TXXD XUXTX Fditer. 0 Centre Hall, Pa., July 2 . 1574. 7KR.W."?.— $2 pre year, i* a,fr*nct, *2,50 rrVn not paid is adranff. A dt*rti**m* t* StVeer has far three m* erfion*. and /or 6 una 12 *V V ,r " ml contract. Congress adjourned on I ucsday, 23—-the beet thing it did during the late session, and could have done bet tcr had it agreed not to meet again soon. One of its last acts of impor tance was to patch up a financial measure. • ♦ Post Master General Cress well has res'gued and the President has ap pointed Eugene Hale, member of con gross front Maine, to bo his successor. Gov. llartrauft is reported to he suffering frotu the hite ot a dog. If the dog gets over it, it will bo a great wonder. "For the spoils" and "agaiust the nigger" appears ta be the two car dinal principles of the Democratic party, says Browu's Republican. Well you rails have had all the spoils and the niggers too. ami spoiled the nigger and everything else. Aou have spoiled the country by l-alary grabs, creilit tuobilicM, Sanborn con tracts. Evau's swindles, nigger bu reaus, Mrs. William's laudaulet*. ami by the Kemble principle of "addition division and silence," practiced in eve ry department of state and national government. The Czar danced in a frock coat while in England. Heretofore it was only the swallow tails that could dance, but the Russian has broken in on that and now the frock coats will get their rights and swallow tails must go under. No one can be counted a snob any longer if he dances in a swal low tail. Forward the "frockies" the "swallows" are danced out. Brown still keeps a standing notice under his inside head, boasting tftat his "Republican has nearly double the circulation of any other paper in Centre county." Then what makes you suspend so often. Colonel? Why don't you add to the sentence, ami Are times more suspensions than any other paper. We never indulge in boasting, but wp are not far from the mark iu asserting that the Reporter has the largest bona jide circulation in Centre County, and we will further slate that if we can not show that the Reporter has added new names to iu list, every week for the last three years, •;e will donate SSO to the poor fund of this county, a like sutn to be thus forfeited by the party taking the wa ger if we win. Moses, the carpet bag governor of poor, plundered South Carolina, who has lately been guilty of big frauds, for which he was arrested, but squees ed through the law, is now taking care of some of his friends as the despatch below shows: Charleston, S" C., June 25. —Gov- ernor Moses has pardoned the three County Commissioners of Barnwell, lately convicted of corruption and thieving, and sentenced respectively to three, rice, and ten years in the I'enitentiary. The couvicted officials in their way to the Peuiteutiary boast ed that Governor Moses would not dare allow them to remain iu the Pen* itentiary a mocth. Congress having adjourned without passing the civil rights bill, bv which the negro was to be mixed up with the whites in schools, churches and everywhere, the colored negro states man Fred Dougles has become furious, aud u few- Jays ago came out in an angry article against the Republicans, especially those from the South, who voted against the passage of the Civ il Rights bill. In the course of this article be says: "By the treachery of Republican members of Coogresa, elected in large part by colored votes, the negro is continued an outlaw. Fortunately the negro has the ballot. He owes it to himself to use that ballot in punish ing the treachery of the men whose treason to professed principles leaves him a victim to negro hate. Every ballot that shall be cast by colored men for the so-called Republicans who on Saturday night last voted against the Civil Rights bill will be regarded as ao many indorsements of their treason. Our people are not the cowards to kiss the hand that smites them. They must not be led into the support of pretended friends by sophistry nor by intimidation. Defeat every pretend ed Republican who voted against the Civil Rights bill." Congress passed an act, shortly be fore the adjournment, by which week ]y papers are to circulate free of post* age in the counties where published ; daily papers and papers sent outside the county, must have |ostage pre. paid at 2 cents per pouu I, after Jan* uary Ist, 1875. Gen. Beaver is spoken of for Lieu tenant Governor. The republicans can find none more deserving in their ranks. Joe. W. Fury, is spoken of for Legislature 3 . Fit. May he sail as well ou his own credit as others did who have speculated on it altogether. Blatherskite Harry White, was beaten for the nomination for Con gress in his district, by Laird. Gold on Monday was 111. Toronto June 22. —Henry Clever, a young man, was instantly killed on Friday last by falling across a saw in Cooper's Mills at Bracebridge. The saw cut through his body from tbe shoulders to his legs. London, June 22. —Tho Porte pro hibits the circulation of copies of the ittible in Turkey. The Parly * Wash. The cloving scent* of emigre** were mailc rather lively, ly the tadical leaders, Butler ami others lolling mi each other of had things done hv radi eal office holders. The Son says the ilehate in the House last Friday night was apparently designed for no pur pose but to enable the Kepublieaa party to wash a val aecuniulalioii of dirty linen in public, and it was nil verv iveil to gel rid ol the tilth : but the wash was too big lor a single ee easioil. It was indeed so large and so utterly disgusting that the public, which usually cticouragea sanitary measures of this sort, was obliged to turu away its nose ami lortity it' stom ach. The geutlctueu wln> paitieipat ed iu the exhibition w ill be largely disappointed, for the iaol is, nobody cares whose "coat tails are the foul est, when ali are too loul to show ; and the general desire is to have the nasty sluice shut up aud the soiled ami (al tered rags of the Republican household taken in for good. The tuba were originally brought out at the request of Gen. Butler. who it is understood, desired to change clothes and live clcanlv. But when everything was made ready Butlvt vowed, to the amazement of llousc aud gallery, that he wasn't dirty ; aud forthwith tbiew his coat tails up as if o invite inspection. The exposure was tempting, we admit, ami we can hardly censure the ambitious small fry who improved it t< kick him around the ring,and wreak uustinted vengeuce upon the Administration's favorite bully. AH baud, according ly fell to, pretending to be quite un conscious that they had only to peel Butler iu order to tiud Grant; and Butler, in order to bear the pun >h tueiit alone, passed it vigorously on t> i'hellps, Dodge A Co., who are little more euiiueut in the tin trade than iu the Young Mcu's Christian Associa tion and the Jay Cooke Deacon Buck ingham kind of Republican |oliiu*s. Aud so it went around. Kichardsuu was stripped naked, and his old clothes spreaJ cut with revolting at tent ion to details, but nobody remark fit, "This is the savory until of an un happy imbecile whom our Prrsideut made Secretary of the Treasury, aod afterward, with the advice and consent of our Seuate, a Judge of the Court of claims." carj>et-bag, Ban field's trunk, and Sauborn's capacious chest were impartially emptied to pub lic view, and while every man iu the House knew perfectly well that Pres ident Grant was the genuine ultimate proprietor of this whole mass of infect ed stuff, aud that the condemned gar ments had only been fitted to bis sub ordinates byway of livery, there was none bold enough to tell the truth, aud fix the responsibility where it re ally belonged. When Gen. Butler finally eularged upon the prevalence of bribery aud corruption throughout the service, and showed conclusively that one hundred millions of revenue was annualtv fctol- en, independent of either Richardson or Sauborn, he affixed a lasting stig ma upon the party which all the soap suds in the universe will not wash out. ELECTION EXPENSES The bill passed by the Legislature iu conformity with the Constitution prescribing what are proper expenses incident to our elections is as follows: Section 1. That no person who shall hen-after he a candidate for the nomination or for election to the Sen ate or House of Representatives, or to anv State, municipal or county office, in this Commonwealth, shall pay or contribute, either directly or indirect ly, auy money or other valuable things, or knowingly allow it to be done by others for him, either for the nomination, election or appointment, except necessary expenses as follows, to wit: First—For printing and traveling expenses. Second —For dissemination of in formation to the public. Third —For political meetings, de monatration and conventions. The foregoing expenses may be in curred either in person or through other individuals, or committees of organizations duly instituted for the purpose, but nothing contained in this act shall be so couslrued as to author ize the payment of money or other valuable things for the vote or influ ence of any elector, either directly or indirectly, at primary, township, general or special elections, nomina ting conventions, or for any corrupt purpose whatever, incident to an elec tion, and all judicial, .State, county and municipal officers herealter elec ted shall, before entering upon the duties of their respective offices, take aud subscribe the oath prescribed by section 1, of article 7, of the Constitu tion of this Commonwealth. Section 2. Every person violating either of the provisions of this act shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction shall be subject to H tine not exceeding SI,OOO, and to im prisoninent not exceeding one year or troth, or either, at the discretion of tin court. A BE WING MACHINE PATENT The actum of the senate patent committee in reportingftgainrt the ex tension of Wilson for a motion sewing machine patent is very significant, and of great interest to the whole country. It is now certain that no cxtention will be granted for the Bachelor feed motion patent when this patent is out, and no restrictions will exist on the manufacture of sewing machines, and the most expensive machines will then be greatly reduced in price. Sewing machine companies exerted all their influence, but were opposed by petitions signed by three millions of people against u furthet extension of the patent. A Koutlj Carolina correspondent of i the New York Times has compiler! a ; list of the officials of that Htute indic i ted or couvicted of crime during the i past few months. The total is thirty j two, and includes the Governor,three county treasurers, two county sheriffs, twenty-four county commissioners, one school commissioner, and ope police justice. These were State officers j, but one Congressman. R. H Cain, has also been arraigned in the courts for larceny. And there is no hope whatever for South Carolina unless Congress assumes the right to again reconstruct its government. Till? DANG MRS OF PARIS GUKKN. The follow ing timely iiiMi u lions are given in the Paint and t *l .lour ttal. As the handling ami using ol dry Paris green, especially by persons tin* acctist 'ined to it* use, is attended with cotisiderahle risk, and often follow id bv serious coiisjuetic*. wo tunki the following suggestions, foi mled on out experience as mauiit.o lim f : All packages, whether lurgo or small shou'd he plainlx n arkeil poi- There I' gn at dangei in lln-mixing of this giecu for p'laivi hug and mi ton worm poison, owing to the tine dust which hums in the proei■•, wlnch is inhaled and rapidly absorbed by the ports tif the shin, specialty it the person using it shouhl he in a state ot perspiration. To guaid against this, the hands am) lac > put licularly nos trils'! sltoultl le protected as much as possible, and should be carefully wash etl after working in it. or iu any of the preparations i t whicii it is an in gredient A' it peuctratts and poi s >ns wood, gets into the scams ami crevices of articles made •>( metal, ami even into earthenware that i at all pomus, all household utensils, or any thing in barn or stable winch cattle or horses could have access to, in which the article may have been mixed, or from which it has bull usid, should he oarefullv set aside, ami never again used lor any other pur|n -e .Malignant sores are not unfrcijutiU ly caused by scratching the skin when itching or irritated from handling the green. It should he constantly borne in miud that it is a tuore dangerous and deadit poison than arsenic, luid farmers, planters and others, when purchasing should he duly cautioned to exercise the utmost care in using it. As a remedy for the poi* m, Ihr free Use of milL ti* a beverage i iicmii mended, but we have found hydrnled per-oxide of iron a simple, hat'title** remedy' tltt* best antidote. Sore* caused Dv lite green should be well covered with it, as with nu ordinary salve, and a teaspoonful in a wine glass of water should lie taken twici a day inteinailv while woiking with the giet n. This remedy can bo ob tained from anv druggist or clumUt. The coi.- ain pi lon < t Paris green has largely itu eased within a tew years, and the umole is now applied to such a variety of putpo*e*, tliai caie!e.-* ness in its use or ignorance of its highly dangerous properties on the part of those who use it, cannot fail to produce the must deplorable r*ults. There is n negro Samson named Nelson de Lisle, m New (ileans. He is a horse dealer by profession, and the trick of bis trade is to take pos session of horses in nt> unauthorized manner. JJe wu> denominated a horse-thief before u Court ill New Orleans i.i and sent to the itate I'rison, where he stayed oniv si* days of the five years aw arded Lint, He broke jail by snapping iron bars us if they bad beeu stiiks, and carrying the outer gate, and tied ami hid. The pi* lice have been on the lookout for him, ttu.i afraid they would find him. l'be other day two or three of them got hold of liiiii j but lie broke loose ami laid them out on (ho pavement with one blow of his mighty arm. le Lisle then ran, and the cry of "stop thief* was raised, and a gathering crowd surged in pursuit. A police* man fired three shots at him without any apparent effect, and he was at length brought to a halt by running, as it were, in a crowd of about a thou sand men that bad collected alxut him, both before and behind, in his flight. The friction of such a ma*s was too much, aud lie saw the living wail close around him. It took twelve muscular white Americans to take him to the station-house, as be kept up n skirmishing fight ail the way. He was put in the stocks, and it was found that a pistol ball bad passed through in* thigh, and a club had indented bis forehead over bis eye. His vitals, which were covered with a heavy coating of upper leather, were unharmed. He is not of exag gerated size, being a litter over medi uiu size, but his mold is Herculean and bis endurance is equal to that i f a steam engine of twenty horse power. ARREST OF *L. W. HERRING TON- L. W. Herrington, publisher of the Lycoming Ranger, was arrested yes terday and taken before the I'nited States Commissioner, Hepburn Me Clure. The charge against him was, that he violated the postal laws of the I'nited States by printing and publish ing an obscene and lewd paper, and that he did on the 20th dav of June, 1?74, and at divers times before that deposit in the post-office at Williams port said Ranger, for mailing and de livering in the I'nited States mail, knowing the same to bo an obscene and lascivious publication, rontrarv to the acts of Congress in such rase made and provided. The prisoner made a request to have the ease continued until Satur day, in order that he might have time to prepare himself. To this Hon. Win. 11. Armstong, counsel for the prosecution, would not consent. " He then waived a hearing, when hail in the sum of $">.000 was demanded for his appearance at Erie on the third Monday of next month. The bail not being at hand he was taken to In the evening Herrington was ta ken before Judge Strong with the ex|x>ctali'>n of having his bail reduc ed. but without avail, and he was re turned to prison.— JtrgUter. This dirty sheet, the Ranger, also circulated in this county —persons who patronize such literature are no better than the publishers of it. Politics are growing more and more corrupt, ami, but for the increasing vigilance and independence of the newspaper press, the outlook for the country would be far from encourag ing. Put even the worst evils usual ly work their own cure in the long run. Just as the politicians of both parties seemed to have reached the lowest depths of venality and reck lessness, and the peopL*, grown al most hopelessly indifferent, seemed to have resigned everything to their self appointed masters, the newspapers began rebelling against the tyranny of parly and asserting their right and duty to criticise freely obuoxious men or measures. It is this growing fear lessness and candor of formerly slavish organs which promise to purify ouri politics and rectify the innumerable abuses which have taken root in lo calities where either party lias long been in undisturbed possession of power Nor is this decline of corrupt servility confined to the great city dailies, the smallest pari of whose sup port comes from party organizations, out the country weeklies ure fast ris ing to a higher appreciation of the' dutiis and proprieties of journalism. I —Prcsi. Subscribe for the Reporter. Who will be kind enough to send a name ? THE I. AS I' AITOK ROK-4KIIEI* II EKI>'K LEO I SLA TURK. I'lmit the )i nfhi ttp> rciiciitiilivc Uoveinmeut sent up to l'otijjti >* l>v the 1 >itiict Legislature the only clc. live lualv under llie late form of govet tin til i, that in uiijouin ing fine i/ic oino o| the member* -reined to have carricil nwnv aliu.-el ev-Milling poilahlt-about llio chain In i ilrtks, clisits, ('loots*, yvuUi cool cm, toil rot*, ink-tiuo!-, w u-li-luinL towc lt, ooiulie, lit liaho*, aoap, and cv li *i ootid-hand tooth hrushc*. One liu-mber in hi* *oln itudc t>> preserve some memento of this last leplcscilia tivc hody and hulwaik id the | roplr ol the 1 Hatiid, look nnny a lutgo Kathci duster, and not he ostentatious atiout t, he concealed the same upon In* pcisoil with considerable ingcuui ly bv passing the handle down a trou.- ci leg and buttlouing the feathered end snugly under his vest. l u/r m - b.'c icprc-cntativc hudy ! And thus depart* the ust vrstugr ol the ge-hi rious right (>t -ullrnge in the 11, of I*. ANDTHEH HATCH DE HODS EXECUTED. New York, June'2s.—Doe huudred land forty two dogs woe asphyxiated to-day at the dog pond. At aLuut u quarter to twelve o'clock the doga | were placed in (lie tank, mid son a* tliev *vere iuthle tlie* gas was tinned ou. Tin method ot' killing was di tic rent to that Used heretofore. The gas was the same as used hereto fore—carbonic acid but it tut- gen I era led on the spot, ami not carried itroiu outside through a pipe. When lliv* animals were liist placed inside, -i-vcral groan* were heard, but the noise, after a lew seconds, subsided In otder to ascertain how iung life re ma iled in the dog*, the superinteii* i dent tied a chain to one of the largest >logs, und passed it through an apar ! tore in the lank. Every < nee and awhile the chain would move, as it the unfortunate mature at the other cud was writhing in agony, and it yens thirty-two minuter, by the superinten dent'* watch, la* to re tlu- tugging c< us ed, s i it must have taken that time to ki.l tlu dog. At that time, by p'ac ing lHe ear to the lank, it could be as t - rtaiurd that some of the dog* were kicking yet. The new plan doe* not seem to be an improvement on the t one before ued in the ktlliug of the animal* ROUND TO DO TO TEXAS Fri'.n the ) uroo limner. A rtiau with a wife au.i several children, who some time ago left In diana for Texas, finding, after reach ing New Orleans or some other point in Loui-iana, that he cculJ not pro ceed on acccuut of the overflow, turn ed back and is retracing his step* to Indiana. Hv and hi# family are all walking, carrying a whceibovraw. which cuntaiu# all his earthly goods. He ha* stopped a few davs in tiio üb url # of the ciiy # where he i* making axe handles f > get means to pursue In#journey. Hen a man in full vig- i tir o| iimlli), iuteiiigrul, ami buoyant | spirit*. He u determined still to go to TeK&>. 1 lie Civil Kigh: bill is .lead—dead at least for this ictijon let ua iiujie forever. There are strong tn-uio lor believing that if it bad |>a>ed the Houtn- Ihe President would have veto ed it. Hut the Republicans o! the House being nearer their constituents than the Senate, and having livlier apprehension* of the consequence*, concluded to let the tiling sadiy \et severely alone. They hail the oppor tunity to lake it up and pax it, hut they had not the courage. When, a* it lay on the Sjwaker'a desk, it was reached in iu turu. there were Kepub licau votes enough to have lifted the bantling Irom its couch aud sent it tenderly, duly labelled aud ticketed, to the White House. Hut, alas! the votes were not furthcoming, aud so, there it lies, Peace be with it.— Hultimore Gazrlte. Opihi n of JuJ(c Orris up. ii tlio m thorite- of the County Ctnimiiti nris to equal i*e aoMinirnU. Common w lh f I** I' rf'-tii ,r rt :! S'o PI Au(. torn) r / 1874 Bknj. F. Sii.xrrk* ( This watn writ of habeas corpus, |iurl the potition of aurxir of tow nship. Contra county, and and asxiattt assessors of tho tamo township, complaining that tho respondent, tho thoriffof the county, had thotn in custody without any lojra! warrant thcr..|\,. I'pon the return ef the writ it appeared that on the ISld day of May, 1874, one made information before esr:li the actual value and assass the property accordingly. By the 4th section of llie Act of May loth, 1811. the right of the assessors to fix a standard of values was taken away, and it was provided that 'from and after the passage of tnis act. it shall be the duty of the several asscsor> and as-istnnt assessors, toasess, rate and value all objegts of taxation, whether forj state, county, city district ward, township or borough purposes according tc the ac tual value thereof, and at such rates and prices for which the same would trparutrly* bona fide sellT" Not as is sometimes con-j tended at tho prices fur which all tho pro perty in the ward or township would sell, if nil the property was put to a sale at the same time hut at what each item of pro-j perty would bring at a public sale, after, full notice, if it was the only property s. Id. That this is the proper construction of tlx 1 Act will he mauc manifest hereafter. Thi-! fixes ih.'diity of the nssc-ors to value all! property made taxable by inw at what; they honwstly and conscientiously boliev it to be really worth. Their oath preacri ; bod by the 9th section of the Act of July j "7th 1812, defines very plainly their dutie-; in this respect. The only other question involve 1 is, are assessors who rvfuso to perform the duties thus enjoined liable to a criminal pmseeu Ition'' Die Hd section of the Act of May lbth. 1811, provides; "If any assessor or ussistaiil assessor shall knowingly ami in tentionally omit, neglect or refuse to as sess or return any property, person or thing made taxable by law, or shall iin knowingly ami intentionally assess, rate or mine the same tit more or trim thou he shall know mill believe the just cash rulne or rate thereof, or neglect or refuse to as sess any ti); required by law, lie shall he guilty of a misdemeanor in ofjjc-e, and on conviction thereof he subject to imprison ment, not less tliun three nor more than twelve month's and fined in a sum not less than one hundred nor more than two hun dred dollars." This settles their liability to a criminal prosecution for a wilful re fusal to a-sess property at wliul they know or honestly believe its actual value is. Mistakes or errors of judgment, where the assessors are acting in good faith, cannot be punished by any proceedings ; but a refusal lo comply with the plain mandate gftba law hm and should he. It is true there is another retnedy. By the 4th section of the Act of limy loth, 1841, the County Commissioners, after the assessments are returned into the office, are authorized, "iftboy believe any pru- I.■ rt \ or thing made In table has been ns- ' M'M*tJ ttlltl TttlllUll \#|'l'MT it* Ml'tlill Vdlllll, | i •!* I hi* •Hint* l* llir ncltiMl vtlue thru*- (•I, or il llu* mint* lim* Imhiii Mtn*t iiitti im|ter(lYo l*v tin* liUh • lioll of llu* Ai I of J illy 'JTtli, 1 "Tho honitl tif rr \ iaiuii ih t ut'li coiml v * on ret tfiviittf llu* friurm of tho m* m ..h, |rocrrl to i utttittit niul iti|iiir * vt ht'lhi-r tin* *mino ha v c hrvit luutit* in t >n* fy>linil> with lh* lttWt tf thu Common- I hphlili, *1 tt if m Kfthrr ali pi'itffi fy f-* br ii/* tin/ lot' ttlJ ttfion for jftifr tittd fi'Wfify f>u #*• jt>tif* A.i* l-t'+H t d/wfi/ ii t i no ii* or jt/'trr not ,f* than (Kc mmf UMU'J A oftrr full Mf4*r it/ ti yubt l** *i/r, rueh *rjb i ftf.i/f tot of ftn'r or 11 art oftami k tct/A t#* plot trntnt*, or the J'' ty oj trtJitniottt, totttpi iity *• Coryofotioo ' UM/v *• Of to t'f At 4*4 ( \\ hil* this |ow rr i \ tt in tho County , (\uiT|.!iiaiit'r l mitt it U ihrir dutt to r|* rft if it wht ii \*r iho mc t 4 ulion Jso 1! tin\i^ ALL 'lbe a.t. uiit of a burglary in a farm house near Milton, I'a , which we ' <>l in our issue vf Julie IH(||, Wc see il * ttnlrd (li.l not occur Hear Mil toll, Pa , but - ne.ir Milloll, N. Jersey Mv much tl.eie t u somelimes in a name. MadiiJ, Juno 27. (iftt. iml information . I.as bi-rn receive I at the \S ar Ufti. o of the defeat ut L'helva. thirty-eight miles nortli • r.lul X ateucia, alter two du-s lighting, of 10.iw.1 t'arlists under command ol l'riiu e ' Alphotis.i, brother of Ron Carlos, by a 1 Tone of republican- numbering only- 6,u0 '' men. *• ♦ • , The cui. uicl is now visible lo the naked . eye, aft.-r 10 o clock Look for it half way < ! tic-twceii the North star and horizon. A TITANIC HI Kl, I l ight Rclw.-rii an Elephant and a ' Khitioccros on u Steamboat. ' I he in.liana|Hi!i, Herald relates tlo- f.d --f i _ , lowing ; ' Last week, as the maUißloUlh fleet of slratiiets employ rd to trntlsport old Jolill , K a : s.-h s great world eip sition nj>- pr. achvd the landing at Wyandotte, -it j uwled on the banks of the Ohio river, ill W cwterii \ irgi'iia, an utiusuai cuuuno lioti Hgi oterfed Hi bord llir 1 Etiv, No v M el*, worn*it attid children ° were wild y running to an J iro frantical ly shouting to the other steamers, while at the same tune there were,a -cries of shrieki, ' screeches, yci.s and how as if all tho m malot ,>l I'sndrnionium were be.ng let ' 1 he good people on shore Were unable t l • make out tho meaning and strange be c has >r of those oft the steamers, hut sur- C in.sing that everything wa. not right among the animals in the menagerie they very quickly concluded that the opett levee was (.<■ | ,air far th.-m should the fero- iom monster, make their w • y to land | and quickly Had to their homes. In the meantime C< nunodor. John L Kohn.ion heist'.l signals of distress, which were quick.- responded to by the slcamur (. hampion, f'aptain tf N. Hobiuson, and also ti.e steamer Aigosy. n James K > bin son, w ho ranged alongside the Erie, and is are ihfvru.rd that an awful battle was raging between llie huge duh!c horn* rd rhinocsr.-s and the monster war eie phan:. Old Emperor. The ladirs and (.Isiidrgtt were quickly transferred to the steamers Chauipioa and Argosy, and then the entire < rest of the three steamer* armed themselves and went below to en* Jea\ or to trparate the < ombatanU. "A* they reached that port, .n of the mam dee*. jut o!f the bc.;cr\ a horribly sickening tight net their view Wound* id, bleeding and horribly lacerated men were Ling whera they had been stricken down by the terrible brute* , dead, w mud* cd and dying horse* and p* r.ict rtrewed the deck in every direction ; cage* de stroyed and literally n.ashed into frag menu were Scattered among the dead, wounded, dying, and the terrible din. abrick*, giutil* and gruan* jdait.ly t. i-l them that the battle wa* ttiil fiercely rag '• a V |oUl dtrgcliv!i of almokt .very ogeentbo boat iuia*o imminent AH • tlurts unavailing to rp*rate the tavagr denizen* of the forest At this juncture* loud crash wa* heard at.d the two cage* ! arv Not so, however, with Manager John F. Robin . son, jr., for when he saw bis favorites, lea 0 lions ani eal, being dashed overboard without mercy, lie said 'Boys I can t stand this any longer, aud w c might a well 1 try to kill one of these brutes befere they ruin every cage on the boat." lie then gave orders lo fire upon them, and a heavy ' volley was discharged, which had no more j effect on the now thoroughly aroused and . frightened inunnlers than to cause tlx m to •* fight with more fury than before. The situation *> getting each moment more t dangerous for ail on board, and the pro prietors were in despair of all hope, when '•it occurred to Manager J F. Robinson to _ open the steain jtpes and deluge them - u illi steam. "The engineer quickly turned on the I steam, and as it suddenly escaped from t the boilers with a tcrriffic roar, a shrill - trum| eting screech was heard from the ' elephant, such at they always utter ir. cry- I ing for niorcy when conquered in ti.eir s native wiids. Whether the animal had 1 received its death blow from the rbinorer * > a formal regulating process which is oflentimeapndispensiblc to the at* j fairs <>f men. We are called to discrimi nate between puh|jc good ant] evil, truth and fal-ehood, not abstractly but as they | appear in the conduct of men. It would be a spurious charity which would con found moral qualities in men. If a man assails me with vituperation and the lan guage of hitterneas it is uncharitable in me to say that man is praising mo. Ifaman is in my cherry tree stealing uiy cherries it would he false charitv Jfor me to say he is only borrowing. %\ e have a right lo loot at things as they are, and in dealing with men you must judge of moral quality and lo a certain extent also of antecedent disposition. The safety of your own affairs and of those commit ted to your charge demands a just and Careful judgement of men. So, then, you should not commit trusts to untrustworthy men. It would not bo safe to put men upon the bench fyr the impartial adminis tration of justice who are partial and us fair themselves. you must, of course, discriminate. The disposition to upchur ilable judgement springs, not from good but fr<>m the malign elements in man. Wc are all children of (lod, und all pos sessed of a com men weakness, of a cum* mon ,'temptableness," of a catniuon sin fulness, and we all have a common de pendence on the Divine forgiveness; for life and liberty. It is not for us, united by such common weakness, to occupy ourselves in raking up on every hand ana at every opportunity those things which are common tc us and others. If there should spring forth in any hos pital a disposition of criticism, und men with tercrs should gib men with dijppsies innl mi ii * itli ilt hou!4 revenge themselves by | mi) ill ii :i* Dfsf lo tlm iiimi with uh-i fs nn.ip.rcs )| wnulj representllir luift hof Christ. [Laughter] Men are perpetually finding rult mi technical grounds All ol tlu iii together urn in hos pital, and all subj.nl to ailment* This whole tendency springs, not from the di vine man, but from tin* rrinuants in man of that which is animal. You will take linln e that there are many qualities that nr.* indispensable in the lower plant* ol t-votrnce wlil.'ll, in the higher forms of i ii.truce, beeoine positive vines. As men ijevelo|i out of the animal conditions it takes away that necessity, and it lakes a Way more and more the tendency to judge hastily. There aie men who crili eisi without any partieular good in view It way be tin.-, i.„t that te t jusiny u f vu have no rtght'Ui speak of men at their •old unless with a reason that will stand tlo* tr-t o| tile judgement seat of Charity. ! it is not enough that a man hat a fault. Everybody has tlo -e things, and why j should they ba dragged out UllUss there he some hope „f ~tidying the wrong ' You *m it Is your duty to fight weakness wherever you ean find it; than slay at home, for you will find trouble enough th re to keen you occupied nit the rest of J our life I Laughter. ] l'hen there arc men who hate liypoc'isv, .ml who are always looking about to de ti lit. If you say a man did a generous Hung they sneer and say "Oh ! he'll make out of it They, liko leeches, suck the blood of I Very loan they ci-uie in contact wiih. We are all in the warfare, slrug-| glibg in society The-e is one class of men, tkank Oiml. that are at least working! towards a high and holy end tint perfect j but searching after perfectum. I think! more of good nature than 1 do id many of] the t hrt>tiaii praees, and in that 1 follow my Master, i'lo-ro are many men that ate seeking good so assidiousiy that they do not ire men at all. but those men the' just gel so i er to (sod at lo walk on other men's heads ate full of un charitahleness Honor all men. The poorest it not w hat he seems. There it i something in every nature even tha low est that, whet, it is unfolded, shall shine as a star Outward grandeur it not to be i in pared with that which is in the reach of the commonest nature, because ally un*rmtathitic with the great ouUide claf, founded oti pontivc eicellence, bu' on the leme of being nearerthemselves, an 1 they further from God Tin* u the mo*t dan gerous position for men to take. A man whoi* strictly honest and truthful doe* n.t arrogate anvthing lohimsrlf when he say* "I aui not dithoticil or untruthful," but it i> a dangcrou* thing for bodiei of men like the denomination* throughout our land and world, mingling a> they do with men very low in the *cale of eihic*, to pretend to criliciie the principle* hy w In. h other* are not governed, hilled at they #rh wilh pride, |and arrogance, p|u up k* they are with intestine jealousies, envy. juarrel*. and contentien*, at war with anl among themselves, the whole Church visible on earth being a camp ground of insurrection, it i* the l ight of madnrit for them to look wilh critical and unit mpathetic cy i upon thoe who are not of them. Hew much there i justified he. aute wr are mrniber* of the Church.j and they arc Ml I They are in the fall of bitlernea* and the hoa.i o! ini.juity. They don't believe in the Trinity it is better' not. than to trample it under foot. We. have no right to look upon tnen outside, of organised churche* and *it in judge ment upon them In conclusion. Mr- Bvccbey tpoke of the, spines* with which a community invc igh* sgsinst a man who hat hrcn caught in hit wickedness is due almost as much to the condition of tint very community at to ; any inherent evil in him. whose way ef wrong- loing wut prepared for him by his 1 predecessors and bv ttie laxity of hit verr judges. Applying indirectly this proposi tion l> Tweed and his romp anions, over laid n in their vices, he remarked the great out cry of virtuous indignation and hor ror, wnich had followed the exposure of great fraud', and the enmpla.ent tali-Me llon with which they commented on the iuttice of the chief robber't hanithment to Blaekweir* Island N<4' no! brokeou! Mr. Beecher, ifjuslice had had its course there would have been siUU 000 men there in 1 -lead of one. A man goes to Coug'ess in the lnte-est of public improvement*. He finds how railroad management affiliates with his tates. He finds ft thing already created, already grown. K very hod r has got his bucket and gels a dip ef the.ill-got ten plunder, and by and by n man coiues' ..lung with a larger bucket and a larger dipPhr, and he goes in a little deeper and; makes a bigger splash and gels caught'] Then by the "artilleries of the committees! he is shot to pieces, and people hold up , their hands in horror while they cry out,! "Did you avortoe such a miscreant." Now, you are the nlphahet and ho is the word spelled! [Laughter.] The villain , that happens to he first struck by yourj, lightning is considered the basest of men. ( Is this just judgement? 1 don't say , bad men are not bad because they are! made so by men behind them, but this I: say, that "except ye repent, ye Uiall all! likewise perish " and if you are going to condemn representative criminal;, re member whom they represent. No stream goes hsgiicr tliun its fountain' and in u community no man is a deal bet-j 1 ler or worse than the community in which ho lives. It it not for us in hold high our heads and; say triumphantly, ''Lo 1 see | how God hates si liners.'' It is for us to • say, with bowed and submissive heads, ; "Lord. I have laid this stumbling block | in my brother's way." ATOTICK OF APPEALS—Ntic* i* ,i.\ hereby given that tho Commission er* of Centre county will hear appeal* from assessment* of 1871 lor the dliferent township* and borough* in raid county, on the following dayi, at the place* for hold ing election* ill township* and borough*, to wit: Fntton twp Tuesday, June lb. Half Moon two Wednesday dune 17. Ferguson two Thursday, June 18. Harris twp Friday, June J9. l'otter twp Saturday, June 20. Gregg twp Monday. June 22 Penn twp Tuesday June 23 Haines twp Wednesday June 21. Miles twp Thursday, June 25. Walker twp Friday, June 20. Marion twp Monday, June 29 Liberty twp Tuesday, June 30 Curtln twp Wednesday, July 1. Howard two and boro' Thursday July 2 lloggs twp Friday. July 3 Milesburg bro' Monday, July fi. UnionyMreiiniJiUnjon ityp Tiiesdny July 7th. Huston twp Wednesday, July 8. \\ orth twp Thursday, July 9. Taylor twp Friday, July 10 Spiing twp Saturday, July 11 Snow Shoe two Tuesday, July 11 1$ urn side twp Wednesday, July 15 I'hilipsburg and Hush twp F'riday July 17th. Ilelle'onte boro' Monday and Tuosday, July 20 and 21st. Banner twp Wednesday July 22. By order of the Board of Comuiissioues.t un4-Ut. K. H. FOKBTKK, Clark. 1 FURNITURE. JOII* HHKtHHIMe, in his elegant New Hootus, Spring street, Itellafonte. Has on hand a splendid assortment of HOUMK Kl It Mil UK from the com monest to the most elegant. CIl A M HKli SETS, PARLOR BETU, Nop AM, 4 IIAIHS. HKHSTKAIis, WOOL M ATI KK.sMKS HAltt MAT TRESSES, and atiyliiing wanted in the line of hi* business homemade and city work Al so, lias made a speciality and keeps on hand, the largest and finest stock of WALL PAPER < *di sold at reasonable rales, wholesale and retail, tiive him a call before pur chasing elsewhere. febC-ly Miller & Son, CENTRE HALL. PA. I'KALKIt* IN PUItEDitUUS AM) MEDICINES, CHEMICALS. OILS, DYE STUFFS PEU VVM KK Y. NOTIC)NS. FANCY ARTK'LR-S FOH THE Toll.ET Ac ,&e Ac. PI'HE WI.YE AMI* LIQI OHA, tor pur|soses. Truascs J-Huppirler* in great variety.! Also, choice ckjars and tobacco. and all other articles usually kept in a trst class Drug -Spire, i'reecripiious carefully Compounded. 2Wt tf M i LLKIt A SON ■ CKNTRI HALL FOUNDRY dt MACHINE SHOPS The uiidi-r.igiieU has lug taken posses sion of (lie above establish meal, respect fully inform the public that the same will he carried on by Hiem in ail its branches as heretofore. They manufacture the CELEURATED TKI'K BH'L CORNPLANTER, the best now made. HoR.SK POWERS. Til KSIII K'G MA CHIN K> A SHAKE Its. PLOWS STOVES. OVEN JXKjlts. KETTLE PLATES, CELLAICORATES. PLOW Sli KARS A MI 1.1. OK AP. IN Gof eve ry il(u.'ri)iUtn, in ihnit their Foundry is complete in every particular. Wr would call particular attention to our EXCELSIOR PLOW, ark nowi~ edged u> be the beat Plow now in use. shifting in the beam £ir two or three hor tw. W c also manufacture a new and improv Hrockerhofl Kuw, Hel!efonte,Pa Ikeulerw In llrugs, Chemicals, I'erfttiner), Fancy Gotxls Ac,, Ar. l'uro Wiitc# nd Liquors for medical purposes always kept. may 81. 72. JT EW PC'. Mil' It hf STOKE. IN THE CONRAD BOUSE, HKLLKFONTK, PA. GEORGE O'BRYAN, Dealer in OK ALL klXle, HKDSTKA US. TA VIES. CH A1 RS. Parlor and Chamber Sets, SOFAS, LOUWQEM, BUREAUS, WASHSTANDS, WAEDB )BES. MATTRESSES. Ac. Particular Attention to Ordered Work. tCPiHim DONS PROMPTLY. lADFKTAKIAG, Iu All Iu Hranchea, MKT A LIC, I'ALNCT, KOftKWOOD, ASP ttIVMuS CASgKTd, Always i n Hand, and Funerals Attended Wit) an Elegant Hearse. *|K*lf. CENTRE HALL COACH SHOP. LEY I MURRAY, at his establishment at Centre Hall, keeps on hand, and tW sale, at the nio-l reaosna j Isle rates. Carriages, Buggies A Spring Wagons, PI.AIM AND FANCY, and vehicles of every description made to order, and warranted k> be made of the best seasoned material, and by the most skilled and competent workmen. Person wanting anything in his line are requested to call and examine his work, they will find it not to be excelled for durability and wear. may JUL j 11 1 I Ml 1(11(1, NuTAKY PUBLIC, SCRIBNKR AND CONVEYANCER. CENTRE HALL, P A. Will attend to administering Oath*, Ac knowle Igement of Deed*, Jsc, writing Ar ticle* of Agreement, Deeds, Ac, may 15 r. H. WILMS. T. A- HICK*- WISON & HICKS. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL IlardwHrr mid Move Drnlrrs Builders Hardware CARRIAGE MAKERS GOODS, SADDLERS TRIMMINGS. ALL KINDS OF HARDWARE AND HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS. STOVES. SPEAR'S ANTI-CLINKER STOVES A DOUBLE irfeATERS whl :h will heat one or two rooms down stairs, and same number above. Cost very little more than single stoves. These are the best parlor stoves made. SUSQUEHANNA COOK STOVE. This stove ha* large ovens, will burn hard or soft coal and wood, Every one warranted to give perfect satisfaction. • WILSON A HICKS, marls tf Dellefonte, Pa. NEW GOODS! NEW GOODS! A. W GRAFF, CK.NTKK HILL, CENTRE 00., PA , 11MJu.t received ■ Urge Invoice uf Summer Good H. Consisting of the best assortment of HEADY MADE CLOTHING! ORES* GOODS GROCERIES. PROVISION^, Boors A SHOES, HATS A CAPS, AND FABTCY ARTICLES, over brought to Poller twp IX)WEST CASH PRICES! A.W.ORAPK. V. PECK'S New Coach Manufactory. CENTRE HALL, PA. The undersigned hat opend s new **. tsbluhmeril, at hit new shops for the manufacture of Carriages, Buggies, & Spring Wagons, HLKIUU* AMU SLKJ>, PLAIK ash PAXCT of evrry description . Alt vehtcie manufactured by him Aro warranted to render Mtiifiutioit, and a* KjUAi to any work dune elsewhere i He use* none but Ibe best inAtenal arid emi)toyi U, aott nkillful workmen! Henra they flatter themselves that their work ran not be excelled fur durability and fluish. * Order* from a dUunoe promptly Attend ed to. Corns and examina my work before! contracting elsewhere. PRICES REASONABLE. All kiodxof Re|irlt)jj done. GOODS AND NEW PRICES 1 ill (1)1 RATES It Vlilt EI) OUT Good* at Old Fashioned Pricw*. At ibe Oid Stand of HI. W OLF. 1 Would re*|>eetfu!ly inform tbe World and tha rei of mankind, that be ba just opened out and constantly receiving a .large *tock of GOODS OF ALL KINDS which he i* offering at tbe vary lowest market price. DRY GOODS and Print*. Muslin*. Opera Canton*, and Woll Flannel*. Ladia* Drest Good*, uch at Detain*. Alpaca*. Poplin*. Empress Glutb, •Sateen*. Tameise, together with a full I stock of everything usually kept in the ; Dnjr Goods line. which be ba* determined Ui soli vaty | cheap, consisting of NOTIONS: A full slock, consisting J>art of Ladies and Children '* Merino Hose, Collar*, Kid glove*, ben Quality tilk and Litla thread Glove*, Hood*, Nubia*. Breakfast (bawl*, HATS & CAPS, A full assortment of Men'* Boy's and Children'* of the latest style ami b*i CLOTHING, Heady inadc, a choice selection of Men'* and Boy'i of the newest stylet and most serviceable material*. HOOTS & SHOES, WM. WOLF. CENTRE HALL. Hardware Store. J. O. DEIKINGEB A new. complete Hardware Store bat been opened by the undertiirned in Cen- : tre llall, when- he it prepared to sell all kind* of Building and House Furnishing Hardware, Nail*. Ac. Circular and Hand Saw*. Tension Saw*, j Webb Saw*, Clothe* Hack*, a full assort-1 nicnt of (ila*s and Mirror Plate Picture Pri me*, Spoke*. Felloe*, and Hub*, table Cutlery, Shovels, Spades S'-d Furies, Lock*, Scroyr*, Si ask Springs. Horse-Shoes, N\U, Norway Rod*, Oil*, Tea Hells, Carpenter Tools, Paint, Varn ishes. Picture* framed in the finest style. Anything not on hand, ordered upon shortest notice. Remember, all ood* offered cheap- i cr than elsewhere aug 25' TS-tf The Granger Store! Something New! CASH AND PRODITK FOR CHEAP GOODS. SHORT CREDIT A SHORT PROFITS. ISHK 11, GHE^OIILi; Spring Mills ha* established a store to suit the times, and has a complete stock of DRY GOODS. NOTIONS, GROCERIES, HARDWARE, QUEENS WARE HATS, CAPS, BOOTS & SHQRS, FISH. SALT, CIGARS. TOBACCO, IXRUUS, SPICES, OILS, In short a full line of EVERYTHING FOR LESS PRICES Til AN ELSE WHERE COME AND JUDGE FOR YOUR SELVES. 6feb. y. Jtf BW HARDWARE iTOKK. J & J. HARRIS. No. 6. BROCKGKUOFF ROW. A now and Hardware Store has boon opened br the undersigned in Brockerhotrs new building—where they are prepared to eel 1 all kinds of Building and House Furnishing Hardware, Iron, Steel, Nails. RuRIQ' wheels in setU, Champion Clothes Wringer, Mill Saws, Circular and Hand Saws, Tennon Saws, Webb Saws, Ice Cream Freezers, Bath Tubs, Clothes Racks, a full assortment of Glass and Mirror Plate of all sizes, Picture Frames, Wheelbarrows, Lamps, Coal Oil Lamps, Belting, Spokes, Felloes, and Hubs, I lows. Cultivators, Corn Plows, Plow 1 oints. Shear Moid Boards and Cultiva tor Teeth, table Cutlery, Shovels, Spades and Forks, Locks, Hinges, Screws, Sash Springs, Horse-Shoes, Nails, Norway Rods, Oils, Lard, Lubricating Coal, Linseed. Tanners, Anvils, Vices, Bellows. Screw Plates, Blacksmiths Tools, Factory Bells, Tea Bells, Grindstones, Carpenter, Tools, Fruit Jars and Cans, Paint, Oils, Varnishes received and for sale at june6'6B-tf J. & J. HARRIS. I. Guggenheimer. ARRANGEMENT! ISAAC GCUUENIIKIMLR, having purchased the entire stuck of the latt firm of Sus.tman dc Guggenhrimar, ex cept the leather aT Shoe-findings has filled up his shelves with a lot ol SPLENDID NEW GOODS, embracing READY MADE CLOTHING. DHKJUI GOODS, (JBOCEBIES, PROVISIONS, BOOTS A SHOES, HATS A CABS, AND FANCY ABTICLES and is now prepared to accomodate si I his old customers, aud to welcome all new ones who may favor him with their patronage, lie feels safe in sajr iug that he cau /flense the moat fastidi ous Call and see. ISAAC GUGGENHEIM Kit. P. B.—Mr. Sussmau atili continues to deal in LEATHER ANDHHOK-FINDINGS, CLOVER and TIMOTHY SEEDS, in tncoid room, where he mav ml way be found. 12ap.tf." r PHK undersigned, determined to meet A tba popular demand for Lower Prices, respectfully cslD the attealion ef the public to his stock of SADDLERY, now offered'si the old stand. Designed | especially for tbe people and tbe time*, lbs largest snd mot varied snc "omplets ss ! sort in en t of Saddles. Harnees, Cellars, Bridles, iof every description snd quality ; Whips, and in fart everything to complete a firsl | class establishment, be new offers at prices I which will suit the times JACOB DINGKS, Centra 11.11 Shortlidge & Co., PROPRIETORS OF THE Beltefonte Lime Quarries, The only Manufacturer* of Lime, burnt exclusively with wood, in Centra! Pennsylvania. DEALERS IK Anthracite Coal, While Lime, Du Pout's Powder, Sporting nod Blasting Powder on hand, Fuse for Blaeting, Fire Brick, Grouod Fire Clay, Fertilisers, Implement*. jsnaOTJ .'J®" 1 ard.Vard i. oar South **d of the Ba!d Eagle V alley Railroad D (l *>t. Belie- P ianlti.TX NEW GOODS AND NEW PRICES. j AN ENTIRE NEW STOCIi OF BOOTS AND SHOES at the BOSTON BOOT A SHOE STORK. NO. S. Ilt sirs ahcadku Price* Lea* than at any OtWr Shoe Mure is Centra County. Call and See Us ! No. 5, Bush'* Arcade, Beliefonte. July ltf QROCKRY fTOILIi. Woodring ' inform the public generally, that thev have now and keep at all times one of the best and largest stock* of Groceries such at 1 COFFEES, TEA SCO AM, , ■ SIOLASSAS, Ac., dre., Ac., CANNED AND DRIED FRUITS OF ALL KINDS, consisting of canned peaches, cherries, om aloes, plum*, green corn, dried apples, peaches, cherries Ac. In brief they have everything usually kept >n a first class Grocery Store. Call in ladies and gentlemen. Our price* ere jcssunable. We aim tc please. octSßf Stoves! Fire! Stov's! At Andy Reesuian's, Centre Hull, are latest and bust stoves out, he bus just received a large lot of Cook Stoves, the Pioneer Cook, the Eclipse Cook, the Reliance Cook. PARLORS—The Radiant Light, self-fee der, Gas Burner, National Egg Jewell. Ac. sell* stoves as LOW a* anywhere ta Miiutn or ventre o®, TIN AND SHEETIRON WARE srove PIPE * apovTi.vu. AH kinds of repairing done. H e ha* [alwayson hand Fruit Cans, of all Sizes, BUCKETS, CUPS, DIPPERS, ait u DISHES, AC. All work warranted and charges reason able A share of the public patronage so. lic.ted AND. REESMAN, *p.ot Centre £; Gift 6c Flory's New Shoe Store ! AT CENTRE HALL. They have now opened, and will constant y/?£&0?, *1 'P'endid stock of new SHOES, GAITERS, & SLIPPERS for men, women and children, from the heat manufactories in the country, and now of fered at the Lowest Prices. | BOOTS and SHOES made to order, upon short notice. They invite the peopliio. this vicinity to give them a call, a. they will strive to merit & share of their t ronage. niyKhf A BIG CHANCE FOR AGENTS OF EITHER BEX ANTED, Agents and Peddlers for our PRESS AND STRAlNEß— t'reases and strains jams, jellies, herbs vegetables, lard, tallow, meats, cheese, Ac ! Over 00,000 sold in a few localities. Sells quick. Every family wants it. Is one of the pleasantest, most useful, successful and profitable utensils ever sold by agents Weighs six pounds. Price, $3.00. E*l iIITTI I j£? rcal4 , frM inSt S V 102 , icgtvn St-, Uui. 28 mtj Bt,