The Centre reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1871-1940, September 24, 1874, Image 1

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Happiness has found ma oat-
Found me out at lMtt
Oh, she's dogged me round about;
All HIT hurrying life EBS's obaeed me.
Treading hard and hot ahe's fared me,
Almost touched me, all but fared me -
Hera iba ia at laat!
Wary were yvm, Happiness-'
Patient to the last!
From your thankless buainsM
Laggard Time bae eotue to fi-eo you.
Always driven by Fate to flee yon,
Never did 1 think to eee yon
Track me down at last'.
The woi Id goee up end the world goee down.
And the sunshine follows the rain ;
And yesterday's sneer and yesterday's frown
Can never ootne over again,
Swnet wife.
No, never come over again.
For woman is warm though man l>e oold.
And the uight will hallow the day;
Till the heait wluoh at even ais wears and
Can rise iu the morning gr
Sweet wife.
To iu sroik in llie ni. ruing gay.
Andrew Lee came home from his
•hop, where he had worked hard all
day, tired and out of spirits; came
home to his wife, who was also tired
and oat of spirits.
" A smiling wife and a cheerful
home—a paradise it would be," said
Andrew to himself, a he turned his
eyes from the clouded face of Mrs.
Leo, and sat dowu with knitted brows
and moody aspect.
Not a wont was spoken by either ;
Mrs. Lee was getting supper, and she
moved about witn a weary step.
" Come," she said at last, with a side
glance at her husband.
Andrew rose and went to tiie table.
He was tempted to speak an angry
word, bnt controlled himself and k< pt
silent. He could find no fault with
the chop, nor the homemade bread,
nor the fragrant tea. They would have
cheered his inward man if there had
been a gleam of snushine on the face of
his wife. He notices! that she did not
** Are you not well, Mary ?"
These words were oa his lips ; but he
did not utter them, for the face of his
wife looked so repeliaut, that he feared
an irritating reply.
And so, in moody silence, the twain
sat together until Andrew had fluished
his supper.
As he pushed his chair back his wife
arose and commenced clearing off the
" This is purgatory 1" said Lee to
himself, as he commenced walking the
floor of their little breakfast-room, with
his hands thrust into his trowsers pock
ets and his chin almost touching his
After removing and taking things
into the kitchen, Mrs. Lee spread a
green cover over the table, and placing
a fresh-trimmed lamp thereon, went
ont and shut the door after her, leaving
her husband alone with his unpleasant
feelings. He took a long, deep breath
as she did so, paused in his walk, stood
still for some moments, and then draw
ing a paper from his pocket, sat down
by the table, opened the sheet and com
menced reading. Singularly enough,
the words upon which his eyes rested
were ** Praise your wife." They
rather tended to increase the disturb
ance of mind from which he was suf
" I should like to find some occasion
for praising mine." How quickly his
thonghts expressed that ill-natured sen
timent ! Bnt his eyes were on the pa
per before him and he read on :
" Praise your wife, man ; for pity's
sake, give her a little encouragement
It won't hurt her."
Andrew Lee raised his eyes from the
paper and mattered, " Oh, yes, that's
all very well—praise is cheap enough.
But praise her for what T For being
sullen and making her homa the most
disagreeable place in the world ? His
eyes fell again to the paper.
*' She has made your home comforta
ble, your heart bright and shining, Tour
food agreeable ; for pity's sake tell her
Sou thank her, if nothing more. She
ou't expect it It will make her eyee
wider than they have been for ten years;
but it will do her good for all that, and
you too."
It seemed to Andrew as if this sen
tence was written expressly for him and
just for the occasion. It was a com
plete answer to this question, " Praise
ner for what ?" and he felt it also as a
rebuke. He read no further, for
thoughts came too busy, and in a new
direction. Memory was convincing
him of injustioe to his wife. She had
always made her home as comfortable
for him as she could make it, and had
he offered the light return of praise or
commendation ? Had he ever told her
of the satisfaction he had known or the
comfort he had experienced ? He was
not able to recall the time or occasion.
As he thought thus Mrs. Lee came in
from the kitchen, and taking her work
basket from the closet placed it on the
table, and sitting down without speak
ing began to sew. Mr. Lee glanced al
most stealthily at the work in her
hands, and saw that it was the bosom
of a shirt, which she was stitching
neatly. He knew that it was for him
she was at work.
" Praise your wife !" These words
were before the eyes of his mind, and
he could not look away from them.
But he was no! ready for this yet He
still felt moody and unforgiving. The
expression of his wife's face he inter
preted to mean ill-nature, for which he
had no patience. His eyes fell upon
the newspaper that was lying spread
ont before him, and he read the sen
tence, " A kind, cheerfnl word spoken
in a gloomy house, is the little rift in
the cloud that lets the sunshine
Lee struggled with himself a while
His own ill-nature had to be con
quered first; his moody, accusing spirit
had to be subdued.
He thought of many things to say,
and yet he feared to say them lest his
wife should meet his address with a re
buff. At last, leaning toward her, and
taking hold upon the shirt-bosom at
which she was at work, he said in a
voice that was carefully modulated with
kindn ess :
" You are doing the work beauti
fully, Mary."
Mrs. Lee made no reply. But her
husband did not fail to notice that she
lost, almost instantly, that rigid erect
ness with which she had been sitting,
nor that tbe motion of her needle had
•'My shirts are better made and
whiter than those of any other man in
the shop," said Lee, encouraged to go
" Are they ?"
Mrs. Lee's voice was low, and had in
"it a slight huskinees. Bbe did not turn
her face, but ber husband saw that she
leaned a little towards him* He bad
broken the ice of reserve, and all was
now easy. His hand was among the
clouds, and a feeble ray was already
struggling through the rift it had
" Yes, Mary," he answered, softly,
•' and I've heard it more than once what
• good wife Andrew Lee mast have."
Mrs. Lee turned her face toward lier
husband. There was something light
in it and light in ber eye. But there
was something in the expression of the
countenance that a little puzzled him.
'• Do you think so ?" she asked quite
" What a queer question!" ejaculated
Andrew Lee, starting up and going
round to the side of the table where
his wife was sitting. " What a ques
tion, Mary !'' be repeated, as he stood
before her.
" Do you f" was all she said.
"Yes, darling!" wai his warm-spoken
KItKD. KV HTZ, Kditoraml I'ropriotor.
answer, and ho stooped down ami kiwwd
hir. "How strange that jou should
A.,k mo such a question."
"If you would only toll mo so, now
and ikon, Andrew, it would do mo
good." Mrs. Lee arose, and loaning
Iter face against the manly breast of hor
husluud, st.Ksl and we, t.
What a strong light t>roko iu an the
mind of Andrew Loo I Ho had novor
gitreu Itis wifo ovon the small reward of
praise for the loving iutorest she had
manifested daily, until doubt of his
love had entered hor soul, and made
the light around hor thick darkneea.
No wonder that hor fare grew clouded,
or that what ho oousidered moodiness
and ill-nature took possession of her
" You are good and true, Mary, my
own dear wife. lam proud of you, and
my first desire is for your hapniuoss.
Oil, if I could always see your face in
sunshine, my home would bo the dear
est place on earth."
" How precious to me are your
words of love and praise, Andrew,"
said Mr*. Lee, smiling up through her
tears into his face. "With them in
my ears, my heart can never lie in
How easy had been the work for An
drew Lee ! He had swept his hand
across the cloudy horizon, and now
the bright sunshine was streaming
dowu and flooding that home with joy
and beanty.
The I'arsccs.
The Parsees, says art India mission
ary, are divided iuto two sects, not on a
point of religion, but ou a matter of
chronology. When saying their prayers
it ta necessary for them to name the
year, the mouth, and the day ou which
they pray. The dispute exists over the
uncertainty as to the year the prophet
of the Parsees waa born. The costume
of the Par see is in accordance with the
climate, being very simple, the children
wearing a gown reaching to the ankles
and belted in at the waist. Contact
with other"nationalities has somewhat
altered the style as worn by the an
cients. Every year teuds to modernize
them, as they "readily copy after the
the European*, both in dress, manners,
and education. Formerly they ate from
a large brazen bowl, in which the food
had been cast indiscriminately; now
they have tables and chairs and other
accessories which accompany a Euro
pean dinner. They, however, never eat
in company with the women, a enstom
undoubtedly derived from tbe Hindoos,
but they are good and affectionate hus
bands, and the women occupy a mnch
| more honorable position among them
than they do with the Hindoos. Owing
to the alliances made by the parents,
marriages of affections seldom take
placet. The marriage of children is at
tended with great pomp, and among the
poorer classes often proves disastrous
pecuniarily. The manner of disposing
of the dead is very peculiar. When
the physicians announce that there is no
hope of recovery, the body is washed
and arrayed in clean clothes and reli
gions consolation given. After death
the body is taken to what is called the
Tower of Silence, generally erected or
1 a mountain, and there exposed to vul
tures (kept for the purpose) who cat the
flesh off the bones, which drop through
' an iron grating into a'pit, from whence
they are removed. Buiying or burning
the body is never practiced. The reli
i gion of the Parsees, as expounded by
the Prophet Zoroaster, recognizes bat
one Goa, without form and invisible.
To him is adjudged a place above all,
; and to him is every praise to be given
for all the good in the world. Purity
' of speech, purity of thonght, and pnrity
of action is the principle on which the
whole religions structure of the l'arsee
is bnilt
The Black 11 Ills.
The publication of the results of
(leu. Custer's explorations of the Black
Hills country has excited much interest
East and West. Gen. Forsyth's letter
and diary have been widely read. In
the Chicago Tribune he writes from
Bear Butte:
The two miners we have with us tell
me that that they found "color" iu
every pan of dirt they washed near
Harney's Peak ; that the diggings there
in Caster's Gulch fill pay 310 per day
now ; that they only had two or three
days in which to prospect, as wo kept
moving so fast, but that, in their opin
ion, when the Eastern Hills are rightly
prospected gold will be found there in
abundance. lam inclined to think so
for the very roots of the gross would
pan 5 cents to the pan iu our camp near
Harney's Peak.
There have been signs of a gold fever
here as the consequence of these dis
coveries. Expeditions are now forming
in this city and at different points in
lowa, Dakota, and Wyoming, to go to
the new diggings. They have forgotten
these lands are secured as a reservation
to the Sioux Indians, and that tbey
have no right to enter them. Gen.
Sheridan, through his Adjutant-Gen
eral, recalls this fact to their notice in
an order published as follows :
" The Lieutenant-General command
ing, directs me to say that unofficial in
formation has reached these headquar
ters, of the organizaticn of parties at
Sieux City, Yankton, and Bismarck, to
invade the Sioux Indian Reservation,
with the view of visiting the country
known as the Black Hills. Should
such information be correct, yon will
please notify to such parties, that they
will not be permitted to go unless un
der authority from the Hon. Secretary
of the Interior or Congress."
A Mexican Town.
A recent letter-writer says that one
Mexican town will generally servo as a
' pattern for all, though there may some
times be individual departures from
the rule. Tbe oddest feature of Mexi
can houses is the spouts which carry off
the rain from the roof. These spouts
are of clay-ware, are cylinders, and
some two or three inches in diameter at
tbe month, which projects over the
sidewalk, or where tbe sidewalk often
should be. With their glazed, dark-red
color, these conduits look just like so
many cannon thrusting their muzzles
out some two or three feet from the
front wall. The stranger who first sees
these spouts can comparo them to noth
ing so fitly as to cannon planted in a
breastwork, and thus, as he casts his
eyes along a block, the latter looks for
all the world like a fort. But let him
be underneath them when a genuine
Mexican thunder-shower comes on, and
the discharge will bo of a character that
will e no doubt in his mind either
as to quality or quantity. The roofs of
houses are here made flat, generally of
tiles, overlaid with tin or asphalt, or
other kind of material. The floors are
of red tiles, some two or three inches
thick, and about nine inches square.
Some of tbe ceilings of the better class
of bouses are formed of tiles of some
design or flgnre, and some of the floor
tiles are figured in various patterns.
At a meeting in London to receive a
report from the missionaries sent to
discover the tribes of Israel, Lord H
was asked to take the chair. " I take,"
he replied, " a grest interest in your
researches, gentlemen. The fact is, I
have borrowed money from all tbe Jews
now known, and if you oan find a new
set 1 shall feel very much obliged."
tlw ()f•( H vtltt# l.tftl Ilia mi tlto
liaar of Ht.llrlit* IIUH.
The recent arrival of ex-Vice Presi
dent Colfax in Denver rectdla to the
tuiud of A Iocs! pain r a half-forgot ten
but never publisher) inoideut grow ing
out of his trip across the plain in 1-sdA
or lNt>s. At that time ('apt. Humplire
villa's Company K, of the Eleveuth
Ohio Cavalry Volunteers, was stationed
iu garrison at Port Hallook, a small log
fortress on the Overland Mage Line,
uear the base of Medicine How Moun
tain. When Colfax aud his Congres
sional party passed through Fort Hal
look, the writer happened to lw one of
the detail of four soldiers ordered out
as a special escort or scout to follow
the illustrious party to llridger l'ass,
after which we were instructed to re
turn. Our mission was jierformed
faithfully. We saw the coach with its
load of notables go dashing dowu the
other side of the range, and with mer
ry hearts and gleeful voices turned our
horses for a gallop back to the fort.
As we moved rapidly along through
the sage-brush aud grease-wood iu the
vallev between Medicine How and the
Elk 'Mountains, a dock of sage hens
attracted our attention and separated
our party. Fatal temptation! We
little thought of the danger theu so
near us, aud the horrible fate awaiting
the bravest and boldest of the party
poor George Bodiue. He had just
emptied his carbine at a sage-hen, or
grouse, when, with a chorus of horrible
whoops and yells, a party of Sioux rode
up out of a ravine, which, with the
sage-brush, had concealed them from
observation, and after discharging a
cloud of arrows, mingled with slugs
and bullets, at us at long rauge, gal
loped toward Fodine, who was by this
mancsnvre completely cut off from us.
We counted sixteen or saventen In
dians, and opened fire upon them from
a friendly clump of brush in which we
sought shelter. Poor George! He
realized his danger in a moment; his
only hope of safety was in flight His
horse, though tired from its long gal
lop after the stage-coach, was still able
to distance the scrubby ponies of the
Sioux, and if he could reach the ferry
at North Platte, he would be safe.
Alas, for the bravest of comrades, the
pride of a proud mother and father,
who to this day monr his horrible fate.
His horse, frightened by the yells of
the red demons in pursuit, tuid evi
dently maddened by an arrow or two
which had struck it, became unmanage
able, and in a fatal moment the bridle
rein broke from one side of the bit.
The terrified and now unrestrained
brute turned toward us. To reach us it
must come in contact with the Fiona
It was an exciting race, but a hopeless
one for the poor yonug soldier. Wo
dashed out to meet him in his fatal
race. lie came closer to his circling
foes. His carbine he threw away and
drew his Remington revolver. This he
emptied at the Bionx at close range,
and two fell headlong from their sad
dles. We observed him crouch down
forward, upon his saddle as if to avoid
the coming blows. Hut it was uot for
that he crouched. It was the fatal
coils of the lariat, or lasso, whicn the
next instant dropped over him, and we
heard bis heart-piercing shriek as he'
was dragged backward from his horse,
which galloped past ns in safety. How
poor George suffered whilo beiug
hacked to pieces by the fifteen rd
fiends, none cau tell. As we galloped
away we heard his horrible criea for
mercy while his scalp was being torn
iron his head, and to this day, when
thinking of that horrid incident, those
screams of agony ring upon the air.
The Soiorous Sand,
W. B. Frink, of Honolulu, has sent
some of this strange sand, taken from
a bank on the Island of Kauai, to the
Academy of Sciences in San Frauciaoo.
In his letter he thus describes its pecu
liarity : The bauk which is composed
of this sand commences at a perpen
dicular bluff at the Boulh-west end of
the island, and extends one and a half
miles almost due south, parallel with
the be-eh, which is about 100 yards
distant from the base of the sand-bank.
This sand-drift is about 00 feet high,
aud at the eitieme south end of the
angle preserves it as steep as the nature
of the sand will permit. The bank is
constantly extending to the south. It
is said by the natives that at the bluff
aud along the middle of the bank the
sand is not sonorous. But at the ex
treme south end and for half a mile
north if yon slap two haudfuls together
there is a sound produced like the low
booting of an owl—more or less sharp,
according as the motion is quick or
slow. Bit down upon the sand and give
one hand a quick circular motion, and
ihe sound is like the heavy bass of a
melodeon. Kneel upon the steep in
cline, extend tbe two hands and clasp
as much sand as possible, slide rapidly
down, carrying all the sand you can,
and the sound accumulates as yon de
scend until it is like distant thunder.
In this experiment the sound was suffi
cient to frighten our horses, fastened a
short distance from the base of the drift.
But the greatest sound wo produced
was by having one native lie down, and
another taking him by the feet and
dragging him rapidly down the incline,
carrying as much sand as possible with
them. With this experiment thesound
was terrific, and could have been beard
many hundred yards distant. With all
the experiments that were mode, it
seemed tbe sound was in proportion to
the amount of sand put in motion with
a proportionate velocity. Another oon
' sideration seems requisite—that is per
fect dryness. The dry sand would
I sound on the snrface, where six inches
' beneath it was wet; but if any of the
wet sand became mingled with the dry,
! its property of sounding ceased at once.
The sand appears to the eye like ordi
nary beach-sand, but ordinary beach
sand will not produce the sounds. It
has been said that it lost its sonorous
properties when taken away from the
bank. But I can discover no diminish
ing of its sonorous qualities, even with
the bottle uncorked, and we have had
rain frequently, and an atmosphere
more than ordinarily moiat for this time
of year. Perhaps if exposed to a very
damp atmosphere it might absorb
moisture enongh to prevent its sound
How HE DII> IT. —Thin WHH George
British way of robbing Matilda Koenig,
in Cnicago. First ho married her.
She had saved by hard labor S6OO, and
after her marriage intrusted it to Bntt
for deposit in her name. Ho carried
the money to the bank and had the
book made out in his owwname. Mrs.
Bntt objected to this, and her husband
went to the bank and obtained a book
in her name, on which he had S6O
placed to her credit. But before he car
ried it to her be added another cipher,
and made his wife believe that be had
transferred the whole Burn to her cred
it. He then visited the bank a third
time, drew ont $540, and ran away.
Terre Haute Expresn: When yonng
Mr. Bpitzer left home for college he
took leave of his mother in this manner:
" Mother, I will write olten and think
of you constantly." When he returned
two years later, he remarked to the
anxions parent: *' Deah mothaw, I
gweet you once moab f" Imagine the
feelings of a fond mother.
Spurgeon's ( liurrlt In l.ouitou
We got a s-at in one of the galleries,
says the Banbury man writing of Hpur
gcon'a church in Louduu, and found
ourselves iu au oblong building with
several tiers of galleries, and a wide
spread of tliMir, capable in all of seat
ii g 10, tOO persona, It was not a par
ticularly attractive building, beiug
merely a succession of sittings wherever
we liHikcil. At the riul opposite the
frout, and just below the galleries, was
a broad platform. This was the ouly
semblance of a pulpit. There were but
a few hundred {wople present when 1
entered, and they looked embarrassed
and insigutticaiil iu the forest of scats.
I imagined there was to be but a slim
When the doors opened the people
fairly swarmed in, ami fur fifteen min
utes they fairly piled into the aisles
without cessation. Hut still the build
ing was far from being filled. I grew
discouraged. Still they camo floating
in and fiUiug up, but wheu a rather
large and over-fed looking gentleman
came upon the platform ftom a door
under the lowest hack-gallery, aud
everybody about me said, "There ho
is," the seats were not entirely filled.
He gave out the first hymn amid the
rustle of dresses, aud the shuttling of
feet, and it was sung with a will, but
there was uo interruption to the in
setting current of humanity. I don't
exactly realise to this dsv how those
seats were filled, because it was doue as
imperceptibly as a gentle fall of suow
hides the earth and blocks up the ways.
The hymn was snug, the service read,
and other singing followed, and all the
while the eager admirers of Spurgeon
rained down upon the tabernacle, and
wheu he rose to commence his sermon
every seat was filled and the steps
which formed the passage-wavs be
tween the gallery seats were liiddeu
beueath jterspirmg but curious human
ity. Iu every direction bat the ceil
ing was a sea of faces and clothing. <u
the platform with the cause of the
great gathering were the officers and
many of the prominent men of the
church. There was no choir.
Ten thousand people quietly seated,
aud filled with religious emotions and
oulogne, is a spectacle rarely voqphsaf
eel to mortal's gaze. Here thev were
spread out before me like a sheet of
flv-paper on a druggist's show case ;
and all the little eccentricities of a con
gregation, but rarely noticed iu the
average gathering, swelled into a vol
ume of startling dimensions in this
luige audience.
The change of position, which is
but a perceptible rustle in the average
body of worshipers, on the close of a
prayer or hymn, here became a rustling
sound like the breaking away of a great
body of water, and the preparatory
cough, or hawking, as the hymn was
given out, arose from ton thousand
throats, and became magnified into a
clap of prolonged thunder.
The man who steps on the end of
a foot-stool and tips it up, so that it
frightens an entire audience, was here
multiplied by thirty, with the most
cheering success.
And when all the ladies took out their
handkerchiefs to wipe their months, it
seemed so much like a snow storm, that
I had put on my hat and pulled it
down over my eyes, before realizing my
mistake. The turning of the leaves of
ten thousand hymn books, need not be
described. Any imagination enjoying
the most moderate health, can depict
the noise without trouble. The near
est thing I czn liken it to, is the rolling
and breaking of the surf upon a New
Hampshire coast.
Mr. Bpurgeon is the main object of
interest. He is a large man, aud a
thorough Englishman in ap|K>arauce.
A broad, reddish face, light Lair, and a
square form—too large for the length.
Tliere was nothing particularly attrac
tive about his voice. lie preached
without notes.
How a I'astor was Itnped.
The New York correspondent of the
Boston Journal writes ; " Men and
women get coals, liquors, house rent,
and rides in the park from a systematic
begging for coffin or shroud, or money
to bury a poor woman or a dead child.
At the eventide, betwoen dawn and
dark, the meditations of a city pastor
were disturbed by the entrance of a
woman. She was out at service, she
said, and could only catcti odd hours
to get out. She attended the pastor's
chnrcb, and with a companion sat
among the lowly in the gallery. Both
had t>een converted the past winter;
both wished to be baptized. The sick
ness of her friend prevented it, and now
she had just died. Her companion
wished her to call npon the pastor,
thank him for his faithfulness, thstik
for the great benefits she bail de
rived from his preaching, and to bear
her dying request that he should at
tend her fnneral. The street, honse,
and time was named. The girl wept,
and the pastor was deeply ''fleeted.
The little money of both had been ex
hausted in the sickness and the
preparations for the fnneral. Every
think was ready but the grave. Was
there anv society that helped bnry the
dead ? There was none. But the pas
tor opened his pocket-book and prompt
ly tendered five dollars to complete the
arrangements for the funeral. The
girl would not toneh it—would not
think of snch a thing. After an earn
est plea on the pastor's part, the vi#i
■ tor wonld take it only an a loan, to be
i returned in a short time, and with
many thanks departed. The pastor en
tered the romaraable case in his note
book, with which to refresh the saints
when they came together. lie took a
; carriage and started for the funeral.
Tlo found the street and the house
\ very eanily—but, alas ! no corpse.
Nobody was sick—noliody had died ;
i the girl was nut to bo found, and the
whole was a deliberate plan to get out
: of the minister five dollars, and the
plan was a success."
The Harpers.
John Harper, familiarly known as
" llncle John Harper," the well-known
Kentucky stock raiser and distin
guished turfman, was of a plain, frugal
family of Pennsylvania Dutch crigin,
though long settled in Kentucky. He
was one of five children, only one of
whom, a brother, ever married. An
other brother, Adam, was killed in
18f>l by guerrillas, who visited the
house for nooty. nis brother Jacob
and sister Elizabeth were, on the 11th
of September, 1871, murdered in their
bods by parties still unknown. They
had amassed A laige property by farm
ing and rearing race horses, all of which
became tho property of John Harper.
He leaves by will his homestead .with
<SOO acres of the finest blue grass land
in Kentucky, together with all his race
horses (including Longfellow)' to his
nephew "Little Frank Harper." John
Harper was about 78 years of age.
Hasty Firimj.— A French officer, who
fought in the Crimea, related to me
how an English battalion of infantry
destroyed two Russian regiments ; the
Russians fired incessantly, and did not
lose a foot of ground ; bnt they were ex
cited and aimed badly. On the con
trary, the English infantry avoided
nndne haste, took steady aim, and
missed scarcely a single shot. Ths
human being ia ten times stronger
when his pnlse continues calm, and
when his judgment remains free,
kit lulu riling l.llr CuulUl lllrs of
I ll I aland
If you step on a blossom, it may be
an arctic plant, unknown elsewhere , if
a bird ilica overhead, it is probably au
rider duck ; if a boy speass in the
street, he may use words made venera
ble in the Kddos of Haemund and Hiior
re Bturdnaasu. isolation, sepaiate de
velopment, prevaleuoe of elements that
have |>crinlied iu other lauds, make lee
laud a study by itself. Hcareely auy
thnig 1 have learned in former travel,
even iu Hwedru and Norway, explains
the features of life here. Anchored in
the middle of the Northern Ocean, be
tween two contiueuta, the island be
longs but very slightly to either.
The sweep of mountain shores in
closing the northern extremity of the
Fsxa Fiord, and the inland raugea have
been gradually growing iuto form siuoe
our arrival, and almost every hour
brings out some unex{ected feature.
To-day, the panorama is surprising.
Sixty five miles to the west, floating on
the sea like au iceberg, shines the un
hrokeu white mass of the Suaefells
Jokull. Northward of him the land
disap|>eara to emerge again iu sharp
blue peaks, which are overlapped bv
higher and nearer promontories, nutif,
across the last bight of the fiord, the
bare mountains show every gully and
raviue, every streak of snow, patch of
pale green herbage or purple voleauic
rock. Son and shadow, ever in motion
over their sides, make continual ex
quisite changes of color. Inland, there
t the greatest variety of outline, from
the turfy shores t the horns, psaks
and rampart like ridges in the distance.
The air is wonderfully clear, so that the
tints of the great panorama —which has
a sweep of over a hundred miles—are
marked by the greatest possible deli
cacy and purity. Without being deep
anif glow ing, as in the South, they pro
duce almvst the same effect, and there
are moments when one can only think,
of the Mediterranean and ths Greciau
Wo BjK-ut yesterdav morning on
shore. The sailors filled our water
casks at the town pump, some of the
party bought eider-down or photo
graphs, others paid further visits of
ceremony. Cant. Howling, proposing
to take stones from the nearest harbor
island as ballast, was quite taken aback
by the refusal of the proprietor to al
low any portion of his volcanic real es
tate to be carried away. The reason
given was that the island wonld be
gradually diminished iu size, and fur
nish so much the leas brooding-ground
far eider ducks. These self sacrificing
bird* make their nests almost in the
outskirts f ltejkiavik. They are pro
tected by law, and show no fear of
In the afternoon, the captain pro
posed a boat excursion to a not spring
near tbo shore, a uilo or two from the
town, and throe of tia joined him. We
pushed off, hoisted a sail, and swiftly
rau along the coast, seeking for the em
bouchure of a river, which is fed from
the hot springs. The wind enabled us
to skirt the rough basallicthore closely,
without much danger of staring in the
bottom of our little craft, but we failed
to detect the exact point. There waa a
two-storv houe of atone on a broad
headland ; several boys on ponies came
dashing down the green slope behind
it, and a group of children at a little
cove seemed t;> watch onr movements
with much interest. We found, too
lste, that they were beacons to the en
trance of the hot river. Our only profit
from the trip was the sight of an enor
mous seal —it could hardly have been
less than 12 feet in length -which every
now and then popped up its huge,
stnpid head behiud us. After a dance
of nearly two hours over the rough
waves, we were glad to return and leave
the hot spiinga from which lleikiavtk
(tho smoking or steaming harbor) is
said to derive its name.
Onr visits on shore have been con
tinued to-day. They are always agree
able, but so much alike in form or re
ception, heartiness of welcome, and
even the material features of the resi
dences, that it is scarcely necessary to
describe them in succession. The beat
bouses in the town arc very much alike
in structure and internal arrangement.
There is usually a little hall or ante
room, abont large enough to pull off an
overcoat in, then the study or recep
tion-room of the owner, according to
liis profession, aud beyond it the talon
whero the ladies receive their guest*.
White curtains, pots of flowers in the
windows, a carpet on the floor, a sofa,
center table with books and photo
graphs, and pictures on the walls arc
the invariable features of this apart
ment ; and in spite of the lowness of
the ceiling, and other primitive archi
tectural characteristics, it is alwava
cheerful, bright and agreeable. Itock
ing-chairs are not uncommon, and the
finest easily forgets both latitude and
oeality as he looks out upon currant
bushes and potato-plants, while con
versing with a grave, earnest faced
voting lady upon Hhakespeare, German
literature, or the latest music.
The common people—if one has the
right to use tho word " common " in re
ferring to audi a people—are still some
thing of a puzzle to me. They vratch
ns with a curiosity which is intense, bnt
never obtrusive, yet when I attempt to
make a nearer acquaintance through
the medium of Danish they are shy and
shrinking to snch an extent that they
do not attempt to conceal it. The
average stature is short, not shore five
fi>ct six inches, complexion of a coarse,
ruddy brown, hair generally blonde
and straight, eyes blue or gray, body
broad, short, and compact, with short,
sturdy limbs, largo hands and feet—in
fnct a general aspect of rough Tigor,
but also of something more than that.
What this something may bo it will be
my task to discover when wo go into
the interior of the island.
This morning some of onr party took
ponies and rode out to the Laxa, or
Salmon river, about fonr miles from
here. Mr. Thomsen, a very enterpriaing
and obliging merchant, who anpplies
onr vessel during her stay here, accom
panied them as ho had accompanied tho
sing yesterday. The salmon wcro not
quite so ready to lie captured as His
Majesty found them (a cirenmstance I
will not endeavor to explain), but I be
lieve onrs caught a, some of
which liavo been ordered to lie " kip
pered " for friends and families. I
have never tasted fish more auoeulent,
prodigal of flesh, or delicious in flavor.
Tlio journey to Thingvalla and the
Geysers gives us some anxiety. It ia
absolutely necessary to taks a tent, as
every farm-byre in the neighborhood is
sure to bo crowded bv family and
friends, and the chnrcfioa (the only
hotels to be reckoned upon in Iceland)
will lie opened to the mnltitnde. In a
land like thia, where the tavern ia un
known and private hospitality ia so
limited by tho scauty resources of the
people, 1 find it simply and entirely
Christian that the Church should be
opened to shelter the weary traveler, to
givo him a roof in the season of cold
and rain, and to guard his nightly
slumbers. But wo hear of so many
families who are going to attend the
ceremonies at Thmgvnlla that some
prudence is absolutely prescribed.
The King's guide, Zoego, promises ns
thirty horses, with saddles, packs, and
W list UUOIT licalifc, and a XVIII
lug tlan I Can AcaaiMpllafc"A Model
Loskuig out of ths window ths other
morning I saw a woman drivo to the
gate, with a trim little establishment in
excellent order. 1 had never set eyes
on her before. I was sure of that,
though ths looked up at the window
with a bright and cheery smile, as
though she ha<l known me all her days.
Springing out of the high wagon liks a
([irl of sixtseu, though she was evident
y three times that age, she hitched her
horse aud blanketed it as if she were
used to it, aud was ushered into the
parlor. Hhc had come to inquire abont
some lots U|H>U oar farm, and I assure
You she talked business, it evidently
being no nsw thing to her. I found
she vu from a neighboring town, five
miles distant, where her husband is a
prosperous architect and builder. Af
ter she had obtained the information
for which she came, we fell into con
versation such as our sex will indulge in.
" Have you much of a family ?" I
" Eleven children," ths replied. I
opened my eyes in astonishment, ex
pecting to hear the usual auswer in
these days. "Three, two boys and a
girl," or vice verea. " Hsvejrou nsver
lost any children ?" said L "None,"
she replied, "and nonw are married ;
they are all living at home." " What
a family to look after I" I exclaimed.
" Oh, I shouldn't mind our own family
at all," said she, "bat we hsve always
hoarded three or four carpenters, ne
cessary iu my husband's business.
Then we hsve a farm, and a good many
oowa to see to aud butter to inske, and
as my husband is always busy in other
ways, the oversight of the farm de
volves mostly on me."
" I hope you are more fortunate than
the reet of us, in haviqg good domestic*
to help you with all this work," I said.
The good woman straightened herself
up and gave a decisive reply. " I never
keep any," she said ; " they never suit
me. ' " Your children must help yon
a good deal, then ?" " Y'es ; bnt they
have their lessons to learn. Their eld
est sister, who has as good an educa
tion as money could give her, teaches
them eutirslv at home. We have s
room in our house fitted up especially
for this purpose. They are more thor
oughly taught by her, with the deep
interest she feels' in them, than if they
went to school elsewhere; and being
able to recite their lessons in the early
part of the day, they spend fewer hours
over books, which is better for their
health, and thia enables them to give
me more A*aitauoe than thev other
wise. could do." What a sensible wo
man, thonght I ; for you know what a
favorite idea home learning is with me,
when it iaat all practicable. So 1 drew
my chair nearer to her and said, " Tou
don't do your owu acwu.g, do yon ?*'
" Never sent out a stitch in my life,
dresses or anything else, aven sum we
had not a sewing-machine, and I don't
know what excuse I could have for it
now with a good machine," "Do you
make your husband's and all your boya'
abirts ?" I asked. " Every One of
them. My eldeet son is something of a
dandy, as young men will be, and he
bought some shirts awhile ego. Oh !
such a fit as they were ! I spent more
time ripping and fixing them than
would Lave cut and made a good half
" Do you ever hava time to go out
side vonr house t" I inquired.
" Oh, yea," she replied, with a smile;
" I am here this morning, you see, to
inquire about the land, and dav before
yreterday I went to the State with
some Imiter, which took a premium."
" You must ait up tery late nighte,"
I aaid.
"Oh no, not Tory ; we always fin:*L
np otir work by 8 o'clock evening* un
less something very special is going on,
for we are quite a musical family. We
have a piano. My daughter* are good
player*, and father and mother, loy
and giria, all eonnt upon a good ting,
often, before going to bed, and this
rauM<a 11a to ait up rather later, 1 hare
sometimes thought, than waa good for
üb, euuaidering we haTe to l>c np with
the lark in the morning*. You know,"
ahe added, " that niuaie i* very fascin
ating to those who love it." Are yon
always well," I asked. "My health ia
perfect. I have a good natuial consti
tution. and have no time to be debili
tated and nervous." ilere this paragon
arose to go. I followed her to the
gate, saw her nnbitch her horse and
drive off, while 1 returned to the house
with these reflections: Elev:n chil
dren, boarders, a farm, no servants, no
sewing put out, all teaching done iu
the honsc, premium for butter at the
State fair, and the flne arts I Think ol
it, O yo daughters who have a family
of three children, three servants, hire
all yonr tewing done, and have head
ache, dyspepsia anil general debility
thrown in.
As for me, I went npstairs after this
interview, unrolled some shirts I was
jnst going to send out to be made, and
oiling np my machine, went to work at
them. Of course I hate it. Of course
it will tire me to death, but it is so nice
to be smart like this good woman. I
have made some inquiries abont her
since she was here, and find her story
was not exaggerated. She is a living
example of what perfect system ana
industry will accomplish. She was
once a teacher, well educated and sensi
ble. She married her husband when
he was not worth a cent, and now they
live in a fifteen thousand dollar house,
own a good farm, sad to the good man
agement and thrift of the wife is at
tributed mneh of the husband's suc
oess. They and their children have the
name of l>eing one of the happiest and
most nnitcd families anywhere abont
Bnt my paragon docs not write sneh
long letters as this, I snspect. I must
go back to ray machine ; it acts like a
witch to-day.
False flair.
Tho Breton peasant girl, for a gandy
handkerchief or flashy pair of ear-rings,
is willing to sacrifloe her beautiful hair.
Tying his horse to a spreading tree, the
hair-monger, armed with a formidable
pair of scissors, soon attracts a crowd
of village maidens, who, after a little
haggling, submit to be sheared like so
many sheep. After dextrously and
gracefully clipping the locks, he de
posits tbem, neatly tied, in his baskets,
and Jeanuie is liberated, to be greeted
with shunts and laughter from her com-
S anions, for so well has tho work been
one, that her head has the appearance
of beiug shaved. Nowhere bnt in Brit
tany will the girls submit to this whole
sale croppiug, insisting upon preserv
ing a few tiiin locks, at least, of na
ture's fairest gift In that province,
however, where the custom is for wo
men to wear hideous, close-fitting caps,
hair, which would be tho glory of
American ladies, is nselcßs, and it is
there that the hair merchant roans his
richest harvest.
A rustic couple, newly married,
marched into a drng store, and called
for soda water. Tho obliging clerk in
quired what syrup they would have in
it, when the swain, deliberately leaning
over the oounter, replied, " Stranger,
money is no ebjeot to me ; put sugar
In it/
TVrrnH: $2.00 aYoar, in .Advance.
IU Hulila Hmy Twenty ll.aa*t
No, sat IslllM • !.••• KM*.
Mauv are the interesting •mom of
Gen. Jaeksou'a life which hia blogra
phc r, I'arton, bu omitted and not
brought to light. When a boy, sayk an
1 old gentleman who wu boy in Ten
uensue at the time, I him scare and
put to flight twenty thousand men. The
ooeaaion was this : (Irey Hound, a
Kentucky horae, had beaten l>onble
Head, a Tenneaaee horae, and they
were afterward matched for five thou
sand dollars a side, to be run on the
Clover iiottom eourse. My nnelo, Jo
sephus 11. Conn, carried me on horse
back behind him te see the raoe. He
set me on the cedar fenoe and told me
to remain until he returned. There
must have been twenty thousand per
sons present. I never Witnessed such
fierce betting between the tttatee.
Money and negroes were put up. A
large pound was filled with horses and
negroes bet on the result of this raoe.
The time had now arrived for the com
petitors to appear on the track. I
heard some load talking, and looked
down the track and saw, for the first
time, Gen. Jackson riding slowly on a
grav horse, with long pistols held in
each hand. I think they were as long
as my arm, and had a month that a
ground squirrel could enter. In his
wake followed my uncle, Conn, Btoka
ly, Donalson, Palton, Anderson, and
several others, as fierce as bull dogs.
As Gen. Jackson led the van and ap
proached the judges' stand, he waa rap
idly talking and geeticnlating. Aa he
came by me, be aaid that he had irre
fragable proof that this waa to he a
jockey race; that Grev Bonnd waa seen
in the wheat field the night before,
which disqualified him for the raoe,
and that his rider was to receive five
hundred dollars to throw it off, and by
the Eternal he wonld shoot the first
man who brought his horae upon the
track ; that the people's money should
uot l*e stolen from them in this manner.
He talked incessantly, while the spittle
rolled from his month and the fire from
his eye. 1 have seen bears sod wolves
put at bay, but he was certainly the
most fenicioua looking animal that I
had ever seen. His appearance and
manner struck terror into the hearts of
twenty thousand people. If they felt
sa I did, every one expected to be slain.
He announced to the parties if they
wanted lead in their hides, just bring
their horses on the track, for by the
Eternal he would the first man that
attempted to do so. There was no re
sponse to this challenge, and after wait
ing some time, and they failing to ap
jwar, Gen. Jackson aaid it waa a great
mistake in the opinion of some that he
acted hastily and without consideration.
He would 'give the scoundrels a fair
trial, and to that end be wonld consti
tute a court to investigate this matter
who would hear theproof and do jos
; tiee to all parties. Thereuixm he ap
pointed s sheriff to keep order, and five
judges to bear the case. Proclamation
waa made that the court waa open and
was ready to proceed to business, and
for the parties to appear and defend
themselves. Not appearing. Gen. Jack
son introduced the witness®" proving
the bribery of Grey Hound's rider, who
was to receive SSOO to throw off the
race, having received |2of) in advance,
and that Grey Hound had been turned
into the wheat field the night before.
He again called on the particj to ap
pear and counteract this proof and vin
dicate their innoornoe. They failing
to appear, Gen. Jackson told the court
that the proof waa closed, and for them
to render their judgment in the prem
ises, which, in a few moments, was
done in accordance with the facts
proved. I was still on the fenoe form
ing one line of the large pound contain
ing the property bet on the race. Each
man was anxious to get back hit prop
ertv. Gen. Jackaon waved his hand
and announced the decision, and aaid :
" Now, gentlemen, go calmly and in
order, and each take his own property."
When the word was given the people
came with a rush. It was more terrible
than an army with banners. They
came bulging against the fence, and in
the struggle to get over they knocked
it down for hundreds of varda, I waa
overturned and was nearly tramped to
death. Each man got his property,
and thas the frandnlent race was broken
up by se exhibition of the most extra
ordinary courage. He did that day
what it would have requireJ 2,000
armed men to have effected. All this
was effected by the presence and action
of one man, and withont the drawing
of one drop of blood.
In a Ventilator.
The terrible stories of death in chests
with secret springs, came near a repeti
tion latelv in an English provincial
town. A Mr. Keik, quite recently mar
ried, had invited a party of friends to
his honse, and his young wife, in her
anxiety to get rid of the hot air, ven
tured upstairs, and seeing a small closet
with a ventilator, ahe entered to open
it, when the current of air closed the
door. In vain she called to the ser
vants, although she could hear the
door bell ring, and her visitors enter ;
and as none suspected that the impris
oned lady was in the roof of the house,
all the other parts of the dwelling and
grounds were searched. One of the
visitors suggested that there might be
an old oak chest with a secret spring,
and this gave a cine to the closet, and
when at last found, Mrs. Kelk waa se
rionslv ill and hysterical. Violent epi
leptic'flts followed, and the shock be
ing mow than tho nervous system
could sustain, death shortly put an and
to the poor young lady's sufferings.
The Human Form.
Tbe whole hnman figure should be
six time* the length of the feet. Whe
ther the form be *lender or plamp, the
rule holds good ; any deviation from it
is s departure from the highest beauty
of proportion. The Greeks made all
their statues according to this rule.
The face, from the highest point of the
forehead where the hair begins, to the
chin, is one tenth of the whole statue.
The hand, from the wrist to the middle
dinger, is the same. From the top of
tbe chest to the highest part of the fore
head is the seventh. If the faoe, from
the roots of the hair to the chin, be di
vided into three equal parts, the first
division determines the place where the
eyebrows meet, and the second the
p'laoe of the nostrils. Height from tho
foot to the top of the head is t'lo dis
tsnce from the extremity of the fingers
when the arms are extended.
Cruku —A new and cruel invention
at Long Branch is the introduction of
living butterflies in the entire centre
piece of flowers which usually adorn
the middle of the table at the fashion
able dinner aud sapper parties. Tbe
poor insects aro fastened by a tine wire
which is passed through their bodies
concealed among the flowers. The con
vulsive quiver of the expanded wings
as the tortured butterfly struggles in
its dying agonies, is supposed to repre
sent the graceful wave of the same
above some freshly opened flower.
A Chicago man whose uncle died and
left him 818.000, broke his leg while
• xpering for joy.
NO. 38.
(>m. L.i OrW.r. by lb. Pr.iie.wt of lb.
UeMa* Slat*, awe Ik* Atlariwr-CI.W
The following is the lettur of the
President of the United Btstde to the
Secretary of War, relative to affairs in
the Bouth : " The recent atrocities in j
the Booth, particularly in Louisiana, .
Alabama ana South Carolina, show a
disregard for law, otvil rights and per
sonal protection that ought not to be
tolerated in any civilised government
It looks as if, unless speedily checked;
matters most become worse, until life
and property there will receive no pro
tection from the local authorities, aueb
authority becoming powerless. Under
anch circumstances it is the duty of the
government to give all the aid for the
protection of life and civil rights legally
authorised. To this end I wish you
would consult with the Attorney-Gen
eral, who is well informed as to the out
rages already committed and tha locali
ties where the greatest danger lies, and m
so order troops as to be available in '
caee of neeseaity. All proceedings for
the protection of the Besth will Be un
der the Law Department of the gov
ernment, and will be directed by the
Attorney-General, in accordance with
the provisions of the Enforcement seta, i
No instructions need therefore be given
the troops ordered into the Hon there
Htatee, except as they may be transmit- I
ted from time to time on advice from
the Attorney-General, or aa circum
stances may determine hereafter."
Aa a result of a conference held at
the United .States War Department, the
following order was issued by Attorney- i
General Williams :
Outrages of various descriptions, and
in some casea atrocious mniders, have
been committed in your district by
bodies of armed men, sometimes in dis
guise, and with a view, it is believed,
of overawing ard intimidating peace
able and law-abiding citizens, and de
priving them of the rights guaranteed
to them by the Constitution and laws
of the United States.
Yeur attention is directed to aa act of
Congress paaaed April 9, 1866, entitled
"An act to protect all persons in the
I'nited States in their civil rights, and
to furnish means for their vindication
and to another passed April 20, 1871,
entitled "An act to enforce the pro
visions of the Fourteenth amendment
to the Constitution of the United States,
and for other purposes." Also to one
paaaed May 80, 1870, entitled "An act
to enforce the rights of citizens of the
United States to vote in the several
States of this Union, and for other pur
poses," which, with these amendments,
make these deeds of violence and blood
offence, within the jurisdiction of the
general Government. 1 consider it my
Jnty, in view of these circumstances,
to instruct yon to proceed with all pos
sible energy and despatoh to detect,
arrest, and pnnish the perpetrators of
these crimes, and to that end yon are
to spare no effort or necessary expense.
Troops of the United Btatea will be
stationed at different and convenient
points in your district for the purpose
of giving you all needful aid in the dia-
, ehaige of roar official duties.
Tern understand, of ooarse, that no
interference whatever is hereby In
tended with ens politics! or nsrty eo
• lion not In violation of lew, bat pro
tection to ell classes of citizens, white
end oolored, In the free exercise of the
i elective franchise end the enjoyment of
the other rights end privileges to which
they ere entitled UDder the Constitu
tion end lews, es citizens of the United
Tne inati notions ere issued by the
authority of the President and with the
concurrence of the Secretary of War.
The above is addressed to United
States Marshals and attorneys, end is
prepared with the approval of the
President, to whom the potential points
were sabmttted in the rooent visit of
the Attorney-General to Long Branch.
A Farmers' Harvest Home.
The Farmers' Co-operative Union, of
Long la!and, had their second annual
harvest home festival at Rookaway
Beach, and had a very agreeable tune—
dancing, bathing, eating and talking.
Hon. John O'Dennell, editor of the Ja
maica Standard, briefly explained the
objecta and aims of the organisation,
and reviewed its feareer in the past. It
was founded, he said, six years ago,
when an attempt waa made to tax the
farmers aa produce brokers. A mass
meeting was held, and a committee,
among whom was Mr. O'Donnell, was
appointed to go to Washington to re
monstrate against the injustice— a mis
sion which, after much arduous labor,
was attended with complete success.
A careful review of the subject, aaid
Mr. O'Donnell, would show that the
agriculturists were in a large majority
over any other class of the community.
They were the bone and sinew, and the
intelligence of the nation, in which
they were hardly heard at aIL There
was a prejudice against ftrmers' unions,
and, aa it seemed to him, a moat unrea
soning and unreasonable prejudioe, for
surely there oould be no more danger
in men of agricultural pursuits banding
themselves together for mutual protec
tion than in politicians or any other
elaas taking the same precaution.
Hitherto farmers had been content to
accept for their goods whatever the
merchants chose to offer ; but there
were two parties to every bargain, and
it was time tbey should have some
voice in the disposal of their own
In conclusion, the speaker said he
would ask New York and Brooklyn to
give the Long Island farmers some
plaoe in their eities where they could
sell their goods directly to the consum
ers, instead of being dependent upon
the speculators and middlemen, who
sometime* kept their wares forty-eight
hours before selling them. Whether
the purchasers were satisfied with them
in tnia condition, and careless about
getting them fresh and cheap directly
from the growers, was a question for
their own consideration.
Wood Times Among the Lowly,
" Why you're a new comer, aren't
yon ? haven't seen you before," we re
marked to s lad of about twelve years,
as he was giving as a shine in King
ston. *
" Yes, sir; ain't bin here before,
bat took it in this trip—lots of oosl
here, sir."
"Yes, where are you from?"
'• Oh, I'm on my summer trip. I'm
from New York—always take a run out
of town in the summer—done it for—
oh, I d'u know how long. Like the
country for a while."
" Well are yon having a good time ?"
" Havin' a good time ? you bet,(with
a little laugh). Why m' dinner costs
70 cents to-dsy—had a beefsteak and
tnrmatere, an' a rice puddin', an' I got
33 oonts yet. Umuh a good time ? now
you're a sboutin' I l '
He wus the happiest summer tourist
we have seen this season, and his cash
capital was 43 oents, but who can com
pute his satisfaction over that " beef
steak, tnrmaters, an' rice puddin' ?"
A " big Indian " Btrayed away from
his camp and got lost. Inquiring the
way back, he was asked if he was lost.
"No," said be, disdainfully, "Indian
no lost; wigwam lost!" Striking his
breast, he exolaimed, " Indian here
Facts U4 Fancies.
Ah uamtiafaotory meal—A domestic
Indians'* modai of hogs thla JB
will be 160,000 leu than lut year.
" UaaMMd bp tlx Itxn of her boa
bead, M la anew aljle of indicating •
widow's grief.
The paper thai ealhi Goldamith MaM
the ** King of the Tor!" oppose* women
A ncwapaoar la the only instrument
which the same thought into a
thousand minor si the wuae moment.
A lady at Princeton, la., wu reoently
ctong on the neck bjr a' hooey bee, end
died from the wound hf twenty mtnntee
"The world's a siege,* end ell the men
end women merely pleyera' -and the
billjnatnow is "The sohool for Boendel
If your sister fell into e well, why
couldn't you rescue her ? Because you
couldn't be e brother end eeeist-her too.
f Why am two ladies kissing eeeh other
an emblem of Christianity? Because
they are doing unto each otter as they
would men should do uato them.
A ysuthful Pannsylrania grsngw.
about to be ehaatiaed by his father the
other day. celled for hit jpendfetber to
protect him from the middlemen.
He who freely praiaee what he mesne
! to purchase, end be who enumerates
the faults of whet he means to sell,
may set up s partnership with honesty.
A Mr. Wakemea in Vermont started
out to borrow a boa. That implement
mast be scarce, for Mr. W. has now
been gone sixteen years, sod his wife if
growing anxious about him.
A number of ex-Confederate soldiers
in Booth Carolina it**mtly exhumed
the bonce of two Union soldi era, buned
in neglected graves on the roadside,
inclosed them in handsome coffins and
forwarded them to their homes in Ohio.
Near Clyde, 111., reoently, a four
year-old girl wandered into a wheat
field and went to sleep with both arms
over her eyea to shield them from the
"sun. A reaper passing over the spot
took off both the poor little cms tares
Chantdavoine. who had been hidden
away in Paris ewer since the Commune,
went oat with his family to pas* a Ben
day on the grass. He wu nabbed by m
vigilant gendarme and earned off to
hard labor for Ufa. He thought he had
T&SrSp. r US .
Beeehar-Tilton scandal has coat in
types, telegrams, correspondents,
lawyers, fire hundred thousand dollars.
Probably. But who is to calculate the
estimate of the mischief it fas* done to
the morals of the community f
A Syracuse newspaper says : " Gold
smith Maid went to be shod in Spring
field the other dsy, sod the nails from
her shoes were choicely prewired for
watch-charms by the unfortunate fel
lows who happened to be around.
One man, more audacious, pulled two
hairs from the sacred tail, and avowed
his intention of hawing them braided
into a ring."
.In Sweden a strong cloth is manufac
tured from bop stalks. Hie stalks aie
gathered in the antumn, and soaked in
water daring the whole winter. The
material is then dried in an or en and
woven u flax. The buds of Lops can
be need u an esculent, and when boiled
will do u a substitute for a*piragua.
The tendrils, when young, may be used
in the utne way.
The sensation at Saratoga at present
consists of two gentlemen from New
York who are fast friends. The beau
tiful wife of one is divorced and is mar
ried to the other, and yet the men have
never broken with each other. The
ease is one **>* has been known of and
talked about in New York for years,
though the marriage only took place
about a month or six weeks ago. The
bride is resplendent with diamonds and
THie suicide of Mattie Smith, at
Chesuneodk, Mass., might form the
basis of a firat-class tragedy. She wu
at a neighbor's visiting, when a young
man with whom she had been ac
quainted but a abort time passed the
house. 81m went to the door and called
him to come beak, bat he did not eom
ply with her request, whereupon she
started to overtake him, but failing to
do so. drew a pocket knife and plunged
the blade into her throat.
The plan* of the railway which ia to
ascend Mount Vesuvius are now com
plete. The route will be 16.1 milee in
length. The grades are twenty and
thirtr-five per oeot, and the road ter
minate* at a few feet of the crater.
There will be owe station, protected by
a sort of break-lava, which will direr!
the flow, in case of eruption, from the
building and rat la. The road ia so laid
oat as to be naturally sheltered at every
point, except for a distance of about
aixty feet
Did you ever bear of cucumtwr tot a 4 , ?
It ia prepared aa follows: Pare and
slice lengthwise, medium-aired encum
bers, in cuts a quarter ol ta inch thick.
Rinse in cold water, dip each slice
singly in flour, and put them into a
dtippiog-pan, using for material to try
them in, the gravy in which either beef
steak, real cutlet, or mutton chop baa
been oooked. Fry briaklj until the
slices are a light brown on both sides.
Hare your bread toasted, buttered and
close at hand. Slip the slices of en
cumber hot from the pan between slices
of toast and aerre at onee.
Protectlou From Lightning.
During a recent thunder-storm in
the village of Trumbull, Conn., a fam
ily of three persons, husband, wife ana
child, who had taken refuge on a feath
er bed, were instantly killed by light
ning ; the house had no roda. # In the
same village, during the same'storm, a
dwelling house, which had two light
ning rods upon it, waa seriously dam
sped. Several of our readers, who have
seen the aeoounte of these disasters,
and others who cite analagons ex
amples, have had ihear faith in feather
beds, as s place of safety daring thun
der-storms, severely shaken ; while
some of them wonld fain believe that
lightning rods serve to destroy rather
than to preserve life and property.
Feather beds are not a protection
from lightning, and the popular belief
that they are, doubtless results from a
misapprehension of the laws that gov
ern the passage of electricity. The
human body is a better conductor of
electricity than feather beds or other
objeeta ordinarily contained in the
apartments of dwellings, and therefore,
a priori, when the lightning enters an
apartment, the human body ia likely to
form one in a chain of indnctiona, de
termining the path of an electrioal dis
charge, nnless better conductors are in
its vicinity to divert this action.
What Constitutes a Traveler.
The public houses in England are
not new allowed to dispense strong
drink on Sunday except to persons
traveling, and in order to determine
who the favored few are who may
quench their thirat by a glass of beer
on the Lord's Day, the law affecting the
matter' has a descriptive clause to the
effeot that "for the purposes of this act
s person shall not be deemed to be a
traveler unless he is three miles from
the place where he lodged the previous
night." Three miles is s pretty long
walk for a man who, nnder the influ
ence of tangle-foot, is apt to be troubled
more by the breadth than by the length
of the road, but we are afraid that
Sunday in England finds far too many
men at least three miles from the
place where they lodged the previous
AN ICELAND PRlSON.— Bayard Taylor
says : The road led put the prison,
which is altogether the finest building
in Rejkiavik. Bat, alas for the wisdom
of those who decreed its erection ! It
waits in vain for an inmate. The
smoothly-cut walls of gray lava-stone,
the cheerful cells, the spacious prison
yard invite some one to be culprit and
enjoy their idle luxuries ; but the peo
ple are too ignorant to accept the oolL
On the summit of the hill above there
is a rather graceful square tower, built
by the students during their play-hours
as a place of rhelter when the weather
was stormy; but now it serves u a
beacon for vessels at sea, and weary
travelers approaching from the in
terior, *■ *