SKE (§ENTRE v|tErORTER, FBED.KffRTZ Editor. Centre Hall, Ta., Oct. 22,1874. f BJ?.WS.-$3 frr year, it ""• -V* 1 trArn not paid in adrantf. Adi>rrt\stmfnis '3Ho ptr lint I - 'Arc < . •- Crfio**, nnd for l niif 12 ?i ' A '• -v nl contract. Democratic Nominalion* For Supreme J udgo. HO*. AVARKKN J. WOODWAUIh of Berk*. For Additional Law Judge, JOHN H. OK VIS For Lieutenant Governor, HON. .1011N LATTA.of We-tmoroUi 1 For Auditor General, HON. JUSTUSF TKMIM.K. ..flireci. For Secretary of luternal Ada""- t; K N W 11.1.1 A M MO A NOl K. of Philadelphia. For Congrese. L. A. MAOKK\. For State Senator. WM A WALLACE. ASSEMBLY, S. T. Shugert. Bellefonte, S. S Wolf, Potter. DISTRICT ATTOHNKY, J. L Spangler, llellefoate. COM MISSION KK, .1, Newliu Hall, Howard. CO. SCKVKYOR, William P. Mitchell. AUDITOR. Adam Yearick, Marion. The ring is opposed to W allace atul Ma; k v. The people are for these tw > men, they always stood ou the *;de ,t the p>eople. EUctio* K#*. I Hoiust men, vote forh.mest men. like Wallac and Mackey. If the reforms under the new Coi stituliou are to be kept up, and ear ricd to their cud. then such champion# of reform and pure guverutuau!, like Wm. A. Wallace, mu.-t be retutued to the state senate. We are proud to say, that the rad organs have failed to find anything against that noble tnau, L. A. Mack ey, the people's choice for Congress. S idoui do uefiuJ a public man with so pure a characier, and who ba done so much good for his neighbors aud fellow men. The people will not for get Col. Mackey, for his gov>d deeds, on election day, Nov. 3, and will then tell by their votes that tiiey love their friend. Well, Indiana aud Ohio, the great Elates of the west, spoke on Tutsday of last week. Both give large demo cratic majorities and show a gain cf twelve democratic congressmen. The people sigh for a change, and the coi roptions iu high places have become so intolerable, that the people see it is time to root it out. Let ail houest men crow over the glorious result in the states of Ohio and Indiana. Ttu\Osceola Reveille, heretofore an independent paper, goes in favor of Wallace, because he is the peoples' choice. The Reveille says : ' Not because he is a democrat; uot that he by any means desires the posi tion ; but from the simple fact, that he is a man of the people and for the people : strictly honest, possessing un usual capabilities, influential, energet ic, untiring in perseverance, and iu all respects fully competent aud abundantly quaiiifieJ to ably aud faithfully represent his constituents and guard the rights and interests of the Commonwealth " That's it, Wallace is the peoples' man. Let the people bear this iu mind ou Nov. 3—election da v. The democratic papers are cor.jjriiiula ting themselves and party over the fact that, under the new constitution of the State, the Pennsylvania election Joes not n>w take place until November. It i, a ma ter of little October, O. io acting as substitute, will pronounce :'ie 'loo in of the party u itb equal emphasis :.d justice.— (TintoH It'putlican Well now, neighbor, what do you think of Ohio as a substitute, eh ? Wrn. A. Wallace, the pure legisla tor, who battled twelve years iu the senate against coiruptiou anil monop oly, and the author of our most whole some laws for the farmer and wurkiog classes. Vote tor your aleadfast friend, Wallace, for senator, on Nov. 3rd. Mr. Wallace will speak at Centre Hall, Monday eve., Oct 26, and at Piue Grove, Tuesday eve., Oct. 27tb. Go and hear the great I'enusylvanian. Southern papers express themselves con fi lent that there will be great democratic gains in those States, at the ensuing elec tions. Should such be the case, it will re sult solely as a consequence of the wide spread intimidation and violence to which the colored voters of the South have been subjected—and the plain duty of North ern Republicans is to offset those expect ed gains by greatly increased majorities ir their own Commonwealth.— Clinton lit publican. Yes, that will do to let yourselves down on when the southern states speak out against carpet-hag rule and wholesale radical plundering, but pray, how do you account for your defeat in Ohio nud Indiana where there was no "intimidation of colored voters ? Caved In The Tuteu sheet had the talk knock ed out of it by the Reporter, in its sil ly cry of "banker" against L. A. Mackey, and now in its last week's paper it admits that lie is not a mon ey shaver and deals honestly, but says other bankers do it. Yes, we know, and Mr. Mackey is uot responsible for such, but is deserving all the more honor and esteem because he has sisted the temptations to be dishonest.; This is just what the Reporter praises him for, and accounts for hie being j the favorite of the people So we: stopped the Republican's mouth on that. The Tuten institution thinks peo ple need not vote for Wolf becajuae ji? did not serve in the army long.euough tj suit them. Well, John Booohooo •Zer didn't go at all. Which had the greater courage and patriotism 1 Whom <0 Vote For In those days wlnn on; i option i among nun in public station- 1- the ( inle, hoiust citizens will not lm bound by party ties to vote for nomine•> If 1 cauft they belong to a 0.1 tain party, when such candidates art o! donbtlul | character. Honest nun is the ' mnnd of the citizen ; hov . pail* • n s'dcratioti- Wo call lhi I.>j. >• 11 11 u hialthv one, and tho fin !■. .!u;.- < I ur< ■* polities Having in vu w a 1 form in nun in high |l>• - -id the selection f tin 11 ot kii a o u.t>; ri' *. the democrats in thrir recent no lions came up to this demand >l hon est democrat# and republuui, aid 1 nominated L. A Mackt* I district. It is admitted that tluy j s->s einiuent abilitirs. It i- km wn that they have rved the public an i that they have piovpn faithful in whatever pniition placed It is a i milted that tluy are g;;t hiiien ot ! spotless private chaiaetvl, r Itiat i * i alt thbir private il lations will; lie; fellow men, their conduct k; - Ucn sueh its to gain : llu tn the uiJoni! 1 confidence and res) ect ot ail. These then are the nun we asi. ui to vote tor who desire pure g Hunt, honest legislation, . iiv.ut- **i ■ will sacredly guard the public in j telists L. A. Mackey will never lo caught 'in Credit Mobilier.-, Salary Grabs, Landgrahs, and corrupt jobs XVui. A Wallace will bo found, as heretofore in the senate, battling against corruption, monopolies, and j a leader in the great reforms that ar. • to tike place under the new C. nstitu .ion. His a M.iku to;. e Sviuit' - at this period would be a public o>u . i-, ty. Heuee be is the person every j honest man should vote for. Judge Orvia is so well known for Ibis legal alUMunmnU, his tllicieuey as a judge, and incorruptible uaiuie, that uo good citu.u can consistently \ te agaiust him. He has proven his de votiou to the public as a legislator, and his uprightness as a judge. '• What excuse then can there he for : any oue, iu voiiiig 2ga ; i:>t men like ' these? With such material placed • upon a ticket, it isjeasiiy told, Whom 1 to vote for. Honest| men be eousis r: tent, aud do your duty on the 3rd of I November. The Kepouev lw*y ,jH-ka the truth, ami the Uellei'oute Republican knows it, yet it has the impudence to deny that the Texas Pacific 11. 11, of which Wiu. A. Wallace is Vice PreaT, i.< endorsed by the Grangers of that state, b ecu,;to it will compete with oilier monopolies unti make freight charges lower for the farmer and shipper. Now to show that the Tuten paper is denting what is true, we copy below the circular of the Texas Grange: The l'atrous of Husbandry ami the Texas Pacific Railn ao Texan staff Ormmf* I', of II Eft nth Committee 11 m, ( tleert, TV. Ju'\ leth. To lUg OrPKR OK PaTRoN- c-K Hi'-- hanoryTfci> ci.-!y completion • ! th Texas Pacific ltaiiri aj, be,i. vita! . ;ii . portance to the rapid and complete devel opment of this State, as an ■ll a- It gr, it country west u. it • very !••.r-.t that it should receive additional.♦e from the General Government. B, this another line oi ttilnad woald facilitate communication with, and ridu ~e rate, . f fare to ai.d from the Pacific. This would benefit the whole country, and partii utar ty the South The Northern und Centra! linw., having teen more liberally as-isted. it would it., 1 ; but common j-.Mii • ■ -av nothing of policy- ibst this, the mo-i t'a vorably located line, should L. . h-tan tially and promptly fostered mid , i.< uur agr.i under properly guarded restrictions, and meat pertain )y when h.-s >;> ■ lon better security In view of tner able consideration and prompt action As no proposed lino of transportation, now being built, is of more import*' • in developing thr* resources of the country, they most respectfully submit that thi- f fort to secure the advantages already en joyed bv other ecti> n, i- -in appropriate matter for joint action, and is urged upon the ear'y attet.Ui,:, of US Brotherhood. \\ M. \\ . LA Nil, Chairman. N. A. Thomson, A. B Kerr, Vi". War ren, W P. Townsend. Freeutire t >,n tee of the Texas State tiranye. This is to certify that the above Circular of the Executive Committee was unani mously endorsed by the Texas State Grange at its Annual Sc-sion, held in the City of Waco, Texas, August lHth, IST! R. A. Binkokl., )VM. W. LAND, See. T. SO. ils-ipr T S. G. If John Boozer is elected to the Legislature, he will vote as be did last winter —against reform. This is not what the people of Centre county desire. If Mr. Shugert and Mr. Wolf are elected they will favor every measure that looks to the cur reclion of abuses as they were both warm supporters of the new Constitu tion, while John Boozer fought it to the bitter end, and even misrepresented it in order to make it distasteful to vo ters, The good people of Centre county cast a large majority in favor oftheoew Constitution, ami to elect au enemy of that instrument to i he legislature, would be taking the back track and the groscst inconsistency. Show by your votes in favor of Shu gert aud Wolf, that you were in earn est then, aud mean the same thing now. The Republican conferees met ut Beliefontc on Wednesday, 14, ami nominated J. B. M'Enally, of Clear field, for Assistant Law Judge and E. P. M'Cormick, of Lock Ilaven, for Senator. They made no nomination for Congress, seeing it was uselesi against such a gentleman as the dem ocratic nominee, L A. Mackey, the j people's choice. Tha result of the recent elections in Ohio, Indiana and Arkansas, is proof positive that the democratic party i not dead, as the rads pronounced it so often. Ohio with 25,000 majority, Indiana with 20,000 majority, will ' convince even the most stupid radical that the democratic party is not only nof dead, hut that it can not he killed Now democitpia of Pennsylvania, lei the 3rd of No.v teJJ that w. : ,i.- nit only alive, but in the m— of hefcitb* Who Is to Illume Tiie radical pai<* ha i> •11 1p • * ( cr twelve \ear.-, witin u! interrupti n. ; it iind every ilep.ii tnn-'O "I I v- 'j w eminent, \e. nti\ and • • i- • 1 1 1 , .1 tliisl imlieial undel its • ompn P 1 • ntm! it held tin puise mi I s\\ rd and yet its promt-* s ha* e in I been i, dt 't * ■ -üB. ling lal> m iug m;i, atid the gloom ifstiignati ' 1 in evt 1 \ 1 oinh i o .ins ti* is liaiiiito gtl m 1 • *n.i , t - . 1 and no all 1.1 . ; . o ' -•*ti 1 i 1 !■ established 111 all ll .11gi eit 0 to ; Will keep ili ehaig"tl ** ikm inn. wstn / their wive ac..l little v. St. u '. .1* 1 ing Wen we in : pi mi* I :■t > 1 tlin g, 1 l a iiwasil t { Uttu tl.i deinoCiatS out *>! p.iwet an 1 tin r.uli ! cals in Y- wi *lO t j Wile..* at as ill, se if t!.e h.ndlliel campaign in I s Id, when tin w ikii gn an was | : .1- .1 1. .1 lars iei *lav ami go >1 1 --1 In el, 1 he l;elpi 1 t cut old " I 1;- pee .. Tv'ei ti •" in pi*w. • The radicals can not chaige that '• the dens crats Irn !. i, I lie n so do nig g >inl lor the country ; 1 \ for tl 1.1 is man t 11 1 have .1 tv*.. third- * ! majority iu Wel ■ thus il.ttbl" i t > "I I |tlst ■* I l.t'% " till* plia*."! —and th * 'liil do ju-t a- the* l>li.i*,ii. it plea-i il li.< in to - juandi r 1( i-,illi ; * ' tin u v ! * Credit M -'-niei j arrangement-; i. pleased them to jiisi di r ii' I n " ket the [ eoph '* 111. it ics bv a j.amlal is -..hni grab; it nleascd them t > **) i.ui ier u!t the val uable public LikL ■) Corp.-r "■ tn ;an ! laud-hark* tin . : -men ; themselves brii g members of t : cirporatioris, aud leceivirg t- *i 1 v, •divv" ti in the land gr.ihh-r- it. -*■ ;-ir, H -at; pie* e! till til .l-aild - l.ellii ii of p'uiniir wnteii ; ' hist ry of radical rule iu twelv* ver t- tin -1 -■ neglect of the iuterests ot the e uutry, :ri ami as a neeissuiy 1 n-eijUvnei we j have hard times, scarcity of mm v, , j strikes, p-iuns, M. 1 ami gcueial ruin > ; the van •> is ins 1 trie# of the country. n The radical lartv i- to blame; it , , made proiui-es ani Im 1 the power to ' ■j fulfill those promise- thi- i- uinleui- I j able—l- !c ' i ! Now had wc 1. . bettvi * -'.i> ' ■ a,: •' ei.angeHad **e iwt better try MH f j other set of mm Surely w lad, .1!! ; hoiust and-eii.-ible irn ti will say ! i in.n v te ; rL.A. Ma hi v, r A X | , JtC gre- -he i- for a change. V. te f : \\ in. A. Wallace, i-* uo. to tiu j champiou# of ret. 1 in. 11 the iad d; i ' j not fulfill their j romi.-is and the .*.ni ~ " condition of the c untiv i- the 1 Ist : f . , . . I pre f that they did 11,>t — t:. n put them out, and let a different set of '. " ! men try to help Ui < >hio, Imli- r 'ana, and stale*, have ia'cl, said they will try other men. lit i'mn 'jsyivunia 00 the 3rd of Novetubei - 1 - a ond the motion. ( . T. Ah k \aiul(T. 011 r < > Filing. l()tli. said |)iildirl\ ; in llolrl. •' ♦ Ceiilir Hall, (iiai of ••lie (lid not like the idea of !a> - Tpiiblieans vote for hi 111." and vet lie has since come out as an independent * candidate, expect now to receive II " repuhlieansiipport. M V 10 Ifnuii wi lli the Salary Grabbers ! • an \V hen t". T. Alixamler 11 jr. -ented our county in tlie legist .in.e, a;i t ..tin " session was held. I'm that special session they voted thcm-elves nn ad ditioual salary of s*oo. Although Mr. Alexander never showed his face , i:i Ilarri.-burg, the locks ("the Slate | 1 reaeurcr enow thai lie rteiived his S3OO. Surely Mr. A. ought to lute I the stand, fhe people are not in n | mood at present to be lenient I >-alary grabbers ; they have plenty of men ol that character in Washington now, whom they are disposed to retire, 'and not ty recruit their rank- with | men who have proven themic!e. neb j wonderful adepts in a smaller arena, j "All pay and no work" is no motto for hard tine s. We would rather ; contract for our legislation on the cooperative plan large sales and small ! profits. > ? Ihe Reading railroad company e shops will be closed hcreaftar until I furtlier orders. The employees will | work tight hours a day and only five I days each week. These are the good times promised by the rmlj. Ohio and Indiana Inst week spoke in unmistak* able terms against the present state oi ; affairs ; we must have a change. Peo ple of Centre, on 3rd of November it is I for you to speak, •Since the rails rule the number of employees about the senate and hou-e !at ilarrisburg has hecii doubled, and | they have refus> <1 to reduce the num l l*r of idSetv V"'e for Shugert and Wolf, and it - there is a democratic ma jority next winter, we will guarantee ii reduction • I the uu.nher of buzzards that feid at the eapito]. topeakjng of the congressional con test, the Lock Haven Republican suvs ' all is not lovely in the democratic! camp." Well, just wail until after the 3rd of Novuiiln i, and we will show | you that all tin* hoys were hanging i around Mackey, and that yoii will he ' foai.d in the role as an old maid with 1 nobody to Ji;i£ you. \ IYojilii iy l iillHl. t] • v v.. i \ii,v i. ' ' I'he Me in '.-rut - .litre ,ounl\ hud better h oil then I I here nr., liillueiK I , at uoth ug tin m that ai> untleimining tlo-ir ■IV I- 111 V 11,1111 g 0111 Clllllp ill U |||V II •' i- impenetrable inl\ ti tiiom who wilitullv h id \\ . eauti.m m.i ! leader* ol the l!t mihli. .n puity h. re ilteadv rubbing then baud, in gh .-tul iputloli ol fut ile triumph, an.l are king I ul lo -■ . nr. ueh at< ult V , -.- v . liv I |. .line,* h. .-.*. i. - t , . A ; i - i i I .ug. ; I ■ .- ii j v\ look well to their orgainrati n li ~ ./in " ik; . .It ni l .1. I 111 111. V in-- v.. 1,,. jt . .I it but w 11. I 11 . .... I , - my -.n al lull it - . i. i , I ho . ■ \I, i. .. i- ... .• I. . lied N . -.IV 11, ' ..... :of I i.e lie, lib I ,-rty W. luhho * til. U hand- u tui it nil- j .tl. n. mi i that they hayt . d w l-e I hunt to —-ctite - future \\': ....ii,he. that it ri ,uii -i i 1 i ti i the Mi uioviativ* put V. - , . in i.i. all tu- file.. I' both cat and )■ r-or. ,1. tin- parly -vhi-li ti. ,n. t.t.v -upj li .i and c!e, leal hlin •d 1 111 •th r utl IllitUv'U* choice tor iit ■i v | t r l.uvc to-, t • draw lam -way from 0 i tailli, ami caUae i-ttii to vvall-let r atlnhge go*l- to *, ■ k refuge i-molig ■it ■ . net.'.* - 11. W we . : f. lit It nimoat battle* conception luiiv ■ man |r.-dieted • ich a r,--iilt tv ,1 v - go, t! . - : t a true Di-mo iii the-. .i.:v tut w u.-I l,av.* giver, on the-p..t Hut we must not for* first p. n- ipi, t! ug* wl . I. -• -to-xi toe teat ot c.-nturiea otity lo be - more firm, and immutable, and ■ l*at month, and eves longer for til w< enow. b>- huv b.aii u.tunat. ly ■ and in .to-,- .ountd with th. rl.i -bv .. auni-.ii>, during thi c !-*:lowi i ..I I dogged in.* IS. all .1 . I night, cau-e i him to negie. t hi- bu-i t*> t 'get hi* frien-U. to be'.-. t>t* bet •-tii'.ga, !i aacrifice hi* principle-, and It-nub ui u> iwMiu % .*■.-- iin *••.., h-•• j . r ot t * j-r,... tl.* y got htm ; i nvefit i. . namr, and tin;, th. y v '.inched . hails the- had forged Hut he ev.-n ■is repent, i hi- folly, -i d hu l the word* jof that notice changed *u a- to l ive n an opening if he -h mid again w i*h to .hdrav- l't.ut notice vv >- oiigir.ail u i t A--, *-.*-* Va -,*k , .etit'y - .'gel "we are ii/ I .t C i' Ale*and- A c Mem • *■•. u can form y ir own iiif.-r.-i., ... Tt.e • i- Mr. A'i-iui .i. r h- sot bann nuulgi :u own mind duru g ti e j ai fortnight tv VS. I. i i-l :■ u:. Who ha- w itnv --. i hi si, who km*w - . f hi- repeated an* unceiueist and with.l.'.w ala, will „ . * - that 11- all.*!.* •*.!*:!•* . s. tha{ of w wi c.c i.tasl v.. -. 4 r,| t wl. ; e.. I v.s turn* i. tlut now that M e evilatcp hat h. on ia* uitia ho time l**r parleying, i. a---.* r.-gret* 1:. Sim** i- - ■ ft, at ,i i sit : e the wat. hvi r-l . f the 1.. sr. K 1 y ur riecvo ami r< - t . wa ! • t 1 e - . the -leeping -entry. Aii hand- ! * th is-, Hid we .an t ;it the enemy h- -r-**, • I irs"->" • and the in* rning of tl*. i el' N'.h , ine-r will r* • .i -> id *>•>.• witii their alau b,.t ms'o. gw!m tl tuna 1 ( war w ii! toust, 1 ..-to • -sr .I , ate t-r tin 1 e % J-i ■ t mrpri.e i,. altogether, if w,* view it dy i . , . s;!v II• • unfortumite re, : 1., w hich • • Ire . ntl.V blight tl.e li. p- • • I our latter-du\ te-uo n lfeur In* : . ry *, rve* u- light, ;s.':tr tick. I in !"'*•, I--., U a cliv i. la t.iinii.g th.-it . 'ur.., I r.-c-.s.d at, Jor-.-iie-nt at | bv : -*c-ai. I *. * i i in a -imilar reb.-liion ugaint •party, w!-.:s he pp*">td th<- elv-itiol tin* H i. .lull" * I Hair, iii.d iti tl. t ra-ivvn he iiiu-Uf. I precisely thrcr Aim 1 V-itv - 0i... . ,h the i ,■ .. t- I , hi* w ay., h d uht! -• bees, due to th. refill and vigilant tutelage of hi* late v partner, and * -oon s-* lit became t-.l !r us t; st guardian-hip h otice more !* - i: :•> by and !" *rl- ivlers path-. Hut u- rem. ml*, r he no longer belong* to . , I. i -s- ui** ov ■r to the ets.-my tii th* mam:, -t r.tont. t., ir.iurs; „nu ray n ,-..1 i..- s ,-t : rin trr-:- :.*. . fail <: s r 11V siiol . '.'.i : ■ t !'.* ry . tabli portion of the republican partj cu ly laugh - ut lii- t n si ws.ii tl..- i ntempt lis- conduct d.-- v.* ! They l.nve n . hankering after -.* K J nr.* ready to -sty* and will >ve it by tin ir \ ite-, viiuv i, they • i** r a Meisiocrat, Itsey- jr. fer t ■ c;s ir bu'iotv lor u m ill of pruicijile uud m is 11. • i :.. j Mr M ■ - eleeti -ti i- a-vure.l, buf our efiort •übl be I > make hi- majority n large n • viblc, * • that it may si I*•-.*• ii nnd a rning t* *r the filltttn Mr. Mai key i- si n who list- tis iiiy e!,-iuortt of -trengtls; Alexander ha- few or none. Mr - v* I p *ii tho t ill Democratic vote i-i.-ry i vv ce, |.t| nap*, -i.n.e i.., . ; i in our own, Mr Alexander rani, l niiuind * ii*- hall tho Kepubiican v. tc rwhere. Surely there i- no cntt-e f.r luragcment but every Mem .-rut anil try man of principle should rcaolf* to ail in hi- p -.ver t*i -<< ur<* the triumph .on. ,-'y .* rid integrity, nnd the a |., •,Hi re ol traitor, ainl uitToni, pulitu iat;. l'< It mi tu.s ti little queer now ' Cyse Alexander was Irving to bargain with Andy Heed WHO IS PRESIDENT OK A NATIONAL . RANK !! In the stereotype language ' Hill llrown, "Explain," Cv.-p "Ex plain,'' or I utciu plain. RAII,SIIA.ME, the llellefonte R. publican tiii* week it a* not got the lei -1 trr of Moore, Simpson A Co. cxpio , ding their slanders against Maekey. Cowards! 1 ii<- meeting at Milheim on • M iiday evening was a grand success. Maekey, Penlr, and other, spoke. At , thcciose a delegation of honest repub licans callul upon Col. .Maekey and, declared their intention of voting for him. The lower end is a unit Friends of the new Constitution, te* member, that every candidate on the Republican Stale and County tickets oppi • d the adoption of the i, w in *iiunient, whilst every nominee of the Democracy voted fur and worked for , it. If you disire its wise provisions inainlaincd inviolate, vote for its friends. it appears from a report of lite Kit tional Cringe at Washington, recent ly issued, that on the l*t of October there were 20,800 subordinate Oran ge# in tbe United States. There were oG'J in Pennsylvania and 80 in New Jersey. 1 lie order appears to he in a very iioutishing condition, lint is more prosperous in the Mississippi valley than any other part of the I oiled -dates. I he Congressional elections in Ohio and Indiana overthrow the Radical two-thirds majority in the House Pret ty good that for a commencement. "Let any intelligent man,''savs the Memphis Appeal ,"no mailer what ■Lite he hails from, or what his polit ics, compare the eonhition of Cleorgia, Tennessee. Virginia, Missouri, Ken tucky. v. ith South Carolinu,Louisiana, Mississippi and Arkansas. history lor the past eight years and then say which paily most nearly car-!, ties out its profession of devotion to| law, onler and honesty in public ad ministration. fOPElection, Tuesday, Nov. 3rd J TIIKOI TOIIEH FLECTIONS. y i 7 i i / onto \ M.Vt.MI It I M' \ || titKl ilo I h 110 IIUI V .1 übl .ml. I 1 I VI HI -, 11. tub. I I t II |l. ~ *i a tie mijor it v ill Ob io i j . ' . ; V A ot \ in,!., t-it g r -i.ii, Willi n -ti ..| .*' liojie of two lu >te I Mil VN V. it! i nn.MfuKALV rim M I'll ANT. Ul Nl. K La I'll I'M Ml V 1 KM A (initio! I". ur < 11 -,-tiiv ti. 11. ,laliu|. 11, t. I II Further 11- t ,Ii .i .i. C.i ed M iii.-. riillv- gain- an 111 -t.iti' !' illealivina ale now that the Men ■ nilic niuj rlty ill the State will reach ft :u 1 :.,Wto afi.Ukl. L iter return i. tin- t lev ' ■Ot 11 vltlll i. i tin- Kiglilh 11.,1 I'll .ell- 111 the Tel.ill I>.strict* 111 i ~i 1 lli debgalion vviil aUtnd MiII ■ at* to I l{i publicans I. \LiKM \ 11'1'K K\ KK l'11.1.KI> IN \lilv -V N SA.v MK VIOfUATIU MA- JoHt'l Y t.. '. , 1! ck,M. toi.v-r 1* lln i slluiateii k. tv* . t lb ,b'iu-i..*ra:a at the late ell. lion ~ li . n*i th,- larg. it iv.r puK.-.l in the -tat n.e i iistilulivHt ik'id democratic slate 1.. Kit w , e carried by ii.tOl majari fy • The newly . ected Indiana Legislature will in I thu* Senate, twenty-three Mi *i, v thr. . li. l. p. i .l. iit-, ai. l tweis . ; r itepulb. an- 11 ii-v, fifty-two lb lis, elek Is Ind.'pelidv*nt*, and . .-v •- I 1! - . I . su it i\v k 11 S i it.iv •! the I ,.i K.| übii, ills l*i ; t.-al t • si sisiti.-.- -ay- iriucty-lwo nlo • reported give gaisi* irti-r the K. j, . :*an v a-t y. .r • v >-r un. 1 11.-pub 11l maj irilj ' tl I Secreta ry of Mat. will be about 4>i.u' The in • - i. • re now ll at ni. tb nine H.-j-üb ! . in di i il. -f .r Cottgrr.k will be etc. M K'CfTA Yunkl, , i.ik , Ir I'he re ■ oft., , iecli.-n y.-:* rd.vy li.U- !nf re . e.k i giv* Kidder, Krp.ib i. all, lor i|t*l* t cat '. * t'< • „*r<* -. 1 Ml ui.ij -ritv ■ L ih U auv lo * XKIIHAsK A I tl vha, Nib . October If The . tun 1 return* thai liie u||*ru&itnM< r ! ..t it *klat m rrc abuut vorrn t Tlu >t.!o **!-. i. lO.HM a 1 : I tJlllj *r k Uv. Ilu' Ii ialiiiiuii s l ieu Winn jv.u want I*l put \ ur fill r t oti liiin, l.v i* 1,, t . . 1 At t.t \ vMU.It I- VM. lit. 1-N I Svjit. ir::. G. T, A . xuu.l* r i- pro . u uia ul ;t!i ii• i! r .. 'ct i . ;toi: laic f'..i * ";j 1 1 f* pi. k'S IK* ) liitv tb„' t'.c ttiai'ct under coit-idciaii "o. S.jd Hi i- au iiuicjieiivieiat , cuiolidalv f.,r cotigres*. (/,! 1. He - ii-iviiino j 0 rudi.-al stb .! In m * nti imle> nvlcut cauvli d.n tpr tm jjn** at.ii i, cottaivicring over li e trull* i, ;ia ll.v v promise to l v cf. . i.i.ii in 0r.!.. I(i iie! Mack ' cv. ( K't i, Sut.ii.iv lie 1- ali'il|.|e|.v II • ii; l c.i ml i. Isile fir coiior.---, tlaf.d * v pt. to •• d i i,in ii .in t M ..i c *' ip <). : 1. He Itnt not y.*t tnade up 1 I.i- liiitid. (Jv I > lie .-.ii. j*elldi Ut Cat.* dt.iale, 11 t. t* iit ugiiiii tik.. liie ma Mi t 'tit > i *!dt nit' ii. tic!. 11, Suuday. ('otitludi- to ' -cu i out a paper ! i ignitur<- si-king 1 Intnl. 1., an indrpciil.iit caudiiltte .liv via, (bt. Ik'. I'll.* dove titurtla vvstli a ...t! in ita luvtitii, on it a few sign - r |ilr< * l:lill ; I I), nil ilidr'j t ti ll. i,t (sindidat. f..r And . (Nat* ...j., IJ-' : u! ". !:our later and I o i* an independent candidate fer . e.ili^ry•*, tlse' r.ol- pre--, d liiiu. Oct. 1 ft. He i* having the* mntter > tinder eoiiaid. ration Oct. 1. Ditto. Oct. l.">. Ditto. Off J''. l|o i* an i:u!i j i tu'rtii cap di.t-ite, uud start*, to Mittliu countr to j look after llic pr .-pcct.. Oct. 17. lie! urns from Mi til in county, with poor encouragement, tops at ( enlre 11:, II on Ins fcßjru, ftild publicly denounces the idea of his be v ing an independent candidate for con * gr. ss. Oct. 20. a. m. A letter from his p law partner to the Reporter aniioun . cc* that Mr. Alexander has conciuded not to run independent. 1 p. •m. He ha* the matter under - consideration, the rails press him on all sides. Can't resist the iad and sorehead pressure and is a candidate. •"> p. in. Has circulars ' put in type in Rrown's Republican I ijliee announcing hi;, independent car.- . ilidatiire, Oct. S3. — Oct. 24. to Nov. 2 Nov. 3.---The worst heat candidate you ever saw—and the flea is no w !k re. Pennsylvania Im* lti.'i lila*t fur naces, 130 rolling, mills, lli rail mills, 18 steel works, 13 bloomerietc All the other .-talis put togither do not contain that number, Thn annexation of I'm Fiji I>lmi J* to tlic llriti-h Empire i* an i.e.-*>ln|>l ixlu-sl fact. \ AUK OF THE CHRISTIAN ItKI.I --(ilON. I hi' K"i. \V 111 id in Everett of Cambridge, Mn* . preached at I lie church of the Me vub, til Thirty - fourth*!. and l'lirk-avo., on Ihe value o| the Cliri>thin religion The text of the ili eoiuse was taken from the -Ml h verse of the litli chapter of Deuteron omy 'We have seen this day that (iod dlh talk with man and lie liveth The <|uestloii Is olten raised, the preach ■i said, why so little permanent interest i- taken in religious matter*. The thought d the eomparutive merits of religious and secular work-, of the money and energy • pent in churches compared with similar i'liergy devoted to other onuses, makes ample lament that religion attracts-o few. 1 lie number, though, of thoso who wage 'pen wur against religion is verv small. It is when Christ calls upon people to he lecout rather tlutn respectful, that the ■oldncs. is shown. This feeling tlmls it# 'XpreMion most in the reluetanfy of young nen to join the ministry, ami comes of the lea that Christ is a hard master, whose li-eipl,.- must not stray away from their •reserihud narrotv limits. Christ's prin :iplc, however, was to give uion life and o give it more abundantly—and he who lei >l. a Cltrlatl.iii llfn K , t more of life than ii ii V one < .' Jhe i >ii. i. of living, the <-oiia. rant holding a |i!a, hliioi g tin-it, i alii lg lily 111 Ire which give, realltt I i llli. anil liel|. in, ii 1.1 hear 'tlu-lr man. bullion - 11 't|.|.in. -. i. ii roiia, i.iua ae. livllt • i Ihoaoul in |o i 1., t oleniKlit, and I■ 11■.-1 lilt- Hut how ".'M ini can (ho ..mi! tliol o |irrfo> t lib Mon •oniotoii, . inleiitloiially throw away a Jiart of their li.i- They may thiow away their iwiw or., tliov may uro lliem too aoon, or llioi mat devote tlioir om-rgioa in i>iie or two |" iml din tion. living H hulf lif.. lit 110 ... who atari in life intending to 'I ■ till II I'M. I to Iho lie -1 advantage, inniit ato rt ,|i|..d midway. They have ain hit lona thai cannot ho attaineil, that . uilo.t ho ■ ultiv ut.-.1, |iowora that riili not he deve'.o|>od Their |iW el a and 111. an. at,- ahrorhe.l hy on** tl ing or all "ther, nixl v\ i|i,|t tho lime t oinoa when lio-ir favoril. |ti|i.uila in a v ho followed. 110 ir en, rgiea ar,* g. i.e anil their |„*wcr> are oinhiiri I, an that what might have h* ■n a reality he. >IIIH * a dream It la 1., 110.,* vim hate been obliged In autfei i. • n I r* in la,and ukaiiiloniuelit ot their h.*|.e that 1.-llgi.'ii almuld ho ottered All atltVe , ii*o of religion make, life air,illgor bt j.i.-.pitting a d* finite nhjert of action. lin i ai.- inant * ailing- in lite which are I. I uoithy . I h, ing alighted, and their haa (..nit-died mid w ill control i.-rigii. nf men 1'- r judh I'jiua clioict i leaanii.iliti- ad.,|ition, tuu higher Bio live i.- needed to take |irei*|.,nce of lhei* end- and religion it i. gitev tin. motive by le.inlii.g t„ I. ~| . kingdom and t • Kii iiiiiiioni oi it., uill It. ngi.iti i. not o--a u.elul in dot. ri,dri ll,g u hot t'our.e I action to pur.ue in the 111 l*t of 1.1, , | rlj.l. \\ |, nt t l ltt || It , 1.-, w ia the .ry tSat ia heard et.-ry day from men u 1.0 hntu flung to oiin !>•-. i,l object. The very bjecu choten mu.l bring men t > |.oinu where they h.-.; . uiie h.-u lldered He. religion ia a aafe j gui.l. It uty call lor hard lighting, but it 1. ..1= loall Oil, morcile.aly leading away fi. m the haunt, of lit,, and j.rovn.g at | iaatt the <.itii|i!rta 'ati-ii,ti..n of heart! and bruin that the alert. t (liaUnce he ! lu..en t-to jioint* . a atrnighl line Men! often . mjilain thai religion forbid, the giutil .tliori of many laate. that appewti in.i t atr -ngly to human ii.alincla It i! true that Cbri-t denii - the u.e in of much that ill- world allow, to be |ei , but the < hli.tiall religion kill, the Very tlo,re for the.e thing- Nothing -lunl of religion and devout auhllil.-aion u*l it . all J.oxHVeiy break the tllu.l in ..! "if . Ik. ligioit niak. lite lullcr and n...r< worth bav ing by reltev ing men from the doubt of atlaiiimg their ci) Oven objecta. 111 ...d a a uti rem a, y n riot ow ne made the weak ofe-trong It may be new • inh it to i.. >k at Chri-tiabity in thi gl.t. an ! l ~y may ;i-k with ...ino incre luiity if all tin- ii true, and if tlie Cliri.- tian re.ig.en meat.- forgiven.--- and a!va l .-n to .11 w!„j will but take up the ■ rv I!. al -mS;eje:,t I. (% i; in tho eaamptv t Ihi ,d.-r vif the Chrtttiaii religion ; -h no lived in penury, and died, aa men i think, 'gnoiiiiniou-tv ai d now the car- I, nl - -on Lord in the World In .very , intry, the day wt, n He -hall , ■ ine i*i Hi- glory i. . ipeclcd by million- I Hi- taithful -rr\ ant- who*rer.lled V -til | the -auK energy that c .| fjitj. U r hi wot. . t l',.y f.. j, "Hecmn d'H. ]iv. I , I -hall live niao ' " 1 - KLKi HUN I'ROCI.A MATIuN. t / lolt SAVfc TilK COMMON. A I w KALTII I 11. J' SinntK, ll*#ili *b.ri®i.f Ccm . lr. u M Cowmen wealth of IVnnnyli:.. n :< d> ' i riliy make ki. wn and give n ■ ti <• t. the elector* .if the i.miMv afore-.,id. , thai nti election will be held 'in the - .id • ountv of Centre on Tl'K>I)A Y, NoYKMBKU 3rd, 1871, ii. accordance * ill, the Art of A<-mbly T- I • r* • M f r the .-ft. .. ot Judge*' ..1 l! ' Supr, me I urt 1 t . Coinsilor. wealth | oi Frnnsylrania. < p. • • 1..f th , , i,,. ;~n M 1.,. , * '4 the of Pel, n a j OMMMtftr the ..Oi .. of Auditor J tl "I the State.>f Fenn , i ! One |.er,.,n for the office of Secretary ..f Internal affair* ..t the Slate f P.-nnV One HMiii a> A>.i*tmt Law Ju l*- tor . u • • mt. Centre. I onion and Co , r . field. I Oi . j.f ~ j { ,., , uußtiaaof t mtre. f 1.i.t.-n, (leargfrld. Klk, Mifltil. and I i,...n in ti 4 ,. C.ngreu ..f tin- United Stati One pers. Nt -rcpr.- nl the , .untie, of Centre. Clinton and Clearfield in the Sen . a' rol l'eni! a Jwo |K-r*ort* to represent the i.i.i' , f < .litre ii: ll 11. (. ~i |.i .'(• ul tie hkiUef |*eli|, a. i Om.pnr.on forlhu otto- ..f i ; er • : C.-ntre . .unt,. OaapoTKM !.-r tt.e ..ft. Muriel At t-.rru > F>r Centre . utility. ■ I Oat paraaa lac OmmMj StHtojtw (*.r ] Centre county. ' °"o ir-n t r Auditor . f the count. ..f I | Centre I ' •> i j l..aa> ki.ob.l, mat gn -, lion tii the several 11 rough* and township* within the county of Centre are u* follow*, to wit • For th tap, of llairir., at lh. Futon Home. fJoh ti Limbcrt Aurntisburg For the lap. n of Keb.-rsburg. For the twp, of Foltcr e£ the house . f J.din O.lcnkirk, Old Fort llotel lor the tp, of t• regie, at the public' . -•' i|.\kcJ by .1 Ii Kifhrr. Forth..' p, . i„ tu kahc: ' nM%u Mt rifiotfr.yr lot the twp, of Harris, jn th • school homo at lioal-burg Vor the tap, of Fatten, at tho house of Peter Murray. lort he borough of Itellefonta and the 1 town-h | of Spring and Henner, at the Court House in llellefonte. For the twp. f Walker, in the school home at Hul>ler*burg For the horoukh and tHnslup of How-*! ar.l at 11.0 School home in *aid borough. For the twp, of liuah, at the Cold Stream SC> 00l ItoUkO. Forghe twp of Sn<>w Sh -o, at the school house near Samuel Askey. For the twp, ot Marion, nt the hon-e of j Joel Kline, in Jacksonville. For the borough of Mileshurg, at the ; new • chiiol home in Miles burg. For the twp, of Hogg*, a! the new sol .- home in Central C't'\ lor th. twp, ..t lid-ton, ;,t tlio home oi d. l.n Hoed. For the twp, of Fenn, at the house <>f AA' I, Musser For the twp, of Liberty, in the school home nt KagleVllle. For the twp. of Worth, at the school hon*<> in Fort Matilda. For the twp. of llum-ide, at the house li.te of .1 K Itoak For the twp. of Curtin, rl t! . hotini ... ii li.-tit, Mann*. For ti-.- borough of t'nionville and I'ni ..n twp, at the new school house in Union* ville. For the borough of Fliilinsburg, at the public -chool house in *aid Dorougli. At all elections hereafter held under the laws of thi* common wealth the polls shall 1 be open.-d at seven o'clock i,. in., and elm. oil at seven o'clock |l. 111. N'lllt'K is also licri'tiy Kivcn, "That every person. excepting the justice* of the |ie4 e, who shall hold nny office n|)|i.ii|)t in**ut of iirofit or trn-t undsr the gevcrn lllelit of the 1 lilted Mute-, or of (III* SlMte, or of nny < itv or incorporated district, whether a commissioned ufficor of other wise, subordinate oflleer or agent, who is or shall he employed under the legislative, executive, or judiciary department of this State, or of the I nited Sinter, or of an> t nited >'tales, or of any city or incorporu ted district, and also that every motuhci i of Congress, and of the State Legislature, and of the select or common council ofan i cit v, or commissioner* of any incorporated 1 district, is by law incapable of holding or exercising, at the untile time, the office orj I appointment nf judge, inspector or clerk of nnv eleetion of this Coiniiionwealth ; and Hint no inspector, judge or other offi. cer o| nny such election, shall be eligible tojiliy office to he then voted for." The inspector* and judge of the elections | -hull meet at the respective places appoint, ed tor holding the election in the district I to which they respectively belong, before -c\mi o'clock in the ipornttig, and each of. -aid iiispi'ctois shall appoint one clerk,! who -hall I.e a uuiiliHed voter of such dis-j trid. At the opening of the polls it shall be the duty ol the judges of election for their I respectis e districts to designate one of the! iii-pectors, whose duty it -hall be to huvoj 1 in custody tiio registry of voters, nnd to make the entries therein required by law, 1 jand it iball 1... thduly <>f ttionthor f Hld I in|r. 1|, to re ,*iv *• niul number the bnl '"!• |T< " "t' 'I t k|i"• una. r in. ! ~,J. , lt Harti.bu.g. Hit. tint <| a > .( ii. : ,:„, r \|, Mild in Min nliiHy-iiiiitli \ onr ofMie independent.. „f ||i,. l'i,|| Pl j hii. . " K Ml \ I KKII I f p \l.>l\f. K* S paper. Tha (jhn:Dun hi VJorl\ THK HI SI HKI.IOtOItS HAi'EH ...... „ a i noll' i ii' IWO 111 Hill i rill I*ll K Mll MS. An liluiuiiial. t J'ortfulio of'J'w.'** '•> Holldrc-hcl, t.. !, 1-1.1(14 t , r (1,,. Mi i|irt ( liniiit.t. "Tiic Twin*. ut ( after l.mnl.t >-r J'ri. ■ s■; including P-tago. A f.j-tr.iM uf v kis„{ With -1 •'HKIIII tiltHnMU -I TTKS Tl OA', A iih.S TS! , Lili.tral t-.iinii.iuliiiu unti cvlu-iee !,t tit..i v Sntnplc-an I circular-ft.. ,s. ,„| I •* I nl < ?rl *t oiit-r \ , iioiiitio r. iii>u, Eoi 4105, Mew York t. I '.' J Miller & Son, CENTRE II ALL PA MKALKKS IN rain imras AMJMKDJI /A7A CUKMICALN, OILS, DYK Nil His I*l-111 I 411.UY. Nut lu> FANCY AKTIKLi-.s FOlt 1 UK T011.1.T, Ac . Ac.. Ac. IM HI: niM, mi I.hjiohs, fur .medicinal purpurea 1 iuiiij it .'iujijiurlcii in great variety. .Mm, .1. ... Gili AUS AND TOUACGO, j ..nd all other article* u-ually k.|il in a lir-t cUm Mrug Store l'rcarription- carcfutlv Cum pounded. . tt: MI I. I.Kit A BON. ENTHK HALL FOUNDRY & MACHINE SHOPS 1 tie Utider-igtlCvi having taken pvlasei n.ili of the al..ive i-tabli.linotit fe-jiecl tuil.V inform 11.luslilie that the itimo ulllj ha carried on by tti.-in in all it- ti ran flier i. heretofore. TI, v inn .if ... ih,• CKLKKRATED TKI.'K HLI I < OHNIM. \NI KK the | heat now mail.- IliiUM. I'OWKIL TilKSlllNi; MA tlllNK- A -HAKKttS I'LWS. STO\K\ o\ K.N ltn>K- KKTTLK i*i vi i:s, i Ki.LMtta: \ i KS. PLOW I sHK A Its A MILL GKAKINO of eve ry dercii|iti.m, in abort iheir Foundry i l eorop'.elc in . very particular. | \\ e Would eall p.rtin.lai attention to •ur EXI'KLMoK I'l.oW, arknowl edged to be bc-l Plo* i w ira u-e, shifting in Mi i . hi f T twii \ r Miree Imr* \\ • a!- , manufacture *, net* and unprov t TRIPLE t-KAKEM UoRSK I'ONY- Kit. will, h bar l.een tired ..IVbly ill she ii .rtli. • • ai.d uoaUirn Slate a, an ! hrr l*acn prev.-dem e over all other.. \\ . • ar. I,:., i to do all KI X 1> OF CAM ING from the I to the rtnall . rt. and have fa. hitler for Join* all Luo l ..f lltoN WORK -ul u- FL.\IISU. Tl'ltNlNt KuKi\(< A AH b *nd 4 ' f d.ine . u rl:.ri t.o . jtii^r \ AN FELT A sliOttP, Centre Hall. J. ZELLER &' SON DRUGGISTS i mlk Ac., *ic. Pure AY in - ~nd I. ju ir- for medical purpose* always kept mar til. 7- ! 1 KXTF.K H Al.l. Piiriiilure Hooitis! k Ult I At It |\K. respiiAfully inforuisth. , u.ect.s of C.-ntrc county, that he h-i* bough t out th.-old ' stand.>fJ. • Mafagw, ud I .. the r>r> Th jt. .4.* uAU>t tly . n hand, ~1.4 r.,*ko 11 or ~ r HKDSTKAHS. HCKKAIS, >INKS, A> ASHSTANUS, CttHNEH COPBoAKIiS, TAIILK.-. A. .V Hoy M .ok Ci, ,ia>-\i.v, s".a ox 11 ami. Their slock of ready-made Furniture i> Urge and w arranted of good workmanship and i* all made under their own :le supervision, and i offered at rates cheaper than elsewhere Call and-■ Mir -t- - k before pun basing elsewhere. '3l feb. ly. CENTRE liALL < HAITI SIIOI 1 , I.EVI Ml ItUAY. t hi* i -thli>hn>riit at Centre llall. keejv on hand, and tor sale at the mo', rue .;uf hie iaU r . Carriages, Buggies, & Spring Wagons, Plain - and Fanfy and vehicles of every description made U oriinr, and wtrraiili'il to ho made of thi lout seasoned material, anil hy the most -kllloil and competent workmen. Eeron> wanting anything in hi* litio are re<]ue*ti <1 to call anil examine hi- work, they will tinit it not to he excelled lor durahility and wear. . may Stf. I-FY I >ll It It IV. NoTAKY IM'. SCIUHNKK ASl> OOSYIf A N t'K It, V K N T R E II A L L. 1* A. Will attend to administering Oath*. Ac knowle lgomcnt of Peed*. iVo. writing Ar !tit le*nf Agreement. Deed#, ■ uiayL"' r. n. wii.sox. t. a. link* WISON 4 HICKS. WUOLKSALE AND KKTAIL Iliirilnare it ml Stote IH'tilora ItiiilritTs Hardware (Alt HI 1(21: MAKERS (200DS. SADDLERS TRIM MINUS. A 1.1. KINDS OF HARDWARE AND. HORSE Fl'UNlSlllN(i ({OOPS. STOVKS. SI'KAHS ANTI-CLI NKKIt STOVES & DOTBLK HEATERS whi di will heat one or two rooms doftn j stairs, and same number above. Cost ( very little more limn single ve*. These : are the best parlor store! made. SUSQUEHANNA COOK STOVE. This stove lia< large ovens, will burn hard or soft coal and wood. Every one warranted to give perfect satisfaction. WILSON & HICKS, marlo tl Hellefottle, Pa, NEW HOODS! MOW HOODS! A. W GRAFF, CENTRE HILL, < 'EN THE Co., p.\ , Jin-jiut received n invoice of Summer (roods. ■■ toiling At tin* bi-ti iiiturltnnttt of ItlOA IfV-JIADE CU)I IIISC ! I'KKss GOODS, GiIOCKIUKS I*ltO VISION'S, IH KITS \ SHOKS, HATS A CAPS, ANii FANCY AItTJCLES. over brought t" Potter I wp. LOWEST f.\SH PRICES! ,ro Produce taken in t*Kt-hm,jrr* at hiohe-t tftNrkcfi |rict* AW.CRAFF. P.l* KCR ' S i Sew Coach Manufactory. CENTRE HALL. PA. Th.i undirtijriiwl fa.. „ , I( . w tuliiiilitilMit, al hi* now t110j,., f,,f jk,, manufaelut e of Cat'i'i ages, Buggies, dt Spring Wagons, AHi* M.LU, Pi-ADI AS O FA Vt'V ' of i ■, fty iJcm riptlua , Al. vehicle. manufactured by bint nr. warranted to render *tifctioa, and at i to any work du|;f otocu ler<. ID umo tiims but the belt material, iti'tl eciiiJov* the skillful workmen, j klence they flutter the mac I vet tbat their > * ork fun not be i-tci'tlt l ') for durability and fini.h. Order, from a Jiunc promptly attenti ve' to. t oiue and ('OUiiiit toy Work before '-ontracpug elsewhere. PRICES REASONABLE. All kinds of Repttrittg done. VK GOOD.-* AND NEW PUICEf 11 Hi 11 It A TKS It mure OUT ( jjl ol,| Kiuliiuut'd Price*. At the O.J Slat.d of WM. WOLF, \\ ■ u;d reapoclfully inform tbe World and the rett of mankind, that he ha. jut. opened out and t constantly receiving a large .lock of GOUDS OF ALL KIN IK which he i* offering at the very luwrt ■uhrlvt price. HHY GOODS and Print*, Slu!ii., Opera Canton*. and Woll , Flannel* Ladle* lire** Good*, *uch a* lb-lain*. Alpaca*, Poplin*, Kiupre** Cloth. SiUfM, Tamei*e. together with a lull ,U:. .k of rvcrylliinj u-ually kept m the , Ir!y ,a . fn>,(.• .election of Men'* .and the n.-w-t *tyle* and mo*t M-rviceahlc material*. HOOTS & SIIOKS, WM. WOLF. CENT KF HALL Hardware Store, J. u. DEININGEU A new, cciiplrle Hardware Store ha* been opened by tin- nndertigned in Cen tre Hall, v lie re he i* prepared to sell all Uind- of Building and Home w *urnKhii.;; Hardware. Nail-. Ac Circular and Hand at, *, t.unon S*vr*. We! bS.. t lollies Rack*. a full a*ort ;..ct.t of lila** nil 1 Mirror P ate Picture Fri.tni -. Spoke., Felloe*, and llub*. table Cutlery, Shovel*. Spade* and Fork*. Lock*. Hinge*. Screw*, Sa*h Spring*. < Horse-Shot*. Nail*. Norway Hod*. Oils, Tea Bella, Carpenter Tool*, Paint, Var*.- i*he. Picture* framed .a the tinc*t *ty!e. | Anything not on hand, ordered upon *li rte*t notice. g-4f~Kenu ii'.lu r, all ood* offered cheap er than el tew hc r e sug2-V 7S-tf The Granger Store! Something New! (ASH AND PRODUCE FOB 11 CHEAP GOODS. SHORTCREDIT fc SHORT PROFITS, ■SHEA I. (■ ItHXOBLi., Spring Mill* h;t* csUblivhul u .tore to mil the timw, mid lift. complete tock of DUY GOODS. NOTION'S, GROCERIES, lIAKDWAKK, WAKE HATS, CAPS. HOOTS „V SHoKS, FISH, SALT. tIGAKS, TOBACCO, DRUGS, SPICKS, OILS. In i-hort lull 11no of EVERYTHING Foil LKSS PRICES THAN KLSK WHKKK COMK AND JUDGE Foil YOUII SELVES. sfb. y. I | K\V 11A HI) \V AKK STOKK. J. & J. HARRIS. No. 6, HKOCKKHIIOFF ROW. A new and .complete Hardware Store has been opened by the undersigned in BrockerholFs new building—when they are prepared to sell nil kinds f Building and House Furnishing Hardware, Iron, Steel, Nail. Bukv_ wheels in setts, Champion Clothes \Vrinirer, Mill Saw*, Circular and Hand Saws, Tcnnon Saws, Webb Saws, Ice Cream Freezers, Hath Tubs, Clothes Hacks, a full assortment of Class and M irror l'lato of all sizes. Picture Frames, Wheelbarrows, Lamps. Coal Oil Lamps, Belting, {spores, Felloes, and Hubs, Plows, Cultivators, Corn Plows, Plow Points. Shear Mold Boards and Cultiva tor Teeth, table Cutlery, Shovels, Spades and Forks, Lock.-. Hinges, Screws. Sash Springs, Horse-Shoes, Nails, Norway Hods, Oils, Lard, Lubricating Coal, Linseed, Tanners, Anvils, Vices, Bellows. Screw Plates, Blacksmiths Tools, Factory Balls, Tea Bells, Grindstones, Carpenter j Fools, Fruit.lars and Cans, Paint, Oils, Varnishes received and for sale at iuass C3-;t. J. & J. HARRIS, I. CSiiggenlieimcr. I I KW arrangement I I*A.U. (i LOU (CUM KIM 111, having purchased tbe entire stock nftl. r 'no tirin ofHuaeitian t Ouggsnheitnnr iv jccpl the J .outlier mid Sboe finditi., lull hi led tip Li* thfho nit 1* 11 lot , ( HI'J.KNPI it M U tiOOl f, etnbraeinir REAI>y M AI)K <,' LOTH JNO, nitnef. aoono, UKCK'KRIES, PROVISIONS, BOOTw & HIIOJCS, HATS Si CAPS, ANIi FANCY ARTICLE* lundie uow ptepaitd to aeeomodut. .. i bU old customers, uud lo welcome sit new oiua who may iavur bin with their patronage, lie fttll safe in my. iug that be can pitsie tbe no|.u!ar tleinawl for Lower Pro ' retj.ectfully ealD the attention of the public to hit .lock of •SADDLERY, n<> offered' at tbe old .land, lletigned 1 -I ef o.lly f„ r the | and the time, the , | iare- tl and mot varied and complete a• , ,ortiii<-itt of Saddles. lUrnesa, Collar*. Bridle*, ' Very uiofi|*ion and quality ; Whip., and in fact everything to complete a fir.l --r elatt ratablUbmi fit, he now offer* at price* * hleb will tub tne time* J ACPI PI WO EN i HOCKEY STORE: Woocliing kept in a fir*t c!a* Ur* ery Store lullin lauie* and gentlemen. Our j rice* are jeiuotuible. We aim U pleaae cut's I Stoves! Fire! Slot's: At Audy Hall, ui late*l and bct UOTct out, he ha.* ju*t received a large lot of Cook Stoves, ibe Pioneer Cook, the Eclipse Cook, the Keliance Cook. PARLORS—The Radiant Light. *-eif-!-,*- der, Ga* Burner, Nation*) Egg. Jewell. A-. .V-110 *oll* ,-tove* a* LOW ** any where in Mifflin or Centre eo. TIN AND SHEETIRON WARE NTOIE PlI'K * SPOI I I\c*. AH kind* of repairing done, it a!way*on band Fruit Caws, of all Sites, BUCKETS, CUPS, I> IP PIC as, UISII KS. A c. All work warraaicd and charge* r< .-.*<•, able. A *hareoftbe public paironagi * licited. AND. RKKSMAX •JtcpTOy Cc; Ire Uat, FUUNITUKE. l joiin r.Ki(iiinl.l.. , in hi* elejt*nt Xc Spring .trecl, Dotltfootc. Ha* on hand -picudid a--Ttnietii of HOUSE FURNITURE from tlu couo [ u.unct to the tno.t elegwnt. CH A M HER SETS. PA RLolt SETS 1 SOFAS. THAI US, HK. IKS TEA DS* WOOL MATTRESSES. HAIR MAT ' TRESSES. and anything wantwd in tbo lioe of hi* bu>inot—hmuriMiiemnl citjr work Al io, tuu made a *|wcmliiv and keep* on bund, (ho target and finest amok of WALL PAPER. Good* sold at roa. wtbhi mrp*. vholi -ala and retail. Givo lima call before pur-- j chasing tUeirlirt. fobti-ly Gift ■ ™ A LECTURE TO YOUNG MEN ATI H VIWr - '*Kicr 6CT S AXIVRATYA"I T,,K *ATUBg. TREATMENT. **-***■*' Beinal Weakom, i r Npw itiatorrlura. induced by Self Abuse, Involuntary Kiuis- Hionj. lrapotency, Nervous Debility andllmpedimentt t S*f \ r i r,a|e . Consumption. Kpilepey. PiV Physical Incapacity, Ac,.-By SSI If L-V EHWKLL, M. D., author ol the ' vaeeti The world-renowned author, in this adifcjr&hle Lee. tore, clearly proves from hi* own u*p*t*nce that the awful con sequences of KclLAbie utay le effectually reiuovtd without medic in*. and without the danwerou* aura leal o|serat ion#. kunyH instrument*, rinr*. or cor uiais; p. tut i?** out the m*dj of cure at once certain and effectual, by which eveiy sufferer, no matter what hi* and ra!ii"auj y aV C * ro h4ma#M cheaply, privately .T-&* This lecture will prove a boon to thousand, and thousand*. Sent under seel, in a plain envelope, to any addrea*,. ' °? r tP # .'V, t ? 1 *** cent* or two poat stamp* Address the Publisher*. • CH AS J. C. KLINE &CO ! July Bao, " !, " ,y ' - Nt * York ; Post o * ce *•• Utft. BUTTSHOUSE Beu-EFONTE, Pa. J B. BUTTS, Prop'r. Has first class accommodation; charg es reason* • Hvr, t£.