THE CENTRE Till" RSPA Y MAY 7. 1*74, LOC AL IT EM S. Our friend* will oblige be sanding us Items ot local new* in their bwaliljr, gt*r ui the facta only, and we will put them In shape, also notices of deaths and marri age*. Any ouc sending u the names of si* new subscribers, with the cash, will be entitle,l t. receive the Ukivwter one year free. The Rrrott'iK* being read by neatly every body >n this side of _ the county, where it has a larger circulation than any two pnper*. will ho found the best medium for advertising business, sales, 4c. Ac Rain all day on Monday. Tuesday afternoon warm enough to bring out the flies. —-llave received the Magic Inkstand, which makes its ewn ink. It is not a hum bug Win. Armstrong, at Potters Mills, advertises all kinds of factory goods, in exchange for wool. About a week ago fiOOyouag salmon treut were emptied into Peons Craca above Selint grove. Wils Lave, son of our friend Judge Love, is reported drowned at Lock Haven, during the late jam. Hope it is not cor* reel. J. C. Mot* has entered into partner ship with Hon. J. G Mayer, in the grain, flour, and cement business, at Pine Cerek Mills. —Brown should net be too hasty about the district attorneyship, without first consulting John F. Potter about that 1 ttle matter. Cyrus W. Hunter has settled down at Matternville, near Buffalo Run, and. with James M'Cartney, is engaged in manufacturing wagons, buggies, plows, harrows, 4c. Success to him. A fellow came to the Repo*t*r of fice the Other day, and inquired whether (Yeomatien, so much talked about, wasn t a new way for making butler. —— Mr. Evans, watchmaker aud jewel er, formerly of llarrisburg, gives notice of his intention to locate here permanently if he meets with the needed encourage ment. "A thing of beauty i* a jay ft> rover.' Col. Brown agree* to be a candidate for district attorney. We offered him the Lieutenant Governship, which he de cline*. Rev. S. G. Bhaanon. termer ly of this place, and new pastor ef the Milrey Luth charge, has been allowed a *ix week s va cation by his flock, two. of Jwhich he has .spent among hi* friend* in thi* valley. let out to the lowest bidder, to be kept in repair for one year, and the supervisor* ef Fulton twp., after six year*' trial, an nounce that they have been able to reduce the tax, and bare greatly improved road*. There is a piue tree down the valley which unit be twisted more than any screw we ever saw, and a* a friend relates us, must be a great way* down from top to ground, following the grain. This pin* was struck by lightning, and tbe electrici ty followed the twist. There was a squir rel in the top when theatre* was struck,and the little animal at once made a straight cut down the trunk, reaching the bottom before the lightning. —Tbe Journal of £uurfii thinks that American* have a peculiar habit of using large words, and especially notices the a* sr. nipt ion of tbe title of professor by men who after a year's study in .erne nor mal school, or a four years' ceutae in a school college, undertake to govern schools of twenty pupils. Thi* remind* us of a Clinton county Teacher*' Institute, which met at Logans ville tome 18 years age, when a resolution was passed for themselves, declaring, * that each teacher holding a professienal certificate hereafter be titled professor.' Same one sends us an anonymous communication, signed "Yours, Confiden tially," which has a flings: a certain con s; icuows gentleman, and wants it publish ed. It is too early yet for greens, and be sides, our correspondent* must give us their came* "confidentially" and avoid petty personalities, which we strike out, when obsei ved in time. Centre County Sabbath School As sociation will hold it* next annual conven tion at Spring Mills, commencing on Tues day, June 2nd, and closing on the follow ing Wednesday evening. Rev. R- P. H. Fletcher, of Lock Haven, will preach the opening sermon on Tueaday evening. The following item we Ind in an exj change, and ask persons who send com munication* to the RXTOBTXR, to study and observe it: The kind of communicatioa* that are in- ; tare sting to every reader of a county pa per.and'which the editor will always be pleased to publieh, can be written by al most any intelligent person. Such com-, municatlons should contain something re-• lating to one or all the following subjects '• Public or private improvements in the; neighborhood ia which the writes resides ; the crops and their condition ; schools ami ! their prosperity , accidents or incidents ; that may occur and in which tbe public j are interested ; public meetings or elec tions; all marriages and deaths, together with everything connected with the gener al prosperity of the people of the locality. Avoid personalilioi, trfling neighborhood quarrels, and everything that does not in terest the general public. Observe brevi- j ,ty, write plainly. A fellow by name of Meisner, living vern (Sixer's) where the pursuers learned that he l ad been tbere and also his name and residence and that he alleged buying the grain from Newt Wolf. Of courae tbe chap we* w>n treed, and arreted. He things square by paying tIW. . **• however, taken off to jait at Leanrbutg. The Citizens ot Manor School dis trict, met on last Sunday, April at the above named School house. for_ the Pur pose ot reorganizing a i nuntiay School. There was a good attendance considering tho unfavorable condition of the weather and road*. Tho fo.lowing named offleera were elected : bJP. 1 L°n ard Rhone; Bec'y, G. W. Boal; librarian. Jacob Wagner ; AsaistantLihrarian, F.pb riam Keller: Treasurer, Michael bpieher, jr. This School, in connection with the ""Eurleystown Sunday School, held several interesting and instructive S. B. Concert* during the pat arinter, conducted by lie v. ririttonden and Superintendents of the v VdiOl# Sc " Hberllidge & Co., of BellelenU, oon- the highest price for wheat, tinue to , They pay the high corn, rye, o. good potato**. They est pi ice in ca. Jxayuga plaster, flne are now selling t. Jjyr (9.50 per ton, ly ground ready fo . it t" be a of 2000 pounds. They *, ba o# . # good a fertiliser fj • * pi ttipif in plaster. Farmers will flnu terest to call on them. . The May Aldine • * - . flfw beautiful as the month it U> the brim with choice flower* of a E&SS ZZSfi ffiSSJSpStf,-I tb. mm. tents of the flay Aldine are of Kreater ra riety and excellence than usual. Sub scription price, $5, including ebromes "The East" and "The "West" James Sutton & Co., publishers, 66Maiden Lane, Hew York City. -—G enu & Houser woolen litctory nl JfiiUketiu, ani tho dwelling house oecu* pied by* Mr Houser, were entirely de stroyed by fire, on last Monday ruernlng As we a-e informed, Mr. lleu-er bad gone to the factory that morning to start the fires, and shortly after returning to the house, lie discovered that the factory was en fire, 'lbc flame* spread so rapidly that it was impossible to save any of the ma chinery or other contents of the building Tho machinery was all in good order. Closely adjourning the factory building, on the east aide was the largo two story dwelling occupied by Mr. Houser, to which the llames communicated, and U was aeon in a blare and burned to the ground. The greater part of the house hold effects were saved, to which all the aid on the spot was given, as it was uselcs to attempt to save anything in the factory. We suppose the less must foot up to some SIO,OOO, and sots very heavily upon the I firm We did not learn ot there being any insurance upon the property. -The genera! council of the Centre eo. | Granger*, metal Centre Hall, on Wed nesday. Delegations from the different local granges ware in attendance, and the j meeting was quite large, an evidence that | the brotherhood cf farmers is gaining In , numbers in thecouuty. ——This is the way it was done : A rat, which bad done considerable mischief gnawing a si Ik-dress and some oloer ar ticles, belonging to a colored lady in this town, was at last cornered by her, held down with a poker, and tenderly chastised with a little switch and then let ruu. Keally doctor Itergh couldn't bring in complaint here. Did ever rat re, eive kinder treatment far depredations * Tu* Msatc lxE*r*XD.— This invention will drive all other inks out of tho market Millions are being sold in Europe, and millions will he sold here. D coats but two i'-" dollars. It is, decidedly, the great est curiosity of the century. Makes its own ink, by simply pouring in water. It will last an ordinary lifetime. Sold bv all stationers, or by mail from K. C. Root, Anthony, 4 Co., New York. £i-uak Taixu Itrms, —A mean robbery was cemmi.ted in the basement of the Reformed church at Logan**ille, a few week* ago, which, tor meanness, ha* scarcely an equal. It appear* that the thief entered a window ia the basement and made fer the contribution box. Thi* j he captured, and alter appropriating it* . centenu of some eleven mouths' wring, . the *ncak made goed his escape. No clue j to the thief. A few Sunday* ago, while Hon. George W. Shtvely and family were at church, some thieving rascal entered the house and took out of a sugar bowl s♦"*) in money. If the thief had gone one degress deeper he would have got double the amount. — Awtwrafi LETTER FROM OHIO. TROY, OHIO. May L*t, !BT4. EDITOR RxroRTKRThe writer of the article I see in the RKP*RTXR from Akron, Ohio, gave glowing accounts of the wo men crusade in that place, but she forgot to mention that the > otueu got paid for tinging and praying, and had a geod din ner gotten up for them every day at the chutxh, and from my certain knowledge, one of the women took whisky every dfay for her health. The fanatical excitement which ha* arrayed one class of our riticent against another, ha* new well spent its fury. In the siuaH towns of Ohio, where the crusade has been waged vigorously, there has been great disturbing of good feeling amongst former friends and fam ilies, equal to war times, and thi* thing of standing picket at the back doorot saloons till 11 o'clock at night, I think is going a little too far for a decent woman, and one night in the city of Piqtia, a woman got awfully scared at some awful sight she bo held. The next morning she had the sa loon keeper arrested and brought before the Mayor of the city; tbe women crowd ed in his office >* fast that he had to ad- j journ to one of the largc.-t halls in tbe city, j and it is astonishing to bear of so many women crowding in to hear a vulgar suit. The man was bound over to court. A GRAXGKR. ! . *-•*- • For the Reporter. WOODWARD SUNDAY SCHOOL. The Woodward S. S., owes honor and respect to J. N. Van Ortner, for it* gene ral prosperity and advancement. Tho school is making use of the Bereau Les son Leaves and Journal. The meney which tha school need* for baying books, Ac., is obtained by mean* of a contribu tion box which contain* as many *mii boxes as there are clasao*. This box i# pasted round everv Sunday, and at 'he end of every month the box Is opened. At tbe end of the first month the box con tained fifteen dollars and sixty-nine cents. A Lena. For the Reporter. SUGAR VALLEY ITEMS The principal topic for conversalion-in ; this vicinity at present, is the poor-house ; question ; all seeming to be unanimously in favor of having one built in tbe county, without delay. Tb people are also awak-1 ening to tbe necessity of having a longer "school term." It is earnestly hoped by the intelligent, and greater part of the peo pie that ere long we shall have a law e tablithed in this county, (Clinton) provid- j ipg for a public "school term" of. from six j to nice months in the year. The Green.grov# school,—Mr. Overdorf teacher—held en eabibition on last Mon day algbL Yours truly, did not enjoy the , pleasure of being present, but presume thev bad a good attendance, as the little | urchins were busy all tbe next day scrub ing out tbe school room. Mr, J. S. Boone, says he don't care 11 bout tbo bag full of oat*, but if the fellow | that took it by mistake from bis store i | porch the other night, will only return the j bag. be will accept it gratefully and ask no questions. During tbe psst winter, a great many farmers of this and Brushvalley. have had grain of some kind stolen from them, and no clue to the identity of tbf thieves coul J be discovered. Tbe community will there fore be glsd to learn that one of these ■■omtcmptablc trretehe*. tbe perpetrator of I ibe last theft in Brushvalley. has been | '.raced to his home; end we presume ore this, is safely lodged in the Bellefonte jail, to await his trial. In the scar oh of the premises, bags were found belonging to farmers who had not noticed the efflux from their granaries A remarkable lady of this place, upon being informed that the Enterprise hud given nearly a column, in reference to the ] marriage of Henry Shoemaker, to Miss Blanche Quiggle, indignautly remarked ; ' Gracious alive I what is this world com ing too; neatly a column of Uio newspa per, for a wedding notice; and only a t hoe-maker at that Why law take*, when I was young a shoemaker could thank hi* -tars, if he got a wedding notice in tho pa per at all." The "beautij\il snow" is only twelve Inches deep thj* morning i Apr. BU, 1 and 1 shjtll have U> bid you adieu ; or nrelbrr sleigh ride this season, for Yours Truly, will oe gone where the woodbine twinetn. V. V. TRIBUTE OK RESPECT. Whtrtas, the great Master of the uni verso has seen fit in his wisdom to take from time toottmity our brother John V. Ros-, inembof of Spring Mills Grange, No. 158, and. a* broiha.-a and sisters of the Patrons of Husbandry. Uio noble order ol which ho so recently was a member, we beg leave to offer the following resolu tions: Ist. That the Spring Mills Grango ha* learned with profound regret of tbe death of Brother John P. Bora. I 2nd. That whilst wo deplore the loss of our worthy Brother, and -hall miss him in our deliberation*, still as Patron* we bow in humble submission to the wiii ol Ulm who doetb all things well, 3rd. That we extend our sympathies to tbe bereaved family of oar brother, com mending them to nun, who tcmpereth the wind to tbe shorn lamb. 4th. That these resolutions be spread upon oar minutes, and a blankfpage upon secretary's book be set apart expressly for thp name of our brother John P, itos*. with bis M*j dt#cf his initiation, and al so date of hi- death, that these resolution* be published in the county papers, and that the secretary, bo rconested to send a cepy of these resolutions to the family of the deceased. W. F. KKABIUK, | J. W. KVAKS, > Committee J, A- McCLrwTio) [County plasse copy.] ■ - --w-s Barbert A Co.'s sash factory, at Mont gomery Htatfon, flvo miles fiom Muncv, Pa., was totally demolished Saturday by the boiler exploding. Two boys named Fowler and the engineer were injured. The medical examination of the brain of Waits, the murderer, showed it was in a perfectly healthy aud Bound condition and weighed fifty-four ounces. HOItIII HLK OCCIKKKNCK TliW Verton* Jiuritwl to Death in Clearfield county. lioutadale, AprllSft A rtro broke out early this morning in lloutsdale in the houirtf L ('•innkrll, on licarce street, occupied tv th• Pennington family Loss about Jd.lVk), no insurant * The nam** of the parlies burned to dtttb were Elijah Pennington ami his wife ami \\ eatley Pennington The mother ami daughter j wore sat ml hut were slightly burned The tire is supposed to hate uiiglulM frum a defective* stove The three bodies were; found together below the comer room of! tho house The hod tea were trot discover- ] ed until the house had lallon in A man fool appearing among the embers led to the discovery of the bodies. I hoy wore almost totally destroyed, the features not rooogniaahle. The skulls were opened by the heat and the brains drawn out Four incite* of snow on the houses pre vented a general con (lag ratten The houe foil in about three quarters of an hour af ter the tire w* discovered The building I being frame burned very rapidly Mr Pennington, father of the diseased, who was at lioilidavtburg at the tune of the | lire, returned this morning. A Jury ws | empaneled and the matter is being inves tigated to-day. The mother and daughter ( escaped bv leaping from the bed room ( window of the second story. They were ( sII asleep when the house caught tire ( The exertion* ef theciliaens prevented the destruction of other property. A SUPPOSITION OF MI'KDKH ! lleutsdale, IV. April 30 It appaaiwj' thst the wemsn wlw wss burned to death yesterday was the wife at another man, and was living Willi Pennington as his ( wife. Threats had been made two weeks ( ago hv her former husband to kill her, and tha supposition it that he first murdered : the three persons and then ri tire to the j house to Cvnoeal bia crime. A bucket was ( ieuud near the premises which had con mined sea) oil, and this led to the supposi tion. The coroner's jury rendered the fbl- lowing verdict: . "That tho aanl lleury Pennington's ( hou-e was set on fire by soute person or persons unknown to the jury, ana that the 1 three victims were malicieusly burned to . death. ' SHOCKING ACCIDENT ON THE PENNIiYLVAN 1A KAILROAI) April 20 —An accident occur* rod Urn morning near Cressen, tW mile* vml of here. Five rtftntß w!k* ing on tbe track near Cresson were net bv a treight train going ca*t. They stepped on the other track to get out ot the way when the I'aciflo ex pre** going wot struck them, killing four instantly and eerioualy injuring the fifth. The name* of the kill ed are Edward l'ardae, Aniet Pardee, Jacob Bowder, 1'- N. Chwin, and William t'hwin injured. They Heed at Cherry Tree, Indiana county, Pa. FIGHTING IN ARKANSAS, A Pitched llat tie lie Iwe an the Bax ter aud Brooks Meu at Piue Bluff. Little Rock, April SO. Gen. King White, who has charge of tha Baxter force* at Pino Blud" beanug that_* Brooks men sure aiubled at New Gas cony, in Jcffer*on county, committing depredation*, moved a column of two hun dred men down te that point to-day for the purpose of dispersing them A despatch to-niglit to Gen. Newton from Pine Bluff says Gen. White sent for ward a flag of truce to order the men to disperse, but they fired upon the party, and a regular battle ensued, in which nine of tbe Brook* parly were killed and twen ty wounded. The remainder were taken prisoners, disarmed, and sent home. Gen. White report* *e*en of hi* own command wounded, and three horse* kill ed. The Situation in Little Kock The situation in tliie city remain* un changed. Baxter was reinforced by one company from Hempstead county this morning. Brook * side tent out a squad last even ing and cut the telegraph wire between this city and Pice Bluff This squad was captured last night by the Baxterile*, and are now under guard. Maj. Geo. Churcluli, of the Baxter side, with ten men, was surrounded last night while coming from the depot of tbo Cairo and Fulton Railroad by a parly of fifty Brooksite*. who were laying in wait for hitn, and he wa* captured. He was re leased a short time,afterward, and i* t da v in command of hi* forces. Tbe United States troops got out in line last night, prepared to prevent trouble, but the alarm which caused thi* proved to be unfaunded. A spirit ot uneasiness pervade* every thing. and new* from \\ a-hlegion defi nitely settling the matter in fatur of one or; the other party is anxiously looked for by j everybody. THE FATHER OF FORTY-ONE CHILDREN. John Ilepner, of Reading, claims to be the father of forty-one children br three wifes. The Healing Eagle says: He wa* born in Dl 5, and twenty-five yeais afters ward. liHO, he married bis first wife in Germany. They lived bappilv together for eight rears, when she died. During that time they were blessed with seven- : teen well formed children; hence at the age of thlrty-tbreo Mr. Uepnar found him self the father of quite nn extensive fam ily. The little one-came on enith as fol lows: Two pair* of twin*, four setts of triplet* and one at single birth, seventeen in all. The children of thi* marriage are now all dead. Mr. Ilepner remained a widower after a, short time, for in less than a year after Le married another fair daughter of Germany. 1 Providence smiled on the union and ap parently approved of it, fer during the course of eventa he was made the nappyi father of another child in the month of February, IMB. On Christmas following, in the same year, ten month* afterward, another child was born unto him Then the Lord blessed them with twin* five times in .succession. uad suhteuuently thrce luoie children at single birth were born unto hitn, making fifteen in all. Hi* -econd wile and hun-elt lived together nine year* and then she died. By the two marriages Mr Ilepner, at the ago of forty two, had become the father of thirty-two children, of which only two are now Uv- I i nar. Twenty years ago Mr, llepner and wife came to this country, lie was then thirv ty-nine years of age. Three years after ward hi* wifa died. Mr. Henner aot de siring to live in a strange land entirely; alone selected a third wife in 186b. They, are still living happily together, and dur ing the sixteen years of their married life; | nine children have been born unto them, | each by single birth, making forty one in all. lfis third wife was a widow with one child when they married, hence forty-two' children have called .him "lather." Of the third set of children only three are living, making five living in all, together { with the extra one belonging to his third wife. THE GREAT OVERFLOW, Prpaeut Condition of Affairs iu the South-West —Tho People Suffering end Destitute. Memphis, May 3.— Several steamer* from below arrived to-day, but they bring little additional information concerning the overflow. A pilot from Vicksburg re ports that ia the country back "of Austoali is inudated, probably front the liuckpqck anv crevasse. i)r. Tibbct's plantation, ju-tbekw Lake Providence, anf Tucker's plantation just above, aro overflowed ; al so, that back of Hun k's Line. There is much suffering and destitution not hereto fore reported. Throughout the Inundated region stock is huddled together on the to|v of tiie levers, or on narrow strips of laud, and those not starving are being kill-; cd hy buffalo gnat*. Pilot John Uilmore reports the water falling along the coast below Natchez. but it should be borne in mind that the sufferings of tho people will not end with the decline of the water, as many of them have lust everything and are without food. TERRIBLE ACCIDENT. City of Kingston, N. Y., May 3. -There was a terriblo calamity nl the village of, Shawnngunk, on the Walikill Valley Railroad, about thirty, tnilet from this city, lust evening. As the day hands em ployed in Gondii's large paper-mill Were leaving the shops just before six o'clock, the large boilor'explodetj, nearly demolish ing the building and burying in the ruins innnv of the laborers. Seven persons were taken out timid, and a number fatally weunded. Those killed were horribly mangled. The force of the explosion *i terrific. The boiler, weighing five tons, was thrown 000 feet. There is intonte ex cltpnspnt In thevlllage, nd a crowd threat ened to lynch Mr. Traiilcr, the superin tendent of tho mill, who, it is claimed. Wit'guilty of criminal negligence iq iiing a rotten, condauinod hollar. The null was recently erected at a cost of (100,000. FAMILY AFFLU TJOY —'The loll.iwing death record wa clip from our Brookrille exchanges: "Died in Window township, of scarlet fever, March }"th, Almira M. Owens, aged 7 years and 10 mouths j Murph 28d, Elisa beth M. Owens, aged I'd year*, 1 month and 12 days; March 24th, Emily J. Owens, egud 35 years. 2 months and 16 days; Mrch 2tUh, Jfargnret J. Qwcns aged 111 yearsurid 4 days j March 30th, Francis D. Owens, aged J4 years, 1 mouth and 7 d*J'. all of, and just one-half of the family of I Thomas M. Owens," THE HOMESTEAD IIOKHOH Six Person* Burned lo I)MUI near PitUburg. TllLburg, At>til9o, Knrljr tlii* morning til* house <>t John llamuel near lloneslead about sis mlla* from hern. was destroyed i b* lire ani lh* enliro family, consisting of Mr. llaiiiuel, his wife. two children, hired itill, aml n boy whom they wr* raising, [six person* in all, wero humeri to .lealF Hut two recognisable bodies were found |lt n altno.t certain that the entire family wer* murdered, ami suspicion reU upon n man In their Mil ploy on thn place, tine of the bodies foil ml among the rullia •hewed (that hit throat hail boon cut. EARNEST MINTZINGKK "ALIAS LOVE UONFKSSKS TilK CRIMK The arrest of have the confessed niur ilercr of the Harnett*, at Homestead. Allegheny county, *ai accomplished oi Saturday. The following is a detailed ac count at taken from the Pittsburg A.Wainc' /V.VyropA .• The Arrest. Officer Quirk it on the day force of the Allegheny police, end the taloon of Wack er it located near the end ef hit heat \ et teulay afternoon about half-past Ave o'clock \V acker called bim to rimt ta hit saint n, and there told lom of tho conduct of the suspected German The saloon ] keeper a attention was first attracted to the ! im,a by hit frequently alluding ta the i murder, and hi* excited appearance when ever that topic m mentioned At times, alto, he appeared almost era ay Officer ' Quirk secreted himself near the salami and 1 watched him for soma time, until ha was , convinced that hit conduct and general 1 were sufficiently suspicious t ' Justify hi* xrrest Once the German left 1 the saloon, but Waeker and tome other* ' inside ran after him and brought him back ' telling bim that they wanted to treat him. < When arretted he was considerably un- J der the influence of liquor, though he made so resistance, except t# pretend thai 1 he was unable to walk, lie would hold no 1 conversation with any one Although Mintainger at Hrst stated that J he could give no reason for committing the crime, he now acknowledged that The Object wsa Mottsr, ' |but hs expected to get more than he dij I When askvd how much he diJ get, he re plied, fifteen dollars. He gave the Details of the Murder as follows : He had been at work digging post holes all dav, and when he cam# home In the evening Mr. and Mrs. Harnett were calling at the house of a neighbor, leaving their two daughters and the adopted boy at home When Miutainger was about to take the money he says he thought the children might detect bitu and tell en him, and to prevent this he would murder them Accordingly he procured an ax and mur dered them while they were in bed. He first killed the bo v. end then the vounger sirl5 irl—though he did not say when he mur ered her elder sister. They did not make the least resistance he says, and it is supposed that they were sleeping peace fully at ths time, in utter ignorance of the terrible instrument in the hands of a mur derer which was hanging over their heads. When the Parent* came Home, Mlntzlngcr. who was lying in wait for them, struck the father on the hea4 with the ax as he came in the door, felling him at once to the floor. The woman, he says, gave two or three screams, and then a blow of the murderous weapon sileaeed her for ever. Did not set the House on Fire. Wheu asked by the interpreter how he had set the house on fire, Mintxinger an swered that he did not burn the house at all, and he did not know how the flames could have originated. DR.SCHOKFPEUKTS THRXK YEARS IN PENITENTIARY. Chicago. April 27 —ln the criminal court of this city Judge Gary sentenced Dr. Paul Schoeppe, coav icted of forgery, to throe years in the jwnilcnliay. The eeunsel declare their intention ol taking the case to the Supreme Court on a writ ol error. Annapolis, April 27. —An oyster pungy capsized off Thomas Point by a sudden squall to-day. Captain John Maitb, a white man and three colored hand* were drowned. i PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD Philadelphia, Mav 2. —At a 'meeting 'of' the directors of the Pennsy Ivania railroad, cempanv a dividend ef five per cent was. declared, payable on and after the 30th of j '.his month. The stock Is now selling at 50|, dividend' 'off. The reports submitted to the direct-' ors show the road to be in a prosperous! | condition. A PitUburg young bey thrust his band , into a Lion's cage at Robinson show. 1 When tho Hon got done munching it, the : little boy was taken to a Dr. who cut the . 'remnants off The secretary of the United American, Mechanics' building and loan association,' J. K. Snyder, at Lancaster was arrested' on Saturday evening charged with em bezzling sß,oto, belonging to the associa ' lion.—Murning Review A i a ft, consisting of fifty-one large,! straight pine-trees, ranging from ninety ITo one hundred feel in length, was com pleted at Great Bend, on tho North B:anch of the Susquehanna, recently, i The ewner expects to realize ten thousand : dollars for it, on reaching market. John Sullivan of Gueiph. Ontario, who ' committed a rape en a girl five years old on 1 the 18lh ultimo was tried and found guiily i: and sentenced to be hanged on the 25th of: June. Inducements In the way of low fares, arc' now made by steamship lines to immi grants, steerage passengers being nowbnok ed from Liverpool to New York for fif teen dollars. The Supreme Court uf Minnesota has decided that railroad cotnpunie* are re sponsible for all damages that may befall : the person or property of a passenger, al though he travel free. From Memphis committees oflhe Chain . bar of Commerce and Cotton Exchange are forwarding supplies to those rendered {helpless by the overflow of the lower Mis jaissippi. j The stoamer Yasco de Gama, which ar rived at Han Francisco on Friday morning, made the fastest trip on record between ' Asia and the United States, viz : seventeen .days and eight hours, having left Hong 1 Kung, China, on April 4, and Yokohama, 'Japan, on April 14, It Is reported that the Urges! portion of McLeensboro, 111 , was destroyed by Are on Friday. Paul McAferry and Tom Brebson, liv ing In Cans county, HI., quarrelled on Fri day about e young woman, and the for mer fatally shot the latter. DEK DRUMM Kit Who put* oup at der best hotel, Cinl'ilnkns hi* oyster* on tier *chel , Und rnft dor freaulein* cute a chwill 7 Der drummer. Who WM it gome* into mine echtore, • Drow* down hi* bundles en der floor, Und neffor schtop* do ichut der do' light [ ! "i"g DEATHS. On UOOi Of April 1*74, ■' Totters Mill* altera short lllnr.t of llcarl tli-ense, Klmei • K. Clark, son of Moses and Mary Clark - aged II years, 7 months and day*. .! On "AHh, in Gregg twp.. alter a short ill ,i ness of typhoid pneumonia, Mr. John I' j Ross, aged 86 years and it months. On the Ifnth of April, 1H74, Daniel 11 Merger, son ot Jeeob ltarger, ago,l 17 i years, tf month, and 8 day*. tin 22, at Milroy, Ja>h llreoit, aged 7£ veers. His remains ware LluUght tu George's valley fur burial. For tho Reporter 111 ttc tunc in in. Not many days ago, in Lancaster coun ty, a hand of youths, after mutual and hearty greetings, ceased from their ac customed labors and turned their laces towards their respective homes. Alt was Joy and gladues expecting to return again in a short time, and ba reunited by the common bond of friendship. Two weeks from the lima of their separation the band of youths, with the exception of a few, ceuhl again be seen occupying their ac customed places. One place, however, c tiLnurd to be vacant, the cause ! which began to arouse anxioty. On assembling in the chapel, in the morning, where all met for religious 'devotion, an eyes were turned in the direction of the vacant sea! with the expectation of seeing it occupied by the hitherto absent person. Two weeks from the reassembling of the youths intel ligence was received raying that the form •r .oeupanl el the now vacnntseat was ly ing low on the bod of affliction. I rotn that time a cloud el sadness began to gather, now and than penetrated by the hope ot j soon hearing uf his recovery and of hu, restoration to Ins wauled place. In a lit tle while longer the ray ol hope began lo decrease in brilliancy by the reception ot a telegram saying that he was in a very low condition, hut alas I on Mondav morn ing on the 'JTtii day ol April the telegraph a nes were again resorted to a* a means of g mmunicating the sal and heart-rending' intelligence that the object of our anxiety had left the stage of action and had ming led with the host# above The ray of hop# was dissipated and all was darkness The name of our subject is Levi Garbrick, who was a student el Franklin and Marshall College, Lancaster, Ta.. a member of the Sophomore class, a faithful student, s kicd friend and beloved by all who came in contact with him. It is natural for us to extol the virtue* of a frier.d, when he has departed this world, and forget hi* weaknesses, but who does not admire one in whom honesty, truth and Integrity | holds such a prominent place and who could bear misfortune ana trials without apparently losing a spirit of kindnes*. and without giving way to angry passions. During,iter a year of close association with him as a room-mate, he inanitest-ed i traits ef character, characteristic unly of, a true geutlewau and a person of tender . disposition, a a e # Already sever-; si days before his spirit left the mortal. frame he expressed a disinterestedness In the things of Ibis life and his thought, were absorbed into the solemn ronren* of the life into which he was about to en-; tar ; only a little while he for* hit spirit' look its flight, it leaned over th* prison walls of earth and saw the beauty and grandeur which li*s beyond, and which it' veiled freiu mortal sight. • ♦ • Hit fidelity to hit confirmation rows after bit union with th*church, live in the hearts, of his many ftiendt at examples worthv of, imitation. D. 11. F. MARRIAGES. On 21st UIL. in Piae Grove. Mr Georwe ! Kbberts and Mrs. Deborah Allen, both of [the above place. On 27th ulb, Rol>L Wilson of Osceola and Miss Susanna Eaton of Harris twp , I Centre 00. BKLLEFONTKM ARRETS. White iYheat $1 '<, Red 1 V 5.... Rye.™.. 70. Com 50 ....Oats 85. Barley 80. 70 Clofcrsced 4,6" ... ..Potatoes s*' Lard per pound A Pork per pouud'JC ltutter 30. Eggs 30 Plaster per ton sls Tallow 8......8ac0n 10..™. 11 am 15 Lard per pound 8 cents.. Buck elicat 65 cta„ Fuur per barrel re ui 18,50... wholesale 7,25 to 7,50 MILROY MARKETS White wheat 1,50....Red wheat 1 45. ...Rye (k) Corn 6n Oats.s6 Barley Ml-™. Clovers.ed 4,(11> Timothysaed, 360....™. Salt 2 25 per 5ack........ Bacon 7c.. . line 16 ... Butte, 27... Rgg. •J Piaster 9 50 Chestnut C>al per Ten $6.75 Htnvo Coal per Ton $6.50™...Kgg Coal per Ton $4.50 ™ Limebumer's Cr xaaaal Jcuclcr, I j formerly from Harrisburg, Pa., will be in 'Centre llall, beginning of May, where he, will repair Matches. Clocks, and other I articles in that line of business. He has, had largo cxpcriencu and invites such en-, eouragcmenl as will justify hi* lemaining permanently. All work carefully nud promptly executed and on the iniat run-, > sonahle terms, and warranted. 7 may 4t. j , ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE.- j Letters of aJminUtralion on tin- estate of . William llarkins. of Potter twp*. dee'd, have been granted to tho undersigned, who: ', rcuuest all person* knowing theiuselvee ' inuebled to said estate t make immediate, II payment, and .those having demand* ..againstthe same to present thciu duly au • thcnliratcd by law for settlement. GEORGE HAKKINS, JOHN IIAKKINH, 7 may tit. Admr i. ' STENCIL CITTIYG. The undersigned having coueludtnl to ro - main in the vicinity. ofCentie Hall, the . present season, would respectfully inform tho public that he w ill engage in the busi ness of STENCIL CUTTING. Persons desiring Plate* (or marking handkerchiefs, clothing, grain sacks, farming uCenil* Ac. i will do well to give him a call. No trouble 'to show sample*. 11. C. OAtBBAITH, {eprl6-4t Centre Hall. Keystone Store, FORFAUMRRS AND ALL OTIIKRHI Go to H. YEARICK;& SON, FOB FOREIGN A DOMESTIC DRY GOODS, NOTIONS. HATS, CAPS, BOOTS & SHOES. (I.OI'II I\ I npV-lf OKO. KOCH. 01 •' I'U Farincrs& Guilders , Having attached a PLAINER lo our st en 111 saw-mill, on the Seven Mountains ; nosr Kmisft, we are prepared to fttrnish, mini; 4 % Vi:iil4)W I*INC ixoomxti ti Nimxu, r AT LOWEST MARKET I'RICKS , SHINGLES A Ml LI. LU Mlt KM OK ALL KINDS, FENCING Ac., KUR NIsfIKD Tti tIItDKK I. A J UNDERWOOD, Millroy, !*§., or, -.apr Itu Potter's Mill#. Pa. tF.NfKK Ji AlTir - Furniture Itooms! 14 Itl Nlt I \i; A S KOMSM 4Jb , rwapectfttlly inform tho eituena of Centre county, that they Have bought out the old stand of J. O. Dcininger, nnu have rduc*d the prices They hate constantly on hand, and make to order BKDSTKADB. BURKAUB, •SINKS. W ASIISTA N [)S, CORNER CUPBOARDS, TABLES. Ac.. Ac. Hot* l MAOX CMAIUS ALWSVI OG HAITIS. Their etock of ready-made Furniture i* large and warranted of g-usd workmanship and it all made under their own Immedi ate supervision, and it offered at rate* cheaper than elsewhere Call and see our stock befora purchasing elsewhere. 'Jb feb ly. Shortlidge & PROPRIETORS OP THE Bellefonte Lime Quarries, The only Manufacturers of Lime, burnt exclusively with wood, in Ctuitrml Pennsylvania. DKALKLUT IN AutUracite t'oul, White i.ime, Du l'out'a I'owdtir, Spur liny an.! Blastiny J'ouiicr on hand, Fuso /or Blasting, Fire Brick, Ground Fire Clay, Fertilixera, Implements. ian-hi :s Office acd vard hear South end of the Bald Eagle Valley Railroad Depot. Belle fonte, Ta. jsnl0"8 LUMBER FOR SALE. The Undersigned has for tale a larwe -took of Lumber at the Loop Sawmul. (lately Oolyer's), contisting of WIIITK. TRLLOW, A PITCH PINK. IIKM LOCK, OAK, POTLAR, PALING, LATH. SHINGLES. HEADING. and all kinds of Lumber generally used lor building purpose*. DRV WALNUT LUM HKK always on hand AH kinds ,f Coopering done. J. A FLEMING. aprtl-.lni Totters Mills. MOW GOODS AND NEW PRICES. A N KNTIRK NK W STOCi OF \ BOOTS AND SHOES al the BOSTON BOOT A SHOE STOKE, NO. 5. It( Slt's ARCADE. Pncca than at any Other Shoe Storo in Centre C'ouutj. Call and See I s ! No. 5, Hush's Arcade, Bellefonte. July 19tf / t ItUCKRY STORK :- VJ Woodring 6c Co., At the Grocery Hp,re on Alleahcnyl Street, Bvllefontc, Pa., op|*>slt. Hofferj Rro's inform the public generally, that, they have now and keep at all time, one of the best and largest slocks of Groceries, j such a* coFyjcim, ' TEA, SUGAR, HQLASSAS. Ac., Sc., Ac., [CANNED AND DRIED FRUITS OF ALL KINDS, J consisting of canned peaches, cherries, ,■ HI a lues, plums, green corn, dried apples, poach**, cherries Ac. In brief they havu everything usually i kept in a first class Grocery Store. Call In ladies and gentlemen. Our price* are is.aionable. \Ve aim tc pleasa. octJßf H. H. WEISER & CO., Manufacturers of Sheet iron & Tin ware, Millliuint, Pa. All kinds of Tinware, constantly on hand and made to order. Hhoetiron Ware of every de*oription, always on hand. Roofing in Tin and Sheetiron done in the mot approved and satisfactory style. Spouting done to order. Their stock of Tin and Sheetiron Goods is large and complete, and offered at the I4)WENT PBIC'EM. Their establishment has been enlarged and sleeked completely throughout. .Satisfaction guartantocd, and all jobs promptly attended to. aprlO-y Til KHUN. Weekly. Semi-Weekly, ami Daily. THK WkVkLV MI'S Is l.iu wl.l-i, U nam an riVodxl itnwnivltUM , bat !*• rauwi vlitcli hsv air**.!* *Unm It Bftj tb.,ssss4 •ulMcrttwrs. sad wbtch UL s (iv U ui.a) ilwnmd auis. t l.risrtjr ss follows It ISS arsl-rsts MOSMPOT All tb nnrt ol tlw Us) 011 l IK* li.untl tn IU oondsosod wbsn Iniwrlsst. si F*n Irnfl h wbsn of HHHBsnt, snd slssrs IMWSSBIsd la a ctwar, UiisUlaUU*. aad lalwrwaUna naansr II Is a first rate fsmtlr |>spr. full of pnlwrtatnta sad lastracUsa rssdlaa of ertij kind, but nothla* Uisl caa odond tit- roost dslkisls snd m rueulous lasts. Il tss first rst* slorr |apr. Tfis bssl tatos sad rw sssucos uf oarrsal Utar slurs srs osrstuUf salactsd sad ioslMjr prlnlod In IU psyss Tt Is a fin rats agnrultursl pspor Ths aias* frwsb snd InsUuctlvs srUclss on sdii.ultursl tuples rssulsr I) slipssr In this dspsrtmsnl It Is aa sndspsodsat poUUoal pausr. bsloadae la au pans snd wsarlna no cottar It fights tor prtactpls. and for ths slsetton of tho host men So id*us It ssps rlaUf dsrutss IU snsrglsotu ths ssposurs of ths grsst corrupt lous that now wsaksns and dlagracss oar conn try, and IhroaUn to undsriulns rspubuoan InstitoUons aliogsthsr It has no fasr of knavss. and asks no fa Tors from thotrsnpportwm It rwporu ths faahtons for th- ladlss snd ths uarksta for Mis iuu, ospsclsllr lbs oslUs nisrksla. to which It psrs psrUculsr situation r losU) II ts ths chsspsst pspsr putdlshsd. Una dot Isr s yssr will ssenrs It for snjr s il*srrtbsr. It Is not ii i f nssfirr to grt up s clnb la ordsr to hsss Ths Waskly .Hun st this rsls. Aujr one who sends s stunts dollar will *t ths paper for a psar. Ws havs ns UavstUn* agsuts. TIIK WEEKLY HUN. - Klaht pssws. flfty-sli eol uin lis. Onljr ei UO s >*sr No dIM-onnU from this rsls THK KKMI WKKKI.Y NUN Ksma stto ss the PsllfrHun St is't yssr A discount of 10 per coat, to ' TftK PAIfLFSi'N.- A isrgo four p*so newtpspsrof Hvswoty olslil- oluiiius Dalls clrrulstioD o*#r ISU.OWI | AII ths usws fur I cents. NubscrlpUoa price U csnU s ninntli. or fd.W * rssr. Tu clubs of ID or over, a die- 'DRKAM'IIKIIS BALK OF I UNBKATKDLANJMFOK IAXKH FOR I*7ll and I*7B. AND PRRVIOUH TEAKS.— Notice it hereby given, that in pursuance of an Art of Assembly, passed the 19th day of Juan, A. D I*l6, entitled "An Act Jo amend an Aol directing the ineds of sailing unsealed lands, In Oen irc county," and lha several sup plements thereto, there will b* exposed at public sal* or outcry, tho following trails of unsealed land* in said county for the taxes due and unpaid ther*en, at the Court House in the Borough ol llullefonte, on the second Mon day of June, A. D. 1*74 Hogg* Township. •>aa* rsa wtaatera* at was v.xss 448... KM Andrew Horn mart Iff tw Ui link no am............ *92 Hi " 4 88 M 0... 94... of A Feucr......... IV7 Packer A Lucas. TJWI Ft Unknown 2 6U 4-T8... 168... Jonathan Harvey I* *0 4*1... 40 . Muse* lioed 19 74 4,1* .108...Dav id Lewi*..... 27 i d .do ...William Gray.,., do *4...Wm Rnaae11........ 7^' 4JB*. .. W'm Kuasell ...... 'JU' Hurnaida Township. j 18M... M... James Hall * 4XI Alex Dal Ira I**o d 0... —Thomas Hamilton da do ...lfi3...Unknown do M... ... " Wi MM lotJer I'srker do d 0... *3...Jeremiah I'arker 2*ll 4Xi...103...J05eph Morris... IK 20 do ... Alex Greavar..— do do ...Geo Eddy.......... do -10 Unknow I*4 Ml hamual Harris..... 2*o 4*4...TJ0...Matu#l Scott 12*1 da ...Robert Gray 12 20 48*...d0 ... W'm Dcwart. .... da 433...d0 ...John " .... do do ...James Towers.,., do do ... W'm Graydo 41ft John W'ctxel 12 * do James 81ack..... do d 0... ...Jos J Wallace... do 4.U.. TJU... Win Gmsk 12 20 do ...John Cowdau do do ...Wm T* Brady.... do do ...Henry Shaffer.,., do do ...John Hou**l do do ...John Lyon do do ~Charles Goben... do do ...Tho* Grant—. do de ...John Brady de do ...da ...John Kidd. de do ...llenry Donelly., do do ...Kobert Brady.... do 79... —L'tiknowu —290 I® Ilonry W'hoalar- 692 Bonner Town*hap. 100 Jaob Bartam..™ 890 Curtin Township. a*)! . ...Joseph Kelso 94 357 IJndiey Crete* .. 47 SO 41,', Win Gilbert 77 40 jr~i i Caleb L5im...... SOU) ■JUU il. Lonptrelh... 20 64 4*3. 163...Jan* White 77 88 4;M | Job W Packer 6W *> 4 Wm 1' Mitchell 6 (84 4 do 6 U* 220... .„i do 478 424... ™4 Jos Dwling™... 602 (88...163...Th0mas 1i51e...... 84 40 ■JUU John Palmer...... 16 *> *.l Wet Yardler.mM 19 7* 376 .Samuel Baird™™ 00 'JO (88 Mar* Tellwan... 21 W (84 Jos Devling „™„ 688 216...168...F Wharton..™.. 18 84 150... _JW e 8 C Packer 614 awl... 81. .Charles Bruce.— 16 06 4(6 Charles A11en.... 44 29 117 P.Wharton D# 20 A Hami1t0n........ 06 JJS A Job W Packer 616 484 .. ..Is Jo* Devling 608 m 5 N P Mitchell™ 606 400 4 do . 760 484 4 do .9 00 J.*, (J 1* Mitchell..... 661 68 iClino Ouigley™ 226 •JLI74. ...Robert Ainsley™ 84 40 300. ...Richard Tunis— 1204 Jo™ do .... 1290 483... 168...Thotnas McKwt-n 18 66 144... ~J W Packer 12 04 •JUT(. ..Caleb Lann. 23 09 lt)T4_ ...1 Longytelh..™... 26 89 416 Richard Tunis 806 do™ ...Rebecca Kelso... 86 66 do Kster Eddy 71 *8 da Cstpr Wutar 84 ft) 3074. ...Robert Amslejr... do 416„ .John McCailey.. 17 84 63... 14...C1ine Ouigly I ttl 420... 48...Philip Myers 46 12 do ..Valentine Myers 18 06 do ..Michael Myers... do do ... ...Himon Myers 924 433... 168..Thomas P Hale... 4644 433...165... Garnet Coll infer 2286 424™ 80 .That P Wharton 68 80 ,411 ... J otiah Haines 86 66 : 433...130... Alex Bell 47 20 433... 120...Charles Ha 11..... 87 30 415 Joseph Taylor 8600 44* Andrew Eppl_... 1720 1892... H0...R0bl Irvin 42 20 1439™! 88™ K L At wood 46 S3 i8U9... 19™ do _.™_ 8010 {304... _Joh W Packer™ 26 10 j 168 93 Job W Packer 17 20 ,do do do do 415 Peter llahn 77 40 416 Jo Thomas 47 86 do Huan Habn 48 TO do Jacob Wain 48 CM 426 Nathaniel L*y 49 99 416 Tlios Humphry 11180 do Robt Gray 68 68 do Wn Gray 86 68 461 Wm Yardley 19 78 '3OO Matbew Leech 4 40 ido NL At wood 12 90 433 ICS Abijah Devi* 47 20 ,448 103 J Hiftwc (Bifbee) 12 90 Ferguson Township. j ,162 116 Geo Bollinger 82 76, 136 127 Joseph Barnetl 8 86] ,John Anderson 19 12' j 196 George N ice 19 08 ' 122 Jaceo Lit# 7 97 i 130 l'oter Crispin 4 25 .!M Satnuel Duncan 47 46 | 36 47 T MrCul lough 23? 76 L Hawthorn 22 92 j 10 Isaac Worrell 427 ] 344 4'J Alfred B Crew it 26 37 404 19 Thomas Ferguson 12 02 '(IS 23 Aaron Ley 18 66 ¥l4 115 James M,>ore 18 21 30 Hannah Turner 12 48 398 122 Da*id Turner 12 70 161 64 Lydia Fowler 16 41 91 41 Jacob Way 892 15 46 Henry Modler 290 100 Richards A Ginter 5 95 225 Richard A Mosely 14 78 177 llenry Manly 14 67 146 Ben] Hoover 9 44 40 John McKean 26 :kk) Robert Rankin 19 65 337 Isaac Brink!# do 100 Jama* Baker 6 66 do John Pelticrbridge do :ul Josiah Lurby 1966 125 Caleb North 4 07 63 J Petherbridge 4 26 HO John Baker 800 160 Samuel Bry son 19 66 Gregg Township. . 121 James Barber 7 70 200 Unknown 8 70 60 " 1 46 Half Moon Township. 216 Josiah Lamboun 2609 230 104 Unknown 14 89 44 Hi 663 62 138 CM 40 10 *• 314 58 12 486 88 Wm King 1107 174 Samuel Bryan 818 207 John McKissock 26 06 417 40 Henry I'leyd 52 50 408 80 R Whitehead W39 4(10 20 Wm Is 410 Alary Jeuks 2 d ltb*Tt Irle 1790 n UtCi 190 Staph Stephentoa 18 HO .da do John Dunweedy da Ido da Kb lienham 90 67 • ft) Kobt Smith 274 400 o Peter Leiuel 97 !M t 4W) Cbri. Hmiib 90 83 lud 10 of Jno Potter 13 44 IM Daniel K rouse 8190 950 JiioJ*rk*on 4 98 7 182 Daniel Krttwer 644 ) SUM MO Robert trvin 1380 j 70 Joa M Shaw 237 i 50 11 Oerscadden 104 • m Thot King I>6 ) fir, 40 I*alar Lytic 13 60 > tin Malheur Uwh 6 80 1(341 Jar Jackson 1154 I 4*l) Job W Parkar 1100 • 350 Win llaas 1184 200 (liriat Nestlarode 461 I I 40 Staph Chamber* 644 ) 30 Ko Baker 204 13U0 I*atari 6 80 (1 76 Simon Shingle 600 i 900 Daitial K rouse 18 60 Marion Townabip 1200 Robert Young 6 40 I 60 W A Thomas 270 90 Unknown 1 OS > 4tt do 621 > 100 D Lamb IS 40 1 47 do 6 SB 299 Alai Scott 46 44 1 123 129 Abr Hlnger MOD' 16 Haary McSarin 90) U) Win Allison 6 4 ' 32 Unknown 23 SO * 117 Atci fteutt 2* 49 ' 70 Cbrtat Kobrar 10 90 1 83 John Hbacno 1080' Miloa Township. *O2 tboa Grant 6 30 430 Alai Uuntar 1 44 , 300 JarJackton 3 02 125 Wm Stand man 107 180 Robert Taggert 86 JJU Tboa Smith 3 UMJ Aaron Levy 112 430 Robert Brady 667 . 410 Hannah Brady 667 49b Robert Gray 6 66 , 100 Abraham Scott 11)6 , 60 Samuel Scott II) , 150 Abraham Soott 160 \ DO Samuel Scott 66 , 966 Jan* Brady 266 \ 440 Wm P Brady 6 7d! *9OO John Brady 2 66 , 425 Henry Tolnd 2 66 . do Daniel Wllllaau 276 ! do Wm Brady 266 . do Samuel Nattoa 2 76 ; 324 Richard Par bar 140 , 294 Jar Parker 2 80 , 419 John Self krid 2 66 '9OO Tboi Grant 6 30 , ■VtC, Peter 276 , ri 114 Wm Mi lea 11 63 Wm P Brady 60 JJU Jacob Seijrbrid 286 110 Slrohecktr A Kaynelda 286 , do do 171 260 Dan IBeigb-.u 264 424 Gee Calbuun 2 86 . do Band Calhoun 2 86 , 425 Wm Harner 107 J do John Trip do : . 250 Jer Jackson 142, 160 Job Wolf 109 *97 Wm Dewert 26 , Potto* Township. , 2a Thoa WM 190 < 15 WitiKllU 2 40 i 14 Thoi Wert 2 29 1 21 Wm Wilson 1 46 < 400 Benj Homer 87 26 I 300 Jacob Baker 49 90 I 183 Henry Uroea 27 26 < Potter Townabip. < Wm Hartisan 110 < 196 H B Pullman do • ltd ward C. magma IX) < W m Camagua fa ' 400 Wm Hoffman 211 ' do Hansel Smith 264 ( do Daniel Levy J liO Samuel Young de 42 James Moore 66 1 105 (iaorrr McC'lellaa 168 c Joseph OowgUl SlO < Tailor Towruhip. 403 Joe Drank 2096 550 M J Craig A X Hberrick *7 06 92 Thus Wallace 4 22 9tW Richard Whitehead 11 40 ? 1150 Joeh William* 866 1 '3OO Jno Lamb 8 85 - ISV Wm Bell 45 24 iftUQ Goo W Alberty 17 10 > 1160 And Burryhill 8 60 2 211 Nich Hammond 1199 •AO George Riler 11 40 < jaoo Joseph Welch 2*5 *) Klitah Merriman 27 00 ■JM Iti'lit Campbell 1140], i 16 JnoOarr 427 ] AC JameeCnrr 670 ] 150 Geo Many 860 i Hit) Thoa Martin 6 70 * | 60 Joe Clark 286 100 Jno Shenk 11 40 , 150 Jno Hover 8 66 j 300 Wm Addleman 70 06 ! 40 JameeFoi 6 84 ' 260 Maria Morria 8 74 • 433 153 Juth William* 17 16, 2H Jno Brigle 817 1 433 163 Josh William* 17 10 , 80 Daniel Beck 4 68 80 of sua Toder 1 71 ' 250 Clem Berk with 2187, 100 james Cowher 6 70 j 176 Motes Coats 90 0): 1 100 George Markley 17 16 434 Jno Lamb 8 65 , i486 Jno Scbenck 618 j •434 Henry McEwea do do Polly MrEwln do ' 217 soak Williams 4 27 *.4 Polly William* 6191 do Huge Hamilton do ] Spring Township. 260 Henry Tool 12 * ] m 99 of Henry Tool 401 J 150 J J Ltngle 7 Si. * 60 WB WiUoa 2 8H m jame* Smith 807 50 Tho* *ohnon 4 90 250 do 612 1300 Oatbßobbon 12 20 do Kebaoea Robiaoa IS 90 do Richard Rabisoa 786 Union Townahip. 318 David Rune* 2417 50 1 Joyce Davi* 4 42 do do 229 82 24 RMulbollen 427 50 Boyce Davi* 2 28 100 Jane Blake 4 70 da Samuel Philip* do 191 Dunwoody A Long 7 84 Rush Townahip. 433 163 Jno Sack 14 98 400 Jno Black da 312 Jo* Walk da 250 of And Allison 18 50 ' M ol Allison & Lilly 22 2} 313 W John Whilmar M 67 do do John Loudon 2815 488 158 Christ Hara 64 07 ' 247 16 Jacob Slack 8644 '426 164 Christ Hara, jr €3 64 > 167 7 Geerge Slough 12 36 488 163 Andrew Shank 6407 >do do David Hara da i 219 And Scott 1619 l 438 153 Michael Sheok 32 OS tdo do Chrinttan Shank 64 07 Ido do Christian Bohrar 32 02 ,do do John Millar do do do A Keighart jr do I do A Keisbarl do i do 163 John Miller do ) do 168 JohuHubler do Ido da John Hand do i 821 66 Joaepk Pim 740 1 348 139 Henry Pim da I 301 150 Georgn Pim do )216 80 of Hugh Hamilton 15 97 ) 438 153 Isaac Brilchar do )do do Kiahard Malana do do do Hannah Turner do Ido do Jamea Turn a* dO 406 Barabra Snyder 14 99 , 390 116 Ann Artbans I 4 86 1 394 117 Tho* An ban* 18 19 ' 433 152 Joseph Welch 3206 .do 168 Robert irvia 5607 do do John Moaeer do do do Kichard Peter* do ■do do Jacob Wilton 16 98 ■do da Jacob Miller do do do John Hubler 16 97 . 405 147 Jacob Bush W96 122 44 Jno Weidman 3122 402 116 Jacob do 49 47 434 John Millar 15 97 433 158 Tho* Hamilton 3208 ,do do Kllenor Siddant do [216 Bobt Bainy 15 97 ' 40 10 Bich Atherton 892 438 158 Rich Malin 16 07 do do Isaac Britcher 16 97 ,do do Jno Gundager 6107 do do George Slough 3213 do da Michael Gundager da ! 177 64 Hardman Philip# 2? 20 ' 216 156 Tho* Hamilton 798 •do do Tho* (Irani do 5 433 168 Henry Witner do I do 153 Richard London 15 96 1 do do Daniol FiUerald 32 06 fdo da Daniel Khler do 'do do Henry Ponkerton do >do do Paul Bu*h 15 98 • do do Paul Black do da do Paul Such do do do John Borelnnd do do do JohnKolley do do do John Bush do „do do Peter BruUman 15 96 ®do do Tho* Edward* 15 97 "do do Kbt Irwin do 4 109 Tho* Hamilton 805 6 108 Tho* Grant ao 433 153 Tho* KeeM 32 02 do do David Beverage 806 odo do Mar M'CermKfc 606 10 do do Ja* Glentworth do ildo do Geo Latimer do j do 4# Sw'4 adojtrton 4q >t seana. mn* vsaasjrraa * uma m m is sffii a Wm MoPheron 870 ) 186 83 Wm 0 Let. more 261 > 483 168 Roht Hoaar 16 96 Ide do Urkt Leaker# 82 OR Ide da Carper Shaffer do do do Owen Jerdun 16 * ido do Chrlat Itobirr 8201 , 100 Bob* King 13 01 , 881 161 And AlUson 14 190 80 John Lilly R 433 168 Jac Sleuth 16Wj 66 11 Jna BrtehMll 88 71 /216 80 of Roht B*ny TW 70 Thoe drat ! 616 .20 Christ Huber 229 ,130 Joaepb HerHaon 111)0 do Hrad Do rah do 250 White A Pnreona 18 60 64 Roht Ring 127 866 Unknown 74 CO 300 de Tt 60 483 163 Rebt Miller 19 72 18 12 Rebt King 84 488 163 John Hopkins 8203 44 Jno Montgomery 98 60 •4 W W do do 433 153 Dnniel Turner 1608 do Jan# Millar do 451 Chat Lucas do do Thoe Grant do 262 Kobt King 82 62 438 163 Dentef Buckle* 970 Hoot Kbee Townabip. 438 lffl Kobt Walter* 16 M) 484 Sarah Hlack • 129 460 Harnh M Carthaa 28 80 100 08 Henry Vandyke 988 196 do do 1011 300 Jo* Reveling 8 70 do J 2 Long 1600 do Jo* Devltng do 481 183 Kearney Wharton 46 01 100 David Cartcadden 620 433 163 Sarah Deles** 29 49 ,io do Wm Mcl'herofi do j® do do do Wm Lewi* do do d Pranris Wart do : t torwTy 1 " t do do Wmß.gh.rn 22 49 do da Jaa Hawthorn do de do Blair M'Lanahan do do do Mdwsrd fkott do de do Paul Cox de do do W l-ewis[Lawyer) do do de Tho* Cathbart de de de Robert Morris de de de Phalli Brunt do do de Tb s Sbippan do de de Then Hawthorn do dn de George Mende do do do George Campbsil jlo 660 Alex Martin 2980 _ Lewi* Lewi* 2149 66f 163 Kearney Wharton 46 01 316 John Pim 16 97 ' i " :;s 460 Sarah M'Qmnhan 23 40 1" A-d Bayard V'J de de Mary M W harton 24 49 do do Jim Plfnni* do }• A® Wart 4661 jo do Wm Wart da Ae John Wert 22 48 A® de D HCunniagham do 366 71 John M Neabiu 1872 1 300 Jot Devltng K, >t do .... g7Q dn J Z JUmr U46 do Jna DaeUng de >96 Wm Banks 129 400 David Williams 1 ! j 486 tSamuel Drtwn* 11 21 IMary Wfiarton 746 386 Jama* T Hate 19 81 493 jama* McManu* 2260 dn Samuel Linn de de Be*) B Morgan de did Sarah Wharton 2167 L6I Mary do 2260 dn ) j P Norrit 46 01 180 ofjogHnrriaen 6 800 job Riley do 418 Kieha-d Wain 1122 438 Bard Wilson 2289 d* W6 Moore Wharton 1121 do do Wm Parker do do do Behocc* Wain do do do Benj H TaUaana 22 60 A TMTUI) Bo do all kind*of Hair Drawing equal to Respectfully inform* hi* friends and the LcOTl IriTl ft* I .A -A A.AI.V A 110 oa., Pa. he best done in the ciUoa and at lew co*. pu blie in genera), that he ha* Just opened rir| II Klllii \J\). olfcre hi* service* to the cHitensof Mifflin S* ha* had long experience in manufac- hi* new eeUblbhment, above Aleian- O Centre and adjo.r ing counties, in Baring Wig*, ladic* Switches, Curls. Chig- J ER | store, and keep* constantly on band, OIVTRR ifatf PA If oiiac Kbnand Ornamrnatal -monTAc. Prof. Wright guarantee# *u- a ]! kinds of Clocks, Watches and Jewelry faint In w erior workmanship In all hind* of Hair 0 f the latest style*, a* also the Maranville BICBIVK DRPCBITB, Xrc*ing, and ladie* wishing Swltche*. patent Calender Clocks, provided with a And Allow In street, UKAimi* Wmlnut Aab Chignon* or hair curled, will please call, complete index of the month, and day of Dbcount Not# M 1 ' ' *nd see our work and judge for themselves, the month and week on iU face, which is _ Buy aod Sell J*""'* 08 *-* Paoerhanein* Or- Cbarge* le** than In the city, and the wa as a perfect Government Securities, Gold and Ftoh and FancyFaperhanging. ur wreak equal to any. mrClock*. Watches and Jowelry re- „ _ Coupon* . , Prol. S, H. WRIGHT, paired on hort notice and warranted. PTB*Hor*m Ww. B. Minoi.x. All in* work d n th \ * r. Sfdec. tf. Centre Hall. sap 11' 68 ly 1 : Pres't. Caahier nev.6tf. - kjv ll'sijllsa mmi J iu t i mi t ii iU Jo, U ceSj i ®K.| ° t"St r gii i ssH * g|s & 33*# i si ij &i m * M b .11 to If. b J; i s i* -*• i i *. &%"! % n |2r| ' hI s s ill m p \\ m W a • -si a* kkjVc „ . |: e £ art I! T ® . 2 k ff£*y kib lj*4* - -i 2R3 lei H rlmil iSH Ssu>s 5 8 8{?8-2 • < * * - U - f r; ?! ls-i :c * |u o I'll "°li - sl| |l° I I f, M "o ft s * h Is 5 k eg a M *2 it s o i l! ¥* ► if ellfl? 1 :|* 4 km 3 a 5 ,-d o Jet* I 0 Tm fc f c c -s as,® 552 S 52 ®. t Sai K C i m £.i c _• Q h m Qi 'i ' ■ §' • 1 Hi fr 3 5 Jaf 5 OS * 0 s :i S=ij >^kS lift* , *J* a fcjAEv; * *r| 11|1 a ft# n ei '3S£Z c<=4 if ill st| I UUiin *cl|s;*as: ' Pa-£ Ts - HUffill I ■ TAKB. NIFF" * fctWKLI.-lUi; 1 I ) graduate* fromfthe Jeff. Med. Col ■ u K A Lfu I nj D. M. RITTEXHOUBB, jZjTo, o" Phil's. Pa.* daalre to Inform the M J WaS'TIOM JTM' WITH pubiio that they have now fuliy entered HL\wmßa^WlilKVl. into partnership, and that hereafter any ko °"' w,,wabz * to Fith . s '"SS^ 1" North Delaware Avenue, T L. BPANCILRR, Aimrn.y-atLaw' 137 North Water Street, fj Bellefontc. Pa., oce with ] wa,Mii^iVß^ T HHr.' r. i *, Bush A Yocum. CenultatiOii in Bnglish P.AKO o lovm J. KCIIWAB* and German. Collection*promptlvatteod w,.tpy.r3ri,i * fe. mart ly. Ed to. fceo-ti