How! Eire, vfaOt yon 11**. With ssgsr atijoyinfnt of *ll hf* can pi**; tVsst* no bright moment* in sorrow or grief Elf. i. too briefl Eovs, when eon lore, r*rel*** of .light elee on esrtli or *l>ove . Ijko the .oft sunset of tropisal sklss, Love eo 80011 die. ! Pie, when Ton die. Olsdly, Willi i over a trC|Je or igh ; And in Eternity'a tight you will find Peath i. eo hind ! What She Says. Oh ' Eve a hundred sore* of land. And a hoOM to cover year head; And in the spring, when the dover-dovere sing. They ray it'e the time to wed. Oh ' I've an eye that ie blue and ehy, And a mouth that tared, eaya alio. And a heart at reat in my lily, lily breast; And why ahould I wed with thee ? Oh ! take year choice when the day. are long, And be sure you never will rue. When 1 m safe from storm, and it'a bonny bonny warm, bay, what will become of TOU ? Oh ! Ell comb and cnrl your bright brown hair. On a Sunday morning gay ; For a mud. 1 guess, when she means yee. yee. 1 with a nay, nay, nay ! TOOK JACK'S COFFIN. " Did yon ever see a ghost ?" was the appeal. '• Well, I came denoed near it, I can tell you," said vouug Howard. "llow near?" cried the com any, drawing their chairs to the fire. " It was in that desolate part of New Jersey," aaid Howard, '• near Baraegat Shoals. What with the nature of the soil there, its barrenness and sterility, the jagged, repelling grimuess of the rooks, and the wild, desolate infinity of the waters, there's something about Barnegat that breeds au affinity with ghosts and spectres. There had beeu a wreck of a coasting schooner iu the vicinity, and idthough the news didn't make much of a sensation in the news papers, it brought despair and desola tion to one he-rt at least—that of the young mate's mother. lie was an old school-mate and warm friend sf my own, and I volunteered to go down and see if the body could be found and brought borne. " When I reached there the w hole as pect of the place struck me as forbid dingly wild and lonely ; and when, to ward the close of a stormy day, poor Jack's body was washed ashore, stark and stiff, and distorted almost beyond recognition, I wasn't able to lend the fellows down tnere a helping baud. I was seised with a nervous chill, and went m-doors to the brandy flask. Propped up with an artificial courage, I went out again and found them haul ing their helpless burden toward a fish erman's hut close by. They had flung it in an old tarpaulin blanket, and I couldn't help protesting inwardly against the rude way in which they bumped it along through the breakers and over the rocks. " I thought of that tender, womanly heart at home in the East, and the gen tle reverence that hedged about even her every thought and feeling about Jack, and I determined there aud then that he should be taken home to her in some shape that wouldn't appall or hor rify her. " They langhed at me when I spoke of a coffin, but nevertheless I resolved upon getting one, if such a thing could be had for love or money. Not that a coffin is absolutely requisite in all cases. It wouldn't have mattered a pin to either Jack or myself if, tied np iu the old tarpaulin, with a weight heavy as destiny itself, we were forced bo the bottom of the sea. But to a woman, an old church-ridden, conventional woman, a victim to circumstance and custom, a coffin was the only thing that could render the affair respectable, or indeed honorable. " I passed a sleepless night, and went off before daylight in search of an old man that bore a queer reputation about there for appropriating anything that came inshore, and rendering it useful or ornamental with a rude knack he had in the carpenter line. The boys told me there was a little of everything in his old rookery, end they hadn't the least doubt I conld find even a coffin there, or something that might be mod eled into one. "It was a good league to h's dwell ing, and I reached there wiiu a fore boding that my journey was for noth ing ; but upon broaching the subject to him, he stated his readiness at once to comply with my demands. "'But what will you do for mate rial ?' I asked. "Hesmibd grimly, and opening a door that led up to a sort of loft, he beckoned me to follow him. In loft there was wood readily adapted to build a ship, a house, a theatre—any thing and everything that might be de sired. Not common wood, mark you, but wreckers' material—panels of French walnut, exquisitely carved in bass relief, bits of precious ebony, of sandal-wood, of box, and some of that delicate white pine that exnales a deli cious perfume. The boys bad said that he was very clever in the carpenter line. I was inspired with a sort of trust in his capacity, and bis willingness to un dertake the job was only equaled by his determination to be paid well for doing it. " ' Don't you fret, young man,' said the old skeleton. ' I'll fix it for you in a shape that 'll suit, 111 have it as scrumptious as a nut—that is, ef ye're able to bear the heft of the expeuse. It's costly, yer know, to hev things pious and nice down this way ; wecan't tillers afford it; then the sea bein' handy,.it's a temptation to save time and money; but ef the expense ain't counted in—' •"Never mind the expense,' I ex claimed. ' Yon do the thing np nicely for me, and I'll see you through ; bnt it mast be done at once; the body is almost beyond saving now, and I want the eoflin by to-morrow night It must be ready to be shipped before daybreak the next morning.' " ' All right,' said the old screw. 'I don't mind losin' a little sleep to be obligin', ef only the expense—' "'You old vulture,' I roared, 'l'll pay you haif on the spot!' And 1 count ed out to him enough greenbacks to make his sharp old nose come down and chop over his chin with an unctu ous smack of appreciation. '"I'll hev it that scrumptious,' said the wretch, with greedy enthusiasm, ' that you'll clap your hands over it. It 'll be that peart and pious, that you needn't be ashamed of it in a church !' "I nodded approvingly, and started on the home stretch with the comfort able feeling of a man who has done all lie could to ameliorate au irremediable suffering. All that day there was a threatening aspect of the winds and waves, that boded more mischief on that malevolent shore. Massive heavy clouds hung black aR ink over the sharp jagged rock, and a fierce under-tone in the elements, told of a conspiracy for a tempestuous debauch. " My poor old Jack has been washed and shaven, his last toilet rendered with all the care that his old friend and school fellow conld bestow upon a mel ancholy labor of love ; a few hot tears burst from my burning eyes, and fell upon that strange and unfamiliar face; and finding it became less and less re cognizable as I gazed npon it, I covered it reverently with my handkerchief, and sat silent and alone with it and the darkness, waiting for the old man with the coffin. "As the day waned and twilight gathered, a wail broke forth from the FHIvD. KUKTZ, Kditomml I Vt >priotor. VOL. VII. moke ami the wave* ; a few belated guile flopped their wings heavily over the water that began to lath furiously the low santlr short - , Presently a few drops fell, the j recuraor* of oue of those furious storms thai riot ou that desert coast. •* An agony of impatience seized me. I got upon my feet, and paced to and fro the loose boards of the hub " Was I, then, condemned to star hero, powerless to save uiv poor Jack from being the puppet of yonder ma lignant fiends of the shore and the sea ? 1 knew if the e lliu were delayed until the storm increased in fury, the road to the old wrecker's home would be im passable, flooded, and without, a clew. "Was it, then, destined that he should be thrown into the greedy maw of the sea, after all, and his place in the dear little church yard at home know him no more? There were prayers even then offered up for him iu that dear little village m the valley, not only by the thiu and withered hps of his mother, but sweet ami roseate one* were trembling iu his behalf that late had clung to his owu in rapture, and gentle young finger* would gather flow ers for his grave and murmur beuisous there for many a year. Oh, was it, then, impossible to give this joy to my poor old Jack ? '•1 started up, sad with an impulse of desperation wrapped myself iu the old tarpaulin and ventured forth. " t suppose my nerves were pretty well unstrung, for the dead face of my lost comrade followed me with a gro tesque and horrible persistency. I struggled against the feeling, but it seemed to me the murky air was full of shapeless fiends ami bodiless spirits of devilish propinquities. "Stumbling along, the rain beating mercilessly down, making the rocky path perilously smooth, I made my way slowly in the direction of the old wreck er's abode. " Feeling the path step by step iu this wilderness of darkness and storm, it must have taken me many hours to accomplish a mile, for I bail scarcely gone half-way when I found by my watch it was nearly midnight. The same lurid gleam of lightmug that showed me the face of my watch gave me also a fleet glimpse of something lying in the road before me, almost at my feet. " I looked, and started back in hor ror ; a peculiar sensation came to my scalp ; I felt mv hair, so to speak, ris ing OB an end ; for there, in a defile of the road, half wedged iu the shelter of a rock, was a coffin. The peculiar shape of it was only dimly discernible, aud either exaggerated by this dimness or else the coffin was of gigantic sire. How did it get there ? Did the fiends about me contrive this shspe to deceive my half-delirious senses? I looked again, and slowly I saw the ponderous lid rise, a skeleton hand come forth then an arm. At last half the form emerged from this terrible resting place, and, wrapped a v ont with a winding-sheet, seemed struggling to leave the coffin altogether. " I seized my pistol with a trembling hand. I cocked it. "' Don't shoot, yonng man !' cried the spectre. ' Ye'il spile the polish, ef yer do. This cussed rain has e'en a'most done for it already. It was pious and peart a spell back, bnt it's pretty vrell spiled now, I'm afcard." "It was my ol 1 wrecker, carpenter, and coffin-maker. H - explained to ma that he'd started on time with the cofiin, and kept up till the storm had come upon him, aud was forced to rest awhile under the overhanging rock. He thought, very properly, that no bet ter shelter could be found than the coffin itself; and he was right We might both have crept inside, and there would still have been room for more. " ' Why on earth did you make it so big?'l said. 'I don't want my poor Jack to lie around loose in this way.' " * Well, where's the odds ?' said the accommodating artisan. ' You didn't seem to spare the expeuse ; so I thought I'd leave plenty of elbow-room. VTe can find suthin or other for ballast, I reckon, down below." " Poor Jack iies to this day in the singular coffin thus provi led for him, and over him the arbutus blooms, and tender violets, and all the dainty flowers dear to a young girl's fancy or an old woman's love." A Woman Without Bones. When such disastrous consequences proceed from the weakening of a part only of the human framework, we sin cerely trust that there may be no spreading of the disease lately devel oped across the ocean in the person of an Irish woman, who lived to see her entire skeleton waste away until it was but a fourth part as heavy as a new born babe. The case occurred in Dublin, and may truly be called extraordinary. The victim, forty-five years old, was a patient in an insane asylum. For five years she was confined to her bed, com plaining of no pain, but gradually lie coming weaker, while dwindling in sta ture until she lost half her height. As the disease progressed, her limbs were coiled up in every possible shape, the bones becoming eitremely light, soft, fragile, and atrophied in every re spect. At death, all that was left of ner skeleton, including the sknll, weighed two pennds and a half. The nnmber of fractures was prodigious. The ribs were in a hundred fragments. The head of the humerus was bent; the fibu'ao were curved ; the thigh bones and pelvis were hudd led together; the bones of the vertebra! were thinned and worn away across the front of their bodies ; the lower jsw was atrophied and broken into three piece# ; tlie base of the skull was cribiform all through. Had she lived a little longer, it was thought that not a vestige of a bone would have been left in her body. What ailed ber no one could tell, the disease being almost unheard of and difficult to diagnose, treat, or even name. Pro fessor R. W. Smith, of Dubliu Univer sity. who brought the ease before the Pathological Faculty, looked upon the condition of the bones not as a disease but as a manifestation of a diseased condition as yet unknown, possibly re lated to rickets. Good Adflce to Se'tlers, At a late celebration of Queen Vic toria's birthday in Virginia, Mr. St. Andrew is reported to have given bis countrymen the following sensible ad vice, which is equally applicable to Americans intending to migrate. He said : 1. Come in colonies, or go to colo nies. 2. Bring money in your parse. 3. Leave your prejudices behind. 4. Don't expect too much. 5. For land or business, pay cash. 6. Keep two-thirds at least of yonr money for working capital. 7. Avoid land sharks. Yon can easily find out the reliable land agents. 8. In buying land, don't get too much of a good thing. 9. Adhere to the old fashioned prin ciple of British honor. Don't attempt •'smartness." Better class Americans don't admire it; but they can beat you at the game if you challenge them to it. 10. Remember that success is more in i the man than in the country. THE CENTRE REPORTER. Science ami Strike*. The part taken by the Hritish Aaao eiatiou for the Advauoemeut of Science iu termiuatiug the strike in the luieu factories of Pel fast, is, says the New York IVtbunr, exceedingly suggestive. Strike* are iu their essential nature uu scientific. Ou the one baud atand the owners with their machinery and ma terials; on the other the workmen with empty stomachs and idle hands. The men want to work ; the employers want them to be working. The difficulties which the forcesof nature priaent have beeu overcome, ami the obstacle en countered is not iu the process nf man ufacture. The channels of trade have boon opened ami the market is ready with its demand. Nothing needs ad justment but a question of wsgea. If it were not a matter of such frequent experience, it would seem incredible that sit ha question, which ought to lie the easiest of all to adjust, should block the wheels of prosperity for weeks at a time, wasting vast sums of nuney ami bringing want and desola tion to a thousand homes. Some recognition of the utterly un* philosophical cliaracteristica of their strikes seems to have dawned upon iu ployers and employed when Ibey brought the matter before the British Association. The workmen came to its sessions by special though not strictly official Invitation. Essays of a purely scientific character ujou the re lations of labor and capital had beeu read before the meeting. The work men were then iuvited to come forward and state their grievances. They did so. Vary willing would they have been to make that bodv of scientific men the arbiters of the disagreement, but this office the Association would not under take. The mill-owners were also rep resented, and their side of the c.i-e was put before the meeting. Then for the first time apparently, each side realised the weakness not to say the absurdity of its own position, and the force of the arguments on the other side. Men wuo scarcely an hoar before had been bit terly opposed and hopeless of reconcil iation, saw in a moment the way to compromise. The adjustment of wages was a mere matter of detail, easily ar ranged at a conference the following morning; and on the next day the black plumes of smoke were rising from the chimneys of the linen mills of Belfast, after seven weeks of idleness and the loss of a million dollars. While it is clearly evident that the exposition and comparison f their dif ferences had the direct effect of bring ing about a reconciliation, it is alao piaiu that the reason of the willingness of both sides to tell their story was that botli had confidence in the impartiality of the auditors. A new field for eur scientific bodies is thus indicated ; a field f usefulness where they will have no competitors. Men who have devo ted themselves to scientific inquiry are iu general the most disinterested per sons of intelligence before whom such questions could l>e presented. Their advice, if they chose to give it, would tie of the highest value, since the whole business of their lives is the applica tion of common sense to abstruse prob lems. Nothing would lie easier than for the National Academy of Sciences or the American Association to pick out a permanent committee of half a doxen members eminently competent to form a judgment on this class of questions. Now tuat the example bai beeu set aud the admirable success of this method demonstrated, it would seem not im possible that the experience of strikes of great extent or long continuance might be relegated to a past age. There can be little doubt that both parties to any strike in this country would be willing to lay their differences before such a committee ; and the mere expo sition of the case, with the advice of the committee, would in nine cases out of ten solve the difficulty. An Extravagant Dinner, The Philadelphia Pre*n has an ac count of a dinner given there to a party of New Yorkers on April 19, 1831. There were seventeen courses, and the party sat down at 6 in the evening and remained at the table until 6 the next morning. Each course is described as a perfect bauquet in itself. The pre parations for the entertainment w. re enormous. The lettuce, green peas, and cauliflowers were brought from Georgia. The reed birds came from South Carolina. Hunters were sent to the woods of Virginia and anglers to its waters; and the salmon served in the third course was swimming in the Ken nebec only twenty-fonr hours before they were cooked. It was s dinner of heavy drinking as well as Rabelaisian eating. With the soup, brandy thatcost s<'j a pint was served instead of wine; with the dessert there was Madeira 150 years old, ami some twenty different sorts of wine appeared in the course of the dinner, including four kinds of champagne served at various periods of the entertainment. There were two sorts of soup and two of fish. The fourth course included boiled turkey, chicken, and tongue ; the fifth was cold dishes ; the sixth displayed a fillet of beef, with sweet breads, lamb cliopa, and chicken croquettes; the seventh, fricassee of chicken, turtle steak, and braise chickens; the eighth, spring chicken and spring lamb, all with ap propriate garnitures; the tenth course was sorbets of frozen Tokay, and the eleventh included five sorta of game. The twelfth was terrapin with roast po tatoes, and the thirteenth, fourteenth, fifteenth, sixteenth, and seventeenth, confectionery, ices, fruit, and coffee. The affair cost $1,500. Thirty persons were present. The nnmber of thoso wtio survived is not stated, and noth ing is said of their doctors' bills. The waiters were colored, in full evening dress, with gloves of geunine white kid. Very Smart Thieves. Two well-dressed men stopped before a Parisian grocer's, recently, and burst into loud laughter. •• I tell you that I will do it," said one. " I'll let yon five francs that you do not," said the other. •" Done ; I'll take the bet." Both then entered the shop. " Do you sell treacle?" said the first. " Yes, gentlemen," said the grocer. "Give me two pounds of it." " Have you a vessel to put it in ?" "No ; but put it in here." " What! iu your hat?" "Pour it in ; it's for a wager." The grocer took the hat, placed it in the scale, and, much amused at the idea, poured into it two pounds weight of treacle. " There's the money," Raid the pur chaser, and he threw down a five-franc piece. The grocer began to count the change, when the man said : " Pardon me, sir, but your treacle has a bad smell." " It's very good, I assure yon." " No ; smell it." The grocer put down his head to the hat, and at the same moment the cus tomer, by a rapid movement, thrust the man's head into the hat; and, as the grocer instinctively raised hiß head, the customer knocked the hat over his eyes. The other man then plunged his hand into the till, and seized a handful of money, about thirty francs. Both got clear off before the unfortun ate grocer could give the alarm. CENTRE HALL, CENTRE CO., rv., THIRSDAY. OCTORER L>, 1574. The First Adtruture. The followiug stories are told of two Nantucket boys, who afterwards be came famous in their several walks of life. Captain West commenced hts career as a boy on board the sloop Speedwell of New Bedford,and it was while iu tne Hpeedwell that Jacob Barker, then eight years old, came to hiui with a ninefieiice (twelve uud a half cents) which he had had presented to him,and saitl : " Stephen, I wish thee would lU vrat this money, ou thy arrival in Bos ton. in something that will pay." Stephen accepted the business, prom ising to) give it his best attelitiou. Ou the arrival of the vessel iu Boston, he looked altout for a profitable invest ment. Going up Doug Wharf, he pass ed a table where au old woman had ex posed for sale, in tempting order, her stock of apples, nuts and caudles. Amongst this assortment, Stephen's at teutiou waa attracted by ttie sight of some beautiful sticks of candy, white in the centre and entwined with stripes of red in a most attractive form. It was the first of the kind he had seeu, aud he immediately decided on a purchase aud procured twelve sticks. Ou the arrival of the Speed well at Nantucket, Jacob was already on the wharf, more anxious for the re sult of this first ml venture than after wards of the argosies of wealth that bore their burdens to his stores. The first salutation was : " Stephen, has thee purchased anything for me?" The reply was that he had, but the Vrtael mut first lie secured, the sails handed, aud the clerks cleared, before the cargo could tx discharged. Jacob's anxious hands soon aided in furitug the jib and putting everything iu order, when they " went below '" and Stephen spread be fore his delighted eyes the first m-r eautile investment. Highly delighted, he stepped on the wharf, aud was aoon surrounded by a d aen boys, with whom he commenced his trade, and with such success that before he had reached the store at the head of the wharf he had sold the whole adventure for thirty-seven and a-half cents, real izing a profit of two hundred per cent., making, what he termed, " a very good turn of it." Thia was the first act or turn of busiuesa that this great iner chant aud financier accomplished, and not even those very heavy loans, to which our government in the days of her financial difficulty was obliged to resort to bira for aid, gave him o much pleasure as this first adventure of Ins boyhood. this adventure would be of alight interest had it not a seijnel in the lapse of time. Several years afterwards Sir. llaikor had become a confidential clerk to a substantial mercantile hoaae in New York. Mr. West arrived in Near York an officer in the ship Brother*, Captain Thnddeus Waterman, from Liverpool. While iu Liverpool Mr. Wcit had laid in an adventure in a lot of beer. On his arrival in Near York he was much trsabled and perplexed for mouey to psy the duties, then high, and the other matters relating to it. The adventure was iu danger of being l ist, when lie recollected that his old friend and schoolmate, Jacob Barker, was in New York. Jacob had already some fame as a clever man for business and shrewdness. As soon a* Wea could leave the ship, he sought out Barker at the counting-room of the Messrs. Hicks, and stated his perplex ities regarding his Liverpool adventure. "Give thyself no uneasineaa," replied Jacob, "on that business, Stephen. I will attend to it for thee. Enter the beer at the Custom Honae; I have plenty of money by me to pay the du ties. I will not only pay the duties, but attend to the selling of it for thee. The*} only deliver it to my order when 1 send one." The next day the order came and the beer was delivered. In the evening, while Mr. West was writ ing in the eabir, Jacob cauie on board and informed him that he had sold the beer excellently well, sud in proof opt ned his haudkerrhief and turned out on the cabin table n large sum of aolid coin. The sale was indeed well done, and much beyond West's expec tation ; tint, sailor-lik %, he shoved back the money, saying, " Take yonr pay, Jacob, as much as you want." Not a cent, Stephen," was the response, " not a cent I Docs thee remember the sugar-candy ?" anil with a hearty good sliake of the hand they parted.— Button Adverturr. Fabricated Phenomena Few persons are aware of the extent to which the fabrication of startling in cidents ia carried by the newspapers. The fall of large meteors, Indian runts, epidemics, the sudden appearance of some mysterious ennse of mortality among cattle, and similar subjects, form a field iu which country editors, and especially reporters on papers pub lished in small interior cities lavish a great deal of ingenuity. Probably there aro few seientiflo men who have not been deceived into making inquiries about some occurrence the details of which were circumspectly related, but which was nublinliingly acknowledged as a fraud by tho ingenious reporter. Practices of this kind may have very serious consequences, as in a late case where trichina was reported i the Kas kaskia bottom in Illinois. It was said that the hogs living m a district which covers about twelve thousand acres had liecomo s<> affected with trichina that no less than ten thousand to fifteen thousand died. The Dondon Times took tip tho story, and based npon it a warning to be careful in purchasing American meats. This mado the mat ter serious, snd the superintendent of the Cincinnati Chamber of Commerce finally came forward with the informa tion that not one case of trichina had been discovered in that region. Amer ica has the reputation of being about as prolific in repulsive wonders as the Af rican forests aro in great beasts ; but if editors were to bo as conservative tn this country as they are abroad, we should probably bo found to offer fewer startling occurrences than any other people. Revival of the Iron Trade. The New York Unllrfin thinks that a general recovery of trade will t>e at tended with an improvement in the de mand for iron manufactured at large. It is true, it nays, thin general commer cial recovery will do nothing toward filling the large gap in thn demand caused by thn suspension of railroad construction within late months ; but thin is provided against by the reduc tion in the foreign supply. Nor is England likely to find it necessary to cling particularly to this market for an outlet for her product, for the demand for rails from countries which have scarcely begun to provide railroads is likely to tako from Great Britain all she can produce at reasonable prices. But this coming demand for railroad iron may have to he partly supplied from the United States. This, how ever, will depend upon onr ability to compete in price with the English. The exports of rails from the United Kingdom to all countries for the first seven months of the yeur have exceed ed those for the same period of 1873 by 80,000 tons. Putting together these various considerations, the prospects of the iron trade appear morehopeful than many seem disposed to admit Bluebeard. . Tlie Dlntbearil u( kiitor; woa not a jealous man, nor had bo a room with n particular key in which he kept hia hor rora, ulk, and tellr how the people "as sembled together in great companies and chose to them a captain, whom they called Bine-beard ; but ere they had" attempted any enterprise their leaders were apprehend" d." Not only dees the historical Blue I teard come U> us from the French,but the pantomime hero ia due to the same source. Per rauit, a writer tn time of le>uis XIV , wan the author of that woudrrful tale, whose incidents are still the terror aud delight of children. The Cattle Plague. Contrary to all reasonable expecta tions, says the Danbury AVu , the Newtown cattle plague has broken out in different porta of the State. A herd of Cher kce st*era, lielonging to Mr. Aaron T read well, are afflicted with the disease ; seven have died, and seven are still sick. At Georgetown four have died, and it Wolcotville ten ; these lat ter lot* wen northern cattle. A corre spondent of the A Vie England Home >trad that a drover, uatued Fairehild, fro.u Newtown, went west some months ago, and bought a lot of cattle, mostly steers, twenty seTen of which be kept on his farm for slaugh tering, the remainder he sold. On the night of August 16tb, one of the doers died after brief illness, and in the morn ing it was skinned and its eareaaa left uuburied in the pasture for tweuty four hours, in reach of the other cattle, which lapped the Idood of the dead, and twentv become sick in consequence, thirteen dying within a fortnight. A neighbor of Fairchild'a, named Stillson, bought a pair of steer* out of this west ern drove, and worked them with a pair of native stags ; all fonr were attacked with the disease, both of the stags and one of the steers died, aa reported last week. The cause of the disease, the correspondent learned, is due to tM> rnnch blood in the system, checking the circulation. These cattle arrived from the west tired and exhausted, and were turned into rich past are* to re-nut and fatten, anil hence became sick from " high living," ro to say. Mr. T. 8. Gold, of West Cornwall, Secretary of ttie State Board of Agriculture, has called on us. and states that the disease ia n splenic Texan fever, rather than apoplexy, common to cattle of that H'.ute, who have it iu a mollified form, and nro capable of communicating the malady to northern cattle with fatal re sults. He claims that all lines of travel nro more less affected by the passage of Texan cittle. Mr. Gold showed ns some tickH taken from tho hide of one of the sick brutes. These specimens were tho size of a full-grown pea, and were the regular Texan cattle-ticks that always appear with tho disease. The plague has been attributed to these ver min, but scientific men refute the theory. Mr. Gold would be very glad to hear from farmers on the subject of the disease, and aid them all in his power. Newspaper Postage. Oen. Barber, Third Assistant Post master, has devised a system of stamps for tho prepayment of newspaper post ago in accordance with the new law which goes into effect January 1, 1875, by which he can cancel tho prepayment of as much as S4O with six stamps, of which tho smallest Is two cents. Re ceipt books will be given to each pub lisher of a newspaper or a periodical, which books will bo retained at the jmstofflce where the newspapers nre weighed. The stubs of the receipt book serve as memoranda to tho post office of the sums paid, from which re turns wtll bo mado to the General De partment. Foetmastor-General Jewell highly approves General Barber's plan, which is simple, comprehensive, and will, it is said, satisfy the publisher* and save thousands of dollars to the Treasury. In Remembrance. In one of the Ttov. T. De Witt Tal mnge's aermons he introduces the fol lowing anecdote : I saw an account the other day of a little boy who was to be taken by a city missionary, with some other boys, to the country to find homes. He was well clad, and had a new hat given him ; but while the mis sfonary was getting the other children ready to go this boy went into the oor ner and took the hat he had thrown off and tore the lining out of it. The missionary said, " What are you doing with that liat? Yon don't want it. What are you tearing the lining ont of it for?" "Ah 1" said the boy, "that was made out of mother's dress. She loved me very much before she died, and I have nothing to remember her by but the lining." And so the boytore I it out and put it in his boaom. A VILLAUE HAK-HOOX. In 1H 1 was traveling from Ithaca to Hiiffslo, iii New York State, by a stage, intruding to retail my homo in time to partake of the annual Thanks giving dinner with old and loving friends at the old homestead. It was a bitter cold mora lug when we set out, and the roads were frosen hsrd, there having been considerable mud only a dav or two liefore. The first uight we put ID at Danville, and on the following morning when 1 awoke, 1 found thut the earth was not only covered with snow, but that snow was falling fast. After an early break fast we s3l out agaiu ou wheels, but at the end of eight miles we were forced to take ruuuers, the snow clogging up so that the wheels would uot run. When night came we found ourselves obliged to stop at a small village only twenty miles from where we set out in the moruiug. A good supper was provided at the inn, and the place had the appearance of comfort. We had just eat down to supper vlitu the wind began to blow furiously, and we could see by the dim light without that the suow was being marled and driven about in a furieu* manner. There was a fire in the small silting room, and ibtthrr we passen gers, six or eight of n, adjourned. We sat there and conversed until near nine o'clock, and then 1 went out into the bar-room to amoke a cigar previoua to retiring. In the bar room 1 found a bright wood fire burning, ami some dozen people were sitting there, smoking and drinking. (This was long before tbe introduction of the Maine laws ) Hev cral of the company 1 judged to be Uamslers; a rough, hardy, g.od uatured set, who were enjoying them selvra hugely over a mug of fiip. Then there were several whom 1 found to be villagers—men who lived near the inn —a set of village politicians and news mongers, who made the bar-room a place of social evening meeting. 1 Lad lighted tny cigar aud taken a scat near tbe fire, when 1 noticed a buffalo skin ou one end of tbe aettec, opposite to where 1 ant, and 1 was con fident there was a human IM mg beneath it. 1 supposed it must be a stable hand who had been at w -rk hard, < r was expected to be Up most of the night, and was now getting a little sleep. 1 waa looking at the buff Jo aud thus raeditatmg, when I heard a low, deep, death like gr<-an come up from lienrath it, and in a few momenta more ihe rotke was thrown opou the floor, aud Ihe man who had reposed beneath came down UJH.U the top of it, and theie he lav for some momenta like a deal man. I tad just started np when four of the villagers hastened te hia assistance. They lifted him to his feet, and alter considerable eflort he managed to stand up. My God! what a thrill struck to my heart when I saw that face. It was om ul noble feature; a brow high and amply developed, over which clustered a tuiiMl of dark gloaey ringlet* ; the face beautifully proportioned, and each •e pa i ate feature moat exquisitely chiseled. But what an expression reaU-d tliere now ! The great dark eyes had a vacant, idiotic stare ; the face was pale a* death, and the lips looked dry and parched, and much discolored. His clothes were torn snd soiled, and one of his hands bloody. He was surely not more than five and thirty, and his appear an OS would at once indicate a man of more than common abilities. But the demon had turn, and had made htm now something below the brute. "How do you feel now. Gsorge?" a*ked one of the men who had gone to his assistance. But he only groaned in reply, and was soon persuaded to lie down again, being told that he would soon feel tlet ter. As soon as he was ou the settee ouec more, and had the buffalo over him, the men returned to their seats. " Who is the chap?" asked one of the teamsters, looking toward tho vil lagers who had been assisting the un fortunate man. " That's George Lockland," returned a stout honest looking man. " Does he lelong here ? ' * " Yes. Didn't you never hear of him ?" Tho teamster replied that he had not. '• Well," resumed the fat man, " it ia too had, I declare it 'tis. Lackland might be one of the first men in the own if he'd a mind to ; bat you see he will drink ; and the worst of it ia, he makes a fool of himself. He a farted hero aa a lawyer, and a smart one he ia to. Why be can argne old Upton right out of his boota. Hut ye see lie's lost all hia beat customers now. They daren't trust him with business, 'cause he aint ever aura of doing it. He'a got one of the beantifoleat little wives yon ever aaw, and one of the hand somest children. But poor thing* I I pity 'em. Then there a another thing ; rum |erates differoutly on him from what it doea on moat men. It doesn't show itself on the outside aa it docs on almost evrybody else, but it aeema to eat him up inside. Yon see how paie he looks—well, lie's always so when he'a on one of these times. He don't eat nolhiu', and I don't suppose he'll put a bit of fool into hia stomach for a week to come." " How long has ho been so?" asked the teamster. " How d'ye mean ?" " Why how loug both ways? How long since ho took to drink, an' how long he's been drunk now ?" " Well lie's took a drunk more or less ever since he came from college; but it's aliont a year that lie's been down hard at it. Ye ace folks began to find out how slack ho was in hia business, and they wouldn't give him any job of consequence to do. I'epoao that sort o' set him agoing in this fashion. Ami as for this drnnk, I should say he'd been on it a fortnight. He's got down now as low as he can get and live, and I guess he'll get sober in a day or two. " But where does he get hia liquor?"' asked hia questioner. " You must ask Mike Fingal that question," was the other "a answer. All eyes wero turned npon the land lord, who now stood behind the bar. He was evidently troubled at this turn, and moved uneasily upon hia high stool. " Mike Fingal," spoke the teamster, "do you sell that man rum?'' " Yt a, I do," the fellow replied with an effort, " Don't I sell the samo when yon call for it?" " But I aru't a poor drunkard, and you know it. That arn't no excuse, Mike. I shouldn't think you'd do it." " But when he wauts rum he's bound to have it, and if I didn't let him have it somebody else would," the host re plied. "Now, that's odd," energetically pursued the teamster. "On the same ground yon might tako a pistol and go ont and rob folks, because if yon didn't somebody else would. But that isn't here or there. The thing is, I don't at e what kiDd of a heart you can have to do it." The conversation was here inter rupted by a soxud from the Btreet. The wiud was still howliug madly, and the snow was driving against the win dow, but above the voice of the storm came the wailing of some one in dis tress. It was surely the cry of a child r Forms: 52.00 a Year, in .Advance. for help. We were all upon our feet in a moment and the lantern was quickly lighted. My hat was already >m ruy head or my cap rather and I went out with the rest All went but the landlord aud his wretched customer who occupied the settee. It was some momenta before 1 could set) at all, the snow came driving into my face so ; but 1 soon managed to turn my head, and then went ou. The wind, us it came sweeping out through the stable, had piled up a huge (tank of snow across the street, aud iu this bank we found a female with a child in her arms. She seemed faint aud frozen, but yet she clung to her child. The man who carried her lantern held it up to her face. The features were half ejvered wiUi snow, but the momentary glare of the lantern waa sufficient to reveal to me a face of more than ordinary beauty. " ileaveus I" uttered the man, as he lowered the lantern, and caught the womau in his arms. " Kate Dockland, is this you ?" But without waiting for a reply, he turned to the rest of us and cried, " Here, take the child, some of you, and 1 il carry the mother." Tne child was quickly taken, aud ere many minutes we were berk in the bar room with our burden. The two were taken to the fire and the enow brushed from them. " Who's them t" asked the boat. " Only Kate Dockland and her child," answered the fat man. What d'ye bring 'em in here for ?" the host uttered, angrily. " Why didn't v take 'em to your own liuuae, Jim Drake ?" "Cause my house ia too far." The host wsa coming around the bar and hia eye was flashing with mingled shame and anger, but before he got fairly out, the stout and burly teamster who bad said so much, started up. " Mike Fingal," he uttered, iu tones such as only a man confident of his own physical purer can commaud. " Don't i put a finger on that woman. Don't ye do it. It ye do, I'll crush ye aa I would a pizeu spider !" Fingal looked at tbe speaker in the eye ft r a moment, aud then muttering something about a man having a right to do as lie pleased iu hia own house, he slunk away i