FEKD KtJHTZ „ Editor. Centra Hall, Ta., Oct. 20, 1574. - 1 T ITil 1 7 EkMS.— $2 prr yrnr, a mftvrinv, 2 •'*' trAra not yard in aHrane*. Adrrrtiarmrnt* 'JOeptriim* for three i>i ami for Ct and 12 snout A* by r tat contract- Democratic Nominations For Supreme Judge, iloN "WARREN J. WiHIDWAIU). ' of Berks. For Additional Law Judge, JOHN H. OR VIS. For Lieutenant Governor, nON. JOHN LATTA, of Westmoreland. For Auditor General, HON. JUSTUS F. TKMFI.K, of Greene For Secretary of Internal Affairs. GFX WTU-IAM it VANULKSS, of Philadelphia. For Congreea. L. A MACKEY. For State Senator, WM. A. WALLACE. assembly. S. T. Shugert, Rellefonte, S. S. Wolf, Potter. DISTRICT ATTORNEY, J. I* Spangler, Bellefonte. COMMISSIONER, J. Newliu Hall. Howard. CO. SURVEYOR. William P. Mitchell. AUDITOR. Adam Yearick. Marion. L. A. Mackey will never Ih> caught in Crevlit Mobiliers, Salary Grabs, Lan lgrahn, and corrupt jobs. Wm. A. Wallace will bo fouud, ss heretofore in the senate, battling against corruption, tnouopsdie#. and a leader in the great reform# that are to take olace uuder the now Constitu tion. His absence from the Jw-uate at this period would be a public calami ty. Hence he is the person every h nest roan should vote for. Judge Orris is so well known for his legal attainments, his efficiency as a judge, aad incorruptible nature, that no good citizen can comistently vota against him. He has proven his de votion to the public as a legislator, and his uprightness as a judge. What excuse then can there be for any one. in voting against men like these? With such material placed upon a ticket, it is easily told, Whom to vote for. Honest men be consis tent, aud do your duty ou the 3rd of November. As Mr. Cyrus T. Alexander is now a candidate for office, and wants to go where.salary grabbefs are not wanted, we would like to know, how hejusti fies his taking S3OO for an extra ses sion of the Legislature which he never attended, he remaining at his home in Bellefonte, and never attending said extra session yet took its extra pay. Then we want to ask honest voters, whether he is the man they think should represent them in Congress?lf so, then never say a word against sala ry grabbers. Voter, was tbat au hon est grab ? Fellow democrats, did he not go in to county convention and take its nomination subject to the decision of the conference, and does he not now violate that sacred pledge by running independent? Is that the conductor an honorable gentleman, is a question we put to every honest democratic voter. Do you approve of Alexander's salary grab and his violated pledge? What guarantee does such conduct give that he would be au honest member of con gress? None, none. He is not bon es'., —Col. Mackey has never had such things to stain his character. NOT. 3rd.—Duty. Democrats of Centre don't be dis tracted by petty differences. Lay all bickerings aside, and do not let the enemy defeat us. Think of the past — what defeats and insults we suffered in the last fourteen years—how we stood up to our constitutional principles and met the enemy as regular as the elec tion day came around. Remember how our candidates for national and state offices were continually counted out, and defeated by repeaters, fraud and violence. Remember these things of the past, and ponder over the folly of allowing dissension and petty jeaß ousies to defeat us now when the car of victory seems to be running in our favor and has already so triumphant ly taken on board our gallant breth ern in Ohio, Indiana, and other states with their thousand's of majorities. Do your duty then on the 3rd of November. Behold the excellent, good, true and honest men upon the state ticket. See those able and ster ling men, our district nominees, Mack ey, Wallace and Orvis —all fairly and honestly nominated aud ranking amoDg the formoet talent in the state. See the good material that composes our county ticket. x Democrats only unite, and go for ward harmoniously and victory i9ours The Reporter ha 9 silenced the Belle foDte Republican upon each and every charge it brought against Mack ey. Besides that, the firm of Moore Simpson & Co., sent au epistle to the Bushhouse cellar that they must follow Ben. Franklin's rule and think twice before they speak once. They did not publish that letter but admitted they 1 lied from hearsay. The ring is opposed to Wallace and Mackey. The people are for these two men, they always Etood on the side of the people. .Election Nov. 3. Honest men, vote for honest men, like Wallace and Mackey. If the reforms under the new Cui* 1 stitution are to be kept up, and car ried to their end, then such champions of reform and pure government, like Wm. A. Wallace, must be returned to the state senate. B®_lf the Grangers are opposed to Salary Grabbers, they can't vote for Alexander. Markov's Financial Views Mr. Mackev'# financial vi wa nio sound mil be lias ever been Irto to ex press them. This he did fully in the campaign of 1868, and he hold- to the same views still. The democracy of his own county pu##id the folli w ng resolution which has Mr. Macho's endorsement: lictchtd, That it is the nine ol tins convention that Congress should so amend tin pr sent Naticnal Banking system as to require the banks organs ited under the same to snhstitute greenbacks in place of the national bank currency now issued by them, and thereby save the people the pay ment of about $24,000,000 of g Id in lerest auuualv. Hit home organ, the Lock Haven Democrat, aavs that upon the living is.-ius of the day Mr. Mackev will he found in close sympathy with the people. Upon the financial question ho is with the people now. us he was in 18tB when ho took position iu fa vor of a uniform national currency, is sued bv thegoverumeut without inter vention of the national bauks As stated by the Elk Democrat, "although loroed into the national banking sys tem by the taxatiou u! the general government, he has never publicly up proved of the system, and believe* that a* the government has assumed the prerogative of Atrnshiug the ciieu la lion of the country, tlu people have whatever pre tit i to be made by the issuing of currency, and that the priuciple of equality in the rights of our citizens should be applicable to banking, 2* well as others business' lie believes is the established dee* trine of the Democratic party, that true financial policy of the country is to maintain our currency upon a >pe cie basis—that all tinaneial legidatmu should tend to that end—and the re sumption should lake pla.e us soon as practicable consistent with the re quirements of the industries of the debtor class, who compose thru fourths of the people- He believes that resumption of specie payment# oau be reaches] with an exclusively greenback currency in omr-balf the time it can bo with an increased N.i tial Bauk currency. Down with the Salary Grabbers! When C. T. Alexander represented our oouoly iu the legislature, uu extra j session was held. For that session they voted themselves tui ad ditiona! salary of S3OO. Although Mr, Alexander never showed his face in Harrisburg, the books of the Slate Treasurer show that lie received his; S3OO. Surely Mr. A. ought to take . the stand. The people are not in a : uiood at preseut to be lenicut to salary- j grabbers ; they have plenty of men of j that character in Washington nou.j whom they aro disposed to retire, and not to recruit their ranks with j men who have proven themselves such wonderful adepts in a smaller arena. "All pay and uo work" is no motto for hard times. We would rather contract for our legislation oo the. cooperative plan-large sales and small j profits. Vote for Good Men It is a safe rule for the honest citi zen always to vote for good men. There are still some of that class liv-j ing yet —Geo. Washington, and Gen. Jackson were not the last, although | we have had couutless rascals since the | days of those heroes. If honest voters make this a rule and auhere to it, it will have the edict of defeating bad ( men and finally forcing parties t<> make nominations in accordance with this just requirement of the people. Then and then only will the people be safe and obtain trustworthy public servants. The democratic party, it, must be admitted, has at times come, short in this particular, as well as the radical party, but not to the acie ex tent as the latter party. This the democracy hail in view when they nominated Mackey amij Wallace, taking two of the purest and ablest men iu their respective districts, the one, Mackey, for Congress, the, other, Wallace, for state senator. Now will the honest voters, on Tuesdor j next, November 3rd, endorse a nomi ! nation that was made iu accordauce with their demand and wishes? We think they will, and that too with over whelming majorities. The people sel dom go back upon their best and no blest men. The rank and file are ac* tuated by honest desires, and knowing Messrs. Mackey aud Wallace so well, they will not prove recreant to their own interests by failing to sustain the true, faithful and honest when present ed for their suffrages. Col. Mackey's whole life is blame less—he is the most enterprising and liberal spirited citizen of Clinton county, and the best friend that the poor man in it ever had. He is an able financier, and holds the soundest views upon that subject—views which tend to the good of the country and its toiling masses. Of Wm. A. Wallace we are proud to pay the pame thing. Twelve years in the senate show a record ngainst monopolies, extravagance, rings, in fa ror of economy and wholrsome laws, besides abilities of the first order. True, tried and never found want ing it would be sacrilege to defeat such uoble men and we have too much confidence in the good sense of the in telligent people of central Pennsyl vania, not to heiievc that they will sustain them at the polla on next Tuesday, Nov. 3rd, by overwhelming majorities. Notwithstanding C. T. Alexander declared in Spangler's hotel, a weak ago, that he hated to have radicals vote for him as an indejiendeut candi date, he ig now glad to have their sup port. A radical that can swallow such a candidate anil renegade can be brought down to swallowing any thing. The predicted revolt of benator Morton has come. The Indianapolis Jovynal denounces the President's ad herence £o the notion of a third term, declares he ecu; 1/J not be re-elected, and futhermore that it would not be % good thing for pure poiitbv if be could be. . VOTE FOR MACKEY, the poor ! man's friend and people's choice. VOTE FOR WALLACE, the tn- I emy of rings and corruption. \\ lint Dtlters Think of t y *c , The Li wishing Jmiin i i -peak- n# follow-I'm the democracy <1 Union ; Some. Si ill-iwiig from (Vnlre county j ! jit is said. ir dcterninud to run n# an • independent candidal'* l> r t tigr< * I Thu Dcniocrats of I nion will vote; solid for Colonel Marki \. ami the Ke 1 publicans will not dt -rrt tin ir tegular i nominee. From the l, aUlawn Democrat. There i a u port CUtii lit that t'v iu jT. Alexander, a lawyci lb llrli ule, I lin> announced him>ell iisitii ind | ■ i 1 >nt candidate ft loi . io- \\ r 'to surprised nt this; foi wo had a op nion of the man We did -t !*c li-vo he would ariifo' !i* j.i>>iul ■ honor to gratify hi> gicrd tor otbee. But, it seenis, we n measured the n an. He was a candidate before the I fn;- iH-ralic contercncc. and tailing t" g* I i the nomination, unlike out uwn lion orable fellow citizen. \adrcw lb. I, he declined to appear before iliet'on fcrcnce and Xpr ss his adhesion to a uominaliou fairly niad.; nnd.no Lubt eveu then contemplated treason Since the dnvs ol Judas 1.-eaiiot 1 traitors have been d.#p >ed, nml we < expect now to see Virus I AL-sau- , der get just -urh a druhbing a# be de serves. It honor does not hold him jto conform to the u.-.ip- ol hi# party nor to his implied pledge# when he be (came a candidate beboe the legu'.ir ! organit ttioti. what will hi# honor be , j worth in C tigro-s? Cvru# Alexander .* the man': \\ hat a niightv eoniuncto u "I big name#. It there b • anything in a name, what a powerful spell this great combination will work! Cyrus the great and Ah xauder the unconquerabh' He who wept f>r more worlds to con quer! Mi. Alexauder Cyrus Alexander was a law partner > f Judge Orvi- Whether behave any strength! tie partnership is a matter upon wh ch there is a division of sentiment, but whether he did or not we leave th e to decide who know more about his legal abilities than we do. Vermin it is that he ha# no c mspicm us acquire menu for Congress, and cquaJv cer tain it is that t.o 1 the nomination and got one county out ,'s.atid that his own, which no one eoutestnl. Not having sto, d the gin -t ola chance in getting the posith n i the usual wav, ho ni deslly rejects that d> i '.-ion and ;iys the jK-oplo must have t yru- Alexander! What do you ray h-llow citizen# Mr. Alexander > Ab'xaudtf; protessed to bo a Democrat. His p.ir tv would'ut nominate him, Ihe radi eal party took him up its an independ ent candidate, they making no nomi nation. Did thev take him for hi# abilities ? N<. Did they take him for anvthing valuable a# a ropre-. illa tive? No. Then why did they take him? Simply becau, • a few men thought it v.ou'.J Ik|.. .-iiuiul p id. 'g' more. He reiiresonb nobody nor either parte. There i uothit: f ; >:i:art in it. for Mackev will whip turnout .*! hi# boots. But they thought it #niart. In times like these, you want men of abili ty in the national council—nun who a"ru yue thin_' or{}Hie other, and w;!l siatni or taU Ly it a:: 1 not men who will be unytiling il ths/ twin* !iy can only gtl white their arnbiti u would lead them. Between un able representative like Mr. Mackev, who is the regular nominee of his party, and au hermaphrodite candidate lik. Alexander, we are suto the people will no; be del' to decide, flu* Denn.crats of this count; uui staud by iheir ii.'iui nee, and u large uumb.-rol uien i the opposite party will unhesitatingly v< to lor Mackev. That Salary Grab liiat S3CO which C. T. Alexander drew from the public treasury, lor an extra sessb n of the legislature which he tuver attended, may same day get back again oat of his pockets, where it is unjustly stowed away -nd tinj its way iuto thee nsciencc lund. Perhaps if ( vse has a conscience it will. Hut has he a conscience, and if so where ws jt alien lie drew the salary to which he wu nl entitled? lie ha no conscience now, i>r it would not have allowed him to Tiolate a sacred pledge,in accepting the nomination of the late county convention f v\ 111 k .in otti jT. iuibvulli v inilruKii t• > conic to a -Uiul tiiill ? AiißWir- the bauir. W list biotigl.t the |iiuii' 111it>it the ii ' iiutiy Ihe inirt iki u'.'iiiil LIt:lull i Aug liiiaiu ial jiulicv ol (lie radical oar tV, CttU.itd all the pii i Yule h i n change thi 11, on nekl I iii -.hiv I'llllit's Ulttl Molt(l|)ulit s llie ia iical party the paiiv ul in 'ti,'p.iln -. it- tiiiaiii ial pulo v i hting ng the ecunli v 1,1 ruin, ami C.!U d till pi, at Ol .Iglia (it'll 111 lludv mill hviaiiiCar. lin imluul patty I - llie pail) (hat ci'tated nil the im>uu|Mi|ics tliat are pluioh i uig the cmmli y and bringing ".he Lihv'l illg claraia t , tin j .1 >d at.ir v at ion. To the roils lit licet voter*, do VoU w.iut n, i hhiigc, arc vi u tired of p .mica, ati ikca, *i.d llie lagi.ulioii fioiu which the country i- imw Mitfciing so teriiblv, (In n ;■ ' Idlhu ) all* on next 1 ut'*d*y and \i tit i a change hy giving yoUi supjKvrt t>v the democratic ticket. It ii the sucii I dut) of cVi l) Wc'lWialiel of hi.B coiintt v to be at the polls oil Lie .1 v ad Vote to put out > I JvoWi r tin* iccii who have brought the ouuntr) t the brink of ruin. Then g > t>> 11. c poll- ami vote I. r change. Arc v ii oop cd i salai y grabber.-, to car pit bag iulr, and in favor ot *u ec. : >, i .ui nii(i)iiiili4li.,u i-l the gov ernment, then go to the tH'lli on Tu, sd) and vote for a change. io you want u salary grabber iu C I gn--, tl 11 v !e fn C.T.Ab \ ujdrr.' who drew #, n 'of the legislature which he never at tended Hut it you deire an bom-t man in tvngri'* then g > to. the polls in rucr J:l) and Vole h"r a limn ol km mii honesty ami iott-griiv L< vi A. Mackey ( U toe i olj., in the p d!- J h<>tl est men of whatever party, and least inaLe tin attempt t - better the tearful condition ot the c> tiutry by \. tirg to put llie di-mocralic party iu p. vnr. Vou run Uu ti-k iu having a cht!i'"e ( fur it can nt jv-i-cbly be !ur the worn'. Go lo th pol:. thyr,on next I'ucßiiay, ord, and Vote (or a ctiauge. TIIO lMot Tlw iritttherv ofC.T. Alex in.hr is for two purpose*. (Lie i* to interfere with Mackcy, the other i- to trade (If against Or vis and attempt to do Jul hifti- \ few broken down and ioug-diacarded deiaorratic |K>lttii'iaD# arc a-islit:g Alexander in hi? ■ ui trcschcry against the parly that ha* lavoie.i i.(... , . if- Doui crat mark the men engaged tn ttii* um. ,11 dh Orvis and Mackey are aide am! worthy imn.tti.d were nominated with (he utrsct fairtu?*. lhe Mvalues are plotting to dtKaf them I)o your duty 4i:d the plotters will unit a jjoetul defeat. \Vi> have shown !>y "| oating tl"' bi k." lu October 13, thai the Demo cratic net majority of l! e | opular \o:e ,in the twenty-four Stati* which have hc!0,000. This is the n:ot extraordinary politi cal revolution on record. There has been D such change in public renti incut in * > a tinii, in our political hiatorv. It bcnti the Harrison opin. val afl ho'hw. If the elections are lauv criterion whatever, the (itant Ad ministration is supported by a small minority of the people. A fhuioerat i • nit gain of a million and a quarter of votes dem-'patrates that the Radical party has run it; race, n4 thai it itand. at last beneath the gibbet, up on which an indignjtnt people will strangle it on the third day of Movant* • IM r next. There is a sudden calm in the Southern outrage business, and the Kepublicau organs are one after an other giving their whole attention to the third term business. The im pression *ce ns fo he that the third term project hurt the Republican* a g.>d de-i in/ire thsu the bloody shirt yelling did the Democrat* GIUCO the organs are very anxious the President should speak at once. The discussion is not a liit tunnv to them now. The addraat prepared at tbcChattn nnoga Convention, cu*po*eJ of decay ed carpet-baggers and tax eaters ad mits in terms, that "Republicans can not he maintained in jiower in the Southern States without Federal in terfereuca." This humiliating confea aioo ought toconvinoe liapuhliuani in the North who believe in the right of, tho majority iu each State to rule, that Federal bayonets have to he call cd to the assistance of the minority, in one-half the Union, in order that a certain class may plunder at their own sweet will. The L'ouvnjtion was a little late for Ohio and Indiana, Lui the address is expected to do wotk iu lYfinkyU'anja and New York. ♦ HOW THE RADICALS PRO POSE TO FIGHT MACKEY FOR CONGRESS. 111 a long article, says the Clinton j Democrat, appealing to the farmer* to rally to the Radical Standard, the 1 Helictoiit.c Jjlcnublcan of last week la 'bora hard to excite Uictw a # ain*t Mr J Mackey, the Democratic candidate *r. Congress. The burden of its discord-] ant song is, that Mackcy is rich and {connected with the National Ranking] system- Therefore, farmers should ! cut him and support thp party that cre ated, has fostered, aml will fonUnue. to foster that money monopoly till the j people take the power to tlo fo from] j tie 111 "Suppose" it asks, "any legislation j . comes up whero the interest of the Nation*! Rani's shall conflict with that of the farmer and laborer, what position would Mackey he likely to assume? Does any one believe he'; 1 would *jdii wjlh (lie people and! ] against hia own Jnßiftyd Hud the Na- ; i tionul Ranks ?" We reply to the Republican, that !the Convention of Clinton that first declared for Mackey passed a resolu tion in favor of abolishing the Nation al banks und substituting a greenback curs ncy. The Chairman anounced to o the convention that Mr. Mackey j fully endorsed the resolution, Mr. ( Mackey has repeatedly said so himself, 11111• 11-!\ mi I | iivntcly, mnl m bound in honor lt> v..te in Cotigri? for what lie t-moiim *ln Kirn tin' | ><>{• i<•. lit) igivcs tin euarciileea ul Inn own public lv < \|ll( 'l'll |'< Ml! 11l 118 UII lllltiMci to iln' Kcpubliian'a attack, unci tliero in no H mull whalivci to i]"iibt Ilutt In' villi do \vhut lut .t\ Here in hi* lii'inr. iirli- lie ban long lived Mini li-Ul •' I u to in i! \; Ihic lie liaa gained what ever |o>it)in ul ire lit ho ha* before [lie i iHiiliiil'.it v .tin! whatever ineuli* 111 iimv lr|"C'( aril of; to tint people 'I tin l'i 'l'll III' i (.'lllll i till hi Bit- lit! lie- uii'l 'll o luioiii< ii ci.iiik (t iniia, he i< hi mnl in | erfiiriu vi hut he pro 1.ni1.1 hi lull"! u1..1 will atitll (I hy ln tier lit i 'to hi, mid though it I'ii.-i --ill 111 . I ii N.iti"liul 1 illllk. lie l 111 111 vor •>( m il will vote f>>r an abolition oi the N ati.oiiil Ihiii k 8 all < I the atitiatiln li. it there? r of the uiii(ortu govern uienl lurieiiev called gi < < nliuck*. i he unheal J'ltrtv lot* brought into iviftiiue ull ihn monopolies that tlttVc lleei'nl the |N'ti|ile. It it ilm latl.er of them ull The turn who c. in p. thnte monopolies, an- tin hnihil ut that party. Will you vote to have tho monopolist par ty in power any longer? It vou uie lire.] of itioi.opolies then vote for M ickiv un.l Walltic. . i be radical party i> responsible for tbi> 11, tin >i,ilile "black 1 inlay putnc, vvbich mi mil but.(lre.l* of innocent i'ii*,ii.-*> leal-.s tunl caused sucli wide spread diauslei ali i.vri the country, a 1. w radical leader* reaping fortune* llr ugh the iuiii they brought ulsout, I'leaiii. nl lirniil * wife h- raelf making ?_'.",(.K10 out oflliat iniipiitoua cuuipj lacy. \ uie on ip xi Tuesday to change ull the party of panics and monopolies, bv i It. ling in. ii like Mackey and VVallace, the kuowu and prounuuood iiit iiiii* ; in „ .j.o!lrs a ii-1 breeder* of palii I' I Alex.tiidcr s.nl a Iciu-r to An. sburg, fii signature*, uddre-r. E.i to bitii-cif, asking bun lu Im all in !<•; t I nt can I,dale fur c..ngi—. The I. .o .ii.icy r the success of the entire ticket There i- uu encouragement there for lis rganizer* aud ingrat.*. KIGUT HI TW'KTN SlOj'X i.%- IUAN> A.Ni A HLACK lIILUS PARTY. Ssp ux City, lwa Get. In,*—A psr- IV > t scv.li left Y aii k 101 l tell day* ago for the Black Hills' and on Sunday, the llih lust., were attackt-d bv n par lv of Brule Sioux at the mouth ot the Little Ptatlc, 40 niilia froiu Niobrara, wbcii a dojnrale light ti.sucd At the time uf the attack the party wa* in camp aud the mep aalcep. The In diana airrroutided them and attempted to Btampi'dc the atock, which awoke the jpttt The light wan kept up for IN miuulcs win ii tho lici.aiis withdrew taking their d. ad and wounded, thought to number at ieast ten The nbitr* at once alar (cd back with one man dead and three wounded, and ;Jit • r mule* crippled. tllb KARTIIvfI AUK IN tl A TKMALA. Tana ma, Oct. 10. —Tin- severe earth quakes of the 3rd of September last causi- i the river Porta! to overflow ita hunk*. i Ins put a stop to the run ning ' I the flour mills and causing a great -rarpjty of flour. The h fufllired in the Department are from $200,000 to f*2so.ooo,'inc!ud ing fanning hotiaes, machinery, aud some thousand; of jrafd of storehouse* oiiilatniiigofiihine.il were buried un der tne rtiios. The number of victims cannot be exactly estimated. Many dead bod ies remained buried under the stream of mud which 1< *ceiilcl from the Corrode! Tigrc. In Antigua alone 30 jHi.-oi.s pe< i* In .! the rri-ater part be ing women anJ children. It i rql a iated tliat twenty Ave b.dit# were htl ried in the other towns.au 1 a hundred more or le- bruiaed and wounded. The town at Duenna is entirely ruined, with its church, cnhildo, paro chial edifice, private houses A short di&lantv from Dticrias, and ncaj a coflec farm of £iuta, iu a place call ed I, s Ksii.ljcja, {here was an extra- I ordinary promontory or loud, which had descended from the bights ofi.'arro del Tigrc. The promontory had, in some places a depth of 100 feet, and was formed by those eruptions of mud which geologists call silsiis, ami which generally is not a good sign for the bordering countries. The eruption which produced this promontory con sisted of cold mud, which although H*er/ compact, carried in its current enormous'masses of and tree* whose trunks measured eight and ten iinches in diameter The government has ordered supplies of flour from Salvador and California."* A subscrip tion i.; be in C raised in (iuatemalu for those families tsiaf hff'jo suffered by the earthquake. AN IMPORTANT DKCISION. —We notice that Judge Elwell.ofColumbia county, has decided that nil school tax ! exceeding Id mills on the dollar, is il legal, since the legislature has reduced the 3 mill S'nte tax. The Judge might have gone a little further and {knocked the ruling of the Department HI the head authorizing the collection of school lax on buggies, carriages and 'watcuc?, fyom the tart that there is no act of authorising any -uch thing, although wo liolif that there should he such a law upon our i statute book, localise lin v are just the kind of property that should be taxed, hut not by implication. Will some department expert, or anybody else, point us to the ael of Asoernbly authorizing the impositioirof ia school tax upon this kind of proper ty? ELECTION VJ::; RI I ESDAY. SKKKING OUTSINNKKS A OI'TT. An immcian congregation assembled in j ttm Churcli of the Transfiguration to listen to a sermon by the Kt. Itev. George A. Selwyn, f 1, hull ,J f l.itehfield, Kng land. iiu-verul propiinu.t episcopalian i eeel|tsiiStic* were present, apping whom w bishop poller of ftiow-York. The ' lt.-h.ip announced bU lest from tat chap ter of St. John, -t'Jd verse, "He brought him to Jesus." May GIN! enable us to draw from the history of the Apostle St. Andrew a point- I ! I'd lesson which each and every one of us si.all Carry lioma and practice nr ye the wn'y nt llie Cord Hnjieri miitl h linnl.' to leel I till itifltlOlo .1 of 11| <> gus|.|'l of.lilt I. til J.-au* t 'hrui The ilriinkar.l Hint the |.rn. algal.' must ha rotund from tile onitiiait! el .o. whirl. i. till. Worldly men crawling along tho crooked path of dou- I'le d. aliii|r aiol vice, must ho straight, n. r.l . mint he brought within the pule ol t hristiuii liilho'iiee and, through the IT "'I ' 1 "'I. h: ought to u true repelilaliee. lu tic vain re|ienunc which thn prophet nreaehei, no turrow of the world wiiieh w.irketh Irulli, hut a godly saving who h ( 1,. ii, tinav the .in* of the world, (.'nine 1.1 Hint, eaeli nlol every one of you ; collie and alt at |li> leel and halhe ihton with vur lei ) e men, |ul away that false loi.lo of heart which shuts y.".u off from irr.ne I'hei. i. 1,,. ..i,,. righteous hut the lu.ii!) 1 u doutile-Jealtiijf tnen tf the or Id, i on.. t„ It on ; ,'atl away your craft, and you Will r> i. ive II, promis* that the whole' dy will ha full of lile. Look not to u#. Die inlnUterf, hut to ilnii. Tlie servants are not the w.nk, hut meielv the mei.i to a. .-01111.11,h an end The I. >rd la to aaine yesterday, to day, and for eve and the hiiha|n and the clergy who at.- now assembled in your city ran hut |.i..v lliul t hriat will givs u. strrngDi through prayer to do well ll.a bidding I he l liureh it iiof ihc . lergy alone, hut the fie. pie ato \ou will rtm. iiihcf when Cl rl-t came upon earth, lie f..ut,J uin slate of rli. Ifl-Hls chaos, hill lie -aid to Ills disc (pies "Follow Me and yc shall ho tishara of men, and He Ml* the same to you to dnv follow Hint and become tishers of men And ye who are parent*, hrin* your children (othe Lord - ro.t merely U| itiu hapti,ioal font, hul again and attain. I.el your prayer* a nd devotion* in tlie lainlly circle aid you day by day 111 bririft ih|j V oil* children nearer to Jr*u-. And )e who ure ill authority, who are they to v, hobi you are dally civil, g order*'.' Are they beast* of burden simply, to hear and eiecufe your mandate*, or are they not rather human *..uls mlw saved ' Ye wto. loovc in llie rei ned circle* of |a,|i*hei o lielv, heik at the drunkard a* he paste* v our .1 ,or, he i the one for you to *ave; it I* a direct iiUatlon which vou are iali?d' upon to perform, and a duty you dare nati nejtiect L.a.k, too, at tho outcast children the friendless, the falherle** and ninth ' erle*s, the w.-ak, the lonely, and the de spis.-d among men ; it it to *uch as theiei Dial ye are t., preach the t*osy-el of Ciiriil crU' ilied I hero are ties more bntdu.fr than to ,of blood ihey are spiritual tie* It is the l ot lanih that t au-o* the heart of the (hepberd to mourn, not those who are s*f, w.tliin Die fold I have been into the Kr.al Labor K*chanf{e of this city, and have seen tho,., who have no friend*, who were strangers iu a strange land, and who have remained iu your uidtl hut a hriet. t! toe, and have none W .-*l, w here spire, ual agencie* are few and far between The Ucilitie* for traveling make men like the "rolling stone which gather* no rn.*.. • IJu'. while auch people remain with you, ought they not he invil Visit yiu! churclia*. to Witt,*.,* tue peculiar lervor of] f hriitian love? .Surely the luuat uirel'-ss, and the most ignorant, when he saw the whole city stiried up by the relieiou* in-1 fluence of the Divine Spirit, would e*k thej r|Uestion. "Who is this and would be answ -red "This it the Lord * dmi.jt*." To! live in s>Kiiety a* if we were Ignorant of Christ it a *rnous offense Go to the stranger blilbovour work : invite theml to tli, house ut GoJ, and my ;u wiitwer to hi* t..e in the name <>f Jrsu,: : N saareth May-God grant thi* feei ing sliall irrow iti the heart* of each on. who heart my voice Angel* are waiting l to rejoice over every sinner who u saved ; men arc Waiting to . thotl them alto. W< pray the Lord to complete the number of lii* elect lie !.* fed U* with the bread of life, anJ W ,th thankiul hi art* we gather, up the fragments to hear away to far of] land*. These are the duties of our daily live*—the duties of all We dare not ap pear before God empty handed M*yl God save us all from the doom of the UO - servant. ELKI Tit N PROCLAMATION.! riM >tenl Law Judge tar the count,". of Centre, Clinton and Clear (eld. One pc; .,iricl At-' e rtiej- for Centre county. Lh-.e pa.kou Li Ci.-.nt'- Surveyor fori Centre county. " One person for Auditor ofthe county of" Centre I also hereby make known and give no-1 lice that the place o| holding the aforesaid election in the several Boroughs and Townships within the county of Centre hr as p.i.M..to wit • For the Up, iff limies, n tic Fi,Ui. House of J..hn Llnibt-rt Aaror.sburg For the tw-p. of Half Mobil, at the' JA|ool in Slornjfown. For tl.u twp. of Taylor, at the house - routed for ttie purpose on tbo property oi Leonard M • rryinan For the Township of Miles, in the school house in tne town of Kebersburg. For the twp. of Potter ( the house of John Odenkirk, Old Fort hotel. For the twp, of (iregg, at the public house on wed by J B Fislier. For the twp, of Ferguson, in the school house at Fine Oroye. For the twp, of Harris, in the school house at Hnal-burg For the twp, of Fatton, at the house of] Fi '• r Murray. Forth# borough of pcllcfonte and the" townshint of Soring nd Banner, at ttocj Court House in llellefont;. For the twp, cf Walker, in the school{ house at Hublarsburg. For the borough and township of How ard at the school hou.-c in saiJ borough. "or the twp, of Rush, at the Cold Stream' school WuUj.. For the twp. of.snow Shoe, at Uie suioobj house near Samuel A*key. For the twp, of Marion, ut the honsc ofj Jo.l Kline, in Jacksonville. For the borough of Milesburg. at the new- school house in Mileaburg. For the tw p. ' H •! ?V new school house in Central t'ity. For the twp, ol Huston, at the hoo*o ob J i hn lteed. For the twp, of Fenn, at the house of \\ . I, Musscr. For the twp, of Liberty, in tho school! house at Kagleville. For tin- twp. of Worth, at the school! house in Fort Matilda. For the twp, of Iturnsidc, at tho house' late of J K Boak For tho twp, it tsurlin, at the school) house near llobt. Mann* For the borough of Uniotiville and I, ni on twj', at the new school house in Union villa.' For the borough of Fhilinsburg at Use public school hniur in said borough, At all elections hereafter held under th> j laws of this commonwealth the polls shall be o|M-ued at seven o'clock a. in., and clo-- ed at -even o'clock p. Ul. NOTICE L !*> hereby given, "Tlihl every perton, excepting the justice* of the peiuo, who shall hold Miiy office appoint mi ni. f profit or tru*t under the govern ment -' tliu i. >t*n >, or of tin* State, or of any city r incorporated district, whether a commissioned officer or othor wi*e, snhordinate officer or agent, who is or -hall be employed under the legislative, executive, or judiciary department of thi* State, or of tho United Sluice, or of any United -tntes, or of tiny city or incorpora ted dlftru-t, ui*.. tT.f.t every member' oft'ongi-'■-*, Mliu ortliv State !•) gi*|i,tuie, and of the select or cotijinoh colt noil of am city, of i:i)niii)i}ioiiar of any incorporated distrlei, Is by law ir,capal,lo of holding or exercising, at the same time, the office or appointment of judge, inspector or clerk oI hiiv election of this Commonwealth;] and lliut no inspector, judge or other offi cer ol mi v such election, shall be eligible to any office to be then voted for." Tho in-pec tors and iudge of the elections shall meet at thu nuufctive places appoint-1 ed for hwldlrg the election in tho district to which they rcapecUvelv belong, seven o'clock in the'tnornlng. iind each of said inspector# s>im|l appoint onp Clijrk', who shall be ii qualiltod voter of dis trict. At the opening of the polls it shall be the duty of the judges of election for their respective district* to designate one of the inspectors, whose duty it -limll be to have in custody the registry of voters, and to make tho ontrie* therein required by law, and it ihatl h the duty of Uu, oilier of mi-l III'P", lura !.| rm elve and IHlllllier llie l.l --lot* presented nt mi id election. Given under inv hand, at my i.itlee in llarrisburg, t!••• tlr.t day ~( October A D tHTt, and in the ninety.ninth K'lir of the independent* of the (' nlied States H I' SHAFFER Sheriff. TA LI V bis PAPER. "Hit* ChrkiJii/j ii'i Work, THE am hEllGtOim PAPEB A fitoirn or TWO Until (I ful I'KKMHMS An Illuininali'.l Portfolio of Twelve (•cilia hy It toidsrhcl, each NJIIO4 in , or the u --perb t'hnoiio, "Tila Twiaa. IC.VJH In alter kai.dteer Price $;( 'AS, including postage Xo Ertraa iif any ktm! WITH OI'T I'lllMU M f ! I'KN llll'U A T TEX TJ OX, A(JEX TS ' Liberal commiMimit and eirlmive ter ritory Sani|,le> and circular* free Send l <>•( a I Card at once to jIIOItVUO (. Kllti, I'ii I*.. Bo* 8105. Raw York Oct 22 2t. Miller 6c Son, CKNTRE HALL. PA JiKALHKS IN I'litE IJHUOS AXJ) MEPJCIXES, CHEMICALS. OIL- liYK STL*FES, PKKKCMKKY. NOTIONS, FANCY ARTICLES Full THK TOILET, IM 111. Hiu; AN 18 Liqi OIIN, for .medicinal purpurea, iiuaara ii'lsujiporU-ra iu great variety. Aimi, choice CIGARS AND TOUAOCO. and all other artudoa u.ualiy kept in a liratclaaa Drug Store. Prescription* carsfuily CoUijiouiitieJ. i'-oct tf MILLER.* SON, j CKNTRE HALL FOUNDRY &, MACHINE SHOPS Tb undej .ijfiii-d havisf taken poe •1..11 of the above eatahllrlimellt, rerpact fully inlojiu the public that the rame Will he carried on by thaiu In all iu hranche.- a heretofore. They manufacture the CKLKHItATKII Tit I K liLt K COltN PLANTER, the heat now ma.de. tioRSK POWERS, THESUIMfi MA CHINES A SUAE EES. PLOWS. STOVES, OVEN HOOKS, KETTLE PLATES. CELL AH CRATES. PLOW SHEARS a MILL OKA 111 NO of eve ry deacriplion, iu abort their Foundry ia cum pitta in every particular. We would call particular attention Pi iour EXCELSIOR PLoW, a know 1- i edged to he the InsaL Plow now in ue, • biftinjc in the treats for two or three hor- I re*. We aloo manufacture a new and itnproe* .1 TRIPLE fiEARED HORSE POW IKK, which ha* been used eiteruiveiv iu 'the uortberr: and weatern State*, and har 'taken precedence over all other*. We are prepared to Jo all KINDS OF CASTING fr.'iu the larffcti to the miell , t. and have fariluie* for doinf all kindr ■f IRON WoRK uch a. PLANING, TURNING BORING. 4c All k'tidt of repairing done on rhort no tic VAN PELT & slluoP, .jan2piy. Centre Ilall. J. ZELLER Sr SON UP, 11(1 GISTS NOB lirockeiboti Row, lielleiV,ut,Pa Bralcrti in lkruKw. ( Itcmicnla, Perftaiuc-rr* I'iibv) l the n*urtineitt of READY-MADE CLOTHING! DRESS GOODS, O H l|op, for the manufactuie of Carriages, Buggies, f A Spring Wagons, Hlkiuiis am Stan*. Plaiv and Fascy ofevery description , Alt vehicle* manufactured by him r warranted to render kalitfaction, and a. ■ equal to any work done elsewhere. He ue none but the be.t material, >xnd employ* the mu*t tkiilful workmen Hence they flatter tbcru.elve* that their i work can not be excelled for durability . and flnikh. Order* from a ditancc promptly altend , ej to. . Come and examine my work before , contracting elew here. PRICES REASONABLE, All kind*of Kepitriug done. yKW GOODS AND NEW PRICES ! HIGH UA TKS RUBBED OUT Goods at Old F&ahiouetl Price*.' At the Old Stand of mm. viii. Wu!d re|Kwlfully inform the World and ! the re* lof mankind, that he ha* jut opened out and i* constantly receiving a large stock of GOODS OF ALL KINDS wbuh he i offering at the very lowest market pnoa. DRY GOODS and 1 Print*. M ulin, Op< r* Canton*, and Woll r'iiuiuel* Ladle* lire** Good*, u< h a* Detain*, Alpaca*. Poplin*. Empress Clota, 'Sateen*, Tmeie, together with a lull i stock of everything usually kept in the Um Good* line. 'which he hiu determined to tell rer ' heap, coß*iting of NOTIONS: A full tlock. 1 untitling part of I.adiet and Children'* IMIo Hoe, Collar*. Kid glove*, b'*t Quality *i!k and Lirie thread 1 Gloye*, Rood*, Nubia*. Breakfast thawl*, RATS & ( APS. A full assortment i Men * Boy * and Children"* at the latest ttvle and bert. CLOTHING, Ready made, a choice selection of Men'* ! and Roy's ot the newest style* and most serviceable material*. ROOTS & SHOES,! WM. WOLF. R)r V ~Tr ALL Hardware Store, J. O. ftniNINGEy A novr, complete Hardware Store ; been opened by the undorsigncd in Cen-j ire Hall, where he it prepared to sell al!< hind* of Building and Uoute Furnishing Hardware, Nail*, Ac Circular mid Hand Saw*. Tenron Saw*, Webb Bfcw*. Clothe* Rack*, a full a*>rt ment of nitu* and Mirror P'afe Picture Frmes, Spokes, Felloe*, and Hub*, table Cutlery, Shovel#, Spade* *J Fork*,, Looks, li:ng* s Screw*, Sab Spring*.; llorn' Shoe*. .Nail*. Norway Rod*. Oil*. Tea Belli, Carpenter Tool*. Paint, Yarn-, iihe*. Picture* framed in the finest style Anything not on band, ordered upon! *bcrtet notice. i ■O~ Remember, all *>od offered cheap-, i er than elsewhere j aug 2.V 73-lf The Granger Store! Something New! (.iSH AM> FKODITK FOR CHKAP GOODS. (,HORY CREDIT & SHORT PROFITS. IKKF4LOKEXORI.I., Spring Mills I>ms cuUli*lit'vl u store u> suit the limes, hiiU bus a complete stock of DRY GOODS. NOTIONS, GROCERIES. HARDWARE. qUKKNSWARK HATS, CAPS, • • • ROOTS ! d aland. Daaigned Mperiilly far the people and the time*, the largest and iuo*t varied and complete a torunenl of Saddle*. Ilarneea, Collars. Bridle*, of every description and quality ; Whip*, and in fart everything to complete a cla e*tabli*bm< ot. he now offer* at price# which will uit tne time* JACOH DINGER. Centre Hall Y" 1 ROCKRV STORE:- G Wood ring & Co.. At the flrnffrjr StuM on Allwbtojr Street. Bellefonte, Pa., Bro'* inform the public Krnmlir, that thev have now and keep at all time* onn of the beat and largert *toek of Grrrrin, tueh a* COFFEES, TEA, SI OAR, MO LASS AH, A., kr n Sc., CANNED AND DRIKD FRUITS O ALL KINDS, I consoling o( canned peacbe*. *tore a* LOW a* an vw ber< | ia Mititin or Centre co. TIN AND SHEETIRON WARE HTOVe PIPE A BPOITI.M* All kind* of repairing done, lie ua aiway aonhand Fruit Cans, of all Site*. BUCKETS, CUPS, DIPPERS, DISHES, AC. AH work warranted and charge* renew able. A share of the public patronage licited. AND. REKSMAN. 2*ep7ov Centre Hal I FURNITURE, JOHN BUI* IIBILL. in his elegant b <-H Koou*, Spring street, , Relwfohle. Ha* on hand a splendid assortment ot HOUSE FURNITURE from the com monest to the most elegant. CH A M BER SETS. PA RLOR SETS. I SOFAS, CHAIRS. BEDSTEADS, WOOL MATTRESSES. HAIR MAT TRESSES. ! and anything wanted in the line of bU lbuine*—homemade and city work Al j *o, ha* made a speciality and keep* on j hand, the largon and tineat stuck of PAPER. I Go h)* sol Jat reasonable rate*, wholesale and retail. Give him a call before pur j chasing elsewhere. febti-ly Gift SAUlUAlcursst Ssmlnsl WeidMa. or Spsr matorrbo*, Induced by Self Abuse. ißToluntsrjr Knii sioas. lapetency, Nsmm, Debility, end Impedimenta U< Marrluv gsßursll): Consumption. F.pilrp.T, end KHaj Mem si stnl Rhvsnwl Incapacity. Ac . Hv ROB RKT J. CfXVKKWgLL. M. D.. author at lbs "Green Book," dc. ' r • a- Ths world renoirned sqlhor. in this admirable Lie removed without medic la*. sod without Ibe dangerous Auralcal o|Krtions. bougie*, instruments, ring*, or cor dtdu; poin ting oat the uud of core at übc etrtaip sad effectual, by which evety sufferer, no matter what his condition may 4>e, may euro himself cheaply, privately and radically. p4f This Lecture will prove a boon to thousands and thousands. Sent under seel, in a plain envelope, to any address, post paid, on receipt of six cents or two post stamps Address the Publishers, CIIAS. J. C. KLINE & CO. IK lUosdwaj. New York; Post Off ce Bex IIM. IfUTTS HOUSE Bfi.i.kfoxte, PA. J. B. BUTTS. I'rop'r. Has first class accommodation; charg es reason* 4r>r, tf.