<*Jk HI ii j§ENTRE FEED.KUBTZ V. Centre Hall, P*., Juno 4 . UL 4. IRRMB,—92ptr pr.tr, '* • *rhrn nflt paid >* a< ! > office, and who form cliques, and en tor into bargains and intrigue to ac complish their ends. Tut your it upon rings, democrats, and our part} will be gradually built up. hot the nomination of good, worthy, hone* nrcu, be the aim, and throw the trick sters and ringsters overboard other wise the party itself will g over board, just what the rads are ai \* ioustosse. Nominate good men, an.) we will draw to us many ot the hon est voters in the republican party. If the Grauge order can fleet any thing ill breaking down the ] atei t right monopoly, ami forcing U • gross to make such changes iu the patent laws a* will secure a lair compensation to patentee*, a- well as guard purchasers against the abuses that have been practiced under the patent laws, by demanding outrageous prices for articles mauulactured, the Granges will lie entitled to the tliank of the jieople at large. We think this should be one of the great aud first aims of the Patroru of Husban dry, and as they already are a jower ful organization, and are daily grow ing stronger, their demand upcu Con-t gress, in this regard, dare not, and will not be, passed over unheeded. The farmer is fleeced more und t I the existing patent laws, than any other class, because the machinery , and implements be needs, are s > ma ny, and the prices demanded * > out-; rageously extortionate. This is one of the evils, we believe, the Grangers talk of making war. against—but thev are first endeavor-; lug to secure a reduction <.f price- up on implements, while the law, which the manufacturers are taking a Ivar tage of, may be lost sight of and re main unaltered. To bring ah >ut a modification of the patent laws as j would guard against monopoly and ; extortion, would be striking at the root of the evil, and would i>v pro ductive of good results not only to the members of the Granges, bat also to the rest of mankind not interested iu a patent monopoly. We would advise 1 the order to keep sight of this sugges tion, and let the Ginnges of Centre county at once move in the matter, and have its importance pressed upon the state and uational organizations of their order. Every Granger, ani all else, we believe, is willing that an j inveutor shall have reasonable pro tection, even be allowed to make a heap of money out of his patent, but the law should also be tempered with such features as will protect the man who must buy against being unjustly fleeced by buying at unwarrnutrd pri ces. In must of patented articles, it :s| not the original inventor who gets the reward of his inventive ability—he is often a man of small means and there fore forceel to sell the result of his braiawork to capitalists and sharper*. _ who make millions out of a right i which they purchased for a mere so ng. - Let the patent laws be so modified that whoever desiresjo manufacture a j patented article can do so, by paying a reasonable jicr ceutage, to be fixed by law, to the patentee —this would start up competition and bring down ; prices to what they should be, and prevent the monopoly evil under whicn people are fleeced. Gen, Robt. Fleming died at bis j residence, in Williamsporl, on la*t Saturday morning. Gen. Fleming was a member of the constitutional convention, in 1837, a state senator, and some 15 years ago the dcni'.cratic nominee in this district for congress. Grangers' Insurance. A bill was introduced in the Ilou.-e, at Washington, last week entitled "A bill to incorporate the 'National Grange Fire Insurance Company.' " It was introduced by a Western mem-' ber ar.d provides for the incorpora- j tion of a company with a capital of $1,000,000, to insure houses and per sonal property against fire. One pre vision of the bill is that tl e company shall make a full report t.f its affairs to the officers of the National Grange of the Patrons of Husbandry. Despatches from Calcutta state that the distress from famine iu ludia is increasing. Nearly three millions of people are dependent upon the gov ernment for lood. Travellers who have arrived in Bayonne from the seene of the Cai list war iu Spain report General Con cha, with a force of Republicans num bering 25,000 men, marching towards Estella, province of Navarre. He attacked the CarlUts 011 the 24th inst. with three columns, aud was repulsed everywhere. Don Carlos has left Durango and arrived at Tolosa, cap ital of the province, or Guipuzcoa, fif teen miles southwest of San Sabastiau. William Grove, a farmer who re- | sided near Rogersville, Green county was struck by lightning while plow inc one day last week and instantly 1 killed. At Spruce Creek, Huntingdon co., ' a few days ago, a man named Sam uel Maginly was run over by a heavy | laden wagou, and one of his legs had t to be amputated. 11 The following little nmutum . moot which has been published in the new-. columns of the l\itri"t, i- \< r\ - (leant: " The sale of the properly >t d iui ■jUi lit tax par era ot t bar h steu ctinly. ! S. was concluded v Mer.lay. ... .- hundred picct sot n :ii e.-tnte in ! the count} have been t o eitid to the State for want ofbiddor*." Having taken what little run!} mottoy the citizyn- had, the plun.ht ling public ot. vial* are in w i.nti-ea ling their land- ami In s > - Ihe V w \oi k Tribui'i iMiijic nrc-, in> doubt correciiv.lb.il vi i} few < I il .u. thousand parcel* u( property ! 'rtmtui w ithiti aw uk iu and ateuud t1 m - ton will be i.dei rued within t! nui tv dav* allowed by law Nob. Iv wi 1 buv thent under tire pre lit cou.liii a of aflaiis, be.ui-a iu.b, d can j -sih.i pav the charge- on thctu, lh. y w. . remain a- public property until gen eral bankruptcv oi some other ooiu troplie put-a new lace upon lite >i - nation, and then lltey will pa - into strange hands. Indeed, when a Sts.to cannot collect its laves . vmi bv di iiaint we do not know whv u i- not bankrupt already. riieTiibuito i. niimis ttioae 1111111-1.1 and w.>l montue.. |H tM>ns at U :uhing'.*n who w in', to .to something for tv uth I'aio ina that . verv good opportunity was -i"i > : nly ami w.lii -elf into otlicc at the iat h-cti- :i w* convicted —not indeed ot this ■ ttVi -e, for lite State court* aic too coirupt to puuisb election frauds committed tor the right side —but ot vt> luting a '...t uteoi the I'iiited States for the par |v se and in the act ot cotmuitlii ; tue higher crime. 11c was scutoiuet; to a tine, and was immediately p ;r. 11. .1 b-.- "Frederick A. BwVw. actiig -- •• rotary of the treasury." It i *u>.ge.-- led that tin ii tl Ml* "-.u yer might atford a drop ol ie..e: to Si uth Caroliua. Yesterdav, in presiding in aea le fvte one of the courts, Judge I.ad.ow stated tli.it a lawyer could not uudot hi* professional duty disc! - what hi* client had told him. and that twr nin: to do s.) would be gross n: ■- >i:dt:< his Hotter holding, very pri • erly and according to the rule oi the legal pr. - f. ssion, that the confidence of c. uus •ught to be as sacred as that of the eoafi-sgional. We approve o tie rituiple laid down, and its applica tion vasterday, but we wish the e nits would apply it moie general!v to the case of news] a per editors and tin it in formers, where the question* oi c li cence and the public g 1 at car et mi 1, as tfcev were some time ago when a C'iucinnati judge sent a jour nalist to prison because he r fused to divulge the name of a person who ha 1 exposed to him a corrupt politi cal transaction. But peihap* the fourth estate i* itself to blame. When its members ado t a professional dis e pline and standard like the bar, and enforce them, it will secure more rights and additional respect.— Pre • 21 ult. •♦ - Chief Justice Agnew, Judge Henry W. \\ iiliams of Tioga county, ex- Attorney General Benjamin Harris Brewster, Hon. Win. A. Wallace oi Clearfield, 11011. W. 11. Tlavford ti Fayette county. Attorney General Samuel K. Dimmick.utid li n. A. 1 McCiiut >ck of Luzerne, have l>. en ap [K-inted by Governor Hartranft cm ; raissiotiers to propose amendments t. 1 the new constitution, under an act ol the late Legislature. Such amend tueuu as may be proposed will have ito go through the following pr-c ss tliey must be agreed to by :i majority of members elected to each house, and then published for thre< months before the next general elce tion. At the Legislature which next assembles the amendments mu-t be again passes! aud again published, and then submitted to a vote of the peo ple, bc'ore they can become a part f the constitution. Certainly, u very safe and conservative meth >l. Michigan will be the first State in the Union calie-l upon to decide by a vote of the people 011 the question ot woman's suffrage. The election oe curs next November, and the contest promises to be quite lively. The f rrn in which the question is to bo decided i by a vote on a constitutional amend ment, which, if adopted, trill extend the right of suffrage to every woman < f age in Michigan. There is con-id erablc excitement all over the Slate on the subject, and, so far as public sentiment can be ascertained at prc-s ent, a large majority will vote against the amendment. Most of the w< meu themselves are strongly opposed to it. J Ldgar Thompson. Pailadelphia, May 28. —John lhl gar Thompson, President of the Penn sylvania Railway Company, died last night, after a protracted illness, at his residence in this city. The death of J. Edgar Thompson produced a marked sensation in Pail adelphia yesterday and was the topic universal discussion. The death though occurring at half pas'. 11 o'clock was not announced in the Phil adelphia morning papers nor commu nicated by telegraph till a late hour in the forenoon. The greatest excitement was at the stockboard. The Telegraph savs: "The closing sales on Wednesday night were at -171 and when the new* oi Thompson's death reached the room, wbich was not until after 10, the price was knocked to 40}. Here it stood for only a moment, and then, gradually with the growir g nil deuce of the bidders, which was marked and rapid, it gradually ro-e to 471. where it stood for* long time. When tlx board opened, there un- only a rumor of Mr. Thompson's death; but there had been so many of the same kind, that this did not obtain much credit. In a short time came the c< u fir ruc tion; and the excrement reached its zenith. Ihe transactions were unusually heavy, the "bear" movement being successful in depressing the stock to 4CL They sold "short," making hea vy contracts, and when the rale had reached a low figure, bought up to cevcr their coutracts, and in addition to making their dollar or fraction ofa dollar on each share, gave the market a better tone. They run the stock, by rapid sulcs, down "to cover" bought up to almost the same it commanded at the closing yesterday. The opinion ol members who were consulted upon that point this morning was that the stock would appreciate in value, and the general belief that, with a reorganization of the road and careful handling under u responsible bead, who could be at his post at all times, would raise to the figure of ante pauic days. Some time since three couples were married in Greensburg in the same mouth, and now each couple are the happy parents of twins. A contract has been let by the pro- j per uutliorities for the erection oi gas iv nks at Tyrone, the work to be com peted in three months from June 1. OLD l.oYi: RKKINDI UD \ W ABHtNG PON ii' IM !N< • < The Widding was that <>! Mi t' >in Mi hi gull, with Mis. Sib.i \, w ill 1 ol M.i j,>r Sibb-v. t iii'<i • .au t Judge Huniphrti- ii the Supii-u-.i I'olirl <>t the Stat.' el I >ltie, and ttteli t\-iv en v< ar- aw a . .1 >■> it • Mr. Goecer, th> I hand-omc, bt-u' u ntonlrated wilhh t I cing it high spirited girt, she ; a sut i tic. till broke the engagement, teiinig hiiu -lu would iv vet uiau } huu He hit the Slut M-c 1.. till i atvl he ma 1 • i M'i > y its i twelve I'll- nit I• I" 1*1(1 Idrvw, and at !. - dath h. wi ; Mi- 1 ..\ 1a!• w }i-t-, titd left three eltildmi. In October, weatv of Eur.'pe.m life. Mi- SibU-\ determined to return to her heme t: Ginciunati Arrtv.n m N. \i \. :k, it occurred to lier t . i- i> Wash ingtau for a few wiel,.- v nun, iiuw uivslerioti i are thv wa}-l (hie dav, time hanging wiar.lv on h i hands, she wandered I • (' mgui* ; of course, nevi tilt auiii that 111 thi . august b d\ -at Iter affinity 1 An hour pa--i I. th deha! w re pio*v and tedi. us. >.\ .;atiu itn. 1-, 1 wraj - übout h *r, she ] re; arid t • have tlu gallery, vvlt n theie v,as u tap ott lor shoulder. I'uruing, who did she be hold but the low r of her vuutb ! \ j agitatid voice, site ij ude the inquiry, I"1 ui nose your fdinilv are wii'i v ;i? "Did vvtt tnJ know that my wi: v... dead T ' \\ ith tragic start she ttv r J red she did t. t ;:.e ani .-co nm! Hi-itatiou m hi- pait, ' blushes n hers, and thru ii a ! u j voice replied . onget "1 vv iilcoiuo it vvu take back vv li -it you -aid n.e twenty-five year* ago.'' "I will," c answered, aud she vvihe ! j The uigagcuuut wa* very brief, and ; the happy twain were united lut ! urJar tnoriiing at 11 o'el ek 1 c j bride wore a pea 1!-colore I satin Mo- I cade, with diamond ornaments, aud j looked very well, nioeil .-he e ut■ t < t | 1 k si-ntiaut.tal. t r 1: '. vv ry j young, and weighs ub- ut ;t j hun 'red 1 au.l ninety-five peuud.-. IflOiiKUtLK HAlii>AHl n J.N MEXICO. i."it\ of Mexico, M.ij IS, viii Ha vana. — S nor Ah .< c: ; Jacnbo, in the Stat< <•!* Sinai a, has ' officially reported to the prelect tdhis (district that ..it April 1. lie nr.,-'. !, • trieil, am' burntiiv-Te i ana-. The day before the exccuti >n Citi jit** fnrr*t.*t * ****** It, made Zac -1 arias take uuuc ,a -j b'es- 1 j water, w hereupon the latin e ..i.ud fragments of blpuUet an-i bunchm • : hair. The AlculJe s y th | .le were exasperated again.-t the - u :• r-. ai i demanded that tht v>o ild 1 burned, iTbe sentence wn executed with hi approvai, and ho ildk> the au thorities of Sinah'n !*) -end n 1 :.ii!t I report of the proceedings, and to take measures to protect the lives < j r sous threatened with similar violence. THE WE>T AND THE KAIL KOAJ'fi. The coutest between the railroads and the Western grangers, says the j Tribune, is evidently approaching a crisis, and there aj r .-; .el of.- t ri.-us j trouble before [he HUH is over. The new laws in Illinois a:.d Wiscon sin, reducing toils, ore p- nernlly re-j !-;-ted by the companies, while the State authorities, . u the other hand, are di-poet'd to enforce tl; m with all I' p -sible promptness and vigor The.' Chicago and Norlh-UNiitrn and the Milwauke and Si. I'aul roads can-! test the constitutionality of the Wis |consin law upon the grounds set firth in the oj inii is t f Mr. Evnrts and Mr. Curtis, to which we alluded some da\ - ago, and they have endeavored to oh , taiu the consent of the Governor to| try the (juestion at once in the Federal | courts, lo this, however, the Gover nor will not agree, and proceedings have already beet) lakeu in the Su preme Court of the -tuteto vacate the (.barters of" the companies. Of coufse , the action must cotue at least to the Supreme Court of the luited States; but meanwhile both the railroads and the public may be subjected to innu merable leases and vexations. Ac tions for lha recovery of penalties may l e tried by .Justices of the fence all over the state; District-Attorneys! ate required to prosecute them free ol expeme to the complain ant ; and tiiric times the amount of the overcharge may alio be recovered is civil ratal As the Constitution of Wisconsin ex-, prcssly provides that the Legislature , may at any time alter or revoke char tars of its own granting, it would seem that the principles of the famous 1 )art mouth College decision will not ap p!y to the Wisconsin cases, ami the Sutecoorta may be ex peeled to su: in;ii the law. Seeing that every trav '!y tcn "Kiing the legal fare of three cents n ntie. They are not to tell passengers the distance front station to station, ami if u traveler idlers to pay them a p-nny less than the exact amount, they are to take no explanation, but let him ride as far as the money would take him at/our cents a mile and then put him oil. In Illinois a somewhat different policy has been pursued. The Ital road law empowcis the Houid ol commissioners to determine what are reasonable rates of toll, and in any suit before one of the .Stule courts the burden of proving that the schedule adopted by them was not reasonable would be thrown upon the companies. In the Federal courts, however, the onus probandi would be upon the oth er side, ami tho Commissioners would have to show that the rates adopted by the company were unreasonable—which would lender the law practically uscltsw The in genuity ol the railroads, accordingly, has been applied to the removal ol the question from the State to the fed-! eral tribunals. 'I he means of doing: this ba been found, strange to say, in an Act of Congress of April 20 1871, j designed "to enforce the provisions of j the fourteenth Amendment." This! slot jir>viih that p> i '.ii who. un lit i r iniimmitui -n ui -.1 l>s tlx I \intililli,i;t l ilui I nitoil Suih'*, • I nil lit ! able in itii itcliihi to Ik brought m II I !l .)( 'in'llll t'oiHt •! l' ' I tiit• I Sn!, I' i - .in linulii 'i' II llllh il tllilt llli* idllltl Will* d< -igll .1 111 t, i> hi SU|l||'| I' till *,!.< I■ I 'V (lot- |l!t "111 I I •ft'lll I* till" t'ivil I V'hts the h. i.l an liui I i i - i-iii -it " I'Ul | -t! !• It'll In I.li t * ll ii aj'ci 1.1 l I lll |iiv*n; iiunder a dcci-iuii of the I I ' Mil lu. s! i in Ihi I lllui i il it tin right, | tivili ,\ i imn.uiii \ Il| t • :1,1 by 111 - ComtlmllM Inn\ |ii> (Mitt t I : l.'Jf|lV to Will it* person. mill thai t ifiHii At it < * u* wdl n- imli , \ s,lu .* !• it >-iit iiiiilt rti i- Act, it ili IK- "tin that tiin statute run In' innde tti t \ci iiii nnia/iii.' v.iiict* of oust *. Acting ti| ii tin* lit' ul iiitcrftfttn tiotioft'.o \ct ol IS7I, the t'liii'M^'• st: 11 Altai K;siii t ail t' iiitj any. liavii ,• it, m:i tl h\ tin* Kil ml t tiiillii ■ in i - in the Circuit (' urt of Sunga ii' n c utiti, aj'|'!it ,1 in tin- Circuit C, urt "f itif I'nilcil State* for a writ 1 cert. i itri t>i 11miivc 11.0 oust l'i the F ilt rsl tribunal, and the uppiicati n was *r.i 'itl. llieStnt • Court, I n ever, refit* -I to ■ iii-v, uin I went i|m* iate Irisn.tlv with t ! • ctiim.el f"r the road* in putting li . ■ ,*! Nt sith't in the was ola : tiles! settlement. Iff slander It *in the tint that local i'Jhn r* in the West .ire too t: stilv iistlus'iicetl by ex* iled atnl cltttu,noils ootislilueni ■>•-, and ura tii*|Mi*rii jus liow to t'l suiue a m *! i rcusptory ami emphatie tme to* wnrtls tin "odious tin nop list-" who -.intn It in tin it p wer. As the •heap tf;s:ipt rlatiosi piouinu, that is tar li- ui a rolu'ioii ust vo. If th , ,'i.t ana * fan v their | int in the • t , the llliti > m r ail law will ball in* If tl.ey are b, at i in the II urts, tl.ev will |ut tht-ir ru :n y iulo j> .Jit us. aiol uiu'n missi-m*, t i ivt roots, ami .!ridge* to suit tlx nisei V< s. AN IN KNOWN FACE OF Gl i h i s*. i ll: 1)|9( ovi:i:Y .•!' v (iui AT Chai;- M !. 11..1 -I I SM.lt Till ! - r t I X rcr.li s' Growth -WitoFil.i Is it vnn i i' A wt.nuw ' G - Tt'iHin ■!< :>c<6 vf the Toronto i'V.Va graph. IK v. Nathaniel War-LL. M. Orin Wai 'li ! 1 ioiii • , uiu! Dan iel FrideuLuig wire digging on tin* }t.,rin o: t i titer gentlean, which . 5 oti th ; hi.. ) ft be Gram! Ki\>r, in tln U)'iilii|- "f Gayugit. When they • hud g t to five or ix feci below the; surface, a strange - ght met thriu. Piled in layer*, otic u| on t> p of the other, me 'JiRI ekclet •! s of liun u bring* ne.irlv perfect— ar. uti.l tl.e ttcek i f each one being a string of. heads There were a' i drpo-itrd in tiii* |u ii uuti '.i.- .'.;cs nnd slim mer* made f atone. In the jaws ofj several of the skeletons were large -tunc ji; . ne of which Mr.O. Wji dell took with hint to Toronto a day or two after, Th'-c ?k *!etoc are th -e of men of gigantic at at ore, s. me of them mei -iirs*. _ tiiiie Tut, very few of them be ing lea* than seven fv t. Smo of the thigh b> m - were found to 1m at least half a fool longer than tin -o at pre sent know n. and one of the skills, Ic ing examined, completely ct vcred tlie head of an < rdiuary jnts n. Tl.e-i* -keluton, arc Cttpp 'itd to belong t<> a race of pe. jdt antetior t< the Indians S une three years ago the hones fa ma-t >il n were found imbedded in the earth ah. Nt six mile* fr -m this spot. The pit and i'- ghastly occupants ate now open t > the view cf any who may i wih t . make a \ i-it there. There i" Uut the slightest doubt that the remains of a lost city are on this farm. At various times within the r.st remains of mud houses with their chimneys had been ftund ; : and there are dozens o; pi:.- of u sinii j iar kind to that ju.t unearthed, though much smaller, in the place which been discovered Im*fore, though the ' fait ha" not been ma Ie public hitherto, i The remains of a blacksmith's diop. ntaining two t if charcoal and various implement", were lured up a few months ago. The farm, which consists of 150 aert. has been cultiva ted for neatly a century, and was cov ered with a thick growth of pine, m j that it mut have been ages ago that) the i'mains were deposited there. The skulls of the skeletons arc of an etiortuou- .*izo .ntid of till inanuer of 1 =liapcs. nli uit half ns largo ngaiit n , tire tt'itv to lie recti. The teeth in niort of tlient are *till in an almort perfect -ta'.e (if prc.crvatiou, though thev soon fall out when exposed to the air. It i* supposed that there is gold or silver in large quantities to lie found in the premises, an mineral rod* have invari ably, when tested, pointed to a certain •pot, and a few yards front where the last batch of skeletons was found di rectly under the apple tree. Some large shells, supposed to hnve been used lor holding wnter, which were also found in the pit, were al io -t p-trilled There is no douht that were a scheme of exploration carried 3tt thoroughly the result would he highly interesting. A gmd deal of ixcitentent ex id.* to the m i'dthorhonil ami ninnv vi-it>rcall nl the fnrm daily. The ."ktill ■ and honra of the giant* are fast disappearing, !>citit; taken away by curiosity hunter.*. It is the intention of Mr. IVMei.hiirg to cover the pit up very soon. The pit is ghastly in the extreme. The farm i- skiitfd on the north bv the Grand river. The pit is close to the banks, bill the niui ks are tin re to show where the gold or silver treasure is supposed to ho under. From the appearance of the skulls it would seem that their possessors died a violent death, as ninny of them Mere broken and dented. The* axes are shaped like tomahawks, small, hut keen, in T rumen (P. The heads are all of. tone, and of all sizes and shapes. I tie pipes ato not unlike in shape the cutty pipe, mid several of them are engraved with dogs' heads. They have not lost their virtue for smoking S uiie people profess to believe that the locality of Fridenhurg farm was formerly an Indian burial plnee, hut the enormous stature of the skeletons and the fuct that pine trees of centu ries'growth c ivcred the spot go fur to disprove this idea. Uvea the staid old New York Evening , I'o-t takes but little stock in tie Senate's Civil Bights bill. It argues that— j The establishment of minted schools i throughout the South at present by legis- I t .rhiit'i.t we hull** t' t'l lie 111>|i• i .1,, it -true Hint negro children ears be ■ tluiivt. I I • it!' 'i ItiioU ll|i|i"ile I to Ins* it > lit ttiri I •• I . hiiiil (gc , i itiiiei t lot power I.t interfere in lite ex* . n,lis tn ol ilo' Mate tmr< i vor.v er um* I it -,t hot tliero U iio method by a I .-li wli !c t hiltlii n t.in Ii- rtaill*4 in ',-tt \tl tin- es iJrtiev W# havn ttrji oti | il • iltjtiti |iti|ui> ilim • tissu way. Thi 1 ■ *l 11 inni* of tlia iiearu Ut'lieva In |tar- ! 'it ■ litiol* loi the nrent'lil in lllOtl I'tai t • j i.t •'. \i *lt.ii>e, who i tlaiiiK unite h 11,e i i.in, .i \ i jjii i. for llin ethit-a I iif i ,i t i'h'ii iilly uppi'xil tt , , t - ■ intior Hrouiihiw \h ! n tti iitieii .II w lon liar wti will I iif inivi-il " i.otiU, hut whether we I ittiili in i' nii.i -itlmii ol |iuhllc In "true ' t 1..- mhlie- t ilift| on I ritlav 1 , i t.fi.ei ,! fonferen eol ihe Melho. 1 . ■ e-ti Chun h South sas* (hut t t I .y-Ue|t I lie tw , int e> ttislincl in It, . , .1 ore -tn I/.at i< 11, while their ! I.nit.tin l i the N nlliein Mate have in ' < I ioiutesa'.ioii' aiol iiiUrtl hlioolr, ' \\ thei *uv "Jo not a* U Ihe in to a |■ We t unh il iiJ.i|i'thei: \N iti re., it| 11 i to net c nil tt is ut ion a 1 ■•1 tioiit So till* .ur*ute, it a|>tieai* to u i 1... a inah.v iin|i'.iti i |..rticu!ar* it will !,.• n- u a Mini |*:acti. all) lnooeiatiye ; w -eanu ot ill ome of lt |irt l-i. tn, it m t in* to u , to Innore la oilier* Ittnl tiine i .i no #ll,iiit • lenient in all ri torus* ll is ii. l t ufoltej il w ill >.ci|ily he irritalui);. Whatever iitniry it icrticl* wrill fall uj \\ .. tn c'.cii May "J • The agent at I. •* i' .1 iltati Af > lo'i , Col . report* to lite l -ill. f,i ft' 11: Jilili Atl lite til' CO* .'in - tan, !'V which five isien hot their life* 1.,* 11 trail, on the I'te Indian* lie** erva'. n. Hi , of a |iarly of ix, on nt riv- i in if ut the agency, w„* ijtseelialif ,1 a* to j wiiut had heeoine of hie i-fuiiiuniont lie j ilo*! |hey hedpmbwhlydiied from hurm t;, r u J cold - in, , they left hint to 1. .*.•- w -. i,, t nit. fre<.en After closer investigation, itierohi-ing *u*|iiiiou* , , 4cimultiiic-*, the man, wluwe tiause it , I'at rr , oiifroeed under ,-a'.l> that one at > ! • , '' . : lh, etl ve (• I lUltt had ht-en I I, led m d . etcli and that he htiiot If hud 1 —, d t!s. si reotui'ihig malt only about I !*. IV mile- fro n the a galley lie* or- i e. .• 101 v the tirt tw>. vulittt*, ef whom ■ u, h,s g JieJ tt -to itnrvulKiti. I lie oi that ll at, the dead hodii * he * c.iiii. gl ■ Kill u' a Utter. Pack er h it i i < ft turned over to the civil li.ag- i .-tia".- wi.o m l tin, -'. gate the attwir t>v a eg'ilui .- * t and In- will he |irm.eeded | agaiutt in accordance with the law A i etc fietm. reveiuhting a< V, lone. |M- - d over f*t l.oui*, on 15*'. hull. ll to i, . ..tiijiamet hv hall. Much damage wa* to huiliiitig*. telo-et, awtstliga, Ac .seiftal li-'i-ci wde uur.ioti ,1, and tignt a law el. ;rlrd ahe.t protuit ln t'.e Hem r, ratal itaafltail i..-t their * t'l" - e -tail,*, and were other w. 1 .tit aged i'h damage to >ht|!|nng it • c.i mated a', upward* af j 15,010 SOCI AL SCIENCE. Atnc-tiiati So, iai ScteiMSr A*o-, in* ten i> now in *e**ioti in tin* city Several .to-and Ici,sued |-aper have been read i J I. from whnii w. giva below i" . I übttrat!,d the c< i c!uti"ttt reached. 1 I'f.-sj.lriit (. iiian, ol the I nivertity of S a ft. *;>, i.,- tn r ■ ire* i eto tiiat State a* a aociol study, lie cotisidert that Cab* fori.;.* raindi c be oij.iiig the centre of '4. ... 'i o|.. *a! ■ * Air the world, and that, ;ht. gh the rctisUnce of the State to a pa- I r ir-c'icy circsslnlion. it hat had r.o the (lante* which havevitiled i4h* ,r - ha < ' She country Caltforn aw at •i . :ll . I.r*'. Stall *to inaugurate ttedili* •v t. waid tie lire-dominant influence ol oil ~ I , "p. rat -lit and monopolies ht- 4. .- i:it-re*i"iis the it vaittr (latad < x let i . She Kat regarding the tate of to riaty t-i.t the future will *hw that in Cat* f r; -a t .i* pest form* of Christian culture lt d ci*t r vt...". are t" he it: She neeendslit. • u - I t l>c w uirty ililhiwd, and the !'.-*, -it-'e i a ■ le ret: ler the M-ly ical conditn-n# of liic rijujtblt loan ■umcnx p. ; ulati-n •Mr I'at -1 A V, ell. ..1 ngthy and exl ■ sllv, sap, on the r.-itioi.-al principle* if tnxntto"- It would c , upy too much space for u* t trace the cogeM argument* odd i., Ihv she • .rue,! tpeaher, bill the general conc u* ,!. to which hit tnvetiga itun lead i> that lh< rat otial principle of Lakatiou I- to t n hut comparatively few i articles, tangible property and fixed ign* j rs'jA*! v. f r i?i lh w •.*y i.,. r .e*e 1 '. pitlahly, untfotinly, and • .-. : ally , nnj the}; lc„s i thent to d.f -il.e. a ' *t .hd aj |f rtton tiioinaelvr. by .he inflexible law* ol trude and |Hilttical 1": - >r lien;an.m I'eirca din o*ted the •it*-;, t, r . ,'i lattet for steal ishtps. alid a !v>* i.t- ia-i slemr.'. ,• organisation ot the j > -•! tl ■ Altai.'..* inatiu-rt. *o .* lo re* 'nove the prllt, ipal wvurcc of the danger* •: , , • IL . dert that when tin number of -leaUu-rt t* tncreate-1 tenfold, a* it w-,!l 1 , I ef re mary yeart, e„, l. vet , -el will he in direct proportion l.ab'.e to destruction fr, til the above cause. Tba •sic-ij .n of greatc t danger it that of .*AJ° . w-1 of (ilMllwietw,-en PX) and uSXI tnile* [•art. with the Mi**i*-ippi river m tlie ! 11 litre, are extended from the (iulf to the tar 11141 . 1 undary, they w ill embrace the best rottoi), corn, and fiwat land* in the w rid. A sic it uaiial wiil connect tha Mi-'iipp wltit th*- lake*. A compara* tiv. ly (mall turn will open the*e route* fcr three jtiartar> of the tear. The Senate C niniittr-e believe that the in*il adiatt t.,g • u- channel* of commerce to be ere.-i --t i u l unproved by the government are tin' Mi**i> ipt'i river, the nojihern line* by the lake*, i central line hy tha 14Iti,>. thr- igh N irginia to It'ehmond. and the - uutheiistern r- tie h - tho Tennettae, through Ala! tuna rind (ieorgia to thu ui van. Th. !', 1-t w ill open the Miti**ippi (roni ■ 11 I .11 • f S:. Anthony to the Siulf of Mexico. The northern line will open a navigable way through the lake*, the St. Lawrence, t Welland. Erie, and faugh- | • twagis mid fhatiipluiii canal*, and the Hudson river to New York. Tha other j line* will open the Ohio and Tennessee i lixir* t'i their head water*, and thence I erme, t h\ 1 nr.al* or freight railway* with t'i" 01 can at Ki.-hmond or Savannah. The H" Committee recommended a double trai , freight railway from the Mi**i*ti|ipl river to New York, with branches to Cni , ,g ■ and St Loui*. and that government it ol shall ho given by indorsing the bond* of the company fir otic half tho actual < '-t of ill.-road, the rate* of freight to he fixed and incorporated into the charter. I'ln w.-nnte < 'onimitto*' report favorably on this plan, and it t* difficult to under.-tand why they gave the preference to the Hich* iiomd route. The cost of the canal and slack Water navigation, thev e-timate at j , . inti.Oiti, or 1 earl.v the anisic a* thai of tho freight railway, and the freight char g. will he nearly 10 per cent le- hy the latter, vvith a a\ing of front two to three w • ak* in time. The railroad wlit never bo ci.iscd, while the chiih'* w ill be frojum at Icn-t one month in each year. The bene fit- that will result Ironi tho opening of such a r• -:iil to the whole country can .-.■nrrely he overestimated. Tho cost of transporting grain from the wct will he reduced one tin If. which will he eiing "| Sl7 HlO.Otsi 'ii the product of 11*7- Tin- rcduifoa will otiablo us to i 'impel • with Russia for the supply of <•ie.it Itritinli. and givo a iiiarket |nr all our Mirplu-. It will reduce the price of hiendstutr* to every consumer in the East, ,i nl, in an eoual ratio, (hu freight on uicr chandi/.e and manufactures to consumers in the we.!. Ttie speaker admitted the in expediency of government undertaking th.it which can ho performed by private enterpr. /.>. hut hclipvgd ttint thi is tho on ly way in which tho needed relief can he obtained. Dr. J. Foster Jenkins, speaking of tout In pita!-, said that the tents should br made of cotton, rather than flax They should have heard floors, either covered with oilcloth, in order to prevent fluid's troin sinking into the wood, <>r, preferably, waxed or coated with pMrattlii. All tents should have a double roof; tho ventilation will !• better and they will be drier. Hotli -hould have openings near the ridge for ventilation. Tim heating in winter should he by stoves placed underground at the end of the tent, with pipes carrion through under tits, floor. ScituUfie Aintricau. A STRANGE GYPSY KITE. [Marietta (Ohio) Register ] It is generally believed that wandering Uyp.-ie- arc without any religious belie! or worship, uslliey arc not noted for much morality, hut, from superstition or idolatry, ;hay seem to practice a very strange bur mi ceremony. Rust fall a camp of these peculiar peoplo was moving through this si,lion and for infa keeping, (hay left with 1 ®' •'Millet 11 I lye, at hi* stable two wag on* and otne hove* „fg,.od* (Ilia of the.e wiig-.n* i* described at a very line wagon tfi* oilier, a eotninaii one. It now appear* tlialthe It no wagon and tin re .in content* of the hove, belonged to una uf the more rhleriv India* Lntt week a portion t lli.iu leliirncd, and hv perinLtion ramped! on tlt> tuiiu of Judge I'uluntri, above town In the ineaiitiuie, tfie woman, to; whom belong* d the fine wagon and Inst a had die.l. in,,l tier remaitia wi* in n vault at Zaue-nlle, awaiting burial, after the ceremony we aru about to relul., wa* end r! They ■•lit ,1 wu for Ike good* left with Mr Ivr. Tuoim tide f their camp they look the wagon hi'lotigtng to the d . eati',l .preail a blanket over it and filled it with hay It wa* a covered wagon, of course, lar they travel in nothing else Fri to tin bogr* the 1 to.•>, all the clothing, bed clothing and other article* belonging to her, even to tlt i photograph Th'.ty then nt the hay ,'l f| a lo collttime till wagon , after it Wat well under way, they tii re w into the Haute*, ouo by one, every atlo lo belonging to the old lady ex-apt one line robe, alter they had gone through a poru ir wailing ~ver it Thi. fine blanket wax rcaotved to ho taken Willi them tu/aMMVIIIo, to ho placed over the cailhi ihe wailing and lamenting, in a manner lout very peculiar, wat parte ipa tcl in lis alt present; by children only t, •or I hiee > , *tr old, at w all a* by adult:. 11.- fact that their children Join in the cu-t itu thowoa it t„ general Judge I ul (mill iftif r fM'ii Willi iheiit tu| trn r that Shay itlway* burn utter this iisanunr,! all the property belonging to any oneut) their number, alter hit or her death i whether it bo adult or child. After thi wa over, they lett thocaii.paud pro|sertv 1 hi . t.u'gc ,d u "man at d two small chif | drrn, wh,' the r-tt loft for Eanctviilo to complete the burial of tho deceased wo. mat,. NYe did not knew he! Ie but thai their property v held in common, neith er did Wo kaow but that llioy dup .te-l of '.heir dead whenever they might find iheiiitclvc* called onto pa t Will, otto of their number They lei J Judge I'utinan that they had two burying greuud* in tfhio, un at i lay ton, anooneal Eanetville, So it teeiiii the custom of carrying their dead, now atid then noticed. Is* pruhahlv only to bear them to their own eetuetrio* Ihe in*Kla for ■ r.-mallet! joku* lrajt thi I Chi, age Foal and Mail lota y that "euthu-j *i*U lit-lievo cremation , v ertaili to bo- | C"inrt Ji-urn-al," The YVorld joker tell-' atthut Mr* Fardwva tayt that the Uon'i; k now f i remaltoa it g,utig to do any go -J to c ,lJt in tiie tiead tmt It ill cerUioly tuake ~*tlin =, tca'ca,"' The Millwauke, dentinal Ihltikt "th# worst feature about the i rcmatton hutine** t. ibat >ome win ler morning, in a fit of pioiambrophy, vuur widow t tccotid huthanJ may empty v our -liet on th* pavement far the bent nt ot |cd*-lrla!l: Tie Hcv. fir. Frolhinghaiu tell* u that < remetion it at old away of ditpoaing ot tt.e JeaJ a-any, a* wide Spread, a*digni fied, at noble, at grand, at beautiful in it* at< elation* * practice observed Iron ! Uiuc iu.memuiial with at much (caltng. a; i mu- h ,t ii, ale poetic tcate, at much feel-, mg for beauty, at any other. It hat been! l-rat ttted by eotoc ol the gian,iet people' ot tha world ll ha* been approved bx • Hie of the w,etl mind* that ever hvni. Christian* may flout it at tiarati, hut among thing* called pagan have been ibt gra!) a du*t race* thi* planet hat known." Tha cremation movement hat at ieatl been advaftlagoou* in givu.g all the bu rn, irt-lt and pun maker* froah material for ■.he exercise of their ingenuity, line tifthe he-i current joke* it thst of I'uticb. "CiainsUon it a consume-atioa deveutiy 1., t wished. A correapendttnt,ln keep ing u ith the gctivTsl iuclinati 11, gets ,fl th* fvKuwtng ' \N hst. burn oar fstb< rt-iti a.funeral pvre' The pagan plot excite* our Chndiau ire Cremation sound* like tun-e toft, aoothmg name, But, in plain Engiith, it t <; turning iheme Among tbe creinatuiß joke* u the fob i- .i e from me Evening l'esl, a pr j * .■ New Vt-'K i.. v.ng Jay. ,f- g r i a an ioitmsli>>n ot the aJrvrtttemsat* iikr'.v l i prevail at lbi season in futuie year* "IsoeT -In iiieving on the fi.rtt of it.o me: th. a p rcela i: i merary urn. ot a , ia •ic design, cur tail : g Ifi* ast.r ~fa he leved buabanj The finder will receive a liberal raw ard a:.d the thankt of a deuhly tfl'. , let w k w n leaving it at the-iff. a of the New York Cremation Society. ' Mill more cremation joke* The Cor nell Era teiit ut that "the sedate frown on the ittioi slum t,a a-, it tmtkc* light fa grava subject ihe romantic, bacau-e tbat • iprrstiv* pfirae 4. love t Vocabulary, an o'.'*l material way hy any uisoonaeiate widow er. tin the other Uanif. the butine*>-man fa*.-it the pr, t. fertile reason that its advocate* are in dead earnest, while the truly devout rejoice that they will soon he able to heap c->al of fire upon the head* of their acquaintances.' H. H. WEISER & CO.. Mxh-.ifr.;t'JWjt oi Slieeliron & Tin \va re, Millhcini, Pa. All kii.J* f Tinware, contlanl'y on hand and uia-ie to order. .•-heeliron Ware of every description, alway on hand. It-Miflng in Tin and Shcctirxm done in the must approved and satisfactory style. Spouting dune to order Their at,, k of Tin and Sheetiron t*or to \\ ilaon & Hicks' Hard ware store, Allegheny St., BKLLEFONTK, PA., Jas. C. Williams, (Successor to II F. Rankin Jc Co.) DEALER IN PURE DHVCS AND MEDfCfNES, CHEMICALS. PAINTS, OILS, DYK STI FFS, VARMSIIKS, BRUSH ES. I KKFUMEKY, NOTIONS, AND FANCY ARTICLES FOR THE TOILET, Ac. for medicinal purposes. SHOULDER BRACES, TRUSSES & SUPPORTERS in great variety! Also, Choice CIGARS AND TOBACCO, and all other articles usually hept it? first class Drug Storo. PRESCRIPTIONS CAREFULLY COMPOUNDED. 9inar74tf i-'iHN rriHK. JOHN II iti I.l*, ill hl* elegant Ni W itoom*, spring Street,' iiellefotite Has on 1.1 ! , pteudid aaaorttiMMSt of lit Hi -1. I I ItN 111 KK fr-mt ti. ■ 411- ntunent to tho most elegant. llA\| ll Ell s K'i I*A It Loll M-: r.S, SOFA 11 \ I It-., ISKIxl I All-. Wool. MATTKL-SES 11AI It MAT TItKS-KS, and anything wanted in the lino of 111*, but i net * homemade and city work At to, hut risndo a speciality au,l keep* on j hand, the lar,-. : and onc*t tUa kof WALL I'AI'KK. li,i al told a! r,-a* liable rslrt, wholesale utol retail. Utve htm a call before pur chasing elsewhere, folds-ly j Miller 8on 9 CENTRJ-J HALL, PA UF.ALKKS IN nut: i utrcs A SI) MEDICINES, j CHEMICALS dim, DYK STUFFS I'KKI l MEUY. NOTIONH FANCY ARTICLES ItiU TH K'l (*1 LET, A.- , A.- , Ac. 1M Iti: MI\E AMI I.IQI (tICS, for .medicinal puritoae* I'rtiHaet t* Sujip trier* iti great variety. (Hi AUS ANI) TOHACCO. and all other article* u*uatly kept in a first c'aa* Drug Store. I'roecripti >ti- carefully C'mtpouDiled. "-Shici if MIIJ.Ert .v SON. CKMitK lIALL. FOUNDRY & MACHINE SHOPS The underctgr.. j luvifig taken lion of ilie above sitibliilinrai, re.jwct fully inform the pubiie it.at tin- sam.* will be i arri. it on by litem in all it, tranche* at heretoloro. Tory I ,r,- ii,* < KLKHH ATKU Tltl'K Ilia K t OUNPLANTKIt •h. b.il now made. lloKsK I'OWBKS THKsdll V< M A IIIINK* A SI! A K Kits PLOWS, STOVES. oVEN KKTTLF PLATE- CKLL YKGKATES. PIAJW NH KAIL- A M ILL.EALING .f eve ry dotcription, in ilirt ihi ir Foundry i*. comJi'.ele in every particular. We would call particular a'.lentiun tu our KXIKLSIoR FLOW, acknowl edged tc I lac t<:.l Flo* 1. 'W iu use, j'liiftirjj in the tiyaut fur two >r three hur liM. Mr e al<> insnufa. tur<- a new and imp roe - been u*d uteaiirelr in ;tie nurthern and weurn State t, and i.ai taken pro > dunce over a'l ..ther, Weare nr. part it- d. all KINDSOF iCASTI N. fr. !ii tl.e larjf,- i t u the imatl <-t. and have facilities fur doing, all kind* ..f IKON WORK >ueb a- PLANING, TI'KNING ltd lit N'O. A. Alt k'tid> of repairing dar.c u:. itiort no ilea VAN PEL"! A Sh(HP, fjaniit-ly. Centre If all. J. ZELLER 6r SON DRUCGISTS No(j lruckcrl:ull Kow, HcIK fi i.te.l'a Dealer* in lkritg, ( licniiruln. Perfumery, Fanej (load* Ac.. Ac. Pure Win. - and Li for medical purp.M- always kej L may 81. T*2. V E\v E| -1: N|U K K sftIKE IN THE (TIN IiAD lIOt 11KLLKKONTE, 1A. VEGIt UK O'Mi YAN, Dealer tn r it t) j I J Y U ii S un ALL tiIKUO, UKDSTKA liS TA OLES.i IIAIBS. Parlor and Chamber Sett, SOFA S, I. O FX C ES, BUREAUS, WASHSTANDS, WAK.DR )BES. MATTRESSES. A- Particular /itlention t." OiucrcJ Work. REPAIUIxi />O.Y K PHOMI'TI. I . iMintrtKivt.. In All Its Ilraucheti, Mt.TAt.tC, VAt.NIT, KOHEWOOD, AMD COMMON CASK cm, Alwitv* :i Hand arid KutieraL Attended Will ati Klerant lfeame. ap&tf. CENTRE HALL COACII SHOP, I.KVI MIRRIY, * at hi* establishment at Centre llnll. koe|> ( 'n hand, and tor *nlc, at the mod tvaoana* j ble rale*. Carriages, Buggies, & Spring Wagons, PI.AIX AND FANC Y, and vehicle* of ov cry description made So order, and warranted t<> be made of the be*! ea>ned iiiateri.nl, and lo" the moil "killed and ootnpctant workmen. Person* panting anything in hi* line are requeued tocaliand examine bis work, they will find it not to be excelled lor durability and wear. uiny 3tf. I.KVI >MIHItV. NOTARY PUBLIC. SCR IBS KR AND CONVEY \NCKK, C K N T It K II A L L, P A. Will attend to udmini-tering Oaths, Ac knowlr Igement of Deed-, Ac. writing Ar ticles of Agreement, Deeds, Ac, maylfi jr. P. wiUrOX. T. A. UIEK.a WISON & HICKS. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL llur! assortment of READY-MADE CLOTHING! ' DUKH.S GOODS OROt If R IKS. PROVISIONS, HOOTS & sIIokm, HATS A CAPS. AMI FANCY ARTICLES, ever brought TO Putter twp. LOW EST CASH PRICES ! jir Produce inkos in exchange at highest lUMfkot |jr<#*. A. W. GIT A FK. iiiyß-Iy. C. P K C K \S New Coach Manufactory. CKNTKK HALL. I'A. The under,igne.l ha. openod a new e tabhshmcul, at hit new shop*. for the Ltuanufactuie of Carriages, Buggies, A Spring Wagons, SLKIUfta till SLEIM, PLAIN A*l FANCY of every description . All v<-htc.e uiinttfuturtd by Litn arc warranted to render satisfaction, and at ■ ijual to any work dene .Lewhere. lit- litoi none but the beat material and employs tb >< l skillful workmen. 11 roc they flatter tiu-msc) vet that their work can not be excelled fur durability etui finish. Orders from a iotance promptly attend ed to. ( me and examine my work before! 11 oairvxitig elsewhere. PRICES REASONABLE, j All kindauf 1 U-paring done. BW GOODS ANI NEW PRICES ! | RUSH RATES ItVRUED OVt\ Goods at Old Fashioned Prices, j At the Old Stand of W*. WOLF. IV ould respectfully inform the World and the rest of tuankind, that he has j just cpetod out and is constantly receiving a large stock of GOODS OF ALL KINDS Ouch bo is offering at the very lowest' market price. DRY GOODS and Prints. Muslins. Opera Can urns, and Woll I'ianiicla. Dad in* lirwi Goods, such as Detains, Alpacas, Poplins, Empress Cloth, jSateon*, Tameise. together with a full I stock of everything usually kept in ike Day Goods line. which he has determined to aell rcty ; cheap, consisting of NOTIONS: A full stuck. ( iasUt.g part of Ladies and Children's Marino liuse, Collars, Kid glotes, bejt auality silk and Lisle thread 'Gloves, Hoods, Nubias, Breakfast shawls, HATS & CAPS, A ftj' wssoitment Of Men's Ilov and Children's ot the latest style and best. CLOTHING. • 4 Ready ma lea choice selection of Men's and Boy's ot the newest styles end most ri ml'ls materials. BOOTS & SHOES, WM. WOLF. CEN T RS HALL Hardware Store. J. (i. DKININGEB An- w, complete Hardware Store has • been opened by the undersigned in Cen |tre Hsil, where be is pr pared to sell all kinds of liuiiding and ilouse Furnishing Hardware, Nails. Ac. Circular and Hand Saw#, Tcnn.n Saws, Webb Saws, Clothes Racks, a full assort ment of Cilia and Mirror Plate Picture Frames, Sj>kes, Felloes, and Hubs, table Cutlery, Shovel?, Spades and Forks, Locks, liinge? l Screws, Sash Springs. lIor?r-Shoes, Nails, Norway Rods. Oils, Tea Bell?, Carpenter Tools, Paint, Varn ishes. Pictures framed in the finest style. Anything not on hand, ordered upon | shortest notice. He member, all oods offered cheap- 1 er than elsewhere augk'-V Tis-tf The<■ ranger Store! Something New! CASH AND RUOMER FOB CHEAP GOODS. / SHOUT CREDIT A SHORT PROFITS. ISRI ll (.KIAOHLK, .Spring Mill* U*- established a store to suit j the limes, and has a complete stock of I DRY GOODS. NOTIONS, GROCERIES, HARDWARE. qUSRNSWARE HATS, CAPS, HOOTS & SHOES, FISH. SALT. CIGARS. TOBACCO, DRUGS, SPICES, OILS, In short n lull line of EVERYTHING FOR LESS PRICES THAN ELSEWHERE COME AND JUDGE FOR YOUR. SELVES. Sftb. y. j HARDWARE STORK. J. & J. HARRIS. No. b, UKOCKERHOFF ROW. A new mid .complete litirdware Store n , en *'i K>nec ' "J l ' ie undersigned in Urockcrhod g new building—where they ire to sell nil kinds of Building and House Furnishing Hardware, Iron, Steel, Nails. "ugjfy wheels in setts, Champion ldtlies \\ ringer, Mill Saws, Circular and Hand Saws, Pennon Saws, Webb Saws Ice Cream Freezers, Bath Tubs, Clothes Backs, full assortment of Glass and M-rrorl'late ot all sizes, Picture Frames, \\ heelbarrows. Lamps, Coal Oil Lamps. Belting, S pokes. Felloes, and Hubs, I lows, Cultivators, Corn Plows, Plow f^u>Mr Mold Boards and Cultiva tor leeth, table Cutlery, Shovels, Spades and forks, Locks. Hinges, Screws. 3asb Springs, Horse-Shoes, Nails, Norway Rods, Oils, Lard, Lubricating Coal Linseed, 'iniiners, Anvils, Vices, Be)lows. Screw Plates, Blacksmiths Tools, Factory Bella, Tea Bells, Grindstones, Carpenter lools, Fruit Jars and Cans, Paint, Oils, V arnishes received and for sale at juneb'tib-tf. J. A J. HARRIS. I. Guggenheimer. KW ARRANGEMENT! ISAAC GUUOEKHEIMKB, it a v i n P purchased the entire tck of the iat< !irm oi huuniin A Guggenbeiiuer, e x cept the Leather, and Shoe-findings has filled up his shelves with a Jot of ai'i.EXDin st.w (ii)utm, embracing READY MA DE CLOTH ING, DHKMi OOOIiH, OROCERIEa, I'UO VISIONS, . BOOTS A SHOES, HATS A cars, A Nil FANCY AKTICI.JJI and is uow prepared to accomodate all his old customers, and to welcome ail new ones who may favor him with their patronage. He feela safe in aay iug that he can pieaae the moat fattidi oua Call and ee. ISAAC GUGGENHEIM Kit. P. H.—Mr. Suoaman still continuea to deal in LEATHER AND BHOE-FINDINGS. CLOVER and TIMOTHY SEEDS, in the old room, where be may alssv be found. 12ap.tr' I r PHE undersigned, determined to meet I 1 the popular demand for Lower Prices, respectfully calls the attention ef the public to his stock of SADDLERY, now offered'at the old stand. Designed especially for the people and the times, the largest and most varied and complete as sortment of Saddles, Harness, Collars, Bridie*. of every description and quality ; Whips, and in fact everything to complete a irsl- C ' W4 wUbliihiutffll, he now oomat price* which will uit the (irart JACOB HINGES. Centre Hall Shortlidge & Co.. PROPRIETORS OF THE Bellefonte Lime Quarries. |Th only Manufacturers of Lime burnt exclusively with wood, in Central Pennsylvania. DEALERS IK I Anthracite Coal, White Lime. Du Pont* Powder. Sporting and Blasting Puardcr on hand, Fuse lor Blasting, Fira Brick, 'Ground Fire Clay, Fertiliier*. Implements. >r.n r i