riiE OtiNTUiS REPORTER THURSDAY SEPT. 10. 1574. LOCAL ITEMS. Our friend* will oblige bv ending it* items ot local new# in their locality, give u- the laettonly. and we will put th. in m .-'nape, <1- i notices of deaths utid marri ages- , Any >n* sending us the names of at* n'w subscribers, with the cash, willbe entitled t.i receive the RirotTM one year free The Kkwrxk* being read by neatly everybody on this sine of the county, where it lisa larger circulation than any two papers, will l* found the best medium for advertising business, sales. A< vs*. S, K The Rraailtan and Diamond nobble glass spectacle. the boM in U w -rid and which ean bo worn mattv years w din it change, can be had Of M. Arouse. Wbo is traveling over the county, and is she onlv agent for them, and ba no ped lars employed. These gae* have the highest recommendations 1 rice from $1 SO upwards. aug ft DKM. STAN DENG *COMMITTEK. Bellefonta, N. \\ ard H \ Btil do S ** —Joseph ro\ do NY OMeek. Milesburg da* F Weaver. Howard John \Y Gardner. Philipsburg—C A Faulkner. I'nionvilW —John King Ben nee tup A Y Wagner Hogg- Wm Marks HurnsiJc Hcrnard N eidehoffer (Nirtin—Henrv Tbeil. Ferguson NY H Fly. Grogg—J HUeckman, Haines—John I Stover. Halfmoon —J H Griffin. Harris John Meyer. Howard —Samuel B Leather* Huston- H G t'ronistor. Liberty- Jno. A Stover. Marion George Hov. Miles— Harvey Korman. Palton—P K Sellers. TVnn—D A Muaser. Potter —Joseph Giliiland . Rush G M Gaffov. Snow Shoo— J H llolt. jSprtag—John 11 Rarohart. Taylor—Samuel Weaver. dJuion —G L Deters Walker—l oh a Pivons. Worth—-Owen M Oann. J. 11 MORRISON. Chairman. B.F. Meyersand KliasGarver, start ed -or Missouri or. Ust Monday moreing, u> uy Useir luck there. The former i* a itrtionijt.o i; t the Reporter ofiw, and the faUor osif *ged in teaching during the .*-t *ao vear. They arc both worthy yi-ung uifu, and we wuh them success. Prof 11. Meyer, of Rebersburg, Wm. 11 lleir.lv, of Xituay, and severe; other prominent teacher* of tflis county, whose names wo can not recall at this mo ment, w ill, we arc iuformed, he candidate- for (V Superintendent. Since wriling the above, we learn thai Prof. Rhone, ox l'tue Grove, Sup i Magee, and Rev. Kline, .will .ii* he canJidale.- £W Co. Sup C The Ke-union of the Centre Co. Normal, taxes place, in the Ev. church of this place, on Thursday evening, 10th Ti.o programme promises a g.'od literary l toru. 'amen 1 , of orations, eaaays. Ac., toters parsed with music. The pre-onl s-wsu'.n of the Normal was highly successful, and the attendance larger than ever before. Sup i Magee with his assis tant, Prof. Rishel, has made the Normal w.e of the institutions of this county that we can loot U) with favor, and we trust its usefulness will evidence itself in the further prosperity of the common -chool* of Centre county. -—As this is ihe time of year for evil persons to rob fruit trees and c, mmit depredations upon their neigh bor's gardens, it M weli enough to know t latthe law provides u effective remedy for such offences. It impose* a gee of noj less than $o ni r more than SIOO upon every person who -Lai! wilfully eater any orchard or garden and club or injure any fruit tree-, or shall tramp upon or break down grass, grain, vegetables or vu.e-of any kind. The stealing of fruit is do dared a mi-demeanor, ar.d any person convicted shall be fined not exceeding S6O and be imprisoned not more than sixty dsys. The same penalty is declared aga ust the s.en ling or removal of vegeta bles, plants or ornamental trees and shrub ery. Run:side J- Tliou.as, opposite the liu-b house, is the only firm that sells Groceries. Boots and Shoes, ar.d other article* at a trifle above cost. They do a cash business, ar.d sell cheap in conse quence. You will find coffee, -ugar, tea, molasses, Ac., Ac., at much lower figure ihun elsewhere, and ti;ir good* always fre-h. Try tbeta. Lead ore, yielding forty per cent of ler.d has been discovered on the tarmof E. E. Kincb, of Sinking Valley, Blair coun- Mr*. Amelia Potter, former y ot Pot ter's Mills, and widow of Gen John Pot ier ©r.e of Centre county's noted sons, died on -V August, at her home in Menaahe, Wisconsin. She was 71 year* of age A white breeding sow, belonging to the undersigned, has been missing for about three months. Any one giving in formation of the whereabout* of the same will be suitable rewarded J. B. Soi.T. The tobacco crop in Coueactkui is excellent. So say* an exchange, aud we may add that the chewing of it is abomi nable. the stomach of Wm. Kline, decaa-ed, an alyzed. gofe p. "hly esteemed citizen of BufJ .lo township, iCriion to, arid a popular 'agree able hotel Jcdqper. His age was some •where about 70 years. The young men o4 CoJJinsville, Conn., have formed tliemselve into a '•Moral Improvement Society," and each agrees to pay t. fine ofonn cent for every slang word or improper expression tittered by him. Now let the young men of this town also form themselves into such a so ciety, and there will be funds enough in a week to buy a large school bell. gs "Subscribers owing one, two or more years on the Reporter, will oblige by re mitting all or part. Our paper-man, hands and creditors look to us lor Cash. TIIE ELASTIC TRUSS AN ABDDOM INAL SUPPORTER ofleredto the pub lic. with the of the most emi nent physicians and surgeons i the pro fession unit they would supersede all metal of other Instruments in use. for the relief and cure of Hernia. Prolapsus Uttri, and all Abdominal Weaknesses. The great number of radical euros they have ett'eet o-d, futly justify the confident prediction made, and has demonstrated the I act thai rupture can be surely cured without suflcr ing or annoyance, and without the danger of incuring Spinal Disease or Paralysis, often caused the severe pressure of .Metal Trusses and Supporters. ZELLER AcSON, Druggists, Belleloi.to, Sole Agents. .Aug 27 8m jFive houses and seven stables were de by fire at Lock Haven on Tues day. Hou. Heister Clymer was renominated /or Congress at Beading on Monday. The Itoanl ••• p re.'. r of Gregg School District have appointed the fol lowing teachers forlhejtorm of five months, commencing in October, at salaries front s4>.'v to S4O : I'cnn Hall high svhOs-l I*. J. l.eitsell; Primary, J. A. Cronoble . Spring Mills School, A K Gobble; Pecker's School, j. NY. 11 u nit In ivih Hill. F F. JnttoWoit . Bcascr Dam school. J. lln kinuti , Oro-• Koad< Schonl, \V P. Ilosterman , M-nin tain School, A C. Hipka , Moray's School, K. F Smith, Htiy*School, A .1 Long And now Folinagrt en naa bad aelul.l sl< aling s bsc. the Tui > s. I inst i tin Tuesday f M 1! t'ooke at th.- place Mrs Cooke w.i- up stiuts in her room and the child lay in the cradle Mr CVoke hud just gone down into the cellar on an errand., when lie heard hit wile scream It appears that - soon as he had gone down stairs an unknown man canieoul of an adjoining room, display cd a knife, and seised the chil.l and ran down stair- The alarm given by Mis Cooke immediately brought up her husband, but the man KM gone, and the child was ton ml lying on the platform of the stair- \\ hy >ny sn.e should wish to steal so small a child teems a little surprising. ; For the Reporter SPAWLS FROM PENN. j The sportsmen cat*, now be seen daily wend rg their way toward- the Woods, lu i pursuit of their favorite game, the gray squirrel. A uutnbcrof tho b>*y have l-> rise a little earlier if they wanttsi be sue- J COssfNll. A man fr-.m I nioi. county had his wa gon -landing m Jonathan K reamer s she.l one night last vv k, loaded with melons, and some time during the night a patty ol scalawag* broke tbo lock, thereby gaining an entrance ami feasted lav.thiy upon the melons at the expense of the owner. Tie School direeters of Penn township hare employed the following teachers to tane charge ot the respective schools dur ing the com,l.g winter. Millheim Gram mar, S. O. M Curdy, S4O. Millheim Pri mary, J. NY. Glenn, SJO; Texas school, J. |C. Bible, sl6; Pike, NY. F. Smith, sl3 K'k Crock, G. NV. Keen, ?.S, Liberty, P I-. Zerby, $-40; Mountain. Jennie K NYolf, S-'o; Genaol's, Andrew Kishel, s'Gird ; on the ftill armor teachers, and go to your w. rk with a determination that you I ' accomplish soiuetbing. On last Saturday the people of our vicin ity held a centennial congressional pic nic, on the catnp ground west of town.; For some cause or othur it was a thin ar rangement, not a great many being pres ent. Lots of good cakes were prepared, and te trust disposed of in the right man ner. O;"course the Mdlhgim Cornet band was there, and d d well, like they do in every other instance. Our boy- like to play for pic-nicers, for they are certain to get some g t>d cakes, am! a lew more than others who are just as hur.gary. Soma of our farmers are talking of cut ting off corn already They say during this dry weather it has riperiod very fast, and seems almost tit to cut. Mr. Campbell's new mill is in success ful operation now, under the supervision of Mr. Jas. N*. Van Ornicr, oneot the be.-i millets in Central Pennsylvania. \Yc have waited long, but yet it i- tih:-liod now. Mr. Elias Garver. the jovial and open hearted fellow, was down here last week giving the parting and ,lor the lime be ing to his r any friend- aroond Millheim. Elias ha* the West in view-, and wr hope will be jocct-sful in all bis under likings. 10 S. C KXTURK cs" JtppE >1 \TF.K TO II IS Hom*.—Last night in the U' o'clock -r* n Judge Mayer returned to his home in ' Lock Haven with his familv from hi< European trip, restored in health and his family well and all in the best of spirit*. At the Depot tiioy aere met by a commit tee on behalt of C'iinton County Jiar and many friends. They for'.h-wi:h proceeded ' to his residence, where many more friends were as-euibled, and afterlhe fatuity greet- ! ings, those there met were invited in and shnrtd the ho.-pitaiities of the mansion. On behalf of the Bar. 11. T Harvey, Esq , delivered in a very acceptable manner a well worded and happily - ncet-ea ad dres- of welcome, whirh was ren -ndrd to in feeling ter it - by Judge Mayer, who gratefully nckru w Adgt-d the kind wards and kindred teelir.g manifested by the presence of ** many near and familiar facet, cxprct-ed his great pleasure in be ing ro-n .-od u> the companionship ofhii dearh retneMl>en*d friends and relatives and declared his increased devotion to his, native land from what he bad seen abroad and a more intense affection for the scenes of hi- iiain by uuJ the 9 ..rmlii and gsliiali ty ef the people of Lock Haven, tsoon thereafter L >ck Haven B.ind serenaded' hiui. Ho acknowledged the compliment in the course of which he said that he had heard many band.- play Jqrii.g his travels but that he had heard no music ... as that just discoursed, which wulc-tmed him back to his borne. The Hand then entered and partook of his hospitality, and upon retiring, L. A Mac key, Esq., on be halfolthe Judge, Very happily thanked them for their presence snj gracefully bade tl.eui g". J night Tin' party then , retired, and left tlic recipients of thi-1 i friendly ovation to r<-t. und in their retire ment to dwell upon the exquisite pleasure of having received upon their return home a bcarty welcome from their fellow-citi zen* which w as free and sincere as it must have been welcome anJ gratifying. Cimlon Ztcm. crat. FIRE AT LOGK M.VViiN', P.' f A destructive fire broke out at Lock Ha ven on Monday night, originating in a stable between Jav and drove tre< t in the rear of Main street. Before the f < was checked it liad destroyed the store, ware house a;id outbuildings of M. >-r*. Scott Jc Sons, with a large HO.,k of genor at merchandize the stere of Wm. tsoitx, furniture dealer. Mrs. R'.ii,.."s millinery store, Peter Beck's saloon, John IVtrikin's dwelling house and tie stuhlcs of Mrs. Raff, Alex Sloan, Mr. Kinlzing and Mr. Berkenhower. The le- is estimated ut $36,000. Owing to „ failure of the water supply the fire department ha generally teller,.l, by Kdgarton, Pi wr . Twitollell, Howell. NYillis, Hot land, and other- The lvp of -e.eral ■ res) - . table white r.-ident* ot the parish had b.-en tl < itcm-d by the n. gives and a low .la\ • go Mr \N l' lait - a rcs|u-.-la b'.e , . iii ol i . I'hird NN sr.! ' I.*-,! Kiv cr Parish, w .- thrvateneJ with -a--iu#- | l.on ly two natotious and de-p> int.- ne groes near H.-ow n>v ille, in the lower edge , :of the parish, lie ba-itig l-een tlie-l at by , them vsith shotguns On last Thur.-day night u small ; arty of white men went to the eabins ol these to* gr.w-s with the view o". arre-ting an i lo.lg irg them in jail, when they were tin J upon front a cabin, tad one of i'ie| party was iu-laiitly killed. Th. negroes then t --tempte.l to run to the woods, when they were both shot ntid killed by the party at tempting to make the arrest, tin the r_. x*. day Friday a large body of armed ne groes then attempted to run to the woods : when they were both shot and killed by ! the party attempting t-i make the arrrst. Poll . next way Frist,.y is large body of j armed negroes, between throe and four hundred iu number, assembled near llrowiisvtlld, swearing vengeance against the wludc sshite ra. .*, and declaring they ! would iu>t lease a white mail, woman, or child alive in the parish. This created great apprehension and excitement it Coi.sbatta and throughout the -arroutid ing country, and on Friday night the roads leading into the town were picketed. Twoyoung men Mr. Joe Dickson and Mr Pickens, who were on ene of the posts halted a negro who urn- coming into the town with a sack ot buck-shot. 11a paid ! no attention to their cammati.l to halt, and -an off into the darkness, being fired at by one of tho party, without effect however Piekson and Pickens immediately went into tow n to report w hat had occured, and were returning ts their pwt w hen they Wx-reacc -te.l in the -tree!> of Coushalla by Homer I. Tsvitchelland two notorious j r egro desperads*es, named Andrew- Ro ! ley* and Hob Smith, all of whom were armesl They had a lew moments con - ver.-ati. n with them, not of a violent na ture, utij had turns* 1 round to proceed to their post when thoy wore tired upon ts.:ce by that party fWon the rear, with out warning. Dickson was dangerously, if not mortally, wounded, and he new lies in n scry critical condition. Mr. Pickens escaped unhurt. The firing i arty then ran • ft". I'osley and Smith e.-caping alt g.-ther, and Tsvitche'l for the lime being. That nigh*, and next morning T. S Kdgarton Homer I. Twitch.*!! K A Pewees, \V. F. llowcll, T Holland, and M. t\ NYillis, all white, besides a numnor o< n>gr *es, w.-re arrested and p'ace.t under guard All of the party who h.-ld office then voluntari ly tendered and wrote out their resigna tii-ns, and thev ss th others soluntarily proposed if a guard were furnished them to Shreveport that they would leave the r*t,ite a:; 4 return no more. Thi- was at onco assented to, and tho prisoners re quested Mr John (Jarr to take charge of the guard for their protection. On Sun day morning at 10 o'clock Mr Parr, with a guard of about sixteen uhui, started with the nbove-uurus-tl prisoners except the ne- groes released afterwards. A p-riy of .between forty und fifty. suppo.cJ to he ' Texan*, who had come into Gou-halU started in pursuit, with the avowed purpo-c of lynching the prisoner*. Later in the Jsy Mr. Carr u,i apprised ot thi* fact, and put his horse- and those of the pi uoo , ers to the top of their *peed to avoid being vcr.akco. While rearing the Hutchin son plantation .n Red River, >uio thirty miles below Shrevcport. with the view of crossing there and destroying the fiat-boat to prevent further pursuit, ho wis over taken by the pursuing party. The guard were overpowered and the prisoner* taken , away from him. nr.d three of tbrni, Kdgar ton, Twitcbell, and Dew i t up the red Republic and the Commune an ! to play in I!<><>mc the pranks it played in Par.-, and become !> ■ld enough losum iu> uat )..gn... Jo to held at Terruia. On the second of August, there wst a sort of caucus preliminary to this congress, held at Villa, near Rimini, and at this there were assembled twenty-eight leaders of the revolution from ail parts of the Peninsula , The government marched a body of troops j to Villa and surrounded it, and arrested twenty-eight Bd-. Thsy yore, tua..ked and from papers found upon them, and from other information the government obtained a !t.-t of over two hundreds clubs of It, J and Iriternaiionali-t.- ;n the provin ce* of Ravens, Acona, itolognn and Kerra ra These clubs were all closed within the next few day*, their papers seized and some of their members were arrested on the tfth n,,i< iOtl,. Acting ujjon informs ,, tmn obtained from pnpur* taken at tie. 1 mini, the government arrested three of the J Internationalist chie.c :il Forli, and thir ! teen at Florence. DIABOLISM man named August tardnj,r, jyjio aid he was from Seymour, Ind., while walking on the trio kof the J., M. and I. R. K, mar Ilenneyville, Ind , at 10 o'clock last night, wa attacked by three men. They took his pocket-book and so, and then tied kirn on the truck with ropes over a small tfcL'or: i;' d left him. He succeeded in getting the ropes ttiat 1.e..1 his lioijy un tied, hut before he gt t'i >e that hel l his left foul loosen. 1 an approaching paaaen ger traiu was upon hi in. In thnt desper ate moment be threw his hody oir the traca, n train p isseil over and severed the leg from trie uodj*. ' i| into the culvert, but crawled out and lay there all night, and was picked up At an early hour this morning hy Conductor waterhouw, of a passing freight train, and brought to this city, where he revived sufficiently to make the above statement, but relapo-q ur.cj d id at !• o'clock a. in. There is no cioW'lo til* fffl'p'trntort pj.' j .ho crime. FOUND AT LAST. The Austrian Polar Expedition heard From —sevep roopths' Sledge Truv el—Two winter# on the jcp. London, Sept. 4. —The members of the Austrian Polar expedition, for whose fute gravo fears were fell, have been hoard from. They were shipwrecked and took to sleighs, in which they hare succeeded, after a long journey, in reaching the Nor wegian Island of VVardoe. After abandoning their ship the party travelled foy ferpn months ori sledges, and two winters were passed on tpu it o. fhe highest point reached was in # latitude 80. A lurge tract of land was discovered to the northward of Nova Zeiiibla. The expedi tion arrived at Wardoeon a Russian boat. Only oiio amah ftCjffirfgd during the entire voyage. The first negro juryman ever drawn in Lehigh county will tuke his place in the jury box at the next week's court, AFFAIRS IN SOUTH CA Rol.lN A i Columbia. S C S| -pll-lllt CI 1! \t II ' ' ion-ling >f tin l hoard trade of Colli 111M11 this evening I i sululloli* Wi tu (111 .I ll lit' noun-nig lli attempt i'l certain parti--*, Hint |*rtit ulnrlv nf John .1. Patterson, tu create a lain- impression about ihe rel* liiMM tiliicli t'tiit between thii while and colored people il" this stale Thuy deolari . eniphali- ally that thorn are tin *igu> ot mil danger al imlliiii'ii Imtu wii them. That these report* atiti attempt* are du atrmn to tin* properltv of the people, ami that whatever appearance of trotihUi may bar-ex ntcd was duo to anil directly trace . able l -colored men a-.ing oh the ait * too and suggestion of had white men, who, fur their own end*, are intent upon bringing a hunt a rupture between the race- They 1 rattil the lateliielit that there i* any danger of rupture as false, anil ask the national authorities to i autr alt litvi ligation to be made into the truth .111. statements i t Patterson ami others made at \\ as) ington Tilk m:\v gold uot n try thi-ago, Aug -7. The publication -■! the results of lien Custer's exploration of the Mack Kills country ha-, iici'.ed us lUUoh interest here a* ii. the hast (Jell Forsyth * letter and diaiy hat ■ been w id* ly read In The Chicago Tribune of tins morning he writes frotu Fear Unite, Aug. 15 Tlie two miners vru have with us tell n that they found "color" in t-vcry pan it dirt they washed near Harney - I'eah , that the diggings there ill Custer (iuleli will pay $H* per day now that they only had tw o or three days in which to prorpect. as we kept moving so fast, hut that, in their opinion, when the Kasicrn Hill* are rightly prospected gold'wiSl be found there in ahundar.ee I aut inclined toj think so, for the very roots of the grass would pan u cent to the pan'in our camp near Hartley > Peak There have been ign> of a gild feter here as the consequence of these discover ies. Kxpcditi- its arc io w forming in this city and at diti'crciit point* in lowa. Dnko ta, and Wyoming, to go I the new dig gings. They have forgotten that these lands aie 'I VWSi" j as u reservation i.--the Siou v I nutans, ai 4 that llu-y have no tight to enter them (ion. Hieruiau reca is this fact to their notice in an order published VICTOR HUGO AGAINST PEACE Paris, September o \ ict- r Hugo has wrlttcn a letter declining an invitati. nto the Peace Congre-- at lievri.a He say* peace cannot be established until aniither war has been fought between France and Germany. He point- to the existence of the deep aid utidy ing hat re 1 be! w, r- . the two coqntr:e% and declares the war will 1 boa duel between tha principle* u| Ut. : - arcby and republic SPAIN More IK-S|erale Fighting. lJayonne, September 5 Ace- rd'.ng to , Carlist advices, desperate fighting has i been going i n for three days between t as- 1 trio and l'obla in Catalonia, at.J the Re- ; publican losses are very heavy. 51. 15. . J. k ;>!' her I 1.,'., D, • , 'guca has urrivi d at Fu>s-lda, ana, d.- ; lentil.g the Car lists under Sobuii*. Thu Republic.', htsutlcresi heavi y. and the t ni n i is crowded with worn dec Tho Car! its t were attack, u w bile retreating Pujcerda and 1.-st si ven hundred billed au-i wound cd t I KT A tft b' l. FTiUb. • Syracuse, Sui'.y, .v |.t, . Ti.i eruptn-n ut Kt. ash >w* no sign* of abatement The inhabitant* art- fleeing from tin- village* at the to- 1 of the mountain, b.it It is lhaugh no bar: i will be dona I'm-dire - ' lion taken by I ie lata sir-sin, i remote from tho tuilnsloi , art* of the „,00. lain. DEEP SKA SOUNDINGS IN TIIK ' PACIFIC OCEAN , The following diapatch * a* re.-eirrd at the nai v department this inornir* tiiinhlaaka. July -ifun. 111. ,jo SI ltobmon. Washington Arri*< .t t- -day Shore line practicable I>.-* j.t water four (boti.-atid and thirty fathom*, eighty mile* from Again n, neit thirty-seven hundred and 'fly-four fa! ■- - j>* one bun dr.it. and twenty mile* cast of Kvirile strait- ; igu. i,.:i Uufil. i.iid .\! ( ..ti.t.* I \ rk, S.-jiti-uibcr 2 ll.e latc*t scandal row* today 11 that fth v.!tri and Tilton will stillri- ,-rro imporlai.t doc uments until the trial take* pia. e, this be ing by advice •'* Ben Butler. Mr.- T/t n returnedftrtx-klm to-i'ayi ar.i denicsthal sbo . SpeKjlig legal trpara-i t:>is trx-ui her husband. M.-ult-m arrived li.)inc to-day and lus slalom*nl will prob ably bo prinlcii on Friday. IN TKXAS-Nl) R.M.N Pol! A YKAH Washington, September 2. The collec tor of customs at El l'aao, Texas, in a let ter to the chief of tho bureau id* statistics' dated August 17th. say .- We have not had a drop of ravn in this vicinity for 3i>6 days Everything is scorching hot and burning up. Many uaUju huvu U.uJ i f itai,>ft|on. s • Fri-m a recent scientitlc lecture we make tho totlovi ing < xtrnel .- One other pciuliarity of flowers is cx-i plained if we take this view of tho relations of insect* to flower*. Many flowers close their petals during rain, which isobvi..u- Ijr an advantage since it prevents the hon ey pnd pollen from being spoiled or wash ed away. Everybody, h.-wovar, ha* ob served that even in flne weather urtuin flowers ciose nt pnrtirular hi.-urs. Thi hub t of going to sleep j. surely very cu ri, u. \\ hy should fi, wers do *e Why should some fl users do so and led others Moreover, ditl- rent fl -wer* keep diflV-rent hour. 1 iio ijiiisy ancn* Jni m ,ri*e and closes at sunset, [whenoo lis name, (day's eye. Ihe dandelion (leontod or tsiraxa cum) opens nt 7 and closes nt o; srenani inbrn is open from to H, nymphsn nil n from about 7 to -I, the common mouse mr hawk weed i* sid to wnke at > s i.r,d go to sleep nt the aearlet pimpernel (nnngallis to urakn nt 7, ntoi riot a oon after 2; while trogopog.in pmtensis opani at i in the morning, and closes ju*. before 11 whenr* it, Engii-h name, ".Tolin go to bed ,nt noon Farmers' toys in some purl* are sitid to regulate their dinner by it Other I flower*, on the contrary, open in the even i iug Now, it it obvious that flowers which aro fertilized by night flying insect* Would derive no advantnge from being open hj day, nn.l on the other hnnd, that those which are I'ertiliz-d by bees would gain nothing hy being open at night. Nay it V'lUot bo n dikltio s ui-ieii iiini(j,, uecausc it would ri n J.;r thuni lniblo to hw robben of their honey and pollen, hy insects which are not cxipahlo of fertilizing then). I be lieve, tlen, that the closing of flower.' ha* reference to tin- habit* of Insects, and it miiy be o>i ureiui al.xj, in suppert of this that wind fertilised l sold to the l'arisiun public during the llrtt quarter of the current year, again,i 1,275 in 1872, and OdOin 1870. lilt lo- by tils, b drome th; ncitr.cr' River Ualle, ou Wednesday night, p* j|ac-| ed at $75,000 The vessel was scuttled to savo the bull. NKV'-NTEKN ANIMVI.s lllllNKD to hi:a hi H • , Philadelphia, I'a . Heplrmlier 4 At a iulo hour I*-! evening, a table in 55 • t Philadelphia, ow lied by Charles I,nil. ill, ~ containing twelve in ulna and eight hnrsea ! was totally destroyed by lite, only tbree | of the animals being rescued. .A large , qiianlily of lumber, the property ol the , Ki v stone Hi nlge Company, win also des troy id. The lire appear* to have In ill the work ol an incendiary. I HALF OF A TOSV N Ul' HNKD. Uoriiu, Sept . thi re hu* lucn a very Idestructl v e In |t> tb>UWI of XPitftlOflM, ~ ■ Half ol tin- place was huriii'd II loss r I on building* alone 1* (wtiiunUtd at , (*►> lh:i ,-t t pwartl- I'.(<• taintlti's Imv | been made homeless, and there is gleat „ di*trrs among the unfortunate poop , . IlKKCllKit PRKACII Ks A N111 Kit SKUMON Twin ..Mountain, N. H., September r Heccher preaclied to-day to another large audience, special train* bringing over a thousand hearer*. Hi* discourse was mainly historical, an 1 no allusion was !'made in any way to the scandal, though a", tim 4, during his istuntks, Mr Meet her • appeared very much affected, hi* voice fullering and his eye* tilling with tear*. At the conclusion ot the sermon a collet-I e turn lor a Jioor widovs with nine children was taken Up, w Inch realised one huudrt I ami silly-three dollar* A PORTSUBMERGED ' Information has reached Brownsville, Texas, thul the port of Brum* Santiago, ' situated -hi ait island of that name thirty miles distant from that city, is entirely sub merged. The house*, w'hith aru bnl-t of! wood, are all floating off The Inhabitants,. who nun ber about fifty souls, have taken t- open boat* and their whereabout* is un j known. A* the vast volume of tralei ly | ing between Padre island an J the main land tlmlsau outlet at Hraios, through the' , harbor of which,-luring a flood, it flows I with irre-istnb'e force, fear* are entertain rd that they have been carried out over the bar to Sea. ♦ ♦ ♦ London. Sept. rt sYorth say .- 1 There who cae huajred and fifty Indians.' 1 this tide uf Jbchtburu f Ihue. which the Court bold has ) not btiu modtCed bv subti-qucnt Irgisla- r tiot). t The German fleet of observation on tbi ( coast has come int v collision will. * tie Cat . at GueUr.a, where the Oct insn vou'Si were Ered en bv coast batter-: in* and returned tb<- lire bv shelling the \ "9 k I A Madrid newspaper announce* three j Ci.-Ui c n'ul attack* by the t'arlnis *>n th. tlv;< rninent garrison at Castro-ITd .airs Car list ailviie* of tho saiuo date, byway of liatomie. rejsirl desperate lighting in Catatonia a-d h.-aw r<-p!-t>l. -n 1. ,y republican fiitoiy m.u. r iter,oral If.oniti ' igura nt tvhalll is ant; unccd from Ma drid. The Carlist* wc:e purtuvJ to I'uig cenia and lust TW men Serious disturbances occurted in Frutce, .*>> ptember t, the anniversary of the pro clamation f the rep L'i. :.t in IbTO ! ■it Moor, In (lie i>. pa:tin nl of licxawl, the gendarme* tred on the rioters, killing and ut.ding ronetecu. Disturbance; occurred elsewhere, but to a lest criuu* •Stunt, though at l.yon* sevens! arrest* were made Ihe di lent of the Grunt parly in \riniont i- really mure gratifying to I Democrats than any victory we liavi won during the present year. Fori Yirmont was the Radical .Nararcth, out of wtnuii, it was believed, nothing good could j.-ibly come. Not only was Poland, fhe C'rediuMobilier whiten a-ber and chatupiou of the press-gag law, very badly beaten, but. the Democratic State ticket came very mar being successful, The Democrat have eiectcil iifty-si* mo tuber* of tin' ll.iuso, whete they had ouly twvutj*, two last year, aud we are now Uid that at least fifty of the so called Republican* elected have mote s-ytm pathy for the Democrat* than for thi f*rautites. At Harrisburtf ou 3nl, in the cuao of the ( oiimionwealth vs. G?'rgc O. hvanu, the Court icfuso l lu graut a liiscl'xtroc for Evana on the ground that the inaolveut Ixiwa ut l't-nnnylvas uia did not extend to debts due thi Common wealth. Which Queans that Mr. George O. Kvans will bo kcj>t in jail. The Stalp Auditpr t,f Mi nne.*' (a Ita* iKickttcd $100,060 of the School fund* of that .State We need hardly say that he i* u Uudicnl, and is *|>ciui ing hi* money IVcely in behull of that patty * success. M ARK KTS. i'roducr. N-w N September 5. Flour quid and unchanged. Wli'ul !•►, active and irregular ; j-1 12(.i,l IN■ > .1 spring; 15 (, 1 Ni. 2 north**est; Xl 'SI No. 2 M'tino.ita 4 1 2i(. 2 Tlii! cah; 710. teller Sep tember; 71ic, seller (jptuber; high mixed 72ic; rejected Tlfd'TlJc. ()nUdull ami un settled; No 2 id.i i ash; t fo, teller Octo her; rejeeied -11 Je* life Ryu—detnami ac live und prices advanced; No. 2 MfuittUc Hurley steady and ia uiudcralo dtniand: No. 2 '.t2(o.'.ah; i -noli; ll'JJe, teller December; No. II "he. Timothy seed $2.10. Provis ions quiet and urn hanged in every re spocj. BBLLKFON T E M AKKK TS. White iVhcut $1 15 Rod 110 ..Rvc SI Colli 80 ....Oat- 15 Barley Ml. 70 Clorerseed 4,50 Potatoes CO l.ard per poun.l 8 Pork tier pound IH. Butter2o Egg* 15 Plaster perton sls f £hii o W.w Uiifipn l! jiff if 1 l-f- I Lard per pound 8 cents Buck a-1 teal 05 cts., Fiourper barrel rtailb,6o... wholesale 7,25 to 7,50 CHINA AM) JAPAN. "(KoitMiwtN I'llMI'I.K ATtcnW I.IK 111 TU Kwii IN WAU. Hung Kmig, July 2'. It i notv a mutter of certainty, an t-ir na any , event wltielt litis* nut liu|i|ienil can In ceitain, that the prcn- nt coiniilirntinn ■■l a (In ire between China titnl Jajian will v< itt iih 11 v lead low ar. The ad Vent in rluvv hut rlnire. Only one ean prevent n |irid(-ngrd and l> •jieralo alrnpgle brlwerii thre two I a*! 11 it imweia, and flint of-e tiling i* 11st- i-eiti-ablt cvaeuntion of the Inlniid of l'uiiiiosa I*v (he Japaneec an island w liich China b'die* i or main i inin* to he an iutegiat jioilinit (if their -muire. I here >• abanlutr!y no I valid ica -in why Ihe Jaftam-fce trooiw should not abandon Kurtnora 'The object which their (iovettiment (!-• l-ssed to wish to ohtaiu l-a hern ac -1 <'i)ttijsli*hed. They have ehw-tiae-l the •a vagi* lEslandera and avenged the •nit rages |h i nctrale-i it j K>ti ) a ] aneae subjecta. Jaj"ii boa nothiiij; to gain by it prolonged stay on the "tseautifnl isle." Hut it is evident that her poli cy in this uliair lenda lo annexation. She has coveted the garden, and a u-a*.untitle jiertcxl having hern afford ed her for taking fmaseatioti of if, ahe m loath to relinquish it. The re|>ort from Formosa stats* (hat the ate encamped in military villages, wlt ch are marvels of neutuena and order, thus indicating u protracted residence, und tliat the future of For mosa under .18114110-10 rule i openly j commented upon, The n-land is to be colonized, planted with cotton, culti , wiled, and civilised by Jupati jj-it :h*re 1. one drawback. The prospect! ( is not altogether satisfactory to the Chinese tuiud. The court at Peking, through its provincial viceroys, is! steadily l to bt ! more than equal, if brought out, t" the, ; litter annihilatii'ti of Japan. It ha* learned a lesson ftom ils few brt|hc* with the Kurupetns. I i.ina i# pur chsalog guns and nmmuuitioii, and in a few months' Dme, unltsa Japan withdraws—a supposition most un-1 likely to be leaiited—Formosa will', be the acetic of a struggle between the, foicca of the two most |xiwcrful na tions of modem Asia, timed with (ire-i --aims and anr implements of the latest- European patterns and patents I have eouversed with Chinese mnndar in, civi| autj military of all grgdesj and atn fiseurr-i thaiChiua means to have revenge. lam justified iu pre ; dieting that a w.vr roui bieuk out. t It may be to morrow, it may be in six or twelve months' tin e—if will be J when Chitis is ready, America ha* \ an inter* *t in the result, whatever it < may lie, and *0 have England and the;' hu. -p. an n.tiiou* who imvc relation*, , commercial or political, with the hs-'i tile power*. Then probably some cause of rupture with one or other, or |>erhaps all, of the Western powers nil! fid low. 'I he result of any con-* > te*t which might take place - cither China or dapan und any such'* pi wrer as America, (irc-at Britain, or , Butia is to certain that to speculated upou il would be mere folly. Aud j yd some such contest in the not very ' rom- te future is not at all improbable, ' nor far frrp -mjK.tMhla. iu,*uriunt•; monteo, uaonhtrtiJirulHtmus is a pro 1 verb applicable, perhaps, to ihe parade 1 au-l circumstance with which Jajian ! "made war ou Formosa." KEI'UBI I CAS LCojNUM V. Atuong other thiuua tire republican party piopoae lu go before the {•eupli w:lb in the approaching anva i the rrr of ecomomy. We mpv the mo lutiou of the liehigh c >unty ;.-,„hli citn con vent j•• >-u ll lively !>orrd tn the Senate and House of Representative* for the passage of the *a:d bill, Ly wbi*b his fcunuafsaJ ary was increased from 823,000, a former! v, to fifty Owu+ind do/for* per year. 1 lien, too, when such meu as Sliunk, liiglor and Packer wrerc Gov ernor*, with n democratic legislator* to assist them, we hail no such reck leas cattravagauce. Then the Gover nor'a salary was 3,000. .Yctr 810,000 7'icji the QoVi ntoi s luewriijttr recciv-l cd SIOO. AW $1,200. Then the state librarian's salary was S6OO AW 81.800. Then we bad no houM messenger, the deputy do.r keej>er performing the messenger's duties. AW we pay to this nrtr officer S6OO. Then the deputy sooretary of the corn mouweaiih received sl/200 a year. Ami $2,.i00. Tkmi wo bad bo pagea in either house. .Vote about seventy live . I hen the public grounds abou' the capital were cared for by nn old man tor S.itC n jci". Aula w pHV, for the nne duty $6,000. Then our! governor renp-d ho;, ,-c tolivoinand paid the rent out of Lis $3,000 sala ' ry. Xou we provide a $60,000 house for the Governor and make a tesrly' j appropriation f>r furniture amounting! to more than the Governor's former salary. tu iougumie a Gov ernor it chat some 8300 or -UK). AW $4,000 or $3,000. The.. ~;, 4>n ftn cx . Governor died lie was bun,.l at the expense of his family. Mow to btirv an ex-Governor it costs || lC penplo be I ween SI,OOO ato I so,in id. (-}jee last Auditor (teiieral s rejxirt concerniup tbc funeral of ex Governor Geary.j Awav with such "economy," The people want no more of it! How do our haul-fistcd farmers, our laboring men and mechanics, who have lately had their wages reduced to less than living rates, reli*|i yeeing their hard earner! money fleeced from them in the manner above shown, urn! then on top to read such a deceptive resolution as that at the head of this article? Let them answer at the polls in No vember. Nebraska polities are becoming coinpli oated. Four State Convention: b;ivu hem eall -d, ami now a tilth oiio i demanded by an organisation cal.lng Itself the People's! party. It will bo held on Sept. 7. Ne braska voters will be very fastidious if, when elation day comes, they are unable to lind n ticket which suits them. .laitii. Tracy, an old and respected citi zen o! Butler, died on Saturday evening last, in the 78th year of hit age- D-'tnmiraU evarvwhero ahould profit by i the timely hint* *ugg'lei| by lhc Allteoria y Nou aiol at ui. 1 u tt" w'o< k. It sny* ; Il will now be for the Democratic party to effect n llioroiigli orgHiilaallon lit nverv *! county of the stale not only In every >' - otinty but also In every city, borough * ivanl and township. Without ibis we " barn mi gotnl groiiiul to expect succre*, " bui'w ilb it nr Hoititment on SaiurJay the Ird of OcU-Lu, 1 [ |S74. at 10 o'clock of sai-1 day, si, „fi|oe' W I.'"- a-.U W!.l' 1., al. |. , 0! ., I l||lete*tud b' requt-stod to attend 0. \V ROWER, Mffim Auditor. H. KOSSMAN. Undertaker. Iha unScrs.gut-d bug* leave lo inform ; hi* patr.-n* ar.J the public generally thai he is now prepared to make COFFINS and respectfully soli- it.* a share of their imtronage Funeral* atlemle-i whh a n#at ilenrse. HENiIV ROSSMA N 1 sept 4rn. ChtttabriM". 'I'EACUEKS KX A MIN ATIONh where !J. not already past will be held a* tub I lows, (commencing at 'J a. u ) j II atiirs- AaroUihui* 'i uesday. Sept I. , llur. RoaUburg. Friday, 4 /t-rglpon- Fine Sal. 5. P"tter Centre llall, Tuesday, H. Walker- llublenburg Sat- fj j Mitesburg (s lloffg- AlHtsburg sf--n --4ay. H IsylorA Worth Port Matilda, Tue*. day. 15. H slfino, in —Storm slow n, Wednesday, Iff Huston Julian Furnace. Thursday, 17. Union— I'ni-.nviile, Friday. 1h topring \'aleniilie s rcbooj house Sat* urday. I'd. Henner—Am.agist'*, Mar,day, v|. I'aaton—Wa4Jle'w Tnos-iey, 'Ji Howard A tXmin-H ward, Thursday, Marion —Jacksonville, Friday, 25. Liberty- Etglevillr, Saturday, j* 8 M MauYE, (,'a, Sup', \U DlToll S N(TICR.—The signeil, i.n Auditor appointed by the - Court of Common Plea* of Centre Oo i to distribute (he money arising lion, the tale of the |>uroKal prepcrty of Wm F Carpenter, now in the Land* of Jk-ni. F. .Shaffer, high Sheriff of *a J County, here by give* notice that he will nttvit.-I lu the duties of bj* afiiKiir.tinunf tin Friday, *cc onj Jay *rOctober r-et, at S o'clock p. M at in* office tn liellefunte where all person* inU-mtcd may attend if they sen e J> UA UN HART, -iceptfit. Auditor j STONE-WARE ' STONE-AY ARE ' ' ! i he undersigned would respectfully an-1 nouueeto the citj/ei, 4 of q r .mJ ad o\ahip, and the public gener-1 al-v tr*t be ha* Just received 6,'Jhu UAL-j LIINS, No. I Ohio Stone-Ware, consist-' ing of Milk Crock* and Pans. Apple-{ butter crock* from I|n 6 Gallon*. Alto •tone jug*, front I to 6 gallon*, stone ;r*. t A l'b< reputation ot the Ohio alone -55 are u univrraally _.k iwiedgei ' "None bet;ar tfar made " Nodangerof' the- a *a:ng coming off like earthenware.' It i> much superior t-i earthenware in eve-1 ry respect. Ail kind* uf country produce taker, in exchange tor Stone-Ware and' merchandize for which Uie highest Ptartel! price will be allowed. J H FISIIEIL aujpa)-Kb Penn Halt, Pa VLIABLK HEAL ESTATE FOR SALE. Will be off. red at Public Hal*. on the prrmitc*. in letter twp . an THI'RS DA } , et.uoiLcr lTth, ltfi 'I . I'' o following real . lUU-, belonging to |t!.e l-.tat* of I'clcr Dur.l, deed, consist* ..!IJS of a valuable Isrtu lib ACRES. ■ more or le*, wm; l mile fr..u, Pouar* Mid. Tl.fitou rrwird TWO STORY DWELLING liuySK, BANK BARN, jand other outbuilding* with two wood ■ .nt4i4M> and all kind* of the be*l lruit oti -|lb<-premise*, mid a good spring of never .'failing water near the bouse. Alau, Kijjhty Acre* of Tiruberland, j ni ito in Potter twp., 2 mile. from Pottbr* Mill*, .sale to roinmence at I o'olook. p. m. Term* w ill ba made knovn ua day ol t tale I, JOHN lIISIIEL. JOS lICA POTTER. Aug 6. Executor*. Fine Homestead for Sale. j A1! iu*e AI. t about 3 Aero* of g.**d cultivated land-situate in (irrgt twp. '!n< ar'J'reuiar * Sawmill, in George* Yal •'ley. in offered at private ale. Two public Ir>ud run along two side* ol the lot . Thereon ar- erectod a two story HoCSE, ' STABLE. SHOP, and other outbuilding. > i A .plcndid ORCHARD of the bet apple*, Ijihetricw. pear*, peaches, and plum*, on jtlie prtni*e*. and never failing water near 'jthe door. Clove to the house a fine gar • den and a beautiful yard to front Aiao 1 1 running water noar the house. For fur ther particular* apply to LOTT EVANS. Aug 3) 2m. . MUSSER & RUNKEL BROS., j j (Successors to Mi Manigal A Brown,) Wu< i.E-*i r. as v Kktaii. Dealers tx IIKA V V A Sll ELF H A RI)W A RE. Miliheim, Pa., X"' v* having purchaaed the large and well e IrcU-d tock ol Hardware late of *W. J. McMaiogal. we aro prepared to supply Hardware for Builders, Coacbmakera, Saddler* Shoemakera. Houpkecppf4, uii'l in |hct, HARDW ARE FOR EVERYBODY. WALL X \yiMHW PAPER, And Curtain Fixtures of every kind. lnox,STKtL,Otts, PaintnGj aa;. Vcttt In short, v : iavc everything usually found in a well regulated Hardware Store They intend to replenish their stock nnd , keep it up, and will furnish wagon-maker. , saddlers and all manufacturer* with stock I at figure* that will enable them to sale • money. Good* *old CHEAP FOR , CASH. Come and see the Goods. aug'iT-y'Tl l I i . , / 1A UTION. Sport, men are hereby no titled not to enlir upon tlie lands ol the undersigned, for the purpose of shoot 7 i:ig Mjuirrols, Jfcc., otherwise they will lie . dealt with according to law. Cyrus Durst, \V. F. R triclt .la M'Clintick, Ja oL Grove, • Tlioa. Grove. Huston i Geo. Hurst jV, Philip Duist i' Hirant Durst, Abr. Harsh harder .-, aug-7 3t. (~1 AI TlON.—Sportsmen are hereby no- J tiffed not to enter up* n the land* the undersigned forth® pum> ct .boot ing squirrels ftr., H chaiwud tWeo\*7?l be qealt with according to jaw ' w2' ?r n i. X ' J P WM. f. MAYS, J. B Rkcjj 27 Aug at. ' (1 A UTIOX. Sportsmen are hereby no. J tifid not to enter upon the land* of ! the uridr*ignrd for thn purpose of thoot. jinx Mirrei* Ac., the; will bedell with according to law, JAS DITCH. fpt at- 11. E. DUCK. Lime! Lime! ! Lime ol the bel quality, niway, on iiand, at the kiln near Centra Hall. OkOKGK KOCH. Ilto\, 4c HTKEL. '„ \ h*. v ." " n " lr " aaeortmeai oil ,BA H I lit IN Nal Ls & ST EEL, wI, id. | I will be *<>ld at the lowert market price. N Kit THOMPSON, I - _ _ Milrwy, Pa .j THE PEOPLE S DRUG STORE. Ne xt door to W ileon A Hick*' Hard ware ntore, Allegheny St,, HELLKFONTE, PA., Jas. C. Williams (Succe*#or u- II F. lUakln & Co.) J DKALKit IN PURE DRUGS AND MEDICINES, C, JKHIOA LS PAINTS, oiLS, DTE HI I KFS, \ AHNINIIM HHI'HII AND FANCY ARTICLES POH THE TOILET, A,, SUkZYHMShUftUtiM; ( lur ftieJiciusl purpom, ' SHOULDER ii HACKS, j TRUSSES A SUPPORTERS in great i j variety ] Alto, Choice CIGARS AND TOBACCO, j *• all other articles usually kept in fretl cla** Drug Store. j PRESCRIPTIONS CAREFULLY COMPOUNDED. I linniTttf I Keystone Store. | FOR FARMERS AND ALL OTHERS; Co to H. YEARICK.'i son, FOB FOREIGN A DOMESTIC DRV GOODS, NOTIONS, HATS, CAPS, BOOTS 4 SHOES CLOTHING, OIL CLOTHS, QUEENS WARE, GROCERIES. PRO VISIONS. FLOUR, Ae No. 0 Buaii'F Arcade, Bcliefoate, Pa.; Ail kind* of country produce tak en, Bent Bargain* in town to be! Ihad - nov2otf ! H.H. WEISER &. CO., Mksuficturen of Sheeliron & Tin ware, Millheim, Pa. All kind* of Tinware, constantly on jhaiid and made lo order. Mtoetiron Ware of everv description, (always on hand. Hooting in Tin and Sheeuron done in the uioet approved and satisfactory style. Spouting done u> order, rijt-ir of Tin and Sheotiron Good*' is large and complete, and offered at the IXHTftT PRICEh. Their i tublitbmenl ba> been enlarged and stocked completely throughout. ! Satisfaction guarta raced, and all jobs promptly attended to. apr!6-y 1 "UN i' POTTER, Attorney-at-Law.l W Collections promptly made and 1 special attention given to those having* lands or property lor sale. W ill draw up I and have acknowledged Deeds. Mortgages, j ,A*-. o:bvu. ;he diamond, north side all ( the court bouse, liellefoalc. .-♦ 9-ff.sttf MiJ.LhK H HOTEL! Wwslvirj p, • Stages arrive sod depart daily C i T i4y a f. l ! ,, 3 ,L C - M BOWEM. | A LKXANDEK A BOWKKS, Attor-I A iieys-at-Law Beilefonlo, Pa. Spe-j cial attention given to Collections, and! Orphans' Court practice. May be con-( suited in German and English. Office in Carman's Building. my2B '74-tf.' 1 L. SPANGLER, Atlornev-at-Lsw,i Bellwfonte, Pa. Office with Hash A Yoeum. CensulUtiou in English! and German. Collections prompt!v attend- 1 od 10. "fchS-f I U® CE3YTRE lI.ALL. FA. Would most respectfully inform the clt tens of this vicinity, that'be hassUrted at new Boot and Shoe Shop, and would bei thankful for a share of the public patron age Boots and Shoes made lo order and t according to style, and warrants bis work; •to equal any made elsewhere. All kinds of repairing done, and charges reasonable- Give him a call. feb 13 ly IS R. STG.O UTIILI US, Dentist. Millheim. }*" professional services to the! Public, He it prepared to perform all! operaliutis in Ibo dental profession. '* n * fully prepared to extract teeth Jits ■tfmffiy W|M, i. tj .111. 11l v 8 7.1-tf. DF. fOKIIIT, Attorney nt Law,! • llc.lefoatc, Pa, Office over Key onld.s bank. roayU'W M.4J. J. SHHKFFLKR Tailor, , N' r! J' '4o>o f tto tkpanglcr's hotel, t nt. Hull whoro he Is at all times, prepared toiuake all kinds of men and boy's cloth ing. according to the latest styles and at roasonablo charges. 1 '*'n' i?® "ANUS, Ainosey at Law, V nt lle'ttlita promptly attends to a) bu.iaoss entrusted to him. jui2,'Wt ADAMHILD, I PAINTER, ®S. 8? •Hers hi* services to thr citir.cn* of Mifflin Centre ami loljoining counties, in llotinc, Slgti ntit) UrnatfnaUl Painting, CHAINING Oak, Walnut, Maple, Ash, Mahogony. Ac., IMain and Fancy Papci hanging. Or ders respectfully solicited. All tine wo-k deno fur other painters, nov Ctf. MANHOOD: HOW"LOST,~TIOW RE rsr STORED! - JUKI published, A asw odiUon at Dr. Calrer ••tl's rrlehratod KUAJT on th* radical car* (without mmllciae) of KrxBMATOIUUKKA buulnal WrUIM. Inr,.luntr> Seminal lawku*. ImPOTEHCT. Mcntcl ABO I'tiy.h.l Inimpactty. Impediments to Mrrl. rtr ; !.>. t'ONHI MIT ION. Kill. I 1-KT BUd tlTb. Induced bj tell ladnlreuce or taiual *itraTa#aacc. So. .titf I'rtew, la A HAM envelop*. Ontj tlx cent,. Th* c*lobrAl*d author, la this admirable KIWI clearly demon*! rat**, from a thirty jrar*' tur prifltiM, lhl th* alanulua omugarnaw 1 wlfOw may b* radically cured without IL,u una of l. prlrffiU^,ndrffid!cUli. MP* Thl elioukl blu the h&ada of ergq youth and ©very man (n the land. hnl unlvr anal, in a plain envelop*, to anv on receipt of alx cent a u two boat itaLitta Addrt'u the PubUahera. * po€l nupa. F UAS ' 0 KLINR & CO. I July h*w Vovk; p' oasv t M. mt BUTT S H OUSE BELLKFONTE, PA. J.B. BUTTS, r ropr . Has first class aOotiJumodatiou j cbftrg* Pennsvalley Banking Go. CENTRE HALL. PA RECEIVE DEPOSITS, And Allow Interest, Disrount Not# Buy and Bel < Government Securities, Gold and i Coupon# I'XTKR lIorrKR. \\u. B. M i M.i.r, Pre't. Cubi#i Chan. H, Hold. Clot-It, ttnlrhauikrrA Jtteli Millheim, Centre Co., I'n, tfully inform* bi* friend* and th public in general, that ho ha* Ju*t opened at hi* now establishment, above Alexan der'* tloro, arid keep- <'->r>laotly on hand, I*ll kind* <•! Clock*, Watchi-* and Jewelry ! >f the lateit tyle# a* also the Maranvttfo Patent Calender Clock*, provided with a complete index of the month, and day of the month and week a it* face, which i* warranted a* a perfect time-keeper. pf CU'ckt, Watfhe* and Jeweliy rf paired on *uort notice and warranted. •epirwiy licet Sample Room* in Town. BROCKERHOFF HOUSE, D. JOHNSTON ds SONS, Proprietor* Bellferonle, Penna. Ertt Lh* to and from ttu Depot. Excelsior Cement- The undersigned now manufacture* Ce , ment W A KKANTKD OF A SI'PKKIOK QUALITY, at hi* kiln*, near Pine Creek Mill*, in lfainee twp. Tbia cement ba* already been uu-d in large quantities upon the L. C. A H. C. Kit.,and ha* been found highly tali*fact->ry upon all Job j where it ha* been uted, and a* equal tc any now mannfavturod fr u*o in CIS TERN*}. WATER PIPES, or whatever purpuae a good quality ot Cement is dwi rable Ti.* Cement ha* already been uwtod fkr and wide, and rendered the ut i o*i atifhetion. P-ron, therefore con structing Ciatern*. laying Water Pipe*, I Ac., will find It to their advantage to bear j thi* in aaiad, and also, that he warrants the lartiolea* represented. J ti. MEYER, j way 21 If Aarwr.tburg, Pa j pKNTRF. HALL HOTEL. V/ Joux St-xxoLxa, Proprietor I Stage* arrive and depart daily, for * point*, north, south, east and west uxaxr BftocKxatiorr, J. u. meet* Preeident, Cashier. jQKNTKE COUNTY BANKING ( (Late Miltiken, Hoover A Co.) RECEIVE DEPOSITS. And Allow interest, Discount Note*, I Buy and .-•! Covernraent Sect) lifts, Gold dr aplCfihtf Coupon A New Idea! A. WILSON SHUTTLE Sewing HacMne FOR 50 Dollars !! FARMERS. MERCHANTS, MECHANICS, AX! EVERYBODY Buy the World-Renowned WILSON! ShstMvii Maine! THE BEST IN THE WORLD! UTTBc Highest Premium wan awarded to it at VIENNA; Ohio State Fair; Northern Ohio Fair; Amer. Institute, N. Y.J Cincinnati Exposition; Indianapolis Exposition! St. Louis Fair; Lonistana State Fair; KUaia&ippi State Fair ; and Georgia State Fair; FOR BEING THE BEST SEWING MACHINES, and doing the largest and best range of work. All other Machine* in the Market were in direct COMPETITION I! For Hemming, Fell ing, Stitching, Cording, Binding, Braiding, Embroidering, Quilt ing and Stitching fine or heavy goods it is unsurpassed. "Where we have 110 Agents we will deliver a Machine for the price named above, at the nearest Rail Road Station of Purchasers. Needles for all Sewing Ma chines for Sale. Old Machines taken in Exchange. Send for Circulars, Prioe List, &c., and Copy of the Wilson Reflector, one of the best Periodicals of the day, devoted to Sewing Ma cnines, Fashions, Genera) News and Miscellany. Agents Wanted ADDRESS, Wilson Sewing; Machine Co.