The Centre reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1871-1940, November 12, 1874, Image 3

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TIU;RSDA"Y NOV. 12. 0-74
Our fri, n,ls „ ill nfelip'' by ssiulinK
items til I.u-1,1 ne\v> in their locality, cixe
us the faot- only, and we will put then, >n
shape, al-o notices o( deaths n.l tnarri-
Any one .en,lii,g us the IUMM - 5 "* ' "
subserihera, with the cash, \villh* enutust
to receive the 11 KT-IHTKH one year Iree.
The HtroMKR beins; reed by neailv
everybody >n thi< side of the county,
where it has a larger ciri'ulation than ana
IWfl [Wpftll, will be found the bet (MdllUß
for advortUinubusiness, -al.. A A.
t7o\. t'lirtin l'.a our lhanV.* t. n>et
of the Constitutional Convention Pcbat.s,
bound in 8 volume- They are a valuable
addition to our political literature for ref
erence upon the many important ques
tion* dUous-ed in that eminent body of
which Gov. Ourtin w.a- one of the leading
minds, and whose view* are amonj; lie
tourdest delivered in the i.--> mbly .1 the
ablest men of the common w, alth.
Judtfc Orvis ran ahead ot the ticket
in Clinton County.
—* The democracy ot Centra Ua
ibraled the recent victories, on Wednes
day evening last, lv bonfires and firing *i,-
vils. lld Krbo and Mr Siotnun
have the credit Mr originatinK the ftV* r
which was attended by t eit'seus of th s
vicinity genera, c. Mint Ol whom were
called upon for nhort addr.
The tin&-5 nssortment ol c.u.lccin ••
erics over made, at the elegant ,-te -h
moat of J. Welch. Mil lo 1-: Nat Honk,
Just go and see them. W ndcr;.. a
worth the pr'oo t, see t .em
Photograph Albums, nil >:> and
prices, boon up HIH >' M c c!i •
i o\t door to ll Nat. ban >. I' " l: te
A sou of Win Wolf, of t, r, twp
agod lSycars, n few day* age. busked IST
cars of corn from the stock, in f), -
Smart b v.
UojTcr -V Kit e, in the iron front, :.t
Beilcfot to, is the peoph - store, m . v r\
respiH-t The people buy there cU| r
and better g. ->d- : they alway- i. .1 . 1- t
and complete k.sortiiU nt. ami whatrvei
the, need, w that t c* g.nsdt BM
weekly received, bv t.- 11-'tt. -V: -
fcr .1 vdi H, groceries, or -,ny tbi ,ii tht 1
line ot clothing.
The local of the U.ju ' i at t a ,
ni. attcr the . ect -n *. * seen huge :-.g ]
barber pole, near hi- office 1.. . au-e it -a- I
vor. uofti c At' i':>' . a:.d wa- ' 1 g
to hsm-elf, " ' -li-!.o s---.-tr.ick 11 b-b-l ~
Pa-pa-ters->n. lie sl:v>r:;y s.i'-.r wv:.t
ocrvvss to Bumsid - c-den t.igg.-r r.i-d
addre-issl hint thus, "\Y. ' o-o-ld ; t ;•:.!•
low, wv're 1-1-lickeJ.'
Well now :> a fact, that if you are having cheap grocer , boots tu >-•,
w.'od and willow ware, its ju-t because you
are standing in your own light, and don't
buy these things, and many other articles
at Burr-ivie- A Thomas, opposite the 15.;-!
House, where they sell just a tride above
i .-t :br Cash Now j us: go, Ctrnu r land
try if. you'll save m mey -ure, and think
they are the fairesl men you ever nit to
deal with.
The Kepubliean h is it that we ha 1! j
got better since the elect: >n and can eat
sour-kroutagain. Y'v s, and since the-me
time yc u'rc s fsick and bellyacny you enn't
eat krout or ary thing eise.
Hah ' already on hand, and still c m
ii.g. Holliday PresenU,—toys, fine g-> 1-.
perfumery, pocket books, and anything
ti :.i's fancy and nice. A t^Welch .- elcgar.t
.lore, r.e*t to lit Nat. Bank, Bell-.tonto
- How queer thv late election—it
brought a good many syA j for some, w 1 i!c
for others it was sot (y.-c enough.
——ln another column v.ill l>c found a
i.iie.- from a repuplican, fr up ye >alt,
„* ' il £ the !*tc; Qptii.
Si me 'oca! arti;l Lu- mailed us a tin
lltical j en caricature, representing two in
diviuuais. It is headed, "'Tho "Peo; -
Ci.oice —Bio-hoo-sir and >igh -
The first individual is a good sized n: 11.
with stove-pipe hat, horizontal whisk-r.-,
over coat '"all buttoned down before,"
pants rolled up. stick in one h .ml and car
pet sack in the other labeled "J. B.
"Harri-burg, Dauphin Co., Pa , having
been inscribed, before the election no
doubt, is B 'W cr vSißvi out and "tvilt 11 - * r
oeeps out over it, and the fellow J ,
ti i-.-gg git for trait Hirer. Tin.- • v-r
S a crab-fsced, cadaverous chap, broad
brim "Wool-hat, bushy hair, sack c.ifi.', slen- i
derives, one bar.. 1 fumbling in e-at 1 k
thescthar holds a IHtie car: g.-
v i.d X. wait itiViT. a:.I- f. .; i f
1 vi-u people's ' choice, are turn 1 in . ppo
-ite directions, as though the fellow ■
halting between two opinions, one propel
ler wanting to g. one way and t!ie other
in another direction. Our arti-t hi - it
pretty well, and there lias been many a
laugh over hi- picture.
—fames !. Fo-ter, of * kron O , f-.-ns
-rsy .-j ..vur . .ng Mali. sin .. s. 1
ilamei looks veil," and i, much
with his new houte,
Ladies of Pennsvalley, do you know
that the be.t place to buy the most -ty! -h
dry-goods, trimming-, and anything you !
need, i- at H. Ilrruian A Co., <-pp -site the
Bu-h House.
The best refutation of the inei >•
..j r.gai„ t ..-y, ... tae
bftS'.fv'.'d "T.r.le peisiocraf, is the' treusei.-
dous majority be received in his own
oounty— nearly 2100! Col. Mackey run
ahead in every towhsbip but two.
—Dr. B. H. Van Va'r.-uh of Spring M
died very suddenly of apoplexy, on Tut---
day morning last. When lie awoke in th<
tn.-rning. feeling soxe pain, he t ailed his !
vUtwf leltinst bcr to t-ring iu..i . m !a
p.uin; gtiofecHng alarmed called s-u.ii-of the
neigh bora, but in spite of all s.sai-Unce, he
expired in a very short time, nis funeral
takes place Thursday, 12th.
The farm of Peter Durst dee'd, in
the Loop was knocked off to Benj. Bitncr,
on last Saturday, at §• per acre.
jSSf-Neit week we will ench.-e bills to
ssli ill arrears on subscription, and we trust
to have the necessary respon-e fi< iii our
"riends. We m.ut pay dash for ork ISlK
terial, paptr Jrid-ink, as yc go, and there
fore ure obliged to -end out duns, and if
any arc omitted, tboy oau see upon the
address, 011 the newspaper of each week,
how far they have paid, and thus send us
the needful without feeling the least modes
ty about it.
Notice i* hereby given that the under
signed is the bona fide owner of the follow
ing property, now in the posses-ion of
Daniel Horner: All the Crops on the
premises, all the live stock, 1 hay rake, 1
broadwheel wagon, 1 harrow, and 1 plow,
and will leave the tame in his possession
is, uVj pleasure. All persons urn therefore
cautioned against meddling with the -atne.
Nov. 12. GEO. DURST.
/©-Subscribers to the Reporter, tv-id
ing outside of Centre county, should re
mit us 10 cents, yearly, for postage which
we w ill pay lu re ; this reduces the postage
to one half, as the sum paid by them fur
one year's postage was 20 cts.
*sif-A n.v one wishing to trade a good |
ue horse sleigh on com, will apply t< W.
A, Cuty, aj Cyntre JJal}, 22<>ct4t."
INAL SUPPORTER offeredto the pub
lic. with the full assurance ofthe most emi
nent physicians nod surgeons in the pro
fession that they would supersede all metal
of other Instruments in use, for the relief
and cure of Hernia. Prolapsus Ut ri. ar.d
all Abdominal Weaknesses. The great
number of radical cures they have effect
ed, fuily justify the confident prediction
made, and has demonstrated the tact that
rupture can be surely cured without suffer
ing or annoyance. and without the danger
„f .r.curing Spin J Disease or Paralysis,
uJU'ri caused by the severe pre.-sut.-ol
Metal.Trusses utid Supporters. ZELI-ER
jtSOSL Druggists. R' ilefoulc, fc-ole At" t'tF
Montgomery. Ala , November 3.—Sev
eral negro women dressed in men s c uth
iug voted the Republican ticket at Hunt--
vifie to-day. They were arresled and
placedfin jail.
Centre County Election. Abremher <\rd, 1N74.
Lieut Audi- Soe'y Sup. Add. I'OII- Bona* (
tiov. tor Inter. J U|( law gr.-s Mr Assembly All y Colli r
TKK COI'NTY 1874 lion. A,m* >'udg
c - >I h k jg t jf s, : >I is s r: ) i ' £ r 9 MI ■
FOK IST2 -i £ y S • r " i' MI 2 jf I * r * k' : t 5 a i ••
ItOKOnais •I T> " ' - A. I • S| ' i j „
2. . L• .* w * S *I c : B ' j C " ; -
ANn _-:*ri* I - : a e c j i
TOWNSHIPS. • | j : | c j ? f | f 3 j *
ButnifL BucktUv,
,\\ w lt ,i .. • ."'J 88 40 Aft 40 us -J: hi it ,k. i w, n •- ;tr., .i
li pv, ; Hollofoiit. s Ward - lis 82 118 74 I'.'o 77 HI 101, is. 158 41 h7 II I s ll' >2B *{ tl.t 88 H"
) j,. N i , \ \\ 11l s 144 M 14-.' si 14.1 M I" Mi IN' I. 14,. Ml II ■ l .s 111 si 111 '.5
ItM V. Mlle.burg Boron.; h • Is "4 Is 48 52 47 87 17 88 18 HI 18 ' is 47 4" 48, .! 4n
45 22.. Cnionvilfc Borough - * v.. 88 25 |7 24 87 88 24 38 26 38 24 24 4" 24 ,mj f>
87 31... Howard lior-tu*h '7 "S 8s 87 B.s .H,i 28 4 > 82 -8 40 3,5 4u .*'■ B<> s ~j cS| 41
108 no PhUip.hurg Borough ''l P7 '•'> !<• 06 U < ltt It: 81 |o: '.! lie 82 U • IW. 80 b7 l'l
•>4O |• u !<>.. H7 108 107 livs It's no n7 184 78 11" 86 II i M 112 Its Ids 112 M 0 112
m ITtC Bonner 7s |;l2 7 s 182 72 18- *> 181 112 111 160 62 Mo 122 78 181 1 1.'.; 7s 186 77
... it,,-,..; 1 , ' •*;, •>', ■_.> 2.' 26 2> "JO 2*l 2". 27 52 26 22 20 2w '>> ! • 26 '26
l\s I'urtii/' 28 * 28 80 28 SO 28 SO 11 48 23 ;16 2. 84 2. 8. 86 24 86 26 0
• '*" IVrir W 184 I>>4 I.V. V' 1..1 i'7 1,1 lA> 132 Ur2 14s •,*, 1.4 181 j Vil 18h '.is I^l
'(• ' sj i;.,. 11 Ms 44 21 IS II '.Ms 41 '.us 47 I'vs 12 201 II 21W 4s I'J7 ; 811 'JIB 4, 207
l,v\ JOS i'.2 lui 02 I I'd 2 163 <* 104 0 l.V' 61 100 02 Ml i>2 I 102 ICI 02 104 02| 1 '• 1
>-J 44 lUlfnuHHi 70 4! | 77 42 77 42 7S. .W 70 40 77 41 78 4 1 - 41 18 Sl 37 78j J -
~ 4-4 u, rl Is. lis is.. 14s In. lis Is.! lis ih 14. In. lis |M 4'J In. 14. 142) ll 111 Is: H.,
in. .V, H.' ar.l I" 40 in I.' IS 4s 4'.'l 4' 40 7*l 48 48 o'j I' 4H, i 4s 47, 48; M
11', 8i ||ti|i<n 07 28 07 28 07 28 67, 2l 72 21 .2 111 us 2-1 2m 2H I 07 2H us
11 B<.. Liberty 77 44 1 77 44 77 44 77 43 WBO 68 70 48 74 4H 46 1 78j 46, 78 40
4, y, 2s 70 28 70 ;n 70 27! 71 28 OH -1 08 2s 70 20 ' " 02 31 60 27 -\
>( Ml',.. 40 241) 40 241) 4.' 24' .!*.' 248 I 28 24 ' 00 222 ;s -4H 82 24s 21V' I 31 264 HO —l
JW • i'ntt n"ZZ"Z '.. Z. 70 42 70 42 OH 41 71 41 j M 24 HI 10 72 40 73 88, 42 j 71 4o 70 41
•V lVnw 28 237 V> 237 28 237 2si 218 '.B 220 10 211 28 ,;i 232 20H 27 233 •> 258
;i-s Poller U7 u>7 H7 *'7 110 .108 H. ; o 118 2Hs 111 275 Us 3,> 12' 28.. IOH > 87 320 121 *■*'<
"j.*;•' Ku'.h .. 21 ss 28 N- 2.: NS ■ 28 SH 28 S.' 28 SO i 24 87 24 87 87 24 S7 24 67
|SuHW StuH? "'4 81 i ' 4 '.'l i> ll 81 N' B'.' j t*l N. .. ,81 ,6., NO .... is' 88 "I 80 5. 80
14' Sitrii)£ ... I"J7 ll 1 ' l.'i 1 TJ 1 Is*. J' j 1 UI -t'l | Ijjil | .'j 1J j, l'.> '1 1 -, 1■ ■
1- 40 " T.vlor 28 Os 2- .38 28 38 27 38 27 3y 02 1 :s is 2 12 iis 2- Hs 2?
11; ,vv I'nisn N". > s. 68 n6 66 60 8s 8" 67 68 63 6'. 66 86 • 68 8-1 67 K'. -H
103 Wnlker 'MI 1 4 68 1.14 •> 184 i*> 134 8u M7 68 134 6H lit 131 00 1.32 68 184
Worth H "7 U 57 Hi oS j CM 64 47 H .'.s &&1 | '7J 7,7 64 68 6'- .
,ru To*l J 2118 CMC I mtjCCCi 2080 3116 ' 21203006 2280j28hH 2663 2680 2157 HOC UN IOMCOU 211 ' COM SCO MCC
BuvkL--s Miyoriiy *J Mjorilir. j J 805 j(m MM |j W8 J 038 1 810 t|CM Mt | Mil
Letter From Silt Hirer.
Hr.\;> 01 vt.i ik>, > *: t Hiv r.
Nov 7, I*7 4
Kmi R K.r. KtkK I pr.'t giving
you a brief sketch of. .ir trip up this grand
old river, known to >• many ot * ■ part.**,
with an outline our prop >.d :.VO*a io.i-
Ac., during our atay. W# le i Cnntt* Hi dawll or \\ c.iu.'\ . 1 '• it
boot B iJtt't; on D . i.-r gr mir.u . -A
the : . :.<! IV *4' u.k. s.r. un.<
under IHHMQf mount-tin into pM|
prv.-k, *-re we were jo nc.l ' 'V the new
with J. u 1,-veui 1" A-we v..-re
neighbor*, v.-concluded to .-il together,
H.i-iing* t v i f: the <. nior . fliccr, w.-put
in tomm..r..i . f the entire fleet from Centre
cou ;y
Within au hour tuv our cargo w: %
Inndnd*• atraektanSnHy W*. Noth
ing happen■ J worthy oi note during cur
trip with the exception oft-at loadsoflhe
downfallsn eery hour or o, coming into
tho main stream ft :n the diA-rent branch
c- with the American Eagle at half mast
draped in mourtiii „• The boats Mc Nal
iy, Mc-'Cormick and others, were of the
troll chid species Hoy. old n> sp. pell
worth a cent pri r to this election, but
work w i > Salt watv; The tnon tony
of three days brought us l-> our journey .-
er.J, where wo landed ' the abando: eJ
democratic c imp. \S " -. eking around
for old relic-, we came acro-s the one hun
dred democrat.- from Putter tow c-hip who
failed to come to the p - last luc-Jay.
After a rigid cro--examination as to why
they did not turn out, they replied that it
was true tl at Fred KurU ' kf.o d ■'.'.art
and a half lor his win., in the, Legisl
ature and they could prove it by the T <■
Dei-'frat, so they concluded to remain
up. The fir-l work we did alter landing
was to prepare our cabins fur the future —
tlo.l knows how long. The next was to
build a general 1. .pin! <ihi h wu- put un
der the immediate charge f l>r. Mu--cr.
It's first patient- were B- *er I{. 11. Dun
can, Jai. 1' Coburn and Col. ill Fariand.
who are, with many other*, dangerou-ly
v. :th an ve d . ~-e called 11 ' ■ ?-ts
1. :t Now conn - the rgiz .tion
of c*aip: It was intended I make lias
ti. gs Commander m Chief, but Ben Butler
has ap; int. J him private Secretary to hi
lord-hip, and he i* now engaged in writ
ing out liutler - regret- that he cannot be
present at th- Br rh r-Tiit >n trial. P or
Butler ha.- all our -vmpathh sits
ar. v.;.,kit. ..u .-quiiiling, reminding
ni - f * ja 'k- .n-iatern mll ■ ut of ab g
pumpkin, with the corners of his mouth
Tie duty of Commander in Chief falls on
C ! Shortlidge: amp guard is coin;* -ed
of the !-••• or •1. ml-. ' tr o . V.- 't--r tvn
N'-a t-iiH-s what a sou it:.m shall we
chc-e whi.e here? \V ,11 Sh op -ays there
i* no need of a foundry, to he will start up
the carriage mak ng i-i Levi Murray's <>i.l
d Al ".!• ;r-- BO ■ || b# pull
id Beatnvr h,.- concluded t > g.> into the
lime busir.-->, and ha- taken | os-.-si, nof
George K ■. h's quarter* whicn he fuund in
x vcay dilapidate . conditio:.. Andy
It. :'itas. thinL; h- iii not change his bu
siness, i i 1.0 i hammering away ut the
he l-irun. Andy Gregg hul taken p .--cs
iun of George Durst's plantation, and is
t -ing to rai-r bull. cks; Curry -ay- y. u
ball tell his wife to send up his boot and
hi i--igri. Daddy Bitner is going t>> start
.p :i gr.,-..r:.:ir - !■ It- v. G.sihraith is
;uit,'i to r n'! e >. t-ide t' u- ■ flhePhar
-1.:. m . t tine th ge Udt'.rkirk La
-,..t de< il-l as >-1 wfnit to do, l.nt think
ie w 1 iiu'.i.i a ra. s . ! Frank Ilailath*-
•- is undecided whether he w|!| sail goods
it r. S. Wolfs old -laud >r wh.ltie, he
wii -t ill a ha .', in Billy Mingh . place;
Kt-ch take- Spaligler's h tel. ail he
wants it a pair • f gold specks i. say* old
man Slotinan could not blow liic way he
did if lis Lad hi... Lu.'g. ♦i; hereof
propose* to the Repot: r until you re -
turn, but don't, don't, stay lifiecn years,
like you did while up here. Well, demo
crats you have got u<, wo believe ns all
true Ameri ans should, that the nisjority
should rule. Tour humble servant hon
e-tly and candidly hope* that the c hange
is for the better. Hopes that you w ill find
out what tisat "tontelhimj ii the i/i-ittr,-''
is, and have it removed. Bring out your
honc-t uu-a ; put them in power ■ hoi.t the
name fAsdrev.' G. .'urtits for President
of the Ulifted State-, ku have lived under
him, v.e have fqngiit under liiin, we be
lieve him to be honest, let him be republi
can or democrat, we believe hi 111 to be capa
ble and worthy. i think 1 -hali boi-t his
name up hero and scatter it to tins four
winds of heaven. As the tongirl say- :
Good by, John, don't stay long.
X. Y. Z.
Mr. Daniel Kennedy, of I'lvinficld,
111., paid us a visit, oi Tu> lay. Mr. K.
left this ralley 37 ) -'.ir> -go
Mr, l'eter Philip., of Suydcrtown,
writes us that Mr. John Ernriek ruined 1 >/)
bushels of corn to the uere, and that hi*
whole corn crop will average 1 IS bushels
to the acre. Also that Mr. Jacob Hobble
Imd to do as the rich man did, build lar
ger, in order to stole up his corn, having
about3l acres troui which he ruised 3100
The house, lot, smithshop, ol Philip
Musser, dec 1 in uregjj, will be offered at
public sale, Dec. 111. Sep adv.
/•"•Persons owing school tax, are noti
fied that the Treasurer, S. M. Swartz, will
be at Centre Hall, Monday, Nov. 33, and
at Potters Mills, the following Wednes
day, 25 Nov., to receive lux, the time for
5 per cent expiring on the last of Novem
Dr. Joseph M Mieken, one of the
ataunchest Democrats in Pennsylvania,
and a popular and '.enial gentleman, died
atliis reticence in Mill llall, Clinton enmi
ty, on Wednesday Just.
Geo. W. Dairy, Philipsbqrg's default
ing post master, was sentenced lot a tern
of fifteen years in the Western Peuitenliar
r y-
The President has fixed on Thursday
26.h just., as thanksgiving day.
The Kloctiou*
G tit in ft. rirtiofe, t'ongrceotueii,
and I . S. Senators.
The ( .1. ing table of thu for i
lieutemiht ), vetn,.r is onjeial. except the
count • - ■ : Alleghany, Poret, Philadel
phia and Suiiivoti It w ill be several day
betoro the i tiicial c unt w ill be announced ;
in Philadelphia. Tvnij !e majority wil
be:.': ut tho same i.- LatU't and McCanJ
less will be l.(U> votes ahead of bi> ticket
/.iitfj, I>. Ofmi'ef, |
A.lauis . >• 1
Alleghany laid J
ArmaUoag .-ttj i
Beaver 3t3 .
Bed; ri t '.'. {
Berk- i.311 |
Blair 10f ,
Bradford I,'Joo '
Bucks ~j , j
Butler IS
Cambria 1,141
Cameron Sfi
Carban diit) f
Centre utjj , . .. 1
t he-ter., .... l.lsMi i
Clarion l.tujf) |
Clearfield J, 4a I
Clinton...., I>S i
ColumLu l.p-M
Craw ford y7 '
Cumberland i.ij j
Dauphin I.ZS) ,
Delaware 1 ;t-.r< |
Klk >;}
Kric 475
Kavette Ottl .. . .
Franklin —*. ..
i -iu- dTj ...„.
Greene l,lt*g
Huntingdon 7J17
Indiana 1 ■>",
Jefferson 11!
Juniata „.... >l7
Lar;ca-t-r 4,:;.;;
Lawrenco .... j I
FebigU I.TK
Lu/. rn--..... 1.577
Lyconiinu 1 y>
m Kean ' :i
Mifflin 157 . .
Monroe 15,17
Montgomery 515
Montour ,580
Northampton 2.970
NortßuiaWiawd '->4
Phdadelph: ...v_*
l'ikc .
Potter "g*>l
Schuylkill J.iio;
Sny der :jfis
Summer-et l.'JJb
Sullivan 4(A)
Susquehanna 540
Tioga 1.577
Inion i'g-,1
V.-uango 27
Warren .>
Wsibin-ton i 4
\\njrnew.. pt
W e-tmofeland 1,87.'t
Wyoming 187
York .. d.UIiM
as.thkl .lo.OT-'l
L itis. - inujority tI.TIO
Th i .'.e-t returns make Latin's nia'orit"-
1-5."I s j
G< nii..l dt< (Jandlt-s, D.-uiocrat. wii!
will have about 'J.fMJ majority fbw£|ecret-s?
ry of Internal Affitira.
Temple, Deinocrutte oandidntu r. r Au
ditor General, i- eleettal bv nearly 4 UOO
maj iriiy.
The most remarkable revolution wus in
| AUegli my 1 ■ unty, where tL<- democrat,
enrrt the S;sst• ti. k-t by over la■. elect
tw, ,v> d louil'-etl Asieiiililymeti, al.d two
memb.-rs of Congress, This e >untv Uc:
tod !IIS. I a d ■ ot. 11.. in the x.igi.laturo i
many years I'-AT _vt .A s.jlo it gave a Ro
publican m ijoMty of nearly 16,(100.
I' Ivaiii i-li iw • the largest Duino
cratie Cofigrts i t:..l giiil. ot any statu in
the Union, • -i-.g aeventeeii members, a
gain of twelve. Tho Democratic majority
in the . mgre-.i >nal ticket is about 22,1*11.1.
Ti.e Deiinn rats have a majority in joint
bail, t in tho 1.. g, Irtlure. securing a U. S.
Sen .'ar The Sen ile -lands 29 rails, and
21 denim-rat- The House 11 Lamp.sal.
to 90 rds a u.- ntk majtAitV on joint
ballot ofl!. *
From the la -t information at hat.d we
believe the I'enti-y!vniiit congres-iotia!
delegation will stand a- follows:
Democrats —17.
3. S •! Randall, I'.'. Levi Mui>li,
& John Kobbins, 30. 1. A Mnokey,
h. JJei-ter Clyiner, 31. Jacob'T;;rney,
10. VV Mti'.chlcr, |33 .1 II lfi>pkin,
11. F I) Collins, i 33. A E Cochran,
13 .1 II Heill.v, 2-V <1 A,..
10. Joseph l'nivell, 2 Jinn'- Shetihlev,
17. John iteilly, .'7. A (i EgUrt
18. \V S Slender,
Dint. \Di*t.
1. C Freem in. | U. A Herr Smith,
3. Ohas O'Neill. 13. W W Ketehiuu,
4. W I) Kelly. j 14. .1 II Packer,
6. \V Townsend, 10. Kobieska Hobs,
7. Alan Wood, 31. J W Wallacp.
The 3oth and' 37th districts nre the only
ones not concede 1 to the democrat* by
their oppntn tils
The (• f Alien at hiew
Holland, tjhio, wui burned on Tliurtdav
lasl,|.it.d $30,010 ill greenbacks In bis dc-k
tvere consumed with it.
Twelve inches of snow are said to
have fallen at Erie,on Saturday 2i.
IU xbi: gloll, A .'S'e.uUor ti i'tlw politi
cal .implex i. n of tho inril l\iii|{rr o-ii
tinue, to grow in nit'h importance as to
thoroughly alarm the Itepub: > on tor the
safety of the BtMtt, Tile DWOtltlc Ina
jority in the next House promino to be
nearly ei(kty, while the SV. -r, elected
ami to be elect.-J by D in H
tlir.-. Sill] reJuee the U"pubii< •'! li..j-ni(l
in that boils to , n i,U h vau !)■ •n r-
Come iii in, < loot • . ; Ig7b bj D cl „ ,-ralie
Legislatures parti:. > hulling -v.-r ..nj to
be elected.
I'ctp. ~}t|ii,:.i t ildon majority in
the Sutv at It,:!y e0 tl Samuel 5 I'et,
D. :n . v rat, I? ft' -inled j:, t1,.. s u ,|, 4 ~
tr.. .by |>robub y . , t0.,. jeu majority
1... Item aa'- carry tw -l!.ir,i of the
Congressmen fi on thi State, ami have
twenty ntnjoiity in the A->cmbly fib dis
tricts ou'oidy this city tl.ow a net Demo*
cratio gain over last year s to' • : ?.
Boston, \ v.o.iber V I'htl el, (lot, of
j Un-t 01, Democrat, for G sen.of, .
ccde.4 Uli all aides v, ,|!, H protsauti) majori
ty from a.txai Jo Hanks hat mode a
' Jean >wee|, ii. the Fifth dUlri. <i h
; not carry ing a single town except hi. own.
W liiiams ut>d Ah'Xxt. ler ar. u'-o d. f. .1-
jed l>y >ma!l uiaj >riti. ■. Av.r i- defeated
! in the Seventh d.strict tien. Butler
I been defeated f>T I' Ingres . ' K , t yaai t
i jority, if not m... >
Jersey City, Novetnl.r -I Bedlc's
I'eitn . rat n. ritx rti Vornr is l'J,-
WW. 1 tie 4oi gr< - :ii delegation stands
f.xc Democrats to two Itx-publicans The
li> ute stands thirtv-ni! ■ t
twenty •or. a ♦** .toltyAii* lti*
I h 'tii % o vc i*4| }vaf •!•% i-n -fi j. ir ;I t .!, ;
lh Legi.atur- t 11.-m by tun
! majority, and ill eleel „ V>Ued
j Senator to vs .,i J j,a lb a: . tu.n
Kntifc to|lo|'vaiolll Delegation Dem
St le 1.- N Xel:,ber K'tifll. I oil)
the State arc *;i!l very im-agro, but enough
is ktiuw tt tosh at :.t the l)*in rut; ma
jority will not 1 less i .■ lath. . - ,iid ■ '
may bo oX'er .4} l< ;. j *t* 1 V-on*
1 C.' .... a- ~, ..,V• ••s ,j bswl ■
o.raiic, aKaia'of i ur member., but the
majorities of the intcn r di-tiet, cannot
yet be given.
A noli i Democratic mini
•Cke-.x, *1 Vuu.l"T | liuhn ly Isele. I
; td to lsil.g;e. Horn the "th distrl t by "Jat
j or •too majority.
C. Hart ridge, Ilemocratic, f-r Congress
is certainly elected Smith, Don. crat, is
elected by !,.Vll majority. The entire del
egation to C ngr. -s i, Detti-erutii beyond
j doubt.
Augusta. N- veinh. r Alexander H.
i Slcphei si . •, oj.pd
\ M°M •
M A It Y LA Ny
italtimorc, November -I Further re
turr.s from tin- Sixth Congrc-siotial district
, which seein reliable, though unofficial, in
i di, ate the election <-f Walsh, Democrat, t->
j Congress over leuind. Kcpublican, the
pr.-.ent member. This will make h . ■
i life deb t .I'l ' e..Usi^
tl -nl pine ry, November I Knotigh
i gu'iii are re).ortt. Ito Insure the elect!.-n of
, the Democratic state ticket by 10,000 ilia
' Jority. Five .1 tixicralic c oigres-uii n cer
j lain, and a chuncc for two others, atula
majority !u the legislature. The white
people of the .state are reioicine w -iro i •
groci voted tb ? .-.r.n. Hjt:et'in this
lima u itcsr 'Voted" tin 4 rbp'ulilicitn.
IJ. iuociHtir>' repotted froiii every
county I CHI d from EXCEPT TJ.,mte;
.\|oi iguumry, N'ovrinbcr I Tho dem
ocrat* ilniin a gain of three congressmen
} in the statu
Chicago, November 4 Taking the eti
mate* of majorities <>n the Congressional
tickets, the Democrat# have m i"i • Verity
of V.'.CUI 11 ■ -.) .n liio ..lii. bv\ ill
probably 1 infM ii'.cdlo 20,000. 110- D.-in
| utratic opposite n huye u ileur vsoiking
j nntjo'ily in both branche*. of tin 1 Jili'i.r
! L<• >inll4r<- 1 irj prohulil* ..ti.lcd
; their entire Sink ticket. It i now though!
I tliht Furnsvvi rtli i- elected t • Cmtgrct It;
j the Fourth District Thi will gip to
Ifourti i ii members.
I)i'iiii<crut:c .Stat* 1 n-ki t I'.iecleil lv i
15,000 Mijoii! ■
Nuh.ilb-, \<>vt i ib' i in- 1. 'ki-Ih
tuic I'< !i|"< i itt, u l('|'4hln
in tin- 11 'U'li TUu D'li. .(i.du majority
f>r Oorei m will In- In tw. in I >-t> mill
Im ty l>i " thousand.
ivilirc C'on^n , --iitinil Delegation
Dent .critic.
LiUlu Duck, Vovci. bi <> 1- rem offi
cial ii'tiim. ■> fun iri i i*., I, tin- Di-i'iii'icrnti
clkliii tlii' <•!' • linn lit • i - ir i'iilin- (!i.iiff
sional tifket by illy bli | M j'litiy.
Ci4 | lf). >1- 'bi i-u I.if 'I li> i.O'Ai, (
.Sliiiiiuii*. Hoo-uid district, hi to I.Jh-O; I
Wilsblr", Kouith district, Iruiii 5..VS to 4,- |
000 over b ill lil •ip|i<>ngiiU, ilyiie* mill J
MICIIIi;.* "•
I i_ r lclf s*veiubi t S -Tin deiuoeraU
I'iiiiui tlii' I'lfwlioii df Chamberlain for gov.
iTtior by h majority of In.hi 1,4100 to 2,(K (I,
TIIO Kl'flUblil'll i. i-11l to till* >tnl|i by u
small majority. Full returns hit n-ouiro. 1
e.l to dec'n];> Tb|
tioll Will t>luUi|b|.y stand kt" tepublieali.
lo fun i iluMioiiriiU.
Topeka, Kan., November 4. (iouilin,
Democrat, iii elected iii thit Second Con
gressional District by 6<JUto 800 majoiity.
'I he hepublir uli majority on the Stale
• ticket is B,UUO to IU.IUO. Tho Legislature
i- ( obahly a- :i Ke|>ul>!lCatl by ft .-mall
" majority,
1 : e lul, st election telui lis from tht Stat,
"I N, . 1 er, ui is,- Mr 1 ,1,-n's i .j iii
fur (,overn >r -C lyya
' ' ' ÜbaviU bavi i, no.j itt) < I tw. n
t> i.i the flo: nla |.i ,i . r ,.
Ihe Doin-11 nts throng): -ut the , o:,y
I are holding ma gul >
and making . v l,w t hoi,-t of t . D.-m-
Uv ~.n x tet itt.
I iie billow 11, o J, A j, t U F ,| K , (; JV .
ern >i vlex |<\] MI, lu, duv in the vn
tiossa , us ini a, rlelcrtuiiici;
Alabama... (i s!1 ,-u tu, D l"d>V
i Ibdaw*:,. J I Cochrane D .. 1,07.1
. Kai -as ... 1 \.Osl ;ne If doobllul
Mus-.o hus.-tt: U! , aut J,
Ml. i. ~.1., .. .._ t luipied by ! tl. pallia..
Mi uri. Charl.-s 11 ILid.t,.D "Jb.ouu '
New Jersey Jc,eph 1). Uu t'e (D IZ,1;
-N< 44 York.. > J T.lden Di ...
•Aoi.lh t. i.r . , Ciiau.het lain l; doubtful
1,-i.i.e..see . la> Ii Dorter jr. < D dnuny
• •
Clintou (utility.
The democrat* of Clinton have cU-ied !
| th. .r whole ticket, in* f tt h .vmg ar,- the '
;'lb ■ , to.J' , tU.i
--j L|e-,.t, 4, .v, La'.t., over OllUstc 1 '.'l ' ,
Aud, Geii l, Temple . x,-r Allen ' >*>.
See y. Int. A fllai -. M Cat, J less over
I Ileall> f"
J Ju lg, 4>rxi ver M Hi a..y lui i
b -gres., Maekeyoxef Als'Xauder
s \N 0,.! \liOoraiii k KM
V 1 -'-"il ,teii A .1 nhai b over !U>-
I 1-nrt 11 Viusstmcr "?
'' ' Alt y. daui . \l |r ie over Win C
j Hoi; .ban tt.*i
(i iiii .fcn I.ia, Janiri David (ive (7 .
1 Fur.t TM
Auditor, J!' Anthoii, o-r S! rv C
lies*. "J
Survey.-r, John I. 17 k. . ..v. r A K
Wl it. Soli.
I'nioii County.
ll.e li.-ij-oilies i. I moil CiiUo^J
1.0-ut G , , tllu ! ,ic." t.tsau>l.
A hi % ti i,cr, .Vl.i ■: over Temple
| PVT.
Ss.y.orlnt, \ ffinirs, Hath oV r M. -
' Cand!. .. TIS.
Coiigros* Alexander ox < r Mackcv oK>.
A ably. C S Wolfi* OT4 r JRO C Smith
District Attorney, Alfred 11.aa ill
w Cox "-.r.
I j.,'. .oil- Uijr 4. H ]| i.,er:[ll . • over II
H Mere r I^7.
[ I oiuiiii- -ii.r.t-r, 4,. . >choc!i over David
I.eiby of,'.
A .dit- r, J U lirown over T Bower, 741
M ilTlin County
1 l.e follow i i.g are the majorities u, M iff.
tin :
j Alexander over M l key, laf
L Lu, tvili-l'-.", over J owe p h
4. Mi Uinnev , k-i-i. \\ JSw tgart, Sur, ,-y. I
..r over Miles liaffiy, 'JN. Jo.-pb M Fh-m
ing. Director of the l'.xir over Samuel I!
AA 1..-. .f . and John A McDonald, Audi*
tor over Jan e, I Cottle, 117. The victors
are ail Democrats. On the other hand,
David lleistcr, rep, is clcced Commis
sioner over Jacob Stine, sen., villi
majority- Wri Sett., rap, u'elected
1.1 IL.IISR-v,- IF A N- .14
and \\ m 1| Sir.dim, rep, i m eloete 1 Distri, t
Alt rncy over John T MeClnrc with 00
A shooting accident took place. last
Thursday, near the bunting camp of par
ty ' • >niji.■*.! of Dolph Liport", . . .nee
t reck, I- ...iii.i and Imi k .-wart/, of
t.yh . t >,ii, Jofit. Dnuglu* of Morn-dale,
ilVd iTofart A lpyirt of t'oilipsbuig, a few
miles In :u Kylerlotyi). Thn i,;ii.ruUon
lutl'liing U* i tsituv uncertain, but it
appeals that Liportc, teeing Douglas'
bead above a cluuip of bushes mistook him
for n wild i at and fired his rifle nl him. the
hail taking effect in hi. right temple and
passing out at h left- l'hilipshnrg .lour
Imm l.vtl.', ..I IP i!. f..nti',*l*n , VII ar
raigned before r > " .. ~i , ,„-r Hep.
h. .. Miclul.. :l tt'illhimspifrt. In-t Sat
uni ty ivVnin# ch.iVg. d with presenting,
or . auifig to he pr, , rite.| false forced
and fraudulent nfl^.ln yit < , vi.'p ncs. u, the
pc sjo, i i.uhi Mt ttcuigu (irimes, of
Oentto county. Tliclifbmifloti wm unula
by Joseph S ('. Tiber. :t special agent of
the Pension otlice After a full hearing
Commissioner MeCluro committed Mr.
Lyt'e to jail in dcl'aultof hail, s',(*> being
the amount required,
siiiiit( llbitiu'l
r '
i In- follow mg tlio Oil.l ml vote in tint
jtluieia) .11 -11 i-.l for Adil |,nv, Judgei
OrvU, M'Hi.alloy,
Centre 2W. 2250
Clinton 24V. 1 Hl*o
Cbsrfiohl _
Total —— -
* ■ ♦ ♦
JU Dislt it t
Tlio foil owing i tlio o81('|m1 \'OfO .
Mnvbry, Alctattdur
C.i.i.. 25M 25M
( 2988 Kiy
' Clearlb Id
' Mi HI in 1484 1484
Union 12JU *77?
| Klk Dtb
Mat-key'* inujiirity
Tito f. lluhloK t the official vote in lb
I n ii.ilm inl district
Wallace- M'Coriuiel
| Oontro 8004 2157
j Clinton 2417 1404
Wallace'* niujotily
Uodey's Lady's Ho>k fr November i
one of tliu line t copies nir Imu4. A
, beautiful steel i-I>xravmg, a very elaborati
: colored fashion plate, u Iu• k " sheet show,
nig fhhumble i oslumes iinil wllii r (#■
graving*, Willi nil abundanceol llii' clinic
mt niut most interesting reading. Tin'
"limiur, a magnificent rliruniu, ii offur*
it! a* n premium Iw every subscriber to)
1*76 Heiid r i 16ninl ynii will rooolvD tin'
magazine for una Ji-nr, pottage paid, and
tint premium I'lirom I 1,. A. Godey,
I Philadelphia, publisher.
• •
1 Thabeir* of 1*1,,1 i,. Mu*r dee'd will
' ntler at public sale .m KA'I I HI'A I IHK
! r.ult DAY OK DECEMBER next mi tin)
' pri*iiilii'i I inn •<- mid n't i i <•( an
; ,i'|p, situate ih Gregg Township nil thn
i turnpikeabout | nl a mile ea-t uf I*'*""
11 all, Thereon aroereetod a g l itiirtTn
i STABLE and nil nurwaiy uut buildings,
' 4 ill 1.1. II) Mltlt V411.1.VU il tK Willi
| intra,> in it liair tlw door Sale te com
mence nt ullt u'flotk I* M
Jl lln- abi.vo l.iil it lint > .|.l ~n tnltl ly
it wilt tin offered Inr it-til nt pulilir outcry
nl said lllli*. TilK IIKI ItM
I-' tinV.
From 40 tu 35 x-uais.
J utt received by,
J. 1111.1 II
,V| lit IX KS NKW ST yi.e
open'ends, 21 Enveloper lit# t'- .
ml : r 25 cents a box. pUcjng U.'i.
."-dutiful Hr,i' ..f ttitioinry witliin the
reach of all.
f'ull Minii nt New Store, lluiumj
I'loctt, )u\l ilooi to Ist Nut. Hunk,
llt'llrluuic. Nov. 12 2m.
Ml (hull a llloc k. I'll clly OpP- It mil
Bellefuntc, Pa.
11. IIEHN IN A €'o„ I'rop'rw.
Dry Goods.
llelovv llit* I'suul l'ritvs.
Nov 12 If.
Slteriir> Sale*
By virtu,- ■>( Suudri wriu of Fieri Faci
uk, l. -vari Kncim. ninl Yeudiuoni Kipun
a-. IsiUcd nut of the I' Uft of Common
PU. of Centre county, 1* . mid t" toe
directed, there will bo ripawl tn Public
>.il<- at tlw Court House in ItclleKiiitc,
Centre Cw Pn . >ui Monday tho 23id day
• ! Ni vciuber. 1!*74 nt one i> - .ock P. M
tin t .llow ing doscribid Henl K'ta'.u. via
Alltbnt two a tor* l?,;ildihg situate in
Potter tw, Cct trc t **. Fx. having n fVonl
of 22 fei'-, depth i f 'A- feet, ti unded nil
tin North l.y laud of \\ iu M. Minn, South
t.Y 1 nnd of \\ iu Lc in, Kmt by land of
J n . Hojfer. \Vel by land ut Ji -rs Rover,
i <nt jiiiiiir three mtm more iir icat. Set*-
i <(, taken in Kx c ulioii nnd to be .old u
the property of Samu< 1 Painter.
A laSO,
Ail that certain piece id grounJ part of a
tract uf land, tituatc in Aarotuburg, Hn tiSL
l p, Centre Co. Pa, tbervnai i-uvi' d a two
ry frame liw h ,ut Ac Bounded
an-! ~-i i .1.1.1 xi'.i. w>. UminJed on
the North bv North Striit, South by
Blackberry, W. >1 by lot No 221, Kal bv
chcalnul Street, bi itiir numbered accorJ
ing l<> the yeneial plan or plot of tmd
t iwn a N > "220. 22 A 21? A Si-land, ta
ken in Km cutmn and to be aold n> the
property id .P. Fullmer.
All that certain lot of around rituatc in
Kajt'ct ilia. Centre l' i, l' li iunijod u,..
tlw North mid Wed by Pi.Llic rund lead
ing to lb-- h C'i • 1.. ~ nth by an alley and •
Kmt by UadhfJno. F. Clark contamina
tof an aire, in ro r li, thereon erect eu .
4 14 • 4tory dwelling houao and other out
hoil lingi. S :aed, tnki-n in Kxecutieu and
to be to id aa the property of II A Korea
man ct. ut.
A LSt,
All that certain tract "( Innd iiluate in
Half Monti twp, Centre Co, Pa Itoun.liHl
on the North by liitid of Jam- . Kbit
and S .uth by land of Lyon K! i ~- Cu,
an.l Wi : by u(Sh mtibcfgcr A Co.
C o.tainirrg 117 tii ret more or let, Ttiacri i
cli orcd, thore-in oroeted u I >g hoiiM, Hank
Itarn, and other oulbuildiiiir. Seised, ta
ken iri Km utioii and to bo o!d a the
piopcrty oi Kr. Icii k Wi ton.
All that let or pie. o ~f ground iiluate in
th Horou|jh ol llcll-foiito. Hiiuuded on
the Kit bv Water Street, on South by i
lainl ..I Wui b kbo", Wi l tv vf'aler
lluw iiig fi.iii i .* ttitlg, tin J" North by :
landi t \S i,.. A Thou.• dee'd. Soiaed.
taken m Execution and to bu ob) at the
propi-rtv oT llnrbarii \un I'eok ilj Win
All that certain tract of land situate in'
Ifuiton twp. Centre Co. Pn It uindiul on
the North by le.n l of John Ttiri..-r, South'
and Ka>t by land of mid Itianchard.
and We-lby land"! 11. P. Kit-hard nnd
John Campbell. Containing .">7 acror
more or le-.-, therouii erected a dwelling,
stable and other outbuilding'. Seired t y
ken in Execution an I lo P" ~ hi i, the
property ot Mstlu.
' '
All that i' rtain ! lof ground situate in the
town of Madiionburg. Miles tiyp, tVntro
Co. Pa llouniltvl mi thu South by public
School |.iit, Kint and North by land of
Uat,iel lii Miiut, and West by Main Street,
conliiiiiing t ' a" acre more or |o, there
on erected a Itluckamith Sliop. Seized la
ken in Excoetion nnd to be old us the
property of \\ . il. Nclk
All that certain lot ><f ground situate in
I Spring twp. Centre Co, Pn. Itoundvu oi.
I 111.' South by 1 Old T. ill" I oft
1 till" Vi*e-i • > '-ilcy, Sorth h'y to, of
i llnri v■ C iih'd 1,.i5l llv public road,
front ill M I'" t on sidi roa,| mo) ixteiullng
back 3lKi fect to smd abi v. Sei*i-d, taken
in K\oiHitiuii and ti> bo told to the proper
tv of W. 11. Smith.
A LSt,
Ail JefeiiJntil* interiot in those three
several lots of ground, Ist situate ir the
H .rough of Mitcshurg. Centre Co, ••
marked in general plot of •• ' n !jl
126. Hounded o" V,'c , i.j tuVffplfta roa.\
Nor'b Vj '.Dvof A. ff pet'rVi.'F.un bv Mil
SUCtI, ItkJ flodtlfby- M of Alfred (tryup,
|tlirrn irt. ti-4 a store bov\*f. n.-roon.
\c A'*" Scbonl U'-'-Uv. U"t HI said Horn.
Nollil) HoUi-h.l B|otUt by,,
\\. i, hy lut' V.l. Campbell, South by lot
of Thomas ihilKO niol K.i-t by James
Alexander Also. six HITI". oflaiol in liar
rl, two. Centre Co. Pa. Ilouiule.l Norlli
by public road, Wed by land of (ieorg..
liouls lleir*. - outb bv land ot Samt|e| Sin
vor. and End by an alley. wkfcii
in K\'ittion ar.d mUi r\\ itm piopri;-
' ty c f \7 ly ' "
All (lolondunl <red in and to all thai
certain tract of land situate in ISregu tw|i,
Cenlro Co, l'a. Hounded an tbe North by
land* of Joint C.ddreu, Nasi by land o.|
Marlyr, Soulh by David Pinkie
Mid yenudti, and Weil b.v Levi
Redder and Daniel t'ontainiin; l<m acre*
niorc or les*. lo le-re* timber, tberoon
® eroolod a two story frame dwelling bouse,
bunk barn and oilier outbid dings. Seized,
. 1 taken in Execution and lo bo sold its the
i properly of Henry A. (leiit/.el.
I SHEttirr'sOrnc-K, ) 11. PSIIAKKILK,
Beilefonte Pa. > Sheriff.
Nov. 2d. A. D. 1874 J Nov 5
Stages urriva aud depart daily
1 Kufala, Ala., November 3.- A riot oc
' cur red here at the |HIIIS to-day at noon,
originating in an attempt by a nugro to
wlop another negri* for voting the Demo
cratic ticket. The assailant drew a pistol,
fhe result was throe neg'oes were killed,
four mortally, seven "seriously and eight
slightly wounded, ('no white man was
mortally, one seriously and three slightly
woundeJ. Five or six bun Ircd shots were
1 11 red.
More Hiola.
Mobile, November B.—Two riots were
| caused by negroes attempting to rescue ne
gro r. peatcrs from United Statu* Marshals.
The riots were easily suppressed. TWo (
negroes were killed and one white man
' K KT
Philadelphia, November W The Inqul.
. ry for rlovereed is limited Smail sale*
■ of Pennsylvania and western at
Prices of timothy are nominal. Flaxseed
tells at fI.VO
' The ihouiry for flour continue* extreme
ly 11 in lied, both lor shipment and loeal
run mm Ptioi.. at Saturday s ligurt-t Kales
[of 000 hblt , chiilir extra family, at $6 "i>
l*(.i,ti for lowa, Wisconsin and Minnesota
I family; 6iV>K<S2.j lor Peiinsvlvanla,
'Ohio and Indiana do. , and ,6'uh for
fancy hruiidt Nothing doing in rye Nl (
I or meal.
I There Is no change in wheat. Mmallj
i sales of western red at $1 12(4 I '/J. and,
' amber at $1 23' t 1 |n uolbliltf do
ing. Cop, I, unsettled Mid higher | oidj
yellow is holJ at U'Jc. ani new do. at 70H |
Kk . 11sis are In fair rtuuesi. and
husliels western white sola at G3c.
Chicago, November —Wheat d' rt ii i
No I spring fir No "2 >*■" .uXn a~ t"
seller November; u'tv e'lfp pp
No 2 qs. ryj. vted *flc- Corn- uu'i ah 4
uhse\tfad; NoJiiiijuJ wh na*hi •*'
lii Ni vcuibcr, 76", 4,-lii-r >•*•
n a Plus.- ~ , r V J :. rt V , i
ft. ,R...i u.Uia- ' v -U-dem.nd
tj . ..rtn. No V ISc cash Ofsel
-1 " .ember, I7|c seller vear; rejecteil 46
i H46lc. JCvr —demand fair and market
, firm; No l" Uarley— dull and
. unsettled; No 2 fl JBhal 21 casli; No 3
|1 l<6 Pork demand fair ami price*
'advanced at SIM cash, sl7 5)1 seller year
. and sl7 86 teller year Lard, demand fair
•and market firm at 121(u,12ic cash, $111)6
; seller year, sl2 07 seller February.
vV into iYheal $1 16 R'-d Mi - /•
...Coi i,'. Oa id Barlwy t.
70 ...Clo ferseed '•.(*. .Potatoes 00
Lard per pound K ...Porkner pout.dDOj
Butt, cjo Eggs 1 i .. .Plaster perton
sl* Tallow 8 Ba or 10 Hal), lo
Lard per pound h cents IC * „
,-S, ... Fniur per barrel retail,, 0i1...
Nova Scot is plaster sll I' 16 Cayuga,
plaster s'.'.6o per "JWO lbs
On t)cl. "JOth, 1K74. Mr JohnW. Harper
of Centre c > . and Mist Emms J. Wilson
. ol Clinton co ,
Oil the 2htb ult, Mr. Win 11. Lvbuiaa.'
f Hichvillc. Clinton Co to M Rebecca.
K Kpsc-11, of Phelp s Chapel, Clinton c..
r* ... r
On the 27th uIL, Mr. Rbert W Porter j
and Mi-s Klitabelh J tJumuio, both of
iiHinhurg. Clinton county.
In Jersey .shore on the 271b uiL. Mr.
Conrad Meplian and Ui> Autnie Kickslcrj
both of Clinton countv.
On Nov 6th, at the residence of Mr Da
v.d I've, by Rev M E Earhart. Mr Andrew |
B .*-truble, und M Allice Kye.
At Mill llall. on ibe '2.)lb ult. M icbael j
Tevhng. ugl d7O year.. His remains were
interred in tlie new cemetery near Sal#
lti Gregg twp., on 27 of Oct, Daniel
Richard aged 77 years
On the l'Jtb of Oct. near JacksunviHe Pa.
of dropsv of the heart. Susan, wife <>!
Michael Korman, aged 60 years. 7 month. .
and ') days.
In Harris twp, on the evening of the 6, J'
of apoplexy. Mrs Kiir.a, wife or Christian!
Dale, agi <1 'il years, 4 .nonlhs.
C~KIME ANDSKTTLK - Notice is hera-1
j by given thai SATURDAY NOV.!
2Mb, has 1.,-en fixed upon for holding set
ll. merit with all parsons in account with
the i -late of Win Von ado, deed Allj
pi r-ons intcresU-d w ill meet on day afore
said at the residence of the undersigned
J. 1* RUN ELK, Adra r.
D „v 6 3-t Centre H: 1.l
19 mouths old, i- oflVred f"' salo by the
undersigned Aim thorough bred shoals j
ar.d grade pig-, different sues.
29 Oct St. Gregg twp.
In pursuance ot an order of the Or
pnaii C-rart of Centre County, the under
signed will off.-r at public sale, on the
pi-ruii-i), on* Friday, Novmbr 13. Ik.l, a
-iluate in Potter twp. 21 miles west of|
Potter- Mills ; known as tin* Drin of Kcv.
Danul Kerr, dec d. i mUining about
Bounded on the rail by lands of II m
Rishel, on the soult and west by public'
load, north bv lands ot Mr .Shadow and
John StOMT. There..); erected a good
BARN, and first class outbuilding-, good!
fruit ol all kinds, and a nerer Vaitingf
spring of water nee* tl.whoo*.
TEP-M s *' tsne-tbird of the purchase!
;mon<y*on confirmation of sale; iho.bal-;
lance in two cjual annual payments, to be;
secured by bund nnd mortgage on the!
premises with interest. Sale to cow-j
inenco at 1 o'clock, p. w.
24 sop. td. .Administrator,
4 —
A '\ Letters of admin; Uation on tbu t"-
ui-of tfatharsbs. Stover, lat if Gregg
11up , deed have been granted to tho un
d.-rMgnnl. and all tersiiis knowing them
'velvet indebted to said estate are r*e|UC*l
' cd to ruttka Imuieillale payn;cnL and thoeei
Uav ing legal claim-against the same will J
present them duly authenticated by law.
Oct 15GC Adra'r.
Fnrmers, (iraiigersj
i for the fall and winter trade received.
Our stock of ready made Clothing it
ilaige, and first cla ■* in o>ery respect.
FI LL 81' ITS, ft)ATS. I'ANTS and
V KSTS at prices lower than oy VP
King William. Mellon, iLavur n,ul oth
er Ovcrc >t- V fine ,tcck of latc.l Style
tlo y#.ry b.c.-l >|e.n and Boys heavy
'Boots. Ladle*, and Children#
J Shoos.
A toll line of (tent's Furnishing U<#od.
Kvervthing needed to Complete a tleii
: leman's wardrobe, vi*—Uloves. Hall,
Hoe., t'ravvts iinderclotliing Ac.
Al |ha Clothing fimtL Milroy HlMt
favor us with a rail and e* anon W'ods
, and prices. IL'Speet^lry,
■ lUctiOf 9, I*.
The untlcraignod begs leave lo intorMj
Ills palron- and the public K , ' l >'',jW j
j lie is now prepared to n.'mhe
i mid respeclfull.'; ,„,I. is. iliaro " f *'oeirj
11 H'.r.'i,,„w b"altera 1* attend"' willl
( Moarm DLN " t jtossM.. N,
|H *epl tut. Cliurchville, |
! th
• or i!H
! J>nV
Humeri and Shipper* of the celebrated
Belle fonte
r wfHiiniEf mm.
Denier* iu the very beat gtnde* of
The only denier* in Centre Cnunty who fell the
W! I Li Ki E; Si Hi Ai It Iti E Ci 01 A! L
I rum the old Bellimuie iun>,i Alio
of Anthinclte Ceal dryly homed lor home #l lU JoWo>t prfcefc
Th.y pay tht higb-t |irlom In caah h, grain thet (ho KaUern market* will afford
Bought or will be old on cmia*ion when dmirod, and foil price* guaranteed. Int
formation concerning the grain trade will be furraibed at all time*. to farmer,
with pleasure, free of charge.
ajiicb ii alwayi .old at low price#, and warranted to be a* good a fertilizer a* any
other pi Biter.
D/mS Alii) YAlBi)
Lime! Lime!
Lint* ol the best quality, eIW 0I
""" "'",i : a'KG t'KUCH i
great bakoans at the haku
Miliheim, Pa.,
Wm- LtilU A3l> KriAIL DtAUKE* I*
They hsve ju*t returned from lb* Eastern'
(Mies, where they have purchased a well.
•SccteJ stuck of
OILS, PAIWT*, Vaxxtsnxe, PCTTT,
Plasterer* and Masoac,
Saddlers, Shoemakers..
Housekeepers, and iu fart,
We ceil particular attention to • fine as
sortment ol Picture Frames and Moulding,
very cheap.
AnJ Curtain Fixture* of every kind..
COACII and w AGON MAE ERS— l'our.
attention is called to our stock of Spokes, j
! Hubs. Felloes, Shaft*, Poles and Buggyj
! Wheels, all of No. 1 quality and selling ve
ry cheap. Our stock is large, and cn
.tanllv being renewed, and we are selling
-wholesale and retail— at very low prices. l
Itrmember —much money has been lost by
paying 100 much for Hardware. Try
jUussfrr & KukJ Brs'a
; The* buy for Cash and sell at Cash Prices,
,for less profit lUxa ay other Hardware.
j Store in Oounty.
( jeO'Csl! and see us. Setialaction guar
jaug 27-y'74
H. H, Wtl*K*
Manufacturers of
isheetiron & Tin
MiHbeim, Pa.
AH kir.ds of Tinware, oontUtfcHj on
I hand and made to order. j
Sheetiron Wart of MM? description,
(always on baud. . j
Bourne Ut Ttn n*d Sheetiron don# in)
lib* most approved and satisfactory Style, j
• Spouting dune to order.
! Tueir slovk of Tin snd Sheetiron Ooods|
!is largo and complete, and offered at the
\ Their estsblishinent has been enlarged
and stocked completely throughout.
Satisfaction guarunteed. and all jobs
promptly attended to. aprU'T
Negt vk*r to Wilson A Hicks' Hard
ware store, Allegheny St.,
Jas. C. Williams.
(Successor to B. f kwukrn A Co.)
for medicinal pnrpom,
I Alto, Choice
and nil other articles usually hept iu fire!
clue* Drug Store.
/X ,- neys-at-Law Bellefonte, Ph. Spe
cial attention given to Collections, and
Orphans' Court practice. May ke con
sulted in German and English. Office in
German's Building. my2B '74-tf,
JOHS korraa. rrrcx uorraa.
Banking Co.
And Allow In/crest,
Discount Note
j Buy and Sell
Government Securities, Gold and,
LL'rraa llorrxa. WM. B. MI MIL*.
j J'res't. Cashier*
Chas. H. Held,
Clock. %1 ialehinak<-r A Jeweler
Miliheim, Centre Co., Pa.
Respectfully informs bis friends end the
public in general, that he has just opened
at his new establishment, above Alexan
der s store, and keeps constantly on hand,
all kinds of Clocks, Watches and Jewelry
of the latest styles, as also the Vsranvilie
Patent Calender Clocks, provid-2 with a
complete indes of the month, and day of
the month and week on iu face, which it
warranted as a perfect time-keeper.
Watches and Jewelry re
; paired on short notice and warranted,
j sep 11' O ly
Best Sample Looms in Town.
|D. JOHNSTON Jc SONS, Proprietor*
Bellefonie, Penna.
j I ret liutt to and from the Depot.
Excelsior Cement-
The undersigned new manufactures Ce
at h' kilns, near Pine
j Creek Mills, in Haines twp. This cement
jbas already been used in large quantities
upon the L. C. AB. C. Kll., and has been
ifound highly satisfactory upon all jobs
where it has been used, and as equal to
iany now manufavturod for use in CIS
TERNS, WATER PIPES, or wbau-ver
j purpose a good quality of Cement is desi
rable This Cement has already b<. a
■ tested far and wide, and rendered the ut
itnost satisfaction, l'crsens, therefore con
structing Cisterns, laying Water Pipes,
Ac..will find it to their advantage to bear
jthisin mind,and also, that he warrant* the
article as represented.
jWy IB If -Aaronsburg, Pa
Joa* SfAXOLKK, Proprietor.
; Stages arrive and depart daily, for wl
[points. north, south, east and w<-
itKaar BKocKKkitorr, j. . rnrcxxT.
President, Cashier.
(Late Milliken, Hoover A Co.)
Aud Allow interest,
Discount Notes,
Buy and Sell.
Government Secu' tics, Gold A
*plV6Mf Coupon*.
Would most respectfullv inform the cit
tens of this vleiuity, that'he bassUrted a
new Boot and Shoe Shop, and would be
thankful for a share of the public patron
age. Roots and Shoes made to order and
according to style, and warraau his work
"to equal any made elsewhere. All kinds
' of repairing done, and charges reasonable.
{Give him a call. feb 13 ly
Dentist, Miliheim.
J Offers his professional services to the
. public. He is prepared to perform ail
operations in tho dental profession.
**"He is now fully prepared to extract
***" *rUAont pain. tnyß-78-lf.
' 'iMraiT, Attorney at Law,
• -i-f s Bellefonte, Pa. Office over Rev
onld s bank. may 14 60
" . r '- v opposite Spangler's hotel.
C-nLllnll where bo is at ail times, prepared
tomato all kinds of men and boy's cloth
ing, according to the latest styles and at
reasonable charges.
J A S" ,ANUS, Attorney at Law,
Br llefonte, promptly attends to a)
business entrusted to him. jui2,'6Bt
PAINTER, ffia.B?"
tiers his services to the citizens of Mifflin
and adjoining counties, in
llouue, h'.gn and Ornaiucnntnl
.. , Oak, Walnut, Maple, Ash
Mahogony. Ac.,
Plmn and Fancy Papcrhanging. Or
ders respectfully solicited.
Ail line work dene for other painters,
nor 6 tf.
JOHN F. POTTER, Attorney-at-Law.
. Collections promptly made and
special attention given to those having
lands or property tor sale. Will draw up
and have acknowledged Deeds, Mortgages,
,&o. Office in the diamond, north side of
the court house, Bellefonte. ©ct2S?o9tf
JL. SPANGLER, Attorney-at-Law,
Bellefonte, Pa. Office with
Bush A Y'ocum. Consultation in English
and German. Collections promptly attend
ed to. feb&-tf
MrtMtW br. Fitter s Vegetable Kbeumatls
fiyrru. I (euubeltaalaSuUMeeneftirllem. gld
asjrsaaMsaaagadisnM*, Bwom to,UOS9U Awll. tm
__ W *■ A - OSaoUlOf.Aotery PiSEc, Pktixu