FBID.IUBTf .. Editor. 0 Centre Hall, Pa., Nov. 12, 187-4. IKRM9~t2r*ri/tmr, 2.50 tfArn not paid i* adr/tner. Advertisement* 2LV per line for thrr> I>l erfirou, and for 0 iiuthern states by ferleral bayonets; placing the white people of tlie southern -tati- un der negro rule, and running tin -e itn |vverishe I state- into an uuheanl <: indebtedness, ami an unlintitep!>- mean that these shameful abu-e- of | xv* r shall be stopped, and that the unprin cipled and perjured men in place who are guilty of this mal-admini-trati n, shall be hurled from power. Then in the second jdace. the pe >p'u mean that the democrats shall be put in those places iu order to try them and #e*f whether they \xill do belter. It was honest republicans, xxh- v ted along with democrats, that a-si:rd, in.-1., xxill long be memorable lot the : i< at "out i ages" that xxei e eoniiuilt* il ovei one half the land. St Barth l-un- xv - dux i- u j xxlieie eotnpautl xxitli out f.d of \ i x i niht i, l>l \\ h i -tat.--, and e\ ell tori itol ic, XX I a ill .1,1 of . toni-hing "outragi There was a great "outrage" in 1 Vtiii-y 1 vauia . a ,'ta uti i "outi .g. in Nixx \,-tk n teiiihi, "outiago" in i Massachusetts ; an awful " atin. n 1. nisiauna, far outstripping the "u --1 eelil" "outrages ' ptuudvdiu lh, tliani organs; a log "outrag iu NVxx ), r -i x ; ami greatei and le-ser "ontiag> tti Marx land, lliiitoi-, Michigan, and aih 'en ot , ther -:-x i- \N hy d ,ii t 111 rant fetch tut the -olditt-; did he I not hear ol lhc-e ">utiag, - All I axvful outrage ha b, .n c> intuitu d up on Congress, the h tiiiei in.tsteis i t 1 thai body are turned i ut i:i the nit -I outrageous manner, ami without ecu menx, and the j>< ip. tia; i walk i iglil in cold blood, A great Utra. e has 1-ceii e -in nil ted ujmii third termi proelivite and knocked that km 1 f e pheting nil to Davy Jones. Bed. Butler, lli.l M iin, Geu. N>- hv, and a ho.-t oi othei- ot same ilk, have tueii terribly outraged, and Giant ought at tie.- l < r let ,ut tin brave soger boys. In fact the dun crats played !. !>; ,-u the drd in-t. l'hey cut such vx ..- derful prank- as tu completely art, i - ish the natives, and Giant should ,i --der out the milliugurv. Hut the white 1; use man i- , .u --plelelv -cared out of hi- third tvrui boots, a? the outrage- coiuuiitted Tuv day a Week ago set iu tin- shade any thing he ever witnessed during the re bellion — tlu- xvbolo north and - uth are captured by the democrats, and ! somebody should call out the soldiers to nsiut the outrage. HIE RI-M'I.T. ! OI'INIONS OF I.J- \ 1.1 NO JOl'ltN AI > ;S. Y. Tnbunx.j It i-not anywhere a mere Demo cratic viet ry. Jt is tlie proltst ot all classes of citizens against an A Imiui tration which supp rted J.ivnc, which ! enriches Sanborn, which lobbied the Salary Hill through (.'ut.it.--, xvhuh established it- K< ii t! .x iu the S ut; j by perjured judges and misused bayo nets, and tried to sustain them by slandering an injured people, and j which had just put itself forward with , the insolent claim fir a pnjntuatioii lof power. The public had grown wtarv of six vears , f ru.c reniarkab.- for nothing but blundering and gre d. | The demand f r an indefinite exten sion of misrule xxas to much for | gOod i a'ure. It *m>< led the sharp i answer it has received. lhis" is the end of Grantism. It is net t! e revival of thcrebelh n nor the dt t;u uite rehabilitation < f the Democratic part v. It simply eliminates Grant ism fri.ui politics as an impertinent factor, and have- the two parties con fronted — so evenly matched that both must hereafter be careful to make no , mistakes. The future I clone- to the ' oue who .lull tarn it. Y. W-H4i Ho that if, amid this chorus . i na tional rejoicing, it fall* to the h>t of Democrats to lift their vi ice the high jest, it is on 1 v bnaue th< y linve hoc-n honored to be the Icadejs of the peo ple in this praytr tor at.d this work of i national regeneration. Hut the ; ground* of our exultation ure shared in common by ail go . I citizen*. The victory w-'U is u victory and n i a woe to the conquered. Our deliverance G llepublican just as much. The patriotic ma--es of the Republic i an party may indccl be thauktui that j the mad i ioting of their leaders in the insolence of office has lieen rebuked and arrested. Thefoflt-ring vxhitc- of the South so long plundered in their j property bv Radical tbitvi- and har j ritd in their pes-onj by K'dcral cm -1 i-sarics may lift tlnir heaJa 1.) gict i the rising of a better day for them as well as for the nati ti ut large. The poor negro, even lie who enst away his j ballot refusing to vote because voting i had brought him thus far no higher wagi-u, may take his -hnre in the g< n j oral joy, for with the advent of the j Democracy to the c-iUrol of the mi i tion xviil come the real "year ob jubi , Ice,' 1 when lie bIirII co longer he made the parifh of Radicalism, hut enjoy his rightful liberties without becoiu i ing the pest of the nation. Grant's pretorian (dialaiix has been j broken. His "Third Term" banner ; has beeu captured and reversed f r n scofj'and a ili.-sing. The bummers of his army, the cj.,ilcrs of tho South, have been compelled to sducken their hold wlierc the prey has nal been wrested from them. Tlie political sorcerers discover that Mnrlopism lias lost its power for a dc!ui ,not tlie defenders of tlie Republic—tho peo ple at the ballot box. Yet this only the fir-t groat battle iu a long cam paign. It is won triumphantly. Vet there are others to he won. [Chicago Tribune] Hut it would he tedious to go over the whole field. The story is the sume in each ox Uie twenty-four States that chose Ileprecert olives to tie Forty fourth Congress. The dominant par ty, by attempting t >overawe the voWr.- has met with a Waterloo defeat. It finds itself to-day fulh n from its high estate ; reduced from an allpowcrful agency in the administration of the government to n powerless minority. Could a defeat ho more complete— more overwhelming? THE DEMOCRATIC PYRAMID (MI IO TEXA3 OJ{ BOON N K V A !> A 0 e o it (; i A 1 N 1) I A N A JJ ISfjO U K I A XM M A Vlltc I N I I A K It A N S AS WIBCONH N KENTUCKET TKNNK S .8 E E LOUISIANA N E W Y O It K >1 A It Y I. A N I) U . /. A W A It K NEW JERSEY CONNKC T I ii 0 1 W EST V I It O 1 N 1 A FIKHBTI, V A X I A MASSACII U 3 E T T S N 0 It T II 0 A It O L I N A NEW HAMPSHIRE \\ c \m ultl Mto ; est tlint llutlci row jtip -illiiv i il. n -jn .it *hn| ctl vi ar 01, li -tcn.l id llutlci'- ili leal h -citing "p - li • ' aling, tli laii.lv ttrliclca tic in lit. t < tl.uigci 11.an licfoic, lie aii c ILttier, since t !*• cL< lion, Ikin to 11. i.-.l on .-puou-vittci ri'Kiviiu i: i:m 'UtiKNt i: \i BKA SEVEN DAYS ADIUFI IN A DOIO llu Cape Inn M i-- AilvcltUri :> v ■ I Ik* Jollo.v mg it. ii iU lit oi t lie i \ I'. iii iK. .1 two - tiloi.- tiiotgc M lioln il-., .I t ., ntul Jn- Au.-tin, .-1 I ivcip. il, N S ol llu .it h i i tin M'lio.itit i Marnlltoii, >l ti .ttelcr, Ma-- 'llicy left tlinl \.- -.leiiliiai.il Haul.- at hall past tour ell (lie iiljellioell ol llu- till iIP-lnilt, lot lite ptirju-M' of v isiiing tliclt Daw I*. >• n niter il li.gnti t-> blow nu.l n (ill. 1. fog at I 111. A l I V ill which Will' two id 111 - tltO W'tta paili till li hi the v. -t-1 to iheii u--i Inn.>>, but ill. \\ tup | teVi.l too rlloll, milt lilt* log h.vmut -o thick thai tin v w rc aooti j lost aighl ol lin v couhi hear th. all.iUta <1 lilcil COtlipuniollii, bill uil ell to t.aeb llu ia pi.-Vtil Ulltt\.vil li.' I acll subri.pit-lit cApcrictn-t* Ir t lm- naiiat..l : "It - it . iiiiiuiict.l mining, an.l ie I >vo UI.II laailt* up thur inin.l* to i' ill. 1.-: tluv e.ulil ill rough lite i -l;l, in h i. - to fia.l their vi.-cl HI .In ti.. i inn:', l oitunul. ly llit-fC wcic thief trawl till - "ii board ami two : li - -e w. re in ado fn-t to the j nintt i : lie .!. iv, at.d did IllOfl exe.llftit -cry .e a- drag-, ke.ping l .r head to in a I In- uigbl pu—id dnnrily, ui.l i!ny win* glad ctiougb when I meruit g dnw iicti. '1 ho fog elill con linu I (. envelop them, nnd they cou led .i t wto th.- eiirtwnrd. i\ok watch .! watch this night, in hope* 0 . i', i a gitiu|MC • i -otno light Iroiti 1 i a;! g \.—el, but their-hopes were lisapp titled. It raiced duting the i- gl.t, and iby > were fortunate u.- ugh rat.ha g- d supply f water, in ii eir remaining tub Ul' this thev liui.L paring y, and il served i i up -na-e t! e e. i .il j align e-f llUUgel ntlel ill! IS!. "On ll.c ihitd elay tlu v towed to llie to rthtte.-l ill hope* to g< l int.' the track ol liit* *teauiel*, llie i g slili II ntinued, aiul no \e-se! wa* seen, and .he) parsed another night ill *u>|k-ii*c. l'tie nun were by ibis time getting eiis.'outage*.l in ire *>pee-ially Mr. An (in, who hud c ulraeled a seVei- r- Id liie lii-t nigh', out, and was troubled with such seve re shaking of (ho limbs that be e. ul 1 not sleep. 1 he- luoru tug of the fourth day was clear, auel H t ulinued mode rat through the day. i hi# gave iheni courage, nnel although ejuile Weak, they toweel to the westward, keeping an ui-x. lo<>kou{ I* r seiti.e welcome nail, und doing their best to keep up each oth ci's i ura.e. A shark catne along side outing the- day; and they endeav < ied to catch hiiu.us they would glad i .e have partaken ul anything eatable, I but they wire uusucee--full. When llu* sun went down (lint night the j i r fed. w- fell their heart >snk with ,in item, and they thought their v ii.lUl e# . ! l . H.g p.. ke 1 Up V.cle latb. ler liui. Koberl* nauuablfJ to pa-- sonic* of tho weary hour# in sleep; but this b ton, Ie i llu most part, was tie r.jt'd i.;- ci :riianioii. l'.'ie fifth elav w ..- f ggy, an*! they i wed ac- up'ie of hours, out felt So Used Up the}' gave uj puliiug, ai.el at., tber dreary n. n ht . eliagg- d us slow hours an ng. The ,-ixth day they let the dory drift. Saw th< nun ■ uce or twice ; but n sign- f any vessel, and the night shut down again bringing -ad forth* dings. The seventh day was foggy: yet, -trange to -ay, their c- urage again ie vived. They hnd drank sparingly .1 the yv.Ae r, ami it seemed to sal-sfy the hungry feeling to a great extent, and r wing s me three tuilcs to the north ward, they put the tubs out and let ' the de.rv elriu. " 1 luir L'pgiug hi- u- u i :: ;n that ojk it In at tan be imagined t., I dtscribctl. The -u w(tatnera light* not filtv ya, i. -lisCri'. The dory hatl i been seen fr? :rt ha* ueck, ..a l!ie 1 shouts "f the in n *t n s>ioii nnfwered. Kobe it. wt. enabled to get i-n board | without help, but it ret|uired the as ,-istnnce of two of the .learner's eu w Ito get Austin on board. It proved to be the oeeati steam, r (Jrecce, an J tliey were kindly care-! for by her captain and < iiieer.y r.n-1 !)•• "areful nureiug were well-nigh recovered upon iurui rival jfi New York on NYtdtfi s-thiy last. I pun leaving ||tp stianicr the men were presented with tweuty dol lars each, a gift from her officers and ' pm-rcngcra." A RIIL'TAIs MURDER. J'aul, November '2. —Last night a bluooy tDurdvr vas committed on leiilh street, Ihi.- e.ily. Jo.-epii, Eich ( and wife, on returning home about ten o'clock, jrera set upon by Cleorgo I.auchteitH'hiager and (Icorgc Rnpp J and hi* wife, who were evidently lying in wait. Mrs. .Lick was murdered on 1 the spot, the instrument used being a hatchet, which was afterward* found She was teriblv mutilated. Mr. Iluj.p and wife set upon Mr. Lick, the man with a tinner's soldering iron, the wo man with a knife. Lick, proMrate, i was turned over on his face in a sinali - rreek running through the yard, and t Ilapp stood tlpoji the It..eh of Lick's neek to hold Ids face in the Water tin til straiignialii n should ensue. Ilapp was ft iglitened by approaehing foot steps. Lick was picked up insensible, but may yet die from his wounds. He docs riot yet know that his wife is dead. The coroner's jury returned a verdict of wilful mtinier ngainst all ol the assailants, w ho are in custody. • ♦ • A DISGRACEFUL EIGHT- A MAN'S FACE RATTER ED HE i Y0K1) RECOGNITION. It appears thut Bowery theatre, O, ! tober dli, ill the evening performance, advertised a piece called "Life in New York," for the benefit of a prize fight !' ior called Edwards, in a spurring ' malcb to ( le hit J between this person I', and a man named "Jb iddier, ' Henry I ft He-*t >yas not up to time. AT last, 'j however, wliCg i;p a nuuj eallej , llogan, with the sobriquet, of (SaliJt y, '1 substituted >'> hi* place, lie descended ( from Ihe ( liitary and contested with | Edwards. i At the word "timo" (lit) lierculoan *' "Fiddler" aitued a blow with a list [ like a sledge Edvards step- .. ped aside and struck Ne'arf a ft pgfal 1 blow ou the sitle of the face. TlieJ v men then closed, and a terrific rouud (, ciidtil with the tali of both, KdwarUa uppermost Six rounds billow, d , n.. " l i.Mle i" lin.ling lii*< antagonist in ic killtul than hinivill, stopped <*p:.i ling al't.r the second round, ami light to tin *w I'ld w a ills. At length • In- gi> w r. * Kot -ever al miuut. * the uproar was <> great I that ! c coul.i not muke himself heard. W In n it * to!. .1 I . walked to tho front and panting t r lir.alh said: Ciehtle in. it. I hope this will be n lrs.-..n to ( Kiddler' Meary, ami the next time ' he pi .tin >ta to put < II the gloves with ine 1 go*-* he will k*ep his word." THE lit K> I Nt! COAI, MtNL The ii. lining Mm. in I'eunsy Ivania t^uniclod 11-.w S.ieuc. Im,nip!,, .d o\* r Nature. , - Waal PitUtos, x. *. lui-.-i i i i..- i.re 11. , lilo ' I ..II lug mim I. Ht !-t . .IHjUerefl. .; l i e elii|.l,.y Hit i.t of -leaill by the I.t high . ami \\ liketharre coal c. n.|iiy in exlin gubloag llie Km).iie mine fire has |.rve-i , awe. . . whirl, luuat be of incalculable y ne net ahi. it. I'.niiaylvaaia, hut in lain.i k ib-'.ri.-|- . .crywhere. 1 lie Story IS > lie full of fas. ination klld ■!'Vatu- w.o.inview of the Vague Mid 1 cut i.-us ic. aa l w hat flr ein lit# laifiea real ly am- ur.lt tn t forth by comuienD on ; th.- wi a tin a ot the mil * I ■g- -is The c. neral thought see in* to h jf -. vein of cut burning it-.lf out in cer tc-tricl. I limits, - l : ai'-ual. .1 thai a kllraio • ! Water could be easily turmd in, it * I- C\'bt|>alaliv. ly iow |-er ' o-n. ire aware of th. absolute necessity of conquering .t. in. oh h-k "o t merely heavy • i| . i. Mure, but ii warfare taxing to the 1 uliii -t the inventive and executive ability j of tnen familiar with mines and engineer *l m• ' Dn th. hillside, licrhapi a mile front > wi.e.'e w. Stood, was the tucutb of a slope lioju wi.oii npties now abandoned, wire - formerly worked, afterwards un-J a- an - up-cast for purposes of ventilation in con -1 necti- n with b ler* below These boiler* . w. rc placed near the he.id of Empire Lpe - N . whoh-. l Irads further down into i newer w-rn g. Near the entran.. to the • hope sL <1 aw., ien stack li.< h. at 1 a. . I . , Oil tile -it', of last D< cilliber. WBtJisa . covered t ' I-. u flam.*, doubt'-- ~ .arried ■ tip t it aim >( ii.stanceusly fr-.n. lire origi- Dialing al the boiler- TkldpMllpMWn 0.,.h j side of the slope had been walled up with t '.e, bu: w.th J r.i .y few occasional ne . ci -.ary entrai.ee to the old w rkii.gs, and r the i.re had comtm J.lcated atonce through '-h.se d-.-rs with the t'.mlwr Hippofta* , stretching in ail direction* through the ,al at.-, .1 : I :• , s . thai It " gh olti.. rt and m. u Werepr- ruplly on the . r '. ir. i. cl at t!.,- .< ry Ur*l by at ir.it j ol iLi.-e, like that which th. lake wind* w.jt v.rClo.ag , . jrr.. -I plhr.-igl. * - -go !.•> . f I,'J* ~ ! -U: what was air. ad;, a stream of ire wn a level of 2o*'> !< ct, at a fil .mb'me n. ght fall, ! !.-w the s;-. -. whi re .hey stood. \\ s!.-r was p. r.-d into the si ;-e fn-n. a reservoir ! ye, t-.d turr-.d • t. 1-. 1. w lr<>m the wa ': r i i|-e lint fed the boilers, .< *oonas they i could be reach. -1 through tho nearest shaft with it* connecting gangway, while every t . llort was i.-ol to cut off air from the fire witho-..', d->ti • y.ng th. vei-lilal- nrecc-sa iry for the w rk.r Hut at thecnj of three • hour* the !.;■ Ml in, shutting th. fsrein I from ahoy,-. \l th, r ' se .( Ksl-iiorr f*. is* :'<-r *' , it 'Jv f, t. t.a'i be, n securely cn ji--I. P' J th? Ed me J tuar. *-hea and and ■ £t>> iokeji tbajU-- ftof <•* I the i-!J a - rki: jt !>• tb, u > ,1 am abut to tall This had been so ]irov idrj for at to ititure il ~ mitjt quli-ily, but the men, f? arinj{ the rci.rutiian ,f air which r,u't* i\ i ont fall ,an t which !r:\, , v -:i i id, dear* like plaything* before it out of the uiitit * r,-fu< i to remain. Watchers were rtaliotied at afv ditlai.- • *. hut tin- (all -■am . ••>::*. Iv that they wete unaware of t t.'n Match j the ,:;d tl at it i ua over, but ~-hile tlib wete •the lire i :t through tho open space ir.d - \-r, l it* < nnn.il dimeiisi- -. air , urrcntr were reversed , ei'nncctii.g i-stugo clotcl , r<' imperative thaltbu tnitic h,*. I.- wis ."*. jtsMl, urgi -1 the trial of **"~ From I the tg:,i ... ' th if M-irch it *< toted in space* still wcio*--,. • -c" ,;.:in!v . urri-unJing the - t-t woi-kiny- w .tscoipislet- | ' ,-il with i ag-r hate ; all cave holes above wro tightly packi-J with clay, a Angle airway, to be afterwards gradually tic.-- t, ■done remain in. The steam from eighteen boiler* was driven down through pip, al ready ii.M-rled, an- 1 early in May all eye* lookcl their joyful farewell to the tiro. At ■hut timo the thermometer attached to the t; ->e* registered ITI degree* A month Idler the to .<>r Mr,.: n **a cold. The jstewiß, bowewer, will bo k^tcoai h4 un til the f.r*t of January next, to provide | i,gi.jtu! any possibility of lurking dan-< Igur. Tllii SACIUFK K FOR SINS. The Rev. Dr. (Jervaise Smith. Sii sureties in the c..minor chil world and In,stag. * i" war, toil thocx pitil.n I. . (t. f..n il it ha* „ nc of the.e tnnrl.s iiii lot uia.lt* hy im i own will. In came il i> i Ij;lit or (lint the . ml# of |Mpititi,.i, for our mi* i. nnd as in the >m iHoe•! J • nn, dentil * rthl. . it kiitfui. There it but -i -- .-uiril.il- '1 ho people are apt to suy., ""I In-:o slaii la in lit ai n n Ulnb n" if "it !ind In i n ilnin Tbero la n> if The Ulnb ttnlldi the anlilo to-day a* it did on tnli.i i Jrsui lake* in ill* I.nnd the' celt-< r* >.f ull, and put* llit-in nt ilio foot-! atool oftiod. Jeu* wa. installed in mod i int. -1 ml .Lgi.-l. at ll.c r -lit hand of God.' Stephen. .lying, a.iw Jesus nt tlio ri||lit] iininl ol God The mediatorial |>otluro ia - tliii, ' Ilii nt down lie canto to aecom-' idiili an object, nnd having accomplishedj In i- turn.d t liii at iding place Then li a further thought of reit in an object ac. coinjdlibcit 1 lie nielli cumeth when no limn ilmil wore " J. au* ilia until the judgment, when Ho will toward the g,„„l and pulnali tbo evil door*. Filially, the i Vic lit ol tbo i cation id our ell CIII lei W bol are our cnciuict ' S.u und Satan oppose, u- 1 t.nili ia our dual 100 There i* a' word which indicate! the conflict will be severe. I ill t i- llu li lenrful tbecotlU-il tbl tuore glorious the victory Wo tay u inati WHt 'oiic|u- red when he died, but you nev er . row u tin- vanquished. It i the demon you im! overcome. "I ron, henceforth expecti*ig." Christ is currying out the great work anj bring ing th.-w-r!! . -t yet most ll,Hill .ti t earing oli the world's salvation. To en. b ot us is g.i en n mis-lon to - >mc !• preach, l> some the Car# ol the young or sick or dying He I .a. si t tic-lore you your w.uk and tits on the throne expecting you to do t; Do ynu refuse* Then some one else that day, When the •hall hear the! Word* "tt.i d'liif Conceive the feeling*' ' f thai n>an Who know* then he ha* not dii.thi-duly My brethren, we tuiiitnon | y. u to the battle ol God Almighty sl NS OF OMISSION. 'lhe Kv. Chat. S. Ilobiton, D. D.,j t reached In the Prvbytorian Memorial' Church. He cho for hit teat "Tohlnn that kl. ueth to do and doeth it not, t. him it i in," Jamea iv., 17 Dr. Rob i: on taid tubtlannally \\ heli the Aptotic John, wiio tceiiit t* get.lie, hi* akt .ut 111 ;b et|>reiun, "It, w i ay that we have not tinned we tuakej l •! a liar, un ! IIi word it not in ut," ut ' are ttarth l We in*ttnrtirely look at th t onnectlon of tuch teiit< ncet to tee if we may not hate mitt:, ken the meaning When * u r< t.d aitau. "It we ay we hate fellow h 11 ■ with tiod and walk in •iai i.t,e>. we lie and do not teS! the truth, >ut h tt.it- ■> i-tiU app* at to u> all toniewhat .it rente. It alwavt turpriiet ut b> find at. habitually mi' 1 man using tuoh ttrong iai guagi Hut it we are forced to the con vu lii n that he it in earttol and really meant what he tayt, then wo forg*l the >to aki-r in the tioiei.ee of the tettlltuuliL \V begin U> ttubhoraly deny the rharg. lie tay* "It we tay that we hare no to w - de.eire e.jrtelvei, and the truth u not' it. u> But even tbit doet not take offthi l.ar|. edge altogether, for we have no i. Hot ~ ufe art to utterly deceived The. fail l* undeniable that mult met. have t.o true conviction ol jertoi.*| guilt, iu< h a demandt igt. ram ef*r an apology . r of. fen it at an exculpation. At a.l event*. W I tt'< l.i I 1 l.g ttl. 'kitto \ , t 1 th it the mere feeling of injustice under th. . we. pitig condemnation it equivalent to plunging hack upon the Divine Being who mndi ut, the arcuaalion of biiutolf bearing; fait* wilnett. It it j robahle we make two n.utaket at once. Wed - Dot atl inj t to add up tiir ruitnbffr of our actual trantgr. ttiont, and we do not remember thatn oi-performanc* of right it the tame :• real wrong. It be comot evident that ail th*' tacr* : writert liav e another tlandard than ourt by which they more accurately regiitor the hein ounet i f human conduct in the tight of a p.ire (Jod. The fear i*. in every cxhibl* tioft *-f ll.Hi' rn p. nubility for behavior, that many a one will befound who it at tempting to pax ail particular* by and tak atv .-el (aliafaclion in confe*ing gen era' H" will admit tJiat he i a tinner I *.rl!s; ►. Everybody It. He lupp t* he, U*uy . ..-e Lr. kt l. the L .aiogui.'. IjiHyitu' wi . ..it him '■ i vam to m n t' c n,< luandiuent. Sometime*one will achnuw!-' edge that he It rtpoacd !•• the curie ol the law In the tame moment, however, he i* prepared to luake a aland of denial at each precept in turn. And he actually appeart tincere. H may ta. committed tin, hut no tint, lie it defiled, but not exactly blameworthy. S'Uie people there are who have choice in the parti of Scripture they read *i ! ( y t!.i. i the \ tx>l!c John u myttica' Mmn.a.t., atiu iv.. eun.e* * trcutc in hi* View! Thv'V tonrtder- the *\pc:c!j. 1 au. n.etaphy*!. id. and they quote hi quite holp-J ful in lUeir judgment, tile rioting remark) ■ f the Ap'*il.i I'. Ur. who tan! Ihit hi. "beloved brother Paul' tpoko of "om. thir.gt hard to be underttood " On the whole, th y appear'■> like he*t the Apot tie .lame* Ha it practical lie hat th -r ougli common teioe. He doet not run off into pbilotophical ditquitiuont concerning faith. H*' note* what a virtuout man doc*, ltd givet him touie little de. ei.cy *•( (NM it l, i *irlc. I ehavior Ktpecially men ! oftheworl i, of c- nit'. I.H t-:.J u. M temper, have ahigh"fejf>;iai forthi* sober minded nin. New it ii not nece*srv f.'r me Iti re to combat or adopt thi* peroral i 'limit!** of littf one .plttii which this itit i iplo <>f uur Lord wit inspired to ten J to the churches. I only t>ue to congratu lute my hearer?- u|ior. the fact that our text to Jay w*< penned by a writer to popular The ver*e will undoubtedly sound like a favorite quotation from a welcome chap ter: 'tu hi:;, t'— t knowcth to do go<>d, and doelh it not, to him it I'll' now that the qlle-tion of tulhorHiip it ; a- • J, and the t - re i> thoroughly bonA tm.i.iji.ii pj mmT ftljdy, Ac J.I Ijot teem to have made ntugtt ylvantq. It wjjl ijot Jo to array this Apotlln against the not. lie *av* precitely what the other# Jo, hut what i- tii re to the p'-int, he actually ro prat?- here the declaration f his Lord and ur a to the fuel that not doing our duty i* the tamo at positive doing of wrong. The two clattet of people C'hriat nddret-ei at the judgment day differ in the formula, thi.*. "'r.i'uiineli a* ye iliJ," and "Inn*- lmiili it- ye uiu It t—t 1 ' t :>* thou who "aiif It nut" who had U take their placet upon the left hand. It K evident; that tlti t• \t contain* a new but very plain definition of tin. This aixiipt, \ er-e a —i-M tl.at a man in hold retpon-ible for not doing a duly iutt at a ft r tra: ■ gu.. iii' a law. that he become* ropn*ible the instant lie k..->w.> u hat tin* duty and that each individual t- re-pontlhlu for hi- own conduct It teems clear that be fore we can settle the moral slate of any given individual, we shall ho compelled! > take into consideration hi* lack of position, I obedience, and aervicc, when tested by the! light In- hit- received. In nothing else] doit sin di-play iU-atailic origin and na ture - i evidently a* in its Imkuwu yowenj ••f ma ir." it, ul? in tpd upon a human soul 1 without that soul s pei.