The Centre reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1871-1940, August 06, 1874, Image 3

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t)ur friends will oblige bv sending us
items ot local news in their locality, give
us the facts only, and we will put them in
shape, also notices of deaths and marri
Any one sending us the names of six new
suhsoribi rs, with the cash, will be entitled
to receive the UKI-ORTKH one year tree.
The UKPOIIIKH being read by neatly
every body on this side ot the county,
where it has a larger circulation than any
two papers, will he found the host medium
for advertising business, sales, Ac. Ac
Democratic Delegate Election
The Democratic voters of Centre county
will meet at the regular places of holding
the general election for eaeh district on
SATURDAY, the Stb day of August,
ISM. to elect delegates to the Democrats
County Convention to be hell in the Court
House at Bellefonte, on Tuesday the 11th
day t August at 1 O clock, sharp, lor the
purpose ot nominating candidates lor the
various c til cos to be lined at next general
The said delegate election beginning at
o o'clock p. m. of said day and continuing
untilto'clock p. m. JOHN KORAN,
rimrmsa /Vmoerufic (\'n*ty (Vns.
"Forced out," is the latest excuse
for being a candidate. Bully chap who
inventod'forced, wonder whether he ever
ran for office.
At the democratic delegate elections
on Saturday, tsth, instructions can be vo
te! for two candidates tor the Legislature,
one for this side oftho county and one lor
the other side.
Mr. Poarce Loitrcl contemplate*
moving back to Pcnn Hail, his former
place of residence. Sorry to loose the
Prof, lie was a good citisen and an excel
lent teacher.
Curt Condo, aged about It, living
with Jatnc* A. Keller, near place, was
kicked in the face, by a horse, on last Sat
urday morning, by which his upper lip
was badly cut and .-e\iml of hi> teeth
ware knocked out.
Mr. E. L. Spanglor, date, Joliet,
July 27, writes . Weather dry. crop* suf
fering, farmers blue
Aeon of Bee. L C. Edmonds was
three times bitten by a snake, while wo:k
ing on Lis father's farm near Ad%:usburg
The wounds are n •*. considered ianger
Hugh RiJd'o, is rep Tied to
the neighborhood. • The Watchman says
that he pursued tw • girls in the ridges be
yond Milesburg, she other due, caught
and tied one of them to a tree and took af
ter she other. Somegentl-men came along
liberated the g ri and put Hugh to fiight.
It s better to put Hugh back tc the peni
George Foot savs he will bo elected
a delegate from l'enn. Higher honors
await him.
The attendance at the Normal is
large with daily additions. "
The weather is fine, but the morn
in ps are ceo).
One of the best watchmakers in the
county—Chaa. Held. Miliheim.
Milesburg base-ball players wire at
Mii'.heim on Saturday—it rained and their
toddy got so wet.
Clinton county democrats, without
a di-senting voice went for Wallace,
Msekey and Orv : s, in their recent county
On Saturday last a gentleman, from
Miffiir.burg. with three or four new top
buggies, halted on the road this side of
Pcnn Hall, to go into ah use, net tiling
his horse. The horse started and upset the
buggies, breaking them badfy.
The Aaronsburg Lutheran Sunday
School held a p:c-nic in Cobum's woods,
i mile ea.-t of town, on Saturday Ist
II vs. Tirol'- -on and Kaup addressed the
school in the morning, and at 12 o'clock,
the scbollars collected around a large ta
ble ladrn with all the good things imagin
able. After dinner the tinre was spent
very pleasantly in play, till 3 o'clock when
lb? rain began lodes.end in torrents, and
those only that took a timely warning, and
lit out for home ware spared from receiv
ing a thorough ducking.
The Fletcher Meek family will give
a ccncert of vocal and instrumental music,
at Centre Hall, on Friday evening 7th
inst. This family is welt trained in music
and no doubt their concert wil 1 be a treat. a poisoning case in Hartley twp ,
we are pleased to learn that the parties
accused arc again released. The L-wi--
burg Journal says, the parties were brought
before court on 29 ult., where I>r Loom is
and Prof. Tustin presented a j-cport to the
effect that they made a thorough analysis
of the stomach of the deceased, and that
there was not the lea.-t trace of poison to
be found. This report will of course be
proof sufficient that Wm. Kline did not
die of arsenic. Altogether, though it was
very unpleasant for them to be in prison,
it will be better for them in the end ; for
if there had been no examination the sus
picion against them might have lived for
James A. Bryan, a native of this
county, and for several terms Trea-urer of
Jackson county, lowa, ha* come to grief
for embezzling to the amount of $41,000
We make the following extract from the
Maquokcta, lowa, Sentinel:
The long agony is over ! The defaul
ting treasurer of this county has been ad
judged guilty of embezzlement Official
thieving has received a stinging rebuke,
outraged justice has been vindicated, and
tho people breathe easier. On Monday
morning last the jury in the case of the
State of lowa vs Jas. A. IJryan , late trea
surer, brought in a verdict of guilty, sup
lementcd by the sentence of the court to
three years imprisonment in the State
penitentiary and a fine of $41,000.
James A. Bryan, the subject of this ar
ticle was born in Centre county, Pennsyl
vania, and is about 42 years •of age. He
came to this city and county some eigh
teen years ago, having a jewelry store on
Main street. The panic of '57 used him
up, however, and in 1860 he removed to
Andrew, where he engaged in the mer
cantile business in a small way, and laid
the groundwork of that personal popular
ity which induced his fellow citizens to
honor him with three terms in the county
treasurer's office by large majorities.
A malicious act was perpetrated by
some person at the Trout Eishery of Hon.
James W. Quigglc, on HcElhatten run.
in Wayne township, last Friday. The
fellow took a bar of iron and dug a hole
so as to change the course of the stream
running into the Fishery, which soon left
them without water and caused the death
of thirteen hundred and eighty-three trout,
some of them weighing over three and a
half pounds.
We copy from the Bellefoute lte
publican :
Some unknown scoundrel broke into llie
store-room of the Bush-House the other
night and stole one hundred and thirteen
spring chickens (dressed), seven bushels
of roasting-cars, seven dozen pies, ;cherry
and whortleberry assorted) and sixty-three
pounds of honey. The unhung villain he
fore leaving, pulled the spigots out of nino
full barrels of mineral, iron and sulphur
Mr. C. L. Keller, formerly oftliis place,
has left the caterership of the Merchants
Hotel, Philadelphia and engaged in the
produce commission business. Success to
The stable of Win. Meyers, in Half
Moon twp„ was destroyed by lire on last
Sunday morning between lOand llo'cloek.
It is thought lie fire oiiginated by acci
dent. No insurance. The loss it is
thought, will not excted fifth
Ticking hucklcberrios has now been
added t> picking potato bugs
lb v. Millor.'of tbi place, had hit right
foot badly bruised, on Thursday, flOtli
nit, at his sawmill, in the Seven Motin
twin*, by largo stone fulling upon it.
Mr. Win. Rishcl, of Potter twp ,
was one of the lucky farmers this year, in
his hay crop. Ilia farm produced in all
about 50 ton*. One meadow of three
acres yielded about seven tens of hay
The'farm and saw mill formerly be
longing to Rhoad* A Harper, situated in
the mountains *h. ut three miles voutheast
of Aaronsburg, lias been sold to Mover,
Boyer A Co from Froeburg, Pa. for
One of our Blacksmiths, Mr Jacob
llarpster, hooped AM wagon and buggy
wheels since spring. If any other ordina
ry smith-shop did more than that, let us
Fennsx alley now has eight candi
dates for V -cmblt out of seven townships.
Mitosis the only township that ha no
Two men are to be tried for murder
alSunhury this week, each for Cling liis
A baby safely float vg in its crib,
was found thirty-five miles below Pitts
burg artcr the late disaster, alive, un
harmed and unclaimed.
The foundry and machine shop* of
Brown, Sot's A Co, at Brookvillo, Pa,
wcri destroyed by fire on Friday evening.
The loss isovet seo,ooo.
The engineer corps ot the Penn-yl
vama and W > stem railroad, arc said t be
at work, in the Moshsnrion region, upon
the preliminary survey of the proposed
The undersigned would hereby respect
fully announce, that, having been repeat
oily urged to allow the use of his name in
connection wiih the office of Assembly,
be will accept the nomination it tendated
by the Democratic Co Convention.
Aug. J 'Tt Gregg Tw p.
For the Reporter.
Ma. EDITOR —1 SEE in the Reporter the
name of John W. Krumrine, of Ferguson
tap., mentioned for Commissioner. We
know Mr. Krumrine, he is an honest man
and a good scholar and possessed of a good
judgement. He it also staunch demo
crat in whom the party tan place confi
dence. SboulJ the Convention place him
in nomination, there will bo no difficulty
in electing him.
For the Reporter.
MULUKIU. Aug. 3rd, IS7L
MX. EDITOR:— The good people of the
county, and especially those from our
side seecm altogether unconcerned about
a candidate for County Commissioner.
It is an offlce'of vast importance, and
should be filled by honest, reliable, hard
working men—men who earn their bread
by the sweat of their brows, and know
how t > dispose of the county money, as :t
should be, and not squander it, as is some
times the case. In presenting a man to
the people, who is fully worthy of a liber
al patronage, aud one who would make a
good officer as well as a shrewd business
man, 1 could think of none better quali
fied nor none more werlhy t than Mr.
F. F. Jamison, of Gregg. Mr. Jamison
has not said anything as regards tbe| nom
ination whatever, but 1 trust, if the citi
zens of Centre county would see fit to
nominate him, he would not refuse to
serve them if elected He has never held
any office of interest in the county, not
withstanding he.has done more for the in
terest of the party, than the majority of
those who hold office have, and aside of
atl this he is a man that make* his living
by laboring hard. We ask nothing more
than our right, nnd if that is looked to as
it ought to be, wo feel sure that such a
man will receive more than passing no
tice. PENS.
For the Keporter.
I*. S- Fisher—Legislature.
In the selection of candidates for Assem
bly the Democrat.c party of Centre coun
ty determines the men who are to repre
sent the county in the Legislature the
coming two years. Not only will our
representatives exert an influence on the
legu- latum of this Stale but Will help to !
select a man to represent Pennsylvania in
the U. S. Senate.
Out of the long array of candidate* cer
tainly two good ones eau be found. We
recommend the claims of but one- -Dr.
Puilip S. Fisher. Young and vigorous,
ardently devoted to his county, a friend
and pfitriot of the people, watchful and
honest, he should zealously guard the in
terests ct his constituent*. He is a strong
advocate of the Lewisburg, Cenlte Jc
Spruce Creek Railroad and of all measures
tending to promote the moral and ma
terial interests of the people. It is true in
the Legislative halls we need the presence
of hoary-headed sager who will bring
forward wise coun-els from the history of
the past. But we also need tberu the
"fiery heart of youth" whose eye is fixed
on futurity and shapes his course accord
ingly. Such a one is Dr. Fisher. Filled
with the spirit of the age he would be
equal to the times und reflect honor on
Centre county. Give him a hearty sup
port. G. D. <.
For the Reporter
The whooping cough has laid hold on a
good many grown people in our section ot
this county, and n* a general thing bear*
very hard on them as well at on the little
"Shakespeare," in last week's Beiichter
was very inquisitive. I think his thoughts
run in a somewhat different direction, to
what they did when he expressed hi* only
opinion abeut the Norma! school.
A party from Milesburg made their ap
pearance in Millheim on Saturday, taking
for a come off, that they had come to play
baso-kall with the Millheim club, but the
rain spoiled their game, consequently
they remained until night, and instead of
base ball had a grand hop at Sheriff Mus
ser's. The occasion was a—well, it was so
so, a little too wet for some. Ceal-ilo.
Candidates for delegates to he elected
on Saturday are not quite so numerous, as
they are for some of the other offices.
Nevertheless they should he ab'e men,
such that can he relied on, and will fill
their offices unto the end desired.
Cutting oats, heads the farmers' pro
gramme, but will soon be struck off. and
something else inserted instead. Not
withstanding the injury that the oats re
ceived during the dry weather in the fore
part *f the summer, it is doing well.
Some fanners have better crops in this
line, than they had last year.
The Aaronshurgers had a celebration on
last Saturday. The affair was an enjoy
able one, though the rain slightly marred
the general festivities of the day.
Stones are good in their places, but when
a vicious female gathers a handful to hurl
at your head, they are unquestionably out
of place. We recently saw a wralhy
feminine gather a fistful, and then tell a
certain fellow to "dig out," and he dug
out in hot haste.
George Wolf, who lives in the moun
tains south of Millheitn, was out gunning,
the other day, and came upon two hears
engaged in mortal combat. Mr. Wolf be
ing of a peaceable turn of mind, conclud
ed to stop the fight, which he did, by
shooting one of the varmints; the other
beat a hasty rctieat.
The "Heathen Chinee," was outdone and
the climax of littleness reached the other
night, by a party of fUhormen who, think
ing tlul "il-ukiuM mviri n multitude of
• inn," blackened their fives to avoid de
loot ion \N • dot not think tli nt lVniin
Valley contained white men who are no
nearly on a level with the negro, that
they would try to adopt hit color. Poor
persecuted Sambo I
Strange tin last Sunday night Mr. (J
\V. Weight who for some time hail boon j
in the service of l>*\id Krtie, at retina
Creek, a* clerk, left, and has not been'
heard of since Why he left u not alio
gether known, although there must bej
something the matter as Gowrgo was a
good follow always. Wo pity him
K t>. & 10 S. V.
For the Ueporter.
KKItKKSIII' lit! A ViriNlTV.
I>ai!y topic Who shall be I'istrict At
torney '
The Kebvrsburg select students colli
motived to feast mentally, ou Ash , physi
cally, on gteen peas Wholesome dirt in
de>l May we ask on what Centre Hall
Normalites live '
I'rol Meyer claims the nicest grapes in
Krbertburg, while James Stover, Ksi] ,
boasts of the finest pastes Woridetlut
when grapes and nosegays are turned upi
lor truuip.
The stage cai li from K , to Lot k
Haven appears in a new suit. Well, a
change once a year is not very si Ira va
"John what direct: n is Iceland from the
North l'ole
"W < 11. James, it i owing to how we
reckon , but on the map it is south east."
Permit us to state that we are of a differ- ].
ent opinion
Among the latest was the arrival of a (
letter at our postofficc. directed as fob'
"Miss -
Wreavers Purg,
Centre county, Co. Pa."
The letter came from the same town
wiiere an agent was obliged to explain w hat
bivk that was which he called the "Lite
of Christ, also from the same valley
where one 'look back the Bible agent bi
asking him f. r which denomination he
was selling Bibles. Lame! what are we
a coming to
Query .- The difference between School
Economy and School Government"
V\ euld "Shakspeare," of the llericbter
please explain
Disappointed—The readers of the Be
richler on Friday morning last They fi
lially concluded that the Editor was off
huckleberry ing May he soon return.
Witkesbarre, Penn., July *.W -This
morning, at Jerotyr, in this county, Al
fred Green, superintendent of a coal miae,
started between t and & o'clock to inspect
the mine and see it it was free front gas.
and that everything was all right, as was
his regular custom before the miners en
tered for the day's work. lie was accost
ed. while ou his way, by three strangers,
who asked him for work He replied that
he had a lull force, and did not need their
services. They then drew revolvers, and
fired nine shots at him. two of which look
effect in his Ic.t shoulder and side, llis'
cries and the report of the pistols attracted
the a.tention i f Robert Pierce and Ed
ward McCracken, who came to his assist
ance. The ruffians turned upon them, but
Pierce drew a revolver and shot one ofthe
strangers througn the head, killing him
instantly. The other two ran, but one of
theiu was wounded befote be got out of
range. Mr. Green's wounds are pronounc
ed dangerous, but not necessarily fatal.
The assailant, who was killed, was un
known to all who viewed his corpse A
rumor reached here this cveniug that the
man who was wounded bad been captured,
at.d that the exasperated miners and cit
izens of Jermyn had lynched him.
Galveston, July 30. —The Newt Fort
)Vorth special say* : Col. Stewart, a mem
ber of the Legislature, who hat just re
turned troiu Wise eeunty, bring* a report
of another fight near Jacks >nboro, on Fri-
Jay last, between Montague rangers, a
body of the Tenth United Stales Cavalry
and InJians, the latter numbering five
hundred. The rangers lost twelve killed
and several wounded. The cavalry lost
several men and their commander wat
killed. The report tays that the combined
force- were driven back to Jacksonboro.
Nine Indians Killed
St. Louis, July .70—The Republican
has a special from Newton, Kansas, say
ing that Captain Ilannahan's Company of
Militia returned to Fort Dodge on Tues
day, and thai they killed nine Comanche
Indians on the Canadian river, on whose
bodies a number of white scalps were
St. I'aul, Minn., July 31.—The grass
hoppers are rapid y moving eastward in
myriads and will doubtless reach Wiscon
sin, perhaps Illinois, before the flying
season is past. They arc reported to day
very abundant at a number of points far
cast at the former scene of activity. Even
in this city several gardens arc overrun
with them. All the damage late comer*
can now do is to deposit eggs which will
hatch out millions of devastating insects
for another year. It is now absolutely
certain that other Slate* than this will
complain of the scourge next year, and if
the clouds of insects continue the present
movement even central and eastern Slates
will not escape.
Tamnqua, July 29. —One of the most
frightful accidents tnat has transpired in
this section for many years, occured to-day
at Weldy't powder magazine, situated
three mile* north of this place at Mun'.z
ers station, on the East Mahonoy road.
At tho time of the explosion there were
three men and e boy working in the maga
zine, and as
The Explosion
*a instantaneous, and as nons of them
had any warning of danger, thay wore
bUwn up. Ha far nothing has been tound
of the remains except a few limbs which
hare been brought in.
Owen Garbcr, the carpenter, was etigug
ed in his shop working at the bench, when
the explosion occurred. The shop was
situated about four hundred yards from
the magazine, lie was struck on the right
temple by n stone, and died in about ten
There were in the magazine at the lime
of the explosion at least one thousand kegs
of powder, and the loss on material, build
ings and machinery will not fall short of
fllicen thousand dollars. The magazine
was made a complete wreck, the stones
and timbers flyingin every direction, some
of them landing nearly a mile beypnd.
The explosion was distinctly heard at
points fifty miles distant from the scone of
the disaster.
St. Louis. July 81.—A Kansas City spe
cial says a vigilance committee of about
IC3 men has been formed at Wellington
and other points in Kansas for hanging
horse thieves. Three men named Charles
Brook, Bill Brook and Charley Smith,
were hanged near Wellington last night.
They mado confessions involving other
The Grasshopper I'lauge.
Great quantities of grasshoppers have
appeared in wes'orn and southwestern
Kansas and arc destroying everything be
fore them. Much damage and distress is
' For the Reporter.
In accordance with tin eidl of tin I ■
cutive Coin in it tee of the Open Temperance
i Union Is cohvi'n# st l'lii#livill file
j> ocular imply in* the call m> read hy the
chairman. iilot u luoliou psi 4 llmt a > "in
j nutter of three, consisting of Key Siny
r, llarnharl and J sous Alexander, he
I appointed to nomlnatu Ottlv er for the ( ui
vrntion. While the commuter ictirid
llie choir entertained llio laige assembly
with singing The chairman of the coin
miltec then reported the fallowing named
person* a. o(ti< ers of tiie Convention, >
President, Albert Owen of Pltili]abui g
Vice-President, i>i J M It I i*i r. of In
ionville . Secretary, Rev .1 /.eigler, ol
Milesburg , Treasurer, R Conly, *•! Han
Her twp The report was aeeepted and
tlia • iti• •* elected.
All address was made t>v the Chair, up
preeialory #f lha honors conferred hi tin
, appointment, alter which n roll was made
out of all the delegates lr<ou various >i
gamxaliou#, townships alid boroughs
thoughiuit the county, which n ~ , iunt
j ol its length is lu re omitted ; suffice it t"
say that Unions ille, with Union t.w n-hip,
• Mit,-*burg and ltctlefoiite were laigt !y
! represented Other delegations sn
present from Howard t'orough and t wn
' .ship, Philipsburg, the t"Wll*bl|,s it Bell
jlicr, Hogg-, t'urtin. Hail M- on, Harris.
I Spring, *ms Shoe Hu-t i, Fctgi son,
Palton, and from Will iainspoit, Lycoiu
tlig c. only , ill the I'l-rso .-! KcV. So M',
jby special invitation
I Kev I>. C. Ilabcock, C,-t responding
j Secretary ot The State Temperance Un
ion, from Philadelphia, then nddr, >sed
the Convention. The speaker fist . n
| sidercd tiie "General A-prct- ot the
| Cause The success i* greater than was
anticipated , there has bet*u iiothlhi; lu(
j from the beginning A new form ot oper
i atlon has been brought to bear in the in
, terests of the cause by the I rmation c! n
"Lecture Bureau, which points were
clearly and forcibly laid before the C
volition, followed by an able and well - - I
lorth consideration of the *p - itic workings
.of the gr- a! Prohibitory M veluctit in
spiring his audience with new vigor in
their efforts to put down the evil ■! inti .
Iterance. Singing by the choir, A > rc.i-
I lar received by the Convention from the
Hon. Jalues Black wa> tod by th >■ t,
tary, after which a couim illeo of five, i :i
--sisting of W Meuiingor, M L Smvser
J M Blair, T. Barnhait and 11. 1. Har
vey were appointed to draft resolutions
While these retired the c 1■ -:r rang ;> v <:al :
pieces, and Kev Hsinill, I). 1 , t:..i,Je I
short address from the gallery As the
Doctor was closing his remarks th. , m
luiltee reappeared, atid the chairman re
ported the first four of the scries el re- ••
lutiont herewith giveu. The rej u w.-v
--accrpted and the committee contmui I for
the evening session
A slat> merit WHS made of the expenses
of the Convention, and seventeen dollart
and twenty-six vents were c nfrlbutcU at
the first opportunity. Ad;, irticd to meet
at C p. m.
At about OJO p. in. the C- nvcntion re
assembled. The committee on resolutions
then submitted as their entire report the
following weighty re Julians, which re
coived due ai d separate u-iu Urntioii,,
cupying most of the evening, and parti, -
paled in bv many earnest advocates . !
teoigerance, and w ere adopted one by one,
and finally at a whole.
Ist. Hett-ired. That without party pre
judices, ot Jev t* or de-'.g!,*, e, us Iriel.ds
of temperance, and a> reprt-setilati ves ot ,
that public *er.liui- nt expri-seU by the
ballot on the merits of the Local Optl n
Law in ibis county, ask each a-.J every
political convention to nominate candi
dates as representatives in the M-uto Leg- ,
islaturc who are pleaged and known t be
friends ol the great temperance n 'vement
of the day.
Ltd. AV' u'rcd, That a* true fuend* of
temperance wo pledge nur-ilvc* llmt,
w.thoul regard to patty, we will support
such candidate* for the legislature a. are
known to be in favor of the Local Upti n
Law as it is, and with such additi nnl leg
islation as may make it nioro diluent.
Jd 7sV#v/rcii, That in justii c to our firm
conviction* of positive duty, and in justici
to the great princip col rcloriii w ~ h wc
here represent,tnnt wherever nominatioi.t
are tnnde regardless of. or anlagi r.nlic t
the great, growing and vital principh • > t
temperance, w.-, tlio rcprw* ntalivi , men
of, will feel in the duty bound to call con
ventions and urge the nomination -1 can
didates who are known and pledged to the
cause we support.
4lb. fscsv/rrd. That wc decui tJlOCail lsr
a convention to meet at Ham-burg on tie
l'Jth of August lt-7t, to nominal- candi
dates for State officers, and to which we
haVe teell requested to send delegates, a
premature, and not adapted to so .ire ti.e
best interests of the cause of prohitnli- :i
bih. AVWrrJ, That this i onvention is
onposcd to nny nominations by the Stale
Temperance Convention, except in tin
event of existing parties taiii: g to nomi
nale such men as aiil carry out the object
aimed at by this Convention, L lievmg
!that such a course would defeat the very
object had in \ u-w
Olh. Unu/roi, That copies of the two
immediately proceeding resolutions b
torw-arded iy the Secretary ol this Con
vention to S. B Chase, l'r<-sident > f the
I'Jth of Aug. convention, to I! in. Jaines
1 Black, Chairman of the Kxecutive t'oni-,
rniltre. and to Col. Geo. Mt Farland, edi-'
tor of the Temperance Vindicator, u
reprcscnting the sentiment of u district
which gave a unanimous vole ngninsl li
7th. lie totted. That wo rcci gniae the
! efficiency and heartily endorse the "Wo
niaii Temperance Movement," ai.J earn
: cstly call up-.n the temperance woman,
throughout the county to organise und
emulate the noble example of their sisters
i.i Williamsport, Pittsburgh and else
Nth. Iletolted, That the civil officer* ot
'this county are expected and earnc-tly
requested to see thut the liquor law.- 01,
jthis common wealth he rigidly enforced]
against al I violator*; and we pledge our :
-1 viM to give them our he.vrly CO-OSSW
tion and support in the enforcement there-;
--tb. lletolved, '1 bat the Secretary be
requi-ted to turni-h the proceedings ol
this Convention to the county paper* lor
j 10th Httulrtd, Tbat the friend* of tem
perance in tiie several boroughs and town
ship* of this county be requested to -end
to the Secretary of this Convention for
printed forms, and immediately orgnm/.c
according to the constitution of the "Open
Temperance Union,'' and hold frequent]
lltll. Rrtolted, That We hail tho eslab-,
lisbrnent of the "Pennsylvania Temper
ance Lecture Bureau, ' explained to us by
its superintendent, as a movo in the right
direction, and exprcs- hope that it will do j
great good. *
12th. Reeoltrd, That when this Cnven
tion adjourn-, it adjourns to meet in Hello
fonte at the call of the officers.
13th. Remlrrd, That this Convention
1 tender their sincere thank- t> the citizen*
•f Unionvißc for their hospitality towards
it* members.
Remarks were made by Gen. Hlnir and
others in behalf of the cause.
As the former president of the Open
, Temperance Union had resigned his office,
, it was deemed expedient to elect another,
t accordingly Kev. W. Merningor, it* pre*-
, ent Vice-President, was elected Presi
dent, and D. P. Shopc, Kq., Vice-Prcsi
,' dent.
New York, July iJO.—Tho Cubans lieic
have received news from IJaiutiu to the.
•Ifect that the Patriot troops have destroy
ed a number of plantations in the Trini
dad valley, ami that'planters arc abandon
ing their property there for fear of being
captured, urn] becuuso the Spanish Gov
ernment cannot give tlio necessary pro
lection. Tbo President of the Cuban Re
public lias ordered Captain Carcpio to de
stroy everything be can lay hands op.
Cabo, the negro captain, at tin? head of a
number of emancipated negrols, is withe
neighborhood of Ciunfucgos, wrecking
plantations and enlisting slaves und cool
ies in the puriotic ranks. A genera', up
rising of negroes under Cabo is daily ex
pected. The Cubans have captured sever
al military maps of the Treelia which
show the position of forts, pitfalls, picket
stations, &e.
The centennial of chemistry was cel
ebrated the oilier day by a gathering ol
prominent chemists at Northumberland,
There I* nothing since our )a<t to threw
low light Itpen the licit Iter Tiltoll matter.
Tiler# si i in* ('he . lie lll, in utane who hns
ill# key to it ' lank Mi niton he knows
but has thus tin refused to open Is in lip*
The attempt of a third party to bring the
matter before court, has failed
The Tribune publishes the following .
It lias been widely reported alid is gener
ally believed in lii.-oklyn (hat Mis la
helta llcrcher Hooker, of Hartford, who
has been on exti ■ Miely ilt .mute term* with
Mr-, Woodhnll bus avowed ber belief in
C • I 1.-I'il .1 t I ' ' ■ Ml- \\' ti.'dh ll' "
'tot irs, and bad gone so far as to'urge up
on In r brother a public confession of bis
sin in llie Plymouth Churi li, she propos
ing the occasion and receive hi* confes
sion, and herself to conduct the seivtces
New York, July 28 Tilloit # arrest
ed on two charge* of libelling Hceehsr,
lit, I was hi. ught helore Justice Knitly at
p m lie was seated 111 Ills parlor when
arrested, and treated th# matter with the
mutest composure. His hail was filed at
62, *#lo, but upon giving ins word of honor
that he Would appear at H*a m tomorrow.
With bondmen, he was allowed to go until
that tune in hn own reeogniaance The
pros, ,at ions are ba-cd upon his >< <-nt
statement* n-rsigeing Rev, her and h
was arrested at the instance of Win J.
linyi n i-i.llv from lioston, where Ise
liad a Inw fin, J at No 8 Pi lot atlon
Sijuare He is now a inembsr of tiie
Brooklyn Argu- He says iiis only ob
ject causing the arrest to bring out all lite
The arrest of Till ■ to-night was pro
cured on two affidavits, the first of w bieb
reads as follow s
, "New York, Kings county, S S
Win J Gsynor, of No : ! H First place,
bring duly sworn, deposeth and says that,
i-n the 130 th of July, Theodore TtlUm did
falsely, maliciously and scandalously
traine, make, write, Loin pose and cause to
bt-i ib .-In 1 in tin- Br. y n Daily Kagie,
published in the ci'y uf Brooklyn, in said
county, of the '_Vth of Ju1y,1974, a certain
false, scandalous and libellous writing of,
concerning and against Henry Ward
Bc-i her, of the city of Brooklyn, to the
import and ctfectf 11. wing, to wit Here
articles 2 and S of Tiitou s'atrmeiit are
Used, and the affidsy it concludes' where
fore deponent |>ray* that defendant may be
apprehended and dealt with according to
"Sworn to before me, this >tli day of
July, lt>74
Tho other affi.lav It is on similar terms,
and quotes Tiltoti s card of yesterday iu
regard to the omir-ion of a part of hit tcs
tinii ny in the report f the cruss-vxamin
ation given to the press by the Heocher in
vi -ligation c -iiirnilt.;- hen Ti!t#:i came
before tho JuJg. the following cidloquy
took place
Tilton smiling.—''! bear you want me."
Judge Keilly "Theft * a charge of libel
ag-insl you [The affidavit* were read and
also the warrant.] What do you say to
tbat cliargt asked tbe Judge.
Tilton 'Kv i rylbing is true.
Just.ce Keilly—"Yo*, but how do you
plead 7"
Tiit :t 'Well, not gu.tty. Before you
take that 1 would ask it st makes any dif
ference in regard to the case as to the way
1 plead.
Judg "You plead Oct guilty and of
course you are entitled to an adjournment
and a hearing.
Tiltcn- ' Not gui tv, then."
The Justice took the plea, and as ht-
w rote it down he-aid. "You wsll be here
to-morrow at 10a tt. 1 will all -w you to
go on yourown rc> gnisance " Thisend
ed the matter ar J Mr. Till- n, after
if he hsd belter have < ourisel in the mom- i
ing, and being arts wen I tn the aOirrualive.
I "ft the court r>om.
London, August I.- The correspond
ence vf the Dai y N, w - : jfi that li-c
damage done by recent storms of M.rav.a
far exceeds tho earlier estimates. Kievrn
villagct and two towns were devastated.
The government hu* rent troop# there to
u**i- I the inhabitants.
t.t'N IN KUIN-S.
Ihtroil, August 1. —A fire broke out
this nicrning in Hart's boot and shoe store,
corner and Terrace street, M.okcg s and
(rem thence it w cpt every thing up to the
C A M l. S . dejiot. Nearly l*" hun
d.cj | i sof kiiire. vsero destroyed.
Ti.e grasshoppers are doing immense
damage in 110-cnwrn, Cant, rbury. Frank
lin, i.-.d other town# in New Humpsbire
Co! I) M t lough estimates that they
have injur. I his hoy crop to th<- amount
of fifty tons, and Isaac K Gage, e-q , puts
hi* loss at forty tons They are n"w mak
ing n raid upon the fruit tree- an 1 corn
Ussals, devouring the latter n*fa*l as they
appca r.
Harbaugh. Mat thia- A: Owens, of lb# Su
perior Iron Mill-, I'ituburg, P# . hav#
gone into bankruptcy.
The last number 7 -) Lv Cretne le
la Creme, from J. L. Peters, .V.'.i Broad
way, New Ys-rk. should be secured by
every one fond of show. The following
piece* are worth having "The *1 usical
Box," caprice, Liebach, worth, in sheet
litrin, 40 cents; Flower Song Hlumcnlicd)
Lange, .3 rents; "Marche a la Ttirquc,
(Trans Rubinstein, 36 cents; "Ye Merry
Birds," Traits.i Kulic, 60 cent.-. All
these cost but fifty cents, the priee of the
magazine- per number. "51 a ye-ir. issued
monthly. No piano player ian do with
out it.
Finnigan, a dressmaker, who has resided j
for soma time at tbo Irving House, on
M i-sion street, between First and Second,
was married Inst Sunday to James Thorn
ton, a young man who < ame from New
6 ork for the purpose. The ceremony was
attended by n large number of her friend*
and the fealiv itics of tbe occasion were
extensive- On Monday she bream# a
raring man ae, and so violent did she be
come that it vva- found necessary to con
fine her in i straight-jacket. Register.
A Rkmaiikahi.k IJ< v.- Yesterday C.
und Henry Wilniiiyer, of Rending, wore
sent to tho Ilctiscof Refuge at the instance
of their father, who pronounced (lieiu in
corrigible. The history of Charles, the
elder boy, who is but fifteen years o( age.
is remarkable, llu run away from home
nt the age of twelve. For the first year
I his travels were confined to Pennsylvania
He visited every city and town of any in
terest in it. lie worked along the canals,
on iron mills, and drove teams. Finally
he joined man named Seldel, from Phil
adelphia, who proved to Lea thief and
burglur. \\ iih him young Witmuyer
traversed the entire country, under tho as*
suimd name of Vincent, One week they
were witli tho gamblers in the territories
and the next week in tho itatos. They
were always very well untied. The boy
says he witnessed murder, robbory, arson,
theft, gambling and all sort* of crimes,
having passed nearly a year with the
roughs and desperadoes of the frontier. In
Kansas City he was nearly killed himself.
Among the Choctaw Indi ins he was near
ly starved, lie droyoa stage near Brown*-
ville, Texas, and carried two revolvers in
his belt
Finally the two decided to start back for
tho north. They had boon fortunate end
possessed some money. Tiny had sever
boon under arrest und had never paid a
cent for lai.rond fares Alter a long and
circuitous journey they at lust reached
Pcnusy IvHtti.i, and they patted in this city,
Heidlo goii gtoPhiiudelphiaaiid Wilmoy
pr home.
Uaewy—wuohly—the cnudidates.
Litter iiiv*iigj|ioiiß o nfiim wliai
j lin* been aniii relative In the col*|ne
<>f the People'* Fire I tixut aiice Com
pany, of Philadelphia. There Menu
(o lie no iloiiht that imiimgii Harrison
Prnulle ha* nlmcnmled tint only with
the naai'ta of the coiporatioo, hut
futnla obtained through other aourrea,
ninl ia estimated in the aggregate at
London, July 'JB(i nin - A #pe->
eiitl despatch to the Daily Newi re
porta that the ileal ruction of |>ro|>erty
by the floods in Moravia ia immense.
At least 'JIM) house* have heen a wept
On* ol' the moat important acta
parsed hy the Inst Legislature provides
"that no stay of execution shall he al
lowed on any judgment for it hundred
dullaia ami lera, when the same hat
been recovered for wages of manual
labor." Thia act was approve)! hy the
Governor on March 14th, and conse
quently ia now in forca. ■
I lie number of student# at the Con
tre Cu Normal i nbuul (JO.
I lie dry spell bus affected the fruit
crop somewhat.
llio corn crop will not be more
tlinis an nvcrnge one, ditto tin* out*.
(.'urn m-IIN at H't ut iiellsfuatr, oat#
ub ut 70, wheat from 12i to 135.
Keller A Miller, butcher#, have n
500 porker without n ktuk in it* (ail.
Col Kishel, of Gregg, i# a new can
diilate for A*-tmblv —the heaviest one
on the course.
written on tin- death of Miles Clayton
Thy birthday dawns, the glorious Sun
In iiiag-e splendor shim s ;
AH thing* in nature seem to smile,
Yet our heart still pine* for the#
Oh can it b#, my darling boy,
That tbou so young, so bright,
Wert called to fill ti early gravo
Our happiness thus blithe*
To u* tbou art not deaJ, my boy,
In memory ever bright;
Only sleeping, only r-ssling.
Away f-om earthly sight.
We often hoped, aye, wished that thou
Had st lived lor u* to mourn-
Not ut f.>r thee, tliou precious boy.
To Heavenly bliss art born.
Days, week*, months ha>e come and gone,
And yet our hearts are sore;
Situ e thy dear ferm, thy loving voice,
We sec and hear no more
We nut* tbee, yes, lrom morn till night,
We mis* thee everywhere;
At work we mis* thy pleasant fact.
At horne we miss the# there
In music. Oh ! there thou art missed.
Thy voice mingles not there ;
At church we see thy vacant seat.
At horn#—thy vacant chair.
Music f#r i:i# row lias in charm :
In naught we pleasure see.
The sun and ni.ejn their sheen have lost.
The star* look dull to me.
But why still mourn for thee my boy*
Thy sufferings all aro o'er.
Sorrow no more thy heart can pain.
On that bright golden shore.
Farewell, dear boy, we leave tbee now,
To take thy last long sleep
Our days we'll pa*> for tbee to m rn.
For thee, dear hoy, to weep.
When time with us shall be no more.
Take us gently by the hand, .
Through death's dark valley lead u* on.
To join the heavenly band
0 W. R
In Gregg twp, on the 'Juth July. Mrs.
Catharine, consort of George Stover,
deci ksed, aged o7 year*, j months and G
On the 'th u't, in Sugar Valley. Clint n
county, of Consumption, Me*. Khxabeth.
wde cf hamuel Brown, aged to years, "
months snd days.
Clinton Co. paper- pleas* copy )
On the 2nd inst, in INnn twp, at the
ri idonca #f Asreft \\ Ulrick. Mr.
I.- wis Hrgle, aged G'J years
On the'.\th ult. .in Law ranee, Kansas,
Benjamin lies*, aged • I years, month*
2'.' days. The deceased was formerly Iruin
ll.i> (-luiity.
On the 24th u't, ut Kcbershurg, D*ntte
Co -t Consumption. Dr J Henry Ziegler,
aged 2". years, 7 month* and 27 day*.
Dr. Zieg ar was a conti-lanl and devot#d
iiicmher of tho Reformed church. He was
a young man with more than ordinary
talent; and according u> tho admonition ol
."-t. Paul, he consecrated these, together
with his body to lh.- er*ic< of his heaven
ly Father ttirough Chrisi L-sus.
Olio ) ear ago lie graduale.l in the Wash
ington Medical University in Baltimore
1L- hat just been ready to enter upon the
arduous and re-pontihlc duties of a physi
cian when, that slow but lalal disease.
Consumption, laid hold upon him. and
ended his lile in a short course of tune.
He bore all things patienllr. and entirely
com tin tied himsell and ali In* affairs in
the hands of his Lord and Master, who
d*-e* aH things well.
Hi- death inflict* a 10-s upon the church,
his dear wife, and the community, but that
which ha* been los- to them lias been to
bins Eternal gain. L.
vVhita vThcat $1 30 Red 126....Rv*
HI Coin 90 ....Oat- -Vs. Barley 80.
J70.. ...Clorerseed 4 .0" Potatoes t'*i
Lard per poun-l 8 Pork nor pound-Hi
Hutter'JO Kgg- lo Plaster porton'
slo Tallow 8 Bacon 10 Ham 16
Lard per pound 8 cent* Buckwheat
tV, cts., Kiour per barrel rclaiiß,6o...
wholesale 7.26 to
White wheat 1.30.... It* -1 wheat 126 ....Rye
tki Corn 6i) Oats 36 Barley 80
Cloverseed 4.00 Timothysood, 360
Salt 2 26 per sack
Bacon 7c Hair 16.... Butter 2)... Kggs
120 Plaster 9 60
Chestnut Coal per Ton $d.75 Slovoi
Coal per Ton sti.fiO Kgg Goal nor Ton
jul.oO Limeburnor's Coal per Ton sS.<\)
Will bt nfli'rnl t Public Sale. on the
premises, in Potter twp . on TIIUBS-!
DA Y, September ITth, 1874
The following real estate. belonging to
the Kstate of Peter Durst, ibc'd., consist-!
iii(t of n valuable (arm of 118 ACItKS.;
more or less, situate 1 mile from Potter*
Mill* Thereon erected a TWO STOHY
and other outbuilding*, with two pood,
orchard* and all kind* of llio bent Iruil on j
the |>remie*, and a good spring of never
failing water near the house. Alto,
Eighty Acres of Timberland,
situate in Potter twp , "miles from Potter*;
Mills. Selo to eomntence at 1 o'clock, p. |
m. Terms will bt made known on day of
AugG. Executors,
Lime ! Liine ! ,
I,into ol the bet totality, always on
band, at the kiln near Centre Hall.
I have on hand n largo assortment of
will be sold at the lowest market price.
jullfi-Sm Milroy, Pa.
SETTLEMENT. Notice i. hereby Sti \ -
that the undersigned have appoint- (
cd Saturday, August Blh, next, as settle
ment day for all account* in the K*tate of
Win. Gentael. dee'd, late of Gregg twn.,
wtiero all persons interested will nt
julIU Adm'r*.
Letters of administration on the Es
tate of Daniel Shuoy, late of O.ik Hall,
doe'd have been granted to the undersign
ed. and ull persons knowing themselves
indebted to mid estate aro requested tu
make immediate payment and those hav
ing legal claims against the same will pre
sent them duly authenticated by law.
JuUfi-OL Adn"rJ
i Hy virtue of sundry writs of fieri/win*,
teruri /iiei-is, and rrm/itiimi trponet s, is
sued out of the Court of Common I'leas of
Centre county, Pa, anil to me directed,
there will be exposed to public sale at the
Court House in Hollefonle. on Monday,
'.'till day of August, Hie following describ
ed real estate to wit
All dufemlant* right In and to the follow
described lots of ground situate in the
Horn ol Hellcfonle, beginning at tiie south
side of Logan street, at a point VI" feet
east of corner of Tlio's Lanuregsn, thence
east, along said street, to the corner ol l*U
of iturnsida'a beirs, 'JWft to HII alley. I
ihelice hy north side of said alh v. ton
point, '240 ft east of the line of Thomas!
Land m an's lot, thence by lot late of Jno.
Ml Alllster's estate, 'Jtkffl to LonglU si loj'
the place of beginning, being lot No imi, 1
in llit- General Plan or Plot of said Itorsi j
of Hetlvforilr.
All that lot of ground, on Itisliop street, ■'
•aid lioro' described n> follows Begin-! 1
ningattho corner of lot No 100 thence! 1
along Bishop st- Soft thence along other |
portion of lot 16".i, 2Uoft to Logan st. Sift to,
corner f lot No 100 tbenca along said lot i
'.Vilft to piace of beginning, the tame be- ,1
,mg the south western |orti-in or part of
lot I6y in the General Plan or Plot of said j
borough Hei/.cd taken tn ci. , ution and ]
t> be sold a* the property of B V. Ills< k ,
as Garnishc# of A Heistalnl Glut/.
All the right, title and Interest of de
fendant in a ' ilain tract or lot of ground
|.ituate in Union twp.. Centre <->unty.
i hounded on the south by tin- old plank I
road, on tb# west by David l'nderwu >d 1
on the north by lima of Sam'l Hrugur and
"liters, and on the east by lot of Christian
Buck, et 01, containing about 16 acres,
more or les.-. '1 hereon erected a two *U
ry frame dwelling bouse, good -labl- and
other outbuilding- Seise,l. taken in ex- ,
cut ion and to be sold as the property ot t
John T. Donley.
! All that certain tract of Und situate in
1 ] Taylor twp., Centre co., bounded on tbe
. north by bind ut Willtum Merry man, on
j the east by land of William McCoy, on
the south by land of John M M onigie and
on the west by UiiJ of John Fink, con
taining 4u acres, more or lea*, ilieretn
erected n log house, and log stable. Sei*-
ed, taken in execution, and to be sold as
the property of Benjamin Waik
AH that building located <>n a lot or
piece of ground situate in Ppring twp,, and
which is known as Bush's addtUun. and
numbered in said addition as lots No 75,
7U V 7", tb -aid house being on lot No
' r >, bounded on the north by Valentine at ,
on Ibesoulb by land of Beuben Valentine'*
heirs, east by Walnulsl, on twest by
land of D G Hush Said Luilding l* a
tw.. story frame building about JO.ft front
and 'Jt) feet deep. Seined taken in execu
tion, and to be sold as the property ol
Jonathan Searfau**, et. ux.
All the right, till# and interest of de
fendant iii and to a certain lot xr piece oi
ground situate in the Uoro' of Uoionvilte,
; Centre co., Isounded on ttte south east by
lot of Klirs B irtoii, southwest by street,
nortii^-st by lot of Provbytarinii Parson
age. and northeast by an aiiey. containing
I of an acre, more or I •*, thereon erected
a two story trame dwelling house, stable
and other outbuilding*. Srix-i, taken in
execution and to be sold as the property
fJ. A Winters.
AH that certain lot of ground situate in
Boggs tw o . Centre county, bounded and
described at follows to w:l lb-ginning
at a white oak, by Kobb Unit AD,
' west 110 per to a post, them e by land ol
Henry T. Kv man, south 07 6 cast, 4? per.
to post, ibente by land of Barnaba>
Shop#, north 2b", east 104 perches to the
plaie of beginning. Seised, taken in exe
• uti >n, an i to be sold as the property ot
Christian Shope. et ux.
A LSO .-
AH that tnessuagc tenement or lot ol
gr. und situate in the h.>ro ot Bellrfoiite,
situate on the corner o( Bisop and Alle
gheny st*., tidft in breadth of front on
Bishop st, and extending back along Al
leghany st, "-utbward 'io.ft to an alley
being lot No ao. in tbe General Plan or
Pint o( said lioro' thereon #n cled a large
stone bole) building, stable and other out
buildings. Nc-ixt-d. taken in execution and
to be sold as tbe property of J. B. Butts.
AH that building located on a lot < f
ground situate in Snow Shoe twp , bound
ed on the north by land of Jno C. Cut!#,
east, south, and w est, by land if the Snow
Shoe Land Association, it being a two
slorv plank frame house lSx'Jbft in six#
with 2 rooms down aad 3 room- up stair*.
Scixcd, taken in execution, and to be sold
as the property of John Sarvy.
All those si ren lot* of ground situate in
tbe town of Aaron-burg. Centre co., and
know n as lots No A 227, bounded
on the north by north st, on the south by
Blackberry a ley. west by it No "224.
ea-t by Chestnut t. ais* lots No 254. 'MA,
2&G, A 257, Bout.(led north by Duncan
it, south by north st. west by Union alley,
erst by chestnut st, numbs red ace -rding
1 to tbe general plan of said town. Also ail
; that Certain mes-uage and tenement situate
• in th* county aforesaid, bounded as fol
lows : Beginning at a rin-k oak, thence by
vacant land, si MI in 2J° K Hi perches to a
B stone, thence bv land if Win. .Sawyer,
survey. N.Cd e , Kl2perch-'s to a stone, >
2.i K p'r to a stone nfd' IC.' per to
N Ai- K 100 perches p> a stump. N 2j' W
. ttC |ert be* to a stone in a north westerly
direction of the aforesaid warrant or sur
' vey. thence along said w arrant line, - 'ulh,
61", west 'AM perches to the place ot bo
ginning, containing lt'7 arres, I4O|M-rrhcs,
more or Je--, with the apiiurtenan-1-
Ne.r.cJ, token in execution and to be s. Id
a* the property of \\ P. Fullmer, et ux
AH defendant* interest in all that cer
tain lot of ground situate in Uiiioiivtilc
Boro' numbered in the ground pimn oi
plot of said lioro. as N" -bounded north
' bv turnpike road, wist, by lot *4 Wo
Kicliards, Sby 1.1 of Uhri-tian Buck. K by
lot of Jno. C. Calhoun, containing I ot an
acre, more or les. thereon erected a two
story frame dwelling house, stable and
other outbuildings, another tract of land
situate in said twp., bounded i n tbo K. by
land of Geo Peters, N. by land of Osburn,
W. by land of Harry Hoover, and on the
south by land of tbe heirs of Geo 11 over,
doe'd, containing about <23 acres inure or
less, tiioreon erected a 2-story frame dwell
ing house, bank barn and other outbuild
ings. Seixed, taken in exrwution and to
be sold at the property of W. H. Smith.
All ertain tract or lot of ground
•iluate in Huston twp., Centre county,
bounded on the S bv land of John
Mattern, K. bv land of John Bus,
on the N. and W. bv lai d of Bu-h A
Hlunchard, contains 20 acre.-, more or les-.
thereon erected frame dwelling house!
and other building*. Seined, taken in!
i'\< < iti-m and to be sold as tho property
of Win. Hen nor.
All the following two tract- or pieces of
land situate in Miles twp , described as
follows : The Ist beginning at a -tone
heap, in the run. (formerly nl a spruce ,
llicnce_along land of Sam'l Frank and oth
ers, S 76°, vV . 22 perch** to a post or stone
thence S. 15°, K, 00 perches along H.
Smuil's estate to stone* on mountain,
thence north 76°, K 22 perches to stones in
the gap, thence N 15®. W. 00 perch.-#
] along Hannah Frank s land, to the place
of beginning, containing 8 acres, 40 perch
es, more or less, thereon erected a house,
two story, summer house, -table and other
' outbuildings. The second tract, begin*
I ning at a stone in line of Mrt piece. thence
i along land of Sam'l Frank, N 'Jo|' , W8
| nerche* to post thoncc along land ofJa*.
Williams, S, 76° W 6 perches to a po-L
thence along land of Jno ReynolJs 201° K
8 porches to IMVSI, thence along said first
tuece N 7o r K 6 perches to the place of be
ginning con la-II ing 40 porches neat meas
ure. Seixed, taken in execution and to be
sold a# the property of John K Burd.
Valuable Real Estate.
The undersigned will sell a valuable
Farm situated I mile north - f Linden
Hall, Centre county, n TUESDAY,
August Ith, 1 XT4, at 2 o'elocK. p. m., con
01 to 92 Acres of Land,
72 acres of which are in a high stale of
cultivation, and 20 acres in excellent tim
ber with running water thereon. The im
provement* consist of a large
Hank Barn, Corn-House Carriage
house, and nil other buildings needful,
flow* constantly at tho house and barn.
There is a Large API'LK ORCHARD
of young tree* hearing choice fruit, also
about 60 Cherry Trees, and Plums. Pear*,
Peaches, (Quinces, Grapes, with ■.tio-r
small fruit trees in abundance The Farm
being situated at the southern ba-e of N it
lativ mountain is peculiarly adapted t,. t) 1(1
cultivation of Fruit—a failure l.i.inn very
rare. The above Farm l de-irnb as i
home being U'"H r church and schools, and 1
within a mile of She L C. & S C RR 1
Superior Ore
is being found in olosw proximity to it.
TERMS : —One half Cash on delivery of
Deed—the remainder to suit purchasers,
i wm. D, aim
Anwinbly. ,
We MM. authorised to announce the
name i>t Cliiiinr Munmn, i>f l'hiliiuburf,
for Asaombly, subject to the decuion of]
the democratic county convention.'
Wo ore authorised to announce the
name of 8. T. Hhugcrt, of Bellcfont* a a
candidate fur Assembly, subject to the de
cision of the democratic county conven
Wo era authorised to announce the
name of If. I). Van Pelt, of Centre Hall.
► a candidate for Assembly, aubject to]
the decision of the democratic county j
We are authorised to an noun the
name of John K, Krebs, of Ferguson two.,
n a candidate for Assembly, subject to Ins
decision ol the democratic county conven
tion. I
\\ e are authorised to announce the
name of W. K Alexander, of Mlilhalm,
as a i nndidale for Aaaemhly, aubject to tin
der is ion of the democratic county conven
We an- authorised to announce that B
r . I luh|i, uf Aaronaburg, will be e can
didate for Assembly, aubject to the uee is
ion of the democratic county convention.
. /" authorised to announce that 8
,■ Centre lltall, will be a candi
date for Aiai-mbly. aubject to the decia
#in of the democratic county conven
tion. *
tS e am MUlhotiri-d to announce the
name of Dr. Poter Smith, of Centre Mall,
a candidal* for Aaaemhly. aubject p.
ino decision of the democratic county con
I)ll lift At tor n<>}-.
I " r *. ¥> announce that J.
L >pangl.r of aelUfonte, will be . can-
Jnlale for Dun let attorney, aubject to the
(le'-uton of the democratic cuuniy convan
Mr. Kdiuti - Permit me, through your
paper, to state that 1 am a candidate tat
ro-nomi.- ation laccording to the u**gea o|
the party.) for Dutrict Attorney.
Jon* K. PoTTxn.
V. Eton ura Ewxi IHid
J-AMiia, belonging to the undersign
ed went oslray about 8 weoka ago They
•U have a blue mat k along the buck and
a black-croae of tar on the aide. Perioua
knowing the whereabout* of the aatne.
* HI be suitably rewarded for any informs
Spring Mitla.
X ECU TOR S NiM'ICK. —Detiora los
tatoenUry n the estate of Jacob
>pangier, late of Potior twu, deed, have
grnuts*l to the undertigned who rm
qup#i 2i p<-rotis !t>4*bu*i tu m<l euti to!
make immediate payment, and those h*v
mg claim* to present them duly authenti
cated by law for settlement.
10 July * Executor..
CIALTION —Notice it hereby given
/ that the under* igned ia the bone fide
'wner of the following property, now in
the |oaa*ion of Daniel Horner : All the
Crept on the premiaei, all the live stock,
I hay rake, 1 broad* heel wagon, 1 harrow,
and I plow, and will leave the same in hit
pukrettion at wiy pleasure. All person*
are therefore cautioned against meddling
with the tame. GEO. DC EST.
23 July.
Next door to \Vil*oa dc lliclu' Hard
ware ntore, Allegheny St.,
Jas C. Williams
(Succostor to B F. Rankin A Co.)
tor medicinal purposes.
Alto, Choice
and all other article* usually hept in first
claat Drug Store.
! .'maiTdtf
Factory Goods
• in*Untly on hand and offered in exchange
I'firWooi. These good* are of the eery,
! !•**! and manufactured by A F. Oibbnay,
at Greenwood, an 1 cotii*t of CARPETS,
I Tweed*, Stocking Yarn, and all otbor
i c<-odi guilefully manufactured.
i u>*y7 "in. Potter. Mill*, Pa'
Keystone Store.
Go to
No. 6 Bush's Arcade, Bellefonte, Pa.
All kinds of couu'ry produce tak
eu. Best Bargains in town to be
I had. nov2otf
Msnufncturers of
Sheetiron & Tin
Millheiiu, Pa.
All kind* of Tin war*, constantly on
liaiul and made to order.
Sheet! Ron Ware of every description,
always on hand.
Hoofing in Tin and Sheotiron done in
the most approved and satisfactory style.
Spouting done to order.
Their stock of Tin and Sheotiron Good*
'* large and complete, and offered at the
Their establishment has boon enlarged
and slocked completely throughout.
Satisfaction guartantoed, and all jobs
promptly attended to. aprlC-y
JOIIN F. FOTTEK, Attorney-at-Law.
Collections promptly made and
special attention given to those having
lands or property tor sale. Will draw up
and have acknowledged Deeds, Mortgages,
Ac. Otlice in the diamond, north side ot
the court houso, Hellcfonto. octStf&Hf.
JOUH SPANOLKK, Proprietor.
•Stages arrivo and depart daily, for a]
points, north, south, east and west,
ILLKR'S HOTKI,. Woodward 1\
Stages arrive md depart daily
liK itv ntiuat sstiorr, J. I>. SUI'OKRT,
Prroidoiii, Cashier.
(Late MiUik'-n, Hoover A Co.)
I Y'oi .\iinw iiiterc-t,
Discount Notes,
Buy and cell.
Government Seem lies, Gold &
aplQ'GUtf Gonpom,
1 offer* hi# eervicea to the cltiaon* of Mifflin
Centre and adjoining countiea, in
Hounr. Nlin and Ornftim-miln 1
, I'ii tit (I •!(;.
Oak. Walnut, Maple, Aah,
Mahonony. Ac.,
I'UIII and Fancy Paparhanging. Or
dara reapectftilly solicited.
; All One work d.-ue for other painter*.
Hanking Co.
And Allow Interest,
Discount Note
Buy and Sell
Government Securities, Gold and
PitTicn llwrrxa. Wit. JJ. Miwot.r,
Prea't. Caahier
Chas. H. Held,
Clock. lin('hmak€r A Jeweler
M iliht-im. Centre Co., I'n.
It<w|>ctfully inform* lain friend* and the
public in general, that he baa juit opened
at his new establishment, above Alexan-
store, and koepa constantly on hand,
al! kinda of Clock*, Watchea and Jewelry
of the latest al vies, aa alao tba Maran v ille
Patent Calender Clock a. provided with a
complete index of tha month, and day of
the month and week on it* face, which la
warranted na a perfect time-keeper.
#tr-Clock*, Watchea and Jewelry rc
pnirad on abort notice and warranted.
*P ll' W !y
JAN. M HANI'S, Attorney at Law,*, promptly aIU-uda to al
buiae> entrusted to biin |utX.'rtKi
Rett Sample tii-oina in Town.
D. JOH NhTOX A SONS, Proprietor*
Bollefonte, Pcnna.
_ L'uss la and /rem tin Dtpet.
Hellekohte, Pa.
J R. BUTTS. Prop*r.
II u finit clan* accommodation; cbarg
** reaimnn tf.
Excelsior Cement
The undemigned ruw miH&tKra Co
meni WARRANTED op A -! i'KRIOS
A 1.11 \, t hi* kiln*. i i-w Pine
Creek Mil!*, in Haiuu* tmp Thi* cement
b already Wrn u*J in large quaniilMt*
upon the L. CJ. A H. C. KH..n>d fan* been
fuuod highly Mti*fi*ctory upon mil Job*
•here it hu been uuml, ami w equal to
1f1?..".'!* "•*• <*vturod f u,. in CIS
TERNS, WATEK PIPES, „ r l imtcvmr
purpuM * (food quality at Cement i de*i
rab'e llill Cement liM already been
uted far and vid*, and rmderw tb ut
®<*l *ali*(ation. PerMtn, therefor'- eon
•tructing Cittern*, laying Water Pi pot,
Ac , * itfind it to their advantage to beer
thia in mind,and aUt. that lie warrants the
article as repretemea.
may 21 tf Aarurburg, Pa.
The Undersigned ha* talc a large
*ock of Lumber at the Leup Sawmill,
( lately Colyer'*), concitting of
and all k.nd* of Lumber generally u*cd
lor building purpocaa. DRY WALNUT
ILUM BE It alway* oo hand.* All kind, of
Coopering done.
iaprt-Sm Potters Milia.
Farmers& Builders
! Having attached a PLAINER to our
j * lea in naw-mtll. on the Seven Mountain*
near Fourt't. we are prepared to funtub,
Millroy, Pa., or.
1 aprSm Potter * Mil!*. Pa.
g- Joat pabliabad. a a*w edition at Dr. Calm
wall"* Catabrttad Eaaaj oa tiw radical * iwlllwel
mtolai.'oi urtuuMina, Kraaieai W.Uw..
j" h*ala*J Umw ittr.raw. t. Mental v-'
PUjrtcal Imapacltj, llt|>odia.rt:t. le Marri*#*, *1 ;
aha. r<w>rmo. tratxiwv aad EM*, uxwm b
Na-nMmw or vitiU rittiritutr. Ac. nlw. la a aaaloe oarwlop*. w* U coot*.
TV. mW*M * other. ia IMa UWnkk Kwj,
claarlj inwa • Hurt, i ui noAH
prartie*. tint liw alarm! n* ormaaqwawrar at *e|t-*i>a* 4
U lr radiraili rwrad atthooi tha oaiMnni war m n"
tarsal md i< >r.r ouh* application ol t£a kail*. ; it;
Um *>* cat* at a*c< Imp*. nMttla. and J
facluat. b, BMU of sblcb mq ao It
* hai hM < r.diti.a ma* b*. ma* ear* bitasrli chvifßt
|.nrat#i*. aad raflloaUl
r-O" TVi* tartar* abaoid b* In lie HaaO* of tftrp
roaih aad *r*r* caa la th* laad
Kmi oadrt aa*l, la a fUio rarafopo. to *aj adOc *.
pam-pald. oa racclr* el ai c*aiar tat> port ataa t *
aJAiam Ui* Put.liahora.
u: iUoadear. Ham Tor* . Port UOc* Bai. UM.
M Jal*.
WThoraaa tbo Hoa. CUariet A Major. PiauJml of
Iha ooart of torn moo Ptoaa. la im SUh Jadirtal t>i
; trie*, roaairtiaa oi Lh* coaaUoa <i(CaU*. rUnlot-. and
I'loartWM. aad lh* Hooorablc W \ 1.-ro *rJ
; Hoaorabko llmrj Ibu. Aanui. Jade**.la ('win
coaat*. bariaa laaaod Chair otorvr*. lioarioa data th*
tth da* of Jaatur*. A. D . 1T4.*0 mo dtroct*3 fat cld
tac ■ ooart of o*r and T*rmiacr and (iaDrral .lon !>*-
tirorr aad Cfaarlar Hiolwii o 4 it. Prone ia BolMoat*.
for tar oaaati of Contro. and to c .tamrnc ue lh* tth
! Moadaj of An* Mil. bota< the Mth da* of Apt I8f,
i aad to coatina* taw aaaha
ff olio* it hrrr-h, *t*rn to thr Ootooor. J art tear of
! Poaor. AMrnaaa aad CWaataidn of thr aaid of
CooH*. that thr* be then aad thar* ia iSotr proear
panona. at U o'clock <n tha f err noon of aald da*, with
ihalr record. In julai.iona, aaaaUaaUona. aad I hair can
I raaaamt-ram-aa. lode thoar ihiac* which la their ufke
apparuiaa to b* done, aad thoar who at* twand ia re
cocnltancaa to prooarat* acaiaut tha prwoaara that ar*
: (t ahall be ia tha (all of (.'antra roant*. b then aad
; thai* to prxaacata aeaitwt than a* ahall be jaat.
I (iirwa andwr a> hand, at BaUafonle. (ha 4th da* of
Jaa. la thapwar of aa> lord. ICt aad ia tha minrt*-
fonrth jaar of thr Indapoadrnca ol that ailed Meier
B. P. Sti A f'KK Short*
DF. FORTS EY, Attorney at Law,
• Bellefonte, Pa. Office oTer Rey
onldtabank. may 14 69
Nearly opposite Spangler's hotel.
OaLllall where he is at all times, prepared
to make alt kinds of men and boy's cloth
inn, according to the latest styles and at
reasonable charges.
neys-at-Law. Bellefonte, Pa. Spe
cial attention given to Collections, and
Orphans' Court practice. May be con
sulted in German aud English. Office in
German's Building. my5S! '74-tC
JL. SPANGLER, Attornev-at-Law,
Bellefonte, Pa. Office with
Bush A Yocum. Consultation in English
and German. Collections promptly attend
ed to. fobo-tf
\\ ould most respectfully inform the cit
sons of this vicinity, that ho has started a
new lioot and Shoo Shop, and would be
thankful for a share of the public patron
age. Boots and Shoes made to order and
according to style, and warrants bis work
(to equal any made elsewhere. All kinds
of repairing done, and chargcareasonable.
Give liira a call. feb 13 ly
Dentist, Millhelm.
Offers his professional cervices to the
public, lie is prepared to perform all
operations in the dental profession.
£®~lleis now fully prepared to extract
teeth absolutely without pain. myß-73-tf.
ssrftcuS Dr. Fttler'a Vegetable Rbeiaanat o
oyrnp. I |umtM it aa latalliUa core for Htrre, K ■!-
at/tadaktaoatiadiieaiML trora tatlilsStb April, 1- '
_ _ . r. A OSBOOKS. XotamPslkc, Pkx<*.
WCHTtwdtTit, aad will aMirfr any ooor;,(
jncot.lUv.Thna.MnrpliT.D.D^i'ruktard.Pki] x .Kirr.C. I