Fgrta, Dartle and Ho^bold. twj|v lfir. B. fcouth Kmriton, Vt, vmmiiji((ail,* lo the Vantmtrt f\mnrr the foltawiou • * —• I hsfr~Tteiae during ,tkf TTiir 1878, from ter. VltjiA fcwnmcurMifiol ol the year I hud nine oowJMmt bought three rttete in' the spring. . I diil not have the rfcftk <$ 1 wejv* until the first of June,! Tsje prfltei agues# tlie sixyottng est ofOlleta ate sij vest*. Tjrnade in the mon *f poitane of butter, and nse the mdk of ao cow for ten time. 1 bough* a farrow tjtljflßddle of October, making tlurtomi for the rest of the year, and call ifi t-u hvtrago ttrelre during the year. 1 SCi j; in the family 1% pound*. Wsides*4jjrh|v -pound* bought. ttoM 2.450 pdfirau fr 51,152.02, averaging about 47 .vt*i per pound, delivered in Bos ton .JjTn® summer butter sold 1u the tub ftftm to 10 cents per |vmnd ; the rest of the year in lump ifcr sixty cents, sent to Bucket fetch week. The uieai fed to Ult| powa during the year cost * 197 - w \ 1 Tho s|am milk *. M to uabres and hogs. I sold "® 90 worthif e.dves, pigs, and pork.feid saved SOOpbnnds of p-rk for family uge. Ten dollar* worth of graiu wa* f 9P Killed c4s*r*f*tk ft* 1,877 I? 1 5 Coal of tn*al to®w* .... ft) t\wj of ml ted tu*ri 10 ft* FmsUt a>4 e\prestos feoUar. *OO SCT 00 .* ni.tinu Le iving si> per cow to |iay for work, hay, ami pasture. Now, ku ns hear from the farmers and k%>w what each ofhnr ad doi|g. -As dairymen can not front home very often, we must imSL through the papers, .He a lea I Hint*. row tub Sic*.—To one teacup of orefgn take four roiled or grated crackers, one teaspoonfnk- of white sugar, t!e white of one egg Iwatea to a froth, wijk teaspoomfal of jelly wf any kind. i Anccutei. fob Bi-bnw. - Srdt nham rec emmt-ndf the aoplication of alcohol to bnrns, pecialty for children, whos* immediate rebef is desirable. "Pie , alcohol ahould bo applied for one or two hours constantly, as the pain re turns when dry. In case of large bam care mnßt b- taken lest tha alcoholic vapors etepefy the child. Wmx Han'w—Take oQ of rosemary, 1 one part; oil ai cwet almonds, one part; saturated solntion of borax, two i parts ; nil by volume. To every half pint add oca fluid drachm of tincture of canftandes and a few drops of ammonia solntion. Shake. Apply two or three times a week. This is a capital emulsion and usually answers remark ably well; *t any rate, those who have tried it say so. RE* OB a DEL v.— Dr. Gardne suggests that voting children should be fed on the milk of a farrow cow, since it h is not been deprived of itg essential ingredients to nourish the year's calf. "If any ®e quest ions the c fleet of double attempt at nutrition, let j>im compare the milk, in ordinary use with that of Y--farrow cow. The latter is small in ijaantity, thick, redundant in cream of a very high flavor. This is the milk destined to strengthen the bones and invigorate the body." Cms ros: CAXAKRH.—According to Hamilton, the' aevenest catarrhal .ld can be redkiTeii in about ten loon bv a mixture al carbolic acid, W drops"; tincture of iodine and ciiloroipnn each 7j drops. A few drops of the mixture should be heated over a spirit-lamp, in a test tube, the mouth of whigb should be applied to the nostrils as soon as volatilization is effected. Thaaperation should ha repeated in about two min utes, when, after the patienfc-Wneezas a number ~of times, the trmibiesomo symptanaivrapidly disappear. Olthtrd imd S Brier)', If not yet cut, attend to cutting eions at once, as it will not Jo to mt alter the bads kave start* J. Preserve in sand or sawdust until needed. Plafit root grafts in narsery rows as soon as the ground will allow. Seeds©! fruit and ornamental tnfes should be sown as soon as the ground is iD good condition. Peach-stones, nuts, etc., which were buried in boxes in the open pnettod fall should be planted , at once before they ootntnenct> to prow. Do not conaraenoe grafting until the buds swell If hft Until too late the bark slipf So readily that there is dan ger of injttrihg tbtt tree by peeling. In teee planting, do not attempt to da it haftil*;, one tree ted well is worth a griite a largo coooannt, add the bastelija-hitaMof one egg and a coffee top Mine sugar. Spread be tween jpe IkgjdM' the upper oue, This will ®ke thre#layer% and a plate of small oQap j^aide. ' Ferldler*. There wae afqiscmeion in the Farm ers' Clnb on tne stfbject of the tree poddiegß who yre fboding the country with rfbrthles#*trees at an enormous' price. Several members stated the ex perience of their neighbors in buying them, and it was generally agreed"that such foolish people deserve to be swin dled. One gentleman said the custom" of these men was tq,go to well known j;uraerif uad buy -fne trees, which A tfUgMioigf to iown butter, eggs, p ototoe*, -fidßitrv, or even com#Bdtil# his out goes "3BA*E is BO mope pwlerable and riOMjß|flpkeep-send ing tof#lßK" : s Y(H)I>S, Tim events whioli form the subje.S of the following sketch occurml during a aojonra of Ufte ntontha with a aur veving party in One of the wildest dis tricts of Canada. We were occupied in tracing the cottruo of a hitherto tin explomi river, which unfolded b> ua a I succession of acettic etl.s-ts, atteh aa wtHtld have delighted an artist runt loet, and which they only could de scribe. It would lc difficult to convey to the reader who luui not biv.utackeil cut iu the e then ui our ueigh- j ia>rhci>d. Owing, jH-riiaps, to my imagination lierrtng been excited by 1 these tales, I had a terrible nightmare, j I dreamed that wolwa were pursuing me; I knew they were gaining on roe;' 1 could bear thuir howls gr.-wing tnort and more diatiuet. Tiwire ta a point of ag-vnv at which all droauts must have J an em!—l awoke with a terrible start. { and fonnd myself bathed in a oold < sweat, and a prey to a souse of terror for which I eenld not account. Instead of the oheerfni blare which 1 had seen j ore I 101 l asleep, all was now cold and dark. The fire had sunk to a heap of , red etabem. I could not distinguish one of my sleeping contj-wutious. (food heavens! cau I le aitll slumbering ? ' Tliery, again, if the long, low, wailing ; howl which 1 heard eo distinctly in my j dream. 1 srt u;> erect, and listen. What is Ihst sound— a rustling nweug the brush u-nod—souse of the psrty stirring? No. all are ailent *• the gmw, I am the only one awake in the camp. Once again 1 Surely I am mistaken. I thought the fire was nearer to me, jnat in front J end so it is. What, then, eau bo those two glimmering lights a few yards off* Now they aw muring ! I awake the nearest sleeper— an Ameri can named Silas Wood. The man starts to his feet, rnbs his <>ys. " Wliat is t?" ** Look there. Silas." He looks, and as qutek as lightning, seizes a burn ing fgot, and hurls it with all his force and TUI unerring aim. The gleaming lights disappear with a rustle of the brushwood- a sharp short bark close at hand, and then in a minute or two, lha long low wail in the distance is heard. Silas then stirred and raked the burn mg embers, aud throwing on an im mense heap of dry brush, in a second , the Egypt .an darfcnea* is dr.-polled, by a bright flune which lea [is up six feet ; into the air and briuga the sleeping ■' it gun a and the nearest trees into fall! relief. " Silas, what does it all mean ?" 1 . .isked. "It means, squire," replied the American, speaking with his usual de i liberate drawl—" wolves I" M Wofwi !" I re-echoed. "Then those two gleaming lights that I took for glow-worms were—" " A wolf's eyes, squire; and I guess j his friends warn't fur off. awaitin' kinder anxions to bear tell of their scout. Hark 1 if tha darned things s un't agroania' and lamenti/i" over their j disappointment, as sure as niv name's. ( Silas Wood." Once more tha long low howl, inex | pressiblr sad and fearful, was heard at , a greater distance- Now that I knew what it implied, it made the blood cur die rn my gains. "I shall never forget a wolf's hpwl," I ' I exclaimed ; "I heard that accursed 1 onud in my dream as plainly as I hear it now. But are we Boi in danger?" 1 | and I began mechanically to pile up I more wood on the biasing fire. "No fears now, sqnirt\" replied the i Yankee coolly; "the cowardly crittero daren't come near a fire like that. Be ' sides I reckon the feller I scared so ! with that 'ere burning chip has told :em it's no go by this titue. They're I as cunning as humans, is them critters. I Ay be off, and a gooy rid;lance to ye, j ye howling varmints !" he added, as j the low wail was once more heard dying ' , away in the distance Notwithstanding the assurance that j the wolves were retreating,l took great j pleasure in seeing the fire biasing np brightly, for I knew that in that COD [ sisted our protection. " I suppose we i have had a narrow escape t" I said to j Imy companion, who, besides myself t i was the only one awake in the camp, r " I reckon 1 've Seen a narrower, ! | then," replied he. " Why that 'ere -knlkin' roont have give warn- ; :ng to the rest of the pack as long as a , | single red ember remained. Tue crit-) ters is dreedfnl of fared of fire." . " Well," I rejoined, "I am not at all sorry I gwoke when I did. But as we're thgonlftwo ayake, suppose yon tell me this narrow escape yon allude to— that is, if you doaft/eel sleepy." " Me, squire ? jPkin't sleepy, not a nktesel. 1 eouldnrf Weep a wink, if I tried. X feel too toiler happy like to have cotched that darn<*l sneakia' scout I sich a lick tiftd lbs Yankee laughed, quite tickled at the, recollection. "I j guess l;e had it right slick atween the i eyes. BTielt itbv the bark he gave. Well"' fofcire, it'll give me considerable sStibLkctioa to narrate inv sdventure with critters, I, gueys, squire, it lie a matter of tea year itgone that DpffirofTNat jun had a raisin' i away dbyn to SKoekviile, in Varmount, whore I was reared. " Well, I guess it were pretty big barn that Deacon Nathan was agoiu' to raise, and Hi we had a considerable sight of t>oya, and a regular spree; and When it came to draw towards night* the deacon he says to me ; ' Silas,' says he, ' I make out aa veil as 1 could in the dark if there ! wna anything iu the baru Or not. It was alamt a minute before I could <-e ; dearly; but at last 1 heard a slight rustle, aud thought 1 raw aomethiu' move. Thinks 1, that"* Dave Hhttnyser, or some of the boys, iMme back to frighten me. They shan't have it to ' crow over me. So I sing*org, 'lathat yon, Dave?" There was uo answer, but I heard a tusflin' and a putter jest like , I a dog's paws, and I could see the erit . tor, whatever it was, crawlin' towards i tlie gap in the boards. Then it atop i pvd, and kinder turned its head, and 1 ' eotched sight of two twiukliu' lights, j and, thinks I, it's a stray dog; when the critter give a spring out of the barn, , and sot tip a howl. "Squire, 1 shouldn't have l*u soared I with one wolf, but that howl was an swered from the woods, maybe a qtiur ' ter of a mile off, by another, which I knowed could only have come from a pack of not less than fifty huugry j Leasts. Well, squire, I was awful scared, and that's a fact; but I guess ;f I'd a lost my presents* of mind, it would hs' beeu ail up with mo iu about j five minutes. I kt|oel I hadn't amo ' meut to lose, 'cause I heered the howl i cotuin' nearer au.l nearer; and the yelp, , yelp, of the senUuel wolf outside call ing them to their prey ' My first ulea was to set fire to the shavings. I out ' with my flint ami s'.eel, but the spank wouldn't light, nud not one of the shsv | togs would coteb. The howls kept ! comin' uigher ami nig her. Tio-n I be gan to think I was gone. There was an i axe in the baru. lutt what oonhl 1 do | agin fifty wolves ? aud in the dark, where they con'.dn't see my eyes to daunt them. " I clenched it, licwever, and deter mined to sell my life dearly, when all ! to oncet, just when I'd given up all hope, 1 felt something touch sgiu my head—it was s roi>e as had ben fast to one of the rafters. 1 guesa, squire, if J that 'ere rope had lien a loot shorter. (I'd nqt be*-n here now tcllra* this story' The way I went np that rope, hand over hand, was a caution. And I'd 1 barely swung myself on tbo rafter, and began lash in' myself to tlie Warn with the rope, when, squire tt makes my ' blood run cold to tell of it—the barn ' was alive with wolTes, yetpin', lenpin', aud fallin' over each other. I could : hear them routin' among the shavings ; and in a minute they had litem all spretl over the barn fioor. Then they began to munle tu the earth and scratch np the monhl with their paw*. " At las' one of 'em scented me, and told the others with a yelp. Then, of' I all the yelts I ever heard I—squire, I I most swooned sway ; atul if I hadn't | lashed myself to the rafter, I'd ha' fell ' right down among 'em. 4 >h, such a yell I never hi-erd afore, nnd hope I'll never hear agin! Though 1 knotted tbey couldn't get at me, it was drepdful to he there alone in the dead of tho night, with a pack of hungry wolves lickiu' ■ their slaverin' jaws, and thirstin' for my blood. They ran round and round ! the bam, and leaped on to each other's , backs, and sprang into the air ; but it I was no use; and at last I began to get kinder easy, and I looked down on the bowlin" vsrminta, and bantered them. Squire, vou'd ha' thought they under stood a feller. Every time I hollered and shook my fist at them, tbey yell s! and jumped loader than ever. Kor all this, 1 warn't sorry when it begun to grow a little lighter ; and about half an I our before dawn they begin to aeo it was no use ; so they give roe one long, t lood farewell howl afore they went, j Bnt, squire, the most curious part of ; the atorv has got to come. H me time , afore they went, it had growed so light ; I on Id see 'em quite plain ; nnd en ugly Set of btiasts they was, and no mis- ' take. Well, I noticed one wolf separate himself from the pack, ami trying to dink away. He had hi* tail between his legs, jest like a dog when he's beuten, and bad a cowed hxtk, as if be were ashamed and afeared like. All at oneet, he made a spring out of the barn, but the rest of tlie pack was after him • like ligbtnin'. j ••Squire," concluded the Yankee, laying his hand impressively ou my J sleeve, " yon may believe it of not, jest as you please ; but beyond some hide anil hairs, they didn't liave a piece of that 'ere wolf a* big as ray hand. lie j was the scout as give the signal to the ; others, and they devoured him out of I hunger aud revenge, 'eauso they I couldn't get me." Consumption of Smoke. The assertion, so often made, that, in order to avoid or diminish smoke, in case of burning wood or other formß of carbon, it is sufficient to cause an inti mate admixture of the gases the mo ment they quit the lire, even without introducing a fresh volume of air, is familiar to all, and some of the forms in which this principle is now applied appear, it is said, to nnswer the purpose very satisfactorily. In one of those arrangements, two fireplaces are built side by side, rnDning parallel, and separated by a wall ; the fires in these two arc fed alternately, and, the currents of gas being directed one against the other at the back of the furnace*, the strnta are thus broken up and mixed, so as greatly to diminish the amount of smoke, as compared with that where no such plan is provided. Another application for the same pur pose consiste in introducing a little air, in a finely divided state, behind the bridge of thefnrna3o; this air supplies the requisite oxygen at the moment when tne combustible gnses are still sufficiently heated for them to become ignited—the admixture, according to this plan, being readily effected, tlu"ch with some losa of combustible matte. In addition to the above, is the sim ple process of introducing a jet of steam over the surface of the fire ; the steam does not exert any chemical ac tion, but operates mechanically by mix ing gases, and thus diminishing the ■ amount of smoke. WfiH.v WATEH is WICKED. There must be a crusade agninst water, which, like its inebriating liquid rival, is terribly baneful when too plentiful. An excess of moisture in the ground ia always pernicious to human health, its miasmatic exhalation through the air making the latter a slow poison to the system breathing it and a predisposi tion to every kind of disease. At this time of the year, especially, all moist recesses and stagnant water about a oonntry home should be drained, if the family would know a healthy summer. NUMMARY OK N'KWN, A viuel wan fought near Montgomery Station, MIM, between Atiettde# Itlanvenue and T. 11. PbtUilia, with double barrel aliOt gun#, l.>a.le.t will a amall hall, at forty imi-en lllenveiute wk# killed kt the th#t fire, I . nig shot llirottgh tliehraill, I'litlltpe waa not hurt . Edward Clarrn, a ret ire. 1 liieivhsnt uf Sew Oileane, waa timrvleievl and the lanly waa lliruwu Into ! the Sew Ha>ln . , . hi the case of Tusolliy Topping, tiled for minder of lit# wife and foul children, at WoudaLvk, Can , the Jury, after su stevig-s of three Jiuiirw, returned a yeplM |of vrilful murder tleurge Itroen ha* lo celved a challenge from tYmltei to row a tiio nnle lace at Toronto on the J'.'lli uf June for #I,OOO aatde. Anothei tuatch ha* I-eel l vr iwngtHl twlween ltrowuand I tUluii, of .*>l. John m llahfat liar t or, *. aire tunc In J one .. 'Jdie ,-oii.Uuoii uf the etarvtng luhshltaiite uf India i* ear.l lo tw> impruvtug, the B|nu.g crop#,evoepl ,u one district, having ynddoit well. KYvouegroee nut of a pally of ton, who Were cruetuug Uie river from Portsmouth to V'Ua| Jele.l lelween the S.ull rin Pacific Lallruad Coin pain and tlie estate of Jay Cooks A Co., Whoiwh) the a>lv siioes marie Ivy (lie latter to the former are diectraigwd by the acceplanoe of the vMlU pany'e firot mortgage t>ond> and oiher aocurt ' tIM. rtilp oetlleJUt'irl loaves Ure I sliruad ooui pauy Willi only a nominal fiisvliiig del.l lo ho 1 provided for . Capt li ting of tlie -JetecUve 1 force of New Yoik and a - pi ad of lit* men ar rested the following named Havana lottery biivker* : Joan It. Marlinci, Ferdinand fir- I citrro, Mason White, llenry lUw*, and P. C. I Jvevlui. It la believed that tlie auUioriUe* will try to break up (he lottery bosineee in New York, and will arrest the Kentucky lottery , agents if they attempt to sell .. .At the annual meeting of the I'tica Dairymen's Hoard of Trade, Mr. Ldwanl J W i.'ksQtr, of the l.'Uc* /fcr vijd. wa# elected Pi eavldcnt. Tho trade uf , the board amounted last year to Ij.t6ri,aco ' poutbl* of cheeae. valued al # 1,4-J&,'Jlifi ihe Slate . ttuiio of Connecticut Jut elected are UoVerioW, Chalk-" 11. lngetooll, Lieu teiiant (iovetuor, Ueuige pt. hill; Iroasurvr, M K Sawyer . Secretary i f State \V. 0. Way morel i.oiitp'.roller A li thavdn, lr. (,'trder the a'.l"|iicee uf the I'titled Older of American Carprutet#, a u.a-.~ urw-ting of the trale woe held in Srw York, to ofpso a return to the teu-hour system sought to le eufvwvt)d hv their employer*, lu-eolutlotro were adopted to the rfTecl that any attempt > u Uie part of the emj I>Vero under the rvii.',tug laws and the present condition of the artisan das-re to force theru lark to their former coi.dil.on wouid he reeaateil by eveiy houorat-le uiriiu ... .An tu vertijrau. il li.lo the alTa.i* of the National Hank of llrightoii. Mam- . resulted tu the dis covery that fu .de of the itistitoUuu have l>een urrsappropnatoi by one at lire officials to the stVeut of from f iii.uW lo fliki.MJU. lire sum drawn frvta the tank is uiidsrotood to have tieeu Ujwkl tu the purchase of real estate in lirlghton. YVatertrwn, ai d Sewuiwit, and hka been tua.Sc gied by li e surrender uf the property to the batik . . Provisional Prtwmletil [ OvMiAaiei. claiming that the Samua liar Com- - pony is deirmjueut Ui tie due*, revokes the con- ' trod and annul* (he lease, thus breaking up i the company ... .The K. 8. Trtaeury I'oparl- I tnetrt lias ilecrJed that colored glasa for .hurvh ' wtudow* shall be .laasi ha.l as sheet glass al thtrty-five per crui.. of as " aanclcs d glass cel.wed, at forty per cent , wlrrch lias been lire ram heretofore charged .... Arch- j t uvhop Tache assert* Uut an amnesty was prum t*od to linn* lhel by the (ioverumetrl ut Caira : d* A Kef turns J E; scopal (Inireh ho# I been urgoruzed at the Falls of Schuylkill, PA During a trapeze performance recently at Mortimer's Yarn tree Theatre Philadelphia, Madame Leola fell a di-'.ance of twentv feel and wo* eiiou!y injured- Sire Bubs.-pucntly i rrajipeared and offered to continue Uie |r- j 1. ruur.ee*, hut the audience objected, and alie : withdrew The Isrtidwn I'iMt denies Uie report thai Mr. I>toraeli la to marry the iKvwager , C'KUitese ot Chesterfield Tlie otorkhakkirß | of tho Fustem liarlruait met in lkwton, and , voted to ratify the taotio of tho hotvda of Uve ; eurperaU tu to the amouut of CW 000 and friUvieol heretofore made under authority of it* director*, and also author.red the further -alio by its director* of it* tioml* lo an aidt uoiul amount not n ceding £too (*i, ard bendk to he made payable wuhui a lime not fieewvling twenty year* fn-m lh<.r .late, wiUi u.!ee*i al an per cent. |*r annum, jayatde ssmv-ar.nuaUy The Dtalnct Ailoruev of yneeti* comity. N. Y., has been to Maaearhu netta to (Hiuwult the tnncn.or of Ural State In i regard to obtaining the ei vd#uee of Oreen and hi* cuttipatii.m, confined there in the Stale I noon, wlvo have confeo*ed to Ur* murder uf (irotum. Uie I-rttle Neck shoemaker, and who . tm;ilrcete Donohue. who 1* ur tho vjiiecn* ivunty Jail, aa an accomplice. Tire Oovemor J refnwevl U> penult them logo out of Uie custody uf (he Massachusetts auUronlies, and as a coo sei|uen.-e, Ikmohue may lpearn Uial there is romo defect in hla botv. A burglar iu Metnjihie, Tenn.. wae shot deail by a police man. The burglar wae in the art of robbing a store ... An Informal tuccling of the ihrsw-- totw of the Kaet lUver Bridge Company wae held, at which they aeked that New York should pey one-half of the cost of completing the bruigd, which, U ie eatimatod, can be done fur 85.000.000. Tlie "New York delegates expressed tlumiselyee ae wilting to pay one-third of the cost, the same ae heretofore, and Implied, but did not express*, a refusal to paT mere.... A now line of e'.eamure I uia been established im tween Liverpool and Oalveetoo At a aclio.il exhibition in MlddJctoti, Wi*., a kerosene lamp evplialed. and the audience of lliree hun dred persons ma feel, her breadth of bcaru it tout; ebc regis- torcd 4,000 tons, and cost $1.200,000 A special dispatch from Calcutta reports that live bundled natives have died from disease and starvation in Hatcoul. The mortality from tho famine ,ia sensibly abated by tho relief measures of the Government.... In Naloin, Mass., Mrs. Mary 0. Leach, a nurse attending upon a sick lady in Margin street, was burned to death by the explosion of a kerosene lamp Two fulling boats worn capsized off Kenosha, Wis. Four men were alsiard of oacli. Oue was seen lashed to one of the lioats. Tlie others were drowned ... George Howson, a fireman on tlie Kvansville and Cairo Itailroad, fell from a train, the train passing over his Issly, cutting it in two at tho waist and sever ing both legs and one arm Another mur der and suicide occurred at Ban Francisco. A man named Macy shot another named Cald well through the head, and then shot himself iu the region of the heart, and cannot survivo. The cause of the act ia not known..,., John It. McLeon, proprietor of the Cincinnati En quirer, was again sent to Jail for refusing to answer a question as to who fnrniahed its in formation on which to ground an alleged libel lous article published in the Enquirer. The experiment of raising the ostrich will be made in Florida. XLIIM OOBUKKHM BKKATB. Tlio Senate ('uninilttne on I'enalou* re|iortnl iinfavoial'lv on the riMoliiUoti from III" Mill nroota I.ry;ililaltire aaking an uiveollb'au.m Uilu the tT*n of the I'mioiiHl oftleer. I alilr.S Tlie lloiloti t'ill for llie limioH-lliiii of lll amendatory uf tho act fur on rolling ami ll'ieiiolug olilpa or t*o epiploved 111 the o-wting llxle ami tlniieltva foi i. h -nltlii|{ tho muno u jouxuMt Mi Moituu, uf tmt , hitt'MhuHxl a hill pro tulhiK tiiat |*Mtai;e upon ilia-niueulo pimUei hy authortty of fbiugreoa, ur t>v eillioi ll..n*n theleof, nhall not I".pill" lo ho pl"p*l pant BV poiooiia re. el ting theiu. Itrfnrti.S lo itio Ceiumittre on I'oot i lflh-e ami ('.ml Itoa.l*. Mr. Authoujr, from tlio I'liubug Committee, lepuit I hock (lie iurttli pf if. Titian.'e aiel tlie prtcoo paid fur Mola .liall U(j| oaeeo h*r work dolio by privato cmlrac-l nlvtm It may lie to tho tirnt Ultnerto of the (iulem mcut. I'laeo.t on the eotorelar. Sb K itt, of pa,, from the I'omnutteo on Claim*. iopoHe.l unfavural'ly on the luomorlal of tho Mei.'auUto huiiuance Company of Sow York, to !*t louubutoed for tyMll Iu greutr lia.-ke luniiiml in that t-oiiipaiiv and loot at oa Y|i Can >ou tor, of YVto., iu oalliui; up tlio lj>Ul*iaua ('ill, oald lie WAS IU SOW 111 loan* laot ■May when tliete woo p'lrat oli'itciueul their, ami in a putitie epeople uf Louisiana ac puer. Ed Ui the Kellogg tiotrpru- UMHil *l ho territorial lAilnunl hill u road a third tlliio and paeoLvl tear, Ml ; nave, 18. .-Venn..i 1 lohughuyoeu. (>f S J from tho t'uaimiltee on JudlelAry, irpuiovt l*.-k the Civil Light* hill lutr>lu.e.l OU the lire I day of the oroeion by tho late ftena'or IMituner. with an amrn.lmout, and recommendation of the niajoilty of the committee lliat 11 he panood Ac anielulcHl. I'laccl on tho calendar Mr. Ming >tu of Mitiu., cailod up tho bill to cnaUe tho Mounonite* of LtiaaiA lo offocl a primal.cm crtlleim nt ell tlio public land* . f the I mied MIOII* Mr. Kerry, of Conn . raid ho iunl received InfottuaUon UlAt Lhrwo MeJl lioiUleO dcrlred IO leave Rueu on be Hint of the Luoaiait (iovernment re|mrinj; tlicm to 1 -ei f tm military duly, ai d thai in Lhi* c .tuury they r vpeeled to ho nomptod from uclr oer ;.f. Ho woo not witling that as* oucti l-*ly Of people *lioilld collie hole under the protoc lUu of i.ur law*, rrttle wiiliiu our termor/, ai.d he creoipto-d ffuxn MBilribtiliiig th*ir alioie (O the . .Uintoll drfeiire. lit lit* brllef, if an ainrndmrul he inrei'.od Ui tho hill Icvpurii'g Uieiu to hecetßo citi/eiia of the I'lilted Mater not .aieof them would oetllo hero Tlie ll 'Uoe bill amendatory uf the at-ta to plot ale a national curicncy and to oo'.ahlioh fire I at k.l.ji, waa referred to the Committee on Finance. aocaa. The Ull reported ly Mr. Woodford, of S X., to prevent < rti er* of the I'nitcal Mates from receiving any money heyuml their filed aalanee, oae iIIKVUMVI, Mr. Woodfurvl evplaUili.g and bh riUni; the toll, and Meeora I'awra aud Rutler i Ma** i opjawmg ll a* uut tuifi.-jenii* etilured. In the ccttire uf the drlgt'.e Mr, | Morn am of S Y who tnul tnUudu.xbl tlie hill i .-ng.ii ally, aaid Uut un the morning he hod tune ou at i ivernmeril uflleer had | rrwi .1 h.m --: oelf un the flour, and in a ve.'v evcifed manner | apjwuachod Usui, oayiiig, "Thi* Ult will rtun ;W" it take* away the carriage which I ttoe.anti It lr imiMvaaihle fur e l< get a! wig without it." lie Mud Una* very hard un lum, espectally un hia wife, aud he *aw no ol.Joru.it. Iu her riding j when he did uut want the carnage He ■ Mr. Met nam i told him a* he un( I. id the Ueiiae. . that In* (rarty cvnhi nut afford longer to cany ! live wivee of public ufij-iaia. 1 in tlie dtaeuaeiou uf (he fiiiaivce ijueatiuii, Mr. butler, ot Maaeachuoetta, uiged tire ; i>a**sge of lire Her.ate bill, and intimated I.l* .< f III*; -. .r l':r lent would '. velu a ball | which would legalize hi* own acUun. Mr. h*U >• f Cwuu , aoknd Mr ibiller whether • he bad icvd"r*U* vl htm to aav that the l're-i ! dent wotikl nut veto the ttenate tall IY.o S;-eaker rUUerrupuugl ll.at .* an imjTo|>r j Ljueelrou never to he dtocueoeaL Mr. Kelitiga That I* precisely why 1 a*h the (pieem-iv. ne speaker lire Chair did not olieorve the gentleman from Marwaehuoeite use the phrai-e jor be would hkre etuppnl him ll t* an IB j vaiuu of the drgmty an.l r.rrht* of the lion** ' of Lcpreeenlativee to allude to the (Hiwibihly of the l're*. lent vetoing a tail After further I dlecuawiou in the oame vein the M.rttee began to vote. The firwt vote waa on Mr. lluUer'a mutton to ray on tire table the raoUou to ite.ii aider the * Uv pv-alpomiig live House tail, and ;l waa defeated by the casting v.vie of the Speaker amid great etcrlement Tlie vole aa# announced a* yea# lafi. ua' ljc. where upon the Hpeaker voted So Ihe variuu* amet.d meiil# . ffer*d to the Mil w <-re defl tcu. 178; Dave. 11. The toll of U Mil I* as folios* lliat from and after Um passage (if thw act the folio a ins mail matter r-hali t- ill. a p.! to pas* fire In tho mill Viral. iww|ispeie j-cnmhrsl*. ami miinirllira rwliimrillj infer rhvignl ll*wii|mUl<)Miri. and ual < needing sixteen ounces tu weight, to U cuuliiol to a •ingle copy of rath publication . sewitod, imw- I*l-rra, on* oopv to oach actual ralnrnlwr la nding or receiving lb> tuune ait bin Uta roiuilT whet a (he NUtir la published. bill camera shall not be required to diliilote such papwt iuiicm |~'.agr la paid tt]ani thrfn at Uir naual ntee Tlie Senate currency bill wan taken up In the Hotiar and after rUe>-u*ab b! the I'rcoi dent for hla signature. and If passed fixe* (he maximum amount of ("tilted Slain note* tu circulation at f tort fwn.orto. Mr. Woodford, of X. V , from the Committee on i irll Sen uia Reform. reported a bill to pro vide for a cnmmiaakio hnwrgMlw the coatema ee-i-e. Referred to Ui# Com ml (tee of lite Whine. IliHe for the reorganisation of the rteaenrT Department a eta presented. ilir bill knoati ae the House ( tirrenev tall wae taken tip, ami ineeel by a Tote of las to 11<>. Several amendment* to (be bill *w offered but rejected, ami Uie bill passed ae originally jwoeeiitnL The etatne of tlie 11 nance question now i* that while the lloiiee hillliae to await the action of tlie Senate, which may or may not le favorable, or may t>o delayed tn dediitlely. the senate 1411, which liar pmeed Ibe llotiee. goea directly to tho President for hie signature. Mr. Bundy. of Ohio, from the Committe* on Mileage, rejwrtcd a IsH to abotieh mileage to meml>ere of < "ongrcas. and provhluig Uia! they shall l>e paid their aeftial trwvehng expenses to and from Washington once each ee— (MiinUxl thu mimical every in sly ho nii't, uul pulled tbo trig ger, I'tit tlio m|m ircmed to ho hutl, and would not explode, Oeeniriouitlly ho out 011 a frotili cap, |Mikotl tho coil of tho barrel into hia month, and triotl to muko tho thing go off. H caught a little girl, and made several offorta to explode tho charge rloe# to |ir I lend. The people ran into their bouse* and locked the door*, until a shrewd boy re lie veil them of the eccentric chap and hia piatol. " Tell nic how far it is to RacraoMuto, <>r I'll kill yon t" aaij the maniac. " F.tght miles right straight down thu railroatl track," replied The laiy. Tlic lie waa rffta'tual, and the maniac jogged out of town, putting freah cap* on hi* piato), and aiming at hia crazy hciul. I>it. Wiun TuiEii vjKiorn KTThicra from hrabo and root*, without benefit, lie noticed, however, that Alcohol, that htuie of thu hutuau riuttt, an* UMHI in tlieir preiiaratioii, and he dt twriaiuad to eictudo the puieou entirely from hut own practice, no that the aui of making men •Irutiknrdd, while pretending to cure tlicm, ahotild never lie at hia aoor. Tlic Aluiiglity blea*e ... luirxj luml j* o. tu~al4. fvaU 1> ail giv <'e:u. hj is, *u t Mlo health aixl tuui -fynr Lmnnntl an a family uwebcijie Is la a lapsed k> tunet all purpose*. asxl ia the lout palu dwtMjfr that can tie sued —Com. Anna 8. (lutaingcr, of Honeedale, i'a. ttriuai the fdloa-Mig: "After raftering fat nearly two team trunk neuralgia tn the lorui (itutig up lata the throat, law and heam tu fail. OHM. Vi'uiTkk a liit aoi fur the l.inga.- Com. Whcre HOOI It Come From! I'tnU and quart* of filthy catarrhal dis chargee. Whore doaa It ah eodie from! The muv.ua tuem'irane, iliußß the ihamhera of Ilia I ti.xt, and It* hula glnuli, are dieeaaod. ao that that draw from the blood it* liquid. and l voaure to tli* air change# it uita corrujitnxi. Thra life-liquid to to build up the at eletu, hat H is ritrarSed and the eyateu la wrakened by 1 lli* lorn. To cur*, gain fleeli and eUWttgth by mug lv. Marco's OoMett Medical IHeoovery. which alao arte dliec.lv utawi three gland*, nwrrwuug t!wm. apt lying l>r Naga a Catarrh Remedy with Lr. i'leme a Swtl liooeba. the only tue( bed of reaching the upper cantata a hef* th* dlechargo accumulate* and comae from. foutn or Twvm-t YUM' Htwium fcuo. Monitor OncMb Pariah. la. Sep. 15. 1871. n V. I irai is. M. I. s Sometime al ot tart June "I oe mmanced the tie* >4 vow medlcnan. sod they bar* entirely cored me of < alarrhof twenty y* rtpv etan* and tuim tt. ta* t*tie* Itatr*. aea aa* baanuaadfot thirty rear* wtth aavar failla* safety ant ia4 Bursal Rrtnefly In world tn all oaar* of DlMKfatt aad til*aatlOta lh CIIIL DRRS. whether tt *ri*o* froa Telitlif or from any other eaae* Fall airacHiana for el*f will ao (HMM .T eac 0 belli*. Fob* Omnia* aataea ta* far-.tltul* of Of arid a rEEtthi 1* oa U* outatd* wrapper. knU> av it.t. •#*!!■ tw* hn'lri* w SUTUISU IIKTTMIL." CUe Boebaun Di. Mn Wnv. i*lrn!bliiriii Friaiuaaav lUia** *'i Colda and ronetnaiiUoa HOUSEHOLD ">* win v*a niiri PANACEA To 1U ywicai anlfailng from Bkaumatlam. kauraltfta. FAMII Y 4 "raaipa ' tb*limb* or i*t. acl, Billoaa Oolta, Pain is lb* LINIMLNT. back, bowel* or alda. w* weald eif Tiva Birinci* raaaca* khv run t Liiuait ia af al HOUSEHOLD othara tk* remedy you want PANACEA ler internal and calarnal aa*. 'ft kaa cored Ska above com- AND _ plalata In tkooaanda of oaaai. t AMIIii There lc no mtatak# abent It. LINIMENT. Try It. Bold by all nrngtftela ciiihoiiKA urracn iam>h i-ai.k abu dtSE from no otkar can*# than haln worm* to tk* itotnach. t.RowF'B Tanwirroa oonrrni wdldeetroy arnrm* wilbont Infury to th* call*, being perfectly VrntTß. and free from all coloring or otkar tnjartowa logradianu nanallr naad In worm preraraii™*- CCRTIS d BROWX. Frcprtator*. Rn. Id lb Fulton Rlr**t,!r*w Tork. .Halif 1 v Prnagiefe and Chcu*, and dcrflei •l Jfifti- me tvf Twauvy Fira CaFT* a But. The flu beta. Www coaa. Oaaf OatUa—Frtmr to Ritra t'nllorkek .Ifv.a Jiff F:r*tquality..... .11*,* .lli ..econd quality. ll 4 .ll.q Ordtnarj tMn OatUc... .13 a .10> Inferior or lo*elgra.t# .? a .11 Milch Oow# *>-00 i.nCS ling*—live •'** Bleep '!V* M Cotton—Mi ldltug J' h* lib Flour —Etlra Weatern W® ® dno hue-Eitra *** a TO Wheat—Red Wcetorn '•'<> * I.TU No. 3 Spring ' M • I.M Rye " - I.IC a 1 1 llarley—Matt >• Oata— Mlsed a .t)f Corn- Mi Iml Wcetorn W • .VI Hay, per ton 17.00 aJd.OO Hi raw, per ton 10.00 alf.oo HOP* "73b akito- ■, . n a .18 ; t*nrk—Meaa MIS al* *7 lsrd prtr 'rnim—Crude Kefluad 1* Potter—Stale a ,M Ohio, Fine .'I a .Si " Ye! low 31 4 .31 Western ordinary 30 a .3* Pennsylvania 5ue.......... .3* a ,S* Chcrnc HUI-Factory .10 a " Hi Inn ml. .('* a 0* Ohio 10 a .1# Kea# I ftt k' >l3 auFraidk BeefOattl* * I *.*o hheep 7 Ml lloga— •OH Flour ••'• * ®•" ,, Wtnml—No. 2Hprlug 1.3* al.it Corn 77 a .33 | .******•*•**% M O .63 By*..". IM 'IK Barley 17* a 1J Lard. 00ha .13 iuun. Wheat - '•* 1 98 Rye—Btate 1 04>y I 1 03 Oorn-MUed *i a IMS Barley—r>tet*.. 1.73 •).(*) OaU—Stoto *0 a 00 run uxirnu Flour 7.f0 a *23 Wheat—Weeteru Bed l.*o o 1.05 Corn—Yellow 3d a .*3 Mlted HI a .81 Petroleum—Crude ll>g tu-flned .IB % Clover Bcixl 8.80 all."0 Timothy 271 a2 71 ULTIkOM. Cotton—Low Middling lha .I*M Hour—Kxtra. .on a 8.30 Wheat 1.80 a I.B* Corn 1 N * >***........ . . „........ .05 a .86 ill dill a weak. Air'u wanted'evarywher*. Ctrl C7'U d lautple*frar. P. A. Ei.u, Charlotte,Ntch ■imTntiT or Charles Sumner. •la* 44i.H1. I'M.#, OI.IMI. Sent peali-atd " thlr I'omyhut / n> /..*•' i>ai* * mioewk (>*•! *, anil estimate* nlI *4.,*< sli'k irtma a* n* aw took, no Au jo*arcaaa or Kit Carson Ifm I*". 'toft k*hiHMit, ton>; •>• **4 vi-ssasuv w .< oawt ( ..M iii'ntra TKirrt*. at r Ui '.t'll'A ... k-.il m. mm**. iiwi •4 Iks law CU 4U.OH "Ml *• l| -*'#>•• #U*S 14' '*!< .. ~."iiv.M"l- •*.*** UwUmOCWJa A* 1 .Ml* Hut"kl.il t. i.MWU. lU*4 Caraua'a RAWUTE <*RTIIR IAM IOWIUC RW.U :R R IR .T.LI. BUM*> I 111 I |M uO*WlU.lU>*fri.WOtHtl*ll llif mU itk ft* laiin| frow K M W Mdi if a Aft?. IdM.at4t-M>..aiwki.''Mli'a:l^t"'aAl| I CENTS WANTED. ' ij -i ll B'4UU U > a JOt> y I a>uti .1-s*l J / I fl |lup'"i't mi* taking (ll< a>* Burks' julvuu '4 a> U r.j.u.l 4o o. oar liven wnb kswtog aaefcUvs*, Lltffctata* E.-d or Inturaaca. Tl>-n*** nllssu uhiiiin o* lifluuuhU Band fu ainlui and lei int. - JOSEI ROWMCSN aan SPAMO" Manufaciut) tAßvuin at Bt'*t, N't"* I*-'!. egjAWwao, ft. ltll Mrviitf If I lot* ft tt flu heat •ihrjMlMllt lAr 11*1. I* f.v4 /or t*n y **r loMM. a t ,jy luJUJHKI TIC Fit CO Kro r->~ full doacrifUna Jyg till 1 Flrculna a*nd u. Ho Truss Co, \ VMBir m I*3 Brn*dwi|r, AIII.IXB WAHTLU rUK Ttt£ u HISTORY OF THE GRAN6E MOVEMENT OJfc TH K FARMER'S WAR AGAINST MONOPOLIES. load what lonnln#llru#ro or lb* buofc li. 1> laiui*. t*<| . Moot l*l> f.r tfrii Pat oa'a f*ac)r,ai>d #bi-utJ ba lb lb* fc uib. II uf etorp I'afioß til tie load. Iran .kooifullr i.i*aoud *l." CuL A. 0. latuui, Maater at th lowa Rial* Graf*, wrllo* '* I lio rocaiood roar vara *- nUoi.t knob; • woib ploaaod ltb 1L Man) tt.OL.bo t'M tk. r mil |. >r *ya a*4 Ibal lb* bbvb ).m Pa* 1* ind'.raod b) tbo laadlt> o'bi.for* Zinc Collar Pads Have Been Used Since ian. Ist. 1871. A rulE.lor.t fuarabio* 4 ib#i aaoful'aoo Thy arc •iihiM in prr**i < chaana and lo rt.r* bay . nkM'f UAbl-bu HEI K <■* HOKM h . r Ml 1.1 8 I Prit*d bu*rl;*v| *ir b b.woJ H.tr #lo a line Gil ajlc.ua PAtt tbat ir*nia ikalna lb. aork. ana a LBAI-biban eol.Uab SWKAT l ati to yrotacl lb* abouUta In m SaUt. All ol nb.rb at* t- r til* bf barnaot Bsab*)* IbruafblMll tbe I btlrd Mat#* and ■ aeada Mat.u:acttn*d by zrar rotttK PIOTO., Harhaaaa, MM. FLORENCE W| fb* t*y loalnlrd Ml •/ Mhd FtAIHrMI c| W NJ. JHAIHIbM 00. ! **|'.! lif bioaof W!a*.ai Aw Saoa. oad Gi.oor I HaJar •' rn;oio*. lat joa* •••* •200,000, if Aw/ly darnlrd by rb* Ay r a 111 n (b*r| */ lb* CiilrW Aad of la Sa.i <4 lb* I I OKKM K. oto.a *!. ha Arvkaa tbo Mnwyaly of if If A IVtrod. TMf NeW FLORENCE la Mho O SI. T OUH-Mm t>*m hno lark ■ ard and /orvnari. or to rtgbl and lofV A*j.lr>l (haijmt lll. tola wa < ua ttyn bptnat Tun eo ! 1,1 It* aad lirttJJA Ago-M, iff*. tt. .■**, If wo*. STOP! AGENTS . lntr*ld Pop** la Una rr.aatry W' ft*# lb* larf r.i and twit (bnw.. ***f r*w wttb a Papor t ritry tubunkr' or fay Iht lar(r>i i. nou alt r. br aarnti Avatt.d la ttrl) town and lyaMy. M*< r iDottatH en ink r aad a* m pi* r* py 11 Pay.) (fro* b> avoat* ooioi • PEOPI.K'* JBObllll.*. til *antm M.. Phlla.. Fa. Colorado for Invalids and Tonrisls. Its sdvwuiM a renswmrtlves sad Ailkmat tea. Bell uai oculars gi *sn free Addteea. a. B raTrgaaos. Port Collits, Colorado. Ill) r r dap rvm mission or • IO a werk tslsrr |i.l tirsnsri. Ws egss it and will stai 11 Apply in n (I. Wrbbrrgte., Mntoc n i|AA t MOM II 1(> lldtli 1 VIIIII usim miVKKB XllMlttl* arvr Iml 1111 I*o WA'Hiftg, the only low prlcwd u I "JII leek antra ft* Sin* Marftlae era* *• #v vested. Al " * ""**■ M *ss 11- Tiny. st liiislnrtt. p> 1 NOVELTY PRINTING PRESSES. The Ileal Tel Ins rnlril. Ycr imstsor ci kuaioess tor peers and unsurpassed fur gen eral Jot Printing Over N'.fino |r fee. BENJ. O. WOODS, M**ufg itjrer *. 11 IsY 1 *IIYSICI AN Will t* •> 1 fr* hr mnil on* tebdint th#tr kMr#M !l H-t \rw TPI THE Agents Make 8150 8k Over per month, telling car new _____ uti'*, nrn'ROi (imo. B EST MO*. ftr.< ss*w Map ssf SKW VOH K wTftTIC. ftnd f>r Wl Catalogs- and s**our eswegera. upw X- r ntitfUMAK. T El * Barclay ftirest, B T 40 HATS K I LLEI > With ss. he* AIIAB* PKAU *H insnl. wiin ir i scl Ihrnmwriir Tprj | H and pesfsci bsmmelef; lell yon Hkui I i£M When 11 will storm . r< iM l*( KMiLIN end cold, ftrnt pi*|>std m any sd ■fgl..oc■#wi| H dress, uwew rscclptof P. n. order FJt t'*ftrVß| or rsglslered ls(i*r. h-r gf I*l. fa 'lml n/l At.VAN b. bOYKJOY, Msnuthe- JlSulmsk Wsshi gum 'ww isf j"> flo Svrske*psra. AMY Isstidlng us lh.< address often pscftej* with "11 ' srtll rec, o *./ re* a h*snilfnl Chremc flair l*nd 1.-strnctions h w te trlch.nosl psia Ulill | iVs .1 ic' 1s ( ,Id ftouth "1 * It, 1 * * .OIkftTANT KMPMIk Ml AT. At horns Lg male or buiftl*. f ■ s we kwairentsit *•• ranl ts lien ui red Poll paitteulsrs and e es.nsbld ssmple sent i.e. Adder... wiihcl r.luvu ilsisy. A 1' YOl'Kil. fft> nnh Bt.. W I laseshuvgh N. Y. rnrrriTri uree nil Hum or. from the wwi Hcrof lila to a common lllolch or I ImplC* I'imil two u> six bottle. *ro tiArrnnioil to cure Mill llhetlM orTcltrr, Pimple" on rice, Moll", Erysipelas and |,tvcr Complaint. Mix t" twelve bot tled, WArrante "ire kcrotald*! ftti el ling* and Ms re a and all Nkliiand Hlood bleeaetft. *„ woudcrlul Perioral proj>ertie ltwlH cure th meet severe recent or lingering i otigh IB half the time requlreil br any eUier medicino and 1. perfectly Miie. loosening cough, tooth ing lrrltdtlon, and relieving Korene... ftold hv all Dninllla H- * * Elt-Hf M. D., World** Dlnpciifturj. Huflalo, X. 7. DUNHAM PIAKOS. Dunham & Sons, Manufacturers, Warerooms, 18 bit l*th Strati, [EatabUshed 183 d.} NtW YEMt. Sm&fbr lUuftraioi Circular am* Prio* Lilt. u——— - I BUY ,1 ft P. COATS' BLACK THREAD for Tcmr MACHM THE MORMOFL WIFE. 1 U .*< Mr hl* fsafisat ►• J ;\ .mpila.e ik. A levnt •r and Faparteßimd • W.-mau- wnflan <■* KtrmA/ Mr fear. M wllhot t .>l* .11 Fr<-phet - ""••• heanat t Utah,#4 Fnr eir.nlare, sddrsea HART- Fo*l> H'hl ItHIIIO OQ., IwUbrt,tana. A fiPMTR r;fcTA7r?wffl*v.:; XIM llil 1O > ther uMr. U * at mad# 17 I"4 r.~! I acta tl.fv.iemßi.dvd by A" Ayrtwd I-., f ana wwar tOO.OOO famillsa aataf tbvm. IV-ilart/iti rLfcOO A rO..Cirltoadl ft . * T. Soda Fountains o, SSO, STS * GOOD, DI'UAILK AID CHKAP. Shipped Ra*4| for Una. Manilla- 'ur-1 by J. W. CUAI'MAS 1 Co,. Mibiaot, fro. IW H|.l for at ai*ki*HV._*| aaaaana m TKA AUhT aat.ia* >a lava Bad I b n maur'u .all TKA, t Rat up club I Aaa n • I.flrll .f tha laißaat Ta* c m pan y ■ u Amnio*. iwi">rta,a' i-iH.ee a luduramauis to Aftn'i. Kan4 Mi < lit olar. Address, I Itoi r-KT WKM*,d v. ear at., H. f. r i.Be*. US. , AUKJkTI WASTE,!' to rail ourlastly ralebraCad A'lirtna fo I.ata* wear fi.tiaaaneebl* and at< twtrlr cevesaaiy Iti.uoo aOI.O Milk I H1.7 - Tkr Jfirt Miiaaiit nn4 aatta fa. 11.11. HO HJUl.tl-l* UO V% ITH IM I TIIKN. eauipia aaa on raaatpt <4 t't.KU I H kKi u.a f.i IHatirurf nut- > far. J Kltl.K WBBKR 1'0.,S i ham bar a *l.. 11. (ironMfis* TnW>AT.IS#UI VKT.A, W tliMiP- j IHO COCO It, (km. Bensonr ta. Aaron*. i4 I every affectum of i ik yner.v, uswaa |*i d • aaer, ara ajaaaiflr aad tan tfiawettr cured by theuaauf tto. Wto tilt latAaJf < W I L 4. illlf, Wbtrb does not dry ;> A mh Kd Mara lra cause Lhtod, but 1.-aftu 1t riranfca the lutfi and afiaya Rrttot ai.ntataanamloa>aa— rtUniwp " CONSUMPTION CAN BE CUKE® bra timely rreort to UAa atnmlard rwnedy. at la trfvrod br bdmlrnda < f Uwttm-fUteie It Lea raoaftrad. Tbaaaaklaala rvr-l -/ AaUa *• u . irnt VT. *t 'W I. A AO*a. l aoranKOKß,oa toai. ILaaa. Roid tf daalan jniaMflj. 15,000 Sold in 60 Days. A6ENTB WCMTEO B lr Hani Ciammtr Antit, ifh," taaadara, ami armraa. Mai 4a ~ tofa, ato, af DM Oai mal. aa a vtla anM " Wo man span them." < 4a iwi, vrtalM. aad Mfk* u- •-*. wcAonffy VUi. ffto4 U Uf %mr UL IILITKTVIIF W *LHTA M* BHUH (afl*4lMiMNMM4ii CM AfNl Ml 444MmM •MM WtiAil# : M4(A#f |U • Hindi, a. I*AI4 M fHfUtAKt • MUJfc • Mi to %fl4 iKWfcoKUi. •>-!• K'fi MIA MtoM A. lA. WullAllUful * Co, toMTUtoC Cf, RADWM READ! K K LIE E Cui*e tho Worst Pain.* M VKCltf OIE TO TWEKTY MXJfUTES. KOT OWE a*OUR Ami tuMfi tvs Asm. nam Kecd any cne Suffer with "tin. Badny'i Ktmij Ealief to ann far atary rui n Ai ni nirr AID it THE ONjLY PAIN REMEDY that tnttantly Mt a tba Btnt a*'-rat-'.artrf pair*. a!laj laidaauaiiut.a. and raria I' i.pauaaa, *k(b (kar ptooda m urpaaa. If una ifflicatlua. is MX us E TO TWXXTT Htjrms. p" irai'ri k w ;■ Iml nr re rarfattnd tk pats tha KIITLMATir. Baa-rtddrs. 1- kraa. Crtpptnd. Bar- ua. Kc-uratßU, OI picauatrA *ll* dtoaa*. Biaf tall. RADWAY'S READY RELIEF WILL AITOBD IS START EASE ißfiamtttos of the KUntrt, lsfitmatiaß of ttsc SloAtar, lafiAßUliea of tha Bawrto, CmiMH of the Lonrt Sore Throat. DUhealt r n _ PalptUtion of the Heart, Hyiteria. Croup, DijAherto, TooOmchi. KocnOriA, Btooußittook Coll Chilto, Ape Chffii. Tkaapp: auu 4 Uir REATIT BELIEF tr Ika iart m pin* kn tk< pun or dlßcallf ruin out a> •ar4 aaan aad --aatoit Tf.i dmpa ta kalf a taaiklar f arafar wTO la o raw tainvtra run Ci ainpa. Opaawa. Boar Bl- imach, Baartkars Btcfe tlwda-kr. Piarrkca.. DTMnirri. 0-lir, W.nd In ll. Boarrto, and all Jirlaraa! faloa t tiTrJSr'i akr-n!i alaayt ran j a kottll BAD VATI BBADT liuxr arltfcu.ia A faw drupe In aratdf will prrarntOKkbraani paiaa frcm rlasl rf water. II la belter than Frarrc* Biandp or BiV w:4 aa a *t tantouU FEVER AND AGUE. rSVES ash AOim mrad Me Oft* rente. Thret M not a Tcnrdtni acprnt In Ikia world ikat w '.lt rart faeerand Ac* *. and allatker Hatortoae. Billeto* Baailrt Typhoid, TetJ--, and rtber Feeera .aidad ky RAPWAT s 1*11.1.0, •< d! . i t>route I>ya|"pa.a, Olaadnlar dta eaara. I In a tn the tkmai. Honth. Tuamra, S-tdea In tka utao a >l< bar paiia of the ayatem. Bora Kyra, Btrnrti a ie-h*i fa frrua Ih. E:a. and Ike wo rat ( "a . f Kkia ~a - ~r. Bmpttrua. Feeer Bnrae. Boal- It -a, Bin M or. Salt Rheum. Bryatp Maa. Arm-, p.ii.t Bpota, V iin| tn lor Fleah. To m.-ro. Cancel* t-i 'ha tvaank,Bed all weaß*ninand patnfnl dta lieu--a. Siekt Bweata, Loaa of Kperna aad atlwaai-a-t the lira piin-nple, ara within tka raraviva raa. f*h a >t-drrn Ckemtatry. and a tow dare' ua- .111 p.-eye to aay perar-a naiaß tt fur ntber ct thcif ,na of dtaaaee Ita potaut power W rare tkrra V tka pattr- t, Jetty bec-mtn* red a red ky M waalea and o • i aitton that la eonUnna— l t'eaaine. an a .n aireaime thcaa a euiAal repalre tfce ai with new lhalerta.' .nana froai healthyhl m t tkta the BABSAF . dtU.lA*wlU and daea aeetin--w rare ta eertali (Or when onca this rrnn-r < mmeaeaa us wn.a c?f paitfleatlow, B id *u.oeeda tn dunlniahln-- i"r k-aanfwaaiea.ua tepaira will be ri.|-td. an . rery day the paUawt a lit teal hlma f erowi. setter and atn-nper, tha red etarati her . appauta lmproTtnp, Bad fleah and wetirht o*mg. Kit t-nly den ' .-iß*Ai-AK!iJ.t4* lnmnnn eel all known _e tiat anta in tha enrsof Chroan lr. Ker, fntiia i amttuionah. aad Bkta dtlaasea, hat II ta the only t attiaa curs for Kidney and Bladder Complaint*. 1 rnurr, u<) Womb steeases. OttTfl, Piabctcs, p Wlr,lMonnnirfl'rtm Blight's ptavaa Altmmtunrta. and la all nl'l • hnf thriea-" buck-dual deposit*. or th* Wster U thick, cloud v, mlvod with Ilk* ilia wfclt# ('fan eg* or threads Ilk* * hit# tllk. or tkrt* la a morbid, daik, bilioaa appearanc*. and white bone-dust dep. n. avid when ik*r*laa pro king, bwrntng aewaaiin * best parting water, and pain la th c Small of tbr back and alnc| Ike Loin*. Tumor of 12 Years' Growth Cured by Radway's Resolvent PRICE 51.00 PER BOrTLE. DR. RAD WAY'S Perfect Pwiatiyc M Reflating Fills, perfectly tasteh-as, eleganHy coaled with aweet um. rnrge. regulate, purify. cleanae and atrrngt li en. RAIIWAV S PII.LH, ft't the rure of ell dtaorders .-f the Stomach, Liver, Board*. Kidney*. Bladder, Nrri i-ua pile**.-*, Headache .Constipation, O ltlre nni, Indigestion, Dyspepsia. Bllionaucaa, Bthcus, Typhus and Typhoid Fevers. Inflammalion of the Ito*r*la. Plica, and U Prrai-gerecwisof the Internal Viscera- Warranted to effect a p. BitlT* cape. Pure- Is Vegetable. containing no mercury, miueralt, oe deleterious drugs. Obacrra the hßowing symptoms rraultlng from disordersof the Plgi-tlra Organs; Conilipatlon, Inward l'lle*. Fullness of the Blood In the Head. jßHdtty of Ihe Stomach. Xausen, Heart-hum. liiagutt of Food, Fullness or Weight tn the stomach. Sour FruotaHon# Sinking or Flutter. Ins at the Pit of Hie Stomach, Swimming of the llead, Harried and Difficult Breathing, Fluttering at the Heart. Choking or SuSoeattng Sensations when to a Lying Posture. Dttinie** of Vision. Dots or Wcbe before Tbe Sighi. Fever and Dull Pain in the Head, Deflctency of Perspiration, Yellowness ol theSktnsnd Bye*. Pain tn the Side. Cheat, Ltmhs, and sudden Flushes of Heat. Rurntng In the Flesh. A few doses ofRAPWAVS riLl.n wtllfree tbosys tern from all tbe above named diaordris. Prios a* cents per Bos. Sold by Dra-jUt*. RRAD w FALRR ARB TRrP " Send one letter Stamp to RAPWAY A CO . Ko. W Warren St., X. Y. Indocmattou worth thousands will be sent yon. CON^^JON And. Its Cure. WILLSONns Carbolated Cod Liver Oil (s a scientific combination of two well-known mettt itnea. It* theory la first to arreat the decay, the! >utld no the system. Phyalclane tool tli# doctrine cor reel. The really atartllng euro* performed by Will aon'a Oil are proof. tVi rbolic Acid ) imtlmlH arret** Decaf. It Is the gioet powerful antiseptic l:i the known acrid. En tering Into the circulation. It St once rrmnplea with corruption, and decay cease*. It porlfio* the aourcdt f'fxt Oil i* A'atur*'* be* ati*ant tn reslsttnt CouaunipUen. H Jsfcs IUt Haw Vrf f A T ITt lil4i>m Dr. i. WAllusr's California 1 in pfftr Blttrrg are a ptwly Viwetalhto prßparation, maile chiefly frcm* the n*- Uve herb* Cpoel on the lower Wife* <* the Sierra Nevada mountains of Cailfor nta, the mwtktnal propertlee of whicb are extracted therefrom without the use of Alcohol. The question U alina* daily aaked, " What Is the caue of the unparalleled MCCCM of YIXWJAB Brr- TEjmf Our answer is, that they removw the cause of diseiuu!, and tho putieut re ■ covers hie health. They are the blood purifier ttnd a lifo-givhiff principle, a perfect Renovator and Invtgoraior of the system. Never before $2 "... history <4 the world baa a inedkiaß beeja oooHkitinded poßneeninf the rettteikslA quklitiw. of VisaeAß liirraaß in hraluir the aok of every dumese man ia toar to. Ttiey an a ip>Ue PutßUive aa well as • Toato, •ulieviug Confer Uon or Inflaxnmafii> ef the Liver and Visceral Or*saa, in Btlwies proppiiicH of Da. Wauw'l ViawiAK Birrs** am Aperient. Pla£h"reU<> Oeraiiaatiya. Nuiritioo*. l.e*stm, IHorrtic. HmlßUvh, Coanierlrritant. Sodorino, Alteve tive. and Anti Biliooa R. H. MrMlttD * CO.. ; >-i,fytau aad 'iwn Aft* Ban fTawdasa Ctftfnnua. •ad out of Waaktaptua aad tAafßw- Sia- *_*■ aald By aU Oral'*|f f" 4 _ ■ PHtoM Orient Safety Lamps* fKndi.tr or MHiliiM • ""'r I||.| In aa. whkh *aaa kaHhar lw.ak.l>A*wr flflad*. Arm m*~ aau ral.l and fkap. A*apt.4 -• all haurhald naw.f alas to ■tan., fa. lories, thkfthaa. •*. iGlfi MAKE $lO A DAI Bo 111 ma ttoM* Laey. AdKaTti VtAKTBXI ta a .wry csnwty ta thw dallof Slated. Add raa. WALLACE A SONS, k* CTaonataara Baw *•*. ttjttaiß&sssss, STANDARD LOTT* BUSTLE. ■nai T -.vi M BHiim:'".ww.R r A, "W TtoWWtotp , WIRSfIH tur -fir c t dk'wat. •<- and nut ■Nraßn BK9HHII. K-aadaf. ha"*- |QBHBSIANNKTOMMNHJ| ***> ces to ww*. *-"••""Tuaarfaß ~v n_ $25 aa.sausgrrc.ygL*a |f, ) *< •} } V - v"V A ' - V * J ''' '' KUAINT, KUEER & JKXJRIOUS u ttoe raluAble towk • ftve to eIL ** **<*+• Ejri r4M shd ftR ; to ptMta , to' jtofttoree. ItoreOto® wjs Tflijvep thdft ddrHr*toi f.sa> t M$ og—N-W. AtoEXTERMINXIORS AMo INSECT POWDER fOB Rata. ILXW, BUARHAA. AJITA. MMM. M. I. *. Mrtt. fissAv *Mm k rAMetok A | (Mill WaMad.-IM (Ma "all ".-IWto-daitad F totoi tmmptajWMy. ***** ifewVr. >. HMD. tiseitbwedt.are *—• HO! FOR COLORADO! W.tk itagknoaa rllaaata, wiapmißnant l"tr. MIMIC rrn.oti, aw-h paow.a. Beeaia f aed haalih ad. an tap. a Ownarai a a aj^ Una pfwaa ftaa. Add rasa A B. FATTRBISAAS. "* Oulhi a. Oohaa. [ itiySHIQEEBHi* ■aisr=f!sS£S^> NEW BOOK. Valktag Ukc It ta Ulrratarr. I Appall wan tad fw Wnra la Hary. hr Pf B I | Fix i. B.laed your torrthory, *a. AAdicaa Hnr ray HIE t-n b,< akiag Co . IS Baal Stk Straat. B. T. n Ann . r Madiral Wneeura Stall Barand he Kill IK *-L SH fraa *r * aiawapu Addraaa DUUIi Dm U.*APABT*. Ctaciwaau.ty- U'U Y Krßd p eta with addraaae at 4 eafcar* aa " nl rKwl* pew t paid a flu hnejn. Tat wort* UrtV *'■ and t*sirt>rttn>a tn rlrur S* a ?• BUI. pivaad.- -K nih da* 81. Fkiti la GREAT REDUCTIOIf. Teas and Coffees. AT WBOLDAt E FMCESL Increased Facilities to Clmb Organizers. Brad far Raw Frlra Ua*. 1 THE GREAT AMERICAN TEA CO., I r o a.** aaex. an* v. Nature's Great Remedy THROATMIUNG Q _ Q . I JUlojLAel .5 I! It ia On vital primJyto af tk l*haa Trau. abtdad by a paculiar prncna m tha diMillatiiiu af tha car, by which iaa htykol aacdiciaaJ prmwrttaa ara stantM. Tar awn tain crude tiata has back nonaiiukd by amiaant phraiciaaa of remry a. Ar.T.C.PnrJi,c? A.,. - BM-iiila it lo all per i, ,i*j diaraaed Slood, anyt _ ariv J repartition 1- . Bev. Dabney Ball, of *L E. CciitrtvDce hotitb, ma 1 e I ts 1U ro much lull t fitted by He uae. t)ia| h# cheerfully reccn r iDda it tunDhm frh-r.da and a couaintact malum when allcfee tolled. THB BOSADALia IN CONNECTION WITH OFB will core Chills and Fcycr. Llser Complaint, Dye. *• rr*ntee Jtniiepni.ii ill parlor to all other Blood Purifier*, fiendfor Seeerlptlya Circular or almanac. " fiUru. CLEMKHTI A CO., • S. Coamorce fit., Miatrt, JUL Saaemhor to nth row Drunaltt tor koaasaua.