THE CENTRE REPORTER THU ItSH A Y SEPT 24. 1h74 local Items. i>ur friend* will oblige bv sending us items ot local news in their locality. give it* the facta only, and we will Pt n '" shape, also notices of deaths and nin * Any one sending us the names of six n< w subscribers, with the cash, will ha entill.d to receive the lUronTSK one year l-'v The Kki-okvkk being read by many everybody <-n this side of 1,101 where it has a larger circulation ) h two papers, will be found the best nt urn for advertising husiness, sales, Ac *v> Skk. The Brazilian and Diamond nobble glass spectacles, the best in the ,.rid. and which can be worn many yeai. without change, can be had of M htrouse, who is traveling over the county, ami j* the only agent for them, and ha* no pe.t tars employed. These glasses have the In cheat recommendations. 1 rice f ISO upwards. 2. aug 4t HEM STAN DTNT, VoM MITTKE Mlrloat'e, N.Ward -H T&** 4 l a S " —Joseph rox do W. O Meek. M ilesburg Jas F W eav er. Howard John \S Gardner Philipsburg- 0 A Faulkner. Unionvillt- John IJing Bonner twp A Y W ague", lleggs Wm Mark* .... Bumside—Bernard \ eidehotlcr Curtin— Henry Theil. Ferguson— AN H Hy. Gregg— J Blleekman. Hain**— John C Stover. lUlfmoon—J H Griffin. Harris-John Mever. Howard-Samuel B Leathers Huston H G Cronister. Liberty—J no. A Stover. Marion George Hoy Miles -Harvey Woman. Fatton-V K Sellers. lcnn- D A Musser. Totter —Joseph Giili'an.i . Hush —U M'Gaffey. Snow Shoe —J H Holt. Spring -John 11 Barnhart. Taylor—-Samuel W,-aver. Union —G L Vetera Walker—John Hivens. AVorth- Owen M Cann J U MORRISON. Chairman V good teacher is wanted for the Centre Ilall grammer school. Ist grade. Apply toon. The Lutheran Synod meets at Aarorsburg. today. Thursday - t A large attendance of ministers is expected Mr. J. G Meyer's cement kilns are now in full operation again, and he matni factures an article second to none in the oouatry- He has fresh cement constantly ui citizens went out that way on detective duty, but finding tbey had left gave up th search, and has since written to Pinker ton's detectives about them. owing one, two or mor< years on the Reporter, will oblige by re milting all or part. Our paper-man, hand* and creditois look to us lor Cash. TH E EL A STIC TR USS A N A BDDO M INAL SUPPORTER offeredto the pub lic, with the full assurance of the motemi nent physicians and surgeons in the pro fession that they would supersede all ineta of other Instruments in use, for the reliet and cure of Hernia. Prolapsus Ut ri, and all Abdominal Weaknesses. The great number of radical cures they have effect ed, fuily justify the confident predietioi made, and has demonstrated the fact'that rupture can be surely cured without sutler ing or annoyance, and without the danger of incuring Spinal Disease or Paralysis, often caused by the severe pressure ot Metal Trusses and Supporters. ZKLLER &SON, Druggists, Bellefonte, Sole Agents. Aug 27 3m A white breeding sow, belonging to the undersigned, has been missing for about three months. Any or.e giving in formation of the whereabouts of the same will be suitably rewarded. J. B. SOLT. THE PUBLIC SCHOOLS of Potter luWuship will open on Monday Octobei i9th, next. 10 Sept. 84t By order of the Board. Daniel KolUncr, of Owk lo*i> ►hip, Union county, now in his S'.hli jr, a short time -imc split nut 47 ri!* in 1 h-mr*. Wo ! are pleased to learn that Mr, Fol.mer enjoys good health w uli more than tho ordinary prospvot* of living to he Htt yeai old IMSmUfiWf Am, l'cnn Hall Union Sabbath School ha* dev.led to hold a Christmas Festival, i nsl< ad of a pic-nio. lLuvy trost* in feme portion* of our county on Monday and Tuesday morning*. S. S Well i now in the city laying in a stock of lU and winter good*. Mr. Wolf is a .ive and active merchant, aiw ay s ready to minister to the tastes and needs of hi* customers and never laiis to plea*. He ►ells many good* and the reason i* because lie Lei l<* a*good -election and sells , heep The Saie of the farm of Peter Durst, de. 'd.has been adjourned to Thursday. Oct .16 See adv m Keporter. The farm ot Rtv D. Kerr, deed, will be ottered at public tale, Oct 10. See idv iu Hi p vrter. The farm of Mm. M Minn, dev'd, will be ottered at public sate, O. t See He p<,rter. A Caup TOTHK CtntiM or Uk.n tart Co. The undersigned having Wen *P|hv oted agent for the American Bible Society, desire* through the eelunin, et j this paper to introduce himself t-> its many readers It is the aim ot the Society to place the Bible in every family in the Umte l Slates, w ell as to sei-d iltbrvugh out the world. To accomplish this great I work money and labor must bo expended I The Centre Co. Bible Society, Auxiliary to the American Bible Society, ha* already i-igun its work of eit i. v assing iu Territory j distributing Bible* and soliciting funds. ; I have accepted the agency of this county. I expect to call upon you in your houses, carrying with me Bibles and Testament* at very low prices, and will also call upon you to help this great cause in whicti we are ail interested. Especially do 1 iuvite* j tiie attention of the Pastor* of the different eong* ejalions I vtbis matter. Present it to ; your people in it- proper light and irnpor :ane* Kxv. H. C. Galiikxith. Agei I Anu-r Bible S.-cielv. I For the Reporter RECEKSBURG A VICINITY The Kebersburg Select School is about L-ver, This evening a public entertain- . ! inetvt will L- given. All prom t's well, and a latge attendance is anticipated ; Remember it i- Friday evening, Sept. C. C. Zieglcr ba- left, u* for 1 wa C.ty University, lie mean* to return in course of a few m. nth-. 11c left with our best withes. A short time since, Mr. Aloin Faust of Spring Batik, was unfortunate enough to fall off a horse, and was supposed that he did not hurt himself seriously, but on the contrary has proved fatal, lie died on last Sundsiy night trom Link jaw. He was inde-d a premising young lad of 15 summers old. Though the bloom ofyouth was upon bis cheek ever aglow, yet he w-rrnet too vcung to die. "Truly in the midst of life we are in death." Some Pennsvalley sport* make it a fash ion to visit our town still on abbath, and to show off, they drire threugh t wa at full gait. Now the people of this place are tired of such humbug and desire it stopped. They are cot few that would rather bs their prayur booh than either their horses or benzine jug*. On last Monday while Mr. Frank Bar ker was coining through the Gap between Washington Furnace and Tyler-vi'ile, a eoai train came in contact with his horse and bug_*y which resulted in turning horse and bnggy oyer the bank. The horse wa slightly hurt, and two wheels .-mashed to pieces. The oldest citizens ot this township are Mrs. Earhnrt and Mr. Gi-e. Brumgart Sr. The former i* 91 years, while the latter is 92 Hew MUK. Fur ilic Rep.-rUr. SPAWLS FROM PENN. Thelatest ty!e wa on exhibition on the street iii Millbeim one day ia*l week. It I was tried on an old horse an J looked te- j diculous. The author is living in our ; town and will give nil the nece-xry inter- | mation to any one who may inquire On last Saturday night at about 1 o'clock a party of three men cmne to the residence | of Mr. George Swartz, Sr.. in M niheim ] and w rapped at the door, the hired girl bearing the % rap aro-e nd inquired who j was tut. The answer was, "that is XX, Missionary A titer. S S Union. TilK LOUISIANA TROUBLES. No, Ihlmi. So | 1,-uiio-r t.'i The >tatc hoi.-e surrendered at seven A M to Lieutenant Governor I'ciui's militia with cut tiling agun Governor Bonn's militia are about ten thousand strong The retire Metropolitan force, Kel. gg militia, Jfc , with arms, arsenals, £c., sur rendered at nine A. ni to the eilitetis, or I'enn militia. Kellogg, Longstrect and ethos hive taken refuge iu the Custom house. The city in the liutuis of acting Gov. reun. The Kellogg government ha, been over thrown, and the entire city is in the hand.* of the opponents Lieutenant Governor Petin, who was elected in 1572 has taken the reins of government, and will at once ilistal I in office alt those elected at the • ame time. The courts w ill be at one* or ganised, and the entire machinery of llu- 1 Government *et in motion, not only in this city but throughout the State Great excitement prevails. Gen. Ogden declare* the war over. II A M ih n Fred, tigden has just made a speech from the gallery of hi headquarters, stating that the war was over and advising the fteoplo to g- quietly to their home* and resume their voca tion!. New police fotce organizing. ""Governor I'etsu this wording *p|ointed Thomas Bay land, the well known detec tive, Chief of Police Mr Bay land i now organising a force. The Pirttuite in Ihe situation The Picayune ay The decisive victo rips of yesterday, and the consequent de moralization of the Kellogg force made the finish this morning n a very hrief atl'air. About i ight o'clock the State Home WM occupied by the citizens' force* and by nine o'clock the Third Precinct Station and the Kellogg Armory, the last of the Radical gorernirrnt, *ai after a sharp little assault, captured and appro priated. So ends the Kellogg regime— big. inflated, insolent and overbearing. It collapsed at one touch of. Hoocst Indignation, and gallant onslaught, its boasted arma ment dissolved before the furious rush of our citizens; its sneering thieving unscru pulous chieftains bid like mole; and mer cenaries; fled like stampeded cattlu. A dozen gallant men worth more than ail the sneaking carpet-l agger* and ruffian Soldiers that ever squatted on a Slate's car cass, have been sacrificed on the altar of liberty. The bleed of gentlemen and pa triots have dyed the stones of our thor oughfares. and the shock is over. The Kellogg dynasty has passed inns a black and bitter memory, and Louisiana through out its borders to-day is free. Governor Penn'i residence, '£'>s St, Charles street, was filled all the morning with citizens c ngratulaiing hiui on the situation. Mr#lx long weary years, the jest of speculators and > tho spoil of thieves. Her grest arm has at last been lifted, and w.lh one tremendous ! blow, the fetters have been stricken from her limbs. For this ono day, if never j again, she breathes the air of liberty. Her persecutors are scattered. Tho scurvy horde of robbers, paid ruffians and Brutal Taskmaster* Banished. RESULT oF THE CABINET MEET ING KELLOGG TUBE It KIN.ST A j TED. Washington, September Id. A special meeting of the Cabinet was held this morn ing. and after consultation, lha following telegram, to General Emory, was sent bvj the President through Adjutant General Towosend: W AH DKI'ARTMEST. j APJCTAST ur military control <>( affairs with in. derail. It, niid in all things cvbih't that integrity of purpose charac teristic of the army. I now turn over to you, sir, tin- Capitol and other propel t.v of the State in my charge, Jotts Mi Kaim Al the conclusion of this address, tcn Htooko was seated in the office and tcqulr ,ed from Lieutenant Governor I'enn a .statement of all records, etc , which were lin the building when they look posses sion. Gov. McKncry and his followers then withdrew, leaving the Capitol .--.> u i,iii of the miiitarv officers of j the Federal g -verniiieiit. , I*. M fsi) companies of ti.e Thitd Infantry marched down and w. re quar tered in the capita! building Col Thom as Boy lon McKncrv - Chiel-of-Police, remains on duty with hit force Tha i .ty I is very quiet. A Jil r sm # to the l'ujil#. Mi Kiierv and l'enti have i.-ucd address es to the people advising cheerful obedi ■■Mr t-' the constituted authorities. A VI IFF KILLKITBY HKR DRI NK KN lII'.SHAND Philadelphia. Sept Iti A brutal luur del was committed ill ibis city at half pa-1 eleven o'clock last night Frank Carton, aged thirty-eight, who h*J been drinking to i'i.w, entered his residence in a drunken condition. Mr- Carton and the [daughter, Lioutic w. re in the sitting r.wvm waiting for him. Carton to'd his wife to get bim a dean shirt .She pla- e-.i ai- .w! of soup on tho table for him and then went j Up stliits Do ato ti.e sOUp and w i.en l o reUirned to the room he mttac ked her in •mvago manner. She etciaiined "F--r j God's .aka don't kill me outright, let m< live until to-morrow morning N.-alien lioli was paid to this appeal, and Carton : knocked her down and jumped oo her hi heavy bi .-Is crushing her skull in afr ght ful manner There was no -truggie or ar v noise which uould attract the attention of ! the neighbors \k l.en the ir.ghlfui ni sault was made, LUfie attempted to give , an alarm, but wa* picvmte-i (r. in doing ! so by being knocked down by hr brutal , father The children wh wire up stair-, i began to cry, *"d titt> attracted the atten ttotj ofiinti neighVi-rs, bv. -re just re-j from the theatre A young wo- | man was then cent to the h"Ue to ascer tain what was the matter. When she en tered she tound Mr.. Cailin lyirgon the fl.Kir, with her huslmiid kneeling beside her Her head was in his lap and he was engaged in bathing her head in vinegar When this young woman entered he#*• claimed "For God's ake, what have I done ? ' but subsequently be said that liis j wife had fallen and injuied herself by striking agiinsl the stove This did net 1 .appear to be substantiated by the appear ance of the room The stove was on on* 'side and two large clot* of blood from the wound# of Mrs. Carton w < re on the other .Carton was arrested for the murder DESTRUCTION OF THK GRANITE WILL-: AT FALL ItlVKit LARGE NUMBER OKHANDS BURNED T(i DE.\ ill OK KILLED IIY LEAPING FKOM THE BUILDING. Full River. September, 19. A Err broke •ut in Granite mill. No. Lin this oily ab.utitvrn c'ctcck Ibis morning, ju*t f-, ter ihc operators commenced work. The lire broke out in the fourth *t n ry. The room was Instantly in flame-, culling off nil a;i of escape. An alarm wet • taunded, but before help could arrive, men women and children threw themselves from the wind ' Many were in.tanlh | kilied, IORI( mortally w.undid. and the j remainder m >re or leu* injured. The larger number of the-e who remained in ithe room were burned to death. It it etti mated that from fifty to teventy-five male* have lost their live*, while a* many more arc badly injured. The tc. r.e at the nilllt and vicinity arc heartrending. Mother* are teen looking for their children, and ' many are almost franiic with grief. All j the physician* in the town were imrnedi lately summoned and rendered all possible •relief to the sufferer* One man ctcaped ! from the upper room by means of a rope tis reported that he left thirty persons behind him who, it it supposed, all perish ed in the flames. Another Dispatch— Failing of the • Walla. At 7,39 a. m. the walls fell in. crushing to death the unfortunate! who had been unable to escape Many women hud faint ed before this, and it is supposed that a number uiust have still been uncomciou* when the crash occurred, when they w ere killed outright ami buried in the ruins Men rushed hither and thither, blinded by ' smoke and terrifl -d at the immediate pro,- ' pert "fa horrible death. Fall River, Soptember 19 The fire is under control. Probably eight or ten ' lives are lust, mostly by jumping from the i fifth story. ASUPPLYTKAIN ATTACKED THE INDIANS REPULSED New York. September 18—A corre •pondent incanip on the Wichita river tele graphs that the supply train f rom-General Miles' expedition, in charge of Major Ly man, of the Fifth infantry, with one com pany of infantry and twenty men of the Sixth Cavalry, commanded hy Lieut. West, was cot railed on the Wichita river on the 9th in*t . by from I'll to (KVCumsii ches and Kiowa*. After a fight ot five day* the Indians were repulsed with a lo** of froui twenty-five to thirty killed. Lieu tenant Lewis, of the Fifth infantry was badly Wounded in the left bg. and two men killed am] five wounded. Major Price, of the Eighth cavalry, defeated a large body of Conjanches on the pith insf six miles t the soqth, killing several- Lieutenant Baldwin and three scouts, with dispatches for supplies, got through altera desperate fight, killing five and capturing one renegade. On the 12th. six couriers fur supplies were surprised hy l'2"i Coman che* on the Wichito, ami after a gallant defense and bis* of one of their number killed, and all bill two wounded, repulsed them with a loss of twelve killed. Apology won the race for the St Legar Slukes, George Frederick hud been the favorite; but was scratched front tho list of starters. The Ohio left Liverpool for Philadelphia at' 2 P. M. with IX) saloon and 100 steerage passengers. Five hundred farm laborers sailed yes terday from Liverpool for Quebec. President MacMahon ha* been well re qeiyed in iiis licjl tuqr, especially m Arms and Amiens. The Paris Monitour revives the rumor that the King ot Bavaria is about to abdi- Cll. \\ ON DKKN OF A III.N S EGG. The following observations c n thorium gc* that occur from hour to hour duiini the incubation ol the lien's egg nre frou Slut in # Reflections: The hen has scaled; sut on her eggs twelve hours be lore sow lineaments ol the hraii ami body of (b chick en appear. The heart mav be seel to beat at the end ol the second day , it lin at that time somewhat the futtii of a horx shoe, hut no blood yet appears At tin end of two days two V essels of blood ate t< be distinguished, the |Milsntion of which ii visible One of these is the left ventricle and the other the root of the gtenl artery At the fiftieth hour one auricle of the fern appears, ICSI inblilig a floose folded dowl Upon itself. Thr healing of the heart I lirst observed in the auricle, and after wards in the ventricle At the end of sev cnty bouts, the wings are distinguishable and o. the head two bubbles are teen foi the brain, one lot the bill, and two lor tin fore ami Isinet part olthu head. Towardi the end ot the fourth day, the two ttunclei already visible draw nearer to the Intuit than before. 1 lie liver appeals tow aid thr fiftieth slay At the end of seven houri more, the lung* and stomach become vii blc, and four hours aflciwaids, the intc-l lines and loins, and the upper jaw. At the one hundred ami forty-fourth hour, two ventricles are visible, and two drops of blood instead of thesinglo one which wa> seen before The suvriith day. the brain begins to ha*c some consistency. At the one hundred and nineteenth hour of in cubation, the bill opens, and the flesh ap pear* in the breast. In s.i hours after this, the ribs appear, farming from the , back and the bill is Very visible, as well as the gull-bladder The bill IH>COIIIO green ( al the end of two hundred and thirty-sis j hours; and if the chicken be taken out cl n- covering, it evidently moves itself. At the two hundred and eighty-eighth, the) ribs are perfect At the three hundred and thirty-first, the spleen draws near the stomach, and the lungs to the thest. At the end ot three hundred and fifty-five] hour*, the bill frequently opt-ns ami shuts, and at the slid of Use eighteen day# ilia cry . j of the chicken . heart! It afterward gels' luur • strength and gross.- continually, till, ot length it is enabled to set itsciffree from | 1 its confinement, DA KIN Is 11A N K KOUUERY. . | Corning, N V 17 Karly this! I morning at WelUboro, l'a , ffvo masked ' 1 men effected an entrance into the residence of iTcs.dctit Itobinsoti oftlia first Nati'-na' f tialsk and gagg> d and bound llieoccu-'j pants President Robinson, Cashier Rob ins,m. Mrs K< bins n and Mo Smith a daughter of Mr Robinson. They thei. Compelled tho t ashler to accompany tbrlu to the bank and throw open tha vault when they helped themsclvca to about s6o,Uuu principally in currency. Returning with Mr. Uobintaii to Lis In on a, they pta.i.i the members of the faii. lv facing each other and told them to converse freely They took fr. m the linger of Mrs Smith a ring va'.uosl at sHtf, ko-.d Mr- Robir.s ■ who fainted and thin took their dsrparl ure in two carriages. * A reward offo.OtW was - ffer. I for tbi.r * arrest $1,01)0 for cither of the gang. ill* supposed that the robbers have gone l-> " klwirs The batik hvs large surptu- " and it sojvt-r.l, .SIMPLE CI'KK FOR lIOILS Dr Simon. Physician of 1-oria.fic, givc i u at ew rpre f-r two*, namely, Py tis-at tug them with sampbotsd ale ho! A- u I, UU as the s uiuiiuallon p--u>i of a bcxl f makes its appearance he puts a liftit of the liquid in a saucer, and dipping the ends of t his 1 ill it.- finger* in it, rubs the infl.un-.j 1 surface, especially the st nlrnl par:, re t peatn.g the operation eight >r rune l ines 1 for about half a minute, lie then allow thw surface to dry, placing .iver it a slight e coating of camphorated -diveoil J,p . ij , that f .ur swcti npplu aiMm* w it), in almost all casts, cause boils to dry up and disap pear; the operation to be performed morn ing, noon and evening The stir.ounce * menl of so simple ■ cure lor uu h ■ pain ful malady will bear repetition I THE WHEAT CHOP. The | nil of Ihe win a i prospect i that tins vtar there > apparently but a one customer in (lie market for wheal, via., Great Britain, and that the e# liinate-l requirement of thie customer is about 75,000.000 to 85.000.000 1 busbe!*, while Russia. (termany, Tur l . key, Hungary, and other Kiir decreased that anything like an aver-j age crop in Kuropo entails loss 011 our; farmers who raise wheat. I SUICIDE. Mrs. Carolina Mover, wifo of Levi! atoyer, residiug on the farm of Mrs Francis Bitner, near Kagleyavi lle.j Montgomery county, committed mi-, cide on Saturday morning by hanging herself. Mr. Mover was awakened by the crying of his infant child about 4 A. M., and on attempting to awaken! his wife found to ins astonishment that she was not in bed. The alarm was! at once given. Mrs. Moyer, mother of Mr. Moyer. tyhq also Uvea in the house, assisted her son in the search for the missing woman. On going out on the front porch she found her sus pended by the neck ami already dead. No cause can be assigned for Hie rash act of self destruction, as her domestic relations were of the most pleasant character. Silio W. " cent must admit that ho kept rather un • savory company- According to the no -1 counts which his associates give of each ' other The list comprise* Til ton, Mr. > paints :I, Teliilie Clatlui, General duller, Miss Anthony M out ton. too, WM a chief 1 amongst them, and he sloes nut try out' ' as a proper "guide, philosopher and friend" ' for a "christian minister," although cer-, tainly he was the most respectable of the '! lot It may he well to note the fact that the w hole hatch, both male and female. , w ere p< oiiiint lit Radical lewder# We never 'j heard l a Democrat who belonged l 1 Jteccber's "meeting A divine of lha Kv angelical church, who .-ails under the euphoiieous name of Hiuith, a widower, who taught school fur a few terms in Sugar Valley and then look to the pulpit, is wanted over there to fattier ayoutigstci that has recently mode lis ap pearance and been assigned to him by the mother of the babe Smith has not re sponded to the call and when sought for. was found to have left for parts unknown. (hiitun /bmsfrsl. A few days g" while U U Hridgens and number i f others front I*oek Haven were hunting Jeer, up the country, pois oned meat was placed in the Course ef lha dogs owned by tho party - choice blooded hounds and a number of them died. A reward of |lt is offered for the arrest and conviction of tlm (mrtyor parti"# who are guilty. INTERESTING ITEMS. Amherst College has 110 Freshmen. Josh liiilings says, "Tew enjoy a good repulasbun, giv publicly end steal private iy- The Keliog people have found out by this time that Lieut - Guv. j'cup is not all * i itss, Mr J A. Garth Marshall of Leeds, England, recently 10-t his life on Mount Ida nche by failing down a crevasse, with his guide. Mr Bcccher Is nu groaliy s-ugbt after for agricultural fairs. Gov. Smyth ot New liamt-shire went Us Twin Mountains to cn g-ge him, but was unsuccessful. Those who know human nature tell That while the lamp holds out to burn, Tiie vilest tin%#r may return Everything but your uosbrreHa. Albany confeclioiiaii.-r at*, seiltug per , kisses " They have ditcuv errd away t*> keep peifdlersout of liiuves in Troy. It is by l>osUag the notice, "Smail-poi here," on' the front Jours A swarm of bee- have established them selves on the top of the highest church steeple in Cincinnati. They have shown g -d s i.s. in localjng What i.lnr place ! for a bucbidut r uuring a ) recession, a big ; Arc, a riot of a tr.sbil ' The lnteruationat Postal Congress has r.solved to recommend uniform rafiwoii postage in all tertftcfy embraced by the, ; < >UI union The difference* abitb cauei the trihr uf mil! operatlrei at Dalian bar* bhfO fn- U> arbitrator*. The iarit of the trial of Jiul maun, who aiu tutted to ►boot Bim*ick, bate been rvUafiieted. Tbe |ii Doner i to be tried in \\ ary burg the middle of Octo ber, Tbe t*}uim>liai tofm i> a|i|>aret't))* oter. Tka Uiot full illiwl fan i diatuond ftlllpW- The !o*n of tbo dro.ight save uj for a rainy day. Delightful moonlight cinniiip may hum • look ad for. A it rung decoction of iuc t ►sable and other outbuilding* near the main dwelling house; two g.-od orchard*, hearing fruit of the he*t quality. Alo a I rat t of TIM HKKLANU. situate in said township, containing 15 acres of good tim ber within --no mile of the farm. Persons [desiring to v iew the premises w ill please •call on either of the undersigned, residing within a hort distance of the farm. Sale Mo commence st 2 o'clock p.m. Condi tions made known on lay of sale by A LU KEN B ACH, E. K M MINN. • 24 sop. td. Administrators. VALUABLE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. Will be offered at Public Sale, on the piemi*e, in Potter twp., on THI KSDA\. October loth 1874. The following real estate, belonging to the Estate of peter Durst, dec'ib. con • isting of a valuable farm of 118 ACRES, more or ie>s, situate 1 mile from Potter* Mills Thereon erected a TWO STORY DWELLING HOUSE. BANK BARN and other outbuildings, wilh tw-< good orchard* and all kinds of the I-est fruit on the promises, and a good spring of never failing water near the house. Also, Eighty Acre* of Timberlgiid, situate in Potter twp.. 2 utiles from Pot ters Mill* Sale to cou,uo-no at I o'clock, p. 111 '(orut* Will bu made known on day (,f sale. JOHN KLSHKL. JOSHUA POTTER, 2) sep. td. Executors. VALUABLE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. In pursuance of an order of the Or pnitu's Court of Centre County, the under signed will offer at public sale, oil the perinise*, on Friday, October 10, 1874. a VALUABLE FAR situate in Potter DVfv, i mile* west of Potter* Mills , known us the farm of Rev, Daniel Kerr, dee'd, onntaining about ONE HUNDRED ACRES. Bounded on tho east by land* of Wm ltiahel, on the south niut west by public road, north by land# of Mr Shadow and John Stoncr. Thereon erected a good TWO STORY',KRA M F. HOt'SiL. MARK KA UN. and first n,;ibi,ihlnigs g -od fruit qf qlp ki'l'L. nnd ' "over tailing jjiiinu of water near the house. of the purchase money on oonllrrnation of title; tho bal lanco in two equal annual paymonU, to be secured hy bond and mortgage on the premises with interest. Sale to com mence ut I o'clock, p. tn. W. W. SPANGLER, 24 p. td. AdmihUkrator. Milwaukee, Sept Mb—Chief Justice Ky an lias concluded the reading of his opin ion In tho railroad injunction ease. The court affirms the constitutionality of the Potior Uw and directs an injunction to is sue compelling all railroadsjn the slatalo |comply with its provisions, Wm, ('handler, superintendent of im provements at Pensaeola nnvjr yard, and his wife both died there, of yellow fever, oil Saturday. The house on tho farm of If ugh Aikrus, ii. Truster Valley, Armagh township oc cui ted by Jubn J, Aiken#, caught fire from the stove in the shanty kitchen about noon on Friday last and was entirely con sumed Sw mill men w i-re working near by. and with their help the occupant# audi a few neighbors weie enabled to gel out a. portion of the furniture, about worth j being consumed The sheds which u>od between the house and barn were saved. The barn look fire twice, but by the h wrote j e(forts of those present it was preserved. The house was built Ol logs and wiatber-! boarded. Hairtlr * MARKET*. Produce. Chicago, Keiitcmber 21 - Flour quiet and unchanged Wheat uuiet and weak: No I spring $10?. N 2sl 'J; No. 8 91 jr; rejected HtJc. Corn -demand active and prices advanced, No 'dmlsed Kfic • pot; bl jc seller firptpnliar, 79| seller Oc tober, Tile seller year Oats- demand fair and prices advanced, No. 2 fcfe eevh bin seller September; t9c cellar October, white Mff-iWe. Uya steady and in mod erate demand; No 1 91c. JUriey dull and unsettled; No 'J $i 111 spot, ft 12 .Septem ber, No 3 'JB(g,'.4c Fork very dull; job biug at $23 ensh; sl* 'Jo seller year. HELLKFONTKMARKKTH. vVhue iYheat f 1 16 Red 110 , Itye IV. Cot n H6 .. .Oats 50. Barley wi 70 C|o/er*bd iflri I'otatoe* 00 Lard par puun.i a I'urk per poundUO ftuttrr'ji Kggsls. .....Plaster prrton sl6 Tallow ts HaeoniO lUm 16 l*arJ per pound $ cents. Buckwheat 66 cts.... Fmur per barrel reUil'.Ul)... HN.iva tveotia plaster sl4 to 16. Cayuga plaster f'J.SO per 2000 lbs. C1 A CTION -- All pet sous are hereby tau / tioncd against meddling in any man ner whatever, with the personal praj-rty menliuned below, as 1 have purchased the tame, at public sale, OH 11th day of Sep tember. 1974 a property of Andrew H. Fount, and will leave the same in posse*. sion of said Foust at mv ptnasure . I gray burse, J mare, i beifer, 3 nogs, 'J tboau, } 2*biire wagon, i harrow, 1 tduw, l-vr, 1 eoniplanter, V setu of horse gears. 2 fly net* JOHN' D DK KKHT 17 sept 3-L Patter twp. \CDITURS NOTICE -Toe under signed, an auditor appointed by the Orphan s Court of Centre County, Pa. to j boar and |-as upon the eirepliupl Clod to lbe administration account of Wm P. Uotlirak, admtntsirator of Namuel Wag* ner. deceased, hereby give* i.otiee that be lii attend to the duties of his apfioinl incrit on Tuesday the ItUi dm of Or o-ber, at I o'clock A M., al his office in Belie fonte. where ail persons interested may attend if they see proper, J LSPANGLKR I N~tHE ORPHAN'S COC Uf ofCentrc I county. In the matter ofthe Estate uf itantel ; Atiimerman dec d Tftv undersigned an Auditor appomtod by said Court, to dis tribute Use ec-ney in the hands of the Ad i mltitslralor and l< hear and determine tha ' legal rigiils of all persons inter--.t.-d in .aid , < *iate, will attend to the duties of his ap j poiniment on Saturday the 3rd of October 1874 al 10 o'clock of said day, at hit office in B-Kcfu;.Us. when and where all persons i interested are requested to attend C. M ROWER. : sept 10 fit. Auditor. H. ROSSMAN. Undertaker. The undersigned b*s leave to iutortn his patrons and lb* public generally that tie is now prepared to make Ct)FPIN. s land respectfully solicits a share rvf their i atronage Funerals attendsal with a neat ID-ar.r HENRY RussMaN. ,3 aapt 4s. Church villa, j STONE WAKE ! BTO v'K-WARK I • The would riopcctlully an nounce to thr ntiaens of Gregg and ad joining townships, and the public gener ally that he ha* just rceiv <-d 6,stg) ItAL LOXS, No I Ohio Slone-Waro, Consist ing of Mdk Crocks and Pant AppD ibutter rroyks frotn Ito 6 Gallons. Also • fr-n. i tuCgailons, sUstie jar*, Ac The reputation u? the Ohio Stone- Mare is universally acknowiodged— "None better ever made.'* No danger of the g'.axiag coming off like earthenware. It is much Superior t > aarthenware in eve ry respect. Ail kinds uf country produce taken in eichittigtt fur (stone-Ware and merchandiee fur which the kigboat market ; pi iisii wtU bp allowed. J H FISHER. ]su|9sfn Pane Hall, Pa. Fine Homestead for Sale. A IL-ue Ac Lot— about 3 Acres of good cultivated land—situate in Gregg twp., near Tr**ler * Sawmill, in Georges Val ley. i offered at private sale. Tu.. public roads run along two sides of the lot j Tlieron art erected a lw- story HOUSE, .STABLE, SHOP, and -4heroutbuilding*.; A splendid SIRCH A ItD of the best apple*. 1 berries, pears, poache*. and piuo-s, on the premises, and never failing water near the door. Clo-e to the house a fine gar den and a beautiful yard in front Also running water near the house Fr fur ther particulars apply to L<'lT EVAN'S. Augai 2m _ MUSSER & RUNKEL BROS., (Successors !■ MoManigal A Brown.) \V|<"LKAt.K AMI KkTAIL Dkal.EK* IK IIKA VV A SI!ELF HAKDWARE, Mlllhelm, Pa., having purchased the large and well *e In-led slock of Hardware Isle of W. J. McManign). we are pr-|>ared to supply Hardware for Builder*, Coach makers, Saddlers, Shoemakera, Housekeepers, and in fact, HARDWARE FOR EVERYBODY. WALL A WINDOW PAPER, And Curtain Fixture* of every kind, LAOV.Hrxxt.,OIL*. PAIXT*.GLASS. POTTT In short, we have everything usually Ibund In a well regulated Hardware Store. They intend to replenish their stock and keep it up, ami will furnish wagon-makers saddlers and all manufacturers with stock ul figures that will enable them lo save money. Goods s.ld CHEAP FOR CASH. Oolite and sec the Gogd*. aug 27-y '74 SCHOOL. TAX NOTICE:—The tax payers of Potter township are hereby noti tiinl that the duplicate ot School-lax for the present year is in the hands ol the un dersigned. All such lax paid on or before December Ist 1874, w ill have an abatement of 5 per cent. Thirty days after said date there will be no abatement, and on all such lux remaining unpaid after January I, 1875, there will be an additiou id 6 per cent to the amount op duplicate, a* pre scribed by law, B, M. few AM*, 10 Sept AUV Treat. ("4 A ('TION-— Sportsmen are hereby no j titled not to cnlir upon the land* of the undersigned, for the purpose ol'lux-t --ing squirrels, Ac., otherwise they will be dealt with according to law. Cyrus Durst, W. F. Jus. M'Clintick, .li) oh Grove, Thus. laintuM Huston, Goo, Uurst j'r, Philip Durst, Hirara Durst, Abr. Harshbarger, nug'J7 at. C. T. ALKXAKIIKH C. M U".VKKR ALEXANDER JC BOWFF.H Attor neys-at- Law Siule'bnte, P„, ciul attention given to Cllep\loua, and Orphans' Court praettaa MAY he con sulted in German AND English. Oflice in Uarman'A Building. my2B '74-if. MIUKR'S HOTEL, Woodward Pg tiUges arrivo and depart daily) SIIORTLIDOE A CO, COAL, LIME, At, ■ WTLITA M SUOKTLIDGK. IMPFT IFICEITF£7?. SHORTLIDGE CO., Burner* and Shippers of the celebrated Belle fonte r WIHiOT fUIIMIE. ; Dealer* in the very beat grade* of j A NT IIRACITE CO AL"j The ouly dealei* in" Cent re County who aell the wI! L! K! E; Si Bi Ai R R E Ci Oi A! L from the old Baltimore mine*. Alio SH AMOK I.N AM) OTHIKH UK ADEN of Anthracite Coat dryly houtod erprwaly for beuw uc, at tjae> lowest rrieee. jDE A L EUS lA* JV. They pay tke kighwft price* la oath foe frabt that the Ka.lera market* will afford. WHEAT, CORN, RYE, OATS, CLOVER SEED &C., Ituuabt or will Ih> aH oa < ommittfon when da*>r*4, and full price* (?uam.u-.d, I for nation eoaeora uio the Rraia trada will w fornuted at all timet, to fervor*, with i'ieathur<* t fr*# c*f eb&ffe. RIFLE and BLASTING POWDER. FIREBRICK AND GROUND FIRE CLAY. DEALERS IV CAYUGA GROUND PLASTER, which i* alwayt told at low price*, and warranted to he a* rood teriiliaer a* any other plaater. * # ORIOI ASIO YAKS NEAR SOUTH END B. E. VALLEY R. R. DEPOT, 17 aapt Am. BELLKFOXTE. IA. CI AI 1 lON.—SpurUmcn are hereby noj, ) ufied not to enter upon lite land* of , jthe undersigned for tbe purpose of thoat liag Mjtrrelt Ac., they will be delt with ' {according to law. J AS. DUCK.! 3 *ept It. U K DUCK. Lintel LimeT Lime ot the betl quality, alwayt on "hand, at tbe kiln near Centre Hall. GEORGE KOCH. I HOW. -kAILN A OTKELT i 1 have on hand a large attorluient ot it AH ikon NAILS a STEEL, which will be told at the iwel market price. NEK THOMPSON, , iutl km Milroy, Pa. THE PEOPLE'S DRUG STORE. Next door to Wilson & Hick*' Hard ware atora, Allegheny St., BKLLKKOXTK, PA. I Jas. C. Williams (Succostor to B P. Kankin A Co. f DEALER IN PURE DRUGb AND MED WISES. CHEMICALS. PAINTS, OILS. DTE STUFFS. V A KN'ISIIKS, BRUSH- i K>, I KKFUMEKY. NOTIONS, i AND FANCY ARTICLES FOR THE TOILET. Ac. mSWINZ&LtftiOM! tor medicinal purpoee*. SHOULDER BRACES, TRUSSES A SUPPORTERS in greet variety; Also, Choice CIGARS AND TOBACCO, and all other article* usually hept in first 1 class Drug Store. i PRESCRIPTIONS CAREFULLY COMPOUNDED. thMfffttf ________________ I I Keystone Store. w I FOR FARMERS AND ALL OTHERS Go to H. YEARICK;* SON, FOR FOREIGN A DOMESTIC DRY GOODS. NOTIONS, iIIATS, GAPS, BOOTS A SHOES. CI.OTII I MO. OIL CLOTHS, SQUEKNSWARK, GROCERIES. PRO VISIONS. FLOUR. Ac No. 6 Bush 'a Arcade, Bellefonte, Pa. I All kinds of country produce tak •n. iicst Bargains in town to be J had. nov2otf H. H. WEISER & CO., Manufacturers of Sheet iron & Tin ware, Millheim, Pa. All kinds of Tinware, constantly on hand and made to order. Shoetiron Ware of every description, always on hand. Roofing in Tin and Shoetiron dune in the most approved and satisfactory style. Spouting done to order. Their stock of Tin and Sheetiron Good* is large and complete, and offered at the LOWEST PRICKS. Their establishment has been enlarged and stocked completely throughout. Satisfaction guarlanteed, and all jobs promptly attended to. aprl6-v I- DITOK'S N OTICE.—'The und*£ signed, an Auditor appointel hy the Court of t.'ommon Pleas of Ccptps Co. to distribute the money arising ktotu the sale of the personal uy Wm F Carpenter, now ft lhaof Benj.' ¥. Shafler, >,,*h said Oouuty, here that h® Will attend to the HHyb of hp appointment on Friday, sec ond day of October next, at 2 o'clock P. -M. AT Hii OtHca in Bellefonte where AQ persons Interested may attend if lhay proper J. 8. UAUNHAHT, 8 *ept Ot, Auditor CAUTION.— Sportsmen are hereby no tified not to enter upen the lands oi the undersigned for the purpose of shoot ing squirrels, &c., otherwise they will be dealt Willi according to law. WM. BHOLL, J. p. GBOYX, WM. T. MATS, J. B, RXAM. '27 Aug fit. * "rtTMI Pennsyalley Banking Co. CENTRE HALL. PA| RECEIVE DEPOSITS. And Allow lamL biKMUit Not* Bay udStll tioverntaeul Sccuriti**, Gold ana Coupon* Pctxk Utrrn. W u. B. Mikgle, Prwt't. Catbtor Cbas. H. Held, C lwk, YYnu*biualt*-r A Jeweler Millheitn, Centra Co., Fa. He* peri fully inform* bis frirad* sad lb* public in general, that U bat ju*t opened at bis new octabiithment. above Alexan der" ctore, and keep* constantly on band, all kind* ot Clock*, Watrbe* and Jewelry of tbe iato*t *tvle*. a* alto th Maram ill* Patent Calender Clock*. provided with a complete indes of tbe month, and day of the month and week on it* face, which it warranted as a perfect time-keeper. yArClocka, Watches and Jewelry re paired on abort notice and warranted. aep ll' 68 iy Beat Sample Rooms in Town. BROCKERHOFF HOUSE, ID. JOHNSTON it SONS, Proprietor* Bellefonte, Penna. | Fre* Hue* to and from the Depot. Excelsior Cement The undersigned .* uuutuut turn IV went WARRANTED OF A SUPERIOR QUA LIT V, at hit kiln*. ne*r Pus* Creek Mill*, in Haines twp. This cement he* already been u*el in large quantities upon the L. C. A 8. C. KR.,and has been (bund highly satisfactory upon ail jobs • here it has been used, and as equal to an* now mantfavturod for ue in CIS TERNS, WATZS PIPES, or whatever purpose a good quality of Cement is ddu rable This Cement ha* already been tested far and wide, and rendered the ut most satis faction, Perseus, therefore con structing Cisterns, laying Water Pipes, Ac., will tad it to their advantage to bear this in mind, and also, that he warrants tha article a* represented. J G. MEYER may 21 If Aarensburg, Pa KNTKKHALL HOTEL i Jons SrsxuLxa, Propria . Stages arrive and depart daily, for point*, north, south, east and west. UKSKT aaocasauorr, J, t>. FBIOKI President, Cashier. OKNTRE COUNTY BANKING CO. (Late Milliken, Hoover A Co.) RECEIVE DEPOSITS, And Allow interest, Discount Notes, Bay and Sell. Government Seem lies, Gold & • pICGMf Coupons. Wl® CESTBE II ALL, PA. Would most respectfully inform the cit xen* of thia vicinity, that be bas started a new Boot and Shoe Shop, and would be thankful for a share of the public patron age. Boot* and Shoe* made to oraer and according to style, and warrants his wi -V Bo equal any made elsewhere. All ku of repairing dona, and charges reason sb.. Give bim a call. feb 13 ly JJR.S.G. GUTELIUS, Dentist, Millheim. Offers his professional services to ths public. He is prepared to perform all ;operations in the dental profession. <#W-He is now fully prepared to extract ■ a*sofa(/y uufhonf pain. myß-73-tf. DF. FORTNKY, Attorney at Law, • Bellefonte, Pa. Office over Rey onld,s bank. mayM'fo MA J. j. hHKEFFLER TAILOR, PPI* I *' lo . SpangleFs hotel. Lot. lis 11 where he is at all times, prepared totnike all kinds of men and boy's cloth* ing, according to the latest styles and at reasonable charges. J AS. M'MAN US, Attorney at Law, Bellefonte, promptly attends to a) bunaes* entrusted to him. jui2,'6Bt ADAM HILD, PAINTER, 1 offers his services to the citizens of Mifflin Centre and adjoining counties, in Honse, Sign and OrnamenntMl Painting. 1 GRAINING „ , . Oak, Walnut, Maple, AVn, Mabogony. Ac., . Plain and Fancy Faperhanging. Or ders respectfully solicited. All tine work dene for other painter: . I nov Gtf. .JOHN P. POTTER, Attorney -a t-LtX. , " > Collections promptly made wad t. -Jpeeinl attention given to those having land* or property for sale. "Will draw up and have acknowledged Deeds, Mortgages, . |Ac. Office in the diamond, north side of ;lthe court house, Bellefonte. oct22'69tf. L, SPANG LIhT Attornev-at-Law, Bellefonte, Pa. Office with j Bush A Yeeum. Consultation in English . and German. Collections promptly attend . *d to. febb-tf i 9a. A P. PITUBU— BtIar mn, r, I (tatasM Ul ti rritTf rr.'*l* lS3Xu*tftsf SJyaaM'SXpS' . Mrtnus Dr. Fitter's Vegetable Abeitm * rlfrtSi I fftutri-.tot ltaalaisiliMc*rf>rti>m. fc . ■