The Centre reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1871-1940, November 05, 1874, Image 3

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    THK CRN f 11E H!•:PORTER
t3ur friends wilt oblige tv sending n
items ot Incut new* in their locality, si*''
u# the fuels only, nnd ue will put them >'
shape, also notices ot death* and niirri
Any one sending u the names oi >o • •
with the cash, will be en tiller
to receive the RitroKTFK one year free.
The Hrpokikh being read by ncai v
every body <>n this ai.lo ot the county
where it h* , > a larger circulation than any
two papers, wilt be found the best mediun
for advertising hu*ine*, sales, ,te. Ac
X"ext SlbMh Rev. t.reh will ad
minislcr tbc Lord's -upper in the Ref
cburch of this place.
-The Wm. Keller farm, near thi
place, wa* bid up to $lO4 per a. re, at tin
sa'e last week, but w... not knocked . it
—-La-! Friday the weather took a
change, and became raw and -tormi tin
Saturday is-e formed around the water
-Our formers arc welt on with corn
hasking—they made good use of the tine
weather for out do. r work
Wonderful wlat a nice ;.vk .1
g.vds a: Wm. Wolf* old stand, V big
ru-h there, and 1 irgain- to be had.
The long evenings are coming,
" w hen all have time to read Now is U •
time to subscribe for the Reporter, wh .
furnishes more readi: g matter than i e
teuths oflhe papers.
At tiratTs, I'ei ue Httl, a large -lock
of near goods has just been receive. l i '
people of that neighborhood wf.. ; • d ;.i-t
anything th-y want there and Mr. 1 ishe!.
just the man t.> ?e!l to tl.em cneap. ii
see the new good-.
—t'apt. Lytic, of wa> ar- j
re-ted on Friday ev cu ng by the I J-. i
Marshall and lakt-n to WilftMMpMt, on I
the eh**e of tampering with s.-ldier'- j
pension japerr. We are • rrv t' r the j
c.ptain, and trust he may establish bis
Maj. Wii-onand P It Wils, : . e:
ilellefonU! pa-sed here on Monday, tor j
Sspring Mills, to ts up the paper- 1,-r thej
Spring -Miii* property, whi.ii they pur
eha-. .t of 11. It Duncan, for f m.ixy. , em
prising the mansion, store, hotel, in:'.!, j
a >1 IT acre* of land.
An alaiosl fatal poisoning case • -' .111 .>n >*lur\lav \\ .. .
K -.uhutb, son 1 oac-ob KistchulU, whiL
preparing an elf. r*i?-:i-.g ilr -.; .;).! >•?
da-water, by m >:lo Unk urtxrio a i.i in
v* of by -arb ale of p.'fas-u. a: .1 drank
a portion, leaving the r.-mainaer i> hi
little sifter Ewn;s. They however, >AK>II
discovered their mistake, a- violent vom
iting ensued, and thee b tea me very -it*.
l>rs. Musser A Mingle were summoned,
in a short time both were unto:,-. fi
nally their pulses ceased to beat, and life
Mas pronounced extinct. Shortly after,
however, evidences of life were noticed,
and their pulees began to Wat, and finally
arr.i.d to cotu i When last heard
from they were pronounced out of danger,
and on a fair way of recovering.
Fine weather—one of the finest falls
on record, only a little raw and blustery
on Saturday and Sunday last. The air is
Air. YVm. B. Shafer. f Madisoi:-
burg, writes u the follow ing cireuu.sta .
A chicken lawk came to ' i •. day,
week before last and made a rai l on a
1 rv d ol young thicke;and while thi
0 i hen was fight.rg the hawk, uiy wife
wsaw iho.bau.e lioiicred at them, but
t. : awk would not cave, and .-;.e man
aged te ,a; lure Lilii. We ii:. ;.r.- rieJ 1 -
hawkihip four or five day. and thin be
was sentenced t • die. the execution
place on the sixth day. The bird measur
ed 4 HntS WdMa from tip to tip of tie
We thi.- week purchased a little box
containing hemmer ai.J binder in -ett#.
for-owing machine-, and recommend thi.
same to every £*m y having a sewing m
chine ; for of ail the useful attachments to
tewing machines the-e setu will be found
the latest and Mat Metal. No bt|ah u i
be w:i ut a . .-t. cid w... a Mr I f)
1 e a ;-a ; -r ■; g
ar und, don't fail to buy a bo*.
Being frequently u.-kei concern ii.g
the railroad work, we can only give lh:-
in formation. The w rk between Laurel
ton ar.d Pady mountain has been going cm
all summer, but oniy with a SIIM.I forc-.
Toe Wa r* at Pady mountain ai. J this side
of it, ws are assured, u il! be resumed in
the spring, which will be equivalent to a
c- nq let ion of the road into the valley a
far as new graded.
Kve. the boys < four t. wn t - ■ U to tu. ning
things up-ide down generally. W<- sup
pose ether places Were pc-t-rrc in like
manner, and found things at wrong plan -
on holiday morning We wish to say here
to boys that there i- away, upon such o -
Vision. to have fun, without doing injury
to the property of their victim-. Breaking -, fences. wag >tis, and otherwise darn-
US'' if personal property, should not be in
dulged in, and it does rot at all come in
the lire 1 f.porf, it belong- to prison ff-r.-
At Aaronsburg, we learn, the boys did
some mean things, on Hollow Eve. :n -eg
which was to offer a gross insult to the
worthy Lutheran mini stir of that place,
thow irg dirt and manure against his house
defacing the house in a shameful man
ner .Steps will be taken, as we are infirm
cd to bring the perpetrator* ot the act to
REMOVAL or DITR PINY. According to
nn English journal, the difficulty of re
moving hard putty from a window sash
can le obviated v.itli great readiness I
simply af plying a piece of heated metal,
such 8s a soldering-iron or other similar
implement. When healed (but n.-t red
hot) the iron i* to he passed slowly over
the putty. thereby rendering yhc latter so
soft that it will part from the v.nod with
out any trouble.
Subscriber* to the Reporter, resid
ing outside of Centre county, should re
mit us 10 cents, yearly, for postage which
we will pay here ; this reduces the postage
to one half. a- the sum (.aid by them for
one year's postage was 20 cts.
£aP Any ope wishing to trade a good
one horse sleigh on corn, will apply to W.
A. Cuiy, ct Centre llall. 22 < et 4t.
Sales of Farirs advertised in Repor
The farm of P. Ilur.-t, dee'd, in the
Loop, will be offered at public sale again,
Nov. 7. Il'not sold on that day it will be
offered for rent at public outcry, Ne ad
vert isomer, t.
The sale of farm, in l'otler
twp., has been postponed to Nov. 13.
The nicest and cheapest picture
f unit*, nil styles and sizes, at'a.
Evans farm, Potter, private sale.
The Keller farm and Foster farm, near
Centre Hall. Oct 29
-1X Ah SUPPORTER ofl'ere.fto the i uh
r.L, v,Ulj firs fuii assurance of the most emi
nent physiciarts arid surgeons in the pro-
Cession that they Would supersede- all metal
of other Instruments in use, for the relief
and cure of Hernia. Prolapsus Ut ri, and
all Abdominal Weaknesses. The great
number of radical cures they have effect
ed, justify (be confident prediction
made, and has demonstrated the fact thai
rupture can be surely cured without sutler
ing or annoyance, and without the dungi-i
of incuriiig .Spinal Disease or Paraiysi
often caused by the severe pressure o
Metal Trusses and Supporters. ZELLEK
&SON, Druggists, Bcjiefor.te. SoleAgrco
A ug 27 3sn ,
Friday nigbt 30, the borough of Selins
grove was visited by perhaps the most de
strueiive fire that it has ever suffered, sonn
ly buildings, in tlia principal bu-iues
purpiop baying heen consumed,
t The oew elevator of the Wttbasl . C.'in
pur.y in Toledo, the largest iu the world,
holds 1,200,000 bushels ol grain.
Centre County Election, •Yoreinber \riL 1874.
I, umii Audi- Seo'y Sup. A dil t'o it- Nona* Dim
tiov tur Inter. Jun 'aw *!• Inr A-■< ••*)•'> Alt \ Ct>in f
TltK roi'M V 1874 (jo n. a turn Judg
:I - >I H I RI K T, < £ C > K K 3S 9? ' £ i T "| -
for IST- blr. i - 5' i - i! ? ... -* VI- . ? ' 1 . .j -
ttoßortuis >. " ■l■? i ' V I i ' -I ' ?j j * ! ' j
11 _ ! I £ 1 S. x ' i 1 o K v . w1 •
AMI c "-- 1 •" \ j ... :| I v ■ _ n? J p " j f
TOWNSHIPS. -; ~ ! ! J w
t>2 .VS.. W u r.i •" "I 1 I . • >' H ... t" m 11 * ■
IU 10# is.-:li.fv.nt s Ward S lift] ... || {•*; ! J**! {* • ,**l ''ft
140 vi \ \\ ~ 111 s • ! I 1 Ni IN' 4o U rt> ll' It*. .1 111 M
m • Mile-burg lt*rough ... , •••• ! I j I I 3 ; -J J J |
v. rviit . as 1 ..... jri m * w 2 5 I V* ;J S2 M
2 U... Howard Borough!. T I I 40 * 40 "j*l * ! JH , *
16# IIV. Philtpahurg Borough | • 1 - 1 "'
Vii p> cc- nv> if.i .. . ..
iw ito Uoiui.<r 122 :s .. | ii- w I-*.- vi w fi-* > i;i i s,. :i u.
tturnsidc .. j ■ :
; s Ourtin . a; V". II : -> --V. t jV . .„ .. 21 ...
're ->i (Vt.-ii" 4i aw s Vi -m* i t :* si pis i- '-in 41 2w ' i '-i s H: , ■" mi . -jut PC. ||.tin,'- I.J I,VI li! l3 J 163 62 11 1 I'm 1.V.1 j| It'ai I.J 164 I'j 162 161 6'J 161 I'.J I 1 I
si iiaiinu>>.it •....... t. . . i i ; j
J4 > IT I tlarrn , 1 j . I
106 <*• l |'. ••• 1" M I !' I s "" ' *" 1" ®0
IP I .V. ilu.ton .... • ~ I , i ;
IST .Vi l.ibort.v TT II ■ •*
-II S'-i M i ... •• i
•J >1 Mi.- - '24S '-l' - '-' l.i .<J V'li 21'.' I _V4
lift *V4 Putt,>ii j •
;u; 'J> ' IV-ii V•> ■' r 'js 'is? *js - J.'T vvs JHA j '2S V'Ji. In VII v> V.- U V.. J): V.. VVi •_> v.h
1 , Pi>:!. 117 at*?' 11? '*'? 116 '.is 117 kC. i lIA 2w HI VTA lis a" P.M. VX, son •.•; avi; jvii a.
pj6 ).=.' Kmh ...' !■ *• 1
HO 10V Snov% Sti.H' .. .. i
PC. 11 Spi j,,. 127 ivy i lAT W AH &A I I.V t£t 1 i 12i |; li! 4 PJq
4S 4i Tvlor J I
II.; im„ Unit.n Sft s • .. .... .. . | s " V. i s> as , k. .* v, hs m, at,
US lncS W*lk.T 50 IS4 I I .... ' I Ml IS4 A| IST i it 134 | AO 1341 133 I 132! uj
2 — --■ --H 1--! _ J I -1 I - ! .._
Tlio whole lleniot'tiitic eouiilv ticket is elected hv from ">(K( to 7tM) noijoril v
The Kleetion
The "Indo|ietident" lling Movement
Squelched by the JVojilt*.
rax I*l- rI.E PKTKKMIMP T.> UA\K TlteiK
Ru-h Til Dell ocrrtic tuaj.
Hiiliji-buro, Orvts 1 maj.
Orvis inaj. tn Haven 2t>o.
C'i atou Co. Orvis un.i Muck
er I'IUU Liberty tup. and lialil 1 - <gle
Valley have Miurg around detuo
Mackey # maj. in L ck Haven 440.
("iiarlielil 10U0 mi stuti', Mickey
1300 mnj. t.'rvi- over 700, Wallace
'Z-- / ■
■ . - --* ! — I I
3F~7 X
f /
M . higsn and lion -m have .* lie le"' , -
Mm key"- majority in the Ji-ir.ct w 1 he
Pennsylvania g >e diino rati- by 1 •to
New Vor g- crat in by 4* 00l
It-.tier is :. at in Vln. sachusett. ; large !
ien ■. -,t gains 111 M --.ichu-i-t's.
Philadelphia probably g u.e denn cri.! ,
and Bill AI 'in defeated.
\V! A ■ v .nder's piperknnw-enough
id -u! Kurt:-, to -end hnu tt> tne penitent) 1-
rv, the di.-tri. t doe. net kfiow enough
ah'ii tCy-e', : i him to Congre--
AVl)a-h Cvse areepted tlo- mi. 1' -up
port, and al!>-r '.< l! 1 i< inntioi. ma i- ::|> hi
mind to bi their ■ a: delate, he declared
triumphantly "the babe wa- t,.rn
Vi -, j thing, i' -"h rn to its grave
Pi-nnsvalley democrat, -o));! up to the
work gsllantlr. There wa- in t in .ch
sympathy f.r tin: di-organig r. IV:.n
valley never falters: although there a
iarg vote | aek lit the majority i. as n-u
--al, with the effor- i f the liU- rganig n to
conteiid with.
Tl.e mi are-! ah-J i' we t slanders ti at we
ever knew of in ~r 1 ,1 mj u'gn, were cir
culated .r. j i( ers hi .i, - t<•.. J ire M • k
ey; fraudulent tu-ki :- w. re circuiati-d to
cheat him. This wu- in keeping with me
of the men who ari-ted th<- di-orgnnizers.
Hie-e thii gsoidy m ide M.-i key -Tonger.
Tn colond funnel- o: iii rie County,
Alu., refu- -1 to :.i- lg ,i. !e, hut held a
private and exciu-ive agrietiiturul fair of
their own
Physicians are -) eiulaling upon proba
ble piirn.y-i- occu-iohed by eating fruit put
up in lead (ari- m alid -..h impure or in
suffi ii-nl tin.
A porker who in her day had been the
mother cf I'.', pigs -Pi the great- rt number
at on. time- -WHS killed in Roynlton, Vt.,
ag.-d J year-.
f-.jt.hsl 1 . lliri e of llum, weighing llbl,
137, und l-.'.M pound-, r.-pectiv.-lv. have
been rai-< d thi year by Jnmi - Arnold ot
Olmsted County, .Mir-m -utn
A Te:i Haute, let being able to
collect a hil for SHi I gain-I n doctor, con
cluded to take it in pin sic. H,. I,at a good
deal (of flesh) I y the operation
A potato wi ighirg four |oiitids K.tly
Rose) hi * Inn raised by Louis Hm ~n . f
East Piaiiic, Mini.►. te. Tie dislanee
round it tbe ru an way was lio im In .
At the fair of the Afu-<atine Iowa)
Agricultural Asm i iatii n, a young tni-s
rode a fiery and tint; 11 edstc. d, hiidleless,
round tlo* ling, only the Hiiitnal
with her whip.
Ali 'al N wi in ! R I. j f*pi■ itUulist has
removed the b< oy .f hi- f„iher from the
sopulcher v here it had rp.-tpd for XOy.-ai*,
in response to a e. II inunii alioit from tl.e
depart-.i, who complained that the grave
wa- damp.
There i-an old Indian in Kansas uho
lia- been nicknamed "Did Prob." When
Hsked to prophesy of the coming weather,
he sagely and safely say*. "Mebbe snow;
mehbe heap d— hot. Better wait little,
you bet."
Inscription upon the wall in nn eating
house in Ft. Howard, *N the line of the
Chicago and North-West, rn Railway. AH
meals taken in thi- house will be 75 eenis,
regardless of age, sex, business, nationali
ty, polities, religion, or previous occupa
tion or condition of sert itude.
Tite Pre-ideiit has recognized Will
'am f oppe'iiger g consul general <>
Ldi-ria to the United Statefc ot'rVlpei
>' Elilt ASK A.
| ... .A —— IJI-I
len n s.uui IV, |i'e in u Starving
t 'oiiiiitiou.
Omaha, October, '-T Infoi(nation re
I eeive.l from the SOttth w e-tern part tf Ne
braska, -' .wt ■; thou-atids id people are
in ast ining c<>! di'.ioti One informant
1 -aw 1 ,'iy who f,.r iuy', hud nothing to
lat but rnk ! q . .h and pumpkin and
-it, .. *,al .thi- who ta.l In til on tak'J
fi ur a,! Water.and I'll a* 110 aI a dnv tor
wi ek- Ten i-atid p< i-ple in this State
wi.l lie. .1 a d - itE, tent to keep them friim
-tariut oti and be :g !lvat! 11 to uaull, this
wmter. llundrnl- of people are naked
avion the brink of starvation, and witb
oul i.)a*uiis to leave the State.
Bcr. ■, f ; ii. •>, l'n • Kmtier r Wil
liam 1 r tten a reply t • the I'.ipe - lust
ho, pr, testing against the ; 1 r-t 1.:. !
of the German bishops. The Kiuperor
says Germany ha- dote all in her |K>wer to
1 ivat peace ili the Church of Ron
but tint ■ - 1 ut.J to protect th-' State
against the 1 iolent attacks and conspira
cies of the clergy.
Hot g Aotig. August There us a
tii . when piracy in the Chinese waters
wa* accepteil by the authorities here as
q . tea matter •! coure, but it i <0 lnx
since whave been treated to a piratical
diversion that llu" i-pi-.ule which 1 am
ah ut to i! 1 le li al - lutely tak< n its
all by surprise the n.ttiii no le-s than the
for. gner-. The Hong Kong. n and
Mae.l Steaiiih ut C"i panv d >es a large
carrying bu-iie-- it the inland waters of
China It- st- .tmi r. the Spark. Captain
Bra-ly, which left Canton for Mara > on
the just one w ■ ek ago to day, carried
uiAirtM) Chinese pas-engers, and but one
Euro;,, an, 1* • Mutely, who I rlglpally
Cnn.t', I heiieiA from Manchester, hng
iuii : I'rior to the tailing of the Spark. *
rumor was :V at ng nr. und Canton that a
iiiy wealthy C ineso gambler would be
lie ei Ik r pis tigers, and that hi- money
was to go w.t!i him It is supposed that
thi- rutie-r wu- '.lie liiiinediate incitement
to tin jiiraey which foil wed. If this be
true, the thieve# were sadly disappointed
in the am oirit of the spoil*. Be this a* it
may. it s certain that about twenty-five
ruffi.iii* t k |"istnge on the tteniu-r with
the prenn l.tated design of capturing and
r.fiing h-r. a;. 1 that they lucietlel in
tin .r ut 1 .. :ii| t. af . r murdering and wound
ing -.i-rai ,'f the passenger# A'! went
v I . hoard the until she had
in.; le n. ir'y half her journey up the Can
to:, Kiier.n) i wn- near Laukit Then tile
sc ii' Ire'- s'oi'eeli'd themselves together
in t e . :ibln an, <l-hi| , nnil begnn a sham
jjurr- , in i*!i . (: r.ives were drawn. The
first ninti wu- < nt below hvCaptairi Brady
pi q 1 ! the ili-t irhanee He wa* immedi
atidy nt!n kid, and sent bleeding bask to
the dei k. Then Captain I'rady and Mr
Mundy dei ended. They were i.Wo.ed
with revolvers, bqtth" pirate* gave them
no 1 nance to use them, i lie moment they
appeared thev were -,urr •uride.l on all
-.di , Captain Brady •, stabbed four
times and his pi-tul taken from him. Thus
d.s imed lie m anaged to crawl back again
to t:o le- 1., and from there to his cabin,
where h- ws> a'lerwar !• fund deu i. Mr.
M unity assi-ted by some of tho pas-ongers
fought bravely in the bold. But lie wn.
s. n overpowered He wu- stubbed three
lime-, once in the neck, and finally knoek
ed -en-")**-- 011 the bloody deck. Four of
the passenger- were killed and several
wounded. Then fear overcame the ret
and limy submitted to the pirate*. Mean
time the mat • nnd the pur-er, overcome
by fright, had i -uped overboard The innte,
nilhoug!i severely woumlid, managed to and float for over two hours, and was
pu k.- ! up by -i Ch 1 e-e junk. The pur
ser sunk like a .-tone the moment he touch
ed the water. Thus all v.lio held any
authority in the steamer were dead or had
deserted h< r, and tli' 1 pirate* wei- roin*
pl.-te master- .f the situation Thr *< ••
on board, a- dc-cribe.l by eye- w >tn,
wa* t-rrihle. Tit- deck of the hold wit,
slippery with blood. mid the upper dock
wa-disfigured by largo Hot*. Mr Mundy
lay uiicon-tiuu- in a j..... I ..f hi, own blood
ninl Capta.n Brady lay d-nd in hik own
cabin The )•:. -enger:. and crew
t-rror-kirit ken on rite blood-stained deck
of the I- Id. Tin- pillage began Every
thing of value . taken from the pii*on
ger-. Women were abused and maltreat
ed. and th-ir ornament' taken from them.
One wretch fairly tore the earring* from a
woman'* enr. When everything had heen
11ken troru the passenger* they were bat
tened d-wn in the ho'd. and the afler-cab
in wu* piling. <l. The thievei wanted notlw
ing but money anil jewel*, and tho liter
chandi.e, ir eluding a large .piantity ol
.ilk, tun 1-ft untouched. About SIO,OOO
wm secured, one half of which Wa* in
11.0 g Km g and Shanghai bank-note*
The |.i'ti'. remained on the steamer sev
eral hour*, and iinally left her for a Oh:-
rii -ejunk, which Wu* evidently waiting for
tlx in. The fireman and one of the pilot*,
who haJ managed to hide during the
trouble, took the slentncr to Macao. Tin
authorities Were at once notified, and a
Portuguese, English, and Chine*.' gun
bmit were despatched up tho Canton Hiver
in pursuit of the pirate*. Up t > this t'mo,
however, not one of themjha been Captur
ed. Mr. Mundy Is very low, hut it i*
though he may recover. The steamboat
company utters S2,<XK) for the apprehen
sion of the pirate*.
It i- t'MimntfJ that over I<lo cuttle bnve
died of the Tc-i3 f.ver ■ ti Connecticut lince
it broke out.
The vintage this year in {Juliforriiii i
placed lit 4' ,<V.-O.tJ" ii gallon*,
CKW ill 1873 mid 3,UU<,OOU in 1871?.
j Chi. ug. October tv The f, :; wiii
| dispatch was rvueived al hta l-p4,riers to
I '
\\ iv litV A; v. I idiati 1> : t l--' > It
tib r 'JK The Indian w .vr in this n n
|i- rapidly collapsing Gene'a! D.w i-.n
j rep rt. til rough s, out- lh it M J-l Si ....
fibf with his column has captured eit Elk
erv. k n.i wair. r and U.Ul*t ponies I'll. -
Iml alls are of Hie W.---1 idiaracter an 1 ate
ac- i.tpanud bv tbe.r famil.e- 1 not
t'apt via Carpenter wit la his. u'nnlo Jw
Ifl hot pursti ! -f I large party 1 K w i-.
who a:- try ii'.g to get t F rt Sill t • s..r
rem.e' b. ! e ,u:i • lake P -in II
had been in pursuit tw • day. The party
is thought to he I- .ne Wul: -
The Ic vv '. >-v n (lazct'r -<y The !,-
tractors are n- -v at uor. Un the fourth
Span of lh. bridge, which when Completed,
w ill ( over the surface of th, w vt- r <.*• feet
Ivav lug (~< span. ~f B.i feel vs. b 1-* rea; h
the sbuillii 111 Oil the b.-rin balik of the > a With favorable we.ilhv-r t. whole
slucture will he up in ab.-ut two week..
Constable Hughes arristid G C
Brvon, oi tl . Milr-y II use, - i
last. t. r sc. .1: g . .quor in vttilali--a oflaw,
an 1 J C Itussler vv a- i, - • arre-'o d on a
aim <>r charge. A i.mi.'ier wk • were
Wanted a* witue-ses au, g u,. l
ing whde the c i -table was k -iti '
A vai.-.ler Ciin.,l' - barn, n r I'., i •
tcrvillc, vv a - but tied oil It ght of the l'4li.
wish oil its content-, a - sting of In. v.
straw, feed, and nearly all In- farm im
piemen Is. Ills .'oak was in til" fields am
■ll esc sped The Lfc is upj>-"cd to have
been the work -.f an i: eei diary
Ttie Hepuhlu-aus have a|>lured an im
portat.t strategical position at t'ovn-ta,
Spain. They w I fortify the tdu, >• and
make it a basis of , perat. UIS agaii,,l l 1 e
CsrlisU in Cuem .i :.d \'a!et; ,
The Turks in M t, ; ' „ri i nl mis
their outragi - 'n t Cfsri-ti - lb. y
have killed eight \1 :.tern-grins ai. 1 . tin
Sui n residents tuar I', ig nr.i The
Christians ufa village wiiieh *hy hur-o-'I
w ere t oiiii,p||ed to flee to the in-'untii ..-
I. n.l n. October '-T". Dis
patches fr.un Calcutta received here this
morning stale that the Presidency of lien
gal h*s been * i by a terrible iy , lone,
extending pvrr Ihe entire prov im e rnUil
Ing gieat loss to life ami pr.v}K-rty 'Flu
shipping in the bay of Bengal suffered
severely, many vessels being wieckv I.
The fobk>t fires in oiiio and
Ciro intiati. tb-tober '•'> A spev in! dis
patch from II.r t! --r-1 Ci'-y, Iml . says that
there is a terrible lire raging 111 the Woods
ju.t north of there, fully f-uir m ies in
length, and u heavy vv iu-1 is blowing it
along tin-tr.o a ,-f the Fori Wayi..-, Muncy
Jin -I Cincinnati railroad, threatening the
trails and bridge* with destruction.
A Dayton Uhi- special -,y> that the
a- >4s and fields between Union City ai d
Greenville, and D ulsoi, and Greenville
are on fim in tunny p|ace*. hundred* of
ucres being coverevl with the flame-.
In tl-e fon -t the flames have climbed |o
tbu tops of the tn!!e-t tru.ii, and presen', a
t'-rrih y grand •tiectaclo t night. Purest
l,re. uro also taging in the vicinity of Or
ford, Logan, (,'re.time. New Lexington,
Camhri )ge. Km ton I ronton. Hellefontaiiio
and De.n'-vare. Ohio, nnd Itu-hville, Indi
ana, and Kusacll, Kentuckey. There is
great sear, iti . fwater nt all points
San b ranci-co, Oct. 'dS News is receiv
ed of a revolution in Lower California.
The insurgent- j hindered and murdered
many persons, and then proceeded I ■ Uupe
Bt. Lucas, where the people arose ipid
gitvetbein battle, killing tliiileen n.aur.
gent-, ineluding the lender thu- putting an
end the revolution.
- -
-LOSS, SWI,(**I,
Indianapolis, October Twenty live
or thirty buildings were burned at tireen
castlc, Indiana, last night. Tin* fire ex
tended over four square* n the ea-l side
of Indiana street, destroying ad tl.e builds
lltg"! except the First national ba ik. The
loss is estimated ut SUMI.ISIO, Willi but It
am nil amount of insurance It is suppos
ed that the fire win lh<* w.irk ofnn ineetidi
Upwards of fifty business house* mid
dwelling* were burned.
1 t
air. Tyinl ill has delivered a notable ad
drel* before the Hriti-h Association nota
ble for it* brilliant panoramic prvseritution
of the various philosophies and specula
tion* concerning (I<hl and Nature, and for
bis own personal confession. iJemiKTif.H,
Kpicuru*. I.tier, tin*, I' Arirtotld
pcrnti'M-, H"'"!'ici. liutno, 1Vt,.(,.
tendi, Jiishop Duller, Darwin, if. rl.ert
Spencer, and John Stuart Mill are all pa--
srd in rev taw, their respective discoveries,
speculation* nod opinion* presented and
commented upon, and at last, we get at
Mr. Tyndall Itiiri-slf. It would be bard t ■
find, ill e<|Un! compass, so valuibloa ma*s
t>f information on the subject din *<■
and for thi the iH y~i ,tUg <*b!ifc
will be gratotul i I Ut alter nil the grout
Knglish scientist leucbe* u* absolutely
nothing abou I the origin of matter, motion
and life. We rise from the perusal of hi*
address with no new light on the great
pioblem* lie pre,,.o- ,f
UUltc. i., a mysleiy' Hit* and perpet
uation of 11 lb are mysteries. Mof| j* a mys
tery. The sources of the force that build*,
ftndltoM*, and wheels worlds, endow*
jjyerv partipip af piuUu, yyitb might which
it never for a Moment relinquishes in it*
my hid combination,- vital and chetnicu',
1 'I'G organisms to . „ ,|.li -i . ,t,d ta.n-
I diii.uis t . orgv. .in,, jp j * iiv.- a
- o.iotcal hariuor. v , are hro.-ded over by
I c osu-va w' Kiel,.- call n.-Vrr tiefse
; I here nr.- limit* to th.sight, and hone "by
j searching can li. -.1 .-ut G..d Because
Mr Iv•! .i; ~ - • ;. , j |, i ,
; a* . | enour.l.a.r- freely to the cum . pti.m
of ir Itlve act., or. ah.a- lot i g tl en, I, •
us t ad.exity i hangu Our i,.,: , ~f,, nl[ , r
matter has at, j • w . r to cv
1.1 Igvi.ic to,i,, 3 "t I,t a' ve I. as
.1 ev liable a* t „ ; e< ,„ (1 „ ur „., 4 .„ tlfic ,
teach, r doe. ~ ,fi . , uy |jial , j<t
find, in matter "the promise .id potency
of es. ry firH and q„*!.,y ef l,f r Tin.
"" he ci.dcai is l.i s<.R c u hv into
(nation. matter , U eH „„v m..ibly
' •• 1f.,; ail ai ~ ~ || l|( OUI
sens. - been acted up. n by p wersai.d
qua..tie- which we attribute t- it The
cxisleneeof matter theref. re i- n..i an es
tablished fact, but an inference. The
" 11 n ° i W.vcJ tv ibo ! •
<-. v \ i., HJfl!'.' r. it . *• j ■ • t], i i uoiiiin*
uat eittence on tl,.- p p, . v , f m.tter
" s' ' ' d •* •!•*, that I.
the end of it It. mstter mt -n.-w
f..r„ ami t v -!v.. T( , „
pt -f matt, r Die. Jay, . a,
: * 'I- n-s I :. : f ,1.- tt
V " -M.Ty la -a: :a . ;
M e". 1,., in but God I. TpZi m
' * r Ty--. 1.11
ty brilliant and a erfu I pK.Ju.tof..,,:-
Irr who knows Jut t h, s by it.,- i,.£
* matte*-, a being
b.s been produc. Jso ,K.w.-,f u i ,J„t l u bas
''' fjf '•!• "flhe Ui.ii. r.r
and to hay v>v, ry thing l.i* own way It
ha. ev v. i men. „ i u, ~ jJ,,. j a
• 1,1 '' ' ' 1 "l lords it M. r ten. and
ItoflM, that C*Stfol| at.nuai |>m
builds pi, ormou* „1 the
V. r.u Wish teirgraph., rm.r. ad. and < ah
les, writes books, measure* the heavens
mounts from power to p.'.w. r I. ,t any
more remarkable that it should evolve ,'r
create a (sod, who. going front might and
glory t > glory, through inflmie ages shcul J
base K-melhing t • say- ab >„t Mr. T'n}!l
and the rest .• 1, Ratt.-r u„. jus! .-w
likely to |m*sp>* the |W wcr to , V ve n
moral and intelligent Gov.-rn..r of the
I inverse *> to evolve a matt. Soqo tiiaps
we have a God nfW all!
Waavmpatligawltlillr; i, „, l: .
ly -In hi. enmity to bigotry and e, . !ei..
Ileal dolli -i iii in. but the iiilolerm , w •!
which -eo ha- been treated in v„ r u
sges of I);,, vv i rh| des- rve min ii f , , , r ,
tb!e fwUmthg Km (n tbeir Igisor
linee h we seen thnl certain dm 'rilie- w Inch
they thought they (found In what the-, in
all honesty believed l • bo tl.e revealed ■
1 Wt'f( nntr vert.M| |,v j,..,,
tfic men They have dung I. the Bible j
because they that, with their
view, of the Bible, tbpir religion ar.d tin ir
own peisonal :,!v n tion were identified
Let „* bu charitable to such \.,t much
can be expert, >„f wtl „ „ r ,. rvu;V| .j
from matter There must he H great choice
in mutter when the production of men is
concerned, and really matter is doing hit
ter than it did. When Mr Tyndnll can
Clin say what lie viy and do whnt he does
without hindrafu o nnd with nit any danger
of dungeon or fagot, it seems as if matter
had done k good deal to deserve hi* grati
tude and our-. After nil. intolerance and
bigotry were in matter to begin with. They
haw sin ply been evolved. The promise
of ll.rm sml the potency to produce their !
were in them nt the .[art. In view of the
materia! of Mr. Tyndnll. whnt he says
concerning the religion* element in liff
ll! out IS . hlr nynsens, ti,„ t i M wlvtoh
Sir Matthew Arnold indulge, in his Lit
erntur and Dogma " With Mr Arnold
religion i. morality warmed and heighten
e.l by emotion. Mr. Tyndnll spenk of
the "immovable bnsis of the religion* senti
tneut in the i motional nature of man "
What dm* ho in an? D .y. he mean thnt
there is the possibility of religious senti
ment in n man vv ha docs not believe in thg
i Xisteiice of (tod n.
bennfaetor, father, governor the source
and sum of all moral perfection* ' If he
then the less In- talk* about religion
Ihe better, for be ran only do *n to manifett
his childi-h | a ck of comprehension of the
object I f man i. evolved by the potency
of in itter it there i- no foul within him bears a filial relation to t' . — til
ot t lie t.uivei ', vid ext.) wbeli its ma
terial dwelling goes bo k 1., dust ;if there
is ti.> ordaining iitt*lli|*arv behind all
moral law ; if there i- i, . „bj, • of worship
o%fith, or trut, or hue or ret crenee to be
apptidieiidi'd by the h - sit what a mock,*
ry !< it to talk about tb ou* sviili
in""'' s/,ucd by "51 r. i'yndnll
that tli w regmn of emotion i* the proper
Ip'iore of rultgijn. The statement show*
how shallow hi* apprehentloni are of this
great subjt, t A religion whieh touchei
neither motives, elm meter nor conduct
may w.*'l p is< for lutlc with any man, and
we really do not .*e why Mr. Tyndall
should pat any attention to it what""
Kvon science can be i- .
'' 1 ■> :i t'l'l <1 I'tllstflfj l doe* pot lie.
y'dnui it to b" ►up<'reiliou* ur euiilemptuouf
In ll treatment of those who question it*
dicta when it invade* the riguin of their
Hie question i | natural!-- **nyr to
nianv mii'd , ether 41 Tytula',! giv i*, u*
any thing worthy to tal.V the phlcc of fhat
which lie uihlcrt't kes to readout of our be
lie's Doc* hi* matt riutislic vr 1( d t j
life {n.j y, ( ~ifar „ o
f,l"1 u, 'lo* pioliypt which bind q*
fn virtue, give to confurt ill 'miction, add
new mcuil'ng to ex stance and experience?
Not HI ail. He biingi us out of mutter
iiu givy* 11* back lu matter. 11 •> make* li>
nub-bled to matter fur nil uur Joy* arid fur
•ill our .ri >w, mihl place. in |u walk un n
j level w itli brute life iiiily uur head. being
i above it, 'I tint U nil, ntnl lir mint not I
.lliappullilcd In irn tin- ('hrialian World
I turning away lioiii In. c<>iulu*ioiit. with
< itliteul in il> I.iilli mi.l pity fur It I nt. lit'
know. it**tll• 11tC i'li till* t'.il'Ji'i'l beyond tin'
i lint of ii Hi' off. rt ii ' n Hint i tint UlilVeria
tin iiiu'lc 11>■.f, stamped Willi laws that
Hindi' lliiiiix'l i <<>, nlid informed with the
pruuiit m l tin* pot•'ii< y .(Ju l form* o|
I ill*. 1 his i his tp eolation, nu I it it worth
Jlt- til It'll nt ill" apple a Hltißnt I'll tllfl
t 111 I.IT, Mild II I 111 ir. lie utter* it to tit IMP I
who brlitVt' til nt nothing wnt evt'f Hindi
without n maker ; thut nothing w * yei
ivi iih ■it i d"*igtica ll.nt ft*t Invv over given without n Uw giter in j
short, tlml power mii I i lit" 111 it iti'H lire.!" j
tnri v precede ill ra.ult* of p ■*er tlint lu
ti i\ intelligence through tin analogi it np- \
pri'l. ended hi' III" hum in loin I Weil" ep how lite • uifi'tti .ii "nil do more
thnii t'foii how utterly incompetent the
I or" it iciili-'l i I.* appn lielid religion ninl
II luiidmui'litnllrulfc l>r J ; H tltnnii
I i i Vi'i'iinrr'i fr .Yt-rieiWi'.
Tint Ski t iuK"i t. I'lir. The fire r
!lg i.utiij Hi n frniuo stable in reef of
S.hnure* block, mi l w? Urt discovered
about nlb o cl.> k II dot e the alai in wna
fulrly K' 4 ''" the etnh'n wna oQe inoa ol
Hauler, Mi'.d Willi the wind blow nig a henry
j gal" from the wet! the deal nu tiull id
Uvliiiut" niol llnki t a block*, nil wAnjiiii
t llldi'f boKCr, w iv n f-fegonr eoto lutlolt.
Ihe Hallos immediately attacked ltohr
, bach al 're and dwelling, on |be oppoaite ,
role of Main aired and it t urea in bed to
, th" devouring clcipeiit hefiire tbe e w i 1(l 'r;
• d cl It' I Ihe whole I.'.rllofi of (hI
{t.wii the main road I*k4* iK to!
. M Idd ' Icirg fi"li| tii" i'le of If-ic, oil bothj
1 ride, of Main tti'cl. mid up 1.1 Chnrleij
h wit* r.iidenrr mid the (sovcrnor Snv.
I <1 If mansion, Wn*,ii tire when the Ooojj]
j Intent hook nut] iadd .r truck and Wa.h-j
• r;l"ii sfeumer nrr.v from Sun bury audi'
I immediately went to wurl( i .4 .s,co..eJed
n nrvsliiiit lh" |i"i|iu "f the Hie.
j The principal b'ters are or. Main street
-1 i !e. tl. S. human btii l>, including
; -l r. , Dates jcWe!f. t.-rr, linker's block.
Mi. Kni rbach l> . i;. D ■atatiJTui . ru • Nali hotel, M r Kchtef' Mr-
Mi!!er residence, J S Shoudcl's spire
; ,itd ffwrtti ig. Rhode s two 1., use, burned
saved i. lj r ing (' lt.iv.-r s East .idr
•f Mm street. K K K k . bouse ,.d
•: r. Kbye house. Kev.tone 1. t I. Wen.
f k - . .l.i't App-' building, I'l.l. s drug
II ,iv * dw. -nig house, S Kei.
V • rc-fl encr, Harry Millers residence
I inturari.-e ollj-1 •' ll iu . hardware
.tore, and the r >of. t! of the old Governor
S v Jer IliaTisi> at,. Iby S S \lleitian,
M nli r stivv.-st s.le, Ssreriefort's
dandling, Tiinrs printing office and dwell
tl g F WUrick, a**., Meih ..Lt Bp
pa! church, nid on the . *•: s.Je f \Yatcr
street 1 • kc'lthvucr tannery,
hick ai d ai- - uthuiidll.g.,
1 In- >•. ~ very heavy hut we are una
ble to r lake any di-Lnite r.tiinit* of the
• which a anti'H rc-a- 1 le-s than from
s!'a..Mlto l-MO.UO 111 i,e U.I Ist of the
CXCit mcl.t w were unable to as,
to, } li.ur.o T: i y.t,rs
t! rt v six bo. sv, t,r.vj . ven <>r right .table*
burn. I
I.t M) N \ 1 IHE li EIGHT oF MX
.f ' a A'. ■' unl . ; Y- - on W llh
I'rof 1) -,tv , in '.;,e Ha lli more
Ali.erl ad
N * van., .he m -t .lurt ig tuc.iiant oi
our trip. From the height of four thou
sand fe, t we steadily as. el.dt-d, the ccun
tr.v dwart.iig into • pall ram > of I--- , i,r
iov* u> I had the •..,'K'IJ barometer
ai.d j i.,r pi gr.-.- upward. At
si* ihou.atcl nit hundred feel our breath,
hi . ante isihie, ju.l as they would be un a
flosts morning \V, already Lvg-sn to
feel f. Id 111 the Iso v. but Iho lay. uf the
urn beg: ,p .a us with a fierce ir.UiiiUty.
I. i. ii.d y> f thi t.I u.elc.r s'eadily cr> | t
ai uti 1 tl,. d:!, marking f the thou
sands until it reached the fourteenth, then
rtvirig back again and starting a! xrro,
from whence it progressed once mora
a'ound lb" dial, until it ballad on jhe
verge of the twoth 'usandt' "vojiius u. that
we were only about " bund red feet les
than s'.s'.en tl. l fw-t above the
At this height the world Wat an oUtcuris
ly to Us. a Vapory hake shut it out from
our view, and vsc coql.J ! e ;... ; n otr,t ft g „(
it I."d the Silver linos lliat marked the
great bay - ami rivers, brum a contem
plation of the indistinct scene 1 revert to
my own fee ling-. Ibe air va very cold,
and the sun ws very warm. The ther
mometer st lat the sun wus intenyt- i
ly hot, as it- ruy - tell upon hut t, r all
llio*. We It g ; lij Well have been in the
Arctic legion, is one of tires
curious phenomena, of life above the
clouds Ihe rarefacti n >f the air hardly
av eounts for the chilling v i.J which penc-'
irate, yoq ihrougl- mid through, while the
thvrutomelcr and the heat of'the ,olar rays
are indii atmg a high sunmu r temperature.
At a height of fifteen thousand fuel I was
slavering, while my head scorned tube'
burning up, and nil Ibo bl<> .tj m the body
rushing towar.l it. I 1.-lt a \ erv -light dif-1
(icuily in breathing, but my c.vr* were
slopped up. and 1 could harvky hear what
Mr. Fox was saying to me when lie was
standing by my -ni...
We did not remain long at this lror.ien-1
dotis elevation. We supped down
through the atmosphere to between eleven
and twelve thousand feet above the earth
and it vvas llieic that u had our grandest
view We had within our r*n|jii yivion]
at the same moment Philadelphia, Haltis'
more, a: d the C'huwupvutk *ud|
Delit'vare hayt. ui-d all their upticr tribu-|
lai ies, and also Annapolis and tin- most of i
the smaller towns were included within'
thi* extended vision. Hut the grandest
feature of all w,as when gazing ca-lvvardly, 1
we very plainly perceived the Atlantic
(K ean. There was no mistake about it; |
the mist had lifted a little, and wo could,
plainly see where the water- of v Uc!a. 1
Ware tiay initial i \y itU Uwie of the Atlan.l
The view ut titi* time was above the pos-!
sihililies of language to picture. The pen-l
insula of land hotweeii l!ie Chesapeak
I'clnw are bay* #> but a thread of dark
green upon the landscape ; the Susquchan
n.i river w hardly perceptible
lot thedaik line vlt 1 t|> .„c to bo the
gnat br,di,- aor<* it; the country below 111
un but a cheek or-board of indistinct
green and white squares; B.iltttnoro and
Philadelphia were only iiih*-<-s of shade
u| on the map; but the great ocean was a
reality, and to a vow of it v,u .i.i.Haotly
turned our e'/t >. i;h a tcoling that bore
wit scoi, lying y\ erla-ting, '("he pgi t .i,
rattm that eaipo wil|iin(H|rioQ|'o of vision
was probably tud leu than iwo hundred
square tuilat, but from ,> ir height o! six
teeii thou-und feet it seemed to be dwarfed
to n apace you might cover wilh you'
liatulkercbief. It seemed to tit at if we
were looking through the wrong end of a
lield glllsa.
W hen tipuliwn thousand
I, * v. ut oydf throe miles above tho earth,
I'rotlisfsot Donaldson told u* that the bal
loon bad obtained its equilibrium ; that it
was poised <m an exact baflance, and that
as soon as the guts commenced I.; eon
dense, even in the vlygb*o-t degree, we
would dccciut rapidly. And it was pre
cisely'ln this fashion that wo did go down.
The l'ress has the Vyl'tib .will
do for othef ,
I VdK ysi'ni Correspondents mu*f!\i brief.
I This simple rule would lull •rtfiii t*>
! i'"retit>, but incessant proves
1 iliat It iniist be &ui<l again and agtin.
When every inch is valuable it .* <:■*, *in
ly an anumption for any one to a„k lot
half a co umn or bo .to explain himself,
• j hut people do it every day, and wonder
i nl the rejection of their cuininuniention*.
m As h rule, the length of a communication
i: i in exact ritti i to the inability of thej
■'i writer to w rite. Whenever n innn can-j
' not etpre.a hiuivll clenrly in two inches j
1 of tp tee ho had better eea*o the attempt
' to inatruct other*, mid begin to *tudy him
-1 aelf Lincoln dedicated n luitiofial liionu-'
' i inent in n speech ol ten line*, and the.
I aj.eee i la already a elnaaie of the /nglish
language Every day the editor* of The.
' I'reaa eolnpri r* a iluwil et< client editorial
i art i" lea into a do*en of 1111 more eicel
. lent editorial paraKiaph*, and it t* certain-
I.V thoughtless lor amateur wlter* to a*lt
tliore Itnlulg. lieu than lite regular force ol
the paper. Everybody may lay it down
a> an il>*(orah!n la. t that eeioinuni' atiuii*
iltiiee inches loiig atatid *i( limes tlie
i i lialiee id one of a loot, and that article*
jof a yard in length or oyer have hardly
the poaibllit> of consideration.
iiu Monday in.riling, find, at l.'enlr
Mali, father.lie I.ueeta. daughter of John
II and Mary C Miller, agej I Jar, t>
it* anll*a and 7 day*.
iV hue iVheat $ 1 lb lied Ilb .. Kye
'u ...I'oi ii uu Hat* if .....liarfyy lui.
70 . ...C'lo fcrsrrd o.d I ... ~l'uiatoe* till
l.ard |>er poun.i e ....Pork tier pound lib
duttci'Jl Kggili ... .P!a*it-r peiton
ill fallow H . Bacoli 10 11 aII* lb
Lard iter pound H cent* Buck*beat
•>.' via barrel retail",(*i .
Soya Scotia plaster $1 J t > ( ,j uga
platter S'> pi 3i III*.
/ I>M E A SI) SETTLE Notieei* here
V. by given that SATUMI)AY Sol'
stlh a haa been tl*ed Upoli for hobitng ael
tl> merit w lib a!i peraoita in account wilb
Itbe aatate of Win N'oiiado, tie. | A"
periMiii* iriteret"4 w<!( un vjav apire
•aid a! the oi'llie'unonrtTgiied
.1 P UVNKLM Ad in'r,
! '. v b 1 l < enlr- *'•"<
ID month* old, i offered for tale by the j
uiideriigned A If. thorough bred *iioal>|
, oli.l grade pig-, different ante*.
.1 1, <ii<)lilAltr.
JJ (let St, tiregg twp.
W ill U ulfiTdJ at I'ub ic Sal", on the
prnnisa., tit l*ultr twp , un Salutday,
Nov. Ttli. lb"|
I'lie full .a ing real estate. t>t>• ttx'**lF to
'.bt Estate i f Peter Durst, tltc'd , c
--! ing tit a valuable farm of
lie ACRES,
'a it< >r less, situate 1 lull" from Potter*!
Mill- n.t re i, erected a TWd STORY
tixl utbrr outbuilding.. with two g-sd
Ht. tal is ami ill kinds >.i Imu t,.i fruit un
ilir i.rtnuit-,. ultti a g--s-l spring of never
jfailiitg walar Hear the house. Also,
situate in Potter twp , "J miles from Poller*
M ISIf Sale to continence at 1 o'clock. P
M Term, will be in*tie known on 4av of
N 11 If l:.] fill" i. Il'tt *ol.| oil *
• dav ab-V|i ktrrtliiiltnl, it will be utfrrmi :
I fur Kiit al public outcry uii mint day, i
7 Nov Ortlttd. |
In ( ur.uaiirr oi an vrJu of the Or
pnaii •1. art oi L'w..ii. County, the under- j
utfny.J will offer at public .ate. on the |
permit"., on Friday. Novmbr 13, Ir'l. a]
-itua'.e iii Potter twp, 2| rtiilc. w.-t of!
Poltel Mill. , known at the tarin of Kv* i
Daniel Kerr. dec d, containing a boot
I 80-llulcs. bit the rati by iatl! 1. of W■n i
| oW the tout! aiol wet hv public•;
'cad, mirth by land, oi Mr Shadow and j
John Sl-tiier. Thereoti -rc- l"-l a go.kl i
1 Wt sToK Y.FR AMK Uoi'sK, MASK j
HA UN. and £ rt cla> •■uthttildintr'. *-"-d |
fruit ol a'l kinds, and a never tailing
-ptinjf "tf wa'.er bvate thahou.e
TERMS —One-third of the purchase)
> inoney on c.'iiArnialioti of tale:
lance tn two equal annual pay 111 elite, to to j
secured by bond and mortgage ua the j
(■remuses with interval, Stic to com-;
menre at 1 u'clut k. P uc
lit w|t id Administrator j
Fall Opening of
Hound*. Trimming*, Hllliuo
r). l
I.N t LfMltk HALL,
L,i j,,t returned front Philadelphia,
m:b tlx LATEST FASHIONS mid a r-a
--plate t->.-k ©f Xo i Hounet*. Sew Hats,
elegant Trimming*. Ac , hi.h wiil be
.-•Id <>r<> uii el reasonable price*.
Aiw, old lades t)mi Cap*.
The new style* arc vary pretty I,*die*
call and *lO thorn early Fir*t > •mo. ft nil
served. Oct ?J tL
LrtliTi of administration on the E
late of Catharine Stover, late f Gregg
tw|> . det-'d have been granted to the tin.
der-;gned. and nil person* knowing them
..•it.s indobbil to estate are re<jue*t
••d to make immediate payment. and those
lis* lug legal claims against the same will
present tliem du'.v authenticated I>V law.
JOHN U 1.-01 EL,
Oct UK .\diu r.
Farmers, (iraiigersi
for the fail and winter trade received.
(lur slock of ready-made Clothing is
Imi ge, and first cla- in eiery respect.
V £ s TS at price, lowerthan ever.
King William. Mellon. Beaver ami oth
er OvcrcaU. A fine stock of Latent Plyle
Tilf v,.ry t,ct M-1. and Ho.v heavy
ItiHiU hiidt and Children*
SIl'H)-. 1
A lull Ime of Ocnl' Furnishing Oood*.
Everything needed to Complete a Gen
tleman - wardrobe, via—Olove*, Half
Hoe*. •'r;val underclothing Ac.
At the Clothing Store. Milroy. Please
favor u* with a call and examine good*
and (irice*. Respectfully,
Oct lot. K. P. KRIW,
The undersigned begs leave to inform
hi- patrons anil the public generally that
he i< now prepared to make COFFINS
and respectfully solicit* a share rf Vhvir
i ntronage. Funeral* attr-eiL, v J v, ob a neat
Hearse. HfcNRY HtiSSMAN.
t sept An,, Churchville.
KfVSI(l|Ht .S(|H*.
Go to
No. 0 Bush's Arcade, Bellefonte, Pa
All kinds of counlry produce Ink
en. Beat Bargains in town to b<
liad. nov2otf
AXILLEU'Ii iloThX, "Woodward Pa
iU btagoi arrive and depart daily
n ' w IXXTa if MHOKTLIDOfc. ~~ flOM) VALKM'i N1
,t 1 Burnera and Shipper* of the celebrated
:: WfHflfTfEf ;L=l=M=E. ;
Dealera in the very beet gradee of
The ouly dealera in Centre County who aeli the
Will Li KE; Siß! AiR; RiE CiO! AKL
from the old Baltimore mi no*. Also
of Anthracite Cal Jryly heueed eipre*sly for heuM uee, at the lowcrt price*.
They pay Ik, high#* price. la ca*h for grain that the Eastern markets will afford.
Iluughl or will be sold on cummiMion when deaired, and full price* guaranteed. In
formation concerning the grain trade will be furntahad at all lirue*, to farmer*
with pieaeura, free of charge.
which i* alway* sold at low price*, end warranted to be a* good a fertilizer H< tay
other platter.
tiff ID'S AND 7AX>
Lime! Lime!
Lima ot the beat quality. lway on
liatid, at tba kiln near t'antra Hall.
Millhetm, Pa.,
WIU LItlU ami Hktail I>K*LIM I* j
They birr juat returned from tba Eastern
I Cilia*, where they have purchased a well
wiH-tcJ atork of
( HARD W A KB. CrTtasr. lao*. Nails
Plasterer* and Mason*,
Saddlery Shoemakers.
Housekeepers, and in fact,
Wecall particular attention to a ine as
sortment >< Picture Pramr* and Moulding,
vary cheap.
And Curtain Fixturee of every kind.
•Uwliutl nllcd to our lock of Spoke*,
flub*. Frlloe* Shaft*. Pole* end Buggy
Wheel*. nil of No. 1 quality and telling ve
il* cheap. Our stock it Urge, and c-n
l*iatilly being renewed, and we are telling
| wholesale and retail—nl very low price*.
Remember—much money ha* been lott by
pa> ing phi much for Hardware. Try
Muaair & AuuHltj Srft't,
Thrv buy for Ca-li and ell at Cash Prices
for fen profit than any other Hardwarrj
Store in the County.
SMPH'all and tee u. Satialaclion guar-!
| an teed.
■ ug'iT-y ">i
Manufacturer* of
Sheetiron & Tin
Millheim, Pa.
All kir.d* of Tinware, constantly on ;
band and made to order. (
Sheetiron War* of every description,
*1 way* on hand.
Roofing in Tin and Sheetiron done in
the muit approved and satisfactory style, j"
Spouting done to order.
Their stuck of Tin and Sheetiron Good*,
i* large amft cuiuulete. and offered at the '
Theii M*tahlihnienl he* been enlarged)!
and t<H Wi-d completely throughout. ;
Satisfaction guarlanleed, and all job*
promptlyjittended to. epr!6-y -
Next door to WUbou A Hicks' Hard
WtUd wlore, Allegheny St.,
Jas. C. Williams* .
iSuvPeeses IV A F- Kwukin A CoJ
I nm' mvQl
for medicinal purpose*,
| variety;
Also, Choiva
and all other article* usually hept iu first
class Drug Store.
I -
-iC.T. Alkxawokk. 0. M Mwwkhs
B iT. ney-i\t-V A v(. IL-lTefi.nte, I'll S|M.
Ptftl alteftUop, gives* |o Collection*. am
Orphans' Court practice. May be roi
I sdltealn German and English. Offica i>
' Gaisuq' > Building. my2B ' 74-tf.
joiis HuriKh. prtaaiturtKtt.
Penns valley
Banking Co.
And Allow Interest,
Diacoutil KoU
Buy and Soil
Government Securities, Gold and
I'ktkk Horses. Wm B. Mixclk,
i Pre*'!. Cathie r
Chas. H. Held,
(lock. UnlclimakrrAJcnflrr
Millheira, Centre Co., Pa.
Krtpwifully inform* hi* friend* and the
public in general, that be ba* just opened
at hi* new establishment, above Alexan
der'* *u>re, and kee|>* conlactly on band,
al! kind* <t| Clock*. Watches and Jewelry
of tba laid ftyie*. a* al*o the Marati ilia
Patent Calender Clock*, provided witb a
complete indei of the tn< nth and dav of
the month and week on it* face, which ic
{warranted a* a perfect time-keeper.
gA"Cl'<k*. Waube* and Jewi-ir* re
ipaired on horl notice and warranted
*ep I r OS 1 v
licai Sample lioonir ia Town.
|D. JOHNSTON A SONS, Proprietor*
Bellefonte, Penna.
Fret 11 uu to and from tht Depot.
Excelsior Cement-
The undrrtigned new inauufaeture* Ce
UUALITY, at h* kiln*, near Pine
Creek Miil*. in Hume* twp. This cement
ba already been u*ed in large quaritilic*
upon tba L. C. A S. C. RR.,and be* been
found highly atifaclory upon all Lb*
where it has been need, .ind a* ejual to
any now mannfavturod for use in CIS
TERNS, WATER PIPES, or whatever
purpose a good quality of Cement i desi
rable Thi* Cement ha* already been
teatcd far and wide, and rendered the ut
most satisfaction. Penan*. therefore con
•iruitinjr CUiem*, laving Water Pipe*,
Ac., will find it to their advantage to bear
thi* in mind, and also, that he warrant* the
article a* represented.
may 21 tf Aarensburg, Pa
/ Job* Spakulkr, Proprietor,
i stage* arrive and depart daily, for a!
ipoints, north, south, east and i a
uaawr naocki itnorr, j. i>. -iiroEir,
President, Cashier.
(Late Miliiken, Hoover A Co.)
[And Allow interest.
Discount Note#,
Bnj and Sell.
Government Scout tie*, Gold <£
•plfffibtf Coupon*.
Would mot respectfully inform the cii
*en of this vicinity, that be ha* *tarted a
new Boot and Shoe Shop, and would be
thankful for a *hare of the public patron
age. Boot* and Shoe* made to order and
according to ttyle, and warrants hi* work
ito equal any made eW where. All kind*
of repairing done, and charge* reasonable.
Give him a call. fib 18 ly
Dentist, Millheim.
Offer* hi* profe**ional service* to the
public. He u prepared to perform all
operation* in the dental profession.
A**He i* now fully prepared to extract
teeth eAeo/afWy pmin. myß-78-tf.
Attorney at Law,
a ReJlefonte, Pa. Office over Rev
liild thank. mayH'fA
_ opposite Spanrler's hotel.
C nt.Hn 11 w*jv is nt ml) times. prepared
tomake all kinds of men and boy'* cloth
ing. according to the latest style* and at
reasonable charge*.
IAS M'MANUS, Attorney at Law.
UiUo.'ontu, promptly attends to nl
buiec* entrusted to him. lui'A'6St
offer* hi* service* to the citizen*of Mifflin
Centre and adjoining uountic-, in
Hbw, higu Hud Oruuuicnatuf
„ . Oak, Walnut, Maple, Ash
Mahogony. Ac.,
Flam ar.d Fancy Paperhanging. Or
der* respectfully solicited.
All fine work dene for other painters.
nov f. tf.
I <>UN F. POTTER, Attorney-at-Law.
. Collection* promptly made and
•pecial attention giv en to those having
land* ..r property for ale. Will draw up
t "d have acknowledged Deed*, Mortgages,
Ac. Office in the diamond, north side of
tthe court house, Bellefonte. oct2s*'o'Jtf
T L. SPANGLER, Attorney-at-Law,
,lf . Bellefonte, Pa. Office with
Bush A Yocum. Consultation in English
and German. Collodions promptly attend
d to. feb6-tf
Kli\A e*miV®Vl
tor. Fitter's Vegetable Riuaattlc
1 * TTW XL 1 r* ,rMU t • tMOIUe cur, for Kerr.. KM
aar.aigW*lßM*<ln*iw oirCTat,thtaith April. tfTI
_ W f- A. OCTOn&M. JVotary PLU i
' ytWßHS"WCemtTtt,endwole*tifran7<>n* , r"*
K-T.J.t;.Pncluina.Cl R< t
r ISSlSJS^*"ew*et*e<f*' "rtfcraafo
a WaMltlßMgWieWkhr "AT* *•- > ingp^gi-