The Centre reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1871-1940, September 17, 1874, Image 3

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rut* ;s•> \ y skvt it. h-t*
Our Wends will oblige by sending u
item* ot local new - in their locality, try
uv the tacts only, and wo will put thorn in
shape, also notice* of deaths and marri
age*. .
Any one sending us the nsntos of six n w
subsetibers. with the cash, will b entitle.!
t > receive the Hkivrtkr one your free.
The Hfi'oßl KR being rend bv neatly
every on thi side of the county,
w here it has a larger circulation than ant
two papers, w ill be_ found the best medium
for advertising busine**, aies. Ac. Ac
Fkk. The Brazilian and Diamond
pebble glass spectacles, the best in the
world, and which can be worn many years
with. ut change, can bo had of M. Mrovi-e,
who is traveling over the county, and i
thc only agent for them, and ha no pod
l„rs employed. Those glas-cs have the
highest recommendations. Price from
§1,.V0 upwards. *dT ""K
Bellclonte. N. Ward 11 Y St
do S H —Joseph box.
do W. O Meek.
Milc*burg—da* F Weaver.
How-aril John W Gardner.
Philip*V>urg C A Faulkner.
VnionvUle -John Bing
llenncr tw-p—A Y Wagner.
Hoggs - W in Marks
Hurnsidc Bernard \ eidchi'llcr.
CNirtin—Henry I'heil.
Ferguson—W 11 Fry.
Gregg—J B Heckman.
llainos—John C Stover.
Hrtfmoon —J 11 Griffin.
11 arris--John Mover.
Howard—Samuel B Leathers.
Huston— H ti Cronister.
Liberty—J no. A Stover.
Marion George Hoy-
Mile!- - Harvev Korman.
Pet ■ -P K Sellers
Penn —D A Musser.
Patte- —Jeseph GillilanJ .
Rush—O M'Galley.
Saaa Sit J H Holt,
Spring John 11 Harnhart.
Tavlo. Samuel Weaver.
Vnior G L Peters.
Walker—John Divens.
Worth Owen M V .nn
J, 11 MORRISON. Chairman
School-Ux. ot Potter, this year tu
be i aid to S. M Swarts, treasurer. Church-
Ttllc. See his notice.
The Patrons of Husbandry will hold
a basket pic nic in Leech's Grove, S mile*
west of Centre llall, Thursday, September
21 Prominent speakers of the order u.'.l
address the audience There will be Mt or
al Bauds present, til the different
Granges in Centre Co arc expected to be
in attendance. The Public generally are
invited. Hour of Meeting 10 o'clock A
The Independent school d.strict, in
Gregg, gets through with from 2 to :> mills
tax annually.
Head the advertisement of Short
lidge i Co.. it a deal un-re profita
ble than the Beech er-Tilton Scandal.
The while of an egg is an excellent,
application for burns. Twigs of winter'
green placed where little roJJanU Ci r.gre
gat . w ill cause them to leave.
Our Potter twp. Grange, the 'Pro
gre--," latelv'had a car-load of sail con
taining 120 sacks, shipped to L.wist >wn,
which they intend to have for their own
special use
W. U. Bierly, esq ,of the Will
iamsport Register, called at our domicile
on Thursday, after the Ke-uaion exercise.-,''
about 101 p. m., but we had gone to our
snooze, as Centre Hall editors do not Weep
late hours, nor .my thing else but Mih
ler- bitters. In consequence we did not
see our good and talyented friend from
lLrdic*ille, owing to his good breeding
in refusing to have us aroused from the
anns of Morpheus, which, in this instance
we can a--ure Mr. Bierly we regret he did
not violate, as wc would have gladly come
down front even the thirty-seventh story
to hatre a shake of hi* hand. Though he
did not hear r.- r -ee us, we did hear and
see him while delivering the Re-onion
address, which was ably gotten up. well
delivered, and altogether a credit to the
The clc.-ing exercises and re union j
of the Centre Co. Normal Institute were
held in the Ev. church, of this place, on
Thursday evening last, 10th. At an early
hour tLe large audience room was packed
aim >.-t to suffocation by ladies and gentle
men from ail parts oftbe county, and ma
ny coull not gain admittance, as every
I • K(f space was occupied by persons seat
ed ar.d standing. We being a little late
were fortunate enough to get a "standing
seat' in the rear of the building, with the
cornpe. ation that is lent by distance to
the enchantment of the view. The e-says
by the lad es we could not hear, ou ac
count ,f the di-tancc and the confusion
a ending the e-ovd in the s'air-way near
which we -lood : yet we know the essay*
were good, for we heard competent judges
say so. The music by the class, both TISCBI
and instrumental, was charming, I'tof.
R sbcl acting q- organist. .Mrs. Magec
farored the audience at intervals with sev
eral excellent solos, with instrumental ac
companiment. All participating acquitted
then:stives with credit, and the order was
as g'>od as could ba expected in a crowded
audience and wi'.h tho thermometer at the
fanning point. The following was the
order of exercise-, interspersed with mu-
Salutatory—Eisay—Miss Elmira Whippo,
l'ort Matilda, Fa.
Otaticn—"Man"—Charles Dannley. Pine
Grove Mills, Pa.
Essay—'"Lock Before You Leap — Mitt
Lucy Barnhart. Roland, Pa.
Oration—"Know Thyself*—S. K. Erne*
rick. Centre Llall, Pa.
Eruy-—"The Beauty of Benevolence "
3!is;- Annie McDonald, Pine Grove
Mil!?, Pa.
Oration—"Will Power*'—Geo. p Riahei,
bellefonte. Pa.
Essay—"The Fountain of Uappinet*"—
Alury L. Jfesliit, Bellefonte. Pa.
Sulogy- -"Charles Sumner"—Win. F
Gisuian, Centre Hull, Pa.
E-say—"Farewell*' Miss Alice Martin.
Fleming, Pa.
lie-union Address —W. R. Bierly, Will
iamsport, Pa.
liehcarsal—Extract from Patrick Ilenry,
J. L. Bricker, Boalsburg, Pa.
Essay—"Lost Days"—Misa Aggie Mur
ray, Centre Hall, l'n.
Valedictory—J. C. Thompson, Buffalo
Run, Pa.
The teachers, during their stay in this
place, in attending the Normal, conducted
themselves as becomes ladies and gentle
men. We have heard no complaint of
unbecoming conduct, and they took their
departure with many regrets of this com
munity ar.d have its best wishes for success
and usefulness in their important calling.
Supt. 3lagee may flatter himself that he
has made the Centre Co. Normal a success
by his untiring energies in its upbuilding
and his endeavors to improve the teachers
of our county and its schools.
owing one, two or more
years on the Keporter, will oblige by re
mitting nil or part. Our paper-man, hands
and creditors look to us lor Cash.
IN AL SUPP'H'TEK offoredto the pub
lic, with the ful of the most emi
nent physicians and surgeons in the pro
fession that they would supersede all metal
of other Instruments in use, for the relief
and cure of Hernia. Prolapsus Ut ri, and
jtlj Abdcmirttp! Weaknesses, great
hummer of radical c 14res they have effect
ed, fqily justify the confident prediction
made, and has demonstrated the tact that
rupture can be surely cured without sutler
ing or annoyance, and without the danger
of incuring Spinal Disease or Paralysis,
often caused by the severe pressure of
Me' 1 Trusses Hnd Supporters. ZELLEIt
&SON, Druggists, Uellcfonte, Sole Agents.
Aug 27 8m
A white breeding sow, belonging to
the undersigned, has been missing for
about three months. Any one giving in
formation of the whereabouts of the same
will be suitably rewarded. J. B. SOIT.
township will open on Monday October
19th, next.
|0 Sept 8-U By order of the Board.
(trtvrrnar Curtin i in bad health,
and hits been < \ < : since lie lelt the ltepuh
li.:.n psrlv. So . .. the \\ illiru*|iorl
Bulletin, and we may add that the radical
party also felt very had a! Vndrews leav
ing it.
Mr. John Holder, of Moils, planted
four acres of ground with potatoes in the
spring, which yielded liini ju*t four bu
shel*. The potato-hug hold an undistuili
ed pie-nie in that patch all summer.
Tf.e Key stone Stump K vlrncter pur
chased hy II Reamer A llro . ot this
place, lias piovc.L a M.CCC-S after being
thoroughly tested on our IVntis Valley
Stumps which are the most difficult of
any to pull, pulling 30 to ."si large Fine
Stump a .lav. 11 O Heainer has -ecurod
the Right ot this Machine tor the follow
ing Counties.- Centre. Lycoming, l on
ton. Poller, Tioga. Bradford, Susquehanna
and Wayne, ai d is now prepared to >dl
County or Township Bight, with or with
out Machine, giving authority to build
Mai hinc.
-—The long, dry spell has caused the
roads to bo fearfully dusty we never saw
the like vehicles raise i: in clouds a- they
pass along Curing the war. when t.-l no
co was high, an ardent lover of -null
thought Providence might us well have
made dust to do as a substitute for it.
Prov ideiice wa> the wiser alter a!!, for il
the man's wish could have been gratified
o e half the pcopl. would hav.- sneered
the heads off their sh.-u .li-r inside the
last week, while the other hall would he
found trying hard to do the same thing
\ alt Pelt A She. p, of this place, a
few daj> ago put up 111 their machine
stlop-, a patent farmers' grist mill, and
are now pieparcd to chop com, oats, Ac.,
ot. shortest \\ are pleased to say
that the i. ulnin- works to the entire ratis
faction of owners and customers I: is
quite a convenience for this neighborhood,
as other mills are so distant, and being
run by steam, all work brought to the
foundry can he done on few nu mel.ts
The L . * llav en market-, in-l week,
had the following prices Batter sold for
A Hit-, eggs brought2ftcetiU with* good
supply ; potatoes, H) cents per bushel; ap-
I lc, 80cr.ts per bushel; peaches, of ex
cellent quality sold for SIOO per bushel.
On Saturday tuorning says tha Lock
Haven Republican, officer Fowler arrested
John S. IVrb-t and John 1". I'-obst the
former for selling d -easod j>ork, the latter
for selling veal only one wee* old. The
parties w ill have a hearing before A!dr
inan Batcheier tvs-txi rrow mortiit r Let
this serve as a warning to others not te
shove young or diseased articles upon our
people, a> in all castas when discovered
they w ill be severely dealt with.
Our neighbor, Jacob l>ing.-- reports
potatoes weighing as follow-: Two weigh
ing £ li s. 3ct; one of 2 lbs. 15 cz; and i
no of 21b- tit Whoppers indeed. Aj
Mr. Kt-rlin, of the 1. >o|>, left at our OH
fee the other day, some specimens of what'
seems to be the next thing to coal. The J
vein that he has t eon at work upon lor i
some time is becoming heavier and the J
indications more promising as be goes on >
in the Work. Judging from the specimen
he has left with u-, we think he is it: a fair
way to be rewarded with the lot g -ought
for treasure in this valley- coal—and trust j
that be may ere long be gladdened w.lh a j
sight of the genuine article in his mine
—-A sad case of suicide t .-k place in
Grvgg t Brush valley on la-t Sun- ;
day. Mrs. Hawk, wife of John Hawk,
being mixed, search was made, and she
was found dead in the garret, having hung
Ti c family of Mr Ilawk is n very respec
table one. We heard no farther particu
lars. Funeral on Tuesday.
A grand celebration came off on la-t
Sat urday. between Woodward and Aarons
burg, in Mr. I)etw i!er* maple grove. The
St. Paul Sabbath School celebrated, how
ever ft general invitation was extended to
both far and near.
There were pr. -ert about MCI souls. The
Brush Valley Bra-- Band, as well as two
noble Organs and Organist* wrre on the
grounJ and discoursed excellent mui'c.
A splendid dinner w:u served at the u-ual
hour. Ihe audience was addressed at
different seasons by Rev- Totnlinioi ,
Better and Weirick. The celebration was
indeed a success. A Ul'lsT.
A. S S. Insiitute, under the auspices
of the Centre Co S. S. A-.-iciation. w ill be
held in Zion's Ev. Church. Churcbville,
Friday afternoon and evening. Sept IS
Speakers are engaged A profitable time
may be expected. Sabbath schools and
all their friends are invited. "Come with
Centre County S. S. Association will j
hold an Institute in M. E. Church, Centre j
Furnace, Saturday afternoon ami evening,
Sept. *.&h.
Arrangements made are such that all
who attend may expect a profitable time.
By order of Ex. Com.
Ue!l*Toiite Fa.
1 -r-1
For the Reporter.
Sinjular Oeeuraucc. One day I*.;
week as Mr. William Gloutz. near Boon
vilie. w a* amusing her child, the, happen
ing to 10-k up, beheld a large anake in the
ceiling at the opening a here the pipe went
[through. It lay there watching her the
remainder of the afternoon, .he not during
to attach it. 11 •-r husband being away
from borne the went and got a neighbor
girl to slay with her that night, and during
the night they couid plainly hear the rep-
tile crawling about in the ceiling The
next day she did not build any Cro for P-itr |
of the snake, but in the forenoon it came !
to the same place it had been on the pre
ceding day; t!ii time more boldly, pro
truding it* body nearly into the room. A
neighbor piiSiirig br at lhi| time, she run
out, told him about it, and asked him to
kill it. He refused to do it and left her
alone with the intruder. In the afternoon
she went over to Mr. Neuraoods f.,r help,
but when they ioturne.l they could find
nothing of it. The next morning she arose
early arid built a fire in the stove , as tho
room began to beat up they could hear it
run-to and fro between the ceiling thump
ing itself as if in great fain, snddenly it
started for the corner of the house and it
is supposed that it loit the building at that
corner as it has not been seen or heard
since. The mystery i how did that snaku
—it was a very large one—manage to work
its way up into the ceiling.
Some time ugo a very valuable horse
belonging to Mr. Delong was struck by
lightning und killed instantly. The horse
was in the pasture field at the time.
Last Saturday a week Mr. J. L. Jorie-
fell from the mow in his barn and injured
bis spinal column to such tin extent that
he has not been able to help himself since.
He is however slowly recovering.
White Deer Heme. A lurgo drag rope
belonging to E. M. Delorig arid two coats
belonging icspectively to.I. 1". Vanatto,
and W. I relanu, were ail stolen by parties I
black-berrying The person, or persons,
who would be so mean us to steal a coat
from 51 r Vunatta do not exist, consequent
ly lie firmly believes that witch craft
had something to do with it apd as it is
getting r.cur winter he earnestly looks for
a supernatural return of the garment We
suppose the persons returning the rope
and the other coat will be liberally reward
Mr. George Aminermaii of While Deer
is also the hero of a snake story. lie was
picking black-berries and did not notice
the snake until it had twined itself around
his body when after many ineffectual at
tempts be succeeded in freeing hiipself
from it and took his.iuuneuiatb departure,
leaving the snake probably more frighten
!ed than ho himself was. It was a black
snake about six feet in length. V. V.
She* p in Albuquerque, Col., bring only
$1.50 per head, and the owners are glad
tp(tf til at.
At lan w, have iiulii atioii* of rain.
Tuesday set in cloudy, with a slight sprin*
kle m the evening uiul night. Wednesday
I i wi wet May it come down in abun
■ dance.
S |) Musscr moves to Millheitn
i m \t week, win-re he goes into the hard
■ ware husines*. Surry to lose him
\\ in 1* Sheep -old hit house and
lot to Do. Ruaklo f-r R4H s s w.-if
sold his house and several acres of land I >
Mr. John lies-
The -lore at I' la-aitt Gap Was
burned .oi last Monday morning, between
one and two o'clci !. A pail of the build
iligwas occupied a- a dwelling by Mr.
Slinv, who c.utied on the store There
w i- i .oltiiig ot good* or furniture saved
I'lic building wu owned by Mr Stewart.
J- nco writing the foregoing we learn that
one of til* shutters was founa open when
the fire was discovered, ami it is supposed
the store t< llrst tobbi.l MtJ then set an
fire l'lie part generally used as a dwell
iva- not occupied lOr ti nt purpose at the
time. Insurance on g.od
i For the Reporter
. The Superintendent Hail has com-
I lueticed.
fhe Office-bees are humming,
li pe grape- are gelling plenty.
The apple-nulls are beginning to sereach.
Farmers are cutting off their corn.
ShiHi tly is the common pas-port.
\\ e take pleasure to submit a special no
tice which wa- posted on a buggy on Sun
day of Miilhciui camp, which read a> fol
lows :
-'lake Notis lad.f, and Gctuietueli Now
person are aloud too g.nv on this bugev or
>it on hit or inter tear with hit prise pit*!
and fit* Dollar- Solomon h ls7-t
August tl !'
A short lime ago the student* of Kebcrs
burg Select school had a very delightful
and profitable entertainment The exer
cise, consisted of paper-reading, essays,
declamations and orations. It was a grand
A whortleberry found in the mountain
-oath of Oramley's saw-mill measured
nearly three-fourth of an inch in diameter
or about two inches in circumference.
"Ho! that is nothing to Aaron's huckle
berry, north w est of our famous tow n!"
The other day one of Major John Mey
er's buildings burned down as well as H
w hole lot of furniture and other valuable
art..oi'- Several other auUide bui! lings
were also on lire but by hard labor were
-,t\ ed from entire ruin.
Gi Orge Fch s house i> now up for g -od •
It will aoon be ready to move into.
Henry M eyer, Sr , has repaired one ofhis i
dwelling houses. The question is, who is
going to moVu into it ?
The school Lu-e and hall at Madis <n*
burg is st ■# completed It present* a good
The Ev angelical church at Wolfs Store
us lit Soon bo ready for dedication. Rev.
Tlearick is expected to perform the cere
Rev C. 11. Ke;ler preached a sound and
practical sermon on la-t Sabbath in the
German Reformed church ot this place.
We trust the reverend gentleman will re
member us in the luturc and call again.
lit w Molt.
• w- ♦
For the Reporter.
y Mr. Jonathan Kreamer, proprietor of the
Fir-t National h te! in Mi Ih in, has ,
moult d his stables, putting in new stalls,
such as are rarely seen ir. the county. Just
as the aw mm -lation i< g-axl in the stable,
so much better is it in the house, where,
everything is in order with boarding that
cannot be excelled.
A certain young man from lVnn, (whom
we will call Jock for change .(published
the amount of his good sense during camp
meeting, to a large and ropaclable au
dience, by caliing his horse all the mean,
dirty, nasty, hogish names whenever he
PH.-- d w here la-lie- could hear him. Such
subjects should he banished from the coun
try and sent to some deserted place to
take < arc of sw me.
Almost every week an opportunity of
fers itself to say something about one of
the numerous bands of c>ur county. So in
order n.-t to deviate from '.be rule. J will
give the Brushvalley fellows their due.
On Saturday morning their band passe !
through M; lbeim on their elegant new
wagon, drawn by six noble steeds, drove
by Mr. Henry Fidler. They favored us i
with an excellent tune while pa-sing i
through our hamlet on their way to a pic- !
nic in the lower valley, where they hJ a
gmnd lime.
Miilheim will soon have a jsolice forceto
serve at night It is to consist of old maids
and married women. The chief object is
to ascertain at what lime the young men
go home on Sunday morning. Will not
this be a hopeful appointment? I bet it
wi 1 Jo tlieir lonctotnc old souls good,
ju-t to be reminded of by-gone days, when
they --'e the merry UJf K'ing home aftrr
having a pleasant time with tlieir lady
friends Cnecr up now, if you get the ap
pointment it will pay you tor sitting up
during the "wee -nia hours of the night,
whereas, at present, yoq hav* to do it for
the sisko of satisfaction only.
Mr. John Cummings raised about seven
ty-five bushels of petal.on about one
fourth of an acre of ground. Beat that if
you dare.
\\ need some rain now. It is so dry
that it is almost impossible to make water
cider. Some of the wells in town are dry
that never failed before.
On last Monday Morning u. Mr. Jacob
Keen wi t.i to the field after his horses, ho
found that 01 of hi. beast* had both hind
legs bfoken above the knees. How it hap
pened is not known, A. there was not A
scratch to bu seen about the bea-t, except
where the broken bones protruded the
skin. JO S. C.
For the Reporter.
A Ouuck from a Duck.
Ma. EPITOR — Dear Sir : In your issue
of Se| tember 3rd, I noticed an article
beaded "A Forty Dollar Sewing Machine
Agent." I think it a very appropriate
heading w hen I take a glance at the name
at the bottom, for ho is truly a "Forty
Dollar Sewing Machine Agent" a* that is
nearly bis profit for soiling a machine. It
is not at all surprising that the Du h
fjuack? w hen nn attempt is made to rob
her net. But lot u- in the first place ex
amine the letter in claimed to
have beenjwritten by 1 J. Grenoble, tolhe
Domestic Company, an J we fail to see
anything in it that t* unreasonable or un
just, and nothing that would warrantee
Company in having it published by their
Agent. II r. Grenoble was aware that
other Companies were felling their Ma
chine* tit reduced prices direct from the
(■hop, and ho state* in his letter '.hat he
van informed that they were doing the
same, nnd if so to send him one. Where
is the impropriety in it we fail to see But
on the other hand would it not have been
more credit to the Company to have re
plied in ns gentlemanly away as he ha*
written to them, and directly to him? 1
douhl not hut it would have been wu for
them to have nceeptcd Grcnoblpt oJTcr, for
it we# a ffMopublti one, we have the sworn
testimonies uf reliable persons, that the
r?ul, actual cost of a sewing machine Is not
more than seventeen dollars. Now, Mr.
Editor, 1 ask was it not a good oiler, and
had they not better accepted it. \\ e can
inform the Domestic Co. and their Agent]
that we can buy machines.equally as good
if not better than their'* at much lower
figures. The people feci competent to boy
their own machines qqq liioy hed no
„{*er,t to tell them the kiiid they want as
etcch one knows]best what suits him. To
be brief, we would only add that we would
advise J. D. to hang up his bow, as agents
are below par, the time has arrived when
people will not bo shaved by tbein any
longer andean saye fifty per cpnt. on tbeif
I i fetfcffciQi- (iSASQSB,
. j KIiKD.
Si. le'tio,|Septcinberjß ThetJlob* liH
.j it communication from Sat|uehe, 00l .
i whivh states that the botliea of live inrii
i were found August Id near the lake lurk
ol iha Uuttnison Hiver, In San* LuU I'arl.
Tlieatl bod it- proved to be the rettiuilia ol
botl v of miner* who started U.i November
from Southern t'lah acros* the mounlalna
tti the San Juan iiiinea, in Colorado, mi.l
were reported lat Mareh by one ol their
companions, named Packer. I• • have un
dergone terrible hardship* in (lit l lii.nn
tain*, and tlnalty, becoming nearly t rn i
If.mi, t bote bit* who abotlld be
almt ttt furniah fo.ttl for tile remaillde:
I'll la *tory we* published ut the time in
the Territorial and other paper* It now
prove* thai I'm her murdered lke no it
by chopping their head* oil vv it li a I nlchet
robbed them of money and other propei
t.V, nnd then told the story el eitlililbahaln j
to hitle the crime 11.. ha* been arrealed
however, and i* n.w in jail The nam*
.if thoae murdered are linol Swan, from
Missouri, tieorge Noon, fr.-ui California
shannon W Hell, atippoied t.> be from
Ohio Jamea Humphrey, supposed to bt
from I'liilatlelph a. ami Frank Miller, a
Memphis, September 8 At an early
hour v eaterday morning, a party of ne
groes entered Mr Duranl residence and
grocery > n I'igeoii lt .ol roaJ, near the
ciiy. A young girl employed there di* N
covered them and gave an alarm. She i
was et upon by the parly and knocked
down t.t badly that she will
probably die Mr. Duranl, I -aring the '
in iae, came in a; I w .* tired tl|>on by M 1
eral of the party and then seized and
beaten, but managed to escape and tied
leaving hi* wife, who via* mined by tlx
negrm -. baateu and stripped and an at
tempt made to outrage her, but hei
•cream* aroused the neighbor? and the nt
griie? (led. It i* believed the negts e* ken
from the Central point, a disreputable lo
cality in tlti* city.
Toledo, September It) The Fat Men <
third atnuiai Convention *> held at l'ut
iu Bay t ■ day. Ten thousand people were
prcei.t A permanent a*---elation wu*
formed, a Constitution adopted alol orti
cer, churan. No person weighing let* than
two liuudred (Hiund* can become a mem
ber S.vtv men and three ladle* tipped
the scale al weight* varying from two bun
dred to four hundred and thirty peun.:-,
the latter figure beir.g reached by Jno
Templeton, ofSwanton.
Madrid, September I'd - Ai, ■ ffi. al d--
patch i* pubii-hcd this iii-mitig announc
ing that General t'avia ha? gained a * icto
ry oer the Carli.U.
Dirut or TunrATaioia
Lieutenant Arita telegraph* from Ye
guila n* follow* : "Just arrived here.
Enemy, numbering MOO, been completely
deieated at Yarayabo, with 10-, of '■'• kill
ed. Amang their dead r>- t - ii. r-.
Calilte Sarc .a and hi* chief of >Laff Vj I*
>ad*. Cap! Pan. ho N igera. an t *
tiddicr were taken premier*. The all 4 <
wa* sud l :i and sharp lur irlr. . *s
made in the best order. None of our men
were even w >und<d Our advance ol only
ten men penetrated to the middle of the
enemy'* encampment."
Camp oti Red !iv-r, Sept 1. via F.-rt
l>--dgc The command . f (te;.< ral M. .
met between -WO and .Vtt Cheyenne In
dians. twelve mile* from Red River. T. *-
as, on Augut! "*>, and aft- r a hafp en
gagemrnt, lasting five hours, drove them
ot. r thirteen mi -i; high and iliiiici n..
passable can -its, wah a 10-* t-> them .-f'.--
or 3D killed and wounded. Our casualties
were 4 badly w.*undcl
1-a-t Saturday, the Hebrew N> w Year •
Jay. wa* strictly obtcrvcj by Kraclite*
On il, and during the kit Jay* -uccet-ding
called the "Ten Penitential Uay*. 1 ' r g-I
telf-exaßiinalicn i* made into the act* of
the preceding year, and every pr t>rr
effort mado to correct the error* of the
par!, and mark out a future moro iu ariord
ance with the expre**r.l w ill uf thoaiiujgh
ty TumiUl in thi* purpose, supplicatory
prayers are *aid every tn.-rning and . ven
ing in addition to the urual service.
tin Mor,nay. the 2Dt instant, i* the great
"Day of Atonement, Y* tn Kippur,)
which is commended to be observed in
EKHIUS, XIX. 1". and U rigorously kept b.v
cvety Israelite throughout the world, by
abstaining wholly fr-'tn eating or drinking
from sundown on the i e of ihe day until
•tar* arc ecn at the day'* el.we.
The Adli and the 27th day* of the present
month it the "Feast of the Tabernacle*,
(Hag Ilasuccot.i which commemorate* the
ingathering of the harvest, and oaTcs*
tn < morial of thp departure of the children
of Israel out of Egypt, when thry dwelt in
booth*, (*uccet). Tha command for the
observance of the day L to be found in
Exodus, xttvi. 16. Leviticus, xxiii, 33. The
feast la-t- eight days, during which tin
palm branch, citron, wii'ow of the brook
anil myrtle aro used in the synagogue ami
in private worship, all of which have*
typical meaning most beautifullv preserv
ed in the glowing Orisntal diction ofth<
Kabliitis, flulii Vsliieh s- me <>f tile loot
popular fables now extant have their ori
N*w Ifork, September 11.- The Herald,
in summarr of the statement, say* thai
Moullon will show, first, that he did roil'
iter efficient counsel and aid to Rmhci
after the publication of the Bacon letter
end it aver* in thii nspei t wilful fii'-c
Second. lie *i not * black r.allcr, arid!
that Beecher < a blackmailer, in thnt lie
availed himself of the powar which Tilton j
hud over Bowen to extort through Claflin
from Bowen 11 certificate of character
Third. That the t'.cvlcc, to which he re !
sorted wore Beecher * own suggestion*.:
and made on effort to help and *avc 1
Beet her.
Fourth. He give* specifically, in word*,
the ju-tit'.calioii which Mr. Beecher gave
li him for iii- criminality with Mr*. Tilton
namely, tiii*. that "thi* physical expres
sion of love wa* u* natural a* the word* of
endearment lie u*e<\ toward* her."
This Moo.ton rays, w-n* the llri-t enun
ciation of the doctrine of free love thut he '
had ever heard, and it therefore b.came
impressed deeply on liia memory
fifth. M oiilton iay * that when he read
to Herein r from n lell r of Tilton to U >wen
the charge of rape made to Boweii. that
Beecher deemed it necessary to 'ell him
the truth with reference to tie w oman w ho
was mentioned liy Ilowen, Beecher saying.
"I didn't commit M rape It i true I find
intercourse with the woman," Moid ton
. "U J'"U rp on friendly term* you
had batter have a retraction, else y tu may
be at Ifowen'a mercy." Beecher did go
und obtain the best r< traction he could,
which appear* in the statement.
The efforts of General Butler have been
toward* the safety of Beecher, in oider 0>
ytve him and the courts from the shame
that would ensue from the publication ol
the whole truth. Ueneral Butle- f, ~, tbi
beffinniri", to ivtfard the downfall
of ttujehor As a natural calamity. ll. was
consulted first through the suggestion ol
Beecher by Beecher*• counsel, and, as it
will appear from Moulton'i statement, has
never appeared in New York onthisques
tien oxcept at the suggestion of Beccber s
1 "1 t
Xho lires in the Jersey pines are nearly
DK I.l*lll A
I'lilladelphia, September 7 No rail
, ha* fallen in ibia vicinity, and thedroull
"!has caused, a ra* reily ol water in tin
k Schuylkill The chief engineer of the wn
' ter vlepar (men! lis* iaaued a circular re*
it juollng economy on the part t.f eitirem
i in the mo •I water F.iuntain* havo In vli
• stopped, ami In.n-.- -r water < art* It
I sprinkle the street- have been revoked Nt
' tire | lug aitt opelietl unlet* 111 ensoul
1 lire
li \ I Lite \ DSI.AI tillTl li I I I I I I N
Kit LCD AND I 111 It'l N WOt \ D
London, Septemhei II \ It-rriti. col
lision t.t . urretl tl. morning on the I.real
Katleiit railway, neat Norwich Kilteen
' peraoli* were instantly killed anil thirty
vt uru injured, tttine t.t w it i* f. art tl
| Will m>( survive.
l'wllav ille, September 1- Franci* Hu
ll, i, a merchant from Pino Drove, lit tin*
county, miaaiiig ainee the morning of Sep-
Iciubcr f wa* lountl by John (.atisciiier tbia |
morning on Second mountain, four miles
from tow n, with a rope around hit neck,
banging 1. a tree, lli> face and body waa
much Uiif.gured by crow* preying upon
him A report which was circuliled it
contradicted that financial einiarrassmeht
was the cause ol this rash ait.
Sunbury. Sept. Ft I'hilip Mocket was
Seriously stabbed hsiu Inst niglit by Hun
ter Billing toll They bad some w..rds
when llillington drew a knife and stabbed
Mocket in tin* gro.n, aide arid bat k ltd.
lingtoti was locked uft lit nwaiilbu r<-ult
of Mockn s injurie.
AT PIKUAB Ml lilt A/I L.
Nc York, Sept. b Piiatnadepaicl
e> -tatc that forty men were killed in the
tight which took place at h ierabab, lira
/il, beta nil a body of 21 1 llrariliait troop*
Mid the fanatic* of Maurer
THOUSAND AUUKS. N. J , September 7.- The
tires iii the woods have destroyed some
t*ii tbourai.d nctts tn Hit* ci uutii* ol
Atlantic ami Iturliuglou, tevcril
cranberrv aieadoit*. a lew dwelling
limine* ami autv mills. ihe lire mill
The mail attire wa* delayed
iwetilv-lour hours on l'ridaw L iwetn
KI wood and l'li-iimiol Mil.* on ir
count of the fire nloiij; the road
New Haven. Ct., September 7 - A
barn uwued bv Frederick 1 rulonier,
un Mritt'd ttnet, was huiticd tlti- af
ternoon, Utlil Ilia l*oollS, apt.l tcapCC
lively MX. aiul dure year*, who wire
playing hi tin- h.-v-lofl, wire burned
to death.
Atiioiig I'tlni thing* (In* republican
party propose to (jo lw f-r- tin* people
with in the approaching canvas* is the
crv of i ronoiuy
" Kconmny ! ' NY lu re do y, u find
it. Mr. Daw <. the leader on ihe i,.
publican a;de iu congress, in hi* 4 piicb
iu the h uac lait winter, declared, and
there was n > • ne there to deny it. lhat
the national I XJH inliture- IIH I sudden*
Iv ri-M-n from gjhHi.m.M.uini t.. t it'j,-
tahi iHM) jw'i autiuni. Thi* iocteaan <-f
S2y.DUtUH)' in u -npo'c vinr <l.>• -n'l
look much i)k<- the c. o my ' ami
"efficiency'* s| iketl of 111 the ulmvc
iwaeiiution. N"riis we M- it in the
increase if aalarir* ofofficiala. I*n-i
eieul (iriiul not onlv (igned the act <-f
I'-uiiyrrs- which incren-'.l tlie salaii.-
of the I'rcaiilent, Supreme nuj
iiu-iiilH-r* of t - Out he aiso ac
lively bored in the Senate nmi liuuse
of l(eprM-mativ.* for the poaaagc of
the saiil hill, by which hie annual sal
mv vva* iocreaaiwi from $25,000, as
former!v, to ffty thou*,mil dolturi
year. Then, i MI, when *uth men a-
Shunk, liigler and Packer were Gov*
ernora, with a democratic
to —isl them, ue had po such |eck
ics* i i|lr3Va b 'atice. Men tin Uorcr
nor I salary was 5,000 -Vow 810,(KKl
Then the Cn>vi'ror\it)e*eiij{ r receiv
ed f! iOO- .Vols' $1,200 Thou the
a late librarian's salary Wa* S(i(KJ.
-You sl,l*oo. Then we had no house
lueraongs-r, the deputy door keejser
jierformuiy; the mrwrugrr'* duties.
.You we pay to this new officer 8- H ('o.
Then the deputy secretary of the com
mouwcallh received 81,2iM) a year.
-Vow $2,500. Then we hnd no paj;e
in either house. -Vow about seventy
live! Then the public ground* alnuD
the capital were cared for by an 014
man for SSQO >-ar. -Vou' w-j |wy
for the sunt duty SIOOO. Then our
govcruor rented a house to live in and
paid the r nt out of Ins $5,000 sala
ry. AW we provide n IfiO.OOO house
, for the Governor and make a yearly
appropriation furnitur# amounting
, to more than the Governor's former
-alary. Thtn to innu^;ti r H to n Gov
ernor it cost aotue SSOO or 400. Sow
$4,000 or $5,000. Then whin nti ex-
Governor iiel he was buried at the
expense of hi* family. Sow !<>
an ex-Governor i' Hie people be
tween $4,000 and $5,000. [See last
Auditor General's report concerning
the funeral of t x Governor Geary]
A war with turli "economy," The
people wiiut no more of it ! How do
our haril-fisied fauiit r-, our laboring
Imen ami mechanics, who have lately
had their wages reduced to bi- than
| tiring rales, relish acting their hard
earned money fleeced Horn them in
The manner above shown, and then on
lop to read sueh a iic< < plive resolution
us that at the head of this ni liele them answer at the noil* in No-
One of the resolutions of the repttb
liciui convention reported by Lpsscl
Krretf, and no doubt drawn up by
ibiiti, expresses great friendship lot the
new constitution. Was there ever
, anything more inconsistent, insincere
I and hypocriticul ! Let us fake the ac
tion of the convention against its
! words. Kussel Hrrelt was one of Hie
| most hitter opponents
$ a.l t(W W (Mill*
stitutioii, qnu day after day published
in the Commercial editorially and ex
tracts front Bergner's paper at Harris
hurg, articles as to taxes, increase of
expenses, etc., which every intelligent
reading man in the stale knew fp he
false, das S. Uutati, in bis Beaver
paper, t'lo Radical, never failed in
every Issue of his paper to make un
just attacks oil the in w constitution,
and yet he was president ol the en-
vintnm. Quay, mauler spirit of the
convention, was glgo ;< imminent #j
i pomp; of the new coiiktit"ii<>n, ami
i uil hl l In* political intlneoce to tie
i lon i it. Mile key, also conspicuous ut
' tlie lute convention mill n member ol
> it, wits u hitler foe to lltw new consti
. tutiou Win. It. Mann, who headed
the organization wlih Mackey, Kriell,
1 Kutati himl other*, for Judge I'uxson
' ami Olmsteiid, wa* the :no-t ?.iti\o N d<
the opposition q 'by constitution
' in I M „i!i,iiylpliia ami even cniitr..||e.| the
f Union Li'ttfciio ami forced it* upposi
1 tion to the new constitution. Dear,
' the temporary chairman of the con
-1 ventiou, was distinguished tor hi* vio
lent attacks upon th(t t;c\v pn<ilt<uliii,
* and yet ho inwdc temporary chair
" matt over General Uilley, a well
known friend of the constitution.
Such shameful hypoericy has never
y before been exhibited in i'enusyl-
Ilurrisburg, Sept I lit a tnt case yester
-1 .luy Judge l'iornn gave Ins decision in rt
' gard In transgressing ill* Sunday law ,
' that tin* transgressor* run be lin■ >1 lur
• <Nt h and every sate of cigar* and march*
andiso timing the tiny. This ii believed
' l< be (lie first decision U|HIII tins letnil 111
i Pennsylvania. t'lidrr (be Knglish hiw*
'only unit (int. during the entire Sunday
1 Collld lie impose I. lie al-o decided (hal n
lioute ha*ing ijn linlel ilit lite ran tell lee
t iemu ur nny thing in lite eatable line to
cit iicttt or transient malum. 1 lie prose
t ti Hull - vieie brought by the Sunday Lea*
[I As this is the time of year for evil
jdLposcd persons to lob fruit trets and
Coinrsiit depredation* upon their neigb
, bur's gardens, it is well enough to know
:tbat the law provide* an effective remedy
for such o(lance*. It impost • a line ol noi
l less than s'i more than f)(*l upon
every pt-rsnii who .hall wilfully enter
any orchard or garden and cluh or injure
any fruit trees, or shall tramp upon or
i break down grass, grain, vegetable* or
vii •* of any kind The sit aling of fruit i*
declared a misdemeanor, and any pcrton
Convicted shall be filled not exceeding ** SI
atid be iinprisoiiod not more than eiity
da.V* The same | nally is declariHl)
against the stealing or removal of vegeta
ble*. ptanls or ornamental trees and shrub
It wnl now be for the Democratic party
to rift 11 a thorough organisation iri every
County of (be stale not only in every
county but also in every city, borough
ward uiid township. Without ibis wc
have no good ground to expect success,
but'willi it and an honest election we con
fidently anticipate an old-fasbiout-d Dem
.K-ral.c victory, tlur political opponents
are all under a most rigid discipline and
.an bring every voter belongiug to their
party tu the polls. Wc must "go and do
!ii.cwi*e" if wc would enjoy a triumph.
There wa* an t-arllujuakc at Valparaiso
oil the Mh of August
Ad* ne Iroui Peru are to the cfect that
a deporit uf guano hitherto uhkno*n. and
to all appearance of a remarkably rich
j>juallty, had been douuvered in the neigh
: bo;hood of 1 10.
Large liiimbrrti f Indian* are raid to be
■ mploy nd in the Oregon barrtal field*.
A lady in M bile iiat been badly puUon
• d * hi i i i slung a nliCdri rr'tt ,lh fig. leaf
Chicago l.a* (*) fortune teller*, and yet
Mot one of them raid, "(jet the engine*
ready !"
The Jew* of Nashville, T-t;b will tin-1
lot Jistely build a ynagogue to cot JK),-
Ito-Sati L'Uiiii ,('! Fruit* Drying'
Factory i putting up ale ul three ton* o!
current* |wr diein.
Al Ifa>kin*eik, Net* Jersey, Vertrrday.
Frederick Shuart wa* sentenced t
year* m the State Prison for horse slMxl-
Jainr* A. Car* tale, a -tre.t broker o!
It. *U-n, cnietnl af forgery in raiting
! guret on *t.*( L certificate*, wa* vettcrday
< 1 ten* ill to eight y . ar in the S'atv Pri
ii Iho total forg<,i, are owtimated at'
• v r ;.'*>< i*>
1 he Japanese Ultrllt, of Augutt 21*1.
c, tain* an a- . -unt of the murder of Mr
II- h< r. II .■ (ieriuan Consul at llokadadi.
by a nalli.s, who ay* he wa* actuated by
a demon. He killed hi* virlito With a i
•word, slashing hiru in a mo-t horrible,
manner. One l.g wa* rut entirely off
TW (iernian orv cite. KLtabrlh. l.ft a!
nee for liokadodi.
There were sever** thock* of anetrth*
■j-lake at V okohamaon the 'JHhi f \,.£U*t.
No dating, r*l*l^ll**4
Philadelphia. Sept. 11 —An easterly
wind Las brought hither a smoker atnio*-
plictc. inert aing the effei-U of the drouth.
Prayer* for rain are !.. b- made in all the
Catholic and Kpitcopal chur.he on Sun-
Two Italian*. rc< enlly fr-m New York,
were arretted yesterday at Quebec, by de
tc<!i*e*. for decoying away a little sun of
Jatne* Pattuß, w ;h th avidcnl ii.n-ntion
> I blackmailing the father.
•\i. tlicr ior of child stealing occurred
yerictdey m New York. James* Burn*, S
yrsssr*. and K -aabetb Finncgan, 2 yca* !
.-U. being enticed away fr-m SOU East-
Tlurty.*ixtli trcrt by an unknown man
Tl.o Berk* County F* r rioted yoterdav
w lib another very large attendance of peo
ple The fair is the m>-t succewtful ever
held IU thi* CUl,Cty. the Cash receipt* for
;h. kuf day* having bet n over ten thou-;
sand dollar*.
t'n Tues-day last, Ab IKsouier, ofGroea
-4 die. Mercer County, shut a black snake
ro r Ja!<:ul-S". wlue li uiawsured 7 feet
and U i.'.cbe*.
Over tu.oui poui.Js of slippery elm bark
w ere in one week shipped from Rtwcobel
AYia , for New Yrk.
Mr. Lincoln, of Windham. Ct., being
in hi* eii* hundredth year, hai made*
wooden pail and prctenled it to a friend, j
The Ist-v. Father Kecnan of Lancaster,i
I'onnsylvania, it *ai<l to be the <dde*t :
Catholic pru-st in America He i* ninety*'
jtix, I
A farmer ; i , ( r &ou.h Hond. Indiana, ha*
• ■,. tswolt uml red warm* af bee* and sells
. nearly '-'..VXI pound* of honey per year.
t , In the Boston Public Library there are
, 213,0(6 volume*, with D.UIO more in the
1 branches.
|l< in Hilary Education. Rev <l. P.'
Shelling offered tbe following resolution*j
t the meeting of the Lutheran synod at 1
l'i'ttsville on Friday.-
/frsilmf, That our confidence in the sys
tein of benefit- iary eduealion a* a method'
by which worthy young men without the!
ncec" try mean' are helped into the gos
pel ministry still continue* nr,diminish
/■•'< /red. Thai th# tVc]Uei.| gbuse of the!
-v*leti, by <vbi v .h the failure of young
,o v n to tuei-t their obligation by discontin
uing the'r -tudic* before completion, en
tering upon omo other pursuit, and then'
by refusing t> refund the money* thyj
: have received, we hereafter look more to
The ipiallty ol our beneficiario. than to 1
their (pianllty,
/'< '/.Ttv, fnat til view of the di.nppoint
| joint* we have met, and the losses we have
-uMained, parlor* and churches who urge
the claim* of young men upon the fund*
]of the education society, ought to make
tliemselves re*|Kinible for laets faithful
; n in fulfilling tlia demand* of the socio
I Nrio/mf, Thnt from our -:ol experience
i in the direction ol beneficiary education
| tho admonition of St. Paul to minister
< hunters comas to ua wiib double force —
"lay hand* suddenly upon no man."
(In 111, in I'enn Iwp., David Titlow, aged I
:tu j ears, 111 months and 7 days.
On fi, in llains twp., of <>ro throat. Ma i
ry Margret, daughter ol Henry Kisenhuth,
aged <1 years, 2 month* and 14 days .
On Bfi nit , at the residence f tlie bride's
' ftVv.i. by VV'V. J. K'll-r Miller, Mr. liar
Ivoy 11 "achaw, of Madisonburg, and
i Miss Amanda M. Ilartges of l'enn Hall,
I l'a.
payers of Potter township are hereby noti
fied that the duplicate ol for
(lie present year is iu the ol the uie
der,igue4 AH such lax paid on or before
December Ist ib 7-4, will have an abatement
of o per ci-nt. Thirty days after said date
there will bo no abatement, and on all
sueli lax remaining unpaid after January
I, 1875, there will be an addition ol 5 per
cent to the amount on duplicate, as pre
scribed by luw.
10 Sept 3 m. Trw*.
New Y'ork. Sent. 14 - Flour steady;
receipt*, 10,WW bids; price* unchanged.
Wheal Ic higher ami in fair demand; No
I spring $1 14fr I HI; No 'J Milwaukee
fl I a fa, | ly, No I spring $1 HBftvl 3#-
live quiet at USeta.fl. Barley nominal
lower; rocoipti, 'JR.Uit huhels; western
miked U6(t|i97<'i rejei ted Me Hats heavy;
r> . cipla 7'i.MW; miked western tilltw'ilje;
white I'.H.i.Mk- (iroceric* dull I'slrul**
um easier, crude 4i'ii,.c, refined lJe Kegs
llrm at lUhi'Ju. Mutter flrrr at 'J2((iHOe.
Lanl firmer bt 114 c. t'heeae unlet at 11 (<e
( liicngo.
Chicago, September 14. Flour quiet;
shipping aupt-rii.r Ft 'ditu.4 e74. Wheal
active. No 1 spring jl tM No'Jfl 'JH ca*h;
U74r seller Septemher, U&Je seller October,
No M, '.Ctftl'.Ufc; reje. led M't'lWc. Colli
dull. Null Hilled 7 '♦ >' regular, 7ftc strictly
Ireah, caati, 7of< , seller September, 7S|,
seller Oi-tuber, rejected, i.amiiial, Kfr
• and Hi moderate demand, No 1 HZc
llartey firm, No 71 'Jfic caati or seller Sep
tember; No S NOffitl'Jc. I'ork demand
active Mild prices i ash;
seller all year, l.ard demand lair arid
market firm; sales Hie,
iV bite V heat fl l& lied 110
1(40 Coin HO .. Oais 46 HarleyHO.
70 Clo/erseeit t ill I'otatoe* UJ
Lard par pound b I'ork i>r pound Ob
Huller Al Kggs 16 I'[alter perton
>l6 Tallow H Ha. ~!, 10 .... Ham lb
Lard per pound 8 cents But k a beat
06 rls , Fiour per barrel retailb 6*1...
wholesale 7,' Jo to ",£*!
/ lAI'TD'N —All persons are hereby cgu-
V . lioiir 4 against meddling tu any loan
• rr whatever, with the personal property
mentioned below, as 1 have purchased (fie
same, at public sale, on IDb day of Sep
t-rnber, 1874 as property of Andrew li
Foutt. and will leave the same in posses
sion of said Fousl at my tileaaure 1 gray
horse, 1 marc, 1 heifer, 3 liogs, V shoal*. I
'J-horte wagon, 1 barrow, I plow, (cultiva
tor, 1 cornplanter, 'J *elts of liorst- gears, ;
tl.v nets JtrHN D DKI'KEItT.
17 sept fi-t. Potter twp
signed, *ll auditor appointed by the
{Orphan* Court of Centre Courtly, IV to
' liturtni |u upuß lh eirr|ilioiii filed u>
Itlir administration account of Win P.
Kothrock, administrator of Kaiuuat W)f
rirr. deceased, hereby gives notice that l.r
will attend to lb® dulirk of bit appoint ]
{merit on Tuesday ihe ltih day of October,
-ii I o'clock A VI . al hi* in Bclle
font*, where all per.oti* iiilcrrttol may
attend if ibiir wr proper.
IX fill oßlpll A N'n COL' KT of Centre
In the matter of the Kilal of Daniel
Atuiurruiah dec d The undersigned an
Auditor appointed by said Court, to die
tribute the money in the band* ol the Ad
ministrator atid to bear and determine the
legal rights of all perron* inlererted in (aid
etiale, will attend to the dulius uf hit up
poinimetii on Saturday tl." 3rd ol October
1 r*T 4 at lU u vioi k of (aid day, at hi* uffii c
in Relic-font*. when and where all |serteo*
inter>-ted are reouet-d to attend.
cpl 10 Gt. Auditor.
li. ROSsMAN,
The under*-good beg* It*** to inform
hi* patron* and the public generally that
he i now prepaird to make COFFINS
and r<-p ct folly tolieiu a share of their
i alrunag.- Funeral* attended with a neat
3 epl dm. Churehrilla.
1 lot already past Wilt beheld a* 10..
lows, - commencing at 'J a. ui. :
tTuion—Union villa, Friday, lti
Spring Vaiebliu. tehoul houte, Sat
urday. 19.
Reuiirr—Aruiaga*; .. M->. ..*,* . 21.
I'tUdfi Waddle'*, Tuekdav, 22
II- ward A Curtin Howard, Thurtday,
Marion Jacksonville, Friday, "Jo.
Liberty Kaglcville. Saturday, "Ai.
Co. Kupt.
' Tha undersign, d would repectlu!lv an
tounceto lU rilitent of lifegg and ad
joining townsliip*. and the public gener
ally tiiat li ha* jut received o.'A* l U.\L-
LoNS, No 1 Obio (>fi*t'
ing of Milk Crock* an J Pau* Apple
butter crock• froot t(" CUaliona. Al*.-
,*UHM lug*, from 1 lob gallons, stone jars, '
[Ac- Flic reputation ul the Ohio Stone
k\ are u universally ackn-.w .. dg*-d
--"None better ever made No danger of
ihe g sx.iig od like tairthiuiware
It u much superior i* aarthenware in eve
,rj ruaped Ail kind* of cuuatrv produce
I taken in etchang** for Stone-tVare and
i merchatidiao fov which the highett market
i price will be allowc-d,
augJO-2m Penn Mall, Pa
Will be offered at Public Sale, <<n the
in gin ISM, in Potter tap., en THUUS
DAT, September Klh. IMT4.
The following real estate, belonging to
the Estate of Peter Durn, dee'd., v .uitlrl
mg *sf a valuable tarm of \\S ACRES,
more or le*, situate 1 mile fr..m Potter*
Mill* Thereon rm ted a TVVtI ST*)RY
and other outbuilding*, with iwo good
orchard* and all kind* of the tmi fruit n
the premises, and a good spring uf never
1 falling water tnu*r the ionise. Alto,
Highly Aercaof Ttmberland,
HIUMIP in Poller twp , Smile* from Potter*■
Mill* Sale to commence at 1 o'clock. p
m. Term* will be made known on day oil
AugG. Executor*,
Fine Homestead fbr Sale.
A Rouse .V Lot—about 3 Acre* of good
leu hunted land situate in Gregg twp..
j near Tre**lor * Saw mill, in (Jorge* Val
ley. i offrred at private *ale. Two public
road* run along two side* of tbe _ lot.
Thereon ar- rrwlisl a two story HOI'SE
STABLE SHOP, and other outbuilding*.
A splendid '>KCIIARI> of tlie beat apples,
• •heme*, |Hwri, |ir*vliiM, mid plum*, on
the premise., and never failing water near
the door. Close to the house a fine gar
den and a beautiful yard in front. Also
running water near the houe_ For lur
ther particulars apply to LoTT KV ANS.
I A ug 'JO *Jm.
(Sucee -or* to McNfanigat %Y Brown,) <
Millhcim, Pa.,
! aving purchased the large nd well *e
! lected stock ot Hardware late of \N . J.
MeManigal, we are prepared to supply
1 Hardware f.>r
Bui biers, ('■onehntakerr,
Saddlers, Shoemakers,
Housekeepers, ami in fact,
! And Curtain Fixtures of every kind.
In abort, we have everything usually
, found in a well regulated Hardware Store.
They intend to replenish their stock and
keep it up, and will furnish wagon-maker*
-tiddler* and all manufacturer* with slock
nt figure* that will enable them to save
„ ntonev. Good* *old CHEAP KOlt
CASH. Collie and see the Good*.
J aug "i"-y "4
CA if Tiff Jf.—Sportsmen are hereby no
tified not to entir upon the land* of
the undersigned, for the purpose of -hoot
ing squirrels, Ac., otherwise they will be
dealt with according to law.
Cyrus Durst, W. F. R a rich,
Jas. M'Ciintick, Jacob Grove,
Thos. Grove, Sam'l Huston,
Geo. Durst jr, Philip Durst
I Hiram Durst, Abr. Harshbarger.
Hunters nnd Shippers of the celebrated
Belle fonte
r wiwraa mm. z
Dealers in the very beat grade* of
The only dealers in Centre County who sell the
W liLIK KiSiDiAiR; RiE CO; Ail
from (he old Baltimore tnino*. Alto
of Antilles ile Ceal dryly houted eipreuly for haute lite, at tfer lot •. prices.
I) EJLE It S IV Glt Jl IN.
I hey pay (be bighmt price, in catb for grain (hat the Eastern marketa will afford.
Bought or will be told on commiMton when de.ired, and full price* guaranteed. In
formation cencerning the grain trad* will be furnUbed at alt time*. to farmers,
with pleasure, free of charge.
which i, alway, sold at low prices, and warranted U> U u good a fertilizer af any
other plaster.
0F7J82 Aiit) TAfID
IT m H1.1.1.110Mf. |.%.
CIA LTlON.—Sportsmen are hereby no
) Ufied not U) enter upon the lands ol
Ilia undesigned for the purpose of tboot
''g sqirrel* Ac., they will be dell with:
according to law.
3*rpti. ||. K. DUCK.
Lime! Lime!
Lime ot the beat quality, alway* on
hand, at the kiln near Centre Hall.
1 have oit hand a large aaaortmcnl ot
w ill be o!d at the loweat market price.
"in Milroy, ra.
Neat (liwr to W ilaou A Hicks' Hani
ware ntore, Allegheny St.,
Jas. C. Williams
(Sumawr to 11 P. Rankin A Co.
lor mp<iiciti] purpoiM.
Also, Choice
and all other article* usually kept ia fir*!
class Drug Store.
Keystone Store.
Go to
! So. (J Biislt'a Arcade. Bellefonte, Ta.
All kinds of country produce tak
leu. Hot Bargains in town to bel
I had. uov2otf
Manufacturers of
Sheet iron & Tin
Millheim, Pa.
All kinds of Tinware, constantly on
liand ami made to order.
Sheetiron Ware of every description,
always on hand.
Ilooling in Tin and Sheetiron done in
the most approved and satisfactory style.
Spmiting done to order.
Their slock of Tin and Sheetiron Goods
is large and complete, and offerod at the
Their establishment has been enlarged
and stocked completely throughout.
Satisfaction gunrtanteed, and all jobs
promptly attended to. aprl6-y
signed, an Auditor appointed by the
Court of Common Pleas of Centre Co.
to distribute the money arising front the
sale of the personal property of \Vm. P.
Carpenter, now in the hands of Run). F.
Shaffer, high Sheriff of said County, fiore
hy gives notice that he will attend to the
duties of hit appoint moot on Friday, sec
ond day ef tie tuber nest, at 2 o'clock I*.
M. at his Office in Bellefonte whore al
persons interested may attend if thev set
proper. J. S. BARNHARf.
• 3 sept fit. Audita?,
CA 'JTION, are hereby no
tified siot to enter upen tbe land* of
the undersigned for the purpose of shoot
ing squirrel*, Ac., otherwise they will be
de.tlt with according to law.
17U. SHOLL, J. P. GROT*.
WM. T. MAX., J. B, BEAM. |
91 Aug 8k 1
Banking (Jo.
And Allow Internet,
Discount Note
Buy and Bell
Government Securities, Gold and
I'm i* liorrgß. W*. B. Mi VOIR,
Cbas. H. TleidT
C lock. % alrhmnki r A Jmeler
Miilhetm, Centre Co., Pa.
lte|iect fully inform, bi friend, and the
public in general, that he ha* just opei-. J
at hi, new establishment, above Alezatt
der (tore, and keeps constantly <t. band,
a!! kind, ol Clock,, Watches and Jewelry
of the latent styles, u also the Jiaran villa
Patent Calender Clocfcc, provided with a
complete index of the month, and dav of
the month and week on its Usee, which I*
warranted a, a perfect time-keeper.
jsAr Clock#. Watches and Jewelry re-
I paired on thort notice and warranted.
aepU' ttly
; Bent Sample Room* ia Town.
D. JOHNSTON A SONS, Proprietor,
Bellcfonte, Penna.
Free HUM to and frov .■< Depot.
Excelsior Cement-
The undersigned naw manufacture. Ce
Ot'Al.lTY, at hi, kiln,, near Pine
Creek Mill,, in Haine* twp. Thu cement
ha, already been used in large quautitice
upon the L. C. A S. C. RR., and na* been
found highly satisfactory upon all job,
where it ha* been wed, and as equal to
any now mannfavturod for use in CIS
TERNS, WATER PIPES, or whatever
purikwe a good quality ot Cement it desi
rable This Cement has already been
terted far and wide, and rendered the ut
most satisfaction. Pcr-sent, therefore con
structing Cisterns, laying Water Pipes,
Ac., will find it to their advantage to bear
ibis in mind, and also, that he warrants the
article as represented
may 21 tf Aarontburg, Pa
J on* Sr a kulre, Proprietor.
Stages arrive and depart daily, for al
point*, north, south, east and west
Pwaident, Cashier.
(Lata Mllliken, Hoover A Go.)
And Allow interest,
Discount Notes,
Buy and Sell.
Government Secui lies, Gold <£-
aplff6£tf Coupons.
CENTRE 11.4 LI.. PA.
Would mort rwpMifully inform the cat
sent of this vicinity, that he fast started a
new Boot and Shoe Shop, and would be
thankful for a share of the public patron -
sire. Boot* and Shoe* made to order and
according to style, and warrants hit work
•to equal any made elsewhere. All kinds
of repairing done, and charges reasonable.
Give him a call. feb 13 lj
_ Dentist, Millheim.
Offers hit professional services to the
public. He as prepared to perform all
operations an the dental profession.
lie is now fully prepared to extract
teeth aieo/uMy wtfAouf pain. niyß-T3-tf.
DF. FORTNEY, Attorney at Law,
• Bellefonte, P. Office over Bey
•nldj> bank. tnayHf'
Nearly opposite Spangler's kotel.
CnLllall where he is ait alftimes, prepares
toauake all kinds of men and boy's cloth
ing, according to tho latest styles and at
reasonable charges.
T AS. M MAN US, Attorney at Law,
0 Bellefonte, promptly attend* to al
business entrusted to him. jui2,'6Bt
offer* hi* *rvice* to the citizens of Mifflin
Centre and adjoining counties, in
Ilonwc, Mgu and Oruuuienatal
Oak, Walnut, Maple, Ash,
Mahogony. Ac.,
1 Plain and Fancy Pnperhaiiging. Or
• der* respectfully solicited.
All fine work dene for other painters.
I nov 8 tf.
ILLKR'S HOTEL. Woodward Pa
_ stages arrive and depart daily
sX\ ueya-at-Law, Bellefonte, Pa. Spe
. total attention given to Colloc.ions, and
1 Orphans Court practice. May be coc
. fculitHi in German and English. Offica ; 4
' Building. mj'2B '74-tf.
" T L. 81' ANGLER, Attorney-at-Law,
Bellefonte, Pa. Office with
Bush A Y ocuiu. Consultation in English
i Collections promptly attend-
I febfr-tf
JOHN F. POTTER, Attorney-at-Law.
Collections promptly made and
special attention given to those having
_ lands or property for sale. Will draw up
and have acknowledged Deeds, Mortgages,
Ac. Office in the diamond, north side of
>- the court house, Bellefonte. oct22"flfitf.