vdi: o rss uicpontkr THU HSI) \ V OCT. In. D 74 LOCAI ITEMS. Our friend* will oblige bv scmlinc " ot local now* in their iocaiitv, g ,v ' ti- * ho tact*, only, and w<> will put " shape. nl>> liotlCM o( deaths and in' Anv ownndingus the names■ ot > \ 1 iSso'rihers, with the oah, will bp enti.e. r.-oejvc vh> Uvv.'RVR one year >. ee The KKI-OHIKU being read by nem v rt orj'Uv - ii thi* si.b' of the county where it his H larger eirru latum th.iv. ant two papers, w ill be found the best me.iiui !v or:iilax i uttWttj t-• ® 4 RATI FICATION \l KITING A gnai ratification mm mmHs|o! th Democracy of Centre r occasion By order of JOHN If. MOKKI-'V ('WreuiN C Nify *' -—Cider sells at $l l"" r barn Chestnuts are plenty and > > are ths gatherers not ixeeptingon Siiiw-av There is an an odvauce >f .>c in ■ Bellefonte market Fee list Turn cut to the meeting t; ' 4 ' ul " house next Tuesday evening, 20. ■ ' best and ablest speakers in the state w ill be there Democrat* and Republics :. go and hear the issues ta rly c. ou**. Turn out without fail, democrat - T. F. T Thank you; cidcr OUT hst off. We are happy -may you alwjv be. The name of Philips burg's or w post master R. D A. M. Ket. ey The farm ot A drew Kortuan dec in Main.-t p. Mat pub'.csa! -to M.cl aei Krn an for , r about t per acre. The house and two square* ot a.xme dee d in Aaronsbutftold for SUA! to Daniel Korma■. The Union untv fair>ti:i ci.i t. the fogv notice, e-.u have a long winded addrc-s. This must be own gt■ tl ir ;. r cine department be:i:g deficient, t > ari thus s..re of on.# be,a re. __ The Tuten sheet should let Brow n aid Levi Miller alone, now that lacy 1 .* ::o paper in which to speak for theuiscivcs It is coward'v to refer to an "ex-ediu r ia', '(Brown) ar would-be editorial Mil ler friends, in a sneaking at .1 back-hand ed Way. Don't do it Yanks. Mr. AVm. Hingson, an old citizen ot llair.es tsTp , while on his way home from M. Ihi ial on Tue* lay night, last, fell f h - wag • and was killed by the fall, his head -trikinga sharp stone causing i frac ture ct the shuli. Ihe ho se prcceed- don his v.ay home. Mr. Michael lie--, ot Woodward, while taking .ut 5. - c us, ..eat morni g. d-cwercd the untortunale man. dead alor g - de the ; .i-e. Ir.t >x'..x ti. n my have beer, the cause ot his" ng out- Mr. lb" gs l was a t>c.:..ib ea! d i::- eS.i -i* i ,k. zer.. at... aged ah ut 70 years. Democratic meetings will be he! i as follow s; Hubl.-rsburg, Saturday evening. Oct 17 Mail- " V :rg. Vi i - yoc . : 21. Brumgart s School House, Thursday evening Oct '-k! WolfSSchool House. He. ..• twp . Ft;- tiny cNc'.i.'.y Oci rent Ha. , Saturday evening. Oct. it., t uureiiville, Monday evc.ing. Oct * Snow Sh. .. Wednesday evening, o : 28. Rebenburg, Thursday evening, Oct Philipst urg, FriJ ty evening, Oct. Gatesburg, Saturday evening, Oct 1. i Able ipeakers will be present t-- - ,ss the f the day. Denr->crats. Ket üb -3icat, and ail, turn ou*. The fair last week, was much Imer fered w,:h bv the rain. Had the weather bees favorable the attendance would have been larger thar ever bet" re—; almost everybody had thought of going The entries numbered nearly 1100 artiios, which is a larger number than any pre. i ots fair. The trotting, racing, and other amusements wore poponed Tuesday iSth. On Friday there was alarge crowd i as the weather was a little nuore favorable end turned to fair ir. the afternoon Th< ba loon ascension came ofl about nt 4:10 - the sky was clear, the air calm, and aito gcther, a more fav, table time could not have ben wished. W H. llenner, < f Al toona, vi as the aeronaut. The airship sail ed off grandly taking its path high in the clouds over Nittany valley, and w.i- wit nessed until it was a mere speck in the sky a-.d finally disappeared. Mr. llocntr landed safely nir.e mile* north of Wiil ian.sport—a distance of 70 mdie# traveled in about li liour-. Ti i. wa- i>- fin- an H- Cer.sion as we e\- r witnes-vd. On Tuesday morning we had ire fir-t snow-squall. M th,! earth wa* rot yet in a mood toreceiv. the little (lakes, and the white visitor* iminedi..:. ;. v.i-rt into tears. The lop ■ f Nittany ir; ur.tain showed aw hite cap. Three weeks ago we pubijihtd a short local relative to J. G. Meyer's ce ment. These line* brought him half doz en customer* from diff. rent parts of the state, as he inform* u*. Moral—The b-1, - fit; of advertising in the Reporter. Vote for Shugert. Wolf, Spangler, Hall r.nd Ye irick, all men < f good char acter and ability. Election, Tuesday, Nor. Srd. Read the election law, printed on Srd page. Every citizen th. uld understand the newennctn < its relative to voter*. Fresh turival if fall and white, gi ods at S. S. Wolf*, which areoftbred at the very lowest prices. Full stock of everything. Butter 30c, Egg- 2tk.- al kinds cf produce taken. Come if you want bargans. William McWilliam-, u young married man living in Ferguson tw p., had his fin gers torn from hi.- right hand by a grain separator on last Thursday week. A joung man naimd MiteJiel met with a singular and almost fatal accident at the MeCalniont ore mines on Wednesday last, lie went into a shaft some four or five fed from the surface to examine n bird's ru st and the scaffolding gave way and he k'l down the shaft a distance ot sixty five f< d into over seven feet of water. Borne la borers who were present let one of their number down and, with much difficulty the boy was rescued. Ho was badly bruised and received some injury about the head which induced delirium that lasted several days. At present he is out of dan ger.—Rei>u//licau. Sales uf Farn s ndvertised in Repor ter : Nale farm, l'ottcr, Oct. 22. Durst farm, Potter, Oct. 15. Kerr farm, Potter, Oct. 10. Evans farm, Potter, private sale. Tlie Keller farm and Foster farm, near Centre Hall, Oct 29. TIIE ELASTIC TRUSS AN A BDDOM - IN AL SUPPORTER offeredto the pub- Be, with the full assurance oftiie mostemi ,'ient'physicians and *urgeons"iu the pro fession that they would supersede nil im-tal of other Instruments in use. for the relief and cure of Hernia. Prolapsus Ut- ■i. arid all Abdominal Weaknesses. The great number of radical cures they hav- , t!'<-et ed, fu.ly justify the confident prediction made, and has demonstrated the fact that rupture can be surely cured without -utter ing or annoyance, and without the .lunger oi incurinj; .Spinal Disease or Paralysis, oiten caused by the severe pre--ur,- ol M.-tnl Trusses and .Supporters. ZEI.LEK ki>ON, Druggists, Beliclonte, Sole Agents. Aug 27 3m . 10. F . met tor th. purj'i- - ! organ it.g I lodge in thi- pin >\ and rented i room i aboVt K- • Millet - drug store. I —Kttktillft Burlburi' ■ KxhlbiUom iof I'l icned lloi -i - on.l Dog- which me high v -pok. n of b* all our evehange* are to 1 ■ tit Mi':h. ia Fit Itv lilfh it llebcr I u i Satur ivc 17l!. Ventre 11 > 1. Monday U':a, Bi-llefonte, THI'M!V , Wedne-day nnd ThUftday, Thev oil I their g .a 1 Free displiv •> h day it ! <• elvw kp. til Don't fail to see them, lluV have been 'it years in itie buaine--, ami gnai raritee - it is fiction to all. Ofituii Pfilic.tfiott. Th Reformed at.d Lutheran congrega l.ons at Tylen vilte, worshiping in i Un ion chinch, purchased • no of Rurdevid - celebrated organ- !. r theuseoft! eetiur. i rhosi: ;itig e asvtaug'.it by Rev. I.and > l..st wider, had it* desired ell ct ti ep. >■ pie of b. th < • ngte jatt 'i e get awakened a* to thi uecesity of good singing in the sanctuary I'hey t igi. • cont< v t only th- urn- othey could make tlieinselv < I-;,t de- red .t to bo Undo n; :e glol . li.ey ie ved to pr euro a Vain t ifga-. Mr. William llarter c-pe. ."> it - ■ ■ e>. a: It,. . the matt I I and, an i rai in; as •i t :.n> unl ~ u i.e. lo pay tor the instrument. On Sunday Oct 4. thi* beautiful organ Wu- dedicates! to the ser vice of the Triune God Rev. Aurai J. Lutheran minister > ' Rvbei ,'urg | .a. lied in the morning, and Re. l..ndi, state ! Reformed pastor preaehedintheaflert on Tie Tyler*vi!!o c) .ir performed ii the nj.r:..rg, ai.d to tl , r praise be i: they did well, i.-i tie aftert. n the Re formed . :r, of U 1 ersburg wa ptesef.t, a- d assisted l'rof Jasper Brumgard per f, uu.lo: the . rgaii *1! wa* dene wtl. The -erv lees w i re' inpr- -sivo and all * m* eel t > have be. :: piCas.sd ftie g: . '•' ( full satisfaction lllK DANGERS OF t'\ ERI vM TUA VKI. The!.- w.- g card •: ; :-cd, .nor ly s-gked. to. th*S*A PIMMiMO Bulletin I'f S. pteuiber k'"i "We, the ui.dor- ,'.. i per-en- la. just arrived in Cair.br::iu from Omaha, and ue fee! it to be ir di.ty to warn the pup .• that t. tber 1. en r property is -ate on the emigrant trami , f the Centra! F:.e t • Raitre.id This thr-o.ghure rf travel is infe-teil from end t ' end with thieves, gamMsrs nnd sharpers, !i. are ale better I in I :gway ro! er- Ti . conductors and breaksmen of the trains are , .tier a.'ra i t exercise any rty or nre in leag ;e with these marauders There i. :. law asnl no place <:' appeal . tor protection a* !' case on ship board, . -it ei ry |... d: . e .... r.i:id ; as icng.-r is at the mercy of my ruffian who i!. o-es to maltreat him ' >' . nd :etor rtfu-e to take any n< lice such outrag > >u- act.- wl. ce!iip!.: :cd to. On our r.-. !:t trip, many poor men of our party were ■d. -t : • • ! r ■■■'• three card tu, ite - -vera! ot ti.cn: bt ' g family men We ■! ■ c .-ft . tflUei. ... we do of the fact that our train wa- liter.il ly caj tared thi-side of Reno, lust right, by u gang of eight ten mottle brigs:, i-. who. because they C< old get . • one t • bet with th- ■ }•--- i thro. gh the ear- . .. ing the p.i-.-engors ulp-.r r aia. -. striking them, si t'.ing tobacco-jui. e in th - ir faces, flourishing bowie-knives ami revois e.■ and threatening to .ut .-ur tin its -r l-'. w j cur brains out. Thev were aii Leav sly i armed, while lew of Us had w. p nsot any kin 7. and in fact .1 >1 not con • to th - state with the cxpcctat: :: of h:r. iug to figl.t. ur way througu. Al Tru.kee we were ia f.ircied that a passenger c:. ;.n e:i.'. • ..rd- , bound emigrant train had been bar: .r ...--' ly b aten : >r refusing to gamble with ihc-e .nJ.-vi-. 1 i.'.so tit.'d l! .t ti re dar.j r exist- ■ r. the ca-t.. ard-h und-tr., . the* gatnb'.e -ai d . , .• p.-:. .. y known to the railr. ad conduct '. nut are | never di.-tarl- J, but, an the , titrarv, ally ride in the -air., ear with the eot.duc tors after th.-y have cor.ci.dcd th, r devil J Went for th. tup - larnsw . . uld li s cover, net the i cl'.ti •sen it! a.a . f i.r.v wa- observed uh : g to C.ntral l'ai tic ) }J . Ir. ..I in Nevada, ev. ry th is.g be.ng controlled by ruffianism an J U.rcatsof mur der, and v\ e b.-licve that tho traveiing public, esp.-eially the p., :. r ciars, should be made acquainted with th-sc fact . WAR BETWEEN CUIX-V A.NDJA- I'.\N. T'.e war between I .ii._ ! oat a: , Scy the Globe, lists 1-t-cn .nto ipntid i'.-r - ~;ai m lit!.-, "wii g U. the complication* between the two nations gr. wing out of the Form an difficulties. I*. rtu <. i- an island sit" ted ir. the China Sea, nil., ty mile* from the coast cf China unu about j one ihou-ai:J iniiej towthue.-t from the i,ear. j •i:.'. f the t rritory of the Japan .. lands. Among its iubabilanU is a large populati n - l Chines. , beside* many native tribe-, some of which aru very savage. 11. i.-laini i claimed by CMaa, although the : atii ii I.RS had f:.- \ quent and costly wars with tho native bartiai .at w liotu 5..0 !.. -1' > ,:i iil necessa ry at various tii.:. *, to chastize.f r per- •u --tions i-f the C: in. re colonist.-, Three sav age- h. v e al- > cruelly treated Japanese' crews whom circumstance* or no.-*s.:iy | hue i npciliu t < v .-it th. ;r coast. A year or tvv. a Japan' -e . > --el, manned by u crew of Lo'.ck M.aii:, vvu, wrecked on the COMt of li.e lsoutan-, of theoe tlibeo* In due tune the - jrv: vm • , art ied the new> of the affair l<> Japan. For -. me ror-uti t ie Japai.e-.- Government at first : ok no official action in the lu.i f -r. Fiiit-.ily an ex;. i .ill,, n ia: jeil oil the n ind. and this w:i- cone lut pring. ..nd the culpa- were : Or- :.g!il to iHv-.unt- In tin- ally '.*g. -of j this exprdilion China made no opposit: u taying that she would n I intetfcrc to pre- ' vent the | ur.iikmi nt of the guilty tribe. ' But in July and August hot it became; evident that Japan, not -ati'ded with the revenge taken OS tin- BuVtllU, was keep : ing up in. a;tn.\ in Form with the view of 0: cupy it g the . untry pcrniar.. Nt y. To this e irse ti.e ( hiii ■■ government demurred, and n demand was made n Japan t-> wit: lraw her tro ■; - 'i China aulborit es is-i.ed a proclamation on June 21 --t, ■ h.cii wa- po-t'-.i up n the Chi nese city - f Taiwan ia Formosa, s .y --ing thai it wa- China bu-ine-- ai. 1 not Japan's to punish av i.g. .-, ai d ' the Joyoese Goo oral wovi .1 not be allowed u> touch any more tr-li es." \\ In <• l-.-tii |..r tics last summer were preparing aetivuly for war a siiovv <>f iiegotiulions lor a peace ful -cuicii.ent of the diiiiculties wa- main taiiied, and commissioner* were- tent by either power to the capital of the ollur. But Japan pmbahly ha- finally declinid to withdraw her army fron. Formosa, nd China, therefore, lias declared war. New Yoik, October n. Tho street is Hooded with rutiior o! troqbles in a.i de partments of trades arid su-pensiou* of houses w hose Solvency has hitherto been undoubted No names are mentioned, and no particulars are given, but lite ut most use is made of the reports to depress slock*, and with good -uccess. A London liou.-e wiu mentioned - being embarrass ed, but no name given, and nothing defi nite seemed to be known here in regain to the matter. Recently n large grain merchant in ii u 11, England, and another, in Fiance, sus pended, the latter with liabilities of Sk(JO,- Oto. Both of these firms huU London connections, and this may explain tin* ru mor .f the London house. At ii i-nuirrfl hunt in Florence, Mae.- , on Monday litet, olio party ehowed 11,015 head? mu! tile oilier -I 1)15, chiplnuntU* being ex cluded. A uioiiK the game were 'JO e i.un. .00 Rl'nv 'Jit red ripirrele. 110 |>ig eons,i*s, w>. dohueke, 10) crows, 100 ln-n --hnvvk-, 50 ii.l'hit-, 2" foxe, mid 75 par tridges. The Reman Catholic* of Atlanta have been refused separate schools. I-nte Election !.•. ' An Act I'uMltcr WppHnimtal 10 the M relative to tho elcetian of tin* Coinnn'ii wealth, approved Jan, h<' A D I s 4 That it i prev idol in Section 10, t!">< oi liie .lay .• t election any pet-on wh name i> m l on the said li-'. im.l • lamtiiii ' the riglit to vote at the - >il eleoliou hal 1 produce at least one qualified voter 't i'i district in which lie claim* to be voder for a period of at least two month* tie* preceding -aid i!..i on. winch wit tie* -hall be -worn or affirmed ' >1 u! -eiito i w i ilten IT partly written ami part!\ print j ml nttiduv il to the in. ' staled I V him wllicll allidov It slioil define cl.ai V wh II tlie re-ldenee isoftlie person •*. < :*iinin to be a votei. and 11"- per-oii so elaimini tlie right to vote shall a!*o take and sub s.-ribe a written or party written in. partly pr.lit* I a'tldiv it, rliiling t > ih* oe* ot In* knowledge aioi I'. I. f wlercali. w lieu lie wn* born, that 1 had hi 1 * n i fit' on of the I'nitevl Mate* for on.' month and of the I'ommoi wealth ot IVnnsvl v dun; that lie has resided ill tho t 'otiiinoli' wealth one voar, or of formerly a qualified elector *r a native born . itireh litsre*. ami ha* removed therefrom and return..l that tie ha* resided therein * v month* to il proceeding said election that he ha* r. -i de.t tu tlio district in w In-1* tie > amis lo to .v voter for tlie period of at hn.-ttw. mot th* imnustiat. V pre. ding said • . lion ill at ho tia- not tuov e.t ti ! o the .1 ;*li 1.1 for tho purpose v ling lhareiti that he ha- if 22 v . ar* of ago and upward*. puJ a Si:.:.- or County tax wtlhia twoyoart. whl.'h wa- as.-*e.l at least two luoiitt i a- d Pml nt lea-t . e|ti. bet • e • . d eh.i,on and tl a natural .1 eitiz.-n -ha.l al; > slate when, where nod by what i url he wa* naturalt. -d, and shall a!e prodtu* bi> certificate of naturalization t r . van.in allot . tlint -aid affidavit shall n'-u state win n and w here the tax claimed to ho paid bv tho affiant was ns*e**ed and wh. 1, wiicie and to whom paid and the tax re cc.l l therefore *ha ! l 1. | rodue. d for .x aminntion, unless the uflinnt skull st >!• ill his affidav it that it has b > n lost or des troyed, or that be never rcec.v.dany, but if in. t erson- claiming tho i.ghllovot* shall lake and uibocribo I* affidavit, that tie is a native torn citizen of tho I niled Mates, ■r it I. rn elswlt. rc, st all state tho tact i 1 his affidavit and shall produce cv idoi.ee ti at hi has been naturalized, or that : o 1* entitled to cttizeti.-hip by reason ! Ills lather s ! .turali. .tllOl! ni.d still further state in hi* affidavit that lie is, at ttietime of making bis affida. t, between the ag. - -f tw i-'ity: o and tweuty-two Vi ar- that be t . be. il a . .li.'.eti Of the I 'lit. d State-one mouth, old hi* resided 111 the state one year, or, it a Kativw born citizen il itio State and r. :nved there fro;i and returned, that !.. ha- r-ided X eleeti 'ti. a' din the . eetion district imiue dintc'v two lu.'iittis preceding sue It elee ti. it, bo -hali be cut cd to vote, although lie shall tod have paid tax.-, the -nut i.lti davit of all person- skirg such claim-, aIId the affidav it > the witne-res, t*' tto-ir residence-hall te pr. served by the elec tion board, ti:..' a' t'*' . i.'-e of ttie . iev'tton ti.cv lhall t'U 1.-i e.i • .... ike Nst I v.. ter* tally list an i . tii. r ;.*p-.. t. ~nir. I I.V 'w to he ! ed bv the Return Judges with the l'rotii notary and shall remain 011 file will.in the F.othonuUr} office, ;t> ct to examination, n* ejection papers ar. if the election officers -hall find that the applicant ; esse* all the !e --ga! qualificati-'iis ot a voter he stiail be permuted t>' v to, and t.i* name -hail t> • added t > the list of taxah!. - hy the 1 lec tion >tfeeer> t: . V*. I "tax bnl g added u ' re tl.e . ( . . ...> . t ■ tu and the wcrd "age where he clato.-fo| vote on age; the same words being added by t 1 e clerk in each ease rcspeeti.ely on the lists of | r-. :.- vo ting tt uch elec tion A '.!. I i: Mole :i ll'.li of-u.d Act, It 1- provide i that it -t 'din • to the evident.; every person claiming to b • % naturalized citizen sflsil h„ r. quit' 1 to pr due- his natural!- ratioti certihcaio a, ti.o ei. '.ion before Voting except w tieti* fie bus ln'uSl for gvo 1 years, c.ins.-. .".iv < v 1 v - ter in li.e .1-. trict in whi. U1 >• tt.-rs to vols and on the v. !. of such • . r-o:t be:' g reCeiv.d, it shall < Write or! .lenu | on -uch certificate ttie word " >t<-:. vs.tn j the .lav. month, and v r: and if any . Ice tmr. officer or > ffie.r- stiail receive a sec ond vie on the saoio do/, by virtue gf the -n-ie > ertii • ate, except where * i; are ; er.M'. . t vote > virtu.- . fthe naturali- Zalio! of their fattier-, they and the per >o:l who SI -... offer such set -!. l V • to U| . II i • o offending shall bv guilty of high tins-] demea 1;. r. and ot. c< nvietion thereof tie i fit 1 ..f itai-t i-oii. d. or I* 'th, tit the discre- j t.on • : the t ..rt. but the ' esi all to lex - j foil five !.. ir i dal.'ar* in •.. h <-r the imj r.-onnicnt m >rc than or.e v nr the l.'ae puni-tim. Nt -hall t c intlicteJ <>n con-! v ;ct: on on tl e off:, r <•:.;. ct. ii whosl.a'l neg'.-ct r rt-fu eto make, or cau-.- to be 1.l . ie, the > nd "semen: r.-quir. 1 a ; b'r s ..J . - ;id iut ira ration certificate. V- .t. it bc.t.jt. •' said A.:, ,t ;s provided that if nny election oUl.c.- sltal! rcf i-e or neglect to require -uch proof ot the right ot suffrage n- ;• preacubed bv tiii* law or tho laws to which th si a sup pleri.eiit, from any person < ffrrifig to vote w ho-e r.aui'- is 11. t on the Ht • t us., ssed V ter-. or whete rigtit to vote i-challeng ed I v itr.v qualified vi't.-r present, and si.* i adn it such p. r-..n to v.-te without requiring simh prvK'f. every person " of f.Ti'iu g -hall, upon . i. v. -.ion. he guilty .gfi tin ieu.canor, ai d shall be sen tenced for vv,.-, .... ii offenc- t" pay a fine not ex. ceding five hundred dollars or to undergo an imprisonment not more than one >• or cither or both at the divert ti.Ti of the (.' urt. \YI n•. -.•■ or m >*e counties are ce:.- r.iet'd for ti." election ..f any officer, the c Mil. :' - Il 'untie- -hail each appoint a return judge*. > meat „t sip.-ti a time and place, I.- required by law. to compute ai i eortify tha trot* ol auch .li-tris-t All offi cers provided for by tti ia net stiail be CM* pcM-.ited:ts like off: cr* arc paid by existing .it*- Wher.eVer ni m In* he.-n or shn,l be pr..\ id hy tie- authorities of any city. . utity, t -vi-!. p - : the l ull t b"X- the judge and minority iti.-p.ctor si.all, aft- r ttie . ieetion shall I finished, and the i>ilot box or box. - c.'l.tainil g the ti. ae'.. list of Vol' r an.l other Piper*, hv ■ been securely bound with tape and s*-u 1 i and the -i/n.i --t.i- of the judge Hiid inspector* affixed liu r. to, foilhvvli Turn.*. pleHs of the pft'per c .nty may de.-ignute. at the place pr >vi I • J, as afl'orosaid, who shall then deposit the laidl 'St* and ki.-j> the muie i<> answer the i all of any court or thibunal, author iz' d to try the merits of such election. Whenever the elect: >n (lie. rs of any di— iri- : -tiull r.qtiire tlie election box.-- ot -ii. ii di-trict, t . hold any election, which by-law they are ~r shall be require i to li dd, tlicy shall keep tho same securely in their pos-e--ioii without opening, until the morning of such election, ui. i until they shall severally be-worn or affirmed not to dis' lose how any cle. tor -h*ll have voted, and after being - i -worn or affirm. !, they -hull "• . ii the said boxes an t t>urii an 1 to tally .P-stroy all the t.;.1!..t* and ot!n-r pa per- which they -hull find therein, before pi eeeding t" hold-uch election. Ml ('I.VLATT* NTIOM* lisr.t) dlrl.ted totbsWh Arttcli **f th<* Nra t tioiiiiadtni Si .Hi's I F trry ■*!• rit Irn 21 >rar of *. pot • sißfUte fo!'. f th* htatr. h*. a'isll batr r<*nio%Hl fr. , i Ai.J :• t .rn—l. tl;r:i m to ntfeh.l lui:nrJUtol; pr* codiOffi tffi" el* t4. fi I tiU! Hf b.i!i rrils <1 In thr lcttnn dlffirlrt ultcre h Ihxil nflt r to t'lte at Ira t t *.J u*-*r*t !* imim • dat*'l> i rrcvvihttK 'h** *l*h U*n l.ur'-.) If tw* otp !*••< |can xtwl u;><**r.li, ho ahall s,t. •• i-ivM wit lan tw.. year* Stt* 'r - .atttjr tax*, wblt'li •hall hav* I *•*•■! u*> •-* IMll ! i vorvbalh t atj;.U lw rititst).* red In tho ••! r •. hi* h It rhill Ihp ' . and ntin bor rrconlpd !•> the t. ft re •• ttl • Itat of inter*opp.sfrlto tto italua .f tl.* ••!* tir who | r ontathn ballot Any rie*-t-r in*) write l.i natnn t.j> t hta r < tho aaiii** t* lo writloo L'tnrr'tlt and at' I I j a citiwri of th* diatil. ?. The •-;*• !* tiAcaf* aha'.l I r awotn r afSrm* of i!jla f . niwiiui.roalth. olrt t .ri maj* t i fc rcie the right of KnfferAte l.i all dectlon* b> chixena. under au* h rogulallona aa aro or ahall bo preet rlbrd J.y law. a* fully •• if ihrnf were proa • ot at th. ir tiMu.-xl tdaro of flection h. ;'•• : All law* regulating the holdinr of flee t ion* bjr the < lli/onaor for the reglatratlnn #* ploclnri Rj.alJl' .sriiforitt throughout the M-te but ni olo* tr kdall 1 v deprived *f the privilege of voting i.) reaaoti of in* name not being registered Si ■ ns Ai*> iM't'oti who ahall giro, or oromlae or oiler t" give, tz an elector, any monejr, reward, or otbar valuable < "iiaideraUoo ft hi* DIIP at an alectli.n.or for v* itbiiolding (lie aame, or who Khali pronilaf toglveaucfa (MM I r pMKffi "I pffirty till Kltrh elector'a vote or for wit hhohltiig there if, and any elet ts.r who ahall receive, for hlmo*f or fr another, any money, reward or other valuaW# conalderallon for hi* \te at an elclhn, or for withholding the aame ahall liiertd > forfeit the right t* vole at 'inch election, ami any elector whoae ng.it !• volo ahall he challenged for au h cattae beit> guilty of bflbrfY. frauo. or willltil r.,la tlun of anv elcttiou law, * I tail be forever !ib'jt. 411 ti ** from itol.ling an otltve of fruat or jir-zfff In ffth iloffi monwealth, and any per on conv. te.f /f willful viola tion of the • l. Hon lar . ahall. In addllion to an/ pen altiea .rovldffid by law, be deprived tff Ktifferage aliei luteteiy for n number of ycare. Sft HON |S. Fur the putpnae of voting pu perat.t shell be deemed tt have gained a rOaidence by reamt of inn prt aeuce, tr loal it I > bit abw nn- while emjdpjrtM in the urn Ue. either civil or inllltonr, of Ibu bte u tb Culled Staic. iu*r while engaged in the n.t. iu..iui of the wtt*ra of thia Mat.* or ot the United hUtea, on the high a* na. nor while a atudent of any IriHtttutioi ..t learning, nor while kept in any lr othe Asylum at public exponae, nor whilo oonlined In publl MIOB. , . ~ fvKt rn in I*. Dletrirf election board* ahall ccinaiat o .t judge and two liiaper-for*, who ahull bo cboaeu annu aily ny tho citizen M. Kacb elector ahall have the rigi. t* vote for tho judge and on* Inspector, and each i Mptnt. r ahall appoint i nelerk. The firat (lectio tezard of any n*w dial, let ahail bo elo fed and ra anciti in elect ion Ix anla anil tilled . a ahall t e provided by lav j Klection nflh era ahall benrivi lodged lrom ffirreat tipl 111 lit) TlMl m(I ■ '• I t •Ulrtt A 1 All Slip, tl.il* AT which ll# AIIAII ci c AA*#oi| It em h •vitkiTLHAL# Hiauli I|*Al ot l** AI *lh.. mm ilisll !•*• dvl|tialed b) ijeiletal Uw ll altail he I!• ilalji of Hi* setrial •<"' "• ■ ' **• it tal I let lit lllcnd AI Ihe I*l a. ca of hnl*llt4f "*') * i' I al. I)*! IA) **4 b'HluhHlviet llvili >lul!u |1AI kUoUlUtte *•!.( I'lriUoU 1* krpl i'p*il ful III* 'UV*>4M of gl lUM 111 I.H UIA( Km l** !*•!• AUif )u g**, wh*l caMswl ** is In • vialkt-ti |*i th* llglil of all) ** 1 N■ M psnl I ) lliwln I*l vol# a( AUch *Ut Hon. |? an* i olh# iuall< mHi i*lA I lon • lit* kMeaalttull of mien A* Ilia Mid I* is <•1 *Uh# of ibi'tu shall fs**u HIM* 1* IHM® i#*|Ulw ; V IIS AN TKOI'S I \ || tc* 1 (N M v NY PKKNUNS KII.I.KD AM> \\ Ol N Oi l" 1 October S. At Ivao'clock Ikla i ri . g M b-trge laymg 111 K. gt nt t ari il, near the / -ologteitl (lartlt'li, ai d loinlttl ub |.t>wder, ex|ilotU.l, killing ntiml . 1 ef perktoi-, Wtiuiiding many t.llit i-, ami •batteimg i ri.lgt > ami bt ,r in the vu tn ily . I he 11 |'t-i 1 a it> b. nftl n distance of twen ty miles f.tuii the ).laee wbere it occurred Tbt? lifetiieu It.tie been tfraggtlig tbe eatial all morning I'ji to tbi* hour live bti lit - havv bretl tlneov l ied Tbt- llgblk 111 itie rnilway iti lat ! otl.t i Luildo.g-, tw -1111 IF* aw M_V , w tie extinguisbotl by 11 >- cult cukkit it. Mny per- -i.* nutde? nartov* e*- t apea fttun death. A numl-er of animals lit the Zoological tiurden* were killed. Tin- quantity of p,-wtier that exploded on Kt-gt n:.* e.tiial vv a* four toi,- Detnilk ot ti.e o eurenco kliow that !!• dlalioUk ct i.ct* wire wide -proati Many tree* wet. uprooted, and a bouse, located two mile* di-tant from the t unal **• kbatlert tl \ io;! l 111. I. NKV IkDA t KAGKDT !'l K Mt, N Kil-1 ll' AND l Wo MIIUTALLY WOI NI'KD Silver City Oct if An uttr-.y t-iok lace to-night a?. Wallet's D.i. at, or the Lower Jtisliee "I. isttng \\ otk* Tw* men were inta*itlv killed, two have d.cd siuee, a lilfh will not live over iiigl.t There bat been trouble among lite trutin tithe Ju- \ ti. e .Milling Company Two psrtit- o:t tighlilig ft-r the c -nirtd '{ the i tnpatiy One t.dtj I* r.-|M. ket.t. 1 by Mr M tiattr, president of the company, who i.|p...ted . Kaltogg a* supariAtoadaat day bad yesterday, 111 place of Fred Smith tbe pre* '. auperilitent..-r.t. Trouble bit* brelt antieipated for the last few day* Tbi* evening about set t-n a j.arty of nt•-tt headt i by Kell gg, w.-t.t to Waller * Defeat Work* and when near the *l6 ti . v we. wart vtl Oil. fi.tlead o, ieyii.J lb -v lead a rush : r ti.e .: irai.t e, u h . ; itig . uiiuel.. t i 0:1 p..th t,d> W l\. 1. b-gg, M. Cam-. a?.d H.-i.tv J Hi wit w.'fe mortaliy wounded The men killed are rcpre*enUt) > being of most desperate . baracler. Ti.e all.or eau*ftl g?t- .t ex. ile -11 en*, in the vicinity ot tiold Hill. Sbiplc, .-:ie o f the wounded tiieti.uted dttrirg the light AN OLD M A N OK THE >E V lu a cave Ilea Merit . un the shores , the Mcditerruio mi, t! -keb ; i, of a man has l- en discovered From its sur roundings the inference t suddenly j ii'4W I*.si hl.i! ii, 4ij fit cjtu4 lV I lit* , Hi- d'-rti school of gi b.gi-ts that the de- ( Ccas '■ g iitlelliatl htite.'.v'.iy 0,,r Vet-etsit . at,ci"t r Adatu, by tvrral hundreds ,! i thousands sd year*, l'nis fact being prov e! to liieir Ct 11r • salistae tun, they I Jo. .. .; to give us the emu I rtir g - .jr.- •i •• that ihere i* not the sltglilesl < vi ii-ncc of : v I rclationsi.tp bctw i eii usintly >.f itiu,,,. 1 slent worthy s; -i the ui-'iikey trib- 1: j the human race, we are now a -a red on ' 1 i uipeteiit authority ever sprat g ..t id the loins ct a', ape, .t .i,..; l.uve happen- 1 jodia A-l.t , r Africa, Mot in Kurv pe. ami ' .b. fit r-I lu,' par to .1 11, 11, ~"., J fi_s tim 4i- I lence ftli.se bone* when eov.r. J with 1 I Tbis We conceive to he th. first iuip it •lit ulid gratify .iig e.-i.ti lon wluc . ; .•• , d \eb pti.eiu men I.avi n . Je to the nit ur i nl hi-torv . ! mm They have n..w learned Ito their own satist:., ;.on (r v. r_voo.ly <•!- knew ii bcf. r. . th.it tuo .keyv iiav. riot hi-gotten in. iof our ri.. . v. thm the i-t turn . r three hundred lb i.nij M.ir- Ail | within these year* ar.- pure humans, not simians at all, at ail. If any, therefor . I ha.. c : . 't made uncomfortable bv the an pr.-in-i,- tioit hi- ance-! : i j any u t err. date wer lour-footed boa.-ts • r creep ing thing let hint now lift up hi- head 1 vv ith the pio .d > r.set. i.si.ess that Hie si ry of humanity in the roc ks und the bones of , antiquity runneth in ! ha k to the link be-; lu. en him und a monkey (irateful we si. .. 1 be to the men of Melit"nu wlc I found the first of the s.-n- of men quietly .sleeping in a , vernpy tiio s a. a,.u I.raJe ' hint testify thut ( . wa not born wind tip it- n(fairs -aid he - would at nit adjourned meetiiig make h statement of it- affair- which Would prob ably be imt a- favorable a- thi\t lo r-.-lofuit. , pub!i-he.l. Nor would it be bad as : those who in connection with it had taken 1 advantage- f the fears and ntccsritics of ' tho depositors who have sold the face of - their deposits at a heavy discount. THE REVOLT IN BUENOS AY RES. Rio Janeiro, Oct. The revolution in the Arg.o tine Republic incieus, - in im portance. An i - sip' of paper mom v is probable in case the r.eg. tial'oiis lor a 1 reconciliation between tne government authorities and the revolutionist* fail Montevideo is filled wi'h tefuge. s from II u n.-- Ayrc*. T' , will 1e i fin ted, bused mi the retirement , of A v ellali. da fro, n the Presidency S \ WED TO PIEC ES Washington, Oelolu r 11. Edwaid P 1 Siplier, wli > ha-a w,leiiml three children and ha* been in , hurge of lh i large circu lar aaw tlx i (or • ii'toig heavy timber in the imvy yald Yisleidnv alter noon wliiie ailjioting the guide* of the-aw, | whi< Ii ua-ninniiig ui tl,n r.alo ofht. **' 1.l tbere l ■ lei rli t ni ti gbt.ii (lie |mor mitier* int. *ubmi>lot 'rite soldier* W ellt there, aid the kilt i. j tutnm.'iietl from .'■<• to I taut of ti.e p. npl ot t1... c. .my iilot took liit-iu tlieie, .Inu .J tbt in into *.|uatla of troitl forty .to tl ft 'men, .r woundct feeble or Well, matt, led not HoU*e*ltol furnittlle, l eg and buggag. , hook b:,e all • inker, w. te ali tuinbltd promiscuous! after tbt in into to the -lie. t nnd oru *ut wi luan and i liildr. n and the in. an and *ol tif the kit k Mt.d wounded w bieb >'.iu*e utoie than on.- brat, litmt t>> j aii-. 1..f0r lie billy . vented the order ot llie t oiikll ! tile in t-oiniiiand lb-lore till* at IW a p.. •< d the poof w . i k !| ig people .if I ioga county like the pet pie of the stale at large a county of tw !. ii.pt ytre ci.titled to three m>. th* t.< J tice before they could b? throw it ii|l > lb •trc. t, glol wetp gio i titled to ta> l>i tli . xpiraiioll t.t llicl. Ice-* II they paid tlici rent. Now is tt tair to prealftme that wbe j i llriikte.l advocated and Volt-tl for tha measure that would rob the poor laboriii, iinanot bikliottie in the space of ten day that grind tin in under ti.e I.e. . of l) ty rant, the ururp<-r ami the military pu 1 ,tln tli ktul tbeir (triples* luoiiiit k If,to In • tre. t during tiie cold month ■ f Marc ~ t be.ng passe | for a I't.rlst ular Inuli li dfii a j .articular purj -e llit-r Wn* t- lintl.iiq r u and . ulrag. attic I lb lit of it that lie w .* not working fur the g.. d o the people of the common wealth, but fo the gu.l of ibe mlllioi ..its landlord A H 'ltlillil.b KIN- PIBAt 4 11. t> FATED 11 : g Kong, llctolo-r A c.-i. t >■ ( • ..11.-r* wm ■; la - r*rol •[ Ticiittlli Si! x !y thousand tn ■| * Were sttn-nrd .n (he 1,1 gb .. bo 1 and a 'erg. i Uliil.tr ; .ntim-d the kciaure of the city at>d tbt- massaci-- .! loft igtier* lb. ringlcaJ. • bat e bu.-n ar rekted. • ♦- ♦ * '• FllK AN A Kit In the Circuit Court la Pater* 'tl. N. J.. toe knit f,*r J!U,t 0 daiiiAgek ag:..nt l*r N . . ( 11 •• . , ,-f llatt.ru ~1 f r malpracti? e in the treatment of a broken arm w hereby the boy t..;t illy, wa. . i., ..wed, attei bt trig on for tic day>, and given to tbe jury lay) evening Afn; about a half bour * al-k.-ncc, ln J..ry ft. turt.cd with a vrrd'ct f J6,U*l ! r tl.c P atntifT li*- Wamn 2*adgwt nji thol Pfr l. . . line J-bt >un. charged w.ih n<:o-.tt g l.eil H|4 el J|llklll Ml , N w I rk, iatl - We. 1' . y , , e M . ■ , otiv iclcd of murder 111 the fcr.t d grce. Natl.r.lay tn.-ttiii g Judge Jb-.r.it '.* M-ntehc ed lu-r to he hatred <-n Friday, tbe iltnh of Oct her ctded that tl I. nl ilj '. n law wi. un -1 i >ri tn. Nt !.:• imp td heavy tu\'.. nup i r. -nU-nt ton igm rt, tt eluding lt.rr.gn cit-ra* in tl • etiipioy of ||ji . "t tie rt ward .-l J'.V t*k.i in tl R. , , 3 , .- -ti.l ;ti A rte, and Alien l'inkerton an n.'Ui ce ibr.t tbe katne will be relir,i)ui*het! by him and hi* force to partie* who thai give information which *1.1.11 1.-a.l to ll.r recovery f the tbilJ and tbe rupture o: the abJnctor* tin H AI.KS IJV A M till OF NKGIUjKS 11 111 -J.: :IG- MIU , Utt BIR B LR.-I night a mob of iiegr-ic* numbering nln ul forty to it J .uu - Perking and Wi! u.ni Uav. ii- w.* l , 1 re 1 from j-til nnd h! tin in dial, thereby av.ngng tie tlealb o M .ck Hill IlwBktlo?.- o quietly tl . I few per-. : a*.. -. it u?.til tb.- m. .nir jf. All it • |Uiet now. I ; lierm.'ii in - mo part* of Kurope aiiti of 11.1- e-.unlry kill ti-h with a knife oi blu.lg.-oii uk noon it* th v are taken frotr the water, beeaue Cb tbu- killed a: foond to be ' tt. : tl.nn t',. ,c vbuli havt !■ tig gaped and kinigglij bi ft.ro dying llie Ifutcli, for . t* nt pie, tl. lr. y life by making a -light longitudinal Ittti-ion un dt?r tlio Util with a -|>ar|> inktrument. ti the Kbrinc tliey kill • ilni by tbruting n *teel needle into tbeir head*. F'.tli may be ca*i!y kilb-tl by *tri* ing them a .juic) •harp blow with it -mall *ti. k . ;> the tad .f tl.o lit :.d ju-t behind the eye*, or by tubing tl em I y the tail ant) -triking iht bead quickly againtt any brd üb*tance Tbt State > ! Maine iold a large lot of ill timber land* nt nuction tbe other day About l4o.W*f at r-■ vvt-r-- tli-p t-od of it! |.rice. ranging front bo cent * t.v > 1 A* j.cl acre, ami the right to tut timber and gra*. Upon about IHH.QOO acre* more wa cold til from V7i cent* to SI 76 per ai re. Tlio to tal amount rcnllxvd was about slso.tt)U. FIGHT BBTWBBM RSPVBLICAB PACTIONS. NI vv Orlean*, October IV A liglit >t ■ i urred yi-*lord.-iy noon at the Old Km In r io road it- re. St Jane.' par i.-li, I. twei r tin- I oveeanJ II -gnu republican faction? One party had a-*emb!ed to ratify tin c-.tnprt>nii*e with the coiiM-rvalivc .w' . i the titlier* intefered. Tl •• r.-ult wa i free tight in whit b -evt ral were w,-limit but none killed. SKAlK'lllN< F(B I.osr IIKIKS. Caldwell. Ohio. Oct. ll -Tim .l.rk <• the e-.iinly Coiirt here tie-ire- itiformatior of tin- pr.-etil re-id.-i.e.* of John lloaglniie vvlni in 1 -Vtl j .iutlv with Ter rue Mrt'niu bet ami? .-wni-r of I'.'Ni acre* of land it Tioga county . |Vimt Ivnnin, whit h 1 now worth o t r $6,0. fl.tt*! in >ou:-t? of litiga tion. It wan cold 1..r ta*. " in IHIB, niu: now* the h'-ir. of Met'una are t*laintin| their .bare in it. anil me aniiou* thai John llonglaml or Io- Io ,r* -boitld chart witli them iquail} thia in ntenaeferttMM* i I K KH [ I.ehuf.oll, Sept. ml. -t IX' ' 'lie of tb. i barn- belonging to lin* ('..leiiian • -late a ICornwall, tbi* counly, a entirely tie -trove.l by lire la.t night. Kight liorae In lid one bull w.-re burned. ' I'ittaburg, September 10. A lire II Steuben* ille, Ohio, tlii* morning tli-.troy i-t] tin- (S.iblen (int.- tli-iill.-ry ami llourin| mill, owned by Tbomu* M ear*, tog. tbe with tbe cooper *h?p, Malde nnd *evern tenement b..u-e The lout i* i-tiinnte. at sHK),t*i live-hundred mi j feat . North Carolina newcpapiTk are deuinni • ing a law for the pro'ection ot intect-d gtroying birds. I'EKK IIYACiNTHK ON Mil COMING KI KOI'KAN WAR. Ihe WurliU l.oinl it t* .rt( *jioiultiit , if 17 tilt ,\ i*: IVro llynniillie uur ceil it in aa Mi. 1 >I-I H< 1 i is llmt U terri* I, die religiuua war t* niniui to brink out i( . .tli over Europe, mid llmt tliia in to lit , preceded t r follownl by ullier rata, *o v ! that for .me >iai* to nunc war ia to u prevad "inletnational war civil ,t war, ami rcligiotta wai." Mr. Loyaon , gave t \pito tliost? rail forebotl* >• oiga ut a buiiipiet gitcli io Octitivu oti t, i'llday iu*l to tin* ttti iiibria of lltu lu <1 llcrtialioiial I.ntv ('oiifeieiictf. lie am* Vltraiik in Mivtng thai it via* ijuile Utt g Itis to hope |u| u ri-ig|| ot peace oti d earth a* long a- "tin? niota! pt-rvcraily ■ an" ictnaimtl, aud that warn would continue until * evil was tie * sltoycd " The coining tt?Hgious war wa*a renewal of the old con flirt be twtiii tbe Churclt mid Stale • the coui* tug civil war could lie H ( -,,tifliet be , iwt .it capital, uud tbe? coining inter- liattottal Mould In-one led on ty tbe j jealousies attd rivalry ttf nation* The future of Kurope wits, indeed, "uu ap , palling one. Mr. l)i*rat-li liu.* la't-lv I tal-en ettte to txpriv* tbe t-atne opiit- ion, and then i- n Mainly good reason tor it. With the exception of tbe civ . il war in Spain, all Kurope i* now at I peace; but in till probability the death , | of the present I'..pe and the interfer jence of the Italian CieVt-ruuieiil in the election of a IteW I Villi ft* will lie the . kignul for letting loose the tl.ig* el war Flic war once commenced, all Europe would be drawn into it, ami even Kng lau.l would find it bard to preserve Iter , neutrality. The I nilcd Hiate* alone . .tit a fjord t i l.p u sj.t ctalnt ami not an , actor iu the conflict; ami when the combatauts Imve lorn each other to , pieces aud the combat slackens iu cou : *t qtu-uce of sheer exhaustion, the re- public may step iu i; ailtitralor and - peace maker. '-very man ... the Republican t*tate ticket was oppo-.-d t.i the new Consti tution. 1 In? people who voted for the ( oikiitutioii an* r<-ta i sible for it. aud : should see thai itseiiemii-,| (J not pre vent liu* appln at; .u of it.* salutary* iniociples to the adiuiiiistrution of the >ialogoverutiu n|. Al: -• ■ 4 Si'ijvi**, lilt; aclrWtk, w.*ti fruiti her liurif, rfcrr.tly Jiijured b r 'Jw-itiy-diH girU ** t Kt*n ?>lin. Wis. • a\ft*#i : v t*J lUhl if the young men l tN-'iii* afij f up, u4* v* ill jjo aijj I'll ILA UK I.l'll 1 \ CATTLE MAR KET Philadelphia. !.(. r 1. ih.tu wa>' . uli r 1 . a g tjj tj,, i,,atket f, r beef cattle thin morning and rather more dc- t uiand. but it wat |*les ■! Hi all' v'Jllic, thp lalitf. I tii ,rr Sla-v 1 |V,^r; ! .1 loj'v H'lv alid Java at VI v. '.VV all guid 1 litre i no Cuba mo!a-sc* I i r-, an 1 it is wanted Sugar i atead.r i \\ "• quwe" lut .4 t:. r an,t g.H-d refit.it g at *>ji w j, do grocery at i '-'.'lc, and I'ortO It - > at 't rte exjarrt di-iiia' ; a '• wiilWUe*' -a? lit U I .* \ ~,w h!lai <'lalilu let.or of |...i luNfMU UK til ! 1..,1 the r ( a steady b me isjmptu e demand at last weeks figure* 1 lie nun en.enl ill wheat .s ,i|lit, and ftl t. el aw rrn . Dat $1 'Jil.fc I VJ | : : *.:•!. . ! r re i, ati SI "-d.il 1 tor amber, Ry ■ *rtli $1 tn Hie receipt* i srn t v e fallen off, but lite demand ii 1 a!e > fl.a ! _. .. el trd I I a' . u-I. O' • of I'A > bushe's *••1, in vi 1 .!'• nt il'-'f; '.ic Chicago. •. .ro. u.: Per lb Flour quiet and i'• ■ i \\ .' -at ;oil a* low er. No 1 •prii e. 91 No Vl* t r.i '.s - . -r N v.-tut r. No t, N 1 >'< x, ■*.• I ;■ j.ot > - ll, r Oe'.lct ;c v toiler November, r-V :,,j , new corn laic. "e>" *Us-I v •ii i . •derate demand; No 1 'J' <.., Iter Nov. | i a! }■ ■. file. 11> -tc.lv and i ! 4-rat< demand, M . wt: llai lev .In 1 and nominal; No 'J. j! t*i' i 1 ' . • . ' -ell. r N v < mtier No 3, 87(>v 'J'l Forti dull and declined to SU)OtK.t -it. row -|u't SIT C"> teller vear. !-ard dull at. I nominal; 111,- upot . lije atller yen,, 1 UjlktncaU dull r-.r 1 ii.ioul. \1> MINISTKAToH'S NOTICE Letters of adniiniftration on the E '.ale of Catharine Si v or, late .I I. r< t-K i tap . dee d have 1 on granted to the un ■ Jerigned, ami nil per-. n know ing thetn • I\'e iti lel.lid t -aid e-U! art! .. • d to make imu.ed.aVf |aat. and thoe , i.s.v i:,g 1. jral cluima agmrat the .nine will 'l re.eiil theln dulv authentieated bv law -It'llN HI.-HKL, Oct 15 Ct. Adm'r. TT A LIABLE FARM FOR SALIC t Will ba < lat taWiewla and ••■ld to the highteat bidder, on the ivrenij , se. on TIIURSI>AC " T'iBKR a, ISTd, „l o.te o i loek 1' M that V ALC ABLE FAH M, late th- prop, rty of William K< 1- 1 er. deceased, situated iii Potter t.w nvhip,' , Centre County, a lout one mile ea-t of Centre Hall, containing t'NK HUNDRED AND FtKT V- N I N K ACHES and twenty eight perches am, allowance. Thereon erected a large two -tore hrick house, large bank burn und ull .tdier nv '••evrv out building-, about one hundred and It Ay aerea e. eared and under g >od i fence und in a lilt.ll STATE t>F CULTIVATION, an orchard, containing about three acre*, filled with excellent npple and other fruit ire.-. A splendid spring ot water near the house, with excellent spring house, two cisterns at the house and one ut the i Will al-o be -old at '.1,,:, t1.,.. Us.d place Tit ACT OF TIMBER LAND, •i.e half mile from Centre Mall, containing about twelve acres Terms made known on day of sale. For further particulars inijiiirc of John II Keller, at Centre Hall • n the premises. I).vviii w. Kst t.i a, Wn Kn t t:it. Jr. P. F. Km tin. t: C. Kki.i.kr, \MI EL Ft IST EH <. i riion UBI ICS \ Lr, In purMlalie.. of all order of I .eOrphan's Court of M i til •11 courtly, the undersigned wi'l oiler at publin sale, on the premises, . oil THURSO \ V. October 'A 1 . |"\! A V A 1,1 \ ItLK FARM. i situate ill J'. Iter towuiship, ('.litre county, I adjoining lamia of Joooo W ago or, Jpai Love, and others, containing 100 Acres ami 58 l'erclics . and ullowance, mostly cleared ami under cultivation, on which lire erected n good • tvv.i--t-.rv FRAME tt.VNK I BARN, CIUiR PHli(*S, and other lot- I proyements There lire two (trchar.ls on ' th" premises, one ii young one of choice - truil, und water is piped to both house and { hum. Also, a , THACTCFWOODLAND ) situate in -aid l'.dt r !■ ' u-i.in, adjoining I lands i f ,'ohn l- rye. W. \V l,ove und others, containing 10 ACHES. TERMS One-third of the purchase mo i ney on confirmation of sale; nne-thlrd in . one year, und the balance in two years with interest, and to be suet;ret, by bonds and mortgage oti the premises. Sale to r c.iiiiii|i'.ni;o at 1 o'elo,.k p. 111. of said day. t |). L. ('ld iSK h Administrator of \Vli|. Nale, ot Aruiagh twp , Mififin euiinly, Out 1. N'OTICE I have applied to tin* Sur veyor (ieneral for thirty acres iin proved bind situate in the Township o; <1; Harris, a.lj i.iing land-of Jouu>b'„ 1i,.., no br on thij hint, lands in warrantee uami of Jeremi ih Siuikey on the South, 01. I surveys on the west, and lands l..,nie •. Ryley and ctlmr t;', Uu uotUi, i'- 0 t8 Ct. ' Bki#bis. .1 MARRIAGFS At tlio of Jainci I! It vunl, Kaq f HI W dishorn, September Villi. 1M74. by Itov .1. K Ciiikin., Mr. W II lliorly .-J --itur of tin KegUlor, Williaiu*p<>rt, IV, iii.l Mi- Numb | urn** Ib'- nrd, daughter •f A K ll .-.urd, Esq, I (>toeU Pn DEATHS. On H, ln*l . in llnilK* twp , WlllUm 11 iitl> *< >n, aged tiH i i*r, 4 month* and 'J 7 d*y*. On V.I lilt., in Sugar \ HIIBV. Sarah An nie, daughter of J lib n F. ■ml Mary Price, aged 111 years, M molitii* ami '.I ilntl Annie *• a ftitliful teacher in our Sun day School bub.v<-.I and respected by ell nliu Limw lur. Farewell Annin, we shall nevi-r inert you in our u huul again, vet we ! hope to inert in heaven un that fair and happy plain IIKLLKFONTK M Attn KIN. iVbite fYhaat fl Vtl Be,l 116 Kvt? •• i Coin'*! . Oat|". ..Banrj HO. 70 ...Clo rreed I Pole lor* fio Lard per pound H Pork per pound:*) Hutti-i 'JJ. Egg -16 Plaster per ton Sl.'* Tallow 8 Baron 1(1 Ham 16 Lard pt-r pouml Stent*. . Iluch wheat 1.6 rt*. Flour pi-r barrel retail".CM.. ; Nova Seotia plater (14 |i 16 Cayuga platter s'.*,6o per V"UU lb. VALUABLE KKAL KHTATK FOR SALE. Will be ofTi-retl at Public Sale, on tbe liremikO*. in Putter l* , <"i Til I iisliA Y, l h-ltiber 1 .illi 1H74 Thi* following real i slate, Uiiloi.ging to tlio Kktatx >f l'et.-r Durst, " deed. CUB -ittilig "I ii valuable farm of 11 H AOH KS, inure or le**, situate 1 mile fr. tvrfter* Mill* Thereon *,-* tUt f'lTI) hTOKY HWei.UNu lltil'sK, BANK BAKN Still Other outlilliliiillgt, until two good orrhartlt ami all kind* of tbe l?e*t fruit on] the |ir.-llliie* ttlitl a g...el *|ititig ofney^ri tailing water near the houte .V'V'-,. Kighty of Titubet-laud, illume in Ptier tap., X mile* from f ter* Mill*. Bale to coniuieiica a' ' O >J, M * p. at. Term* will bq known ot, d.y of sale, JOHN BISHKL. JoSUI A PoTTKK, 'JI kfji tJ. Kteeilt-Ok VALUABLE BKAI. ESTATE FOR SALE. ■ In purkuanct- ol an order of the Or pnan's Court of Centre County, the under signed will oiler ul public kale, on tbe j perm i.e., on Friday, October 10, !h74. a VALUABLEFABM, -iluate ill Poller IWJI , vi U.llek west of Poltt r- Mill. , known a* tbe farm of Her luti.iri htrr, dec J, cotilatning about ONE HUNDKKD ACHES, 'it.-undid on the east bv land* of Wm. I Kikliel, oil the muti. and we*t by public I road, to.rib by laud* ol Mr Shadow and John St.. tier Thereon erected a g.M.J , TVVoMOKY.FKA MKHOI SK HANK BAHN. and firt cla outbuilding*. g...d fruit ol atl kind*, and a never tailieg' Spring >.f water near the boue TKltMS.—One-third tl iu purchast money on cut-brmaU'iu of *alr , luuce It. two equal annual paynvt-nla. I • t., *eturej by bot.d at.J mortgage tin the! prt-:nie> with inlere.-t Sale t. luin tncnce at I o'clock, p. tit. w \V SPANGLKK 'Jt ep td Aduiiaiktralor. Fiirntci's, Cirangers AND Everybody! H K W STOCK OK (i OO I) s for tin fall and winter trade rsmelved. tlur ktoi k of ready-matte Clothing i* latge, and flf*t via-- It* a-ery ro-pecl. Fl LL st ITS, COATS. PANTS and VESTS at price* lower than ever. King William. Melton, liewver aud oth er Overc -kli. A tine iU* lt of L.vte*t Stvle Rtb Th. very best Metis and Iloy*k heavy 11 t- Lsdirr, M:? t-k atij Children* Shr. Mllroy. Plean lavor u- with a call and ? xamine gtaidk and j.rn*.-. llc)e<*tfuUy, CM 1 fit. /.. 1\ KIUHK. H. HOSSMAtN. Undertaker. The undesigned beg leave to inform hi* patron* and the puClh general'.v that H<- i- it.. W prepared to HIMIH- COFFINS and respectfully solicit* a vharu tif tbeir t atrotiage. Funeral* attended wiUi n rtcat 11. ar-. iILNKY UO^SM/.X. C *bpt itu. Cburchrille. STONK-WAKE ! STo.v K WAKE ! I The undersigned would respecilullv an nounceto the ritiaen* of Or?*gg and ad joining townsbipk, and the public getter* ally that lie ha* jut received x'JlXi (iAL* LoNS. N 1 ('ii.o *1.4,.• Ware, ot.nn-t* ing uf .M.lk Ctxtok* and Putts. Apple -1 Luttur crock* from 1 to ('. Uallon*. Alo kloiie nig*, front 1 Ui 6 gallon-, -tone jar*, Ac- The rt putation of the Ohio Stone- Ware . universally acknowledged— " Not..-better ev i-r made." No .lam cr of the glaxing coming oti" like cartbenwar*. ll ti much cupfMor l > earthenwaroiu ve ry respect. All kind* uf country )iroduce taken in t xt-hi.ug-i for Stone-Ware and niOkJiantlisr for wliieb the highest market priio will be allowed. J. 11 FISH KB. Ati g'JO-2m l'cnn Hall, Pa. Fine Homestead for Sale. A House A Lot about .1 A 1 ru t.f good cultivated land situate iu tiregg twp., near Tre-kb r'k Jiaw mill, in UeorgM Val , ley. i. t.tlurod at private ale. Two public roads run along two side* nt the lot. Thereon !tp erected a two sltiry HOUSE, STABLE. SHOP, and other outbuildings. A splendid OBCH ARD of tbe best apple*, cherries, pear*, peaches, and plum*, on the prcinise*. am] never failing water near the door Close to the bouse a fine gar den nttd ?i beautiful yard in front Also running water near the hou-.-. F'*r ftir iher particular* apply to I ; UTT KV A NS. Aug *JI) "m. Keystone Store. FOR FARMER* AND ALL OTHERS Uo to H. YEARICK & SON, FOR FOUKION A; DOMESTIC 1)1(1' (iOOUS, NOTIONS, HATS, CAI'S, BOOTS & SHOES.! i S h>n! "* for the present year is in tl;o Uaiul* o.t the un (■pr.-iciictl AH cip h tax paid on or before Ut'fi'inkicr Lt IH7(, wili huveiin abatement of "> per yent. Thirty daya after mhl date there will be no uMteniaio. aiol on all Mien tax reinainina mipai'l aftei January I, ISTt'v tliery \OU Ue an addition of ft per cent Pi tlie amount on duplicate, n pre licribml by law. S. M Sw AttTi, 10Sept 3 IH. Treaa. ,0. J' Alkx aVTikk ('. M Row was , 4 T/RXANDKU & BOWER:, il noy a- lit- Law H- ooitV.lV Spe jeial alien*' .. go uii to t ollection., aiie Orphans' Obtirt practice. May be con I United lit German and English. Office it Oiirniali's Building. m.v2B '74-tf hi TILLER S HOTEL, Woodward Pa lITJL1 ITJL Stages arrive and depart daily! SHORTLIDOE A CO, COAL, LIME, Ac., ( VVll„t.l AM MHOKi t„l LfK. AOiND VAt K NTISCI SHORTLIDOE e*t gra le* of !| |A NT 11R AC IT KCO A'iQ The only dial cm in Ceatre County who aell the. Wi ILIK;ESi RAi R! RiE Ci Oi Ai L from the old Ilultlmoie mine*. Also SH A MOK IN AND OTHER GRADES of Anthracite Oal dryly boued eipr*tly for bout* u*9, at tin lowort J rl-e*. II E AL ER S . V .V. They pay the hightal prleat in v*h M fata that the Ea*tero market* wiU afford. WHEAT, CORN, RYE, OATS, CLOVER SEED &C., j lioughl or will he wM on cotnmiMioa whan deured, and full price* guarantied. In formation concerning the grain trad# will he furnUhed at all time*, to fanner?, with picture, free of charge. RIFLE and BLASTING POWDER. FIREBRICK AND GROUND FIRE CLAY. DKALEKS IN CAYUGA GROUND PLASTER, which i> at a ay* told at low price*, and warranted to he a* good a fartiii.r.< - ai any other platter. o mm Y/UID NEAR SOUTH END B. E. VALLEY R. R. DEPOT, IT *ept 3m ; BELLHOATF. I'A. Lime! Lime! Lime ol the betl quality, alwaya OP hand, at the kiln near Centre Hall. GkoRGE KOCH IKO\. V4IIJS A hTLLL 1 have on hand a large aaaortinent ol UAH IRON NAILS A STEEL, which will be told at the lowet market price. NKR THOMPSON. )uMC Sm Milroy. Pa. GBKAT BAKGANS AT THE HARD WARE STOKE OF MUSSER & RUNKEL BROS.. Mlllheim, Pa., WIP tCE A Lit ASP RETAIL DEALEEB I* j IIKA VI A SHELF H AHDWARE. They have jutt returned from the Eastern Citiet, where they have purchased a well selected ttook of HARDWARE. CCTLEBT. IBOS. NAIL*. OILS, PAIKT*. VARRISHRB, PCTTT, 7i VILDEKS A CO ACH MA KERS GOODS. Plasterer# ntnl Masons, Saddler#, Shoemakers. Housekeepers, and iu fact. HARDWARE FOR KJ'KRYBODY. Wi' call iMirtioular attention lo a fine as sortment of Picture Fronts and Moulding, very cheap. WALL A WINDOW PAPER. And Curtain Fixture# nf every kind. COACH and WAGON MAKERS-four attention is called to our ►lock of Spoke*. Hubs, Felloe*. Shaft*. l*ole and Buggy Wheel*, all of No. 1 Quality and telling ve ry cheap Our flock if large, and cn tiantly being renewed, and we are telling —wholesale and retail—at very low price*. Remember—much money hat been lo*t by paying too much for Hardware. Try ifJuszbr & xiunhls Br&'s, They buy for Cah and fell at Ch Price* for le* profit than any other Hardware Store in the County. ?Q~Call and toe u*. Satufaction guar anteed. MCSSKR& KCNKLF. BRO S aug '-T-y '* H. H. WEISER Manufacturers of Sheet iron & Till-; ware, Millheim, Pa. All kir.Jt of Tinware, constantly on hand and made to order. ' Shcctiron Ware of every description,' always on hand. Rooting in Tin anJ Sheetiron done in ihe mml approved and satisfactory style. Spouting done to order. ' Their slock of Tin and Sheetiron Goodr is largo and complete, and offered at the I.OWIMT PHKTX Their osUh'ifhmenl ha-* been enlarged and stocked completely throughout. I Satisfaction guarUnteed, and all Jobs | promptly sMmmil fto. aprliTy THE PEOPLE S DRUG STORE. Next duor to \\ iimui & Hicks' Hard ware store, Allegheny St., BKLLKFONTR. PA., Jaai. C. Williams. (Successor to B- F. Rankin 4 Co v .— DEALER IN PURE DRUGS AM) MEDICINES, (CHEMICALS PAINTS, OILS. DYVi i STUFFS, VARNISHES, BRUSH KS. 1 KHFUMEKY, NOTIONS. 1 AND rANCY ARTICLES FOR THK TOILET, Ac. for inedicinHl purposes. SHOULDER BRACES, TRUCKS h sSUPPOKIfiRs tn Rr „ rtt vr *ioly. \ !H, Cboit'o "L tIICSARS AND TOBACCO, • i * I j jn,i all ..Uivr articles usuully held U Ur* \ .cli| Lml{ Stute. • PRESCRIPTIONS CAREFULLA COMPOUNDED, htoar74tf J. HARRIS, .TO VHUGPHT J A.BRAVER JOHN HorrKß. f'KTER HOPPER. Pennsvalley Banking Co. CENTRE HALL. PA| RECEIVE DEPOSITS, And Allow la^rMt, Diittiii Note Buy and Sell Government Securities, Gold and CoUppRB Peter Hopper, Wm. B. Misgle, Frw t. . ai..sr Chas. H. Held, flock. Watchmaker A: Jeweler Miliheim, Centre Co., I'e. Respectfully inform* hit friendt and the public in general, that he has jut opened at hit new etlablithmeni, above Alt-tan der'e ttore, and keejw con :ntly on hand, alt kind* ol Clock*, WitrbM and Jewelry flhe Uiet ttylet. a* alee the Maranviiie Patent Calender Clock*, provided u ,lh a complete index of the month, and day of the month and week on its face, which U warranted at a t9?r ' 1 SPANGLEK, Altoraey-at-La*, Bellefonte, Pa. Office with i Bush A Vocuni. Consultation in English ami German. Collections promptly attend "'l to. fobo-tl MISTO® r IN-J.r. rmaa.-B.iw re.m. nn. r cnJute! it • I Pl'.'lTrrjßl aim 1533. lad alt.r S9 .cars'.xperlex. nrMdvr.Pltl*r'i Vegetable Hhee.ma:! t hyrap, I ffiirute. itlab2illii i.ca -.or *k* •VulUtiOiactiMUH. ■worato.tL (.-as AirU.ni - f. A. OSBOCmt, Net yl-Kliii, PUU YtOtrmn WS Cmi tv It, sad willa' V • IKFRI- T