The Centre reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1871-1940, October 29, 1874, Image 3

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THI-Rpdat CCT. iv. n:t
Our friend* will oblige by pending u*
item* ot local maw* in their locality, give
us tin tact- only, and xve will put them in
shape, also notice* of deaths and marri
Any one sending us the name* of *ix new
subscriber*, with the cah, willhe entii-eii
to receiveiheHxroarKa one year Iree.
The HF.POHAKR being read by nearly
everybody on this side of the county,
w here it has a larger circulation than any
two paper*, will be found the best medium
for :u\v<Tliinjc*aK's % xo. AV
Ladle*. Mitt Lucy Dwialngcr has
just returned from the city with the latest
styles. See her advertisement, and give
her a call.
- We have seiii the p.iut'sSme ot the
Tuten Hepubliean chaps and find that
thev are Frenchmen and were raised upon
bullfrogs, l'arle vou# Frame
—Sweet potatoes at IVintnger# 1 ■'*>
per bushel.
For the quarter ending October
IST4, the Farmer's Mutual Ins, Co. i t
l'enus Vallev has insured property to
amount of ?'JtVx,i7tl We hope to see the
vlsv when every property within its bound
will have a jiolicy in our own liorne com•
pany, which is. and all along ha* proven
safer and cheaper than any outside com
Prof Wm T. Meyer will return
from Tyrone to Aaronskurg, about 7 Nov..
to remain, and give leason* in instrumen
tal music.
"We have a great mind to run a- *■
"independent" candidate tor congr.:-
agaimt Cyse Alexander, we think wcj
could bcilt htm. and that Col. Mai key
would still have enough votes to beat ü
We need Shugert and Wolf in thi
Legislature t> vote for a democratic I S
Sena: r. Remember the deep importance
of th -. demecrats, and don't -cratch you:
ticket. will vote for Camer
on. j
fore you vote, as a fraudulent ticket has
been sent out with Alexander * name in
place of Mackey, and "John 1. S nig
ler, instead i f Jack I- Spar.gler This
ticket is put out by the ring to cheat and
~ Dcm xr* lj, iu ii i bu! itsu ibv
your organization, it* principle* and ' l >
Ton': forget that next Tuesday. Srd.
is election day. Turnout and Tote for*
change. f r better time*, better market.-,
and for honest men.
Examine your ticket before rotinf.
Alexander'* party has sen. out a frauiu
lent ticket with Alexander's name iu place
of Mackej's and with Jack L. Spanglor -
name falsely printed "John* L.
l>o not accept a ticket unlet* hxaJel you
by a reliable democrat.
A democratic meeting was hold at
Mad i burg en Wednesday evening til.
A large crowd was pie-'nt, more than the
house could hold. The Rebersburg band
wax in attendance. Mr. Miller wa.- chos
en President. Addresses by Spangier and
A large ar.d enthusiastic meeting
held at Brumgards school-house, in M.'es.
on Thursday evening. The house was
crowded. The R.-bershurg land was in
att ndancrc Gen. M olt el. sen Pres-.dtot,
with a number of vice presidents. Ad
drcs.-i - were delivered by Mes.-rs. 'Wo' ',
trpangier and Kurtz.
To democratic meeting at Wolf
school-boose, in Balnea, on Friday night.
23, well attended. The Mdlheun
s band and Aartmsburg drum corps were in
attendance. J. C. Stover w-ts chosen
Pr.sidoct, with Capt. Miller, Jon. Kra
mer, Daniel Wolf, T. G. Khrhart viee
President#, and Van Ormer and Foote x-
Seeretaria*. Addre— s were deliver, d by
' Messrs. Wolf. Spargler, Kurtz and Fcrt
ney. Hon. J. G. Meyer oflered a resolu
tion which passed unanimoys'y, that the
democracy of Haines a- d Pen* pleJg
themselves to go unitedly for the ei.tirc
Win. Wolf has returned from Phil
a lelp'. a, and if you wish to see one of :oe
finest and best stocks of rood* in the val
ley, just rail at the cheap old stand, where
you generally find the best and most . >m
plete assortment.
New arrival of hardware, ar.d mxcy
nvwr things in that line, at Deinlnger's,
where all articles are sold h>w*i than e!?e
--w here.
There is only one thing that Alex
ander has done, which is consistent—be
ing a salary-grabber he went over to the
salary-grabbers. But the honest republi
cans thick just as little of .'alary-grabbers
as do democrat*, and wilt vote for an hon
est man like Mackc-y.
m ~ The republicans having now to
choose for congress between an hon<-t
and able democrat. Maekey, and a third
rat' - excuse and renegade democrat. Alex
in der, we must say to their credit they
arc ike Martha, choosing the better t art,
a?.d generally intend voting for the peo
ple's man, Col. Mickey. Alexander's de
daring hiw-elf for a third term for Grant
w ill not even gain hi;u any rcspact among
'• Peter.' Musical Monthly. N<>. 87, has
music to suit *ll temperaments, and adapt
ed for all hours of gaycty or soherne-*
Thirty pages of music in songs, waltzes,
dances, etc., are given, thus tiffordinj
_ something for all. Published by J. L
I s©a Broadway, New-Vork. Terms
|hrec dollars a year, or sample copies sen
lor thirty cents."
now? As we are informed he used to de
nounce them in unmeasured terms, before
having a cause for it, or without being
harmed bv them. A either Mr. Shugert
por -Mr. Wolf has been guilty of thia, and
the Patrons will pake a "note of it.
BeinemLgr, taxpayers, that Booecr
i, openly opposed to tho liefotm nmve
mcnt, and that Sliugert and Wolf are just
as openly in favor of it, they favoied the
i.i w Constitution while B .oz.;r taught it up
to the hiit.
The meeting at ChurchviUe.
attended. Win Kerr presided. Address
es by Messrs. Spangler, Barnhart, Wolf
and Kurtz.
Democrats, remember that the rada
only nominated one candidate for Assem
bly so as to enable them to trade one vole
oti agnfn/t Citheri-Shugertor Wolf. Don't
t do that—-land by the nominations, from
top to bottom—we can elect the whole
Sa? Any one wishing to tiade a good
one horse sleigh on corn, will apply to W.
A. Cuiy, at Centre Hall. 22 Oct It.
The sale of the Kerr farm, in Potter
twp., has been postponed to Nov. 13.
1 iie nicest and cheapest picture
frames, till styles and sizes, at Deir.inger'i.
est, eteligent, hardworking farmer, to the
office of Commissioner, votefor J. Newlin
Hall, who is qualified for the position, and
mis tlfe above requirements in every par
Evans farm, Potter, private sale.
The Keller farm and Foster farm, near
pentre Hall, Oct 2s.
INAL SUPP'IKTEIt offeredlo the pub
lic, with the full assurance of the mosiemi
nent physicians and surgeons in the pro
fession that they would supersede all metal
of other Instruments in use, for the reliel
and cure of Hernia. Prolapsus Ut- ri, and
all Abdominal Weaknesses. The great
number of radical cures they have effect
ed, fu,ly justify the confident prediction
mide, and has demonstrated the fact that
rupture can be surely cured without sutler
Ing or annoyance, and without the dangci
*On '"curing Spinal Disease or Paralysis
Oft -n caused by the severe pressure o
l 'ti irusses and Supporters. ZELLEL
# T , . Druggists, Bellefonto, Sole Agent „
——Senator \\ uMiw'o ■ <>l the Im
porter of.ce with a visit on Tiuwdav morn
—— lVnn erotic raveling, tit Noitlmmp
ton Selio-sl house Ferguson twp . Mondny
tvo. 2nd.
lion. S T. Shugert paid our i tllce a
i v : -it on M mday. nml stepping up to a cn-e
' si. .1 h (lick, and ii'h pies'* Mr Shu*
geit i- an old compositor, ami know*
| enough about type set ie • to help a fellow
•Hit of II dl Hg
—The lionc-t iimi rc>|. .table portion . t
■ the radical-, in every* county in the dUttict,
1 tins.- |1 t \ have no nominee, are now r*
solvril on votp ; for 1. \ Mackey. for
congress, a# they ilr re to >ee the district
honored by a man who ha* ability HIOI
' standing, and whoso whole lilt* i a guar
anteo that tl.e dutriit mil never need feel
ahauied ot him.
SSul.O<K tl T FoU TilK KINtJ >
1 r1 C K K T l'o
j-skOl! \i MAt ivKl AM> Sl'ANv.
i a- 1 ill- K VSCAI.I 1 V sN i F MVW
--.sit. I '..1 don't lot I'v.-v Alexander and
LSL-Love profit hv it -tfvS
The £rt year that we had the lienor to
1 | represent tins county in the lower house a
'telle* member, veiv honest like curs. -If,
, -at near us hut very much resembled l'
T. Alexander, who oeeuplrd a s, : ,t ilie
two previous Vt ar- \\ < frequently saw
that our i league xx -,s 1 :ej by seedy tel
low , sir:, ger# In him, *k lie . tleresl him
little simis running from sl, Ito 51,.i7 and
51.,"* l to vote for bill*, which of course
. ,i!d raise the uislc mien oft' e member.
When nhout the nl)oil| (OlTtfUtion
wouM ot d 111 • matter
Mri.iy.c Why Alexander, tkiUillytti
chargx>st last winter, you needn't beobig
feeling now.
Mi tuber -1 am not AT xar of Cet
, but- >•:' county
x. ... O, I'g|-a. .1 I- 11. Is X's Jl I
(Mr yOU look M much
him, and he did voting for a good many of
our mly fellovts. tor a certain sum it we
gave him our little job*.
J utlge MFi a! w a* m njj th - who
recommended the at; t.tniet". of Mr
t'rvtsfer the Judges!., p \\ , mill itlM*
linn to the letter below If Air M K * v
| thought Mr Orvi> was the proper p,-is. n
to appoint, how much more should our.
j people t! .i.k so i ow, that hehasbsrU tried '
and prevail his high qualifications •
1 I.KXKI'IKt !\ l'a
f. U.i f'-ir 'n >J. H Har(ro_'. Woe
■ rraor. The Flon, John 11 Orvi- ot Belle -
i fontep. isess. fln a high degree the q tali-
Ificalions fitting hi in lor additional law
judge of this district If h•i an ace pt th.
, p 'sitien his n; p ta Ml will he perfect v .
satisfactory to u* a- d we think w tll give
gClu ra! iatislaet >n
J. 1! M- KNSLLV. JOHN 11 Fru Rt>.
The Doiaocrat.c meeting, at Pcnu
Hall, ti Saturday evening was largely
attended, the hal. and stairways? being
packed. Gen Geo Buchanan was chosen
to preside, with David Emerickaad J eob
M t'.Hil of Gregg, and Jonath Kiaiu*r
j and John Meyer, of Pnn us vicoprc-i
--. dents. The chairman stated thu object of
the meeting, after which adJre.-?e* were
deliv.r-d by Me--r- Wolf, Hey a- 1 Sj-an
gler, TheMdlheini bras- ban 1 was in at
| tendance.
Tne dem crap. ■ meeting at Centre Hall.
• on M ■ day even : g a- a grand su.'Ce-,-
: Beilefonle, llarr.-. Gregg Pet.a and P
le.- were represented. David Gilliland
was ofco-.n pics jcnl; the v i>-o presidant*
were, John H Keller. Wm Wolf, Dr. P
I Smith W* Karr, Gto Bsflg, JmOiw*
J K Rankle, Wm., J. D. Mur
ray, anJ J. J. Arncy, of Potter, and John
Bear; of Huin-t, J 11 Rarnbart, - fSpri: g.
I). A. r Jonath, Kramer and J. W.
Van tinner ot Penn, Secretaries: J H
j KeifsnvJer. C. II Held. Wm. 1! Mingle
and Levi Murray. The meeting was ad
dre-s, 1 ly Ad am Hoy. Ks| , upon fiiiati
. cial ami local topics, and he was toll -wed in
an able and ei pent speech by Hon Wm.
A Wal lace, iu one of those convincing
' argument? wl Ich are characteristic of this
| distinguished gentlemen. Hi- speech Lid
; a telling effect,
Pr fess.-r A,'.i-': i:1 '! the lua
i terials on which agricultural process do
j pends, are dec-Hip 'S<-d rocks, and n<>t -o
much those that underlie the soil, but
those on the sur.ace, and ground to pow
! derby ibe glacic-r-. Ice ail over the con
tinent i- the agent that ha* gr und cut
more soii lhar. all other put to
gether The penetratii nof water into the
, ruck*, fore-*,-, running water an 1 bakit g
-uns. have done something, but the gla
ci. r? more. Iu a former uge the United
Mali - *:i- r -vi rcl ice -evera! thnu
sard feet thick : and the ice moving from
the north to south—by the attraction of
thotropical warmth or pr--*ing weight of
i the SJtow and ice behind, ground the rocks
! over—which was called s .J, These mass
,es of ice can be tracked by the hunter lie
j has made a study of them in the country
as far south a* Alabama, but b.-J < ' served
the same pher. nieti n in Europe, particu
larly in Italy, wheu*. among U.e Alps,
glaciers are now in prog res-. The stones
and rock* ground and polished by tho
glaciers can easily be d.stitigu.slied from
: those scratched bv running water. The
angular boulders found in meadows and
I' tbe tcrrae.-s ot ravines not reached by wa
ter can he accounted for only in this way.
??r~Th.- Premium Engraving i--u.-d by
i "Peters ui's Magazine, fo: Itfl'i, is ready
on# cf the m.Ht beautiful and rotly w<-
hare ever seen. It is not one of those
cheap, colored lithographs, with which
the market is tl >oded, but a fir-t-cla** line
aud mezzotint engraving, executed in the
highest sty le of art. after an original juc
ture bv J. W Rhniiig.-r, and c-.-t, as tlie
publisher a"ures u*, two thousand dol
lars. in all. No premium of c>|uai value,
he a---rt-. Will b" "fit-red by . T.y tiiaga/.inc
for iß7.j The sid je. l i- "\\ a-hington
B"ir-t Interview With Hi* Wife Tiie
-tory is i,uitn romaftic. W-.-hingu-n, -so
his VNV .ifl'GW flraldiibj,'. ifi the
great French ai -J I tolfen war of 1755,
StopjM-d, With hi- "iderly, ill the White
ilouss, sine * ■ < > lebrated in tin* Virginia
campaigns f McCI-iian. ar.d Grant
Here he fcp-t a young ana beautiful wi.l .w.
with whom lie u- faacinalad, thai the
orderly, instead of being sutum incd with
in half an hour, as be bad as peeled, 1- <1
Washington * bp,-*e UP tti.d down, nearly
all day, while his enamored master wa*
listening to the gav *allit of the charm
ing Mis. Custis. The result it n matter of
history. Mra, Custis became tbe wit'*- ..f
lite great hero, and wns known, iu after
year*, a* Lady Washington. This u a
picture that ought to be in every li ni-e
told. You <an get it, grab-, by r
j s club for "Peterson" for 187A, ot ty r<-
I mitting SU.oO for it and for tbe magazine
I Thi* i* a rare chance.
John F. Potior is not opposing tbe
regular democratic ticket.
ocraov is deeper than that.
According to accounts o i timed iu
London journals of September 5, the
Austrian north pole expedition was
frtzeu in at the north iwjint 1 Nov:.
Zemblain August, 1872, and wn* dri*
veil in a north westerly direction with
the ice. The crew worked live month*
in vain during lie summer of 187 5 t.,
free the ship. In the autumn ol thai
year, north of the 80th degree of lati
tude,' unknown land was discovered
whose boundary line i.oith and weal
was not to be seen. A coast line was
explored in sledges from the 'Jth of
March to the 4th of May, 1874, t<
the Bod degree. In honor of the em
peror of Austria this was named
t ranz Joseph Land. The fauna and
flora were insignificant, and iher
were no signs of animal iiti; but do
lomite mquntaina to the height oi
1,6,0 metres. Formidable glacieis
weie met with, and a few pieces oi
floating wood were seen. On the 20th
of May, 1874, l lie ciew left the ship
Tegetliof in four sledges, and uft*-i
traveling ninety-six days reaeheo
Nova Zembla, where tiny met with
some lius.-ian seamen and were taken
to \yardoe, iu Norway, after uuderg.
ing'tndescrihab e suffl ring and priva
tions. Only one man died, howevei
and he succumbed to lung disease.
The ciew wereexpccted to reach Vien
na about the 25th of September.
To (ho Roiuorralif Voloift tilTni
ito Cotitilv
tkwlOg to the situation of the Country
| >md the preuliar situation of our parly in
this i UnlV, it his been ileetliod proper to
i sue a", aditrc - to you, in order to coun
teract, a "ar a- | i.sible, the etTort* which
are being made lo mislead and deceive
For fourteen year# on political oppo
nvtiU bme had einplete coitlrol of every
department of the lederal goveriiin nt, and
ids. ..['in >t of the la:e government*. .V
• eon a* they obtained p .wer they aband
oned • very well settled pritu ipln Upon
which the g. i.riiiueilt bad been hereto
fore atliiiuiolei cd. and introduced now
principles et administration lit war with
the constitute it and the character of out
institutions Kven since the clone of the
late civil war, for a period of more than
nine ycai *, they huxe, by ituaiis of the
iin'ilary ps-wi i nf the federal government,
in.Hineuai-sl negro des not isms in many ot
the southern slates against the right* and
w . In > ct tiic great lua** of whitv eitii'r
.txmg therein. Ttiese negro gov iimuoitU,
coiilroled and manipulated by southern
>va!awag> and i orlhern varpel-baggers.
a \ e ty rati is nil ei or, I oh be I and despoib J
the people et the south, to such a leartui
extent that the whole people have become
- . impoverishes! us lo be unable to pay t'o i
vast uinount ot federal, state and municip
al taxes imposed upon them, and still less
able to ; urvhasc tl e million* ot dollai
worth i : northern fabric*, the product* of
, ur vai . d n.anuiuclories, thereby destroy •
ing the best market p. m sed by lha iis>rth,
and inv iv ing thousand# of northern !
tis>ri is in tho -vine distress universal in the
south The misgovern.merit and corrup-j
11oils sit the si .ilh are not tnoro monstrous
than their got., ra! Diisiuatiageincnt of tbej
whole Country, tiralits of ruillloiis ot
acre* of public land to railroad* and other'
corporation*, tile credit mobilier job, the'
"salarv grab, Saliboril contract# and
i Jay tie subsidies are but specimens of the
! genera, debauchery and corruption which
tl..*paity Ims brought into existence And
| tinal-v lii- ir !: sticiul policy has culmina
ted in the d . truelioii of the great in.lus
tral latent* of the whole country, by
means - I which trade lias been ruined,
thousands of banner- men have become
L.uik tupt, and millions of laborers thiuw n
ut of employ ment.
For the first lime in tourteeu year- the
great in.--.-- cf intelligent, thinking citizens
realize the terrible vortex into which the
country hu- been plunged by the policy
ot thi> party. Th results of the election*
held In 1811 dcln : -".rate the extent to
which this reactionary spirit has gone
The recent brilliant Democratic victories
iti Ohio, Indiana. Arhat-.-. Georgia and
\\ est \ rg . - i that the people have
finally atvus d themselves, and determin
ed to drive from piuce and power the par
ty that has brought this ruin upon the
i ri. jfe ti.ur. a tltcAJd our cuuiil) w
- placed in her congressional relations,
a- to make it almost impossible to be rep
re- n'.cj by one who believed in the gl.iri
ous prut iples of .-ur party. By the last
-oi.grv—i- nai apportionment Cantre coun
ty i- in a democratic district. Our party
. i. n.mated t--r congress a candidate
ml unknown to ;l. D-ui.-cra.y ut ti...
county—the wwr candidate in whose up
-1 it you a!i so uobly laiii. J in the disas
trous campaign ot 1 lie |oesc- in a
high degree h<-n- -ty. capacity and fidelity.
Not ..;ie s ngU- -t ■ or bleuiisli can be
found iu In- private life or upon public
record. b->r the nomination he received
the til ini-r . - support of our party in four
counties i ut of the six composing the dis
trict. lie was regularly nominated in lite
< ngrc-m nal conference, and i* pledged
to the support of a platform of principle*
in t • rfe.-t u co.-J with tho rights and wi*b
es of the people, and he should ifR-refore
receive the vol. ofcvvry .v icf J'tucrat
in the county. In th.* district, with the
tide of p- pulnr opinion running -o strong
ly in our favor, the radical party had no
hope of electing a member of congress
favorable to the c witmualuc of their
cy, unles- they i. uld obtain a d fr<>m the
rank* ot our own i- >rtv They commenced;iat :.g f - the jnirchkt* of allien early
in the i * oi l'r-u- -itiori* were tuado by
them to Democrat* in various jsarts of the;ct, i fl'.-ri-g them the support ut the
radical party if tiiey could obtain adher
ent.- enough of their own to defeat the
Democracy ot the district Most of the
projHiti :i* were r.-jec'-el with scorn, a
few weak men dallied with thein, and fi
nally one wa- found weak enough to ac
cept tho bargain. C. T. Alexander j>rc
tented liiinelf before the Democracy of
thi- county u a candidate f--r cotigret*
He re iii.jd the nomination of the coun
ty, and f-r five -ucci -i\e weeks bad
hi* name j-übli-lnsJ in the democrati--
nesspapei- of the County, m follow s:
'.'For Congre**, C. T. -kinxander, ml
.eft titr tleeisi.n of the o,ngreeti..ri<tl < 'j
h\ he thus plcdg.d Juu la,
honor to be subject to the decision f the
conference, dnl he intond to btra_v you I
If he did, he LtalneJ tlio recommsnds
tior. of this county by fwlso j.iotence. |f
he were an honorable man, (and none but
honorable m-n should be sent t > cngn-s'.
he would redeem his pledge thus given
you. If he were a good democrat, (and
you -hould vote for none other but good
democrat- he would abide the action of
our jiarty, ai d support the candidate fair
ly and honestly nominated. Why should
any Democrat vote for him* I* he more
hone*t, more capable, and more faithful to
hia pledges than Mr Mackey? Is he s
bitter Den. :..t •. I more strongly OJ>JX>S
ed t the policy ..f the radical party ?
What lb. pr. . i-e term* of the bargain be
tween him und the Republican j>o!itician
of the <li-triel may be. are known only to
the high contracting parties. Tbe simple
fuel Innt he ha* loaned himself to the Re
publican* should forfeit all confidence and
tru-t Democrat* ever reposed on
him 'f he (.uitJidato whom the ttejiublican
party desires to elect is not the right niun
to represent the Democracy in the Nation
al Hou-oof It 'presentalive*.
Of u similar character are thu attempts
of tbe radical party to elect h in em her of
the A* , mbly, and thus to neutralize the
voi. it of Centre county in the election <t a
United -States Senator. While every vo
ter is entitled to vote for two representa
tive*, the radical convention nominated
but one candidate, thus declaring limit
purpose t" barter and trade, In the hoj..-
of securing the'defeat of one of <>ur nmni
nees. In the hopes of distracting our pur
ty, they liavu utlumpted to .- ure
Democrat who Would lend hi* name a- an
independent candidate for the legislature,
for the j)urpo*e of withdrawing support
from one i f tl e other of our candidate*
In this bale ctbort they have been le** sue
Cessful than in their congressional ncliem
ings. Seeing the sceptre of power depart
ing from them, our political enemies nr.
desperate and already are re* -rting to eve
rv low in.J cunninsr trick lhev can de'iri
ry low una • inning iricK nicy CBH noin
to deceive and cheat the untuapit-ling j
Democratic voter. Pretending Demo rut
ic tickets are being < ircuiat'd with the
name of Cyrus T. Alexander, for Con
gres*, in place of Levi A. Mackey, our
candidate. Other* with the name of John
Boozer, their candidate for Assembly, In
place of Samuel T. Sliugcrt, or Siinon S.
Wolf, our candidate* On other tickets
the iiuuic of ogr candidate fur Congress i
printed L"Ut A. Mackey, instead of Is '
A. Mackey, hie real name, and the name
of our candidute for District Attorney, is
printed John L. Spanglcr, instead of hi
proper name Jack ma L. Spanglcr. Dem
ocrats, beware of these bogus tickets ! Ex
amine carefully every name upon the
State, Judicial, and County ticket before
1 voting, and thus see that these tricks ol
' these despera'e radicals and their treach
erous allies u.eet with no success !
Democrats of Centre county ! A great
responsibility rests upon you ! Your prin
ciple, and organization are being attacked
by foes without and are attempted to be
. betrayed by foe. wllhin • Stttti.l l v <lil
pi incipb * of the party nnd the standard
hearer* u'> nie 1 •:*<!int V" i to vit-tor v
' t>• • \ our whole Itv on (hf 3rd of No
v ember, mill you will n--i-i In achieving a*
signal * triumph in lVnniylvattia, a* wn
■iliifl ril by our bri lln ru in III" great
(Ultii ol tin' W pil !
Wy iirUrr af thf (b)n>i(tr.
JoUN It Mounts v,
I Thf I'lillnilt'lphl# ill lis t Work
A correspondent of tin- Prlliuno #l* e n
account nl the fraudulent rit g registrations
111 Philadelphia fr> in w Inch we.opytbe
follow mg.
Under llu'ir manipulation the legislry
It*la swelled to amusing |ifupiirliuii, N a
i*mnl lou wore rrolutil with * dense popu
' Ulli ii (juitl I'ililcni bu litil llm l ufimi
ity to scrutinise the list* were astonislird to
• discover that several able-bodied Vultli,
iif wliii4 tiiiittf'icti tlm) had no knowledge
bi'urili'd lit their house* Otlnri learned
timt two or tlii"ineii li 'iiitf, "clerk*,
or "itintliKiiici 1 oil lii tin"ir *lilo yard* or
stable* Umiliira Wbo IlKit just luidllia
t .nidation* of new it a oiling* t.'iuiil that tin'
assessors had kindly assigned them tenants
I iii Rilv *nii', anil lUt aver* prospective
J LoUSc was tliii residence i t halt 11 J' 'i ll
i lit ii r Tin- i*i in m• > Plea* Court hl>
[(Hiwirlo at 1 ike ftoni tin- lot Rlljr IIRIIII* j
I which t i* ihuon have Im i wrongfully
j iilsi ed then- Rtiii two Judges 1. ollow *inl
; Fitilrller, are Gl* UIJ! their limeto lliia work
■ At drat till" Republican I'llllllllittno ill Rt
;<-sd.iltce *t llii' a;tlu nl tlin I'ourl ri iiit
oil ttu- i tlorta iif the Democrat* to liai- til*
list- purged, utiil wnlnlikl every itic, hut
ll:>iirije their opponent* persistent BIO! tin-
Judge* determined to Rid in securing n
fair election, the)' gave I up, m.d now up-
I pear to bo|<e that the matter vi.ll heal-
I low i d to drop a lull llm mythli-al name*
*re stricken off and that no effort* will be
'made to puniali the perpetrator? of these
gigantic crimes against the franchise
Every day's proceeding of the Court
furnish m w ei Jence of the u agnit'ide of
the registration frauds, t | to last night
|,(U) bogus ii ame a had been Rtricken off a!
the instance of the Democrats To offset
these the Keputdit Oit i d . >ulil l ilt I I
atrtcki n froiuliaU prepared bv Democralic
Raßt .i .r. The I'em > rata claim thet thesi i
names were put on bjr pretended Demo- J
cra'.s ill the pay o! the ring 111 ole ait- ,
I rig of tile Court lost w ek os? t lialllea a ele •
erase 1 the 11 I libit His admitii'-g that they
were all fraudulent Yesterday's wlOa o!
purgation cleared off ttr l'p to noon t j
day Judge >inletter'a court struck off j
In Rome diliaions, as the precinct* are
How Called, where there are but J"U legal :
voters, Irani ill to ffU b-gu* names liaie
be.ll Jitcol end In '.'l dilii i lists i i
•mined yesterday the a* > rage of bogus I
names to earb was 27 If tins average j
hold- g Kid throughout the Tt>' div isions
theciv, fraudulantregistration reach'-- the
mornjouß ; >tl ot'VM.UkM nameetn a voting
population of iii l Jt llß.tMt it is a not.
worthy fact that the friends of W 111 11
Mann, the chief id t ie King, and lh, r
candidate for reelection to the Distn : At
torneysbip, named this tigure of A.I'M a
lew days ago, as the luaj trilf he wus sure
_>f getting, and th it stn • the C'-mrt s
l/u:i slaughtering King s..ters
the pretaosii'iis of these friends have bes-n
coming down in proportion to the • inn ' rr
of fraudulent names that have Sen str '..*
en from the list*.
The Issuer in the Alt. cilice ol
, r >a to be Trie*l }iutnr<iiately |
.lon I'rcv. ll.niaiui t r Kv.inplitiv
London, t>ct. tit The li.amii tJ.TKch*.
jurt receivisj a despatch t '.anuirg th
report <•! the caj-ture of N.-nu Sbib H<
will be tr. d immediately a! the jdace
where he was capture 1. The tsewspaj-er*
of th city unite in d-man-1 ng that *v
eiuplary vcigexnca be *i.t< 1 up-ii llii
"Neuu S.shiti."
Tbe Rajah ol It commonly a: •II '
a* thu "Nens sahib,' whos, capfura it ar>
nounced in the foregoing desjistch a-tum
-d command of the native porti-m of th.
garrison of Cawnpore immediately affir
it* ruv.dt in lp->7, and with it lai I siege t
the f irtitoat 'ns held by the Knglish 'JLV
strong, under General Sir Hugh Wheel
er—in which fortification* all tho Euro
pean jx-pulaUoii of the b an ial tak.-u
refuge The u go lnt<'d for ihiee w..k
during which tune the little garri- >n w -.
reJuce-1 to less than half its original iiutn- j
lor, anJ then on a pr. mis-- of sa.'a con
duct to Allahabad -General \\ .r-.-ler .r- 1
r-ndereti The company was allowed to
i in bark iu bo-,l* on th. G r.g. s. lut *i nrce '
ly had th" fc 'tilla left the -liurs w hen a battery opened fire Uj-on it But
three or f.ujr escaped, numb. . - 1-. mg kill
ed in the while the remainder were
recaptured and brought to iand. f'he men
Wu-u immediately #lit. The wit.en were |
kept alive f<r fifteen .|a> - and then were '
jiut to v-ith with terrible toetur.-s, ami
their poor bodies thrown Into u we"; but i
what had gone before made death in any j
f< rm a glad deliverance. "Nctin Sahib's !
slaughter-bouse" w ill io>t easily fade from t
the memory f nun. anJ n.-vcr can it be j
• poken of without bitter ex.*. rations
Memphis, October 21. A letter fr.-m I
Fort'Fmith, saythe United States'
mar* ml wont to arre-1 the desperado lied j
iiioifth Tin- |mrty rupe upon )'• dniouth
in r. dtfp rarinr. Tu• latter opened fire,
w the returned. The nrxlmorn
im; a woman, 01 •• of H-'>lrn<iti!h' wives,
w as found completely riddled with bullet*
tir•* Iby t'u (Mue, It <• rrtniiidrel baring
The w mptn ijnd Ucdmotuh on ape.l
I'.itUville, October 21. It i reported
tlmt hlia* Leber. well known citizen of
Fra> k "ill*, in thia county, ha* been mur
dered. Hi* team war fouiol curly liti■
morning hitched to r tree three mile* out
in the ii ••uritains. A bloody hatchet mi !
revolver were found near the team Hi*
body hnl not I found Tin- *■ itiz• n
urn engaged in searching (or it Ureal
excilcuiert prevail* In the vi initj
TBI b l*T. AMK It It il< II l ALY N KX
Detroit, Mich. October "_"J The |iro
puller Ilroofdyn, of the Northern Tra.i*-
portatinn Company, exploded her boiler
thi. nficrnooi, on the liver, tlr mile*
below the Sixteen |>eron* arc re
ported miing The aleiiiner Culm brought
the aurvivor*. h t umber of whom are loid
ly injured, to this city.
Further PartiouUrg of the Hurri
j L>ndn, October 21. Additional <li
\ pati lie, have i cine to hand* showing that
the {tale in the North la*l night waa fur
more acvere and destructive than indica
ted by the drat report* The storm ex
tended to Scotl and. The steamship Chil
ian, from G!a*gow for •Shanghai", waa
driven ashore near Alidroasali a|ii| ia going
to piece*, fojjrfei.n of tbp ifreW wen
washcjl gvgrbogrd and drowned. The
persona left on board, mini fifty in mini
her, took to the rigging where they yet re
main in full aight from shore. K tl'orU arc
being made to save them. Several live*
were alao loat in England. Kepurl* from
l'artlepool, Shield*, Hull and other port*
and from inland towna bring intelligence
of great damage to shipping, factories and
other property.
North Carolina newspaper* are demand
ing a law for the pro; oition of inseet-de
-1 atroying bird*.
j Grand Jury of Salt Lake Citv is re-
Jjjo led to havo indicted Urighum Young
9 lor lascivious, cjhabiiation.
I I V Tlllll SiNlt VCIU's tiK I'll V I
M'ltoY KH
Fo-t V\ ayiie, I•• tidier *.'t Th hie
which has been hurtling live miles West
tun! southeast of this city now siunir> u
serious aspei t. It is estimated that tie.illy
lO.tKMi mi ies of pruirie nnd timber laluli
are l urning on tin line of the Toled" Wti*
l'i.-h nitil \\ i -11 in railway . which can si n
dense smoke to settle urpr the i lly and
surtouttdiug country, makitig it inatly as
dui k as night in the middle ot the day
and rend- ling hri athilig dilhi'llit It is
tea 1 ed lloil the Are may reach t u city II
is e d-' md soon inii o rain
Wlt nl I* il v
This hill hat passed the I tilted Mules,
Senate It Is now before llio Housi" ot.
Kepreseiitalivi The elm tuna in Noiein
her will di terimnu its tale.
What does tin. bill propose p. do '
It is intended to override the right of lb. I
people of the State to pass luw s t • goveti •
llienist Ives.
It hues, by a law of Congress, the
. hildtrii of white parent* to associate with J
nagroos as their e.pials in the pilldii
se hinds,
II force* the officers of colleges and in
stitutions ol Kilning l<> la.i* liegi .s ns
lh* equals of w lute student*.
ll for. cs hotel keepers lo put the*!
guests in tin- san , rooin- -n l i* ii -ou-,
jio ii by ll eg t o*s
ll forces liie managers of cemeteries to
bury liie negro.• side by side w itli the
w Intu
it force* tin- managers of theatres and
place* of public amusement to scat tbe
negroes by till- Sid, of the whiles.
It f ifccs the churches I uilt by the molis
i-y of while people, and oongregntiim*
which support tlu-iu, l-i glee a negro *;.y
seal he drtiialnls
It l.itcrs the inutiagcls of hoßpila s to
put lite negroes 'u liie RRIIIC room w .lh the
The penalty tor v intuit g tin of the
provision* of this hill i a "ic of ' f*o.
sun-/ U. ''.in, rtaif iipr*istmi>if t ' inf
year, and Ave hundred dollars t' every
negri' who sues for his miuety
Ihe pr.-vlti, i.R of this bbl apply hi alt
the Statcs % N rtl. a n.l .|tli
Will tile white fathers, mothers, sisters.
a; J brother* in I'ennsy lvahin fav- r I •
odious '.*w
The lirgr.ies hale the same political
rights now as the white men Our (ier
rnun, Irish, English, ai d all the other
naturalised cilitens Kart an .-A lyrrm'i
Ity'-.ila!. h ivr (Vif irarfd Tiny must
take care uf lltemmlfct Si.ail the negro,
be the cM 1 I'lits of people wbo are l<>
base special laws f..r the r Isenefti * Is
tlie negro to havi t|>>. ,al privilege* en-j
forced by special laws, and the white inalij
made to |say and go to prison if he oh
jecU !
We appeal to the while race, t ■ lb. ujet
ai. i I* u. ii. -.1 loir W tula ri a to fcpnl w lib
every infturr .• at their command tile
attempt of tli" party to d-grade
tbelli to til* lev i I <>f tbe llegfo
The most mrtiißtrvius pros isioit of tbis
t'lvil Kigh's Itli i that nC - . -ir-s f
rwgrc • it die burnt. ids. # i
prose,-fe. ff .1%./ is.ipris m fAe a-A.f
mil a
\\ i- r. . -I. I .. K fr* r, ■ f daaial frotn
tbe lladieal part), boi.l as that liar'.) is )|i
assertion of f*i*h K*l. that r I-Ver bi furs
its any civ i. i fed f-tate ss at tucb a law cv i r
proposed to be inflicted ■ , a pi- pie
For the Ur|"olli,r.
KlstToK or Ktl'.aTl.a V t ] pub
lished a timii >■ in v - ur (sapor lh* f*-l'owing
issue after the Dent Co ioi,v.-ntii-ii ma le
it* nominations stating that I would il
- certain charges 1 *R-nst • t, *
puii lie • k't d... I.a klie (laHkass for the
■Stc of D.str I A'torney Ifl it v
p< rsonal duly. *s w rii as * pi, 1 ,demand
p. answer the charges that were set ip
against me. f"r political etTeot - 'll) F -#f
I was charged With Settling the iiouot
ISM* and being paid well for so doing,
that seldom ever a < V of lhi-m fea.-bed the
court Tin* charge wasiir ,|i; •
lh. temperance men "• . . I that 1!
the v iolalor* of the liquor law ink's court
in order to make money off them, that 1
had spp s "Ut to hut tin-11l Up , this charge
wa* circular ! atnonr the arid
tin ir friends 7'Aird--that 1 had taker
illegal fees that 1 ha t < tiargs-.l a Certain
>amue\ Armagßst CUy dttlhlM bl Mllilg
a cuir-.mot: qc-i 1 as" 1 ! i,,i|i) its
a 111 , list-1 had been t' '-uri,. ilu 'lift,
at 1 that Ihn 1 charged tls m tin d-dlars
apiacn . that 1 lia-l pMMtttttl an linilettsit '
< 1 hill to the county commissi -m-rstor fee*
to the amount of twelve hundred a ars ,
that they ri Ju. i-d it tune hundred dollars
t Mrth that I had 1 n't ah us. w -rth ,
tell of fifteen thousand dollar*, and had
made it all out of the office, R> I was p r
when I vs ei.l into office —a very different
argument !i -in the one used ta huti 1 uas a
rar.didats' the first time- then it ias ar
gnod that 1 was rich and did n-t need the
office Fifft I tails-d to pav wttnessi
their costs, that 1 shaved them or kept
hack a i-arl T' cso dlffentil charge,
al-'lig with ali st of others of a !i - cri > ,>
nature, though just as intati uis 11,..,I 1 ,.., v,cr'i J
thoroughly . iri ulalod't ipc. to |usr
sous most likely to t alii vu the ill-g.itleri
argument My •! anwi ris that 1 nev-j
er setllod n liquor case, msr !i,l I ever re
tniii a cent hr settling t'lis of any other
pUi i{ nijcs 1 fieri- was ntutiey left in
an indireot way In my poae*ion whirl,
wa* paid over into the county Treasury,
hut not one, cent ever retain- i by inc. 1.
w. different time* offered large fees p
settle liquor cases, and was threatened at.
tha same I me when I refused to smuggle
for them, that it was liie last tints! 1 would
b District Attorney. N> - 1 iiovs-t
forced any . tie into ■ eurt, any one Can see
that no bsidy would pay in" for forcing'
them into court 7'Aieif f never i .ok |
all illegal fee, if It were true it would bu a'
tins,leincaiior 111 olHcc 1 would be IIR-
Ide to u flue of otto thousand dollars, n
year imprisonment and a remova fr-ui,
ofß'-e i why then not teach me a profllahb
lesson if I have ever done or at . inpt-d to I
do so? As to Samusl Arumgast who was
returned for tonus alum and bastardy, the
ease Wrt settled, April Ss'sston IfiT i by
bis agrsNiing to pay three hundred dollars
in installment* of fifty duliar each • very
sii months, until it v a t -id ami |o
pay the • sl ■ f iHo.-ecqliott the first till)
dot ur* V paid i'o i nt • Dt.iei 11 4tn,
the man with wlptm the girl bv d. Tin
costs, smiin twenty dollars, Anniji.i
lisked nil- to wait lor until the next Week.
I ngre d tof'ivor him; h< eaiiio back tin
:t0 of September, and said he bad bad luek,
but would pay it the following w.-en 11,
asked me to IORII him eighteen dollar* toj
>;et some espre.s gooils out ol tile office
I gave ii to nim. In- proiui-ing to reiurn
it with the c st*. I lie co.t- Were collect
•• I :i lew Jul* ago by a judicc of the Peace
and I have nut rei eivedlt iglitecn dollar
I bis u the way I received !'•• i|c'igff
Aiiii ig i-t lias not jap* t' l.ilcli'iee to the
girl, and thu lying. scheming xtury
wn* i ir< ulated in good laitli against me
Tin ie #:i- never w ml c.dipper returne.i
to court, nor did I ever receive a rent from
•me; neither did 1 ever present un umtcm
ixed bill lor fee. to the County Commis
sioner*, llor did they ever induce my fee
one cent. 1 explained through {| l(1
limns of y..;; in per and lliu Watchman,
that I had paid out of my poi kola large
amount of common w*ulll c oat* a* a lav or
to witness** and that the Ooiiiiiii-*ioner*
would not pav it to me until the p-i-.ners
were discharged from the Pei itentiary.
thereby doing me a great injustice.
Fourth the office, us 1 slated hvlore, wa*
only worth to me fiotn eight hundred to a
thou-aml dollar* a year Thia any one
can see by examining the Quarter *•-- •
DiM'ket. Fifth I have never \ of.-.tpCd
my wilnes,e,m I, *," Ultl • 'ever deliy
them *itn: f .oit cV'tl duo tin in It | have
evur wronged any man out of one cent let
him charge Ine so publicly, and let the
penally ol the law he iuflieted, 1 have
unjustly and sefiemuig-v been wronged,
unit would Hot have published these an
swers (lad riot some of my friend* urged
me to do so. a, well u* a personal doty that
lowed to myself. I fan I bf hav
ing disi'ha,ged t„y d,Uy u> District Attor
ney without or fvoi. | ipi d'utht
disappointed soppi by tint ill-regarding my
oath and duty —with these explanations j
close for the present, not blaming the /mr
fy lor not re nominating nut lor the second
term, a* it w as the custom ami Usage of the
party so to do, but only blame the ring
within the party. JOHN F. POTTICK,
Distiict Attorney
The ntiieiul d(w|ntchM from General!
Mile* Rive full particular* of t(l fight mil
the W'li.MU. tieplpmbtir 12 between n!
party of *ix •il)l!p<> tearing despatch J
from MoClellan to Camp Hui>i>l.v und 12o'
j Kiowa* atid Co in lichen The |arty w.i ;
in charge of Sergeant Z. L. Wood hall,
and consisted of private* Peter liatli, John
Ilarr ngton, und George W. Smith, Fifth
Cltyalry, and Amos Chapman and William
- lbs on \t •• ■> to. flies wete surrounded
nnd nil woui-ded lit tbe first lire, .Smitb
niorinllv, Kaili and Dixon slightly, tin
'' oilier three SCS i le)\ While tbe others
' ktpt off tlns enemy, one man dug a small
' tli nib with his kliife and band* into whieh
1 alt Ii tul il I oil, Smith, though mortally
' w out tied, silting upright with the rest lest
tiie Indian* should know liuW tbe party
' Was Weakened, I lider a Cold and pelting
' ruin, without food and with nothing to
drink save the rain water, with which, as
It collected in tlie tfencll, mingled their
' own blood, they held nut till aid rettrheil
' tin in thirlv lis hours after Till dark ol
tin- llrl day they were constantly undrl
the with afoetwent) five lilurs their tin tu
ber ut a range so short that Ire.junnl!) the)
had lit usi- their revolvers '1 hev retain
"d ill these throughout one earlr idgeeat h,
having rosolvisd to commit suicide should
tin ) I r overpowered After fighting for
thirteen hours the ludiins retired, with
ten or twelve killed I'rivate .Smith died
; i few hours,
Just after midnight this morning a fire
broke out in the turee-stof) frame build
ing No Iff ! N- rill Sixth street William*,
burg, owned and o. • upieU by William
Hi - a> a cahint matiufai-tssry ri-sulting in
.. loss (o building, stock and mat tilhury of
about 3f I' -,xf *' The two story fiame
hull,ling '.£l7 North Smli street also burn
, >l. anil lh" carpenter shop of \ aietitiiie A
(,\i , loss J.l (s*i
Oil lltursiliiy inortting Inst, Mr*
C'ntliriiia I- nrrcl, an <i!d wiitnnn, near
1) acviiity \cnr* of age-, wa* f uinl ly
tpo cold nipl still 111 ilralh, ou the street
in DoitaLiai hi, a xtilagi- in Scituyl>|
kill enmity, Iter dvalii having heen;
caused liy cxccK*ive drink A eon j
picked up the lit'elcs* body of hi* tlin '
tlicr uiitj hnii it decently intern d,
f * t
Who liua|iid mure abuse upon tin l
republicans, in the last doKeii rears, than
Alexander, anil n he wouht have them
vol.- f..r him. after being fairly beaten in
tbe democratic conference.
IK month* nltl, i offered fur l by (Itr
uiitirrtifntd At*" thorough bred *n. ill*
*i. I grade |>>n- d.fferent i<>.
d I. <• ti <1 >ll A HT.
fi (h! H (irrxK Iwp
rh K.I>TKi:S SiTICEs The follow".
k il: u > UliU haVC lop:, c *l,ll.!l. ell
i I pn*-, J by w mill remain t)I*! of Re
• itil In I lit* i iH. r fur the inspe, lion of
hri*-, l*(ili<r>, cradtPir* and all other* in
*i v wa> llilcroliil. Uid u ill ha presented l
In llio llrplniui ('mrl..( I Vntro County to
be In id at Hoilofui.Ui, lur fcllowaKoa alid
• ' fir male ii, on \' • d ucadat', the liith Jay
nf November, A 1). IKii
I. flu-itiiit of Jainea Ol.nn ad mi nit-'
tralor i! A of l>h|i I IMi'i . *t- of Harris
lap . Outre •!
1 The a, • lunt ofSaiiiuel 1 itilirti*guard
n! Emanuel, Franklin, Jut nb. Jo- '
r).li ne and JiTi-tniah ti.ibmk, childran
tf Hani.ah (aarbnek ■!. 'I.
The account of A C Witherite. an J
M. \V Fi tirr adtiiru-traior* of Ac, of
\ iiiirtw KcUnv late of K >f jr tvr , C> Uttu'
Co , <lrc U
4 i-ii.l ui Ji rcimah liaibrt and
Jot.glhau (iratiiley, Ki< < utor* of Ac. of
111 rge <>ri .lev , lati of l'rOD Iwn,, Cw
:te t .. . dc< a
■ The account ..f J ! Shugert, Gua:4-1
,an .if llrll. .1 H VC. a vtu Vj ,J
John r.!*t< f doe'd |
t., I ~ Aunt ul ibr til'oil, *l't'|io|| a|i
H .( h
Mri Palmy (tiii|<rick. 'ate ul Worth'
l* i tYntre Cu , <!<■ 4.
, liie a. i runt of (J .rge Mark, admin
>lialor of all anil singular the good* ami
> iia(;.'c right* and rre lit* which were of
N h si Brenler, late of Pcnn twji .
n Iha a count of J. P. fi. jil a.l, .1
. g administrate , ' **e U rgj Shaf
fv L.i \ alter iwp dci'd
Jul! N 11 MoRRISOX.
Oct. Ki't >ter
T*iutat l'ai-rii Tin Ciiitui
AT WuKfc Nf York rank* with the
l if the religious Weehlii'i in. *1 at,-
mvoi t its active nip... a-ol nia aermona
are tuil.'.iahi'l caelum, > in ita columns.
I'ha u-rtna. Jt."Jj jver a mum, c.orr every
thing. including postaga and delivery nf
l e new | rein:uin. a '"Portfolio of Taelvr
l.enis or a nifijr of L&XPaKKI'a
I'* !s> " Without the premium it it an
i p*r annum p.alag* prrpmij, ~i
above Agent* a ill fi '' ' * ~uc
lct 21 it
lii fhe Court of Cmnni iu l'.c** of
I etitrs- ( uuuljf N > T.'i April T.
1 - s 7 1. In Ivjuiiv.
Pel<-r Ruble vt Wu Wolf g},
Ibe ur.iieraijj. ( J i.aviiij, b appointed
■ j tfiu and Omtrt Bvamii er and Master to
I.ike stincir.v and frama a liwfea in the
ah s• < aae. will attend t• > the duties of
lh appointment on Monday the'-thday
ul N is ember n-*t at lu .■ clock ann at
!r.i office In Bells-fonle, when and ahere
a1 * pet ins inti r. -Inl are requested to at-
Al V M Hi > Y
lie'.lef.nite Oct. IT IXTt Matter Ac
ti < >ct 81.
\\ ill lie off. r- I at Pub ic Sale, on
i.rimisea, in Potter two on lialurdisv
N'*v. 7th, li7f
toUusalna! r*ul ratnte.. lielnnging to
lbs. h -tale of l'clc.r Hurst, ile- d , coli*l %
I"*f of a valuable firm of
11a ACHK^,
ntore i=r, vituale I mile fro Ul Potters
M'i's j I 'h i rsrlr I a TWO STORY
■slid other outbuilding., saith two good
Ois harda and all kindaol the beat fruit on
the premise*, and a goosl spring of never
failing water near tlu> houte, Ai*o,
> ; .!ulo in Potior twj . 'J mile* from l'otter*
Mill" Sals'to commence at I si'rlock |V
M Term a will be made knsiwn sit dav sl
.!• 10111. UISBKR.
jclsiu-.v porrkit,
A 11. If the suld farm ia not sol.l on
day above mentioned, il will be ..(fcrcd
for rent nt pub!is outcry, >tt mine Jay.
7 Nov Octflti.
In |.iit-iinii' ol nn ord<r of tbc Or
pnisii -i Lio.irt off ntfe C- ur.ty, the under"
sign. <f smII offer ist imblii *.vie. on the
: I . i v. Sin-, m'br M, |s; I, n
• Itualo in Potter twp , li; iiulu* saaat sif
puller. Mill* ; kliosan as the tarm of Hcv.
U.iniel liirr. sl.-c'd. <•<>ntaining about
ll.nintli'd sin the eaat bv land* of Win.
Iti• Isi-l, on llie oull istnl s-*t by public
ioinl. north lis Und o| Mr Shadow and
J din Nioii.if Tlis'reon ers tml a ucevj
I Wo stoHY.FU VMKIH'.r. i,. *;.\NK
HA UN. *ml lit-' <. ' || i i'd j
fruit .1 alh'lk, nV.ll is i.uVcr t.i!!ing
- ,o._ skat, r near tno house.
TKitMS -Ono-lhirsl of the purchase
u. i'ies'on ( inhrinalmn ile; the il
liinre in two s.qu sl ufloua) payills-nt*, to tie
"■•curisl by bond an I iiiortgngsi nn ".lii
p.i"IIISI - with ii'-rs*el Sale to s-uni
meliesi nt 1 o'clock, p 111
-I ep td Adminl'irdor
y \N ill he exp.-e.l ist | uhlic -'lie anil
• old to the higlitval bidilsir. sin the pr.-uii
si's, on
•1' .ne ie!.H-k 1* M Unit VALUABLE
FARM, lute the prop, rty of William Kel
ler. d cenod. situated •• .1 to\VUHlp.
I'.'litre f'l I•I , . libs ,A'dn e liiilsi east ol
t l-tnll.'h.itlUlliUig
ind twenty eight perches and allowance.
I hereon erected a large two-lory brick
house, large bank barn imd nil other uee.
e**arv out Imildings, about one huiu|red
and ft ft V acre* cleared n||i| i,inti.r g'i>d
fence and lit
nn orclnud, containing about throsi ncre,
tiilsal with c*ccl!iml apphi and oti.or fruit
tree*. A splendid spring of water near
the bouse, with excellent spring house, two
citterns at the house and one nt tile Inirri.
Will also be sold alanine time and place
one liulf mile from Centre Hall, containing
about twelve acre. Terms mndg known
on day of sale. Foj, is-rtbs f pArllbiUar*
inquire of doha li) Keller, g( Centre Hall
. "ii ll.e preniUt's.
|N"W WVkVKK, W>, Kxii.hh, Jr.
P. F Kxhhßh. O 0. KKUI.KK,
hAmukl foster,
i'iuvrdhtu of vv. k Foster.
I Also at the Millie time ami place. 1 will
| oiler at public aile my valuable tarm, con
tui iilllk 1171 acres, ndiuiiiing the abovt
offered premises. A further description
of the farm is unnecessary, fi- it is wel
, known throughfiuttiio valley.
Oct., t bt SAMUEL F. FOSTER.
A (illi'ollXO CxaK IN Ht'UX* VALt rr.-
Last Wednrg ley tbl* usually quiet vale> a
the scene of a shooting scrape which lor
tut,airly was not fatal It seem* that thi
farms of Thomas Itrumgard and Josepf
Moore lie side by side, nnd that the *ami
wnti-r supply for the house* lords both
Moore has been diasatisfied about tha met
ier, though it it said he used the water
most Oil the day ill question they needed
to utn tin, water nl llrtimgard'* for Rome
particular purpose, ami wlien Id* daughter
wrnt to gel it, Moure shot at her twice one
shot taking effect in her left arm; the other
grasoittlie head, Moore tried loeacute
Ids act by saying lio did it tlmoling at the
h.-gs thai g -t on his place, toil as he is said
to have threatened to do what he did. and
as he ha* left so as to avoid arrest, no
doubt it entertained of his intent to Uo in
jur v -17 Dent.
ll I 111 the '£trd inst. W A lull uf A ami K.
l| W iiiklehlrik, ago I '1 years, 0 month*. anJ
11 day.
j On 'Jt in Millheim. Miss I.lZs e, daugh
ter of John Alters, aged about Jt years
On Jt. in Millheim. Mr. Wetter, wife
of Herij, Waiter, ag"d about J6 year*.
'! On tbe JJd inst, by Kev Join Timlin
' s,.n, Mr C B Storar in Miss M A Ktover,
both of Haines twp
On the'JKh int, Mr Charles M licit
let and Mist Clara S. Hartley, bulb o
' Iteltefonte.
On Oct. JJd, Mr. Abraham J Kweitaer,
(of Miiini-r )owiitblt, Centre county, to
Mist Llltli- M Y'earirk, of the same
j place.
I* liiladelphia, tii L, ( i, ei itt - tteadß -tllo
versrid httiacU er> Itilie attention W
, qimte at u'+'sfc pet pound. Timetby Caa
■ >ot ha quoted uvt-r $J tjofi*J.7o tier bushel j
Fiaxsemi is in fair demand by tnr eriishart 1
at it,'JO.
The demand for wheat U extremely j
limited arid price* are weak. Tha receipts i
are liberal and Hint stock accumulating
Sato* ~f Pennsylvania ami we.tern red at I
JtJ,'6(iyarnber at Sl.' 'AJ and j'
white at Sl.JThi, 1,871 Hyu it entirely j
, nominal. C-Th La With out improvement,:
land tb* ofhrrings am in excess uf the da j
F 111 and. balos of -1 (Mi bushels at '
'for yellow and fttPcHtc for ttiiisaf Oatsf
are dull Kales lif Jll ■ I bushels uf weslc-rsi
white at Mttdlt and isms mixed at &7c. '
I'btladelpbia, fjctoher The market
'for href ratlin was *xcns*ivelt dull ihU
mornitig ami with liberal reipt. prn*
wore luw*r alt around. S*'* "f coinntoti
to i b ,ce at . and extra at
Kn uipU 4,,Vltt brail
•Vbite iTheat f 1 lb Red lib ..Jtye
'.hi ...Coin "JU ... flats GO barley 'JU
70.. ...Clo /ersred l.tft I'otatoee GO
Lard per imunu h I'urk per puund'Jtt
Mutter'At Eggs 15 Plaster per ton
♦l4 Tallow K ltaron Uau, lh
Lard per pound H riOA- -.. Huckaheel
<k'i ci* , f ~ur pur barrel ratatli.Ott. i
hfuea ijcutia plaster sl4 I" Its Cayuga
plaster $'J,bU per *AU) lb*.
Fall Opening of
llf*ttttt|w, Trimming*. J|llllit*
rj, m
who bkijurt returned from Pbiiadelpbie.
with the LATEST FASHIONS and a com
plete -Um k of Sri Ho fillets. Nit* Hal*,
, legant Trimmings, Ac., wbtyh Vsili b
sold or ll. ail* up ai iiutxuuable prices.
Also, eld* !*** t-'ap*.
l*i tvies are very isretty Ladies
'vail and see them early rirat c->me, flrst
•erved. Oct © 4t.
of adminisiratiti up lh* R*
tale ~f Catharine Sl'.vus, ia* t f Uregg
t |i . dead havi. Uoen gi an tod t the us
4sJ.ignnd. and all tier*,-n- knowing them
selvu indrbtod to sa d estate are requeat
i d to make immediate payicni.l. and those
having bgal claims against the same Will
■Meant them duly authenticated hv law.
JOHN R trill EL.
Oct 15 (k. Ad in r,
F;rmrrs, (■ rangers
ft r the fall and winter trade received.
k'ur sPK'k of ready-made Clothing I*
ltgc, and first class in eiery lespect.
V RSTS af p.,** s lower than erer.
Vvflli ini Melton, Beaver and oih
ler Ovcrc sl A fine stock of Latest Style
The very best Mi-tti and Boys heavy
Hoots. Ladies, Misses and CL'sdrvn*
A full line of <p nt's ISirnisbing Goods.
Kv-i rlhli.g rwlrd to C-omph-tr a Gen
jtleiuau wardrobe. vi—fsloves. Half
IIIM-S. f'ravals, underclothing Ac
At the Cl othing Store, Mtlruy. Please
'favor Its with a call and < xaiuino g--ds
and prices. Ri'spectfuHy,
iOctlftt X.P.KRINE.
The undersigntaj buf* leave tu iiilurm
his patrons aul the t>uhltu generally that
ih*i )- sua (.riiiarid to make COFKINS
and tespcolliil'y solicit* a share of their
i atronag" Funerals attended with a neat
(i sept 4m. Cliurchville.
Fine Homestead for Salt.
A House X Lot—about 3 A 1-rcs of gi-od
lullivatsni i^.i^— situate in Gregg twp.,
inear 4t"'ler s Sawnnll, in ti urge* Yal
;lcy. is ,'fual *1 private sale. Two public
.toad* run along two sides ut the lot
Thereon afw erected i. two story HOUSE,
■STABLE. SHOP, and other outbuilding-
A splendid ORCH A Rl) of the host appiea,
'i hurries, pear*, peaches, and plums, on
; the promises, ami never failing water neat
thn door. Close to tha houwe a fine gr
den nnd-i hexutiful yard in front Also
running water near the h>tue. For fur
ther particulars apply to LOTT EVANS
keystone Store.
(In to
No. (i lltuh'a Arcade, Uclli-funte, Pa.
All kinds of coun'ry produce tak
en. Ileal Bargain* iu town to be
bad. uov2otf
SCUtjqr V
pnvt,r of I,otter fdwinlup are hereby noti
tied that toe' duplicate ot School tax foi
the present year is ill the hands nt the un-
Cersianeil All suoh lax paid on or before
l)<<coiuber Il 1874, wili have an ahatenieni
•>f A per cent. Thirty day* after said date
there will tie no abatement, and on a 1 !
-tioii tax remaining unpaid afiei January
I. lhiii, there will be an addition of ,"i ;ji
cent to the amount on dutil'o"| v ,V r "-
icrihed by law, .'<•
ft. M. Swakti,
i 111 o in. Trea*
ItJL Stages arrivo and depart daily!
Burner* and Shipper* of TBE celebrated
Bellefo nte
Dealer* ia the very beat grade* of
IA Nfllll Ail TK COA LJ
i . : :
The only deelera in Centre County who eeli the
Wi Ii LKE!Si Bi A111; R! ECOi Ai L
front lb* old Baltimoi* initio*. Alto
of A'lUif Kuiu Coal drjrljr boutad aspraaalg for hau*a m tte iowait j ricea.
Th-jr \-y the h.g ha* l-rloa* lt> luh for (rain that the It—Urn markets will afford.
Bought or will Im told on cuamiuia* whan diwir**"', r,J full price* guarant. ad. la
fortnation concerning tha grain trad a will be furnLbed at all ltti<ra. to farmer*,
with pteaaure, free of charge.
which u at way* eold at low price*, and warranted to be a* good a fertiliser at any
other plaalrr.
tiff flit #\Ml> TAftt)
Lime! Lime!
Lima ol lb* W quality. _ !?• on '
hand. .1 ih. kil. ""^O^KO€H__j
Millhelm, Pa.,
W|| LU4LI ASK **TAlt D*AU I*
They have just rolurnod from tha KaMarti
Cilia*. where they have pur.-haead • went
Muck "f
HARDWAKR. Uutlebt. IM*. Natta.
l'iaaterer* mad Maaoua,
Saddler*. Shoemaker*.
Housekeeper*. and in fact,
We rait particular alUnlion to • I• as
sortment ot Picture Frame# and Moulding,
vt-ry clieep.
And Curtain FiHIM uf trorj kind.
aIU-nlion • called U> our stock af Spokes,
Hubs, Fallow*. Ik*fu. Poles and Buggy
Wheel*. allaf No. I quality andsailing **•
ty cheap Our slock is large, and c->c
-lantly being rueswed, and wo are wiling
—vhoUoala arid retail— at very low price#.
Rmnatubor— much money ha* been lost by
(laying tou much for Hardware. Try
jkiUSStP i lift's,
Thev buy for t'aab and sell ut Cah Prices
for |Va profit than any otltr Hardware
Stora in the County.
g-#~Call and tee u. Satisfaction guar
aug liT-jr '74
Manufacturer* of
Sheetiron & Tin
Milllioim. Pa.
All kir.da of Tinware, conetaally on
hand and made to order.
Shcetiron Ware of every description,
always on hand.
Roofing in Tin and Sheetiron dona in
the moat approved and satisfactory atyle.
Spouting dona to oeder.
Their rtovk of Tin and SheeUiron Goods
it Itrst ttni tnd offered it tbe
Their establishment ha* baen enlarged
and slocked completely throughout.
Saii*faclion guarUnteed, and all job*
promptly attended lb. sprlG-y
Next dour |u WHaoo A Hick*' Hard
ware afore, Allegheny St.,
Jas. C. Williams.
(Successor H> W f. Kankia A Ca)
for medicinal purpoaaa.
TRUSSES At* great ■
>Wa Choice i (
itri(l nil other articles usually kept in first
class Drue Store.
C. T, IL*\VIS*. ,fl. M HOWKKS.
'nay* irt-Law, LLEILAFUUTU, P*. Spe
cial sUcnlittft given tu <A>l lections, and
Orphans' Court practice, liny be con
sulted in German AND English. OFLSCS in
Gartpan't Au>ldM>(. my2B'74-tf.|
JOHJI HOT ma. rune* iturtmu.
Banking Go.
And Allow In.wrwet,
Discount Note
Buy and Sell
Government Seci-ritie*, Gold and
ITtia Uorraa, W*. B. Mivqu,
Prc't. Caahier
Cbas. H. Held.
('leek, HalrhmaLrr A Jeweler
Millheiui, Centre Co., Pa.
K*|ierifully informs hie friends and the
public iB general, that be ha* just opened
at ku new e-iebiishmeat. above Alexan
der a More, and keep* constantly on hand,
at! kinds ot Clock*, Watches and Jewelry
of the latest stylos. a* *lw the Maranvilla
Patent Calender Clock*, provided with a
complete tadeg of the month and da vof
the month and week on iu face, which ia
. warranted as a perfect time-Steeper
W ate be* it;d Jewelrv re
'ifiairwd on abort notice and warranted.
Rest Sample Room* iu Town.
*D. JOHNSTON A SONS, .Proprietor*
Bellefonte, Penna.
Free Rhm fo and from til Depot.
Excelsior Cement-
The undersigned new manufai tare* Ce
QUALITY, at his kiln*, near Pine
Lreck Mills, in Haines twp. Thi* cement
has already he, ti used ia large quantities
upon the L. C. A S. C. KR.,and Ha* be n
'found highly satisfactory upon all job*
where it ha* been Used, and a* KjUsl to
any now matiufaeUtM>d for u*c in CIS*
TERNS, WATER PIPES. or whatever
, purpose a gtsod quality ol Cement i* de*i
rable Tbit Cement ban already beta
. lasted far and wide, and rendered the ut
most satisfaction. Prrtsn*. therefore cor.-
• alructing CiaU-nta. laving Water Pipe*.
, Ac . will find it to their advantage to bear
this in mind, and also, that he warrant* ska
article a* represented
; may 21 tf Aaron-burg. Fa
JOB* SrAXOLia. Proprietor.
Stage* arrive and depart daily, for al
point*, north, couth, east and w. *tj
ux.nbt aaocKAßtiorp, ~f. v. - hVgekt,
Pre*idem. Cashier.
(Lata Milliken, Hoover A Co.)
And Allow iatereat,
Discount Noler,
BUT and cell.
Government Secu: liea.Goid d
•plffftStf Coupon*.
W 7 . A. CURRY,
Would tuort wpeetftilly inform the cit
xen* of thi* vicinity, that he has started a
new Root and Shoe Shop, and would ba
thankful for a share of the public patron
age Boot* and Shoe* made to order and
according to style, and warrant* hi* work
ito equal any made elsewhere. All kir.d*
i of repairing dona, and charge* reasonable.
Give hitu a vail. fob IS ly
Dentist, Mlllheim.
Offers hi* professional service* to tha
► public. He i* prepared to perform all
ii operation* ia the dental profusion.
•>-Uei* now fully prepared to extract
I tooth Mwialdy n thcut pain. myß-78-tf.
Dr. FORTNKY, Attorney at
a Ballefonte, Pa. Office over Rcv
ionld a bank. maylfi'M
Nearly opposite Spongier" hotel.
Cnl. Hall where he i* ut all time*, prepared
tomakaall kind* of men and boy'a cloth
ing. according to the lutcri style* and at
reasonable charge*.
J AS. M MAN US, Attorney at Law,
Ballefonie, tirmnptly attend* to a)
hioiars* entruttod to him. jui2,'Gßt
ADAH fitlLD,
offer* hi* service* to the citixens of Mifflin
> Centre and adjoining counties, in
Hoaiev Sign aud Ornauienntal
M , . Oak. "Walnut, Maple, Ash
Mahogony. Ac.,
Plain and Pancy Paperhanging. Or
ders respectfully sutirited.
n> f. t"* W °" k d '°** foT other painteri.
1 ° f\Jn" lf y ri * R Attai*ejr-at-Law,
, v ♦flections promptly made and
•pecsar attention given to those having
I land* or property for sale. Will draw up
and have acknowledged Deeds, Mortgages,
Ac. Ofllve in the diamond, north side of
the court bouse, Bcllefonte. oct22'Cotf
Bellefonte, Pa. Office with
flush A k ocum. Consultation in English
and German. Collections promptly attend'
u,,tu - febo-tf
OX*"*- 1 Itaa unllibUean/or Barn, El
asy to. this SR* April. ITI