The Centre reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1871-1940, June 18, 1874, Image 4

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    FArm, Rimini and Household.
nMltffifHtlillll Of rood.
A recent writer undertakes to classify
] foods under font physiological divi—
on*, namely, carbonaceous, nitre, en-
Oed, phosphor; red, and fresh vegeta
d)it. Of tiie fir*!, lie makes bread and
nutter the tvpe,ud to it belong in coti
prnl all articles in which starch or flour,
fat aud sugar, predominate; they are
the fuel, serving ehi< lie to sustain the
anim d heat by the slow e imbiisUon ot
the enrbou even otT as carbonic acid
in the aet of res pi r ition a kind of food
which consumptive people should use
in abundance. Of the second cla-i-,
nia-t be -f ij pre< nted as the type, aud,
i|i general, tho flesh aud blixnl of
quadrupeds, which, when taken in on.
stomach, re rather simply absorb. 1
than digested ; because, being already ir ingiedieuts, they met wo
elaborate change to be appropriated
into the muscular tissue* in order to
srtpph their waste. Thia class is con
sequently of great value to hard-work
ing people. To the third class belong
oysters aud fish, of we i uud rsUwid
adaptation to persons giv.-u to brain
labor. Lemons aiul lemon-juice are by
'tliL writer made the type of the fourth
class, which i, as lie thinks, good for
xjTcet of all fresh vegetali e and fruits
—atimnlating the ;• en-t - orgius,
keeping the system pure, and counter
acting any tendency to scurvy, scrof
ula, irruptions, indigostiou, constipa
tion, etc. Jaknttoit*! MatlMt.
There is no grout success m farming
without hard woik, but it i> the giHnl
thinking that costs, not the plodding
aloiia. It is up-hill business to go
aga ust the Common judgment of all
ydfTneighbors, but if you arc sure v i
are right go ahead, no matter what they
say. The servant i- rot above fci mas
ter in industry. The farmer must IH
able to lead the field ; :nd know whether
a niin if doing g-ssi work, and t!-.
workman must know tuat he knows
what a dav's work is. 1 -aid forty y i as
ago thai I would use plaster if it cst
me §t > a tou. hat clowr a:.l i!ast-r
alone w ill not keep up the b rtiltiy of
grain farms. Wht u 1 see a nuu .Ira" -
ing his furrn and carting xKt notable
Bilt-i of wrll-rottol in mire 1 c ; -idr
Inm safe. H • can borrow njouey to
improvement*, aud the sheriff
wnd not otten tie up a: lus hitching
posh When the mi ige demands an
early harvest, or the ground is so rich
thai the straw fails, 1 have almost saved
a crop by sowing s.dt. Farmers mi - - it
in giving up the old worm-feuo*. it is
th# cheapest in the end. 1 wire the
stakes tog titer and keep the Kittom
rial no. It is awkward Kxikiug, but 1
have sound raiis now that were- not new
forty years agxv. I have burn -1 g-- - !
rails in my time, but 1 d:d not k:e w as
much then as 1 do now.
A lady of Urge experience writus as
follow-: There is no absolute safety
from moths excepting iu the absolute
exclusion of the miller. If put away
ear v in the season, lnfor the millers
make their app*, furs can be kept
in their botes without danger of any
kind, by simply pasting thin paper
Cios-ily around ti ■ m. No apertur.- must
be kit for the entrance of the miller,
though t •> pa- - ■in s not touch the
box-.-s. Articleaof any kind can be tied
up very tightly in t I ow-cies,or sew id
up ia sheets. To k*ep dre-ses, clo ik-,
etc., without creasing, suspend thtim
sear the upper edge of the sheet, then
IST another al.eet over, sew the two
sheets together at the edges, then sew
loops at the upper edge of this bag,
and hang it up wherever vou please.
Be careiul that there be no hole for the
tuUier to enter. In order to secure
further safety it is will to beat and
bnuth the furs and garments well be
fre putting t em aw.iy, and if it is any
thing ti..,t can be heated, if may not be
amiss to he-it it enough to destroy the
eggs that may be already laid.
To Kp KSK* lor
An Hug! h agricultural psper cars
that eggs intended for setting should
he stor- .1 with ttit* Large end down, be
cau-e the air-bubble does not spread so
much a when the small end is down—
this spreading of tbe air-babble being
known to t ff et the freshness and vital
ity of the egg. Eggs stored with the
l large erdd an v il ep perfectly good
for Latching for more t an a month,
while the others c moot be depended on
after two weeks. To this the new Eng
land Fur iter adds: A successful poul
try breeder in Franklin, Mass., has been
experimenting with eggs for setting,
and deel .res the above statement cor
rect, and adds thit eggs stored on the
large end for a few weeks before setting
will ail batch at once, instead of vary
ing several h 'Urs, as is usually the case
with eggs not so prepared.
fllM on ilornri.
The Journal of Chemistry gives the
following simple recipe for the preven
tion of flies on horses: Take two or
tlftee 3tu 11 handfuls of walnut leaves,
upon which ponr two or three quarts of
eold water ; let it infnse one night, and
next morning ponr the whole into it
kettle an ! Jet it loil for a quarter of an
hoar. When cold it will be fit for use.
No more is required than to moisten a
B}>onge, and before the herse goes oat
of the stable, let those parts which art
most irritable be smeared over with the
liquid, namely: between and upon the
esr->, the ntck, the flanks, Ac. Not
only the gentleman and lady who rides
out for pleasure will bo benefited by
this, b it the coaohmao, the waconer,
stid all others chouse hones during
the hot months.
Inverts in the Garden.
We pub ish below a plan for destroy
ing insects from one of onr correspond
ents; " My method of destroying bugs,
worms, and other insects in the garden
is to raise ducks and turkeys. I find
tlmt little turkeys are very "keen sight
ed, and insects must be very ."-mail to
escape their notice. Ducks also, both
large and small, consume large quanti
ties of insects, and they will search
around plants for the cut-worm, and
soon clear a garden of tliis pest. From
my own experience I consider young
turkeys and ducks the best of 'insect
scavengers, aad I would advise those
who have never tried such aids to make
one experiment in that direction, and
see if I am not correct.
A Cheap U ash for Dttlldltigi.
Take n clean water tight cask, and
put into it a half bnshel of unslacked
lime. Cover it with boiling hot water
six inche3 deep, stir briskly and wait
for the lime to slack. To the lime and
Water add two pounds of a salt culled
sulphate of zinc (white vitriol) and one
pound of common salt. These ingre
iiieutß cause the whitewash to harden,
and not crock and fall off. To form a
beautiful cream color, add three pounds
of j-ellow ochre. A lump of ivorv black
will give a pearl or lead cdor. 'Lamp
black may be used to produce a darker
color if de-ired. Applied to pailings,
plank fences, and all out-buildings,
.they last much longer and look better.
The Southern Me liodlsb
The following was adopted in regard
to establishing fraternal relations with
the Northern Church, by the General
Conference of the Methodist Church
fiou th :
ItTrereoe, The discussions and votes
of this conference ou the subject of
freternal relations with the Methodist
Episcopal Church aud its coguate sub
jects pre-ent an appearance of essential
differences which do not exist, there
Jlexolcd, That upon the subject of
fraternal relations with the Methodist
Episcopal Church, upon a proper basis,
ibis Conference is a unit..
Resolved, That we are also a unit
upon the propriety of appointing a
commission empowered to meet a like
commission from the Methodist Epis
copal Church to settle all questions' of
difficulty between us, and that such
settlement is essential to complete
RtsuUxtf, That the only points of
difference between us on this whole
subject are tho best methods of accom
plishing the desired end.
Tiie - if R<flu at -e.n-.mi'n:
np of the mimiwr ot !in Ii-t by (tio Mil
Hirer tli-.vtrr mskr* ttie fatal t t>h of whom
i she !.,■.! < i> tif '! 1 :it flip have l orn HMV•••;
1 ideutifltvl. Tt.p IN pa h*s iooov i<.i
from lus in-piil V Jiny in tlio I'itUixl
; s;Air* i tivuil Crait l In - M.'ine* Its* >le. i.ltsl
| * osp of iuletvi-t to loutu A\ aii-1 tonitH'<
; ivmiHUiip*. ami to )*i<|! who havo lww
i np*r railway ira- kp atxl ii*\igblp nvrrw.
j Ttioma* K< lliigg'x wawnull *iul PIPVWI. I- wii<
! at on Ara by a sprh ft- tha chtnine* of •
(rwnsf. r UwU K-t-'reu . to the Mitw*auk-p aiul
St. Paul li Ait way t'.-twpaiiy *txl bimit t> U>-
: gnilliut. Me i 'UlliP-1 ilmgpe mi Ilia grxmn-l
1 ilisS ilia lira ongicAtiit frv m the oarvia-i!f>
| of the eom|aiiy'-irn<! IT. P Jury ail me.l
j ban HS.fiSASO,, . Two man la Piaecotl,
; \rirotia, fowjlit alsmt a <! The largfr c> t
1 hi* antageaiiet A-wn. ami holding buu pt\s e<.!
P1 lo cut hi* face arualicaHy with a kuifa Mr
! waetup t to take ih-light in wo jiawhttig the tnan
j to diw'i-ure luni aw fuuoli a* ]SI*BII-!P. II f
i wretch U<l just Icr" paoku •-I out of the
jWMU.eHl..iry. where he l -i t-e-a si-riii j; •
leitu f.-r a stuular come bt t'auihiwlgr
! iNty, b t . there w-- a sale of abort homed
i oai; te Wlongit'g 'ii lien. Meredith a- -T ->>n,
tti.t-n flfly tsea.i I r.>u :Ui tiie hand— nie antu of
; pal, the l<i:T Joav'a Chvruh was -'J te
; \lrv. thai'.-, of l.*on lil., for fiT.ti
| white l'-.e teat cow* brought fiom t > to
f T.ivHi each, fhe enure herd WM eol.l .ft in
i Uuve l.otire. uai v iliffervul Stales twiug rvpte
. -. iiiCri I v the | iu, h.v-eiw liugti Callahan.
| who atoie i -wnal taaai containu<x -ien thou
i -*>..! bushel* of grain frv-ui lNer IT. N.rth
' Ittvi-r, ami iii.i.-ahd it iu lc, k!y w •.
j te-.i-rsl to f.-ar v *i am! elevea 111- :-tha iu ihe
Jhi ; County jwniteti'.iaxy Ituffaloes are
j lu.-ving in immeuae nuiut-er* wei of Fort
j iVsljie, a-id lu: lred of huuterw are gaMiertut;
for V o slaughter V -warui of Uid.islru-us
Ar-i. per* d.-v. ia ti. een acre :.ehl of
• heat, crowing finely, in Ban Milt cnuity,
low a, IU two days, thegreen hladee l-are
to ti (fn-uu ! -V t- f; m a large
U operator ai >ta--Uiou, Ohio, state* thai
the COJU IUIUI . - employed uear Maaariiorr have
l oon Oil a hwig alrtke. and when it i-a- pr
; *• d to put new men a! work, the tmarrw IIHSI
the treslle w--rk and htiddinga and Unvateued
the li-- of the outst W> Bleu as 1 the gua; is.
rhey shot two Auti.-t. atciß an eiteu
sire rt.-i. the tl -u racr wa* a-Xci le ri ud hp
aa s-k-u a* posetbie.
The Kuropeau atcamahip Idaho ran u-oti the
ho-ch at Fire Is'.a .1. 1 It * off ttl scathed
at si tt:.ti; trod. Her I a-ret-gers were latnisd
withemt h*..,. .The pilot house of the French
suaau-r Fur. pe.abandoned hy her caj tarn and
rew, at. jiteru-y *' ad ued hy a **lva ; :e
,-rew JHM als-aixl the vessel i-y lire .-ajita-ti i f
the English steamer Egypt, which reeeuni\ the
passet gers in April last was i as-ed at aca two
: ili-A-rees uorth and two ileuiee* - a-t. between
three and f *ir hundred unit s front the (Hiint
i where the sab age crew left her. TUt* set* at
I rest all quesuoi s of the fato of ti-.e Fitroj r>, as
■ her pihH Ux tiae could not ha\ o been detached
ttuhv* she halftone down. . While a small
yacht was endeavoring to enti-r the Fasteru
irap in the islar. I at Toronto, sire was st ruck bt
a sTttaU, aud capstsod. All those on board,
-.utie s-v or seven, were thr. n Uit > the water,
the surf ruimtng very lujih at .he time, and
drowned Hie ferry b. at IH-iaware of the l'avo
tiia hue sunk a small sari U*t near the middle
of the North river, ai d three men in lhe boat
were drowned.... Diplomatic retain us between
Spain and Mexico have 1-etn r< -tttn.-l A
■.•a!! has let:: -- ted fr a s'.e Temj-erat c
Conveutiou in New York, to lie held at Auburn
on Jure 2*T. .. Mr. Carlisle aud wife, of Aii.-e
--hurg, A were struck by U. ht .mg. and the
w.fe Has ut-tac.'. y L. c.i. T..- L i*l-a; !. .t ia
th. a-hi, w-ii recover The Arkansas
House, after f.-urh trs of dtscussuon, passed
a kit gtvtug amt.estv to ail parlies connected
with the late rebellion, except those hrtldtt-g
positi ;i tu the I,egi-laSure, Executive, and
lu h-.alDepartments, who used their j tuatm
to forward the rel-eltiou.
Tit* lower House of the Ark ansa* Legi-laiurt
by a Tote of t" to 9, adopted resolution* de
claring that Senators Dor-ey and CTayt ,n
chtai. id tl.i ir seats in the United State* -i*
ly bnl-ery and corruption, and tl-a ;n case they
do not resign wtthra ten days the United
Strtee Senate will be re pie-'-d to investigate
their election and expel them Three boye
from Spru.gfir! 1. Co;.- . were drowned tu the
'oti::ecticut I'-jvor. They I.a) takt-it off their
clothe*, and were attompung to cross a narrow
.-.lot of the river at apL us-ialiy el.all -.r,hut
ti v right feet deep. All three went don i
: .ether, a few f -et from the shore. Tlirlr wrere witluu an hour. Tho
oldest was but nine years and the youngest
seven.,. .Tao boats, containing thirteen rafts
rxsn.c- U..le ! in Flat Rapids, Ontario. Tho boat*
were cats-ixe h and tiie men thrown into the Seven (f them were drowtis-1 The
rapids are long and dangeroue.. . A fan, y
of five persons wore saved from death in Iting
hamtou. N. Y.. by the mother that
a woman. drese-l in white, etood at the bed
side, saying, "Gtl up. get op immediately ;
you are wanted !" On reaching the foot of the
-•airs *he f :tid her lamp, winch she left i n
the tatUi, tnvd etpi xled. and ail that was near
ia flames. It a short time the fire would have
reached them. A few ja Is of water extin
guished the fire. The woman in white wi*
ssen bat a moment : where she came from or
where she has gone is still a mystery
Judge Lynch, of New Orleans, awarded tho
fallowing am-mbta to col ired claimants : One
thousand d-dlars to Joseph vs. Bidweil, pro
prietor of the A vdemv <;f M u*ic, for refusing
lum admittar*.-e ; t'JM each to George Wash
ington and I,ewis vs. Met cky for refusing to
s!l them s-.!a water, and f'JoO to Clemonl v.
O'Neill f >r rtfauig to sell hitu a drink. These
cases were d- Jt! hy the Judge in conformity
with a law paused hy the recent Legislature,
the juries failing to agtee Mux 1 avid It
Meihab. Ueptresentative in Congrc-- from New
Yoik, who was removed to tho Government
Asylum f r the' Insane, at Washington, f--r
treatment about two w cks ago, died at the
above-named institution A special dis
patch from Carr '-ton. 111., say* that (Tart
Fvana, who was arrested for tiie murder, oti
the >)th f April, of Jinx W. Mulliert. an obi
citigeu who re.-.i ,1 fire tnil'-i nest of that
place, has made a free confession. The deed
was done for tn->:.ey. but oniy-a pocket-kuife
was obtained. Evans ha* served one term in
the Penitentiary.
t'bitipxe Pulllpapk*.
links of politeness are all regulated
at Pekin by the tribunal of rites. In
case yon wish to pay a visit to a man
darin, the proper thing to do is to send
in your card, on a sfnall piece of red
paper, on which is your name, followed
by a polite sentence as this :
"The tender and *iiicert< friend of yotir lord
ship, and the perpetual di-t iple of your ilnc
triue. tbu* pr*eut* himself to pay his reaper's
M<l lob JW twefore yon to tho earth.'*
If tho mandarin is willing to receive
you, ho asks yon to pass before him.
You are expected to make the humble
reply, " I dare not;" and after nu in
finity of gestures, which are all ar
ranged, and obligatory phrases, the
master of tho honso bows to a chair,and
slightly dusts it with the cornet of hiH
robe, upon which y u are at length
seated. The difficulties are much in
creased when ten or a dozen mandarins
call upon an Englishman at once, and,
according to custom, tea is offered, be
ginning at the one. of the highest rank,
lie pretends to offer it to the uext, then
to the third, and so on to the last. All
having politely refused, ho permits
himself to drink it. The second, iu
his turn, has to offer his cap to the
others, and thus the farce proceeds, un
til all have gone through tiie wearisome
task. The whole scene passes witli irn- !
perturbable gravity, aud it require* the i
greatest self-command not to smile at
such etiquette.
Tcairrao CHAMTY T® Accoovr.—Ons
very severe winter, when distress wae
terribly prevalent, a soup-kitchen was
opened in a destitute neighborhood,
the lady patronesses themselves, for the
sake of economy, taking it iu turn
to superintend the supply of tho
soup. The faces of the applicants
became in time so familiar to their
benefactresses that one day, when a
little girl who was in the liabit of taking
only oue plate asked for three, the lady
in charge said, "Three penny plates
to-day, my dear ? How is that ?" "If
you please, ma'am," replied the child,
with a suspicion of pride in her tone,
" we have some friends coming to din
ner to-day."
\ 'fnllirt Muitln* lit t I liter t I* I lt r I*--
\ll < til |it t l .lltlttlri if In* lltialimiiil.
Michael IHwcr. a society cooper,
who had been 011 stt ;k<- for a number of
weeks, returned t i Ins 1 Igtngs, on the
second floor of tile three --tort telle
ment honae No. ,'t,". North !light hstr.i t,
! Williamsburg, in a stati ..f iutoxioa
tiiui. He found bis wife pule from
anxiety and want, surrounded by her
three little children, watting up f. r
hiltl. She said, as he int. rod the room,
•• So you're come at, Mike? Is
the strike t ndod 1 1 w\or roplie 1 that
i he did not know how if would be until
> the morning pap. is eimo out, contain
j ing ar port of the aet.on tak. ti hy the
j union at the Uit i 111 the night l> fi re.
j t>n hearing his answer his wife urged
i htm to lie down wild take some rest aud
tie ready to go to work latir ill the
j morning, irr. speetive ot any action the
{ union might take, Dwyer said he
Would Wail until the papeis etrltie out
j any way before making application for
| work. Mrs. l>wy i r had tialf |H*rstuuled
Ihyr hubs nnl to leave the stake, and m
order that there might tie no further
rreuse for delay *jo suit from the
, house to piUeh ise a p<qH r. In af< w
1 minutes she returned, being unable to
j littd one at that hour, and asked In r
; husband to go out and get a paper.
He did iii, and whi.ii out met a
brother cooper named Owen Murphy,
wlu> had decided to give lip the strike
and go to work. Murphy accompanied
pwii r ls> his homo, urging him to go to
work. Dwyer V wife joined ill the ap
peal of lus trietld ; but Dwyi r tuiduig
that the union had taken no decided ac
tion, was obstinate, and auu ouieed las
intention of waiting a few day s longer.
Murphy left to go to w ik, aud Dwyer,
drawing a chair r> r the frout window, down to it ...I the paper • e had pur d. He had been in thia position
but a few minutes when his wife earns
st. dthily belnt.d the elm r, armed with
a heavy Cooper's hammer, and struck
her hu>band at. rr.ble blew on the top
of the head. He jumped from the
eh., r, but before be could defeud hiai-
If received another blow from the
hammer at the base of his skull near
the left ear. Stunned from the fleets
of the blows and covered with blood,
iie rushed from the room, and crossing
the lauding, entered the apartme: is f
a luail named Siaviu. wii.> ,iwd on t.<
-aine floor. Mrs. S avm got a wet
cloth and was tu the act of applying it
to the wounded mat: s l ead, when Ida
wife followed him into the room un.l
again rushed at him with the blood
-taiu.l hammer in her uplift, d hand.
Mrs. {bavin's husi' iud, niw is an old
and feeble man, threw himself between
the husband ami wile, aud after a si
v. re struggle succeeded l:. wr- sting the
hammer Itoia the latter aud forcing her
out of the room. When Mrs. Hlav.u
had tied a cloth re-tiud Dwycr's head,
he rati ha-tily down stairs and into the
street for aid, fearing Lis wife would
attack tlnir children.
A few blocks from the house he en
countered Se r. eant Fie! ling nud offi
cer* of the Frith Frectnct. Sergeant
Fielding, after 1. aruiug the facts of the
case, sent the wounded man to the sta
tion-house. and r paired hie.self to tl<
I use No. p.,*. N >rt 1 - th street. At
the door he met a dee ut, quiet looking
woman in the act of leaving the house,
l'he Sergeant sk. d her it o kllew a
Mrs. Dwycr, and she sod ves, that that
tto her natue. The utile r uak. >1
about her husband, mat sue replied
that she had struck him because he dis
served it ; that he re I mod to work to
supiHirt his wife aud children. Think
ing that Dwycr was the only one as
saulted, the Sergeant t. - k the w-.ttaan
by the arm, aud .n walking vvali h. r
to the statu n-hoa when -neri m.vrked
quietly that sue had just kiLe.l her
Chikln u, ami that they were lying dead
at the house. Field;; took
the woman back t > tin hoiis-, and,
mounting the -tatrs, entered the apart
tutnU of the I>* vers. These consisted
of three smu i room*. \ e front ro m,
fourteen feet by twelve, i us- 1 .t> a
kitchen and dining room, and thruuefa
a dmir leading from it at the l ack
a srnail, dark bedrxHim. The remaining
ruom off the hall was used as a coal
hole and for lumber.
Falsing through the front r< -uu the
S.rgeaut, still holding Mr-. Dwycr by
tiie arm, pau-eti ou the threshold of the
dark Ixdro. a. Tiie only bglit that
admitted through the doorway, oiid at
S>.-rt;t. Fielding SUMHI at the threshold
it was with difficulty that he could dis
cern object* within, (•raduallv his
eyes adapted tncu.-elv s to the gloom,
and he saw a Spectacle that made bis
blood run cold. Stretched •u a low 1• d
were the cor pees of tune childr--u. Two
of the bodies reclined at the foot of the
bed, while the third, that of a girl
about seven y .r* of ago, occupied a
position at the head. Blood stained
the sheets and pillow-cases, and drop
ped with a dismal plash uo the flo r,
where it ooilected iu a pool and si -wly
made Us way to a ere vice under tho
bed, and disappeared under the fl-sir.
A single glauce satisfied tho S< rgeant
thut th® children were dead. A diligent
search resulted in the di-coTcry ot two
sinoothtng-uons, which had evidently
been used by the mother iu killing the
children. Uu was found standing on
it tuble, the other on a stove. The bot
toms of both were clotted with human
blood, to which a few light hairs chiug
The hammer with which Mrs. Dwyer
struck her husband was obtained from
the Blaviu*. The names of the mnr
ib ri d chtldrcn arc Jemmy, 51 gie, and
Timothy. Tin- giri wt* n-veii oar* --f
agt, htr brother Jenmy hiel re ch d
his fourth year, and Timothy wa* but a
baby, one year and nine months old.
That the unfortunate mother w*s nisaue
at the time of the act there appears to
be very little doubt. Alt* rtln- turth of
her second child sho had an attack of
typhoid lever wluch affected In r br.iiu
and obliged her colililictnent in Flat
hush Lunatic Asyium for ash ut time.
.Mrs. Dwyer I- mueli younger than her
husband, but they Jiv il happily t—
getiu-r since their marriage, in iS(S7,
until the commencement ot the coopers'
stllkc. bIJfM, i lough In; ilrnl.K : >!!ie
times, was an industrious man, and
treated his family well. After the first
few weeks of the strike their money was
exhausted and want began to stare them
in the face. The rt-ui was unpaid, and
that fast weighed on the mi mi of Mrs.
Dwyer, who was peculiarly sensitive
about money matters. To be in debt
made her life miserable, aud within the
past few weeks her family w.ts deprived
of many of the necessaries of lif owing
to their straitened circumstances.
A IlAndlttl (June.
The San Francisco Chroniclr says, in
•peaking of the recent capture of VK
quez: "Vttsqut Z stated to Major Mitch
♦-li that if he hod $-10,000 and the
kind and quantity of anus In- required,
he could revolutionize the entire smith
ern portion of tin State. It in lielieved
that t]jih hat been the objective point
of his scheme. A boldly conceived plot
of his wis an attempt to plunder the
Paymaster's cur on the Southern Pa
cific ltail way. Ho heart I that on a cer
tain day the pay car would traverse the
road attached to the regular train. Ac
eordingly he gathered about him the
bravest of his bund and prepared to ut
taek and despoil it. The banditti se
lected a spot between Ban Jose and
Gilrov, known as ' The Divide.' The
plan included the cy it ting and r vd
of a section of the rail. This was 100
first exercise on the programme. The
characteristic laziness of the Califor
nium delayed their preparations, and,
as the train was ten minutes ahead of
time, the affair was an utter failure. As
the train approached, the members of
tho band were busily engaged in d im
aging the truck. It came thundering
down and past tliem as they sprung
back, and whisked out of their reach
cro aiiv harm con Id be accomplished.
The officials on the train noticed the
bandits and divined the true reason of
their presence. On the evening of the
same day the tragedy at Tres I'inos oc
A man in Newark has a singing
cat. It is a cat-o'-nine-tails, and sings
every time lie swings it ou his boy's
back, while the boy comts in on the
Isl.tml of bruin! Meuuii.
l'he r- eky cliffs of flic cutfl of Muino
have within reeent youra attained nn
■ttiwoufiwl notoriety. Mount llesert,
n place of suminer result, threaten* to
! m .1 Newpott mid the White Moitr
t iins. \ bu y ears ago the beauty of
.Is mountain* and (lie pioture*>|ue rug
.tedlieaa of its shores \..-ie little known,
out now the lover* of the wild and the
romantic throng every stiuiitier in gt at
numlict* to enjoy its kiiigular charm*.
It is t!i> onlv place along our coast
where m ttutam, and cliff, and act, tire
tmll. Uin the sc. uie luukr up.
Hut air. nlv visitors t<> Nbm it IVs.-rt
hear of grander ami more tugged chits
i tHot mark the si.ores of an island lying
some eighty niilcn to the uorthward ;
tud whispeis are uttered of a popular
future of a place that hitherto has be. n
•i-.rcely knowu evc. ptitig to a few tlsh
•einnu. Tips island is called tliuu.l
Yleiiatl. It los u little ' ..utile ist i (
Ihistjmrt, ts some twenty miles tu length
tint about live miles Hi Width, I'liltke
Mount In sert, there am no mountains,
but the* shor.-s lift lit tall, weird,
scarred, singularly market! cliffs *nd
i -ctirpiuei.t•. The highest part of the
ishui.l ts at the northern end, where the
elitl's rise to a height of four hundred
bet. At the soutl rn extremity thev
are about a hundred feet ha tu height,
Meuan ts au i word, meuti n.;
.si ind. C'hatuplaiu, itt lt'a .'i, passed the
islfid ill otieof his vov ugea, and sp< al s
of it a a Munthum: but tn another iu
ntauee call* it VitiKirnr. Howu t the
p. nod of the i.evolution It Was inhabit
ed only by Indiana, but now u number
of fUhernien'a villages have grown up
on its shores, the total number of its
inhabitant* being set down at eighteen
hundred. There are sailing packets
connected with the place once a wee k.
I'iic dtstanc. ii very short not m re
than nine tut.. * yet it sometime* takes
a wt.ktu get across the comparatively
narrow channel. Fogs abu ui.J here ;
the tides are terribly swift and strong
gab-s are frequent; and the . unite to
retard the progress of a sailing ve-*cl.
When the big hotel* go up, regular
tenner* will, of course, r> move this
difficulty, and render the island < as. y*tbic.
There 10 a fascination in high, sea
washed elifls surp.issmg nhm -t any
tbing dtM in Nature. The 808 ch.ifea
tic. ssantiy at th.- r has. s, tearing down
musses .if cyclopeuti r."\s into their
depth, eating out channels, and caves,
and galleries,eurv.t gout pmnael a
and strange fantastic monuments the
rock* forever s.-t hard and defiant
against the ts -'less wav.s, and the
\..ies for< v. r gaining aemtthii g tip 11
the frowning wall. Then, the wild
birds that hov< r about the rocky emi
nence ; the strange marine creature*
that t'ud habitation in the caves and
recesses ; the fog* that come up from
the sea and envelop crag aud highland,
• ail and cove, sky and space, in their
dense shroud ; the s that blow
rich with the salted flavor of the Atlan
tic, mid fill the lung* with ait ecstatic
glow, like that of champagne ill the
bliK>d ; the freshness, the br.s-r.iue**,
the expanse, the wild rnggedne**, the
untamed .-hating of the sea, and the un
tamed defiance of the r.M-k* ; the sails
that eotuo and go with audi free ex
ultant spirit ah the*.- thing* make up
a scenic drama full of dt .iciou* c arm.
For the artist, the sportsman, the ad
venturer, the ali .res of MenaU are a
great attraction; by and by they will
become famous with the great multi
tude of picas-are s. . k.KB. dppUd .
YY Artillery.
Few narrative* f *i.*ge.i ere more
ent rtaiun.g than that giv. n iu the S-sr
Motakh.reen, of a b it which wit* de
fended by the use of woodcu artillery,
mid defended t-lTectually, iu >.ne .1
Ab i'lnem-U-'s camjiaigt * in the l>. c an.
The ootnmandant w a* nearly unprovided
with cvnr.ou, having only one or two
effective pieces. The town, 1 w. ver,
vva* u great mart for titnlw r. The gov
ernor, securing both the timV*er and
the carpenters, gturt.Ulu-d lus rampart*
with W.HHICU imitatioua of cannon ; and
ln-'ng fully supplied with most other
requisites when the imperial army ar
rived, put a g HHI fa.-.' on the bnsiu..
He did m re, too. for In- kept the
-eer.t Within hi*, own walls; an J the
en-my, suspecting tho number of lii*
tra.u, c mm. ne. il their appro.ts-he* in
.tu. form, affordinghiui thus abundance
of leisure to mature his plan of de
ft ;■*,. Every piece, a; H.IU a* fired,
became, of course, un* rvieeable, but
he immediately replace.! it by a new
No foundry < ver prodnc ! more gun*
in H year than thi< man's ing.muity did
in one siege. The ottemv, tired out nt
last with the obstinate defense which
he made from hi* bat tern *, determined
lo carry the place bye* -a!a*le in open
day. Having fail. .1, however, in some
similar euterpn*.-*, a neighliorttig siunt
was proeure.l, who wis to head the at
tack. and, by the acanctity ot hi* char
acter, to inspire the soldi, r* with great
er real m a deep.-rale cause. The holy
tnnn was raised on a platform, and car
ried in the rear of the forlorn hope.
The governor's good luck still ad
hered to him. A *liot from a wooden
gun, when the scaladers w-rs nearly
close to the walls, knocked down the
saint, on which the party took to their
In-ei*. A delay ensued ; the •1. ge was
at last raised ; and tho con. u.aidant
covered with glory.
On the briny.
The Danbnrv iVevn man detail* the
incident* 'if bin temporary sojourn <Ol
th briny wave. Ho nays : "We
shipped the fir-t p<■: wis tln> fourth d*v.
An t i'brlv gentleman with eye-gls-oM-*
hud bin starboard end to the Intruder
at the time, engaged peering at
the horizon from beneath one of the
lifeboats. It struck him on the beam,
and filled his coat-tail pocket* with salt
water. ' Helen Mazes,' said be, and
stepped down stairs to pee her. Tiie
fearful artl coritinnotis rolling "f the
vessel was the cause of painful and
ludicrous accidents, of course. The
intellectual man with long brown ov<-r
--coat that touched his heels, and sharp,
inquiring eye that seemed to reach into
everything, was knocked off los fiat by
a wave, and besides b< iug drenched to
the skin, was driven out of sicht under
a life boat. I enjoyed that trip better
than he did. One of the stewards a
bald-headed gentleman was ' teeter
ing ' along the deck with a plate of
highly-seasoned beef iu one hand ntid
a cup of hot tea in the other, when a
sudden lurch of the vessel lifted him
into the air, and drove huu with great
violence against the guards. The spiced
beef and fork were never heard of
again, but the tea be saved by catching
it under his collar. One lady was cut
in the head, and one gentleman broke a
number of his legs, but was out again
in an honr, eating a Welsh rarebit."
Gigantic Strike in England.
The most serious strike ever remem
bered in the North of England is now
in progress at the Durham pits, w here
by nine t mtbaof the collieries of South
Durham are laid idle. The gigantic
character of this strike, and the blight
ing effects which, if it continues,
it will exercise upon the great
coal and iron industries of the
North, will bo best realized when it is
stated that South Durham is the largest
coal producing district in England,
the total annual production upproaoh
ng IS,OOO, OHO tons. These pits em
ploy from So, 000 to -10,000 p< rsons. 1 to
pending up >n the coal aud coke from
thesw collieries is the great iron indus
try of Cleveland, South Durham, and
largely that of Harrow and Cnralterland.
The eio'ef centers of the trade are in the
neighborhood of Middlesbrough aud
Darlington, and if the Collieries remain
idle a great number of men will be
thrown out of work in the iron trade.
The leading colliery offices of Mouth
Durham are situated at Darlington.
Of Pease's eleven pits only one is at
work, whilst there is scarcely an excep
tion amongst the fourteen pits of
Bolcknjv, Vaiighan & Co. Oilier small
er colliery proprietors have closed their
pits. At the largo collieries of the
Weardule Iron Company, at Consett,
and also at some at New Copley be
longing to Fryer, Grieveson & Co.,
the men are at work, as notices of the
reduction have not yet expired.
\ 1.11ll I'MI'ED HTATI'S CONtiItKHS.
til I.l* fiaalt),
Mr. rdmiuiit tutir<'U (o irikfi ont ttm jr#Y
YlMl It Mil! It.** till! *n pftftfM'iJ,
v * J I v im.VH 11.
I 11, \ 1 dirnil .!!' tlio t ftt 111 <> =f tho
I'lHiihl til f- ii t u I
1.1 Ml ft I itt l IX Oil I will JHM . fill I f tin* lJftlut if
Mi. kilrftt I • wtlft-itn 4xf Mr*, kilitu',
itn a |ftt k.
Offttililtg ft )rl|ft!it! If |Hr lUiHllll to
I .ittu-a \ t aiitY , th Mitl-ivA f (lift iftio t?i
j I! ti S I 'aiila
1 m l j !.ivitliitf4 thai ii ntiftii l*o m lit.,
jj~< ! ft .Mttl.iß i f U'tt • huff It'll, I 1 * '
l ao MiltUiy Aom*hnit> UU
I'llfi liutiUf. j MJUftILUI hill OA J.ftJWt il.
A iMMLxIIU eiif
DtO \ffthihtA 1 . itlfft | rh H -II v*ft tlr
) : --! i it( ffii. i if Ml. h|H i. I'l, lllf |l Wirlil iu*
1 > Ulilt 1 lets
\T4tMfiN ftt Iff HAG I
Aiunu. tiimofit (H nhtiiig f.f .yhhiih ufTr*f?o
-Ii tho 1 HfitliH ■ft . 1 itiii i j'fiifi I i*y I* ft KkUfj;
trti v . ft; 1t • iftliv t .1 I ; lilti hilt ft ft t
; u t fi rojcH-ust, r* in . F
i *
Mr. frt'iti ili i on l*rlvi
o ftiiil tCUurllonft, I'fijKirf'Al I'fit k (Itt) ir*- iii
! U"ii i f (he hi iiftlc? vf MaioU |<l, l h " I liitiiu 10
iho 0IUt!ii(l.o la oiftlllitio !i ! IrJ -U t lifts itg
tho lit .ti lUmit Hralb'abln !thni f clcmUiij*
thft I*l *•*•! it ft I<l \it • i'l - ivii'l.t , ft.lli Jrttr
ri- i k 11ft (llhlUifit lo All! tlof.tlo ftii
,N* IrtvlOfl i|Ut nlitlilft fvl 'iFH'h t Iholl'ftith,
{ ftilh ft loitj, ihv ftitllfti fthk'li Wi|
iJ (>it 4loi u| i iUUHi ftii-I • n (lit) ftiiU
I ll® f ill fthifh tejioiia iho lanf u whk'h lh®
- With
t*Ul ft lli Y Mil l ft itlfoiit olijiH Ih
|ri.e t'lil fl I*\ liifti llit* Jmv via I t ft.-r.r-. 1
lUPiiiWf fithftll I e f ifiUi to tho ftiiloft ot Jir ir> ftt
;an Up li (ii® of filt v ti'ift of hi* et; • .-wdf,
ftltOßO JftY ftiaftJl vOluhiOLv® ftfttti hift olr.
ft ft ft IWriMhi
Mi liatler r®|*art®l it.o li;l rt-moviuf ill®
I" Uto ill iliftfthlliUO® wf 1 -aj 1 HutlißiOf of
Aiftt AUilk I'ftprrtl.
1 ,t ti! |<fovhliiig fhftt n > |or> u fthali m yo
ft" a J u in 1 Ix*- I iiiti I h in' 1 1- *h
Cftiiiiut mhul ftittl ftiilo the* l.iij-iSiftli i*itgUft :o,
ftftw |vftrftMtHl.
the i'ft'rlj; o AtUOUittUcJlU
ftftfi | fiiftrtl
lio i U!• !s -AN., r ft I ftnk - thfit have ft
ai! b*i. fr du lb jM*un nl of the ni
4 [ £k> ilk lh t A vof L.. -he.havi.
lid Cfi]iiUl, ft Aft I a effil
Mr. 1 '*!*• * * f Nr ft' V k. rrH*r!- t Ito k
Iv th® j-rU'i.ui ttiAl tMft 3'i'h tf A|fth
(•fto*.-* Ah'fthfttn i4m?' .u e I iittidfi) t> 4r- !ftrr4
a i .t'.ic a Ivt-iY a the j .;Uaii f rift n
; t. . f O . - a! ft. a! t)li t .
Ifif fittffr*j.;e i a!4c I
Mr I' iftUtl i f VU, ti 'iUi*omiU-'k'iM.* ( fr ; .y!t |
I - *4n -rl% a lot f |*i-: . i - wsku.j." t t
ft. UiU) Milft'.i.e tin llitt (ftt ;
Mr. I. %c ft un c* uiUi.U'e t#p&rt€ \1 4v( *rtr)y
to A -i I ' UK,I A Icftffti 4a> ft- i A Ul ft i UUII
* *4i I i lii a t*i.-i*:a.*iii ;•: of s- iusft
l4oa ihttt tot,
THE h>U!Uii.
>! S • r!! f I'A .frm( C mtuitf®® on
\iYfti Aft A. -. trJlwUef ft ti fito | v cf of
Mr V ALU IU ! *.! ft of t AJU lift : .f t!r®
I' but, to (iiv he; ft tho fiffi • ihl of In#
Joy il| 11 ■>' Mai of I>rv iNiJ ahtiii tho
t\. rjn At CtV 1 ? lI.W i A ft el i? ]ifi; ) If,
a' t*. * : 11-* ;• s! A- • f It. 1 p.v, r ~, f
. • Mpl!U i# ml m in m I. -I *XtXt.iiUg
fl.' iMJ.
Mr. Mfith*r i rrj :*.r 1 a o.Uuut'fi f r th*
Hetift'e Altir:. tmetidi tO the ♦. irr nri hilt, Ai.4
it Wft* r) Uv| , th® a*.® MiU'.IUKr *aa
I ..i reje fill t J k Yidfi t.f ?l) yiMU I 2(1 hi}*
ft It >• ftu-.-i ru*j t t®f®rr®4 lo a k\i:-freh- ®
(A tnnuti®®,
14 ih* I * WOWFIUL
I>r an tktaet dffieiit f til® * fiUtHU m, •• a#
t ; - 'uifi f r Ui® tU .. u i f s I . the
. ■ a !uo.: fi-r® of I tic no-rrhftti uak ft
Uvi J cafe |kb4 af'.c. ta s4 Utfuipjot.
tilt ifcl:i
The I! :-r c II- tho umle
tnrMi tu th® i Vnteiku.fti Utt s |rini4ig I*.ml th®
* !rxl >:*"c xrV ft!! Hat I * liAhte 4i r.-tle or tti*
Girv Uf, for ci,# A-i AUtt4iti| lit® n*
i Ut.-iaii.
Titr .
Mr Uffi le* • S i*.•, the I*4 in feUto nto
Jti . - sd ftffftir# it; Ttftli ft' 4 kf!rf A king <!.!•.-
CUWH : H it NM Jift**cH-t 'lilo tnijnl t f til® til-12
; t tv toil® ftsl M mo tift (txitu lii® J4*T x,
ftiol fivm th® t U* ft rii]- vr4 1 V
I-.' . ■-* . f :. r ' a '-ii*. th is UUug (!
Ir iwiit t : of th® tnt i st fnin 3s! rm u ®hd
gitiio.; a into lie Sii® Urni}dm.
rlrc-ltealstltig Faners of Solid YVood.
Cst'Uin Shaw, .-f the M.-lmpoUtan
Fire liriga.l.. L (ndon, mnd<- a very in
structive . xp. run.-iit lately <<n a
" t<-ry with a section <-f the
beams and other part* mm utiding it
l*(V and below. This je-*! had been
*ubject'd to the full actiou of * fire in
a burning building I r not lea* than
four and a half hours. In tho experi
ment it * set ou end in the open
yard exactly a* it had stood in the
burned but ding to wkic'. it originally
b< loijcwl, with the |-d tul underti- atb,
t' e e .l> t(V-, alul the b. am txo-e ti <•
cap. M< <re than a t.-u of ahaving*. light
wood, and h avr W.MH! W:i* then plao-d
around it, an.! after saturating the
whole heap with JM ti hum, a 1 gilt wst
applied. Dttrng the progress of the
tir. a large quantitr of petroleum and
turpentine wa- puuij" 1 upon it, winch,
with the other combustsbh-s, gave a
he i! almost < .Jttal to that of a blast fur-
QScc. At tiie end of to aud a half
hours the |*>st and Wain with
drawn, and S.OOII ceased to burn. On
sawing tiie post in two at a jint wlo re
it had stiff red most damage from the
fire, the wood was found to be pitch
pine, and the section showed that after
is-ing exjvosed to a furious beat of
*.-ven hours uninjured
wo d enough left to carry t!;o weight
nri emailv put upon the post. The
F -on tiie author draws is this; "A
iMve story p-st of even the most m
(lii-iniable WCKKI is absolutely proof
against any heat which can be applied
to it* will not of itself burn at all. but
requires a continual supply of highly
inflammable substances to keep it
burning, and when this supply is with
drawn. ceases to bnru ; and lastly, after
Iving exposed for seven Lours to
il nil. * of very great iutensity, it i* not
injured to greater depth than nlxjnt
two inches from tho original surface,
ami still shows n eentre as sound as
when first put up."
A tieorgia Heroine.
Tho following graphic description of
the real jewel* of the fair South I* given
by ii jnp-r print ml tu tho St ate of
(♦corgia: "Among the many Visitorv
who oixno to our oily to *.'ll tlieir ouni
trv produce, was a young lady from an
adjoining county WHO had chickens,
eggs ami butter for sale. Her beauty
was of transcendent excellence. Fright,
tlashing. intellectual ••yes, and face
round and rosy, while In r calico dr. -s
was plain au.l neatly made, and tilted
beautifully. Her rich black li lir flow*d
in luxuriant richness. Highly educa
ted, she <• >nv. rs. .I tluently.and d
herself with becoming modesty. Nhc
wore no false bustle or purohiun-d com
plexion ; had no top-knot on In r
head, or false fixing* to present, but
stood in the mnjcsticl" auty of acroatcd
inti ligetico that would hot yield to the
ib pulic diet ales of frivoloilH far-hioa.
It has bi-cu a long time since we gazed
upon such a sight. The young tui-n
crowded around her wagon with curi
osity in their tv< a iiri'i admiration in
their hearts. The oll men w-pt for
joy that there was one who had not bow
ed t<> Haul. Site sold her country pro
duce, went home aud milked the cows,
cooked supp' r for ten f irm laborers,
and went to church that night with her
The ib-ndcr*.
After all the arrests that have been
made of persons supposed to belong to
the I tender family, who committed so
many murder* in Kuusaa, all of that
family are silll at large. The person"
arrested in Ut di recently a* the elder
bender, and who, it was reported, had
been satisfactorily identified, proves to
lie a d'-nielited old man of til - name of
Koch. The county attorney for Labette
county, Kansas, pu Indies a description
of the senior Ileiider, in which the
criminal ia described a* a man having
an intelligent countenance and resem
bling in no .wise the vagrants so fre
quently taken f r member* of the Ben
der family, 110 adds that all of the
Beudert, notwithstanding their fiendish
nature, appear agreeable and pleasant
in their manners, and, as they i-ro sup
plied with money, it is not likely tliut.
they will bo found acting the part of
of fools or vugrauta.
Htuying and Going. Mrs. Stumpy :
" That i the a'mond tree, my lady. It
always flowers before it leaves; it
leaves directly after it dowers; and
ufter it leaves, it stays tho summer
through just as you see it."
Au -ililr t rim* Itt ltwl%* III* Nnwiliut
riiMlrr(rll Ntuury Uumt.
Onw of Ilit* ro£tt<* who tli©
famous swindle" HI New
Y'OLK, the ,S'-01, *!.)"* IIS BOW ettdevor
ing to revive that OBMS profitable
business. 11< IIHH tent through the
mail* circulars HO seductively written,
HINT HO ii>urL >1 in improvement on those
w 111 I'II inaugurate.! the gone, ttmt Wit*
foi.: r< certain to r< pon<l numerously.
Frcfactng tna off r to send counterfeit
money by express for ten cents on a
itoiinr, li ns n :
" 1 iwijir that after 1 linv pliirril eon
fl'li lice I uotlgtl 111 Jfoll to send to yoll U
circular of this kind relatiug tho nature
of iuy business, that you would not be
no tn (Wllll'roUH fin to even breathe the
content* of thi* ilociiiut nt to a living
to i.-g ; should yon betray me 1 will
tlii'l no itn to tin uv.nged in u way pcr-
IntjiH you would not <ir. am of,"
Fuither along tin drop* into ooiitiden
liul lltlvil'l' llbout LoW til IMI I ULV'Hhf til
in pa-dug count* i felt money, unit
C'BjHflflUy lolfct* :
•' A person in n liiiriun** of thin char
acter lliliat tn trio* to thetllbelve* and a*
true a* etc. t to the person tl.ev am
doing liti-ine** witli, Voij rlionf l al
ways abstain from the DKM of Htroug
drink, for in that there iu great danger,
ns ,i j.otsou knows not what ho might
say when ill link. You should also
Llx |l tho iM'tJfl t of the lltlbllll SS BH lll
us f lio not even hint it to your r
lull 'us or breathe it to vour second
Than hut lU how he wa* onm an
engraver in the Oovemment employ,
and (so WttH eliatlled to proilucw duplicate
j>lute of greenbacks. From these he
can print bogus money that the best
esjwrt- pronounce genuine. To jun-t
w< mil rrnent as to why hu wishes to set!
counterfeit* for Un cent* on a dollar
that will so readily pars at par tie ex
plains ilitis:
"I di posited a few days since a large
amount of mv money tu six different
t. ,ks in New York ; they all accepted
it without saying a word. Mv money
being alt new I tiiought it would not be
adviMiblo to dt jx -it any more for fear
i <y might think something wrong.
Whell It is dejio-ited in batiks there
should be other money that has been in
n.• mixed with it. thin therewill t>e no
;• udpieiou. I now need only a few true
men to assist me for aix mouths, thiu
we will wen re a fortune that will < liable
til lo enjoy il l the pleasures."
lie cy he wili seud any amount of
tin. eouun-rfeila carefully packed in
box.* which the Latin will of course
! : u>l filled with nothing l ot sawdust • r
paj i r—and the espr. -a eompaiiy will
e>>:>et on delivery. He signs himself
•'(}. It. Wilbur. (*.! llro'dwuy, New
York i'ost Office, New York. ' The Kiver Nalumal Bank is at Gsi
Broadway, and no (1. 11. WJbtir is
kuowu to anybody in the building.
A Trtiktwortajr Agent.
Earl YV. Barney an Express mes
seng. r on the N. w York Exprwsa, which
left Chicago and ran off tne track and
was burned at Yalpxrmlau, A local
jMpt-r **y ;
"H.. was jammvd in among a con
fuscd mas* of valuable fn. ght and the
iron money-safe r trunk, of which he
was in sjx eial charge, was thrown upon
hint, 7v* ur'y crushing him to death. A
. : r.-d bag gage master sneeeeded in
extricating Harney from tS perilous
j> 'sitiou he .xvupie.l I>efor- the flames
. f the burning cor got Well tin.b r way.
The heroic m • -eng-r, more dead thsn
alive from hi* U-rril.le injuries, declined
H 1 off.-r* of ass.stance in eusbhug li m
t . reach a house, ami went to
w- rk wul got t!u safe out of
the ear, and nearly all the express
ft. 'ght ; ti en he sat'down on his safe,
ud to all inquiries a* to the contents
r-'nrned -va-i\c answ. r-, utterly re
f-iiug to leave until relieved by au em
pi--re of Uie Adams Express Cotn
panv, who did not ajr,vo until two
hours hud elapsed, F sir Harney was
c- nr. msl to ins home, where he now
h. *. .i complete j.hv-ics! wreck, and it
will Ix- months Iwfore he will be able
to g. t eff front his bed."
TttßoroH AIX Tttr AOPS of study ap.l
inv -tigst iu which have jßsrk.d the
path of scientific dica-very, one Opvi
(dly a Hurt n g object ha* tempted the in
quiri.s and ifx-cuLtiotia of pluioeo
pbetw. Il is what the wizards and
-itclic of olden time, the jugglers of
1 iia, r -othsuyera of Arabia. Magi of| t, uccrt-niaiicera of Turkey and
the Orient, and alchem.-ts of civilised
F.uro|ie l.ave sought, but sought in vain
—ra vrr/yfafrfr mMtpoi *o>ioti4 Fiixir,
which, by cleansing the blisxl, remov
ing from the xysteni all impurities,
strengthening the nerves, tho muscles,
V.HI the brain, and viuliaiug . very fibre
of the system, should bid defiance to
the corniduig hand of disease.
Dr. Walk- r. of California, discovered
nn h. rb, the prt|>crtie of which, il they
do not entirely fulfill all the condition* mentioned, have at least proved
them-eiv.w fficacioti* in sdl of them;
tnis herb Doct.u- Walker has mad.- su
ingredient iu his famous YTKSOA* Btr-
TKI.S, which can be obtained of any
wholesale Druggist throughout the
country. < >.
Dkclixri IT.- Congressman Sawyer,
< f Wiacimou, drvline* to l'a candidate
(ur another term. He payn : At the
-xpiration "f piT present term I shall
hnve -1 rved t< i. vearw in C'ongrem. and
1 cannot but think that if it la a good
thing to I .IVC been thyro 1 ought not >
have it any longer, and if it i* a tax to
h.tvc it, then I ought not to lc asked
to lc a candidate.
A deranged stomach and impure
1,; . ]f-- liaiiian l-etnc* into i* m*li<-l>olv
• !*!<• llipt do mU *i j > ii'* "<t are nai *
tu lull i,u> to d I lii*ini—► *ii.-. o.fullr. One
, f i 1 r.-!o-Ii' * ovtaiil i* Vt lETIBK. wh.ctl
h* .1- j iircl a repiitaum, a* wide -ihoceim
ny itMiif ami' eMPtiMveiv known all over the
gi'.iw. Tin* rwtnody ha* beeu evtcneivaly nl
t .i it* carte h*vc er-ld it at mere
n .! !*!* than Ui* n--•■ *pi-r*. The Utter
eerve l-r bntig it to putilic untie*, but lib'-n
in. iii —• or iiivt iee n* it li* beii found to
•in 11! <• t>et of trial and time. *nd it* rajnd
*nle *hw* how strong hold it li** gamed.
Clint. ___________
Habit mil constipation leads to the
f.-ii.-nu t: rcult* : li lUmmaii nof the kiJ
m i. * u and nervous J i-A<t*che.' iNOWMM- *,
dt* ■!■*.*. indlgem-ia. ill**, lose of appeme
m ! *lr< glh ; all Of wUI h may bo'nt >*
liemg regular 111 your liatitlfl, *ud taking. *y
,i-.*, ,if /'nr*cn,' 7'rA-/u ir* J'tlls nightly t.-r
four or six nt-i.-liA —C'" ■
JohiMon't Auodtsnr Liniment msv be
n-'-d lionlvautag* wli'-rc any Liniment isde ir
*b!n. In ea*t *i f sr-vore cramj-* and pain* in
llic Mti-tna- li. il i* mi i-iulitcdly iho ln-t article
tliat can be used inlorually.— t-'em.
Tim beat tonie I'ki.i VIAX gynrp.— Cwn.
Means What He Saj*.
ThongH " confirmation* strong a* |>rewf* of
lU.iv Writ " and a* nmnerou* a* tbe **i>d • u
M-' Hill HP. wi re i-rodueed to prove that ibe
propr (-'or of I'r. Sugi-H t'.larrii Itemedy i* in
pi.MI.--.1, sod ri.cin* nlia* 1". *•)**. wliC' l be
• ITpi* i tii iii f--r an* c*-i- of t'sturili
v, hii'li b- cannot euro, y-1 tbcro would 1-.- soma
sli-pUPH and fogies "ho would Coutinne to
shout " IhuiAmg "HcnacaD" "Iteaiu.ot
li* I-.H-*UH<- IlrJlomeepni. vi i'trili caneot
be rurpd." Now. tin* 1 >r. Homespun 1* tbo
identiPal. ro.*l natnredold fellow who*tly
bpltevee and p.i*i*t* in lUw-iarmg ilia' tin*
earili i* not round or sjiliciieal. but a* a- a
" slap-jack," and d ** not turn otrr, otlierwm.-
the water would all I " spilled out of 1 bacon
llasp-im *mi l pood, ltut astrooouiical sciem-c
l-a* positively demonstrated aud proven that
Ur. Homespun is wrong in supposing the
pa;ih lo 1-" lilt and stationary, and (mini
S-m-:IPP is ilaily proviug tin- fact that bo in uo
b-- mintakeu and behind the time* In regard
lo tin- curability of Catarrh. In short it Ha*
Us'-n isiUvuly*iwo\pu thai tins world fioivt,
and that medical science i.< frm/irstire Hie
Upinlotl of lr. il iin.-pnn I I III" conliß'-v lio'-
wiibsUnding. 'I fiat Dr. Hawi'aOhtßkltMßedy
will cure ( atarrli, tliousan.i* who have used it
Then buy it. and use it. In doubt do not stand,
ton will ilmi it in drug store* all over the land
| FY,-in Ihe C.itxki I lit,-order of Nov. 15, 1i72.)
W'p invito attciiliou to ilm luivprtispment of
Sago's ('atarih Beinedy. Our reader* will bear
ii* witness that we never knowingly commend
humbug* of any nana or nature, and a largo
portion of patent medicines amy safely be
elassed as impositions njHin public credulity.
] tut having witnessed the beneficial effect* of
Mage's Catarrh Hemcdy II|K.U the members of
tmr family and oUit rs. in (Varrlt eases, we un
qualifiedly ptoiwiuiioe it a valuable medicine,
entitled to public eonfidenoe. The proprietor
could easily obtain in CaUdull many certificate*
of its merit*. — Com.
Wisharl's Fine Tree Tar Cordial cursa
cough*, cold* and cot.umptioii. \V)*liait *
Wuroi Kugar Jiri hstiialii>a worm* romplets
|jr,~ Om.
Through the length and breadth of
the 1*1.(1 the celebrate I HI f.\ tilt TIPIEtJ
lli.of* *11(1 Hl.t(SB are aol.l 1* the million for
.'•rent" k.(KW lie* l*l lk * li/i.g * tlx** Tit* T.jr them. For #*i by all
deal* is > <>'.(.
ittittiv iKtite KteaatKNiK ur
was wi*"t.ow'* aooTHiKit sracr is TUB
i'HKscaii*TiiiN or cm.* of ts* i#i rnat* rsrM
cisi.t au* a <••• la U. t'mtafi Slat**, Ml aa*
In. atari fa airly > nut wits W*n fallla* talaly
anri .'a t. arnollitiuta dots*.* aa* eS.l4r*a
l/um tat ftt • lalaat of >u woe* al.| la IS*
It ill. I4U). (I ta* Hone S. ril*t wla*
. ill. i ®,i U * I*o l-.welt an* *tM rat, *o*ll*
a • . . 01at to nailu. aa* eS.l*. W. 1u11... It to
s# ts. i., i * > MoH.orir Is t*o Wurt* ta all
' i'Vi,*M.r *o* ntaaMina* ta tut
l.a*s t;,of .( oior-t f>..ra T00U...1* Of
t ..I ..... Dull riifaciiuoi tr at.u will ao
. .. . . St. ill. a,.... OOUU.BO nolo** It*
i. < >• i ari* eaaaiHs.aoß is*buie*
a r *►)..,
sot." h* *t.n wrtociss t.aat.BHS
HOUHEHOLII wi.g vs.l! Von knit.. I
FAN ACE A Ta fc "
... .... y Ouk.i i !*• Hmii# or *>-
(u*. Bill-u0 COIIO. fata la (Bo
LINIMENT. or aid#, • t>oJ4
l Ta* ff 1 0BB"U>
.V' Uiaiaurv 10 uf *ll
HOUSEHOLD <11.0.0 .*0 ion>o*r fuu aaa.l
PANACEA '•- n*r*al aa* Bktarasl u(*
It ha ear#4 I*o abuv* an**-
F\* 1(1 y faiat* la Ukuaaaari* of 1., M
r*00 10 aa *a>.**o about It
LINIMENT. Tr* It. Bxlri bf all f>raviot
( lllLtlKat Uiri k.ll HA t. *C Alt
Kit H
I- m a* ct*er DO.. Iko kint| wortat ta Iki
wauwH's vaawiri-ea coanvw
will riMi.uf w r. •itauat tujarr .to ta* Milt,
be" 0 !> W'Mira, Ml fc# Sua all etlwtki
or . Lbar tnfurtout a.uuilr atari ta
worm itraparatioc*
Ct bits * kluVI, rmynotor*.
B. '4 1 S; VulUa btract, Btw To.a.
S i b* I'TUfuftstr sari .'*o4#t* sari bsirrt ta
ka. . >"SI Twaao f>. ( mi. Sua.
The Markets.
saw rukt.
Iss4t tI*~ Ift ... lo Kxtrs | .11 0 ,im
1 i>ii|<>oU)
N 5..1 10 S0 .11
liar) lL:o 1M1b... .'Wft* .Mb
lo.iwtor u*io .10
v; !, c vra... 00.'.' 0*6.*19
11 • 1.0 ■ <c,o on,
1 '.OMSI I .
- '1- -%0 .
-1 ''.lU* "*, .16
1 til -> .1.0 Vi-wOan, t •' *.*!
Lor* r M 0 0. S
W rl ttrl Wiwlrra... 11l . I.U
bo. XHfrUNf Itt 0 l,t
H IT 0 1 Ot
H.rir) • Vtstl . IT! t i.n
<l. V. rj VV S.l e; * Ub
•' V I' I U ....... .01 * ,*t
1( 1 >-. 18.(O o*o.oo
-o e-r 1 u ... . ift.uo tr.*
H !. TB., -Jurat - <OO <b ! 11
fs:k- M--> ... I*.Si,*i?.Ml
Ur-1. I ~ .11 0
IVOulrl, Qru>W US%.(>,lu .til,
UolU*— suii M 0 .XI
Obi" I ix* ,2t * .al
*• .ri * .si
Wiwv is <irJw.*o I* * .'JO
Ttnntv: ruui* fix. ....... ,jj * so
Cancwt —Mi! 1.. •> ....... .11 0 .Ity
•• Wrlwoi<st- ..! 0 .1*
. (LIS. .Iri 0 lit,
lij, .](
H~f O.UIO .3 u 7|
- ....,, a.#* tin
1Jv0..... to * .►
f. or .. t .1 0 y (01
Wb-sl—No. ri MJTIOO- 1..-M 0 I a*
Cart, .ril 0 .fit
W. SS k 14
LIO tin
lUr I. -V 0 I.JO
M i. .11 k .lis
IM I S *1.76
MM* fj 1 ix
. 10 -V 0 I .-J 0 .0*
K*r . ; .*l. 1. S * 1,80
(ba -'si. ,t!S 0 .ST
tVatSOß—Low M tldl (o*. . .1 ■ -ity
y ir Kiln t * * -JX
w !.vt 1.01 0 1.7"
Own Ttflow 7s * .77
'bo . Ml 0 .71
r I -.Mn 7j-t,,X.®
W'ir. WMlfll ljri.„„ 1 . . * 4..11
OOT tktlwr J* A j$
MIC .*lO *0
Wei' .—■<VrO'lo.,.. . 10 llounodlf^
Ciovw BtKd X.i® *l6.<
Tstatalif XtW 1.7*)
Purifies the Blood, Et novates and In
vigomtc-s the Whole System.
Ita Medical Propertiei are
Alterative Tonic. Sol
vent and Dinretic.
V rori ltHo< nrttioflrßca .bajiMuamof
rcfj !) • n-ii'i ii **. tout# *OO btrbt,uari *0
nr. .-' j . t>< < <>tr*<*4, (but tt will rlkc-atilf
0)04. Ca.r f-.MB Ibf 0)0.0)* rrttf Ul t< f *< -rU.
s.-r. t i >ni Uiar, Tuaori. tiir*r, Caarorcua
Uua. ). Krtait'Ut. -H, SmbtUUc Iftt
***< • < . k i. r.'Blt 1 >0 at lb" Mcaiuk, a:.ri *ll
4 >*• * 7b*. *r ir ft. ta Itaj art b'O'ri. Sr atlas,
1 f miKtwt 7 a: ri Osteal* abtumt:im. N.oral
* . Co .. and *p.a*t .M9f-l#!rtt, ears o>lj M
•S, rtatlly corad (hrengVi .be b'.Siri
For t ltia and r (F.t*o 1 100*000 of tba Skia !
rvtli lca. lircj ltt, B1 trhr. Boil*. Tt.). Se10- ]
brl ur.ri Xirftxa. v t'-m** k* acvar fai.tri to ;
eSo. . ■ p-tim* -rot cr.
r r r> > * IB lb* B<k. KiCnry row|lilt't,
!<■<.;>, F< :-■! W**k <. L*o orrhmk. Arising
■VoOI tr l*rn*l iil tu'.li*, *>i4 u*ri• * •••. BB*
0* eil 1-skiHij-. VKtnai <is lirMlf Bfcfi
ik tiam Ulliiit ra>|>l*tuts. It Invi* TI W<
Attsnfthens tb h--l* iji'm. <• npio lb*
A*ci*ti* i(>o. >!:!■ it flsraniklWMi, ram
ale*r*ti. . B4 r#*o!is !t* b >w It.
K r t osirh, DjP*l>*i*. Htb.tukl Coitioiini.
l'i I nation < f ihe Basrl. Ritlutl.fllM. K*rrco
0- *'*! rioUralioi l lb# Srrrt'Bi If*
l*m.n n4h- • h * "" SIVTB BBrb j>*rf*ct
AA-.h* i.ra ii lb- V* m* II lb*
IKml.fiuiltlllloribl ne*A. *r4 | ntiiM t
wßlinUltl p an ovwr lh Brvmjs s)ilra.
Tbe r#in*k*t 1 curt t *. -I*4 bjr Turarutß ks-rt
I i; ei *J WIBIIV I SYIK-LBTN *B a apolblrwlM wb.-a
-.* knew lo i-itf-ribe ud us* It to tbtir cm
) f*miU*s.
1 i ffe.l. T' ariia it lbs beit rraiflf r*t 41*-
mid! r thf- .1. re •>-******. #n4 11 lbs onlj
j i *ii. sioon rrniFii ar pto*4 twfor* tb*
rji*rKti ST
11. R. STEVEN'S, Boston, Mass.
Price. OX.BO.
Said by all Diuggi ant Dealer* Ev*rywhr*.
Dropsy Dfabo tfs j
Cravcl Dyspepsia
Constipation Jaundico
Bright's Disease
And nil 4iArs**ef lb liver *n4 kiCß'Ti Tbl
I ,1 ■ W k" *" •'"! •' II * fetl.e.l> f< IS* -
Bli > ■ i,ln * 1 prl. <•' 111* v rid, |t I
Iru-v , , fill hl ' B • ' >' tA Ml -n Ih* ttunsll
■ til.m II tl now l*Hk |>pwl BL lb* folio* IB* |
' Harrrl <" irl ft hilfdo |T ißm'J- bn aril }nB.
• i • .- ! . ,n. .•-., Mil- • lw'l-1 • V I
c, muti •• - fi"i iSB-tvlct, i-iih is" 1, Hi. 1 a'iir 'i I
iuir nri vklll l--r w -ukh*l| I. 11 R<>, k "pong
u,. c OI.IS .♦ CO W.tikfkbß, I
Wit ,f w <-rdi-i • f-1 thr Br ot 'it clrcttlß'k.
C C I'l.iN ( CO.. Wn k li. Wi> Mini a u-4
. ... ~ri tr-m On- Wifi< ni le-rk Spilwir Wniki
!.. \s • f r tin nih-oi. I hi* - - f ii ml it ' cm re
- ,f f -. • nn < r tb* mm-. U- for 1 r->.-umiirid
liii-rlh l I- . Bl- V-Ji.ri,%!l l*| ti"B.i Ml III*
11.. ,| I ,R -F "O II- 1"- • V BLID f*R
!.li ,It S I w r-1. t>" J1 IB* ipClfl • Vtaitlr f I
- !
r .... ,nM. l" l flu I- * C" ii In fin ■ I buns 1
. Bipi l " i uriiißl* • t I but i-tbrr
• ,i Iml Co II •• n* . p il'n ihm Ih* Mhnrßl I
1 . k SpOl r'• P*-1 • k-d I ill-*rm HIT **-
.om n mill <-U hn n.-- ifl ri.-d wi h lb* flik
**•* * mm- nl* k own rii-<-'*i.
Ifally )iin-. Ai.fßkP xvttsaw,
n-pi. i ■ I In*. 110 l . N •W. Third Strri-I.
11l 101. Wlk . MBT 7.ISTS.
*!•. r r. or is .i i>■ r>*ir .>*.• i i i*ti
m y.f Ih* ari-i.l viiut-1 f Mi*tl Kirk fp u-|
w • ft ihm* mff Oi u w-ih (iliritr ih* Km- |
n*T I will it-*i*lk*i IM b-*n inSiiltni far
< fn*|i ■■ b-*i w Hit *iik*ir *no firm*t I'd with a 1
rti*'r •h I* -hirkt. HTn.tiicilly lam-s fl*ih ■ d
• h .--.ii flrallT Ih* lilt-1-f in* a-wpr lilrhl.
whi hi m-in .-Im. t <• *id <f f**llie. Mr phjr
• i < • * - - iiriit- anil I*l-1 tbit I hid but * limit
n •.* i • I *■• I In i 101 l I h -p- inl rcciTcry,
w huti I *nl n inc.-1 to u* klln*rkl l*ni k SprluK
M i*r, > .in .-* -h* I h-iV* s" mllr **s'n 1
ib* in - fins I -ib. nil slio stn*d ttrmslh -d
fl *. h 1 i .. i* ' r i-i* hl ii-B'llml iktU r >ll
it i .I.- i i.n it-i Vfill for rrtatntmr hißph. and
in* nr.* i i *h li mif proii ■" illeii iSirted
with k I my r fT.'t-I lo • * B'**l 1 I 1 -kilns *t It hkl
bee* tomyii I Tohi Hilly,
mi.l idiy. Aunili w iiilml ***rjrwh*r. pu tlc
• ■ I 1' 1 1 ,*• fr.-r, 4i I 1- IP- lOh f. Sl.lmnll
With anlntrodu-ilionby Fx-Qor Claflin. i> Rcaily
The (iharaclr and h>rr:rrso/ the Ncbla Stalrk
man, the .-pccia! Ailvanlae** Poiirssed by the
VV.ll-knoirn Authors, the Brautiful Heliolypo
Portrrlt*. Ennravingk. rae-ilm l* Li-tt*r*. its Size
(sf! -I'-.rri. 12m0..i and low Price (tl 50,) com
bin* ion ndor Ihi;- Ih* MOST FOriJLAH BOOK
oi ih* Day.—Agent* Wonted.
BOUT OS: P. LOTH BOP * CO., Fufcliekere.
Semi F r their JmU JVU*trao4 Catalogue. _
Swdkdl BWPtk. Aii ti winled emjikir*. Cir'lk
i?iH' i * Ampin free. F. A, ELLS, Char LOTTE.Miih.
fly ths ■*!. r *1 s1kI,
HAMMOCKS oV iC:fi a •
T<•••■• s axiii
ThS llltil I sit Knilo Ibr.k far lbs It .rill}
l(tul *• l tl,i ftums I'm l lil l> Vnpf bt on
larsiyl. I LICK * rllKl'Akfl, holtou.
|)l*ainl lluslnsas fur I.A Hi irUtr our
f'tnint'i tiiblst (limit For Ist ml sd.lrM*
| t'liitiiSK Hi mm Winn 7 flrrst J'••* kl . * *
Afs I' ■ I bus . rrr bwsn itsbliilM t il'h uxisrwil
litcrul le Iks ArusM. in |*..|.l# )i s|>|>cali lo i.u
|.irti.i.Ur i <•../-. but to uM tlaaisi , to Btsn
, .hi m> MI u ait |u< fiM imi, t rssdi, i u|ttn#
I ai I l' lit I I I (Mill ,01 -in t UMII.UHIMI tail
I MSI. Ms ~ 11. rbsr.ti i, |-b> Hi too*. I'i4 Ih iiui,
> rti.dsuW. M• iifi. imir., Hila.m.n, n
; • f M Slid Iffr ii slUt <SB utily is* 1, tu old sod
yuauy All want It si sb ob • (miuil nl rsurs,
sud ||. biiiriti fai tkstf rk lllsn sod tbidrss's
rbtldf ss ths r iWfilr Is *u * rrl sbt work.
• b *to k >b m|*i. its insults of "I'll K KtllnT
<>V' HI \lf IIICI \ KAIln (IK TIIK
•sWK AT ICs I' It KIM S't.M TUB WOltLll
Kll.ll IttV. It I: 1 t s I ill, BUI • BS< t III'
if to SCSI y writ ' roictl A rust t. sit rltltss.
Atfsut* nsbs flio Ui f f*t |.s* KMftli Sand fr 5ir
...1.1 /.fiOt.RK A M.CfKH*. Fbltfl.t|>bia. Fa
Tin Itaal Iti Istinliii.
*... •
|*.si, sud bi.iur|i4s**4 lor Oas
-i lt J
Osir llw ts t!
■Bj| BEN J. 0. WOODS,
Ma *4 ?<ari It 4 I)biar u
mvmtf 4rfii.l o*i of
I< FrtfrrsUHd IMKsw
listl Ota.. Mstls*.
Aocin C f Mi< X >111) b. * Mnr
rs> I . its* Tort Kaksy. H •
Msrk tk>, I b Ud.ll b. . I F Kuabdl. 1 MSHuS
k.ll mfi. Bsr .1 Illustrated '. *<abua
With It* Riorums < limits, tua*- tßosst ususry
■Mai * INMMN, It Ilk Rfosrfstr. fklMtud Sol
kssltb sdssutsMfi Osttsrsi sod .• '.• ti.r risa
tlso HW. frss Atbdrssi A M FArTEJUIUtI, firt
Colli ~i Colorsdo
t hi Y I •sotiff ui tkasddiss* of tr |d>rsooi *ttk
■ ltv.ll s.i, 1 *<•!*. frss.* b#*Mtlft>l < br mo
nklC I* * " *"' t •* •"' i*l lIrS.IMiSI o*ll
UNfc I Ci/ v .V ... fy • .Mr Stmtk lk •.. Kits. fi.
Dy pusrontoft<s>-^r
AttKNTk I (Till t" nil cur Jaitlf rtlrlrtlll
iftwlMtui UI M< SMI. Ibdtf IMClllsblS s> I
lbs. lUI J Ifl.UUtf St 11.11
Milk I'll 1. A . Tbsy dive ! rt sod utti
He. :n., iilH.t|t|.|.l tMNMt llil.
OI'TtIIKM. 11. 11* |ls .r I W. fr.r.fl of
II till A If KK. f' r I lu.trsied clftu
sr Lf fbKi.l UI smi >. 1•> i tM bars •• b V
Atta-tar M..ii ku.Aira X Y-. lbs I*, rftriton
of Kssd. W hslrssmr. Hsltrlom .... l ; >-
nttS) I. 1. I. M..r. I* o4 dibn. I'.. ftbl..ttS
••si tttsslM. sHsw ist itbs I irsjsus *•. ii ii carpus.MM
Ku'.d b • I 0"Ci . Ibsmtlis. B-tts ssls
•i>. lubMiß .1-1. OB Kami 808 lit still mh lies.
Tti* tf+trC §wK mf CA#
n Ann si i *iv* ih hm lUsb co.
lb* *jn r *J V L(U 0 " AM4E.
u4 Oikx 4 l< * i"- ■ i <• i •*. uiTcJrtMj mm
/# /• &€r-;tp& IfAf fJW
Ai/f*m# (irnrl i/ fi# ('fitmat tHa*tms
to to ...i nl i-* I Oh I t. J *i k#
UrmUrH /km Jfef mf M<ffh fpkaf,
A ffcs OM. r B|. ,'1.1|.. If.Of MM. klfk
Sbt <• .1 /krs ml. sr f* rtjUt and U/l.
(Ls|Mif /l.rl.
ItU PS* .1. ( 111 '1 It. I.M s
( ? f Ml ssd lib (I . !.<•.
4Hj,fiN. yriiiMiidi. k—a. i
f it Mr*. bnMkr ftt 85 a ur* i.f Mrr
!">. Hi|i. 'nr *u* t Hnrrickt
iSfOtm. tow trtaaKr itnr
4 ' " A *• k'Jf -I*-i m+4 I
I T #ll It Alls* * r !'■* 'L ■ fci. *! ...... f| ®4,e .
>; -l •Tl* It
Ail •.1 tJir rwi tol* • |i.v4freb-i ;*■{}
•turudgf trt MM) itmM -mto ta J
14. - ... I 4 ."f m tniM tff • re;* I • •* SNMk ▼*
CUm AriL Wito No.iof*i*>Mid. j
(2$ #. ...'maJ'miW mr*4mamd Ht*u* !*<** t
tow* r* *4 I "•■ * *4*r .uy k.ioitot *'* t*i It j
U*M *.# vNM to Hs'4 JtrCr * I d
f I. r - ... *•*.. . . 125 :• V2OO •> '
fetoU. '.-•* • - id ma l< .**:>. fratmmt. i|
a.D.woermxiijroA a onu
The Best ib :h World.
t aoIiiX OSTAL
k :
m l 3* (nftUTT ISTIBT I
W.ik .. 1 fl*tl s ns it csiuioal
its.iril . f 1 a Crrstn tsr !<*, Yrt-ssa Frulis. msy i.s liim in tnm to rt i
II.IIIUI. . *1 tlir sil'.f lbs f.|>rsu.r. silk slaoil
b" Hvabls sns bti ir.fl os|is"*s. It It sck os l
idfMi IHr ' In! P-rrnr II tu k'lrid, 1 st.4 s h.s
nrf nt f*mil r ibfutd bs * ilbt. liblllcSlfi
Fur uls b, tbr rrs r #;. |H|. If f< st lbs
llrii, IT ,olrr ft Hliirltlrjr'i frrftcr.Ml I!
I i fur is.s 't. } ui town, is J dirort U ( IIIV
li. kLirCIILEt. .Unsfirlsrtr. Co*
sr. ft.. Kbiis.
Of the !*lililts(fh t*tv nM rfitrtrt
s Ihfn ft i:ure,i>fi i|id two tfeirai
• frtw t iHilUt } 101 kh< ikht
tn iKfittct %•. rnifrt Bn
Tarr iBl * Scltter AjwrWat
J would prevsul a I th' ir miecy i It* rrguiaUrg
< fiv |Y#rnf ut,| Fur *i* I j wit 4*w.-
, ACESTS W l*T I) fur ll, nrw book,
U * AMI API MSTCtuts or
Kit Carson
turn IWW fScUtcJUV M*ll T<ew>f# mm* * -vwiw
i (ww4 A*rMkr'bM <' vnß.mmn, icwrT
ertßl, • T ItalsedC FM w* 4 ff.wms4tD f It*
' Jtbrt •• iT'kd f It w I AR few* f K ifgrgM, w<t| A
* lilt. ti4W W* wI d ihc IK I!*r ,*4 ifc JtalVlC W Al, At
• worfcofm-Tom tLl.iwssWf
Xtwjul Carfflnn'g CVrtiflml#.
Nt Mturt
TVU it*f<ff"i I l *J TWtr ti C Fnfiit,!! J* K.
I ißiaww* J yWDJii '-iwfefea MfwkiKCw^
! s
as Z']
*! 1 iV.oIUSAX A UA.SIwUMI.Uws
! al"".! Kerb usek Aew.t* aa- led, partiru
' C* I J !*r, Tirr. 3. WOfcf I! A V . fi! la Ui Wo
WHY"""' '• ' ' •-•bar* and
still ,ips,d , v.iioht ia... ;* m rsb
virt-r *c at c i • t lon# P cleat •-*' * day
I riui. h.rsi ir.,!# - stbMDt.,mu,H
nnmr otblcd. *! Wcndeia Sluu.t U read by
Kltiilt S-nsficef . iSlaiit. A !dr. ..
DUV/Ik I'H. lb XAfAHT (isrtitesll.ft.
Dlt- MTI. *. rTCH*
Will b- sent fee >• esail to any one etudiag their ■
ddrv..toT'< iu J
" T%f * Irtriwj W • -liw v ers ffce besf irffMi <i I
(A* n,r is j,i4 Jftr sk* i.aSs v wad i# i.'.t brsf >.}
atl I rh. If tkrn / t "f><wr*?ir " *raf > yatir <
itara.affiiloHOUKsr*' < If. ''ft,. l- V •'. j
Iron in the Blood.
fTgrr Vtmfiam
and Knrlcho* th*
bkw.l, Tone* up tl.
t-s s'.im HuiMs up the
Broken-dewn. l un s
betuai* 'mnidaißis,
tlK-rv Tly*; |uL do
Thousands hara
born cliamrod by t'-a ol this ivmeiiy
fiMta Ucak. (dcklr,
nuflWnjr creatures, to
strorp. hralthr, and hsopr mco and wuuirn; ami
u,vis! I* canm>t resnoaaUy h-s 'sto t.sglr* Uatrßik
thi ' '"! ito rue vi-'i pet the right artirla. I s **
fSvt - I'crmUa t".run"' i bhB ia tli* p'as.
I'aintdib-tsfroe. S .tlforono. SKlu W 1 \M' l.h
Jk WNS, l'mijeictos*, DosUsn, Mass. Fur Suie by
\ grists \\ ain ril,-Men or w-tnou. (Mirok,
or r'eHeit VcifwaWr namples /fee. Write t
st once to p. M. BFKD. Kiifhth Strcei. Kesr York. !
*PP rn TEA AHKKTB wanted tn St wn and I
I r"| ran. iwt to sell TEA or got up elnbj
■ WnswwM orurrs tor the larprst T-'s Company 1
iu Araerics. loij- irrs' prices an-l tiiuucomouisv]
to An-it. Se-d fbr circular, A'dreas,
pu. (-or Will - 4* v-**v x.. b Y V O. Ho*. li>l
CtMiftrlnal; aifl Tourists,;
it# for o<>utumpti>ea and Athuit- !
iCt. Full j artiiular# g- tph t*ef\
AUtlraflt, A. U. PATTFRSOW.
Fort Coiiin#. Colorado, j
/ B*l PLOYMK\T. At h. me
\ J u al© or feiuai*. * wef-k vr#i rented. No ca|t
tal required. Full I>arttculara and a valuable
srmplf it nt free Ado rets, with Act. return nt*mp,
A T>. YorXO. J** fifth St. W liiait bur tf h. N. Y
■HI— Wi l 111--SO.-—II rniimilT - Wlg/n 'IM II ■ ■
V.'otlt for Everybody Good V.'aj-ca. Ferma
nc it Employment. Men and Women wanted.
i ull particulars free.
Address, W. A. HENDEBXi'N A C^.,
Cleveland, >..,0r St. 1 imit. Mo.
A pmniMll Send MS els. to OhO. P. K'>W-
A KLi. A CO.. 41 Park Row, New York, fir their
Pamphlet of nil on pes, conUining lists . f 3KM cews
pspers, ana cstimat .1 showtug cost of auvcrtittug
I>r. J. Walkw'M California Via-
Mjar Hitter* are A purely V<wCaW
preparation, mads chiefly from tli na
tive berb found on the lower' f
.. range*
the Sierra Nevada mountain* of Califor
nia, the medicinal iirofwrtk* of which
are extracted tberefiom without the uaa
of Alcohol. The quortlon la almmi
dally aked, *' V'bat i* the ranee of the
unparalleled aucceta of YIXKOAS BIT
TKKaf* Our atwwer ia, that they rwnovw
Lire COOM of dbtooae, and the patient re
cover* hie health. They are lire (treat
Wood purifier and a life-giving principle,
a perfect Bcaovator aud Invlgoratcr
of the ijiltut. Never before It) tho
hintury of tiui world ha* a medicine been
eoinpotmi'rd poaMMxing the remarkable
qualities of Vianoaa liirrwui in hearing tbe
tick of every dnmaee man u heir u>. They
are a gentle Purgative a* well u a Tonic,
relieving ConfOfwHi or I n&immfttiflQ of
the Liver aud Visceral Organ*. ia BOiou#
Tbl proporl it*# of !>*- WALKER •
TIKKUAK Hirrww r* Aperient, Iheshwwue,
Cemioeuve, Nutrition*, lhuretio,
Sedetivc, Counter-irritant, Budnfic, Altera
tiv*. And Anfi Bilk**.
Grateftil Thousands proclaim Vi
EG ALE BITTEES the mwt wonderful In.
veronal that ever rosUioed U- wnkicf
) etem.
No Person ran talie these Bitters
according to direction*, and remain long
unwell, provided their bones are not de
stroyed by mineral poison or other
means, and vital organs wasted beyond
Bilious, Remittent and Inter
mittent levers, which are so preva
lent in the valleys of our great.rivers
throughout tbe United States, especially
those of the Miasibsippi, Ohio, Mi-WHiri,
Illinois, Tennessee, Cumberland, Arkan
sas. Red, Colorado, Bra**, liio Grande,
Pearl, Alabama, Mobile, Savannah, Ito.
anoke, James, and many others, with
their vast tributaries, throughout out
entire country during the Summer and
Autumn, and remarkably so during sea
sons of unusual heat and dryness, are
in variably accompanied by extensive de
rangements of the stomach and liver,
and other abdominal viscera. In their
treatment, a purgative, exerting a pow
erful influence ujioa theso various or
gans, is essentially necessary. Thero
is no cathartic for the purpose equal to
as the? will speedily remove the dark
colorrdi viscid niatier with which tbo
bowels are loaded, at the same tsrno
Ml, mulaling she secretions of the liver,
and generally restoring the healthy
functions of the digestive organs.
F rtifjr the body airainsl disease
by purifying all iu FILUKK with VIXEGAE
Birr EES. No epidemic cart take bold
of a System thus fore-armed.
Dyspepsia or InditrrMimi, Hend
rsrhe. Pain in tbe Shoulders, rcmehs.
Tightness of the Chest, Dirtiness, Sour
Eructations of the Stomach. Bad Tasto
in the Mouth, Bilious Attacks, Palpita
tat ion of the lieart, Inflammation of the
Lungs, Pain in the region of the Kid
revs, and a hundred other painful symp
toms. are the offsprings of Dyspepsia.
One bottle will [move a better guarantee
of iu menu than a lengthy advertise
Ncrorula, or King's Evil, Whito
PwellmpH, Ulrerm, En Swelled Neck,
Goitre, St-mfuiuiu iulkiutnsU n*. Indolent
laflAuinmUoas, Mm-urh ACeeitoa*. Oid
bores Erupts* >us of the Skin, Snt Ejes etc.
Is these, AS in oil other eot.tiuion*2 Die*
chows their greet curative powers in the
most uUstuuUe and intractable c mm*.
For Inflammatory and Chronic
Rheumatism. Gout. Bilious, Itcmst
tent and luterrnittent Fetors, Diseases of
the Blood, Liver, Kidnev* end Bindder,
these Bitter* have no equal Such B locates
are canned by Vitiated Blood.
.Mechanical Disease*, —personsen
jtrajred in I'aiuls and Minerals, sucli at
l i umber*, Tyjie-tseUeni, Gold-beater*, and
Uiuvr*. as tbey advance in life, are sai#ct
to paraJjuia "of th Bowel*. To gniard
1 i rainst thin. take a done of Walk Kit's Vdjt
j I.UAR ItirncKa <k rai::8ily.
For Skin Diseases, Eruption*, Tet
ter, Salt-Rheum. Rloietw*.-, Spots, Punplea,
PostTlUi. Boil*, Carlmutie*. Rtr.g worm*,
Scald-bead. Sure Eye*. Erysipelas. Itch.
•H-urf*. Dincoku-ailaiis of the Skin, Humors
and Diaoaaes of the Skin of whatever name
or nature, are literally d-sp up and earned
out of ihe system in a short utile by the use
•f these B-tiers.
Fin, Tape, and Other Worms,
'••.rkinc in the sv*:e of w many thousand •.
are edet tually destroyou and it ..toted. h'o
>y stent of medicine, "no renntfaeex, no an
• helminitics will free the system tswtn worms
hke these Bitters.
For Female Complaints, in toting
or old, married or staple, at the dawn of su.
manhood, or the tani of life, thc.-o Tome
Bitters displav eo decided an influence that
rsnproremrnt is soon perceptible.
Ciesinse the Vitiated Blood when
ever yon And its impurities bumtnp throo jh
the akin in Pimpiea, Eruption* or Sores;
cleanae it when yon fed it obttlrocled and
in the viwns; ck-jumc it when it is
foui, your leciiajEs will tail YOU whom Keep
the Uh>d pure, and the health of the system
will follow.
it. n. MrnoMi.n & co..
Druggists and Go* Arts.. Sab I'maoi-or. Califs-tig,
•ad cor. of W**binet.ri and CharSoa St . X. f.
*®M by alt Drugs*'.!, aud Dealer*.
jr. r. .v f.-.-Mo. as
MCM UtYr.nn-in n<r|iai,nk
C.' tilt.'iufnHiO! W ccei it it|
s> 1 **! WOW. Q. Wrnmm *ro..*Urar..O.
n#ellfal Disco very, which -.,.-uhi bf
■be taken enructty to correct blond and Bfi
B •rsirrn. which are always at fan)!, also &J
■to act specifically, upon the ilr m-cxi j[
OT iirls of the sow Br<l It* chamber*. §1
■ Catarrh Uetnclv • ,'kuiM Ite.<p|iiu-<1 lih gi
y Dr. Pierce's >';wal Douc bc.ivilhM
■ which medicine o*n be carried ktyh up B
18 sir) |ierrci? <j aj la all parts of |a- tq
■ sate* awl cSiamiK-r, in w hicii sore* ami 23
HtOrrrs c\t*t, and from which -l;-c!iar;teB
■ proceeds. m NeawMiwiiUi ei nmfl
■ of treatment proven,that the pro<>rietorH
■ offer* f ilK< Reward f->r "a . a-e of wi
■** Void in Ueatl ** or I uUtrrh which be (9
j-U cannot cure. The two medic lues with ]
Ml instrument, for Si, by all tiruyryist*. 1
Nature's Great Remedy
It I* th, vital ptiacipia of th. Pis* Tree otxalsa#
-T a peculiar process in the distifiation of the tar, by
which im highest medicinal properties si, retained-
T o in iu crude tut* has beeu retommemled by
•lament physicians of ocy i.W. It is confidently
•fitted to the afflicted for the following simple reasons*
. It cvKta,— M*t iy mtrm/i.y tJkt .-***—
but by dissolving the phlegm and attulinf uaiw t us
throw off th* unhealthy nutter causing the irritatwa.
Is cases of I tufa UONSt-M ril ox it both prolongs and
senders leas burdensome the life of the afflicted si.'fierer.
a. Iu healing principle acts upon th* irritated BUT,
fee# of the lungs, ftmtrotinf to tack dutcutd f*rt,
Mlicvmg pain, and ra t-Juing ixjtammatum.
J- It rcsi fiss and ens - mics ik* i.ood. Positlvw.
hr curing all humors, fr • - rommon riurLß as
nvmOM tothe severestcase. - rofiibi 1 - rtip
af affidavits could be produced lrt m thnse who havw
felt th* beneficial effects of Pike Turs Ist Cbanras
In the various diseases aris eg tram luruAlTias as
4 to Ml igtrtfti Ikt diftitr. c trrnnt sad rtttmr*m
tktaffttiU ,
Atl who have known or tried i e. L. Q. C. Wis.
hart t remedies re pure no rt! iren from us, but tlm
names of thousands cured by thcra can be given tn
nay on, who douiiu smr suiement. Dr. L. O. C.
Wuhart'i Great Amtrhau Dytfitftut Pillt — r it
Use* fipoan 1/nora have never beeu equalled, fw
mi* by all Druggists and Storebaepcn, and at i
Pr. l a c. raaari ca-t,
w- aw -- -- - --in^