THE CENTRE REPORTER THURSDAY JUNK 4 I*7*. ~ LOCAL ITEMS." Our friend- will oblige by sending us item* ot local news in their locality, giye u- the fact* only, and we will put them in thapc, al-i notice* of deaths ami marri ages. . . Any one tending u* the nam#* ot six new subscribers, with the cash, will be entitled to receive the RkPORI s H one year tiee. The lln-oK'i kk being read by nearly every body on this side ot the county, where it has a larger circulation than any two papers, will be found the best medium for advertising business, sales, Ac Ac Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, last, wore very warm days, our thermometer stood 92 in the shade. The AYilliamtport Daily Register, is a spry and lively paper. Only it reaches us "next day." Kan-l's net gsclivvinner schioke, Bieriy7 -Fro*t on last Tuesday morning. No serious injury, On Friday ot last week, the lower end of our valley xras visited by a heavy hail storm. If you want any Poland China pig-, better go tor them in time at John Bi*h ei's. Centre Hill, lie keep* the ni.est "wutalln" you ever saw . Lock Haven had so much "jam lately that it is not dependent upon tlie next fruit and berry crop. The fruit trees are heavy with blossoms and every tdication tor nn abundance ol ail kinds of fruit, "^N /7 -Our young ministerial friend. Rev. 'A. A. Berlin, recent y supplied a vacant pulpit in I.ewistow n. His sermons are ap preciated aiw ays. Th* potato-bug is showing itself pretty numerous in some patches in this locality. Thcv look like miniature soap ing turtles, and may plav havoc with th* p*lato crop. AV# Lam i decided whether they are a humbug or not, neither do we car®if only th#y made their living ou grasshoppers. Went So thi stone-mill dam, the other week, fishing Brought home a cat-fish, 31 inches long. This set all the sports hereabouts entry, and they're been out ever since trying to beat us. —A nunnery will be established in Williamspoi' this summer, bather Koer per, paste r ct the German Catholic church in that city, is the originator of it. When the building s completed it w.U be occu pied by r.uns from Germany whe have become weary of the many annoyances they base been subjected to < f late by the Bon an.k government. An act has been passed by the iegi.- lature and signed by the Governor, dis pensing with jury trials when agreed u; on by the contesting parties, they to submit their case :o ihe decision of the court which -hall hear and determine the ! same. This is an entering wedge for the dispensation of jury trials, except, in crim inal cases. Oar neighbor, John Rishel, across the vml.ey, can beast of having bees that j swaraied or. the 27th uit. Considering tho > lew temperature of the season, this is note worthy. His bees are the Italian. —INFORMATION WANTED.—lnforaia- j lion cfthe whereabouts of William Black . is desired by hts s.slcr. When last heard j from, Mr. Black was living at Potter's Mills, Centre county. Pa. Any informa tion concerning Mr. Black will be thank fully received and should be addressed to Orrin Sargent, Wilkon Creek P. 0., Tio ga county, N. Y., or to D. 8 Dunham, , Alto.,a Pa. One of our subscribers at Peters burg, .Mr. 1). Conser, writes us of a large man. from a memorandom which he tound in his father's book : "A great man died in 1826, inGlenchester, Mass. Capt. Wrn. D until, who weighed, one month before his death, 4-t-i pounds. His coffin was made of plank, 3i feet broad across the shoulders and three feet deep, and seven feet long, and it took ten men to bury him His age was 37 years." Our Congressional District (the 2u, is composed of the counties of Union, Clinton, Clearfield, Elk, Mifflin and Cen tre. Our Senatorial District (the S4th.) it composed of Clinton. Centre and Clear lie ill eounties, and the Judicial District -omprises the same counties. -—Two young men, George Geiatwhile aid Wn. Frank, living near Aaronsburg. left their homes on Sunday last for some tnkaown region*-Without the knowledge ol their parents. Before leaving, they dropped a note for Mr. John Geistwhite, the father of the former, informing him of their departure, and of hnving purchased a bill of goods on his account. Nothing has be-n heard ef them since. ——The price of eggs is 12c, butter 15, and the price for killing potato bug* is 5c per 100. The S. &j Convention comtnanceu J at Spring Mills, on Tuesday evening, i The attendance on Wednesday was large, exercises very interesting and beneficial. ! for the Reporter, and.don't I read it at your neighbor's expense any lon ger—be an independent American citizen. During the thunder gust on last Monday morning the grist mill ofWm. Moyer, formerly Luekenbech'sj was . struck by lightening and slightly damag ed. Mr. Moyer was knocked sen-e'essby the shock, but soon recovered, and held a child by tho hand at the time, but wo did not learn that it sustained any injury. AN IMPORTANT LIQUOR CASK.—Ven der of Intoxirnling Liquor Held for Dam age.— One of the most important cases thai claimed the attention af the Blair county court the present week was that of the widow and heirs of 8. Burgett versus W. Bridenthal. It was an action of Case, and came up yesterday. About eighteen months since S. Bur gett. deceased, who was employed in driv ing an ore team stopped with his team at this hotel of W. F. Bridenthal, in Marti ns -I'tirc and whilst there it was alleged he drunk a sufficient quantity of liquor to become intoxicated, and while in this con dition he mounted the saddle horse of the team and continued <>n hi* journey. A short time afterwards he fell from his horse and the wheel of the wagon passing over Iff- body ho was killed. The heir- of the deceased brought suit against Mr. Briden thal, the proprietor of the hotel, to recover damages in the sum of one thousand dol lars on account of the death of the husband and father. The action was brought un der section 3of the act of May 8, 1851, (Purdon's Digest page 'JIG ; Sec. 35.) and a jury was enipaunelled lust evening to try the case, yet before the jurors were sworn the case was settled by the defendant, Mr. Bridenthal, confessing judgement for the sum of six hundred dollars. Section 3of May 8, 1851, before men tioned, reads as follows: "Any person furnishing intoxicating drinks to any other person in violation o! any existing law or of the provisions of tins act, shall be held civilly responsible for any injury to the person or property inconsequence of such furnishing: and any one aggrieved may recover full dama ges against such persons so furnishing by action in the case, instituted in any court having jurisdiction of such form of action in this Commonwealth." So far as our personal knowledge ex tends this law has before appeared upon the surface in an action for damages in the Biair county court, yet it bears a striking similarity to the Ohio liquor law, while its provisions are teo plain to be misinterpreted and must set at rest the disputed question of tbe persona! iiubility of the vender of intoxicating liquors for damages. When one reflects for a moment of the amount of woe, and wretchedness, and in jury and crime which has disgraced the country the past few years, and which can be solely attributed to the traffic in intox icating liquors it is certainly surprising that similar actions for damages have not followed each other in rapid succession, and the men who wero responsible for it all made to smart under the enforcement of the wise provisions of tbo law in ques tion. — Altuona Tribune. POLAND CHINA PIGS, the best breed known, are offered for sale by JOHN KISHEL, of Centre Hill, at $8 to sl2 per oair, from different litters, and single Po land Chinas at $5 to $7- These prices to stand if pigs are bought withinja reasonable time, otherwise there will be an advance CJrresponding with age. 14 may. 3t. For the Reporter SI'AWLSFROM PKNN. The appearance of the fruit crop is very good it! present The cherry tree" ar well laden with cherries, end the apple- are in a promising condition. We hope there!* nothing in store intended to destroy it, * full crop would he well appreciated. Penn township i* already bountifully b'e--ed with the animile the potato hug We had a little display of l'ittsburg ei der, or something else, en the street en last Friday eve home came to the con clusion that a certain man * laying out a fence, hut we think hi* mind wa* soiuc* what confused, notwithstanding lie was on the wrong ground entirely, (being on the middle of the street, 1 for we do not need a fence thete, it i full of obstruction* as it is Sir John Breon. of Pent*, lost u valua lie horse from the -(feels of a wound in tinted by Sir. Breon w-lh a dung hook. Mr. Breon. while attempting to drive the h re, hit him with the dung hook which turned in his hand, and one ot the tines p.creed the horse of which he died In a few days. On last Tuesday morning Mr, Amos Alexander and ladv left here for Michi gan, to pay a visit to their friends and acquaintance* there, the chief of which is thei. sen. Dr. J. K Alexander The l'cnn Hail student, have been after j litS. 0. in last week. Reporter, using allL the great words and polished grammatics, expressions, at their command As to the resolution I had been informed, as 1 lated in la-l weeks paper, but am very glad t* hear that the report was not true Also it do, - me good to he informed of the incor rectnes- of the report, in such a polite and gentleman!y manner. 1 think it becomes a student or teacher to usa such excellent language as Student and K S. did in their articles. I thank you gentlemen, for your manners, and your ktndnc**, as well as lor your politeness and your choice in words. Your articles fUUy indicate that you are gentlemen of the highest rank, such that -bun middle language, and altogether as pire to something great, I hope there are scheols fer all either in vt outside ef Gregg If there is no chance for 10S. C. in tiregg he must go to some other place. Don't say Dave , when jou mean 10 S. C. and rice versa. Sheriff Shafor turned tlie key on the Hard-: ware Store in Millhciui on Tuesday of last week and en last Tuesday it was to be sold at Sheriff s sale hut was stopped on the morning of that day by a party from Philadelphia. What will be done with it 1 can not -ay at present It is the desire of the citizen* , f Miilheim that it be open ed soon, as it seoms to be the main spring of business in town. 10 S, C. - Fer the Reporter. PENS HALL SQUIBS We were wrong in .-aying IsrealGron-J oble is building a house at Spriag Millt. The credit belongs to Henry Krumnne.' :,cd we gladly make the correction. On last Friday, the thermometer stood -29 in this place. Whizz! wouidn t a fel- U w fee! comfortable astraddle of an ice berg, with a keen nerth-wester for a fan ? We were shown a tree the ether day, upon the farm of Maj. Fisher, which is certainly a curiosity. Two well formed j trunks start out of the greund at adistance of about lo inches apart, and ascend to the height of about 15 feet, where they art united into a perfectly formed trunk. The whole .height of the tree is probably 70 leet. One of the trunks is about 12, and the other Id inches in diameter. The tree is the maple variety. A few evenings age, some precocious youths conceived the idea of applying tar to the ffute of a yard-fence, through which two gallants were to pass an their way to seethe objects of their affection. It took first-rale—the tar we mean, for not until all the soft scapjand scrubbing brush es in the neighborhood were used up, did those beaux dare to toy with the golden curls of their sweethearts. A shot-gun charged to the muzzle with buckshot, stands ready to welcome a second visit of the gratuitous vendars of tar. On Saturday, we noticed two Centre Hall sports passing through our town .at a circus speed. They had on boiled shirts, which evidently were borrowed for the occasion, and put on raoro style than a country greeny at a fair. Boys, if you snoiyd happen this way again, don't spread yourselves over quite to much tvri tory, and may be, some one will conde scend to humble himself enough to in quire whether your nsa s knew you're out K- 8. Eor the Reporter. BELLEFONTE SQUIBS. . Quite* a number of candidates in town, during the week, and consequently ;!oU of band-shaking. Bill Browu seems to hare some friends left Work is again going on in bis office, end Centre county's good people can look for a -ed-Uot paper next week Suppose it will be thoroughly democratic, fer the whole thing is now owned by democrats. The crusader*, we understand, are or ganizing, and intend to begin operations about next week. We are fcarfui of Belle fonta's safety. How can our town endure the crusaders and the Army Reunion all at the same time? "Shon," the Egyptian correspondent of the Republican, took his meals in town on Friday last. "Jacks'' was out of town for over a week, suppose be was looking after bis chances for the District Attorneyship. Lewis Haas' team comes to town every day with some empty keg-' but ne beer is brought to town. *'Mott ' is only exer-,' cising the horse* to keep them from get ting too wild. It is a fine thing for the people oftliis town, that our streets afford such a good place to exercise horses, or we would never see vn an empty keg We do believe that Adam lloy, Esq., is a candidate for State Senator. Adam is looking out for something. We see him taking such a great interest in the dear people of late. I or the benefit o" the people of Centre, and democrats generally, we give you a list of candidates for '.he different offices, as far as heard from : CONGRESS. Hon C. T. Alexander, Bellcfoate. SENATE. P. G. Meek, Bellefonte, {of course Els) Adam Hoy, Esq. do. ASSEMBLY. C. Munson, Philimburg. John A. Hunter. lialfmoon. II Y. Slitzcr, Bellefonte. J. I*. (iephait S. T. Sbngert " S. S. Wolf, Centre llull. 11. D. Van Pelt, " W. K Alexander, Miilheim. I)r. I>. J. llillibith, Rebersburg. Dr. Fi.-hcr, Zion. S. J. Herring, Gregg. Cel. Kishel, " DISTRICT ATTORNLT. John F. Potter, Bellefonte. W. J. Keuish, J. L. Spangler, " Hew is that for candidates so early in the campaign ! Wont the people suffer be tween this and the convention. MORE ANO.V. A girl 17 year* of age, named Kati* Loin bach, was murdered, at Summit Hill, Carbon county, on Tuesday evening or night of lust wotsk. She had gone to a store in the evening, and did not return. The next morning her dead body, with a number of marks of violence on it, was found in a clump of bushes near the street Julius L. SLuuian, member of the State Legislature, from Lancaster county, was shot by Jacob Wilman, at Washington, that county, on Saturday night. Witman was druiiK, and threatened to shoot his wife, when Shuman entered their housv and interfered. The bullet entered Shu man's abdomen und lodged in his spine. He died on Monday morning. It is interesting to tourists to know that fifty-three steamships have sunk or been wrecked on the Atlantic in thirty-three years. The President was the first and the Europe the last reported. A disease prevails among the fish of river aud lake at Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Their fish under the microscope is alive with animalculae. Millions are floating upon the surlaco of the dealers have been forbidden to sell any. i For the Reporter. Letter from West Virginia. Akmm imu kuh, \\ Ya, Mv is, t M u F. K\ ui /'. s llaviitg i* few leisure moment,, I will devote them to giving you ami other friend* tt few fnet* concerning the country here Arnnldsburs i situated on the west fork of the Little K iiinw ha river, twenty mile lip the former itream, in Calhoun - -unity. W. V Before the war tin- was lln-j county -eat of the county, and i virtually - the same yet, but ft --mo rcu u th< county record* and beok me at lirant* ville at present People in this pail ol the country have sanguine evp.u tatioii* ot having Arnoldshutgh decided the legal county seat in a tual which u now peud ing m the county c-uit Tin- place i fi'Tty-eight tuile- east of the Ohio fiver, on a turnpike leading troni M . hingloi city, west. Hie vi'lago is sit tinted •ui ■ m pnrative'v level ground, and is attrrOUOsi j ed by tall hills, up -ti all side-, covered j with monster foajwt tree- tint a- I look [ from my window, I behold n sight - beautiful int romantic as t have ever seen It is I,ere that I ttiul V, --i- I .Oh *lld F I*. Hoy, sells of John II "V, *.! I township, Centre cout ty. l'a , en gaged in lumbering and merchandising I hate be, n here l-r two weeks and bu>i ues* ha- been moving briskly in both d<- partmenu ever since my arruat How could it be otherwise with • oh men as Mr. Thos. Bell, of ;t>scoola, I'a to man i age ll'.a Seams 111 tlie woods and that -tar sawyer Mr S l> t'-x, of tt>ee*a I'a , iv run the mill. They run toy from fifteen to twenty men whan in tull operation I he* ar* working upon a large tract ana have an abundance --I fine timber, consi-t --ingat walnut, poplar and oak. prtncipa v. and ether varietie- lam m! >rmed that manv parties predicted that lumber , -mid not Ve conveyed to market trom here , i when manufactured, and that the enter " I prise ot these gentlemen ,ul,| prove a • failure. But last month thei i.-;ed the ( matter. They eoneeivetl the idea - ! t,.'ld- I tug flatboats and conveying th, ir lumbei ■jto market upon them. 1 hey built tw.- I boats one seventy-three feet, the othei . eighty-one feet m length, ami both sixteen , feel wide. They ruu them by means of , I'he -oil 'is exceedingly productive It ;- strange ' but true that en lb# very l,p-ntli se h gh i hill* there * soil m re fcrti e than any in ,my native Pennsvalley In this country - there are many stream- a tew targe, others small. In them are tour.,l numerous kir ds offi-h, such u-,* I'-ass. perch. j succors, cattish, sunf-h, Ac itsme ts abundant. Numerous deer were kn d | about here during ll season j,. -t pa ej iliray and black squirrels are parti. , ..rlv abundant now The occupati :i of many per.- us in this country >s farming A- farming, as* rule, it amount* to nothing li people in Pennsvalley would not ,do better work - they could el, mu,!. gram at.hey -ow The soil being so productive here From !*i to lU.) bushels o! i ..ra can Do rais ed to the acre with hut one working This country ■. really destitute of ill mai.- noroftarm implements, -,ioh a- should be used. What is needed here t-- n.ake gram raiting i *uc> est i- nerve to J ' the work *nd material to do it will J-lock raising would be eminent iv >,.. ted to tlu-e patla. Ginseng root digging :> the •• .> pition pursued by imny people. Already the season baa opened lor to sale of this article, which i worta ,!: the torv here from seventy-itf to otic d■! Ira .a twen ty-five cents. I> It. S. For the Reporter. Letter from Akron AKROS. May 22nJ, I>7-1 MR. EPITOR: 1 am not part - u'arly anxious to bold an argument with "Gran ger, as it wi>eryVvidint that he be!. :g* to that class woo feel* considerably "hurl by this temperance tr. >vement. Hut !. r the benefit of your reader*, 1 consider .t my duty to modify thecoinp! turn's which "Granger" has so graciously b'-tainl upon the ladies of Akron, lie ay that I gave "gluing account. ' of the war it OUT city. 1 gave the facts i•: li.e case and nothing more, lie .ay- "She r- ,• ' to mention that the w.>nin got ) ..i lor sing ing and praying, and had a good dinner gotten up ter them every day at the church, and from my certain knowledge, one of the women t<>ok whiskey every day for her health." I would like to, ibform "Granger" that the people .•!' this vicinity are endowed with remarkable geod mem ories : and had such proceeding* really taken plaoe, it is quite probable that 1 should remember them. That the women were paid for singing and praying, in its liters! sense, is nothing U-- than a lalse hood. But they are amply paid when they see that the oncedmgy tai.son, with its painted wmduw- and carefully screen ed interior apartment, is changed into a grocery or temperance restuarant. The man no longer . rren fur he is n> - doing an honorable and legitimate bu*s nes* His windows are p.o longer painted,] for he now likes to make u display of his produce, and enjoys the presence of tho merry sunbeams, us they come dancing through the clear white glass The u men are also paid in seeing a rav of sunlight on the face of the once dilapidated drunkard I know nothing about the "g.od dinners' ut the church. If they had been prepared I know the ladies would have been ti a.ik- Jul to partake el them, after the hard toil of the morning. We generally do not like to believ statements without some evidence that they are true. We would, therefore, like to have "Granger" prove that a lady took whiskey every day. As "Granger" needs a great deal of informa tion on this suqject, 1 wili also inform hnu that the women of Akron did not stand on picket at the back door of the saloon, un til eleven o'clock at night. Tho saloons were not allowed to be open after nine o'- clock. and this ordinance is strictly en forced. so that there was no occasion lor tbcm to be out later. Hoping the temper ance causejmay ever t r "-per, t remain LIZZIE M lb *IR. TRIBUTE OF RESPECT. At a meeting of the Centre Co. t'oun i!' P. ot 11., held at Centre Hall, on the Gth of May, the following committee were up l>oiiited to prepare a notice expre -ive of the sorrow of the Council, in the death of Jno. P. Ross, late a member of Council from Spring Miils Grange, No. o. Where us, An ill wi*c I'rovidence, basin His infinite wi.->don removed from our midst, by death, our esteemed brother J I'. Ross, a member of this Council, Th* rc forc : Resolred, That whilst we bow in humble submission to the will of our Heavenly Father, we feci we have lost a kind and noble brother, a pleasant companion and fuithful laborer : Retolred, That by his death we are re minded of the solemn truth, "in the midst of life we aro in death," and that the arrow of tho insatiate Archer, in its unerring mission, has stricken down one whom we had just reason to believe, would have bean useful and fraternal in his new relation to our noble order. /Ifsolrtii, That we sincerely sympa thize with the member* <>f the S. MilL Grange in their sad line, and with the be reared family. May the god of gtacennd mercy support and bie*s lii* family ami cover their defenseless head* with tin shadow of hi* wing*. Rtmlvnl, That a copy ot this notice bo furnished hi* family, and forwarded to the editor* of "Farmers Friend," Mechanics burg, und county papers, with the request that they publish the same. G It. BAKKR, 1 J. F. WKAVKK, / Committee. J, F FIIAIN, I The member* of the French Assembly held a meeting on 2U ult., to consider lite mean* of optioiirig Bonapartists. An alliance of the Left Centre with Right Centre for thi* purpose wa* advocated by M. Favra, James E. Smith, employed in Seatorn's saw mill, Toronto, was caught by a circu lar saw on Saturday and was torn to pie ces. Henri Rochefort, arrived at New York early yesterday morning and peremptorily declined all public receptions. Three unknown boys were droa ned in the Alleghany river at l'ittsburg yesterday. They were in a skill' and their craft was struck and upset by a wheel of a passing steamboat. The strike of omnibus drivers in New York has ended in a failure. Proprietors have succeeded in obtaining a full supply of men at wages refused by the strikers. * In Ciifton county, Tennessee, on Friday, one Murphy went to u farmer's house mid instantly killed the wife of Milton Donald son by cutting her head open with un axe. He al*o severely wounded a colored sur vant girl. The murderer was arrested aud shot and killed by soma of the citizens. It is supposed that he intended to rob u fir. prool'ixfe of Mr. Donaldson, which con tained seven thousand dollars. Mr Thompson s Idvluro on (iron Kt'S. Mi T \ I'lioiiipooi, Lecture, o( (ho Nation*) Grunge, who spoke at t ehtre 11*11, on Tuesday ot Ut week, w we are i i'iout ihe Willianopott Bulletin, alio le. lurid m that city and oilier |ilaoe* The follow ing i, a (air nyttopnU of tlie lecture ' Mr Tluuup on coming forward, aid he wh gratified to meet ' goodly a tuiiiihcr •mil pr, cnt to ilieut the fin t in relation in I t I'al roi > tl llu-bandrt a *oclety that had hell la i alsleiuu hut a lew \em- ll wat not long ago that agriculture wa looked upon n* ntenial. hut a i hallgo had come to cr the public mii.d A few vcai logo ornamentation m the farm v rd wa 'utmost unknowu There was nothing to mako home lovely, and soli* wandered in (he great cities, instead ol following the oik ot tilling the soil But there was a j. Image being wrought in this respect, and ! It was all due to increased intelligence In : ISl'i there w*a an agricultural paper pub shed in Balttmere, the tir*t in the ceun I In IS'.M it was followed by the Agri ultural Intelligencer, id 80-ton others continued to spung up until now there wetc , earls one hundred journal- devote.! to agileuttural interest* issuing Htkl.tMi copies each month ll lias heel, the mean* • d educating the agricultural cla-e* to a wonderful degree. ll ha* popularised agriculture, and prepared the public mind grapple with the great idea* of the Grange The prim* pie • f a-- elation 1- at work among the laruier* ll Wat this lri!u ijlo that lslt tfru|he, built the great net work of railroad*, atid raised thi white fi.g of commerce en inland Ha lo • I. ard-! • vchangeare formed, uie I'haines a-.-ociate in union-, hut the farmer bin been Isolated The argument had been urged that agriculturist* were tool much scattered, and could ml organise, j but it had been proved incorrect S m, firmer*, too, feared that the Itrat ge could I ! !. the a suecc-s. hut all thai w,,m ee -ry j was harmony of action to elovat" the agri j i oulturi-t to his proper piwition in society j 11- had not received that fo-termg care, ' from '.he government that was hi* due, but the time was approaching when he would There wailMM'ooo farmer* in the eoun ; try, and iVs'.UOO in the State of Pcruisy 1 V-two-fifths of the voting population altd if orgmr.Ued they would form a power j ;i, ,t must he tv-pe. ted The condition of the American farmer \ had been deploraHe When he go,-- to ' the great maraet* with hi* products, the ; buy < • name th# price, and the farmer i impelled to take it. If he wants a pair ,1 b,Hts he visits a store the teller name* the price and ->> it ha- went tn, the far liter being legitimate plunder The Patron* were not trying to huiht up a superstructure on the ruin* of any , party, but agticulluri*U were organising t 'because farming had been too much indi- i l idualiard, and the tiller* of the (oil jpr.w t* ate at the fed ol other interests They I mu*t rg.ii rein order t cope with other interest* Tt.ey were tlie only class that had tin voice in the price of ihrir product* rhev hail followed the downward tendeii v, and were forced to, beeau-ecapital be- , I'-K aggressive and held -wav \ sing ' whirat dealer boasted that he taiie 7"*.ii in I er was - one thing wrong when capitalists n ade their , tnilltoits in a few years while the farmer toiled on and on, just making a respectable living, and sometimes hardlv that I lie tanner i au teen ronnv.i in the pur chase of machinery He pJ' *ll the e I-' per.-i - of the manufacturer. the wares *r.- p. v ! ill I: • >re the keeper h to make his profit and fav rent, arid the far mer f-tn the hill. The doctor preaeribn for all, the lawyer pleads for all, the min i-ter preaches for all, but the farmer p*y> I appoint tub-agents IVm jmis-ioita have to be made, and the uiatiu ifaeturer, to guard against an occasional ; l-., i bargain p :U on a reund price for the art fie. Under the agency *ytem he n pecU te !• -e one out of every four ma hint - The Grange prop •<* to destroy ' the agency and the credit system, artd if I no other g 'd was t> be accomplished, lhi a -uld amply repay the rtf'ort In the Writ o" < I a'f the t: ••!>>" pa 1 for ma bin-, ery never rrarlirt the manufacturer---it i g•'<♦* to the mi-Idle men Hut under the , ysteui of the Grange implement* are pur : chased at about ene-ha.f the price paid under the agency ryatem For a tewing 1 machine, ? t2intead ef s*■'•, parlor organ* out \\ • t -e!i for sl'<> under the Grange are pureha*> i for S" • 511 '• n for j\i, utid ro i :i through under the co-oper ative system of the order. They liad nn ' outside price and a Grange price T|> in , Bradford county, win re th • Kurcka mow- . ing machine is manufacturvil, the prose : SIIU t ' • uUsJer-, HI I oi-'.y v< the Grange. ! It i- by cialion that these beti t.ti , are derived, and by *ociating product* anil sending Iherii to market, farmer*, where the Grunge is in operation, have fountl liiat in a since -eason they base save 1 hue.dre 's ••{ dollars, -eiimg their ' products for more than the loeni prices 1 There (i re ho middle then to make a pro ft. By lb:- system, and the plan of co operative manufactories, the farmer- .f ( tlie Northwest have bcea lifted t<> a state • ! !'.uu! > ;l r>n pe- .tv they were -(ranger* • to before. It had been claimed that it l would dost: y business, vi. ig< , , stores and shops Where the Order was the eldest, tner. hatits were nev< r to pr .. I porous, or real ela'e higher. When you protp-r the farmer, y u pr<<*|>er the c un try, I >r he will purchase luxuries he could I not nfi wd ui der the old system, and trade-, j men generally be benefited It bad been charged that they were ' making a fight against railroads Tint I VSH- I t true ltailrads w.-re he. .'-ary, ; ai.d were it f-t fur them farms would not be > valuable. But they wore warring agni: -t abi.M -, ami ir. the West, through the instrumentality ot the Patron* -f Hus bandry. the free pat# tyttem had been abdisfied I The >pe:ikr then gave a brief history ( ..f thoorder, paying a glowing eulogy to William f-Hunders, the or.gma! -r, anJ ti 11 Kelley, who put the idea in practical operation. tine year ago last December, when the National Grange met iti Washington, they ;h . 1 in existence I,Grange* They went home to their respective .State* re soivuigUto double the liuiiiber within the next vo r. but when they met | again, instead of 31730 they had ! and |there wa to-day lbs Stale organisation* I Before he should eat hi- Christmas dinner' there would be'AtMl.UXlfarmers organised, and I.UtMUKf more would be added t■> the Grange in another year from that. The Order had pa -ed the trying point. One, year g- there not a Grange in Penn sylvania to-day there were 500. In the order practical questions were raised, thought was awakened, and by this the masses wore educates!. It wat it peace-making Order. If diffi culty aro-e, it i< lott to three brothers for arbitration. Pettifogging lawyers opposed thorn, of course, but the higher order ef legal gentlemen who do not dab ble in -mall c.isos, ullutodtoiot one word lignin-t them. I At - one length, he portrayed in elo quent language the advantages America' is a* deriving from intelligence, and hi-' illustration- in referring t" the '>ld World were full of inturest, and made up of ele-- gait word painting. He referred to tlie ladle of the Order, numbering 1300,000. Their influence in the ! organisation was of incalculable value. Besides, they were being educated to bus- I ines#, so that if left widows they could ' j manage their own a tfa irs |j Ho closed his lecture with'an appeal to the furmers to organize, and urging mem i bcrs of the Grange to stand firm, remind* ] ing them that tit Ho> advancement of any grant idea tunny difficulties hud to be eti . I countered. TKoUBLK ON* Tll*K BKNNKTTS BRANCH RAILROAD. '| The Bennett's Branch Railroad which was hut lately completed, and of which i description was given in the Sun at the time, is now blockaded and no cars per- I milled to pasg over it. A committee representing the men em | ployed on the Bennett's Branch extension! of the Allegheny Valley Railroad Coin-j pariy, visited Pitt-burgh on Thursday nnd pri' i nleil tlie due l>ill of tin contractors for the construction of the road, which | amounted to four or five months' wages, to; the President, John Hcott. The commit ! tea was informed by Mr. f. that 'the duel bills were not worth the paper lliey Wi re, written upon," The committee retired and reported progress and on Friday eve-! j ning the workmen turned out en masse at both ends of the lino, determined to block j the roads and lake things in their own hands. A construction train going west | was stopped, and the rails of the track he- j fore and behind it were lorn up. A freight j train was also caught and treated in the same way. The through passenger was uoxt encountered, by another gang, near the Summit tunnel, and the truck before and behind it for miles torn up, so that no trains can reach Driftwood, the Kustern: terminus. For some weeks the cars have been taken off the Sligo branch, eleven I miles long, which runs to Slign mill, own-1 ed by I'iiilips, Lyons Co., within eight miles of Clarion. It is stated that the contractors lor this branch intend suing! the Philips' estate, the Allegheny Valley Railroad Company refusing to acknow ledge the debt incurred by the eonslruc lion of the Sligo branch, and claiming that it was built in the exclusive interest of the : mill above mentioned it is also asserted; that tome S'JUO,OOD owed by merchants of i j Jefferson and Clarion counties lor mer chandise furnished contractors, such us ! lumber, ties, Ac. .Mr. Murphy, the sut>- erin undent of truck laying, who has just I completed thirty-seven miles of track, : say- ho is nowise responsible lor the con ' duct of the men, and claims that they were hired by th* company and are regu ltr employee* , that the company owe* them four and ttm month* wag. *, and that the eompanv ha* not troalad thsuu in tha right spirit Mi- Martin A Worth the contractor* of the work, alo iorrahm ate tills slalnnteni, all.l claim llml the colli pany aie Indebted to then firm In the *uui of sl3tl,tam. The workmen ro regularly . u|iun thn check roll, for four and tsse months pV. and the due bill* ale Issued by the, 'iitiaetor*. payable when the com-j pany pas up The committee a! re|*ort that President fsewtt added that alt debt* eoutraetvd pr#) ions to this t.irt ot May would be repudiated ll i also on the Mre. t* that (lie Central Company w ill allow the \ alio Koad t< he ohl •-n it, ll ~ting debt, and bti'ome the pure),a* or tn fire timph ' llt 1(1.1 t 111!.HICI N HI UNKU M A t I S llKIt /.is *sV II l l , 4 . May l"h A teliible eaUtu tv happctied in New luwii towiislup. in. I v ml', west ol thi llt v ial t.tgl.l about 11 o'clock Mr fi" tiert Jones and hi* wife bad been to visit a n k neighbor, leaving the three miail children in charge o! the lluu* I pun returning at the above hour they found '.he house huriied down and with it the three children were entirely . wisumvd I'llK \ 11.1..At, K tF KI.W(MtI) Al.- Most dkmkoykh Chicago, 111 May A fire at Kiwood, Will curtly 1H .y . sti r,inv burne ! ncar l\ th* entire business portion ! the vil lage, thirteen building* occupied by t,t leen firm* being entirely destroyed The to is e-tiinatd at >.*l,l**l, upon which j there i- hut little imuraucc. BloTlNti IN I'll K fill lU CtiAl KIKUIIS. rite Trealleworks tttid Huildino- Near Muaaillou Fired aud Ten Men .Shot. • Calumbus, Ohio, May A telegram received at the Kvecutlve Deparluienl to lay, Iron, a largo coal field at Masslllon, -avs that the miners employed near Mas slllon have been on t. long strike, and las! night when it was proposed to put new men al work the men fired the trestlew 1 lose sight •' the fact that a law h.e- <-i-t ] m.-d by th, 1,.--islulure rcjuiring the aud.i >rs of the! s-varal lown*hip*, b roughs and cit.a- j imm*diately after their aun-.a! me. T.i g . n < the first Mondayyn June to auvcrtnc it, • One or mare county papers, an iti-nnrp.l J annual talemcnt of the rei.-ipt* and ei-j pendilure* of the borough council*, over ! *e*r* of the poor and school directers, for] the y . ar preceding the ai.t.'ial aelllemcntj tor their re*pectiv# dutricU Said aJvcr-: ttseinenu are to be published within ten .iavt after such settlement; and further, it ihall be the duty of >a 1 auditer* I# !.!* a copy f Quarter session*, which will b# at all times *ubject to inspection Jby any citt *cn there f Provided, th it where ot said offices, shall be eiori >as *i by the ami person*, only one itatement shall be re •jutre! A'so, provided that n thing In thi* act shall be cvii*trued t>> interfere With the pre-ant law, which require* annual stalei ,ei l of the *.-■ ripta and vp< i.diture* of the borough Councils, r. ad commission er*. sup.-rv x r*, overseer* of the |-eor and school director*, t tie advernsc.l in thr daily an.,l weekly newspaper* puhlihed in the respective iocalitie* For neglect ing or relating to comply with this act, the auditors shall pay a fi-.e of ?"A4, to be re set'd by law. as debts of a nnuhl amount arc retovi table, ky suit institu ted in t!, name of the school dir. - tors, oi the complaint of any tax-p:,ying , itiaen Baid penalty to he paid into ihe school treasury of the district. A ctliicti of Curry has jut rettivctl ?, r 0 damage# for injuries occa-ioncd bv defective idcw:a!k* George Gilbert, a tesidenl of Frio, and a freight conductor ou the J.akt Shore road, shot himself in the abdo men a few days since while f,. linjr with a revolver. The wound will probably prove fatal. A vicioui cow recently allackcd a little child of Mr. Harntx, lesited in n small carriage which * left stand ing on the sidewalk in Indiana by a carelrM nurae. A passing pedt Brian rescued the child from being gored to death. A man named \V W. Wiloo*. a leading ehu rch member of I'arker City, ha* been arrested on th# charge of committing a terrible outrage on a little girl only eleven years old, the daughter of a well known cit i*v n of that place. A 32} inch fahnon, weighing ten pounds was caught in the near Johnstown, a few days ago. The Stockholders of the Franklin brush factory have < fleeted a perma nent organization, and the site of ihr factory will be leaded immediately. The Catholic Pilgrims fram the United States arri*<-d in Pnrison 2Kb ultimo, and were received by the Archbishop. The lloiiii of Representative* on 20th ult., passed the Army Reduction bill. Ealing watermelon* in Florida. They looked for a Chicago pickpocket and found him in the Jury "One man i silent, another talk* all the time, and twelve men condemn the silent! •nc " A Chinaman's description *f an American court. Ministers of the interior-The cook and the doctor. An unpleasant sort of arithmetic Di vision among families. The home circuit walking around with the baby at night. Moment* of triumph are not always mo | incuts of happiness. There is a woman in La Mars, lowa, who calls the "cerebro spinal meningitis" the "serious final come and got ui." Waynesboro, Fa , has a haunted di-til lory. Just the place for spirits. Conceit— An ass who imagines himself uu elephant. A little girl sent out to hunt egg*, came hack unsuccessfully, complaining that lot* of hens were standing around doing nothing. N'OTICK OF APPEALS Neti.o i hereby given that the Commission ers of Centre county will hear appeals from assessment# of 1H74 lor the different townships and borough* in said county, on the following days, at the places for hold ing elections in townships utul boroughs, i to wit: Button tvvp Tuesday. June Ift. Half Moon two Wednesday Juno 17. Ferguson twp Thursday, June 18. Harris twp Friday, Juno 19. l'otter twp Saturday, June 20. Gregg twp Monday. June 22 Fenn twp Tuesday June 23 Haines twp Wednesday June 24. Miles twp Thursday, June 25. Walker twp Friday, June 20. Marion twp Monday, June 29 Liberia' twp Tuesday, June 30 Curtin twp Wednesday, July 1. Howard twp and born' Thursday July 2 Hogg* twp Friday, July 3 Milesburg bom' Monday, July ft. Unionvilleaiul)LJnioii twp Tuesday July 7th. Huston tvvp Wednesday, July 8. Worth twp Thursday, July 9. Taylor twp Friday, July 10 i Spiing tw p Saturday, July 11 .Snow Shoe twp Tuesday, July 14 Burnaide twp Wednesday, July 15 l'hilipsburg and Rush tvvp Friday July 17th. Bellelonto boro' Monday and Tuesday, July 20 and 21st. Banner twp Wednesday July 22. By order of the Board of Commissioners. jun-i-Ot. R. H. FORSTJSK, Clerk. The woman tjusttioii < slim up in (be I'r- by tei i,< . General A-'Cinbty at St. l.oui ,on "Mb till Cwntidciable *t lt*ineiit a'.'.i .uh il the ta ol Carmda to b>' in full farce M A It K K IV. N*w York, June I Gold 1121 Flour heavy and lower, tuperlit.e western and Mate t •(u ; e in limit to good S • htWe rt ' go id to elm •' S" it'• '• ." H heat heavy and lower, No *& northwest >1 Tula i 1 4.4 No 2 Mhwauk. : I i-u . I h-i, N„ I s|iruig'*l ,*l(.i I ;,l. By. dull at >1 o,< >MI Hay firm at f ll.t 1 h' C> dee dull at Itiilu IHjc Sugar Dim at 14, Molu* ■ - tjuict l-gg tiim at ltH 1.4, l'ork dull at jl7 l*i(* 17 7 , Beef unchanged; middle* .juiet, •ng . lear short eh U- IU l.ard firm', primo steam 11 i5-Ific spot and J uue. 1 IfiV (iooils. I There was a ipjiet mawamaal Si) trade: I with but little activity in any department j The markt 1 for cotton g<, >d* remain* nu,#t jtiit prices reman un,hanged. I'rirtU i lull iy "active at lately'r. iim ,d pi es I Chicago, Chicago, June I. Flour dull and noth ing li-'iltg \\ heat steady iti I ill lie der , a!. deUial.d , t" 1 spring 71 21, No 2 71 104 cash ; i'fl'er Jam jl I*| , seller July NoHfl 13 Corn active but irregu r N.. 'J mtied ■'* It. >ui ; :.r June <4r,c , eiler Jtme rri#el, d >it. Hal* dull; No" liii'fl t c.i-li .r June, llyal -leady and in moderate demand, No 1 f*C . lie. Bui lev ijuiet attd j Fork, demand fair and market firm sl7l j cash . sl7 ISt* seller June >l7 4 > s.-lier ,lu> ly l.ard, demand fair an 1 market :irm jiOiifi cash and June, $lO 7 lt seller July, i U KI*LKFt)NTK MAK K KTS. vVhlle (V heat $1 I". Red tin 8ye....,. ' 70 Coin 70 ....Uay* 40 Barley mi. j 7o . ...Cio ruraeed 4.,i0 Fotato*** re hard per pound Fork per imuiidOC" Butter 'JO Egg - Id, ..... Fi ast.r per ton Slo Tallow h liaeofi Jo liatn lis Lard per pound Scent*.. Buckwheat! 00 .is • ...F i-1 barrel i tui>, V wholesale 7,Si to 7,w MILBOY MAF.KKTS White wheat 1,40..,. R*d wheal 1 05 .Kyt 'ill ....Corn .*1 Oat>;i& Barley tsO j f'lovers. eii 4 t*( Timothy*. .:,!, iij0........ I v alt 22- per -a, k, j Bat on ,c Hat* 15 Battel Si . Kggs Jo ....Platter 9SO Ctie-tnul C.-al per Ten s'• 7A . Stovo' Ca! per Ton JW "*t Kgg Coal per Ton: n l*l .. Liuiehunier - C ai per Ton so.Suj I.A XKCUTOB'S NtJTlCE—Letter* !. jtamei.larv , n tin estate ,f Johr, 1' Uo*s, late of tireg twp , dec >1 have beer, granted to lite under sign, d w 1.0 r .-Quest all pers .n* indebted to utid estate to make immediate payment, and th. *• hav ing tann* to iiroent theut tluly authenticated jby lav, for setlteui#* l MARY A RGBS, BtBT COM MINGS, i June 4 Cl Etecutor* N't 'TICK Noli. >■ is h . ehiv given that _ I fiate purchased the tov k and ft ■cet- o! T F. Sallada, living a! Centre Mdis. M ffi.n c unty and will leave the -ime in his poiaewinn at tuy* pleasure, and all person* are hereby cautioned against imeddling with the same in any manner whatever. M.J If*, a ah. Pollers Ali 11* JotIS SJVU.APA, tnylb'Sfi Clinton county.' 1~ N the Orphan* Court ef Centra pwaß The tisatter o! the estate of Jo",n Bee-mar deed The undersigned ap i pointed an auditer by the Orphan*' Court f Centre ( 'Unty. I > hi or and {•* upon | the est rpltons hied to the admit titration account tn the estate of J. hn Bt-e*iuan, dee d and make report thereof at tint :.-rm ot Court, hereby give* hotice that he wtU attend to the dutSaa of hi* appoint*! men", at hi*, ffiretn Beliefonteoa Tuesday, June 23d 1574. at 10 o'chwk, a m , of aid day. when and where all parties in '-Teste i .an mllel-d if thev see proper * 1). F FoRTNKY, 1 ySB Auuilor IN the Orphan* fourt l Cvntr.- county. The luilttt of the cla!e ol \S Rt Era art.dei d. The undersign, d an auditor a|.|Ktinled Dv the *a. 1 Orphans C-. urt to make diatrioution < at.d among Uo legally entitlc-1 thereto and make ie|Drt tnares'f al neat court, hereby give* n, tic- that be will attend to the dul.ea of his appointment al hi* uffi. e in BriirfooU'. .•ti Tuctday, 3UI). day of June, lfill. al 1" o clock, a. at,, of said day, when and where all parties having > latni# will pre sent thetn before the Auditor ur be de barred If.'in coming in for a sbar<- of thr fund l. F. FORTNKY, tny3B At Auditor Excelsior Cement The ur. l< rs g: •<1 t -w manufa' !ur< (V- 1 mrnl \\ IREANI RDOI ISt PKRIOK 1 oUAI ITY, at h> kiin, ! car Pme * ;r.k Vlilt, in liaino twp. Tbttcfiueal hat already been mud in lir|c qiMOtitiet 1 njvon tin- CASC. RR .and ha- been |! und highly satisfactory upon all jobs' uhcrtitbti hern tried, snd a* < juai w> any now mam.favturod for dm in CIS TERNS, WATER PIPES. or whatever purpose n quality of Cement I* desi rable Tbit Cement has already been t' -tod far and wide, and rendered the ut iMiot sal.-facli.-i. Pert, in, therefor'- con structing Cuter: ,laying Water Pija-, Ac , vviii find it to their advantage to lirar . thi in mind, and alto, that he warrant* the article a* reinvented. J G MKYKK. I may *2l tf Aaronsburg, IV Lime 6c Cement. The best quality of lime, always on .hand at the C entre llull lime kiln- Alto i t-inrnt, which )* ws ranted to bo of a *u-1 perior quality. Apply to ap9-tf ' G EC. KOCH. ALL KINIs OF Factory Goods 1 . o! tantly on hand ami offered in exebangt for Wool. These goods are ..f the very l>et and manufactured by A P inhbn-ty. at Greenwood, and e -r- -! • f (.'ARPKTe. It LA N K KTS. CASS I M EKES, SaltineU*. Tweed., Stocking Yarn, and all other good* generally manufactured. \\ M. ARMSTRONG Agent, may" 3in. l'ottert Mill*, Pa ;/ IKNTRE HALL Fumihirc Itooms! lilil II ItlM'.sl 4.ltOSS>ll\, respectfully inform the < itir.en* of Centri county, that they have bought out the old stand of J. O Dcininger, and have reduced the prices. They have constantly on hand, and make to order BEDSTEADS, BUREAUS, SINKS, \\ ASHSTANDS, CORKER CUPBOARDS, TABLES, Ac., Ac. Homk Mauk CtiAtna At.ways on 11as. Their slock of ready-made Furniture is large and warranted of good workmanship and is all made under their own immedi ate supervision, and is otic red at rates cheaper than elsewhere. Call and see our slock before purchasing elsewhere. 2ft feb. ly. LUMBER FOR SALE. The Undersigned hn* for sale a large stock of Lumber at the Loop Sawmill, (lately Culver's), consisting of WHITE. YELLOW. A FITCH FINE. HEM LOCK, OAK, POPLAR, PALING, LATH. SHINGLES, HEADING, and nil kinds of Lumber generally used for building purposes. DRY WALNUT LU M HER always on band- All kinds ol Coopering done. J. A FLEMING, apr9-8m Potters Stills. TO Fa Niters & Builders Having attached n PLAINER to our steam saw-mill, on the Seven Mountains near Foust's, we are prepared to furnish, nilll 1: A Yl .1.1.0U I'IVE FLOOUIYG *V SIDING, AT LOWEST MARKET PRICES SHINGLES & BILL LUMBER OF ALL KINDS, FENCING Ac., FUR NISHED TO ORDER. LA J. UNDERWOOD, Millroy, Pa., or, 1 aprJui Potter's Mills, Pa. 'IMtKASUKKU'S BALK of I UNSEATED I.A NHS Full UXKS Ko|{ 1H72 ur.a HO. \ND PREVIOUS YKAKS. N'ultci i* letohy given, Glut in ! pursuance ofnn Art of Aoently, I'h i.| ihu I'.'ih il*y of June, A, ill IMIA. entitled "Ait Art tu naeinl an Ai l dßeeling the mode I ■>( selling unseated land*, In Cea itv county," and the MVUII sup plement* thereto, tliore will he ,•vpo*od at public tale "r outcry, the follow nig trai U of minuted 1 land* in mill t ..untv foi the lave ■ll in* uinl |iii|iii(| thereon, at the * <>urt lluukK in the Borough o! - lli llefoiite, on the second Man lay of June, All 1*74. Hogg* Township • uti mii (Mtonaiuw iin■ I > 1...jii1... Andrew Sum men 27 h'.i J .. . Ulikiiown !i 2d. m •• 4 ;h! HI . of A Fetr.i r ;l 5(11 IH7 I'd knr A hueai, IV }<*.. ...Unknown .......... 2U, iis..lV;.. .1 nfiailiti!i Harvey ISWtij it to Moe- 11 .jo 1......m lit 74 C1H...16S David L.*wi. 27 iJ, ito do ... Williaiu Gray d" 1 1 •** .. 4*4 Wm ltiie.-< II 7;*, 4 . Win Ru-sctl 0 W Jlurntide Township. S". . >i Jmim- Hall 85 <59 I I . Al.* liallr. lM flt| J0... ...'Miuifi Hamilton do . l'i I reaver do ~io .. t eo Eddy ........-. d, 4".. Cnknow 1 t4 •'* . ...Samuel llarri*,... 280 111... 12U...Samuel S 0tt...... 1991 'tie ... Robert Gray 19 90 ... Wm Dew art..... do 443...d0 ...John " .... * do Ido ... Jame* Tower*.do |do . . \Vu 41 ray do 415... . John WelfMtl 19t*>j do Junto* Black do d,. Jo. J Wallace... do 1tt...ia0...Wm Oonfc 9m ,lo ...John Ctiwd*B.H do .. ...J W*BC Packer 5 !(• '.'.rt... 31 t'liark-s Bruce..,. 15 M, 41'* t liarie* A 11ea.... 44 29 217 F Wharton 9ll! '29.. ...A Hamilton 86; ,72-5 4 t> W I'aiker sln 434 ...4 J.o* Dcvltng...... 0 8* ■ 22" . .. 4N 1' Mitchell.. 5 tto ; Kit. ...4 do . 7 CO:] 434.. ..4 do _ 9 3t> at j-l 1* Mitihel!...... tifil, i'i3... it 'line Uuigley... 2 2.'. '2(74- .. Robert Ainsley 84 40 2ttit. Richard Turn* F204 ! do ... 1290. 4*3 . Kki Tic mas McEwen lts, r i 14 4 J \\ Packer 12 04 •JCi ..Caleb Lann 22 0b ' 2t74- • 1 1. 'f.gsi.-th *Jfi 3." 413.. ...Richard Tuni„_ bOfc do. H<-bee a KelaO... 35 ffi do Ester Eddy 71 Bhj d s . . t'.vsjH-r M tstar 34 40, 'JC4- ...Robaft Amalcy... d i! _ J. hn M< Caliey. 17 M .'si .. 14 Cii.'ie Uutgly 1 •' , 420 4b Phi ip Myers 8G U" • d<> Valentine Myer* lbt*. : do ...Michael Myer*... do ij do Mmon Myer* 9 24 • 4A8...103...Tb0a4 1" Hale... 46 14 433 141 tiamet Cottmger 22 24. 424 H' .Th- s F Wharton Gb Sh,; 411 ...J. slab liamea ... 3ti 55.- m .120 All V 14.!! 87 3' ! 4,. FA' Charles Hall 37 20 : 11*. Jo*eph Taylor.... Miuo • 44a Andrew Kpple_... IT 30 2... mi . Hi.tit 1rv5r.....„. .42 "20 '• IV . 18W...N L At wood 40 t'. , 809... 19. do 30 111. • 4 Jo 4 - W Packer 20 10 J",- 'c. Jb W Packer 17 20 j do do do do 410 l'eter Habn 77 4" " HA J..- Tliutns* 47 m'i do Susan Hahn 88 744 1* ,I.' Jacb Wain 4b tr.. ! 425 Nalhar.ic! Levy 3.' 410 Th - Humphry 111 M { do Hobt U ray 53 58 Jo Wm tirav 8558 4n| Wm Yardby 19 7b • >rl Mathc* liet-ch 4 30 do NL At wood 12 '.fit 481 IGB Abijah Pavi* 87 30 4H 1,.i J lllgbia Btgboo) 12 9(' ■ Ferguson Township. 1"2 116 Geo Kuiiinger 82 77- 1.0 127 J '.soph Bariictl fck'i . ,•.53 Ji'ltn At.Jem n 19 12 1,. George Nice 1908 122 Jacob Lit* 7 97 130 Peter Crispin 4 25' :h| Samuel Duncan 8746)' 8(3 47 T MrCuilough 2 -25 70 L Hawthorn 22 92, 10 l.'ta<- Worrell 8 27 .f-b 4.t Alfred BCrcwit 72", 2-7 . 4ti4 19 Thoma* Ferguson 12 02 11b Aaron l.evy 13 ! 1 115 .lames Moore 18 21 883 Hannah Turner 112 4h o-.8 122 lltrid Turner 12 TO: 151 54 l.vdia F wior IC4I i9l 41 Jacob Way 892 15 4ft II- ry Medler - 901 HO Richards A Ointcr 596 325 Richard A Mwfljr 14 78- Henry Manly 14 67! i j.' Bonj lloonr 9 41 40 John McKean 2ft) ..Ml Robert Rankin 19 <& ,837 I-aac liriiikle do Hit James Baker ft 55 do John I'etherbridge do :,H() Jo.iah Lurby 19fi5 126 Caleb North 4 07 63 J I'etherbridge 8 2ft HO John Baker 3 ISO !,"*> Samuel llryaon l'JCoj Gregg Township. j 11*1 Jnmen Barber 7 70, 200 Unknown 8 70j ■ ■ >l " . 1 Half Moon Township. .lift Jo.iah Latnboun SJftOn 2.50 104 Unknown 14 89 I 14 114 " 651 i 52 188 " ft 64 1 40 10 " Hd :58 12 " 485 88 Wtn King 1107 ' 174 Samuel Bryan 8 lb ' 397 John Mi Kissock 36 01- < 117 40 Henry Floyd * 62 50 ' ;Ul?s HO R Whitehead 80 39 < Mi 30 Wm Landburn 50#'- 210 Jacob Underwood 35 46 ; Ftft 117 Jacob l'ylo IT 14 ■ Mtt 120 Richard Joliff 50 40 1 •JUO John Hannah 28 4•l do do 486 I.'baric. Hall II 'JO 1.0 Suver A Wolf 2 46 211 17 George Snyder *O2 II! I'd I Cath Snyder I'JM Liberty To w nab ip. M Daniel Plctcher I'. SS I I ;f'H HO Hubert I rvin 117 yi tOfi 120 Slcph Stephenson 13 ho do do John Dunwoudy do do do Kb Itenhani 20 ,17 ho ltoblMinitb 2 74 ion PI I'etrr H, iies.l 27 Ml nj Chris Smlili 2U Hit l'.et 10 ol Jno fuller 13 44 Daniel K rouse -GO John Brady 266 , 425 Henry Toiand 2 65 24 Kichard Parker 2©*> i 224 Jer Parker 200 410 John Scigbrid 2 65! JO Tho* Grant 6 30 ; •V*s Paler 11 ousel 276< fry 134 Wm Mile* 11 fi;: Wm P Brady 6t; JLIU Jacob-Seigbrid 2 S5 j 110 Strohx ker A Kaynolds 2K5' do do 1 71 1 '230 Dtn'l Srigbrid 3 66 424 Geo Calhoun 2 n6 d<> Benj Calhoun 2 86 425 Wm Harder 3 07 John Trip do | -VI Jcr Ja< kson 142 1.50 Jon Wolf 1 02 427 Win Dewart 2 66! l'utton Township. JJ Thos West 8 }i! 15 Wm Kilis 2 4o! 14 Thos West 2 291 21 Wm Wilson 3 46' 409 Benj Homer 87 26 ;#*( Jacob Raker 49 29 133 Henry Grass 27 25 Potter Township. Wm Harrison 3 30! 196 H B Pullman do : Edward l a magus 829 Win Camagu* do 400 Win Hoffman 2 31 do Daniel Smith 2 64 do Daniel L-vy do. Ia hsancl Ysosg do* 12 James Moore 66! !u5 George McCJellan 168 j Joseph Gowgilt 3 80 Taylor Township, he". J..S Dresk 29 '.to, • JO Jno Lamb s 86 290 Wm It'll 45 24 300 Geo \V Albcrty 17 10' 130 And Hurry kill 86uj 211 Nick Hammond H 99] •JOO George Riier 11 40 309 Jaaepti Watch 2 86 800 Elitali Merriman 2700 :ou Robt Campbell 11 *• 13 J no Carr 4 27 i 291 James Carr 6 70] 150 Geo Mony 860] 109 Tbos Martin 6 TUj .50 Joa Clark 2R... 100 JnoSHeak 11 40 15U Jno Hover 0 55] •iiw Wm Addleman 70 05; 40 James Pox 6M 260 Maria M< rris S 74 483 163 Josh Williams 17 10] 28 Jno Brsgle 8 17] 4 '• 163 Josh Williams 1710: (49 Daniel Beck 4 53 60 of jos Yodtr 171! 2'< i' Clem Beck with 2137] 109 James Cow her 6 70: 170 Moses Ceats 29 08! 100 George Mark ley 17 16 434 jnebsmb b 55 4 3. jno Schenck 618 434 Henry 31, Kwen do j do Polly M. Ewin do j 217 josh Williams 4 27i 414 l'oliv Williams 6 13 do Huge Hamilton do Spring Township. 250 Henry Ttol I 2 25J 81 90 of Henry Tool 401 IVI j j Lingle 7 36 00 Wis Wilson 21* !*• James Smith 8 SO Thos Johnson 4 90 260 do (i 12 ■*k) Cath Rubison 1U do Krhecca H,-bison 13 90 do Bit-hard Rabison 7 35 Union Township. 318 Oavid Klines 24 ITi SO Boyce Davis 4 42 do do 2tV| K> 26 KMulbollen 427 60 Boyce Davis 2 28' 100 Jane Blake 4 70j do 8-sinue! Philips do j 191 Dun woody A'Long 7 Si Rush Township. 433 11.3 Jno Such 15 98 400 Jno Black do j 312 J.'R Wells do i 250 of And Allison 18 50j 30.) of Allison dc Lilly 22 30| 313 106 John Wbiuner 66 67 do do John Louden 23 15 U3 163 Christ Hare 64 071 247 16 Jtcs Arthnn* 1819 133 152 Joseph Welch 32 03 Jo 158 Robert Irvin 56 07 do ilo John M usurer do do do Richard Peters do do do Jacob Wilton 15 98 do do Jacob Miller do do do John Hubler 15 97 405 147 Jacob Hush 29 05 422 44 Jno Weidtnan 3122 402 116 Jacob Jo 49 47 4144 John Miller 15 97 433 I.VI Thos llumilton 3203 do do Kllenor Siddens do 216 Robt Bainy 15 97 40 10 Rich Athcrton 392 433 153 Rich Malin 15 07 do do Gaac Britchor 15 97 do do Jno Gundager til 07 (lo da* George Slough 3218 do do Michael Gundagor do 17" 84 llurdinan Philips 27 20 210 156 Thos Hamilton 798 do do Thos Grant do 183 168 Henry Witner do do 153 Richard Louden 15 96 do do Daniel Fit/era Id 32 03 do do Daniel Khler do do do llenry Ponkerton do do do Paul Bush 15 98 do do Paul Black do dw do Paul Such do do do John Boreland do do do John Kelley do do do John Bush do do ilo Peter Brutxman 15 96 do do Thos Edwards 15 97 do do Robt Irwin do i 109 Thos Hamilton 8 05 Iqß Thos Grant do I 433 101 l Thos Reese 82 02 ilo do David Beverage 805 do do Mar M'Cormick 805 Ido do Jas Glentworth do "do do Geo Latimer do do do Ew'd Moyerton do I sea**. r*a' wtaasanraatuira *t*f 827 H* And Armstrong 606 188 13 Sarah D.-lany HOB 200 Wm MePherun 8 70i j 186 (VI Win (i Latimura 2 61' , 433 163 Kohl Spear 16 00 do do I brisl Lcnhore 1208 •lo do Carper Shaffer do Jo do Owen Jorduit 15 08) do do Chrlat Kohrar 3208 100 lloht King 13 oil 361 153 And Allison 11601 120 HO John Lilly 6UN 43 5 lfi.3 .lac Slouch 16Oh fai it Jn<> Hroehblll *173 210 HO of Kobt Hainy 7be 70 Thus Grant SIH 30 Christ Huber 2 22 >SO Joseph Harrison 11M0 do ('red D-.rnti Jot Deviing do ti l ISJ Kearney Wharton 46 01 , i!, V... Uavid Carscaddon 6*ju 433 163 Sarah Delaney 22 4'Ji do do Wm MePheron do do do Kd win Mayston do] O do Was Learta do do do Francis West do I do do Jasper Ma> lan do] do do Benj West do do do Wm Higbtra 22 42 do do Jaa Hawthorn do jdo do Blair MLanebaa do do do Kdward Scott do do do Paul Co* do <:.o do W Lewis f Lawyer] do (do do Thos Calhban da <4o do Hubert Morris do d Jo PhelU Brum d do do Thos S Shippcn do do da Thus Hawthorn do •jo do George Meade do do do Geutge Campbell do A let Martin 2D no 900 Lewis Lewi, •>] '♦BB 161 Kearney Wharton 4601 WO John Pint I*, 97 :<*W * Job a Ligget 16 60 4 Margaret .Spear 13 UJ jelO Rout Rainy JJ2I 0 Sarah M Canaltan 22 *u 483 1M And Bayard 22 60 jJo do Mary M Wharton '.'l 49 do do Jos J'Nprru do Jdo do hranri* Wert 46(11 ■ 388 jame* T Halo 19 81 :*U Jama. Me Manns 22 60 do Samuel Lmo do do Benj R Morgan do 416 Sarah Wharton 23 67 I>S ♦ Mary do 22 6(1 do } j P Norm 46 01 150 ol JOS Harmon 6 20 W0 Job Klley do 416 Richard Wain 11 22 442 Runl Wilton 22 60 |do 168 Moore Wharton 11 21 do do Wm Parker do do do Rebecca Wain do do do Benj II Talluian 22 60 do do Elian Wharton 1121 do do A S Valentine do do do T M MilJikcn do a* N J Mitchell 3080. ; 413 Joseph Morrii 22 4*' j do A let G reaver do i ' do Geo Eddy do j j do Geo Parker do 162 Richard Junes b 4! Walker Township. | 92 3G Wm Ackert Iw. 1211 44 CaptOsuian 299 116 18 M Dougherty 1 O 214 165 Margaret James 80b .1 TV 110 Eluta Daugherty 247 110 89 Joseph K\ ans * 140 211 73 Peter Il.Ln 2W". 90 04 John Mercer 124 do do Robt Ask in do H6 40 Job Packer do 88 do Job Paeker, jr do 79 do Daniel John-ton t*4 $2? 161 Win Man red 4 ,127 121) of Ruth Brooks 829 827 100 David Mercer Jul 38" 164 Robt A J Baker 40b 47 Kbeneter liahn 33' 65 40 Wm liahn 90' SH4 138 David Latler 5 32' 884 180 Wm MiJier do i 280 129 Mary Catnac 802 214 166 Edward Jamet 801 Benj Pylaa ACo Gt> 105 73 M iry Camthan 10 Jno M,-Coming 207 i -'l2 Samuel Berk man 696 1160 David Keed 4 Wl 94 89 M Daugherty 1 4 llt I IIA 1.1 l 11 0 IKb / MIII IMNUI, Pfopr .!■ T Stage# arrive and depart daily, for a) point* north, smith. e*9 slid west iI.LKRs lIOTKI. Wood* Mrd IH , Stngw arriva and depart 4nily RKSRV mtocßKXßorr, J. i entroiar, President, Cashier. OKNTRK COUNTY BANKING CO. (Late Milliken, Hoover A thv) KECKIVE DEPOSITS, And Allow interval, Discount Nolo#, Buy and cell. Oovernmetil B®cu; 1i,Qold MAI. J. MI 111. 1 1 1. I It TAYLOR, Cnt. llall where he is at all times, prepared to make all kinds of men and boy's cloth ing, areordlng to the latest styles and at reasonable charges. _ C.~t~At,KXAN r iKH ('. M Uowea*. ALEXANDER A BOWERS. Attor ney s-abLaw Ilellefonte, la. Hpe cial attention given to Collections, and Orphans' ilmirt practice. May be con sulted in German and English, office In Oarroan'a Building. my2'"4-tf, A DMINIBTBATOR'S NOTICE.- Letter* of administration on theestat* of William Harkins. of Potter twp.. dee d, hnye been granted to the undersigned, who request nil person* knowing themselves indebted to said estate to make immediate payment, and Ihoin having demand hgain*i the same to proseid them duly nu thonticated by law for fllH*ment. (IKOROK HABKINB, JOHN 11 A UK INS. 7 may 6L Admfs. DBS. NKPF A Itl'N K LB.— Both graduates from the Jeff. Med. Col lege, of Phil'a, Pa., desire to inform tho public that they have now fully entered Into partnership, and that hereafter any person employing one will consider him* self employing both, and that if a convol ution is required, r.o extra charge will be made. pr2.74-lf. JL. BP ANGLE B, Attorney-at Law, Bellefonte, Pa. Office with Bush & Yocum. Consultation in English and Gorman. Collections promptly attood ed to. lebi-tC D. M. KITTKNHOUSE, WITH KOOXS, SC'IIWABZ A CO. WIIOI.KHALK ORALRRB I!* Fish, Cheese and Provisions, 144 North Delaware Avenue, 137 North Water Street, I*ll LLADISLPII I A. V. A. Koqati O SCHWABS. J, ban**** laa^y^TPGTAi I J. P. Fmjw.— JWoj swerm, aaya I P4BAU4 AUV.A thsirerrttyrf Pcna'sla lfflXoiul After 38 years' •Aperient-, rerftetei Dr. Fltler'i Vegetable Kbaoma! la Ijrop. I r-*rAnti It &n inbUJsl* ue for Kerr-, KH tm} s4 UhomiiattS eori^to^thle 2S3BSSB^S^a®IBK?|a 1' 'ub.Ao, A 111 11-*1 ehimlif write l)r. lilCSlilbjlJ* mjAa-