Between the Two Th# rine baresth rey winds* Ran. over lbs trehl* wall. And climbs to IUV neighbor'* l.ltlc. Tp there in tb# tnr-*t Is'l. It bind* the two tn^ftlior With • .winging bridge of given. And mail? a fluttering footstep Got. airily hot* e< ... Th. severed wind, of he.veu Moot frcr.i onird from op|v i'o garden. Flit friendly bacV and f 'lt', , Ah 1 why. niv beautiful neighbor, RUonld a. be uliv alone " I hav. ent you m* heat t *.l Ob, send me hao, xour own ! A Bunch of Keis. There * a tender *poi in exerT beat! For Reait*. tl anW God, are human And th. key* that unlock their inner court. Are held by n an and aonut: lb. feeble touch of a childish band Max- a stalwart life tie .waving. And the Wrong heart, Lxalluu.ed to ail be-: ie The weakest xxf will, obeying. Th. simplest prayer ihat as* ever b-ped Ry a child with ,u> mother kneeling, When tl.c shades* gather at exeutide, Ita way to the *oul is feeing , Twill cleave a path through the ein without To th# good tha: within i. s'eepiug. Where th. heart. 'tiealh a buidca of year, of crirn., Homo remnant of Heaven is keeping There are finger* ao fragile as barely to keep Life'* brittle ihrea 1 frxxw lxreakiug . Tet in heart, which they oj>eu and hxjld at .b The fairs. 1 of FJeus are making. If on soula tliat *e more by our hghict touch We were more of love-beet o*iug. Rows would blossom to hlees our Uvea Where thistle* and brier, are growing. The lowest beaiu bold other heait* To all are some keys belonging. And the spirit wa.ta for lb. kec;u. ai d tender longing ; A .mile, a worxl. a kindly" act. A prayer, though in weakness given, Will help to faahicxu our way# below. And opea the gat. to Uraven. THE NEW Piriu "Oh, girls ! I shall just die, I know I shall!" exo'aimed belle Burnett, going off into an hysterical fit of laugh ter, which she vzinly tried to smother behind an elegant lace-edged handker chief. " Whst is it, you provoking thing ? Why don't you tell Us, so we can laugh too?" *• Well—Ton—see," she gasped ont at last, " we've got a lie* pupil, tLe queerest looking thing you tver saw. 1 happened to be in Madam's room when eke arrived. She came in the stage, and had a mite of au old-fashioned hair trunk, not much biggci than a baud box, and she came into Madam's room with a funny little basket in her hard, and sat down as if she had ooine to star forevtr. She said, 'Are you Madam Gazin ?' 'Yes," she r<.plieJ, 'that is my name.* ' Well, I've come to stay a year at your school." And then she E" ulled her handkerchief out of the bas et, and unrolled it until she came to an old leather wallet, and actually took out two hundred ai.d fifty dollar* and laid it in Madam's hand, saying, 'That is just the amount, I believe ; will you please give me a receipt for it ?' You never saw Madam look so surprised. She actually didn't know what to say for a minute ; but she gave her the receipt, asked a few qncstions, and had her taken to So. 10, and there she is now, thir very minute - " " Well, what was there so fanny tbont all that 5" " Why, this : she has ml bair tucked into a black net, and looks just like a fright even way. She bad on a brown delaine dress, without a sign of a ruffle or trimming of any kind, and the shab biest hat and shawl ycu ever saw. Tcu'll lsngh, too, when you see her." Belle Burnett w&a an only child, and her wealthy father was pleased to gratify her every whim. So, besides being far too elegantly dressed for a school girl, she was supplied with plenty of pocket money, and being very generous and full of life and fun, she was the acknowledged leader among Madam's pupils. Ween t e tea-bell rang, the new comer * escorted to the dining-room, and introduced to her schoolmates as Mies Finnie Comstock. She had ex changed her brown delaine I r a p'ain calico dress, with a bit i f white edging about the neck. She did look rather queer, with her small, thin, freckle.! lace, and her ret] hair brushed straight back from her face, and hidden as much as possible under a large black net, and but for the presence of Madam her first reception wonld HATE been exceedingly unpleasant. She was shy and awkward, and evidently ill at ease among so many strangers. As soon is possible she hastened back to the seclusion of her own room. The next day ahe was ex amined, and assigned to her place in the different classes, and, to the sur prise of all, she was far in advance of those of her age. Bat this did not awaken the respect of her schoolmates, as it should have done. On the con trary, Belle Burnett and her especial friends were highly incensed about it, and at once commenced aarrieeof petty annoyances, whenever it was safe to do it, which kept poor Fannie miserable indeed, although she seemed to take no notice of it. A few weeks passed by. Her lessons were always perfectly re cited. Sue m*de no complaint of the slights and sneers of her companions, but kept out of their way as much as possible. Her thin face grew paler, DMrever, and there were dark rings about her eyea. A watchful friend would have seen that all these things were wearing cruelly upon her young life. One Saturday the very spirit of wickeanpss seemed let loose among tbem. Madam was away; the otbei teachers were busy in their own rooms. Fannie had been out for a walk, and was near the door of her room when a dozen or more of the girls surrounded her, clasping hands together so she was a prisoner in their midst. For a mo ment she begged piteously to be re leased, bnt they only laughed the more, and began going snnnd and around, singing something which Belle bad com posed—cruel, miserable, insulting words. She stood for an instant pale and still ; then with a piercing cry she burst through the ring, and ru-bing into her room, closed and locked the door. Through their wild peals of laughter the girls heard a strange moan and a heavy fall. " I believe she has fainted," said Belle. " What shall we do?" said another. For a moment they atood there, sober enongn ; then one of tbem ran for the matron and told ber that Fannie Comstock had fainted in her room, and the door was locked. She had a long ladder pnt to the window, and sent the janitor to see if it was true. Fortunately the window was open, and in a few moments he bad unlocked the door from the inside. The girls were huddled together in a frightened group, while Madam lifted the poor girl and laid ber upon the bed. Bbe was in violent spasms. The doctor was sent for, bat when the spasms ceased alarming symptoms set in, and he prononnced it a serious caseof brain fever. It is impossible to tell thq shame and remori-e of the conscience stricken girls. They were not brave enongh to confess their guilt, bat hang around the sick room offering their tervioes, vainly wishing that they might atone for it in some way. But their presence only excited the poor sufferer, so they were all sent away. Day after day passed and still she ravt din violent delirium. The little •liair trunk was searched, to find some clew to her friends, bnt there was noth ing in it but the plainest, scantiest sup ply of clothes. Day after day the doctor came, looking grave and anx ious, and at last the crisis came. For many hours she lay as if dead, and not a noise was permitted to disturb the FRED. KURTZ, Editor ami Proprietor. VOL. VII. awful lil.nw while they waited to sec it she would liv> or dto. At lut she opeuetl Iter eyes; and the suspense xx ae relieved by nit assuring wx'rxi from tin- diVtor, that wirh careful nursing she Wxtuld Mwu he well again. But her convalescence was alovr ami tedious after all. Iler fxxrmer tonnentxxrw .larcxl not s{w>ak of what they hal dxue, hut they si lit daily little bouquet* of fragrant dower*, or fruit and ot.ier delicacies t> t-nipt her returning appetite. ller eyes won hi light up with surprise aud pleasure at tne little gifts. Amidst all her wild ravings tix>t a Wx'rd of com plaint at the ill-treatment ahe had te 0* ivoxl ever eacaped her hps. One day Madam was sitting by her aide, and as she wemexl to he so inticu stronger, she ventured to ask alter her frtemla. •• I have no friends. Madam ; ouly c >usin John, wh< has a large family of his own, ami has never eared f T me. Mother diexl when I was horn. 1 had a step-mother, but father died five years ago, and I've takru care of myself ever since." •• Auxl you are ouly fifteen uow t" " Yes, ma'am." *' Uow did yon ever get the money to pay for a ytar's board ami tuition here ?" " 1 earned it all, madam, every cent of it. As soon as 1 was big enough 1 went into a factory, and earned two xixillars a week at first, ami. finally, three ami a half, atixl I workuxl for mv board nights ami mornings." •* P.>or child I" "Oh no, ma'am. I was very glad to do it." " Hut how did yon keep along so well with your studies ?" " I'used to fix a book open on the loom, where I eeuld catch a sentence now ami then, and the overseer did not object, because I always did my work wi 11. You see, maJaui, 1 want to lie a teacher sometime, and 1 knew I'd have a better chance to learu here than any where else, ao I just determined to do it." " What are your plans for tue long vacation ?" " I must go back to the factory and earn enough to get sexnio warmer clothes for the winter. You see, Madaui, why I can't afford to dress better." Madam's heart was full. She beut over the white, thin little face and kissed it reverently. That evening, when the girls gather ed in the chapel for worship, she t.ld Faun ie's story. Tuere was uot a dry eve in tne room. The moment Madam finished, Belle Burnett sprang up, with the tears pocriug down her cheeks. "Oh, Madam! Wehave been awfully cruel and wicked to that poor girl. We have made fun of her lrorn the flr-t, and she would never have been sick as she was if we had not torment* d her almost to death. I was the most to blame; it was I that led on the rest, and we have suffered terribly a 1 these weeks, fearing she might die. Y'oumay expel me, or punish me any wv you please, for I deserve it; and I shall go down on my knees to ak her pardon, as soon as jou will let me see her." "My child, shocked to hear this ! I can scarcely believe that any of my pupils would ill-treat a companion be cause she was so unfortunate as to be plain, and poor. But you have made a uobie confession. ::nl I forgive you as freely as 1 believe *■!.■ will, when she knows how truly jou have repented of your nnkiudntss." By degrees, as she was able to bear it, one after another went to Fannie and begged her for giveness, which was freely granted. She said, " I don't wonder you made fun of me. I know I was poorly dr #• ed, and awl ally homely, i would have pulled every hair out of my head years ago, only i knew it would grow in again as red as ever. But, oh 1 if 1 could have felt that I had jtut one friend among you I could have borne it; but, somehow, it just broke my heart to have you ail turn against me." After this she gained rapidly, and one fine morning the doctor said she might join the girls in the drawing room for an hour before tea. There bad been a vast deal of whispering and hurrying to and fro of late, among the i girls, of which Fannie had been totally unconscious in the quiet seclusion of her room. At the appoints! time Madam her self came to assist her, and, leaning upon her strong arm, the yonng girl walked feebly through the long hall, and down the stairs. " My dear, the giris have planned a little surprise for yoo, to make the honr as pleasant as possible." She opened the door, seated Fannie in sn easy chair, and the girls came gliding in, with smiling faces, singing a beautiful song of welcome. At i's close, Belle Bu'nctt approached and placed a beautiful wreath of flowers upon her head, saying : " Dear Fannie, we crown you our queen to-day, know ing well how far above us all you are in His sight Who looketh upon the heart instead of the outward appear anro. You have taught us a lesson we shall never forget, and we beg you to accept a token of sincere love and re pentance for our treatment of yon in the past, which you will find in your room on yonr return." Fannies eyes were fnll of tears, nnd she tried to aay a few words in reply, bnt Madam spoke for lier, and, alter another song, they followed their newly crowned queen to the dining-room, where a most tempting feast was laid, in honor of the occasion. Farnie was quietly, tearfnlly happy through it all, yet ao wearied with the unusual excite ment that Msdani said she must not see the girls' " Peace Offering " that night. The first thing she saw the next morn ing was a fine large trunk, and lying upon it a card, " For Miss Fannie Comstock, from ber teachers and school-mates." Having opeued it, ahe saw it was packed full of n< ally-folded gwments ; but she had not time to ex amine its contents until after breakfast, when they left her alonu with her won derful giit. There were prettv dresses and sarques, a flue new liatauii purasol, gloves and ribbons, cuffs and collars, undergarments in abundance—indeed everything wbicb a young school girl could possibly need. Every one of Madam's two hundred and ten pupils had contributed from her choicest and best, to furnish a complete oulflt lor their less favored mate. At the very bottom was a well filled writing-desk, an album coutaiuing all their pictures, and a pretty pnrse containing Ave dollars, and the following note from Madum : MY DEAB CHILD— This shall be a receipt iu full for all expenses, during whatever time yon may choose to re main in the seminary, which I present to you as a sincere token of my love and respect. JEANETTE QAZIN. They found her at dinner-time on the floor, snrionnded by ber new treasures, crying like a baby; bat it did her good. She was Boon able to resume Lei. studies, and was ever after treated with kindness and consideration, even though all her hair came out and left her head as bald as ber face, so she bad to wear a queer cap-like wig for many weeks. When the long vacation ar rived, Belle carried ber off to her beau tiful home on the Hudson, where, for the first time in her life, she was sur rounded *nvith beauty and luxury on every side, and was treated as a loved THE CENTRE REPORTER. •nil honored guest. It WHS not long before the hatxfnl wig WHS ca*t aside, ami Frttinie's IHWII WHS coveted with H profu.ixiti of dark subitrn cutis, which were indeed H crow ti of glory that tumlo her plain fa<>e almost l> - ottiful. Gentle, living, aud beloved by nil, she reuiaim-xl in too seminary until she graduated with houor, att cavity of the body which water is not tltt<-i fxir if you can got it IU properly. Why, one of the very Ixcst things you can do is 10 wash your bkanl ; aud the greate st folly we com mit iu going through our liv< s from childhootl to gravtx silence is that we do not wash our blood as we ought. Infusion* of coffee, t< a, chocolate or cocoa or cider or Iwer do not wash the blood, because, with the flutd so takeu in, something is oartied iu which be fx>uls auxl defiles the blooxl. Jti*i let a man say to himself, " It is Saturday night. 1 have worked liurxl all the wee k, and Sunday shall he a day of rest to me. 1 am m>w going to give my system txetweeu this ami Monday morning a gxiod thorough washing. ' So he begins to driuk, and drinks but little at a time, yet between Saturday night ami Monday morning a healthy man can driuk, without prvsluciug any disturbance, a gallon of water. Now let this come into aud go through his circulation—through the lung* and skin and kidneys aud IHWO1S the waste ma terials are carried off—ami when Mon day morning cornea, if lie jumps out of the bed aud gives his external skin a good washing, the water that he washes in will be foul. Or if he prefers to test that question tuore thoroughly, all he has to dx) is to take a clean sheet, and wetting it iu good soft, pure water, be wrapped up iu it aud he forty-five or sixty minutes, aud then have the sheet washed iu a tub of water, and it will color the water so it will look dirty. The mau has been washexl inside—his bhxod has been washed. When you have washexl his blood, tissues, !>oues, nerve, muscle, Binew, membrane, and hrwiu, ami everything iu him, he oau defy all pestilence for that wek. The washing of a peraou's inside is as neces sary as the washing of a pxerson's out side, aud the washing of a pi rsou'a clothes, and yet there are those who are very particular to have their clothes washed with great care who arc not at all particular to wash them elves.— l)r. Jack/ton. An Aboriginal Specimen. Ihe Sacramento I'nion ssvs that, on the down-tram of the <1 ty before, the most observe I of the passe ngers was a tvannock Indian boy, about three years of age, who was being taken through by Wells, Fargo & Co."a Express, from some stvtiyu on the plains, to San Fran cisco, for a resident of the latu-r place, lie was a bright little chap, and clad onlv m a couple of shirts, extending a trifle below las knees. His head and feet were bare, his hair had a " fighting cut," and altogether he had a cool, free and easy appearance. About las neck were two of the express c uapaiiy's par cel tag", showing from whence he came and where he was going, and frern u e>>rd alaiut his waist hung suspended buckskiu bag, containing a lew stash coins, marbles, etc., his entire earthly possessions, with the exception of a string c f colored glass beads. II" takes to traveling kindly, noticed every thing a!x>ut him, and only i xhibited fear when a large man. wearing a stovepipe hat, stepped up at the depot to inter view him. II • was as active and imita tive as a monkey. Shortly before the train reached the city, he observed the express agent polishing his l its. When the latter had fiuished, the young redskin picked up the brush, applied a liberal quantity of blacking to his i.wn bare feet, and, after polishing fir while, grunted his disgust because he could not effect a "shine." A Wife's ForglvcufM. Lucy H. Hooper, writing from Paris to the Philadelphia Pre as, says : "One of the sisters of Irrna, Mile. M-e u.i Marie, espoused some ten years ag >, when quite a child in years, her cousin M. Marie de l'lsle, and her conjugal misfortunes are now exciting public .comment and sympathy. Her husband treated hei very cruelly, and a short time ago she separated from liiin, a proceeding which rendered him furious against her ; and met ting ber one day in front of the Cafe du Rotunde, on the Boulevard Comedies, bo pursued her for some distance, uttering the most violent threats, and declaring that lie wonld kill himself or kill her. Finally heaimtdablow at her with a dagg r, but was seized by the police at that mo ment and taken away to prison. Re cently his trial took place, and his wile, though forced to appear against him, begged most earnestly that he might bo released, declaring repeatedly that she fargave him freely. The culprit attempted no defense, saying that he adored his wife and could not live with out her; but the lomaiitic circumstances of the caae had no effect on the stern and hard-hearted judge, who sentenced this loving husband to fllteen months' imprisonment for assault with intent to kill." Young Alligators. Col. Caleb G. For*hey, of tbo New Orleans Academy of Heience, aprnjMis of the qnation whether snakes swallow their young, states that this habit is certainly foun>l among alligators. " That alligators swallow their voting," says Prof. For.-hey, " I have had oc cular demonstration in a single case , aud have the universal tradition ol negroes and whites in this region of Louisiana, Mississippi, and Texas, that such is their habit. In the winter ol 1848-44 I was engaged making a survey on the banks of the Homoehitto lake. The day wus warm and sunny, and as i halted near the margin ola poud part ly dried np to pick up some shells, I started a litter of young alligators, that scamj K- red off. yelping like puppies, and retreating some twenty yards to the bank of Lake Homoehitto, I saw them reach their refuge in the mouth •if a five-foot alligator. Hlie evidently held open her mouth to receive them, as, in single file, they passed in beyond my observation. The dam then turned slowly round and slid down be neath the water, passing into a large opening in the bank,beneath the root of an ash tree. Doubtless this refuge is temporary, aud the young are rel.-a< <1 at their own or the mother's pleasure." THEIR WAT*.— The ways of women are past finding out. It is said that the lailiea of Hartford, Ct., have a fashion of tying up their taper fingers when yoniig gentlemen are i xpeeled to call, and when they very naturally ask the cause they blushingly remark : " 1 burnt them broiling the steak this morning." The result is, that several young gentlemen have burned their lingers believing the story. A San Francisco paper says that the cost ol J viug in that city is higher than in any Liber Northern city, with the possible xception of New York. CENTKK HALL, CENTRE CO., PA., THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 3, 1874. thoughts fur Saturday Mglit lie who promise* tuns ii. debt. All halm- stow by Unseen degrees. Youth hold* no society xvith grief. Fair trasses man a imperial race en The worst of tuad men is a saint run mad. The flower of sweetest smell is shy ami low Iv. To be fu iotisly religious i* to be ir religiously religious. Ni> woman is educated who is not equal to the successful liialiugemeut of a iutudy. If there bo n crime of deeper dye than all the guilty tram of human vices, it is ingratitude. Take care t > be an economist in pros perity ; there i* no tear of your being, one in adversity. It is not in m >rUls to command sue ee**, but we will xlo' mure, Hcmproni out; xm will deserve tl. It i* a lively spark of nobleness to descend in most favor to otic when he is ! lowest in affliction. AbrtiptiiMts is un eloquence in part ing, w hen spinning out the time is but the weaving of a new sorrow. Txi nituutoiu au opmioti because it is thine, uinl uot because il is true, is to prefer thyself aliove the truth. There is no uiau so friendless but that he can find a friend sincere enough to tell htiu disagreeable truth*. It is gin*! discretion not to make tx>o much of any niau at first, because one cannot hold out that proportion. All sects are xliffernil because tliey come from man; morality is every where the same because it comts from UXMI. With parsimony, a little is sufficient, and without it nothing is snfii unit ; whereas frugality makes a pox.r man rich. Tnere i* no mockery like the mockery of that spint which look* around in the world and believes that ail is empti ness. Mill aud valley, sea* and constella tion*, are but stereotypes of divine ideas appealing to and ana we red by the living soul of man. A fir i* a very light burden ; hut if it were to perpetually return ami settle ou one'* n< se, it might weary us out of our live*. PxuxtUvenesa i* a most ahsurxl fcibl If you are 111 the right, it lessens your tiiutuphs; if iu the wrong, it adds shame to Yi>ur defeat. language of Insert* and Animals, Our notice waa lately attracted to the lab a friend, from whom we obtained the facts. The ani mal somehow, it seems, excited the ire of a larger dog, and accordingly receiv ed ati unmerciful shaking. Shortly afterward the terrier was seen iu close consulta'ion with a huge Newfound land. The resu't was that both trotted •IT together, ai d found the terriers' a* railaiit, which then and there reoeived a furious thrashing from the New foundland, Willie the t. rner wagged his tail in high glee. The last case which came under our own observation was that of brood of very young chickens which, losing their parent, refused to go with another hen but manifested an extraordinary aff-c --tion for a pair of turk'-v* almost a* ju venile as themselves. The turkeys havw assumed all the parental functions, scratching worms for their charges, and gathering them under their wings, while the chickens ap|er to compre hend the significance of the turkeys '• jieep " equally as well as they did the clucking of their natural mother. In the case tif the ant*, it is clear that the single insect must have imparted the news of his discovery to an < utire community of his fellows ; iu that of the dogs, the t* rrier must have made the Newfoundland understand the circum stances of his misfortune ami so secur d sympathy and assistance ; lastly, be tween the chickens aud turkeys, apart from tho singularity of the relation, it ia curious to remark that the language of one fowl was understood by others of different species.— Scientific Amer ican. Something A boat Sword Fishing. A correspondent of (be London T> U gram tella something of thin exciting sport. 110 went out ft few days ago with a party which secured in twenty four honrs three splendid fish. lie says : U:i reaching tlie ground*, shout twenty-fire miles southeast of Hlock Inland, wo began to night the fish and prepared to fasten them. " Steady yobr helm," is passed in whispers; "luff a little;" "now bear awsy;" "just as she goes"—the man at the wheel takes the wink and follows the graceful movements of the noble fish. The next moment the harpoon i seen to descend with lightutng speed, the llsh is struck and quicker thau thought dives into his native element. " Take care," "stand aside," "over with the barrel," are orders which were given from the captain in quick succession, and before the land lubbers stopped blinking their eyes or have reoovered from their amazement, tb# yacht and a halt barrel attached to n fifty-fathom line are sailing in opposite directions. Attention is next directed to another fish, and the same prooess is followed until a half dozen or more barrels are seen floating around. The small boats are next manned, and nimble Jack armed with a lance chases a barrel, ships it, and then hauls on the line. The fish, pricked with the strain on the iron, renews his ajwed, and away goer, the small boat trolled at a high speed. Slowly the line is lumbal in and the monster brought to the top of the watet—sometimes coming ol his own accord, word foremost, but the latice awaits him. and by a well directed blow his heart ia pierced. The water for yards ia covered with blood; a rope ia passed around the tail and the fish se cured. After capturing three, weigh ing about :VM) pounds each, we left the grounds and sailed home loaded with our freight. Whilst at sea wo met a school of blacktlsh which wo did not dare attack, as our gear was too small to capture a twenty-five or thirty foot monster. Those of our anmmer visitors who have never witnessed the sport, we would urge to do so, as it is one of the most exciting and pleasurable of the many sports uflorded in the victnity of our noble harbor. CRACKER DESSERT. —CUose whole soda crukcrs and lay each upon a sepa rate small plate. Pour upon it enough boiling water to souk it wall, and leave none upon the plate; cover with a dressing of good, sweetened cream with a spoonful of jelly in the center, if you uhnose, or dip upon it a portion of nice fruit, canned, stewed or lresh, us is con venient, t he 1 duration of Mr. Hubert Lowe, ex-Chancellor of the Klolu quel ami el-Home Secretary of Kuglamt, recently delivered au ad dre.s at llighgatc School, near London In presenting a prige given by the H.rouea* of liurdett Coutts for inatlie matics to the successful competitor, he said : " There in no doubt a fir*t demand HOW made Upon schools infinitely greater thau there wIN at the lime wbvu l>r. Dyne and 1 were at school. People are i i|Mk'ttkl to know Latin, Greek, mathematics, English—ho in considerable study—ancient am! mod ern history, Fri'uch, OnruaD, am! 1 know not how many others—physical n'lriiw —am! for three the demand at pronent seems to lx< that the Jiereuu alio ktudir) all these thing* la to know them juat an well H if his miud hail lierii ooiifluri), an it used to ho forty or fifty yearn ago, merely to the atmly of Litin ami (Ireek. Now, ladies am! gentlemen, we may ark that, hut we shall uot get it. It ia impossible. It in not desirable, 1 am quite certain, in order to c >mply with ttial ilemaml for aluiont uuiveraal knowledge, that we should make the km>wleis this—we cm give a fleer scope for the choice of a boy s career, #> that without n quiring every thing from him, we cau allow him to shape his own itiurse, or the course his parents wish, in some degree, so that tie may obtain thorough knowledge es |-cialiv suited to the career which he is destined to filL Otherwise I lear we re doii g very much like Pharaoh, and a-kil g for increased production with out giving any straw- any means to aceximplish it. There is a certain time a taiy can give—all he ought to give ; hut it is not wise to overburden and overtask any p-ram, particularly young person*, ami the result we aim at can only lie obtained by more xtended op turns,whereby anv person cau thorough ly master any sut p-ct he umb rtak *. I will mention another thing. The Bar-itii-sft Burdett-CoUtt*, 1 believe,gave this prise mainly with the view of en conragiug the study of physical science. 1 cannot help thinking "that probably the pr>Xe will be quite as rffieieut if giveu for physical science instead of for mathematics, there is no doubt you cannot go f*r into physical science without s good knowledge of matbema tie*. Very tuach more time is apple d to the study of physical s hence than waa the case thirty or forty years ago. At the same time there are a vast tuna tier of tilings most useful, Valuable ami improving to the mind which can le learned without the study of mathems tics, and its far as I am concerned if I mre to choose l>etwcen the two 1 am liouiul to say I would rather have a knowledge of physical science without a very grcut knowledge of mathematics than I would have .a knowledge of mathematics without physical science. One more remark 1 shall make, and that is —I mi speaking DOW of optional sub ject*—that there is one language which 1 think it is a great pity i* almost en tirely excluded from school ed ileal too in England, ll is the most ancient nud I* r: aps the most interesting in itself of ii 1 languages—l mean the Hebrew. It seems to me. 1 confess, inconceivable how it should happen that so v< ry few of ur e'ergy are acquainted with He brew. I cannot nuderat:ul how a man can consider himself as having com latently mastered the element# of theology win n he i not acquaint! d with that language. It is Dot merely the knowledge of the language itself, but the light which it throws, and which nothing else cau throw, up n the text of the New Testament for instance. The view a man ba. the knowledge that a man gets of the .Bible, when he rea la it standing on the vantage gronml of a knowledge of Hebrew, IS infinitely greater than can le got try takiog them up and passing to them not natural y from the knowledge of the Hebrew of the Ohl Testament, but from the Greek classics. I hope to see the day when in our schools there will, at any rate, IK an option for the study of Hebrew. Nothing can tend more to develop a thorough and sound knowledge of the Bible or to make our clergy learned and com | a-tent iu their avocation." Fall Bonn t*. An early importation of bonnets from the Parisian milliners, says a fashion jotirual, indicates what the fashions of the next seasoti will l>e. The shapes are large, with high, soft, box-pleated crowns, and flaring brims turned up directly in front, and are very coaipact looking, without strings or stieimera. A similar shape of smaller siza is in vogne at prevent, and is found to be the most dressy and becoming of the many styles introduced in the spring. The materials used are velvet, gros grain, and satin. An especial effort will be made to restore satin to favor. At least two fabrics ap|>ar in each bonnet, as satin or gros grain for crown and for facing brims, or for piping folds, with velvet for the head or front piece and aa upright loops of trimming. There is ul*o tuuch wide double-faced ribbon (hut is satin on one side and gros gram on the reverse; this is t wined MH a scarf around the crown, and fastened behind without a bow, but with two short, straight, even ends raveled out to form fringe an inch deep. Boinetimes it ia pleated and folded over the frame to form the entire crown. HTIFTKNINO GAUZE —Good wheat starch and white wax are employed, either cold or warm, according to the color. The ganzo on removal from the starch ia perfectly untwisted, pressed out, and clapped with the hands, so that the starch may bo uniformly distrib uted. Any meshes that may still ap pear filled with starch may be freed from it when the gauze is stretched on the drying'nad by brushing it with the hand, or, better, with a soft brush. Hmall starched pieces can also he placed on the finishing drum, since the starch lemaining in any meshes will stick to the drum wheu the gauze is removed. In this case, however, it will nnavoid ably huve a spotted lustre on the side next the drum. An sgricultuiul journal maintains that alum water is quite as destructive to insects ss Paris green, aud, unlike the latter, is not at all dangerous to leave about a house- The Faith in the .Meteor Stresms. The earth is uow in the great meteor stream which ha. of late year* 1 tailed so much astronomic inquiry. On the tilth ot August we approached a bell of meteor* which exceeded in number and sph-udor those of the November lieriod, but, unlike the latter, i* Hot directly crossed. The harbinger of the August stream was seen on the night of the 'J •, iu a magnificent meteor of dazzling brilliance. In ICC7 oue of the most astonishing meteoric displays was con nected with the first cornet of 18kJ, and since that time the scientific minds of the day have settled down upon the conviction that the Ootueta belong to the meteor system. The established identity of some oometsry orbits and meteors appears to entitle thta to the dignity ot actual discovery. If this be udmitted, the August meteors were of surpassing number and beauty. The November showers, brilliant as they are, have leeu associated with" a comet of insignificant dimension*, while those of August have been referreti to a comet of extraordinary size. The inference tlrawu by astronomers, therefore, is that during the autumnal display we are passing through a small mot.-one system, but in August we verge ouly on the border of a VE ry much larger sys tem, and only see it outlier*. Tin* popular apprehension frit iu former ages from the approach of the brighter eomt-t* has not been entirely lacking, when it was known that the ••arth waa alamt to intersect the great meteoric atreama. The enormous size of some roll tea, shot from space into the earth's atmosphere, aud penetrating occasionally to its crust, has invested the meteoric shower with sn interest sometimes coupled with alarm. The celestial rocket may he very engaging to the eye, but it is not pleasant to think of the blazing mass, sometimes of almost aateroitlal size and of several tons weight, within a few milea, falling earthward with a velocity fifty times that of a railway train. There is no doubt, however, that the resistance of our atmosphere develops sufficient heat by friotiou to fuse and vaporize the ahooltug star, so that it reaches the earth in a dissipated forir.. The nuui twr of solid aerolites actually striking the earth with violence and peril biniu is very smsll. In England only tweutv are recorded, and this ia a very smalt proportion, considering that every year our planet lutersecta or grazes tnore than a hundred of theeedenaely crowded meteor streams. Out of the twenty British a-rolites, only four fell during the mouth of August, tin ir deaoeut oc curring twtweelilhe 4'h Slid tflh dsjs. l'he only cause for apprehension has bsen thw earth's attraction, and it has Iteeu supposed this waa influential in drawinu these flying masses toward us. B it astronomer* have conelusivrly di pM-d of such a hypothesis, since the solar attraction is proved all-controlling within the Vast domain of the aolar sys tem. The meteoric families aweepi ig through space, in obedience to stlar at traction, rush by the points where their track is closest to the earth a orbit as unchecked as tlie < zpreaa train by a village station. As a great astronomer tells ua, such a meteoric body c uning, from the stellar depths toward the nun, ouuid no more lie turned aside by lite earth's attraction than a railway train Could l>e caused to leave the rails by the attraction of a toy magnet. The Temptation of Ministers. An English religions paper published some years ago a striking article ujton the jxx-tthar temptation of clergymen. The sulisUnoe of it was thst clergymen were more seriously tempted than >ther u because they w re thrown into the way id women in highly emotional states of mind who look uj-on them with perfect coufidruce. A Urge class of women act very fool toward a taTorite preacher. B * d t he story of love letters received by Mr. lleecher, and !>e assured that his is not an exceptional esse. Every clergy man under middle life, especially if unmar ried, is more or bss annoyed by the at teutions of the females of his flock, aud this is peculiarly true of the most of them. Women do not stop to reason. They take sidi s instinctively, and go with all their might for the side lliev bare taken. They ara as active iu dnviug out a minister they do not like as in lustauung a favorite. A man like Mr. Beecaer, with his emotional ai.d fervid nature, his per sonal nisgnetisro. his liberality aud charity, would naturally be adored by those f.-nssle parishioners whose pious zeal overcame their nawming powers. The minister's danger is greater, of eonrse, if lie is mb*d with one who is cll and unsympathetic, but lie can never safely cease to k-ep a vigilant guard over his own feelings and con duct, That some fall is seized upon by sceptics na an argument against relig ion, but it is rather an argument for more religion. What would be tl*> condition of the world if human passions were Dot iu n gr-:it measure controlled by laws and customs based on religion, and draw ing tlietic® nearly all their binding force T A (Juht Hint for Husbands. The Troy Budget, which is disgusted with some of the softer phases of the Beeober-Tilton affair, gives the follow ing ssce advice to husbauds : " Whenever yon find a stout, healthy minister of the Gospel hanging around your wife, with a ' holy aud sincere ad miral iou and affection,' winch senti ment is reciprocated by your wife, bav iug a ' lofty, spiritual, religions yearn ing and pure platonic love for that priest' that attracts bei frequently to his side, do you, unsophisticated young husband, just go right out to the near est cobbler and buy a heavy pair of I>egged stogy boot*. Put tlietn stogy hoots right on, and the next time that minister calls st your residence to ped dle his 'spiritual essence' take him gently by the coat collar, make a short or ition, whereof the peroration shall he, 'get out f and then clinch the ar gument a posteriori with them stogies. It's the best way to get along with an intimacy, innocent though it may he, that sometimrs brings n ' heap ol trouble ' in its train." Walking on the Track. A woman was arrested in Buffalo a few days ago for walking on the track of the Central railroad. This ia the first cam brought, at least for a long time, under the almost forgotten law of 1850, which provides that " it shall not he lawful for any person, other than those connected with or employed upon the railroad, to walk upon the track or upou the railroad, except where the satue shall he laid along public rods or streets." The penalty is a flue of not more than s'2so, or one year's imprison ment. The Central company propose to see that the law is enforced, and a great many "accidents" wonld be avoided if other companies would follow their example. More Frettiuss.—Rose—lt is beau tiful hair, dearest, but I am afraid it is not all your own. Lilly—Oh, yea it is, ■tailing. The plait was tlnrty-flve shil lings, and the long bit behind twenty five. Rose—Oh, how cheap I TTorms: 02.00 n Year, in Advance. IN THE ALLKIiHKSY VALLEY. A U.5.i1.4 Ctiy-'t Ml IMI-J.sssr tills -lb. rHtiSsrsb tries*. Leaving Corry at II o'clock, A M, July 28, I find myself eu route for Pittsburgh. A pleasant ride of au hour brings us to Titusvilie, once the centre of oildom. There is probably no city of its size in the United Hutes that can boast of so msay public im provements, such flue streets, and really magnificent buddings, as Titusvilie. One-half mile below, on Watson flats, la located the famous Drake well, the first oil well ever put down. It was drilled with a common drill and spring pole by Col. Drake, in the year IHo'J At a depth of sizty nine feet, a coutiuu oti-t supply of oil was found. Other wells wore soon put down, and Tltua ville, emerging from its former ob scurity, became a city, peopled with thousands of ezcited and adventurous men from all parts of the globe. Not unlike many of the world's famous discoverers aud inventora. Col. Drake was, until two years ago, living in abject poverty, when he was granted an auuuity of a year by tb* Legislature, a just and fitting reward to the discoverer of petroleum, which as an article of oommercis value, is second to none in Pennsylvania. Pi thole, four mil* a from Titusvilie, which in 1865 echoed the busy bum of 15.0U0 human beings, is now silent and desolate as Goldsmith's deserted vil lage. I give this as a sample of the and fall of oil town*. In the spring of 1865 the famous United ttUtes well was struck, which spouted 12,000 bar rels of the oleaginous fluid per diem. Within one mouth from this time. Pi thole hail au opera honae, telegraph otfice and two hotel*. At the end of the second month, a hotel wsa com pleted ousting £25,000, together with an academy of music. Within the nezt thirty days a railroad was completed,* intersecting the Oil Creek ltoad at Oleopulia. Biz or eight trains a day, running from aiz to fifteen cars each, could sea roe If ac commodate the traveling public. Beren months from the erection of the first bou-o, Pith Je could boast 15,000 in habitants. The completion •( the Mil ler Farm Pipe Line at this time threw four thousand men oat of employment, snd struck a death biow at Pithole. Her fall was sudden as her rise had been. To day, but nine families re main. But one train a day, consisting of one car, now runs on their railroad, and that usually ooutains only the train lusnda. " Misery loves company," and per haps I'itiiole can find some consolation iu the fset that Miller Farm. Petroleum Center, Piouerr, snd other towns on the creek, once famous as herself, now keep her company. All along down the creek ttie eye is regaled with dilapidated der ricks, deserted hovels, wrecked engine houses, and decaying tanka, all forming a sad monument to disappointed hopes, unrealized anticipations, and the unre liability of oil wells in geoeral One mile above Od City ts located the famous Bteele farm, once the home ' of '• Coal Oil Johnny," who a few years siuce astonished the world by his ex travagance. Johnny bought a hotel for 1 the of kicking out a waiter who | was displeasing to him, aud then gsve it l>aek to the original owner. It be wished to attend tbs theatre he pur chased the building, presented the ac tors with diamond pin*, aud after the play w aa over presented the t healre to some friend. of "put a beg gar on horseback and he'll ride to the devil." Johuny now pump* a well at g1.75 per" day. Taking one of Palims's sleepers at Oil City 1 retire to my berth, and, with tpe exerptiou of an occvivnal snore which escaped from a bertti op posite ours, and which ia so entertain ing to the listener, everything passed off pleasantly, and six o'clock found us in Pittsburgh. It is fitly named the smoky city, for the smoke arising from its hundreds of manufactories hangs over, aud envelopes the city like the shades of an eternal night Crossing the river we are in Allegheny City, lately the scene of an awful viait-tion by flood. An extended description is not necessary ; our dailiea have ben filled with tlie sickening details every day for two weeks. A fire consuming the* entire city would have resnlle-d io less has of life ; insurance would bsve mitigated the losa of property. But without s moment's notice, thst fearful flood came rushing d- wn the moun tain aide, and where fifteen min utes before all was peace and tranquility ; where each family circle was gathered around its hearthstone, all was now confusion, desolation and death. When I visited the scene on Wednesday, 500 men were at work re moving the d'brit. The scene bufllea description. Thrown together into one : conglomerate mass by the frightened rutdi of waters, was every couceivablg article of household furniture, together with horses, cows, pigs, dogs, wagons, barrel staves, lumber, etc., with here i and there the oorje of a human being to add to the horrois of the ghastly panorama. Houses were piled upon each other, crashed into every imaginable shape, i huge stones were washed from tlie pavements, and lamp posts wrested off. The water on O'Hara street where the destruction *was greatest, was sixteen i feet in depth. Up to the time of my j visit 132 bodies had been recovered, 8" wore missing. How many of these have floated out into the dark, murky waters of the Ohio, will never be known uutil ; iu the last, great day, the sea shall give | up ita dead. Ketnruing to Parker's Landing, I took the F. A K. C. It It, a narrow gauge (throe feet) road, rnnuing from Parker's to Kansas City, now the center 1 of oildom. Three miles north of Peoria, ! is located the Htillwell well, which at the time of our visit, was flowing 1,600 barn-Is per day. 8u more wells are going down, and should these prove good strikes, we shall have auotber of those mushroom cities, for which Pa. is so famous, sud several thousand barrels more of 76c. oil per day. Arriving at Titusville, in my joy at meeting four young ladies from Corrv, who are to ac compnny me the remainder of my jour ney, I dropped my pencil, (for this wn* written en route), and being for the time oblivions to such trifles, 1 deem it not worth the while to onoe more gather up the sundered threads of my story, aud so will hete draw to s close, this I iin perfectly -sketched narrative. lours truly, F. F. SMITH. Food of Shad, For the reasou that the shad taken in nets daring their spring migration very rarely have food of any kind in their stomachs, the matter of theia sus tenance has long Wen a disputive ques tion amongst ichthyologists. A Mr. Norny, fishing at the head of Delaware bay, speaks of taking one shad this year whose stomach was filled with minnte shellfish, and another anthority found other small fishes in a shao of his own catching. It iB still to be dis covered, however, upon what the great army of spriug shad manngo to subsist. In Belletonte, Penn., a man keeps a pet rattlesnake secured in his front yard to iinve away lightning-rod men, sewing-machine agents and book ped dlers- NO. 35. A WILD MA*. aa Kulll.l Ch.M eeu promoted to the highest non commissioned rank. Later services in India obtained for him the still greater honor of the Vic toria Croas, the chief prize for gallant and meritorious conduct. At this time bis family discovered their eatrayed member in the nameless hero, and, appreciating hia conduct, procured his discharge from the rankaand purchased him a commission. He married a lady of his own degree, and has for some time been upon the staff of the general commanding in North America. Bat a few days ago he received urgent letters from Sir Garnet Wolseley, inviting him to join the latter in his new command and win farther laurels under the snns of the Orient. In person he has none of the dash aud swagger of the veteran, but is perfectly quiet and unpretend ing, and, as he aits at the hotel table in his plain civilian's dress of sober color, he indioates rather the substantial manufacturer or merchant than the here whose achievements rang through the allied camps before Sebaatopol, fIMM of literati. " Lottin off sleep," la a Uttla bay'* definition of snoring. A iAhoilbafitcflnMlM, "Flo*. fled—when you put your hand on it" A man named bit beat ben " Mta duff'" because h# wauled her to "Uf on." Thev found t dotd monkey ia tba middle of a barrel of sugar in Belmont, Nov., tba other dtf. They art calling Ojoneetlaat tba mother of Postmaster Oanarala, because Mr. Jewell it bar fourth. It only ooaU aa much to gat your ooat brntbed at a Haatoga hotel aa it does to boy a wisp-broom. Fornay'e Pre** matntalna that at wed (ting* tba miniater aboold nolongar ba allowed to kiaa the brids. Tba rain a of tba leather prod not of tba United Ktataa ia raid to ba graatar than that of tha iron product. A girl ia Louiavilla awallowad a fll of spirits of hartshorn, and If she R' !t * well aba will nsver ba abla to speak. It ia aaid that 12 naw churches ara apaadily to ba built in Philadelphia, coating in tha aggregata abont §soo,ooo Tha timhar of tba osage orange ia to Via exported from Texas. It ia aaid to be wry good for making light wagons. BwHserland compels trrtry newly - married oonpla to plant aix traaa imma dlately after tba oeremony. and twa on tba birth of awry child. *** AViat a ton <•( .v :* uaed every night to 000 l tba air that ia pumped into the House of Commons. Tba air ia filtered and rendered absolutely pum. ***§ "••"WelCJokn, I m ping E iat; what aball I tell yonr folk* f " On, no'kiag; only' if they aay anything about whiak era, jual tali tham I've got torn* !" 1 Old age ia venerated ia St. Clair county. Mo. AH tba eitisena over 75 yaara old will ba furm.bad with free paaaee to wait tha St. Olair; County Pair. A German at Terra Haute, lad., sold last year 16.000 pounds of grapes, raised on land which, tba same eeaso-i, would not bava produced sixty bushals iTport Jems, N. T , on a single evening not long since, there ware as sembled not teas than 1.915 earn and lni looomotivea belonging to tba Erie Bailwsy. It is said that Misa McHenry. of St. Stephen's Cbureh, Putksdelpbia, baa raised SIOO,OOO in cash for three church homes, in which 600 children ara pro vided for. A gentleman, on presenting a laoa collar to his adored one, aaid, careful ly—" Do not let any one alas rempte it." ' No. dear," she replied, "111 take it off." When any of tha royal family of Tor key is ailing tha doctor ia walked in and cheerfully informed that if ba doesn't cure tha patient ball ba chopped i at bash in a York minute. Mr*. Theodora Tilton hu four chil dren—Florence, *g®d sixteen ; Alio*, aged (onrtMo; Caroll, i(d eleeeo; and Prankie, aged Tbe J b * od ' tome and intelligent. Miss Flora W. Charts. a young Bhak eraaa, at Oanterbnry. H. H-, baa fallen heir to a f >rttine of £2 000 • ye**. bn refuxa to leare the onmmanity in which she ia, in order to enjoy it It w*a *' darting Gweorg* " when a bridal oonple left Omaha ; it waa "dear George " at Chicago ; at Detroit it was George," and when they reached • agar* Palla it waa " Say. yon." Both Mill Bw end Pittsburg fnr niahed baby beroea. of wboee triumph over the raging water* the paper. <*▼# made dne note. The Pittsburgh inno cent floated in its orib thirty two mile*, and hsviog aeoae enough to atay aboard, waa Anally a*red. The health of Siokea, tbe murderer of Ptak, now eonfioed at Stag Sing Prison, i* rapidly failing. Hi* ebeeka are pile tod M&kM, bii oiiee well-de* % eloped limba resemble waikine-otieks. Heiaoonflned to the hospital on an art-rage of three day*a week. "It ia a beautiful tight," any* the Arivma Miner, "to attend an Ariaooa wedding. Tbe bride in while— tbe happy groom—the aolemn minister— | tbe smiling parents, and from twenty flee to forty ahot guns standing against the wall ready for nae. ike np a panorama not loon forgotten. One night recently, Mr. Gibson Tay , lor, of Danes county. Ky.. was called out of bed by aeeen or eight men, who demanded beotm of him, aaying they would not steal, and had no employ ment, money, food for their famitiea, or credit, and were almoet aUreing. , After a peremptory demand for meat, j Mr. Taylor t np the keya of tha meat-boure. The partiea took but small quantity,declaring they only waat -d enough to driee atareatton from their door*. ao