THE CENTRE REPORTER THURSDAY JULY 28, 18T4 LOCAL ITEMS. Our friend* will oblige by tending u> items ot local newt in their locality*, gtve U* the facts only, and var will put them in shape, alto notices ot deaths and marri ages. Any one sending us the name* ot six now; subscribers, with the cash, will be entitled to receive the KKPORTKR one year free. The RKPORI KK being read by neatly everybody on this side of the county, where it has a larger circulation than any two papers, will be found the best medium for advertising nuttnoss, sales, Ac. Ac. Democratic Delegate Election. The Democratic voters of Centre county will meet at the regular places of holding the general election for each district on SATURDAY, the Sth day of August. 1874, to elect delegates to the Democratic County Con*ention to be held in the Court House"at Bellefonte. on Tuesday the 11th day et August at 1 o clock, sharp, for the purpose ot nominating candidates for the various offices to be filled at next general election. The said delegate election beginning at 2 o'clock p. m. of said day and continuing until & o'clock p. m. JOHN MOKAN, Chn'risss fVrioero.'ie (Vrm.'y (\ The Clcarfiela Republican ha* been enlarged to a nine column paper—the siso of the Reporter. The Republican is a good, live., democratic organ, and we are glad of this evidence of its prosperity. We have boeti appointed chairman of the committee on wines, piekel* and preserves. Wo think these honors will warrant us to make a trip to Saratoga. We accept and will take a little grape juice at any time, betas en this and the fair. On Saturday afternoon John House man and Charles Weaver, from near Wolfs Store, were driving along Forms Creek, their buggy upset, t' rowing them out. and Weaver had his leg broken The bridge across Feans t.'re-.-k. be low lr. Van Valxahs, in lirogg. broke down lrt Saturday night. The Centre Co. Normal commenced oa Tuesday. Supt. Magee and his rlli cient assistant. Prof Ki-he\ of the state Normal a: UN promptly on hand Monday, to attend to the students as they arrived The attoudence prom i>.- to be large, and under the above compe tent Professors will be a success as hereto fore. The Centre llail Sv S. Pic-nic, on ia?t Saturday pa--ed off successfully and to the greatest delight ot the little and big folks in attendance, all of whom enjoyed themselves. Two barrels of lemonade, and lots of other good things were in pro fusion. CapL Beamer, of this place, will have on a stump machine, in a few days, that is warranted to pull any stump. We had a little rain on Tuesday, much needed to help corn and potatoes. Our neighbor, Sani'l Farner, has commenced making brick for the new Methodist church. He intends to burn a •-W, over. We .an boast of a middling gcod crop, some fields were poor, while others were very good 11. il t'onser has commenced a primary subscription school in our hamlet. A second tire broke out in the moun tains a tew day* previous, but as it ap pears an all-wi-e providence directed a shower in that way before much damage w a* done. t'ti las'. Monday while a few of eur val lev t,-.ks wore out buckle-berrying they fed in Company with two rattle snakes. Mr.- Feck and Bressler, succeeded in killing b ill ot them, one had eleven ratters Courageous women tieorge Feb I of our tow n has commenced to dig a foundation for a dwelling house which is to be erected in a short time. Hew MOK. The dwelling house on the farm of Jeremiah Kline, iu lirushvalley. about 6 | miles east of tiii? place, was entirely des troyed by Ere en last Saturday morning, atom I o'clock Nothing of much account wa- -aved, except a bureau and contents, an ß day o clock, sewing machine, large cherry dinning table, and scarcely any of their clothing. The house was occu pied bv Mr. Levi Long, tenant on the Sarin, and as he had taken particular pre cautions against tire the evening before, he cannot account for it otherwise than that it originated from the chimney. Mr. Long had no insurance upon his per sona! property, and the loss is a severe one for him. DISASTROUS FIRK.-We regret to learn that the extensive flouring mill of Ilagerty A Stewart at Union Furnace, near Spruce Creek, or? tho Pennsylvania railroad, i:i Huntingdon county, together with all its contents wus totally destroyed by Cre to weeks ago. There was stored in the mill at the time some 0.000 bu-hels of w l.ftO bushels of corn. 1,000 bushels of rye, 3,(00 bushels of other grain, and about 100 barrels of prime flour, all of which were burned, together with the books of the mill and the Union Furnace Postoffice which occupied a portion of the the building Hagerty's mill was one of the in si widely known in Central Penn sylvania, the flour manufactured there being of the best quality and eagerly sought after by ail good housekeepers. In addition to the burning of the mtll and its contents, a pig-sty was consumed and se ven hogs burned to death. There was no insurance on the mill property consequent ly it is a total 10.-s, the insurance havjng run out about a year ago The loss will fall heavily upon Mr. Hagerty who was the sole owner of the mill. Tho total loss will roach $20.000. Mr. llMgerty formerly resided at Janesville, in this county, and is well known to many ot our citizens, who deeply sympathize with him in his less. for th Reporter. A(J vice from a Democrat. MR FOITOB "A, it is now a common lb ion foe Democrats to writ* letters explaining their -lew, upon vocations of parts politics. 1 desus to ssy s word through the columns of jour paper lo the Democrats of Centre I'uiinty " .Not only ire the people beginning to think that It la n "Coxctnon thing for democrats to write letters." bat also that the rleus rx plained in them are exceeding), common . Each bu MM M D mon friend to propone for some common ottce. to wbutn the part) ones the common debt of gratitude. can net. r be paid. He haa done foe the parte than the parte has escr had dona for it, haa battled manfnlle in its defence ta the H )fl or mi:., a rather indefinite period of lis existence capable of being located art a here that mar eait the writer's fanrr. and <■ .nmo.nlj is just the man hlted for some aAce that uiU soon be art* that w ill take them will be successful v The election la an lmtKirtant one. It involves a U 8 Senator, two Jndgea of the aupreme court. a number of Important state office*. a duttrct judg* aenau-r aa well xa several important county office* The * o te caat for the a tale ticket will in a Urge meaaure. depend on the character of the local nominee* •< that it la In cuaWnt on ua to nominate the irjr mrx for each position and to do this at once, without any uaeleea complimentary vote* If Centre ('ouaty preeenta the beat candidate for congreea. the one moat popular the w ideal known, and who will eiert the greatest In flu enee lor gcevd at Waahin fU>n, let ua select good con fereea In open convention and instruct them to urge hit clxiiMl'l all honerakle and fair n-.-m* in the Con feree meeting Hut if some other rounty dn Oß A person from your township, last week wrote it letter to out paper, '.He Berivhtcr, in which he advo cates propositions, in which tunny demo crats of this taction cannot concur,* al though soma things he saya are un<|uc*-| tionnldy true. After speaking of the sit ttatien and treatiucut of our county in her former Senatorial relation*, h say* "We never could get another nontina tion in the old district, a* the counltet alonjt the line of the Juniata \alle> com bitted against us. We are now fortunately i in a new district, cut ft" troui all our old t associate*, in wlnch Centre county i> tlie Central county, not only geographically, but alto in political Important* wclkm fore liave a reatonable hope of faring hit ler in our now district." In order to appreciate the ludicrcu>ia of the conclusion which the writer ilrawf from these premise*, namely, that Mr Meek should be nominated lor the Senate, it is necessary to remember who is enti tled to the blame or credit of making these districts From time immemorial, prior to 1804, Centre was connected with Clin ton, Lycoming and other counties on the West Branch for .Senatorial purpose* In order to overslaugh the democratic major ilies in these counties, the Republican ma jority in the Legislature of let>4 broke up these ancient senatorial relation*, by put ting Lycoming with Cnion and Snyder, C.inton with Fotter, McKcan, Catueron and Tioga, and Centre with Blair, Hun tington, Mitßiti, Juniatta and Ferry, against the protest of our reprcsctitalix e. C r Alexander. Ne democrat was respon sible for this, a* it was done by our etie mirs in order to swamp the democracy ot Central Pennsylvania. The result * not what the republicans expected. John Wails. John B Beck and A H Dill were respectively elected senator in the l.ycom lug district- all democrats. In the unna tural double district in which we were placed, our candidates in 1h64, Messrs. Christy and Walters were elected, but counted out by the soldier vote. lit I!W7 our candidates, Shugert and Mvlntyre were elected and returned, but Mr. Sbu gert was turned out of his seat by a packed and perjured committee of the Senate. Iu 1870 our candidates Fetrican and Crawford were elected by such large majorities that they were not interfered w tth. Those re sults convinced the republicans that they could not so gerrymander the state as to prevent the democrats of the central coun ties from electing a senator, and they therefore in the apportionment of 1871 con ceded us a democratic district. Knowing that the apportionment would be made by the legislature elected in the fall of 1870, our people were anxious to have an experienced and competent repre sentative, who would be able to secure us fair and proper districts. The friends of Mr Meek urged his nomination on this ground. Ho had already served two years in tho House, and his admirers claimed that he pos-es-cd more ability, tact and influence than any of hU then competitors Principally because ot these claims he was nominated and elected, and if he did not or could not control the making of our own senatorial district, his constituents were deceived a* to his capacity and influence. He was in the minority it is true, but as the district was to be democratic, the majority had but little interest in the quotion of what counties should compose it, and I atn told that in such cases the representa tives of the minority, if they are men of standing and influence, are permitted to arrange tho districts concedes! to them lo suit themselves. Probably trtry one of Mr. Meek t constituents at that time, de sired to have Centre county severed from 1 the unnatural, unsatisfactory and unpleas ant connection in which she had been placed in 1864. Mr Meet knew that no aspirant for senatorial honors in the coun- ty except himself, affilliated with the de mocracy of the Juniatta Valley, and therefore that no Centre county candidate could be nominated in the Senatorial con ference. unless he himself wa presented by this county. Acting upon this belief, disregarding the withes of all his constitu ents, and looking only to bis own future advancement, he connected us in a sena torial district with Huntingdon, Mifflin and Juniata, throe counties from which our people unanimously wished to be de tached. 1 .-ay he formed the district, fur lam willing to concede the capacity and influence claimed for him by his fiiends. Neither do I complaiu that be in this in stance acted for his own good instead of representing the interest of his cen-titu ents. This seems to be natural, and in iiime degree the common failing of all our representatives. In accordance with Mr Meet's plans found in 1871, ho was a can didate tor Senator last year, and having no opposition carried th> county unani mously, but was defeated in conference by a providential interference. His friend Gen. James Burns, upon whom he relied to manipulate the Juniata Valley, wa in tho early part of the canvass struck down by paralysis, and being thus inca pacitated to take tho field in person, his own county of Miffiin was carried by his enemy "Honest Joe Waream," who de feated Meek in conference. Thus was again illustrated the proposition of anoth er ;Burns--"thc Ibest laid plans of mice and men gang alt Kglee." That Centrttcuunty now occupies a cen tral and commanding position in demo-i cratic senatorial and congressional dis tricts is due to the efforts of our last repre sentative, Judge Orvis. Ido not think, however, that he is entitled to much credit for this, for though he may havo no scna loiialor cor.gre-.ional aspirations, these districts were made in connection with the judicial district, which was undoubt edly designed to furnish him with a nice place for the'next ten years. He will bo lucky if his calculations do not turn to ashes as Mick's did. The principal point, however, in the let- t< r of your citizen, from whicli I, in cum min with many drinocra's of thin locality, dis*ent, is contained in the latter part of the communication. In speaking of Mr. Meek'* services during the wnr, (not as u substitute broker) he say*:—"lt i true there wero others in Centre county as brave and true a* he, but owing to Mr. Week's position as the editor of the party organ, he occupied the point of personal danger, atid the drmorratir party ran nrtrr pay him the debt of gratitude and eon)i denee, that it hit due''—ergo, be should not only be nominated for tho senate now, at the sacrifice of an experienced states man like lion W. A. Wallace, but should be kept in office as long as he wishes to be, which, if we are to judge of tho future by the past seven years, would be perpetual ly ! A gamut all such übrurd nonienie, 1 for one enter my solemn protest. No man i ever did more than his duly to the demo-! critic parly; and the party consequently I owes no "debt of irratitudo" or otherwise, j to any one, in the sense that would entitle! that one to be (riven an office us a reward far party services. This doctrine oi the| claims of individuals upon parties, is the curse of modern politics. In consequence of it, offices originally designed for the public good have been prostituted to mere personal ends. Incapacity, infidelity and 1 venality have become the characteristics of too many public officers, in place of capacity, honesty and integrity, the stand ard set up by the founder of our party. Every one who believes in democratic principlesshouldvote for competent candi dates who will carry them out, and who ever possesses the ability should advocate these principles with voice and pen. Whoever neglects or refuses to do this much comes short of his obligations to the state, and he who does this much, only does his duty Htid is entitled to no other compensation than the privilege of living under a good government wisely adminis tered. The democratic party of Centre county is not indebted to Meek, Orvis or Alcxan der, mul none of them should bo noni'im trd to any i rtli'n upon miy idea i l' grati tude for parly .ervices It'lho people are satisfied that they <>r any of tl.oin aroint lor qualified to discharge the duties of any office than other persons in Out district asking it, lot him or thorn ho nominated for tho public good, but not for his or then own benefit. Mr, Editor, y. u may not concur in all these sentiments, but be assured thoy are too feeling*?*! tho people Wo hat ohi u u.rknl a long tuno for tho benefit of a lew individuals In Hcllefonte, and w 0 aro be coming tired, for our nock* aro becoming galled and sore Mu uikim For tho Reporter. Mit Ki'lToa Tho lime has arrived,; for candidate* seeking lim various officer 10 I'O Ulii d at tho canting election, to go. among ihu people and present their claims Every olio, ot ttl. e of County Commissioner. This office is to the people of the county one of the most important and receives the least attention. It is the duty of the Democratic County Convention to select oi.e of (ho best men in the party or the disaster of last fall may be repeated Let the coming Democrat .. Convention place in nomination John W Krumrine of Fsrgusoii T>'Ut>nip and there will be n • disappointment or gt ss. ling at the work of the Convention Mr. Krumtiiie i- an houest. intelligent farmer, and will make an houest. earnest, uit< .ii gent and useful Commissioner, one who w ill always stand on the tide of right and the people. KKS.NCU. (HICAGO Another Great (onflaifration SEVERAL SQUARES BURNED. Large Amount of Property Pc*tr ired Chicago, July 14th, 7P. M Another conflagration i* raging in the heart of this city. slatted about half pas! tour this afternoon in tome small frame houses near Fourth avenue and Polk street It was first blown southward by a stiff breeze but the wind soon shifted and by sunset it blew a gale from the south, sending the fire toward the centre part of the ci!y. At half past sit o clock the flames had maJ< almost a clear sweep up to the corner of Third avenue and Polk street, burning up the houses ot thousands of people. At above corner the fire department com menced the process of blowing up builJ ings with gun powder, but the buildings experimented with were small wooden affairs and the process would only hav< the effect of making a quicker blaze of them. The wind ii blowing very fresh from about the southwest. The tire > now on the verge of the fire line of ear big tire at Harrison street. The writ aide of Wabash avenue i* now in full blase, which Lake* many a llately building in ila course and which olfered u haven of refuge in the winter of 1871. The tire i* jutl immediately in rear of the First Baptist church and should that tructure go downthe tire will have a clear sweep to the northward and eastward and the exposition .buildit g will in all likelihood be the final prey of the fire, and as that is immediately on the lake shore there will be nothing for the fire to teed upon, provided we have the good fortune not Jo have a change in tho wind. The roar of the advancing furnace has the sound of cur old calamity and noth ing short of final plunge into Lake Michi gan w ill (jucncb it. Our streets within a mile of the conflagration are crowded with teams of i very description loaded to their utmost capacity with hou < held goods, al though storekeepers who are so fortunate as to secure it team are endeavoring to save their most valuable stock. Wherever a vacant space north of the fire can he found, it is at once filled with goods of all descriptions and varieties. Men, women and children are doing all they can to save their little all and bring 1 it to some place of safety. The principal lines of the Western l'ni-1 on telegraph company running east through State street, have all been burn ed but some forty wires. But as the lines' on Canal street arc out of possible danger! there will be no interruption of the tele graph communication The fire has bur/it over so fur aboutj half a utile in length and some four block in width, und although explosions of gun powder is still heard every little while, there is but little hopes of staying the fire short of the limits given above. lOr. M. —As expected, tho fire swept in to and over the elegant First Baptist church on Wabash avenue. A it was very evident)frcm about half past MX o'clock that our post office build ing win doomed, the mail* were at once removed. Alien minutes past eight o'- clock (he building caught tire, and by half-past eight it was a mass of flames. The wind hy eight o'rlock had almost died away, which assisted our tiro depart ment greatly iti becoming master of the situation. THE AREA BURNTOVER The Timos makes the following estimate of losses, which will bo found to be pretty nearly correct: The area burnt over cov ers fifteen squares, taking bits and half blocks here and there lumping the whole. The burnt aren is about hulf a mile long and a little less in width, and embraced the tumble-down shanties and palatial avenue residences. Clurk street—Loss $80,000; Fourth avenue, $176,000; Third avenue, $230,000; Stato street, 91,800,000; Wabash avenue, $1,700,000; Michigan av enue, $160,100; Taylor street, $60,000; Polk street, $60,000; Congress street, $76,- 000; Van Duron street, $50,000; the court house between Wabash avenue and State street, 160,000; total $4,026,000. OSIIKOSH ALSO A SUFFERER. Millwaukee, July 14. —A destructive fire occurred at (Lhkosh to-night. It originat ed on Main street, near the Bockworth House, and proceeded northwnrd on Main street for half a mile and we-twnril In the lake Soiim buildings east *I Mum street were aim burned The building destroyed are mostly dwelling., with some stores Tho o is estimated at $1,600,000, TilK GRASMIIOI'I'KRS Tho St Paul Press of tho ilrd prints the following from tho ginsshoppor district It is pretty well understood that the ginsshoppi r in this immediate vicinity will in ally, ii not entirely, ruin thoonllro crop lor this season In tin t and truth, nine-tenths uf all the grain in this county is now entirely destroyed by these pests, and u thousand different opinions are giv- en as to their migration Many seem to think that it is not in the nature i I things that they should Continue for another j rar Others claim that there is a prospect nf weiything lit'tho shape of vegetation being destroyed during the coming sea.on, hut none seem to hav o a tin ory at all satis factory to the community People who were 111 good i ircuinstaii. < last Week ate now controlled with star v ntlori, us wheat raising, in almost every iitslanci- make up tho whole means id their support; and, that being entirely destroyed, their all is gone, and nothing lrti credit, confidence, a lid geud faith in the future, with their heretofore heroic courage and ambition. re all gone. Ity one whirlpool of des [ruction they are left on a deserted and at present a barren soil, with nothing but tho wants of largo and dependent families to console them, and yet n any of them seem to imagine that they can endure this great loss for another year ; hut ethers cannot, and ought to receive prompt attention At this writing, July, Vd, at noon the -kv is really darkened with the myriads of these pests now passing our tho V illage to the north, and in case they leave immedi ately Madelia may he able to save suffi cient fur broad and seed All the con tit sin this >:al-\ s ith and e.isl of us liavc b< eu completely ravaged there is now ne room to doubt, and it seems that the Stale government ought soon to lake ac tiun in this important waiter (Signed) U. S. Wils n. (. ttIMK. M cConnclltburg, I'a , July 12.- Early yesterday morning, Mis John MrtU, ro sidinK about ten mile* south of th.i place, while laboring under a state of mental aberration, ssizcd a gun, ""'I while her j husband was sleeping, shot and killed him instantly She then with a razor inflicted a horrible wound u|>ou the head and neck of one o! her children, and with a pitch fork almost killed another Memphis, July L> Anna Josey, color ed, becoming enraged at her husband, yesterday, s.a-hed him wall razor in auch a manner at to cause death in a fa A hour*. it is good to learn that the plague of lo custs by which M iiitiessola has been vis.l rd is uot to serious as the first alarunug accounts tiasc ltd the country t suppote liisUad of the utter devastation >'f the State, it is now esliuiated that < nly about ten per cent of Its area it effee led, a'.d that the decrease of the crop from this reason will not be much more than eight per cent of the genera! average The distress, I f course, remains very s. scre among thosu directly involved, and the contribu tions of the charitable to re r\o it Jo .;! be well employed thoso who feel the importance of a good crop this year !> at yet no reason to Cciint cut of their calculations OK TBI WAR PATH SCALPING SKINMNI, AMt ('Alt HYING \\ an i SOUAWH INTO W TIVITY Si l.< uis, July lf—The Republican publishes a special dispatch ftolu Kansas City giving an extract from a telegram, from Caddo, Indian TerriU ry, to the, Kansas City Timet, to the client that a fight otcuried bciwi >-n a c mp.> the decis ion of the democratic county convention. We are authorized to announce that S. s. Wolf, of Outre Hall, will bo a nndi daLe for Assembly, subject to the decis sion of the democratic county conven tion. We nrc authorized t-> announce tho name of I'r. Peter .Smith, of Centre Hall, a-a candidal' for Assembly, subject to thu decision of the democratic county con vention. District Attorney. We are authorized to announce that.l. 1,. Spangler, of Bollofonte, will be a can didate for Distiict attorney, subject to the decision of the demo, ratio county conven tion. Mr. Editor: Permit me, through your paper, to state tint*. I am a candidate for re-nomination (according to the usages of the party,) for District Attorney. .1 on N F. POTT it r. PUBLIC SALE OF Valuable Real Estate. The undersigned will sell a valuable . Farm situated 1 mile north <>f Linden Hull, Centre county, on TUESDAY, i August 4th, 1874, at 2 o'clock, p. in., eon- , (.•lining j, 91 to 92 Acres of Land, 72 acres of which are In a high state of cultivation, and 20 acres in excellent tim ber with running water thereon. The im provements consist of u large BRICK MANSION HOUSE, Bank Barn, Corn-House Carriage bouse, and nil other buildings needful. WATEROF SUPERIOR tJUAUTY flows Constantly Ht the house and barn. There is a Largo APPLE OlU'HAiy> of young trees bearing oboice fruit, also about 60 Cherry Trees, and Plums, Pears, Peaches, Ipiinccs, Grapes, with other small fruit trees in abundance. The Farm being situated at the southern base of Nit tuny mountain is peculiarly adapted to tlx-; cultivation of Fruit—a failure being very! rare. The above Farm is desirable us a home, being near church und schools, and within a mile of the L. C. A S. C. Kit. Superior Ore j is being found in close proximity to it. j TERMS : -One-half Cash on delivery of. Deed—tho remainder to suit purchasers, 1 WM. V. K VSti. M A H Rl AGES. „ 'to >th itiM. by It. v. dohn Totiihn .on, M N I' M ■ M | - Mi M|g||l t' " K> liter, both id Mlllheini. s s DEATHS. till llilll, in Gregg twp, ot e,.|i*umptlult. I-real Smith, ng< d VI years, 5 months and ' I days. IICOV >4l I.N A H I I I 1.. I have on hi.n l a large assortment of It \lt I RON N,\ 11„S ,v STEEL which 1 will tie sold at tho lowest market price NEK THOMPSON. |ulift in Mllfoy, Pa , / t\i HON Notice is borobj |tva ■ v/ thai tho untiesi gned Is tbo bono fid* owner of the follow ing property, now in the possession (if Daniel Horner AII the ' Craps on tli< premises, a|l the live stock, I lotv rake, 1 broad" heel wagon, 1 harrow, • and 1 plow, atid wtll leave the same In his possession at my pleasure Ail persons are therefore • autiolird against meddling with the same. GEO. 1 >I'RST. 'ill July. SHERIFF .S SALES lty virtne of sundry writs of firrt farms, levari farms, nod rrKi/ifiom exponas, Is sued out of the Court of Comm n I'lsm ul t >nlre c. unty, I'a , and to me directed, there will be exposed to public snl at the t'ourl House in HeUefonte. on Monday, VMth day of August,the following describ ed real estate to wit' Alt defendants right in and to the follow described lots of ground situate in thr Horo ot Hellefonle, beginning at the south side ef Logan street, at a point V4O feet cast ol corner of Tha't Lun.began, thence east along said street, to the Corner ot let • f llurnside s hulrs, aooft to un alley, thence by north side of said alit-v, to a point, VtOrt east of the line of Thomas Landman s lot, tiietue kv lot late of Jn > M. A Ulster . . state. VU'lt to 1.-oiga n it to the place of beginning, being lot No in tin- (ieueral I'laa or Flol of Itoro ot Hellefonle All that let ofgru ind, on ILshop street. • aid Horo described a- follow Hegin ning ut the corner ul lot No lui thenci along ILshop si tlofi thence along ..ther portion of lot 16ft, to I. .gal. at o'.ft to orner of lot No 100 thence along said lot AAlfl to place of beginning, the .erne be .ng the soutii wostern portion or part ol lot 15ft in the General l'lan or i'lol of said borough, Melted taken m execution and to be sold as the properly of It \ . lilack as Garnishee of A Heisund Glau A I J>( I AH the right, title end interest of de fendant in a certain tract or lot of ground situate in Union twp . t'entre county bounded on the, south by the old plank | road, on the west bv l>a*id I'nderwood on the north by land 01 .Satn'l iirugar and triers, and on the east by lot of Christian Huck, et a), containing about 15 acres, more or less. Thereon erected a two alo ry frame dwelling house, good stable and ther outbuildings SetxcJ. taken in ex cution and to be sold ai the property ol John T. Conley. A LSO : All that certain building or lot of ground being part of n trsi t of land situate in the town of Kebersburg, MHes twp. Centre . .. , bounded on the east by lot of George Weaver, on the south by public road, on the west by lot of Miller s heirs, and on the north by an ally Said building is a two story frame building having a front of 10 feet, and a^ii.j:i. V". Bt : taken in exe< Utn is. arid to be sold at tbe property of .Sam 1 C-.ndo. i A LSO All that certain tract of land situate in Taylor twp., Centre co., bounded on the nortli by laud ol William Merrvman, on the oust by laud of \\ illiai;. Mfov. ot the south by land of J hn M Munigle and on the west by land ef John Fink, con taining to acres, more or less, therein: • rtcle 1 a log house, and log stable Sri* d. taken in execution, and to be told as the property of Benjamin Walk A LSO: Aiiliial building located on a let or piece of ground situate in Fpring twp.. ami wbklb itUOVa as Hush's adJilion. and, nun.l . rn! in tatd addition as lots No 75 A 77, the said house being on b>t Si- bounded on the north bv Valentine St.. on the sou! h by land of Reuben Valentine s he rs. east bv Walnut *t, on the west by lAdof I <* Bus'. M '■ I .id .tig is a '.wo try frame building about 30ft front and IS.' feet deep S< izi d. taken in execu lion, and to be sold as th property cf Jonathan Scarfsust. ri ux. ;AI.NI Allthe right, title and interest of de fendant in and I • a crrlain let or pie.e ut ground situate in the ltor • of Union villa, Centre c„ bounded on tne south cast by lot of Eliza Barton, southwest by street, northwest by lot of Presbvtenan Parson age. and northeast by an alley, containing i of an acre, more or U-u, thereon erected * Iw. t.-ry frame dwelling bouse, stable and other outbuildings Seized, taken in execution and to be sold as the property of J. A Winter* A I-S All that certain lot of ground lituate in Uoggt twp.. Centre county, bounded and described as follows to wit Beginning at a white oak, thence by Robt. lle.t. 61 * west DC per to a post, thence by land of Henry T. Ityman. south 67 < ast, 4w per. * V' "L then, o by ?l*nd i f Barnabas Sh< |.e, i rth 2' , ca: 104 Perches to lh place of beginning. Seized..taken in exi < utiun, aad lobe sold n the property o: Christian Shope, el ut ALSO All that messuage tenement or lot of gr. und situate in the Bor>>' of lJellefonte. situate e:i the corner f Bisop and Alle gheny sis , CAR in breadth of front on Bishop st, and extending back along A1 legheny st, southward imft to n alley being lot No W. in the General Plan or Plet of said Boro' thereon sricted a large st hotel building -table and other out buildings. Seized, taken in execution and I 1 aoSd as the pronertv of J. B. BuUt. A LSO, All that building located on a let of ground situate in Snow shoe twp . bound ed on the north by land ef Jno C. I'zzle, east, south, and west, by land of the Snow Shoe Land Association, it being a two Story plank Ira tne house 18x2l perches to a stone, thence bv land of Wax. Sawyer, survey, N. 01°, K I'd perches to a stone, S K 7!& per to a stone njhl 109 per to stone N7M E U*' pen bM to a stump. N 2"i . W M perches to a stone in a northwesterly ! direction of the aforesaid warrant or sur vey. thence along -aid warrant line, south, Cil®, west 204 perches to the place of be ginning, containing I(>7 acres, 14t> perches, mors or less, with the appurtenances | Seized, taken in ex< > ution and to be s >ld the property of \\ P. Fullmer, ct ux. A LSD, All defendants interest in 11 that cer tain lot of ground situate in I'ni.mville Boro' numbered in the ground plan or plot of said Horn. n No -bounded north by turnpike road, wist, bv lot of Win. Richards, $ by lot <1 Christian Ruck, Kbv lot of.l no. (.'. Calhoun, containing 1 ot un acre, more or less, thereon erected a two story frame dwelling bouse, stable and other outbuildings, another tract of land situate in said twp., bounded on the K. hy land of (leo Peters. N by lanJ < f Ostium, W by land of Harry Hoover, and on tlx south by land of the heirs of Ueft 11 >vor, dee'd, containing about G3 acres more orj less, thereon erected a 2-story frame dwell ing house, hank barn and other outbuild-j ings. Seized, taken in execution and toj be sold as the property of W. 11. Smith. A I .SO, All that certain tractor lot of ground ( situate in Huston twp., Centre county, bounded on the S by land of .lohi;| Matlern. E. bv land of John Buss.i on the N. and W. by' lai d of Hush V containg 'JO acres, more or le-s. thereon erected a frame dwelling house and other buildings. Seized, taken in execution and to be sold as the proporly 1 | of Wui. Benner. ALSO, All the following two tracts or pieces of land situate in Miles twp., described as 1 follows; Tho Ist beginning at II stone heap, in the run, (formerly at a spruce), ( Iheucejdong land of Sam' 1 Frank and oth ers, S 76°, W . 22 perches to a post or stone thence S. 16°, E, 00 porches along 11. Hmull'l estate to stones on mountain, thence north 76°, K 22 perches to stones in the gap, thence N 15 , W. CO per. h s along Hannah Frank's land, to tho place of beginning, containing 8 acres, 40 perch es, more or iess, thereon erected a house, two story, summer house, stable and other j outbuildings. Tho second tract, begin-! ning at a stone in line of first piece, thence along land of Satn'l Frank, N 20}°, W Si perches to post thence along land ofjas.! Williams, 8, 76 J W 6 perches to u post, thence along land of Jno Reynolds 20i° K 1 8 perches to post, thence along said first piece N 76° E 6 perches to the place of bc | ginning containing 40 perches neat meas ure. Seized, taken in execution and to be ivsold as the property of John It. Burd. B F. SHAFFER, Sheriff, M ARRETS. I'roducc. New York, July 20.—Flour dull ami lower; nuperfine western and State 83U)32->; common to good $3 tv r aG 20; jjuud to choice fGafi 30. Win at dull nud lower; No. 2 spring 81 27nl 28; No. 2 Milwaukee 81 30a 1 31; No. 2 Dululh nl 28. Bye qui nt nt 81 00a 1 12. Barley nominal. Corn n shade firmer; western mixed 78Ja70|c; white 80. Oau firmer; mixed O.'Uafi.iP; white G3a7oc. i'ork active ut |20a20 03. CHICAGO. ( hieago, July 20.- Flour tjuicL aU'l unchanged. Wheat quiet and weaker; No. 2 apriug 81 10.ul 121 closed inside; No* 3|l <4; rejected at 94c. Corn active nud u shade higher; No. 2 mixed 021 c bid spot; 62! c bid seller July or August. Oats—de mand active and prices advanced nud strong; No. 2 31 f afr'ic s|iol; -iwie bid; teller July. Bye dull and nominal;' No. 1 80c. Barley dull and uomin-i IIELLII'ONTEIf ARKETK. vVhite iVhcal $1 10 Red 1- j ...Eye. ... nl (' Hi ... rials 55 Hurley hil. 70.. .„Clorarscctlt 2 psr ts< It, Itacon 7c llae 16 .. lluttei - 1 .. E-ggsj _SI Platter ft 50 Chestnut Coal per Ton $5.75 Mivo Coal per Ton $n SO Egg C".ml per Ton pi srt l.imchurner's j>< r Ton $1 M SETTLEMENT Notic. is hereby piv lh:4 the undersigned have apteiint > d Saturday, August h.h, next, s setl.e timttlday for all accounts In tho Estate of Win (sentxel, dec d, late of (r-gg two , where all persons interested at tend GEO GEST7.KL HENRY GENTEEL, julld AJm rs. VDM 1XISTRATOR 8 NOTICE.- Letters of ailraiuistration on the Es tate of Daniel Shuuy, late of Ouk llall, dee'd have been granted to tbe undersign ed. and all persons knowing themselves indebted to said (-state are requested to male immediate payment, and those Uav ing legal claims against the same will pre sent thaut duly authenticated by law. SAM L GILLILAND, jullO Ot Adm' r A DM INisTRA 1 ol; S MICE LetU-i s of admin ittralion on the estate of Wa. Gelll/.el, of Grogg two , dee d, have been granted fo the undersigned who ie-- quest alt persons knowing themselves indebted to said estate to make immediate payment, and those having demands! against the same to present them duly au thenticated by law for settleinri L GEORGE GENTZKL, HENRY GENTZKL June lk 0L Aduir s. Excelsior Cement The undersigned now manufai lures C'e- it W\KRAXTKD OK A SUPERIOR DUALITY, at hs kilns, near Pine ( reek Mills, in Haines twp This cement ha* already luren used in large <|uan!Hie* upon the L C AS C. HK.. and ha- been found highly satisfactory upon all jobs where it has been used, and as o|Utl to jaiirnoar manufacture*! for use in CIS , TERN'S, WATER PIPES, or what-eer purpose a good quality of Cement Is desi , rabfe This Cement has already been lestod far and wide, and rendered the ut | most satisfaction. Persons. therefor* con ■tru cling Cisterns, laying Water Pipes, Ac, will find it to their ad vantage to bear ihisin mind, and also, that he warrants the article as represented J G. MEYER may 21 if Aarotuburg. Pa. Lime 6c Cement. The best quality ol lime, always on hanj at the (Vr.tre Hull lime-kiln- Also . emetil. which is w%• ranted to be of a su perior •juahtv. Apply to ap9-lf GEO KOCH. ALLKINDS OF Factory Goods constantly on hand and offered in exchange for Wool. Tbese good- are of the very best and manufactured by A F. Gibbnsy. at Greenwood, and consist of CARPETS BLANKETS. ( \S-l MERES, Sattinetu. Tw.ods, Slot king Yam, and all other goods generally manufactured. WM AIIM>TKF \LL KINDS. FKNCIMi Ac.. Fl K- N I Ml ED TO ORDER 1. A J. IWDKRWOOD, Millroy, Pa., or, 1 aprltm Potter's Mills. Pa. MANHOOD HOW LOST. HOW KK t-fr- STORED! tCS Jont pahUfbvd. * B tdlUoa of D* Cuim 4l' rp|p|irlwl IMJ uit the isdu*l run* (without mpdklß" of Sri KMAlt'ttKßil * Nplttln*! WpfeklMWC Intuluntßr) Seminal lu*r Itirtrr*'T, MmUl and Pbyiled IBBUMWWI. layidltwcti to HitTiijß. #44 alan, 1 •! Mr now, f ixi.rwT And In*, indue. HI b> p|f TR M>tu*l PIDM AC £-&- RRLFP. In A *O*LD PB*PIO|M. >AIF IT INU. TH* culahratod BBUK*. In thU admirable KMY. rIsF LY DWRNOEELPBSEE. ftrow A thirty YRARA' CH MFUL priftu *. H*L flu* alarniirur ndirUlf curwd without UW IUNFMTIITIOF In irnal modklnaor the APPLICATION f the knife, point \UU ML * BOH OF . lire •( MM R ttnpl matter what hi CONDITION tna> LE. MAY cm w btrarlf cheaply, J. rt !'•!>. ANt radically £ Jf- Thla leclure *hgM, to any addrrne p*i paid. on receipt of alt cent* or two |uwt atampa Addicts* the l*tbliaher*. (H AS ,i r KLINK ACO 127 Itioadaray. New York . I\*t Office Hoe.. 4aNt 1 July. Teas ! Teas ! ! Established IstO. Tho Oi igittal AMKIUCAN TEA CO., So. 33 I cspcr Strrrl, j P. O. Box, 1387. N. York. ROBT. WELLS, President. PRICE LIST OF TEAS. Oolong. Black. 10, GO, best7o cent.- .. . per lb. Mixed. Green and Black, 10, 60, 00, best 7iVls per lb. Japan. Uncolored, (10, 70, 80, 00, best SI.IW per lb Imperial. Green, W), 70, 80. 90, sl.lO. per lb. Young Hyson. Green, 60, GO, 70, 80, 00, $1 01), best $1 06 per lb. Gunpowder. Green, $1 10, best $1 80 . . . per lb. English Breakfast. Black, GO", 70. 80, 90, best $1 00. T. per lb. N. It. We linvo specialty of Garden Growth Young Hyson and Imperial, at $1 20, and Oolong, Extra Choice, $1 00 j Our Tens aro put up in One Pound i Packages, with the kind and price print ed on each. Agents wanted to get up clubs to sell! our Teas to sell to Fauiilies.JUotels. Board-' lag Houses and others. In writing for' terms or sending orders, be particular to! address the President of the Company, thus : 110BT. WELLS, N'o. -l i Vosey St. New York. We are compelled to request this, as other parties have imitated our firm name. jnlfii-Gl THE PEOPLE'S DRUG STORE. Next door to Wilson & Hicks' Hard ware store, Allegheny Bt., BKLLX FONTS, PA., Jas. C. Williams. (Successor to 11. F. lUnkln A Co.) * DRALKII IN PVitE i num.s AND MEDICINES, CHEMICALS. PAINTS. OILS. DYE STI FFS, VAIIM.SHKB. URI'MII EH. I KEFCMKRY, NOTIONS, AND FANCY ARTICLES Foil THE TOILET. Ac. lor (Medicinal purpose*. SHOULDER BRACES, TRUSSES A SUPPORTERS in (tret variety) A Uo. Clio ice CIGARS AND TOBACCO, | . a nil all other article* utually hept in first] clan Drug Store. PRESCRIPTIONS CAREFULLY COM POUNDED. 'JiiiarTttf Keystone Store. r'lt FAItM KUS AND ALL OTIIEBf (jo Ui H. YEARICK;& SON, FOR FOREIGN A DOMESTIC i DRY (.00D.N NOTIONS, HATS, CAPS, BOOTS A SHOES. CLOTHING, Oil. CLOTHN, gUEENSWARE. GROCERIES. PRO VISIONS. FLOUR. Ac No. (> Bush is Arcade, Beliefonte, Pa. All kinds of country produce tak en. Beet Bargains in town to be had. nov2otf H.H. WEISER & CO., Manufacturer* of Sheet iron & Tin ware, Millbc-itn, I'a. All kir.d* of Tinware, con* Unit/ on hand and made Lo order. Sheet iron Ware of every description, always on band. Hoofing in Tin and Sheetiron done in the ni<*i approved and satisfactory *syle. Hpouling done to order. i'heir *UH k of Tin and Sheetiron Good* i large and complete, and offered at the I tHVIAT PKICEB. Their establishment ha- been enlarged and stin ted completely throughout. Satisfaction guarUnlced, and all job* promptly attended to. aprlG-y I OB If F riITTKIt, Attorney-at-Law. Collection* promptly made and •petial attention given to tbose having lands or property for sale. Will draw up *nd ha\ e at knowlcdged Deed*. Mortgage*, Ac. Offic ein the diamond, north ude of the court houte, Bellefonte. ocVW <2*tf. / iKNTKK HALL HOTKL. V, Jous SraauLKft. Proprietor Stage* arrive and depart daily, for al point*, north, south. east and west. lI.LKKS HOTEL. Woodward >7 Stage* arrive nd depart daily UKKV aaocKaaiiorr, j. t. MII OKKT, President, Cashier. OEXTHE COUNTY BANKING (X). I.nt< Millikcn, Hoover A Co.) RECEIVE DEPOSITS, Aud Allow interest, Discount Notes, Uuv and cfell. Covornaieht Secu- tics, Gold <£ •plffMtf Coupon*, jy:.BIS t.rrELius, Dentist, Millhelm. Off r hi* professional frrricet to the public. He u prepared to perform all operation* iu the dental profession. He is now fully prepared to extract; teeth abrolutrly withoutpai*. niyS-TS-tf. | DF. FORTNEY, Attorney at Law. • Beilefonle, Pa. Office over Itey onld bank. may 14 6b M AI. J. MIKCI FLKR TAYLOR. Ont. Hall where be i* at all lime*, prepared to make all kind* of men and boy'* cloth ing. according to the latest style* and at reasonable charge* C T. ALKXASPKK. OdIoWKM 4 LKXANDKR A BOWERS. •Attor il ney*-at-Law. Beilefonle, l'a. Spe cial attention given to Collection*, and Orphan* Court practice. May be con-, suited in German and English* Office in Garman'- Building. my2B '74-tf I L. SPANGLKK. Altorney-al-Law, *" _ Beilefonle, Pa. Office with Hush A Yocum. Consultation in English' and German. Collection* promptly attend ed to. frbb-tf VI) MINISTR ATOM'S NOTICE.— Letter* of Adiuini*tration on the! •--tate of Er.ra Brittan, of Potter twp, deed have been granted to the undersigned, who requests all person* indebted to said estate, to make immediate payment of the -nine, and tho><> having claims to present them duly authenticated bv law JOIIN WOLF, junll-Ot Adm'r W. A. CURRY, BOOT & SHOE MAKER CENTRE HALL. PA. Would moat respectfully inform the cit zen* of this vicinity, that he ha* started a new Boot and Shoe Shop, and would be thankful for a share of the public natron .ige. Boot* and Shoe* made to order and according to style, and warrants his work o equal any made elsewhere. All kinds <>f repairing done, aud charges reasonable. Give him a call. feb 13 ly It T FT A LLLLLY*4 PI KE CONCENTRATED POTASH, or Lye, Of Double the Strength of any other Sapouifyiug Substance. I have recently perfected a new method of packing my Potash, or Lye, and am now packing it only in Bolls,* the coating of which will saponify, and does not in jure the Soap. It is packed in boxes con taining 24 and 48 one lb Ball*, and in no other way. Directions in English and German tort making hard and soft soap with this Potash accompany each pack age. B. T. BABBITT. 04 to 84 Washington St., N. Y. jn2s-6t. OS W F.Li O SILVER GLOSS STARCH. For the Laundry. Manufactured by T. KINGSFOBD A &ON, Has Become a HOUSEHOLD NECESSITY. Its great excellence has merited the com mendation of Europe for an American 1 manufacture. PULVERIZED CORN STARCH. Prepared by T. Kingsford Son, Exprossly for food, when it is properly made into Puddings is a desert of great excellence. For Salo by all firet-clasa Gioccrs. jniiO-Ct ADAM HILD, PAINTER, fts nffeo liia wrtlow to th rltiwrnisf Mifflin- Centre and adjoiaifix cuntio*. In IIOIIHI-. Sign and Oriinmcnaißf ■'Minting. GRAINING Oak, YYalnut, Maple, Ash, Mahogony. Ac, Plain and Fane* Paper))anting. Or der* respectfully solicited. AH fine work dene for other painters. nor Ctf. ' j.UAHaiH j p anuoKnr ,1 a r.r*vE joiiauoFi'aa. CKTCR HO* I CS. Pennsvalley Banking Co, CENTRE HALL, PA RECEIVE DEPOSITS, And Allow Interest, Discount Note Buy and Sell Government SecorUiee, Gold and Coupons Pktkh Ilorraa, W*. B. MTVAUN | Pres't. Cashier Chan. H. Held. Cloek, ttalehmakerAJraeler Millheim, Centre Co., Pa. Respectfully informs hi. friends and the 1 public in general, that he has just opened I* at his now establishment, *bve Alexan der's store, and keeps eon.Uintly on band, _ al! kinds <>| Clocks, \Vat< h<-> and Jewelry ! 'of the la tost styles, m also the Marenviile Patent Calender Clocks, provided with a complete index of the month and day of ■ the month and week on its face, which is warranted a* a perfect tiiuc keeper. I Mr-Clocks, Watches and Jewelry re paired on short notice and warranted. sepll'tWly ** P''f I'D g a i, ifnp iij?J r - Pr.Wttaf* VrfMshb Itlseumalto !*FWW|- I pssnsSss it ea labUi*** tsrt (ur Mwvt, a -4- SOSSrsc^SSSSSE JAS. M MAN US, Alton. > t Law, Beliefonte, promptly attend* to al ' mtrsilM to htm. iult'Wt Best Sample Booms iu Town. BROCKERHOFF HOUSE, D. JOHNSTON A SON.*-. Proprietor* Beliefonte, Penna. fr liuu to and from tiu Depot. BUTTS HOUSE Bmirom, PA. J B. lli m, Prop'r. lias first clans accommodati n ; charg ee reuii *•—. tf. A New Idea!" -A. WILSON SHUTTLE Sewing MacMne FOR 50 Dollars ! ! FARMERS. MERCHANTS, MECHANICS, ' AST) EVERYBODY Buy the World-Renowned WILSON SiotlMiiiiMaeliii! vn e BEST IN THE WORLD!* jfTlif Highest Prcititnia wan awarded to It at VIENNA; Ohio State Fair; Northern Ohio Fair: Amor. lieditnte. X. Y.| Cincinnati Exposition: Indianapolis Exposition t St. Lonts Fair; Louisiana State Fair; Mississippi State Fair: nnd Georgia State Fair; FOR BEING THE BEST SEWING MACHINES, and doing the large 1 nnJ l>est range of work. Ail oflier Machines in the Market were ia direct COMPETITION ! I tSTFor Hemming, Fell ing, Stitching, ('anting, Binding, Braid in g, Em broi derin g, Qu ilt itig and Stitching fine or heavy goods it is unsurpassed. Where we have no Agents we will deliver a Machine for the price named above, at the nearest Rail Road Station of Purchasers. Needles for all Sewing Ma chines for Sale Old Machines taken in Exchange. Send for Circulars, Price List, &c., and Copy of the Wilson Reflector, one of the best Periodicals of tho day, Ue roted to Sewing Mar cnines. Fashions, General News and Miscellany. Agents Wv. ced ADOULI S, Wilson Sfifiii Macliiiß Co. CLEVELAND, OHIO,