the centre reporter TIIURBDAY MAY 14. 1874. LOCAL ITEMS. Our friends will obligo by sending us Items ot local newt In their locality, gy* us the fatU only, and we will put them in shape, also notices of deaths and marrt- sending ui the names; of sis; new subscribers, with the cash, will be enlilloi to receive the RxromTWl one year tYee. The Hki-okikk being read by naai'J everybody on this side of the county where it has a larger circulation Jban any two papers, will be found the best medium for advertising business, sales. Ac. Ac. The Legislature has agreed to ad journ on the 15th inst. Benj, B. K reamer has bean appoint ed post master at Lamont. t We acknowledge the receipt el Ohio papers, from Pr. J. B. Kreider. Rev. Tomlinsun will administer the Lord's Supper in the Luth. church, at Aaronaburg, on Sabbath, -oth inst. The Sunbury and Lewiatown railroad was sold at public sale on o>th, to a com mittee of the bondholders, for sooO,fW. Huntingdon has fourteen miles ol streets.- Monitor. Yes, and about 14 miles at' house*. The two dollar fox bounty bill which passed the House, was indefinitely postponed in the Senate. This is aquiva lent to a defeat of the bill On* session. P. 0. esq . report* a calf weighing 118 pounds, 2 hours after it *a born. \Ybe can beat that ' The liquor cases against Robert 1 ay lor, Richard Haynes and lliram Harris, ut Philipshurg, were settled s-t week upon tha payment, by lha dofeudants, oi S.IOO each to tha School Board. On Thursday last a bloody tight oc curred at Philipshurg between Reuben Freeman and a yeung man who hails trom Lebanon. Knives and pistols were used freely, and both partias were laid up. A Union Sabbath School was organ ised at Karleyatown, en last Thursday, 7, with the following officers : Superin-- Undent, Vfm. A. Bool; Assistant, J. A Moru ; Treasurer, James Stahl. The boy Joaes, who stole a horse from Mr. P. U- Weaver, of Pine Grovo, and took it to Philipshurg. was convicted of the offense and sentenced to the lleuse of Refuge.— ll'nfeAmaw. Our young friend Thos. C. W caver, has returned from tha Oil regians, to pay his friends and relatives a visit. Tom looks well—Petroleum appears to have a I good effect on him. One of the scientific men of our town claims, cur late spring results from one of the earth s axis being worn, thus throwing us further north—4\ isdom sgain wan tha day, and tha mystery is solved. Out of every $lB collected by the govornnent, off of Mr. U. W. Stover, oa distillery. $1 only reaches the treasury, tha balance is absorbed in tha circumlocu tion of officeis collecting, inspecting, store-keeper, assessor, Ac., Ac., A., Ac.. Ac. On the Cth the Campbells held the Centennial celebration of lhair Irst settle rujr.t in Kishacoquillas valley, in th'u County. A large assemblage wa present including relatives and invited guests, lime of whom came from other states, and a: least one, we are informed, from Cali fornia.— True Democrat. Summer bursted in upon us eery suddenly. Since last Sunday the weather has been warm, and the thermometer up in the eighties, and birds and blossoms are making their appearance. This ts a re markable change, winter until within a few days ago, and only a siagle nigh:stood between the change. Mr. Wallace Duncan, of Spring Mil s, will accept our thanks lor a mess of ftne.fresh suckers, fresh indeed, for they were alive and kicking when they reached us. Our young friend knows the secret #f catching suckers, and what is better, he knows what tod# with them —with some of them. May Wallace always have a bit* that nee ds no scratch. P. Wallace Duncan caught a suck ©- in bit father'! mill-dam at Spring Mills, the other day measuring a little over 19 inches, and weighing, as a fellow exclaim ed who watched the tcalet. "one pound and lOi ounce*, by golly-" We think "Wallace ha* the premium, for it ain't any body can angle two-pound tucker*. Such whopper* must leave a big hole in the water where pulled out THE M AUIC ISKSTASD.—Pour wa ter in one end of thi* noble invention, and ink comet out of the other, enough to last an otdinary lifetime. No acids, climate* nor air can eflect it It it timply wonder ful. Sold at (2) dollar* each by all book seller* or by mail from It C. Iloot, Antho ny A Co., New York. On last Friday, a* Mr. John Spang ler, of this place, was on his return from Bellefente, with horse and covered wagon, his animal became frightened at the Boil ing Springs aad jumped into the dam. Jack L. Spangler and John Sankey were in the wagon, and jumped out, landing where the fishes grow and got a glerieus ducking, ditto Mr. John Spangler. Tho horse turned in the dam and ran back to Bellofonto, where he was caught just after having run into Mr. Valentine's carriage, which was wrecked. The wagon to which the run-away was hitched was also dam aged. B. F. Dunkle, left.Gregg tewnship, for Latisburg, Ohio, in the fall ef CO, and requested us to sead him the REPORTER, which we did to the ameunt of $7.75 trusting to his honesty and manliness, to pay for it, beyond any doubt, as its local news would be of gresit satisfaction to him. He lifted the paper regularly from week to week. We sent liim a bill a few times, but aaver got a reply. We then sent it to a justice for collection, and are now in formediby him, per postal card, that Mr. B. F. Dunkle, says he will net pay the bill which if aa honest debt, and for wbicb we rendered lull value in good faith. We judge from this fact, that Mr. Dunkle must be getting along well, we know we would be if we took the same plan and did not pay our honest debts. We suppose the people of Latisburg mutt appreciate him very highly at an exemplary citizen, and we know that hit old friends and ac quaintances in Gregg township are pleased to hear of him through the columns of the REPORTER, which Mr. Dunklo so eagerly read far several year!, and says blank down he'll not pay far it. Success to B. F. —what was Gregg township's gain and joy in his removal, may be (to Latis burg'* sorrow, in getting an addition to its population, who will make no bones in de claring he'll not pay an honest debt. As he got the REPORTER for nothing, we give him this notice iree of charge al io. Mr. Kavanagh, a member oi the British Parliament, has neither legs nor arms. He holds his pen in hi* mouth when he signs his namo. NOTICE TO SCHOOL DIRECTORS SNU AUDITORS or POTTER TWP.—School Di rectors and Auditors of Potter twp., are hereby notified to meat at the Old Fort, on the first Monday of June, as the law di rects, being the first day of the month, at nine o'clocu A. M. to settle and audit the accounts of the Treasurer ofSchool Board. The newly elected Directors will meet on the same day, and at the same place to or ganize new Board. PETER HOFFER, W. W. ROTER, Prea't. may 14 3t. Sec'y. CHINA PIGS, the best breed known, are offered for sale bv JOHS RISUEL, of Centre Hill, at $8 to sl2 per oair, from different litters, and single Po land Chinas at $6 to $7. These prices to stand if pigs are bought withinja reasonable time, otherwise there will be an advance corresponding with age. 14 may. 3t- STAWLS FROM PKNN Tfco engine at the shop f llarlnun & I .amy, Millhmn, is tooling considerable which indicate* bushiest. W hepe their trade will soon increase so much as ta re quire the assi-tance of anothtr engine. Since the burning of Glenn A Hou-er's factory, the people of Millheitn are con tinually talking ab>ul the necessity *1 Millheitn procuring apparatus for the pur pose of extinguishing lira, and'to protect them against future danger. We do hope this will continue to agitate their minds and finally bring to action in this matter. A certain party in l'enu was arretted last week for stealing horse blanket* troin the wagon of Mr Frain, who hailed froui Nittany Valley, and had stopped with Mr. Jacob Gephart. The deed was com mitted about three years ago The con stable arrested them under suspicion. Mr. K. C, Campbell i pushing the work at his mill to completion as fast as possible Van Ormer has been wailing this long tima le commence work. Tha mercantile firm of Alexander Bros dissolved partnership, and A lived Alex ander ha* taken to tlia plaugh and will doubtless become s granger in course ol time. While W-K. Alexander is carry ing on the business himself at the old stand. Mr. Miobael Grove passed through our township last week, with the world re nowued sutkv plow. He exhibited its skill at different places. Whether the im pression left on the minds of the people was favorable or net, we could not say- On last Sunday Itbe thermometer stood at S'J in the shade, ami on Monday at fiO which tuade it pretty comfortable. 10 S. C. e ♦ e Thk Bald Moi xtaik Biuanoe. - It has caused fifty-five conversions to re ligion, broken up lweiiiy--**n illicit whis ky distilleries, drove froui the country tw o sub-revenue officials, rid the mountains of a sorry preacher, and lurnished us several columns of reading matter. On the other hand the damage is slight, for had it bro ken up all the crockery in the mountains lha Cost would not have been $lO, while Miss Nannie's chimney would have tum bled with the first strong wind. -RaUigA _\VK-J. Couldn't some arrangement be made to get up a volcanic eruption out of some of the excaTaffkl hill* in this vicinity. ARKANSAS. Another Battle Fought. Little Reek, Mav B.—Last night, a par ty of twenty-five Baxter inen, under com mand ef Lieut, Welch, took passage on the steamer llallie which was in charge of Captain Sam Houston. Their object was to intercept and vapture ane hundred and sixty stand af arms belonging to the In dustrial Unversity, which were -hipped on a fiat boat from Fert Stuith en Wed nesday morning in charge of six men. The Brookitea heard of ibis expedition and surfed Cat- John Broeker, with bis regimant of two hundred colorad man on a special train over lha Fort Smith Railroad ! ta intercept the boat a*. Pa'arm. twenty , miles abeve this city. The Breaks party : arrived there before the llallie got into ! pesitton, and as the bout came lalcng fired 1 on her. As they did <O, Frauk Timms, a promi nent young man of this city was killed and several others wounded. Lieut. Welch's men re'urned tho fire killing one and wounding another of Brook's men, both colored. One of the shots from Brook'- men passed through a steam pipe on the llallie disabling her and she floated down tho river to tho opposite bank from where the Brook's men were, and lha squad there left the boat. The Brook'* men then took po***-aioa of the steamer and brought her to town, Capt. Sam Houston died soon after the arrival of the Uallie, from a severe wound through the body. FLAMES. Detroit, Mich., May 9, —Fires are rag ing in the woods in many parts of the State. Report* this evening from Muske gan slate that the fire* have reached with in a mil* and a half of the city with the wind blowing almost a gale towards the citv. and unless the wind abate* the city will be in immimcnt danger. Heavy fires are reported near Grand Haven, and along the line of the I). A M. railroad between lonia and Grand Haven. Fires on the F. A P. W. RR. have cut off all communi cation north oi Evert* and on the J. L. A S. KR. north of Wiena. Large amounts of valuable timber have already been des troyed, and unless rain falls soon the fear ful scenes of'7l will be repeated. St. Paul. May t>. —Large fires are raging is the wood* on the line of the Lake Su perior Railroad at the north branch and Pine City with pretty high. Immense des ; traction *of property; and standing tim ber is inevitable. Fire* aro*alo reportvff on the line of the West Wisconsin rail way. which delayed trains. AFFAIRS OF JAY COOKE A CO. Philadelphia, May B.—lt i* understood that the tru<tee and committee of the es tate of Juv Cooke A Co., at their meeting yeaterday declared a dividend of five per cent, payable in cash upon all claim* pro ven before the register. A* toon a* order* for dividtnd* have been made out, and tent to the creditors, tha trustee was au thorized by the committee to further let tie with the creditor* upon the following term*: Fifty per cent, in Northern Pa cific seven three tenths gold bonds at sev enty cent* on the dollar; eighteen per cent, in Oregon steam navigation compa ny'* stock at iertv cents on the dollar; teven per cent, in tint mortgage bonds of Lako superior and Mississippi and other railroad companies at from seventy to seventy five cent* on a dollar, and ten per cent, in ten per cent, income bond* ef Lake Superior and Mississippi railroad company at fortv cent* on the dollar. It is proposed by the committee to make a further cash dividend of ten per cent, at soen as it can be realized from the remain ing assets, thus settling with the creditors in full. Upon tbi* being carried out, creditors willTeceive fifteen per cent, in cash, and eighty-five per cent, in securi tios at the tales given above BILLS PASSED FINALLY. The following bills passed finally, in the state senate, on Bth: Bills passed finally in the Senate to au thorize taxation upon real estate for school, borough, and township purpose* ; author izing prison inspector* to furnish tobacco to prisoners, and charge the >amo to inci dental expense* ; to provide for the educa tion and maintenance of destitute orphans of soldiers and destitute children of per manently disabled soldiers, afrrady passed by the House; defining the liability ot sureties upon written instrument* for the payment of money, already pasted by the House ; relating to the transfer of the per sonal estates of married women, already passed by the House; appropriating $5,- 01)0 to the Wilkesbarre City Hospital; ap propriating SIO,OOO to the Lackawanna Hospital; to recognize Lincoln Universi ty, located in Chester county, as an addi tional normal school; to provide for the better security of life and property from the dangers of petroleum oil; supnlemeat to an act relative to counties and town ships, and county and township offices; relating to the assessment of damages aris ing from the opening of roads and high ways, and the construction of bridges; fixing the liability of banks and banking companies, and other institution* of this Commonwealth. The House disposed of bills in like manner to carry out the pro visions of article three, section twelve, of the constitution; in reference to the mode of voting in the counties of Luzerne and Wyoming, repealing the special act of April, 18W ; dividing the cities of the State into three classes, regulating the passages, Ac.; to provide for the appointment of in spectors of the IState penitentiaries, as re quired by the twenty-first section of article fifth of the constitution; for the erection and maintenance of three hospitals in the anthracite coal fields ; making Decoration day a legal holiday; to provide for the support, out of the county treasury, of the sick and injured poor when under treat ment in hospitals in certain cities and boroughs; prescribing the eligibility of candidates fur the office of district attor ney ; to enable members of corporations residing at a distance from the central office ef the company to vote by proxy or by representative ; to provide for the ap pointment of auugers of liquid merchan dise in the severe! counties of this Com monwealth; a further supplement to an act entitled "An act relating to the sale and conveyance of real estate," approved April 18,1853 ; authorizing courts to decree the leasing arid combination of lands for mining purposes; to authorize the pro tbenotaries und clerks of the several courts to take bail, Ac. ; supplement to an act entitled "An act to prohibit foreign cor porations from doing business in Pennsyl vania without having known places of bus iness and authorized agents ; to secure to married women and minors control of mo noy deposited by them in saving* banks. On Tuesday and Wednesday the fire was raging on the south side of Nittany Moun tain. THKARKANSAS COMEDY. How the Juilgea got utvny — Thrilling Adventures of Bennett and Senile —An Exciting Campaign in the Wooda—The Betnrn to little Rock. Si I.aui-. May 7. A special despatch to the Demociat, from Little Rock, gives a leng at court ol the capture, escape, and return to Little Rock •>! Associate J utile** of the Supreme Court Bennett and Searle In Charge of the Escort. After being taken from Si John s Col lege they were moved under the escort of Lieutenant Sunuuerhill and a a>iiiad ol men to a retired field on the outskirts of the city, where orders were received from Cen. liloehrr, and the party then marched to a point fourteen miles distant, where a despatch from Brig. Gen Crawford, order ing the parly to proceed to Benton, u received Two nules from that place the party was met by General Crawford with a -quad af men. General Crawford i' drtink, and gave Lieutenant Sutumerbil) entire charge of the prisoners, in whose custody they remained, at Benton, uaii! their escape. Baxter'* Alarming Order. Lieutenant Sunimerhlll -ays that en Tuesday General Crawford received or ders fYom Genaral Bloc tier (o protect the lives of Bennett and Searle to the fullest extent, provided that ha could do so and prevent a rescue, but at alt hazards not to permit them to be rescued. Lieutenant Suuimcrhill also says that he met a man al tl e depot in Benton who told him he saw written orders al Baxter's headquarters far tha prisoners summary disposal eras sassination, aud that he iSumutarhill) re plied that such an act would not be per mitted by him while he was alive and tha prisoners remained in his custody. Friendly Interference of an Officer. Being cauvincad that violence was in tended to Bennett and Searle, and deter mined not ta be a party to it, ha conferred wtili those gentlemen, told them the facts, disavowed any complicity in the matter, and proffered his service* to them to aid in their e-cspe aud safe conduct to Little Rock. He gave each a revolver, provided horses, and, under praleit of removing them to a mora secure place, Uistuiased thei guard, kept General Crawford drunk, de coyej him to another house, and, wiih Sheriff Thompson, at 10 o clock on Tues day night departed Willi his prisoners Sheriff Thompson had no kuoarle dgo of] Lieutenant humiuerhiU's real purpose Messrs Bennett and Searlo were suspi cious of Lieutenant Sunuuerhill, but, be ing armed and each having a horse, con eluded to trust him. relying upon them selves, however, and tuture probable op portunities. Turning the Table*. Arriving at a point where the roads diverged. Judge Bennett presented a re volver at Suuimcrhill s head and said, "You are now our prisoners," and Seaile, drawing his pistol, demanded Thompson's' arms. Bennett's revolver was accidentally I discharged, which frightened Thompson's horse, and he and his rider dashed away in the darkness. Bennett and Searle, with Sunuuerhill as a prisoner, then rode on. and soon after came upon a squad ot Uni ted Slates infantry under Lieutenant Mor rison, who had been scut out to effect their rescue, if possible Not rCwOgni/jing the men, Bennett jumped from his horse and broke for the woods, and could not be' found. After their true character was as certained, Searle and Suiniaerhill were taken to tha United State* garrison and afterward* to the Stale House. In about an hour Beunetx was brought in by anoth er squad of soldiers who had been sent out to search for biui. Little Rock, Ark., May 7. Four of the five judges of the Supreme Court me: in side of Brooks' lines this morning and de livered an opinion concerning the Guber-j notorial question. Their opinion confirms the opinion of the Circuit Court, which declared Brook-entitled to the office A TKRRIBLK STORY FROM THK SKA Four Men aud a Bov Drifting for Weeks in an Opcu lioat—Delirou* Living rikelelous Fighting Each Other. \ [Kroiuthe Manchester Guard an. AprilltO ] Mr. "Webster, Broughly Ferry, near Don dee, has received a letter from hi* son, who was second mate of the Clyde ship ' Arracan, burned at the tea on her voyage ' front Shields to Bombay with eoal*. The Arracan left Shield* on the 11th of Sep tember last. On the 14th of February h*r cargo ignited. On the 'JOlh she was on fire from stem to stern, and the crew were com pelled to abandon her. They left in three boats. The first, nndcr the command of the captain, was picked up by the City of Poonab, aud tho man were landed at Aden ; the gig, commanded by the chief oA cer, made the land at Cochin; but the pinnace, under the charge of the second male, Mr. Webster, provisioned for only seventeen days, drifted about on the In dian Ocean for thirty-thrt* days until fall en in with the City of Manchester and: landed at Calcutta, When picked up the poor fellows weretXW mile* from the near est laad, and were in a-ad condition. Mr. Webster, in bis statement, says In addition to myself, there were three men and a boy on board on the loth of March. The men cast lot* as to who should be killed, and the lot fell upon the boy. I would not allow them to kill him, and threatened to shoot the first tuan who shold lay hand upon him. Things went or. this way for two days, when one oi the men tried to sink the boat, and said he would have the boy's life in twelve hours. I presented my guri at him, and had no sooner dene so than a bird flew over tha boat. I tired and killed it. It was instant-, ly secured and devoured feathers, bones, and all. We subsisted after this on brana clef, which adhered to the sides and bot tom of the boat, and on the sea blubber, which was ravenously laid hold of as it floated past - Layford asked to be killod. Another named davis struck him on the head with a belay ing pin. The blood wns caught in a tin and eagerly drank between the twe I threw the tin overboard. The same day these two men fought and bit one another. They then shook hands and laughed and kissed each olher like mad men. "At last," suvs Mr. Webster, "We were, through the mercy of God, picked up by (.'apt. Ilardie ef the city of Man chester, by whom we were very kindly treated and breught to Calcutta." The surgeon of the steamer which res cued the men say* they were in a wretch ed condition. They could not stand on their feet, their eye* started from their socket*, and they were perfect skeletons. Altogether they presented the most pain ful sight lie ever behold. The most cau tious treatment had to be employed in bringing about their recovery. There is a new invention in telegraphy which enables a number of instruments to be operated simultaneously on a single wire in either or both directions, and at different stations nlong the line without conflict, each instrument to do as much work as the Morse or other instruments in common use. The instruments arc adapted to any kind ot receiver—either sounder, or dial, or chemical recorder—anil each transmitter is adapted to the receiver. The operators'trensmillinjt the messages may all be atone end, or divided between the extremes of the line, or et intermediate stations, sending different distances and in different directions, the number of opera tors employed to he limited only by the capacity of recorders for receiving their messages, and any instrument can be brought into requisition at any part of the line when the number employed does not equal the limit of recording. Mr. J. It. Carver, of Itemo, Georgia, advertises, that he wants s#>,ooo in con federate money of the dates of May 17 and 20, and June 16, DO2. lie proposes to pay ten cents on the dollar in cash, or fif teen cents in goods from his store ; he says that he wants it to pay a war debt. THE IIOLY LAND. London, May 6. —The American Orien tal Topographical Corps, now in the Holy Land, have reeched Jeruselam, efter mak ing very successful explorations in the vi cinity of Mount, Sinai. They report as u very remarkable IHCI that they were de tained two days by a heavy snow storm about Mount Sinai. The expedition will ltaye soon for Bash an and Moab. HON. ALFRED It MeCALMONT DIED. ' Titusvill*. May 4 (leneral Alfred It ' M , 4'aluiont, a prominent ciliren of West f em Pennsylvania, died to-day, in PlilU s dolphin, where he had bean to obtain medical treatment fur A cancer MI tb* side of hi* face. The deceased was Assistant , Attorney-General during the Administrn , lien of President Builinan. At an early I period in the late war. he was appointed , Culenel of the One Hundred and Forty tcinuid Regiment lVntisvlvania Yolun* leers, and eilerwatds promoted t Briga dier-General ol | Volunteers. In l6ft, he was the Demecratu- candidate lor i' Congress in opposition to Darwin Kinney, f, of Meadville. In 1872, hi* Ituliie w*- > btought before the Democratic Slate Con vention at Reading at a candidate ler Governor. ♦ ♦ • F1 FTY THOUSAND SI FFEBKRS. [New llrleans Picayune, May 2 ] . It is estimated by the Distributing Com* i uiitlee, which holds session* daily en Car ondrtrl street, that there are ,*l.l**l persona in this State who havo been made home lets and foudleSs by the inundation in this Stale. That this is no eiaggeration is shown by th* amount of rations which are being distributed At least 40,000 per day art- Jespatcned to the various agencies, and these do not meet the demand. Yesterday there were requisition* tor 16,(AM rations from two localities in me Ouachita Valley. The Purchasing and Distributing Commit tees are kept busily at work from nine till three every day, and still the labor aud demand grow upon them. The liheial donations from various quarters of the country w ill be judicious! v and faithfully applied, Thus far we believe that the money deualiuns reach about SGU,(AM Besides these there are large amount* of urovtsions, which are promptly forwarded. These timely and generous contribution* will tend greatly to alleviate the condition of many, but it is not reasonable to expect that all of tlie suffering which has resulted trout so widespread a disaster wilt be re lieved from these sources. A Tv rone boy shot a large bald eagle on the wtng. crippling it so that he was able to capture it alive. It measures five and a haif feel from tip to lip of wings. A Poltsville man dreamed he was grab bing plies of greenbacks out of a kank when ho was awakened by bis wife ex claiming, "John, for Heaven's sake stop pulling my hair!" John Jounpbier was killed at Northeast dution, Erie county, while holding hit ; herscs head. A train was passing, the reared, he was thrown against the 'cars and killed instantly. A boy named Christian G>*, aged lu, was arretted in Btlliuioro on Monday tor ]*tsau!(iug another boy. His disgrace so , prey*4 on jus mind that he it day ceut i milted suicide by taking arsenic. | Two brothers, natutd Walker wefu shot ]at Owohtoau - aunty. Kentucky, on Mon | day, by William huioot, who charged iheui with tccurtug an indictment against him in the Federal .court* for souiu mis demeanor. Cue died instantly, and the other was dangerously wounded A ten-mile match, for S3,US) a tide, aas walked in N'ew York, by Jamas Gordon Uennall and Jobn \V hippie, the former winning in 1 hour, 46 minutes and 56 . seconds. The Cincinnati Tid>*s has the special despatch from Little Rock, Ark. '' Judges Searle and Rennet, who wore captured on Sunday night last at Argenta, made their escape from lliair guard last night, at Benton, and [arrived here early this morning. 41b." Un the southwest coast of England are the Sicily Islands, a group of rock* and reefs, with habitable islet* interspcreJ. !On one of the rocks farthest out in the ocean is situated the Bishop's Rock Light* ! bouse. It is a lonely place, and the lone line*s w*> mar* fearful ou [tLe morning of Apr il 14. when tho violence ola prevail- i I i c 3 K*' made the keepers tremble for their live*. Struck by enurmeus wave- in quick succession, the massive stone build ing swayed to and Ire so violently that every article within fell from its place. Un* wave reached the lantern with such force at to break a greut lens in several places, and another caused other damage to the lighting apparatus. The keepers state that although the water is 1*) feet deep by the reek, sand from the botl- in ws fe-unu heaped upon the lighthou** gallery. MERCANTILE AITUALSffMKNT LIST OF VKNDEKSOF MERCHAN DISE. Ac., subject to License in the Jittrrcnt township*. boroughs and ward* tn Centre County lor lh year ItTTI Hellrfonte Borough. Class Luisst Edward Brown sr 11 : Edward Brown jr |do J Brackbill 13 10 T6 Harper liro's 11 srica A Son B L Balcheler 13 WTTtiimur 13 H> 11 F Bartley H j Isaac Gugsranhtiuier 11 15 ; A Sussman 11 Burasido A Thuinat Philip Anhalt 1' 10 John Powers 11 \V A T F WeUler do do Sachlar A Co 1- F P Grain N Bc k 11 7 75 Mr* N K Dara * do da Theodora Ileshncr do do .1 r Zimrnarman Jamas Welch A Co 13 10 75 Frvbarger A Moran J E Palmer 14 7 75 F P Blair da da ! II Y Stitzar do do Wn M'Clelcn do da J A J Harris 1< 20 75 Zeller* A Son 13 '2l. John Montgomery 11 j James C William* 12 13 25 ! Philip* A Glasgo 11 Loeb May A Luab 10 20 "5 i K Jo*aph A Bro do 10 M Wagner 9 25 75 j Haffor A Kline 10 20 75 (Win Brown 11 " '*> J F Steal do do E Fortnay do do IH 1) Zerger do do HrokerliofT A Dro 10 20 75 Graham A Son 11 ~,"3 i Miss M' Bride do da L W Millar do do U W Wuodring A Co 13 '2l? John H Sand* 11 "75 : Jamas C Williams 12 13 25 j Wil so a A Hick* 10 -0 75 [CF Fryharger 11 " "5 j George Ohrion do do .Hiram Hoffer do do Hiram Hoder i Billiard) X 3075 iJWCaok 11 13" i Lyon A Co 10 20 " | J I> Sowerbeck 5 00 j 11 C Cheetruan 11 Beuner Township. FAJ Beezer (distiller) 9 75 Lewi* Hnss (brewer) 11 15 75 Burnsidc Township. George Book 11 7 7<> OT VIFMENT OF REAL AND PERSONAL PROPERTY, IN CENTRE COUNTY. FOR o ' THE YEAR A. lb. 1874 ► I > > fIW< > s> I §K > _ ~-r. 73 !—-*•** " ess ; - c 2*" r-S : ?£ >=c j - S!3 2 2,3 Heaouona - S 5. a.6 - - - • 1 " |JS **. m "ST 9 ]?=•? Js : . g® % : Is L i 'II - !l,- Is lis ss. y, s _ T™ is ?E- O i-S-2 S-,ij°E rg ! Ifg 72, ® " iisrs®- 5" -15.'? e : S : E ' : i= 2, §■ 22. :S? g wo: VAI. •' SS. Beilefonte Boro Howard 80r0... $ 30864 $ 1410$ 437 $ HID $ WM, $ 4W) iW246 11 $ Milesburg Bore 617(*5 H0 666 40 8170 01566 8 1.6 Philipsburg llo' 91450 3650 640 160, 19850 1000 1Hk.40 12 4* , Union vile Boro 23232 35 297 100 4670 Ab43 4 ♦ Banner 239103 21677 6i!32 $ '.> 11N IWg, 1487;k5 10116 472 ft 446 19815 488831- 6. 1.0 Burn side 2208 V 2WO 1155 100 10 61269 4094 1161 U I 800 2706 !''• 714541 a Fergusen '.648284 46670 10986 3016 10400 4700 . 72:W.r.l 6 140 tirrgs M'MU. 80522 8659 31W) 14320 •■"'•'O 695907 8 120 Huines 549451 27836 9100 4876 3fit*) 16-'!Bi>, 621301 12 4(* Halfinoen l-'Wft 12750 346 1295 !f.l 4 ®......^ Harris 110)384 46912 11831 6204 ts'Ws 4, .180 —378209 43 1355 1U) Howard 93320 7927 2290 125 688 12802 12t;8 7 250 Huston 146884 9£'.<6 2906 95 9421 1K0 ,M0 •• Liberty 94970 7299 2504 430 101 CO 11520b 2 50 - Marina 182365 9245 2350 1072 6856 1000 20287. M ilo* 284*14 t!6415 "953 6172 18746 43. iO 355949 2 .0 Patton 12845-'. 9816 2909 565 5470 146264 1 'JO Penn . .... '. 198085 17837 4068 3692 14635 114035 260377 2 55 Potter .. . 1147159 40900 10446 6070 22780 1422 1227726 8 276 Kush . 125197 7HOO 1970 2000 H*K) 24715 162082 4 ! 1725 Snow Shoe 63086 7780 2575 4-'*) 315 17150 91806 8 310 Soring 957056 4323 200 1510 20450 2500 1011408 1 30 Taylor ............. 42065 3222 1187;..••••••. 471)0 410 6224 ........ ......... ......... Union 43817 0745 2953' 195 12220 65930 Walker 806872 19955 7055' 3080 9240 1925 848127 J 100 Worth 42264 J 4152 2117; 5881 54414 2 50 Total ' 1 - The Commissioners hereby give notice, that they will meet as r Board of Revision, a* required by the Act of Assembly, ut their otnee, in Beilefonte, on the *2l*t, 28d, *26 ih. *Joth, 27th28ih, 29th una jjoth duy*i ot May, [mat.,) to ascertain and determine whether any ol the valuation* havebeen inado above or below a just rate, and to adjust und equalize the same, according to the requirements ol ihe law. relating to taxalton SAMUEL K. FOSTER, Altett K ,f. KOHSTKIt, Clork. Commiuioner*. office, Beilefonte, May Ttb, 1874. County Commissioner*. Hogg* Townnhip, Shell A M ark lev do do James Lucas do do C Curtain A Co 13 10 71 McCoy A Olnn 10 'JO " Curtain Towtialiip. Webber J Singer . II 7 7i Ferguson Towtialiip. .1 It Smith (Pine grove mills It 7 7' J C Sample J* Co 13 10 7' Jame* Dunlap A Co de do Titos llvliager It 7 76 Clemseii,) \|< William* Id in Skorb Stewart JCe It) "At Gregg Township, l'hillp Shook 13 10 75 It 11 Duncan 14 7776 I .1 Grenoble do Jo si It Kiihrr 1"J |;i % Howard liurough, Lucas A Bro 13 10 75 Diehl A Brown 14 7 7(5 H II Gr<>ve do do Saiuii*! Brickla.v d* do Jetikviis,) Webber do do Jame* M'llafl'ey do do Mrs L C I'*liner 4# do lluwnrd Towuahip. II C Leathers 14 7 76 ilaiiiee Towuahip. II F Philips 12 13 'Jt> Shrm Spigeluiyer J Sen do Jo M M Mu*er IH 10 76 Ynng, Wilson Dichl do do llarrii Township. D*ti>*l 1 less 13 10 75 J J Price 11 7 76 George Jack J Sou do do K 11 Stover 13 10 75 John C Sheneberger 14 7 76 James T Stuart do do DFT*yler 13 10 76 KreamerJ Eckenrotb do do 1. M Bum II 7 76 Cyrus Wassou do de Jame* Jack do do John H Nidich do do Half Moon Towtikhip. I V Gray 13 10 76 James Love do do Huston Township A T Ring j Co 13 10 75 J F Davis do do Keubrti Richard* 14 7 75 LaviWumer 14 7 76 J F Williams Martha Fur.) do do Jito 1 Thompson do 13 10 75 Liberty Township. J 1A K 1) Kunett Blanrhardjld 10 76 Ligget Delong A to do do Miles Township. TN Wolf Wolf * store) 11 10 76 John Sholl do 14 7 75 S Frank A Son Urbersburg) 12 13 25 Gi-ker A Co (Madiaonhurg) do do, Marion Township. HYeriekASon 12 13 26 Holmes A Wilson do do Milesburg JJorough, M. Claim A Cook 14 7 76 A K Peter* do do Mrs C G Rnyman do do Jno Hibler iio do JnoS Lonebcrger do do , A S Hoggs do do ! J S Proudiool do do i Mary Case Je do l'euu Township. G W Stover V 26 75 David Erlel 14 7 75 WJ RcManigal |3 10 76 W K Alexander do do K C Campbell 14 . 776 J W Sn®'k 13 10 76] J KUenhuih 14 776 i J 1) Foot do du J F Chamber* do do J 11 Auman do do J'nllou Township. Sellers A Stin* H 7 75 Kate Murray ft® )° J W llumbarger do do Philipeburg Borough. Gray A Hysker II 7 75 Josephine Flegal A C de do R M Test do do C G Herlinger do do j T H Swit/.er do do j Tlnvuias Hunt do do | N M Meyers do do B<>£a A Co do do ; Tll Switxer do do'-i G S Flegal 13 10 76 it Herman A Co do do | Matron * Miller Id A' 75 Hoop Home* A Co 12 18 25 T Lego a Co G 19*" Strous l.rman a Co do :e I Jno D Mctiirk do 'JoJ O Adams '4 D Ayre* do do Jame. Slew art do do J B Gophart de do M G Bock do do W H McCauslain do . d 1 W Da A Naugle do do Hiram llarii* do do Jones Alport a Co do do K Perk* de de Mrs C Durtis* do do Richard Hay* do Jo Geo A Zeigler Kesler a Co 11 16 75 Richard Hay* i Billiard) # 3t)76 Hush Township. Jeffrev Ilaye* U * "o Jno Ilaworth de do Richard I.angdon do vlo I.*v i Oephart do do Prter Smith do do Jno Muttall 13 10 76 W J Jackton do do Jno Miller a Sen do do E M Sturdvant 10 3) 75 Suowshoe Township. P II Krider a Son 14 7 76 Ge< Shirk do do A O Ilioton do do Herbert William* do do Jno Fraxier do do Msv Loeb a Co 10 2075 J ll Urissman a Bro 13 111 76 .Spring Townjhip. H J Barnes 14 7 76 F S Hoverly do vlo Taylor Township. Jno F Fowler 14 7 75 J CopenhaverdUtHltr 9 75 Uuionville Borough, A J a T C Griest 11 15 75 Leuther* a Buck 13 10 75 S A Martin 14 7 75 Walker Townibip. H ueston a Rodger; 14 77c Henrv Brown 13 10 75 Ditvid Solt do do. Worth Township. Grav a Gingerv * 13 10 7." II M Hoover a Co 12 13 2.' J M I'urduo 14 7 71 NOTICE i* hereby givon to all concerned that an appeal will be held bv the tubveri her at the Court Houre in Bellefente, or 2nd day of June, 1874. between th hours of'J o'clock a. m. and 4 o'clock p. in when persons aggrieved by the above cla* it!cation will please attend, a* there wil be no lurtlier appeal thereafter. ISAAC WOMKR, Mercantile Appraiser X. B.—The Act of Assembly of Apri 11, 1862, provides tbat license, assessed a above, niu*t be paid to the County Tteas urer en or before the first day of July, A D 1-7 1. j. 11. MIT. ll KM.. Treasuror ol Centre Co | THE NTKAM.HIMP SIBERIA LUST. J London, May 11. The steamship Hike -5 riu, plying btvv*n> Liverpool arid Madei jrl, is supposed to be lost with nil her crew and passenger*. DEATHS. At hi* residence in Millhclm, Apr. 8, 1871, after u hagering illnaas, Solomon ■ ■ Confer aged years and 3 month*. ' * " HKLLKKONTEM AItKKTB. vVhiie tYheat f 1 50, Red 116 . Rye 1 , 70 Coln 50 ...Oats 36 Barley 80. 70. ...010 rerseesl 4.50 Potatoes 5(1 I Lar.l per poun.l 8 Pork per poundOb Butter 30. Kgg 30 Piaster per ton i sl6 Tallow 8 Bacon JO Ham 16 Lard per pound 8 cent* Buekabeat , 65 ot*., Fiour per barrel re1ai18,60... j ;vs holi-siile 7,25 to 7,60 MIL HOY MARKETS! While wheat 1,60 ltr.l wheat! 46 ...lty< '*• Corn .'ai ()ts3s Barley HO Clov erseed 4,00 Tliuothyseed, 360 , Salt 2 25 per tack | Bacon 7c Hair 15 ... Buttci27... Egg* JO Plaster 9 ,'io ' Chestnut Coal per Ten $5.76......8t0v0 Coal per Ton Egg Coal per Ton is 660 Limeburiier'* Coal par Ton SS.SOj Lime & Cement. The bast quality of tin**, always on hand at the Centre H.tll lime-kiln* Alto '•cement, which i* warranted to be of a tu ' perior quality. Apply to spy tf GEO. KOCH. II __________________________ I DISSOLUTION.— Notice i* hereby given that Uie firm of Meyer, Hoffer, .V Co., manufacturers of Flour, Lumber, Cement, Ac . was di*-lv-J by mutual coi:; ) -out on the Ist day of April, 1874 The , hook* of the said firm remain in the hand* >f J G. Mayer, of Aaromburg, for settle ment, where all person* indebted will , >, oblige by making early settlement. MKTKK, HOKSKH A CO., ~ 7 may 81. ilaineTwp. J NOTI< K.— The Grain and Flaur trade, I as carried on by the above firm, will here- < i after be conducted l>v J. G. Meyer and J. < C. MoU, under the firm name of . MEYER A MOTE. ALL KINDS OF Factory Goods ' constantly on hand and ottered in exchange ' for Wool. These goods are of the very j. . best and manufactured by A. F. Gibbnay, ] at Greenwood, and consist of CARPETS, . BLAN KKTS, CAbSIMERER, SatlineUs, ; ' Tweed*, Stocking Yam, and all other good* generally manufactured. WM - ARMSTRONG. Agent. t uiav 7 jiu. potters Mill*, Pa | ( R. B. EVANS, YVHICIIUIIIISST and Jcveler, formerly from Harrisburg. Pa., will be in ,'. jCenlre Hall, beginning of May, whe>e he • ill repair Watches, Clocks, and other;; articles in that line of butines*. He has t had large experience and invite* such en- \ ' couragentenl a will justify hi* remaining : 'permanently. All work carefully and ' promptly executed and on the mo*t rea- ; -unable term*, and warranted. 7 may 4l ( i I s 'i Tu !s ,4 Farmers& Builders; i ,' Having attached a PLAINER te aur '. Steam saw-mill, on the Rev en Mountain* near Focut's, st are prepared to fhrnuh, ; WHITE *1 YELLOW PIXE ' \* ILOOBI VL *V NIDI Ms, I', AT LOWEST MARK El PRICES. - SHINiiLES A BILL LUMBER OF f ALL KINDS, FENCING Ac.. FUR- < NICHED TO ORDER I. A J. UNDERWOOD, '! Mil) oy. Fa,, or, ' 'spr ."in Potter s Milia. Pa. I H '^tENTKEIIALL Furniture Booms! K It( Yf HI \E *1 (sBOWI IX, r respectfully inform tho ciliaen* of Centre . (county, that they have bought out the old , -undefJ.O Drininger, and have reduced : the pr cos. They have constantly on hand, '■ and msvka to order ii BEDSTEADS, BUREAUS, SINKS, W A SI IST A N DS, CORNER CUPBOARDS, TABLES. Ac., Ac. HOVIK M*nx CBAIM ALWAYS OK HAMS. Their slock of ready-made Furniture i* large and warranted of goed workmanship , and it all mad# under their own immedl-!, ate supervision, and is offered at rale* . cheaper than elsewhere j; Call and see our stock before purchasing , elsewhere. 26 feb. ty. j, LUMBER FOR SALE" The Undersigned ba* for sale a large - stock ol Lumber at the Loop Sawmill, (lately Colyer t), consisting of WHITE. YELLOW. A PITCH PINK HEMLOCK, OAK. ? POPLAR, 1 " PALING, LATH. SHINGLES. HEADING, and nil kind* of Lumber generally used lor building purposes. DRY* WALNUT LI*M HER always on hand All kinds of 5 Coopering done. J. A FLEMING. *pr9-3m Potters Mill*. H. H.WEISER &CO., Manufacturers of Sheet iron & Tin ware, 15 j MiUheim, Pa. ill All kinds ef Tinware, constantly on n hand nnd made to order. Ie Sheet iron Ware of every description, , nlwavs on hand. Roofing in Tin and Sheetiron done_ in II the most approved and satisfactory style. Spouting done to order Their stock of Tin and Sheetiron Goods r ,is large and complete, and offered at the LOWEST PRICES. l! " Their establishment ha* been enlarged and stocked completely throughout. Satisfaction guarUntccd, nml all jeb* | promptly nttenued to. aprl6-y imKKAhUHKIIB HALE UK I UNSEATED LANDS FOB TAXKH KOR 1872 mid 1873, I AND PHBVIOITH YEA KM. Notiri' i* hereby given. thiil in pursuance of nil Act of Assembly, inured the 12th day of June, A |l>. 1816, entitled "An Aft W> t amend an Act directing lb" mode "f selling unseated land*, in oft ire county," and the several np> (demenu thereto, ttiere will he > xpoeed at public tale or outcry I the following tracu <>f unseated land* in Mid county foi the latea due and unpaid thereon, at the Court House in the Borough ot iiellefonto, on the second Mon day of June, A 1). 1874 Hogg* Towtialiip. ii, -..atuariaasuu ia 4.13...163... Andrew Summer* 'J7 09 j 60 Unknown 3 air 4<; " tan Bft... .of A Falser .3 20 II *'7 Packer A Luca*. 12 'JO to Unknown 'J'Mi 433...163...J0nathan ilarvey ISM 441... 40... More* Hoed 13 74 433..,108.. David Lewi* 27 W do ... Wiiliaiu (j ray do 458... M 4 ..Will It'iaaell - 7 2l< 4335. ... Win Ku5re11........ 690 JlurnaiiJe Towuahip. 388... 96... Jama* Hall 85 0!# 433... .. Ale* Dallrs 19 'JO d 0... ...Thenia* llaiullton do do ...163...Unknown do 6u •• 998 lUH 4 otJ*r Parker... do do ... 83.. Jeremiah Parker 7 433 .163... Joseph Morris... 19 90 do ... Ate* t i reaver...... do do ...Geo Eddy........... do 4it Unknow 1 HI &() Samuel Htrri*.. 'J 3(J 433...1'A) ..Samuel Scott 19 91 do ... KoUert Uray IV W) 43n...d0 ... Win Dewart..... da 433...d0 . .John " .... do do ...Jaiues Tower*.do do ... Win Uray do 415 John WcUel IVOH do James 81ack...... do do Jo* J Wallace... do 433... 130.. Wn Ceok ...... IV VO do ...John Cowden..... do do ... Win I* do ...Henry Shaffer...- do do ...John H0ure1...... do do ...John Ly0n......... do du ...Charles Gohen... de da ...Tho* <irant.....„ do de ...John lirady. ...... de do ...John Kidd de do ...Henry Dunelly... do do ... Hubert Brady...- do 7ft Unknown 2 30 12 Henry Wheeler- 692 Uemier Towushsp. lUO Jacob Bartam 3VO Curtiu Township. ...Joseph Kelso VI 00 337 Lindley Crate*... 47 3D 415 Win Gilbert 77 40 3Ci- ...4 Caleb Lann 2000 2071 41. Longstreth... 2064 433...103...James While 77 83 43 4 J"h W Packer. 609 tut 4 Wui P Mitchell 6&.1 434 4 do ft 18 220 4 do 4 73 42 t Jo* Devling ft 02 *33...163...Th0mas Ilale-.-.. 34 40 2*).. —John Palmer—. 16 20 461 .Win Yardley 19 78 376... ...Samuel Baird 00 2* 43 Mary Tallman... 21 30 43 Jos Devling ft 88 21G...1C3...K. Wharton 18 66 SO J W sSl' Packer 516 293... 31 ..Charles Bruoe...- 15 86 415.., ...Charles Allen...- 44 29 ;17 J?. Wharton 9 30 20. A Hamilton 86 326 A Job W Packer 516 434 iiJosDeTling 6 88 22)- N P Mitchell- 61)6 4UU 4 do _ 760 434 4 do - V3O S9O 4J I' Mitchell— 661 53 4Cline Ouigley... 225 2C4- ...Robert Ainsley— 34 40 2W Richard Tuni*— 1204 Jo do 12 90 433...163...Th0mas McEwcn 1865 144... J W Packer— 12 04 2C4-. —Caleb Lann-.- 22 09 2C4 1 Lonrsteth..— 26 89 415 Rioharo Tuni* 8 08 do— .. Rebecca Kelso— 85 66 do Ester Kddy......... 71 88 dj— —Casper Wtatar— 84 4o 217|- ...Robert Amaley... do 415 ...John McCalley- 17 M 63 14. .Cline Uuigly„..„ 1 (10 420... 48. .Philip Myers...... 3611' do ... Valentine Myers 18 06' do ... Michael Myers... del do Simon Mverv.,— V 24 433...163 . Tboma* P 11a1e... 46 44 485...165...Gar3et Uotlinger 22 86 424.. 80...Th0* P Wharton 68 80 411— ...Josiah Jlaine*.... 86 55: 433...120 ..Ale* Bell B7 29 433... 199...Charles Hall 37 2) 415 Joseph Taylnr 86 00: 448 Andrew Epple 17 20 392... 80...R0ht Irrin...—.. 4220 439—MS—N L Atwood 46 S3 219... 19 - do 8010 kH... 4 ..Job W Packer— 26 10 158 93 Job W Packer 17 20j do do do do j 415 Peter Uahn 77 40. 415 Jus Thomas 47 86, do Susan ilahn 38 70 do Jacob W r aln 48 0V 425 Nathaniel Lory 89 99] 415 Tho* Humphry 111 80 do Roht Gray 53 53, do Wm Gray 35 53 461 Wm Yardley 19 78. 300 Mathew Leech 4 30 do N L Atwood 12 90 433 163 Abijah Davis 37 20 438 163 J Higher (Bigbee) 12 90 Fcrguaon Township. 162 116 Geo Kollinger 82 75! 135 127 Joseph Barnelt 886 323 John Anderson 19 12' l'.ift George Nice Wtfi 122 Jacob Lite 7 97 130 I'eler Crispin 4 25 384 Samuel Duncan 87 45 36 47 T McCullougb 233 70 L Hawthorn 22 92, 10 l*aac Worrell 8 27' 388 49 Alfred B Crewit 25 37] 404 19 Thomas Ferguson 12 02] 418 23 Aaron Levy 13 65; 404 115 Jame* Moore 13 21; 383 Hannah Turner 12 48 398 122 David Turner 12 70 151 64 Lydia Fowler 16 41 91 41 Jacob Way 892 15 46 Henry Mcdler 290 lot) Richards A Gintor 6 95 225 Richard A Mo*ely 14 73 177 Henrv Manly 14 57 145 Benj Hoover 9 44 40 John McKetui 26 300 Robert Rankin 19 66 337 Isaac Brinkle do j4OO Jame* Baker 6 56 do John Pethcrhridge do 300 Josiah Lurby 19 65 125 Caleb North 4 07 63 J I'etherbridge 8 26 110 John Baker 3 60 150 Samual Bryson 19 65 Gregg Township. 121 Jame* Barber 7 70 200 Unknown 8 76 50 " 1 45 Half Moon Township. 2)6 Josiah l.ainboun 26 Oi 2k) 104 Unknown 14 39 44 111 " 563 52 138 " W 40 10 " 314 58 12 " 485 88 Wm King 110" 174 Samuel Bryan 818 207 John McKisock 26 Of 417 40 Henry Plevd 52 W .108 80 11 Whitehead 88 3S 400 20 Wm Landburn 50 41 210 Jacob Underwood 26 4) 136 117 Jacob Pyle 17 14 400 120 Richard Joliff 50 46 2)0 John Hannah 25 2J 8)0 Jacob Baker 50 46 do John Baker do 18 CATDelige 2 26 Harris Township. 50 ofJohnlrvin 142 50 of John lrvin 1 42 do do do do 400 Wm Brown 11 40 do Jat Reed do do Absalom Andre do 384 26 J 0 Fisher 325 ItVO Unknown 4 27 HUSTON TOWNSHIP. 282 K Josephson 48 s*l 200 Wm Chancellor 34 80 315 J He tiny 54 18 270 Seely (Mouutain)44 84 213 Moore do 41 78 102 William* 17 54 433 163 John Pice 4t 55 de do John Wheeland do do de John Kollington do do do James Baxter do 6V Unknown 5 01 Howard Township. 26 Jaceb Baker 78 do Jos Graysburg 3 Of 130 J J Lingle 81ft 242 97 Jo* Harris 14 7t 40 H A Jostlin 2 44 50 Jos Graysburg 3 Of 63 J R Leathers C It 199 15 0 B Welch 24 2" 50 AD Harris 3 01 483 120 Alex Hunter 13 U do do John Buyer* do do do Hatn'l Young do do do Benj Young do do do Tho* Hamilton do do do Jacob Weidner do 80 Henry Antis 3 8! 193 Wui Rauiscy 86 10 63 John Brady 6 3 50 Whit A Nestlerote 8 0 217 Sarah Bunbam 13 3 Haines Township . 400 James Ban 2 9 400 MaryJenks 2 V do Tho* Ban do 00 Mary Ban do Y f" .EMWTiI >uh t*r Hdo do Wrn Harrtoa do I 209 140 Simon Murder I 7' 1 284 do do n 436 Charles Halt 2 r I*o Mover A Wolf 241 243 17 George Snyder 7(K 0 411 123 CethSnyder 12 6< e Liberty Township, • Ui Daniel Fletcher 6H( • utd! m It 11 he rt Irvia 27 IS e 40T, isi Bteph Stephenson 13 H. . da do John Dunwoody do Ido do Kb Men ha in 20 ft" • 80 Kekt Mitiith 274 m 40 i'eier L<-iu| 27 fti i 430 Chris Smith 20 Mf 108 10 of Jno Fetter 13 41 IH Daniel K rouse HI 'J 'SMI Jno Jackson 4 2? 7 112 Daniel K reamer ft 41 'B9B MO Kabrrt Irvin 18 J i 70 Jo M Shaw 237 ' ftO II Carscadden 114 ' 30 Thos Kin* I!. ' 4tW 40 Feter Lytic 18 till • b*) Uathew Leech 180 • 341 Jer Jackson Ilft4 I**) J..1. W I'acker 18 fiCI ' Sfto Wui liavi 11H4 "J" Chrial Ncsll erode 461 ' 40 Sieph Chambers 644 1 30 Ross Ilaker 204 j 800 FeUr# fl 80 > 7ft Mitnon Shingle ft (JO i 200 Daniel K route 1310 Marion Township ilia) KnUrt Young 6 40 Ui W A Thomas 2 70 IW Unknown I on 46 do 6 21 > 100 1) Lamb I 8 60 47 do 6 20 222 Ale i Scott 46 44 123 1-i Abr Singer 30 On 15 Henry McKwin 201 60 Wn Allison ft 40 32 Unknown 23 60 117 A lei Scott 28 42 70 Christ Rebnr lo no Kit John Shacne 10 80 Miles Township. 44fJ Thos Grant 6 30 430 Alex Hunter 1 44 300 J er Jackson 8 02 12ft WmSteadman 107 130 Robert Taggert M 0 200 Thus Smith 88 300 Aaron Lwjr 182 tSi Hoberl Brady ft 67 410 Hannah Brad/ 6 67 420 Robert G ra/ 6 60 100 Abraham Scott 106 60 Samual Scott 80 160 Abraham Scott 1 00 00 Samuel Scott 06 266 Jane Brady 266 4|o W ui P Brady 6 76 200 John Brady 2 66 K'St Henry Tnland 216 do Denial Williams 276 do Win Brady 2 03 do Samuel Norton 2 76 324 Richard Parker 2 tit 224 Jer Parker 2 60 410 John Seigbrid 216 "JJO Thos (Irani ft au 606 Peter House! 27ft 402 134 Win Miles 1163 Wb P Brady 60 3UO Jacob Seigbrid 2 86 110 Strobecker A Kaynolde 2 Bft do do I 71 260 Dan 1 Seigbrid 866 421 Geo Calhoun 2M& do Benj Calhoun 28ft 426 Wm 807 do John Trip do 260 Jer Jackson 1 42 160 Jon Wolf 1 (J2 427 WmDewgrt 266 Potton Township. JO fhos Wcu 3 2D Ift WniKllia 2 40 14 Thos West 2 2a 21 WB Wilson 3 46 4<l Benj Homer 87 25 300 Jacob Baker 40 20 133 Henry Gross 27 2ft Potter Township. Wni Harrisen 3 30 1 1S6 H B Full man do K J ward Camagua 820 WB Camagut do 40(1 Wm Hoffman 2 31 i de Daniel Smith 2 64 ! do Daniel Levy do. 100 Samuel Young do ; 42 James Moore 01 : 10ft George McCiallaa 11s Joecph Gowgill 380 Taylor Township. 1403 Jos Dreak 29 96 .660 M J Craig A N Sberrkk 87 Oft I 92 Thos Wallace 4 i! A<o Richard Whitehead U4O il6o Josh Williams 8 66 3uo J no Lamb 8 86 JUO Wm Bell 46 24 WO Geo W Albert/ 17 10 160 And Burryhtll 8 60] 211 Nich Hammond It 99 •JO George Kiter 1140 ,300 Joseph Welch 286 3(1) Klixah Merriman 27 00 ! JOD Kobt Campbell 1140 15 JnoCarr 4 27 206 James Carr 6 70 160 Geo Mony 8 60 Kit Thoe Martin 6 70 i 60 Jos Clark 280 i j 160 JnoShenk 1140 ' 160 Jno Hover 8 65 300 Wm Addleman 70 Oft 40 James Fox 6 84 i 260 Maria Morris 6 74 > 483 163 Josh Williams 17 10 i 28 Jno Briele 317 > 433 163 Josh Williams 1710 80 Daniel Beck 4 63 00 of joe Yoder 171 ij 2SO Clem Beck with 2137 illOO James Cow her 6 70 I 176 Moses Caats 2003 i 100 George Markley 17 16 i 434 Jno Lamb 8 65 436 jno Schenck 6)3 434 Henry McKwea do do Polly McKwin do ■ 217 Josh Williams 4 27 434 Polly Williams CIS 'do Huge Hamilton do Spring Township. 11260 Henry Tool 1226 if HI 99 of Henry Tool 401 I 160 J J Lincle 7 85 00 Wm Wilson 2 88 ■j 80 James Smith 867 ►j 60 Thos Johnson 490 >250 do 612 ' 300 Cath Robison 12 20 i do Rebecca Robison 13 00 I do llicbard Rabison 7 3ft Union Township. ' 318 David Kunes 241? 1 60 Boyce Davis 442 do do 229 82 26 RMulbollen 427 ! 60 Bovce Davie 228 MOO Jane Blake 4 70 de Samuel Philip* do 191 l>un woody & Long 7 84 Rush Township. 438 163 Jno Such 15 08 400 Jno Black do 312 Joi Walla do 250 of And AUiaon 18 50 i 3UJ of AUiaon A Lilly 22 20 313 106 John Whitmer 66 67 do do John Loudon 2315 433 153 Christ Hara 64 07 1 247 16 Jacob Stack 36 64 1 426 164 Christ llara. jr 63 94 1 16* 7 Geerge Slough 12 35 433 153 Andrew Shenk 04 07 >do do i>avid Hare do i 219 And Scott 1618 I 433 153 Michael Shenk 32 02 Ido do Christian Shank 64 07 Ido do Christian Bchrar 32 02 ida do John Miller do do do A Keifihartjr do i do A Reighart do i do 163 John Millar do ) do 153 JohnHubler do •do do Jobn Hand do > 321 68 Joseph Pirn 740 i 348 139 Henry I'im da I 301 160 Geerge Pirn do 1216 80 of Hugh Hamilton 15 97 i 433 153 Isaac Brilcher do I do* do Kicbard Malana do do do Hannah Turner do Ido do James TurneJ dO 406 Barabra Snydar 14 99 > 390 116 Ann Arthans 14 35 :tl4 117 Thoa Arthana 18 19 433 152 Joseph Welch 32 03 do 153 Robert Irvin 56 07 do do John Museer do do do Kichard Peters do do do Jacob Wilson 16 98 do do Jacob Miller do do do JohnHubler 16 97 405 147 Jacob Kusb 29 95 ! 422 44 Jno Wcidinan 31 22 402 116 Jacob do 49 47 434 John Miller 15 97 ; 4.13 153 Thos Hamilton 3203 do do Rllenor Siddcnt do 216 Kobt Bainy 15 97 40 10 Rich Atherton 892 433 153 Hich Malin 15 07 do do Isaac Brilcher 16 97 do do Jno Oundager 6107 do do George Slough 82 IS do da Michael Gundager do 177 84 Hardmnn Philips 27 20 216 156 Thos Hamilton 798 do do Thos Grant do 433 163 Henry Witner do do 153 Kichard London 15 96 do do Daniel Fitzerald 32 03 do do Daniel Khler do do do Henry Ponkerton do do do Paul Bush 15 98 do do Paul Black do da do Paul Such do do do John Boreland do do do John Kelley do do do John Bush do do do Peter Brutzman 15 96 ®do do -Thos Edwards 16 97 ~do do Kobt Irwin do * 109 Thos Hamilton 8 05 108 Thos Grant do - 438 153 Thos Reese 3202 do do David Beverage 805 odo do Mar M'Cermtck 805 odo do Jas Glentworth do 1 do do Geo Latimer do i do do Ew'd Moyertoa do eaUcasa, rma' wsaasevaa eswea tsi • 327 100 And Armstrong 601 74 433 168 Marsh Delany BOf v '4* l Win MrPharon 87< 4)136 13 WmGLatimore 251 16 433 163 Robt Bpear 16 12 do do Christ Lenhera 32(4 16 do do Carper Shaffer do ido do Owen Jordon 16IX g) do do Christ Robrer 3201 si 100 Robt King 130: e, 'iMI 163 And Allison 14 81 .120 mo John Lilly HHi |v 433 103 Jac Slough 15 01 f4 AH 11 Jno llrcchblll 33 71 216 80 of Robt Rainy 71* ei 70 Thos Grant fill 14 30 Christ Huber 22S VI 160 Joseph Harrison llll( ci do Krad Dorsh Jo 14 250 White A Parsons 18 U t y 64 Robt King 897 17 866 Unknown 74 Ct 4 800 do 71 (* 4, 433 163 Robt Miller 10 72 oj IS 12 KebtKlng 84 1i'483 163 John Hopkins 3203 4 434 Jno Montgomery 2010 0 34 W W de do 4 433 163 Daniel Turner 16 08 1 do Jane Miller do 4 434 Chae Lucas do 4 do Tbos Grant do U 262 Kobt King 82 02 .> 488 163 Daniel Buckley 070 0 Know Kh Township. 433 ICS Robt Welters 16 80 0 434 Sarah Slack 1 20 U 460 Sarah M Cart ban 23 30 H 100 06 Jlenry Vandyke 088 1 106 do do 1011 ii**) Joe Develing 8 70 0 do J Z Long 1600 4 do Joe Devling do u 433 113 Kearney 1 100 David Garteudden 620 !) 168 Sarah Delaney 22 40 jdo do Wm McPharon do Z Hf 9, 9 do odo do Wm Lewis do ,do do Francis Waal do do do Jasper Maylan do jdo do Benj West do do do Wm Bigham 22 49 •do de Jaa Hawthorn do :4° 1° Slf** M'Lanahan do do do Rdward Scott do do do Paul Cos de - 4° jy Lewis [Lawyer} do ;do do Thos Calhbert do Ida do Rebert Morris do do do Phelix Brunt da do do Thoe 8 Shippen do do da Thon Hawthorn do do do George Meade do i4® do George Campbell do ' 400 Alex Martin JD MO ' 300 Lewis Lewis 21 49 ; 433 163 Kearney Wbarton 4601 310 John Pim 16 97 ' 300 Jobn Ligget 1610 13 03 216 Robt Rainy 11 21 ! ... Har * h M'Canaban 23 40 433 163 And Bayard at 60 do do Mary M Wharton 24 49 do do Jot PXorris do do do Francis Wert 46 01 .do do Wm Wert do ( do do Jobn Wert 22 49 . P Cunningham do 868 71 John M NesLitt 1872 '3OO Joa Devling lft® do • g to 'do J Z Lung Ift 00 do Joa Devling do ' 32ft Wm Banks 129 400 David Willinma 129 > iSamuel Dobeon 11 21 iMary Wbarton 7 48 388 James T Hale 19 81 453 James McMnnus 22 60 de Samuel Linn do 'do Benj K Morgan do 'f 15 Wharton a67 ' 168 4 Mary do 22 60 ' do | j p N orris 4601 160 of Jos Harrisen ft 20 i 800 job Riley do > 416 Richard Wain 1122 433 Burd Wilson 22 60 i 4* Moore Wharton 1121 do do Was Parker do | Ido do Rebecca Wain do I do do Benj H Tallman 22 60) do do Klixn Wharton 1121 Ido do A8 V alentiae do do do TM Milliken do y J Mitchell 2080, ; 438 Joseph Morris 22 4* i do Alex G reaver do i do Gee Eddy do | do Leo Parker do ! 162 0 Richard Jones 841 , Walker Township. ! 28 Wm Ackert 140 i 44 CaptOsman 299 , lift" 13 M Dougherty* 168 , 214 165 Margaret Jamas 3UB I If 9 110 Klua Daugherty 247 , 110 39 jeeeph Evans 140 I 211 71 Peter Uahn 291 . 90 94 John Mercer 1 24i ido do Robt Aakin do i ■, 36 40 job Packer do j i 89 do Job Packer, jr do ! > 64) do Daniel Johnston 84i j 327 164 Wm Manred 4 M > 127 120 of Ruth Brooks 3:B , 327 100 David Marcer 411 i i 887 164 Kobt A J Baker 469 > 21 47 Kbeneaer Uahn 83 j &S 40 Wm Hahn 90 i 885 138 David Latler 682 i 384 136 Wm Miller do ; I 280 129 Mary Camac 8 92i I 214 165 Kdward James 3 01' j 60 Benj Pyles A0 68 ; !°6 76 Mary Camshan IGM ) 96 Jno McCorning 2 67' t 212 Samuel Btrkman 6 961 I 160 David Reed 4 ftOi ; 94 39 M Daugherty 14m ,i 140 Christian Robrer 24 !4i > 198 6 Kdward James 280 5 60 Mary Camahan 68] i 70 joa Baker 1 Iti > 161 John Knox IM Richard Purdaw 880 176 Kachael Robison 6 00j Worth Towaahip. 5 91 63 Jacob Kuhnes 13 20 180 40 joa Kuhnes 27 72 119 83 Abraham Kuhnes 18 31 5 247 150 George Kuhnes 88 OS 1 39a 40 Msthias Kuhnes 60 06 1 260 j B Gray 19 25 ti *) Roland Richards ft 50 • 30 Unknown 7TV > 71 Robert Campbell 61 2 26 M •• 171 0 74 Unknown 7 70 9 JOHN B. MITCHELL. 6 ap9 Treasurer. Chas H Held i.harrih, j. d bhookrt, J. a reaver HAIR DRESSING. Clock, Watchmaker A Jeweler ADAM HILD, Prof. 8. H. Wrioht is now prepsred Millheitn, Centre Co., Pa. Jreuus rj a r Milroy. Mif* to do all kinds of Hair Dressing equal to Respectfully informs his friends and the l<o H In T1 IT I A -1 A. All AAJAVA flinco.Fa. the best done in the citioa and [at less coat, public in general, that he has just opened ||/l|lKMjy 1/11 hie services to the citizens of Mifflin HehasWj long experience in manufac- at his new establishment, above A Texan* O Centre and adjoining counties, in Switche* f Curlf, A/nig* der'S itore, indkecpiconitiotlj on hand, rFVTnp IT at T pa Hahbi* Mflirti nnifl Oriinnionfitiil AVright guarantees su* kinds of Clocks, Watchea and Jewelry J*™™* "ALL, PA. llonM, NlgM and wn*m'nw.s in all kinds of Hair of the latest styles, as also the Mnranville RECEIVE DEPOSITS, PW>. *nd ladies wishing Switches, p,,tent Calender Clocks, provided with a And Allow Interest, (iRAISISW w , , v. n i. a.h or bair curled, will please call, complete indez of the month, and day of Discount Note . Oak, Walnut, Jiap , , W -S<S our work and judge for themselves. t he month and week on its face, which Is „ Buy and Hell *i,F° n 7' j P.nark.neinr Of. es less than in the city, and the warranted as a perfect time-keeper. Government Securities, Gold and Vill ,f * *' equal to any. | j#~Clocks, Watches and Jewelry re- _ Coupons 'ders respect! fully •oliclUd. . Prof.S. H. WRIGHT, p ,j r ed on short notice and warranted, Peter Hopper, Wm. B. Mikolb, All fine work dsne for other painters. , if. Centre Hall. I y sen IP 68 Iv Pres't. Cashier no?.tf. mm Kill • J 0 t 4.9 2 . ,f| 4 k Yi •■ aw t U J™ - }■' am . mm - Kl i •i H'i Ai ■ f 111 1 ali l 1 s! MS j ; s ~h q hi C't -4* ©2'|J 4 T ■ mil 08:- \ ij HE*] w°2ii m 5 i! !' W as life r] i=*l MjiJ |ls JtiSSl 8 *! e ***S C a a. J slft"£"3r <5 - c -£ u=sisti rti si =*•;!>! I si 2 s'i g i i ~'t~ H rl* 3 e * o s^H < s H SC - Q • tic s jp-S |s .2 | 5 8 * h- I* 1 S "3 II I: o i -3 & h !#* sijj JlieSe BJl|ng E $1 . Ilslls I® ® £ * &.*• 5o 6 ~"s"V—< h C Q| JI M -S •cJn c pig, H s !i * ® c >5 •< * 1 * .• I o niki of ] mu ii ;; a 111 S £■■> < 1 pi i si s E v i u ?•! JSvfS %gg. J *hi e ~ i - e n • f-r? ? 1 11-ml f -■■?! >| , jc* c"g a *■B 42^! f i •* J m "5 o a * 2 --# i * =-a| S £S:* j "j2£ z 1 mUM ■ iimM & 4m ss s S• I "*£ I & iM-iiU j e|illil||l E S.m c-o ulSs FtfcS NKFF * RUNJtLk.-Both ['■■lfllAUivnTiarT A I „ xJ graduates from the Jeff. Med. Col* 1111*™ i> R A Wa I n I D. M. RITTESHOLBB, lege, of Phila. Pa., desire to inform the . SB J. yjgji a M Zw Jail Jf .Mf.' with public that they have new fully entered A 1 MTzwlkMvVWmvMVl. into partnership, and that hereafter any ■ K.OOMB, SCHWABZ dc CO. person employing one will consider him* W KniiriTrrn'* ■— self employing both, and that if a conaul- W nsrtva.s Pr.Ftusr's vsgstaMs wholkhalk DEALER* ill tation la required, r.o extra charge will he r Fish, Cheese and Provieione, ■>*-* y -at-Lew, 147 North Water Street, O Belief on te, Pa. Office with Bush A Yocum. Ceosultetion is laaliih S acwwAJw. l.kaviss andGeman. Cellectione pronepH^MUraai*
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