The Centre reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1871-1940, August 27, 1874, Image 1

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    The Pome!
" Xh* comet' he i* on hi* war.
And Hinging a* he (lie* ;
The *hit!*.:ig planet* shrink before
Tlie epeoltc of the skies.
All. well may regal otbe hntu Hue,
And satellite* turn p.ile '
Ten million cubic mi < of head.
Ten billion league* of tail \
" On. on hv wliialling spheres of light
Jlo tit*lie* and he tlamc* ;
He turn* not to tho left or right.
He a*k* them not their n vino*
And what would happen to the laud,
And how would look the sea.
If in Uie liearded devil'* path
Our earth ehould ehaiuv to 1*
Still Thinking.
I'm tlunkmg of the time. Kate,
When cutting hy thy aide.
And Nhelling bean*. 1 gaged on thee.
And felt a wondrous pride.
In silence leaned we o'er the (van.
And neither spoke a word.
Hut the rattling of the bean*. Kate,
Was all the eound we heard.
The auburn curl* bung down, Kate,
Aud kissed thy lily cheek.
Thy azure eye* half filled sUi tear*.
lw>poke a sjarit meek.
To l>e eo charmed a* 1 waa then,
Never before occurred.
Whan the rattling of the bean*. Kate,
Was ail the round are heard.
One Saturday morning the following
advertisement "appeared in the liright
Haven Wcrtljf linrst :
Wilm IV,Mt!'lU!ll. V -T ■ | ■ >
y y
Of the many eyes that saw tins little
paragraph, one bright pair t>elcnged
to Aaron Dyke, a tall, afhelctic boy of
fifteen. If you could have looked at
him as he held the newspaper in his
hand, I think you would have pro
nounced his face a striking one. Its
usnal sail and stern expression -so un
natural te one of his age -was gone,
and his features were handsome and
luminous with hope.
" Wanted immediately—a strong,
active boy." He read the words over
and over. Surely there was a ehanee
for him, or there would be if—and then
elond took the plaee of sunshine again.
Aaron Dyke's smile changed to' a defi
ant frown.
" What's the use of my trying to get
a situation ?" he said to himself, bit
terly. " Mr. Ronan won't t*kc me.
Everybody says I'm the worst !ey in
the village, and no matter how hard I
try. I can never make any thiug."
Dyke flung down the paper, and
stood for some minutes gloomily re
flecting. Then, as if impelled by some
desperate resolution, he turned and
walked rapidly down the village street.
In fifteen minutes he had reached Mr.
Ronan's store.
"Is Mr. Ronan in ?" he inquired of
the clerk.
" No, he has just gone over to his
house for something." And thither
Aaron immediately followed.
,Aaron found the merchant at home,
showing some dress-patterns to his wife
and children. " Did you wish to see
me ?" said he, kindly.
" Yes, sir. lam Aaron Dyke. I no
ticed yonr advertisement for a boy, and
I thought perhaps I could suit you."
" Have you ever worked in a store ?"
inquired Mr. Ronan.
" No, sir, I know nothing about it,
bnt I am sore I could soon learn."
" Are you willing to work hard ?"
" Yes, sir ; I expect to work hard.
I am used to that," answered Aaron,
" What have you been doing ?"
" I've been on a farm for a little over
a year—till—till lately."
" Ah, whose farm did yon work on ?"
Aaron looked embarrassed. He col
ored and hesitated, bnt finally an
swered, "Simon I'tnkham's, sir," and
then he began to say something else,
but stopped.
On tne whole, his appearance im
pressed Mr. Rrnan favorably. " I
think you will nswer my purpose,"
said the merehs.. , " but I cannot say
decidedly that I will take you. I will
find out and let you know by this even
ing or Monday noon. I will leave a
line at the Post-office for you."
Very soon after the boy's departure
Jasper Newland called. He was a cousin
of Mrs. Ronan, and lived a mile or so
out of the center of the town.
" Do yon know anything of a boy
named Aaron Dyke ?" asked Mr. Ronau
during their conversation.
" Yes, I know him. He's one of the
worst boys anywhere about," said Mr.
"I am sorry to hear that I was
thinking of hiring him for a store boy.
What has he done ?"
"0, a little of 'most everything. I
can't exaety tell what, only he has a
very bad name. The universal voice is
against his. He's a ' black sheep,' and
yon'd better not have him round your
store. Taint safe."
" The boy is bright and good-look
ing, Jasper," interposed Mrs.,
" Yes, he looks well enough, and
knows enough, but I guess all that is
said against him is pretty trne," replied
Mr. Newl&nd. "He lived with Simon
Pinkham awhile, and be had him np
before Justice Clark for stealing. Al
exander don't want any such boy to
work for him."
"Certainly not," answered Mr. Ro
nau ; "but I am really surprised to
bear so ill of him. I was much pleased
with his appearance."
" He wanted to work in my shop, but
I wouldn't have him if he would give
me his work," said Mr. Newlacd,
After tea Mr. Ronan and his two
daughters, Alice and Rowena, rode over
to Wellington, a neighboring town, and
on their return stopped to water the
horse at an old-fashioned farm-house
A white-haired old man came ou of
the house, bringing a pail. " Thank
von, kindly," said the merchant, and
he filled the pail out of the old oaken
bucket, and carried the water to his
thirsty horse.
" Don't know as I can call you by
name," the old man said.
" My name is Ronan—Alexander Ro-
Dan. I have only been in town abont
two months. I keep store now in
Waldo's Block."
"Ah ? Wal, I'm Simon Pinkham.
You've heard of Simon Pinkham, may
"O, yes. By the way, lam told yon
had a boy named Aaron Dyke living
with yon last year. What sort of a boy j
is he?"
" Wei," drawled ont old Simon, "he
haint got no father nor mother, and I
ra-ly don't want to say nothin' ag'in
him - "
"He wants to come into my store,
and if yon know any ilh of him, it's
right that I should bear it," said Mr. i
Bo nan.
" Wal, I call him a leetle sly and
slippery. I lost fifty dollars when he
was here. We coulJn't prove it ag'in
him, and I can't 6ay for sartin that be
stole it; but there's some bad blood
about bim. He is some way related to
Joe Wilson, who shot John Gibson. I
don't know bow far off, or how near;
and his mother was a French, and ;
them Frenchis arc pretty poor trash. I
Simon, my son, owns the place, not I.
Aaron worked for him, not me
" Mr. Ronan, how do you do? Glad
to see you," said Simon Pinkham, Jr.,
coming up and shaking that gentleman
cordially by the hand. " Haven't seen
you since we were jarvmen together at
Wellington, three years ago."
" 1 am happy to meet you," said Mr.
Ronan. " The court tried some pretty
tough cases that winte. "
After a little further conversation,
Mr. Ronan took his departure. The
result of this chance interview with the
two Piukhams was a determination in
Mr. Ronan's mind not to employ Aaron
Dyke. That lama evening a letter,
bearing the boy'e addreu was left in
the pest-effice, and in an hour after it
KKKD. Kl'llTZ, Kditor uiul 1 Vc
VOL. Ml.
was p'aeed in his hands. With a
flushed face he tore it open and read :
AAKON D\KK I have concluded not
tti receive yon iuto my store. Truly
vottrs, A. lioNAW.
It was as he had feared. Hts eue
nnea had seen Mr. Romui, aud that
short, almost rude, dismissal t>f his
hopes was the last effect of their preju
Crushing the letter in his hand, he
walked awav alone into the tnght.
Three mouths passed. It was the
fourteenth birthday of Alice llouan, a
pretty maiden, without a care, and
bright sml happy us the singing bird*.
It was also the aixteeuth birthday of
Aaron Dvkc.
Alice "had gone out for a ramble
ahme, ami wandered a long distance
from home. Coming to the edge of s
small glen, she suddenly met a little
withered old woman in a failed dress
and a red hoed. Her eyes had an un
easy, glittering lo< k, ami her features
were sharp and hawk-like.
" Good-morniug, young lady," said
she, briskly.
Alice was a little startle,!, but she re
turned the queer old woman's greeting,
and added that it was "a very tine
" Yea, and von arc a very fine-looking
young '.ass.- "What's your name ?"
•• Alice Ronan, ma'am," replied the
girl, timidly.
" A'onon the old woman
fiercely, " 1 know that name, and I hntf
it! So you're Alexouder Rouau's
daughter !* I thought so !" And with
one hand she seized Alice by the arm,
and, planting herself in front of her,
shook a clenched fist IU her face.
"Alexander Ronan!—and people call
him a go<kl man ! Didn't he help siind
my James to prison and to death ? May
every curse that the Lord can send
light upon him !"
"Let me go, O, please let me go !"
pleaded Alice loudly, shrinking back iu
terror, and beginning to cry.
" Martha, let that girl aloue !" called
out a struug Toice in the distance, and
in a moment Aaron Dyke appeared,
hurrviug to the spot.
" Don't be frightened, miss, she wont
hurt you," said be to Alice. " Martha,
what do you mean by scaring her so?
Don't yon see she's as white as a sheet ?
It's a shame for you to act so ! She's
done vou no harm !"
" Rut her father has, and she's his
own child," answered the woman, still
keeping her eyes fixed savagely upon
" She't not to blame for that. I say
let go of her ! You shall !" said Aaron,
determinedly. " Why, Martha, I never
saw yon act so savage. You are always
so kind and good; now let her go,"
half coaxing and half commanding. At
that the strange old woman released
Alice, and went off swwling.
"0, how frightened I was !" exclaim
ed Alice, the minute she was out of
sight. " I did not know but she meant
to kill me."
Aaron smiled.
" I can't think what should have
thrown her in such a frenzy. She is
usually so mild and kind," said he.
" Who is she. and where does she
live ?" inquired Alice.
"She lives in that little brown honse
by the bridge. Iter name is Martha
" Is she crazv ?"
" No, not exactly crazy, I think, yet
sb) is very strange sometimes. I saw
her once fly into a passion with Mr.
Pinkliam when I lived there. She
seems to owe him some grudge. Rut
she is very good to me. I help her
sometimes when I can get no other
work, and she often gives me food and
shelter. Indeed, she is the best friend
I've got."
" Yon must be pretty poorly supplied
with friends, if she is your best,"
langhed Alice.
"That is too true," said Aaron, sor
rowful 1 v.
" D*ar me," exclaimed Alice, "how
shall I ever get home ? I've got to go
right by where that old witch lives 1"
"Yon can go round by the mill, but
it's a little further, and partly through
woods. If it would make you feel any
safer, I'll go with you."
"O, thank you 1 Will jou ? l"ou
are so kind 1"
The road by the mill was a cool and
pleasant one. Aaron and Alice walked
side by side for several minutes in si
lence. Then Aaron said :
" Your father promised me that I
should hare a situation. Why did he
refuse to employ me ?" questioned
Aaron, resolutely.
"Why—you see you see—father
thought he wouldn't," answered Alice,
knowing what to sav.
"Well, I know the reason why he
wouldn't hire me. I've such a bad
name, and he heard such dreadful
things about me. that he was afraid of
me. Isn't that it ?"
" Yes—l suppose so," hesitatingly.
" And it's so all the time. I want to
work, and no one will hire me. Every
body bates me and tries to ruin me.
Well, I'm off next wot*. I shan't
trouble the folks in this town any
more 1" said Aaron, angrily.
" Where are you going ?"
" Anywhere. I neither know nor
care, so that I get out of this place."
" And do people really tell false
stories about yon ?" asked Alice, in a
tone of pity.
" Just abont one-tenth is true, and
the rest is the blackest lie," said Aaron,
fiercely. " I did do a little wrong.
When I lived with Deacon Phillips I
made a few dollars by a trick. It
wasn't exactly honest, and it wasn't ex
actly dishonest. I know it wasn't right,
snd 1 wouldn't do it again ; bnt 1 was
poor. Tlie deacon only gave mo my
board, and I wanted some money.
After I'd done it he told of mo all over
town, and the next year I couldn't got
a decent place, and I had to go to Si
mon Pinkham's. While I was there
the old man lost fifty dollars, and he
thought I stole it; but I don't know
uo more where his money went to th&a
he did himself."
" What a shame to accuse yon BO !"
exclaimed Alice, indignantly.
" Old Simon ia forgetful and child
ish. I think he laid it down nome
where, and forgot where he put it.
Once he left hia watch on the haymow,
and if Peter hadn't found It, he would
have thought I stole that, too," said
" And this iB all you have done ?"
replied Alice, reflectively.
There was an awkward silence, and
then Aaron said, blushing, " So, not
quite all. Last Fourth of July I got
partly intoxicated, and did and said
what I never should have done if I'd ]
been sober. And this is all. I shonldn't
have said a word about it, only I know
you have heard BO much worse an ac
count of me. How folks can treat a
poor fellow so,and not let him have any
chance, jußt because his father and
mother are dead and he can't help him
self, is more than I can tell." *
When Alice told her parents her ad
venture with the " old witch," and how
Aaron had befriended her, and the
fierce words the woman had let fall
about Mr. Ronau as one who had help
ed send her son to bis death, they were
very much astonished.
- "Did you ever see Martha Cann,
father ?" inquired Alice.
"I do not remember her," said Mr.
Ronan. " There was a man tried for
murder before the Criminal Court in
Wellington, while Mr. Piakertcn and X
were jurtrmm. Ho was (omul guilty
ami was aonteuocd to the State l'naou,
and rttiallv died tliew. Hut Itta name
wasu't 'Oann.' It was Wtlauu. Tuat
may have laxu only a feigned uatue,
Alice repeated her converaatiou with
Aaron Dyke.
" 1 don't believe he ta half as bail as
they try to make him out," she said,
emphatically, "ami he really wants
works, father. Can't you help hitu ?"
"Certainly, if lie is anxious to do
well, I will do all 1 oau for him," said
Mr. Hon an.
A few hours later another letter found
its way into Aaron Dyke's hands. It ran
as follows •
"AAKON DYKK: If yon are still in need
of work, ami will try and do well. 1 will
take you into uiy store. If your con
duct proves satisfactory, you shall have
fair play ami permanent employment.
"Truly yours. A. ROMAN."
That letter proved the turning-point
of a lite, lu ail probability it saved a
friendless boy from becoming a bad
Months rolled away, aud Aaron Dyke
oontiuu- d steady and diligent, and so
won his employer's confidence by his
good understanding and attention to the
interests of his busiue*s, that the mer
chant began to regard him as his most
useful assistant.
Two years from the time my story (
opens, Mr. Rouan, with his wife and
Alice, went to New York to spend a
On the third night of their abneiise,
11 iweua, the second daughter, was
startled from her slumbers about mid
uight by a strange lussiug sound and
stealthy steps directly under her open
window. She sprang up and listened.
Tiie air was still and sultry, and she
could have caught tne slightest move
ment, but now nothing an usual seem<-J
to be stirring. She waited several min
utes, and hearing nothing but the sing
ing of insects in the leaves and grass,
she lay down again and was soon sound
Morning came, and Rowena finding
that no one else in the house had leeu
disturbed, tried to persuade herself
that her alarm was only fancy or a bail
dream. Rut she did not quite succeed
in dismissing it from her mind.
As night came on again she K rt ' w nt> '*
vous and timorous.
At the fall of twilight Aaron Dyke
dropped in for a few minutes on his way
to the store.
" Well, how do yon get along without
your father, and mother, and Alice?"
he inquired.
*'O nicely,'said Rowena. "Willis
a goed little bov, and Itridget is very
steady and faithful. It's a little lone
some, though—and—only last night I
heard something right under my win
dow, or thought I heard something,
that has made me nervous ever since."
And she related to Aaron the story of
her little fright. "It may be I was
dreaming," she concluded, but the
more 1 think of it the more I think 1
wasn't. There's some mystery about it,
and I can't get over it."
" Didn't you hear the noise but
once ?" asked Aaron.
" No. I listened a good while, but
all was still."
" I gno&M 'twas a dog or cat," said
Aaron, laughing.
•' No, it wasn't," answered Rowena,
decidedly; " qpUs "ud dogs don't make
steps like what I heard. was
some person here for no good, I be
lieve. Honest persons dou't go into
private yards at midnight and skulk
along under windows."
Failing to reason away her suspicion,
and perceiving that she dreaded the
coming night, Aaron finally offered to
stay at the house, and be on hand if
anything happened.
" I'll get John McColleg to sleep in
the store," said he, "and I'll come over
here as soon as I shnt up."
" 1 wish yon woald," replied Itowena.
A little after nine Aaron came from
the store. He put no faith in the girl's
fears, but was willing enough to do a
kind turn ; and as he knew little abont
fear himself, and was large and stroug,
he was a very proper person to keep
Being shown to his room for the
nfght he went to bed and was soon
asleep. Itowena went the rounds of the
house with Bridget, and secured every
thing as well as she could, after which
she shut herself in her chaml>er. Hlie
felt wakefnl and anxious, and wheu she
tried to rest, her pillow seemed to
barn under her head. She heard the
clock strike ten, eleven, twelve, and
then she arose and slipped on her wrap
per and sat down Wy the window to
watch. She had waited there perhaps
a quarter of an hour, wheu a dark ob
ject in the garden by the grape-arbor
fixed her attention. It wan perfectly
motionless, and Itowena ooulct not dis
tinctly make out its shape, but she was
snre it did uot belong there.
It was not a horse or a cow, for she
had heard no noise, and such a creature
in the garden would be sure to be feed
ing. It hardly resembled a man, for it
was too short and too thick. Itowena
watched and wondered till presently
the figure moved and went crouching
along the garden wall to the small barn
in the rear of the house. Thoroughly
terrified now, Itowena ran to Aaron's
room and knocked hurriedly on the
" Aaron, Aaron, wake np. wake np 1"
she called. " Get up this minute.
Somebody's gone into the bar*. O
Aaron sprang out of bed and drew on
his clothes in a trice.
"Don't be frightened," ho said,
encouragingly, as he slipped by Itowena
down the stairs. " Probably Borne one
has gone into the bnrn to sleep on the
He lighted a lantern, unlocked the i
back door, and went out to the barn. It j
WUH well lie was not a Heoond later. |
Opening the barn-door he was mot by ;
the night and smell of smoke, and rush
ing in to see whence it proceeded, he j
found a small pile of hay on fire in j
front of the horse-manger. In a mo- |
ment more the flames must have mount
ed to the scaffold, and blazed beyond
human control.
Aaron ran to the large stone tank in j
the yard, and quickly tilling a pail that j
stood by, he dashed water over the
burning hay, and this ho repeated j
several times. Five minutes of active |
effort sufficed to put out the tire. Ko
weua's watchfulness and Aaron Dyke's
prompt oonrage had saved the barn,
and probably the whole hometdead,
from destruction.
Then came the question, " Who ami
where was the incendiary ?" Home one
I had been seen to enter the barn, but
uo one had been seen to emerge from
j it. Picking up biß lantern, Aaron
! searched every part of the building,
but made no discovery. " Pshaw 1"
said he to himself, "I might have
known nobody would have set a match
to a barn and then stay in it to be
burned up. That fire-bug is far enough
from here by this time."
He went back to the kitchen, where
he found Itowena and Bridget crouch
ing down together, both frightened
nearlv ont of their wits.
" Misther Ahron, I blave mo sowl
somebody come int' the house 1" gasped
Bridget, her teeth chattering; and
Itowena, unable to utter a word pointed
to the back-door.
I Just then a loud, piercing scream
from Willie's room completed the t*r
ror of the poor feiualo. • Aarwti rushed
from the kitchen, and bounded up
ntairs -two step* at a time.
'* What's the mutter 1" said he, a he
sprang iuto the chamber where the Ut
ile boy lay.
"l> dear, O dear !" sobbed Willie,
convulsively catching Aaron by the
coat a* he came near the bed, ami
looked wild!v at dark figure in the
corner. A low, hissing aouml came
1 from that part of the room, and for an
instant the bold voung man himself wa*
startled. He held to his lantern, ami
I by its light he could distinctly see the
form of a tattered old woman, with a
haggard face and long streaming gray
| hair.
" Mar tho C#uu I" exclaimed Aaron,
suddenly recognising her, " how in the
world came you here ?"
•• Revenge ! reveuge I Didn't he help
| send mv Jamea to prison and to death ?"
piped the wretcheil old maniac, and
darting from the chamber she rushed
down stairs through the kitchen out of
i the house.
Pursuers were promptly put on the
i track of poor Martha t'aun, whom, of
course, it was no louger safe to allow at
large. She was found in the morning,
in the glen that had once beeu her hid-
I iug-place -dead.
N'obodv doubted now who it was
that bad burned Simon Piukhajn's barn.
When the merchant and Ins wife aud
daughter returned from New York,
Kowena told them the story of the
1 night adventure, aud yon may lie sure
tlu<y listened to it with ilwp emotion.
" Aaron," said Mr. Itonau, one day
shortly after, "you have been a con
stant bit suing to me ever since you
came into my employ."
Aaron's eye grew m ist, ami hia lips
" All that 1 am, and all tLat 1 hope
to become in life," he answered, " 1
owe to TOO, Mr. Kouan, my truest and
beat friend. You took tue when my
name had been robbed of every virtue,
and my heart of all light and Loite.
False suspicion and staudrr had filled
my soul with passion and hate. You
saved me from acta of desperation and
perhaps crime."
The friendship so cemented never
failed. At his death, twenty tear* after
the went above narrated, Mr. Uoiian
left Ins clerk the means to pursue a
prosperous business, in which he readi
ly gained Wealth. His character, once
more rescued by his benefactor, grew
continually in excellence and won the
last homage of public esteem.
lh-membenug the wrongs of his
youth onlv to forgive them, he has
•pent his life setting an example of that
Christian loving kiudnes which was
rudely denied him when he needed it
most.— }'outA'* Cbmpaniun,
The Mjsterj of kaspar llauser.
Kaspar (or Gaapord) Hauser, a tnys
tenona boy, wa* found by a mtiaen in
the streets of Nuremberg in Htl*, ut
terly destitute of all the co- imon senti
ments and attainments which distin
guish humanity from simple animal
life. He was almost utterly unac
quainted with speech, but, when asked
his name, wrote in fair characters.
" Kaspar Hauer." He bore in his hand
a letter addressed to su officer of tlie
garrison, saying that the bearer was
bora in 1812, and that his father had
been iu the military aerviee of Bavaria,
in the same regiment as the officer ad
dressed. On Wing relieved by public
charity and instructed by a professor
of Nuremberg, he was, through the
influence of Lord BUmhope, placed in a
subordinate position in a bureau of the
Court of Anspach. Here his assaa-i
--nation was repeatedly attempted by
persons to whose identity there wis no
clew obtainable. Finally a peraon with
whose features lie was not familiar
came to him, and, under pretence of a
message from his English ben- factor,
Ijord Stanhope, decoyed him into an
unfrequented place, ami then stabbed
him in the side. Kaspar escaped, and,
though weak from the loss of blood,
was able to relate the story of the at
tack. He died the next day. and his
murderer was never discovered. This
boy's dim recollections of his life,
which, from his subsequent relations,
was passed, from infancy till his six
teenth year, in a caTO or cellar almost
void of* light, fed and tended at long
intervals by a person whose face he
never saw, who spoke to him only in
the tersest terms, aud who finally, just
before releasing him, taught him to
wnte the name by which he was after
wtirds known, have formed, with sjieeu
lationa on his parentage and estate,and
philosophical deductions from the ten
dencies <>f his mind, brought thus late
under cultivation, the themes ot sev
eral volumes by some of the ablest pens
of Germany, and were fifty years ug<>
an admirable theme for a standard
newspaper sensation, only that at that
date the popular newspaper hnd not
been created.
Moth in Carpets
One can never l>e quite sure that their
carpets are not being consumed by
moths, except for a few weeks after
having taken them up and thoroughly
cleaned, unless something is used to
prevent their growth or to destroy them.
This often necessitates the taking up
and cleaning of a carpet that other
wise would not need the reuovation.
With an ingrain of Lowell this needless
labor may be saved by laying down a
damp cloth, and over it thoroughly rub
bing the edges with n hot flat-iron ; this
will kill the moths, if any have accumu
lated. But with the tapestry, Brnssael
or velvet, the ironing is not effectual;
besides, it injures the carpet. Much
hard work can be saved, however, by
removing the tacks, ono side at a time,
rolling back, aud examining the edges,
tf there are any moths, they must be
brushed oil and burned ; and to effectu
ally destroy the life of all deposits, the
edges of the carpets must be ironed, as
before stated, but on the wrong side.
The edge of the carpet lining should be
thoroughly looked to, aud the exposed
edge of the floor washed, aiul while
damp sprinkled with salt. If the carpet
is to be folded under in any place,
; sprinkle salt between the folds, and see
that the floor is well covered with salt
for an inch or two tinder the edge of the
' carpet all aronnd. If salt was always
put under the edges of carpets before
I tacking them down, moths would have
but slight chance to trouble them.
A Uood Slory.
In ex-Senator Foote's now hook he
refers to the following story and says
that he long refrained from oontradict
ing it l>ecaiiße it wan to good to a]K)il.
He Bays, however, that he hua no re
oollection of the incident. Of Mr.
Foote'a duel with Ssrgent H. Prentiss a
popular atory is told. The people,'
hearing there woa to bo a fight, came
out to aee the two gentlemen ahoot nt
one another. One little negro boy had
cl'rabed into a sapling quite ont of the
r.mge of the firing, expecting to aee the
fun. Just before the "one, two, three,"
imagine the feelings of the modest lit
tle African to fiud himself publicly ad
dressed by so great a man as Mr. Pren
tiss, and in these words : "You'd bet
ter get down from that you little boy ;
Mr. Foote is a very bad shot, and he is
quite as likely to hit you as me." The
i 007 dropped like A persimmon ■
Incident* of the Pittsburgh Flood.
The Pittsburgh l'funtni''lr says that
otie of the most remarkable oireuui
stances connected with the great rt.esl
disaster is the fact that UO list ot in
jure I s|>pears. The lists, as published,
leavl utmost invariably " Dead und
Missing." In the torribln ruahing tor
rent which swept down the numerous
rims there was no middle ground, and
for those who came in its course there
was ouly one chance, " sink or swim."
Unlike a railroad accident, the flood
leaves no list of maimed or wounded,
ami along ita raging pathway the only
issue is life ai d death.
When the flood began Mr. lU-nkauf
He visiting a brother ou Bpriug Gar
den Hun. Mrs. Heukauf went to her
front door to ascertain the extent of til#
ilood. Upon opening it the water rush
ed in in a great volume, and was soon
several feet deep. A number of articles
of furniture were jammed up against
the dour leading to the second story,
where the children were. She found
•die was liuablo to get up the staircase,
and then tried to get to the rear of tlie
house, if {Kissible, to ssve the sleeping
ones by the up stairs windows. Bhe
tried in vain to rouse them. As she
passed out of the front door the side
isciug the Alleghany river fell out,
carrying tier with it. Bhe waa swept
down the run about oue hundred yards,
aii l caught on the top of some of the
debris of the glue works. Bhe clauiber
ed over this a di-tanoo of fifty feet, and
had to wade from that p nut to the
shore, a distance of about twenty yards,
in water waist deep. Her calls for as
instance were reejtonded to by several
men who happened to be in the vicini
ty, and who did what they could to en
able her to reach the shore. Bhe is iu
delicate health, and the courage she
displayed was remarkable.
During the time that she was lieiug
swept away, Mr. A. V. Cole with his
brother Isaac went to tlie roar of tlie
house by mean* of a private lane lead
ing past it, and by shouting at the top
of thi ir voices endeavored to awaken
the children who were imprisoned iu
the upper story of the dwelling. The
roar af the torrent drowned their voice#
and they were unable to make them
selves heard. He and his brother then
picked up clumps of earth and threw
them at the window, but ju*t liieu Uie
house was swept aw ir ana disappeared
in the flood,.md the three children were
crushed to death in it# crumbling ruins.
Their mangled bodies were found
#!• >iit lot) yards below the scene of tin*
heroic efforts f>r their rescue.
From Iten Mangold, a Herman, living
a abort distance from the Sciiaajipi-crt*.
whose hots-e proved the tomb of a fami
ly of six, wt learned the particulars of
this sad episode in the hntory of the
ltutcher llun tragr-dy. Sehauapperts'
house stood immediately lelow the oil
refinery of IlalJship A Co., and was
struck by the flood with force enough
to carry it completely from its founda
tion a on Madison avenue aud hurl it
down the torrent. Mangold, hearing
shriek after shriek rend the sir, looked
out from an upper window. The doom
ed bouse careened along within a
stone's throw. At the npper windows
stood poor Hchanspperta and wife, each
holding aloft a child over the raging
water and shrieking. "God Almighty
help us !" "God iwvs ns i" In a few
seconds the building reached the le nd
where the flood turned south at the foot
of lluena Vista street. Here it struck
against a slaughter house and dissolved
like a pile of spray m the boiltug water.
The alt ricks w re silent and only the
crash aud grinding of titulars were
Lynch Law.
A poor wretch named Baket wo* or
rested for stealing fifty pounds of
bacon, or rather on the supposition that
he might have stolen it. The outrage
occurred near the town of I'aoli, in
Orange county, Indians. The victim
wa# somewhat renowned for a propen
sity to get into a# many fight* a* pos
sible. and iu casual encounters he usu
ally whipped his man. He was a haul
working fellow, and did odd jo!># for
person# in the neighborhood, who, as a
rule, cheated him out of hi# wage*.
Having a family and indisposition to
see them starve, he compensated for
the failure of hi# employers to pay him
by depredations upon farms, his pilfer
ing# seldom exceeding nt one time a
saek of corn, or its equivalent in value.
Having l>oon detected in several petty
thefts, his neightHirs recently burned
his house over his head byway of warn
ing, aud came near burning his wife
and children at the same time. Not
withstanding thin gentle intimation
Baker neglected to leave the country,
and soon after a farmerhsd fifty pounds
of bacon stolen from hi* smoke house.
It was at onoo assumed that Baker was
the thief, and he was arrested ou a war
rant issued by a Justice of the Peace.
On hi# way to jail a mot) took him away
from the officer who had him iu charge,
stripped him, and hanged him until lie
wa* iiesd. It is said that hi* lynchers
were tho very men who had defrauded
him out of the wages of his lnlmr, and
virtually driven him to theft. No doubt
Baker waa a disagreeable neighbor, de
aerving of tho punishment which the
law* presenile for such offense* a# lie
had leen guilty of. But it is not ens
tomary to hang people on the suspicion
of their having stolen a few pounds of
The universal superstition that Fri
day ia the most unlucky of day*, proba
bly arose from the fact that on that day
Christ wa* crucified. Many people in
dulge this a* ttieir sole superstition.
But it i* witli sailors particularly that
this obtains. Many n good ship lias
lout a tide which might have borne her
on to fortune because eaptaiu anil crew
objected to *ailing on Friday. How
over, we hear from good authority that
oven unlucky Friday will not long l>o
omitted in the li*t of sailing vessel* in
this port; and tliut tho venture will lie
made next year. In a late breech of
promise tried in Chelmsford Assises,
the defendant produced his own letter
to tlie unhappy widow : " Yon say I
j have used you ill, but I told you not to
count on much lest von should be dis
appointed. I said if wo marry before
I harvest, it mu*t lie very soon, but you
j said you would like to marry on Fri
j day, for you thought thnt n good day ;
I for on Friday your husband died, and
! on a Friday I first came to sec you, and
I Friday waa market day."
Turned Hint Out.
At a recent performance in London,
Hochefort, accompanied by a stout in
dividual and a young girl, was taking
his ease in one of ttie Iwxes. As soon
as he was recognized a murium arose,
nnd a loud voice was heard to say,
" Turn him ont!" " To the door with
the murderer !" The words wero pro
nounced by an Englishman and were
cheered by the whole house. Hoche
fort at first endeavored to make head
against the storm and answered with a
smile, lint, in consequence of the gen
eral reprobation caused l>v his presence,
he first concealed himself behind the
curtain of the box and shortly after
ward left the theater.
Tiokling a mule's left hind leg with a
toothpiok is said to baa sure cure for
the dyspepsia.
*•> <ll.l Slot) of • lll.ti.lci at IS.* Keloid,
Homo of the residents in the city of
N. w York may yet remember those
day* of private aud public s any, in
Octoller, KM, when the Collins' steam
ship was overdue and supposed to be
lost at sea.
The Collins' vessels were so regular
that merchants timed the delivery of
the mails almost to au hour; and when
day utter day aped by and neither the
vessel nor any tidings of her came to
! liatid, the gloom became deeper and
deeper. Strange to relate, one of the
i most desponding was Mr. E. K. Col
] Una, the manager of the line, and the
1 person after whom it waa named. Tke
crowds who flocked to the office to
question liim, and who naturally ex
pected to see him full of hope, found
liim pale, dispirited, and often in tears.
Mis wife and two children were on
board ; but it waa thought that bis con
fidence in the sUuuchueaa of his ves
sels, and the seamanship of those in
charge of them, would mske him treat
the matte, in a totally different spirit
from what he did. Much surprise was
i expressed ; but the actual reason for
1 his great depression waa at that time
known only to a few of his relatives and
most intimate friends. It aroseg in
truth, from a dream, which left au im
pression beyond bis power to over
come, and which in the end was verified
in every particular.
A uumiwr of the directors and vari
ous merchants were assembled in the
private office of the oompany on a Mon
day afternoon. The vessel waa then
some two days overdue, having been
eX|(ected ou the previous Katurday
evening. At the time, Mr. Collins lived
at a magnificent residence in West
chester county, and had 'remained in
town over Sunday, to receive his family
on the arrival of the steamer, lie spent
Saturday night at the house of hu
brother, aud on Sunday morning came
down to the breakfast-table looking so '
haggard that it attracted attention.
When spoken to at tout it, he frankly
atated t at he had passed a restless
night, broken by a dream that the j
Arctic was lost. The matter was
laughed at by the brother ; but when j
Monday morning came without the ves
*el having been reported, Mr. Collins
again spike of his dream. Curing
Monday he related it to several others. .
and at the hour of the assemblage it,
the private office it was told over again
with an injunction of secreey, how
ever, which pre vented it from reaching
the public. As one after another came :
into the office, tbev were painfully im
pressed with the gloom which was pic
lurid in the face of Mr. Collins. A fine
man, of erect statue, and marked dig
nity of manners, he did not look like j
a person who would give way to any
useless fears on any occasion. But ho
was far more quiet than ususal ; he
seemed to ahriuk away from those in j
conversation, and his face was of a
death like paleness.
" What's ttic matter with Collins ?"
aski d one and another, in whispers.
" Bemember his wife and children ;
are on tioard the Arctic,"observed some
one, in reply.
" Ye*," responded another, " but
there is no occasion for alarm. The
ship is a staunch one, and within a few
hours at most will, I think, conic gal
lantly lo her wharf."
•'fsYvor!" said a deep solemn voice.
All gave a alight start at the tone and
words, and turned in the direction from
whence thev proceeded. The speaker
was Mr. Collins himself.
"1 am satisfied, gentlemen," he said, j
in the same solemn manner, " that the ,
Arctic ha* gone to the bottom." '
•'lmpartible!" cried all.
" 1 nm quite astonished at that
opinion." aaid Mr. John Brown, a lead
ing director. "No one knows better
than you do, Mr. Collins, the superior
construction of the ship* of our line,
and the qualifications of the chief officer
aud crew in charge of the Arctic."
*' Any WMSCI maybe lost," said Mr.
Collins ; " aud while 1 am satisfied that
as directors and public servants we
have done all that human Wing* could
do in such a matter, still I believe tlie
Arctic to W lost. Msv Heaven have
protected those on board!"
Here his voice failed him, and his
eves were suffused with tear*. With
his thought# far out on the broad,
dangerous ocean, he had seen the fact*
of his wife and children among those
helpless oars, snd for the momeut be
could say no more.
The scene was affecting in the ex
treme, and perhaps never had its equal
iu any oonnting-room in the world.
For some time there was an entire si
lence, and then Mr. Brown remarked,
" Mr. Collins, you must have some rea
son for your opinion."
"Nuncio the world," returned Mr.
Collins, *'except a dream."
"A dream!" repeated one and an
other in astonishment.
All sneered, And some almost laughed
" Gentlemen, said Mr. Collins with a
dignity which was peculiarly impres
sive in him—"gentlemen, you no doubt
regard tins as a great weakness. Per
haps it is. Dreams are generally look
ed upon as foolish things, but 1 have
had one under such circumstances that
it lias lieeomc to me a presentiment of
evil to this ship, which no power on
earth can remove.
Every person there listened with his
cnr wide open, and looked full in the
face of the usually strong-minded man,
who spoke these words so seriously and j
"Last Saturday night," continued
Mr. Collins, " 1 dreamed of the Arctic, j
I saw her as perfectly before me as I
ever saw hor. It was her graceful mod
id. her spacious deck, and her noble
officers and crew—l saw all of this, and
more. I saw a hide in her side; ther
was a panic on her decks; people were
muffing hither and thither, and crying
to lie saved; aud, gentlemen, I saw
that noble ship go down
" But all this was a dream," said Mr.
Brown, after a moment.
" I believe it a reality," replied Mr.
Collins ; " and again I say may Heaven
have protected those poor souls on
1 Iniard. However, I beg that neither
| my dream nor convictions may reach
! the public."
Soon after the several merchants went
their several ways. Not one of them
could shak< off the impression made by
what had occurred. Meanwhile, flic
uuwspapcrs endeavored to sustain pub
lic confidence by all kinds of plausible
stories. Three days later, the first of
the survivors reached American shores
with the harrowing talo of disaster by
collision to the Arctic, and of the loss
of most of those on tioard. When all
the facts became knosn, they were ex
act in every particular with Mr. Col
lin's dream, and it may be properly re
garded as one of the most striking and
remarkable that ever occurred.
A oopper piooe, affecting to be of ten
centimes, has got into a certain circula
tion in France, of which a note may be
fittingly made. It bears the head of
Napoleon 111. in a Prussian helmet.
Around the neck is a dog's collar with
a ring. Upon it is inscribed " Sedan."
The circular legend is "Napoleon 111.,
le Mist Table; 80,000 priaonairea." On
the reverse au owl perched on a cannon ;
around "Vampire Ftanoaise, 2 Dsn.,
1851. September, 1870."
Tenrifei: $'2.00 a Year, in .Advance.
An At l|>a ll Kim Uy Truuji*
anil frlauAly lutlUaf-lli MCMM.
Fort Brown stand# at the heal of the
I.iitfl- Wiuuervsga Valley, I4t> miles
north of Brady's station on the Union
Pacific Kail road, 57H miles west of
Omaha. Front this point an expedi
lion started out to attack the> Bioux.
it waa composed of Company It,
Heoond United Htate# Cavalry, 67 men
and two officers, Capt, Bates com
manding the exjiedilton, and Lieut,
lktbinaou commanding Company ft,
Lieut. Young, 4th Infantry, with 20 In
dian scout* and four ritiaena ; Washa
kie, Chief of the Hnake Indiana, and
160 of liia warriors; total, 235. They
left Camp Drown on the evening of
July 1, and traveled rapidly ail night.
A* soon as the morning dawned the
troop* and friendly Indiana hid in the
bush, having made 40 mile# between 0
r. M and daylight. The night of July
2 the command made a distance of 30
miles, and again hid aa soon as light
began to appear. Ou the 3d, when it
was dark, the whole force mounted
and pushed rapidly forward. Kve-.y
one was in a state of excitement, for it
was believed that another day would
iislier hi a buttle. At 2,30 A. U. the In
dian scouts who had the advance halt
ed, and sent back word to Capt. Bate#
and the troops that they were in sight
of the hostile camp. The Blioshone
warriors at Once began to strip and put
ou tbeir war paint, and the troops to
load and fix their caibinea for action,
in about 20 minutes all were in readi
ness and the friendly Indiana began to
creep over the bluffs and steal down
upon the sleeping camp. The troops
followed ou foot to the brow of the hill,
sud there below them and wi biu rifle
shot lay the hostile camp. It was aastill
as death, and not even a dog barked.
The sleeping Indiana evidently thought
themselves secure, and had taken no
precautious to guard against surprise.
liaising their fearful war-whoop the
Shoshone* rushed down upon the camp,
the troops at the same time charging.
Capt. Dates led his troops to the edge
of the village, and the bewildered In- j
dians aa they rushed from their lodges
were shot down by scores. Had the ;
•Shoshone Indiana supported the troops
with any degree of steadiness all would
soon have been over and hardly a
hostile Indian would have escaped to
tell the tale of the midnight attack.
But the Shoshone* hung bank, would
not enter the village, and contended
themselves with ye.bug and firing on
their enemies from a distance. Soon
the poni a of the Sioux attracted their
attention and then they seemed mora
desirous of tealing and plundering than
of fighting !t waa in vain Capt Dates
and Lieut Young urged them to close
up and charge upon the Siotix; they
seemed satisfied to howl and steal.
The Sioux when first attacked were
f really confused, but soon rallied and
legau'to offer a stout resistance. Just
beyond the village aud overlooking it
was a high and rugged bluff, ana to
this the hostile Indians retreated and
opened a rapid and destructive fire on
the troops in the village below. The
cavalrymen behaved gallantly and for a
time stood up against the shower of
balls rained down upon them ; but be
ing unsupported by his Indian allies
and hoping hi take the postiou of the
enemy in the flank and drive them from
the bluff, CspL. Bates fell back out of
the village and put his men under
Lieut. Young with his scouts occu
pied s part of the high bluffs, and made
evorv effort to drive out the enemy.
While gallantly fighting be received a
ball through the leg above the knee and
felt The fight here was desperate,
Lieut. Young killing several of the
Bioux aud losing one of hit seonta. At
any time it was thought the enemy
would capture Lieut. Young, and but
for the determined bravery of the old
Bboslione chief Washakie, Mr. I rank
Eooffey, and Mr. Cosgrove, Young
would undoubtedly have fallen into the
hands of the Siotix. After the fall of
Lieut. Young the Bhoahones would not
fight, and Capt. Bates was compelled
to allow them to withdraw.
At five o'clock, the friendly Indians
showing some disposition to attack,
Capt. Hates again pushed forward a
strong line of skirmishers toward the
bluff* ; but being unsupported by In
dians, after sustaining s ternfle firs for
some time, they were compelled to re
tire. The Shoshone* having captnred
some 200 ponies, announced their in
tention of retreating their plun
der ; and seeing smoke and signals
from the hill occupied by the enemy.
Captain Bates reluctantly ordered his
troops to retire.
The population of the hostile village
was over 700 souls, and of this number
fully 400 were warriors ; so that count
ing in Waskakie and his band, the
Bioux outnumbered the attacking force
nesrlv two to one. Thirty Sioux,
Cheyenne*, and Arapahoe# were killed
iu their village, six more on the ridge,
mid HU many tnor<* wounded.
Their loss was severe. The loss on the
part of tlie soldiers was two killed snd
four wounded.
A Shoshone warrior was Rhot through
the head aud killed instantly, and four
others were wounded. A soldier named
Iveus was reported killed in the first
dispatches, but is not mentioned in
those last received at Headquarters,
Department of the Platte. The num
ber of ]>oDies captnred by the friendly
Indians and troop a was 230.
The Impossible Woman.
Ideal wives, according to an Irish
writer, are of low stature and extremely
fair. They are soft and geutle in man
ner and alow of motion. They have
blue eyea, golden hair, rich mexto
soprano voices, and wear moderate
dress-improvers. Their haft* and its
color are their own; and they fear
strong men, but like to look nt tliem
from windows, balconies, carriages, and
other places of security. They are n
trifle happy, and have not been married
to their first love. Tliey cannot new
over-well, but they liave a positively
maddening way of leaning over the
back* of chairs while they are asking
their husbands if they sha'l wear blue
or pink ribbons. They have no mother
living. They care little for going into
society. They never desire to obtain
the good wishes of other men, save
when their husband's interest is to that
effect. They are not painfully clover
musicians, hilt they know some sweet,
simple airs, and sing those at evening
by the open window. They are liable
to be defrauded by the servant#, and
are imposed upon by tradespeople.
They regard their husbands as Bupreftie
arbiter* in all matters. They would
Rtny as they are or fly to New Zealand
with him, as he desired.
Don't Wabtk It.—lt not unfrequent
ly happens in a family that quantities
of cooked meats remain on band. Such
should be potted. Cut the meat from
the bone, chop finy, and season high
with salt, pepper,cloves aud cinnamon.
Moisten with vinegar, wine, brandy,
cider, and sauee, or melted butter, ac
cording to the kiud of meat, or to suit
your own taste. Then pack it tight
into a stone jar, and cover over the top
with about a quarter of an iDch of melt
ed butter. It will keep, months, and
always afford a ready and excellent
dish for the breakfast 01 tea tablet
NO. 34.
HI. ItlM !■ in. a. IliWrIM by
lliu,.,ir--ll.u>ium,ut.. uf Safllu*.
I went down to John Morrieaey's
<-!ub house, aays a reporter. He was at
leisure and communicative. "I went
to New York," he aaid, "a stout lad,
determined to light, sod to fight tbe
biggest man that could be found.
There was nothing I could think of bat
to fight, and I had to think of that; for
i I was kicked ashore 'most every day
from the boat of j Dept. Hmith, who is
now my father-in-law. I had read ef
flyer and Bulltvan, and the great pugil
ists in New York, and one day I took
my bundle and came to the sity, deter
mined to get a fight out of them. It was
at the Empire Club, on Park Bow,
where I huuted them np. Tbe first I
saw was Isaiah tiynders, a fatuous po
litical loader in them days, and 1 went
np to him, snrrouuded'by his crowd,
and aaid: ' Mr. Ityndrru, I've com*
down here from Troy to tight. I've got
no money, but f will fly hi for vepnte
tion. I will fight Mr. Hyer, or you, or
anybody you csji pick out' They just
all set on me at once, and gave me a
beating that made my hM ache for
three weeks. After that I laid for tlwß j
individually. Baid I: 'Gentlemen, I
will lick joar crowd, and make yon ac
knowledge me, i( it takes me years.' I
was poor as a wharf rat, and oould bare
ly pick up my food ; but I kept on tbe I
wharves, unloading steamers, working
with 'hmgsboremea. and getting beaten
so often that I was hardly ever right
well. As long as I was poor nobody I
would do me the favor to fight me in
the ring, and I finally went to Califor
nia in the muting times to make a i
■take. There I fought Thompson and ,
whipped him, and i returned to New '
York with some reputation. The day I
landed I challenged Hyer to fight for ,
910,000. He nam* round with Bill j
Poole to whip me before 1 got ont of'
bed one morning, and I waa so deter- J
mined about it that they saw I would
never leave New York till I had that>.
belt Finally, I fonrht Sullivan at
Boston Corners—the hardest fight I
ever lied. He waa an artist, and he ,
broke my nose, and cut me all to
ricoee ; but I hare always known that
could keep my legs aid aland np until
any of my opponents were worn out.
That was uiy calculation with Heenan ;
endurance against strength. Hyer 1
never oould tiring to the scratch. He ,
had lent hie moral force, and never
won Id fight me. His friend Poole, as
yon know, set on me with a pack of his
friends, and expected to bring me ac>
near my end that I would lose stomach
for a fair contest.
" Unable to get any of them to meet
me, I married and went to business.
All at once Hoe nan came from Cali
fornia with a reputation, and they said,
' Here is our man to give Momaaey a
flogging at last.' I then declined to
fight, until I waa worried and set upon
in and out of print, and finally they
whipped my old father and abused my
family. Said 1 to my wife : ' I can t
lire this way. I shall have to fight that
man.' My wife aaid: ' Yea, yen mast
fight him.' I went into training on my
fathor-in-law'a farm. Every effort was
made to bring the whole sentiment of
the United Htates np against me. You
can't tell liow many years and bow
much pain I have had to bear fur that
perfectly unjust odium of seeking to
challenge an American aa an Irishman.
Mr. Hcenan tied the American colors
to the ropes,and his coat, when betook
it off, was actually lined with the Amer
ican flag. I had to laugh in his face
lie broke my noae a second time, and I
think be could strike the most power
ful blow of any man I ever saw ; but I
won the battle and dosed them out I
followed him to England to aee the
fight he had with Bajvra ; for by thia
time I waa angry at year* of persecu
tion, and I wanted tc see the laat man
of that old Hyer coterie closed out."
Then, the still powerful gladiator re
lated how he came to play cards by pro
fession. "A prise fighter," he aaid,
•' car. graduate with no other avocation
equal to hia start. I have always played
cards more or lean. My general repu
tation among Americans, I felt, re
quired me to do something to start my
boy, for wboae character I live at pres
ent in a great degree, and I chased up
the seat in Congress, so aa to be able
to say : 'lf your father did begin in
the ring, he wrote "M. C." after hia
Defaulting Cashiers.
The cashier of F, C. AixUreon A Co.. bank
*. S*Y*uuab. has disappeared, snd a doUctl
of appear* in hie aoconuta.
This is s thrice-told tale daily, and
shows not only the vioes of the tempted,
but often the neglect of their employ
ers. " Too much trusting, too much
betrayal of trust," might be made a
proverb; but this do honesty baa be
come so common, and has gone so far,
that it will be necessary for employers
to compel the giving of security by
clerks, sa well as the severe punishment
of offenders. The giving of bonds will
prove difficult for strangers in a strange
city, however iunooent; but it is thus
the innocent often have to suffer for
the offenses of the guilty. The good life
and good habits of a clerk are his best
capital, and in the long run must lead
to advancement in pay, position, or a
share in profits. It lamentable to
see how many fall from the four vice*
of gambling, bad women, luxurious
and extravagant living, and living be
yond one's means. No well brought up
and careful young man will throw him
self in the way of any of these tempta
tions, or, once tempted, he will use all
the moral force of hia character to ea
cspe the snare. How far ambition# or
shoTrv wires, daughters and sons are
responsible for the evil complained of,
it would bo difficult to say. But a
father should know the means he has,
and compel, if possible, his family to
live within them until something better
turns up. The world is before him for
better as it has been before others, and
with industry, honesty, and fair intelli
gence, he cannot long fail to earn a liv
Well Provided For.
The Chri'tian Ittfelligencer tells this
story : "We know of a case in which
a mother and her sister, her daughter,
snd her son-in-law were furnished with
a good suite of rooms, handsomely
fitted up, with more than simply decent
clothing, and with a well-ordered table,
by the pitiful supplications of the aged
sister, who made frequent and regular
visits to s certain set of offices down
town. This was spoken of in the family
as ' going down to the bank to draw a
little deposit.' This source of income
not beiug deemed sufficient to meet the
wants of the son-in-law, a ' retired law
yer,' who was a little fastidious in the
matter of dressing gowns, slippers and
cigars, a strike was made on a new set
of givers. The matter was referred by
one of the latter to a fsithfnl city visitor
of the poor, who called, reported, and
the result was not only no new gifts
but even ' the bank' before mentioned
suspended payment, and the yonng
man was actually driven to the cruel
I alternative of going to work or going
! hungry."
Mississippi decrees that no license
shall be granted except on the petition
of a majority of the men ever twenty
one, and of the women over eighteen
years of age in any township.
It# it * if liter**!.
Ohio ia aid to haws 9 nniversitiei
and S3 colleges. •
□a is nut be * tborangh fool who em
learn nothing from lit* own folly.
ft take* 92 per week to perfume A
really presentable New York poodle.
Jones aay* that why he ian't married
ia because that when ha wooed ahi
A lady in Syracuse was quite severely
poiaoned recently by a bite from a eur
rant worm.
To retain to lb subject, is the horns®
fly of any particular use outside of a
' board ing house f
Wise men, it has been said, learn by
intuiti<nwx>mmon men by experience,
and fools tourer.
In Pes Moines tbe surgeons have
taken a 15 pound cancer from tbo nook
of s 91.& M cow,
I in tbe Chicago police conrt recently
two drunken (rammers gave their names
respectively as Henry Ward Beccher
and Theodore Til ton.
A smokestack that eate np its own
oindera ia on trial, and lovers of open
windows on railway trains feel an in
terest in ill snoessa.
" Can bad breath be eared ?" asks i
Savannah paper. A keg of gunpowder
might have some effect, but a boiler ex
ploaion ia the only sure thing.
John Wesley was never low spirited
or fretful, and era Id not endure the so
ciety of people who were so. "I dare
no more fret," aaid he, "than to crnte
and swear."
A Missouri paper says : "Yesterday
te counted able-bodied farmers 9
whose grans and oete needed cutting,
sitting on dry goods boxes complaining
of bard times.
An Indians yontb cut his leg terribly
with e knife. partly severing the bone.
Tbe pain caused bim to start to bis
feet, and tee sadden atrsin snapped
the injured bone off
To cure dyspepsia: Close all tbe
outer doors of s four-story house, open
the inner doors, and than take s long
.switch and chase s cat up and down
stairs till aha sweat*.
The Welkin* Express i* responsible
j for the statement that not ft tingle paa
•wnger bet ever been killed or seriously
; isjured in tb entire hiatoij of steam
boat navigation on tteneea Lake,
i The boy who, when naked to wbt
, trade be would wiab to be brought np,
replied, " I will be • trustee, because
j erer since pane baa been a trustee we
bar* bad pudding for dinner," waa a
viae child in Lria generation.
An English blacksmith being at prea
-1 eat without an assistant, baa for awme
werica pact been instructing his eldeat
daughter in the mysteries of his trade,
and she is already an expert at the busi
neaa. Tbeyoung lady can shoe a borne
in a good womanlike fashion.
" la my faea dirty >" naked a young
lsdy of bar aunt, while at dinner at a
Hartford hotel the (Alter day. " Dirty?
So. Why do you aak ?" Because that
insulting waster insists upon putting a
towel beside my plate. Fee thrown
three under the table, and yet every
tune he come* around be puts another
one before me."
While a gentleman of Plymouth Hill,
Conn., waa returning from Woleottville
he saw a ball of fire fall and strike the
ground and bounding along finally go
out. He found it to be a large round
atone, weighing about fifteen pounds,
carried it home and discovered that it
was composed of different kinds of
•tone of various colors, and looked as if
it had been malted in a hot fire.
The* editor of the Burlington (la.)
/lauk'ye has discovered a woman who
will get up at six o'clock, kindle the
fire, get breakfast, rout out the family,
wash the dishes and six children, sew a
button on the neck of her husband's
shirt, and hunt hia hat, go to a mission
Sunday-school and teach a class, attend
church, rush home and have dinner
over and the things cleared away in
time tor afternoon Sunday-school, read
the Sunday-school papers to the chil
dren, go to church at night, and talk on
her way home about Sunday aa a " day
of real"
A fashionable young lady stopping
at Sand oh, near Detroit, took a bath
in some of the spring water of that
place. The water is powerfully im
pregnated with sulphur. On emerging
from the bath she stepped to a mirror,
m ladies occasionally d<>, when, to her
horror, she aaw that her faoa, seek, and
arms had turned black. She believed
that she was dying—that mortification
had set in. Her fears were allayed
when she learned that the startling
color of the flesh was a chemical result,
the sulphur in the water acting upon
the lead contained in some article for
toilet ahe had been using to artifioally
improve the fairness of her complexion.
A Knowing Cat.
Think not the est hath sot a friend.
The Mont hijf recently attended
to a ewe in a gentle end entorUiuing
manner, hot it remained fer an English
doctor to write of her with enthusiasm.
He tells, in a book specially demoted to
her, all sorts of Ulea of her sagacity,
fidelity, and humanity, and particu
larly in ten* ting is this concerning the
tabby of a Sootch plowman: The man
1 was 111 and poor. The doctor ordered
meat and wine, and the good wife sold
her wed ling-ring to bny the last But
what to do for meat ? Oh, moat excel
lent cat! That very night ahe brought
a fine rabbit and laid it beaide her suf
fering master. And not onoe did ahe
do this, but every night for a month,
now ft rabbit, now ft bird; when, tbt*
man haring got well and gone about
hia work, ahe ceased her purveying.
Let the tradaoers of oats read and
Lore or Animals,
• • • Grateful to the finer sensi
bilities was Mr. WolfTa strong expres
sions of devotion to the animals in hia
care. As he lifted a forkfnl of the rich
alfalfa frem the mow to the crib at
which the hungry horses stood he said,
"See how eagerly they grab it, as if
they could not get enough in their
mouths at onoe. And so with the oows.
It's broad and meat and wine to them.
And having milked a cow all summer,
I cannot in conscience put her off in
winter on nothing bat straw. I oould
not look her sqnaro in the eye, affect
ing to be acting the part of an honest
man. I had to do it when I first began
here, but I oan never forget how old
Brindle looked np to me reproachfully,
as mnch as to say, * Ah, old fellow, is
this the best yon oan do for me ? Af
ter giving of my life all summer to sus
tain yours, now in this oold snap have
yon nothing better to offer me than
this straw ?" _
A Moose Hunt.
A Keokuk lady, while engaged in the
pnrsnit of her domestic duties, encoun
tered a mouse in the flour barrel. Now,
most ladies under similar circumstances
would hsve uttered a few feminine
shrieks, and then sought safety in the
garret. Bnt this one possessed more
than the ordinary degree of feminine
courage. She Bnmmoned the hired man
and told him to get the shot-gun, call
the ball dog, and station himself at a
convenient distance. Then the climbed
half way np-stairs and oommenoed to
punoh the floor barrel vigorously with
a pole. Presently the mouse made its
appearane, and started across the floor.
The dog started in pursuit The man
fired, and the dog dropped dead. The
lady fainted and fell down stairs, and
the hired mail, thinking she was killed,
and fearing that he would De arrested
for murder, disappeared and has not
been seen since. The mouse escaped.
To DYE BLACK.— For four pounds
of rags take two ounces of bine
vitriol, and eight of extraot of logwood,
or three pounds of logwood-chips. Put
each separately in twelve quarts of
water, the logwood in an iron vessel,
the vitriol in brass ; bring both to a
boiling heat; dip the doth into the
vitriol-water first,then into the logwood
water, and alternately from one to the
other till it has been dipped in each
thro:- times. Then dry, wash in strong
suds, rinse in soft, cold water, and
press when damp. This ooloripg is
proper for laoe, suk, worsted sad eet<
ton, sad does ast fsdsi