TBE CENTRE REPORTER TIIURSDAY NOV 1. 1871 LOCAL ITEMS. Our friends will oVdigo l.v undine * items o! 1ocl news in their locality, R*y us tho fact* only, and we will put them i shape, also notices of deaths and niarr iß o ** . . . Any one sending us the names of •uhseribers, with the cash, will he entitle to receive the Hkportkr one \ ear free. The Hkimkikk being read by neat, everybody on this side of the counts where it has a larger circulation than an two papers, will be found the best niediui for advertising t.usiness, sales. V, \e Kain on Tuesday la-t. Judge * tlrvi? is holding court i Lewisburg this week. Rev. Miller's two new houses are utt dor way. ——A party of hunters from HoaUbur last week took six deer out of the Sove Mountains. ■ Sman, M Oed, of Spring M: while *1 woth with a c'>ver.huHcr, at J S Keller's m ar here, on \Vedt es.lsy nr. rr ing, had his left band caught by the ma chine, and some of his lingers badly lace* ated Tho house, lot, smilhsbop, of t*hili| Musser, dee d in Gregg, w ill be . tiered a public sa'e, IV.\ 19. See adv. 48(NPersons owing school uv are n. ti lltNi that the Treasurer, S M Swar:.'. wi, be at Centre llall. Monday, Nov at Potters Mills, the following I\_nlis day, 25 Nov.. to rvveive tax. the time u 5 per cent expiring on the last ot Nevciie ber. James Mr.xwell has b. on appointed postruHStor at Langdon, this county There are some pers. ns aero?- tlx valley who evidently are toud ot sweet things. Our triend John K she!, writ.'s it-, data Sinking Creek Mills, Nov. 16 La-: night 1 had some visitors who litre a taste for sweets—they tried to rob n.y bee-. Similar attempts wvre made at several ot - er places some time ag(> Mr. Kishe! thinks the fellows mu-t 1 e some who want tho honey to sweeten their our trip up Salt River. The penalty for is hind of thieft is same as for other larcenies. A Brushvailey corre-rw ndei.t in- J.-i'ms us that John Calvin Morris rv. ently shot w Ni.ite i;i w, a:.d that he since also shot a s|a. t!cu one and proud .f h.s aehievetueots. Calvin nust i>.- a Nim r.ai. Here it is, housekeepers—no more trouble to make hard or soft ->*p -ju: go to Miller's drug store and gc: a ball Jot Rabbit's Concentrated Potash, and you are all right You can also see there a specimen of the soap n;ada hero from it. Get it before it is all sold. The fisrm of Andrew Stover, dee'd, of Haines twp., was purchased by Joseph Jordan, of Aaronsburg, at fTt) per acre. At Welch's, next door to Ist Nat Bank, Be'.lefor.te, it just the place to go to for holiday presents. He has the largest variety this side of Philadelphia, and any thing suitable for ojd and young. !adis and gentlemen His store is a perfect museum. We call the attention of tho reader to :he prospectus of the Pittsburg Posn The Post is one of our favorite journals, and a staunch Democratic organ, it is ably edited, and always tas a freshness ap. ui It, which makes it a favorite The Weekly is one of the best in the state. J. O. Deinirger has laid down Ax substantia! board walk ia front of his premises. Let those above and below fol low his example. We would here remind ' persons before whose premises the walk needs repairing, that they can be held re sponsible for all accidents resulting from such negligence. 25 cents will patch up some of these boles while ar. accident mat cost them from $5 to $5 0. Mr. Win. Wolf and lady, while on their way homo from Milroy, on last Thursday night, met with an accident which might have proven much more se rious than it did. The horse, hitched in a carr . ge. in turning from the upper to the lower part of the pike, between Centre Hili and Judge llostcrman's, came toe near the bank, causing the carriage to up set, and the horse started off, dragging them a short distance, w hen the single tr. e broke, and he left the vehicle behind. 1 Mrs. Wolf sustained some severe cuts and bruises about the face and Mr. Wolf also received some bruises. Had the horse nc t become free from the carriage as soon as he did, the result no doubt would have been very serious. The Evangelical church of this place will be supplied with a steel bell, in & short time, weighing with mounting 7 pounds. John Spangier sold his stage route and equipment, between Laurekon and Centre Ha)!, to George Miller, of Woodward. Prof. Wm. T. Meyer intends re maining at Aaronsburg, the coming win ter, and will devote his entire time to teaching vocal and instrumental music. Special arrangements have been made to accommodate scholars from a distance Mr. Meyer is a thorough teacher in all the j branches ef music, and pup is under bis care will have all the advantages of in structions that can be obtained at a regu lar music school. He will give special at tention to person* wishing to prepare them selves for teaching mu-ic. For terms, &c.. see circular. Humors of (he Election. Of all the sad words by tongue or pen, the saddest are these "It might have Hen " ' Ilooray for ! Well, Hooray for Jones! we must "Hooray" for somebody, said a boo-hoo-zy radical the other night. If any man dare say "Third term" after this "shoot him on the spot." It was a sCVere storiu after all—only u few constables and aldermen saved from the wreck. There is food for thought in the late election returns, though it mu't be con fessed some people can't make much of a meal off of them. One of the most exhilarating sights in the world is to see a newspaper collector dunning an unsuccessful candidate for h>s advertising bill. Eh, 800-boo-zer? Godey, always up to time, is here already for December—and a fine number it is. It is embellished in the highest style of the art, fashion plates not to be excelled, and its pages all entertaining. Get the Book, ladies for 1875. Price $3 15 per year with a fine throino, arid postage paid one year. to the Reporter, resid ing outside ot Centre county, should re mit us 10 cents, yearly, for postage which we will pay hero ; this reduces the postage to one half, as the furu paid by them for one year's postage was 20 ets. Jsff~Any one wishing to trade a good one horse sleigh on corn, will apply to W. A. Cury, at Centre llall. 22 ( let It. THE ELASTIC TRUSS AN AIIDDOM INAL SUPPORTER offered to the pub lic, with the full assurance of the most emi nent physicians and surgeons in the pro fession that they would supersede all metal of other Instruments in use, for the relict and euro of Hernia. Prolapsus Uti ri, and all Abdominal Weaknesses. The great number of radical cures they have effect ed, fuily justify the confident prediction made, and has demonstrated the tact that rupture can be surely cured without sufler ing or annoyance, and without the danger of incuring Spinal Disease or Paralysis, often caused by the severe pressure ot Metal Trusses and Supporters. ZKLLEIi &SON, Druggists, Bellefonte, Sole Agr rits Aug 27 3m Notice is hereby given that the undcr igned is the bona tide owner of the follow ing property, now in the possesion ot Daniel Horner: All the Crops on the premises, all the live stock, 1 nayrake, 1 broadwheel wagon, 1 harrow, and 1 plow, and will leave the same in his possession at my pleasure. All persons are therefore cautioned against meddling with the same. N0v.112. GEO. DURST. Centre County Election. .Vocemher -M, 1574. OFFli'l A I, YnTE i'F I'KN-, Lieut i Audi. Secy Sup. Add. Uon- MP Gov. tor In tor. Jug lw Kiwi lor AinMly y * U,M f TllK COUNTY 1674. (Sen. MMn i#l| C - > H W K W £ X .7 >IX * X Z 9> I J g| 4 CI f f1 £ Kv'H IST.'. a • ~ a 4 rj 5 7 2. -J gf ' * - * : i * • t - houovtins | f • f. r s" ? • " ' i '■ - * I . **" •' '• w _ L K - W P S *" e ft- ' ' '' C? W ANl> : p ;|g w ZL ; 5 C j ~ r ; P ; ; o j TOW N SHI PS. ' : I| H j * j f w llartranfi. Bu.'.-alow, 1•' : j I : ; : : j : 1 ! J : .• b , w m.. 1 • 55 55 5 55 35 •* 14 11 B •? *> <• ■ :ia H * lis .jv mu,, Vs \v. ; d J • • ,S > S !;; 1! ,£; l !i ,7! !.'3 .!:'i.' 10 1 > m 1 8Sm£ ££ i 8 I 8 S £ 11 1 £B9 S§ S t- 1 11 V'.: •• ;. s % 3 . •£, u> v. 4. u* 40 m 40 ; :w .*> ;•., HI 41 . ,'5" )" "I 1' ; * H *A> H- ' 107' VI "• Si tIS >!S '7 lit "ii IS Si£ 8 'i;.| 'g Sj 'g 8:| 'g S J Jf >!:''r 18 II aBS Bg| " J8 aJ 8 |j3,H V 4 ."si ii.SV 44 44 -Alh 41 4! an 4. l.h 4J J'l 41 a 4 I IWT M. Uli 4.. 'J I|V '. r... ii ,a • ... Hid IB! < 11 1 "• 160 l. lUi r.j 104 I'J I u.-j 101 ii- HU !'• 'S 1 , m 47 -7 47 • w :• " 41 it 1 11 1,. M •; ;. • ,-i {, In 14N IN. I4n IN*. Un ) iNi 14H IM 14V 1 1S IM 1 4- IdO* I l4i 14.* UU 111 IM '4. U fit l.w rd • I ' I.' l:< 4S 4 1 4'.< 4< .'4 16 |S .* 4 4 > ! U> In Ul 47 4* 4 ? w ftrr ; : ! " •> ex *> •: •-•* :a -i W " us - J (> ? ,J * ; J is: .v"Ktv* . •.: u •• 44 - 44 . o ,u * "* *• 71 ' '• i? Tvt v 7 ,? t; 11 yi \| ,ri >ii .. '> 7i -> 70 id 70 i'7 71 j 7> CO •! Im i'N TW, A' B ui' | *l\ *• „•} - s . . M ;. i,i i , to 74'.* ii -4' j -is I '.*> i'i' '.*•-".* H• u aw ill'.* -ii '.si ... .'i , f>!,, , V 7ii 4i* (Ui Id 71 I! M i'l 01 10 72 40 i 7 H'J 42 71 *' 7i* II Vv -s .P . ; '£ J : * 2.17 5 237 *>' a *> 220 jlO 241 -;iN SI 2H2 2UH 27j 'l *> W ,:.V ,7-7 p p- ,r 117 >l*7 116 oiN 117 4*,'. lli> 2**h ; 111 276 llf dy.' I I'."' 1 V.O StV i I*7 H-ji. l'.'j .4*. vv! i :• w N;; v. SN K. ■*,; wi >■.* *.* iN. ; 21 K. 21 .7, , o. M .11 .4 I*l &l VI K* 61 N'l .7 60 V. N' I ~ o*l Ml .'I 0" M i ir* ilsi > SN 27! 31* 27, B| 2 1 S g S R * g IH ,V, In i.i ii ' K'. 58 N*' 68 85 68 80 u8 I 87. 67 85 s, ,„n y., .44; 68 N. 6.1 N. -8 !S ji; wLlker 60 IM WIM M 131 WIM I WIM 1 50 ItT IM I H IM HM o Itfl 60 IM s fwft "ZL~ I 6d ( 67 j 66j 67 MftllMßlj WMj 17 <-l Mj Mj W 67 67 j6| W 77 fTW jTrlnl ~~ j | Ml *pM *ju*o HH6 j 2120,3006 MSOjPMI 2656 25a*> UltJlHl MB lAMjfIOM SfltjlßM^Uß^Mt Buckllow i Mnjoriiy BDIJ Mnjorilirt j IW6I (071 1026 J {M6 J•* 8 jMi I 59 55 I*' I '' : c PISN> Y I.VAM.V OiriOlAU 1874 (X'Hti.xi K J iffO, l> Adam* '23 Alleghany IW 137*4 Armstrong .... 386$ Beaver '2>77 24!*' Red ford "2324 239 Berks SiW U*ilO Blair .. ;WJO 8226 Bradford jl 9 4 A-1 Bucks. CISJ •.'!! Butler 4123 •!* Canbrit '-*238 Cameron ...._ 47u 449 Carbon 2000 '-'l*' Centra - 211 ■> 2.08.! Chester - 0132 4331 Clarion If' 4 ;'.'234 Clearfield I.W 65 Clinton I4M 24y0 Columbia 11'-.! '-J **' Crawford 4h'_'l 4 724 Cumberland K!h 4>75 Dauphin S&M |li7 Delaware. S3'.'„* liJU" Rik h4 U'd: Erie 3087 4012 Fayette 3111 3714 Forest !!0T d'-S Franklin 50391 > Fullou 700 101 y Greene 1409 '.Vs'J Huntingdon 2W '-'•V s o Indiana -v*r> 10\4 Jefferaon IX4B aitl | Juniata ...... 1020 1330 Lancaster 10tVs8 7 3513 Luzerne N.2t 101 l 2 Lvromint 3330 44'.' > M'Kean . '-'l3 fit* Mercer 41:70 £843 Mitllin 1 tt 15*o j Monroe ."*?> 2007 Montgomery _ 7390 : Montour 873 1433 Northampton MM MM i Northumberland MM IM7 SdVrry 227'.' 2424 i Philadelphia 59830 4 Union lN>7 1170 Venango 3281 d'-0o Warren 2St*"> I'.*'*) Washington 4232 4306 Wayne 6 MM We-tmoreland vjji> 5799 Wyoming If"'.' ti v 7 York 4tS3 7111 Toial 272.310 277.105 272,310 Majority .... 4,07 V Temperance vote j. ojs> Total vote in ltd 4"4,>0i , " 1874 351.388 i The following is the official vote for Au ditor-General at.d Secretary o( Interna! Affairs: AI'DITOR OWSIRAI.. Temple yTlr.tiOl Allen 272,42*) Temple's ntaj* rity 4,073 sMKtTART OT INTKHNAI. imits. McCandle&s 270,923 Beafh 272,206 McCandtesi's majority 4,717 • Judicial District- The following is the official vote in this judicial district for Add. Law Judge : Orvia. M Enalky. , Centre- .2889 2230 Clinton 2466 1396 Clearfield 2997 laid Tolai 9081 5507 Orvls' majority 2574 •JO Congressional District. The following is the official vote: Mackey. Alexander. Centre 2330 2553 Clinton 2938 WJ Clearfield 2854 1640 Mifflin - - .1383 1483 Uni>n 1220 177 C Kik 1190 fXt Total 12,140 H577 Mackey'- majority 3404 - • ♦ Senatorial District. Tiie following is the official vote In this senatorial district Wallace. M Cormick. Centre 3003 2157 Clinten -2417 1493 Clearfield .2935 1510 Total 8353 5101 Walluce't majority 3189 NEGRO BRUTE KILLED Memphis, November 6.—Partie* from Otccola, Arkanaf, state that early yester day morning Jack Phillip!, negro out raged the wife of a planter tie ir there. From the trealmci t she received she wiil probably die. The negro was arrested and brought to Oiceola, where the citizens both black and whites improvised thccourt and after bearing the evidence took the prisoner out and shot liiin dead ♦ • PREPARING FOR A POSSIBLE WAR. Paris, November C.—Great activity is now observable in all the military depart ment* of France, in observance of the re cent government decree ordering an in crease of the effective strength of the army. Inspections are now the order of the day and staff officers are quito busy. '"lf war conies, France means to be ready," was recently the significant remark of un offi cer of high rank. CRUEL TREATMENT OF A HORSE THIEF. Troy, November 14. — h bile a consta ble and posse of lour men were bringing James M. League, jr., a horse thief, from Auburn to this place they were attacked by four masked men ami League was shot through the back, the bull coming out in front. League was then tied to u horse, which took lriglit anl galloped through the woods, followed hy a mob, who kept up a rambling fire. League's clothing were torn from his body, and he was hor ribly mutilated by the brush. He a< rescued by the posse alive, and wounds are not considered fatal. He was taken to a Louse near by, uud it is feared the muL will hang him to-night. The Centre 11*11 Rfpvrtor remark* [ that the long winter evenings are coming, nj . tu'ludo* that r.ow is the lime to sub- Knb*forptitpaper Evidently the R<- y ■ i* deeir, .IS ot -,t*bl*hinjt the cus tom of retiring ear > K!o wbv Its *nje tv to induce sut-b 1 . :.v mess of ine eyelids H'ltfrAmtN This is tl.e nr.; I me we hoard of the K('t>orlrr having that affo'ct -we were always in:, m- ! it wasoid rye that g*e you >uch "heav un - ■ of the ey olid-. Our overt' .vav , mtomporary th.uk- Frod Kurt - v ,-r nui-t be > tot order Ti/ai s hkolj • it couldn't p-vsstbly be hi brains It '(•Amu . Well, now, we have credit loi brains nl | le*t, sonu-thir g ur neighbors will never 1 ge:. L. nv Ftnx n Bxli.nsv.kovk. The j Svliu-.r >\e Tribune give- the following j J lo'couwt of the tire at that place recently Loss Insurance. George Schnure $12,110 $5,7x1) S Weis 7,."4Jt 4,000 Lutheran Puronage 2.11 X* Boh rbach's heirs s,til* 3.110 Jane Kohrbavh A daughter uO 4iO We'll O Uoluies 7.610 4.U0 K Dent* 2400 1,000 j Sam'l Stauffer M,BuU it , Jas Pawliu 800 Henry A Uualing 6,011' 1,000 | Backus heirs 7,000 K Lev d 30) 20U | 51 rs Lachner SSO Saiu'l i'vehr-r 6.111* 2,ti\* j Mrs Jacob Mil leg 4.Buu ii.xOu David Lupier 1.60U 600 | J G I- Shingle 7.5t0 3,500 Cha- Moyer 2UO Howard Ulsh 3,iH* 1,600 Cha* Rhodes 2.U00 2,tXJO Sam'l Aileman 2,506 U K Miller 5 000 4.1A1) Chas H Boyer C.OiD 2,600 st S K Aunty Fishbaoh ■xu JoS Bowes 3,050 J M Bowes 150 W Bourrillion 1(\) Fred App 5.U00 3,000 Jno If Wenrich 2,til) 1,811) F Waller 10,000 6,n0 , Geo hby '.'.Oil) 3,'Ji' | Maj It .liba-li .vax> t.liAi , F Weirick 4,1X40 1.500 M K church 3,500 Rob'l Swineford 3,000 1.21 D Rcrg-tres-er A Ulrich 2.4v* MO S Fau*t 250 Ulrich A Fv-ehrer 50 Dr Hotten-tinw 1,51t) B 7. Jaletu 200 Cha- Femberling 200 1 k'iias Kcofer 2TI) 133, 1 O S of A MO luO J S llalderman 150 Mis Susan Waller 300 1875. THE 1875. PITTSBURG POST. DAILYand WEEKLY.) The Weekly K*tailith:d IHO4. The I'aily Eftohh.*hed 1c46. TliK \\ EEK LY l'Ot-T l.* no superior a- ,i Family, Political and l.;t< rnry Jour nal. an-l -hmild tir.d a placejm every Dem ix ratio family in Pennsylvania. Eastern Dhio. W■ -I and Virginia. It is WITHOUT A RIVAL Ann ng the great waekiy journals of the r-'ur.try, each i--ue containing fifty-si* col umns of carefully selected and edited mat ter, -.lite 1 to the family circle, emt.racing Political Editorials. General Editorials on all leading topic-; Literary (elections a* woll a* original efforts both in Prose and Poetry; Hank and Art Reviews. The Latest Live Stock Market*, And tl e general Grain and Produce Mar k.;- . f all the trade centres of the country, and Foreign Market-, General News and Sele< t M i-cellany. 'i*iie Great Political Revolution ■ f 1874 will work an entire change in the po'iitii al inanagenipnt of the country, and it i- highly .that Democratic idea- and Democratic arguments and pnn rip!e should he spread before tho people. 'I iiis i an bo done in no better manner than bv extending 'he already largo circulation of TIIK PITTSBU 1ill WEEKLY POST In tha future a- in the pa-t. THE I'OST will be the undeviating adv rate of the pure and undefiled principles of the De mocracy a- Handed down to us by the founders <>f our government and will al wav- be found advocating Honesty, Economy ami Reform In the R'lniii.i-tralioii of government While THE POST will be the firm and unflinching advocato of])etn< eraev, it will uphobj no man in it- ranks who doe- not practice honesty in all official -talions and public placet This paper will reserve to itself the right t>> maintain it- Democracy and Independence lit All Thinga, And on all subjects; looking only to tho best intere-i* of the whole country and all cla-ses of the community. Owing to tho recent change- in tliu United Stulea Postal Lnwa, After the Ist of January, 18*5. all new s paper po-tage mu-t he paid by the publish or*, so that it wilt be necessary to add the postage to the subscription, to all subscrib ers residing outside of Alleghany Co Those residing in the county are required to pay n<> postage Sub-. ribers will see that this does i ot increase the price oflhclr paper* a* they only transmit to us tho post age they are compelled to pay to their lo cal postmasters THE DAILY POST Which occupies the position of being the only Democratic Daily Paper in Western Pennsylvania, and longest established Democratic Daily in th> State will contain all the latest news and markets down to 4 o'clock A. M of each morning, and will be. furnished to ull mail subscribers at $lO - per year, pottage paid by the proprie tors. Rut' - of Subscript on. WEEKLY POST Single Subscription in Alleghany Co $2 mi " out-lde of " " 220 In Clubs of Five or over in " " 160 " " " " " outside of " " 170 DAILY POST By Mail Per Annum $10(X) " " Si* Months 6IX) " " 3 Months 200 We will make the Markets and Live Stock Reports a special I nature in our WEEKLY POST, giving them accurate ly down to the hour of going to press, and it will prove an available companion to Farmers, Stock Kaisers, Stock Dealers and till the indu-trial classes. Specimen copies sent to any address free of charge. All orders should be addressed and remittances in Eastern drafts, Post. offic.i order) or by Express made to JAS. P BARK A CO., Pittsburgh, Ph. CHINA. A Terrible Typhoon—Uujmes dented Utkiuage—Twenty Thousand Live#! Lost and Worth of Pro perty l>c*tr*>vod Al* rightful September 26 I #v that a tv]>hoou of unprecs-driileJ v.o- I lente raged in Hong K tig, holing two Jy Not it single ship escaped undam aged I'lso I'muiluio ami to?* of lifs (I- I ccad a' ytliii l* fvor t : t- placed ,-t rts ! cord. After the >t itu Ho: £ K -tig 1 '> 1 uko j a besieged town. The --• t 11- tg Ko: g and Mm. ,it i-stim*:, i MM-iivt- In coming vc;ili rcpo;t uiretii g with corps es a long distance at tea Many are daily washed ashore. lhc general damage to p.jpsi.-ty c: Jeesls ri\ ■ nit'.iion dollar*. \\ lion the t> phooil a .. raging, piU tired the city* in six plum for p il* Ths church of St. Antonio ar.d a larg. numl < r of houses were burned. The whole ol Or i*y > (Dundee Hti >w. pt away . . me re port* say ton thousand person* peri-hed In Moccoa atone the etiiuvlura s-f o -pe s ktiMbio unbearable. The* .'diefsrevolted mid refuted to turv the Jen ! The g-v - ernor, apprehending pestilence, cremated four thousand corps*?*, fsr-t i v*-ring them with tar. A large number of Kur. j ean* pcrubed The whole kit r,i will reach , twenty thousand An earth'-Jake a . •.1 ' the ;/• pliooii NVl.en the \ k tu . •' n >l. • unk ti or* * ot junk*, with huudr* :t of Chinamen b,-rd. Si..- struck if. rock* with terrific force, hot was t.ot utueh damaged BATTLING WITH M \f the mine age. weio preparing to re tiru for 11.,. t! : t.,en returns•! to the houte and demanded *omething to eat. ■ Suspicion w a* at once aroused in the mind* of the occupant* of the house that alt not r gl.t. Ml. liishs-p ; >*s e,l the f.. j out through a window, when one of the men a!) of whom w re now macked—kecked the di*h from ht* hands, and leaped through the window into the house, follow ed by the others. Here a struggle began. In the hgl.t Mi* Hooter wa* knocked down by a blow from up- of the ruffians, whit !i sent her reeling under n table. She -• on reentered, how <-ver and tore the mask from the face of one*..f them Mr B.ih op was knocked down twice, but being a very stout man, fought manfully, d- a!.i g heavy blow* on flu-ir head* with n smooth ing-iron. \\ hile the figl.t wa* go:: g ~n the girl ran up Hair-. 1. . led hrrelf in a rooin. and blew a horn from the window This brought the neighbor*, but before the assistance came the scoundrels had made their escape. The boy is severely cut about the eyes and head. Mi-* Hoover is an old lady, und i* uippos.,l have a large amount of money. It,-hop. being a brave man, prevented her being robbi d and perhaps murdered. The kitchen arid dining room wire literally covered with blood from the fray* -/, Hl* oirr llrprrs of laat c renin 17. • • THK WAR IN BUKNOS AYKKS. A ISattle Fought, and another Hourly K* peeled. Montevideo, Nov 1 -A-lvices from Buenos Ayr*** Ute that a report ha* reach ed there, which wa- not officially confirm ed, that a battle took place on the 20th ult in the province of Buenos Ay res, near the woulli of the Kio Salado, between the government troops and a body of rebels under Mitre. The results i* raid to have been uncertain, although the government forces claimed a victory . Ililrs't force re tired, and effected a junction with that of Kiha'-, when both again marched towards the city of Buenos Ay re- '1 he govern ment troop- still retained their original positions about the capital, and a decisive engagement was hourly expected. TIIK FORMOSA N DIFFICULTY STI LL FUNDING. Shanghi, Nov. 3 - The amicable settle ment of the Forinosan difficulty between China and Japan still appears t > bejdoubt ful, notwithstanding the more pacific tone of recent advi*. - I run 111 Spain Under Fire. Sun lander, Nov. 4. —The farli.lt com mem ed the bombardment of I run this morning. One th.-ii-nnd Itepublicun tr.M.p* disembarked at Foiitarab.a jcii.-r --da> . Hehcllion in Afghninsluii. London, Nov. t News has been receiv ed from Central Asia that Ynknob Khun, sou ofSliere Ali, Ameer of Afghanistan, ha* rebelled against his father, and is now w ithin throe day*' inarch of Candahar. A decisive battle i* iminiiielit unless the Ameer a-*unt- to the exclusion of British influence from Afghanistan. ALA BAM A. The Rejoicings In Monlnoniery—The Rlacks and Whili s MingleT<;ether In Harmony. Montgomery, Ala . Nov. 11 One of the most notable features of the grand demon stration here la-l night was (lie number o: United States flag-on public and private buildings. Every man who could male, beg or borrow a -tnr |.angled banner ha I it floating from his house, and it 11 were greeted with cheers by the people, lo.Utu in number. It was the gr.ui<|e-t Unbind,- moiistration witnessed in the South -Inee the war. Some of ilm m-grors ate going about selecting new masters, under the im pression that tbey are to bo sold again into slavery. The whites in vain et 1.-iv -r t-> res-aure them The Conservative b'aiTs mingled with tie whites in the- proeeuion last niglt!, and all rejoice ! together. The universal e*prettion i* of rtt.ewtd kind* ties* to the -.oh.rcj isu* tjRKAT POLITICAL DKMONSTKA* HON. Richutoitd, Nov. tnber is The grandest political ,lftiion*lrntioti that has ever been witnessed in Richmond Is I w J.r -gt ,-s.ng under the nusp:, *- s.f ts-otiiblns-d con servative clubs of the city .it honor of tli9 trein, - I , - ; -ls,*,i ,a|mo isllvll ha* swept ovtr thsi country, and especially the sign*, triumph *f 1 orirs-rvatlsm In \rirgin in l! p 'pu'a, eis w|M With eX it-: lint An in.nun-e pfOMMiIWI is |,aradi.ng the stm ts, cannons are b> ..g fired. Ur ball* thr, vv n and a grand display >{ t,ru work*. I Larg, crowds, numbering from Tj.uSi to j !*.(•' - m ar* gglbe.wl t,. frsui ol 1 1 ord *f, !, w tier* s| <-i j,, , ar,- i, ing j mads*. B'Stlun, Nor. t Tho fouling in ths* city | and section Ultr lh ic-ult of the election is profound, and the interest today ha*! been scarcely K-s* than yesterday Th. papers unite in a v V ng th si-leat to the ' abu-,- which have crept into the Republi can fit.its- | ,rty ai ,] its *J,J sr. sy mj athy w it . 1 orrupf • I.* 1 hey urge the clean-ing prsK-cts, and | rs-dicl a lucre g in vari ous I art* f the Slate celebrated their v lory to-day Ivtrn g*U gur - In Mains ai d New Hanipt :r, salute- w,* LrcJ At isloucester 100 guns were tired, arid 1 h :nj ,>n n.adi a .-pt-c-ch a*. City 11..11 t< bis constituent*. • •- • F,>r the, Re|H>ttcr. S PAWLS FltuM PKN.V A certain Penn Hall r> t-r !•• ■>: gin I Millhrim afi w- days ago, -aw ,n nt gi. it. ft nt' -f a bar!ti shop it* f,,iK>w mg w,- rd "three havi t f.,r a quarter. This pux- j z.ed tt.s* mind <.f young America, an.l t-jrn:ng aro-,.nd H >ked aLv stand .-i wtn th-| era man w -old g-t the threw* shave* at. once • r how We judge his inl. tlect :es ! ! a shave. Now the * laetkM 1* over arid CT. A!et- j ander cag< d. Johnny Itooxer ready l*i creep in aw ,wl sacg, the lamp posts free of derncc rat*, the ILvltefunU* R -publican, tfisd, convicted, c-'iidomneJ and executed, and the denioi r.scy br ugbt suit m all it* j brilliancy. How i-h dat ye lobby isU • fd- African barty. The Millhrim foundry rat 1 •■! late by our enterprising friend It 11. Ilartnian, ha* again changed the firm name and now stand* llartman A Krhaid Mr. Thi-ma* 0. Krhard, a straight out business and gentleman having t .ken an interest in it will now, in connection with his partner, do n fair business in all respei U. The Kisenhuth children who had been |>ion* d s nir tins - go nre bt-th We'l again. Penn township ha* tliis v.- ir, 111, last, one *1 h.Kil wholly under the influence of the bible (J. C. Bible f--r in-tance. Dr J. h. Alexander at prssi r.t (rum Adamsvllle, Michigan, arrived at home on the 7th inst to pay n xiut to hit friends and procure a better half, which he slid on the 10th in-l. Succs-s to the Dr. and hi*. M illhviin 1 a* tw o harbor* w hi, b aooounls for r, rate* in the t- n-orinl line 11.-th ar# colored ni.-n, one colored black an 1 tbc other white 10 S (' Order lis* b. ,-n restored at I.ittls* R.-ek. Ark . ar.d Sinitb, who claims an election as (iovvrnor, 1n- dii 1 -'ahlish a t-r.tvisioiial gvi rnmcii at Helena At torney -(lens-ral William* I hold-a conference with the Pre-i lotil on the -tibji 11. • a NKORuVS. NKOItO Last evening A m Simiiie-. 11 iii-gro who was elected on the conservative ticket, was attacked by seven negro*-, in itobma, Ts-r --re B-irine parish. Siuinies, ran, and he ing pursued turned and tired upon the par ty killing one ami wounding another Sim men immediately surrendered and was sent to jail and wa- guarded during the night by a M|Uisd of eiti/.i-iis. Repeated throats were made to lay the tow n in ashes, but all is qui, t there tin- morning FoRKST FI It MS. St. Paul, November —lleary Jirairie fires are repsirted along the line of the Southern Mintie-otn railroad, and fears arc entertained of disastrous results. THK CAR LIST WAR Bayonnc, November ti. The Carlist luivc concentrated in the province of Na- Varrc, between the towns of Vera am! I.os aca. TIIO Republican troops are marching upon llicni. Ct RK Fov DiPHTHkRtA —The ravage* sjf diphtheria 111 Australia have been *0 ex tensive within the last few years that the (ioyernment oflun-d a large reward for any cs-rtuin method of cure; and among other responses to this was one by Mr flrsat head, who at first kept his metho 1 a secr< t but ulterward* • uriimunicato J it freely to the public. It i simply the 11-e of sul phuric acid, of which four drops are dilu ti d in three-fourths of a tumbler of water to hi- administered to a grown p< rs-m mid a smaller dose to children, at intervals not specified. The re ult i- sain to bo a coagu lation of the diphtheritic m.-tiihrane and its ready removal by coughing. It is as sorted thill where Hie ea-c thus treated hus not advanced to .1 m-urly list 111 termination the patient res-uvsrs*tl it- elmj-s 1 vg.-y ins tancy Montgomery. Ala., N.u.-uilis-r 3. §oV eral negro women dr.---e I In men's cloth ing voted the Republican ticket at liuntv villo to-day. Tboy wero arrested and placed in Jail. For tin- Reporter. A Quack and $lO Lit*. M* KM ion .■ Inyour iaaua of 17,8| 1., In at, I liulii'td nil aiticlo from a ium It wlot sign. Mm.elf "Granger." A that ii nt lu> t* t nam*, lie lllUt be on# of thovr All loan SatnlioKa who dor* not know hit r> al name, or el.o lit* It avhamrd of it, otli r*im ln> would have fallicrnl hi* article ID i Jo, l.y a ||Kiiuiua name I think null (allow> HI uno i roJil to tin* Oratig -r.. | Bin th*-tl.vl plncc, tli ia <|ui Ki grin vid To' mini tlin I' in Sewing M.I. liinu Co, old not ii'iul I ' Mr llranu|ilii, n Granger, oiin o| their machine* at $1" le* than the rua'coat, laying nothing nhont the Colli |> iiiv a expmie for patent, royalty, toman uiaiiuir, A*- , and Ixcau.e the Company aunt hitn a le.pc table reply Jirectiiig liiin t ■ thrir li gat agunt, and In < altar the aa>d agent ha I their reply published in the Km I tor tar. They aunt ha> k the ordrr bruiuaa tliay Jo not aull to Granger* upon other tor ma than to ot hri I a lot not ha than the c.tab* ii abed i< tail pin u Tl*U proving that Pa* folia are on laum footing with out aidm, although the order think* it i a I'oWol. litre liiu.l I n something rotten in I 'miliar k when a tiranger trie* to he* Coinu agent in procuring machine* for olh era, when on the one hand they profeaa to be opptne on with va>ur *l7 Ihuucalic, or bach (J t , M' w U(.,crMV. Giiiligci, fidelbeC.iiii. bai kwnrd, forward, and tideway., am! a'ter ail you are ahiaVid ot your $5 and monthly due*. ftiis quack .peak* ot an attempt t ■ rob hi* Ileal, Ac. Well, now, dear Granger, be on y%..,f guard, dun i 1m the tiranger* come and •teal Your young utie* if any in ur n*t, ai all know you need all the mureprcttnUlioi). )uu mn tcrano up, ahd lliun nobody will believe you You need not Ice! o much alarm—outrider* cart very little about you Now hear what the In in Sew. Math. Co ay>, about thavn.g Hy rea.on of it* grot kupermrity, and lliu paty lsrn. to i •toipi.rr, ,1,-1. i,uw c.ubiUhed • very li,*. Wu guurahlve to every ope buying the popular, light running Doma*- I inn tbnti the w .-rth of the.r money, !> wgirt. Sxwixo M Co A f.-w word* more, Mr Editor,- let the feliow who i ali* hllu.eif 'Granger'' :hr. igb the i, -lumn. -t the Hep >rier of 17 Sept., lake tare ot hiiutelf atld leant the eleventh commandment which i kutuiitd h -own builliev lfi.oh„ani, and keep 1 >*..- owl <•( the 4f--II a'.if Vrt Mat h. Co., and thair agent* if he tan not tell the truth. Yhe Company and It* agent* arc loiup-lanl to inut.ugu their own iiflair- yet, and whin a**l*Unce i> needed, they wilt call upJh partut fall, with their account*, on tbe Ifilli and ifltlh day* of November, and make tclllctlietil, AARON DUTWEILER Hat li3-t. Adiuinituaior PUBLIC SALE Ihe heir. of Philip Muorr dec d will offer at public ate on SATURDAY TUB I'.Hh IAV OK DKCKM It EH next n fhe prcmiie* a hoti<* and lot , -nlaining J of an act •ituate in Gregg Ti-wnthtp on the ■ur MI- ai ; .1 *. i>,i.e etl of Pi nn lla.l, i ture--naicerected a g• "J tvoSlu n\ HOUSE BLACKSMITH SHOP all n-i o.iry out building., c WML <>r Mirr. raiuxo WATX* with pump in it near the door s cle to com mer.e at --tie o i lot . I' M If tin ab 't c 1. t II no* void on ai i day it wi.l be i fli-r- 1 tor rent at public outcry *t 'a.d tun- THE HEIRS. I a nov iiirruL PA?*;). PRICES REDUCED. Front 40 to 25 cents. Jut received by, J. M KM'II Vai < 1X KS NE W STY LK INITIAL PAPER, TWO TINTS . net) cnd, kM Envelope-! new- Hrle, and lor 21 • ent a bog, thu placing thi beautiful arttolo of i[ ttiopcry writhiu the reach cf all, C'.ill a. roil nt New Store, Ilume'r block, next ii ">r to lat Nat. Hank, HclU-fonlc. Nov. l'J 2ra. NEW YOKK HUANCII STORE, M.Clain'* Block, Directly pp. Huh IIoue, Bellor'-nte, Pa, iI.IIEItMI.N A i Prop*r. Dry Goods, HOSIERY, LINENS, EMBROID ERIES, WHITE GOODS. LA fES, NOTIONS* FAN f Y 000 DS. STRICTLY FIRST-CLASS GOODS. Below t lie l sual I'rlcw. Nov 12. tf. (YOMK AN I)SETTLE —N"tic., ia Si rc by given that SATI HD.VT Nl'\ ■>th. has fixed upon for holding n*l tlmont with all peraona in account with the c-tnto of Win Vonudo, dee d. All perton* intere-ted will meet on day afore ni.i nt the rc id* nee of the undenugned .1 | KI NKI.K, Adtn'r, nov .'lot • Centre Hi'l A FINE BERKSHIRE BOAR. I'.l month* old, i- offered for vale by tin undcr.-igtied \l. thorough bred vlo ali and grade pig-, different ixo*. .1 L (i on the K late of Catharine Stover, lat** il'Gregj twp , dirc'd have been gninted to the tin der-igncd, and all per- 'ti kn *oig them mIVI-i indebted to vaid etate are request im! to make immediate payment, and thom hai ing legiil claim- agninrt the same wil prevent them duly authenticated bv law. JOHN RISIIKL, Oct 15 Ot. A dm' r. H. KOSSMAN. Undertaker. The undersigned beg* leave to inform his patrons ami tin! pulilie generally that hoi* now prepared to make coy FIN'S and respectfully solicit* a share of their patronage. Funeral* attended with a neat Hearse. IIKNKY BOSS MAN. 3 sept 4m. Churehyille. NT• I:T I• I:■ M I. \M A I I'N. Whom, til* Hon. I hsrlea A Mayer, rmldtDl of ha curt lit i iiiniiion I'lt'W, in the 26th >1 .uttctal Uii Irtot, consisting "I I !>•* c mint in. ..I Cantro, Clinton, .ml tloarltel.l. Una ihi* If inurll'lti W. W luve siuf III' ll.moral.la llonrj Ihipu. Ani'Uli Ju.lgm Ir. IVniff county, I.ao.ig Issud I heir precept, Im.ruiV niatbl 4th iiii f Jiniur}, A. 1 1 !*•!, lu tuv direct*, for hold ing A court of Ojrrr Anil terminer And IJ.iSlorAl .IAII I>C It* cr> Aitd if uArtiT HAAliini ot the IVs. e tii Hellefonto for the count; of tVntfo. null to roiamams. on the tit Monday of Kor . Mitt being thd 2tfh dt . f No{ p,™ sud ui ooatluue two week" N* utl.e 1A hereby giro, I to ttic t . . ,:,U, JN OKI* ut Peace, Aldermen mot I *., i, ,i., T.li • til to* l-l Vaunt*- Centra, that thui L.i then and Uletv n. u~ persona. At 1U o Block In the fuignao* , , . I'rape their racurds, tiKiulaltloaa. e>- ..l said day. will renieiubrancss tH'i" .mtnAtlonA, and th.tr owi annartai- . . 'hinge which to their oo VV ,a to IOC dono, and thus* who arc bound In re cognizances to proaecut. against the prisoners that ar or etiall tie In the jail of Centre county, be thuu am thora to proencutc sg.,n,,t them aa ehal) he juet Glren under my hand, at llelletonte, the 4tU day o i.atik'.S.'! n. i 0 1!' ""i- '*'*• 4 J ln 'ho uin.lj foatth yaar of tb. MARRIAGES On Sept, 21th, by llrv W H (Jrob, Mr ,' Jermniali Khutt, and Mi* Ceiinda Ra , rich, both f Nitlany Valley. On the fith ii t by the innin Mr. Leon -1 idai Mntherahurgn, and Mlaa L xrie KuL ' lur, both of UoaUburg i)n I*2 int , by Rv. J A. It right, at Kublertburg, Mr. Robert M Unman of I Aarontburg. to II >a*Sarah A Lrth 01/.ton Centre Co , Pa. At the Reaidanre of R S Sliaw, in Lew* ' iitown, Rev. O. O. M-Clean, D. 11., Pr John A Inlander, of M irhigan, to Ague* K * Nhlmp Mr. Aleiandar >i b-rmerly from Millheiin. • ♦ * DEATHS. tin Saturday evening lavt at pine Gruve Mill*, oftiphoid pneumonia. Mi Thoma* i lit** aged 40 year* and 10 month*. MARKETS ' Produce. Now York, November Id.—Flour a . ihadi' firmer and in lair demand ; receipt* , I&.tHJO barrel* ; luperfine wettern and Stale (4 ti(,v4 eomm n to g. od r good to choice $5 1 ,'.l,ii Kj; white wheat , I itra J K'.(.i,ti'26; cxtia Ohio f4 Mt>, I Ml Loul* H iw, riming firm. Wheat ■tuiet and price* uiohaiitlec; reeeinU |hb.i , UJO butheU Rye dour firmer at #4 I 006 l orn meal tfuady at $4 10'H | 7a. , Kye.firpi at Harley n arte and a i khade ffrtue . ' anaja Wot $| tjU'je I 61. Coru opened dull, but o!i d rather more •It idy ; reoelnU 116.1X0 bu*hol(: m ' 4 d weitern atore o.u a I .hade firmer, but !e. active mixed wei tern 1-1 vtore.!(+;;Je; whileUKifiHe, •lay liiUi at tf)c. Coffee more active; Rio I'.'ic sugar dull at TpulOfe. MuiaaM* nominal ; Now t)rlv;;t , Lwavv ®)4* No. 1 MC cath; WJ tfi|i *eller Pecentbcr; Ml< .oiler January, No. 4 Hoe, rejected 0(q,"14c. Corn—deiuand and price, good, No 2 mixed 744 c pg*h, tali |.eller year; rejected TV; liai* tt'jf.yTik , car ivotyuv Gala nptlve, No 2 4'.*4 ca*h, white* rejected 464 %47e. Rye— I Jeiiiand active and iprioe* advanced; No. i tflte Harley—Steady and in moderate de mand. No 2f 1 "JH cath; $1 teller P camber; No. ti $1 17(1 Zi Pork—demand active and price* advanced SIS( cath, fit* 70 teller year Lard—dull ■ cash |I2S6 e!ler year. Hulk tnttgl* wv-'' c shoulder.fi|c, .hort rib tr,iddlut *c, tbcat; ! clear lite, alt Iwi*#, kO dayt. ' HULLEFUNTE MARKETS. | White Yhet fl IS Red 116 ...Rye •4.......C0l nDO ...iGait • liar fey 'JO. 70 ...Clo rertc. d 6,00 ...... Potatoe* UG Lar l p-r pouint H Pork per pound 06 Buttci 21 Kggvli. Platter per ton fit I allow H,.....H.iuti lOM M ..H*III IS Lard per pound b ceU Huik*h Kevstone Store. ! !■* oi; F ARM BBS AN D AL L < )TH ERS Go to H. YEARICK & SON. FUR FOREIGN A DOMESTIC DKV GOODS. NOTIONS. HATS, CAPS. ROOTS A SHOES. (LOT III\G. OIL (LOT UN, GPEENSWAHE. GHGCKRIKS. PRO VISIONS. FLOUR. Ac No. ti Rush'a Arcade, Rcllcfoule, Pa. All kmdr of roun'ry produce tak jet). Beat Bargains iu town to be bail. oov'JOtf ShrrifTs Sales Hv virtue of Sundrv writ* of Fieri Fact ia., Levari pßiia*. and Venditioni Kxpon la*. iMued uut of the Court of Common Plea* of Centre county. Pa., and to rue 11 reeled, there will be- eipotcwl to J'ublir {Sale it the Court lLue in Bcliefonu*. Centre Co. Pa . or. Monday the 2Jid day f November, 1574. at one *i'clock P. M :he following deacribed Real Rtatc. rix: All that two *U>rv building Mluate in Potter twp. Centre tso, Pa, having a front •f 22 fee*, depth of i!h fK*l. U- urdcJ on :hc North by land of Wm Mi Minn, South by UnJ i*f Win. Lei-n, Ka*t by land of L..<, K -ycr. Wet by land ol Jc.e Boyer, ■ontainir.g three acre, more or le. Sen - J. taken in Execution and to be .old a* ilie property of Samuel Painter. ALSO. ' All that certain piece of ground part of a ! tract ot land, .ituatr in Aaron.burg, iiaine* | twp. Centre Co, l'a, thereon erected a two .lory fratuc dweiimg houte Ac Bounded and described w. taliuw.: Ikmuded on ; the North hv North Street, South by Black berry, cvt by lot No 222, Kal by . heitnut Street, bring numbered accord ling to the general plan or plot of aid *..*wn a. No 2U>, 22>, A 22." Ac. Si-ixed, ta ' ken in Elocution nnd to be 1J a* the i property of W. P. Fullmer. ALSO, All that certain lot of ground it*ite in Kagleviile, Centre 00, l'a Bounded on i the N.-rth and We.t by Public road lead ling to H*** i b Creek, S.vuth by an alley and 1 Ea.t by land of Jno. F. Clark containing : f of an* acre, more or le*. thereon erected two atory dwelling hou.cand other out building.. Srixeil, taken in Kxecutian and to be sold a* the property of II A Fore*- | man et. ux. ALSO, I All that certain tract of land vituate in Half Moon twp. Centre 0<, l'a Hounded . on the North by land *>f Jain* - Ebb. Ea*l and South by land of I.von Shorb *V Co. and Wet by land* of Shonoberger A Co. Containing 117 acrex more or lew, 7" acr**v cleared, there n erected a log hou*r. Hank : Burn, and other outbuilding*. Feiaed, ta ken in Execution and to bo o!r-*)** rtv of Martin Housor. A LSO. All that certain lot of ground situate in the ton n of Madisonburg. Miloa twp. Centre ! Co, Fa Rounded on the Mouth by public School loot, Kut and North by Inn I ot Itaniel Urinint. nntl Wcat by Miiin Street. I containing 1 ot nn acre wore or lea*, there |on erected H Blacksmith Shop. Soiled la ket in Kvtvetion nnd to be sold a* the property of NS . B. Nell, ALSO, | All that certain lot of ground situate in Spring two. Centre Co, Fa. Bounded on the South by land of Terrenco Murray, on the Weal by an alley. North by lot ol 11nrrv Landt*, and East by public road, fronting feel on side roaj ami c*ton ling !mek'.l*l feet to said allu.v Mcigeq, taken in Kwution >'t)d to bo sold ua Ihu proper -1 tv of W- 11. Smith, ALSO, j All dufondanU interest in those (Itret Ai-veral loU of ground, Ist situate ir. th< l}otough of Mileshurg, Centre Co, l'a market in general plot of said town N< l Jo. Hounded on West by turnpike road North by lot of A. 15. Peters, K„wa by Mil Street, nnd South bv b\t Alfred Green i thereon erected store house ware r-xm ji&c. A House Lot in said Bore . N' r P'si Bounded North by, HatylWyeot \West by lot of .1 Cnmpbe'b, Wh Ivy . \f IDLER S HOTEL, Woodwr4 Pi IvL StMM ftrrive acd depart daily SHOHTLIDOK A CO, COAL, LIME, Ac., WfLIIAM MIIUKTLIIMifc. " "" BO Ml VALKN . SHORTLIDGE dc CO., Buroera and Shippers of the celebrated Bellefonte r WIH|IiT|E| =L=IIM=E. ; Dealer* in the very beet grades of ANTHRACITE COADj The only dealers in Centre County who sell the. W I LI K E; SI Hi A R! Rl E CI Ol Ai L from the old Baltimore mints. Alio MHAMOKIN AND OTHER GRADES of Anthracite Coal dryly houod epr*ly lor beose u*, at tbe iowort price*. t) EAL ER S /JV GR A I A*. Tt- ry pay tba lughett price* in caib for grain that (be Kntterri market* will afford. WHEAT, CORN, RYE, OATS, CLOVER SEED &C., Bought or be aold on eommia*ioti whan de*ird, and full price* guaranteed. la* formation concerning tba grain trad* will be furniihed at all time*, to farmer* with plssiure, fraa of charge. RIFLE and BLASTING POWDER. FIKE BUICK AND GROUND KIRN CI.AY. DEALERS IN CAYUGA GROUND PLASTER, jwblch Ualway*aold at low price*, and warranted to be a* good a fertiliser a* any other platter. £)?mZ VAiiD NEAR SOUTH END B.E. VALLEY R. R. DEPOT, HF.LLKFOATF. PA. Lime ! Lime ! Lirge i! the bnt qutlitj, elweys 08, hand, at the kiln near Centre Hell. ' GKoRUKKOCH. __________ GREATBARGANB AT THE HARD WARE STOKE OK |, MUSSER & RUNKEL BROS., MlUhelm, Pa., Wli'LHlU a*i> RKTA.IL DeaUUl* j X HEAVY k SHELF HARDWARE, They here jut returned from the Ke*t*m Cilice, where they have purchased a wellj •elected Stock of HARDWARE. CtmxaT. lao*. NAIL*. Oil*. Paivts, Viiniiun. PPTTY , BUILDERS A- COACHMAKERS GOODS. Plasterers nod Mmom, Saddlers, Shoeroakera.; lli'UaekeeftfM, and in fact, HARDWARE FOR EVERYBODY. We cell particular ettentioe to • Aneet-j aortment ol Picture Frames and Moulding, very cheep. WALL A WINDOW PAPER. And Curtain Fixture* of erery kind. COACH end WAGON MAKERS— Tour attention it ceiled to our flock of Spokee. Hubt, Felloe*, Sbifh, Pole* end Buti.r Wheel*, ell of No t quality end *elling re iiv cheep. Our *tock it large, and em inently being renewed, end we are telling —wholesale and retail—*t very low price*. Remember—much money he* been lo*t by jpaying too much for Hardware. Try iflussar £ Bro'ft, Thev buy for Oath end itell el Caeh Price* ' for fea profit then any other Hardware ! Store in the County. .£-tf-Cali and tee u*. S*Uttaction guar , anteed. MUSSERJt RI'NELK BRO S. |aug 27-y '"I i H.H. WEISER Manufacturer* of Sheetiron & Tin ware, Millbeim, Pa. All kind* of Tinware, constantly on hand and tuade to order. , , Sheetiron Ware of every dccription, alwayt on hand. Roofing in Tin and Sheetiron dona in the moat approved and satisfactory *tyle. Snouting done to order. Their stock of Tin and Sheetiron Goods it large and complete, and offered at the I.OWLNT PRIC ES. Their establishment bat been enlarged) and stocked completely throughout. ! Satisfaction guartanteed, and all jobs) | promptly attended to. aprl6-yi THE PEOPLE'S DRUG STORE. ; Next door lo Wilaon & Hick*' Hard ware store, Allegheny St., BELLEFOXTB, PA., Jas. C. Williams, (Successor to B. F. Rankin A Co.) DEALER IN PURE DRUGS AND MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, PAINTS. OILS. DYE STUFFS. VARNISHES. BRUSH KS. 1 KRFUMKKY, NOTIONS, AND FANCY ARTICLES FOR THE TOILET, Ac. PUSI WNSt & UQU ©as for medicinal purpote*. SHOULDER BRACES, TRUSSEJi A SUPPORTERS in gre tt > variety! ■ A lo, Choice ; CIGARS AND TOBACCO, \ -,'j] other article* utually hept in fin class Drug Store. ' PRESCRIPTIONS CAREFUL!/ COMPOUNDED. ii mar74tf C. T. Alex axiicr. C. M. Bowers Alexander a bowrrs, auo. neys-at-Law, Bellefonte, Pa. Sp< _ cial attention given to Collection*, an Orphans' Court practice. May ba cor * suited in Qjrmw and Ecglub, Qficsi barman i JStuldlog. my l '"4-v \J HARRIS J D SHt'ORKT J A.IUVII johx uorrxa. rrrxa Hurra*. Penms valley Banking (Jo. CENTRE HALL. PA' RECEIVE DEPOSITS, And Allow In/ere*I. Discount Note Buy and Sell {Government {securities, Gold andl Coupon* Peter Horrga, W*. B. Mixclk, ' Pre* t. Cashier Chas. H. Held, dwelt. R alchmakcr A Jeweler Millbeim, Centre Co., Pa. Respectfully inform* hi* friend* and the public in general, that be La* ju*l opened at hit new establishment, above Alexan der* store. and keep* con*taetly on hand, all kind* ol Clock*. Wihfcn and Jewelry, of the latatt style*, at also the Maran villa Patent Calender Clock*, provided with a complete index of the month, and dav of the month and week on its face, with h it warranted a* a perfect time-keeper. W ate he* and Jewelry re i paired on tbort notice and warranted, j *epll'fi£ly Beat Sample Rooms in Town. BROCKERHOFF HOUSE. 'jD. JOHNSTON A SONS, Proprietors Bellefonte, Penna. Fti* Rust to and fnm tit Depot. j Excelsior Cement- The undersigned new manufacture* Ce ment WARRANTED OF ASUPKKIOR SDUALITY, at hi* kiln*, near Pina Creek Mill*. In Heine* twp, Thi* cement i ba* already been used in largo quantities upon the L. C. A S. C. KK., and hat been j found highly ati*factory upon all job* {where it hat been used, and at equal to any now >nanufarturv4 for use in CLS TEINB, WATER PIPES, or whatever purpose a good quality of Cement I* desi rable Thi* Cement ha* already been tested far and wide, and rendered the ut most satisfaction. Person*, therefore con structing Cistern*, laying Water Pipe*. Ac., will find it lo their advantage to bear thi* in mind,and also, that he warrant* lha article as represented. J O. MEYER may 21 if Aaronikurg, Pa pENTRK HALL HOTEL Joux Sr A xglke. Proprietor, stage* arrive and depart daily, for a! point*, north, south, east and we hkx*t aaocKEaaorr, j. n. siu cext. President, Cashier. OENTRE COUNTY BANKING CO. (Late Milliken, Hoover A Co.) RECEIVE DEPOSITS, And Allow interest, Discount Notes, Buy and Sell. Co vera men t Secui lies, Gold A aplCffibtf Coupons. W. A. CURRY, BOOT & SHOE MAKER CENTRE HALL, PA. Would most respectfully inform the cit tan* of this vicinity, that be ha* started a new Boot and Shoe Shop, and would ba thankful for a share of the public patroa age. Boot* and Shoe* made to order and according to style, and warrants hi* work Wo equal any made elsewhere. Ail kind* of repairing dona, and charge* reasonable. Give biro a call. feb 13 ly JJR.S.G. UUTKLIUS, Dentist, Millbeim. Offer* hi* professional services to the public. He it prepared to perform all operation* in the dental profession. fully prepared to extract Jteelh n&so/ute/y vntAouf yaia, myfi-78-tf. DP- FORTNEY, Attorney at Law, • Bellefonte, Pa. Office over Rev lonld.'e bank. mayl4'M ■ AJ. J. SHREFFLER Tailor, ' c £''?. r,y opposite Span tier's hotel. Cnt. Hall where he is at all times, prepared tomake all kind* of men and boy 's cloth ing, according to the latest styles and at i reasonable charge*. JAS. k'MANBS, Attorney at Law, . Bellefonte, promptly attends to al buiiaoss entrusted to him. jui2,'6bt ADAH HILD. PAINTER, tts.fi?- j offers his services to the citizens of Mifflin Centre and adjoining counties, in Hon**, .Sign him! OruuuieuHta! Painting. GRAINING . Oak. Walnut, Maple, Ash MRhogony. &C., Plain and Fancy Paperhanging, Or ders respectfully solicited. All tine work dene for other painters, I nov 6 tf. JOHN P. POTTER, Attorney-at-Law. Collections promptly made and special attention given to those having lands or property for sale. Will draw up . and have acknowledged Deeds, Mortgages, Ac. Office in the diamond, north side of the court house, Bellefonte. oct&rWtf JL. SPANGLER, Attorney-at-Law, Bellefonte, Pa. Office with Bush A Yocum. Consultation in English 'and German. Collections promptly attend ed to. feb6-tf ITaaag^^rmj y ** v' y i\* vmv i Or. Fitter's Vegetable Rbemotatfc. • yrww. I luruM ll*a ianiliUe osr*for Ntrr., KM KWSllliiWllliiMii. |TOiblMit Ayru, leri __ • f . A. OSBODUX, X,Mr* id piS*Tii AmntoSUwaidwrtuT tr.<