THE OKNTi;'.; RErOtVTr:* THURSDAY Al'G 20. 1874. " LOCAL ITEMS. Our friend* will oblige bv sending us items <>t local now* in their locality, give ii- the facts only, and we w ill put them in sha|\ al*o notices ot death* and marri aßc*. . Any one sending us the mimes of siv n. u subscribers, with the cash, will be entitled to receive the UKROHTKH one year free. The KKPORIRR being read by neatly everybody on this side of the county, where it has a larger circulation than any two papers, will be found the best medium for advertising business, sales, Ac. Ac. Prof. Coyle, who come* highly re commended. will hold a concert ot \ocai music, in this place, on Monday eve, 24. The Lutheran S. S.. of Rellefinte picnicked on Nittany mountain, above this place, one day last week. —Rev. A. A. Kerlin occasionally sup plies the pulpit of the Lewislown Lulh church, the par tor of which, Rev Brown, is ill. S. 1). Musscr, ot this place, and Mr Jacob KunUl, of Belletonte, have pur chased the hardware store of M Maniga! A Brown, at Millheim. After the 3d of September it will be too late to register. Voters should r member that the law has been changed since last year. The Lewislown Gazette of last week looked as though it had been shot through rv crab-apple orchard before it reached us —it was so badly torn, --It will be glad news for our people to learn that some of our liberal and public spirited citisons tals of erecting an Acad emy building in this town. There is no better point in the county for such an in stitution —Ore ot the best quality is known to exist close to Centre Hall, and when the railroad opens for trade, these Knd* will become valuable. We under?tar.d parties are negolia ing for the purchase of the top of N iitany Mountain with a view of preparing it for a summer resort We think it will pay—it affords one of the grandest landscape view > in the country. Parties are talking of erecting an observatory upon Nittany Mountain A fine idea. A structure of 50 or 75 feet might be erected at a small cost, arid thus much enlarge the unexcelled and beauti-> ful view from the mountain above Centre Hall. Mr. David Witmet, uiicmnd daugh ter, of Juda. Wis., are paying a visit to their old friends and former home in Cen tre county. The 2nd week of court, August term, has been postponed, far want of a judge. v Up—Jacob From s new two story • shop, on the hill. Mr. From will also I erect a new dwelling. Rev. Miller will erect two bouses this fall, and Mr. E:rs ' a large shop. Any one wishing to purchase a neat i and coxy home, read the advertisement of Lot Evans in another column. umn, it will be seen that J. II ReifsnyJer, Esq.. declines the nomination for Co. Sur- ■ veyor. He is a Justice of the Peace, and j we suppose considers this more profitable j than the former. Messrs. Shoop A Van Pelt intend ad- j ding a pair of capping burs to their ma chine shops, for chopping grain. The burs will be run by thoir steam engine, and will prove quite a convenience to the peo of this vicinity needing feed. '> \y A match game of base ball was play- * **eion last Saturday between the Centre*'' Hall club, and the studerts of the Normal school, which resulted in a victory for the Centre Hall boys, the score stood Sfc?* 25. ' —Five or six new houses are to b r bttilt again shortly, in this place, besides a large Methodist church—thus does our) town keep on improving steadily. Land; adjoining town sells at SSOO to SIOOO per j acre, and town-lots at from s2jo to SSOO j per lot. We think our landholders are : asking too high for their ground, such ' prices keep down the growth of the place,' and at cheaper rates and quicker sales j much wore profit would be had. Men of ordinary means who come here to pur-! chase are often driven away by the ex-! \travagant prices asked for lots. We bad a heavy thunder-gust pass over us on last Wednesday afternoon, bringing a good soaking rain, mucb need ed. The lightning struck a chestnut tree, opposite Mr. Ostuan's residence, ntar this place, shattering it to the roots. Mr Ossman and Kmc other persons were standing under-the'.oversbot of the barn,! and witnessed the cutting down of the tree by the bolt. A stroke of lightning went down the rod of the barn where they were standing, a few moments before the tree was struck, stunning M r. Ossrnan and the • other* some a hat Hall has ten times more dogs j than are needed to guard the town or eat j up its garbage. The creatures are annoy. i ante night and day, and breed three-1 fourths of the fleas that keep you kicking j by day and scratching by night. Dogs are : useful in their places, on a .'arm for in- i stance, or in shops and store* where a' watch is needed but when nearly every ; family quarters one knd some as many as three in a town they are not only a useless expense, but an intolerable nuisance. They frighten borscs.harm other and more useful animals upon the street, which have a better right there than curs, anil often rob cellars and outhouses. We wish the bologna sausage man woulil come this wuy once, there is an abundance of the principal ingredient used in his trade. r LEO BROXEX.—A son of JOHF Gingherich living on John Hoy's farm about two miles below town had bit leg broken and mangled on Friday 7, by a threshing machine. The unfortunate young man, who is about fifteen years of age, caught his clothing in the revolving shaft of the large separator, which whirled him around with frightlu! speed. The space between the shaft and the barn floor was such that every time the shaft made an evolution, he struck the floor with ter rible force. The machine was fortunately stopped in time to save his life but his legs were badly crushed a id the bone broken above the knee of one leg. He also re ceived serious bruises about the head and body.— Republican. Letters have arrived informing rela tives in this place of the death of Mrs. Hardman Philips, wife of the founder of Philipsburg, at Gwernvale, Berkenshire, England, on the 20th of July, aged 87 years. Mrs. Philips spent a great portion of her married life here, coming a bride to the home of her husband in the new world in 1821, and remaining here until 1846. She was always beloved for her traits of character, prominent among which was beuevolence. Mr. Edward Lloyd, one of the oxccutors of the will of Hardman Philips w ill sail for England immediately tl settle the estate. l'hilip.ibiirtj Journal. The Reporter husthe folio wing items r from the eastern end : Mr. Abs. Musser, of Haines township, threshed 25 bushels fiom 260 sheaves of "velvet chaff"" wheat. The committee appointed to assess dam ages on the road from Millheim to the Forks, met on Wednesday, 13, and made the following awards : J. Meyer, $1(0.00 John Xersielter, 100 00 John Dutweiler. 250.00 H trriet Bracht, 75 00 The barn of Andrew Confer, in Confer Valley, Gregg twp., was struck by light tting on Wednesday afternoon. 12. One horse, and the entire crop of grain and hay, together with farming implements, Ac., were consumed. No insurance. Weal her warm nl dnytllM, nighl* O.Hvb The corn-crop in th county will not be an trrri(t one. John Gr ve I building a NEW IIHUIP on h■ tarm formerly Hutchinson's in Poller twp Blackberries are plenty- ami selling at li via per qimrt. Huckleberries M-II at tt and 7 Ct*. per quart. - The liru-lnalley Hand will hold a concert, in this place, on Friday availing This hand discourses good music, - Hotter twp. Trachea' examination, at Centre Hall, Tuesday Sept. 8. The "Excelsior" Society, of the Nor in at Institute, wilfgivr a public entertain mrnt of music and paper-reading an Wad nodav ere , ">c Mr Frederick Moyer, of l'ann Hal', measured sonic of hit oala and found it to he 5 feel, S{ inches long Mr. Moyer is not only a goed farmer, but a first class coach maker - The Flunigrovv pic lie ai largely attended on Saturday, and the occasion was a pleasant ana. Addresses were de livered by Revs. Crittenden, tiroh and Galbraith, which ate said to have been earr interesting. Moj, Fisber, at l'ann Hall, has re ceived an entire car load of Ohio stone ware'crock* and pans ot all aiaes, and as he has fought so Jarge a lot he will ha en abled to sell it cheaper than elsewhere m thi\*tate. The Ohio stone ware is the beat made in this country, and the best and cheapest for all purpose*. Read the adver tisement. Mr. S. L Stiver delivered bis lecture on Washington Irving, in this place, on Friday evening. There was a full house and good attention. The lecture was an ut. resting one and altogether a real lite -ary treat, and will bear a repetition be fore C ur -. v intelligent Irving s name and literary fame w ill ever live in history'and belle* leltres, s * one of the shin ing contributors in tLo departments We think our young friend Stivir did full justice to his favorite subject, and his lec tur:- leaves no gap for ilicr students to make improvements upon, when delinia ting the birth, life and literary achieve ments ot the great American author. Cot RT. N OTlOU. —Jurors, \VUnease* summoned, and all others interested, are , hereby notified that there will t>e no Sec- ; ond Week Court, in August Term. 1874. and such need not appear. By order of ; Court. B. F. Suarrfß, Sheriff. DEM. STANDING COMMITTER Belleionte, N. Ward— H V SliUrr do S "—Joseph Fox. do W. "-O Meek. M ilesburg—Ja* F M eavcr Howard—John W Gardner, l'hilipsburg- C A Faulkner. Uniouville--Jobn Bing Beamer twp— A Y Wagner. Boggs—Wm Marks S Burnside—Bernard Ve.fich ffi-r. Curtin—lictiry Fheil. Ferguson- \\ 11 Fry. Gregg—J BHecknian. Us:nti -4elin C Stover. , llslt'woen—J H Griffir.. llarri*—John Merer Howard—Samuel B Leathers. Huston— H G Cronister. Liberty—Jno. A Stover. Marion—George Hey. Mile*-Harvev, Koruisn Fatten- I* E Sellers. Fenn—D A Musser. Fatter —George Stiver. Rush—G M GaflVy Snow Shoe —J H Holt. Spring—John H Barnhart. Taylor—Samuel Weaver. Union —G L Feter* Walker—John Divcns. Worth—Owen M'Cann. J. II lIOIiRIStIN, Chair man For He Reporter SPAWLS FROM FENN. > Lindauion Wingard and two of hi*' brothers while out for hucklebcrrie* the other day, came across a family of raltla- j snakes, that lodged under a large flat rock. Judging from the rattling. Lindatnon says sKere must have been about a doaen under rock. They succeeded in killing three, oTio having 12 rattle*, while the others had only six apiece. The Millheim Hardware Store is about changing hands again Messrs. M'Mani ga] fc Brown have sold eut to Me*r. Musser A Kunkei The inventory of the slock will take place this week, after which the new firm will commerce to operate for themselves. Some gentleman from below some place had been through h>re last week with watermelons, but the wise men of Mill- Vim thought, while they had good health they would try to enjoy it. And the con sequence was they did not invest very freely. Changed—'.be members of Jt'angelical association of Centre circuit bare conclud ed to hold their camp meeting in the grove of Gephart'* heirs, instead of .Swartz's grove. The reason this change was made is to prevent these traveling confectioners from intruding. W. L. Musser, proprietor ot the second national hotel in Millheim, is remodeling bis house to a great extent, so as to be en abled to accommodate hi* many cuitomer* to m better advantage. Millheim has three churches, two schools, three sabbath schools, nine stores, three grist mi!!*, four black-smith shops, four saddler shop*, two cabinet maker shops, two wagon shops, three tniior shops, two tinware shops, three shoemaker shops, one printing office, one clock A watch maker shop, one barber shop, ono banking house, two foundries, one millinery shop, and two hotels. A town of the sire of Mill heim with asmtny business establishments beside* the other institutions it contains, it hard to find La*t week a jury passed over the road leading from Mtllheim to the fork* of I'er.ns Creek; their object being to ap praise the amount of damage. Some are well satisfied while others are not so well pleased. Charley Smith the little notion peddler was through here one day last week fa voring the merchants by selling them goods as cheap as can be bought in the city. Of late some peculiar bug made its ap pen ranee at the corn It eaU the silk, consequently destroying the ear. 10 8. C. Foi the Reporter. ItKISKKSRL'HG Jt VICINITY Candidate* shaking hands, all knocked in the head. Radical Township convention we hear is ditto. Rife Insurance is the gossip of the day. Lovers rendezvous-a pine stump up street. Water in town one half of the time. Daniel Stmyer is adding an addition to hi* Wag >n shop. Jiseph K. Weaber ha* just fini*hed putting down a flagstone pavement before his property. Our Coal miners are busy sinking a shaft in the vicinity efGrara ley's saw mill. Signs are said to bo good. We wish once more success to the enterprise. Thanks to an All-wise I'rovidenco fer plenty of rain since harvest. Things look refreshed in general. Wonder how an ap plication ef water would make our pave ments leok at the lower end oftown. Don't be stingy neighbors when it rains nearly every other day. Returned—Messrs. E, Burkhart and H Frank who left usuboutayear ago in some what u conspicous manner. Sorry to learn that none accumulated a fortune as yet. May they live to learn the value of contentment. Ttie new school house at Madisonburg will soon be completed. These two rooms in connection with a Town Hall on the second story, will make quite an improve, meat to the ancient village. BE* Mok. The weather in some paits of the South has been excessively hot, and the number of sunstrokes has increased accordingly. Tliul llmilutiott \Ye had intended giving reason* lor tin pa**ge of the atili-Modoc resolution by our late On Convention, hut a rorrospoml eat saves us the trouble ill the following MR KL'RTX: JVup|H>rtcd and elected it by the aid of iriegular Democratic (i, *. \ republicani \otes. Tho republicans nom inated no ticket of their own but cast their | solid vote for the bolters, hoping to gain I :n the end by the breach which would thus jbe made in our ranks This difficulty I arose eul of the abuses of the Crawford | County system ot making nominations. The regular County Committee r*coguix id this fact, and at the earliest Opportunity they vailed a Convention to revise the rule* of the party, and to take whatever' step* were necessary to restore harmony and unity. The old rules were discarded, the Crawford County system abandoned, and the party returned to the Convention system, adopting a set of rules similar to those now in use in our own county. But it was too late to prevent the struggle from being carried to the poll* HoweTer, eve ry one supposed that the difficulty was at an end, until quite recently when un out' su/e intiumce was brought to bear upon the leaders of this bolting faction, com monly known as the "Modoc*,"' and they ■gain appeared uton the war-path. Cer tain individual* became vary ambitious to 1 sit in high places, and as they were aware they could not reach them fairly, they I concluded to call into play their inventive : and scheming laculties A correo|K>ndence 1 was opened with Dr. Potter and Col. Gilli- 1 land, the chief* of the "Modocs, and sev eral meetings wrreheidin Bellefonte where these worthies, and a few of our own politi- ' cians were present. What was done, or 1 bow it was dune, 1 am not presumed to 1 kuow. Yet this mucb is certain that from 1 this time forward the "Modoc*' began la ' make active preparation* to continue their ! war in Clearfield. 1 have, however, good 1 reasons for saying that alplan was/agreed ' upon substantially as follows.- The Mo- 1 doc* were to go home, arouse their brave*. 1 hold a County Convention and send cop- 1 fereea to all our conferee meetings, the other conspirators guaranteed that they would so that the Modoc conferees would be admitted into the va rious conference*. But their well laid tchcnies have been signally frustrated at every ueint. The Modoc* have received littlo or ne encouragement in Clearfield, because their follower* say the bone of contention hat been removed. The other porti -n of the agieoiueul has also fa. of success. Thty. first attempted to coerce Clinton into their plans, but that failing, they bt ran to beseech them to "iel them down easy" but all to no purpose. In our own County they have been equally UII- Successful ; not only that but tbey hare received a puitlfa rebuke at the hand* of •ur Ccunty Convention. This i* whet grinds, and cause* all this stir in Koine. These, Mr. Ejiter, are the f/cls in the case, and they in themselves constitute the answer to the question "What va* it fi 7 ' In view of these fact* can you, can any Democrat, find anything improper in "thiwo resolutions : ' Suppose tuch a figh; ex is ed in our county and it was carried before a District conference would we not think it eminently proper if uch a resolu tion were passed by our sister counties, especially if th* disproportion in numbers was so marked a* in this case, about 4UO Modocs to 30>t) regular Democrat*? But the No. of Modocs is now greatly decreas ed and the/ c-l.ititij',o a mere handful. But this noble action of our Convention will diminish their band still mora, and soon there will be none left but tho chief* and their allies, who in a few weeks will be placed on thuir reservations, and be come the quiet and peaceable aborigine* which they should be. Had these facts been made public bwfofc otjr County Con vention, the action of thai bo>jy r uiafit have been different; but 1 am inclined to think that the resolution would have pass ed ss unanimously as it did. * MR. KKIFSNYDER DECLINES. SSillkeim, August 15. 1974 J. H. MoKIIMV, Ks-q , Chairman l>rmo eratie CS/unfy Committee. Dear Sir: —I noticed in the papers that 1 received the nomination for County Sur veyor, and it really surprised me when 1 •aw it, a* it wat entirely without my knowl edge or content, being abrent front home' at the time; I am torry to fay that I could not serve if elected, and therefore decline being a candidate. Ain much obliged to the dem>cracy for the honor boatowed up •n ute. Yours Respectfully, J. 11. RmraxrMCK. For the Rcparter. T< THE GRANGERS Grangers, be on your guard ! Crafty politician* are on your tra'l, striving to insinuate themselves into your good grace* by empty compliments to prominent men of your order, gnd by representing thorn selves as your candidate*. They are friends of yours, only so far as they can use you to further their own schemes; those being accomplished, your interests will be disregarded and your order ridi culed. These men are politicians hy pro fission and tlicy will use you as long as they can, and that being no longer posi hie they will abuse you, (For further light on this point inquire of Col. W. W. Rrown.) Openly those men profess to be your best friends ; secretly they are your worst enemies. Openly they flatter your orgpnigttliup, praise its laudable aim. and predict for it t distinguished future; secretly they ridicule your order, mopk your ceremonies, and arc doing all in their power to insure your speedy downfall. Don't allow yourselves to he cajoled by these tricksters. * Suffer them not to de grade your society to thuir own lew level of honor and morality. Snub them, and teach them that your organization was not formed to be captured by them or fbpir cunning devices. They cannot benefit, while they may, and in all probability will, injure you. Dy turning n cold shoul der to nil such miscreants you will aid in purifying our politics, und strengthen yourselves. Noy AljtUNUgB. 1 A GKKAT FIKK IN f ITTSKU KG Ninety Eiv* 11 ninlrc.l Hariri* uf (HI with other I'liipcrtv |le*tiov* nl. Pittsburg, Aiigu t I'.f The Stand ird Oil Works and National Itefinery. on Al leghany river, in the Kighteetith .ml was burned to night At ito'cl.H'k f M lightning stni. k an ail tank caiilaliniig !l I*4l barrels o| oil, selling il on file ' About three hours Hl\erwsii|* the ta: k overflowed, and the burning oil commit llicstoil Willi ||tbe buildings and tanks in the vicinity The Are new covers a • pace of an acre ami a half tin amount ol oil destroyed is iitno thou sand Ave hundred barrels. All ilia buildings on the premises val ued st fl2 l** l are destroyed, also 12,1**1 empty barrels. The men on the premises escaped with difficulty No lives were tost as tar as known The telal loss is es timated at s4o,l**l |,i s,ai.i**i on which there Is insurant eot about s'„*).(**' At It o clock to-night the Are was un der control, and the other refineries ad ioining are considered out of danger. A tank at the Fairview Oil Works, on the other side of the river, was also Struck bv lightning, and H,l**. barrels of oil burned, on which there is no insurance FIGHT BETWEEN KDWAKDS AND COLLYKK Pittsburg, Aug 14 A dispatch dated dated M t'oy > slutian, Ohio, oil the (.'lev viand road, says Oollyer and Edwards with a gang ot rougiis, landed and went back in the country" about two miles. The ring was staked out and tiie fighting commenced about half-past two o clock On the first round t'olljer fought Ed wards Jowri to the ropes On the second round belting was one hundred to sitty on Edwards. The first knock down and first bloa.l on Edwards tin the third round Edwards hit Sammy a fearful blow square in the face, staggering him to his k lives, and coveriag his face With blood On the fourth round Edwards brought Collyer down with a frarfal blow Cull- yer't face \>u a terrible ij{li t On the I fifth round Collycr got in a slight lap and then another pretty hard one. It > a tiard round for both the combatant* On the tilth round "there wn* a • limb and Colyer went under. Both were to she grass On the seventh round there was a ;clinch and a fall, with Kd wards upper mtt. but un Ale to use hi* ad vantage. On the eighth found Collycr responded !• ly, Edwardi smiling Oa the ninth round Collyer got one in on Kdwards, he bit him .it the pit of the ttouiach, and thri w him On the tenth round |t.'ollyer got *r>und by a njuare knock down. On the eleventh round af ler a few exchanges the cry of foul wa rased It was claimed that Kdwards had something in hia I.aril t'ol!>er re fused to fight. The fight was claiitied for Kwards but the retferro decided to with hold hi* decision lor seeeral day* The fight occurred at a place called M ill t'reek l'a , near line Island. RAILROAD ACCIDENT Five IVrfoua Killni. St. Alban*. August IS. -The night ft pre** train, which left Boston last evening fjr Montreal via. the South -astern Rail road, vis wrecked this tuorniag a few miles mirth of Richford, Venn *nt A bridge over the north braneh of the VI isi*.juier river had been carrie I aav by a very heavy rain !a*t night and through the neglect o! section man the train wa net signalled The locomotive wa prccip itated into the Stream The express car ran over the engine to the other ;de and the baggage and amoking car* were tele scoped by the fourth car and both now lie on top of the engine. The fifth and tilth car*, first cla**, and a l'ulsmati car were not damaged Five person* were killed gnd fifteen injured ANOTHER RAILROAD SLAUGHT ER Trenton. N J . Augutl li —A collision occurred on'the Pennsylvania Railroad, • iateen mile* aouth ot ihtt city, at 7 o - clock this a. m An excursion train from Morris town. was proceeding to Lng Rranch, and when neat Cromwell's Sta tion a misplaced switch caused it to dash , lion ■ misplaced switch caused it t dash t hi on a tiding into * stationary Mil train, f complete'/ demolishing t.j |ii.iili;ir coaches and three coal cart. Two pattcn , gers on the excursion train err killed r outright a third maaglcd o badly that ho . died abortly after the accident, and a , number injured, aotiie of them seriously. [ T'lK J'L V MufTII INVESTIGATION Serious Charges Agsuist Tilton. t New York, August 15. —ll i ilatcd in - the Brooklyn Kagle that tlii* icrvant sir! - business wi ! l wear another complexion, , when the itorjr of the girl, now in pusses , aion of jhe Plymouth Church Invesliga | tirg C iptnillM ii inxje public- Jhe alle . gallon II that Tilton, n<>T Beocher, a< . interested in her removal trom Brooklyn. It aeetna from bar itatcment now leaking , out ha wax an adopted child in tho Tilton , household, taken when an infant, and t aiway* treated ■< a member of the family. During the aboenre of Mrs. Tilton, thi* adopted daughter left the houat, and on , 5Jr. Ti'ton a return related to hrccur- I ancea leading to that act. elic said that , Tilton had attempted to debirurh her. He I forced hia way into her bed-room aevcr . tiinea during hit wife'a abaenca. The girl J alarmed the houaehold and eacaped hia , lotheaonie embraces. She finally left the • home, and afterward told Tilton'* wifa ' whql had happened. Afterward, while j theatory crept out, lira Tilton yat aent by Mr Tilton to more than one houie to | deny it, and finally finding it did not die easily, the girl was induced by Mr. and : M r. Tilton to ign a statement denying .: what were called wickgd stories ae' on foot |againat Mr. Tiiton After thia relraclien | wai ottamod, Tilton had the girl aent we. I . to achool, and Franci* D. Moulton paid | her tuition and board bill*. Thia i the . girl'a own atory, aa alio has told it to the . Coinmitle, to her achool teacher and Mr. | Shearman. , The Argua aUtca that Frank Moulton , will ipeak ; that he will do ai (Jen. liutlcr . adviced him, "come in lait." Tiltoii's Version of the Servant Girl Story A reporter has had brief talk with Mr Tilton. He denied that bo bad received any money fro.n Mr. Beecher, and if Mr. Mouilon bnd received tliu amount stated it devolved upon liini to account for it. Shortly after Mrs. Tilton'* confession of of Mr. Beeher's criminality, tbo servant who was then living with Mr. Tilton, became of tbo fact front having overheard the conversations which had passed between them, and she began to wl ispcr it to her friends in Brooklyn. As soon as this stale of thing* was discov ered it was determined upon te send the girl out of Brooklyn, n a protection 16 Beecher. She was sent to a hoarding school, and Beecher paid the expense* through] Moulton. This, might hav* amounted to .some two thousand dollar*. Several gentlemen contributed to the sup port of the Golden Age, and Beet her, ho -aid, might hnyo been among the number, bqt Moulton coult) not isocount for that. ESCAPE GF MA USUAL BAZINK. l'aris, Aug., 11.—Intense dismay ha* been created among the French govern ment offlcials here, and the city is wild with excitement over the neiys received i here this merriing, pf the escape of M M f" jjluil Jiuzine from the military prison op the Jlaiid ofSaintp Marguerite. Jj'o par : ticulars of thp espapp (ptvp yet boon re ceived, but the information is considered reliable. was sejitppcpd in Decem ber lust to 2p yeafs imprisopinftnt, fqj- trea mj , * A Putt SliM fill V Nil HCII an i Si n- I'glMli. Messrs, Frank, line sk . Hior t liantssin >rd slreel, Philadelphia, had a pleasant surpii'M Thirty-three yeirsago ill! V kop I store ill New 'tlUlc t'ldun county, alld before iimvicg lo |lu* cilt lliev ws ro ssibbed ot go.nls lot'ie amount nl JUKI, l.asl w es-k a loan camn Inl. lln ir store, rent ascertaining thai tliey woe the saniii gc ll' leim n Iftss I kept st re In New Itfi ! n, ilitonned It > in that he w.i- fcadv lopas Die slll ihcv ill lass v| in liu- toh bery, togellier willi the interest upon the same, wli till would amount to IF***' Mr. Ft aii k Was astonished at the man's trank- Hi ss, but was told him if he would gise him the SIRI without interest, they would call it s.juare, whu h he pal I ov cr and da psrtcd, leaving tho proprietors to tuniui ate u|M>n the singular phases of humanity. h't Whs was lie, is an interesting nuery now 7 Tim hoy fouud at Heuiiiiigtoli, \ t , sup pesi-d to bo Cbariie Boss, turns out to be an adopted child, whose name is Charlie Gross, and whom his adopted parent* are try ing to learn to tall himself Augustus Haliiillsili. Tlielu Was u gleam ot hope In this story ; but it i- gene * A little daughter of James Harnett, of Meuallrii township, Fayette county, w a* found bnnging hlelcss to a window in Hugh Johnson s residence on the 221 ult. The child attempted to climb out uf the window, w hon the stick that kepi It hoist ed was knocked out, -i-ut the sash fill upon her neck, biraking it, pinnii.g her body fast until found several hours afterwaids by members of the family The little girt was ug.d about ten years. There were no grown persons at the bouse at the time. 1 he mother lias bccolue insane over the result of the accident la o children have been drowned and one smothered tor the same family. (Jrrriitkurif /fryiiWi,- in IN TKKKSTING ITEMS Sia men recently caught l,t**l pounds of trout in one day iroin a Montana stream A day school for corn icls has b i n es tablished ill the Massachusetts Male Pris on. "1 ntuautied by the los. of her husband" is the new style of indicating a widow's grief. Five bushels of grapes upon a single vine make glad the heart of its owner in Indiana Mrs IL-sti-r Authors of Pennsylvania is 112 years old one of the oldest liv ing au thors. This is called Ministers I.iap Year be > cause the Vacaliou mouth, August, has five Sunday s. John Smith, a hermit in Krv tng. Mass , has made an engagi menl lo lecture m vl season. Chicago beats the world in other mat- j tars than fires. for i'. has a delinquent la*- ' list of (4 pages. There is a fnati in Lawrence, Mass .who Can shoulder a pievi of water-pipe weigh- j MS pounds Ida Truiell, aged only 14 years, com- I milted svioaie at Kichlandtowr;, Pa., a tew days ago, by lakii g strychnine. fhineas Battle, v h-> Committed suicide!' at Orange, Uv , gave luiOi t tlje I'ni vrrsallst church of that town De aware County, Pcnn , has a vener able Cat 22 years old, and a sheep over - whose wool '.il winters t.ava pa-sed. A lady at Princeton, laws, was recently stoug en tin- lie. k t'V a honey- bee, and I died front the wound In 2U minute An newspaper mates its death reports iiioti interesting by | übltthitig *'a tick list" si vera! daya in advance. Koberl Bbackeil, who bad bi ■ n loan ied j only una day, dr. Wind hiiuself at Bolti ■ dere. 111 il had i cell engaged to an other lady The smelting trlo at Truckn , Neva da, are running day and night and turn ing out 4.UP to T.'Ul pounds of bu" .ot. every 24 hour* There is a man in Dubuque who it so afraid of hydrophobia that he keeps his j hat full of memoranda how to proceed in cse he i biUoii A Sliako of the >po.ios a'. Payette, Mo , 74 fret long, lately wound about the leg. af Mr. Tbomas Preston, hut Anally fell beneath his conquering arm During a hurricane in Kansas, a county treasurer became so terrified that he ac knoW lodged a defalcation u! S!,&QO. Af ter the wind had subsided he deniad it. - E!ev en horses were st.den ti.-m one! pasture, in Blair county, on Monday 1 night Due tin ml red Metinonitc familiey Irnm Ku*ia |>ar*cil llirtti){li lleriiiion tlieir way liilhcr. Ivtifsia lnsitati- let rv txffnije Sj'kin ; Im t-aiiM- aiitli actions will strengthen j the cause •>{ Republicanism in Eu rnjw. Five persona were killed bv the! railroad accident mar Richfnrd, on Tuesday. A general improyemrUl in the New I Koglitnii corn crop is rcporied during , the ntonlli of July, THE BEST TIME.— The wonderful feat of Goldsmith Maid on the Buffs lo track on Fiiday, in trotting a mile in two minute* and fifteen and a half seconds fully establish a her claim to the title of IJueeti of the Turf. This is probably the fastest time ever made by any trotter, M it certainly is the •astest time ever recorded. Two years auo, when this mare made some very fast time on a Western track, tlio veracity of the judges was at first ijuestioned, us uo one believed she was able to perform such a feat. The matter was discussed for weeks iu all the sporting journals. \ delegation was sent to measure the track and as certain whether it was a full mite, and to take the statements of witnesses, to ascertain whether the mare kept to the track during the race. The nueo lion was never settled, hut Friday's performance is evidence more than sufficient to clear away all doubts. The splendid ft-at was witness-d, it is said, by about 2(1,000 |ect tors. GEORGIA. .1 Hoirjblf and I'nprovoktd Murder. Augusta, Aug., 15.—C'apt. A. F. liullkr, i* local agent on the South Carolina Railroad, was shot this ev ening uiuler the following circum stances: lie was accompanied by hie wife on a street car. In getting off the car an intoxicated negro was sit ting oil the step obstructing the pas sage. Butler pushed the negro with his hand, telling hint to get up Ga briel and Michael Mulier, both ne groes, were together, one sitting on the steps and the other on the plat form. Michael pushed Mrs. Butler back as she was in the act of t>eing assisted out and Gabriel pu'led out a pistol and shot Capt. Butler, the bail penetrating .his brain. The negroes were captured. Gabriel was slightly wounded in the face when arrested. Death ok Captain Blti.kk Augusta, Aug. 16. —Captain But ler, who was shot by a negro, died last night. The Muudkrek Lynched. The citizens were so exasperated ut the unprovoked murder that several j hundred of thepi armed themselves end matched to the jail, where the Muriel brothers were confined, took both of them out, antj carried them to the parade groutiijg. A ju r V was im pmyispd whet) l) °th Qabfiel and Mike I Murrcll asserted flteif inpoeenpp. Af ter three h"MIV inyestigHliutl.ou tiworn testimony qf eye witnesses of •- tier, Gabriel - ..... tnur . od takeu buck to jail and Mike shot. MAUKKTS. Prmlitrt*. Ni'* Yrk, August I" Kluur le-s llli V'lll'l 11l NVIIr.HI less lilltr nint |. wr N. 2 $1 24 M I VI; N'il Milwaukee >1 ;IO(ii I HI No I spring $127 I>l 2" Kv- quid at >*.'•!s I(M I' .111 n ■ltiiil. I'riitT, lr. ilolrii;, N\ •••lorn oils -d hi MHi4- high Mu..l himl yi'llnw VN wll'uh.'tc, wlii- W.ot.rn üb(AWk-. Oat* In it y Kinl m ilmilii l.iw. r, fccw rnlt-xl l.'ififc6'A'; new wli lieUi liny •llmlv al 7(h per hundred Eggs steady Hi 17M74r Pork lu avini at $2 tA 1.m.1 Hi m. rni 11 11- Ilk' Hotter Armor at II (•(, aur Chicago, \ux li at 17 Flour dull but un r hall anil Wheat dull but rlili( stead- Iff, No I spring *1 <>7tu 1 OJI, No V $1 ir.'l hkl. sept *1 02i<* I UCIJ; i lase.l nl $ I ll'.'t Mil* • r September, No 3 *iHi (.'urn dull and declined. No 2 mixed ntpuHoli closed at lit- spot, 1144 c bid *!!*r A wgusl ti||r bid seller September. Oats dull and lower, No 3711' spot or seller Auxust, So| bid sellrr September; rejected !iA<4fi|c Hyp hi fair demand and iiiirltirliiif firm No I MA Kit I At; ES tin I .tilt, by Kev J It Miller, at the residence ol the bride s lather, Mr Altin St.inll Bin) Mia. Mary K Wiitfird, both ol fuller iup tin '.3rd, July, Mr Ilnvid (I (tower, of Inunction, (formerly of Anroiitburg.) and Miss fierce, of Hattly tap. DEATHS. tin the tub ult., in Sugar Valley, Clinton t'i unty, of t "on sumption, Mr. Elizabeth wile ol Samuel llratii, aged 111 yearn, " iiiuiilba and '•*.< daya iln 11 Auk . '• NVadaw .rib, tlhiu. Mr Michael liarptti r, son ot liarp aler, of Centre Hall aged about 47 ) u*r Fine Homestead fur Sale. A llouc A Lot about JA< re> of good Cultivated lalid situate in Gregg twp, near Tre*tler'a Saft mill, in George* Val i ley u offered at private mile. Tfto public' r. ;td• run along |we aide, ol the lot. i 1 hereon nr*j • r< i lod tln.i story lIOI'SE, > I A It I.E. silt I J*, alid olbur Outbuildings. j A splendid oKCJiAltll of the bentapplea,) chcrriua, pears, |>eaebe>, and pluilia, on: the preinin. and nevur failing water near, the door. Clone to ibe bounv a line gar den and a beautiful yard in frenl. Ainoj running water near the bourn- For fur J thrr particulars apply to LoTT EVANS A u * 'At 2m STONE WAKE ! .sTo.v E-WAKK I ! Tha undersigned Would respectfully an nouued lo the citigens of Gregg anu ad joining townships, and the public ganrr ailv that lie has just rooeivod i.'/A! GAL LONS, No. 1 Ohio Stone-Ware, consist ing of Milk Crocks and Pans. Apple butter crocks from Ito n Gallons. Also sioaejugs, from ] to t> gallons, stone jars, Ac 1 lie reputation of the obio Stone- Ware is universally acknowledged— "None better ever made. Nudangaruf tno g aaing coming oA like earthenware., Il li much superior I . uarthvuvtaro in eve ry respect. Ail kinds uf country produce taken in exchange lor Stone-Ware andi nierchandiM for which the highest mar-el price will be allowed J B FLSUKH, aug'.4)*2in Pcnn Hall, Fa 1 I H I A L I.laT fur August Term, A. D. '74 : First week commencing on the fourth! Monday (24tb)of Aug J Smith, use of, vs K K Nelson. No 2, Aug term t)7 \S F Kdson vs Henry Smith, No 170, Nov T. IH7I J aims M.Kinnev vs K Blowers, No 142 I Aug T, !72 Duri A Httiiacbcr v J Harris et al. !Noj 308, Jan T. UN K 1' Satlarhrld Vs A Mullen A Co, NoJt3'.- Aur T. IHT-t. 1 M Wagner vs John S For.ter, NoilOU. Apr T. 1H73 S It Wyland vs Wm Lc.hly, N".. 00, Augi T. 1H73 J Si, ult IvsPalt It Co, No "Af' Aug T.! Ih7u. •' j "aim vs Samt, So 2t*. Aug T. 1i73. M M Glaukhlin *; at vs Wm Crassmire aI. No 34. Nov T. jH7B --Gainer ue of v. John 11. iss, No li\ Nov T. IH7B John H Morrison vs Pa Kit Co. No lib Nov T. 73 Sam I Charles vs same. No I3t Aug T 1H73 Jli H..litnr< vs Archibald Moore 17tf I AugT. IC7A Llsl'uF '.HAND JI'HORN (or August Term, IK4. llcllcfont, ss Lvov, K F Rankin, J S mmerville, Wm Gaibraith l'atlcn—Wm Head Milc(b„rg J It Ijabh. 1 H Proudfout Knggs Chaa Adatiis, Wm Curtin Poller -John M Coy, H S Wolf Ferguson- Saml <.■*, J Shadman Snow shoe P Yoger. Harris—Jas Kini|>->n. Midi Hess Spring S Ly aiis. Jao Kocky I iiioß Jacob Hoover llaines W II Stover Howard Jacob Holier Miles- .'aniei K. rnmti Worth—Kiias Turner. LIST OFTKAYKRSK JUKOKS for Ist week August Term IK4. liellrfonle James Furv, John BoflVr.U Landis Patlon—John Mu.ser Pcnn Michael K -.rsJttte,- Jacob Ker siejlcr, Joliatii, Il llaruian, A Stover, D A Musor, Ad Hoaterman iienner A1 Swart/. Snow Shoe It Mile-, A Campbell Liberty \V H Gardner. I' Holier Harris Satnl Wssmn, Win Moklc, II Mitchell Howard boro- Henry (Dora Haines John Limb'rt, K Deshlcr, Al- M uuer llalfmoon < S (iray, A Bartholmew, J ( Fuller l'hilipsburg Jacob Teat. Hogg*- -J{ It I'oarman. Potter—A llregg. (eo Kocb, li Bol linger. Cyru* Durst, John Kmerick Walker—Jno Miller, jr Kiuli J C Alliwirt . Milraburg T Mile*, Itoilicu Spring Alexander Miller, II Neil, JB 1 M.ller Howard- Mich Confer • regg— F F Jaaieaon Taylor— D Henderson Mile* Joseph trramley, John Hubler Ferguaan—John Shiftier W. A. CURRY, BOOT & SHOE MAKER (TATRi: H iIX. Pi. Would mart mpmMll inform the cit sen* vicinity, that he ha* started a new Boot and Shop Shpji, and would be thankful for u share of the public patron age. Boots and Shoes made to order and according to style, and warrants his work Mo eijual any made elsewhere. All kind* of repairing done, and charge* reasonable (live him a call. feb 18 ly 1)11. S (. till>. Dentist, MUlßolni. Offer* his professional service* to the public. He i* prepared to perform all operations in the dental profession. H,. u now fully prepared to extract teefh abiolutrly withcutpmin. myH-73-tf. nF FOBTNKY, Attorney at Law, • llollefonte, I'M. Office oyer Key onldjs bank. may 14 fit ■AI. J. MI It I! I'lT,Fit TAYLOR, Nearly opposito Spongier'* hotel. Cut. Hail where he is at nil times, prepared to make all kinds of men and boy's cloth ing. according to the latest styles and at reasonable charges. /"IGUHT PIMH'LA M ATI US'. Wharves ths Ilea. Ctuoiet A Uurt, rrssl-lont ol lbs . .urt lit t ..aoe-a l*tsss. la IbsXStli Judit-isl Ills frtcf. o na iallnr of III* r> unties of ( >utr*. ( tinton. and Clesrhfltl, •fil Ih# llotmtsMf W Uv snd the HftOOfttiU Henry iM'lb Aswa Uts .lu lgrs, m i?ount},h*lr|tsiufHl lltvlr mm ppt, Utiu| rial* Ibr 4th day f .1 miliary . A I . t*.4. nc directed fo bold tug a tNturt >f Oy#r and I rrmlner antt General ,1.11 Be Ihnri and V/uart-rr Hoaalotia of the IVao* In Hsllvfoot# fr tUNoiil| of (>nln. ami to rotntuenre nn the 411 Monday of Ag . ont. Grtitg tha 14th day of Apr 1974, and to continue tvo wwk If otlca li harahy given Ut iha t Torongr, J of IW, A Idnrwan and < df ta a* IA count jof t>ntr*. that thai Uo lhn and Ibara In their |>np#r leriMiiii, at 10 o cliwi In tha firv*noon of aald day, with tbalr rtH-tirda. Inqulalllona, • lamination* and tbalr onu ratttcmltranoaa. to do (HUM thliiga nhlrti to thalr ofllce a|tartalna t bp dona, and thoaa who art txnind In ra oognltanrsHi lo pr.HMtcutr agaluat tba i rUonort thai ara or ahallha In tba )atl ofi'antra ponnfr, In than and thara to proanuul# against thain a* shall lr juat. t• Ivan undar my hand, at Hallafonta. tha 4th day of .tan Inthayaar of our lord. 1974, and In Iha nlnaty fourth jrnar of tha lmi*imidnnc* of tha l*ntusd SUtp* U- a- MfAFIfH Kharlff J AS. M M ANl T S, Attorney ut Law, Bellefonlc, promptly attends to a) , business entrusted to him. jui2,'f>Bl ADAH HILD, PAINTER, IM'' offers his services to the citizens of Mifflin Centre and adjoining counties, in Sign ami OriiaitH'italal IhilUtillK. GKA!Nl\'(r' Uak. W-'- • • Mahogonv ut, Maple, Asli, 1a nun and Fancy l'uperhanging. Or ders respectfully solicited. All tine work dune for other painteri, nov. 6 If. IIKLLKFONTF.M AKK KTS iVlnte iVboat $1 80 Ked 12b -.Bye hi Cut nHO ....Hats hi. .....Barley Hi' 70 (Jlo/orared 4.6*1 Potatoes 141 Hard par pound H Pork per poui.u:a 1 Butter 20 . Egg* I i )< f 4lb Tallow H II 10 Han. lb l.ard pef p >und H cents. Buefc • heat j thi eta F our per barrel retail! bo wholenale 7.20 t< 7,f" MILKOY M \ItK F. I' h ' While wheat .Ha -I Wllrat 12b . 11) ' ill ...Corn AO .....Oat* HA ..Barley ml .. Cloveraeed 4,00 Timothy teed, n0t)....... ' Bacon 7c .....Han tb ... Ituttei 3* .. Kgg. Jl flaaler btl ( lii*#lit ut C<*l plr Ton - Coal per Ton b0 Kgg t'oal jo-r Ton | | |ii AO . Uilliehuriier'n {..-al per Ton St bp l! VLI'ABLEKEALKSTa IB I FOR SALE. . Will be ottered at fublie Sale, on the ( premises, in fotter twp.. *n THUHS-i, ' DA V, September lith, 1M74 The folloWUiK real estate. belonging to the Estate ot feter Durst, dee d . Consist-1| tla if of a Valuable farm of lit AC It ES, | j more ui less, nituata 1 mile from Poller* ,| Mills. Thereon erected a TWO HT'HtY i ■ DWELLING IDH'SK, BANK BAKN i ' and other outbuildings, with two |(uo<] ( 1 orchards and all kinds uf the beat trull on j the premises, and n good spring of never | f falling water iiswr the bouse. Also, '' Eighty AcnatirXinibtrlintl, situate in Poller twp . 2 miles from fuller* ( Mills Sale to commence at I•• clock, p in Terms will b i made known on day ol t • i J*allN KlrillKL. JOSHUA PtiTTEtt | Aug 6. Kite utors, I Lime ! Lime ! inn? ut the best nualiiy, alwava on hand, at tba itilii near f entru Hall. CikulttiE KOCH. iito\. NilDi a M 1 have on band a large assortment ol BAll IKON NAIHS A STEEL. hicb will be sold at the lowest market price. NEK THOMPSON, jullti-3ui Milroy, Pa. ; A HMJ N JsTKA'i • 'I; > N TV Letters of admilllstralioll on the Es tate of Daniel Shuc). late of Oak Halt, dee d have been granted to the undersign led and nil pui*ons knowing themselves indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment, and those hav ing legal claims against the same will pre sent (hem duly authenticated by law. SAM L GILL!LAND. ijullhiH A dm' r MAMI.iOI) IUIWTO. HoW KB- L4r STOKED! ptr Jqsl pabltohad, s *w sdltlua of Pf t otaav •ell I UMasM Kstsi *• iss roil leal ear* KllSwl aeluis. firs * w .reasons , lualssl M iUiwa lu.uluqlan IWsaiaal l.mui lisrotaaci. M*„lol sad hijiaU lsk , .1. i oa.mi itoa irturo s*4 Pis*, ludacounk>i. "al* all caaU Tu* i *l-t.ratv4 aat bur. la Ifau slaustls fcooas dw.u*ir*la. Irusa a Uilrtt -*ar* fatrsssSal I 'stllO, l',sl tl aputulul —i. —..k-x>. ut aaif aba*. iua* la f adl. A* fM *VO.-ul Uw SO|.rMH UMulls unil us lit* sieilrsis* •( lb* Sail* I—tat is* ul a —l* ut .as* al ua<* siib*4*. iwu, ao4 af , IkIUU, lif a-SM *1 wblrli smi tsisns. a* aslUt * hal tu cussdiUua wo* I*. nut* cos* biausll cb*a*>l*. f K-'tUlf aa4 radii all* [g- Tat* Lootn abuald b* ut Us* lis ad* of ***r> juitlli and *s*r* nts la lb* lossd. iwai uud*r ** l la a |>laUt *iiufu. I* oat oddiaas t-usi laid, ua iscsip af at coal* ut l*u sua iltai* Addroos Uw Patiushar*, (HAS J o KLINK A co. , 147 lUaada**. N*a York . I'cal OOca Hus MS. IS Jalj BUTTS HOUSE Bkixefoxte, PA. J li. HITVS. Prop'r. lias tint clasc accotnmtxltioD; cLarg er rcibiM (* B r. tf. s*nEP.IFF'S SALKS. By virtne of sun Jry writs of/fcri/acia*, lemri /ucius. tm.i rrwfifiuai f/p.Kus, is sued out of the Court of Common Plea* ui t'eiilrc county, Pa, and |n me direpjstd. there will be exposed to public '*lr at tbf Court H"t! ih IpillisfuAlc. on Monday. 21th day of August,the follow ing dercrib ed Teal estate lo wit; AH defendant* right In and to the follow described lots uf ground Situate in the It-'ro of Ballafottte, beginning at the south •side of Logan street, at a tsoinl V4(> feel east ol corner of Tbo's Lanaregan, thence east, along said street. t- the corner ol lot of liurntnle'* heirs, 2M>ft to an alley, thence by north side of taid aHey. to a point, 2luA cast > f thfi tine uf Thomas Land i ius • iut, tkan.e by lot late of Jno. M> AI Hater's .state, 2U3f. to L oigsn st. to the p!a< oof beginning, bring lot No 18A, in the tieneral Plan or Plot of said Boio' of Brllefonte. All that lot of ground, on Bishop street, said Bo ro' described a* luliews ■ Begin ning at tho putnei of lot No IQU thence along Bishop *1 ;V*fl ihence along other portion of lot J6'J, AJPfI to Logan st 33A to .rner of lot No lAO thence along said lot AKlft to place uf beginning, the nmr be ing llie south wj-stern portion <>r iart ol lot IM in the General Plan or Plol of said borough. Seiaed taken in execution and u> He Mild as the property of B. V. Black as Garnishee of A. Heistand Giala- A LSD : All the right, title and interest of de fendant in a certain tract or lot of ground • iiuaU' in Union twp.. Centre county, bounded on the south by the old plank road, oti the *ol by David Underwood, on the north by land of Sam'l Brugat and otners, and on the cast by lot ot l.'Tiruuan Buck, et al, t'lhlainiiig about lo acre*, more or list. Theroon erec ted a two sto ry frame dwelling house, good stable and other outbuildings. Seised, taken in ex eution and to be sold as ibe pr|>erty ot John T. Conley. ALSO : All that t ertait) lrvt wf laud iluale in Taylor tup.. Ocutre 00., bounded ran the north by laud of William Marry man. on the eaal by land of William McCoy, on the "U!h by* land of John M Monigir and on the waat by land of John Fink, con taining 40 arret, more or lo*, there* n erected a log houae. and log stable. Sen <ound.-d and described as follows to wit : Beginning at a white oak, thence by Kobt Holt, 61 . weal lIC per to a post, thence by land ol Henry T. Kyman, south 67? ea*t, 4S per. to a post, thence by 'land of llarnabaa Shope, north 28", eaat 104 perches to the place of beginning. Seised, taken in exe cution, and to bo aold a* the property of Christian Shope, et ux. ALSO. All that messuage tenement or lot ot around situate in the horo' ot Bcllcfontc, •ituate on (lie corner of Hitop and Alle gheny sU., 00ft in breadth of front on Bishop *l, and extending back along Al legheny si, southward 300 ft to an alley being lot No 90, in the General l'lan or Plot of said Bom' thereon tricted a large stone hotel building, stable and olhet out buildings. Seije j, taken in execution and to be sold as the property of J. B. Butts. A LSO, All that building located on a lot ol ground situate in Snow Shoe twp . bound ed on the north by land of J no. C. Uxxle, east, south, and west, by land of the Sn..w Shoe Land Association, it being n two story plank frame lt*Atl\ in sixe will-2 rcfiim down aad 8 room- up stairs Sailed, taken in execution, and to be sold as tie properly of John Sarvy. ALSO. i All those seven lots of ground situate in the town of Aaronsburg, Centre co., and known as lot* No £25,23(1, & 227, bounded on the north by north (, uu Urn south by Blackberry c'lpy, w--*t by lot No 224, east hy Chestnut st, also lots No 254 256* 260, & 267, Bounded north bv Duncan st, south by north st, woit by Union alley erst by chestnut st, numb, red according to tbo general plan of said town. Alio all that certain messuage and tenement situate in the county a format J, bounded as fol lows : Ucgioutng at a rock oak, thence by vacant land, south 29° IS 86 perches to a stone, thence bv land of Win. Sawyer survey, N. 61°, Kl2 porches tp u stone 8 ! M°So"K P im n " 'h° nC V* NJO h 100 porphes tq §tuuip, N \y 86per f Vite ft 1?, a dircytioq of the arurusftij - • vej. ftvncj aW •- or , ur . 01 ' warrant line, south, .-ot perches to the place of be ginning, containing 107 acres, 140 porches, more or less, with the appurtenances. Seized, taken in execution and to bo sold as the property of W I'. Fullmer, et ux. JhJsSO. All defendants interest ia gU that cor Mia lot of grotutf liutto in VaiwrUi Iloro" niimWrMl In the ground plan or plot of (aid Bom. >■ N>-bounded north • y turnpike road w t, by lot of Win Kit-bard*, hbv b i Cliritiwh HttcW. Kby lot of J n.. I" OaUtoiiu, routalniag |o| an m ti'. mora r l, llirfoiH <■ rmlnl * two ItifJ I mil* dwelling kiitf'f, liable and •4brr oiiibuilding*, anollu r tract o.'l a inl tiiUnlr tti .aid li|i , Ivr *': J •" <'• * *•/ land <•( (•. N b lan lof Outturn, \V by Sai.d ..f II ,rr\ Uu .rr, a.< lon llie •••nil. bv land "I lint heir- -ti li o itufi'f, deed, containing about li 3 acrm fr . r, I***', thereon ernicd a '.'-li*rjr frame dwell. ing bullae, batik barn and otliar ou< bund ing! Neifci-d, taken In execution and to be aulil at the firofiert y of W. 11. .Smith. ALSO, All th it certain tract or lot of ground -ipiate in Mutton Iwp.. Cantra county, bounded on the 8 bv land of John Vlatterri. K. bv land of John HUM, tin the N and W. by lai d of iiuth A lllancliard, imnlaing 'JO arraa, tnoraor la**, I hereon erected a frame dwelling bouta and oilier building* Naised, taken in rieciiUon and to be *old a* the properly Of w m Banner. 71 ALSO. All (ha following two tracts or piece* of' land situatein Milaa twp , described a* fultuwi : The l.i beginning at a iWur heap. in the run, (formerly at a spruce). lhrn ™ along land of Ham'l Frank and oth :• S '• • ,7; '£* porebe* to a poet or *lona lhiii aH. 16 , K. 60 pert-he* alone JJ. rmuil eatato to stona* on mountain thence north K 22 port he* to aiunaa in thugan thence N 16* W. ay uervha, along Hannah Frank* land, to tlta place of beginning, OuhUluing h acraa, 60 pert-b --aa. mora ur loaa, llierpot, era. ted a house :I[VTI7^ W rV "table and othm outbuilding*. Tha .ootid tract brain- V"W t jy- : " Ui * |MW>I (hence along land of Jno Iteyn.jiJ* jjm 6 "iT** V** * ld ra. - * $ iltrtkn* Hi tha place of be guiling ouoiWng Hi perches neat moa. ore Halted, taban in execution and la b* sold at tba property of John K Burd. ALSO All thai certain tract or piece of land jounded on tba north by land of ca.oua i Gray and George Itebr, on tha ea.i p. '"•fjTbompaor.. and on waat by land n.. f Miila. I?XKCUToRH SciTlC*.—Letter. ia- j It Um.nUry B th. HIU( of j 4Cofc •>i>ar.gier, lat. of Potior lp, doe'd. have . ban granted to th. under, ignod who ra quart .11 i-er.on indebted a*Ut. to . wafc# immediate, and llio*. ha*. ih K * lain*, to preaeni tbeui duly authenti cated by law for aettlement. WM W. BPANGLKK. JACOB WAGNER, Jr * Kffroteiw. THE PEOPLi'B oftU6 STORE. Next door to Wilaon A Hick' Hard ware store, Allegheny St., BELLKKONTE, PA, Jas. C. Williams* (Hucoeaaor 108 P. ltaukin A Co.) ♦ DEALKK IN PUKE DKUVS AND MEDICINES, u lv rAJNTBL OILS. DYE STLKKs. VARNISHKS, BRUSH ES. f KKKU MKK Y. hOTIOjiH, AND FANCY ARTICLE* KoR THE TOILET. Ac puaxwiMsa LIQUORS Kir medicinal purpuMt. SHOULDER BRACES, TRUSSES A SUPPORTERS la great tarioty, AUo, Choice > CIGARS AND TOBACCO, hijH 1| other article. utually hept in trt CUM Drug Store. PRESCRIPTIONS CAREFULLY COMPOUNDED. 9ir?4tf Keystone Store. ROR FARMERS AND ALL OTHERS Go to H. yearick;& son, FOR FOREIGN A DOMESTIC | DKY HOODS, NOTIONS, HATS, CAPS, BOOTS A SHOES.; CLOTH IMG. OIL CLOTHK, QUKKNSWARK. GROCERIES, PRO VISIONS. FLOUR. Ac No. 6 Bush's Arcade. Bellefonte, Pa. All kinds of country produce tak en. Beat Bargains in town to bet bad. uov2otf H. H. WEISER & CO., Manufacturers of Sheetiron & Tin ware, Miliheim, Pa. All kind, of Tinware, constantly on hand and made to order. Sheetiron Ware of every description, always on hand. : Rooting in Tin and Sheetiron done in toe most approved and satisfactory style Spouting done to order. Their stock of Tin and Sheriiron Good* IS large and complete, and offered at the LOWEST I'll IC ES. Their ettahlishnient ha* been enlarged and stooked completely throughout. SetMfectiuii guartanteed. and all jobs promptly attended to. aprltj-y 1 GUN F. POTTER, Attorney -at. Law. V Collections promptly made and special attention given to thuso having lands or property tor sale. Will draw up and have gel,nuikUaiged Deeds, Mortgages. *O. Gth.-e in the diamond, north side ol the court house, Bellefonte. ocU&l'tWtf. CENTRE HALL HOTKL. JOHN SPANOLEB, Proprietor. Stages arrive an J depart daily, for ai point*, north, outh, east vud weit. bUTlli, Wood war J Pa arrhre and depart daily II KN BY i. L. President, Cashier. OENTRE COUNTY BANEINU CO. I J HfCEIVE And .\llow interest. Nolne, L *a. .. U,I &11. Cuvernw,wtt mm, Gold >. krtMMf Coupon* | t> 1 H " ' 1 . .1 LKX ANI'KR. C, M- Bowt'j ALEXANDER & BOWERS, ; lttor . ncysat-Law. Bollefonte, 7- a . Iciat attention given to Collect ioaa, and Orphan*' Court practice. May he oon gulled in Herman and English. Office in German's Building. Biyai '74-tf. L. SPANQLER, Attornev-at-Law, Belletonte, Pa. Office with Eusb Ss Yocum. Consultation in English i VoUwti large quantities upon tha L. C. A K. C. UK..nod ba. been found highly satisfactory upon nil job* where it ha* been urn), and a* equal to any now matiufavturod far u* in CIH TERNS, WATER or whatever ptrp"ae a gimd quality of 0 oienl i* de*i rftble Tab li Rinf!v boen tested far and wide, and rendered the ut mo*t .alufaction Peron., therafora con ctructing Ci.teri,*, laying Water Pipes, Ac . wilt Slid it to ilie'r advantage to beqr thi*in mind, and also, tbnt be WMrrant* tha article a* represented J O. MEYER, may 21 if Aamn*burg, Pa. A New Idea! A WILSON SHUTTLE Sewing HacMne 50 Dollars!! FARMERS, MERCHANTS, MECHANICS, AND EVERYBODY Boy the World-Renowned WILSON 7 Slmttle Sewing MpcWdg! TDK BEST IN THE WORLD! CfTh' Highest Premium was awarded to it at VIENNA; Ohio State Fair; Northern Ohio Fair; Amer. Institute, N. Y.I Claelanati Exposition; Indianapolis Exposition f St. Lonb Fair; LoaiMaaa State Fair; ■iaaiaaippi State Fair; and Georgia State Fair; FOR BEING THE BEST SEWING MACHINES, had doing the largest and best range of work. All other Machines iu the Market were Iu direct COMPETITION!! ISf*For Hemming, Fell ing, Stitch ing, Cording, Binding,- Braiding, Embroidering, Quilt ing and Stitching fine or heavy goods it is unsurpassed. Where we have no Agents we will deliver a Machine for the price named above, at tho nearest Rail Road Station of Purchasers. Needles for all Sewing Ma chines for Sale. Old Machines taken in Exchange. Send for Circulars, Price "List, &c., and Copy of the W llson Reflector, one of tho best Periodicals of tho day, dcrotcJ. to c'owing Ma ' u aea, Fashions, General Novj and Miscellany. Agents Wanted A. liIIRBSH, Wilson Sewing Madiae Co. Z:4t: