The Centre reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1871-1940, April 30, 1874, Image 1

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    The Laborer'* Evening Rest.
1 .*n*h, my Utile one. l*ugh wy,
For gone te the weary, toilsome day ;
lAi* twilight shadow* ere falling faet.
And father'a hour of work i* jwet.
Hark to the dleUuit vesper hell!
Sweetly it* clear tone* ri# ami swell
On the ev'ning breore. a* it spedt* of peace
And hide the murmur of tnrmo'l oeaee,
1 -angh. my little one, laugh away:
Father haa earned tliia hour of jiay.
The day awe weary, gerbape. and ead j
THie ev'ning honr wi"! make him glad.
Then laugh, my hahy, I'll ah are your glee
For the Joy Hue hour hath brought to me.
° twilight 1 .cur, o doubly bleat,
Welcome oar thy tender reel!
Human Life.
After a while, a l>uy brain
Will met from all ite tot! ami pain.
After a while, Earth's rttah will ceaee.
And a wearied heart find eweet release.
After a while, a vanished face.
An empty coat a vacant place.
After a while, a man forgot,
A crumbled head-etoue. an unknown spot.
M. Desgrange#, a rucmhant retired
frt.nt busiiiefts, is talking by the fire
side with his wife end his daughter,
and the talk is extremely animated, as
it is all about a marriage. A young
architect. M. Henry Grandval, has
naked the hand of Madeleine, with
whom ho is in love, and who is in love
with him. So far. nothing plainer. But
M. Gracdral senior will let his son
marry only n girl of two hundred thou
sand" francs, and M. Dee granges will
giro his daughter only one hundred
tjousand. His wife presses him to yield,
his daughter tenderly beseeches him,
but he refuses point-blank. A practical
man and a firm one is M. Deegrauges,
and tin-re is no moving him against his
will. Good Madsme Deegrsnges be
longa to that tribe of soft-not urea moth
ers who can't speak of her child without
a certain choking m her utterance. She
insists,she pray*, and still finds her hus
band inflexible.
" 0 papa, papa! yon don't believe,
tbeu, that I'm in love with Henry 1"
" Of ivnrse I do,"
" Henry is good aud clever. Tou say
yourself that he has a flue prosjwet be
fore him as a architect."
" That's true."
" Hi* father, M. de Grandval, is A
" Of the highest honor."
" Well, tlsen ?"
"Yes. well then ?" chimed in Madame
"Well, then, let her mjurrv hixu, and
with my consent, and a hundred thou
sand francs for dowry. But, as to tlie
two hundred thousand that M. de
Grandval asks—no j"
" Why r replied Madame Dea
' granges."
*' Why D That's charming. Because
I'm not rich enough to give two hun
dred thousand francs to my daughter,
without crippling myself."
" Yon will have enough, all the
•i. i* ¥jK>ng' . ! That's too little ; my
life is full Of wan ta. *
At this moment the young suitor
walked in. Seeing him, Madeleine runs
to meet him, and takes him by the
"Gome, Henry, ootne! Unite with
us in our appeals to papa."
Papa gnlyyapKed: " Why, yon can't
htve ally heafc, ycaag man ! What, to
have so pretty girl in love with you,
so good, so mnll-iafomed, so affection
ate, and yoU're not willing to marry her
if she has only a hundred thousand
franca f
" But, papa—*'
"% " for yon. Ah,
when I minitu flfr mother, she was
wfkrth fifty thousand francs less than
yon, and I didn't "hesitate, notwith-
"la either do I hesitate a moment,"
replied Henry, eagerly.
"It is hia father who refuses, mv
dear."- - - —■ -> w
" Yes," said Madeleine, "it is his
father. As for himself* he doesn't care
the leant foryonr fortune. He has told
me twenty times that he would take me
without any dowry ; that he would even
prefer my not having any."
"My mind is made np. Henrv, go
and talk to your father, and try to
make him renounce his pretension.
What the deuce ! It ia easier to abstain
from asking A hundred thousand francs
than it is to give them."
" But," said Madeline, "if he does
not succeed in convincing his father ?"
" b will be because hfe does not love
you well enough- In that case I shall
not mourn for him."
A month after the hbove scene, the
young jpeople _ ware married. A year
after, Madame Deng ranges was god
mother. Two years later, M. Des
granges was godfather. At the end of
three years we find the young boose
hold and the old, the parents and the
children, installed in the pretty hense
at Yll len eu SsinV Georges.
Henry's budget, was made up from
bis wife's dowry and his own, which
together bmnght him an income that
would have been amply sufficient for a
citizen of the olden time. But an
artist a man who likes everything that
is b'-antiful 1
Our young household, then, gave
•way pretty often ; and if te this yon
add that the husband was very much in
love with his wife; and consequent! v
desired that she should be charming
and well got np; "bearing in mind, also,
that, ii* three years; they had indulged
themselves, iu the luxury of a little son
and a little daughter, you will easily
understand that, during the latter part
of the quarter, they were very apt to
be in difficulties—difficulties that broke
the heart of the excellent Madame Des
granges, and drew upon the bead of M.
Desgranges a deluge of prayers and in
"I beseech yon, my dear, to add
something to their dowel.** "*
" I shall take good Jare pot to do it,"
wa, the answer of M. Desgranges. " I
congratulate myself tort Sincerely on the
course I adopted. .My system is too
good to be changed."
"Is it possible that yon have the
. see. them thus embarrassed,
and to leave them so ?"
* " Are they embarrassed"?'*
" Frightfully, my dear."
"So much the better. My son-in-law
will take all the more pains to find em-
/' But thy don't come, these em
"A 11 the more cause for-Forkinghard
to procure them."
"They have additional burdens be
sides their own.". i\ '
" Additional sources of happiness,
yiu mean." And, as Madame Des
granges made a gesture of despair,
" L •me, come, Wife, no outburst. Let's
talk*"it ovet calmly. Supposing that
three year# ago I had given my daugh
ter a hundred thousand fr#jic# more,
as you wished, xAafr would have hap
pened ?" -
" It would have happened," replied
Madame Desgranges, with mingled in
dignation and- putkos.- "that, instead of
living in a state of privation, au they
have been compelled to live for three
years ; instead of denying themselves
" Stop, stop, my dear, permit me. It
seems to me—"
"It seems to you, indeed.? Well,
then, Would you have me tell you?
When lam wiik thorn -at tfaftfr home,
when I see their poor little modest table
—just a single dish of meat, just one
. Vegetable, and no sweets -whatever —
and when I come home .and .find you,
yes, you, there comfortably with
your chin almost upon the table-cloth,
with your excellent broiled chickens
and your partridges larded—for you
muet needs have them lardfd-now —"
"What would you, my dear ? As one
grows old—"
" Well, well, all this hurts me much.
I reproach, myself at every goend mouth
ful that I eat."
FRED. Kl' irPZ, lstUtarnnd Proprietor.
."I don't" >
I find eur conduct revolting. '
"Be ealm, my good wife, anil come
hack to the quest ou, frens which you
have complete y wandered off. Follow
my argument, if you are able. W* are,
to-day, at the 13th of November, Our
daughter, our sou-in-law, their two
children, ami their two servants, have
been here iu our country-house since
the I.lth of August— that i* to say, three
month* anil two days : and they reckon
on remaining here—they, flour chil
; dreu, ami their servants —until the
period of our leaving, which will be on
the 2tHli of December."
" Well, and would you reproach them
for slaying with us now r Are you
going to complain of what thnir pres
ence costs you ? Hsve TOU auv idea of
exiling them from your home, Irom my
home* -Oh, wait a moment, I beg—"
"Wife, wife!"
" Depriving me of the sight of my
I children—my only consolation iu life!
" Why have onr daughter and our
aen-iu-law been with na for three
months and two days, aud why will they
atav with us until the 20th of De
cember ?"
" A pretty question !—Because they
! love us! because they are happy it
beiug with us ! because they kuow how
to make their stay pleasant tq us I be
cau-ie they are warm-hearted, sensi
" In short, just the reverse of myself!
Isn't it so ?" said M. Desgranges,
laughing, and adding, as he went up to
his wife, M Coeie, come, let me give jou
a kiss, I cau't help adoriug you, for
yon are never more than twelve wars
i old r
, " How?—I?- twelve?"
" I ineau that you are and always will
1 be the same good erealure, simple, oon
i fiding, credulous, whom I married with
j so much satisfaction."
" Simple and credulous !"' replied
Madame Desgrangv.% somewhat hurt.
" Would yon pfetend that our children
1 are not)?"*
"Yes, my dear, they are all that, aud
more still! But do you suppose that
your daughter, with her pretty fact,
j ihat she takes pleasure in showing be
cause it is a pleasure to look at it—that
| your son-in-law, with his artistic tastes
I and hia imagination, would ieuve Boris
and the enjoyment of its early winter ;
i and, particularly, that ho would go
there for his business every morning
and return every evening, all for the
sole delight of takiug a hand at piquet
with a father who is beginning to be a
little deaf, and a mother who would
gain something is being partially
dumb ?"
j "But, what else can you imagine?
What motive can you assign for their
prolonged stay with us •"
" My dear," answered M. Desgranges,
laughing again, " when yon were
young, and had very beautiful hair,yon
were enchanted at going into the coun
try, so that the parting might have a
rest. Well, our children are delighted
to stay here and give a rest to their
purse !"
" Outrageous 1 Can von suppose
j r
" I've no grudge against them for it.
I do not accnse them, either, of ingrati
tude or indifference ! lam sure that,
if they had an income of twenty thou
sand franos, instead of ten thousand,
they would love ns' always—but not
quite so long at a time. In the same
way, for ins:uce, I don't know any son
in-law the hxe of mine. It is impossi
ble to show more deference, to pay
more attention. He never allows one
1 of mv anniversaries—/:<*-day, birthday,
Wedding- pass, without hasten
ing forward"with an immense bouquet"
"And you believe that interested mo
tives only—?" *,
"Oh, no, mj dear, not interest alone
—no—no—an uitrrectmad*- np, half af
' feotionate, half calculated—an uncon
scious calculation, of which one takes
no account, but the existence of which
I surmise, originating' in a necessity by
wlpch I profit, while it does not vex me
• in the least !**
"Ah, yon are really too l>ad. Yon
| disenchant—you take the poetry out of
every thing ! One must be capable of
such sentiments, in order to imagine
them in others ! It is monstrous !"
"By no means I It is quite natural.
Old people are very much in the way.
They must make amends somehow. I
| make amends by hospitality !"
" Say at once that onr children take
I our house for an inn !"
"Ah, jnst so; the 'Golden Lion I'
Here are lodged and boarded certain
, embarrassed children, desirous to eoon
; omize. Have they spent too much
upon theatres, balls, concerts ?— * Let's
go and pass a week with papa !—ls one
of the children out of sorts? Send him
or her into the oountry, to papa's j' And
the child is sent—and they all come at
the same time. And, as thev are re
ceived with open arms, and as they are
spared all expense, and as papa has
good quarters and a good table, and as
they find there good capons and good
partridges that tlie egotistical father is
enchanted to share with his children,
why, they come, and return, and remain
with ple6urel"
"Ah, how disgusting! He invests
every thing with egotism, even paternal
love 1"
> " But, suppose, on the other hand,"
continued M. Deagranges, without ap
pearing to have heard his wife, "sup
| pose that 1 had doubled Madeleine's
, dower, according to your wish, what
i would have happened ? That at this
' moment out ohildren, considering that
i our son-in-law is somewhat of anenthn
! siast, would not perhaps be much rich
er, while I should be a great deal poor
er; that I could not receive and enter
tain them for so long a time, nor so
well; and that they would come less
frequently to ns, because they would be
better off at home. Ah, my near, if our
children had more money thin our
selves, our daughter would have dis
covered six weeks ago that Villeneuve-
Saint-Georges is too damp in the au
tumn, and would have feared for the
children the effect of the fogs from the
river, while onr son-in-law wonld have
declared that these daily, trips to Paris
were affecting his health, litis brings
me, therefore, to my conclusion, which
I dedicate to all fathers who have mar
riageable daughters : ' Would yon keep
yonr children ?—keep your money !
Would you have pleasure in your grand
children ?—keep your money I'
For it is thanks to the money that the
father remains the head of the family ;
that the father's honse remains the do
mestic rallying point—that is to Bay, an
honorable "and comfortable retreat for
the aged ; for the young, a place of
refnge and enjoyment; for the babies,
a nest, to which they will come in search
of health, and sometimes for nurture
more judicious than that of their
mothers themselves ; for all, in short,
a centre and a sanctuary, wherein occur
thinjpi to be remembered—wherein suc
cessive generations grow up aud grow
old, and wherein are perpetuated tra
ditions of respect and affection 1 Gall
my foresight, if you will, calculation
and personality ; for my part, I call it
the true paternal love, that which con
sists in making children happier and
better 1 For, note well, my dear, that
my son-in-law had, I am quite willing
to believe it, everything in favor of his
becoming a pattern son-in-law; but,
withont this foresight of mine, his good
qualities would perhaps have remained
in a budding state only. To whom does
he owe it, if they have bloomed ?
I'laiuly, to roe! Morel of the fable : I
shall uo add one sou to my daughter's
dowry !**
We have now reached the 80th of
November, a fortnight later, but still at
Yilleueuve-Haint-OeorBM; for, if ui
this sketch I have slightly violated the
unity of time, I Kits t least respected
the unity of yiaoe. The house of M.
Deegrangea is all alive. Never has he
himself appeared so gay and so happy.
It is the twenty-fifth anniversary of las
wedding day.
"Wife," aaid he to Madame lee
grauges, " this ia a dav that must be
worthily celebrated. N*o economizing
to-day, spread all sail ! give us a din
ner- just as tbough I wa# an epicure !
1 hare particularly recommended Made
leine, who haa been pneaiug a day in
Pari*, I don't know on what affair, to
return with her husband by the four
o'clock train. Mho will find iii her room
a pretty uew dress, which I should like
her So wear to-day. As for yon, if you
still love me a little iu apite of my defi
ciencies, prove it ; make yourself
charuuug also. Put on for dinner—and
for the evening, for 1 have invited all
the neighborhood—put on, I say, my
poor mother's diamonds. They repre
sent, iu my eyes, all that I have most
loved in this world!—her, who gave
them to roe for you—you vonraelf, who
have worn them for my sate aud hers —
your daughter, who will wear them for
all three of us!" And thereupon Mr.
Desgranges walked off to conceal soma
slight emotion.
Why did not Madame Dear ranges
answer him ? Why did she remain for
some time immovable and with her
head souk down ? Why did her daugh
ter, coming in, carry bar off to her own
room, in tears ?' Why was the son in
law so gloomy ? Why did the dinner
bell mine them all three Btart ? Why,
on entering the dining room, did the
mother give a trembled look at her hn#-
band ? Why did M. Desgranges, on
observing it, utter a few words that
were almost a reproach ? Why ? The
words themselves explain alt
"Yon have not got on yonr dia
monds !" cried the father. As her sole
reply, the mother threw heraelf, weep
ing, into the arms of her husband. The
daughter) took his hand, and kissed it,
on his knees liefuro lain. "You have
not got your diamonds, what have you
done with them ?" The wife and chil
dren were silent. "You make no re
ply!" continued the father, in a harsh
er tone. "Itis I then who must tq-*k
oat. You have sold them to cover the
imprudence of your son-in-law ! Y< a,
because he was pleased to associate
himself with an ill-devised enterprise,
because he had the folly to make him
self responsible for scamps who have
deceived him, you have been obliged,
iu order to pay oue-half of his debt—
for he still owes twelve thousand franca
—yon hare been obliged to tear away
(rem pa the dearpsl *wutvnir of my
poor mother, and u.o most precious
voucher of aur owu sflvstion, and you
have even embittered the enjoyment of
this special day! Ah, it is too bad !"
Madame Desgranges endeavored to
mutter excuses.
" That ia enough 1" said M. Oesgran
gea, interrupting her. " Here are the
servants. Go, take yonr place# !
Mother and children wcut silently to
the table ; but suddenly, as she unfold
ed her napkin, Madame Desgranges ut
tered u loud exclamation. Iler son-in
law did the same thing, and both lean
ed forward over toward M. Desgran
ges, their eyes filled with tears. The
mother had found her case of diamonds
under iter plate, and her son-in-law had
the twelve twonsand francs that he
" Ah, niy dear I"
" Ah, father ?"
" It'a all right, it's all right!" replied
M. Desgranges, disengaging himself
from their embraces. " You will not
hereafter oall me an egotist. It seems
that there was some propriety in my
foresight; and you comprehend at last
that the fatbor ought always to remain
richer than his children, were it only— J
were it only, my uearouss, that ho may
be able to help them at a pinch, and
save them from a catastrophe. Never
theless Henry, don't do the same thing
again, because I shall not be able to re
peat my part."
Spring Styles.
Block net veils oovered with Baal 1
beads are again in fashion, coming just
to the tip of the nasal organ. They
are said to be very injurious to tL
eyes. *
Pompadour fans are the most fas!
ionable just now. The shape is odd.
and, withal, pretty. Th#y are made of
ivory, pearl and ol viuuine tortoise
There is quite a mania among nltra
faahionable for jewelry ofyintiquc coins.
Home very peculiar necklaoes, bracelets
and earings are shown, made of coin.
Htancling collars, very English in
character, have in a greßt measure taken
the place of the Elizabethan rnff. They
turn over in front and look quite janu-
The fashionable walking boot but
tons at the side and sorrier n few inches
above the ankle. In Paris some ladies
have appeared in the new Russia leath
er shoe.
In Paris the " coffee" colored lace
handkerchief is very popular, and soon
will be liore. , The color ia produced
by soaking the handkerchief in strong
black coffee.
Looping of street dresses is formed
from the side seams of the front width,
puffed and caught up with strings to
produce what the Parisians call a
"pouff" at the back.
Blecvelesa jackets will he more or
less fashionable during the ensuing
season. Those of lace are generally ad
mitted to be the handsomest possibly,
because they sro the most expensive.
Ladies now carry, as the Paris ladies
do, a small note book enclosing a gold
pencil. They are covered with blue or
purple velvet, and have a gold clasp.
Most people think they are prayer
Bridal wreaths of late years have
grown smaller and smaller, and beauti
fully less, and uow the bride of the
period thinks sho is doing well to in
sert a couple of orange blossoms amid
her tresses.
The newest ornament ia a change box
for the ladies. It is of pearl, in the
shape of a ball, and dangles from the
waist belt a# the umbrella did Inst sea
son. They are not booked to be gener
ally fashionable.
Home of the leading ladies of the
bean monde are wearing their hair in a
series of small puffs covering the entire
sides and top of the head, with small,
light and airy eurls at the back. This
style does very well for the house, but
the new bonnet will not ride easily on
so many puffs. Less false hair is worn
now than for many years past, vet a
lady who haa a fine head of natural hair
nowadays don't get credit for it.
Talleyrand wrote to a lady on the
death of her husband : "Ah, madame 1"
The sympathy he felt was fully expres
sed. Boon after he beard of the ludv's
new marriage, and wrote, " Oh,
madame 1" Indignant surprise could
not have been more eloquently mani
THE K 11.1.1 Nil OK TUO.fiAM Ht'OIT.
ra SfurUvr with wltlrh t.oul* Itnll I*
*!•* WHS Having ruuiiulllcd— A
1.1 r -Wan Stlltil In lil> ( uffln.
John Bruce, of Manitoba, who on the
first organization of the Previsions)
, i lovoruuK-ut, at the time of the Red
: Hirer rebellion, wu named na l'rei
deut with Louis Kiel as Hccrotary, hna
written s letter iu which lie puriM>rt to
give nn authentic account of the execu
tion of Thornae Hcott, with whoec mur
der Louis Rsel is charged.
Riel Una been elected a member of
the Dominion Parliament from the dis
trict of Proveneher to Manitoba, and in
apite of the fort that a reword of BA.OOO
ia offered for his apprehension, end
that detective* have oixtii seeking him
for mouth*, lie visited the Goveruiueut
buildings ia Ottawa the other day, sub
scribed hi name on Uie roll of the
House to which he has been elected,
. aiid then disappeared aa mysteriously
1 vs he had come, au event which has
' caused intense excitement throughout
| Canada.
i At the time of the Bvtt tragedy,
Mnrch 4, Rie! won acting aa I rom
| dent of the Provisional Government
! and Beott was a political prisoner.
Bruce says;
j Hi* soldi.-re had been chosen to shoot
) Scott, I have here again to write tlie
uaiue of a man whose behavior in that
| circumstance reflects ou him the great
est honor. Angus tin IVrisiea, one of
the six soldiers, declared openly that
he would uot shoot at Hoott; sod, iu
fact, he took off the cap froni hi* guu
before the word of command, " Pre
sent," waa given. Of the fire balls re
> roaming only two hit tlie poor victim,
j one in the left shoulder, the other in
t the upper part of the chest above the
' heart. Had the other soldiers missed
the mark unintoutkmaliy, or had they
: willingly aimed too high, too low, or
aaide t It is unknown. However that
may be, aa the two wounds were not
auffirient to cause death, at least sud
den death, a tuaii named Guillemetto
, stopped forward and discharged the
coutcutH of a pistol<4os to Scott * head
while he was lying on the ground. This
boil, however, took a wrong direction.
It west into the npper part of the right
check and came out aomewlicro about
the cartilage of the nose.
Scott was still uot dead, but that did
uot prevent hia butcher* from placing
him alive, aud still speaking, in a kind
of coffin mode ct four rough boards. It
vraa nailed and placed in the southeast
cm bastion, and an armed soldier was
placed at the door. This would seem
like a story made at utu-'a raw if there
were not several witneaae* full of life
who heard teivem the hours of five
and six in the evening the unfortunate
Seott speaking from under lire lid of
his coffin ; aud it ia known that he had
been shot at hal/ paet twelve. What a
long aud horrible agony I and what a
ferocious cruelty on the part of hia
butchers ! The words hoard and under
stood by the French Metis were only
these: "My God! toy God f' Borne
English Metis, aud others speaking
Scott's tongue, heard distinctly these
words: " For God's sake take me out
of here or kill me !" Toward eleven
o'clock, that is after tea and a half
hours of frightful agonv- a person,
whose name 1 shall withhold for the
Craeeut, went into the Imation aud gave
tm the finishing stroke with a butcher
knife, according to some ; with a pistol
according to other*.
The corpse was left in the southeast
ern bastioo a few days, being kept by
soldier*, relieved each in their turn.
Ou the third or fourth night, I could
not nay precisely which, the corpse waa
taken toward tlie Bed river, and stopped
abont one mile and a half from the fort,
nearly opposite the river La Heine. Br
means of a large stone tied to thecorpn'v
the body of Thomas Bcott wont to the
bottom of the river to eome thence no
A tow words more and I am through
this horrible tragedy. It was in the
afternoon of the day when the execu
tion took place that the coqrse was
placed in the coffin, and It was later
taken ont of it in the bastion ; but, in
order to avoid suspicion, a grave had
been dug inside of the gate faring the
Asoiniboinc river, a few steps to the
right, and it in there the coffin which
was thought to contain Bcott's body was
Tlie Ahantee Warriors.
A correspondent write# from the
field: The Ash ante** fought like
demons. They were present in enor
mous numbers, pouring on onr gallant
troops by the thousands, yelling and
screaming hideously. Although our
firing told on them immensely, they
had to be driven from (xunt to" point,
and even when ptndied out of the anc
cessive villages returned to tho attack.
In-the thickest parts of the brush they
cliiniicd tho trees in order to fire more
effectually upon onr troop#. The order
of advance from Inaarful wa# a# fol
lowti: The attack wis nv\do in the
form of square, through tho middle
of which ran th 9 main road, and the
liuo extended about 300 yard* on either
side. The Forty-oco. rod Regiment,
preceded by Lord Oifford and his
scout#, formed the front line, with two
of Baft's guns in the centre. Gordon's
Honssas in n dense corner of jnnglo.
It really seemed aa if nothing but tho
failure of their ammunition would drive
them out. Now at oue point, now at
another, along the hill crest they poured
down crushing volleys. Lifo they
counted at no prior tf only a white man
could be killed. It was tho same des
perate obstinacy we had seen at Abra
krampa. They climbed trees to fire
with more deadly effect, but tho mass
just lay down and shot till shot them
selves or short of ammunition.
Discoveries hy the Microscope.
Leuwenhoeck tells ns of animated
insect# seen with the microscope, of
which twenty-seven millions would only
be eqnnl to a mite. Insects of varions
kinds are observable in the cavities of
a common groin of sand, Mold in a
forest of beautiful trees, with the
branches, leaves, flowers, and fruit fully
discernible. Butterflies are fully feath
ered. Hairs are hollow tubes. The
surface of our bodies is covered with
scales like a fish ; a single grain of sand
would cover 150 of these scales ; and a
single scale covers 500 pores; yet
through those narrow openings the
sweat exudes like water through a
sieve ; how minute then must be its
particles ! Tho mite mukos five hun
dred steps in a second. Each of
stagnant water contains a world 4t ani
mated beings, swimming with as much
liberty as whale# in the sea. Each leaf
ha# a colony* of insects grazing on it
like oxen in a meadow.
OF His P'AntEß.—William Bang, aged
fifteen, a messenger of the Western
Union Telegraph Company in New
York, received a month s wages. Ho
purchased a small pistol with a portion
of, the rest he spent In dis
sipation. When nightfall admonished
him of the necessity for returning
homo, the dread of meeting his father
rendered him desperate. He opened
his Bhirt, put the muzzle of his pistol
almost over his heart and fired. The
ball missed the chief organ at wliich it
■was aimed, but lodged very near it, and
ttia boy died.
A Wasted Life.
Within the last woik, says the New
! York fMtpAie, the pride of an honored
| iionsehs* (recti humbled, but uot by the
I fault of either of its partners. Yet one
| of thou had a fault which the hard of
J heart are uot ready to forgive. He
j WR* generous auu trustful. Before
lie had become rich he had a bosom
frieud named Bailey, who afterwards
died poor and left a widow and one son.
When the New York merchant learned
of the*# foots he provided a home for
tha moans of earning her own liveli
| hood, and took the youth iuto his em-
I ploy. The boy, Frederick, grew un
into a shrewd, active man whose busf
j lies* capacity pleased all the members
of the firm. As time went on he was
: advanced from one position of trust to
another uutil, five years ago, he was
' made chief bookkeeper of the concern.
His benefoctor was pleased, and the
mother now had hope that her declin
ing years would be happily passed amid
pleasaut surroundings and cheered by
ibe love of tho sou who was her stay
and pride.
To all outward seeming the young
man led a oorrcct life. He apjieared to
live within his means, had novice# that
showed upon the surface, and no evil
associates. The only drawback to liia
mother's hsppiucs was the fact that he
was often cut until late iu the uight
and looked weary aud haggard iu the
morning. Byway of excuse he pleaded
that be had to remain late at tlie office.
Thus the young man lived, s( home, at
ehursh. in society, iu the presence of
hia employers, a life of rectitude. But
there was another current, deep and
black, ynnuing beneath this outward
calm of his existence, aud it was rapid
ly sweeping him away to destruction.
* The young man haa lived the Ufa sf
a thief and debauchee for three years
past. In hia midnight revelries iu the
company of abandoned beauty and at
the gaming table he has squandered
3100,000 that belonged to hia Irenefac
tor and the firm. By day his slull doc -
to red ths books uf the firm so that they
should betray no secret, and his smiling
face was made to mask his viliaimm* in
gratitude. He hat) a wife at home, but
her lore did not suffice to keep him
from sin. He was tempted and he fell.
Into evil courses and companionship,
deeper and deeper in the mire of vice
he stopped down nntil concealment was
no lunger possible. But he had cov
eted his wauderings well during the
three long years in which he lived his
double life. It could not hare been a
happy life. With every morning's dawn
he must have looked into the face of a
felon and hated him aa the furtive eye#
met his owu. The praise of hia employ
ers turned to gall at hia taste.
At la#t there came a day when this
double life became unendurable. He
fled. It was only last week that hia
flight was discovered. Then slowly the
truth came out, to shame the hearts of
mother and wife, embitter the life of
hia benefactor, and bring a cloud over
an old and honored firm. Whether he
took a companion in hi* flight and how
mncn money went with him is not
kaown. To-day Frederick Bailey ia an
outlaw, and must remain a fugitive un
less he ia brought back tospend the best
years of hia life in a felon's stripes.
The worst of auofa an example is that
it hardens men's heart# and teaches
them distrust. They will make it an
esense for refusing help to the needy,
pointing to the black ingratitude of the
man who robbed his benefactor. But
Uie one lesson taught above all others
ia that the man who leads two lives
may be sure that his sin will find him
One Poslblf ( suite of Fire.
A correspondent of the Boston 7VBM
script relates as follows the results of
an investigation following the acciden
tal discovery of a narrow escape from
house burning:
" One day last winter poking abont
the by-waya of my cellar, I came across
a demoralized lxittoni part of a trunk
which was among the receptacle* naed
for holding kindlings. It WM comfort
ably MB of burned naper, charred kind
litqre, and a miscellaneous medlev tng-
{ festive of a place where a sluttish par
or girl had tipped up the content# of a
parlor cuapadore, which proved to be
Uie fact. Well, there wa# no fire, but
tho disoovety wa# interesting, aud in
the interest of domestic economy, art.
and science, I investigated, and, as wilt
straightway appear, I myself wonld
have been the most cnlpnble if a fire
had come of this matter. Thus it wss,
carefully ridding the place of the
burned stuff, and scrntiniaing the resi
duum, there appeared at the bottom,
with the rest of it, ntimcroua used-up
matches, suggestive of the scratch, the
light, the brimstone, the puff ia the
pipo, snd, of course, Uie UMUI into the
cuapadore. Ho far, so good. No ad
vance yet in domestic economy or safet v
of the individual. But I {wraiateX
Presently, plain to bo seen, were num
bers of little brimstone ends of match
es, fresh and potent as they catne from
the primeval dip. Indeed, here was
food for reflection- I took one, relight
ed my pipe, and thought it ont. Haid I
to myaolf, and was sure of it, ' Why
may not that cureless fellow up in the
parlor who runs this bouse, and thiuka
neither master nor mistress ever does a
stupid Uiing, doing always as he pleases
—why my not he, I aay, have taken a
match some time, and wool-gathering
over a problem not half a# consequen
tial aa this, jnst scratched wildly,
snapped off tho life and light-giving
end, and tossed the whole into UIA ous
padore, and tried another ? Aud why
may not that little end of a match, in
due course emptied here, have met it#
fate, (a little attrition,) and, responding
to its destiny, produced a flame, and
that flame set fire to thi# ma*s ?' Even
before I had worked out this problem
to this wise result, I caught myself
breaking a match and tossiug the unc
les# to me, but nevertheless dangerous
fragment somewhere ! Y'ea, that must
have been the way, and had not my cel
lar had a brick floor, with a brick par
tition next to the kindlings, and seme
other safety notions, penulventnre good
lnek, too, who knows bnt ray honse
might have burned up and the mystery
of the fire never have been fathomed ? '
Consumptive Milk.
With simultaneous zeal in the pur
suit of disagreeable knowledge, M.
Clianveau, of France, and Dr. Klol s,
of Germany, have demonstrated, by a
long succession of experiments, tliat
tho milk of a tuberculous cow ia capa
ble virtually of infecting the partakers
thereof with consumption. The virus,
which is in the serum of tlie milk and
in a dissolved state, is not destroyed by
boiliug. Worse than all, tho lacteal
yield of one phthisical or tuberculous
now will contaminate all milk added to
it. The person diseased by it hits first
a ki<l of intestinal catarrh, which ex
tends to tho liver and Bpleen, tbtnee to
the throat, aud finally, tubercitlonsly,
to the lungs.
BKNKFACTOHS. — He who goes through
a land and scatters roses may be franked
the next day by their withered petals
that strew the ground ; but he who goes
through it and scatters rose seeds, a
hundred years after leaves liehild bim
a land full of fragrance and beahty fur
his monument, and as an heritage for
his sons and daughter*.
Watching Texas Cattle,
Tlie cow boys who watch cattle hi Texa*,
aava Pomemjr a Prmoenit, have a hard time
of it once in a while. They muat I* vigt.
lam Oil ihclr horse* thry dodge alxmt.
i!ah bete and there at full speed till tu a
few days their horaea nawd real. Then tlie
' tiled aid mala are lurned loaae to recuperate
and other* ate taken for the work. Herd
era with Uteir caUie have a Iway time and
great reatMinathUity. They must keep the
csttle where there Is proa* and water. If
i the feed give* out In one place they must
seek another locality Thev muat eee that
the caitlc do not wander off to he lost, ol
picked up by other persona
At nig lit when the • attic are Ured or full
;of food, they camp like lite Arab*. The
cattle lest by lying down. Horses are
picketed or liod with a rcpe attached to a
long spike which la driven or iuroni into the
ground. The men, after supper sleep on
the ground eluee to their bom-*, with or
without a blanket over tbem a* tlie weather
Boou all will t* quiet a* a grave yard at
night. The rattle weep and puff. Horse*
lie down liy the aide of tiielr riders, care
being taken that all saddle* are removed
and cTt-rj thing ihat could be made tu rat
tle i* (Hit away in such place or manner a
not tu be touched.
Whou all i* quid, and the cattle, or some
of them, are *'<*., should a nurse on
which had hern left a reddle shake him
self, the noise would siartle the cattle and
they wou:d be -pi to sUmfiede. Lore must
Is- taken to p>wBl this. At' time* the
' bowl of a wolf or the hooting of au owl
will stirt'e the cattle from slutnl>er, and
away they run In alt directions, to be
brought together again only after much hard
riding, w<>rk, boiheraUoo and profanity.
Should a herder have occreUm to rise In
the night for auy cause, lie must move with
i great caution, lie wiii crawl out from un
- Oer his blanket. It may be that seme of
the route ore awakened. They open their
eyes, lift their beads and tiaten fur the next
disturbing sound. If a horse should jump
<r a herder spring from the ground sudden
ly. the scare would be complete—-the start
ted animals would jump to tiielr feet and
run nerhajw for miles.
Xvhcn a herder raises an alarm be rises
•lowly, the while talking low, as if to bis
bone or some c*ule. Gradually rising hit
voice in a natural way. he speaks soothing
ly. coaxtngly, yet distinct The coitie hear
iiilt voice, ore reassured, and very soon all
! is quiet
lu this quiet way the herder can move
around among the cattle with impunity,
But let there come some quick jump—k*
mme fool of s cow have lite nightmare and
spring to hrr feet with s snort, and the very
dickens i* to pay.
Sometime* an entire drove of cattle will
lake fright an*, folds in the direction taken
by their leader. They run tike deer and
none but good hurw* can keep up with
them. At *uch time* the herder or cow boy
hasten* to hi* saddle if be h* not already
(herein. At (he top of bis hone's speed
pursuit is given.
The drove I* off like a long comet, all in
line Tnen comes what U called " mil.lug.'*
The horses are crowded forward lo ibe
head of Hie (lying column of scared cattle.
All the herders nde to the right er left of
the column, as the cose may tie, till close
•lng side with the fust of the Ktampedcr*.
To ride in front snd try to slop tirem would
; be death, for long horn*, thorp hoofs, and
recklens piuugim' would soon finish horse
and rider
Then the horn-man pre**** close ujvo
the right or left of the head of the column,
til! the leaders sre forced out of a straight
line and then gradually into a cttrre. Hooo
the caule are- " milled " and are (tinning at
the rate of tiftecii mile* an hour in a c rcle.
Around and arouml (hey go. forming a ring,
as it were. When the" herders succeed in
steering tire steers so they will make the
'• mill, ihelr work 1* (kmc for the moment
The cattle ran in (hi* way till exhstMed,
and till the bead of the column t* last in
lire tail of It. In a little while all is uuirt
again and the drove or herd Is ready to
move on.
At times some of the cattle break out and
run. some In one direction, other* In an
oihi r. At mh time* the herder and his
horse have work u> do. It rosy t>e a rare
for miles, till (he putauer and purnird are
far away (ban and oat of sight of the main
If the cow boy lias but one animal to
rhare, the work Is quickly done. The
lasso i* used and the enact animal has the
kink so taken out of him that he Is con
tent to travel In company. In tbrniaand* of
case* the ripe U not used, but tho animal 1*
thrown without it# aid.
Tlie mode of operation is this: Putting
his horse to full rped. the herder ride#
close alongside lite omnia', reaches down,
and catches it by the tail. Going at a
rrra'cr rate of teed, the man on the horse
Uft# the animal partly from its feet, or lifts
and pulls sideways, when the steps ><f the
steer are thrown out of mesh, as marhirlHs
say, and heels over head it mi's upon the
ground. If one tumble la not enough, sooo
as it ret* under headway the game in re
peatrd sod down it goes sgain After two
or three falls the ugliest steer generally
gives In and is tractable. Cows are mere
stubborn, I Hit fire or six dumps and roll
over* are generally sufficient to teach them
buticr than to war against the inevitable.
In these exercises nn animal taav bave a
leg broken or h##OWK disabled. Tlie long
sheath knife of the herder finishes the work,
the throat I* rut, the akin ripped open and
started about tlie neck. The rope I* Uten
made fast, one end to the skin, tlie other to
the horn of the saddle. The horse moves
on, and the skin is peeled from the eaicass
as a UIVB would turn a leg of his pants in
side out. The skin is then rolled up, put
upon jiock horse and taken to camp to be
salted, preserved, and sent to market.
At time# mme of the cattle sre mired In
the wet pioco* where they go for drink and
are powerless to get out Then the cow
boy hitches the repc to the horns of the
animal, which Is pulled out head first. If
one horse cannot do the work, another cow
boy with horse and rope come* to the res
cue, and the animal Is saskrd out of its
mud lath, 'o rest, recover, and travel on.
Here is a country miles upon tuilcs in ex
tent. without fences or anything to prevent
stock being raised st no other rex* loan for
cattle and care.
The theatro-goereof Paris have lstely
lieon deprived of a decided sensation
by the intervention of tlie police. There
are in the city at present two lion
tamers, one a negro named, Delmonioo
and tho other an Englishman named
Cooper. These rival performer# met
one night at a restaurant, and a dispute
arose between them respecting the
ferocity of their respective animals,
when Ilelmonioo informed Cooper that
his lions were mere sheep. Cooper re
plied by offering to exchange cages with
his rival. The offer wa# accepted, and
nn exhibition arranged whereat Cooper
was to enter the cage of Deltnonioo'a
lions, snd vice versa. Bnt unfortunately
for the seekers after excitement, the
wife of Delmonieo became so terrified
at the iden of the danger her husliand
was abont to run that she laid the mat
ter before the Prefect of tho Police,
and persuaded bim to interfere.
CTTTI.E FISH.—The story of a gigan
tic cuttle fish, sixty feet in diameter,
told som u months ago in tbecolumus of
a New York daily, will need further
corroboration before being generally
accepted. At the meeting of the Poly
technic branch of the Americau Insti
tute, a gentleman stated that he had
seen onttle fish frequently on the coast
of Oregon, bnt the largest never ex
ceeded six feet in diameter. Fishermen
cnt them np, and used them fog bait.
The great clock in the British Houses
of Parliament has been stopped for
cleaning on account of buying lost a
second in one month. The kverage
variation of the cloak does not amount
to a quarter of a second in the year.
Terma: $'2.00 in
rsi WNMilua ef a TMrd-Kale Keats—
AM Indian l.rgtnd.
T)e Bald Mountain Volcano, of North
I Caroline, bu been regarded as a third
rate hoax at Kiehmond, Ya,, according
to a oorreepondent, from the poldi
lation of the tiret sensational rumor*
'tu regard to tk Tim troth is, doubt
lews, thai this new neoaattoh if lt the
revival of an old tradition, derived from
the Indians, that Bald Mountain was
' once, in very remote time#, a voloaae,
and hence that absence of vegetation
which ha# given it ite name.
The Indian legend is to the effect that
a certain bribe living at the foot ef Bald
Mountain wae aantiailv afflicted by the
visit of a huge bird of prey, that made
liia eyrie on the summit of the moon
tain, and that on every visit aeisod and
carried away with him a child of the
tribe. This annual affliction had own
undergone for a long aeries of years,
when a greth ohud and medieine-maa
aToae, and, just before the time for the
next annual visit of the bird, began to
preach a crusade against the common
enemy. He adjured the warrior*, as
they were brave men aud loving fath
ered no longer to submit to the depre
dations of the bird, but to march
against him aud destroy him or be de
Thus aroused, the men of the tribe
swore to follow the chief hi the desper
ate venture, and, placing their equawa
and children in a place of safety, they '
encircled the base of the mountain sad
began the Moenfi resolved to kill the
bird at all hazards and at every cost.
The mountain was thee clothed in rank
vegetation—mighty forest-treee thickly
nndergruwn by a tangled wilderness,
that made the progress upward very '
painful and difficult. But the deter
mined tribe persevered until, ncanng
the top of the mountain, what wae their ,
horror to pcrocivr that it was not merely :
one tremendous bird they had to en- j
counter end destroy, but a cosnUesf
number of the fierce creature, clustering j
in ferocious masses all over the higher <
portions of the mountain.
At Hus despair overcame them, for
they at ouee recognized how impoaetble j
it would he for them to overoome and
exterminate so many of the winged :
monsters, and they threw themselves j
down upon their fores, expecting the '
b.rds to rush down upon them and de- j
slroy them. At this moment their}
leader raised high his roioe to the Groat 1
Bpirit for their deliverance, and in an
swer to his prayer vivid lightning*
sprang from everv quarter of the cloud
less sky, without'* sound of thunder, I
alayitig the bidra to the last one, riving
the forest-trees, and wrapping the
whole mountain-top in flames, that soon
swept from it every trace of vsgutatioa.
Tbns were the monstrous birds of prey
destroyed, the mountain made bald,,
and the tribe delivered. The anniver
sary ol the deliver*nee wa* perpetually
celebrated by the tribe, and the tradi
tion 1 hare just related handed down
from one generation to another.
In this tradiliou lurk* the atory.
doubtless, of either the original forma-,
tion of the ridge known a* the Bald
Moontaiua, <*r of an eruption which
occurred many yean ago.
Wildcat Banking.
Many of onr reader* will remember j
the period of wildcat gad rod-dog bank- !
ing. Then banks were chartered with
out reoUiction by the Legislatures of
Tern ton *, while the bankers put forth
iKiundleas quantities of ohinplastflrs to
lie circulated • thousand miles (rem tho j
plao# of issue ; and with this sort of j
trash tb# real rotate banks f Illinois, (
so-called, wedeenwd their own eircnla- .
Don dunug the panic ol 1857 withont 1
the payment of any coin. The cashier* 1
of the "sham banks then usually earned :
their offices around in their halo. One
of them, the Platte Valley Bank Ne
braska, had over 8100,000 of note* cir
culating ia the Btoteu of Illinma and
Indiana. A s.mpte-minded citizen of
Springfield, having to travel in Ne- !
brash a, carried for the paymi! of hia
expense* a few hundred dollars to)
PLtte Valley, where the protended
bank was; but when he arrived there
he bad great diffieulty in finding the
cashier of the bank, and worse yet, he J
had to borrow money to get home
again. When tbe cashier told him that
the bank would not redeem its notes,
the poor victim inquired whether it
would not at least give him tolerably
executed counterfeits iu exchange.
In those days it wo# the fashion to lo
cwte the headquarters ola bank so far
sway from civilization that the bill
holder must be courageous indeed to at- (
tempt to reach it. Tue red-dog banks
of Michigan were located on the penin
sula, or in the midst of the pips woods j
legions, while those of Wiaoowain were 1
located in the Superior regions. One -
man who had a fondnes# for hunting
and fishing, and was not afraid ol soli- 1
tnde. would build him a cabin aud put ;
up his sign, "Red-Dog Bank." or
" Wildcat Bank," or whatever it might
be, and with frm 8-W to 810(1 in gold '
would stay and wait, often for months, '
not seeing meanwhile a red or white j
man. In the mean time the bank doing !
its business in some of the larger cities
would have a million or over ol circula
tion, and money was plenty. We do
not care to see the wildcat banking dgy*
again, and trust are shall not.
Charity lu France.
The wife of the President of France,
Madame M'Mabon, found it impractica
ble to make her grand oharity project a
success without the aid of the news
paper men. To give the affair a dashing
start, M. Debroosae, one of the moat
opulent press proprietors of Paris, gave
her a check for 100,000 franca, and got
the editors to meet Mrs, Preaident. She
made them a little speech, and forth
with tlie men of tho pen organized sub-
ti<i devoted to pnl>-
lishing the names of persons giving. In 1
a few clars money began to ponr in, and
in a little over n week 275,000 franos
were raiae<ftor the soup-hoivoe. The
press does this, although more heavily
burdened with taxes than any other In
dustry (each jonrnal pays one-fifth of
it# value to the state), anil Receives
very little credit for it. The walls of
Paris were recently oovered with notioes
signed by th Mayor of Pans, saying
that Madame M'Mabon hail devoted
100,000 franos to the release of the mat
tresses in pawn, and 100,000 more to
oertain soup-honsea which she had
founded. Wris is having a charity
mania. All tho ladies of the haut
mijnde are vieing with each other,and are
happy to see their name# in the papers
as having passed the plate all day long
at some public ceremony.
Their Idea of It.
The crowd outside the oourt room
WHS greatly disappointed when it heard
the result of the Tichborne trial. A
reporter for the Daily ACT PS ran to a
cati and said. " Drive me to the Daily
Jfew office." " What's the sentenoe ?"
asked the cab driver. " Fourteen years'
hard labor." " Then I'll see your neck
broke before I'll drive you anywhere."
This little dialogue is characteristic of
tho crowd. It was a' crowd of people
wha had gradually eome to consider the
Tichborne case a fight between a butcher
and tlie aristocracy and nothing else,
with their sympathies in favor of the
HsbterrauMM Disturbance la Nevada,
About tore* minutes walk in an east
erly direction from Gold Hill, Nevada,
•ays the Oold Hill Nrw, there la to be
seen a most wonderful phenomenon.
The ground, either from an earthquake
or some other cause, baa recently uplit
open for at least a quarter of a utile.
The rnrvtee thus created, starting at
Fort Eomeetoad, crosses the railroad
track, and thence pursues a nearly
I fcouttieriy direction down the weal side
Of the canyon, embraced between Fort
Homestead mod the bin beyond. It
then croeses the canyon and extends for
a considerable dietanee up the west side
of the hill lest named. The crevice
varies in width from one to twenty
inches, sad in places appears to be bot
tom lee*, The meet interesting locality
to visit first is dirvotly east of Post
master Cbnlbuek's residence. Ingoing
to the locahSy iadieetod, it is oeeeassry
for the visitor to cross toe canyon
named above. The crevice or chara
threngliout its entire extant is as
straight a* an arrow, and is of recant
origin. It was first diseovered by our
fellow-townsman, Mr. Fleming, en old
prospector. That it is something more
then a landslide, is evident from the
fact that it cruasee the oaoyun In a di
rection nearly at right angle* to tha
tame. Our reporter, who visited the
scene of the earth opening, lost ell trace
!of the siime at the fork It ta noaaiblo,
however, that it extends northerly as
l far as the Imperial Works. The geoend
upon which 1M tow* of Gold Hill is
built seoou to poeceea the element of
instability, and in many eases the water
' pipes have pulled apart and the boiler
tieds have got out of position owing to
thte eireumstaoeu.
A Struwg Owl.
James Warner has beau doing a con
siderable amount of trapping for the
aat few months, a Beth, Ky., paper
aja. While setting hia trap, some
' ime ago, he concluded that he would
; bait for a large bird which he believed
bad been bothering hie chicken roost.
He accordingly did ao, and the morn
ing after, on'visiting hie teaps, wee
much surprised at finding one of them J
gone, Mrs. Begun, who ltvea some ten
mflcte away from Mr. Warner's, hearing
some disturbance in the hen-house
among the chickens, arose quickly, and
taking a light went to see what was the
matter. Hhe succeeded in catehing the
object, and to her great surprise found
it waa a Luge owL Attached to Hie
owl was Mr. Warner's trap and about
ten inohet of chain. Two teeth were
broken out of to* steel trap, and just
where the teeth were broken out tbe 1
I jaws of the trap had firmly held the leg
of the bird, catting all around quite to
the bone, but without injuring it The '
leg, however, waa by this time recov
ered end well, the wound having had <
ample time to heel daring the two
moßths that had passed since the owl
: had first fiown array with the trap.
New York Editorial Association.
Secretory A. O. Bunnell, the efficient,
handsome'and wide awake Secretary of
the. New York Editorial Aaaoeiatioa,
Ims just prepared a history of the body
from its organisation, in 1853, up to
this time. From toe report we find
: that the first convention was held at
Elmira, X. Y., in 1858, at which John
I F. Phelpr of the Mayville .Sentinel,
1 was President At this convention
there were present thirty-two editors.
Conventions have been held since 1858
with the exceptions of 1862-8-4.
The oonvention for 1873 waa held at
Poughkeepsie, N. Y., and that for 1874
' will be Lich! at Lockport A feature of
\ the next meeting wul be a virit la Al
i shams, on invitation c 4 southern editors
who have been at various tames guests
j of too New York Editorial Association.
Secretary Bunnell gives is hie report
the annual addresses, poems and me
morials which bare been delivered:
toe first address by Wis. T. Tmalay, of
the Lverm Rrpitbii&an, toe last by
i Hearv Ward Beoher. Three addresses
contain much information of value to
any publisher. The convention now
numbers 204 members iu good stand
How Derrit Smith Rained a Man.
A huge portion of men never can or
will accumulate or keep capital. The
best illastrstioQ of this fact that I have
ever met is that of Oerrit Smith and his
j schoolmate. The latter, on the death
! of his father, came into possession erf a
farm, with house, furniture, stoek, im
plements sod sll things necessary to a
comfortable home and paying business:
j but be aold, lost by the sale, sold hia
next home, and his next, always toeing,
until h was landless and very poor.
His old schoolmate, who wa* giving
I awav his large patrimony, in small par
| eels* to landless men, gave him a house
and lot, but took the precaution to deed
lit to hit children. For a while the
restless man waa very beppy in hia nw
home, but soon grew tired of it, and
j wanted to sell out. When he found
: that it was not in his power to render
• himself end family homeless once more,
>he exclaimed, in great bitterness,
I• There! Oerrit South has ruined me f*
He belived this, and never forgave the
man alio had prevented that trade
which would surely have made hia for
Steamboat Frank's Pursuit or Kaowl*
One month ago Steamboat Frank tad
Sehouchiu Pete, the leading Modoc* as
the new Modoc nation, began learning
to read bv means of a pictorial chart,
and are progressing very rapidly.
While Frank waa reading for the
benefit of the strangers he aaked his,
wife what j-u-g spelled.
" Jng," waa the reply.
" Who make it?"
"Good man."
I "Pnt whisky."
"What do then?"
" Driiik whisky."
" What do then ?"
" Rsise thunder," which ended the
Strange to say, Long Jim, who is
very melsncholy over the killing of his
pappoose by a soldier and the loss of
his wife, laughed at this.
Swouo."—The late Lord Dnndonald,
wlto was something of an author in hia
time, had a proper respect for bte
brethren of the quill, for on being re
stored to the honors of the Bath, of
which he had been unjustly deprived,
he immediately sat down and wrote a
letter, not to the qneen by whom he
was restored, but to Douglas Jerrold,
whose writings in Punch and other
quarters had helped to bring it about.
COOUKP HIM OFT.—A Corning {la.)
vonth paid his attentions to two yonng
ladies and proposed marriage to both.
They found out about it, and invited
him to the house of one of them, asked
him to take a seat between them, which
he did, sitting down in a tnb of water
over wliich a covering had been nicely
spread. Then they politely requested
him not to be in a harry to go, bathe
The Rhode Island Legislature says
" No 1" to the proposed amendment to
the State constitution giving to men
and women equal political rights.
r .-onal re-
I j Y ~
i The text of OOTTmrnF is the rrroem
I brenee it Irevre behind H*
M* is esteemed ibihrii'.frd financier
whose npcmUan? w ungainly.
0 £• Bilalal ifulllnftlirflih tender •-
tier In whteh tfaoy ethtoenh) old taaida
When "i IlWihllNiriWl mr conduc
tor quit* tji* rw*. *<#•! him * re
tina peeler. " . *
To cum a batohelor'* oeh** -carr*
to the patient, efc*on yard* of •ilk,™
a woman in i*. ft
Ama who travels bunfoot aremnd
hia bed-room, otten fliul* himself on
the wroog (ack,"
(towml .roaof ladi i Wiaoonaiß
latelyiuwpwl lor • •itrmr.modal. Ton
moaflwraat won.
A Vhtm man -nam! J §•*•*• J*P
the mwrf time to save three outa,
and Heret hi* all.
L.W, u He
doesn't like whttky.
11 gunpowder ht> (mmwl with xpir
ite of tuJpeotme, the latter oaly, when
ignited, will burn.
The miners <rf penßuytvama ask for •
lies lew to protect their right* to the
wages of their labor.
The Government of Newfoundland
has offered a bounty of $2 * ton to en
eoung* ship building.
A Miaaiauippi papsr proposes thia
motto tor the country:
t Cm sue Brooms?
* * * ftcg —** HucruxiT.
If it wamt for the Arheww— end
the Temp-r:.c* war the entire world
would now be at peace.
To whet well-known New York firm do
ttie youthful boot-polishers in the perk
belong ?—B*w! k Black.
Aeyfkinf Midas touched waa turned
to gold, io those days, touch a mu
with gold, and hvll tarn into any
Ireland contains 20,808,271 acrea, of
which 8,069,000 are eaUmaU d to be peat
tags pf a to tola* st of from 1 foot to 60
j loct.
Kail road accidents in the United
! *taim average one permm killed and
four injured chary working day in the
1 A Cincinnati man waa wounded it
[ Texas because be forgot and addreseed
a man aa ♦•iHator" instead of "gen
eral." c .
It i reported that the Turkish Gov
ernment has decided to Tenouooe %. 1
Its commercial treaties with foreign
Tb one thing." says Jean Paul,
'• which a maiden most easily forget* in B
how she looks—hefee mirrors were in
lira. Oraebf. of Betoan, entered a
store oa the North Lad, 'ked for t
glass of water, and fall dead while
' drinking it.
A jewler advertises thai he baa aoma
piemosis atones for disposal, adding
"that they sparkle like toe tears of a
young widow.
The Her. Dr. Stone says that ni.. •
tenths of the persona whom be baa mar
ried in San Franciaoo were aged up
wards of Sf years.
Only nine families out of its former
population ef 15,000 remain at Pithole
(Sty, Fs. When they ceased to "strike
oil the Vatreck out * •
Six persons luve been fined for
swearing in the street* at Blackburn.
aiKl other towns in England are about
to follow the example.
According to a writer in the London
Hunt, the fifteen English marine in
surance companies loat §3.610,000 in
1872, not one realizing a profit
A shoemaker out West, with a liter
ary turn of mind, has the following
poetical gem attached to hia shingle :
To ateoC ifi sorts of tools wad ■bosses*
In the event of Maryland and Vir
gitk not being able to apwe upon their
at w boundary Una, it is prop wed to
leave it io be decided by the Hem.
i Jeremiah ft Black.
Aa impeeußßMu beobcier sighs that
there is eo much truth in the state
ment of the fashion writers that there
is "no change in gentlemen's panta
loons, this season."
A Yankee real actate agency haa been
established in Rome, and the fellow
has created more excitement in real
,tate tw tore been known for five
hundred years before.
They were going to put a man out of
a San Prane&eo theatre for creatine a
disturbance, when vote cried: "He's
all right; he's killed a Chinaman 1" and
they let the man alone.
The OMSm Otefte, of Colorado, has
em vended on account nf the disappear
ance of the editor. He was last seen
standing- Under a tree, and some men .
were palling ok* tope.
In several Western cities associations
hare been formed, toe members of
which pU-<!fp- themselves not to pay for
any other man's drink and not to drink
at any other man's expense.
There is nothing like persistency.
John Conch was married in Philadel
phia the->*W day to a girl who had
refused him nsgbkr • times. She
j wanted to see if he sully loved her.
A man gives the following reason why
the colored race it superior to the
white: " All men am masie of clay, and
like the meerschaum pipe, they are
more valuable when highly colored. "
A New Orleans gentleman reoently
wrote to the Mayor of Cincinnati, sta
ting that he waa engaged to be married
to a lady in the latter city, and would
be glad for information concerning her.
A boy of sixteen and ltia horse were
Wiled by light rung at Athens, Tenn.
When found be had one foot in toe
stirrup, and jbie clothes were torn off -
from the waist np, and scattered around
the road. '
A Delaware man committed suicide
a day or two ago because some one left
a babv on bis doorstep. He waa too
frail for tola oold world if he couldn't
look hia wife in toe eye and deliberate
ly declare that it waa a put-up job to
make trouble.
The bones of five Indians, in a sitting
posture, with a succotash kettle in front
of them, were recently found in Nian
tic, Ct, by some men wbo were digging
a cellar. Another Indian skeleton, in
a sitting posture, was unearthed by
laborers at Everett, Mass., lately.
The ScoUrnan, a prominent Scotch
newspaper, says tost a Bible, bonud in
calf, and bearing the name of William
Sim," a Dundee man, and the date
1880, had been discovered in the stomach
of a codfish recently. William Sim
went to sea in 1834, and ban not sinoe
been heard of.
A lady at Madison, Ohio, thinking
pleasantly to surprise one of her board
ers, put a gold ring which he had lost
in a pancake and placed the production
en bis plate at breakfast. But the
boarder bolted the pancake in such
largo bites that too presence of the ring
was not discovered, and now it is lost
II tha last oensn* is gocd authority,
fafnpirfi don't make, much money.
There are exceptions, however, in tue
great West. A lawyer bought 2,000
acrea ,of land near Webster, lowa, for
$24,000, and sowed 1,700 sen a in wheat.
In two years ha has netted s.*>,ooo from
his crops. What a chance for hundreds
of half-starved attorneys in New York
who are trying to reap a livelihood by
sowing discord between families.
The queerest object iU nature is a
Spanish beggar, for these beggars beg
on horseback, and i| is an odd thing to
see a man riding up to a poor foot-pas
senger and asking aim*. A gentleman
in Valparaiso, being accosted by one of
these mounted beggars, replied, "Why,
sir, you oome to beg of me, who have to
go on foot, while you ride on horse
back !" "Veir true, sir," said the
beggar, " and I have the more need to
beg, as I have to support, my horse ss
well aa myself.