THE CENTRE KfiTORTER THURSDAY JUNE 25, 1574 LOCAL ITEMS. Our friends will obligo by sending us Items ot loeai news in their locality. give us the facts only, and we will put them in shape, also notice* of death* and marri ages. . Anv one sending ut the name* of six new subscriber*. with the cash, will be entitle,! to receive the KKIVKTKK one year free. The KaroRUCK being read bv neatly everybody on this •'*** of the county, where it has a larger circulation than any two papers, will be found the best medium for advertising nusinoss, sales, Ac. Ac The hay crop in this county will be somewhat light owing to the want of rain in the spring- City drummer*, candidates and po tato bug* are plenty now. Try Pari* green—in ionic case* a shot gun may an swer 00. The Uiviere House at Lowlsburg it the "Uiviere" House no longer, having been re-christened the "Cameron House, being now the property of Wm Cameron, Esq. Mr. John Ri-hol, across the valley, Is of the opinion, that to steal corn in the night, right alter a rain, i# a* unwise a* to do the same work right after a fresh snow. Some of Mr. Rishel'*corn was stolen atew night* ago, and the track* left in the ground softened by the rain, enabled him to track the fellow to hi* own door. Alfred Hos term an, ot near this place, took a fleece of wool weighing 1? pounds, off of a Cot*wold aheep. a few day* ago. The drummer* frvm the city houses are getting almost as numerou* a* potato bug*. Try Pari*-green on 'em. We know a merchant not a thousand mile* from Centre Hall, who label* his door "small-pox" when he sees a drummer around Penn Hall is growing and i* getting to be quite a pleasant village, and its buildings are all new, neat and handseme All kinds of fireworks, for the 4th of July, are now lo be had at Theodore Deschners, Bellefontc. If you wish to give vent to patriotism, Deschners it the place for tplend.d fire-works, in lance or small quantities. Rockets, candles, fire-bails, crackers, Ac., Ac. Opposite Bash's Arcade, and headquarters for guns, pistols, ammunition, fishing tackle, Ac. has assisted at 7$ barn raisings, and is still able and ready t# assist at scores of the same kind of jobs, and just knows how to go about it The editor has done some Aeory lilting at some 15 raisings, but has no hopes of catching up with Mr. Leach. D. W. Moore, esq., in the Clearfield Republican, denies beiog a candidate for the state senate. The radical candidates are popping up. The following is the list thus far : For Assembly—Dr. C. W. P. Fisher, of Boalsburg ; Robt. Gardner, of Fergu son ; R. D. McKinney, of Philipsburg; Dr. L. R. Hensyl, of Howard; A. R. Bar low, oi Haifmoon. For Commissioner—David Parsons, of Huston. ForDist, Attorney—\Y. \V. Brown Stone ware, a 'superior lot. and all sizes, just received at Wm. Wolf s. The weather is warm and rain seems to be much needed. The annual session of the Centre Co. Normal Institute, will commence at Centre Hall, on Tuesday, July 21sL Hon. A. G. Curtin will be orator of of the day at Lancaster, on the Fourth of J uiy, on the occasion of the unveiling of the Lancaster|county Soldiers and Sailors' Monument. The monument will be plac ed in the old Centre Square of that ancient city, and the ceremonies will include a grand parade of military companies, posts of the Grand Army of the {Republic, Sol diers' and Sailors' Union, and other or ganizations. Rev. Voting and family were the re c'pienU of many substantia! presents, fiom citizens of Centre Hall, of various denominations, on last Saturday ; dona lion* were plenteous and Rood, and came from neighbor-sand friends, who thus man ifested their regard and esteem for the faithful pastor afthe Evangelical denom ination. Rev. Young desires us here, to express his most grateful thanks for the substantial evidences of kindness and good will as shown him by the donation visit cn Saturday last. We regret to learn et the death of our young and talented fiiend, Rev. John P. Mitchell. He died on last Sabbath, at Howard, at the residence of his father Rev. X. J. Mitchell, and was burried on Manday morning last. Mr Mitchell was well known in this, his native county, and highly esteemed. He was an able writer, and bad been admitted to the bar of this county, but subsequently took to the Gos pel Ministry, andduring the last fiveor six years lived in Maryland, where be had a charge. His funeral was largely attended He was aged 21 years 1 month and 19 days. On Saturday of last week, the citi zensofSrush Valley held a pic-nic in a grove about three miles east of Rebers burg, which was largely attended. Hav ing a very fine day, everything weat off pleasantly. Fifty-three buggies left Re bersburg in one line, to participate in the festivities. Mr. I'hilip Massingar,- keeps a con stant supply of Xovelty bay-rakes, which he will deliver at any part of the county. Orders by mail, addressed to Centre Hall will be promptly attended to. On Friday evening, June 19tb, Deputy L. Rhone organized a Grange oftbe Pat rons of Husbandry in Half Moon twp., near Stormstown, with the following offi cers: Master, John A. Hunter, Overseer, I. Beck; Lecturer, fA. T. Gray; Stewart, Jackson Thompson; Asst. Steward, Jacob Beck; Treasurer, Isiah Beck; Secretary, Jeremiah Way; Chaplain, Michael Rider; Gate-Keeper, Joseph Rumbarger; Ceres, Miss Sellic Cross; Pomona, Emeline Beck; Flora.JMrs. Ella Gates; Stewardess, Mrs. Mary Rumbarger. AARONSBURG ITEMS.— J. G. Meyer is selling a good deal of fliur," feed and ce ment at his effice in Aaronsburg. The flour manufactured by Meyer A Metz at Pine Creek Mills scetns to be of a superior quality, and the cement manufactured by J. G. Meyer can not be excelled for cis terns and water pipes. Beaver Bro's who moved to town last April have taken charge of Simon Rote's blacksmith shop, and are doing quite a successful business. H. C. We copy front the Tutcn Ktpubli- A little daughter of G. W. Miles, of Huston twp., was accidentally drowned a short time since. A camp meeting will be held in the woods belonging to ex-Sheriff Waddle, near the old Rock Forge, commencing on Wednesday, August 19th, under the aus pices of the M. E. church. A little son of Mr. Weaver, of Snow Shoe, arose in his sleep about 12 o'clock on Monday nigbt of last week and walked across the room, raised the window and stepped out, falling a distance of over 12 feet. He died shortly after. ORGANS.-Tho SMITH, RYNDER and JUBILEE ORGANS, are among the best recommended organs now offered. Any of these excellent instruments can be seen by calling on the Agent, Wm. Et linger, Aaronsburg. Governor Osburn, of Kansas, yesterday roceived a telegram lrom Dodge City ask ing for arms to defend the citizens of that vicinity against hostile Indians, who arc said to be killing people within ten miles of that city. SUGAR VALLKY ITFM* Farming pmt|irU are |vo4, the oat* which wise acre* declared would he a fail ure, It— notwithstanding tht eitremt cold weather thia spring coming on splendid ly; com and wheat are likewise doing well; clover has long since been in bloom, and lake it "all, in all," the crop* in* this locality have a tine an appearance at any we have urn elsewhere. The only draw back to fanner*, is the infernal potato bug, which is making Mid havoc with lite "Irish biscuit." Ripe cherries put in an an appearance last week, in some parts ol the valley, and indication* are that they will be very plen ty the coming season. The AiyJtucoy-mei* arc at preerit grading the hill, on the road leading south Irom Logan*ville. The project I* a good one and the road when completed will be one of the best in the county All credit to the borough of Logsnsville. The former store of Wituier A IV, Lo gait* villa, is now owned by Mr. J. C.Smith, and considering "panicky times," is a perfect success Mr. Smith is a thorough gentleman, and always doe* business up to lime. He ha* always a kind word of greeting for hi* customer*. Mr. T. \V, DeLong, who wis lately hauling log* on the Lick Kun K K., near \Y aUontown, in endeavoring to jump on the loaded car, and draw the break, while it was in motion, accidentally misstd hit foothold, and the next instant the car passed over hi# left foot, crushing the toes, and otherwise severely injuring it. V. V For the Reporter. SPA WLS FROM PKXN The Millheim school* closed on last Sat urday, and the teacher* pulled out tor other employment. On lat Monday night a party et' plea sure seeking boy* moved the Mammoth picture cer out of town greatly to the de light of the inhabitants. The loan and building association spo ken of before i* in a flourishing condition, and as soon as the charter can be procured will go into operation. The supervisors are working on the new road leading from Millheim to the fork* of Penns Creek. Work is progressing finely and hands seem to be somewhat plenty. The Millheim band seems to be some what on the decade, their greatest trouble being to procure a teacher. The corres ponding committee has sent letters to the four wings of the earth and still no teach- On Tuesday of last week Dr. Musser was the unlucky man. He lost his pocket book containing valuable papers to the amount of about five hundred dollars also some change. In the ese his horse run off and smashed his new buggy all to pieces while P. T. escaped very little hurt The appeal came off middling fair on; last Tuesday not very many appeared which goes to show that they were nothurt as bad as they let on before the appeal. Some gentleman stele widow Krater'| lard at Penna Creek one night last week. It must have been some one that just started house-keeping as he had nothing to take the lard out of the stand with, save bis dirty fingers. 10 S. C. FROM ILLINOIS. Correspondence of the Reporter. ORJL.NUKYII.LK, 111., June I'.'. '74 MR. EDITOR:—I will give you a little sketch of the west. We had *cold and dry weather up to May 1, when it changed to summer, and was hot through May and a little dry; by the 2nd of June wc had con siderable rain and cold weather with win ter like winds. To-day wo had heavy storms, exceeding anything for the past five years. Wheat and oats look well, corn is on a stand it being too wet and cold for corn to grow during the last two weeks. The grain market at Freeport is, wheat $1.05, corn 58, oats 40, rye 90, pota toes SI.OO. I see from the Reporter that you have the potato bugs; we had them here for about ten years; they will afford you something to contend with. You can tell a little more about them in five years after this. They are very destructive to the potato. M. S. Tit* EXEMTIOX STATYJTR.— Among the important law* passed by the Legislature is the one relating to the exemption of pro perty from levy and sale on execution* and distress for rent, declaring tho waiver thereof by a debtor, except in certain cases, void. We give the bill in full as it passed both Houses. It reads : Be it enacted, Jr., That on and after the fourth day Of July next, no waiver except as hereinafter provided, by any debtor, a resident of this Commonwealth, who is the head of a family, of the benefit or right to claim exemption of property from levy and sale upon execution and distress for rent that is now or may hereafter be al lowed or exempted by the laws of this Commonwealth, shall be valid, any debt or making such waiver or any agreement therefor or any member of tho family of such debtor may claim and demand and shall be entitled to such exemption the same as if no such waiver or agreement therefor had been made ; Provided ; That this act shall not effect or apply to any' waiver or agreement therefor made prior to the fourth day of July next, nor shall this act affect or apply to any obligation, agreement or indebtedness entered into or contracted for the purchase of real estate ; and provided further, that this act shall not effect er apply to any waiver of inquisi tion or confession of condemnation of real estate made by any defendant as is pro vided by "An act relating to executions,' approved June 16th, Anno Domini 1836." This act has not yet been signed by the governor, but it is said will be. TIMF. IS MOXKV.— We understand! that Judge Orvis computes the hourly ez- j penseofour court, while in session, at $25 per hour, and fines defaulting jurors and witnesses accordingly. If either of the parties indicated detain the court fif teen minutes, the fine will be $5, and in; proportion for any longer time. A siini-1 lar schedule will be fixed for attorneys, plaintifis and defendants at tho next term, except upon a higher scale. This timely and financial arrangement will, no doubt, result in much good. It will keep all in the court room during the session, and ex pedite business amazingly if enforced.— Clearfield Republican. FEARFUL HAIL STORM.- MONDAY evening of last week a hail storm swept over a portion of this county, which for fierceness and destructiveness has not been equaled for many years. In Trough Creek Valley it seems to have been the most destructive There hail stones—or rather boulders—seven inches in circum ference, fell amid driving wind, which caused the hail to break windows, and ev er. penetrate ordinary shingle roofs, de stroying fruit tree* and grain fields and in at least one instance kill animals. By the tiine it had reached McConnelstown and Grafton much ofils fury wasspentyet there was sufficient force left to smash windows innumerable and destroy much of the growing grain and fruit. At McConnels town, so thickly was the greund strewn with the hail that a family living near that place gathered n tub full of it and froze ice cream with it. We hear of a number of trees being torn up by the roots, but the greatest injury was done to the fruit and growing grain. Many farmers have suf fered so severely that their crops will not be worth gathering. The storm appeared to be about one mile wide and passed over the south western corner of the county.— Huntingdon Monitor, 16th. Elephants are dying out in India. Law is a good thing if you get cnongb of it. England imp orts her horses from Ire land. I TIIK LANG KINO M ASSAUKKS Terrible Slaughter of ( hinrse t'hri*- liana —Hunting down with HoumU Those Seeking Hefugo in the Woods —Alt Awful Story from n Trench I\t|er. Tho French periodical* C'utho* ' litjues, gives ut the tlr*t authentic and de tailed narrative of the recent massacre of Kotuati I'ulhelic native convert* in China, to which wo have already briefly alluded. The account, a* translated lor the London Tablet, relate* that the massacre broke out 'on the 251h of February, when the "liter -1 ales," as the persecuting parly i* called, opened the campaign by beheading two men iii the service of I'ere Doaro and a Christian, whom they then threw into the river. The same day they burned the three village* of Trun-Lain, N'io-Vinh, and Han Tach, and massacred the inhabi tants that were in them. Those who suc ceeded in escaping to the w>H>ds were hunted down with hounds, brought back and killed on the following days The river was coverej over with bodies dusting down it from the side of Lareg. At that time ilia murderers were uiaaaacreing the Christians of the parish of.Holven, and were burning their villages. Those who look reAige in the cliffs of the neighbor hood were hunted down and burnt alive. The grand mandarin of justice was at the market of Sa Nam with bUi soldiers, but remained an inactive spectator of the massacre of the Christiana of Nam-Duong, only a few of whom wero able to escape. • • • • The literates who were the heads of the uiiliua appointed to mas sacre the Christians, say that The Work of Extermination carried out under the eyes of the manda rins, was concerted between ll.e court and the literates, and was done m reprisal for recent events. The mandarin* have just received order# from the court not to employ auy other meaus ave those of persuasion to stop the murderer* in their career. One of the chief* whojhad just caused two Christians to be murdered on the high road went on the parade before the Governor of the citadel, by whom lie was dismissed with honor. On his return twenty women or children felt under the • words of this man and his follower*. He had just come from ottering sacrifice to the Goddess of Prostitution, to whom a famous temple that stands near the road is dedicated. The Horrible Mode of Murder I In several localities they take an entire family—father, mother, and children— bind them together with bamboos, and ithen ding the bundle of living humanity into the waves. First, however, they take care to cut off the man's head. The mul ! titude of dead bodies thus fastened togeth er in groups of from eight to ten blocks up the principal river, but to the great sur prise of everybody does not send forth may bad smell. There are then five parishes, containing nearly 10.UUU Christians, which have to be blotted out of the mission— namely, Lang, Thank-lluven, Nam-Du ong, lioy-Yen, aud Doreg-Thank. Many of the victims died in the midst of fiatues. A village of more than 40U Christians was attacked by the literates and soon became a prey to the dauies. Amongst these 400 Christians there were 130, more or less, who succeeded in saving themselves by taking refuge in a large village near by. The remainder—about SUO— were nearly all massacred. Two Small Villages of Christians, situated two hours' walk from the place at which I then was, were hemmed in by the pagans. The mayor visited each house, numbered the Christians, aud forbade them, under threat of moat severe punish ment to go out ol doors. A few of the Christian women attempted to go to the market to keep themselves from starving They never returned. Some pagan wo men that went with them say that the Christian women were captured and be headed. Two men from one of these same villages hazarded a flight during the night, they crossed the great river by swimming, and came to me to tell their misfortunes. "Alas!" write* ArchbishopGaulhier, from whose letters this information is chiefly derived, "I could do nothing but weep with them, being unable to do anything to succor them. Two or three days after ward* I learned that all tho men in that village had had Their Heads Cut Off, but the women and children were spared. And as .their houses were intermingled with those of the pagans, it was forbidden to burn them down." Tux ACT DISPKNMNO WITH JURY TRI ALS.— -The following act, passsed by the recent Legislature, has been approved by the Governor and is now a law : Ax ACT to provide for the submission of civil cases to the decision of the courts, and to dispense with trial by jury. Sac. 1. Be it enacted, Ac,, That in any civil case now|pending in any of the courts of this Commonwealth, or hereafter to be commenced, after issue joined, the parties thereto, excepting those acting in a fidu ciary capacity, may by agreement filed in the proper office where auch suit is pend- | ing, dispense with trial by jury, and sub mit the decision of such cases to the courts having jurisdiction thereof, and such courts shall hear and determine] tLe same, and the judgement thereon shall be subject to writ of error or of appeal as in other cases at law or in equity, at the op tion of cither party. Sice. Z The decision of the court sbail be in writing, stating separately and dis tinctly the facts found, the answers to any paints submitted in writing by counsel and the conclusions of law, and shall be filed in the office of the prothonotary or clerk of the proper court where|tho case is pend ing as early as practicable, not exceeding sixty days after such decision shall have been made from the termination of thetrial and notice thereof shall be forthwith giv en by the prothonotary or clerk to the par ties or their attorneys, and if no exceptions thereto are filed in the proper office with in thirty days after service of such notice, judgement shall be entered thereon by the prothonontary or clerk ; if exceptions to thejfinding of fact* or conclusions of law to be filed within said thirty days, the court or the judge thereof who tried tho case in vacation may, upon argument, order judgement to be entered according to the decision previously Hied, or inako such modifications thereof as in juslico and right shall seem proper, subject alwuys, nevertheless, to review by writ of error or appeal to be taken in tho time and man ner and with tho effect prescribed by law. SKC. 3. Every such case taken to the Supremo Court upon writ of error shall be heard and determined therein as writs of error are therein heard and determined, and every such case taken to the Supremo Court by appeal shall be heard and de termined therein as cases of appeal in equity proceedings, and in case a new trial is ordered it shall bo proceeded with bo fore the same court in the i-aine manner as hereinbefore provided for. Sxc. 4. An agreement to submit undor this act shall be a waiver of the right of trial by jury. 5. Cases submitted under the pro visions of this act shall bo subject to exist ing law as to costs, except no jury fee shall bo requited on entering judgement. TIIE POI'E ANI) THE GOVERN. MENT. Koine, June 18.—At u reception ol the cardinals by the Popo on Tuesday, His Holiness mentioned that proposals had been received emanating from exalted political personages looking to reconciliation be tween the Papacy and the Italian Govern ment. He declared, however, that he would yield nothing ; thut any concession on his part would be injurious to the Church and society. CALIFORNIA 8 BENEFACTOR Tin? Man who Gave $'2,000,000 to llie People. {From the Alia California. June 4.1 James Lick yesterday gave nearly all hi* property, supposed to amount to about two million dollars, to'puhlic eduiulional, charitable ami omainentnl purposes. It U one of the greatest gill* for the public hen, lit on record, ami we believe it wilt be a source ol bcnclll ami enjoyment to a greater number of persons than any simi lar benefaction on record, unless it be that of George IVabody. Girard college aiul the Ator library are small affairs, as compared with tbe institutions whi> h Mr Lick's liberality will found or endow with new life. The following is a list of his donations. t tbscrvatory, summit of the Sierra $710,10.0 School ol the mechanic arts, Cab ifomia AM.OUO Bronte statuary, Sacramento 360,000 Key monument. San Francisco L'al.l**) Hatha, San Francisco 160,(AH) t rid lathe*' home, San Francisco. till,lS*' 1 oidies protection and relief so ciety, San Francisco '.'6,l**l Protestant orphan asylum, San FltßtiWdnnu - 86,000 Orphan asylum, San Joso. '_'6,(.t*t Mechanics' library, San Francis co .. 10,1*0 Society for tho Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, San Fran- Cisco 10, MM To academy of science uiid Pio neer society, San Francisco, residue of e-tale—perhaps- 366,1100 Total S3,OUO,UUj The gifts are to he gold coin, ati-l to sc 1 cure their payluent Mr. Lick convey* t- T 11. Selby, D O. Mill*, 11. il Ncwhall, Win Alvord, G. H Howard, James Dtis and J. O Karl, all bis estate, consist ing of fifty lots in this city, tlireo tots in : San Just-, his homestead near San Jose) of LW acres, lot) acres near Alviso, a tract in Placer county, andj.Calalino Island, about 6U,UOtI acres, off tile coast of let* Angeles- The trustee* are to erect a few j monument* over the grave* of *ome of M r Lick's relatives, pay certain sums to hi-' relatives and friends, and to him s'J6,l*.Xt annually, if he should want so much, lie is old and in ill health, and doe* not ex pect to get much from ln annuity. The deed ha- been accepted by the trustee-, who have all signed it, and having been placed on record it lias become a finality, and so far a* we can see, is in no danger of being rendered invalid by litigation or other obstacle. Mr. Lick's Career. James Lick ha- been among the inosl noteworthy of all our earlier pionceisl! Naturally modest and reticent to the las degree, nearly all the acts of his eventful life have remained unnoticed until recent ly. We first find him in the interior ol Pennsylvania, a young married man. quietly pursuing a course of operations, evincing great enterprise in their plan ning, untiring energy in their executiou and promising great advantages in their results. We next find him in the pampn of Brazil and Buenos Ayes, with hi thousand* of horses and cattle, in the ra pacity of a proprietor, from whom the governments of those countries derived their supplies for the cavalry and their commissariat. Agaiu, we find Lun on the other side of the continent, operating in : the commercial metropolis of Chili and Peru; everywhere, and at ail times, so I quiet and so unobtrusive that none save those with whom he had transactions ii, business and those who observed the exter nal improvements wrought kv bis enter-' prise would be awaie of bis existence. , His mode in all department* ot life ha never been in a rut, but sui yeneri*. In YalparaUo he was not only doing new things, but doing them in bis own way And strange a* it may seem in such a quiet man, he was always reaching iuto enterprises in advance of others, "taking time by the forelock." When the nowtol the gold discovery in California reaches! Valparaiso, he was in business that would have taken an ordinary man a series of months, at least, to so close up that be could leave it with any sort of consistency , yet he put doubloons enough in his trunk to make S'A>,O(Z), besides the expenses of the trip, entrusted his business to a confi dential friend, and stepped on board the first vessel leaving his place for San Fran cisco. Arriving here he found exactly what his sagacious mind had predicted from the moment that tho golden new bad reached him, vis. a splendid oppor tunity to invest in real estate. Ho scanned the situation, foresaw tho growth of the town, selected his "corner lot*" with great goeJ judgment, and invested hi* money. The property ho purchased with fllU.tX*) i* perhaps to-day worth many millions. In the first few years he built sparingly and with great care ; afterward, liberally and magnificently. In 1853, John Welter, United States Senator from California, said in his place : "I would not give six biu for all the agricultural lands in California. At this very time Mr. Lick wan preparing the foundations for a flouring mill in Saa ta Clara county, which, with its massive foundations, flue burr stone*, and interior finishings of solid mahogany, had, before it was completed, cost half a million of 1 dollars. This done, ha took fifty acres of, adjoining lands, reduced its surface to n spirit level and set by the square and com pass, with his own hands, the whole with the choicest varieties of pear trees. These operations, and nuuicrsut others, proved very remunerative, lie subsequently' erected the magnificent hotel in this city which bears his name. Recently his aet have placed him in the front rank of philanthropists of this or any country, 110 gave to the society of California pioneer* the lot on Montgomery street, on which l'ionecr hall stands. (His latest noble gifts are detailed above). Mr. Lick has been for many months in poor honlth, but has devoted all his atten-i tion to the arrangement of plans for the disposal of his wealth in a manner to se cure the greatest amount of good to the coming generations of his fellow men. PIO NINO UKNKWS;. HIS I'ItO TESTS. Rome, June lb —The text of the ad dress delivered by the Pope to the Car dinals on Tuesday last is published. The Pope renews his protests against the usur pation of the Pupal Stales, the abolition of religious corporations, ami other acts of the Italian government, so that the ene mies of the Church may not ho able to plcud justification of undisputed custom, lie is also moved )(•> allude to those sub jects again because ho recently re received overtures of reconciliation, and had in his possession a respectful letter, urging that, as Vicar of the (Jod of Peace, ho should pardon his enemies, and with draw excommunication pronounced against them. Rut he declares lie cannot make peace with the enemies of the Church, and in conclusion exhorts the cardinals to imilate the conduct of foreign bishops, especially those of Germaay and The American prilgriun who went to Venice have lef that city for Bavaria. ANOTHER CARL IST DEFEAT London, June 18.—The Timus has u special despatch from Madrid reporting that an engagement ha, taken place at Al cora between a body of Carlists under Prince Alfonso, brother of Don Carlos, and a force of republicans, in which the former were defeated. The less of the Government troops was ten killed and eighty-live wounded. The number of casualties on the side of the insurgents wus much larger. Among the killed was Don Enrique, son of Henry of Bourbon, who fell at the head of a body of Curlist zou aves. The Times despatch also says that Marshal Concha, commanding the Ariny of tho North, expected to open the uttucKj upon Estella tj howl, and while the poundiuaster inform-, ed her bo had nothing to do with it and that the Mayor wo- tho proper person to see the policeman in attendance |*ohtel> escorted her to the sidewalk. To-day a a few mere dog will be te< eived, and this afternoon the second batch of dogs will be asphyx iati-d .V I*. HV • Ut, 10?'. TKKKIBLK MARINE DI.VVSTKR V 1.1 VKB LOST Constantinople, June 21' intelligence! lias reai lied here of a terrible disaster in the Sea of Martnora. The Turkish vc*el Kar, en route for Salon lea, was run into yesterday by an Kg) ptian vessel named the K< hera, and sunk in a few minute*. The Ears had 440 parson* on board, in (eluding pa*sengi rs and crew, and of this number 321) were dr. u tied. ONK HUNDRED FISHING BOATS W RECK El). (Quebec. Juno 20. Telegrams from Gasp# state that the a .-wilier there is foggy,, rainy and cold. A gule from the ea*l has been prevailing since yesterday morning One hundred fishing haats were destroyed at Gaspe ; le about $12,000. LORD YARBOROIGH FOUND. Londen, June 18.- The a hereabouts of the in.sting Kail of Yarbsrough bat been discovered. Ha has been badly ill in the Island of Jersey, and left thero to-day for London in charge of a number off rienjt and the police. The mountains of Georgia are steaming with illicit stills In Brooke county, Va~, wool rules at 46 to 45 cts. a pound. Kim hub* are the best for light carriage wheels. Caleb Cuditng, it is swid, duel not like Madrid. Some of the down East carriage-maker* use frozen glue in summer. Green corn ha* reached Montgomery, Ala., and i* moving hither. The Erie bar will give a b annuel to Judge L. D. Net more soon. Uow Andy Johnson muit chuckle over he exixliug financial tangle. The bronzo tatuc of General Israel Put nam was unveiled in the park at Hartford Conn., yesterday after-noon, with appro priate ceremonies and an imposing milita ry display. Have We Two lira ins ? Dr. C. E. Brown-Sequai Is Alcohol A Poison ? l)r. Wm. A. Hammond. The Poet Longfellow. James T. Field*. U. S. Survey of the West, i With Map.) Under Lieut. (1. M Wheeler. The Horse in America. i Illustrated.) Di*coverioa by Prof O. C. Marsh. Safety at Sea. i Illustrated, i Iron Steamers That Will Not Sink. These interesting Lectures and Letters, with a earelul report of the important Pa per* read at the April meeting of the Na tional Academy or Science at Wahlngtoii, and at the May meeting of the American Oriental Society at Boston, are published in full in THE TRIBUNE EXTRA. No 19. Price in sheet form, 10 cents; in pamphlet, 20 cntiU, or seven for sl. Circulars, giving full detail* of the con tent, of all THE TRIBUNE EXTRAS, free bv mail, TH E VY EEKLY TRIBU NE. The Farmers' Favorite Paper, until Jan. 1. 1875, for sl. Address Tiik Tribune, New York. PHILADELPHIA MARKET Philadelphia, June 20!—Thero is somej improvement to report in the flour mar kat, but the inquiry is mostly for choice Minnesota*, which are scarce, and com mand lull price*. Only 700 barrels #old, including spring wheat extra families, at $5(u;7.621: Pennsylvania, Ohio and Indi ana do. do. at $6 75(• u white oak nearly D fret in diameter Hechofort was recognised in Dublin and hissed by the crowd tiuv. Dix uf New York has vetoed the lull making Decoration Day a public holiday on tho ground that it ia trtvolous legislation. IIKLL K FONT KM A It h KTB tVlute Wheat $1 30 Bed Pi.'. ...Rya Slt Coi nMO ....Oats 66 Itarlcy MO. '7O Clo/crsoed 4,60 ..... Potatoes til Lard per pound m ...Pork per pound Off Butter 3> Eggs 16 Piaster perlon llli Tallow $ Bacon 10 Ilam 16 Lard per pound M rents... Buckwheat cts Fuiur per barret retaiih,6o... w ludi-salc 7,' i*'> to 7,60 MILB*)V MARKETS White wheat 1 • Itsd wheat 136 ....Rye 0 Corn .'*• tats aft Barley M 0 j Clovi rs.-cd 4,00 Tiiuotbyseed, H6O j Salt 'i per sack, ' Bacon 7c. lluu to ... Butter A)... Eggs JO .... Plaster 60 Chestnut Coal |>er Ten (6.75 Hlovo foal per Ton $0.60 Egg Coal iter Ton ft! 60 ... Liineburner'a Coal per Ton $3.60 DEATHS. tin i.lh inst ,in Illinois, Jonathan Brum 1 gard, aged'iff years, I month andM days ! ! I'll" ileceas.-d was formerly from Sugar! Valley. t)n lv inst., in Centre Hull, Michael] Kruinbine, aged ffl years, 1 month and II days MARIUAGES • Win Wolf school i room ient..„. 40 00 " Henry Royer lease of <>f school lot .............. 1 50 " Van Pelt A C< for ! store and repairing stores 30 05 "J A Hen lit an for speuling, store pipe, Ac 34 31 " for repairing school h0u5e5......... 13 87 ' " for brooms, tuckets, cups, glass, coal hods, Ac 25 24 "S M for fill ing duplicate ........ ... 5(10 " I'red Kurtz for ads. 1000 "W C Paraar for build ing privy at Manor A repairing school houses 45 50 , " Mrohrn A Swart* for material and fencing school yaid at Church rille is 88 " discount on moner for the ue of 1* otter school Hoard 12 33 " Salary, stationary, A jKSslage, to Sec'y 31 00 Contingencies ......... . .. 27 83 l)uc J C Hoal lor money overpaid ................... 4? 13 ! 5 per cent, abatement on $3351 21 137 M I Commission of Treasur er 2 per cent on $6252.- 02 125U4 ' " unsettled bills of last year 137 89 Total Expenditure* and obligations of the dis j trie! $7507.96 Ind<-btedners ■ - 851 44 iA m l due on unsettled bills 946 96 , " of unsettled note in Treasury 95 53 ■ Liabilities in excess of ,1 Trea's resources $B5l 43 Am't due district* from outstanding taxe* 36 44 " tuition due from other district* 11l 08 Total resources 147 61 II Liabilities in excess of all I re-ourres ... 703 92 PETKR noFFKR. 'JW, W. HOT en. Pres't. Kec'y. We the undersigned Auditors havo ex amined the above account*, and find them to be correct to the best of .our knowledge I and belief. J AS. MoCLINTIC, J M. GILI.ILAND, J J. AUSKY, Wm Sr.isoLKa, Auditor* jni® Clerk. IJUHLIC SALE.— Will be exposed to Public Sale, at the late residence of Wm. Gcntzel. dee'd, in Gregg twp., on WEDNESDAY, JU LY bin. at 10 o'clock, n in. 1 Horse, 3j Cows, I Heifer, 8 liog*. 1 2-Uor*o Wagon. 1 2 Horse Spring wagon. 1 Top Ruggv, I 2- Ilor-e Sled. 1 Sleigh. 2 Iogsled, 1 *et Tug UarnoM, Single Harness. Forks, Chair#, and other tanning utensil*. Also Reds, Bedsteads, Corner Cupboards. 1 Cooking Stova, I Ten-plate Stove, Tib'e*. i DishiS. Tub*. Meal Vessel*. Al so about . F. FORTNKY, ;my2B-3t Auditor. NOTICE OF APPEALS.—NOTICE W heroby given that the Commission ers of Centre county will hear appeal, from assessments of lt>74 lor the different townships ami boroughs in said county, on th< following day#, at the places for hold ing elections in townships and boroughs, to wit: l'ntlon twp Tuesday, June 16. Half Moon two Wednesday June 17. Ferguson tw p Thursday, June 18. Harris twp Friday, June 19. Potter twp Saturday, June 'JO. tiregg twp Monday, June 22 Penu twp Tuesday Juno 28. Haines twp Wednesday June 24. Miles twp Thursday, June 25. Walker twp Friday, June 26. Marion twp Monday, Juno 29 Liberty twp Tuesday, June 80 Curtln twp Wednesday, July 1. Howard twp and boro' Thursday July 2 Hoggs twp Friday, July 8 Milesburg boro' Monday, July 0. Union villcund)Union twp Tuesday July 7th. Huston twp W cdnosday, July 8. Worth twp Thursday, July 9. Taylor twp Friday, July 10 Spiing twp Saturday, July 11 Snow Shoe twi> Tuesday, July 14 lturnside twp Wednesday, July 15 i l'hiiipsburg and Hush twp Friday July 17th. Bellefonte boro' Monday and Tuesday, July 29 and 21st. llenner twp Wednesday July 22. By order of the Board of Couiuiissiones. , uul-Ot. K. 11. FOKSTEK, Clerk. < ' ltcj al gissip rays that Eugenie and Vie* tmia keep up a regular roircipondonce, and tell each other all the news that is < ircutaling 1 " 1 A DMINIBTRATORB NOTICE. Letters of adtninitlralioii on the estate of Wis. Central, of Gregg Iwn., dee'd. have l.een granted to tbe pi dcrsigned who fa quest all persons knowing themselves indebted to said estate to make immediate payment, ami those having demands ngainst the same to present them duly au {liicnticaled by law for settlement. GEORGE GKNTZKL, HENRY GK.nTZKL. June IH st, Admr's. Kl \T k I*' I \ P I I. l I\ L J I J it the attention of 'l'eai Iters and Amateur* to Ktnkel's New Method for the Reed Organ and Molode j on, as being the best work for these In struments. This work is pronounced su perior to all others of its class by Teach ers who have NEW METHOD riamined it. It contain* a clear ami sim ple course of in si ru<' lion whereby any one may easily acquire the mattery of this fav orite Instrument, with a few month* stu dy. it will alway* be a favorite with the FOR net: and systematic progression, more el [an amusement than a study for the Pupil, i and will prove a uuue of wealth to the A malcur, on account of the many choice Melodies, Hongs, etc , that HEED ORGAN. Mr. Kuikel um ftfclcK icti mid nrrMngeii pi* irc*ly for this work. K inker s New Method will be mailed, post paid, on re ceipt of $'J 6U Address. J L PETERS, 6W Broadway, N. V., P. o. Bos 64'iV. iriylH-i>t. Excelsior Cement The undersigned n'*w manufactures Co merit WARRANTED OF A SUPERIOR j OI'ALITY, at his kilns, near Pine Crook Mill*, in Haines twp This cement j has already been used in large quantities I upon tho L. C. A 8 C. Hit .and hat been j found highly satisfactory upon ail job* whore it has been used, and as equal to any now ruaiiufavturtsd for use iii CIS ]TERNS, WATER PIPES, or whatever purpose a good quality of Cement is desi rable Tills Ometit has already been I tested far and w ide, and rendered the ut | most satisfaction. Persons, therefore eon | -iructing Cisterns, laying Water Pipes, Ac , will find it to their advantage to bear this in mind, and also, that he warrant* the article as represented J G. MEYER may 21 tf Aarensburg, Pa Lime & Cement. The best quality of lime, always on j hand at the Centre Hall lime-kilns. Alm cement, which is warranted to be of a su perior qualitv. Apply to apV-tf GEO KOCH. ALL KINDS OF Factory Goods constantly on hand and offered in exchange for Wool. These good* are of tho verv i best and manufactured by A. F. Gibbnar, j at Greenwood, and consi-t of CARPETS, BLANKETS, CASSIMERRS, SattineU*. Tweeds, Stocking Yarn, and all other goods generally manufactured. WH. ARMSTRONG. Agent, may" 3m. l'otteu Mills, IV pKNTRRUALL Furniture Rooms! HRI MRDKA GKOKKRIX, respectfully inform the citizens of Centre county, that they have bought out the old stand of J. O Deininger, and have reduced the prices. They have constantly on hand, and make to order BEDSTEADS, BUREAUS, SINKS, WAMISTANDS. CORNER CUPBOARDS. TABLES. Ac., Ac. H-'Mk \1 x ß> i: Ctixiit* Always ok Hasp. Their stock of rcady-mado Furniture L large and warranted of good workmanship : and is all made under their own immedi ate supervision, and is offered at rates cheaper than elsewhere.- Call and see our slock before purchasing elsewhere. 3(5 feb. ly. LUMBER FOR SALE. The Undersigned has for sale a large 1 slock of Lumber at the Loop Sawmill, 1 (lately Colyer'sl, consisting of 1 WHITE, YELLOW. A PITCH PINE. HEMLOCK, OAK. POPLAR,! 1 PALING. LATH, SHINGLES. I HEADING. and all kinds of Lumber generally used ; for building purposes DRY WALNUT'., LUMBER always on hand- All kinds of! Coopering done. J. A. FLEMING. i apr9-3m Potters Mills. TO Fariners& Builders Having attached a PLAINER to our , steam saw.mill, on the Seven Mountain* near Foust's, we arc prepared to Airaith, j WIIITE *V YELLOW PIXE FLOORING dk SIHIX., AT LOWEST MARKET PRICES SHINGLES A HILL LUMBER OF, ALL KINDS. FENCING Ac.. FUR NISH Kit TO ORDER. 1.4 J. UNDERWOOD, Millroy, Pa., or, 1 apK'.iu Pottcr'a Mills. Pa. Teas ! Teas ! ! Established 1840. Tbe Original AMERICAN TEA CO., So. 33 I 'teper Street, P. O. Rox. 1287. N. York. ROBT. WELLS, President. TRICE LIST OF TEAS. Ouloug. Black, 40, 50, 00, best 70 cents ... per lb. Mixed. Green and Black, 40, 50, CO, best 70ct* per lb. Japan. Uncolored, 00. 70, 80. 90, best S!.IM per lb Imperial. Green, 00, 70.. 90, sl.lO. per lb. Young Hyson. Green, 50. GO, 70, 80, 90, $1 00, best $1 (k> per lb. Gunpowder. Green, $1 10, best $1 30 . . . per lb. English Breakfast. Black. CO. 70. 80, 90, best $1 00. T- per lb. N. II -Wo have specialty of Garden Growth Young Hyson and Imperial, at $1 20, and Oolong. Extra Choice, $1 00 Our Tea* are put up in One Pound Package*, with the kind and price print ed on each. Agent* wanted to get up clubs to sell our Tea* to sell toFamilios.'ilotel*, Hoard-' ing Houses and ethers. In writing for terms or sending lordera, bo particular to address tbe President of the Company, ; thus : ROBT. WELLS, No. 44 Yesey St. New York. We are compelled to request this, a* other parties have imitated our firm name. jjn2s-0t 0NH14.0 SILVER GLOSS STARCH. For the Laundry. Manufactured by T. KINGS FORD A SON, Ha* Uccome a 110 USEH OLD NECESSITY. ' Its great excellence has merited the com mendation of Europo for an American | manufacture. PULVERIZED CORN STARCH. Prepared by T. King*ford &• Son, Expressly for food, when it is properly made into Puddings is n desert of great excellence. For Sale by all first-class Grocers. Jn26-6t B. T. BABBIT'S PURE CONCENTRATED POTASH, or Lye, Of Double the Strength of any other Saponifying Substance. 1 have recently peifected n new method of packing my Potash, or Lye, and am now packing it only in Hulls,* the coating of which will saponify, and does not in jure the Soap. It is packed in boxes con taining 21 and 48 one lb Halls, and in no other way. Directions in English and German tor* making hard and soft soap with this Potash accompany each pack age. B. T. BABBITT, 04 to 84 Washington St., N. Y. jo2o Ct. THE PEOPLE S DRUG STORE. j Next door to Wilson A Ificka' Hard* ware iitore, Allegheny St., HILLKFONTK, PA., Jas. C. Williams. (Sucocator to li. K. Itankin & Co.) DBA LEU IN PURE DItUtJS AND MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, PAINTS, OILS. DYE STUFFS, VARNISH fes, BRUSH ES. 1 KKKI'MKRY, NOTIONS, AM) FANCY A KTICLK9 FoH THK TOILET, Ae. purzwinz&LlQUGM lor medicinal purpoM*. BHOULDKR BRACES, TRUSSES A HUPPOUTERB in great i variety] Alto, Choice CIGARS AND TOBACCO, laud nil other article* utuiUjr liupt in first clans Drug Store. ' I PRESCRIPTIONS CAREFULLY COMPOUNDED. | •JmarTltf 1 ' krvstone Store. FOR KA KM Kits AND ALL OTHERS Go to H. YEARICK A SON. PUR FOREIGN A DOMESTIC BUY GOODS, NOTIONS, HATS, CAPS, BOOTS & SHOES. CLOTHIkG, OH. CLOTHS. QUEENS WARE, GROCERIES. PRO VISIONS. FLOUR, Ac No. 6 Bueb'e Arcade, Bellefonte, Pa. All kind* of country produce tak eu. Best Bargains to town to be bad. no v'JOlf H. H. WEISER St CO ~ Manufacturer* of Sheet iron & Tin ware, Miilheim, I'a. All kind* of Tinware, constantly on hand and made lo order. Shocltron Ware of every description always on hand. Roofing in Tin and Sbeetiron done in the tnoal approved and satisfactory style. Spouting done to order. Their slock of Tin and Sheetiron Good* ( it large and complete, and offered at the I.OHTIST FKIC'EK. Their establishment hat been enlarged and stocked completely throughout Satisfaction guartanteed, and all job promptly attended to. apr!6-\ JOHN F. POTTER, Atlomcy-ai-Law Collection* promptly made and special attention given to those having land*or property for tale. Will draw upj and have acknowledged Deed*. Mortgage*.]' Ac. Office in the diamond, north tide ol I , the court bouae, Bellefonte. oclifcTOJlf ( ClfcNTltK HALL HOTEL. > Job* Sr a aoLKa, Proprietor i Stage* arrive and depart daily, for a! point*, north, south, east and west. ILLhKS HOTEL. Woodward Pa Stage* 4rri ve and depart daily tiK*KT Htoctnuurr, . d. eavoxaT,l President, Cashier. QENTBE COUNTY BANKING CO. (Late Milliken, Hoover A Co.) RECEIVE DEPOSITS, And Allow interest, Discount Notes, BUT and cell. .Government Secoi Ties, Gold £ splO'Cbtf Coupon*.! lIAIR DRESSING. Paar. S-11. Wright i* now preparedl to do all kind* of llair Dressing equal t>| i the bet done in the citioa and at Icm cost. ] He ha* had long experience in manufac turing Wig*, ladies Switches, Curl*, Chig non*. Ac. Prof. Wright guarantee* su perior workmanship in all kind* of Hair ' Dressing, and ladies wishing Switches, j Chignons or hair curled, will please call, jand *ec our work and judge fortlicmselves. Charges leu than in the city, and the work equal to any. Prof. S. 11. WRIGHT, *2sdec. tf. - Centre Hall. GUTELIUST Dentist, Miilheim. I Offer* hit professional service* to the! public. U it prepared to perform all .operation* in the dental profession. gff'H* it now fully prepared to extract teeth abmlutely vithout pain. myS-78-tf. DF. FORTNEY, Attorney at, • Bellefonte, Pa. Office over Rey jonld * bank. may 1 ■ft* !BU. J. NHKUFFLFR Taylor, CnL ltall where he i at all time*, prepared I |lo make all kind* of men and boy's cloth-i ; ing, according to the latest styles and at i j reasonable charges. 0. T. Alkxandkr. C SI. BOWKKS. 4 LEXANDKR A BOWERS, Attor-. 'XX. ncy-at-L*w Bellefonte, Pa. Spe-; leial attention given to Collections, and! Orphans' Court practice. May be con-j j i-ulted in German and English. Office in, ; Garman's Building. my'JS '74-tf. ] I L. SPANGLKR, Attorney-at-Law. fl Bellefonte, Pa. Office with! : Bush A Yocum. Consultation in English j and German. Collection* promptly attead od to. __ A?bs-*f D. M. Bitten iiovsE, WITH KOOXM, fifHWARI A CO. WIIULKnALK PEAI.KKti IS Fish, Cheese and Provisions, 111 North Delaware Avenue, 13" North Water Street Pit ILADKLI'II I A. ! F A. Koost. G ScßWAai. J.SotVtR 4 DM I NISTRATOKS NOTICE— XX Letters of Administration on the estate of Kara Britlan, of Potter twp, dee d i linvo been granted to iho undersigned, j who requests all persons indebted to said estate, lo inakc immediate payment of the suine, and those having claims lo present them duly authenticated by law. JOIIN WOLF, junll-Ct Adm'r 1 EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. —Letters tes jiamentary on the estate of John P. Rosa, late of Greg twp., dee'd, have been granted to the undersigned who request all persons indebted to said estate to make immediate payment, and these having claims to present them duly authenticated ' by law for settlement t MARY A. ROSS, ROOT. COM MINGS, Jur.e 4 tit. Executors. W. A. CURRY, BOOT & SHOE MAKER CENTRE HALL, PA. Would most respectfully inform the cit . r.ens of this vicinity, that he has started a new Boot and Shoe Shop, and would be 1 thankful for a share of the public patroa * age. Boots and Shoes made to order and * according to style, and warrants his work " i r ..^. r -^ J^r . IAN M M ANUS, Attorney l Law, lit lie ton u. promptly attend* to ai Wii** en trusted te him. {uiS.'hht Best Sample Booms in Town. BROCKERHOFF HOUSE. D. JOHNSTON A SONS, Proprietor! Bellefonte, Penna. Free BUM to and from tkt Depot. BUTTS HOUSE BELLEFOKTE, PA. J B. Binx Prop'r. (las first class accommodation; charg es reason** !-*■, tf. A New Idea! WILSON SHUTTLE SewiDS Marine FOR 50 Dollars ! ! FARMERS, MERCHANTS, MECHANICS, ASP EVERYBODY Buy the World-Renowned WILSOIf Ms Sewing MacMae! Till. BEST IN THE WORLD! arThe awarded to it at VIENNA; Ohio State Fair; Northern Ohio Fair; Amer. Institute, N. Y.J Cincinnati Exposition; Indianapolis Exposition; St. Louis Fair; Louisiana State Fair; Mississippi State Fair: and (Jcorfria State Fair J FOR BEING THE BEST SEWING MACHINES, and doing the large:-! and best range of work. All other Machines in the Market wrre la direct COMPETITION!! tWFor Hemming, Fell ing. Stitch in ii A Cording, Hi ndin g, Braiding, Eni broi ;UIE BSS, Wilson Seiiu Machine Co. CLEVELAND, 01LL0, 7 tJiT W't* Jt S J