Huntingdon..... 2Ni> 2588 1
Indiana 3590 1G94 <
Jefferson 2048 2161 ,
Juniata 1029 1536
Lancaster 10588 6171
Lawrence 2781 1322
Lebanon B£.l 2293
Lehigh „ 4087 6813 ,
Luzerne 86.11 1(M12
Lycoming 3638 4495
M'Kcan .. 915 918
Mercer....... 4275 3845
Mifflin 1383 1640
Moiro# 5)057
Montgomery "390 7808
Montour 875 1456
Northampton 3921 6-91
Northumberland 3263 3 547
Perry 2279 2424
Philadelphia 59850 46887
Pike Jtß 1030
Potter...., 1528
--uy 75'* WIM
nyr .Mm- ipi
Sumitici.sp( ..I 2838 1627
Sullivan .......1......' 422 829
Susquehanna 3425 2706
Tioga 3014 1098
Union.. 1837 1176
Venango 3281 3266
Warren 2300 1860
Washington 426'J 43(6
Wayne 2236 2438
Westmoreland 8916 6799
Wyoming 1489 1687
York 4083 7111
Total 272.616 277.196
Majority 4 6?.
Temperance vote 4,028
Total vote in 1873 464.294
" " 1874 651.339
The following Is thu official vote for Au
ditor-General and Secretary of Internal
Affairs f
Temple. 276,601
Allen 272,420
Temple's majority 4,075
McCnndleas 276,926
Bonth 272,208
MKYKH sy.'KAl-S.
.; no Accuse# MuriV of In ing liin ivil
Gnnus where they mint from
Hut! how they R't hero.
~ That Fredoerlek Meyer and Win Mur
ray arc tho 1110:1 tlmt murdered Gotlhard
NY nil) on last Wednesday'night admit* l
4 no doubt now, Meyer yr.terday having
made a Ail I confession of the whole bust
. tiess, Tim cunli'tiion wm brought about
„ by a teh grain received by detective NN'il
niot from tho Chief of Police of Detroit
I Mich, staling Hint n limn named Meyer
| had broken juil ut tlmt |>ho c n fuw < 1v
t previously niul only two or three day* be
fore he wm to bo hung for the crime f
murder, of who h ho Imd been convicted
Tno telegram stated that |)rli|>i the Mcy
* er might bo the one they wtinted in lie*
troll. Accordingly NYilinot i oiled tlmt
jnll nlld inter* lew ril Meyer I lie Utter
denied having cicr been arrested It* De
troit, lut made a lull confcMlon of lot
' tbaie in the trngedy rxc.utvd oil the I'rr
rytville rond
Jt,-on after officer ltoger t Nlara, who
' ImJ a 1 and ill the arrest of the murderert,
called at the jail ill company Willi the rup
' re-entallves ol tho evening , press when
Meyer eated bis mind by telling llic lol
iowing ttory. at detailed by tbem.
lli Story.
•" NY ill, I'm getting tired <f tbi, atid
want it olf my .tiind Me and another
man lift Indianapolis to tramp to Ft
NYayne NN e thought we could get tome
work there. At ft NYayne we couldn't
gel anything to do NYe met a man there
named John Lingshnw that told Us he
could get us a grain car to we could ride
to Toledo NYc g-'l there on Saturday
night and stayed over Sunday. NN e had a
| little inonay.
I truest ion VN fiat was the name of ttil,,
man who was with yuu-
Myer—"Nathaniel Erk NVeleft Tole
do to walk to Cleveland. NYe .walked
along tho Lake Shore Railroad It ua>
here I met Murray, asked us where we
were going NYesa.d we wore going toj
j C'et eland, and wanted to get on a freight
{car. Murray said, "Mouse of mat, they
watch 100 close Murray asked us if we
had money. 1 said no NVe did have a
dollar, but I bid it. Murray said b> com#
with him and have a drink; we went Up to
| a sort of tavern and saw a man in front of
it cutting wood ;it was election day M ,f"
ray asked him ir Wu could gel something lu
drink; ho said "no, ' after which he took
us around to the back do r and let ut in;
we took a drink and Murray said, '1 guess
we will stay all nigh', with you. NYe stay
ed alt night there, and g->t on the cart
next morning and rode to Frctn : • .\{.,r- '
ray paid Hie tare
The Trio Broken.
At Frtutor.l . lost Erk, Muiiay l d
me to stick to him; he said he had plmtv
of money, and betide- be Could gel some
thing on the sly. we stole a pair cfl> ut* at
Fremont and 1 mid them for two dollar
| Murray went in the house, and I stayed
I outside.
Ponding. ,
Whet) we get -ut in the country, about
• four miles Irotti Freiuent, we stole thirteen
I dollars front a house; it was after night; 1
i didn't go inside Murray went i: isle and
g '. the rill r I the;, wu sal !■ t'levrS: J .
' and when we got there wo stole lw.> over
coats out of a boarding house, we pawned
them up here on Wylhr strict, at the hrst
place where there arc three bails, M urray
took one of the coal* there Thursday, and
he gave u.e the other, and I to. a ;t on Fri
! day morning. both of them were pawned '
m his naj|jr ( j gave umi it.# tlpkcf fur j
the one I prwok.ii
A Fiisuadet.
Murray bought one ef them pistols here
he said that the other one wasn't a g d '
one and ha neeiled one just to "scare peo
ple with," he paid six dollars, Murray g -t
tua into ibis scrape I
Die* tufaustua,
"NVe went OTcr the lower bridge. t u„. 1
tir.ucd Meyer, "parly ,r. the asumoon w. '
took several drinks on our way through '
Allegheny City and walked cut the plank 1
road WJJCU w came to the "Three Mile
11 use' wc stoppi-d, and 1 look two beers
and two whiskies, and Murray look four
whiskies, lie said we
Might Make Something
tbfifll, ♦• iUuaO *) * J(Uw4 kit. mi uf |TftV • (
el out that way NYc walked on til! we ,
saw ibn*e two men in the wagon < NN'ahl )
and Jacobs Murray told tne to hold the*>
horse I caught the horse • head an-i Mur- .
ray bred once and then he Said "halt 1 g ve |
up your money 1" Then he Crod two other
shots. That is a!! the shooting th t was ;
done. I didn't shoot at a I ,
Meyer stated that ho was b r:> In the ,
old country in Haden, rams to this coun- ;
try when eleven years old, ha 1 beats hero \
twenty IWo years; had a mother living in ,
Leavenworth, Kansas; was married, but r
had not lived with h ; i wife for several \
years, had worked at trunk making for th<- t
last sixteen years; hate worked in St.
Louis, Newark, Chicago and other places;
during the war was in the gunboat service "
worked last in Indianapolis a. trunk f
making, left there Inst month. t
Murray -,yas next interviewed but wa '
non committal, and exhibited more uorv-
than Meyer. I
I'art ol the Story Conflmed.
After O'Mura bad left ttio Jail, he went, 1
toKussman'a'pawn shop on NS'y'.ie avenue '
and found the two coats spoken of. One "
was a black cloth overcoat, and the other "
a diagonal i loth dn -s coal. The garments ,
were taken to the Mayor's office,
OK LEAN'S • •• j£
New urleans, November 17.—The regu- t
lar lower coast packet Kmpiro, Captain f
Jeanfrenn, sank about f.uir o'clock tliL 1
morning at her landing nt the foot of Conti ll
(tract. The Empire nrriveJ about half v
past twelve this morning heavily loaded a
with sugar, molasses, rice, etc. Several R
passengers left the boat upon her urriya! 0
otherwise the I,JS of LILE would have boon
very large. Ai it is fourteen passenger* (]
and many of the crew rn believed to be d
drowrud. Five bodies have been recov- r
ered, including the captain's eldest daugh- T
ler, about seventeen years of age, and Mr, p
Erisble, well known plantation ongi-b
necr. C'uplain Jeanftean lost four cbil-'b
drcn, but saved himself, wife and baby, a
who ware sleeping in the Texas. Mr. I) ip
K. Perrett, a'passenger who escaped fropi i
the sinking c, gives lha upThioii thai n
the boiit wu overloaded and parted in the n
centre. c
• *
I wo H ttiiilrci] Imlimia Hnulrn!-Mntiy "
Killed and Wounded—f
iui..,.rc" '
|llg with the t dieyenncs.
Head of North Fork of McClellan's (
Creek, Texas, Nov. It, 1874, via Fort
Dodge, Kansas, Nov 18—To day, near |
this spot, Lieut. Frank I). Baldwin of the
Fifth United Stutcs Infantry, Chief of
scouts, commanding a detachment while
on a scout, bad n brilliant engagement with
about two hundred of |the Cheyenne In
ditins, who were before handsomely w hip
ped by Capt. H Farnsworth of the Sixth
United Stales Cavalry on the 6th hist.
They fought to-day stubbornly and
bruvely, from half past 8 A. M, to half
past 1 P. M , with ninety-eight men and a
howitzer against more than two
Indians. A tlei ciianging their abandoned
camps under a galling tire be captured
their whole outfit, driving the Indians
eight miles from the last ) osition of those
successively luUen by them.
' On the hilltop* hard and well-won pri
ces, left as trophies of victory, were re
covered by Lieut. Baldwin, commanding
' in the | or.-oiu of two liftlo starved white
' captives, young girls, ngeJ live and seven
■ ywtrs, named Oenugn, whose father, moth*
er, oldist sister, and brulhur wore ro. cnll.t
massacred in Kansas while going to Colo
, radon- seltls'ts Two remaiiilng sisters,
aged thirteen ntul llfti i-n years, ale yet
hold by the Indians, doomed to worse than
Two desperate charges wers made by
' the Indians to regain tbeui. They were
' bitterly repulsed and handsomely charged
t bv Lieut. Overton'# company. The Fed
eral troops got close riiougli to use pistols
1 ad vantageously.
I The horses ware so much used up after
| this that lite men bad to tlglil afoot About
rMI or 11i Iroplili s were . nptlired and linn li
•!property dt irot. <1 The camp numbered
j front 40tl to 600, counting w on n and chil
fj dre n
I The pursuit lasted for twenty miles and
wras hot abandoned until four o clock P.
M , wben it became useless and Imposai
-1 ble for it to bo continue I longer Tlio
horses wcro worn out, having bad no for
age for tour da\s, and having marched 'J3O
1 miles since October YB, and U0 for the
present week.
No losses were sustained by our side.
Four Indians are known to have been
killed, llow iiiaiit more is not ascertain
. -d, but at least twenty must have been 1
The bloody stale of the field attests that
the Indians dragged olf rapidly a number
ef their wounded comrades.
tirml Damage Done By a lluni
Kingston, November l'J Sistr-n ves
sels were driven 'astioie near lu re and
wrecked or damaged by the hurricane of
tho first There were numerous d.tasters
lone to the shipping also at St. Annis
From other sections tlo-re is news of great
destruction of property Including tho
'crops. .
Florence, November 16 A frightful a
icident has occurred .n the railroad b<-
j tween Hoi gna and Aeons, attended by
heavy of life, ix-i passaugar trains'
collided while going in didtrent directions
II th trains were wrecked and thirty-five
persons Were killed slid injured. The
cause of the accident is n I staled. The
line sat I. kt-d for several h urs by the.
■ ruins. |
A New t'laitu.tnt fir the Guvcrnur
New Y rk, November 14—A Little
isock dispatch sat s To-da> Lieutenant'
(ioverr.or V V. Nmith returned from th.-
easl and Irarning ttiat tn bis absento (i v
• rnor Baster bad turi.ed the executive
ffico over tt> (Sovernor-clect Garland, i
'sued a proclamation setting f rth the fast
that be was ele, led lieutenant governor
f r four years 'n IF7V at.d that lu* timg
10 t having expired, anJ that i hav
ing at Jo itft J, ke was g kernor at the,
The proclamation ef Smith deprweatea
the use ol force in the settlement of the
•jueslion which it entirely a legal one. He
claims that he i| acting under lLa advice
<Uii # aUwrt.ayt, and ll.rt he will bo
ree- g. i,nl by the United '-tales aulborl
lus. Tho legality of the new constitution
it Involved in this question ar.J the matter
must be filially settled by totno tribunal
• uUide of the state
Washington November !.'• Private
te.ecram* republican sources d*t !
Heir! a. -1,-. ay that mlllUry com i are b- lug <ugii!*.-l t , supj. >rl the
nuiilh government, and that a report |>re
tails that such a g ivernment w 11 be t. in
p-.rartly established at Helena.
Havana, November 7 - It it rejn rt. d
from insurgent sources that the iowq t.f
San Oeronitiio, In tbf Central Deparlmrnl
s;.d gatri*oned hy ldGuarJ.s Civile* and
about .evenly gvc volunteers was catdut
ed by the insurgent*, the town cache 1 and
afterwards Turned, m ~f the garri
son killed.
C: ax Foa DtritTiixaia The ravagi
of diphtheria in Australia have been 14 ex.
tensive within tho last few yoara that the
11 veminent offitroe! a large roward for any
certain method of cure , and among other
responses to this was one by Mr. Great
head. who at firt kept his method a sc ret
out afterwards communicated it freely t..
the public, ll is simply the use of sul
phuric at id, of which four drops are dilu
ltd in three-fourths of a tumbler of wale:
to be administered to a grown person and
a smaller dtsse to children, at ;t,tus*ss n<t
specified. Thp ,ocii is saia to I ■ n coagu
l„tiuu o* the diphtheritic membrane and ,
its ready removal by coughing It is as
serted that where the cao thus treated has
not advanced to a nearly fatal termination
the patient recovered in almost e* erv ins
.* . 1
Upon the averernao boys at birth weigh 1
a little mora and girls a little less than sev- j 1
en pounds. For tho first twelve year* the 1
two sexes continue nearly equal in weight 1'
but beyond that age the boys acquire ails- 1
cidud preponderance. Yeung men of 1
twenty average one hundred aril thirty- '
five pounds, while the Voting women of 1
twenty aversge one hundred and ten 1
pounds each. Men reach their heaviest at 1
about forty years of age, when their aver- '
age weight w ill be about one hundred and
forty pounds ; but women slowly increase '
in weight until fifty years of age, when '
their average weight will be one hundred '
and thirty. Taking the men anq woman!*'
lojot! r lb' i," Height at full growth will '
thon average from one hundred and eight "
to one hundred nt.d fifty; and women '
from eighty t > one hundred nnd thirty. r
The average weight of humanity all over '•
the world, taking the nger and conditions, '
working men ami women, and gentlemen '
and laborers without occupation, black' l
and white, boys, girls nnd bitbitv, is nearly "
one bqi-dred p >un )s nvordup si* weight. '
Memphis, November 6. Parlies from 1
Osceola, Arkansas, slate that early ycsler- *
day morning Jack Phillips, negro out-,'
raged the wife ol n planter nair there. r
From the treatment she res e'ved she will *
probably die. The negro was arrested and.''
brought to Osceola, where the citizens "
both black and white-improvised lhec rt url ''
wild after hearing the evidence took Hit,'*
prisoner out and hot him dead-
I'.afls, iTiivaiiib r d. Grant activity la "
now b*crviiblo In all the military depart-!"
menu of France, in observance of the ro- "
rent government decree ordering an in- 1
rreaseof the effective strength oftllo army.
Inspactions are now the order of the day'' -
and stall officers are oni.^
• ouics, Fr^npt l >ft>s to bw ready,'" wa I
Recently the significant remark of an offi
cer of high rank.
London, Nov. 4. News has been roceiv- I
ad from Central Asia that Yakoob Khan, '
son of Shere Ali, Ameer of Afghanistan, |
has rebelled against his father, and is now
within threedays'march of Candahar. A i
decisive battle i imminent unlews the
Ameer a-sont* l the exclusion of Itrilisb
influence Ironi Afghanistan.
Troy, November 14. N\ hilo a consta
ble and posse of four men were bringing
James M. League, Jr., a horse thief, from
Auburn to this place they wore attacked
by four masked men and Lcaguo was shot
through the back, the ball Coining out (111
froii;. J,eaauo was then tied to u horse, j
which took fright and galloped through,
the woods, followed by a mob, who kept
up a rambling lire. League's clothing,
were torn from his body, and lie was fcor-j
ribly mutilated by the brush, 110 ws.e
rescued by the posse alive, and wfound-i
are not considered fatal. JJu was tatteh UF
a bouse near vy, und It Is (cared the mob
will'bang bint to-night.
Allijuieliu Aikuttaaii —;>a the hit
llpg governor telegraphs.
' No A iin rii an < f ordinary observation ran
'■ have failed to notice that in ihias ml< in
1 which much iw made of religious emotion,
" mul the policy of powerful public appeals
to feeling is pursued, the moralities of life
V arc at a discount Tbeaamo tact is evident
'' in these communities where dogma and
' doctrine form the staple of religious teach
ing and religious life. If any one will
' lake up the early colonial recrd# of New
England, he w ill be surprised and shocked
r at lite amount of gross immorality which
( In- will lint recorded there. Kigidity of
' doctrine, the fuliiiinatlon of the ruost ler
' rifle punishments in the future life, the
elocution of the m ut searching ntul defin
itive laws against evcry form of social,*ice,
' go band in hand with every form of vice.
'There so adultery in high (.laces and
: adultery in low Hiaiuler held high C iflti
vat Common avoids were lias common to
" |be notewortby. In brlel, it seems that a
1 religion which makes must of it* audio-
Josy, or most of its frames and emotion*
of niiiid, is a religion moat divorced from
morality. A man who is told that the gen
-1 • uinmoss of hit religion depend* mainly up-
on the audio lot *of Ins faHh. of mainly
' • upon the raptures ol hit menial experience,
is either partly demoralized hy hit recap
-1 linn of the statement, or specially unfitted
to meet the temptation* of la* life
'ldle negro has been supposed p, bo par
| ticularly susceptible to religious influences,
jHoIt a* fond uf religion at,lie i „* i,m*|£ . j
Slid We fear that bo L fund of It In the same
, way. It Is no slander to say that a large
j proportion of the religious life of the ne
gro i purely emotional, and that a large
P l proportion of the negroes of the United
Slates have never thoroughly associated, .
cither in lht-,r thociics, i.r their prgop(a)
i lite, religion With wornliu- the typical
ilegNl preacher l* a 'tusgury ' loud
j mouthed man, who appeal* in hi* own
fashion to the crowd before him; and the
more he can work them up to great excite
ment, and wild and noisy demonstrations'
of feeling, the bolt, r Lei pleated. Ji,
portion* i f the South thcrp ntgn* vwu
net ted Vjijb Iv-Uglos,* meclingi of the bo
gicts which are 100 absurd, too rediculous,
toe l.ratheni*h, to he u.euiiuiil hy one
who reverently remembers in alios* sacred
name they are performed. The Jelling, '
lancing, pounding of backs guJ ins.i.c
ontortioh. Of ,i.os worehipera, .re the
•ame, la every rvsspoct. as they wouidlse in
■ the worship of a fetich. It is an amuse
ment a super*villous amusement—which
| leave* no good result whatever, and does
ro mure toward nourishing their (p'srallty
than the music of the fiddle to which; they
dance away the next night with equal en
-1 thutia* ta.
In a recent conversation with an intelli
gent clergyman, who has pent many
year* at the F. u'.h—though a Northern
man—we heard him declare, without re
. tve. that he did not know g r u -gru In the'
whole Souther:; aggflgy whom hojregard-'
td at thoroughly trustworthy in matters
f practical morality M roocr.£he de
clared that the wurl men, a* a class,
among them, were the preachers thens
soUcs. By lluwe latter he intended to in-
J'csp specially the self-appointed preach-
T( .grmrattt. but bright men—who bad
• r urcj the admiration and support of the
massrs, NN e asked him it he could not ex
cept from b*s very sweeping condemna
tion ucb ]among them at lad been eil
ucatnd at the North. He shook hi* bead,
and rep.ted that ho knew some among
thisc, whoso superb intellectual culture'
would grave the proudest race in the
worlJ, hut never knew one of them whoasl
he. >uid trust psrtu-ularly with hi* own
Wife Now, thu man haJ abundant op-! 1
pertunllie* of observation, and spoke with';
candor and conscience On one of the i
bright-September Sundays of the] present '
y < ar, the writer listened to the c-ut-door;'
preaching, on Boston Common, of one of ,
the finest and most abia-loukiag specimens
of the African rwoo he over saw, and w bat
**s he preacdiing about? Not purity of
character and life, not love of God and
b ve of mah, not duty to family and neigh
tu r. but the theological machinery of sal- !
vsti >n. It wa> the natural reaction from 'i
i the emotional religion of bis race, but it'<
iisj iii more in it for hi* race, in its moral-1!
itic*, than the fiery nonsense of hit less rd
ucalcd brethern j;
Let ut allow something for mistakes in '
the judgment and ob-errati n of the man ]
whom we havo quoted, and still we shall
have sufficient ground for the declaration,
that the negro in America, as a rule, holds 1
ibis religion independent of no rality— at;
t mething which either takes the place of
it, or has nothing whatever to Jo with it,'
in his practical every day isfe. The fact
one t.,U uf grwve suggestion, not only at'
i it t.gards she futuie welfare of the race, i
but as regards the country it, whose jsoliti
- a! fortunes he bas become so important a
factor. Much at the negro needs intellevt
ual education, be needs moral cdurstatimi 1
mora. To learn to read will do little for;
him if, at the an in a time, his sense of!"
right and wtußg. bus personal |>urtty, his
regard for the rights ol others, his con
science, are not improved. If ho cannot!
more fully perceive than ho due* to-day!
tho ralaliont of Christianity to character ]
and conduct, his Christianity will rather
debate than elevate him. In an enormous
multitude of intlances, ell over the South,
hit religious riles are a travesty of Chris
tian observances, and a libel on Christian
ity itself a travesty and a libel that brings
religion into contempt among thousands of
It will he said that the loose nations of
marriage that prevailed during the ne<
gro # bondage, and the thefts ia which be
then jqilifiod himself, have a groat deal to
do with his present lack of moral sense. It
is claimed that bis education will lift him!
above his present religious teaching.'
Granted, and still we have the emotional]
nature of the negro left, and his natural]
tendency to emotional Christianity. It is
one of th great problems with which wej
have to deal -tjj educate the oouscieno# oij
the negro. To give hun intelligence with
out this, b to make him more dangerous to
himself and ut than he is. Either a white
man or a black man, with rights.and no
sense of righteousness. i a dangerous in an
His political power it easily bought and
readily sold in the market, ho is led with
awlul facility into unlawful combinations,
he becomes a sncia curse in every com
munity. The first special aim, in all our
efforts to raise the ;,ugn. fr u ni hi* degrade
lioo, should he direct to his morals. This]
must be mainly done among .the young,
nnd in schools; and any teacher who is
not competent to this work has no calling
among the Africans, and, if he bulongs to
tho North, he had boiler come home.—
l>r J. O. Holland, in Scnbntr't for f'r
For the Reporter.
The sudden and unexpected death of
Dr Van Valaah of Spring Mil's, has
brought grief to tunny h u n*uhold*.
Few men in oqr ouiqmunity have over
been so useful, so honest and so belovod.
Ill* loss seems irreparable. For more than
thirty years he has gone from house to
house m Penns Valley, healing tho sick,
relieving the distressed, and aiding With
liii wise counsel many who in linn found n
true friend, as well a* a skilful physician.
Dr. Vim Valaah was a man of wide in
formation and of large experience, lie
was devoted to his profession—with one
exception, ill the long reach of thirty years,
he was never absent a week from his field
ot labor.
Although hi* ttfw w spent in tho seclu
sion of the country, few physicians were
belter acquainted with the romodio# for
disease that Modern Medical Science has
| suggested, and few were bolter able to
• urn them to practical account. About
three years since hi# lovely and estim^' (r
wife passed to hor rest. r "
' inoval, one of thoiwcply.i uqut'es in Penns
j Valley LUu desolate A great company
jot friends Who were accustomed to share
i tho bospltulitie* of (hut heme, will reliieui
, hor while life lasts, tho two noble spirits
who were its light and joy. Peace to their
ashos. May the mantle of the parents fill
unon the children. do not weep
alone—a whole community sorrows with
11 In, in ; and at the sumo time rejoices be
cause thoy were prlvilodgod to have parents
■ whose lives were so unelul, and whose
memories are so blessed •
An attempted revolution in Co*la Kira
hat been promptly suppressed by the Gov
Chili was visited by another eartbqiyike
>ri the k'ntii ultimo.
l'liiladrijiliia, November S3 —Beede
Clovcreeed come* forward lowly
and eel It HJaSJc per lb. for IVusrlva
nia ami woalern. Tiniuthy U eutlrelv
uominal. Klaxeil is ukcti by the
crushers at $2, but the offerings are!
The flour market is quiet, but
pries a arc well sustained. About 900
bb! sold in loU to suit the local trade
ai |4 2>>a4 75 for extras; Air
NYiscouaiu extra family |5 35a6 for
Minnesota do, do,; $660.6&0 for
Peiiiiaylvauia, Ohio and Indiana d.
do , ami $U 7 fix?. 75 for faucy brands,
lu the wheal market there is very
iittie movement Ka'c* ofrid.*i ** %
a1.23; ninbnr at 11.25ai 2d an! while
t 91 30.t1,,37. Kye is worth 9c
a|1. 03. Coru is steady and '
Bale* of 1 ,000 b- ' ' ~
,-nitii old yellow at
H4c and ut* du at K2aß7c wcc-irdmg
U< dry ura*. Oala arc held with con
fidence. Kales of white at 04-iflUc and
mixed at C2Ja63c.
vVhiu i; jo itud no ... It v*
sk- lift*
Omn ai ....Oats OU Barley MU
Ulorarseed tzi ... ~l'otatises ou
Lard per poun.l 8 Pork per po UU Joo
" u , U V* K*fUs Plaster pertoi,
il4 Tallow 8 Bacon 10 Halo 15
Urd per pound 8 cent# Buck a heat
V! '•••• ! >ur !'* r r l rotall7.(si
Nova Hcotia plaster &14 \o |fl Oayugs
plaster |'J,6O p v r 9005 the j
On 16. at Rockgrove, 111.. Thr*a
Mockman, wife of Addi un Moier. agl
o.' year* at,J 10 months. '
At fid"* Shoe, Oct 'fit, George NV (W
way and Henrietta Bnghuf. both of p )n *
Centra Co , fa.
In Huston twp., Mr Andrew Mirigleton
and Mis* Jo*epjjii, Alntuerman. b- lh of
I nions ille.
p. Il<-lie font a, Nov. 16. JNV Young, ol
Lock Haven, and MIM Mary I Wad kin.
of Br Hefonle
On Nov 6. by w T Wyli*. Mr Or
ri L Uooxcr to Mm llurm-s
Tl.c Board of Dir<-ctr>rs of Potter town
ship will rwcaiv* sealnd proH*al* at Pol
ten Mills, Moans*. next,
al l u clock p m. for the building of a new
school house in Rock Grove sui-dalrirt
Budding u> be brick, 28 by 87 feet, 1! ft.
in ciear. To see specifications more rni
nulaiy go to John M. Coy. Potters Mills
By order of the Board,
NN . M . Kovea. lloaTaausir,
Bsx-'jr. Pres.
. „'Jf aduiin.stralion on the estate of
K F. N an N alxah, of Gregg twp , dee d
have bean canted to the tinJcrsigned, who
request* all persons knowing thetnsalvc*
indehteij to said e>Ule to make immediate
payment, and those having demands
against the sauie to present them duly au-
Uienticated by law for settlement
Nov 27 nt Adrn'r. Spring Mill*.
OETTLKMENT. Persons having un
tj settled accounts with the estate of
Henry Hiss, late of NYoodward, dee'd. are
hereby notified to sppcwr before tho under
signed. itbout fail, with their account*, on
the 27th and 28th days of November, and
make settlement
not IzS-t. Administrator.
The heir# of Philip Mussrr dee'd will
ffer at public sale on SATURDAY THE
.ftnh DAY OF DECEMBER next on the
premises a hou#< and lot containing j of an
acre, situate in Gregg Township on the
| turnpike about i of a mile cast of Peon
Hall, Thereon are erected a g.Hd twoSTO
Si A RLE and all necusaary out building*.
A wan. or atvxt rxiu.No WATKB with
pump in it near the door. Sale to com
mence at one o'clock P. M
If the led i* not sold on said day
it ill be offered for rent at public outcrr
at said time. THE HEIRS
12 nov.
From 40 to 25 cents.
• Just reieivcd by,
[open ends, 24 Envelopes new style, and
a.l for 26 cents a box, thus placing this
beautiful article of sUlionery within tbr
reach of all.
Call soon at New Store, Hume's
block, next door to Ist Nat. Bank,
Be I It- Con ic, Nov. 12 2m.
M.Claln's Block, Directly Opp. Bush
Bellefonte, Pa.
11. HERMAN A CO., Prop'r*.
Dry Goods,
Below ilie I'sual Prices.
Nov 12 if.
{7-jMK AN' D S KTT L K Not ice is hei e-
Vjj tiy given that SATURDAY NOV.
dth, has boon fixed utn fur holding set
tb muni with all pursuits in account with
the estate of NViu. Vonudo, dee d. All
persons interested will meet on daj* afore
said at the residence of the undersigned.
J. P. RUNKLK, Adtn'r,
nov. 5 8-1 GeiitieHUl.
Letters of aJminiilratiuii uq the K
tate of Catharine Stover, igfa t f Gregg
twp , dee d have buuq granted to the un
dersignail, and <|H persons knowing theni
selvu indebted to said oslalu are request
ed to make immediate payment, nnd (hose
having lgai claims against the same will
present them duly authenticated by law
Oct 16 6t. ,-ft
A.liii r.
h. rossm*::
-* ti
The undorsignod beg* leave to inform
In* patrons and tho public generally that
he is now prepared to make COFFINS
anil respectfully solicits a share or their
natron ago. Funerals attended with a neat
Hearse. HEN It Y KO&SMaN,
, * e P t )"'• Churchville
Stages arrive and depart daily
Burnrri and Shipper* of the celebrated
z WflOTEf"i|ikiE. ;
Dealere io the very beet grade* of
The only dealers in Centre County who sell the
WILKE;Si B! Ai It! ECiOi Ai L
from the oU Baltimore mine*. Alee
of Anthracite Oeel dryly boueed eipreaely (or beuee uee, *i ft* | oW4lt priccj>
DEALERS /a* AR J / A*.
1 W tkt nS.liwl trio I, cub for iku tb. lU.t.rn W .fforj
, Bought or will be eold on committio., when deeired, a„d full prieee guaranteed. lee
formation concerning the gram trade will be furnitbed at all time*, to farmer,
with pleaaure, free of charge.
which it alwayeeotd at low prieee, and warranted to be ai good a fcrtilixer aa any
i other platter.
orrtes and yard
Lime! Lime !
Lima o! the baa Quality, always on
' hand, at tba kiln near Centre Hall.
Millheim, Pa.,
WLL< LKtALB aki> RETAIL Dialbbs IK j
They bav just returned from the Eastern
Ctliea, where they have pur ha*sd a well
selected u>ek of
HARDWARE. CrrLxav. lao*. NIRU.
Oiui, Pun*, Vahhku, Puttt,
Plaslereri and Masons,
Saddlers, Shoemakers,
Housekeepers, and in fact.
We call particular attantioa to a fine as
sortment ol Picture Frame* and Moulding, i
' very oheap. I
And Curtain Fixturea of every kind, i
attention it called to our slock of Spokes, ,
Hubs, Felloes, Shafts, Polee and Buggy i
Wheels, all of No. 1 quality and selling ve- ,
jry cheap. Our stock is large, and con
stantly being ronewed, and we are Bulling (
I —wholeaale and reuil—at very low prices.
Remember—much money has been lost by ,
laying too much for Hardwire. Try * '
They buy fur Cash and tell at Cash Prices
for less profit than any other Hardware
Store in the County. |
2W~Cail and see us. Satisfaction guar
aug 27 *y '74 j
Manufacturer* of
Sheetirou & Tin
Millheira, Pa.
All kir.da of Tinware, constantly on
hand and made to order.
Sheetirou Ware of every description,
always on hand.
Hoofing in Tin and Sbeetiron done in
ibe moat approved and satisfactory atyle.
Snouting done to order.
Their aUwk of Tin and Sheetiron Goods
ia large and complete, and offered at the
Their establishment has been enlarged
and stocked completely throughout.
Satisfaction guartanleed, and nil Job*
promptly attended to. aprl6-y
Next door to Wileon A Hick*' Hard
ware store, Allegheny St.,
Jas, O. Williams.
(Successor to B. F. Rankin 4k Co.)
(or medicinal purpose*.
Also, Choice
and all other article* usually hept in gri
class Drug Store.
neys-at-Law. Bellefonte, Pa. Spe
cial attention given to Collections, an
Orphans' Court practice. May be con
suited In German aqd English, Office i
: JOHM WoKHUt, ttTtK Uut> KR
Banking Co.
And Allow Interest,
Discount Note
11 Buy and Sell
jGuvernmeat Securities, Gold andi
i _ .. Coupons
Pstkb Hurras. Wm. B. Mtaut.iL
j Pros'l. Cashier
Chas. H. Held,
Cl*fk, ll alrtimnkcr A. Jeweler
Millheim, Centre Co., l'a.
Respectfully informs his friend* and tit
public in general, that he has jutt opened
at hi* new establishment, above Alexan
der'* store, and keep* constantly on hand,
a)! kind* ol Clock*, Watcbas and Jewelry
of the latest sty let, as also the Hanumlln
Patent Calender Clocks, provided with a
complete index of the month, and day of
ihs month and week on its face, which is
i warranted as a perfect time-keeper
j Watches and Jewelry re
' paired oa abort notice and warranted.
, sep IT' 68 ly
1 Bent Sample Rooms in Tuvrih
D. JOHNSTON A SONS, Proprietors
Bellefonte, Penna.
Ere* But* to and from Uu Dtpot.
Excelsior Cement
j The undersigned new manufactures Ce
jQUALITY, at hs kiln*, near Pina
Creek Mills, in Haines twp. This cement
Ihs* already been used in large quantities
■ upon the L>. C. A S. C. RR .and has been
found highly satisfactory upon all jobs
where it hat been used, and as equal to
any now manufavturod for use in CIS
TERNS. WATER PIPES, or whatever
' purpose a good quality of Cement is desi
rable Tbi* Cement hat already been
• tested far and wide, and rendered the ut
most satisfaction. Persons, therefore cor.-
f strucu ne Cisterns, laying Water Pi pea,
> 4c., will find it to their advantage to bear
this in mind, and also, that he warrants tha
• article a* represented.
' may 21 tf Aaronsburg, Pa
Job* SrAKULRR, Proprietor.
Stage* arrive and depart daily, for al
points, north, south, east and we
heart BaocaEßtiorr, t. p. snrcxxT,
President, Cashier.
(Lata Mi!iiken. Hoover & Co.)
And Allow interest,
Discount Notes,
Buy and Sell.
Government Seem lice, Gold A
apKfbSlf Coupons-
Would most respectfully inform the cit
sen* of this vicinity, that he has started a
new Boot and Shoe Shop, and would be
ibankfbl for a share of the public patroa
ega Boots and Shoes made to order and
according to style, and warrants his work
*o equal any made elsewhere. AH kinds
■ of repairing done, and charges reasonable.
( Give him a call. feb IS ly
' o
Dentist, Millhelm.
s 9jT er il' professional services to the
public. He is prepared to perform all
operations in the dental profession.
A**He is now fully prepared to extract
e*aofst(Wy wUAowf pain. myß-7S-tf.
' T) Attorney at Law,
r A-/# Bellefonte, Pa. Office over Rey
onldjs bank. mayU M
" rv u^, Hjr Spangler'i hotel.
b*' at all times, prepared
lorn eke all kinds of men and boy's cloth
ing, according to the latest styles and at
reasonable charges.
T Attorney at Law,
PAINTER, ffiss, ¥?
I bu ?° ,; °e citizens of Mifflin
tentre and adjoinL,g counties, in
iionac, slgrj and Ornauicnntal
Mahogony. 4c ° k > Walnut, Maple, Ash
h Plain and Fancy Paperhanging, Or
der* respcc tful ly solicited,
nev 6 if" 5 W ° rk <lcne for other painters.
•T p n Attorney-at-Law.
y Collections promptly made and
pncial attention given to those having
lands or property for sale. Will draw up
i! oknowled ? ed Deeds, Mortgages,
c. Office in the diamond, nortlfside of
the court house. Bellefonte. oct2gS9tf
J^ 1 * ®PANGLER, Attorney-at-Law,
Bellefonte, Pa. Office with
• l ßu i.. ucum. Consultation in English
and German. Collections promptly attend
ed to. K ' febs-tf
>,l l ',■■■
y MuSSu3BE2Ei3GB3i3
sara I cntoUe* st tr
W, mtt " r
piSSitPf. Pillar's Vegetable Rbeumat Ic
Smti. J,*™iliWssesft>rirT^Kii
- -- i |^'!hßsa.'tt!gsafts
ir- w__ U' 5 Ctr4 by It, and wmmtMTtmT>m'"rr^-
*" fiolf^t~fe*~^"- 1 ' s -Bachn*n,ClJ , efe,loir.P.i , T.
id IfeSL ly 1 *! 1 ■ Y. KwJmJwrFmli C'lict
la rMa4<.AS|ltSehuuidwritePr.rttC?Riila.tvib.