The Centre reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1871-1940, September 03, 1874, Image 3
<' >' NI <: REFO:\TKK THURSDAY SKI'T A, 17-74. LOCAL ITEMS. Our friends will • bligo by sending u* ■ loin* ! local now - in their locality, P' Vl ' u< the fact*only, and wa will rut thom in ihai<c, also notices oi deaths and warn* •?o*. A ny one sending us the names of ux new uh*ci ihers. with the cash, willba entitle.! to r.-. en e the HKfoKi kh one year free. The R a com k h being read by neatly every body on this side el the county, w 1 ere it b* larger circulation than any two papers, will be found the heat medium for advertisinghttsiness, aalet, &c. Ac San The Rraailian and Diamond y V> Kktaa the beat in tba world, and which can bo worn turn v rear* with, ut change. can ha had of M. Strouse, who is travelinit over the eounty, and j the only agent for them, and ha .no ped lar* en-ployed. These gl**e have the highest recommendation*. Price from $1.50 upwards. 27 aug 4t PKM. STANDING "COMMITTER. Bcllelonta, N. Ward 11 Y Sthaer. do S " —Joseph box. do \V. "-O Sleek. M tleshurg- -'a* F W paver Howard—John \\ Gardner Philipsburf 0 A Faulkner. I niaatvilla- John Rlwjp ltcr.ncr tw-p- A Y Wagner, ltoce* Win Marks. Burnsidw Bernard \ . drhotf. r Curtin- Howry i'hetl. Ferguses: \V It Fty. Gregg- .1 Blleckwmn. llaines -J.din I fctover. BtlfkMi—J H Griffin, llarrit —John Merer Howard Manure! 11 Leather*. Huston—ll 11 CronMcr. Liberty—Jtto. A Stover. M *• Ion —Owrjf Uev. Mile* Harvey tvoriuan. Tatlon- P E Sellers. Penn- D A Mussar. .'•ttee—tioorgw Surer. Ru.N—fl M tiatfev 5.;,. w N.OW J H Holt. S ,rin-.' lllfcrnbart Tar lor- Sat.'Ue. \\ caver. Union li L l °tars Walker—John D*vens Worth—Owen M l mn J. 11 MORK!btN. Cbairman Saturday, 12th of September will be the Jewhh New \ ear. Wni. K. Alexander, of Millbeim. went Mis-ouriward thi- week. Mr. Hasel, of Madisonburg informs us that he ha> six acr,- of ground from which he averaged kS bushel* of wheat per acre this y oar. Pretty good. Sternberg, of Rellefonte, good, jovi al fellow, wa- in this valley last week, and readily disposed of thousands of cigars, of bia own manufacture. His cigars arc of the finest and be*l quality. Rev S. G. Shannon, Secretary, gives notice that the Central Pennsylva nia Synod, will hold its twenty- first annu al Convention at Aaronsburg. Centre Co., Pa . commencing on Thursday evening. September 24th, IST 4 Gen. Geo. B. McClellan will deliver the address at the reunion of the surviving membc.s of the 125 th Regiment of Penn sylvania Volunteers, at Altoona, on Sept 17th. T..e Clearfield Republican learns that the dwelling house and saw mill, togeth er wdh 400,000 feet of sawed lumber, be longing to John T Rtshel, of Brady town ship, ClearSe'd Co , was destroyed by fire on Friday ia>:. The loss is not less than from six to seven thousand dollars. The second Camp Meeting to be held on the grounds of the Pine Station Camp Meeting Association, for this year, will begin on the 3d of September. Tents rent as toi.'ow - . lower tents, $3 30; upper. $3. Boarding for term of one week So; per Jav. SI; per meal, 40 cents ; children under ten and over four, half price. The canipmeeting near Millheim. v*as very largely attended on Sunday ■a-i. There seemed to be no end to vehi cles coining from all quarters. 104 vebi- J •cles passed one way through the toll-gate this ride of Millheim. Good order was ma.: mined considering the number pre*- ■ ent. although there were some drunks. Mr. Sarn'l Gill; and has a calf ot Pt-vin and Durham grade, which, ore hundred days old, weighed 2!>4 . j oumis, thus lacking snlv six j .„EJS of weighing 4 pounds to each day of iu age. The cattle thief was sentenced to fve years in the penitentiary, and Judge Orvis in his sentence apprised the prison- ' er that he had a credit of two years more , ft-r him if he ever returned to this county j Bacr, who passed forged paper- on Win llarkin*, Jec'd, confessed and will be tak en to Clearfield to be used as stale's evi dence against some of his partners, to ta caiity. Hasg, the P!rs,ant Gap landlord, wa- fined §9O and sentenced to 15 days in the county jail for violation of the 1 quor laws. A large batch of Philips burgers had the penalties of Un law pronounced upon their, for simi lar offences. A catnpmeeting will be held at Pine Glen (on land of NVm. Hippie,) commenc ing September 2d and continue one week, under the au-pices of Messiah's church. An organization to be known a* the Mechanics' and Workingmen's Practical Union, is to be organized in Bellefonte. The Veteran Club of Centre county —which include* all honorably discharg ed soldier: and sailors within its border,— will hold their first re-union on the 17th <f September, in the grove on the border- of Miiesburg. The Board of Directors of Mile* School District have appointed the follow* ing teachers for the term of five months, coutiooacing in November, at salaries from $33 to sl*: Hcbersburg High School, Henry Meyer; Primary, A. E. Wolf. Gramley's School, C, O. M.aliory. Wolf s School, Noah Kor man. Brurigart's School, J. C. Morri*. Stover's School, Jasper Brungart. Madi sonburg High School, John C. Burket ; Primary, no selection- School, E. Weirick. The friends of Captain Griffith Da vis will regret to learn that lie was con veyed to the aesylum at Danville, on Fri day last. It is hoped that careful treat ment under good medical advice, will re -torc him in a short time to a natural state of mind. Business troubles are as-signed us the cause of his mental infirmity.— Watchman. The Grantee picnic at Williams' Grove, Cumberland county, Pa , on 27th of August, was a gigantic aifnir. As near us could be ascertained tin thousand per sons were present. Speeches were deliv ered by prominent Patrons, and a series of resolutions passed expressive of the ob jects of the order. Nine bands of music were on the grounds, and people were present from the Slates of Pennsylvania, Maryland, West Virginia, and Virginia. The season will soon be upon us when every ogp should see that lie is made comfortable against the mud, snow and slu'li by purchasing from Burnside & Thomas, the most desirable und improv ed boots and shoes which are now in the market and manufactured especially for their trade. They are superior to any other boots and shoes, and aie guaranteed water proof and will not leak, break or crack like the inferior and cheap article* that are now thrown upon the market. Burnside & Thomas should receive the thanks of the whole community for fur nishing first-class goods which are win ning their way to popular favor. The Board of School Directors of Northumberland have done a sensible thing, which should be followed by every body of that character They have passed a resolution to expel all tboys who persist in chewing tobacco or smoking in the school room or on the grounds. In the name of decency and health, we thank this Board for setting so good an example. owing one, two or more years on the Reporter, will oblige by re mitting all or part. Our paper-man, bands •Utl c.fiitois look to us lor Cub. Rend the notice of Henry Hossman, Unslertaler. He is prepared to furnish 'Collins and attend to funeral*, and we know wi 1 render satisfaction. Msj. Fl-htr's-lock of*tone-wars' i* ' unexcelled for quality and variety, by any | thing of the kind in Central Penn'a. R, v. K. J. Wolf, ProlWsor of Homi letic*, Penn'a College, Gettysburg, and a i native of this valley, is |>ondii; short vacation, in this place, with Ins brother Win. Wolf. -——His Honor Judge Mayer arrived safe at New York on Saturday, and is ev j peeled homo to day, 3d There is s.roiig I talk , f giving the Jiu!go an appropriate iweli. mo. home • * * h ->r the Reporter SPA W I,N FROM PKNN The teacher* sV.-ilUi: it . a a'. M ..'.lu in ;was well attended on last Saturday. 11 r Benjamin Kcrsteticr, white hauling manure one ly* lust week, had occasion to drive acro-s pretty steep bank the wagan wis ovi rturned and Mr K> rsieiter hurt badly. It V.KS suppescil at first that one of hi> arms . broken, but on exahuna ti,-i prove.l llvl to be -■• N olw I'.li'tan J ; it g Mr. Kerstctter's accident he was to camp f i Sunday- Mr. Co.iJ. front Rrushvalley and . tie of, the hack drivers had a little race to find ; out who had the fastest horses, the conse quent- wa> their rigs came iu contact with each Other, badtv *UI g C llvl 11. g gy, and -oit rely injuring his lily. Sol much for fast driving. It seem* as though Sundi" had t. cri an unlucky day indeed. 0... , < the hacks u aunt ptir.g to f as* a buggy w i.- UJ >ct d all its contents spilled out w .hcut *en hurting a: v , tie or breaking the wagon ] either. ; A certain young : ester ftout Potter township, who wa* found lying under the press her island at camp s>n Sunday ev, dead. NY hat did 1 say dead: ceriatalv dead drunk, wearing a countenance rqual toap-.-g> il gs Where his p'ug h.*t was ut thai time we could not sav, but he had it on next morning, and did not look so bad either. Some one who made :t his business to find out how many rigs were at Camp on Sunday la*:, stationed himself at Mr Wort's barn where they all puo-.l to go in i that :> ali those that did not go in by a road leading frota north Millheim to the camp ground.! Some in the neighbor hood of eleven hundred rigs passed in through Mr \\ vrt s lane It is supposed ! that no less than two hundred went up by wayofTexa-, north Millheim making | in all about thirteen hundred r:g-. I think i 1 am safe to su> that on an average there were about four person? to each rig which would make fltty two hundred, besides those that walked. It decidedly the largest crowd ever witnessed at any -imi- Lr meeting in Centre county, and not withstanding the large crowd the order was very good. 10$. C. For the Reporter. N ITT AN Y VALLEY GLEANINGS Improvements. Mr. Henry- Brown, tLe accommodating merchant, in Hublcrs burg, has dressed his store and dwelling) house in an entire new white- suit, the i blinds however ure painted green; the • Id porch in front of the store has been tori: away ana a goad stone one has taken its plac*. And then to "cap the climax he buiit an iron fence in frontof his house. A little* farther dowu street lives Mr Brown's neighbor, Mr. John Diven, the celebrated "ore digger." lie seeing Brown s new fenep, was determined not to be behind the times, so now there are two iron fene-es in llubler*burg. Good for Brown < J Diven' Would thut there were some more such enterprising men in Nittany \ a ley. Won't some one plea-n put an iron f -ice around 'Squire Geary'* property 7 Poor squire can't afford it. ljuite i!.. Father Jacob Struble at Zion i* quite ill. He has been poorly for some | 4 weeks past. The physician has poor' hopes for his recovery. Died. Little Sal lie, only daughter of Rev. J A. Bright, died of whooping cougli, in llttblersburg on the 13th ofl August. Khe was burird at Snvdertown, on the 14th. Rev. W. H. Diven, of Solo*) r.a, I'fiii .ated. aisiit-'d by* Rev. Slo.*;, ~f the Evangelical A--.ciati in. Little Sal lie was beloved by all who knew her, r.d was t -dowed to her grave bv n iarge num ber of weeping fr..*nds. Peace t * her ashes. On a is.t. Mr. Pontiu*, son i-!aw father Jacob Struble, and formerly mer clia; tat Zion. i at present visiting hi* nged, afflicted father-in-law and hit friends at Zion. Judging from the appearance of Mr. P. the wet must be a healthful countiy. Gone home. The city ladies who had been Veiling liublersburg for some weeks have all returned to their homes with roy cheeks and go u appetit- s. We don't mea i that they went away from Hublers burg hungry.) The best wishes of many warm friends accomjany them to their homes. Corne seen Hgiin ladies. Peaches. It i* said that Mr. Boclidol, living a few mile* below Clint >nville will have over four hundred bushels of peach es. NN ho among the Pennsvalley farmer* can beat that ? Z ACCH KITS. Fot the Reporter. RKBEK'BURG A VlClNlTY ('■■nfet tionerie* cheap nt J. Smulli. First cla-'Tailor. S. llackman. Waste Timber-Bock* for sale; D. Slraver s. NV'ash Stand' cheap at M. Hall*. Our congenial friend C. <7. Ziegler, who left us over 4 vear* ago, ha* returnn l from lowa (lity University to pay hi* relatives and former associates a short visit. NVel comc thou disciple of wi-dorn. The Lutheran Pars.mage underwent a general repair. It affords u* pleasure to say that it presents as fair a front as any edifice in Tow n. It is to M'--r- Morris and Weirick near N\ oICs Store, where such go that arc in want of first class furniture. To make a long story short, it is one of the few estab lishments where they refer you to their work- for recommendation. Give them a call. We are happy t>> learn that the Belle (Belli of our neighborhood did not hurt herself seriously when she fell out of the buggy, while out riding with another man at Clinlonv'ille Camp. Some body is of the opinion that Flour, Powder and Paint will be very dear after the Camp Meeting season ha* subsided. "Why so*" "Because an, awful site has been used by the feminine*, and 'ye' know the hunting season has commenced, flic* will leave us shortly, then our houses mutt be coated, and to carry on businc* on that score we must have bread to feed the la borers." Part of "Little Egypt is under repair, may her border* be extended also Good bye until we meet at Camp Meet ing iu*t one mile North-west of Millheim on the Both inst. Haw Mot. THE EL A STIC T HOSS ANAIt I) DOM - IX A L Sl.'P P'IRTE K offered to the pub lic, with the fullpissurance of the most emi nent physicians and surgeon* in the pro fession that they would supersede all metal of other Instruments in use. for the relief and cure of Hernia. Prolapsus I't ri, and all Abdominal Weaknesses. The great number of radical cures they have effect ed, tuily justify the confident prediction made, and has demonstrated tin- (act that rupture can be surely cured without suffer ing or annoyance, and without the danger of incuring Spinal Disease or Paralysis, ofien caused by the severe pressure of Metal Trusses and Supporters. ZKLLKK &SON, Druggist.-, IMlefonte, Sole Agents. Aug 27 3m LIABILITIES or SUKETIKS.—The Legis lature, at its last session, passed the follow ing act, which was also approved by the Governor: Section 1. That from and after the first day of January, A. D. 1875, the surety or sureties in an instrument of writing for the forbearance or payment ol money at any future time, shall not be discharged from their liabilities upon the same, by reason of notice from the *urety or sureties to the creditor or creditors to collect the amount thereof from the principal in said instru ments, unless such notice shall be in writ ing, and signed by the paity giving the same. A fire in Camb.iilge, Muss., destroy ed McKay & Myers' currier shop. Ljss, $3,000, RIGHT HUNDRED NEGROES IN A Ku Shrevrport, La . Aug. 24 Letter* t>- night, bv outlets, state that 800 ailno negroes hud assembled below Cou*hatla, and were constantly receiving re■ Interce pt enl* Irani all quarters. The town i guarded by two hundred white men, who | call for help A courier lias also arrived at Mi.rat, Webster Parish, who bring* substantially the same information hotly men left Cotton P. ml at daylight thi* morning, for the svelte of conflict, and -evenly men left here tin* evening To night reinforcement* have also gone from Mci idiiie A letter Irom Mr. String fellow, at Uohiliron place, state* that a conflict i inevitable, nii.l think* it cannot bo ddayel longer than to-night. The bli kp. pulnl>> no! the Hcdrivcr Parish. oitliiUHibcr the whit, - three to one Cu • shnlta i- fitly tulles Irom the (heard tele gra| h station, and it I- not possible that further p.trtivular* can be |l:ud before to morrow Allot i I i'tll tie*. Sr vi A courier, jtut arrived from C.'Ubatta, report* one hundred and filly white men there \'.i t* quiet, and no further trouble i apprehended The white people have effected the arrest of the leaders, and have them i jail The ar rest- lett the negroes without leaders, and lhci' . ipa- vw a- ititnicdiately'dispersed lan iu'g:oj and one wiilte mall were killed, and one man seriously wounded 1 : ere ;> gn at rj, co g over the peaceful termination of what threatened to be a bloody race conflict. THE GALLOWS. Fort Garry. Manitoba, August 27 A soldier named M l I an,l was hanged tin* morning for the murder of young Brown in Jui e last The execution was private. Sail Francisco, Aug i-t 27 At Shasta to-day, John K llaker, nged twenty-six years, and Charles Cr -.tch, ag.-d eighteen v ears, were hanged for the murder of Geo. Kline, a mule rider, in December last, the latter for tb.e murder of Mr', Kadler in EARTIIgUAKK IN lORTO RICO Havana, August 2t> Advice* from Por ts' Rico of to-day's dale report that there was a terrific earthquake on ih.x( island thi* morning. The houses rocked to a d Iro for two minutes, and tbe inhabitants rushed from them in the wildest alarm CROP PROSPECTS IN THE W EST Louis, Aug 25. The Democrat will publish about tune column* regarding the corn and hog crop iu the several western states, which will show that 'lowa hat all excellent corn crop; but only "5 per cent, as many hog* as last year, and the weight of these "is greatly reduced. The lllinoi corti crop w ill be about one-third leas than last year, and the hogs one-half less and much lighter. Mi??curi will have a poor corn cr> p and a large fallling off in hog>. In Kari-a-, and Nebra?ka there will be great reduction in both corn and hog ACCIDENTAL SHOOTING. A terrible accident oceurrrel at Toronto' Out ,on Sunday night. While the Rex- Mr Day was preaching in lloly Trinity Church hi* eldest daughter, Mary, about 20 year* of age, and a young son, 10 yuar* of age w ere at home. The young box picked up a gun which had been carelessly left leaded in a bedroom, and pointing it at hi* sister, said : "Do you want me to shoot you." at the same pulling the trig ger. lie literally blew the ride c f the young laJy's head off. THE INDIAN*FAMINK Calcutta, Aug 21 —The latest estimates ill regard to the extent and efleets of the famine show that 8.000,000 native* are sliii dependent on etiaritafile relief. Further distress is threatened in Tirhoot, where thewheather has been excessively dry. I nless ruin fails Si. n the harvest will prove a failure. COLLIERY EXPLOSION IN ENG LAND. London, August 21 An explosion oc curVed in a colliery nenr Hanlcy, Staf f.-rdshire, this morning, causing the in stantdeath ot eight miners. As is gene rally the case on Monday, the number of men ut work wa* small. Had the full force been on liar J no doubt many more w .JU have been killed. INDIAN WAR A special despatch fr-un Fort Sill give* intelligence of a lively fight at the Wichita Agency between the military and a hand of Kiowa*, wh-> acleA in the affair with their usual treachery and cowardice Three so'Jiers were shot and and a num ber of Indian* killed. Four citizens were also killed near the agency by the Indian* These arc some of the blessed fruit* of the Indian "policy" in the pursuit of which Indian ngenls have been nowhere more extravagantly sentimental than in the re gion whence'lbeencounter Is reported, and wiiicb has nowhere else had a .more deci ded effect in nourishing the inso'ence and' encouraging the treachery of the Indians w w a MOULTON OUT IN A CARD. Now York, Aug. 29,-Fnink Moulton print- a card to-day, stating thai hr noli tied the Beeeher Committee that ho *> ready to bo cross-examined at any lime, but the Committee took no notice of his offer, uml consequently he wont to Ply-i mouth Church last night, having a right there as n member of the congregation, and liia wife being n member of thr 1 church. After hearing the misrepresenta-j tion in the report l.e cnt a note to the moderator, requeuing to be heard, but waa '• not j.o permitted- Moulton sacs ho lias in bis [-ofsession a'letter from Beeeher, stal ing tliat Raymond, who made tlie attack on him Moulton) last night, knows noth ing about thecase, although Kayrncnd him self publicly staled last night that he knew ! all about it Moultn says he will have a 1 ! the letters piinte 1, and concluding his! card as follow*: "I will add that the hearing which waa last night denied to mcj in liie place where I had tho !>•• I right to demand and expect it, I shall not fear j from the public in a few days. The only delay in the publication will arise from the preparation A facsimile copies of the letters and papers, including Beecher's written certificate of Mr Raymond's case, i have sought tor lour years, for the sake of the innocent children of two families, to shield Beeeher from the exposure of his crime of adultery ; but Beeeher, his com mittee and his churi h, have wanted to compel me for my own self-protection to reveal him to tho world as I shall shortly do in a still worse light than that in which he now stand". 11. \V. Sage, chairman of the II tcher committee, considers their labors now over. He says the testimony taken makes 800 printed pages in pamphlet form, hut there w as much testimony which the committee would under no considera tion givo'publicity to, as it would compro mise ladies who are now respectably mar ried. Moulton publishes in tho Brooklyn papers this p. m. that he will prove Beech er an adulterer and o liar, arid will prove all other charges he has made against him. He also stated that hu had heard Bowen charge Beeeher with adultery. Mr. Moulton declared that Mr. Beeeher made a confession to him of having had carnal intercourse lady in Jus congrega tion, but this lady was not Mrs. Tilton. JJett' Orleans, La., August 20.—Within the past twnnty-foor bprs there have been two suicide* and three homicides in this city, beside* which three persons huve been dangerously wounded with razors and pistols in affrays. Bait LaU City, Aug 31.—The Mormons ut Beaver are greatly excited over the ar rest of Shepp for polygamy. Federal offi cials have been threatened with violence. Millions of grasshoppers have uppcurcd on the plains, causing general alarm tnong farmer!. > I>l Ml, I lit I I< N OK A .'1 r. Kit A WOODLANDS [fly /•.../ I) ..I 11. /hewer.) ' This it a paper to he published in tin Statiat leal \tla o! the Ulliled State*, no* 111 progress of publication It is an cxln bition ot a map, ai d a description of tlx j method* !•> which the map wa* colored Then follow an nualy sis of the tree* of tin * tree tlorn ill the 10 districts into which tin ' United State* via, d vided. fin tl- IA o ' the I lilted State*, the author mid, I* he ' licved to contain over KX) woody sp< >n - llld vrr ASI tree* Ot tlmil trees ahoul ' I'ftO species aie aomewhere* tolerably abundant, about 120 aperies grow to I*l ■ ',erably large aise, 5At attain a bight of lis , feet, lit a bight aollielimea of over A", and .a few perhaps ft or tl a luglit of Bin Thr • pinker a Italy red the dlstints, n>l *lll ■jj New England I consider to contain Nl tvo >p<a ies, i>t who h oil may resi tl a h l|Jlil of >AI teit Maine I* the gre.vt source ol pine and .pruce lumber, hut a* a whole, the hard w. S ape. ic* predoiii-nate With out going into the detail* of lhi> tlora, it i* sufficient I* give the author's remark that the area of woodland 111 New hii||Uiid n not perhaps greatly diminishing, but the amount of timber capable of being made mto aiw id lumber I* lessening file Mid dle Ntale* bale about !tXI to 100 apecie* ol treei, tii to P7 of which aometinie* reach fto ■ feci in highl. Here were originally very (oreais fhere are till large areas j lie ®lly limbered, but the timber tor all • pnrposei ia uiojueatloiiahly rapidly diiuiii i lahing, ati.l there ia no compensating it tin once going on for increase. liul in the Middle and New England i Stall Various hard Wuoda attain their I greatest perfection a* to strength and dur ! ability alul as a consequence here w elite) the manufacture* lltat are dependent on those wo.kls, 111 the South-baatern region i that i, extending from \ irginia and Florida -we have about Uk' species In • ach case these form the conspicuous ele i inents of the landscape. Seventy-Bv o ut (sin a bight of 50 feet or more, and about a doscn species a higlit id UX) feet A belt of pine timber extends the whole length i I this region, which IS the great -our., ot the hard and yellow pine liis author described the ornamental lr.-<s of that beautiful legion, and resumed. I'he North-Western region, from (tuiot • Mm ne-eta, and north of the Ohio River is rep resented by about li>*> to lit)species, ic- #r 70 of which may rea.h a bight of ftO feet That is the district turntihing at present the largest production of sawed lumber within the Uuited Slate*. Michigan alone furnished in IS7U of lbs l'd,7.'a>,tXSi of M feet. 'd,lloii.txX' Wisconsin furnished ov.-r I,UUt),UA> the two States thus producing more than one-fourth of the whole yield returned in that Vear. The author alluded to the rapidity of the destruction g. ing on in that region, also of the diminution of sawing lumber iu the foresD, and the iucreate iu wo nllat.d over the prairie region as it become* cultivated. The south-western region, extending from Kentucky' to Texas and the Gulf, has • about 112 to US pecie, U ort>> of whu-h attain a Light : *> feet, which the author also analyzed West of these last t* districts, this t reel.-- belt, v lend ing en t.rely across the continent from the Gull ot Mexico to the Arctic Ocean, is den-rib <J, ami its characteristic* withi t the It .its of the United Stales are nietitijiied. It i> 350 miles wide in its narrow-fit part be l w eeli latitude and 3" '. and t-t* miles wide on our n i thorn border. The 1! ■. k\ Mountain region is next t tuid- -x> J This consist* of from 2s to ikl species, but a Vast ly smaller number making up the timber region. Perhaps not over a half a dozeni species constitute by far ibe largc-l part No hard w ~vls are abundant in any of the forests west of |hp If rest }'lai|i* although; hard W-M-,1 occur, particularly in the southern and western part, ns scattered tree* rather than as forests Between the Rocky Mountains in the ir .Nh -mdas Is a deserted an 1 sparsely-w.-.-ded reg. >n, : which cxt'-mi* southward to M xico, urn- : ting on it- southern part * I'.II tha Ire.-iess >yxt>ai -c which extends fr> ni the Atiantlc to the Pai ific along our Southern front r r, and threw ng out u spur entirely across the Rocky Mountains near the PaciC. Railroad, > i netting it with the lr-eb--s plains on the eastern -ide This groat Ire • less district varies very much in its diff. r ent regions, has quite a large number ol specie* of interest t • botanists, and some few of economic value. The only fore-ls within it arc forest- of nergrten, os. ur ring on the mountain*, of who h the larg est one is in Arizona and i K* mile* long, the limita of win. h has e recently been de monstrated by Lieut Wheeler* Expedi tions. Here followed an analysts by the author of the flora of the r-gioti of this Desert of California, Washington Territory, and Oregon, where were found the grandest forests perhaps oil earth, and the noblest trees. The number ot species of these latter is quite large, but in any one region the number of spe. ic is small. With one single exception HI. of tbe trees within the United States which attain a highl of 200 feci arc found in this district. The fo'esls arc entirely f cone heating trees and the number of spci ies is large, the number cf timber tree.- being icry large and their size and value also being great. Ir. Washington Territory official report* state tnat tho land will produce from 25,U*) to .lUO,OUO feet per acre, and that there arc vast tract* "that would cov er the entire surface with cord-wood lu feet in flight.'' Then follows again, an analysis of the tree.- of California and Ore gon, including the many forms there that have been of interest in the world. In Alaska, the tenth region or district, the data arc insufficient for the map, hut there are heavy forest* there that are well known The author rapidly discussed the original disposition of forests, showing what variety of cause* have controlled this. Then the economic value of some of the industries directly dependent on them were alluded to, and the author ended hi*, paper with some conclusions regarding the future supply, and suggestions regard ing the planting of tree*. THE END OF THE EARTH. Interesting Narrative of Travel in Norway [Alta California ] Hammerfest, June 26.- We arrived here on the longest day of the year after a pas sage of fourteen days from Christianstand, Norway. We had a rough passage part of (he time w lien outside of the Islands rain almost every day, and cold astireen-! land ; we shivered in overcoats when on I' deck in the latter day* of June. Thescen |' cry. however, is grand, surpassing that of the Alps and the castled Rhine. There are thousand* of mountains covered with snow, and more picturesque than any we have ever seen. Some are more thaniil thousand fret high, nnd have many wafer fills, fid by the melting snow. A pari of the way there are mountain*on 1> 111 sides A* for islands, there are thousands of them, with a vapor hanging over tliein, morning and evening, wnich is very beautiful Our first landing in Norway was Chris tianstand. Mrs. K and myself took a prominauu through ilia city We found the streets clean, broad and straight, and the houses very neat. The population of the place is 11,468. Many of the ladies ate beautiful; most of them arc blondes, and all have good figures. Our next stop-! ping-place was Bergen, a city cf 80,252j 'inhabitants. It* principle trade is fish A 'professor living there told me that last year it rained eleven months and seven days. A Norwegian gentleman who pass ! ed through Bergen nine years ago during a heavy rain, when on his way to America, lias just returned and artlessly inquired if! it hud been raining ever since. We all cninoto the conclusion that it Imd. There is at Bergen a museum with the best col lection of fish that 1 have ever seen, com prising the skeletons of three whales, from ; seventy five to eighty feet lolig, lHrgi sharks, and many varieties of the finny tribe Kvrry <lsy ut noon n military banc play* on the promenade that is, wln n i is hot raining There is one good widi street in the city , the stores are small There it a 'aige fish mailed The city lies on it steep hill, some ol the street* he ilig as steep as Ulay stlaet We I■ *t stop ped at Thruiidlnem, a city ofUO.hfth people, ! founded in A I) by King Ola! Tieyg VMson, upon the seat of the old Scalnlilia VI aII city M idol os It Was the seat of gov ernment and r. imuned thu capltol ol Nor way down to the tllne of Its Union Willi 1 Irnmai k, v IH-II Ull ti-liaiiia was I at>- , ilol. the city is prettily situated on a bay Ml the mouth lif the Ntd. fhere is a line old cathedral here, which, according to an article ot the constitution of IKI4, Is loin inain the place ef coronation of the N-r wegiah sovereigns. 'The Risliop of 1 irchdljtiu perform* the ceremony. Last II and Ijueeri Sophie Were iiow in d here. The churchyarvl contains many old monuiuent* The graves wen nearly all decorated with artificial or na ture {lowers, the latter being grown in the ; houses on account of the inld. There is n railway, ola gague of three fret and ail I inches, running to Storeli, the Hams mak ing a speed of tell miles all hour. There w *re two beautiful ai d rapid • ascades three mile* from the city, one W feet high and Itlfi fell wide ; the other b'J feel high und foci wide, fhere arc a number of iniba tie low theii! ; alao, furnace* lor smelling • upper, and chrome work*. There la a 'museum, with a small collection. The streets are w ide and alright After leav ing Ihrondhjelil the coast continues *- • oedingly iiiounlaiitous A- weapproach • d the barglialteli there was a rush to the del i, but tile tog was ao dense that We could not see the tap. It sis a curious rock, a thousand feet high, perforated .AO feel above llm sea ky a hole seventy' feet high and Arty wide. Soon after we pn*- vd Horseman'* Island, which has the up prsralice of a giatit on horsehm k sw im niing thretigh the water. Next we visited • llammerfest, the most northerly town in ; the world. It has a population of 2,tk,7. There arc many lapland. rs and fit. landers in the tow it. The principle business it HI cod-liver oil and fish, and the odor from the oil makes It very disagreeable Rein deer and goats abound here, vv hlle there are but six horses iu the town. 1 have never before seen *o many children lit to small a town. 1 don't know whether 11 Is because of the fish diet the long winter nights, but any d scons,dale childless couple hud belter come and spend a season here. The sun set* here on November 17, and does not rise again until January B'S Children go to school with lantern* for about six w.eks. In summer the sun doe* not set from the Ist of June lilt the £ht : of July. Tlicre is no chance tor hotel- ! keepers to make guy money on candhs, I as they do in Germany and France. 1 had my photograph taken by the nndnight { tun You get Mr K has already. She aits up to 1 andclock ' knitting socks, waiting fur right to come , On the if7th of June, the Laplanders! brought many children t- t.-wu to havcj the 111 babllicd or confirmed Reindeers ! you call see fifty at a time on the side mils, j and ip-a'.s by the hundred. On June 2' ailed hero St flan s |)ay, r luidsuia uier Dty, they kindled bonfires on fbc j sides of the mountains around the town, and had a jolly time. The weather it hor- | rible. The thermometer stands fr.iu four i to lee Reaumur There is ore h.-lei here, and its management might be easily im proved, although the landlady is kind and obliging We have fish and reindeer I>r break last, and r.-.nd.-er art I fish for dinner, and for supper s -mo mure C-h and rein deer. Tin* Jumping-off place ia itt latitude 70 4M 1). . This is cut in a granite pillar, surmounted by a brum- g'.obe, with pro je. ting ai>. indicating the p -t;r of the celestial pole ; and on two sides of the pil lar are insciip'ions, in Lanltn and Norwe giali, that this is an important station, though f.-'t terminal, that ills unit)* n|lll cape vf the giral European arc of meri dian, the southern termination being on the meridian. It wa under taken bv the sovereign* of Norway, (-wo den, and Russia in IHC 52 tin the same spot, or nearly so, G. neral Sabine made an important series of pendulum exper.uient* in I(-21 Fughenaes was one of the chain ..f stations extending nearly from the equator to the pole, at which pendulum observations w ere mad" for obtaining the variation* of giavity on the earth surface. Yours, Ac A KOHLKK. A NN ELIZA'S Si" IT.AGAI.V- F BRKF HAM. Salt I-ake City, August lirigham Young'* answer to the cotnpla nt of Ann Klixn. his nineteenth wife, for divorce, was filed lat evening. He denies that she it hit lawful wife, alleging that she i- the lawful w ifa of James L Lee. Hesays hit lawful wife, Marv Ann Angle, claims that he and the complainant w ere member* of | the church ot Latt-r l)av Saints, and by I the doctrine of that church th* members j can enter into plural marriage* Such 'ceremony wswt performed, but complainant know she could not claim his society in the ordinary relation between husband and wife, lie denies her charges of cruelty, neglect, etc , and say* he amply provided ' for her Westward the star of empire poritinue* to take it* wav. California, whose history ; dates back only about twenty-five vear, promise* soon te take her place as one of 'the greatest States in the I'nton. Her population in ISo" was only '.i2,(**>, but I since that time it has increased more than 7"0 per cent , or at the rate of about 3U per cent, each year. She possesses every ele- I ment of growth and prosperity Besides her precious mine*, her excellent climate makes her one of the finest agricultural j regions in the world. Ltst year she ex- I ported s2l,Uofi,(ll)o worth of w heat to Great Britain. She can raise enough fru t for n | whole nation, and a schemo is said to be now on foot for extending her trade in dried fruits to Europe. She expert* to make from ten to twelve million gallon* of wine this sea-on, tho present aumber of gin pa vines in the Statu being fit). (KW i, OCR). She al-o add- this year an immense crop of hops to her sum of wealth. Thi* pro duct is for exportation but it is not unlikely that within a few years the manufacture of those hops into aie and porter will be carried on within lite State Thin would enhance the value of the hop crop by M> much, besides the incroatc in population reuniting from this new industry. The quick-silver mines nnd the coal mines are also beginning to pay great profit* to their owner*. In the midst of all thi* natural wealth the people are beginning to live better and the demand for the finer lux uries i> increasing Fine residence* and Icotly public building* are springing up everywhere, and one of the latest under taking* i the building of an entire new suburban town in San Mateo county, to cover 11,00 ft acre*, and not a single lot of which is to lie sold sold until the town i* all built. The Khetisluirg Herald says: A story r<*i lies lis to the 'fleet that a fine looking young lady, who resides in one of the townships of thi* county, was compelled to marry a low villainous scoundrel, the other day, under the follow ing circum stances The .young lady was <n a visit from home at the time, when the man who was determined to lie her worst half made hi* appearance. The young lady positive ly refused to entertain the proposition of marriage, but wn* afterward forced togi'e her consent by a third party, who threat ened to shoot hor jf she did not The cere mony of marrying the twain was g">ue through wi h. the young lady having to be | held up during the time. It is likely tluit I the matter will be settled in our court The Spanish War department has resighed a contract ibr 130,000 lieu* iugtou rifles. ! A VOICE FROM THE OTHER WORLD. A K UNTUCK V WllxiW WARNKII TO KI.KI: NTOM THI: \\'PATH TO COMB! --llKit 11renant>m (iiiorr Ai*> IK A It* A Nil HI'KAKM TO II EH. From the Springfield Kenturkiati. Mr* Eli/a Urt'crt, ngnl about thirty j vcttra, now living in tliie place (S|ii ingfleld, Ky ), it Imly tif lire pi HIM lintile cliniacter and of ileriilri) nerve ami murage, having a fair Eiig-j Iteli t'tltlCttlioti, iin-l ill |iow asiuli nil only tolerable gnml heullll, <i<-tuili (lit' fol lowing curiou. incident* as having! occurred wiili her and at Iter tethlriict'! aiuce the tlcalli of Iter hunhand last ►firing : tin tlie 14th of Man-It, ISI I, Mi. (iiiDlt tlied all'f a |rut iacted illucaa, leaving Mia. (iiciii Willi it family of MX young children with little or no iiicana of *u|i|ort. A short lime ultei Mr. (irecu'a dcnlh, say ithuul three month., Mil. (ircen heard singular tioiaea tihoUl the house after liiglil and sometime* in the day time, heavy breathing* and tuoatia resembling a person in the agon t* of death ; at one tune alio heard a noise tinder the house like a liorte rolling about and pawing violently as though in the agonies of death. Again she saw frequently m her room at night after the tamp was lighted, a shadowy figure resembling (he head ami shoulders of a medium* sited man moving around the wall next the ceiling, and uniformly as the shadow reached the lamp the flame was extinguished, and this pheuotne uou happened us often a* four or live Lines in a night. At one time when she and her family with some visit or* were silting quietly in the room, tiie front door, without any visible oause, was aeen to fly violently OJH-II; and shut again as violently, and so • intently as to jar boxes of flowers: placed in the window out of it. At( • •titer limes when the lights were' burning footsteps were heard by her in tin- room, as though a grown jierseu in slippers were walking over the floor, aud yet uo object could be seen Atone tiuie she thought she heard some person noisily approaching the front door as if about to enter. Upon opening the door, however, no one could he seen. Again near the steps of the hack door she thought she saw, after dark, a small white dog. resent ! MM she knew iu the hood ; (hat she approached it with the view of taking it up and carrying it in the house, hut it eluded her grasp ami mysteriously passed away. At : another time the hagk door of Iter room sct rned half Ailed with a white, gamy cloud, not rctetubliug anything only a white figure, which alarmed her, ami she ran out of the house. 1 he apparition disappeared. Other persons, friends and relatives, have hern present ou some of these , occasions, and corroborate Mrs. ; (irecti's statements. The most mysterious and cruttuiug development related bv her ia raid to hat e occurred on the MOth oil., about 1! o'clock A. M. .She was in the celier of the house getting kindling wood, and iu stooping down thought she saw the lower limbs and feet of Mr. (irteu standing by her, and im mediately fell the pressure of a cold hand upon her shoulder. Site turned and looked, and reports that her hus band stood before fur just a he ap* pea red w hen she last saw him in his burial clollus. W lieu she exclaimed. "In thename of the Jesus Christ, who rideetiled roe. Ibck, what do you want f" and thel he sjKtke audibly to her in his natural t< tie of voice and language, telling htr that the suffer ings of this life were ill no way to be compared to those of the other world, and that he was permitted to come back to her to advise her of her neg lect of duty, and to urge her to act otherwise. He also scut by Iter uiea ssges to his brother Charles Green, lln. Ka.-lu l Wulki r, and to Miss 1". i gertoti. ail living here. He further requested to have three masses said for (lie repose of his soul; one on the; first Saturday of this mouth, and the other- on the two following Saturdays. il<- further informed her that he would not visibly appear to her again, hut could have appeared twice more had he desired to do so, hut not to her but to other persons named by bttn —his kindred. Then repeating the word ' friend" three times he vanished from sight. Mrs. Green says she has heard loud knocking* on the floor, and heard groaning*, as of jiersotisiin extreme distress, since, but has seen nothing more. A report, probably well-founded, say* that on the first of September (but portion of the West Branch ami Susquehanna Canal division of the IVnua. Canal above Lock liaven IV, and that portion of the Juniata divi sion above Petersburg, Pa., will be abandoned. Boatmen have been no* tified to have their boats out of those portions of the canal by that lime. It we remember aright, there was some I rovision in the law for the ale of the main line authorising the abandon ment above Huntingdon, and we pre sume it is under this the company ia acting. Two Berks county girls ran off with attaches of Howell's circus. Ledru Koilin. the eminent French his torian and scholar, is reported to be seri ously ill. 11. It. llurnsidc, brelher of General, It urn sub-, committed suicide hv hanging himself, at Fairlnml, Ind., on Thursday. A little sir! died in gre .t agony, last) week, at llyde l'urk, Lutcrno county, from hydrophobia. She had been bitten by n dog about the Ist of June. Ifyou wish to peasonally compre bend the completemss of the old ml age —"A fool and bis money aru soon ■ parted"—buy a lottery ticket. Zcnas M. Crane's baru at Dallou.i Muss, was destroyed by fire Saturday morning. Lose, $10,000; insurance' $6,000. Dress neatly. A well clothed man commands favor and rc.|Kvt, while one in slovenly attire can hardly bor row his neighbor's saw-horse. The man is itiways most honored who is most excellent in what he uu dertakes. It is bctterlo saw wood well, than plead law poorly. Fifty cents for good lecture, is bet. ter than half that sum for a circus. The poverty of childhood is more frequently than otherwise the step ping stone to wealth. it K LLKFONTKM A It K. KTS. tVhita Wheat $1 16 Rod 110 ...Rvc .ho Com H) ....Onis 46 liar Icy HO. 70 Clorcrsecd 4,60 ...... Potatoes 00 Lard pr pound 8 Pork per pound 00 Mutter JO hb'gs 16 Plaster purlnp sl6 Tallow 8 Bisuii 111 Ilaui 16 Lard uer pound 8 cents Buck wheat 65 en Fiour per trrel retailH.6o... wholesale 7,25 to 7,60 DEATHS. On 27th Aug. near Boalsburg, Mrs. Margaret Uoheen, ag ed 67 y>nrs. SALE. tn Ualprdiiy Sep tember 12, gti o'clock, will he sold at the residence of Ein. Smith, near Far mer's M ills, the following personal prop erly oMsreal Smith dee'd, 2 Hogs, 1 Cur m-r cupboard, 1 Sink. 1 tabic. 2 Tubs, I j Wood chest, 1 Lounge, 1 Ihnightry, 1 | Wash stand. 6 Chairs, Carpenter tools, 1 Cookstove At utensils, and other articles too uumorout to mention. 1 J OILS KiaLliiL, Adrn'r. (lAUTION.- Sportsmen mf hereby n / liflcd n<>t l<> enter upon the land* of llip undersigned for the purpose of shoot >"K uirrel* Ac , they will bedell wltb according to Uw. .IAS DIU'K sept fit. 11. K DUCK H. ROSSMAN. Undertaker. The undersigned beg* leave to inform j IN. patrons and lha public generally thai ho I IIOW prepared to make COFKINH, aiid respectfully .oliciu a .bare of their t alronagc Funeral* attended with a neat Hear..- IIKNKY IUWSMAN, ii >e|it tin. Churchville. For tile Reporter. A (iruiigrr Fort) Dollar Sewing Machine Agent. j The foil wing >* the doing. action., and failure, of a Granger who ha. [undertaken to .tick In*- into other people's business. The follow lug was referred from the I>i mettle Sewing Machine Co, No III) Che.ltiul .1 . I'hiladetphia, to Jaa. Duck, our legally authorised agent for Centre county, I'a , and a'.o that we do not .ell the popular Light [tunning Sewing Machine to granger, or any other, except to our regulagly author ixed agenU, at lea. than our pubtl.hed retail price, and report, to the contrary .hould n->t receive credence. Your., Tiuly, DOMKCTK Sawtao Maciiink CO. Spat.vo MJLL*. I'A , Aug If 1874. Itrar .Sir; 1 Wa. informed that you were .clling your machine, at a reduced price Would you t'lea.e. if so, aeli i ne one, on which 1 can atlch leather, or auch that shoemakers generally get. If you can let me have auch a one, not coating over forty dollar*, you may .hip one to M.lroy, by Adam * Kg., C .O D , but 1 wntit a good one. Your. Arc . 1 J.|Gaav<ißLK, A Granger. To Dome.tic Sewing Machine Co I.J, join the little granger band again ; give theui another five dollar stamp ; they will again try to make you believe you can get one of the Light Running Dome.- tic* for half price or lea*. Granger, .end lin tuore order, to headhunt ter*. J A we. DI CK. r pKACU KR-- KX AM 1X ATIONS where 1 not already part will beheld a. 10l | low., (commencing at 0 a. m.): llaine. Atronsburg. Tucaday, Sept 1. llarrta— lioaiaburg, Friday, 4 Kcrguaon -I'iue Grove, Sal 6. I' itter—Centre Hail, Tuesday, fc Walker- Hubiersburg Sal. 12 Mlle.burg 4 IJogg- Mllt-aburg- Mon day, 14 Taylor A Worth—Port Matilda, Tuea day. lb. flalfmoon—, Wednesday. 16. llu.ton Julian Furnace, Thuraday, 17. Union—Union villa, Friday. IS. , Spring— Valentine school house, Sat urday. It). ltenner— Arniagast's, Monday, 21. Fallon— Waddle's, Tuesday, 22 Howard & Curtin—Heward, Thursday 24 klalios. JaoKkonville. Kriilay, 2ft. Liberty—Ksgleville. iSaturday, 20 R M MAGK.K, Go. VM UDITOR-8 NOTICE.—The under signed, an Auditor appointed by the Court Common Plru of Centre Co. to distribute the money arising from the >aie of the personal property of Vn. K. Carpenter. now in the hands of Beni. F. Shaffer, high .Sheriff of said County, here by give* notice Uik', bo will attend to the duties uf bis appointment on Friday. >ee ><nd day f Itilflber next, nt 2 o'clock I*. M nt hi* Office in liellefotite where all person* interested may attend if Ibcv eo proper. J.S. BARNHART, 3 *epl fit. Auditor. SToNE-WAKK ! STONE-WARE !! The undersigned would respectfully an nounce to the cilieens of (iregg am] ad-! joining township*, and the public gener- | ally thai ho ha> jqst re waived &.2UC UAL- | LONS. 1 t'bi" Stone-Ware, consist-'i ing of Milk Crocks and Fans. Apple butter crocks from I to 6 Gallon*. Also stone jugs, from 1 to 6 gallons, stone jars. Ac. flu- reputation of the Ohio Stone- Ware is universally acknowledged—| "None better ever made." No danger of the giaxir.g coming off like earthenware.! It is much Superior l> earthenwaro in eve ry respect. Ail kind* of country produce , l%kan ID exchange lor Mode-Ware and merchandite for which the highest market price will be allowed. J. B. FISHER aug2o-2ui l'ctin Hall, Pa. j YLUABLE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. \\ ill be offered at Public Sale, on the; premises, in Potter twp., en Tli UU-S-] I>A Y, September ITth. 1^74. The following ral estate, bflurgp g to the h-talc of Peter Durst, dee'd., consist- ■ ing of a valuable lirm of lib ACRE 1 -, i more or leas, situate 1 mile Potter- Mills. Thereon erected a TWO STORY DWELLING HOUSE, BANK BARN, and other outbuildings, with two good orchards and all kinds of the best fruit on i the premises, and a good spring of never j failing water near the house. Also, Highly Acre* of Timbcrland, situate iii Poller twp., '.'miles from Potter- M.lls Sale t.< commence at 1 o'clock, p m Term* will bi made known on day of! JOHN RISHRL. JOSHUA POTTER. AugC. Executor*, > a Fine Homestead for Sale. A House A Lt—about 3 Acre* of good cultivated land—situate in Gregg twp , • near Troisier's Sawmill, in George* Val-j ' ley. is offered at private sale. Two public | r ads run along two sides ot the lot , Thereon nr- erected a two tory HOI'BE, STABLE. SHOP, and other outbuildings. ,| A splendid ORCHARD of the best apple*. . cherries, pear*, peaches, and plum*, en , the premise*, and never failing water near* " the door, (.'lose l<> the house a fine gar-' den and n beautiful yard in front Aluo > running water near the house. For fur-, I ther particular* apply to LOTT KV ANS. i Aug 20 2m ; MUSSER & RUNKEL BROS., (Succe-sor* to McManigal A Brown.) WIIiIKHALK ADD LFKTAIL DKAI.RR* IX . IIKA V 1 A SIIELF HAHDWARE. Mlllhelm, Pa., having purchased the large and well ** lected stock of Hardware late of W. 4. < McManigal. wo are prepared to supply t Hardware for i ' Builder*, (.'■mchmaker*, ( • Saddler*, Shoemakers, i Houaekeepers, nud iu fact, HAHinVAKR FOR EVERYBODY. WALL A WINDOW PAPER,!. 1 And Curtain Fixture# of every kind. Inoh, ST# hp, OTT-N I'AIXT*. GP***, I'l TTV I ,in *lioit, wo have everything usually found in a well regulated Hardware SlAie > They intend to replenish their stock and ' keep it up, ami will furnish wagon-makers i ■ saddlers and all manufacturers with stock I lit figure* that will enable them to *a\e 'money. Good* sold CHEAP FOR i CASH. Come and see the Goods, jaug 27-y '74 t] / lAUTION.-- Sport* tnen are hereby no .| VJ tifled not to enttr upon tiio land* of ;the undersigned, for the purpose of shoot i:ig squirrels, Ac.,otherwise they will be d< all with according to law. i Cyrus Durst, W. F. Ranch,*. M'Clintick, dfob Urove, | Thus. Grove, dqm'l Huston, Geo. jr, Pliiliu Durst .! Hiram D urst t Harslibargcr. I aug'27 8b ~i /"TAUTJOB.— Sportsmen ro hereby no - yV tified i;ut to enter upen the lands of I the undersigned for the purpose <* g j loot . 1 ing squirrels, Ac otherwbe they will be 1 dealt with according to law §,"•. J. P. GROVE, .JO i ? ■ vs i Ja. 27 Aug 8b Lime ! Lime ! 1 Lima of the best quality, always on band, at tha kiln near Centre Hall. (>HKGR KOCII. lICOV, 4 11..H A weeST" I have on hand a largo assortment of UAH IKON NAILS A BTKKL. which will be mili] at tha lowest market price. NEK THOMPSON, Julio flu. Milroy, Pa. THE PEOPLE S DRUG STORE. Nut door to W ilaon A Hicks' Hard war* aiore, Allegheny Bt., UKLLEKoNTE, PA . Jas C. Williams (Successor to U V. (Uakln A Co.) _ DEALKH IN PURE nit V as AND MEDICINES, CHEMICALS PA I NTH, OILH DTP STUFFS, \ A KNIhIIJCH. liKt'HH ; J**™****, NOTIONS, AND FANCY ARTICLES KOtt THK TOILET, Ac. pua2vyjM2& Ll&uom lor medicinal purpose*. SHOULDER BRACES, TRUSS EE A SUPPORTERS in great variety J Also, Choice CIGARS AND TOBACCO, sod all utlAr articles usually kept in first class Drug Store. P K RFC RIPTIONS C A K K FU LL Y COMPOUNDED. 9mar?4tf Keystone Store. I KOKFARMERS AND ALL OTHERS Ou lu H. YEABICK:& SON, FOR FOREIGN A DOMESTIC I>KV GOODS, NOTIONS, HATS, CAPS, BOOTS A SHOES. CLOTBIEG, OIL CLOT II ti, QUEENBWARE. GROCERIES. PRO VISIONS, FLOUR, AC No. 6 Uuih't Arcade. Bellefonte, Pa. All kinds of country produce tak en. Best Bargain* in town to be had. nev2oif H. H. WEISEB &. CO., Manufacturer* of Sheet iron & Tin ware, 7 Miilheim, Pa. All kinda of Tinware, conatanlly on hand and made lu order. Sheetiron Ware of every description, always on hand. Kouhng in Tin and Sheetiron done in the it..ui approved and aaliafactory aljle. >pouiiri(t door to order 1 heir rtuck of Tin and Sheetiron Good* i large and complete, and offered at the I.OWIAT I'ltH t.S. Their tab!ihment ha been enlarged and Ux ted completely throughout. Satiafaclion guartantecd, and all job* promptly attended to. aprlfi-y I OHN F. PdTTKIt, Attorney -at-Law. *t Collection* promptly made and special attention giver, to those having land*or property lor *ale. Will draw up and hat • acknowledged Deed*. Mortgage*. A:c. Office in the diamond, north tide of the court houte, licllefonte. oct ZtfXttf. CI EN THE HALL HOTEL Johx SrsKQita, Proprietor. Stage* arrive and depart daily, for al point*. north, south, east and wwt. C. T. AI.EXAXDKK. C. M. Bovuu 4 LKXANDKK Jk BOWERS. Attor- I\. ncy-at-Law. Bcllefonte, Pa. Spe cial attention given to Collection*, and Orphant' Court practice. May be con tulted in German and Engiith. office in German'* Building. my2B '74-tf. I L. BPANULKR, Attorney-at- Law, tf Bclleionte, Pa. Office with Hush & locum. Consultation in Engltah and German. Collection* promptly attend 'd frb6-*f CEmEHALL,PA. Would mo*t mpectfully inform tbecit ten* of this • leinity. that he ha* started a new Root and Shoe Shop, and would be thankful fRr a share of the public patron age. Boots and Shoes made to order and according to style, and warrants hi* work ■to equal any made elsewhere. All kind* of repairing done, and charge* reasonable-\ Give him a call. feb 13 ly jyK.S.G. OUTELLUb, Dentist, Millheim. j Offer* hi* professional service* to the public. 11c i* prepared to perform all j operation* in the dental profession. BWlle i now fully prepared to extract leeth ahuJmldy vitAaut fain, myft-73-tf. DK fOBTVST, Atteraey at Lai, • Bellefonto, Pa. Office over Key-! | on Id * bank. mayU'M M tJ. J. MIRFFFLER ' TAILOR, N early opposite Spangler'* hotel, ("nt. Hall where he it at all lime*, prepared to make all kind* of uien and boy'* cloth ing, according to the latett styles and at renonable charge*. IAS. MM AN I*B, Attorney at Law, Bdllefontc, promptly attend* to a! huriaes* entrusted to him. iut2,*Rßt ADAM HHJ>, PAINTER, offer* hi* serrioM to the citiaenrof Mifflin Centre and adjoining countie*. in llottMc. Sign Hiid OruauicimtJil Painting. GRAINING .. . „ Oak. Walnut, Maple, A*h, Mahogony. Ac., Plain and Fancy Paperhanging. Or ders respectfully solicited. All tine work done for other painter*, nov 6 tf. MANUOOD*. now LOST, lltiW RK- P*~ STORED I ffSr Juit published, • now adiUaa of Dr. Culver HHiL-IttT'lKl K **" °* "" cnr (*•* •UIHIICIM) ofSrvkUATuaaaw* tualul Weakaeaa, li.ialunUrj Kewtnsl U. IwroTUCT, M.nlal and i '"fspacttj, lapediweau •• Mama., air ; aim. LoasCMrTloM. sad KIT*, ludacad b, wlf ladtttaanco or aoaual .it ra.acanca, Ac. Jfr- Prlca, In a aaaled aa.alov*, onij six cento. The celebrated aatbor, la thU admirmbla Kau ,r f" • tWrt roar.' .uccaifil UP alanaln* txinaequeeeea ol aalf-aboaa •nay ba radically enrad without tha dan,erou. uaa of |a, tarail madh-lua or tfaa applloatioa of tha kudo, poluv In* out a mod. of cara at oaoa almpie, oarieia and a, Rjflr Thl* Laolttre ahould b la tha haada ul eery wuth and Try a la lb. land twnl under aaul, I* a plain .DTaloaa. la air add.... -• OHAs; J. C. KLINE A CO. It JulT Turk ; Post OOoe Ho*. UK BUTTS HOUSE BELLEFONTE, PA. J. B. BUTTS, Prop'r, Has first class accommodation; charg es reason* tor, tl !'• AMP™ Pennsvalley Banking Go. ,r CENTRE HALL, PA '• KECK IV* DEPOSITS, An.l Allow Interest, Discount Not* Buy and Salt • Government Srcnrilie*, Gold and Coupons Pstsb Horraa, Wa. D. Minoul Prw't. Caahiar Chat. H. Hold, Clot k, \\ alrlimaker A Jeweler Millheim, Contra Co., Pi. Kospertfully Inform* bit friend* and tba public in general, ibat be baa Juet opened at hi* new establishment, above Alexan der# atorr, and keep* conaiaally on band* all kind* of Clock*, Watches and Jewelry •if tha latatt tyle a* alto tha Maranvilld Patent Calender Clock*, provided with A complete index of the month and day of the month and week on It* face, which is warranted an a tierfect time-keeper. RW-Clock*. Watt-he* and Jewelry rP . paired on *horl notice and warranted. tap IP fitly Beat Maniple Koonia in lWn. BROCKERHOFF HOUSE, D. JOHNSTON A SONS. ProprieUW Bellefonte, Penna. Fret lliuu to and from the Depot. Excelsior Cement- The undersigned new manufacture* Ce ment WARRANTED op AHPPKKIOR QUALITY, et hi* kiln*, near Pine Creek Mill*, in Haine* twp, Thi* cement bat already been ueed in targe quantities upon the L C. A S. C. Kit., and hat been found highly satisfactory upon ail job# where it bat been ueed, and a* equal la any now manufavturod for ue in CIS TERNS, WATER PIPES, or whatever purpose a good quality of Cement 1* do*i rabie Thit Cement hat already been teetud far and wide, and rendered the ut most satisfaction. Persons, therefore con structing Cisterns, laying Water Pipes, Ac , will find it to their advantage to bear this In miod.and also, that be warrant# the article as represented. J G. METER, may 21 tf * Aarontburg, Pa MILLAR'S HOTEL W.iw*rd Pa Stage* arrive and depart daily HBsav aaocKctuorr, i, p. (bcoist, President, Cashier. QENTRE COUNTY BANKING CO. Cl-ate Mittiken, Hoover A Co.) •RECEIVE DEPOBITK, And Allow interest, Discount Notes, Bur and Meß. Covernmeut*Keei: tit*, Gold A aplObbtf Coupon*. A New Idea! A. WILSON SHUTTLE String HacMne J V | f \M | FOR 50 Dollars!! FARMERS, MERCHANTS, MECHANICS, AN'D EVERYBODY Buy the World-Renowned WIISQW MfiSewiiMacliie! THE BEST IN THE WORLD! tyThc Highest Premium was •warded to it at "VIENNA.; Ohio State Fair; Northern OMo Fair; Aaer. Institute, N. T.J ClaelaaaU Exposition; Indianapolis Exposition j SU Louis Fair; Caaialaaa State Fair; Mississippi State Fair; and Georgia SUte Fair J FOR BEING THE BEST SEWING MACHINES. and doing the largest and best rpage of work. All other Machines in the Market were in direct COMPETITION! I tWFor Hemming, Fell ing, Stitching, Cording, Binding, Braiding, Embroidering, Quilt ing and Stitching fine or heavy goods it is unsurpassed. Where we have no Agents wo will deliver a Machine .for the price named above, at the nearest Rail Road Station of Purchasers. Needles for all Sewing Ma chines for Sale. Old Machines taken in Exchange. Send for Circulars, Price List, &c., and Copy of the Wilson Reflector, one of the bast Periodicals of the day, devoted to Sewing Ma cnines, Fashions, General News and Miscellany. Agents Wanted AUDHCBB, Wilson Sewinj Macliie Co. clpsuw 3 r°-