mi r iE : y< r iE KEro . • ■: Till' HSDA Y OCT. 22. l!-7. LOCAL ITEMS. ir friends w ill oblige l>v s< tiding ," item# "1 l.t. ill news in their Walitv, giv< ii 4 the fad* only, and wo will put tin in in lij.o, nl>'< notices of dx*ntb and marri age#. . A'i\ iino tending us the n*nu> otux v u .eiibers. with the cash, willbxx entitlx.. t I . eivn IHO I.KIMRTVR one yor fioo. I'll lUiMß'iin boinc read by m-mlx •vi tv body .n this side >t tho count#. where it ha- a larger circulation than mix two papers, will be t'xxund the host mcxiium t'<>r :t>l\ crti-ing tu>in> -#. -ales, Vo V. RATIFICATION MISTING Pcmocvaiio meeting# wiil bs held n follows: Hubloraburg, Situi Jay ovci.iig, tVt I M.li# tibi.rs AY. diu'xl .v x tening School House. Thursday • coning Oct 22. Wolf's Sch. ol Hot:-. II:.; • tw|> F;i .lay evening, Oct 2.1. lVtin Hull, Saturday evening. Oct. -'I Ckurchvillc, Tuesday evening. Oct ' St w Shoo, \\ o.lr.o>.lay ivo : it• th . 2S. RcUhkorf, TWyndaj i K. Oct 9 I'lri.i; -burg, Fri.l # x-v x t.iiig, O. I. •' Ualosbutg, Saturday evettit g. 0>; Al l. -p. ;,kc; - w ,11 Iv prx -c: I t-' x.i-vio th issu. s. f the day. Democrats K- It.-.in*, stol all, turn out, .lost N U. Mounts v -to :i (i a if: 11 Plenty apple-. Pitt. .'•> • KV qt. Scare. •>•., .v. IV \ ..|i y.a : -nb so: ipti. it. Tli ii...- \ i.it .I.'. i -■ variety . • ~t Aarot.-butjr, 1. .4s neat as a |> T. 11. AVi -oiv, Col. M F-irU .. . 1 I* X Tfuptr. have ptirdtutd of K U. Duncan his st >ro house, dwelling, m>l! :1 1 IK tel. at Spring Mill#, for s2>.tXX> ... bi.-iu.-s earxis to advertise, rcnu uibcr that the Importer the m .ilium to do it j as nearly evory L.dy in Cntre county reads tho lie; . H.T, We do t■ > biitcx there are half doxen uten or . this side the eeanty but what haveacc.-s t the Reporter. Our p .tr. t - oP.er t. • u< it | ix-s ta.lve;;;-e t e R'| >-r;T, t r. use cvervbixdy tea.i# it. Jacob St:uble, an old eitilHaf thi- county. died at hi# home, near Ziort, *ii ll.li ittsf. lie at ire time rente- r.te.l t!:'.- e unty in the Legislature The Albrights, i M. ...'. '■ s a tie lot of tuggic- at th lie *>►!>.> ttiuih tor theleaVcs and brought them down wholesale. Tbo I'liio-. county paper# are pub- U-Uir.g the "aiidrvs- delivered at their : er. lair. Interesting reading—it xx ill tell a Union c. unty crops : est year. TRTISI. TO SS.TTLX— The PHILIP-BURG J. Un al stall > that at the meeting of thi : ditors of McGirk .v Perk*, at their Banking H.-u-.-, s •.nrdav. the 14 in-t., ;n j .ition was n ..do to pay ali . aiio t vcrty-cents on the dellar, tu four an otal i:ts-jlltuect<, xxiih interest, w..ieli was .. pted by the heaviest credit rs present d w 1 leh bids fair t. receive the: -•••:,t f -i sutTicient number to make it the bit.:- of St-Ulau. ut. Wo have a i.r-f -- 1 -'er > i r M :.c' in# s.l th.s offii e which wo xx o. : or liay.—Tuten Kepubiiean. Soy. u are turr.ed ciule at.d going to **. I. % -j .-i w iiatw-* expected, tiler h. tr* x -u clai n to U> farmer, military man • / *d iogur. The Tuten -iieet h.eps sneering at: 1 . Wi.il, for having been a Union j This above the thanks a dm - i rat ,1-ts f. . til a rti-1 .al I. a!W.lg f>r i iV. mg served his co.-ntry. Rut 1...x u --i;: Tuten, A' wants to make capital by sax .: g i e was in the army, i ;:l it i a little us pie.- .:# he does net say on which -.,h - i -• ,:bel side. e'r. no ught two Peerlt>< poiat -e ti.i- ■ > lice, which will tike tha premium, the i ger one weighing U pound# and 10 or., a,< 1 tl.. ;! cr lb-, th e > .eh a I • w i a i.tii i a. much as any re..- .hie mar i said a-k. T'.i* potato, we mpp i;e largest on record. The farm of P. Ilufsi, dee d, ill the J. op, will b • 'iTered at pub.ic . . .. again. Nov . 7. If tot old on lb] t day i: w . bt . fftred fur rent t public utcrv. See al - The sale i>f tiic iverr farm, in Potter t x ;., has been postponed t iior. li. A little son of Daniel Horner, ..i. the mountain, cut t-iTone of Lis fingers with a hatchet, one day last week. Those Uttlr hatchet# always were dangerous thing# even as far back as the days of little Georgy Washington. Win. A. Wallace, champion of l yupUfi tights awd intarcsfa, ami laew* ruptible legislator, will speak at C ntre Hall ; Mor. Jay eve, Oct. k , and at Pi re Gr. ve >n Tuesday eve, Oct 27. Taxt axcr* go er.d hear o'c of your 1 *t ar.,l evi r true friends. . The democratic meeting appointed at Cburcb-vills* ft r M< nday evet.ii.g2P, Jits b -en poseponed to 27th Getting new g Is-G.-et. .Lie, at the grange store. Spring Mills. Mnj. Finber, at Pcnn llail, is getting his tit w stock of g jd- L. A. Mackey, the iile Lig friend of the poor man. Vote for him. foreou grc- Nov. 3rd. AVe necdShugert and Wolf in the L gi.-liiture to vote for a democrat: U. S. jtenator. I'emetnLer the deep importi.ti.- o'th . democrats, and don't-cratch your ticket. IJ johoooxer will vote for Camer on. Democrats, remember that tl.c rad only nominated one candidate f>r A--.no bly so as to enable them to trade one vote ofl against t'ithcrj.Shugertor Wolf. ]>< n't do that—star d by the nominations, from top t" bottom—we can eb-ct the wholo ticket. t/uile a lively runaway xxas xvitne-s --eJ in Centre Jlall on Tuesday evening. A • spirited your.g be—t belonging to 8. 8. Wolf started at the ujiper end of tow n, with a spring wagon and two hoys on hoard, ami run doxvn main street in (tent of .1. O. Deiniirgcr's hardware *;.>ri-, up sotting the wagon, throwing out the hoy. The wagon was wrecked, and the horse he •coming detached proceeded on hi- lun mntiJ caught shortly after. Not e of the hovs received any serious injury by the fan. lierneuiber, taxpayers, 11 i•. 800/-r is openly opposed to the lie-form move ment, and that Shugort and Wolf are ju-t as openly in favor of it, they favored the n W Con-'.itution while Boozer faugh; it up lo lite hiit. Thanhs to our friend Aaron Spang l.-r for basket of line French pippin ap ples. (Jo to him for fine apple- —ne lia ,-ome IKO bushels. Next Sunday, 2 ; l>. is "World's Day ,j! Prayer for Sunday Schools " one wishing to trade a go.ai •one horse sleigh on corn, will apply to VV ' A. C'uiv, at Centre Hall. 22 (ct 4t. .fer: Evuns farm, Fortes, private sale. The Keller farm and J •"osier utrpi, near (fJootre Ilall, Oct 29. ITHg EJ,ASTICTKUSS AN ABDDOM- I\AL Sf: I'l'iU'.TE 11 offeredto the pub lic, u-itli the fall H—urunce of the most emi nent physicians and surgeons in the pro fession that they would supersede all metal of other Instruments in use, for the relief and eu.-e of Hernia. Prolapsus Iftrrj, and -all Abdominal Weaknesses. The great jouuiber of radical cures they have rffect g*d, ludy justify the confident prediction ,nude, asol has demonstrated the tact that capture na be surely cured without suffer ing or annoyance, au Tii}> from llclit foiilc !• <•; 1 t ttlsock. Manx of .'ill loaders having XXitln-i.. the balloon usccnslion at llcio onto, it inax I t. xc interesting to read something abou the 'voyage,'* l.eneo xxcoopy the follow • ing tr. T.i the WUUamsport Bulletin About tlx e a'abtk I .:i-i!.h N " loon had passed thi . itv, but fir axxav i:i tho !> ua> tllough c> tupa: i lis . flb.i N a- he i .:a> i taou xx iih a black, sxx iff tlx ing x loud, agu.ti lux appear- in -ight, and the -ut: shining upon the -ids* of the tn .ni trous air -hip, the shout from the earth | goes up "There, tin :, g. lir :.t.o\e the eit> is he ■ that the basket, di., rale. l xxi. i flag-, i- : t | x is.lie nothing hut the great suck that > too d.x: o g acrv>uUt b. tw.-.n hoax, u .ttd . .riii, a . mi. ..tlx o doc-that ap ,. t: liiat the itictcdul. - lx! .xe it a stuai i | banc, a, at.d li.at the ry of a hum ,t. be- I ing C. tlx eyed tli : ough the ai. i- s.tupi x a okv i: tended t 'take the p. .. e of tho Tom x'o . its I X. : i:. e:.t . -. It ex letttlx ,le-v eluiuig rapidly, . t.d is at last t - a lit O. N t " black I' lik li.at rc-U in ti • tiorthea-t, aitil people turning frointhe lei g ga. 0 In gin to il.-cu- . the probable laudu g i oint. ■ night, at 10 id o'clock, stopping at tlio C:v Hotel having b. . i nx .Xi i be:., with his La ioon. bx two g. ntleruan from the' country. TLIE IV. :'vs-orV SUUlUfnt. Ue :. ft Ueil.f. ite at t a minute-past x " '' uiki ot li , |.. . \ x:n x - | 0 amount ..-ed iii ii;llatioii being only al ut lo.OfO fx-et. Tin l lal xXin i# a large . it,-, capable of carrying three j.rsor-, at.d \sa- there; re but partially it.dated h. r time ho hung xi re- liy over the vil lage, g x.: g the i.s.-eml led tli u-atid- ill opportunity to fully vx itnes* the a-n .-ion. Then he sailed gracefully elf, and passing alsovc the cloud*, kept übex.- them during the entire v.yuge. Tno air was very coixl, ar.xi t!.. I'ix fx --or -tat. - that he suf fered considerably, his : eth Cxxnstanlly eliatte: ing Ato l-.' finding that night w rapid'y apj roac'iitig, ami fearing that per l.aps he might 1, dge in the u ilderux-ss of the Aiiegheny raaßx-, l COBHWOBCnd B>ak -. . ' the x-artb, near L> y uls kv iile, l etter ki ##n - r xb; wn :. ue miles fr. tn Will iam-(.x.rt_ Throwi: g i.t hi- grajding \ there were housxs toar b.x the -h-uted for tx-sista: ce, lult :: . tie line. The I !ooc strugg'.-J to escape and the fence, givicgaway, on l.e x..:,t | lungi: g into 1 thx woods, where he lodged between two tree* expeft.ng xv.rv RH mentto see the i xTo in t> :;i in -1 -I c- lie -urged hack a . forth l-etxx f :i the lliubs. For x tie h mr lie remained in this position, when a-.-;-:..i;ce arrived, and in u -h.irt time alter he un# safe and s- and on terra fir ma Th. vx ; L.,t . ~<• rxi t t the air ship, x' dti tx. i- rear the v„iie. ai.d the t'ru-, tes- r c • -i le s h nn. if fortunate . : < s at - ' ng wit'a -o iig'.t damage, x. lien the a-cent was *.x r ugh. Mr Ib r.r.t-r - t\t t • the yi ,ng.-t r naxti in Imeri a, i t<" tjr-f-- iryei.r# of *g at 1 p.. *. . t„. ... i t ' f ; p- it in- i- - j *,-.- 1. Hi- j.. -f . > xx.- it-rday w. - a lixng oi • tevxnty mile# in on. 1 h .ir ai i f ty t. i.'-t. -. He *- suf fering ! i-t ev. :i tig fr.xm eurioti- x fixa tion in the car-, ar'-ieg ft :-.i at mo-; hx-ric 1 he balloon i- a mngtiifix. &t one, mutt ■ L-t v,• Ku- dt > sir. V' h-.y in mak g: .1 H-cio -hi . I.r.st i. . l.t it -a. ; ed in the ba-kit at.d r-d in the hall of the hotel Sx gr ti- : w- git fit, that itreqatr.-two-tr.ini, men to cb ar it fi m the 2 S.T. JUli I F.S MAY BK. fit-p Kv>yD \V ITH Gov H*rtr.,'.ft l.a-vigi.cd the billp.x-. : i at the ! -t cf the Lcgi-lat. .:c, t provide the -uhmi-si n cf civil ease-to the t'. .;ft, t > tii-pe- -o with trial by Jure, wbraevcrtisgi partie* I . - it mat agree tu that manner < r xlo, - of i*. AVe c> 1. r. <• t: •• pu>* iot— of the net as I follow# t The first section provides that in any ; ca >- n*w fa.. r i*ii: gor IKTI after to be com inwirnl, aftx'r IM- _>■ :r;exi the parties there to, excepting the m •. tiea it. a ciary x*p: city, r .y, by igreerm-nt, d.s- i pon'e w.'.h a trial by jury, and submit tt x di. is'on of such ea-i -to the Court. Such , Cx-uit -linil lo :ir ni xl determine the 'iirne the judgenvcnt MI Gj it t . writ of err- ror appeal at the ni-ii. >. her party to the suit. Se.'.i n two s:,v* that tlo b istun x.f iiio 1 court shall be in writing, nr.d filed in the x.fiii of pr .tl. to .iv :.■ ■ :.r'x a#prr.ctica ble, r.• >t xxceedmg sixty day* from the tern-:ni*.in of the trial, ui <1 notice thereof shall fcTtii->. i'.h he gi\. ti to the parties or th< ir attorneys, ii :..i : xx. ption be pled thereto within thir'y day ;t,u court I r the , . judge who tried til" ■ x . in v' ttti.m Ulnjb upon argnmenL order j ••Igrnent to he ■ :i- j tend according to the de '.ion filed, or i make nn-h i.- , in justice and ' right shall oem proper, -übject always to , review hy writ of error cr ujq.eal to the Supri n •• ('"urt. Section thru- i rovid. that such cans taken !>> 11 •• r>,|nii i' Ct.)t l v n||(al, shall t. ! in • e- of iij 1 1 al in c,uity i roccrdingii, 1 and in <; -< :> :••% trial i ordered, it shall bo p: ■•< ■ • 1 with before tip in the mariner herein |>rov"nli'f thin act shall bo Mllijeci i., :! ' v ling lliw :i- to cost-, i x' ej'tinjt no Jn'y tie ..' .ill b< quired f-r entering judgment. W.A WALLACK speaks . C ome ami hear Your talented friend who has a 1:2 ! years record in op position to monop olies. The Tut.-,, puts up T. Alexander for congress. flow , ;h„t. when Alexander, in Spangii r'n hole 1 , iln other day openly declared he did ii"tlik< the idea of having republican* vote for him. Somebody is eating crow, and we think it i- both Cy *e and ruch rads 10 coi;;ei'pwn to voting lor liiin. Wlui more abuse upon tin icjiubl cans, in tiie l.t j t'tir. tlnu Alexander, and now he would have lbn;ii vote for him. after being fairly beaten ii | the democratic conference. A defalcation to the amount of Sl.OfiO, 1 I- reported iu the Havana Custom 1 House. ' I' the lie, at IV it IViilraUs 1 -tile to li. ilioiul e uiipalgii-, after the . attdid*'. s me on* e plue- .l in the field. •mi .: terpri-iiij. nexx-paper generally ! furnis'n s u# with an aceurato description 0f.... h . no: i. Into, • tht x ot< i>ma v have HI. adi ~ . . .1 i. f tho tin a tin x are enll i.l upoll to • nj.po These xlesei iption - f.i •,t. •;v g • ir.l.- det l, gixing not .mix ti p. ii, ,1 :,n,l inotal ns| .t- of tli mail's . Inira. fer, hut HUO his plixsiog lx. 11 a i i geo. il app aiHliee so tie. urate - Iv, l' at tho -1, toh appears more like ai. in ago, than . mutative Such pen pr 1:. .-.il liti,l . to i X Useful, and serve a g0...! |p!u lex I our |X Sill. -, ill! i not prove e.p.ial x s,-i xi. cable i i the 10. alt;. IJ. I cannot eoioprehond It xx. ul.i undoubtedly be ntxxie satisfactory tx> the citiroiu xd x>m oounty, if a similar eourse xxeio pursued atnong u- It -hall ho IIIX endoVvr to supp'.v this d ... I.'liex to the best of lit> übi itv ill the future But as the pi event i t paign xx b! 1 o too short I furnish sketohi - '! all the candidate- oil both tickets, I HM c< lilpellexl to make selec :.. i- .'.,1 m doi g so the best plan that sue gested itself to tiiv mind i- to xirscrlbc til >-c Wi: • :i!t east known to tbn people of the i a. 'y, in order that they max heoonio I. .. , ir Villi li e entire ticket# on both vide*. 1 . s. ,-ha plan there x all be no ijux-stioii that tt . tiist name that xv.xuld suggest it • oit as unfamiliar l • any old res.dent ol the .. in :x upon reading vcr our county t . l.elv t xlolut li. Love, . . Rx j nl lican candidate for District At toriu x 110 IfoinoxTiitic c. inpetitor. Jack >p- g'.-r wli !• .t ki -xx "Jack while as- . .ate x.iito: .flho Watchman, at.d in X .11 .- .her XX IX-. lias acxpiirx-d a ge.lx-r --al .. ;.ta::itatice throughout the county. 11..t Mr Lx'vo 1.:,- not had such adxaii tagx • and it i- but meet mid proper that lie should nt suffer i n tliiv account. lie is u young attorney of several years -1., .1 :g. but h. - not applied luiuicdt ci> scly to lis pr. fe-s. 11, having chosen rather t • wander into by and forbidxleii l puths, in order tx> obtain a little more of this wur!xi g.-ods than he could legiti uiatc'.x obtain otherwise In short, he is of a -peeuiatno xn-.x, and has acquired -.me little reputation as a "land shaik A though -; m -t.iture, he is a man >t < vceoxiing import incc- in hi- own estima tion. Hx- is by no mi an# modest, and n. ver fails t impress that fact upon every otic xxith whom ho come* in evuitact. 1 o obtain anything uk. u ex rrect idea i f the in .rtli: ti-xJx'grx x" to which this p vrt.-ui of hi# character has bcec developed, you w ant l" hear hiui relate how A# i/#fVaf#.f J i M ( i. i 1>72 After - .. .l ■' let i! t-i 1•- of tlcl on hful i )" .i ui.i I forcibly iuipre-cd j vviili the idea that Iho laic Mr. Yicum had ' . |... t ' iri.v ...J :.o 0..;1J „-d ■juality I : re • :i *i.v d him to tho members of hi I fart Whether win the ir, we will leave republican* t> judge The • trk isig devch'pntetsl of hi* bump of -elf- ' • -n .tjeif nt only in thi- ir.- I instance, but in hi* entire iocia! inter- ; j co.sr- Kvesi in hi* public addre--e* he n.as.s.p t ;t draw the'atlmtion of lu> i iui.es u' i* •... 1 , orot;- word* and empty tde**, and • utrate* u upon j him-. If, only tm, .to rontempt and ridi . iile. One reason why lie will never be so a great *t*teui*n or lawyer i* becaute i i c- hitis- If t-> b • both aire* sy In hi* prefc-iio: al career ho i entirely , • r. AltL ugh a mere "babe and ' -uei :ng ti.e 1..* Is. dee* not hesitate to Contradict tin- - Idol and 1 at | lawyer* of the bar, and ev n, at time*, the Court it-elf. Such a eourne may be right, it may lead t > -uc.-e**. but the chance* are, against it The Court may be wtong. and ■ Mr. i. ... . ! right but the maj rity . -Uil- : u 'iiiit it i,iiti*ii ps Hr t- 1 ;{*tal by the -ss-t tin it Politic ally, he l a tot t ■ rem pant partisan, and an unscrupu- j lou* p' '.itieian He will even betray hi best frie'ds, and sacrifice tho highest in-1 .f 1. |>a:: t. it he can the rcby - 1 . i!o .. J r-.leanccmeiit. He carries I ,tt -;- t t ei.lircl.i * Use judiciary, and. we re * it will i 1 • | wcr. every man w.-uld re , iv . in -creordarice with tie shade ~! view* Vet at the .-ante 1. - - hi- ] .rty make a t;ii: tt U.- r ! r on the ground that st '*.• il l he ruinou- to g > i-tu li, • ' ght v ,:li ut a d'.-tr.i t tii •■!. he w r.ild have rc j i: li i.ite for < V C'oni-lcney, thou ; art a jewel! The uninitiated f-r ueli he , l c , t: -II .11 people. who he 111-. jgii i em) ti-i .I 'll "' 1 may let uii- j <•-; s d thi- fte.,„, but it* I'kpUiuicii. i-| iii|..ir.tive!\ -iniple He doii't care a j art lo b-r the t'lirly, but he foolishly est ;-, by tic latter arrangement t-> -Is le ;s.' ■t' 1' -tr.et Attorns vwhip Thi- nr- , ! c unt (■ r -t.e • -fort* which he has: So 1 mukis.g to - ru., no li"p j .lent . iielichste for C.-ngre-*. Hut Johnny thy j hope- sir-- Jo-lined t" b- bla-ted, and on | th i. siin., •t t :o- l;h of Nov i-mber next, \ ii will awake 1 > the fact that you are j I w s, • i.e w or.-t -pniiki .1 \ oungstcr- in the i ,:i.t\ |*i.l !;• iH t ever make a good j. •itic vs.. il- s* 100 i.uUk'o.y 5.,. j u, 1 daining . il r< .juin. t> much condesciin -ion on hi- pari t-> ev. n nolic e u coin sr. on harsl-ti-t 1 d v.or! uiginuu, without he *"u hentate i.r wli-'so t > dep .-it :r ballot*. Tim pro*o i is' ig sit' no i i- u f.-r-in w.th wlo-m i-v. iv i its/,* n ill tic county is liable to . ' •: r .1 \ . fit fII i 111 \ *1 ** n lit , on . -lit , ',:rov 1 certainly oo not desire him to Le a haughty overbearing JVJi'i "■ -ide- b' has an inordilinto far ully f's; ' through the effects of which ho is now ul'M'hff'MQlly Mii.4 !" one eye. l*l. AN IIUI |M INL- I ILL JOURNAL TIULILIOLU' IAT KI IIOVII. I'll ll - ION COMITY, IN ICTERIIIG TO TIN* IK-UM* ORALIC NOMINE** MY" : "TL> I LIT* LB-MO ULLLTS OF ||l|S TW* LIT IT-ILL CONGRESSIONAL 1 >I.-TI IOT, IS UIU|TU-TIN.LILV HE U ONE WIS* . !**, ;*U.< LLIF J T-OOLU WITHOUT IN O.NIL IN (I.ULV, HAIL LLO A'.IIUIIILLT-I LILT N! NULL UNIVERSAL SATISFACTION AMI WIS. IU-*ITU*C NIL :II- AUTISTIC*! TLUIT IN IT 'II OL THE INST II'LUOT'IILALIVO INT-II M THE DISTRICT, AMI WI'L LI 11 LLI- POSITION OL T \IIIJ.;I USSII.NN WITH HONOR LOOM Ul< ;I I I'OTLLLLL LLWCILLTLL. ML M.LCKCV I" II A STRANGEI TO IHO PEOJILA OF TINS .IT'LL L I LLU I' WELL KNOWN TO ALL LNIH <1 INS JIT*TSOIUTL CHARACTER STUML* SO IN ABOVE RI-PTOAT-H THAI WO I-CLICVE IT MA I*l I IOUS OPPOSITION 11: T.I I •*•*LI SHOWN LO ITIIN IN (IN* FONT*SI IT WON!.I HAVE (LI I OWN I! ICI OL IT ON IN* PARTY, LLO " KNOWN TO ALL A* A GENTLEMAN OL LINE (•'LOCATION, INS G >O>L BIISINI-.-S .PIALIINS, IS A TIT-T RATE TINNN* IER, AMI IS COURT, NIL", PROMPT AMI LLI.-IENT EVERY TILING MI MN. K. \ W.L! I. 01. V. A ITM IC* PUBLICAN VOL AMI WILL .NM T LINION COUNTY HV .SI LEAST ..LIE ILL -IL.LLLL MAJOR IT V. FLU- NOMINATION OL HON \\ M A WALLACE FOR STATE S.-UAT O. H> I LIT- HE INOCRAEV >■! .LIE TLISTRIET, WILL; WIIH.OH! TIOUBT, LC REEEIVE.L WITH PLEASURE IN HIS PJRRLV NJHEREULS MI \\N!!.NE IS A POLITICIAN OL TINT TII>L URTIER, UNJ IS BELIEVE*! TO BE AN ASPIRANT LOR I'NITC.L STALES SENATOR. I HOSE WHO NIL. SUPPORT HIM WI I L*> SO MAINLY OUT > L LOVE LOT" L'CIIIOCRATN- PRINCIPLES, KNOW IN- TOO THAT IN MR WALLACE THEY LIAV* A LEADER NBLE TO IK-TCII I THEIR CANS* AND OUT) O' THE IUO*T BRILLIANT lA.\ MAKERS IN THE STATE. 1 IN- NOMINATION T LI .II JOHN II ORVIS, OL I'ENTR*-*• UNTY, L I ASS . IATT LAW- JUDGE *IF THIS DISTRICT, HV LIN IK IN CRANE PARTY, I* GCTIRR.ILIT *->> II CC.1..1 TIL BV U .TIOIIJ,' OIK- WHILE WI DO NOT APPROVE OF Hl* >OUR*. A LEG ISLATOR. ON THE (JRUIUD REFERRA L TO IN THESE COLUMNS SUBSEQUENT I > HI- A -- PCIIITITIEIIT BV TIOV.IN.O II I: TRAU T, WI ARE TIEC TO ADMIT THAI LIE I- AN AH!, J I RIST AND THAT ID- NOMINATION WAS *H MANTLED BY THE VOICE OF THE PEOPLE *.| THIS .1 U LICIA! DISTRICT," A Lit' NaiM "If a In.ill 11 doing n latgc bu.( ■ ! Mm'Lrl s b.xti*. Is keeping a large .It : >(t there all tin- lime. he liny l>c t.vor, -1 by their discounting hi. p.-i| P.' V!' ■ twtixel I twenty per ..111 i'l.e above fal- in "I ii I'rulii tin Tuten ji.tjir i>l • .I*l week. N.i* Mo ijr, Sim; --n .V Co. liave it filter) thriti it letter itn.l demanded it- publi cation. stilting that the xxh i'e ti.m,; is IJfclae, nd boidfi Mr. Muck®* w uot I a!; V.'i-i ip t'.ii N--w let's see norths', til - | MteiiS will l-rill! that led. i. • ♦ t Turn Out \i;alust I reat lu" > I) on u iats. then i* In i< ;i in ibt Icamp. C. I'. Alexander, bavin" b.en I fairlv 'leleiUc.l for the Humiliation, i tiou an inilej'iinlriit rtuiiiiilute h*r j COllj;is*. i.ei U'l i.i.t stUj I*- -il tile | lls oil lir.l *f November, :il>l shott the traitor that such lu-. ingralituJe ami Ireac'll will I'e put dial). At Hi-e ! uihl enow the nig that tin t can no longer iu!e ! I.lection 3rd ot N V. Vole ! I the pe.i !. - eh nee. I. A Ma-a-i, Ir ■ ■j• i - I".ml le! '( ' f Alt \ j:n!x rj in t... IH W i company. The Kins i- now trying to br>-ak down the |a iiitent cni .liU.iie !> i e< n gr>B-. N■ go i t lie at In- post on f'l of Nov. tuber, ami ..i,i hi; yi '.o :i" -t -neb tout j treachery Ooiug fur Mackey. Since ll.e r.i.ln.ii- male no mom a li oi. the gentlemen spoken of in their parte several w.ek ago, a* republic i can ca,,ii .hi.., . if ■ ' i i oiiin atioii, have declared it.ci salvia to la | Tor oifCub Muki v. 'llos.- lending republican* are (en. I'atton, o| C ! eai'it hi, ami a t'oruo r member of ('ongre-s (1 en, ii'"," Merrill, i I 1. ck 11 rellj: ami ("o| WiilcoX. of Klk. Republicans it tiny must eh oe IK- T xxecu a r.-gulai ileim- iat. I. A. Mai k< v. a:. '. .i n-m gr.ob-. ( 1. A-\ an !- * wiii vote in laV. r of M;i. What is tin* Hcasutt that i\- Alexander (' ilowed C I. Ma Lev's he. - 111 >. and jumped ' Upon every store box and stump in i Centre county, ami -aid "n \\:i* proud to intP iiue I' .1. M:t< k v." vet Muck ' .-v is the -un - man iili, and .•< ii : better ? One hail the men who signed A lexaiid. i letter, s< lit out by him j self an.! - 1 ddi* ss.'.l to himself, now -ay .they pot TIN ii NAM>, D ,WJJ under r. ini-repr.sei.lHtii o of t.u u and havi ! pronounced aga ii.t his A mold ism. The prtss of other matt, r has hocd U8 to omit our Milliieiin, He lo i sl.iirg, an 1 < ther letters Nittunv mountain ami the road,- i,l tin valley, I" k like n flow er garden -tin' hav.- o| t|iC hu.-t pre outing ev. :y -ci.l bo i pig The -, eip-mMe' .jiuirc- Me ! umnu* opcqpieu tin: r|mir. and Ipado i klnot lino i ( |i|iro|,ijiipi ||iie< h \t{rqhieh Ocn. Molhiiidiii-, I- A Jlio-iii v unit win A. Wallace, were respectively introduce* hy the chtiirman, and delivered Soum speeches upun the issue' ot the day. .Mr Muckey completely refuted the silly am groundless charg-* against him nlmu Sibyl)*)') £„ . ;Ui,l j Joined that he Wti now a< always heretofore,' sound upon am in accord with the people against the na tional banking system, against cxtorliip IM.IT*. |>. .I> ■ ILL I INTO . V .:> M'-E "V LIO RADICAL |ARL> Hl* *PEE. H HAD AL ! 1 •'U . HEEL WIN A WALLH. E IIUOLE U ►' IT RING MO .'I.KJIIETIL APPEAL |O THE ITENO'E.... * T. •LALILL T• % THEIR HIK IIOJTI.IION, NOW THAI VNTUR* ! ON LIT* APPROACH. MINI ABLY DIEU**-D | 1TML.0L...1 AMI STALE IILHIN•, MINI TH. 1 I.IIINIT'T- I INIQUITY TTINT I LII'LT'TJ PLAYED IN TIN SOUTH I' V • SRPET TIII IF RLLLE \ T-.II.LISIIIS IN I IT: INTRRINII ILL \N NI T | 11, LULL. I I • IIN II- LH SILL). KIT GABRHLGO. LION. TLO. I OL I'.R N*.LI.. , .MINI OI I ..11 ■>!.>■* HI THE ITRTLISLI Channel WILL, LL..- SHIP • OI.LUHR NII.L M* SUNK KIR* .'LI *'( THE ERE** OF 1T... IK OXBRIDGE WERE ILL >. ** IT OIL A IITA I N WIT LIT I* I VM ' N MIL.HI KITS K I L.LKM LIFER, 'FI TIT , OCTOBER II TIN- TRAIN, WILL. M LIRTTTIILI.'LI ..I LITE 1 HIRTEELILLI TLIL-OILI* WAS *VR.-UE.T UL ELOVOL. O'CLOCK HOT NIGHT, HIT UTILE* *ll*llll OT LLII | 'IN' ' ILEAL ** U> ET*TI.-IL BY IT W HEEL OT THE I ITJ{ITIR IRUEK BREAKING TOIL *UIDIER WERE KTLLI-.L MINI *l** I*IMT WNUITILOIL 'I LIE ELIG IN*, FOUR B.T|?RP*IJO CAR* AINL A PASSENGER *UR **SI. . OIPPLELELY WRECKED. IT MI.W VV I KS|- CASK 1' .RTL'LTILL, OCTOBER L" \I -EL SLEPLTRLO, AHO LL ROLL If HI IT -OIL *S.TINIT LITE LRIILNL I'RUNK RAILROAD LOR INJURIES RECEIVED BY HI . IDETIL W HILE RILLITTJE .'IT FT FREE I'M-S. I.M* BR.IT *1 WAR DUD JI2.UW, N-TW ILLOUIIDIIIJT TLIE I'LL-* T'.LTML LLLITT IF LIE VIM INJUR I'D IN COULD NOT BE ENTITLED T= RI."I'R *T*II|F• 1 II K 111 IST*N II KIT M I 1 1 *\IIIT\ Sl\*N \ I;II* OL SECLUSION IN THE SUBURHULL W OODS. 111.- U."TINTIN<, NOD VNI PROL IHLY h i t < S.-HO.-L MI KT.OI TWENTY .-.V OR TW.NTY K)*||| J 1-AR* Ujl-I LIE LEFT KLI|{!ND. LL TIME BEEN II>CERT'IINRD, HOWOKER, TLIML BE \*M- I.OT TO RETURN FOR TWENTY-AVE VI-*R* TI I* I> H UI) *TTRI 'H- I OL IN IN* LIFO WHICH I. ONE CAN EKPHITS IT I* RID THAT BE FELL IN ;..* E BATH THE DFTUFIHLER OF *■ HIE TITLED |-ER •L N; **.*. REJECTED, AND THAT BU PRE*, NT *ERSUTIOIL I FIOIO TI.AT I AIL -I BAL TBI* IIINY BU*E ARISEN IROTN Hl* REFUSAL TO SPRNK Tl> TADI. * FOR I-VERI YEAR- AFTER I E VOL A: LIRI- 'v -but hotts.-ll . ut luon .:. ty ln i.-nx - lug at It.'.ten 'the hermit pltmg I inf.- : la f.upp -fled hitim-lf xoled mueh tone latin- .,1\ u( .0111!: 1..- . ,j led binlo. ■ k M in.oe m- h.J. I up.-'., oml lie ptlvlii, 1 . hilt, l.Mel . I 1m1..1 -hi, • pres. :tt | 'siti*.: ..i.*i bulit M leli l.y-l el. c inlt, xx h. 1:.- hi i li si'iiiexi hikt i iilniacii I tin. Here tins .-Id man ha* . x-J (.11 . alone xxilh his ilo(> and pet- of wiiieh he , Ln> i.Mii 11.lit.y slid nllii. 'igb ins too uf ■ eaite has now I-Vpireil, be sir. ills to have n. tis|>.'.ii nto ts-twr Ix, h>- u.au - n.n 1 Me - I.as seen life t. Ii Rroxs up like nw|lc ami ■ uoj-.-S penetrate his very WUHHIS, but still 'hi remain: lie bs u {lie collet: .ri . ■ birds sJ Kiln u MI ! bis fame In t!.< Ix 1. -rsit y ho- been -Ux h that ) r. s a hnr ' x. t fr. m th< :r . vln lotion l< 11 .- n any who nek ins doer Tiiis itrsOfe man evidently, ba ieine prop rly ;n Ki>a'aml for he ba- t xer.d times rw.-ive.i rem''- sft-ie ~ s . j |i |Wwg 1 consul, with pt. sent* i.f yjiuut.i. .1- gs form li.-- > urn • -ur Many rnit! .!..guts .IXl' x : .Mr l.atlry, a- lit afliri. - i that in \ar 1. us u 01 k, upon tin- subject hit lies, have be. ri fr. jilentlx . nterlaineti t.lr Monday 1 ighl !..sl .it. it n . iurl. r past H ,h. . ... - sin. i ofthertriii f Itdiuieyer, l>il! Co ,atll . u;-per eiul of I.'Uishurg, n dis. - Ven dtobe on !tr- Tti" mill xs at too tar Kone to attempt to save it. and tbe (irctiu n [>u.d mure att. a ti.-li to snvii g oilier pri'pcity. S- inelmlf a do-.-n ' , u. 1...011,. .1 and the families had moved out of them, 1 1.ut > nly til. hat k budding, xsere injured. v v 1 ri sii k ladies xs ere carried fivn. tii. -n I to safa-r .juarters 11., . ... inn a. l - . 1 ■ ..i- it >lO '•! but 110 ri xi u an Insurance. It is thought by s. 1110 the bulldog xias M '. OS IfCr, hut at tbe flaiio s tx. rr first SO* ti.-a-d i.er the part . I the huildir g .crup - • 1 ■ ' ■ t i• ■; t . ;• 1 '. fr<-m a -park. \ li.rsa* via* also bull). 1 He I . .'*B. i > I - ix . !.> i -. .t i, i I b.eri tied Under tie mill to keep bitli in St.< dry. I." .i when till ire broke i ' it arts impossible to rescue htm .' . ! A JoKE <>N M Iss A NTIIoS V '.,'o Tb.trs lay, .li;ring the pro. •• I" - • the \\ on an - .fTr.-ige V• • a! In-n( .i -eK th.- f -o ; amusing tl.t l etxx ■ n M place: M : .' <• P ! lm 111 l! I" k ! th .iand. si Ji.h : i..,:c xt.d. ..x --hi M \ x I. ... *1 ■> more men ix iilir.g t.< giv ex --m. n the ballot lhaii there xx.re xxomen to ask it itl.ul aixx .y - been lor desire to get !t l.i x i-tit it - < li ii(t tox-pnying vxoinin to v.-te, but lliox bad otijcite.l If it was in her p .xx.r to 'gixe ii.. hiM 10-miirr.iw -he would not sp.-iik the x..rd She believed in cttfram hisirg a lexv t a time on special subjects in which they xverc interested In her opinion the-uf fragi-U had askee 100 mucli They loixe drawn their bow nt the sun. and may pr<>- Inildy I.it iio Tb. ; ■ ui,. r i 1., u men belter than she did women. The w.. men hadn't a-ke.l for the Iraiieln,,- rigbt iv ;if tb.-V bad. It Would Inn b.-eii grunt ed If tli.-y would m.t tie. lain that tliex w. uM not pay taxes unb - permitts-1 to vote, but would jut 11-k f..r the riglil to vote every time 110-v pn\ tb. ir lnxe. Iliey would beinor. likelv to have the privilege rde.l them. If the women would <>ul. ,it iV'Vtn f x il.i'li-lp •-. lln; tpen—tilCj might .won sit on mo* of their In-o H1.. 1 jsk for their rights, they would 1... nmr-- likely lo reeeive them. Till- wns follow .--I by uprowrlous applause. Misa AntHnnyl ' biding her I >• ■-, ex iilenth r. liilli.le.l of tile • little Hroolslyn epi-.'do fir- S.XI- bell., xxi-nt on fo sy Mint she iin-1.-i-food men Ibatter l handid Mi-- ARtbony, and further-1 I more, sin- k lie xx more aboilt tit - - is. than did her l.'oleHgue, with W'li oil -be iilxx ivs t••!t 1 ; prix 111-grd I ■ 111- v'l. 1 Mis. Ai'tlo.ny II plied 1.. Ml, Nl bi-lni. and reuinrked that they had 1- xviix* entertained opposite opinions, and' libera xvjs 11.. probwbill \- 111 the in-ib- por ' tion of the eoliitiiunily; sin- wanted to In , • nt the mercy of her.odf. She was earne-t I in tin- matter, bacama aba fait tbe positioti ! l at praaent occupied by womip x..i- p| jn ' i -ult iii.-l .1 d- ; ii-l.'i-n I-* tier po,!tlou in I I . I! s. en t x 111 K N K XT 110 IS E. In the pr< .id Ilou'i* of lo present ill. x'tr-. ,j says the Sun the ltepubliean. if all vaean . ci. s xv. r*. filled, have 11 majority of lll'. To j-' übni.go ti.is 10 ijorjl.v in vbu next House j i tin-Opposition must ma'." a gain of fifty . I two 111. tubers. At the elections for member- of Congress held this sit tit in i-r and fall in North I'aro liiiH, Vermont, Maine, W< t Virginia, Ohio Imliaii.i. l->u i, and Nebraska, a fraction avi-r "111 1 lilt! ■t* 11n* l.e # t 11 • •" uCI. ~i'o< en. In Stiidi's'liiuit tl|o|'|i"'itio|i have gained certainly twelve probably thirteen and possibly fifteen member*. Let u- take the lowest of these tlgori ) twelve. If the Opposition can gain at the November elections in the same proportion s they huve gained in those already fa!!, they will hav. u i luir majority m the next House,'JU-I a* -tiridy ' five lime- twelve i are s'-jty. fan ttin rj p isitmn ei.tku these trains'' Why li>l ''l h • tide set* steadily ai d with unexpected strength in their favor. They have only to make good nominations, bring out their re-i-iv-d force*, conciliate all tf" elements of ho •:!.!> to ( Vynl's Ad |ministration, a id the desired end will he 1 reached. I L\ F ML \ IH'H'HK I ! •L N\ TILL I-I.AIN LIEIIVE-. T1.108.-I LO , I M|IINY OF .A**NLR> . RO**MJ{ FIOIO \II.M I* \ ALLEY I" KURT LIOILRFE, M FEW 11.. 1.-,*, FOUND LLO IN I* I*I• 11 .1 BODIES O| (IT, 111, LL L'U|.ER> FOUND ON FOOT LI 1.111-, IDENTIFIED TLIELN us ME IS T, 11 FT. - 11, I HIKBI-I K.-NIP AMI HOLEA, 0 PURL* OF BUFFALO BLINLI I*. TIN .TTLELLLL'LIL* UL NIL IK WEEK* UGO TBA TO UTL* OF TLIRI * OF LLO KIILION WERE PIERCED with BUILEL* A .1 ARROW* LLI.,HER' LI-J[* IT TO I URIIIR WERE BROKEN UML BL* B.NLV BUR RIB!> LOANTTLEIL ISP \ I N > L.NMI U ALT A I.MONT KM 1 KL NUN [TIN DI I, T >.-! LI H'|*RT LOT* REACHED ! BET I TIIAL II*IN IM 1 |)ORI*-RA>> . WI.II NIL T 'URLITT TTOOP*, LO.* U' I 1 OVER TO ILIE ITE -1 IIBLIEOII ARMY LONDON, TI*L L.I A |.I I IMI D. *|'MTI B !•' LL.E PNLL MMII (IA/. TTE FROM SMIUNDER EON QRIU* IBE REPORT* OF M PARTIAL §UBMI**IOII! . E*LERDI> . I UT **EIE RAPELLID AFTER THEY BAD BURNED " PAL I-OF TINT TOWN MIIIULTUNOOII* ALTUEK* * ERE NUOIE BY THE ON ITUN AM] I --AN MARTIAL THE CARLO!* < IPTURED PART ■>F LT.DIOL-.IL, . LUIIIHII.LIN J; TBE I UTERIIMTIOIIAL LLN LYE, TUT TIN * W. RE DUALLY driven OUT. • • A LIT 1.1, ATTACK - A IIT AIN TIF < \ LI- V>NK MAN J-'ATALLV IN JL LTKIL HON. , TOTE, L'ft , OCT ON NNTURUA) N BIKL, WHICH WAT BEINJJ DI I* T-LI U'EI G TIN RI ND NEAR I'LNLIE NO -I OF THE DE'LAW AR* LITIS! HUDUIT CATIA! COMPANY * J(RA*IIY RAILROAD, BECAME UNNIMINK'-ABLI IT RIMIB- E.| UP THE TTEEP RNIHII'LKUIRIIT OF THE RAIL RTND, OR* THE LOAD* .I TRACK. ,LU,T TBELI A LOTLX TRAIN OF COAL EAR* ENME ALOTIX AT A LUX II RATE OF •PEUD. THE HULL T'LRIIEDATID LOWEI.-.I IT* HI*MSI AND STARTED TO MEET TBE TRAM 'LBS IOLL.*I.-N EN IN E AND TBE BULL *>.. IHT. WW KIGK INTO THE Mir ND*IAIIIE SI ,**N ON S.L.E O! TIN* RAIL* IN IRS.NT SF THE , . :IR> FOURTEEN OF THE EAR* WERE THROWN . -,.N Ll,.' I MLIK I.T} II * L *I>D W ILTLAM LI.-ALY. A CAR RUNNER, **..* I .TALLY INJURED I!. ■-T 1 R IN* IT ON TIE TR.. .A BAD VERY LIAR- 1 ROW . -CO| -S, SATRINX THEMAELVE* BY JUMP- I • ♦ % . D A IT'|tKltsll TOW V IN Itl'lN. 1 - t'onstaiitifi -ple, Oil 111. -Tior Turkish t. --in of Akli.dga, containing fivetbous -■ 1| - I .■■ idid Situat. 1 -II the gulf at llurglo* in the Black Sen l.a i.-.cu totally ijetlwyrj hy r. A it KVOLT AGAINST KOVALTY Tin 1 ojiic ui liiriiiiiigliaiu 1 irt-ii < f K.ting tin lltii Aj.j srii.t at the Public FxptUM'. I- .no.. Oi l. 1 I A pul-lle meeting was lo i in Birmingham t . I gbt, i t wbii b r.-s.-lotions w• ' 1 1 pled pr.d< Ui.gagainst lUo .... yai use ul j '. , in. next-> defrav the expense of illuino alin,- ti - etty or. the' 1 ■ ,-Casi. u-f the al'lUll i.l.d \nl .the I l'lineo of \\ ;. s> Ti 1-> r dei.- uiued lb ll).ir ami aei ..•-.! I in .-f seeking f favr with iht l'ui;i, ii. . iiiir te obtain . kt. gh'.he ' ;j,,0 .pilou- Cpttbels vi'ti a] plied I.- fhe l'ril . ■ f\\ at. - and other i violent langx-xg. was tind, which called 1 out strong expression* el liisitfSk The: t" ,-e.-dirgi w cri x i i_x disorderly. K.-, rts C'.i '. 1 in-to ie r .-.. I ved .1 add 1 ( IIOIIB! defoats of l ands of Carlls'.* by the j republican trout' C'erUo. battalions arc ' nt-g. tiat.ng tor suir. ndtr lo the republi can*. t ♦ • lumxils I'ji-t* Tin t'ukliiA.\ XT II Sk N.u 1 ork ranks With the b<-s: of tUe r< g u> wiek.. > I)r. Txt. . xi v..1. is u > active editor, ar.d bis sermons ! are published < 1 cluiively in its columns 1 lie terms. S-.k.'Jj per a num. cover every- : thing, including postage and delivery ul 1 ti. new premium, a' l'ortfoli • yf Twelve' Gelus. < r \ Vi UlXlt(k's! 1 u i- fV .ii ut 11:e pr 1 iiuuin it is on - j iv $1 per annum, p .stage prepaid, as] at ve Agents xi!l M.d in , „ success . tVJ 2t Iu the ( iurl 1.1 ( otumou l'.eits o|i (Vntrc County \'u v,j .\pril T.| 16r4. hi Kxjuity. I'cler Kublr Xs Will \V*tf et al. I he under* gnJ having been appointed - , t-y tbe said Court Kvatniee; JU*ter l> 1 '. kliu.uny ..s.d liwUsu a decree in ihe] at .y CMA will attend to tbe dutim ..i 1 the a| | intmcnt .-n M -ndav tbe'.*th dat * ..f November i. it at In o'cl -ck a n> at' !..s . :!i. - in B. il font, when and xs ber. .. persons interested are r. -jiiesl.J to at-' '< rx-1 \I*A M HOY B- •! : Oct t: 1.1:1 Master Ac : valcable ukal ESTATE FOR SALE. ; \V abe offer 1 l'ub ie Sale. Us. | nr. mis. , it, Potter twp . on Saturd .v Nov sth. ISTt The following r.-n! estate, belonging to lb. I.state of Peter Dur-t. dee d , > n.i*t-' , tug of a valuable farm of lie A CUES, x!"V" ,r T,' w - 1 ,""' c fr " m rminl 14 ' . r\M> s i<'• % IU KLI.I su iio Ink. HANK It \li N .r.d other i.'.bill .ling., with tw.. g. ~i 11-. 1 ird. and ~il kind , of the bel fruit m the I.rcmi-I 1, and a g.a. j ; p r j;i £ of r.evcr ' IMII>.£ i ui* rIN r 11*.* IIHUP, AU EIGHTY ACHES .f 11 MII Kith A Nl>. siliiate in Potter twp k'mib . fr.mi Potter* Mill- _ Sale t • Commence at 1 o'clock. I" M Term, will 1> nu de km.*m ..n dag of "'• -ions It IS HK I. dosHCA PoTTEK. N 1! -l! t..e >aid fat in •. • ; f , . .1 > ap.s.-e i,eiti-e.f. it w ill t.e 'offered " f-r rs-r.t at public outcry, on same dav ' N"X' : Oct '-Mid ' '! VA LI ABLE REAL EST VTE FOR SALE. 41, pi,r.uane ~t „;i order of the Or-1 pi,an * t'-iirt ..fCentre C.iiiiily, the under-! -ign.-i will offer hI public wale, on thei p.-rn i-.-s, on. Friday, Novm'br 1"., 1874. a VALUABLE FARM, -iluate in Potter txxp, k'j miles west ot Potters Mills, known i.t the farm n .n,. te.l n g-....l rWOSTORY.KK \M KIIOUBE, BA Nk- It.VUN. and Ilrst cbi - .uilbtnldings. g0...l fruit oi all kinds, and a never tailing -pi ing of water near the house. TERMS One-third "I the purcha-.- ] money OB continuation of sale; the 1, • I - lance in txvo eoual annual pay i-nl .to bej .1,. ..-"4 t' t bund and on the promises with iiilort-sl. .Sale to com mence at 1 o'clock, p. in W. W. SI'ANGLKK. ■JI -ep. id. A-luiuii-irator. | \J ALUARLE FARM FOR BALE I Will be exposed at | üblic sale and | •sold to the high!"*! bidder, on the prenii-j |M*. on THURSDAY'. OCTGBKR k"., 1874, j ~t one (.'clock V M that Y VLUABLK, FA II M. late tin- prop.-rtv of William K.-!- j ler, deceased, situated in Potter township. Centre County, about one mile ea-t of! ; Centre llnll, containing ONE HUNDRED A XL K|RT4-MNE| " ' .(( lilio and twenty eight peichn* aiol allowance. Tiiere-dl erected a large two-story brick house, large bank barn and all other nec essary out building-, about one huiidri--l ami Dlly acres cleared and under good fence ami in a lilt.ll STATK OK CCLTIVATIuN, an orehur J, CO. • • -,lr'-, utoih't tb'rcc RCfcs, tilled wtlU'eiiefli'id apple mid other fruit trees. A splendid -nrlng of water near the house, with excellent spring house, two citterns at the house and one at the harit. W ill also be sold at same tiinv uud plae- H TRACT OF TIM UK It LAND. one half mile from Centre >alL containing about twelve acres Tfffm*' tirade known on day of sale. For further particulars inquire of John II Keller, at Centre Hull on the premises. It win VV. Khmi;, \V Mlt :•.■. nh. Jr. P. F. I\ t.l | Ml, (' 0. MSLLSB, SAMUEL FOSTER, (iuardiaii of W. K. FOSTKK. Also at the Milne tune and place. I will offer at public sale my valuable farm, con taining 1171 acres, admitting the above iffered premise*. A I'ortl-r" lU.c'.'iptioi I, NO 2 FL '<' I T**, NO. 2 .V O TL, W.. I>l I'4I.T*M BUII.AI*, W>*TE II LOU'TL 'LIFII'.CE; NEW DO, IN *U>R MR OAT* A I.LIXLE DRIIIUL. RECEIPT* IJN .RII BU*H*I, UILL TI WI-KTERN HO(.*<.L. , WHITE TILIJl EA*H, IOTIC TELLER (TCIOHCR AND N'M ON HER. NO. II HIINC MFE. CORN *l**ll, NO. 2 HILLED AT ,OJ. EA*!*; ?. HID FOR EUOR OETOBCFI TIT LID T"T KULIER NOT EMBER, 0(1* HID FOR ELIEF YEAI, REJECTED TIE, OA'.* DULL AND UL.ETTLED AT T.#> LOR SA*H; M|E FUR TEL LER NOVEMBER. HYE DEMAND FAIR AND MARKET DRIU, NO I AT H2< 16. CAYUXA PTAELER S'I,6U PER 'J*IO LB*. THREE NEW TRIBUNE EXTRAS." NO X„\ 1 WBILLIEY, LIIXXMROLL, KILI* , TL LUVENNX. !• CONTE, MARB, HUNT, etc., cte. No \\ 11. Bayard 'LAYTOR. (LETTER* fr M Egypt AND IIE'AIID, IN SHEET FORM only / N.. Will Tyndall, lluxley, Owen, McCo.l, I Pris ehy mail, postpaid, in heet form, 10 cent* eacti in Pamphlet. *JI cent*. FIFTEEN EXTRAS FOR tl Send fur full catalogue, with conlei-l* ot each number. Add res - Jilt E TKIUI'N K, NY_ A HMINISTKATOK s NOTICE- J\ l-etls rt .-f a-ili-.liittrati-.li on the Es tate ! Calhartn. Slu\ er. late vfGragg twp . dee d have been granted to the 11 ri ders.gt t-d and all person* ktiuwiag tbem -• lvc* indebted t.> .*'4 <-st*U are re.jueit ed to ts.uko llouiisduie payment, and those bav ing legal I laims agailwt tbe same will present ihim duly authenticated by law. JOHN UISHKL, 'Oil lift Adui'r. OTICE I bav applied to iba Sur ; v r\..r General . si..ity acre* iin , nruM-d lr.tiw situate in the Township of ! Harris, a.lj ..ning land* of Jonathan Tress l< r un the East, lands in warrantee name of Jeremiah Sankey on the South, old survey* on the west, and land* of llxmet Ityls-X Bud . then or. the north. Oct- dt. F.zax 1). Dxisiix. Fanners, (ira Hirers n ASH Everybody ! NKW STOCK OF GOODS for the fall and *ti;.U.t Madss received. Our tc, k or ready made Clothing it jlaige, and first class in exery respect •KI LL SI'ITS, COATS. PANTS and VESTS Ist price-s U.wer than ever. King William. Melton. Beaver and oth er Over, B'.S A fir,e stia. kof lalrtl Style Hat- Tlx very be.; \li-u* and Roys heavy ill. t*. Istdltu, M i-scs and Children* | Shoiw J A full line of Gent'a Kurnishing G.-ods Everything needed t> Complete a Gen - temaii t wardrobe, vig- Gloves, llall Hoe., ■ rax *t* uisderclothitig A. At the Clothing Store, Milroy. Please i lavor us with a call and examine good* vnd pries Ki-H>e<-tfuHy. Oct Kit Z.P.KBUE. H. KOSSM AN. Undertaker. The under*.gnud be** leave to inform J Ins patr.-n and th# | ..bo. generally that jbe prepared to make COFFINS 11. .1 r -p. clfu .y sob. its a share of their ratr.mage Funerals attended with a neal (luara# UKMKY KOSSM AN. ! sept 4m. Churchville. SToNK-WARK ' STONE WARE !! The undersigned would re-jsccUullv an - uounce t * the citizen, -f Gregg uiu] ad ioining townships, and the public gencr , tl ut lie ba- jut receive 1 "J LOTT K\".\ NS Aug 'AI Tm Keystone Store. 1 § HR I tKM hits AND ALL OTHERS ] Go to H. YEARICK & SON, Ft HI FORKIGN .V DOMESTIC DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, HATS, CAPS. JiQUTSvi BHOEB. (TsOTIIINti, Oil. < I.OTIIN, OCKENSWAHE, GROCKKIKS. PRO VISIONS, FLOUR. sVc No. t' iitlbll tj Atwt'b', Oclb toßte, P All kiiuls of couulrv produce Ink en. Heat Hnrgains in town to be Imd, MtSKf , SOBOOI* TAX NOTICE: -The t,.x , payers of Potter township are hereby nisti , fled that the duplicate of School-tax fm I the |ire*.-nt year i* in the baud* ot Ihe mi deraiglieil. All such lax paid on or before December Ist 1874, will have an nbateiiieiu of 5 per cent. Thirty days after said d.-iU ' there will be no abatement, and <>II all siii-h tax remaining unpaid after Januitry I, 1870, there will be an addition of 5 pel ' cent to the amount on duplicate, as pre scribed l>y law. 4}. U S\yARTZ, 1 10 Mcpt ii HI. Treas MILLERS HOTEL Woodwarj p, Stuges arrive and depart daily SHORTLIDQE A- CO., COAL, LIRE, dr., \v7UriAM HItOKTLUJOK. A6?lb VALiKTITft SHORTLIDGE fc CO., Burner* and Shipper* of (lie ce^hrated : vviiiiiiiiib* "SIIIIMIE Z Dealer* in ilia vary bent grade* of A N'ril It ACIT K ( OALi | : The uiily dealer* iii Centre County who aeli the W I LI K El SI Bi A Ri It E C Ol AIL from ilia old Ballimoi* mine*. AIo HHASOKIN AND OTHER OKA DIN of ln> Oaal drjfly hooted eaprtnwly for Uu.e u,. a t the* price*. I) EA L Elt S I JV A I • '/ They pay lb. hifhe-t price, in t*c h u. (Ml* th.i iftkKa.lrrn market* will afford. WHEAT, CORN, RYE, OATS, CLOVER SEED &C., Bought or will IM *OM on coami**ion when lctlrd, nj full price* guaranteed, In formation conteriiifiir the grain trad* will be furnWht-d at all lime*, to fioutri, • wilb ploature, free of charge. RIFLE and BLASTING POWDER. KIKEBKICK AICDOBOUKI) FIHE CLAY. DKALEItS IX CAYUGA GROUND PLASTER, which i alway* o!d ul low price*, and warranted to be a* goo-J * leru tiler B s a: y other platter. O'fntiZ MD y ;\;jd NEAR SOUTH END B. E. VALLEY R. R. DEPOT, 17 tcptSm. BKLLITOXTLIVi. i Lime! Lime! Lin* ot the best quality. •'***• 00 band. at lb* kiln near GEORGE KOCU. I ~~ GREAT U A KUANS AT THE HARD WARE STORK OF MUSSEB & RUNKEL BROS.. Millheim, Pa., i WtpLESALK A*l> Kktaii. DliLU> I* IHKAVtk HHELF HARDWARE,; iThvy hava ju*t returned from the Eastern Cities, b,rt they have purchased * *" selected stock "f HARDWARE. Crrtaat. !•*• Otis, FstTa. Vi*siMP, ri'TTt, H UIL DDKS A CO ACU UA KERB | (iOODS. Plasterer* an J Masons, Saddlers, Shoemakers. I Housekeepers, nd in fact, ! HARD WARE FoK EVERY BODY. W* call particular attention to 1 -ortment of Picture Frimn and Moulding. very cheap. WALL A WINDOW PAPER And Curtain Ki*ur of every kind. COACH and WAGON MAKERS-four attention i* called in >ur stock of Spokes, Hub*. Kel!., Shaft*. Pole* and Bug*? Wheels, al! of No 1 quality and selling r tr cheap thir stock U large end C"0- .ianlly being renewed, and we ire selling wholesale and retail—at very low prices. Remember— much money ha* been hist by ~a>u>g uo much for Hardware. Try hussar & JluJiklt Thev buy for Caib at C*h Price* for leM profit than amPother Hardware Store in the County. jr*>-Call and soe u. SatUlsclioii guar | "' MUBSER* RUNKLK BROS I *ug S7-y '"4 • — H.H.WEISER M*nuffti4uri'r> of Sheet iron & Tin ware, Millbeim, Pa. All kir.Jt of Tinware, conaUnlly on hand and made to order. Sheetiron Ware of every dcacription. alwaya on hand. Roofing in Tin and Sheetiron done in the moat approved and taliafactory ty!e. Spouting done to order. Their stock of Tin and Sheetiron Good* is Urge and eomplete. and offered al the' IAWINT PRICK*. Their e*lablihnient ha- been enlarged and stocked completely throughout Satisfaction guarlanteed, and all job* promptly attended to. aptW'Y THi PEOPLE'S DRUB STORE. Next door to Wilaon A Hicks' Hard ware store, Allegheny St., BELLKFONTK. PA., Jaii* 0* Williams* (Succeaaor to 11. F Rankin A DEALK IN PURE DRUGS AXD MtDJCJXKS, CHEMICALS. PAINTS. OILS. DYE STI FFS. VARNISHES. BRUSH ES. I KRFU M KRY. NOTIONS, AN!) FANCY ARTICLES FOR THE TOILET, Ac, puaswjj** uaufcM K>r medicinal purposes. SHOULDER BRACES, TRUSSES HUVUKB? JA.BEA VKM ■iL nurrKK. mesitoum .Pennsvalley Hanking Co. CENTRE HALL. PA| RECEIVE DEPOSITS, And Allow In.trot. Discount Note 1 Buy and Sell Government Securities, (sold and Coupon* Pktks Burma, Ws IL Mikulk, _____ Pre* t. Cashier Chas. H. HeUC C lock, Balrbmaltrrd Jraelrr Millheim, Ceoire Co., Pa. Respectfully informs his friends and ike public in aenrral, that he has just opened at his new establishment, above All-lan der e store, and keeps constantly on hand, all kinds ol Clocks, Watches and Jewelry of the latest styles, as also the Xaranville Patent Calendar Clocks, provided with a complete indrs of the month and dav of the month and week on its face, which is warranted at a Perfect time-keeper. 'lucks. Watches and Jewclrr re • paired on short notice and warranted. sep 11' Only Bst Sample Rooms in Town. BROCKERHCIFF HOUSE. ; D. JOHNSTON A SONS, Proprietor* Bellefonte, Penna. tret But* to and /row Ikt Depot. Excelsior Cement ; The undersigned new manufactures Ce ment WARRANTED OF A SUPERIOR Lreek Mills, in Haines twp. This cement has already been used in large quantities upon the LC.4S. C. Rli and hat been found highly satisfactory upon all job* where it ha* been used, and a* equal to iany now manufavturod for use in CIS TERNS, WATER PIPES, or whatever purpose agood quality of Cement is desi rable This Cement has already been I tested far and wide. and rendered the ut most satisfaction. Persons, therefor.- con structing Cisterns, laying Water Pipes, ■Ac . will find it to their advantage to bear this in mind.and alto, that be warrant* the (article as represented. , J G. MEYER. m *>" -1 tf A art lis burg, Pa K.NTRKHAXL HOTEL. Jobs Sfakolke, Proprietor. Stages arrive and depart dailv, for al points, north, south, ea*l and west. HKNS * BkecsEKiiorr. Jp. s>hWkkt. C President, Cashier. lENTRE COUNTY BANKING CO . (Late Milliken, Hoover & Co.! RECEIVE DEPOSITS, Aud Allow interest, Discount Notes, Buy and Sell. Government Seen: lie?, Gold A apltrctuf Coupons. W. A. CURRY, BOOT & SHOE MAKER' CENTRE HALL. PA. Would moct respectfully inform the ci*- zens of this vicinity, that he ha* started a new Boot and Shoe Shop, and would be thankful for a *hare of the public patron age. Boot* and Shoe* made to order and according to style, and warrants his work ito equal any made elsewhere. All kind* of repairing done, and charges reasonable. Give him a call. f € b 18 ly jryn. s. G. GCTKLTcs; Dentist, Millheira. Offers hi* professional service* to the public, lie is prepared to perform all op r r w'" n> ,n tho profession. JMrHe is now fully prepared to extract L 1 witkowt pmim. myß-73-if. D*n K £' Attorney at Law, • , p - Office over Rev onid s bank. may MM MA J. J. BHKEEFLER TAILOR, n„. er, y opposite Spangler's hotel. uIP? V s a "H* prepared toniake all kinds of men and boy's cloth ing, according to the latest styles and at seasonable charges. J A „- MM ANUS, Attorney at Law, iStUefbnle, promptly attends to al uituaau entrusted to him. )ui2,'GSt ADAMHILD, PAINTER, his services to tho citizens of Mifflin tutu adjoining counties, in llouae, Slfti and Oriiameuatul Painting. GRAINING w * . Oak, Walnut, Maple, Ash MsWony. Ac., y ' i and Fancy Paperhnmrinr Or der. rpectfully solicited. n All fine work dene for other painters. T ( >HN P. rOTTER, Attorney-at-Law. U . Collections promptly made and pecial attention given to those having lands or property f or ,al e . W ill draw up I V" h Mi" C^*0 ?' leU * edDeeds . Mortgages, ilw Offlca m the diamond, north side of •Ike court house, Bellefontc. oct^bStf SPANGLER, Attorney-at-Law, .... Rellefonte, Pa. Office with puah A Yoeum. Consultation in English aiitl Germau. Collections promptly attend ,* d u> - febo-tf 1 fl I f MAnKiVtl\\U^Nlll^!