The Centre reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1871-1940, October 08, 1874, Image 3
i iiE o\- x nir: UfcUtfit,': i 't\ TnruspAv OCT. s. is;-j LOCAL ITEMS. <: i ft k-mls will oblige bv -> ' <l'"R" it.m- <1 loohl news in their Wality. K' Nl xi- ;l<o tacts only, iind xx o will rnt th< >" f n sliijv', also notirca ot death* nni ntarn- UK**"- r ■ \nx. :• x • ding <:• the ratio;* •' MX " Mr. M ithers. with the cash, will he entillx to receive the KKIMIII KU >ne ) '■!' Inc. The KKIVU .KH being road by reali-> (• .n this side of the exjuntx. win ro it lis* a largx-r circulation than any two pap< rn, will be found the best mo.llUm for ...ivt rti>in ; : buainea*, IWi "*■ IKM STANDING OOM MIT IKK 15 11, :ii . N. Ward 11 Y St it act ,i,, S " Ji>-i'pli box. do W. " > Meek, v, nw| J** V Ww llownr.l Mn W Gardner Philip-burg C A Faulkner. Unioaville dobn Sing. Her.nor Ivvp A A Wlgnw. lh'gK* -Wm Mull.- Burnsido Bernard \ oidciiolb : Ourtin llenrv I'tioil. Fergu*x>n W H Fiy. Gregg—'lleekman. ijmn,.- John i Stover. Holfnioon .1 11 Griffin, llarri- John Me\ or. M. ward Samuel ft U rtkm Huston 11 G Cronitter. Liberty J no. V St'v.r. Mat ion tl.or^olloy. Miles llnrvcx Kotntan. Fatten- I' K Seller* Penn —D A Mus-or. Voitei .10-. tl, Gitiiland . Uush —G M 'Gaffey Snow Shoe ' 11 liolt. Spring John 11 Biirnhurt. '. xvhxr —Samuel W caver 1 nior. ti 1. l'ete:- Walker—John Pix.:i- Worth—Owen M vV J. II MORRISON. t'Hiii-•• .n I!AriFICA l itis MKKTINti A grat.x! ra ifi. atioti ; meeting ot I IVmocra.y Ot c. :t' x- urty, w>:: ! . in the Court 11 use, in lselle ". nte. on TttfsUny Evenibj;. Oct., 20. !>. !. at which lion I*. A Mackey. H t M m A. Wali.ue and tieu. McCand— v. U! to speak. 11, tt. J*'liti J.'itta Icm. crati. eatixlulatx f, r 1. cutennt li-v err: r, is alsx* i xjex'l ,1. at.,! t*cr!iai - - M il iam 11. Wiite. lIM N .M IfOwl J TurnOut, Dcni, crals ! Lit us have ar, us : g end lime. The Bx i e fonte Band wo. turni-'u tor tin occasion By order o! Jx li\ 11. Xlx-KKI- X. ttfce.Vmoi* (Yanfy (bm. We had a pretty sharp fr,-t x n last M nuav rooming. Rain en T i x -day and \\ i . tti -iny. Very unfavx.rab'x' for the fair. to agitate the "ou x-fthc Tutcn l'cpub iean Pn t.-s r Mi Vct* a d H cirich, of He: r-burg, p:. :x -r -ancturo a pep v,s it li e xUber day. The Banking Ilx-usx- x.f Me--rs. Mc t• .Jc l'xrks, ot l'hii.j -burg. Centre Co . I'a . c!i-sv I it* direr- ott Monday xf '*st week. AYx- have iisirncil nothing as t - the t-i!t: lof .ts inabt'itiva. The people's choice is the -atx-st choice—Orvi-. Mackey ar.d XV aßacv. Yx te for J. Nx vxiiti llall, the hot.est a id upright How ~rd township farmer for cc-uKiiissi, ner. \Yc have nccivid ti.e Worth Co. Tiroes, published at Grant C.ty, Mo, un xli : to xv propric, r-. K. S. Gtirver Alh F. Meyer, late of Ctntre ila'l, an.! gtad uatcs . f the llej.x-rter ofiice The T.tnes has improved in tone and appearance, and we kt.x w ti.e.-e y. ur.g men wilt make c live la)<ri ut f it. They are p s-secsed of the taler t ami industry to do it. The T ,s is democratic in politic-. ;.nd we w,- Elia- and Frank abundant succc-s in their oxvn v<--e". May tlu winds ever be favorable. On Sunday kTth ult., while the I xiti eran -ynod *s> in -, s-i,in a: Aaron burg, in the afternoon while the audience ro in was densely erx.u ded by people al ter, ling children*' meting, a loud cra-h w:i- he: r 1 by the -exlon. Mr. Confer, who was . i the basement and immediately left, bu: it xx a- wot no'i.xwl by the auiience above, tiixi not alarm them. Alter the n;. x'.ing u::s ii- -ed it xxas f. und that the flc-r had given way so that the door lead ing to the basement could not be closed. We have r.ccivid the first No. o Th ■ Republic, the r.xu rnxiica! daily which mule it* appearance in New York, on Monday. The size i f the Republic i- the same a* the World and much like it in appearance. It is to be a Grant orgsin.and is published by the "New Y<>rk Republi can Niu-j-spir Ais.wihtion," at If f<r a-.: um. The cdrninistratt.'ii having no o-gun ir. tie city .f New York, which xv. u!d stand by it through thick and thin, the Republic has been e-'.ablt-bed to sup ply this want. Every body get* tooled when they pur. inse groceries, ike., at Burnsixlx s xk Thomas, because they sell cheaper than expected. You inav search ninety-three counties and no where dx> they tell for cash at little above ciot ily. ns do ISurn aiitv, dc Thomas. THE ELECTION LAWS OF PENN SYLY A NIA AND THK NE W C(>N STITUTION. One of the noit important publication* that has ever appeared from the pre-', is volume to be issued at Harrisburg. by the lOtli of October, containing the Election Laws of Pennsylvania and the New Con stitution, with an analytical index ; the former digested and arranged with ly.-tes and judicial decisions under authority of a resolution of the Legislature, by Frarci' Jordan, late Secretary-ol the Common wealth. Such a work fills a *gap the legal iibrnrie- of the State, while it afford a source of information which ever y citi zen curt control, and which can be placed at tbe service of every election officer w her on djty. Ono of the prolific souree* of fraud at elections has been due to tbe Inch of proper information for these whose du ty it is to conduct them ; an evil which can be largely abate d by a general circulation o. this volume With the new Constitu tion under the same cover,, the work as a book of reference for the business men, the legal profession, and tire people generally, cannot be over-estimated hi value. In ad dition to ail the legislation ol last ses-ion on tbe -object of elections, the volume wii. contain forms of all the blanks u.-cd by election officers and assessors, revised ami corrected by legal authority. It is pub lished by Benjamin Singerly, HarriM.urg Price, by mail, post paid .• In paper cov er, $1.10; muslin, $1.35; law sheep, SI.OO. Sales of Fartr s advertised in Kcpor to/: Nalo farm, Potter, Oct. 22. M'Minn farm, Potter, Oct. 9. Durst farm. Potter, Oct. 15. Kerr farm, Potter, Oct. IC. £vuns farm, Potter, private sale. The Keller farm and Foster farm, near Centre Hall, Oct 29. owing one, two or more years on the Reporter, will oblige by r< mining all or part. Our paiw-r-inun, hands and creditors look to us lor Cash. Til K ELASTIC TRUSS A X A BDDOM INAL SUPPORTER offeredto tie sub lie, witii t lie full assurance of the ir.osti ini ncnt physicians and surgeons in the pro fession fhHt they would supersede all mcta o! other Instruments in use. for the relief and cuie of Hernia. Prolapsus Utf ri, and Kit 'Abdominal Weaknesses. The great number of radical cures they have effect eg. Judy jntify the confident predietioi made, nd lias demonstrated the fact thai filature can be surely cured without suffer iu_; or annoyance, and without the dung ; incuring Spinal Disease or Paralysi-. o.c ii paused by the severe pre-surc- Atetal Trusses and Supporters. ZELLEI: ASoN, Druggists, Bcllefonte, Sole Agents. Aug2TSm i- or : . J.* I rn i. SPAWI.S M'.oM PKNN Mr A Poeil Ab \atidor ra .-xl'ifn thro pound- ot potatoes from two pound* ot .... xl ll i anew kind callrd "Hi 'wnells 1' mity Mr A'• virilcr p' i.ted hi-p>- , tat' , - late t : i the dry pell kept them ii l-tiok t on- d< inbly, nevortboles 11 . y ie'd was good. . Mr. Noah Stover, aa .lor wall to do 1 .jiiurr HI Penn, planted ono potato lad spring and from that *oed tai-.d lb rtv -1 nme |>oir J* 11 sV,;r .. tha ' Pi erlos*, be , - . mp, : t on in that kind. Seme of.-ur would t>e "pi*eareen" ai< oxer .i \toils find out bow the pie-hie turned out. i'luy are bee tilling to think that the.r sale of the h u.-e ha- got the bluer. tine night m-t week a |ir!\ of datoa for the penitentiary-, torn down a . e I o . : : . . ; |ii Mr, All s .V .■Voider Hid nattered them oxer the a'.'.y- th.:. by giving Mr. A a good opportunity to gather them together the next morning. Such subject* should be trat.vl up, arre-tid and hung to the • o-arest Itee in the eountr.x t'n S.'.ar.lay evetiitu had a -1irl tad perfoi m iner in our tow n. S>u , ui. .i'i tm- ] pudenl, Kiciiftt -ealnwag* appeared to some extent . the r shirt tail, at a ex .-tain plaee in ,ur town. Sueh men have no more g.-ed MT.*C than at J olh, r d,g, nnd under no i ircumstnnc, - should bo to'era to.ltostop :u a x , inity inhabited by an en'ijthtCßed people Atewll w .h .it or der .s like a hous without a r of, Seiah S; ee K t*. Campbell'* new mil! - m oj . ration, s, me x il. >•! I > - i..0 e x IMU ; ll sev. ral t tues ..t luglit ai d I ied them- S.'.xesto a |Krt. 11 of it- eofltefl'.s. It i> not a hit stran<> • uher, tor t xerv one t awaio that Air Yatt l>rm,-r t io - first cIM fiour Tb. Unties! Ureathi:; h. . ti.c.r i : .r --t, 1 te., < ting 1 M . .11l .. . ■•'. Si.l . .ith 11, x M r A : .jr.-,: i at: preached n his Usual style, which i> gosal. 10 s C .The ab-x ■ should have • p| > fed last * x s but W-* ret", xed to late. I'M I heard an ..n ay f r other day, that very siav bad its dog, has almost ex ery . iv in Milli.eim, and a majority ot lhem haxe tw ..r an awful large oue. It is dif - >et no- te get along . n the side x.alks on a. count of the worthies- ours. Aoeor.l ng to the present state of affair- ! !• i tight l • have our railroad finished by all mean*. The i. . glit on a Miiul! pack age .in Philadelphia to MtfSinburg au ,.. .'■ I to SlVvn cents and from Mifflin tui-g to M illn ;i by -!a<o it c. forty cent#. U Ibis not an outrage? and almost too hard to boar, out we have to take it. M.--rs. AN. K Gas- .J. F C imhcr and Abo Gurtti wo re out on a hinting ex our.-: -.', on last Monday a. week ago. and brought home twenty throe pigeon*, six squirrel* ani one rod f. \ Or. Tuesday following they brought homo twenty-five pigeons and tw u squirrels. if any party can beat this et u> hear from them. lty request of Dr. Driblet the Millheim Cornet Band paid him a visit one night last week. The Dr. having visitors from u distance desired U give them a rare treat, and being a good judge f music hlllinlf. he invited our band to t. nio and discourse in their usual good style. Our boys did :.ot !y, v, : sequeiil y the genial .Id ilocl, r supplied tlnta with an abundanee of good things, eoti-.-'.ii.g of all the delicacies im aginable. The table was groaning under the w< ight of cake- Ac, to which -as before -aid the members oi the b.nJ wire invi ted, ar.d after they left it. the groaning was ; in a different direction. They also com- j p'.ed w t an ue-: from Mr. Frederick QdhtnM : • waxj tad favor him with, some of their excellent tun. - \V L Mu--era: JJW Sn i. put Joan a splendid ero-si; g acro-s the street from j \V 1. M .--er, t> >Jr .- building. This i- a capital :d\ and shouhi l<j imita ted. 1- it not awtui how they fooled Tommy Frank, our enterprising tailor, who husked souse corn last week and in the eve -et the shock (fodder . n the heaps. The next morning Tommy bitched up, drove to the tit Id to fetch his crn, but (he corn was no more How v. i.derfu! is a T- uitny. At prt • r.t there ,s a gran i i 1 great r< - viral going on in the I B. Cliuri iat this place. .Mi icim Rev Kbb rly the • tir- 1 ir.g and persevering man di-penses the word, and stir erinten is the meeting. One i.ight last we. % Mr. I'riah Ileif.r.y der's duck' left and ;...••• then ho ha- not seen them. It is supposed that some one seduced the in 10 rt. C. LIVING THIRTY YK.nBS IN Ai CAVE llnw an Age-1 Hermit Spend# hi# Life—Living 1"; n Kuril and Wild Game. Dir.gtnan - F.-rry, IV, r>cpl< mbcr £J In t- e wUdenMH eight miles Mfttwrt of: Diugman's Ferry, l'ike county, Pa . un- i derncntb u huge rock in a small cave, six ' by eight feat, has lived for upwards of ; thirty years a human being i.amcd Austin SbclJi ti. He burr, in Wales, and em igrated to this country about the year IHW. When be land I in New York be bad u small sum <-f money, u ith which be came afoot to l'ike county and purchased a sin- j gh acre of v, lid uncultivated, scrub-oak iai.d, situated in Lehman township, amid a dense and di.-tual forest, several miica from any habitation. At the western end of tbi- small strip ol U?id i*a smalt care only a!> ut six by < ight feet In tbi* cave, without any alteratiot s ' or improvements, tbi* i.i rrnit has f-o mora than thirty years made his h me. The hermit .• nearly seventy years of age. • Hi* face has not bean shaven for for ty years The side* of his face, and chin, and neck are covered with eosrts gray hair, while his beard i- several feet in length, and white --now. H-- wear* the -ame suit of clothe# hi- iv. re twenty years a K' J . which are to badly rent as to render it n- ees-.ity to fasten lh<-ni together by mi an# of hickory withes. He never w .rks, and unles* obliged to go to the nearest store for ainiiidtion, never lfaves tight ut his cave. llis mode of living i# peculiar. Hit diet cousitt- principally of berries and fruit during their season, while in the winter he sun-.tlt on various of uiid game liit education ua- not neglected during boy l.< od, for he :* well read ni.d ri-uiarkv biy inteligenl lie s a firm believer nre ligion, and devote* rn<t of his lime read trig the Itible and other si ere. l works. ll<- is deaf, ami iia- bci n * lor several years, rendering it necessary to cotnmuntent*- with hiui by means of writing. He has the faculty of charming birds, many ol which iie has secured in thi> way mid rear ed. He ha- never u-ed a 1 imp nor candle in his cji'e. Hi- |> d i composed of straw scattered upon a solid rock. Sheldon en joys bis peculiar mode of living, and savs he expects to n ake this his final resting plui c. The Indiana Fa.) Democrat i i Sept< m ber 24th, says.; The pi ach crop of this county is unusu ally large this year. In some parts of tin county peaches arc selling for l. cents ) oi bushel. The ruling price hero is from P.J to fiO rents per bushel. There i- a glut in the market.*' A jealous Philudelpbiaii named Tozier. last Monday, shot his wife twice in tin* head, and himself once. Both died al most immediately. Ait unusually large number of mar iue disasters have (akin place lately on the Australian coast, including s< v eral first-class iron clippers. Moses, of South ('nt oliiiH, has calhd for troops lie trouble in that State is b tween the two vviugs of the Radi cal party. Hint! litxi l* (iray Mct k s Opiiiiu of tlio lion Yb rti \ Wnllncp The Miction <>( Ron Wm A Wiltw . ! PU i.itlobl to pre-ide over the dettberii •lis of the Set ate this winter, is a twos I on-nut iiidt.'ati II of a healty politie i eitttnent Mr AVallaeo i- xxell known iiot.uilx through in this state but. through out the whole count r X us one ot the leiidlt| mind-of the day, to d a a gentleman o inro.-vnj t'filtifif-; i!v ao/ He lis- ! •n a -0 ator for nearly -ix enl x.tiis, and during all lhi time I liu- o.ttl'. nandi l the re-i'o, t ol rlen lit tulleresi p.dittoa! enemies Ilia holdues. tut, lie, to l skill as a debater, hax ■ placed nun m tho liuM rank ••! Connor! -am, - Stalo-nien, tin*! lie -tan,ls to .tax lb.. I, ad. ro. his paity in this Common Wealth 111- emini.ce, lw\ has heel achieved. < 'Aieo-u r. ix.f trtflrry 1,,t , i, fniiiiii a, drpfridcif, Aon.o-aAo nid yc JUs raf '■ has been the oarvxr , t bis x-wn torlune, and the up bui'xler of hi* >n g.Htd mine Talent, energy, anxl a tireless ailvox-aex xif tin prim .pb sol truth and Jutue lat" inaxb tutu what be I- tin- "rising.-t man tt.rx-ughout th • broad xlomaut ft tlx 1 Key tvM.C SlliU' With Senator WallaCa 111 tlie Speaker > x hair the deltb>ratioti> of the n-uate ean not tail I • be marked by the tii.wl dighifix-xl um Courtaou* and gontlonwnlji lii.oxetr, he will be ure to exax-t the sain, eotuiux't from hi* brother Seualor* in thetr ofti, ial inlerx ur-e with one another. Henoo we max * V px*. to tea a bigbtom.l ipirit provwiling in the Pcnnaylvaaia Son .to tht* xx II t. r, uuiuarrx-xi l-y xlisgusling and ... fixing p isonallttx-s x>r vulgar abuse [|)KMOCmATK WATCSMAV . (ith IST I ) 1 is - a Vorv x rreot opinion ol M. \\ ..' aoe \\ x t iii x: that >j.,ilx' a numliet of xrnr Democratic exchanges are mentioning the ....o x-t llo.n II A \\ a. xx 0 as a oattdi da'..-:. r liovertixT in isl'd. It • a good slgu. Ii shows that they are dx-sirou* id having i, good candidate to tupporl, an . rifil ~nt xdli. ir to llil the position, an able, tearless, dec.dxsd man to lilt the gubvrtia lorial chair of >ur o tmtn.u.wealth, li show* that they would give "hotmr to W . iui hom ris due, wi>u'.J rccoguiac ihi- active, xxorkii g, earnest men ot our partv, at .1 ch. 0.-o u- stnt.dard beaters, those who have stood by its principle*, by its x tgKtt . *llOll. tn storms and defeat, as we ias in sux-ci-ss and victory. There t 111 x t.lire Cx'Uimonwe ilth no man who woit .1 t: is. a better executive x tttcx-r than \\ :.t A Wallaci-, none u. re deserving than hr, w hi' have stood by our party :g i nUi dx I. t iii.n, dly , none bat tlx'xt tor it- success nu re earnestly and vig orously than he, and ttxi name that it would give us in :x* plea-urn to plaee at the must head of tho Watchman as our .-andixlale lor ti " crnor than his , but. lis ug in at. county, being a new neighbor, and fvcln £ that we know where rf we apeak, xx - are liic to state that we lo • love Mr. Wixi.ace of xx.,l be a andtdate Ix r kubcrnatorial ho: or*, ."sec \\ atebrnan of Feb. Khh I S TI. If He! Wu; A. Wallace w. so well fitted till the i. ighe.-t tfii efn the gift 11 the people of the slate in IrTl, why is he 1 nam w a:', er three years more experience, much ir.ore qualified to represent the Utth Senatorial d slricl in the Stale Senate. Will those it ho object read the above opin ion# and then answer the question lairly and honestly * But uil later t With the adjournment of the Legisla ture. the Senatorial term of NN in. A. Wal lace of Clearfield ivpired Mr Wallace has been a member of the Senate for twelve year-, and one of thv . stunt s-.t/rsf V-t --iifoi sin the body, lie has in la.l been a 'luce; tor the gri uter portion of the lime, and in hi- retirement the state will lose ou, of her tost men. On th* last day ol the - --.on of the Senate, Mr. Wallace made the foltow u.g dig:. ified and appropri ate little speech. >u- Dcmociatic NN atch uan of May '£i, 1 5*74 1: is true ii.a! in the reliiemcnl of Mr Wa .iaci- ! in the Senate - f the State the ablest man in that body, without excep ■ t:on, wa lost to the Cists. But the people >f this district knowing fuii well the ability, , spotles, integrity, purity of character, ' carnc-tnes.-i of purpose, and the ui.selfish that Mr. Walla, e brought t > the #cr i vice - I the state determined that he should continue in her service, and no small man -i. uld bo all. w .1 a ae in his stea l HAVE \VK A HE HO AMONG IS IV. -i th< lieHtfon': Rrpuiliffin ] The publisher of this paper served in the it... n aimy luring tin* Rebellion for a : period of Mime y.-ar* and two months- He 'wis a m nil .r. f C -uipaiiy "E. uthN.w Hampshire, wl.irh formed a part of the Second Army fori . III* Captain was K !' G Camming* and in- regian-mal coin man dor was Col. t'r >-- lie has an honorable discharge which is • pen for inspection at Jus office. 11. followed the fortunes ol h.< regiment and >rps to the end. and had :he honor of smelling powder and using hi- mu-k.-t in the following engagements d Run Run, both tli • Fredericks burg battle-. Fair iijo, Malvern Hill, - ven day, before Richmond, Gettysburg. White Oak*. Amittnm, and a number o! j cngugemeriU of lesser note. Be- ides, the body of the editor of the Republican is all fuii of bullets, and he . in dispose himself any d*y as a solid lump • f lead ut If cents per pound to any shot factory in the c unlry, and no doubt he'li be used ■ !■><■ day fur killing crows, snipes, I Set I | ;o be Knocked Down. The radical county convention met again on ia-t Tuesday. The body was not j lull, .v number of delegate* being absent They pronounced in favor of.Nf Anally, for I Judge, 'fbu county ticket which they set up to be knocked down, i* as follows . Assembly John Bon /.--r, of l'utter. i Commissioner—John T. ltos*, of Harris I)ist Attorney J G Love. Survev r J.-sepn Devling, of llello fonte. Andrew J Swaru, Win. M'Farlancnnd John, were on thu board for As • -embiy. The convention did not nominate two .-a' di late- f r As-embly, they consid i ered John llooxer :i heavy enough load to carry, and quit there Boohoooooohooohooxer, i* the liiiuie uf the "coming innn. ' Some of tha most influential republicans in Po'.tir township will not vote for John Boozer. The radicals tho ig'il they would play sharp by postponing their Co. Convention Their work last Tuesday would wear out half dozen grindstone- before coming near the cutting point. They actually put in the field the weakest ticket that could havt been framed. We could have nominated better material fur them ut their August session. They spoiled their egg by over hatching. I'. r- iii i'.ly, wi' have nothing g>iin-l the gentlemen upon tin* radical county ticket. They iirc gu< <1 enough citizen*, but can't command the rotes to get elected. TI!K AKCTIO UNKNOWN The Discovery of Francis Joseph Land —Polar Kxploratiou* Declar ed Useless. Ciiristiaua, Norway, Augint 30.—An other link bus been termed in the chain of discovery which is evidently to unite the now unknown regions of the Arctic Ocean to the civilized world, and this time the fingers are of the Austrian nation. The discovery which they have tnado will ren der their names famous in the now hut | ar tially unrolled record of Arctic discovery. 1 have just had a long arid interesting con versation with ('aptuin Payer, the leader of the expedition. You have already heard the story of the expedition as given hy the men themselves. It is a wonderful story. Circumstances which they could not control guided these men to the dis covery of what may prove to be the long sought Arctic continent. It is certain that they have discovered a new land and one of great extent. After Count WiU-see's departure the steamer was headed north west. accoiding to tlio original plan of the expedition. Jtut the ice was forming fa*t, and they soon found themselves complete ly enfolded in the drifts. To i.a\ igatewas an impossibility. Fourteen long months this steamer and tho.-c men were imprison | e.| il tllO Illlgl.l t lb 1 • ll d Il!I I, ■ with them in their never-ceasing motion Then in December 1801, land hove in -iglil The lie tt 111 tt It le-Ii tliev were it.uiling wit i brotigl't to 11 standstill by the land Tin parly disembarked, nml with sleds tin. dog* Jotmiied the island The land wic eomposnl of doloniiln foiina'ion, seper ated by lingo glaciers The dolomite np pealed ill ionic place, .- a coiiip*. I lino • l-, e, ami in others 111 huge ciy-ln mr graiitilaleii r'i k ola cloudy color. Hut little vegetation "f any kind was noticed and with the exception of few Ar. li. Id .1 no animal life un observed the party 11 at erd 1 rllitt ar.l to latilude * ' dig . and tlii-n turned lb. ir sbi|t. From tbe | oini gained llie land v'(tended to the lioilh and wet as tar a> the eye could reach 'llie dis. everers named llie land "Frail- . seph Land ' Tlie great ifucttion now lo he sell i d I- M list Is tills t irtl.i'is Josefil* Land wliudi (',i|,tiui Payer has d .1.1. ,1 ('.ir geo graphers to re are undecided, suite hold nig lltis til 1- it lOiitineiit by itself, and olh Irs it ' a pari ot Ksterii (11 e.-nland This taller tin ry is stoutly niainlained by the followers of Petreiiialin, who alwav I inailitained that the nbitipl and moUlllaili otis coast of K -I (ireeiilaml lends away t the northeast slightly beyond Scon-shy - farthest point north of Spiumtbergon Tb. absence of animal life is important ill set tling this ifii.slion, for Hats lells us thai the whole region aretilid the shores ol Snrllh's Sound "teems with animal lite and .1 . good hunter could fe-d twenty mouths. ' The sen abounds ill w alius seal, nrow hale, ai.d white ulial, llie lain! 111 reindeer, fines, eider-duck, ssild geese sin pe. and gull, id various do- -riplion and lli-t 1. e Is the roaming ground of t . ~rs Francis Joseph Land set ins to have none of these, but litis luCt may' be e y p!a iued bv the ptesenen ol Csilder currents thai) in Smith s J- und, and the failure of the ri■ plorers to find animal life in their brief journey is not conclusive of il#, non iv stance. No limit hat as yet bet , discovered to the ix.sUnce ot animal lif wilhin the Arctic CirF. nml a failure to discover il immediately 01 this in * legion should be regarded as absolute proof iif it abseOv e. No U|M ti I'olai Sc.i. L 'lid.ui, September 'JI 1 I.I) meinbem oi the Auvt in I'" .r Es| idi|i' .'i J. tlint exploration* in the direction of tin N '.-th Pole nr.- | J - ■ ' a \ result, and that tue repoti of the egi*tati' of an open Polar Sea are untrue The 1a- w iri.-w a I'tye J)cui"i rat, -pinking of Mr. Mackey, ur tiotititiei for ciitigri-H*, nay* : We have heretofore \pr. -c-il . nr ■ilniirnti iu of Mr. Maiki v charur ter, ntnl hence it giv. - lis unfeiotuii pleasure to extin.t to hint our up port, lie i> a rnau wh c heart emphatically witli the people. Pur* ing the twenty-hve we have knowu him, hu lot* earntii iiitn.-it u com pi tenet; hut wealtii ha* nt mailt him protnl. lie i- the -atne eaiulitl,! -traight ft watii, liotit >t, .. iah!e tnatii lie HK before. lii Mtupalhit-* art Willi the m*.i*.-e. ami hence lite ma*-' - wlto know him iiuvu !H tit tore, 4tien he ran for ofHce, (on c I i I 'tlorea* and once for Mayor of tin city, given him u most gratifying and il.ilteriug eupjHirt. I liis fact i.- the best pussi ble te.vtituour of hi* exalted per* mai l worth. In Mr. Mackey the Detnocra;}' have a true rcprci-utalivt*. ■: the type of the rlden wliool. It! rtunaicly ti i few *uch men ure in t'oiigrt -- now a da*-, and it is high time that the hoiii -t voters of tin land m < t > it that m lie of them be nut heri af ter. Of Mr. Mackey'* clni tiou there nan scarcely be a doubt. If there i mn virtue in tiri seining a gmdand iticor-j ruptibl* **ttizcii as a candidate, hi maj iri; Mit to be 5,000. Kiiowio, Mr. Ma 'key's per-m t merit* and pupularitv a- thev do. iv doubt that (he Kepublieaiis wid find a man w.King to run againvt him, but it they should, let us fellow lh tn iral-. only work tbe harder t > roll up a rotibing vote for our can ii iate. • ♦ • ENGLISH CHOP PROSPECTS. Lamltin. ijeplonther Jh. —The Mark Lane Kxpr>, in its review ufllicci"; propect., says: The recent rain,- have materially l*enefitted the r it ero; ■ There has been too niui-h rain, bow ever, l'-r late potatoes, which have shown eornnn iiecment < f disease, and this wiil CBUfc a greater demand upon lower desriptions of grain and prevent their futiher depression, (irusn pu sessos verdure of sjiring wliicli will help grows rs to carry their slock through the winter, notwithstanding the deficiency in the Lay and straw crop*. The wheat trade iltowrs neither encouraging nor discouraging features prices in France are a shilling lower, but elsewhere on the continent they are unchanged, except at ()de*n, where prices aie firmer, in the hope that a fine quality crop will eventually secure better prices. THE SIMPLE TRUTH ABOUT LOUISIANA. i ___ i [ From the Nation, /'/.] ■ i We know of no rare of armed resist ance to an established Government in . modern times in which the insurgents had more plainly the right on their side. We know of no mark of juwtifi ability iu a revolutionary movement, except one, which the Louisiana movement did not possess. The existing Government bail its origin in fraud ami violence, the ques tion of it* validity bad been pasted on bv a competent and impartial tribunal and decided in the negative. The evil* it inflicted on the community were, if indefinitely protracted into'' crahlr; and that they would he i tide fit' nilelv protract, d tb ro was fair letisou for believing. Appeals for red res ftom the outside had elicited neither sympathy nor response. Had tlicj same state of facts arisen in Ixriid.ui. or Paris, or New York, or Boston.! there is no candid and impartial per son, no lover of order and progress, at the North who would make usoof. any argument against a resort to fom except the improbability of success Unfortunely for the Louisiana people, they cannot succeed. Their situation i* absolutely with out precedent. They are now in the clutches of a tyrant who, w hile he op presses with a strong hand, preserves order and equality and security. They are the victims of a hand of wretched thieves, who could not themselves hold the government for a single hour who can fulfill no duty of government, but who are kept in their places by overwhelming force from without We can recall no parallel to the situation except the support given by the Aus trian* to the petty princes of Italy before 185 SI, hut it is at) insult to tlx Grand Duke of Tuscany, or Parma and Modeun, or even King Boitihn, to compare him to Kellogg, and we are bound to say that wo dp no} believe that iu seventy years of odious tyran ny and interference in Italy, the Aus trian troops ever marched on so bad and despicable an errand as that on which the army and navy of the 1 United States were set in mot on lust ■ week. Ilculul' io l'l> llldlll ll (kurch New Yoik >i*l PI v in-• ii t!■ Chunk wua l> i dy I' wiih|no pit* <lti* i vetting I" ulilnin n sijrht (', .in I In in Mr. Ik <liti Ai i hili i k 'there wa no tiitnliii|{ loom, 'iilnr in tin- rkiiri'li HI nml Indies ,1.11 inqnmllt out flrirmj; lln '.•! vit'* in u laiiilin- roitililkin. Al 7,yil Mi llnclu i i .nut' on (In pint lot HI, mnl *ll* Kitivnl ttuli n >[ollll ol 11 |'|iltt iim Hi' (jUVii nul tin Iiv mil, " I'lll u<" (ioil liiiiu wlioin nil liiosino;- tl iw, w liicli wu* atiiijj l,\ I lie* toinjirjiUlioii Willi \ igur a lid it'tt I. Ml. lilt-fill'l llll'll .111 I I'd II llllt'l I'iiivi i, 111 wliii'li In' lliaiiki-il (ioil |. 1 tin* on llif twenty seventh 11.nit. 1.111 i>l lu* jmnlomli 11. hoped thai ninth good would m t rue II out hi* labor* during th* ctiimnj* season, Mini returned thank* to Ciod 10l all hi> iii"ih*h!tv.nii. Alter the congregation had sung uiothei n\inn Mi. Hii-fht-r, rising 1 hi* Ift l, -ant he ttou 1(1 iniii li I.lllit 1 have met his liteiiil* 11* I.MIJI all tlic en.l of hia wuitliuti, but he it a* | tuxioua that Iho old cUatutuui 1 I'l idny night piuyrr met liugs shouhi 1,1 ho departed Ir. in. 1 lay wer nit t together # oi ao many year* be fore, at the coiniiieoueint til ot whwl might he considered n in w year, to . ill* eel ,1 to llii 111 at 1V en t * the afire 11 ■I o, thiist's kiiigduiu on earth. When trouhle* earried u* away under our leu* that we bad no strength to beui in,l uinier waves td sun ,w,.whcu our! strength failed, (I d'* strength h.gaii. When ai.rruws wet ell longer to to loleiuUil and men euiui In tile ellti ulj their endurance, then in it* pletit lud j tin) al.tilitlaut'e tame the everlasting rt sent e mid j ,\ver of lb# Almighty. I hen men looktd back with ainu/■ me lit to think that th'ii e ur.tge evt 1 _ .uiiii Wht-n ■flictuxi 11 trouble •vertakes a man be shouhi not hold low n l.i held s a jit Coi.t-r 111 iiniui. ' It was |..r u to litl up ourselves liom tlif \ i-ible int . the invisible and j though tin tc might !• trouble* low Mown, (i 1 wn* tin c'ouJa. lie Ilpldc Mil UpjM tl to the } 'Ot.jt OUII |J till 1 congregation In gt'O" lit llgi'leous in-■> it!>• i tin spirit of truth, aud aay to theft;*.* VtS, "I shall Hot ciUWble lit the lut, but ha!i rise itii-ittble ly the | <>wtr <>l tiiv' bi as I of t-j'l 1 *', J i-k i.i l vn;r I 'lilnii iut *)'ttlputln out the units or tt bh ed hope Hint S II ft' I :i s* in J WillV, 1. i Hi* W'l Ilk t • ift th :o up, and t tvclhcu; : i Cl.n.i ll<- n luilrtl \irv remotely to the dia -upline the church bail gone through! which he thought was on Is a kind <■! 'grindstone to *himt"n |hi r v. .*;|„.ti*' <>f spiritual s;,ri.iii 1., i ill rtiuaiiniri fir (he year, ami lie thought the> should hi* till RliilUa'.rd by a apirit "I love, j..y and peace ill (< tl. Thi- had iifti lli'ir Mini ating purpose tot twenty noh vt.ti,nud ilu-v would Cotuw out of titi* Irihtilali ■ ■ for tin otli-ir punHji* th*U 'b* g'on oft U 4 HEN m IU;R> I'OOLNKS<* . From thi' It .>;■ u I'.ot ltrtwrl 1 Tin* General then ih*cu--nl ibt finatuial problem, and wlnf, !;v was h' idu g pwylug tl <tr h. ■■<*! di*t'i, a ep ■*• i w i low i red bv menu* of a ntntig through tin scuttle of tip r Kit and hung Ist a j< ;ir< in mi l air A giggle he tid from tin audit ti ' , a*i iit ui A--uitn i tin-pro portion* of a rist. liie General tti',l to r ttljtit'e b ;t , icviial tttiiftinter rilpicd. lie tat v' at llr-t to u!iervc tin* objt'i-iiofiahle aitic <- of table uh (ii II Butler finally placed ln eve U(MIII it, atid gainl fiotn right to icft wi.lmut a w.o I. Hi- again alltiupttd to proceed, but only again t" be inter ruptol. Finally lie lI<K k hi* banker chief and straightened bimaelf nnd •aid: "Will, I should Hunk tbat t, about a- go.l an nrgutmnl < I ean be ojip'tel t* The •pun wiggled ' in tiie air and tbe In in raj c mtiuued: "There must be Mitnt upf*oitin thi* t I*II " n.:iugbu-r atttf npplsti- WHAT is J 111: KKAMI.N There have lai-u and are gr.iv. and p.. til'iii* Iruuhle* in North Carolina, South Carolina, l londa, Mis-t-ippi, Arkausa*, and Louisiaua, Statra un der tin rule of the llepublican par ty. On the other baud, Texas nnd i arc perfectly quiet and order ly. ['here is no trouble and no dun* ger of trouble in eilht r one o! them. Relatively, ton. tlnv ate pi--perous and fiee Irom di bt. l he.*e two Stale* are under the rule of the Democratic or Conservative pat I v. Can any one tell us the rnt.-ou for this great contrast? Why is it that there is such an extraordinary difler* once lieiwt-en tin se Kepttbl:ran and tlu-M! 1 iemucralic Slate*f REPUBLICAN (J ITARRKLS.l T ARRKLS. Montgomery, September 2*. —One faction of ibc republican party hcM n meeting at W iiaon'a station, atnl tlx other taction tried to break the mei-l ing tip. While \V. (i Cox, a negro, wa. speaking, iherc were ctieg of "('ml iiitu down!' a tush fur the stand a pistol shot, am! one of the assailing purtv, a negro, fell dead. The mob then tiied to lynch Cox, but Wilson, a white man, got hint in bis store, bolted the door, and after a strong tin 1 ntob were persuaded to let the law take its course. Cox was then taken to jail The conference between the Me- F.nerv and Kellogg pat Ins in New Orleans lias resulted in an arrange intent whereby an advisory board, con sisting of two Conservative*. Iwo He publicans, am) one Independent R< publican, is constituted, and i- en trusted with tho management and revision of registration for the coming election. Kellogg promise* to appoint 1 1 two Democrat# <>n the Returning '! Board, which will then consist of three Republican* ami two Dem u-rat* (,'liarl. s OV oiiioi has written a let ter to the New York Herald taking issue with Hon. Reverdy •lohnsoii as lo the finality of the President's re cognition of the Kellogg government. Mr. O CoMMf says, "liidienlmil COB siatency in official opinion or action if not to be maintained at the expense of rectitude and justice." It call no longer he disguised thai the Republican leaders have settled upon the policy, as a fixol thing,of fomenting discord ami bloodshed in the South in order to kop alive the dying embers of sectional prejudice, nnd thus prolong their official life. Ii is a very heartless policy, but the only thing left them. Will the people lon ger sustain such despicable WPfJt H NOTICE. —I have nnplled to the Stir veyor General for thirty acre* im proved lnnd situate in the Township ol Harris, adjoining binds of Jonathan Trsss ler on the K i*t, lands in warrantee name of Jeremiah San key on the Smith, old surveys on the we-t, and lands of Daniel Byley and others on the north. Octb 3T. KZKAD, BKXSBIX. ll • - - M A Ii Ii I A(1 LIS I, I 111 v.'ml nil .Mr John 1' I." ' and M It* I.nurn A rnr-y. hoth of Centre Hull In I Inn l.i\ Oct, |,| 1871. I,v Kev (' ' Mi.itiiiiUl.', si llluilii.ii, Mr Win 11 Krwp * 1• I < 1011. 1 ml, formerly of Centre t'o. I'a, 1 In Mi.. Mary K 11iritl timti, of Walls Co, , lint May I.e 11 i'n slid joy attend them. lin the 4th ot Oei. 1874, l.y Ho* C II He iter, itt I lit* It-formed fiarsotißKa in Vurohsl.tiig, Mr 'II.. in-it f rank tin Ucnsel, i" Mn Knima Snydi-f Loth of Centre to. 1 l' On tin. iSHb iin 1 n( T> ler-v ille, Clinton j en by He* \\ M |.anilis, Mr Emanuel liierly, to MiaaJane Miller, nil ..f Sugar , Valley | On tlm 1:1 th liial, Mr Win Outrun, of Blair rountv. 1.. Ml., \in.i. C LaUi k, of I I' i' IK tl at'll toWllshlp, (lila i utility. IHi tin. llf 1 iiiatnfit Ml llie reaiilenee of lb. 1.ri.1.. a lather ill Sell, I'a. by I'u't 1', Mr (1 M Korfiicy, ..f I'uie Urot n Mills, and M t* E. igter, of S. litis ! jroy o. On September ; at (ho residence of (he in Ile t I'sn i.ta liy Hi v I, S t'roi.i Mr J 1. alvin M.-atir ..f licllcfnMte, arid Miss l.'iiiri (, Han.hart, daughter .-I 1' W llarnhart, of Hoggs township Do September VI. at C1.1..11V1 IH, by lies 1.1 \ It Hughes. Mr Daniel Jt Norri*. of i I'.'lUiOlt to Miaa fjuilii Huinh-re, r ..f - ......... * * 1, in I lllollVsilt-, |"a DEATHS. Co !•i J inst, in Aarnnaburg. Catharine I old.--ha, daughter of Henj Franklin an* t .iristlna Phillips, aged '.'if days, Al t routs ill, 1, Clearfield eounty, ot, Nunita \ evening, Sept ja7i, ~f ty -1 old li ver, Josephine Margaret, y ..ungost laugi.ler o| Hev Cliarh • F Hoff,,,', ,r, ng, ,J • years, 7 months and -Jy d ß ys f • r I tie Hep .I ter. (Ibiluuty ( " o-Mnher, daughter of Balser and \.1" Weber o| Uovtard P. , t , „ j * life .'i, Saturday evening -j; j | IHE .evenleelilh y lu r uf her age. S||" died "I Uphold fever, alf or # ftort lllue.a j .>urliig Iter kirkiu'W ho t i-ilurr,i mucli j pli) ai. al suffering which she bore with great pa'.ler.. e. During her short life here • was uli bumble loll, .wen, f Jesus, which gate, 11, her dying ho Ur . an assured' | i'"pe af gaining the r.-st that rcmainetb fori se .bat love all J Serve tsod. Till, funer-' o ■ rt - wer- tondu, hs M.s.r. 1 and kroaa.on M'U'lay aacrntson. j I . -1* li, slh-r which tlm liumerona COIR. pany that had gathered to pay the last tribute of rasped to her. followed her re matt!, to the cemetery east of Howard where now they repose to await thn r;..,.'| ■ng 1 tl,I Lord Carrtu >aasM kind eomJ ... sw BMnltoi,*.(edaughter and *j#ter •*'.<* . personally endowed aid, ir.e,-., . .trot,a intellect, a wn„, loving Heart, great energy ami strength of will •• ' -1 keen Urt Bll .j iI)M ,'ril| w |.r Ali .kmwl ... toyi-(i i.. , *l.l death 1.1 j iBl| fc .1 l_> 1.1 | | -r , 1. r .,tl tt . r , t.r. *i.4 liarcHy ie ,ur C ly laimo). 1 i . Kf'-Bl ttotiiU. rof I friend wi.Kt.i will in vor forg.-t the mans - I i.'.ur. tin ) t'o,d ui her froeiety. i. o*tr aiiltn* kviu|Miit,v. fur •" am. . I Hey af lelt broken t.e.rii d, but to .' .bout ! be ■ OlUflirted With tbe rutuo. • ..f know II,K tl,Bt ('.riie t.od.r I'l'ojil tho angeU reaping ber ble t .d re. "'• 1 A Katusp, t l A J.t A Hl.fc KAItM KtR HALE' J H!: be eitK..rd at tublie aale am] ■d to till! blgbtett bidder, mi tin- liredlt- Call TUt'ltsDAY. tKTOMEH k*.#, 1^74, T. -IW. i I.NK 1* XI THAT VALUABLE VI. XI, .ate tbe |,r..|.< rty of \V illi.m Kid ' . a.' l, Utoatw! p ijm I-wuvbij., " \ maty, about out tnite eat of irto lln'l, eubtainii'i i.NK llt'N DKKI> AND t'oKTY-NIXE At ItKS : d twenty i giil prrcbin and allowance, II . reeled large tro-lurv brick e. large bank barn and all other nec "*r\ out building*, ab >ut one hundred ml liny nirr t Scaml r* t{ j t4 t ff |R ft SIATK UK CULTIVATION. n on hard, containing hlu-ut tbri-e acre*. .. ! with ixerllri I ap|.! and otber fruit . A >)>lemJid pring of water near lioiiK, w ith eicellet.t >(> ring bouae. two ■ •tun,, at the hou> and one at the barn. \\ i I i'ihi be o!d at au.e t one ami place TRACTQF TikJHKK LAND, I'd i atf inlie from Centre Hall, i -iilwiuihf bout tweitrc acre* Terut* made known n day of tat. F'-r further iiarticutart xiuira of J 'tin II K . . ' at l . , •.. • It ibo prrttlDM Divio W Kititn, Wvi Kki.i ca. Jr. I* F K KI ten f' Kr.i t u s \Mt EI. FtISTKR ii .arJian of W K FO-fKl'. \Uo at Up Mine wad place 1 wiil ■*-' at public Mil* my valuable farm, ca- Ui'io g 1 ITi ai re- *d)itilt ( tbe above fl.-'fl pretni". \ further d> tcription of the frm i* unnreeotrv, at it i* we:l known throughout the vallrv <M . h u SAMUEL F FOSTER |>t'BLlCS ILK In pt.rnianee of an order of the tlrphab'- I'outt of Mrttm lounty, the uoderaigned will off' r tl public *a!e, on the premoe*, w . THURSDAY. . 'Jff, 1*74 A VALUABLE FARM. • •ituate in r.-lter townthip. I '• ntre county, . Ijoining land* "1 Jacob Wagner, John L"ve. and other*, conttimng 160 Acrct und 56 IVrche# and a .u-nuiK-, tiou'.ly ele*r<-ii and under r lilt i* at ion, .-n uhiih are l-rerti-d a good : ..*• I. FB \M K HOUSE. BANK It A KN, CI D."i I* TKESS. and other im provement* There are IwoOn hatJ* on 111- premUe*. one a young one of rhoice fruit, aio! water i- piped to both hou*eand burn. Al*o, * TRACT OF WOODLAND. :tuvtx in -:ii1 I'iillor township, adjoining lands of John Frye. W. \\ , Lore and ntlii r>. containing 1" ACRES TKRMS One-third of ihiputvliiM n<- nry on confirmation of nlo; one-third in one \r*r, end the balance in two year with intorrd, end to bo secured by bond* nnd mortgage on tho premise* Sale to commence ; 1 o'clock i> m. of •eu) dev. II L. CLOSE. \ lminietrikt< r of Win Nelo. late of Armagh twp., Mifflin countv, dec'd. Oct 1. I) I' SA LK Pursuant to en order I of tba Orphan'* Court oil ONMN coun ty. th" undersigned wi I offer t public .itlo on the premiere in l'uller twp., on Friday, October 9. 1874. the following described reel elaie. leteof W m M Minn, dec'.l. to wit: A VALUABLE FARM, •iluste in Potter twp., two mile* west of Potters Mill*, bounded on the north l>v, lend of Joste ltoyir and Win. Hoe I, on thece.t by lend* of Philips end Ulassgow, ai.d John Meyer, on the South by lends 1 ..f Win. Fernt r end John Mesrlnger, on the sol by lend* of Robert Lee, contain ing 111! At'RKS more or less. 85 acres . leered and in a good state of cultivation, and a considerable portion of the farm en-1 closed with a new po*t-fcnce. The im provements are a two story <1 welling houiu, ! Link-barn. wash-house, stuuke-house, wa-j goti-shed and other outbuilding-; u never 'tiling well with pomp in it near the kitchen door. AUo good tenant house, stable and other outbuildings near the mailt dwelling house; two good orchards, hearing fruit of the be-t quality. Also a tract of TI M BKRLANI). situate inid township, containing 15 acres of g -. d tim ber within one mile of the farm. Prisons desiring to view the premises will pleasi call on either of the undersigned, r.-sidmg within a shott distance c.l Uo farm Sale to commence at ' o'clock p. in Condi tions tu ole known on Jav of sale bv A. LITKENBACB, K K. MM INN, 24 sep. td. Administrator*. FURNITURE. JOIIN Kit UC II HI 1.1., in bis elegant Now Rooms, Spring *treet, Bi-llofonte. Ha* on hand a splcr.d.d assortment ol HOUSE fllKHltliltn from the com monest to tax most elegant. I'll A M BKR SETS, PARLOR SETS, SOFAS, CHAIRS. BEDSTEADS, WOOL MATTRESSES HAIR MAT TRESSED and anything wanted In the lint! of hi* buainxss —hoinemadn nml city work A! so, has made a speciality nnd keeps on hand, the largest nnd finest stock oi WALL PAPER. Good* told HI reasonable rates, wholesale and detail. Give him a cull before pur chasing elsewhere. feb6-ly IIKLLKFONTF. M MtH ETH. White iVheat $1 IS lied 110..,.1ty> 86 ....Col nHA ....tlau W Barley 80 . I * 70 Clo .craned 4,60 Potatoes 001 Lard |ier |iotind M l'urk per pound IHJ • Itulll'r "SI Kgg I't Blaster perlun , 416 Tallow 8 Bacon Hi Ham 16 hard tier pound 8 cents Buckwheat 06 eta ...Flour per barrel retail",oo.. Nova Scot la plaster sl4 t'< 16. Cayuga plaster $0,60 per 'JOOO lbs. \ \ 1,1 A III.K It KA I, KVIATK FOR SALE. M ill he offered at I'uhlic Sale, on tin prioniaea. in poller Up., on Til I" HSU A V, •I el "her lulli 1874 Tile following real estate, belonging In (ho Estate "f I'eter Uursl. dee'iL, cor|. sitting of a valuable farm "I 118 ACttKS, noire or leas, situate 1 mile from I'otlera Mills Tiler lion ere,ted a TVVII BTOHV I>WKLI.IN(i lIoCSE. BANK BAHN. mid oilier outbuilding-, with two good orchards and alt binds of the heat fruit on the premises and a good spring of never tailing water near the bouse Also, Mighty Acrea of TimberlnnJ, situate in I*niter twp , V miles from Pol (era Mills. Sale lo commence al J o'clock, p in. Terms will he made known on day of sale. JOHN RlsIlFI . JOSIII A I'OTtHB, til sep td. Kiwulor*. VALUABLE HKAL ESTATE FOR SALE. |it ptotutiiisc of an order of the Or - Court ot Centre County, the uuder signed will offer at public sale, on the s, on Friday, October lb. 1874. a VALUABLE FARM. situate iii Potter twp , 7!) miles West ot Potters Mills . known as the farm of Rev Daniel Kerr, dee'd, containing about ONE HUNDRED ACRES lloiii.dyd "e lb'' f-u-t b* lands of Win. i Ilishrf, on tli sutitb ami west by |mbli< ond, imrtli by lands ul Mr Miaduw and J'dlll Kfi'iter Thereon creeled H gcuKl TWOSTOHY.FItAMKHOI'SE, HANK BAKN. and first class outbuildings, good fruit of all kinds, and a never tailing spring of water near the bouse. TKHM-s One-third of the purchase money on • .nfirtnaiiui. ~ f nie, the lance in two 1 wu*' annual payments, to he s.-t by bund and mortgage on the premises with interest Sale to com mence at 1 o'clock, p. tti. W NV SPANULKH. I 'i' t I Administrator I" i, rtinners, (■ rangers AND Everybody ! NKW STOCK OF GOODS for tbe fall and winter trade received. Our loi-k of nady-made Clothing i Uige, and fir>t cla>s in every r**|iecl. FULL St:ITU. COATS. PANTS and VESTS at price* lower than ever. King William, Mellon, Beaver and oth er Overeat* A fine iturk of LaUwl Style llab. Tbe very bent Men* and Boy* heavy II'MIII. Ladie, Mieo and Children* Shoe*. A full line of Cent'* KurnLhing (i.wij*. Everything liwdwt to Coul|itrle a Gen t'emsu • wardrobe, via—Clove*. IJalf ll".*, CruvaO, utiderclolhmg Ai- At the Clothing Store. Mdroy. I'lean favor u* with a call and examine good* and price*. Rctpectful'y, Oct 161. Z. I*. H. KIMEL 11. HOSS'MAN. Undertaksr. The underigncd beg* leave to inform hi* patron* and the public generally thai he i n w prepared to make COFFINS and r p. clfully ioiu il* a hare of their ■ atrot.age Fum-rwl* attended with a neat tluarao HEN BY KOSSMAN. 3 ept tin. Churchritla. ST(INK W AKsTu.v K W ARE ' ! The under*igned would reipedlully an nounce to thec iliErn* of Oregg mud ad* joining lnwn*hipt, and the public gener al!* thai he lie* jut rei-eived S.JJtU OAL LONS. No t Ohm Stone NVare, con*i*t . usg of Milk Crin k* and Pan*. Afiple . boiler crock* front Ito b Cation*. A 100 *tne jug*, 1 lob gallon*, Unt> jar*. A. Die reputation of the Ohio Sfone- Ware I* universally acknowledged-- "None better ever made Nodnngerof the g.axing coming off like earthenware. It i* much niiperior li earthen ware in eve ry re* poet. Ad kind* of country produce '.akin in exchange tor Stone-Ware and mere hand toe for which the higheal market ' price wi II be allowed. J. B. FISHER. jaug'AK im Penn Hall, Pa I Fine Homestead for Sale. A Itiiu*'- Jk Iol—about .1 Acre* of g**od Cultivated land eiluatc in tiregg tw|., nrmr Trea*ler * Saw mill, in (irorgfi* Val ley. i* offered at private ale. Two pubtii r.'ad* run along two side* uf tbe lot. Tberi "ii *r- em te-l a two *t'<rv HOUSE, STABLE. SHOP, and other outbuilding*. A splendid ORCHARD of the be*t apple*, cbe-rrve*. t ear*. peai*bnr, and p'utii*. on the preiniae*. and never failing water near thr door. Clo*e to the bouse a fine gar den and a beautiful yard in front. Also running water near the home For fur ther parti, ular* apply to L<>TT EVANS. Aug *JI) I'm GREAT HAKGANS AT TIIK HARD-: WARE STORE OF MUSSER & RUNKEL BROS.. Mlllheim. Pa., WH< T r>i r RKTAIL DKSLKRS T* • IIEAY Y A SHELF HARDWARE, Thry have just returned from the Eastern Cities, where they hivc purclm-i-d it well selected tK-k of HARDWARE. CiTLwr. Isn*. NAILS, OILS. PAIKTS. VARNISHES. PCTTT, I BUILDERS A COA CH MA KKRS (iOOJhS. Plasterer* and Masons, Saddlers, Shoemakers, Housekeepers, nnd in fact, HARDWARE FOR EVERYBODY. Wecsll particular attention |u >, One a -nrtmetit ol Pi. tore Frames and Moulding, i pry cliMp WALL A WINDOW PAPER, An! Cut tain Fixtures of every kind. COACH and WAGON - MAKERS- lour iittonli..!' I- railed to our -t<-k of Strokes, Hubs, Felloe-. Slmftus Pole- and Buggy Wheels. *ll of No. 1 quality and .oiling ve ry cheap. Our stock i* large, and on --•Unity being renewed, and we are selling wholesale and retail—lit very low price*. Remember —much money has been lost by paying 100 much for Hardware Try MUSB®R & HUIIKL® B/VS, They buy f>r Ca-h and .*<>ll at Cash Price* for less profit than any othut Hard *nre Store in the County, a®-Call ami see us. Satisfaction guar an teed. M USSEH& RUNKI.K BRO S, aug £7-y '7l SCHOOL TA\ NOTICEi—The tax payers of Potter township urn ho re by null* fled that tin* duplicate ot School-lay f,, r the Drumt year is in the hands ot the un dersigned. All such tax paid on or before December Ist 1874, will have an abatement of 5 per cent. Thirty days alter said date there will by mi abatement, ami op all w" tax remaining unpaid nl'tisf January I, 1876, tli<>re will be addition ~| i |..-i j cent to tho i\ttteMUt ou duplicate, a* pre. [scribed by law. S. M. Sw ARTZ, 110 Sept 8 111. Treas MILLER S HOTEL. WO<*WJ K Stages arrivo and depart daily j SHOItTLIDQE A CO, COAL, LIME, At., WIT LllMil. Bulsh VaLSSTiTI SHORTLIDGE 6c CO., Burner* and Shipper* of the celebrated r mmm'lmm. z Dealer, in ihe eery best grade* of jANTHRACITE MAQ The ouly dealers in Centre County who (he wn I! L! K Ei SI B! Al II ft; E CI 01 Ai L from lb. old Balilmoi. mine*. Alio Mil AMOK IN AND OTHER GRADES of Am in aril. Co. I dryly housed | ur bauM u*e. at tie lowest prices II EJLE It S lA* Glt A / JV. They p.y the behest priea. in rml, f uf fr-lB thfct tho K „ tfrn m „ htU wi „ Jfd WHEAT, CORN, RYE, OATS, CLOVER SEED &C., Bought or .ill be kohl on commission wh.n desired, .ml full prices guaranteed. In forui.tfoa concerning the grain trad, will be furnished at .11 time.. U. ferm.rr, with (demure, free of charge. RIFLE and BLASTING POWDER. FIREBRICK AND GROUND FIRE CLAY. DIALERS in CAYUGA GROUND PLASTER. which i* .Iw.ys sold at low prices, and warranted to be a* rood a fertiliser as any other plaster. o/mt am vaan NEAR SOUTH END B. E. VALLEY R. R. DEPOT, 17 "-I't ai" BELLFFOXTR. *.%. Lime! Lime! Li Hie ot the brt quality, alwa}'* oil I Laud. HI the kiln near Centre Hail. UEORUE KOCH, i i iu>>. >4ilm si trreeL. 1 have on hand a large aaeortment of BAR IKON NAILS A STEEL. WHICH will be aold at the niarkot price. , . NER THOMPSON, jullfl 3in Milroy, Pa THE PEOPLE'S ORU6 STOBE. Next door to Wilson <i Hicks' Hard ware store, Allegheny St., BKLLKFONTE, PA., Jas. C. Williams. (Successor u B. K. Rank in A Co.r~' DEALER IN FUME I>HV(SS A XD MEDICINES, CHEMICALS. PAINTS, OILS, DTE STUFFS. VARNISHES. BRUSH ES. rERFUMERY. NOTIONS, AND FANCY ARTICLES FOR THE TOILET. Ac fUnZVfIiIt&UdUOAS (or medicinal purpotaa. SHOULDER BRACES, TRUSSES A SUPPORTERS in great variety! A l*o, Choice CIGARS AND TOBACCO, and all other article* uiually hepl in first class Drug Store. PRESCRIPTIONS CAREFULLY COMPOUNDED. '.mar?4lf Keystone Store. 1 HH FARM KRS AND ALL OTHERS 1 I Go to I H. YEARICK;& SON, FOR FOREIGN A DOMESTIC DRV GOODS. NOTIONS, ! HATS, CAPS. BOOTS A SHOES. CLOTHING. OIL CLOTHS, 1 Qt'KRNSWARK. GROCERIES. PRO-! VISIONS. FLOCK. Ac No. 6 Bush's Arcade, Bellefbnte, Pa. ' ( All kinds of country produce tak* ; en. Best Bargains iu town to be - had. nov'2otf i H. H. WEISER ; Manufacturers of Sheetiron & Tin ware, ( i Milllieira, Pa. All kinds of Tinware, constantly on hand and made to order. Sheet iron Ware of cvory description, always on hand. Hooting in Tin and Sbeetiron done in the most approved and satisfactory style. Spouting done to order. Their stock of Tin and Shoetiron Goods i large and complete, and otfered at thi I.OWIXT I'UK KS. Their establishment ha-i boon enlarged and stocked completely throughout. Satisfaction guitrlanteed, ar.d all jobs promptly attended to. aprlC-y 4 UPITOKS NOTICE.-Tne under a*, signed, an auditor appointed by the Orphan's Court of Centre County, Pa. to hear and pass upon the exceptions filed toi the ndministration account of Win. P ! Uothrock. administrator of Samuel Wag ner deceased, hereby gives notice that he will attend to the duties of his appoint ment on Tuesday the IHth d*v of October, at I o clock A M., at his office ip Rekie futile, where all persons intasaiiad, Qli v attend if tlicy see proper, 4- V DANGLER. C k T i rV V vnVl! „ C. M.Boi^T. 4 LEXANGER J; BOWERS. Attor ti Bullofonts, Pa. Spe cial Hltout'-.n given to Collections, and Uri ' ..ins' Court practice. May ha oun suited in German and English, U#c in Garman's Building. Wjrtt'Tftf, TEACHER v\ ANTED a eouipctoiit Teacher, hud coming well recommended, is Wanted for the Centre ; Hall grammar school, , tl ( w j e WHS ,. V A ply at once to JOHN EMERICK. sl '' Director. ThiC PUBLIC SCHOOLS of Potter lSh?SxL W ape " 00 MondH J r Octobei 1 10 Sept. 3-t-. By order of the Board. J D sncoarr J A.SKIYKI joMSHorraa. erraa uotmn. Pennsvalley Banking Co. CENTRE HALL. PAJ RECEIVE DEPOSITS. And Allow Interest. Discount Note Buy and Set! Government Securities. Gold and .. Coupon* Paras tlorrxa. Wa B. MIMILX, Pre* t. Cashier Chas. H. Held. ( laeli, Walrbwaiirr A Jeaeler Mitlheira. Centre Co., pj. Respectfully inform* hit frienos and tha public in general, that ha ha* jutt opened at hi* new establishment, above A Irian, da*'"a store, and keep* constantly on hand, •1. kind* ol Clock*, Watches and Jewelry of the lalett *tjrlea. a* alao the Maranvilla I alent Calender Clock*, provided with a complete index of tha month and day of tha month and weak on iu face, which ia warranted a* a perfect lime keeper W alchcs and Jewell? re paired on abort notice and warranted. epn*Ch!jr lit*i Sample Ivootut in Town. BROCKERHOFF HOUSE. D. JOHNSTON A SONS. Proprietor* Bellefonte, Penna. r> J-reo BUM* to and from Ou Depot. Excelsior Cement- The undrr.'gned new manufacture* Ce . ,4x" RA S T KD K SI'PKKIOR Creek Mill, in Haiae* twp. This cement ha* already been Med in large Quantities u|KMi lb CAS. C. ItR., and ii been found highly satisfactory upon nil job* where it ha* been u*ed, and it. equal to w^wsirHHMASS purpose agoodqunlity of Cement u dent Thu Cement ha* already Wen wide, end rendered tlic ut most Mtwfhction. Person*. therefore con •truoting CtUerut, laying Water Pipe*. Ac., will fad it to their ad vantage to bewr this in mind, and also that he warrant* the article a* represented. J • MEYER. may .1 tf Aaronsburg. Pa CENTRE HALL HOTEL! ~ Jouy SPA sunn. Proprietor, otage* arrive and depart daily; for al p-unt*, north, south, east and mt. ■ h*T Bxocxxxßorr, 7. s mlfAsT, President, Cashier. QKNTRE COUNTY BANKING CO. (Late Milliken, Hoover A Co ) RECEIVE DEPOSIT?; And Allow interest, Discount Notes, Boy and cell. Government Seem lies.Goid d •pw*f Coupon*. wbA CENTRE HALL, PA. Would most respectfully inform the cit sens of this vicinity, that he ha* started a new Boot and Shoe Shop, and would he thankful for a share of the public patron age. Boot* and Shoes made to oroer and according to style, and warranu his work jto equal any made elsewhere. All kinds of repairing done, and chargs* reasonable. Give him a call. feb ls ly JjK.S.O. GUTKLIUSi Dentist, Millheim. nuhhe" m! F rofc * ion J services to the public. He is prepared to perform all mTti ,o r i the de tal profession. tA? pre '* red t® extract leeth aiso/ajf/y wjWysw. myh-73-tf. T> ' at Law, !M!. '• c ""~ O L",S6 RAJ. J. (tHKEFFLER TAILOR, Vn , Spangler's hotel. h, V* * l all prepared toniake all kinds of men and boy's cloth ing. according to the latest styles and at reasonable charges. r T tS, Attorney at Law, ■ uo ° liivOi ADAM HILD. PAINTER, ISaS? the citi nsof Mifflin ■ *" in counties, in -as "'alaßa" an< * or,lamenata ' GRAINING** Mahogony. &c ®* k ' Wtlnut ' Ma P le ' Ah '' lH ' n hnd ,* , " nt 7 Paperhanglng. Or dera rrspectfuUy solicited. nov fi tf * Wark dcno forotll er painters. •I UU r ji' Attorney-at-LaW. .P rom PHy made and wS i kUem,on K"en to those having ki*U or property for sale. Will draw up f&o Deeds, Mortgagee, J . tluc in the diamond, north side of the court house, Bcllefonte. oct2^'t>9tf. ' I L. SPANGLEK, Attorney-at-Law, !?/ ~ „ Bellefonte, Pa. Office with . . locum. Consultation in English laiitl German. Collections promptly attend *dto - febo-tf r-iw,d Or. Fitter's Vegetable Rheums* - fcrcnp. I [ruk, 1| sa lzLUllitle ears for Ksrra, K. - M>MtimslSliiKuet i _ - -A.OSBOUlUr.><rfaryJPfc*iEe,/'.'.r. wldimmn fW Cwd br Hp and tHTI wtirfrany \V