The Centre reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1871-1940, April 16, 1874, Image 4

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    Farm, Harden and Household.
l<onirkrroV lV|>Mlmrnl.
quart of flour, a pint ol sweet milk,
two ounces of bntter, a gill of wast. a
teaspoonfnl of salt.
Icixo,—lnto the white of an egg,
beaten till very light, star six table
spoonafuls of powdered sugar, and
spread over the cake while warm.
MILK STUNS.—MiIk stains on serge
dresses may ho removed hy steeping
the part in warm water,
teacup of cream take four rolled or
grated crackers, one teaapoonfal of
white sugar, the white of one egg
beaten to a broth, with a teaspooufui
of jelly of any kind.
LKMON JELLY.—Two cups of sugar
yolks of three egga: juiee of two J
lemons. Cook till thickened hy setting
in boiling water, and then add the
woll-lieaten wliitesof three eggs; spread
he( ween layers of the cake, and trim
oil the rough edges.
Prom NO SXIVJC.-- One half teacup of
bntter, one and a half teacups of j
sugar, and one pint of strawberries
mashed till juicy. (Oarnted berries may
be substituted for freah ones.) Rest
the batter and sugar to a cream, theu
stir in the berries.
Sxow Fvnmxo. —Dissolve one half a
box of gelatine in one oiut of cold
water. After it is thoroughly dissolved
add one pint of warm water, two cups
of sugar, juice of two lemons. Let
it cool, theu put iu the whites of three
eggs well beaten. Serve cold with
sugar and cream.
qnart of {resh buttermilk made tip with
coru meal to a stiff batter, with a tea
cupful of yeast. Let it rise; then add
enough flour to make il a stiff dough.
Put it ou dishes or boards to dry iu the
shade. Rap it up, and keep it in a bag.
To one quart of flour put oaa table
spoonful of yeast powder.
t huri.nn Hiik vs. (mm.
A question which is Often asked, is
with regard to making batter lor churn
ing the milk insittd of the cream alone.
My own experience has taught me that
the milk first drawn from the cow has
no butter—at least oue-thirxl of the
milkiug; tht refore, churning this milk
is only time ami labor hist. My plan
lias leeu to take from the cow such a
portion of the first milk as is necessary
for family use, churning the remainder.
Until the past season, my family re
quiring a great deal of milk and butter,
1 have ueverbad an opportunity of test
ing the abilities cf a single cow ; but
since last May I hare kept but one cow.
I followed the above plan with the milk,
churning each alternate day; aud al
though 1 had neither cellar nor milk
house, 1 have made SHi pounds of butter.
The churning was done early in the
morning, thus securing the advantage
given by the eool morning air, and the
butter came from the churn solid ami
ready for packing, with only the aid of
a little cold water from the well. Some
prefer churning every morning, because
the milk is more easily separated from
the butter—consequently, the labor
less ; but after years of ample experi
ence, I find that milk, although suffi
ciently sour, if churned when too fresh,
yields butter that is sweet and good,
but not solid as when left a longer pe
riod for the water to begin to separate
from the milk. Thi9 of course re/ers to
summer months ; as to winter, I follow
about the same rule with my neighbors
—churning when the milk is ir readi
ness, which dej>ends ou the weather
and the surroundings.
Farm Xoln.
One dozen living grasshoppers, small
but smart, were found on a farm at <
Putney, Vt, on the 9th day of January.
The Arabs tan a hide as follows : It
is spread in the middle of a traveled
road, and men and animals pass over it
until it is beaten fiat; and when dried it
is finished, and good leather it is,
though the hair remains.
There is good sense in the proceed
ings of divers county agricultural socie
ties in Pennsylvania. They send com
mittees of intelligent members to visit
the State Agricultural College at unex
pected times, thus having the advan
tage of accurate and fair reports, and
of keeping professors and students in a
state of anxious readiness.
A man of tratb ami acquainted with
chickens describes in the New England
-Farmer certain sable ways in which
fowls are made to appear beautifnl at
poultry shows. Imprisonment in a
darkened room while feathering, and a
curling iron, insure fair and wavy
plumage; while trimming feathers, anil
scraping and Tarnishing spars assist
the artificial effect.
The owner of a sudden deceased cow,
at Lisle, X. Y., being of an investi
gating turn of mind, immediately pro
ceeded to discover what sent her out of
this world of grass and butter. It was
eighteen small pebbles which were pic
turesquely lodged 'n the second stom
nch. It is supposed that the cow was
dyspeptic, and had been consulting
seme ancient medical chicken who was
all for gravel and grape stonea'as digest
Curia* a Cold.
A moent medical writer says: "Sleep
wheiuwer you can—anywhere yon ran
get tsSehance ; the want of the age is
sleep." This is not always safe to fol
low, as one of our townsmen <sys a eo
tempdrary ) knows to his sorrow. He
was recently afflicted with a bad cold,
and to cure himself of it resorted to the
remedy of putting his feet in hot water
and drinking a tumblerful of strong
whisky toddy, prescribed by an aped
and respected friend of the family.
Having got everything in order for
carrying out the prescription, be sat
down by the fire, his feet immersed in
warm water, and a tumbler of smoking
toddy by his side. In this condition a
sense of enjoyment stole over him as
lie sipped the exhilarating liquid, and
fell asleep. His wife had gone to bed;
and, on awakening about three o'clock
in the morning, wondered why she was
alone. Going down stairs she was hor
rified to find her liege lord asleep in
his chair, the fire out, his feet still im
mersed in the water, over which a
cake of ice was formiLg, and an empty
tumbler on the chair beside him. His
cold isn't a bit better.
Grap Seedlings.
G. W. Campbell describes a method
by which he claims to be able to ascer
eertain in advance the qualities of seed
ling grapes. He says that "in the
taste or flavor of the green tendrils of
the vine may be found a true index of
the character of its prospective fruit."
lie further declares that the tendrils of
each variety possess a distinguishing
flavor, by which it may always be de
tected from any other, and a seedling
with this peculiar character may be at
once set down as good, even in advance
of its crop. His predictions have been
verified in every instance,and frequent
ly, too, when the appearance of the
foliage would lead him to the opposite
Rtfhie {.rather.
boots and shoes are manure for
vines and trees if cut small and put
in the ground where they will keep
moist. For other agricultural purposes
they act too slowly. If rotted with
quick lime or steamed, so as to admit
of pulverization, they make a quick
fertilizer, but costly to prepare ; good
wherever nitrogen, of which they con
tain some five to seven per cent., is
serviceable. Bones would be better
in Hie hole, and stable manure or fallen
leaves as a mulch.
Preparing Hot Bed*.
Prepare six weeks earlier than the
time when it will be safe to set out the
plauts. Seeds may be sown in a bed of
fine soil placed upon the manure, or
what is better, where only a few of a
variety are wanted, sown in earth in
shallow boxes, and these placed in the
hot-bed. Give air on mud days, and
water when the soil becomes dry. Dur
ing cold nights ooverwitk straw mats or
shutters to keep out frost.
Strawberries are in the New York
market at $7 a quart
Before the castle of Omningen. upon
the Bode, one clear summer evening,
the bishop Henry of llalberstu'H was
seated with a foreign prelate who had
liecn hia gneat for a month. I!''
drink sUxxl before them in two mighty
flagons. They had beou discoursing
from ten o'clock in the morning, when
they set down to dinner, about the huge
wine-tun which a bishop on the Rhine
had just got constructed, and were
iignsvl in the epitnou that it became
every ecclesiastical prince, who would
confer a becoming splendor on his
court, to posses* a similar tun. The
affair w* quite settled by both of them,
except as to its execution; and their
conversation began now to he interrupt
ed hy yawus, and to flag on in uiouo
*y liable*. 4
R chanced, as good fortune would
have it. that the shepherd Conrad passed
by, driving his well washed flock across
the castle yard where bishop tieurv
Used to review them evorv evening. ""l
salute yon, my lord bishop !" " U.xxl
evening, Conrad ; but where is llariu
Conrad whistled, aud a beautiful large
ram houuded up tlrst to the shepherd
and then to the bishop, who caressed
the n'Tiimal and fed him with some
crumbs which lie had kept for hnu.
The bishop exchanged a few nosh with
the shepherd, and inquired if his w .si
ding-day was at hand. Conrad shrug
ged his shoulders and parsed ou with
his flock.
Bishop Henry now extolled the beau
tiful ram which he declared ho would
not part with for anything in the world,
and then ho turned hia oiuogium ou the
good Conrad, who he said, was honesty
itself. The foreign bishop laughed
aloud, for travel into distant countries,
and a frequeut stay at foreign courts,
had filled him with universal diatiust
of man. lie averred that it was Unftos
silde to find a thorotiglily honest ser
vant—aud least of all at the court of a
bishop. They were all, he said, .v>m
biued to cheat tlieir masters, aud alt
more or les rogues. Bishop Henry
eagerly disputed liis assertion ; and ex
tolled ttie virtues of the good (eople
over whom lie swayed the crosier, aud
above ail, his shepherd Conrad, who, u*
he said, had never told a lie or deceived
auy person in his whole lifetime.
"Never told a lie! Never deceived
his master!" repeated the stranger
bishop in a toue of irony. " Not"
answered Bishop Ueury ; "he never
has; aud never will!" "Never!" re
echoed the foreign ecclesiastic, "what
will you bet?" After several proposi
tions, the two bishops agreed npou
tliese conditions: first, that the stake
should be an immense tun, capable of
containing one hundred and fifty bar
rels of wine—aud, secondly, that Cou
rad, without beiug made aware of the
wager, shonld be put to the trial within
three days. The two dignitaries tbeu
parted for the uight, right glad to have
found something to amuse them for
two or three days to come.
The foreign bishop, before he went
to bed, held, as liis custom was, a con
sultation with his confidant, Peter, who
vas nominally his servant, and occa
sionally his fool, but in fact possessed
a truer claim to the title of his privy
councilor, than many others enjoying
higher titles and places. Peter had al
ways some shrewd advice to give in
every emergency, whether temporal or
spiritual He was accustomed to hear,
to see, and sometimes even to think for
his master without any one kuowiog it.
He had done so on this occasion ; but
he seemed little disposed to talk this
evening, for the word roywe, which had
escaped his master's lips during the
inuversatiou just narrated, had put him
pr bad humor, and it was only by the
evomiso of a new scarlet cap, in the
meat of tne wager being won, that his
coaster got him to oj>en his lips. After
some satirical remarks on the enormous
cost of a wine-tun which should contain
one hundred and fifty barrels—fit to
exhaust more than half the revenues of
a bishopric—he undertook to find out
how a gin might be set for the new
phoenix of honesty, Conrad.
Peter commenced his operations with
the rising sun ; and before dinner hour
was able to report to his master that
Courud was iu love with the fair Eliza
betb, and that she wvuld not listen to
his proposals till he should possess a
little cottage of his own, both being
very poor. The active Peter had al
ready spoken to Elizabeth, and found
her quite ready to assist iu his enter
prise ; he therefore only required a
handful of glittering silver pieces from
his master to gain the bet. The bishop
gave him as much as he wished, and sat
down to dinner with good hopes of the
Meanwhile Peter has taken his war
back to the fair Elizabeth ; he shows
her the shining coins which almost cov
ered her little table, aiid a bargain is
quickly struck between them ; Peter
agreeing to purchase for her a cottage,
if she brought him what he wanted.
The following morning Elizabeth,
soon after sunrise, went to cut grass at
a place which she know Conrad must
pass with his flock. As soon as the
latter perceived her at a distance, he
flew, accompanied by Harm, to meet
her, sat down beside her, and repeated
all his former vow and protestations of
Bnt Elizabeth answered her lover
very coolly, remarking that she had
heard all that a thousand times over,
and if he had nothing to tell her of a
little cottage of his own, he already
knew her answer.
Conrad was about to take his leave
much dejected, mbrn a half-smiling
glauee from Elizabeth induced him to
inquire why she was so cruel to him,
and what she wished! him to do for her.
" For the jok&'s s#Jte, let us see wheth
er yon really arc serious in yonr love
for me," said Elisabeth. The favorite
ram of the bishop bad meanwhile
pressed between h t r and Conrad, and
now stood eating from her bands. "If
I desire you to give me your ram that
I may sell him—
Conrad's heart sunk within him.
Sadly be replied : "Any thing in this
world but that; if the bishop did not
in the evening get Harm to feed, there
would be a pretty disturbance. Take
the heßt pet sheep in the whole flock
—take all the fifty belonging to me,
only that single ram yon cannot have."
"Look now," said Elizabeth, "yon
men are all alike. Away with yon and
your fifty sheep; even so small a
pleasure as this ray love refuses me !
Truly he wrmtd be a precious husband
to me wheu the honeymoon was over !
Away to yonr bishop ; let him b ed bis
rani, and do yon leave me alone !"
They disputed thus a long while;
Conrad shed tears in bis anger, and
Elizabeth at ladtconfessed that she had
sold the ram for the house they hat! so
often wished to possess, and added that
she must deliver him up that very dny,
cost what it might, as she hail pledged
her word and could not bear the idea of
being called a liar. She then shed
tears, lamenting that this unhoped-for
pleasure of being able to get a house
in which she and Conrad might live
comfortably with their children, should
be thus blasted. She asked if sheep
were not every day dying—if none were
ever lost—if none were ever stolen—if
the wolf never devoured one, and BO
on. At last lqve conquered; Conrad
promised her to 4obver her the ram be
fore noon, and EHzabeth promised to
become his wedded wife in a month.
Elizabeth walked quickly 011 to the
town, and Conrad gazed wistfully after
her ; the pleasure he felt in being her
accepted lover waH not a little damped
by the idea of the inteirogations which
he must undergo from his kind master,
in whose service he had been hitherto
so comfortable, and who was so very
fond of the ram.
He now stood alone in the field where
Elizabeth had been cutting grass, with
his eyes fixed on the ground. At last
he struck his crook into the earth,
placed his coat upon it, and his cap
above it, and begun a dialogue (whicb
Harm occasionally interrupted by his
movements) with the figure thus con
structed, which he meant should repre
sent the bishop.
" Good evening, my lord bishop !"
" Thank you, Conrad, where is Harm ?"
"Harm, my lord bishop ! why he is lost;
indeed he has wandered somewhere."
At HIIA moment, vrhil> Conrad was thus
speaking, Harm pressed through he
(ween hia logs t,> examine the figure to
which he *AW hid MASTER MO
many profound reverences. '• Conrad,
Oonrad I continued the shepherd, in
hta fanciful iiitcrhxnitoi-ship, " Harm
known hi* homo ; Harm CHIIII not lone
himself! That will not do."
Another conversation, in which Con
rad tried to represent the rum as stolen.
Harm interrupted by a violeut blow
with which he mount to answer the hows
he saw lus master making. •' lie i* not
so easily caught!" exclaimed Conrad.
'• That will not do either."
Thus lie talked with himself for uhout
half an hour ; hut his imaginary diu
log lies always tcriuiuated with u shake
of the head anil these words: "Conrad,
that will not do !" "And yet," added
he, " 1 must before noon give up the
ram ; for I have promised it, ai d if
Elizabeth does not deliver it as she has
already told it, she would lx< ealled a
liar, and could not become IUV wife,"
At last he jumped up joyfully and
exclaimed: " Honesty is the best
policy I That will do '' Ms put on his
cap aud his coal and drove focward hit.
tl.vck, ami before uoou he had delivered,
with a deep sigh, las darling Harm to
Kluabcth, who, without reflecting auy
more about the matt, r, exchange.l him
for the price of the cottage.
That evening wa* fixed for Conrad's
trial. Both the bishops waited at
their jxiaaot-oup in the ea*tle-yard for
the appearance of the shepherd who
was to decide their w iger. The hearts
ol' both beat strongly, aud they spoke
hut little, for each had a strong desire
(hat the honor of constructing the tun
might fall to the lot of the other. But
Pete, the privy councilor, kept himaelf
quite cheerful, and secretly rejoiced
beforehand iu the success of his well
laid plan, aud the certainty of his vic
tory ; for he had already hail the
bishop's favorite ram in hia a table, and
how ooul.l Conrad venture to tell the
truth, when his doing so must draw up
on him the wruth of his master and
deprive him of his bread forever !
So reasoned the privy councilor ;
meanwhile t'onrail appeared driving
his flock across the castle yard. Peter
smiled triumphantly, for already he
fancied the could trace fear and anxiety
at work in Conrad's countenance.
That evening no ram came bounding
up to bishop Henry, to receive his
accustomed portion. *• Where is
Harm?" inquired the bishop, with a
scrutinizing look. " 1 have sold him,"
cried Conrad ; " uow it is out 1 Honesty
is the best policy ; that is my motto,
my lord bishop, as v..u know ; and it
shall always, so it please Heaven, remain
my motto." Peter's face lengthened ;
but bishop Henry exclaimed, with an
angry countenance and a threatening
voice : " Why did you sell him without
telling me? I would have given you
his price ten times told. Do you not
*• Hear me, my lord bishop," said
Conrad. " Elizabeth tempted me, as
Five tempted Adam ; ami Elizabeth was
tempted by a rogue, us 11 vo was by a
foul fiend. If he gives me back my
ram, 1 will not reveal his name."
Peter turned angrily sway, for gone
were all his glittering nieces, and the
scarlet cap beaides ; and now the nun
himself was gone also !
"Elizabeth," continued Conrad, "had
sold Harm before telling me, otherwise
he would never have been sold by me ;
but, as matters stood, 1 was obliged to
give him to her, however sorry 1 was lor
it—else she would have Ixnm called a
liar, and she is now my betrothed. That
is the naked truth, my lord bishop ; do
now with me what you please ; what is
done is done, only do not punish Flliza
both— a poor weak woman easily se
duced by any tempter.' 1
Bishop Henrjr would have begun to
scold, bnt the other bishop, casting an
angry glance on Peter, who now with
drew himself, exclaimed: " I have lost
the wager; that wes the trial."
So Bishop Henry's wrath was assuaged
by the pleasure of having won the
wager; but the honesty of Conrad
afforded his master more gratification
than even the wine-tuu, for it taught
him also the power of love, and what
love can do with men.
" Yes !" exclaimed both the bishops.
"honesty is the Inst policy!" And
Bishop Henry added : "As a reward
of your honesty I will be at the expense
of your wedding, and half the flock shall
be yours." And," added the foreign
prelate, "your darling Harm shall l>o
restored to you again, and the cottage
you shall also retain as a christemug
gift from me to your first child."
Thus the bishop who lost the wager
was led to get the large wine-tnn con
structed, which formerly attracted so
many travelers tc Gmniugen, and which
now lies upon the Spiegdsberg near
Nanles and Their Habits.
The navvy is uot a drunkard. He
could not get through the violent and
sustained labor if he were an habit mil
sot. When he is " keeping steady "ho
is an abstemious man. He never lias
beer brought to him when at work, as
is the custom of pnddlers and foundry -
rue.n, who may be said to work upon
beer. The nawy has a drink of beer
for dinner and another for supper, and
perhaps the lodgers in a shanty may
have a " pint round," as they sit anil
smoke in the evening. Perpetual in
fraction'of the licensing act goes on in
every navvy settlement. Every shanty
settlement. Every shanty keeper has
a barn 1 of beer, and retails the drink
to the lodgers in the house ; indeed to
every nou-snpieious jwarsou who may
ask for it. The navvy's life is a kind of
modern labor of Hisyphns. Ho saves
bis money. Ho buys himself n good
kit. Xot unfrequeutly, when he can
keep steady long enough, he invests in
a silypr watch—the larger it is the bet
ter value he considers he has for his
money. He has rolled his stone nearly
on to the plateau of competence. Then
he "breaks out," and the stone runs
down to the bottom. He meets an old
chum, and they fall a drinking together;
or a spell of wet weather may occur,
and the navvy finding the time hang
heavy nu his hnuds, takes to card play
ing for beer ; or bo may have had a
quarrel with his master. Sometimes
from sheer ennui he can stand it no
longer, but mnst be off to tbo nearest
town; in other eases he has his drink
out at home. When the navvy goes on
the spree, he drinks not from the bar
rel of his shanty, but hies him to the
public house. There he drinks first
his money, then his watch, and then
his clothes, till he hoe drunk everything
except what he stands np in, save a
trifle of marching money, and enough
to make tip his little bundle. Then he
tramps, for,after a heavy spree, ho does
not care for going back to work in the
billet from which be lapsed. He
trudges to the next "seat of work,"
and takes on there, in all probability to
pnrsae the same routine, and as likely
as not in six weeks' timo ho is baek
again at the previous job, at which, if
in by past time he has proved himself a
fair workman, he is taken on without
the slightest demur. Ho was freo to go
and is free to come. He represents
simply so muny shovelsful of earth to
be moved, and if there is need for the
earth to be moved there is need for
him.— Alt the Year Round.
How the Indians Dun.
The Hartford ('ourant evolves the
following theory : "There lim been
some philological doubt as to the j : ase
'After him with a sharp stick.' It may
have occurred to many that the ' sharp
stick' referred to is the much-feared
'Jauuary bill.' And it would seem there
was some grouud for this. The Nee
sbeu&h Indians of California have not
the brutal and disagreeable habit pre
valent among us of sending dunning
bills. When one Indian owes another,
it is considered bad taste, as it is, for
the creditor to dun the debtor. He pro
ceeds with more delicacy. He procures
a certain number of sticks, according
to the amount of the debt, and puints a
ring around the end of each. These ho
carries and tosses into the debtor's wig
wam, and then goes away without a
word. The debtor pays the debt and
destroys the sticks ; it is considered a
reproach to have the dunntng sticks
thrown into the wigwam, and the credit
or never uses them except with hard
11 TMiid roN<;uKss,
I The amendment to the currency lull of Mr.
' Wrtdhl iWm# th* amount of t|ir> currency at
♦ Idrt.OOI.IXKV niui by n lot* of 31 iu*
i I to 3H oftyw.
Mi Johtiftrm, of |>r, *>>nted petition
, | of Knhii|{lt I.m for icmmal of too poiiiu ftl
j iliftftliilitio*. liufturcd to llio t VmimUcu oil tho
. Judiciary
i Mr. of Kftiinu, Introduced ■ toll to
olifttilo I tin |>too!o of New Mexico to f<>nu ft
' constitution aiol Stain (lorn utuoul, mot pro
,11 ;lu|t for the *dmn-Moii of llio Statu into llio
l lio t'urmoor lull was ho for# tlio hooatr tho
j question hems oil Itm ftlitnuitiuvut of Mr.
Kchurd lo fttrtko out " eighty two " ami iu**(l
I "fifty >|t " no that llio maximum limit of
( I'lUtftl S'ftton noire sliotll 1 l- ♦ J.**', tttVl IftNl
I lti*l#a.l of ♦ .HJ.Oikl (Kill, m io|>ortchl by llio
1 . oiumittro. It * loot liv Is vns I i til oaid
Mi Wrteltt of loft, urnmt to aliilo out tho
! uhol* of th# (list soctlou of thn lull nflni llir
rn*> tlll|f clause, 0.l 111-. H I 101 l tltn ftluoliut of
fulled Stfttnft not on for circulal 100 in horol
tlsnil t ♦I 'll,o il,mi Mr Wright * ameuduion.
was adopted 1 J • lot# of 31 to Jtl
Mr 1 nuton, of N 1 . iu(ro.l i. .• I a Mil to
|i|oi|i| for a M'ttiouinnt with tho Ml Natiooa
; of Now t Oik loillfttift of thn question* growing
out . f troftty ntipulftttoiift with tlirtti Koforiad
to tho I'otiitntltno on Affair*
l'lin ftlumiitmmit to atrtko out from tho Pr-
Irin'i hill tho Ist of Jan .in i i Ift i ri, a* thn Utili
1 for a intnr.l to ftpooto imviunut, osa adopt.-< 1
l.\ volo of JS jt ftft to 23 nam Mr Spoil, of
('a , 111 >VIHI mi ftiunii.liilont for ft" in man IN
thn national t-luk c,r> Illation to tho nvUuit of
♦tr'UOtl. IAXI, au ft.hlittoiial section providing
that on Jau 1 HT7. tho Societal vof thn
linaniiry ahall |iv on domain! at thn otth'na of
I thn liraniiii r of tho United Sutu and thn
A.-ltftlit l lnamnr. to auy hol.lniw of I mtn.l
Milw not.-- to tho amount of ♦ltai or over, In
, exchange for aUv'h not,* an r jttal alllounl of
POU|IU(I or rogleluiod IHIII.U of tho United
Statu#, tit audi form an ho may pio->*tibe
UoJ,w(#d, yeas, ti; nayr. 37.
Mi N*r.*#„t of California, preeouted me
morials. nijjun-l by 7 37t> Cltuso* of that S'.ato,
fti-ttti ti forth thn to ils arnuki; fioiu tho 1100 of
intoxicating h>|Uor, an 1 asking for Iftgiiltliatl
to (irolifti it tho *!e an.! manufacture of *urh
h |tiotx KcftMi-1 to tho (Vmunltno on
Mi Kent tt of N I , presented tlio tinmnsl
of tho ft cunt I'UUVMIUOU of laipaiuta of
South I'arohna for relief 0301103 lui-rulo ami
corruption. lioforml to tti i •imuuioe oa th
Judicial v.
Mr. ferry, of Mich . from thn 1 .name Com
mittee, rufioiHsl favorably 011 the hill of Mr.
Jon. -, of Nniala ftlttli .-it tho roinage t-f ■
twenly-Ave cent pdeco of oilier at thn nntitft of
tin l ulled statm I'leoed on tho calendar.
Mi. M. wiill, of \t., uio cl to nit ike out. 111
; ih# fourth section of tho ihnroiH-r lull, 70 (ef
contuui aa tin- amount of tinted Statce Ruin
to be letued an additional liftll nal b*j,h not*
-orruury I* tentled, olid maeit Ift' jwr centum
Reject, I y.a-, 311 , liaj-. 3.'. thn qUeatloU
rtn urrtnc onhho uioti >ll of Mr. Morum titatnwn
• out thn fourUi eoouuu, it wan aftroed to mat.
, nayft, 37. Mr. tiurdon, of i.a, olTnrtst an
amendment providilit; 'or fieo 1 and to
jjivo to ta. h State the eftUm am unit of p i uia
t.ou iti |uo[-orti"H to Wealth and |s>|Hilati 'U *e
the Slain of Maine now !ms. A uiuuhrr of
amnndmautft wrre j-reeui-d at..! rvli
Mi Hftfjnr. of t ai . Jireeaule l itnolutiuna of
the Login, at urn of that "lain a-ku.3 lougrc-e
to require ra.iiiiii . unipai io which t. ri-|
3 1ante.• f !: ! for the 1 tiainiPtirtu of a.le
from the Miee.-eijisi rtrer W,t to the I'aotlW
't' .ail. ttll.iel til. ! fl-J. to re[ tto the
Snpretary of tho lntn. r the a; 1 de
ft. upuon of the laud • I a 1 die 1 of. and
that all not dll'en.l of U' O,*" I 1 ftotto-mni.t
; ami precmi>tiuu.
Mr. Shcrtuan. of Ohio, aatd Otaui the haiuo
of the carrotipy gtren ui Maine Clio atdili.
ir lotion W..U.3 ' n aUtlut #3p J (<ftl.flOl) a)- .
the haaift of that utvetl t 1 }mw York, f 110 ftft l
: iftO and uis.ui thn lftis .f IViuiftvhaina it
'would!*- 1 <or ♦llu.OOO.tftia Mr. Miwtim, t-f
I ItL, ftft. I the jso. ; In t tn re motley, and
| tlio oouutrr woull come to i*w.-in liaiment
wiion tt c aid. waft nc> uar. to talk about
-ls-io |ai nmnt now. Be tia.l noticed in a
Mlw New Yolk pajier that uittatnui meant
war . that inflation would 1-n re.*•.■- I lu foii-o
•f arm- s . h lat. •... ; wett .a 111 ro
rnoe.vst! la tbftft rin. Jar km mad.- t>n tho door i
..f tho Sniiatn. Mr Joim#, of Nor , waid tho ;
rrholluui would ham lwnu put down f 1,300 -
'' 000 Inn* h did I'iftftt tf it bad but benu I
fij 10;*-! tu ney, which. Instead of bring the
-; air . f tiie h iabaudmau, was the dice )*>t of
gambler*. The an. -: lmoiit 1 f Mi. M.wrtil tn
iiij; 1110 volume of fractional currenry at MO.-
i**. l 000 u tujopteil yraa. I'.' nay*. 3>'.
Air. Tliortihurgh. tf Trim., Inir. I i-ed a bit)
to re l u-e the army. It jus j-innft t h-*io the
•avalrv and artillery at the present forcn hut
to mdO'V the uifanltv t.i live legiuieula
The lloUeo l.( vote on tho bill to
regulate tho commerce bt railr ad among the
Mtct-al Stalne, ai. 1 the I ill wae | loses I by >rae
131. t ays lit. lim Ull cnir> that a-, nilrual
hlieo carrying freight an I j--eiicer Iw-twceti
( different Slate* whether owned by ttie or
various M-)*>rfttionft. shall In regal de.l aa eiu
pi.o >-d in iswntnerre among the *< vi ral Siatco. ,
a d ftliali he liable for any vi.iat.ou Of tin* act.
1 l:ry are forlwidoii to charge tl.aii a fair
an I icftiw.nal ic rale for tho .rtath n of
freiubt or yvaofteugarn . *u. h rm'.e tu l aacer
taiiw-J ai.d lltisl by a Hoard of lU.lroat .-sr
uuselonere to be ;•;•.utod hy the I'rv-mdent,
with Ul.l advice and .v.:.-rot of tho Senate, atid
to bo nwu.lentft . f ea -U of the uiuo judicial
.htncbi of tho United Statu*. Tliey are la le |
haniterceted |wr- .n* and not to have auv ut
tereot m t!i tock or property of any railroad
iw any tiaii*i*.rtati™ eoiuj<an'T. Tin* Ih.arvl of
1 llatlroa.l IVinmi**!rmer 1* to institute a
thorough InviwtigaUon aii 1 inquirr into Uie
ratea and toll and eomjwN:-ati->n clvargo.l f. r >
; transporting freight* and paesengom over e.-h I
of such liuoe of railroad, ami into the rca#M-n
--ableneftO thereof and nv a* siwu a* practi.-ahle
after - u.'h invoougati u and inquiry . to prepare j
for tho ownur* ami opuraiorx of tach 1 f such
Unee a cejiarate schedule .f rea*.uiahle matt-j
mum ra'c- of charge* for the tr*m>]>ortalHm of ,
| : gore and frmght a: ! car* on biid over
rasl lines roopectiveiy. Tlio ackedolo ia to le i
duly authenticated by the Ibiar.l of I mm:*- I
sioaerft, and to I*> prnited and kept p at. ! up !
.n each of Uio i-Hicta and de|Kt* of such rail- !
roa.l comi-anr corporation or twraon They '
may from time u> tune, and so often a* curuni
stances may risjuire, ciiango and revieo wrhe
dttlea, and shall give notice of stich cliangew or 1
. rovinkma in the same manner
Mr. I'. lan.l. .-f \L, indicahwl an amendment
winch he desired to offer, making it tho duty
of lliw Seer, tary of the Treaeiiry to retire and ,
cancel a* fast a* praeu.-al !•< I'luted State* note* 1
till their amount ia reduced to .!*> 000,000.
and then to allow to the iiatmiial banks circu
'.atiiig ip>t*s< without any limit t . Uieir circula
tion. Mr. Mitchell, of Wis., ame inter of the
Hanking Committee took the ground that the
recent Unancial tronbh* were not ratieed liy au
iiiKUfficwncy of rurroucy. but on tho c-witiarv.
that they would not have occurred if Iho cur
rency hail becu on a *|ecie toi*. Tho fa* t that :
tho currency wax not at par with gold showed j
that the currency was not only not t i small 1
j but wa* excessive. Iln gave it a lii* convic-j
lion that instead of increasing the issue* . f
legal tender uotea. the true ruru.slv w .** to be )
found in tlie adopU'-u by < oiigiee*' of a 11 tod I
policy f. r the gia.lua! withdrawal >'f tb<*e I
uotoo by fuielnig them Into lend*, or by other- |
Wise paying and eaneelitig tlirm.
Hill* were mtroiluced and referred, iticltiding
tho following
By Mr. Hell, of fit To refund the tare* ;
collected from distiller* of fruit.
By Mr. Mernam of Sew York. To provide
for free banting, and to limit the i.**uo of
United State* note* to ♦dOO.OOI'.OOO.
Mr. Wheeler, of N. Y*.. from the Committee
on I'oinmoreo. r|>orted la>k. with amendment*,
the Senate bill provid'iig for the payment of
the bond* of the I.OUIHVIII.- and Portland (.'anal
Company. Mr. Wheeler ofTered an amendment
on hla own behalf forbidding anv payment until i
after the State of Kentuckv shall have reded to
the United State* entire jurisdiction over the
jenaland all it* property.
Mr. Keller, of I'onn . a-ke.] leave to rejwirt
from the Committee on Way* and Mean* ami
liave passed the bill t-> adroit free of dtitv arti
cle* intended for tlio International Exhibition
of 1H76. with a provision that anv article* sold ;
or withdrawn fir consumption idinll be liable
for dulie*. tlbjecled to, because thn word
" Inteniational " was not strttck out and the
word " t'milennial " Millmtituted.
Tlie qaeation being takon on Mr. Wheeler's
amendment to the Louisville and Portland
Canal Company bill, providing tjiat no m.mev
shall bo paid under this act. until Kentucky
shall have ceded the jurisdiction over the canal
property to tho UuiUsl Stain*, it wa* agreed to
yeas, 1): nay*. 5. The bill as amende.]
was then passed without the yea* and nay*.
Mr. f'lvmer, of I'enn.. from the Committee
on I'nbhc Land*, reported a bill to enable the
Meniioiulen of. iitimna to effect permanent
settlement* on ilie public land* of the United
States. Tho bill wa* made a *i>ecial order. It
authorize* tlio Secretary of the Interior to sell
to them such quantity of public lands, not
minsral in character and not otherwise appro
priated or reserved, a* they may repiire. at the
minimum price parable In five annual install
Mr. Hftwloy, of Conn., <li*on**ing th# rur
r*iier i|iK Htimi, sail! ho tvs* riot stt(i*fled with
Buy bill which did not Iresr ,n mtml tlio grout
)inm*ry duty of roturtiitig to th* true fttmnlmnl
of viiliio. Tbo practical redemption proponed
in tills 101 l lie hsd HOUII on thr lino of tlio Paridr
Railroad, hut then- they termed It "tliree carrl
monte." lie would vote evory dollar of mere
pa|*-r money out of Ins town and out of hi*
Htato Irofore ho would coniieiil lo ton oontft uf
inflation, and he would stay at home from OOB
grors all the rest of his life rather than du IL
THE OHO AN ns a household instru
ment has been rapidly growing in favor
and Iho yearly sums tire now enormous.
A good Organ remains in tune, is easily
kept in ordor, aud blends naturally with
the quality of Uio voice. The advertise
ment of tho Smith American Organ Co.,
in (mother column,is referred fo tliecon
sideratlon of our renders. This house
lias an enviable reputation for good
work and fair dealing. *
OF COURSE NOT. —There is a Danbnry
legend to the effect that a party desir
ing to transact some private busyness
with another, waß invited by the other
to stop into a neighboring store. " Hut
wo will be disturbed there," said the
first party. " Oh, no," said the second
party, "they don't advertise."
There is a great lack of laborers in
New Zealand.
T!i mutlbloti on (hn IIIUIROII, ownrnl |y
JftlttM H of tlio TntuinmiY IlliiK. wr*
tiiirtiiNl. None of th* miutAbli wrro I*HVP!
HIP lo* )m aINMII f |<N) (KM) Tlio (Iff* )" RRitl lo
have* or)giii*lbl from hr*trr Mi
MOD ill UM MM Iho only <HVtt|IUIT *f Iho hnitao.
<4II I ho hy jutui'lTlG frotu iho MKHUM!
ntory whitlow. 110 hlliooil ..
rttoma* Mulhollaitit, \%hi l*ai a* I ko kodl hm
wifo to doftth itt Now Yolk, | 3< iaaIo1 guilty lt
tnAO>tatl4|hlrl In lliolhllvt .lo^'too,mm ooiiloia'-nt
Ito thtoo YOAJTH ftiol mx motitho in Stuto | itooii
Cho Itltuol |>IOA MM RftVr|lOtl t*r mtno 4f tho
vlifliv ultV of jnoviiitf buy tntont, dohhorbto 01
othoiwtoP, to kill tho Mtfo Mtilhollbiu! l tho
Ittlio of tho tiouiti Ivlo MKAI'IMVIHI hy ililltk
l'ho ttio*l ttiM4tr\HiA tho to CVmnfA'Uout •IIKM
(Villa armory in IlAitfortl MM t-ninrvl
\obio tfo tMvuirtMl tn Now Jtritbiii. itcotioyii j;
i!*o until iv ito|bf tuionl of Iho .tCthb Worki,
.OA not I \ tlio I.RIIO I Ittiy el t 'lbl k t'uui
fbiiY iho f. Jiij AiiY MftM olio of tho )b!|(o*t
in tlii* t ountry iu tho tiibiaifbA'turw of cutlery
ami tfeiteibl hftitlMan*. !#>
Tho iM(-n(< itfth bin.ivoibry of tho b< < <*iniu
of Yu'tor I'mantii 1 to lim ihrono of Sbivtiuib
YXbo colt*h)tr.\t
i\Hbo .1 (Vx, btnom! llirii hbitktii|tcy •K-hMulo,
ohowilig l!tl lloy hbxo bhout fiUR.OUO loon
of Nurlhoru l'bi itic U*l!r>b! IMHUU thbn they
The lUittiXTftlic Stbto Com
tUlKuo of roinißsh bnib hbio t'bllr■! b Stbto
i'oiixetktuiii lo inrri in Ttttohurgh lu May.
In M*M* liituvciiui AittiU'h fell I
U|HJH a circular biul MM cul in two ....
Hi© IUDHIo !n!binl Hoiuocrbll'* B'nfo C*ouveii
ttvui rewolvo l to uuke no ujminbUoiui for
Slble uffitwr* John Or I tier, btroet cou- |
traa'tkir, convicted for perjury iu to
fttxHXUIU for work on R< MPIB that WAE no\or j
jorfo!' IUh1, wa* M>tiUuCc4 |o three yoa/o iu the (
Slate (irißi'U at Auhurn Sonoub tliulurh
bJuv-v aio ro|H>rt<bl iu Moutcalm cim*iy, Mich., ,
ciifeotl hy tho (forte of rftfutnou lo ileelfoy
ilainn on Ftat rtver. The ShmlT haa callcn! on
ti S'.ato authorttir* foi am)elain s e to pre*or\e
Iho Tho tioxeinor ban ordered a coiu
paiiv of mihtia to ho eenl to the aceno of tho
irutihlo hy a fjwvial train. . lu eiamininK
(ha of an immigrant I'aooonger iu the
etoan>Uii| AiurfUi, (he ofticofp found Uin>a
calicoakirtb which wereijUiUod with bwilchaa |
uf ldUtuaii hair. They look out ifcoi, weighing j
v> |Huu>dtt. i tiey wore weal lo tho Scurure
tlurean Ihe l' uiou |-rtnierw of Now 1
(hioane ail otiuck a reduciiou. The
pro)' Met rw itffr rift) cmui* por (h "Uoand om,
and tlio priiitom doinan 1 aiity coni . . <n.
Saii'.a \na !-a aJTixovt at iho taj ital cf
YleiliX) an-l (Raid a xlait Lo l'fw:ioiit loordu. He
intoUctv to at iacubaya, aeveu tuilea
fioui Muiico. Hi* fortune having been re
duced U aim nothing (he ei-Frwaideul |o
j" ■•*• lo i-cUlion ix)Ugrr*4 for a giatrt, prnaion,
r the rwwUirauntt of nome of hia private
pi' jorty wiiich wa> luep'.rated hy UAO Male
A wh vh nwuliid iu lite death of four
jcx> burned a four-ntury frame tenriuenl j
ill Thud axri-tie, twrtwrrkt 141 el and li'id
utrrcii, It Ha\ en .Two men fr-jurud
Jtiaii■Hi y of lU\x?klyti U> aetul th< :u lta)-
ai nd tre-ei jail, laying that ihry were ®iar>-
lUg. The J aLv' committed ihctu. The j
l*ar .r\t> •ci.ivivf ir . s<7 ail ha)r r a force
. f liei ibi. aim under coh ItouiJe at Tordera. \
It ir waid die KepuhUcanv KHJI > *) men killed :
siuall p'i ia again on the incrrabc in I
iimd. It ii there are al leat
(wo bundrHl cbbe lu the city ... Ala < etr
tetktnal IUAM meeting tn l*lnla<lrlphia. the ciU
uen pledged UiemHdxea to (ucreabe their;
•Glwerii'ti *i.§ hy a rum not ler® thaii #4.000, 0ra1, i
ami U' call on thr v ity to appr -pnaie a further !
bum cf tl Olk>,oUo to he uaed lu ihe erection of
the iVnieunml building* David K. lUod
grtt MAA iud.cted lu La'aitu N. H , for the
murder t hlb wife Hlixigeii pleaded gtuliy t .f :
murvlrr in the bevood degree. ai*<! MM weutenowd
!< thirty veara' impneonment. Since (he
•umiuer of anil ai regular inter x alb, di*- <
ct\er:-n of gold in frying <)uanUUe> have been j
rp]Ofl ! frotn tlie tributaries of the Yelhw
bl-.-iio river Ut M 'tiUui. Tl*e )aiet eietung
newf from tlie uulpd ! -je-1 aursferomi <lepwit
of the territory w rotiUitiel in a letter by a
re-ident of 1 .ruan, Molilalia, winch
gvld l* plentiful ihrtP.
A Car's llßrruK.—Aa a roundsman
in New York was patroling ho saw a
tluo Maltcso cat run up the avenue,
pursued by four vicious uo#fs. She wu i
C!OMIV prvftsed. ami to avoid her pur- j
SUITS ran up lauip-jwt into the lnu
tern. Thrtidtinu her paw through a
snidll iiole broken iu the fflasa, the cat
lu-hl lier jwvsition tnd breathed easier.
But a new danger menaced puss. After
the roundsman had driven away the
dogs, he saw that the fur on the gat'a
back hud token lire. It was extending
in all dir< cticna. In spite of her pain,
pus* eti.l clung to her porch, mewing
piteously. The kind-hearted rounds
man climbed up, and, turning off the
gas, rescued Ihe cat from hrr perilous
position. A bright blue ribbon around
tier neck showed ths'k the cat was a pet
in some household
RiooßOt'K. —Not long ago, an old man,
of more than sixty years of age, named
William Steele, was committal for trial
nt the Essex Session, for stealing from
the Rev. Donald Millnifin Oweu, rector
of Marks-T< r, near Colchester, three
small pieces of firewood, value one jven
ny. The uinn had lived iu the parish
during his whole lifetime, hsd been
clerk of the church of Marks-Tey for
twelve year*, and was of irreproachable
character. When the proceedings taken
agninst him were made public much
sympathy was evinced on his behalf,
and a subscription was ruined towards
■ the expenses of his defense. The ses
! sions were held, but the grand jury ig
i norod th-v bill of indictment against
( him, and he wae roloaaed amidst gene
' ral ongratulations.
1 Walker's California Vinegar liitters
( should IKV used :
Ist. They nre nn entire Vegetable
Bitters, free from all alcoholic stimu
2d. They are the result of careful
study, experiment, and labor.
3d. The greatest earo is taken to
secure Medicinal Virtues, aud exclude
everything objectionable.
4th. They unite, us a life-restoring
scientific tonic, the greatest strengthen
ing and vitalizing principles.
sth. Persons of sedentary habits and
overworked find iu them a specific for
want of a)>P' tit> . palpitation, debility,
consti/>afion, and many other nameless
tltli. The aged find in them guarantee
of prolonged health and life, and weak
and delicate females and mothers find
especial benefit from their use.
7th. They r the MASTEK OF DISEASE.
B#ef OFTTUA— Prim* to Extra Bullock ■! ,UII .IS*
First MM| 11*.* Jth
BROOUD qwellty LFA", .LIS
Ordlnftrj thin Oftttl*. .. .1) A .16),
Ilderlur or lor*T Rrnde .09 a .10
Mllrh Cowrs 35.1X1 afaft.lO
HORS —I.tvr Oft', a .(I,
I>r*W"D 07',■ .07',
Shft*p. I'-VS "W
Cotton-- Mldililus 17 a .17',
Flour— Kilrn W**t*rn S.SS a S.TIO
Htstft Kitrn t4O ati FAN
Whftt— Rod W'**U>rn I. tin L.tio
No. 1 Spring I.ftS • I. ft:
Hy* 97 ',a ] LIJU
Harlfty- Mslt 1.75 A t3d
Oftt* -Mlird WFUTORN ,5<L a .fit
Corn— Mlvwd Wieleni. .H5 a .ftS
ILFTY, I*-r lon 17.00 3ti.ivi
Htrewr, J>rr ton ln.utl <i17.00
Hop* IS* 'JSJDO - til,', , s a .IS
Fork— Mras ID 37'Il 75
GOD WMS .111',
FHrolonro —CIUFL# 71A7 Hamisd LFT>,
Butter— Hl*t. 3* A .is
Ohio, Fin# S3 a .85
•• Y'nilow 31 a .33
Wnstrru ordinary 3* a .30
P*ni,ftylvftula du0..,. 8S a .AO
chftflft* —HTST- Ksrtury .10 a ITII,
" Hklmiuftd lid a ,LK,
Ohio 10 a .1(1
ETTS* — Bt*!*. IS A .19
Burs ALL
llftftf Oftttlft S.JS ft fl IS
SH*rp 5.10 • S.OO
Boss— Lire 6.28 a .VVI
Flour FL.7B AFL.OI
Whftftt- No. > Br-rlng I.3ft a L.N
Corn 7S s ,7ft
<>•!• 53 • 53
Kyi Ins a 1 i
Uril OB.QA .10
W'hftftt 1.48 a 1.9(1
Oorn-Mlxnd 55 a ,H7
Bsrlpy — HlT 1.75 a 1.55
OFTU— Htftt* 50 a CO
Flour 7.38 a ft 17)8
WH*AT— Wftftlern EWD 1.59 A l.ttll
Corn—Yellow ,ft> a .R3
Mlx*D 91 A ,s)
Fwdrolenm— Crnd* 10), K*(ln<l .15)8
Clovrr Bred 9.50 ALL.TIO
Timothy 300 a 3.00
Cotton—lew Mlddlins 15)Y- .16)8
Flour— Extrs 6.0(1 a FL.6O
WhftAt 1.50 a 195
Corn 79 a .80
IMftFAkFd of Iho Itlooil.
"TI o llhwxl la lim I.lfo " When lliia amirco
1* mirrup(d, Iho ]>atuftil ami amruw-j>iiHliicliig
rffnela am rl*ll,lo In many ntiajio* '|'||* mnf
Ufariotia form* in which it maiufoata ii*|f,
would form *iibj<*'ls u|*'n wliieli I might writ*
volume* Bill a* all thn v art ad forms of illsaa**
| which il*|mi,.| u|*m lad l.lixxt me uiiriwl, or
Ivest 1 1 rated, |.y aUl'll llKvllfiliDe aa Ink* tip
from this fl ml ami mufnte fi.uu the syaloiu Iho
uoxloUa eloinont*. It I* not of |irauUoal till
jiortaui-e that I should .1 oscr,leauh. Kor
otatanr*. lu,'al auUiora din, i.lhj ahoul nfty
varieties of skill disease, but a* they aU roqutiw
i f"v thair ouro very similar treatment it ia of no
1 piactioal utility to know lust name to
a|.|.lv to a eerlain form of akin diaoau, ao vou
know ho* lst to i-iiro it. Then again I might
, go on a".I .Jcr-.-rllwr various knnls of ncrofaloiis
solos fever e .ie*, white nwellinga, enlarged
gland*, and ti! eta of vaiyiug a|<)marau.'e
might de-. nle how virulent jtoisou may shun
tself in vartuita forma of arupttooa, ulcers,
sore threat. t*,i,y tumora, etc.; hut ar all Iheee
I ai>|M>af iug wiatilfaalatloiis of l-a-1 blood
are cured hy a uniform means. I deem such a
corns* liiuir* eeeary Thoroughly dean** the
l l . I whiali Is ll,# groat fountain of hfe. ami
! gil dlgeet mi a fair skin, hiloyaitt spirit,,
| vital atieiigth, and Bouudneaa of coiiatituUmi!
will all return to n* lor tht* {Mtrrxvae |i r
1 'lerc. s I ltd-ten Med-U*l liiet'overv and I'ttrga*
llve I'ellels aio |>fo emiliellliy the article*
needed. IbtJ are warraitletl to cure Tetter
vaJt Hheum, Moiht lleed Ml Anthony a Tire,
llose llaali or Lrvaipelaa Ibng WuTMia, Tiutples.
lUoiClu-s hjsda I npUons. I'liatules Hill*]
I 'al hum-lee Hora I vea, Hough Kklli, H- ruf,
rvioftthm# Korea an I K>-vrl Korea.
White Ivwelhitga, Tuuioiw Old Korea or KaeD
iiign Aff, '. .us of (ha Hklti, Throat am) Bouae.
and Ulcers of the Idvur, Ktemach, Kiditeya an-l
Lung*. |t'om.
A jjcnny savci! hur uu.l thcro conrita
up al the end of the year. Buy oiilyHil
Tirrm) Hhoea and you will aave dollar* ,i,alca<t
of ccltla. l'ar, lite telueliibol tills. -Cmiu
We have heard recently of several
eevefe caiwui of apinai dleeaeo cured by
J.-',n- ... In I'/'n fiui, ww; one car# of a
man forty-five vrarsokl who had not done a
day'* work for four yaara. The hack should
til at be waahad, lion rubbed with a coarac
to*cl Apply thn l-miment e.UI, and rub in
well with the hand. fYmt.
PEKI'VIAV Kv air for uorvotia aff ectiona.—Corn
"Horid Mnti" and nthcr* who pntrnd
to know ray that the following ihrecuuna ha-1
teilrr I*- olj-srvedm using S\, r, Lft t Uurairy
CV-mhr. o Potnlrr* : Give a horea a table
ai-- oful every night for a week , the aaiue for
a mikii cow. and twice a* tu icii for au UL J'he
aaldltlvui of a little tine rail will be an advan
tage. Uowv
Danger siguaU from tho Wcsthsr
Bureau are not m -re significant of a storm than
a mgh la of ouuaulttpUoM. Biovideuually. c
■ ait euro anv cough with lliUa Hot* or
lioatH.u si, ASH TAIL
l*iko a TooUiache lircqai cure in one minute.
-- C'wh.
('otighi, oolJii, bortt thrut niij biinilbr
troubfett if *!!- iMr l to jTv>}?rrkr* wi!! result in
eertotia puimot,ar v affcn-Uoiis frequeiitlv Incur*
a' .e. \\ .shall e I'.ue I'lre i'ar I otxhai feaciiee
at once the scat of the dlkcaae, and gIVWa lia
mediaie relief. i'Otn.
ISaai end Oldral Keiully ftleUkrlaia. So a
fads Laser -l<- a purely Vegrtaku (iafker
•V".'! > r fljapcpa a C.-uaVlpell, u.lkehUtta
bi.k u.nxl., Attacks, a-.r all daranat
waula ; Liver, St. utac h a,.a Aak your
tiruaci f. rit Rear*,-, ft ,tr.,r, •
Mil H
frees as ether caau lhaa hartag wurma ta vha
will destroy Worisa wsihout injury lo Iha chtlC
kalug perfectly WIIITR. and free rrsm all ootonwt
or wilier tiijuriou* isgradiawu usually uaad it
wurm preparation*.
CI HTIS & IIHIIWR, Prop, l.1„,•,
So. ML! Fuitoc Street, Saw Vurh.
mdt kg I'-MC*. ,ad i Vwirt., eat deo-era aa
NiSuvao. al TeasrvF ,v a . asr. a Bog
I tlllt 11 ■ vit * KIPKRIUICIt up
FiiRSCRIFTiUS OF aba uf iha heat Female Fhyai
-laoa and Kurtaa la Iha Vaitad Males, and has
been need for thirty yaara with aarmfailißg aafftty !
arid aucccear fay mtUleaa of mctbart aud vhildran ;
from tha fee Lis infant uf owe week old ta lbs adult
It corrects aridity uf Iks al.vaa.ft, relieves wind ]
rollr. regulates the hc.wala, and gives,
knd Comfort lo motber and child. We heiiaeatt ic |
ha the Beat ao.l Sorest Remedy ta the W. rid la all i
eaeee of I>TIBM SKT ad 111 ARhH)tA IS t'BlL 1
i'll.v sbcilui ll an are fr. ia Teething or from
any ether cause. Full directi. •e t i aelug artli ar .
swiff es-h fa Ule N e l.eucilwe uwteee the ,
-XIITUIXU llfa.l-TKll." Culle, Brae It. SI..W
Itr. wart. ' rlrt r*fd Vi.t?itu
rfUKtMAkr TAIJ*k f.,f Colda A- U ( mini mi IHKI.
HOUSEHOLD *" *• a*ri
PANACEA T° all reraowa stiffens*
AND H-ora Khenmatitm. Vri:,'i.
FAMILY" CVftJSF* is Iha Umks or sL m
T TVIML-VT ML1 ' ~L" 0 0, FFT!" >B U>A
LIM MEN r. bsuK.howdUofftldft. Wd would
a> Ti Itornsoui Nucu
AMI- FAMII r Lisiatssv ia of *ll
HOI ciEHOLD ihm the rrmftUf you wknt
PANACE i ft> islerssl ftsd axterssl sea
AND It hftft cured Iha shuvc rota
F\MII Y* l-lk*ft IB the ftsasdt of oftde*
There la so ns.stake ftfaout IL
LINIMENT. iTry IL s-ld hynll Drscoltts
A npiTTft i"'* "• *'tt> Bit.
Alvr fl I \ N r l I'ATIVI BLOOM.Use ftr y
nlillll A M >tfe>r Article c • ig-cbl mbdb
V ' l .11 RrrotniufttdfJ fef Am Aff-t'u!
f ' •'* bd otrr lOU.tiOO ftwiliM Uting Ikttn
,f si'ffff CI. ROT. 4'r MlADdt M. K Y
Tenmeranceat tu £ Cross Roads.
IT I fIIYTT • (h'TKwi'K-
IV Ll Af) T ,br ' '-de,.l X h, ad ft . 0 (he
XIXIUU I Tule.-.f! W.1.1T Hun. Is his
Frrulinr style.
Brcclmeo cry y free
L"S rk A JOXKS. T led". Oh!*
Il'r.l Jrrs.) .trsilrsu) l rat sfvit lusUurllur
vv faraulifvil fr„ . h-alvhy enmnirr rrr ri
rears, fr fear hoy e A * Varans*. Under law. s I
COD 48 LV'-' >" s
A Jdrr.s llr. I* r- ,IS AFCT. I iffelr.. $ T
tm. * \ i i. *. fa in HI
Will b# ••nt frv# |.|r tnbt) f •"> b*tv on# tn€lbff Ikbir
bddrm* lo TU l)r< idviy. New fork
lO HATS K I I J.I :i)
Wilhanr t* v ABAB"- UF V B faM'iT. FnreF.rts ksk
rest Storehfte#*. *.rll JOMB F Hfa'.MvV A CO..
>• lark JOHN SOB, HOLLOWAY A CO. Fhtlft.
/SIXmXT KMPMII MKXr.-l home,
" IUAIS ur f.atl*. f ft, • we. k srftrrAwtvd Vi.nfa.
lei Full ysriin, sn mid * valuable
•sirplr est free. Address, with * rt. return stsm*.
A n YOCNO. 90 F,rih M . Wllilamabntfth. b Y
Umbrella and Parasol
lift Bsrhrt street. 1.1. 11 A 17 Saistli
Third Street. I'll 11. V UKi.t'lil A.
49* X SOU Broadw)t 2IKW lOliK.
° tr*oe mark.
Tty orfifw deetffutrir nd f artful mamifa< luring
wr •mdurfMfrr tTmbnillaa s*ia Paratnlt than Ate
made in KumN and Amnio*.
If you w nl Serviceable CmhrelUt and the l*tet
• tylc of Paraao'r. Inquire for our make.
Loo* /. r cur TraAr M,trk
f'cnt l>in
■ ai d perfect barometer ; tell you
■M I 'Ski ~r" 11 • 1 1• it®r . rotf trr brat
■ FifeMll auu rold. Sent prepaid to any at
RM-ffVTv*! tipnn re. etpt of P < order
or registered letter for $2 no
m ALVA!* I. kOVRJOY, Mnmifae.
"j r 1 *j*' aihtiiytun Street,
Liberal At* unt f,j Vfcrrt <p+rs
Wanted, Persons
Who lik to aarnra a parmanant bnatnaaa and mcnry aa agrnt or ntbarwtaa, aalllng my
SRW StSAM W AMIKR. aoaxtonatraly advarttard
In pago and double | agc a Yrr i 1 ir inattta (IfIOPOO
aold), tnaddrraa fori i miliar and tnma,
J. \ TILTHS. I itiabargh. l a
Too moat tandar, aw-act and dtlictoua varlrty
grown , fiaa li< m any bit tar and unplmaant tnata;
baada large and aolid. riri> watghlng 1 Iba. Slug la
dr. cla.. ft |>ka. St. A I.IBF.HAI. I>ia
t of nt to lira f hit.. Send far hrrer'a Oardan Calen*
dar for 1N74, KM page*, ilhiitrnted. with practical di
rect, on*. Mailed l-'K KK to <i'l applicant).
HK.Mtt A. DltfctCK,
Tl* Ihntwnl si., >• it■ i.,■■ , t|>t,ia. p*.
i 'A ihiw-rrani
|Wei3eaMyyMeri.ii a-pagapamphlet tr.
Broki, v!
Organ at Home!
This A liniraMf* 11 tt of Untie for fieed
OigAi.e eh<ti!d !• •! h.e whereeey
K<- t |f)*ifO(tifii N< tbintf llitl It Ablif ibrfirt
4uelil v Itet l>ru In the booh. h
Uea lie iltktt JOO Illfi'l'tf pier*#, robilif
|>rlnled in lerir )>•■ Nolhluc tilt, itm tf
ihmg nicely flitfJ k> the i< | uli telle.
•••Ire In IMJA 1 le, MU ( lolli, F.t.UU.
-n, |i,|><
NflwMettiodfor Reed Organs!
rail'K, V H WW HCL *ll* E
A lliur<'Hj|h Method, ttlAielitg b<*l only tbn*-
det<( .lire, (tune (ivn itti, Wnl ftUfM|llMiUl )
of (he heel lined urgat. Muel<, •> rugfJ eud ftttea
wills Mr ('lerte'e well known ciquieile Inele end
ekill. lleUe lin nMi§r Iy.
Clarke's Dollar lustrnctor
Aa •. sllsul ani altraettva inairmttoa book for
tkusa sin MM a ak-rl auk t.if ,auras.
ftsut p ..t| .i 4 BO ra.sipl <>f rslail pile*.
< HAM. 11. UIIMII * HI,
>ll tti*a<lMs>, At. I . Kit uiiMix a 0., HaMaa.
ry M'Allutw'a faunt AKTOPrjCON
■■ las n.-ai p.sriml Magtr Uixnu
JjL oaft, sua a billltsiu Oil Lamp
% I■' II IDS. > 0 , at,e P.,
let, Slrrsi.pli. >■ tr • Mas at
JrP'"'l "OU'SA prlvs. If ntahu l>u,iw*aft
,* *,#* -.MA **.-/ . Miolftl ftcoft
W Mil. lit l.t. M ALL.IB
1 * H !U I lireliiut It rem . FhtUdfi|.hi
pft , .lAi' | .aaiata
lib i/uil fcdit A|(CI II ftffLM Yn (Jultte 3far .
t K ANlTlf. Ithi y f Meiu#.^
\ (li/w.rT
bt |M - iker h*i Itt lint li||ii.ubUf ik
1 eleriiA lvtiii Irieotie flub fiui low Uh u
esi-sia fir h I'Usts ■>*••-, n.w •. u,i.t,
UE.YTI %1 AXTtI) for U>* us bout,
u AW AfitcwTtKM or 1
Kit Carson
*• - I- 1 l h - ISMIII
lUftwsu -dtt. US *KT lYwUfti
**• „.M Ckwa all kw u* I, •v.aaatkll. -*!-■
i ""'ssT,**' <• MoMOCWAII. Isa JSTTmJJS3f
■HAiwmssWl* i,*, r ,M',,o,p,abuo. <M
(M •*,**...** au ( a aplupl,BM W,,ua*<M.
SM* —a, PLal I>. u.utis .a ,udl*ikN.<.aa
Housekeeper's Friend.
By lu nnijrßLtFl.
Brioa, |lAn. laiiiaa*a. ffLK.
r*e ■> .1 I*,pu',,r *A raliaMr CUUti BOOK and
{** '<"' / tkt A,ur*.4i pJuu W 1
1* Will tr f Olid uf velue u reefy bonee- ■
trr |.rr nnd II the etniAdnfd wtii fe on fbeee enbieete *
Fir-j;* m Tetiiktb now rnntfy For tn4t by Ml i
M'IMHIWI, BW*w l A it) . fnbtlebere. Hoett. i
1"" "**• * • Il < uta-.1.
gtL- . !** ror Amateur or Butiuraa Bur- :
ifeeWH P *" auk arvaarpaaftftA for aaa-
araJ Jot, i-iiuti**
Ovar it-.(nil is rat.
MAE uf*. lurer tnd J-teJer in
II •**') dntc-i ini'h of
1 S^^^^H 3 rtntino MATERIAL lag Knee
lend MM., Ilntlun.
A ai* xe L f Kk Xutait < Nhftai M., Vcv Vorb
Kslmy M ssilAL.switf !J Maikri It . Bhiladti !
plKa. r I It- uuda. Moan < It., Ctueagu saoa I
J k-r lllaaiiaisu ( ial .-u. a I
K!kk *1 ItKH 11-lk. EMI ■ a. mj.
* A">Tg!> I lu Im.flftuu-ia.Jluraarli ■ tu| p! to
liioris, .1 e-url.ic.iit r|,r Trrau uii..,,!..
J M PIMP*!-* A bl, v ~ K ,
Proti table Employment
Work for Even L-Jily Good Wagea. Pertna- '
nrut Etr.ploymrul. Mrr. and Woman wanted 1
j lull pan ialais Iraa
A44raa, VA' A HIVI ItJP V I -i|,
! CtrsaUuA. O . ui at. Louia, Mo.
15,000 Sold in 60 Days.
■ •' Macr Clwnmar Ame*. ti i-*waya taa
I t.*,' ftauAara BMror > a-am, msi tt 1
n awes I ham." nl. Ik. la.. u I .MM* sal
new U- -iC Ml B*i( Mtt| Vi.h feud a 141 %+ :
en (1 U ;AI. v vwfrLry wilk bW n< i
Ui lr,f •ar , thMHMf. UMM r< UU 444 Mbfl 11 t
**• MMikff tfti iwiirl RQ swr* vml /V 0
ll G.IM - ftU eUrr luwiA lilu be tU*4 1 • *1
rr f #wf t srwk It hit I o u<U (.i|Jlrf 11 e
. f* >A; limed. Hen U ibe UM be *t ,
•eene#f. i •'*> Im9u na*t rtb>ik te e*tv eei i. ,
. enlnd M l, ..i, / Ntd Li CiTClllfcfv M**m S
Ma4*t<. 4 IM M •♦ ktreetn-WM A4dN*
A- U. b C'HTKUAuf C-Af A IV* AiMJUtNL. li j
Inrreaeii Facilttiet to Club Org&aizeri.
ftrud for Yaw Hrl.r-L.lal.
r O t' iHtt. 11 a*4 M V.asy St.. S. T
Ml Af\ * lIIVMI TV I AC.KMTW to aril
AIIIII IMi MA UIXE. lbs <>„ Lis pried
Hll/tl i
v. I*4. A44rraa JOHKMIN CLARK
4 ro , Ik-atou. Maaa.. K. Y',lt>,r I'lilabuigb, J'a.
Vulliluc* It In LdlrislHrr.
A ran la s a-.lad ftr tciraca lu AU>ry. by D-. R. I
Fir Srle tjn ur trrritorv, Ic addtaa*. Hur
ra, It 11, # I*. I .** l-laat Jftifc rr*T,. W T.
u!" ,1 Kath Wrrk. Am.ta wan|4. rartten
•TlA.' lart frrr J. WCtRTH 4 Cil . fit l- ula. Mo I
Coloraflo for iDTalids aoi Tourists.
I i atvaalagra fur ChsNvnytlfM ar.4 AathmaA- j
tea. T u.l particulara a-lvas rt*.
Addraaa, A. It I'ATTFJUIOB,
FV M C..m!, CotsraMs I
EstalM Nearly a Quarter ola Century.
50.000 Organs Sold!
'|VHI r-hryuf tkia Company la to way tk# tnl
I mktarvaU wltboul ragard to oaL It. an
ploypra, aap*otallr ihotr ia irading poaiiioaa
bavfttwrn fan,ltikr with iba marufartors < f r**4
li .tri.nirv.n from iha u lari. j tg the tmaikaaa
Th<, ai* a ilioly , utlructad, aud from Haw
pud Ki. -asr Hc.iusa.
Ths nanafwiiimt rlatui Ihat Ty bars no
rsrdsd In I>,oftartl C lbs *>"*f i,/a-org Aa. s.a.,p
*lrr ht.iri /i., hffdg. s fails al III# aams t.niv
lhair urgana hava wrirr Irrw r;ual*d is Towsr.
Thr f.-Ilowing lsltsr. from tfas Mori Rminant Or
finlil la tfas vi il*d falatsa. rsfora to an
now u*4 in ihy R nr. T.lmipt'i vfaurob. Tfay
Oiirai, f. rmsrly u*sd. mad* fay another bona*,had
proved tnaum.-iant
Paaa ftia -> oars yon personally my bail thanks
tor a-wdina to ua (ihs Br- kirn Taharnaula Can
-81 seal ion) onr of ih Smith A m.-rirao R-*4 i>r(ana
I lb Aoadrmy of Mualr. 11 la prrfVoily wondrr
ful thai to amall an Inalrnmsnl ia airs ahouli hava
auffi. .*r t power to rod of so mai.v
thousand people. The Trnatera aa well aa myaelr,
are much pleaasd with IL Ihe qnality of Tova la
also aU ahal can he daairs* II apeak a for HaeJf,
and all I hava mat with, who aitand thraa eicea,
aprak of it aa mnal aaliafarlory. Anepl my
ihankt. and helloes raa U> remain most respect
fully yt-uia,
Oao. vr. Monti AS, Organist.
Afar Tort, Feh 4, \KI
New In.trnmenia of a Bcflnrd quality < t Tone,
for Trieste Rowers,
fatal. >gnee teat Is any address on application.
Trrmnnl M., (opp vralihain.) Ilaatnai, Mnaa.
WHY Nrnd Tiers w.lh addisaasa of loifa-ra and
sv ll I reretre poatrald a Plate i eromo. ; worth
kirir f *' and 1, airu, lions ao clear fa day.
HU I . I'm ws d( - , lie Suit. Mh St., I'MJa FA
\Wb\TM \% lrMt frr ibuftr Ifii boob. Ii
r 'mpnif* 'hr Adviilnrrth u **f
man written by k*ri*tf f*r *r art iba w ifw of
A Hoirant rr.'ph"l Ulirtoktnff all that • mvit#-
rivni, wtrbrd and Miat ln ti l ull f tbiltlius
••hUral, Immoiout and |>athft< tranr the moat
fatr'nMtnir b<M<k rrriral* of tb* Au>bor#
and i r Uai <na Mnrranna mm ami itm ~ L'f* ad
K "t en tn I'talj Ac. F>r ifculart. addict* HAKT
FORD rmtIIHINW CO . Hart^H.r-mn
I*KH IIA % Cnttmnnmi vi fllU i
Vd- ' Salary, and t*j>euar W# offar It IS>4 wTll
|f yi* Aprljr nuw. • W irndci 4Co . Wan n. o
WANTRD to acll oar jnttly ecltbratad
AMiflf* fr I.nltrk' wear. ludtapoaiaMoand
atoJntrly nt"tarf. KLUOIt NOI.D
MttNTltliY. Thay wtvt c mfori and aat *
'•rM 7 >OFKWUsK(\\NI)O\VirH
IH T Til KM. fcnm|lc tent on receipt of
ft' 4 IMi FItKK. tv nd fr UluMtrated cirtM- i
lar. leb I'KlilgK RITBHI KCO Wrhainbcra 8t ,N T
lathe Yilnibll hfiok WHfftv* to *ll. Wulloffarit,
fl ftirrt and fOY : M y*♦*• ; ftMirwt. Inclc'iflwo
nd add tata iuacA i#dt ib..?€b |trc>Mw* NY
§*4.l par day Commtawtcm or §:in a wrob balary
and exfcfiarm Wa offer t and will pal- it. Apply ]
not*'• Wrbbtr A Co barlnp.n. (
vrhleh iled n-.tdrr up A rough and leava lh* ojima
behind, but looscua It, rlcwna- tha lunga and anajra
irriuiiony thu® removing tho can* of tha onmpa*.nt. (
hr a timely revort to tl.ln standard remedy. aaU J
proved by hundreds of leattavoctala it baa i, -reived.
The otmuin* 1* signe.l •'/. s" on the wrasror,
PKTHW iVWLK A PONS, Psorr.irrohi, Bod
w i, Maaa. Bold by dealers generally.
llata, Mu-e, Iloachea, Anta, Bod-buga, Motjia, Ac.
jL.Y.HkHKY, CIUIUS ACO-, N. Y-, Bole Agrnta.
I With It* glorious rtisoale. wsgnlflrwnt *onary.
mining *••• re**, ttoi growing. mrwtng aiul
I I eailh a<t*nlnges. Oruotnl and oportal lafcma-
II - 1 ateea fir Address A. If I illKßJKlit, fori
j < vllli't IVlr#4o >w
Millions of Acres
Ten Tn Cndlt, luuiwit only 0 por Cont.
Vetr, ,tuc J'amukUt • ••'* thctumat Map*, sen I
I y H K K.
* handst-m* Illustiatsd Taper, NlllWll tba
Ha 4 1.,1t. msileaf r*e V- all porta of 111
nulla. Address it V I'AVl*.
UadCumflii••lunar 0. P. It It.
i '*•. In.
Il . ,
Soda Fountains!
• 0, §IU, §7 9 ft §IOO.
Shipped Hourly for Uoo.
Ms. ufs. tnrr-l by J. W. CHAPMAN
b Co.. Maputo*, fan.
t w Hr-ift fur a
TH E Agents Make SIOO 4k
iraar par Month, tailing oar ran
M % Ha, Pim'HlM, CMMO-
UfcbT MOM. MIW Map ot Bttt
lOUh MTAIK. ciid IKt
eauttr ; and • w new offers.
w . B. I 11*1141 JW AN ,
Y ET ■ !a atroot * V
lltfnfinn ainmll TretkTrtun.M!iv..C Ap">K
NIIIII sssss';
j M<ai"lrKMl'iil I .1. . I
' | f' r Vurt rr I "'t Sfs'n* j
1 aai> M •alrd. aaauaeßM. •*••!
J\ ei |m t. ><■ !• t alwUt •tmpiti Jirt. Wnt
rat r M ftKli Btibih htraat, paw Verb I
I It A In aooaas daiiti* * -lug ns.4 remansr in a j
I /111 business la thair an counties pnsing
1 1 1 lllonii Bnalh- sttwri f ,
M<< 1 ill l!.riaa.l| b.a !• or hp-In Bala, MM*. J
■§>■■■■■■■■ l IM,.lutein Award- I
By lite Aarrrt
luelllMt* aaeh '
SM—sggfgvlM rear. A W Tfe..*o
■if '
tSRkSSHII sSlVigi. air„ngaat nua aunt
RSN^BIJIH'" u; 'tatla ilurtla -
Mucin lelta
■■■l—OhLSSSSMhaai n Mat ran ha aura
' i..s tu suit rnir stylr • r dress
Wtlrlll Iwoulai
ui HiiirK T., m;u vohk.
A1 nn M BtM raarantaM to i(uU
V I Mil °* * Atnle <al r. led AMIrU notable
m I fill M (!• V<-r d 1 entail at4ll ea.
y iuu 1. law 11 1 .
I|U V I aenaitia ua the aAAraaa of tea parama with
"" • Ilu rti VIII reuaiva *r#< a boaunfal Chrome
nur I and inalruriiuno a (at ricA, , lipoid
U!*t| .*• -usb, (h.. LOS Son lb Mb fet. PMlo r
ft A AT7 f Bodies! W.risers ffbnuld he rrti hy
Klllla > ■'* Aaaraae
UvUA I'* ROBAPAbTE, Cioetr.r an 0
The Little Rock and Fort Smith
One Million Acres of Land
i in ih rid, nllry of *• Affctam RiTM.vtic: 1'
i ! • i* ma , fudurtioo tf c. lum.i' vrr, Fruita
: th ni(. and aii rf§i Tk#
I h*uot.Li§ fcruUly of tbacil, tbc (f-
Mo trm|e§r*tti re fttr lircemur, Jaauary,
l fkrty §M Mtrcili. shcul tf* P ), p*raitui4 *-
1 rlrttltor*) lib*.r tlcffii nmiit of tb* year. Ifcr
| a4utioti>6 bttltb of ittp all*y ; tit ar toua ao
*buudtil uoltr. and **l*4 air. wtll tli rytf
' devclopoivEit of til# Rule iti
Rti4 ffoovra! )Ul| rovctapul, nuabUit IO r#B4tf
IRaAtlanf* tbe
rpteata frum *..'<£■ to p . and lira Borrow
i rom fl luflA par aura, on Inuperadil.
MhM> Hil COLrBhUM.
Railroad and Mraarhaatcanairlla* trllh
M. Leal, and Mituiihla.
For Mapa and l amphic'.s, ilea, addrraa .
Bf. N. HOIVE. Load GonmWatemor.
OAPPer Daygußrentpd"**a
Natun's Great Remedy
Ith tkr tal pnaapla of tba Pioa Trae. obtained
Vy a paeullar process m (be dist Tas. -a of use tar, by it* hi|be*t asedidaal prrpemea are rrtaiaeC
Tar awe in in ensile tola baa been raenaimaiidad by
aauaasM phyasoan* of neiy jrAeeA Ix u unhdaatiy
aftereii to ibcaftiacd I.■ the 1.... wing s.oif -c rrsaona;
. IT CV*.— *K ly a.fc o/i. v ;•< ctmyk—
bat by dlisifrini (he rWrpi and rimfrtf searare M
thro* off tfia enhealtny mauer ceu*rr\£ the Irritation
la cooes of rra/rf tONsrern a it both prolaOßS aoff
noffris Ira* bunienautci* lb* ill* of the yi..iriis fan.
*. Us Luting oca upon lh* imiotad aur.
be* of tba lungs, ftn/ft .i.'ie/ u ee A fmrt,
•alieTinßpaiß, *rJ rvAfsfi; nfmeuflr*.
y It namnißDume anmiuaii. Paattivo*
ly caring tii heas9-s, (root the common mru or
aaiTTU.M Lithe sevcrrsi um> of jejoful*. Thousands
of afciiarits ccislti t-e ptuiliseed fr< ra those aho Kaon
I fall the beneficial effects of Purs lan'l as Constat.
la the nria liiressa arising tram mteunn on
! ra* atrscm.
M rsrvmi/ri tie fgrdA ergaru amj miasm
*A uprrer
All Kc T.sre In. srts or tried IV L Q. C Win.
ban's re met' e* re r,-:re no refrtrnces from a*, bat tba
nemes ef r ussu Is cured by there cen h given to
assy one at. -..<ts oar statement IV. L <J. C.
Wssbnn's Oiysl A p lei mm
Wo ass Si iiar l%or hsre never beeu V]uaUA. Pat
asie by all llruggna am! bmeekerper*. nd at
Pr. LiC. mSZULTt SSm,
ArJUJ X. Baoawff fa. WllA.
Dunham 4 Soil, M.tnuficturers, ■
Wa arnoms, II Last till StroaL
(TntabUafaa.ilKM ] RSW TORK.
S-~dfor ; y/:e.;rrtf C.-aa.'vr rvd /Vsre Lut j
Ssaraimou —The abort angrtTiag represents our ASJI-ITABU Tiuneu (broken at oar M
It la the only Ihtngln tha war 13 that urllj positively exclude rata, duet, oold and encw from
4 iha d<>or. Tin part* aiarkod A art mad* o< eth. and ar* nutted by a strip ofheavy. aura rubber,
marked B, which te Adjustable. 11l durability bar bran laatad air year*. Builders all indorsa tt
_ ILUXOlX.—Chicago. X>. L. Whoa look, Architect: "It It aa asttra turret*, aad quite Imllercnaa.
Main every building. ' Jonathan Clark, Builder: "I regard tt aa unequaled. It will row* into
genera) ua*." C. N. Hold an. X**.: "It hat axcee-ted my pacta t ions." J no. M. Van OadaL Archi
beet t"1 know of nothing that can cvayarr with tt.'* O. P. Randall. Architect: "1 am doing the public
a benefit by recommending your Tbratbold. I ever bare iron anything so affect ual * Allan A
Bartlatt, Bulldart: "Wo aarnrally rarommrnd tt to our friends." H. V. Road, Publlehrr • "Fifty
dollars would not tampt ma to rvmoya mine,if I could not raplara them " W M Scott ißcott Atirra
Buildara) "It ta a good thing. I hare ona lha baa baan tn uaa lour yaara tod t* aa good aa a*er •"*
J. M.Olotfblty, Lanark :"1 hava ona tn ua*. It il tuat what you racommand tt. fha*e concluded
to buy tha right of ihta ocunty." Uriah Kurh. Mansfield : "Tour Thraahold la the beat I trar taw
■aary man will want out at hit door." B. X. Ballay, Parmer City. ttlagrapLd : "Iwlll take tha
right for th a county." Barney d Campbell, parrt* : -Wa can disposeof qulti a number " w H
Carroll, Greenfield : "They are the only th ug that will answer the purpose thoroughly '• • Tke*
give perfect eatiefhcttou." Jamea W. Patterson. Mansfield : "I couaidar it tha baat thing that had
tear baan offered to tha public. Send term* for Macoupin county." Hodgeman d Sornbdrear V.T!
inrla- "Wa would Ilk* the exclusive mala at tbia point. Wa ran work up a good trad* A A
Wright, Havana: "1 am eery much taken with them aad think I can tall untie a Bomber o
Hard. Urdu "I halteea thay will aall rapidly." Martin d Bro., Chllltootha : "We want to irei a
•attain teSTltory. say thu county." Wm Douglas., Varna: "1 would like Ua right of tbia county
and Putnam. Those that Ihava put tn give perfect aetttfacUoa." UU.KIIUHJ
lOIP T.—Aamn Park. Wilton: "I like It eery much. I cau aall an. tea number " * Homer w
Prlndle. Port Dodge ; "li I* Juat the thine and i* Srcatlv needed. I want tha agency tor thia county *
Hie. hart Bro*., Tipton : "Sand u* onadoaen; we a hall want quite a lot." J H ShnnarT Sh.eii
doah "Thoae that I haee put In glee unteeraal satisfaction. A* demand will be iarg* " ' rhVi?
K. Stotta, Xldora : "I hae# taken order* for quit* a number. 1 want the agency tor Maraha'l R./rfi*
and Grundy counttea." llewett A Co.. Lime Spring* Station : "Wa th'od w. cau lell ".,^d'm^SHi
A. A. McLean A S ua, Milton: "We wiah the agency forVaaßuren and Daetd oounMeVlowa id
Scotland county, Mo." At. C. DaATtnger, OaleaTnrg; "Everybody that aeen the Thraaheid thGi'kVie
a eucodaa. It tajuat the thing." C. W. Hi K.nlay, Bmmet.bur,"Thay mat what .eaxdii!
•on. owning a houae, naeda. Sand tha right for Kraui ett, Palo Alto and Pocahontas counties " fell
•on Olaton, Red Oak "Thay ara Juat the thing for tbia windy country. Send me to more ' alio the
right for Montgomery Co." John Patera, Praaton : "Pind tncloaed !f. Send 1 doa. Threshold? >•
IXDHVt. i.ZHt Jonaahoro : "They are a eery aalahle article. It will * o UoubY. to
make It a auceeae." Hutchtaon A Co., Idaytlla: "I put one under my door, and It la a cumulate
ceaa." J 11. Jcnaa A Son*. Portland : "Sand ua half doaan Thraaholda aa sample* Wa would lib.
you to hold ihl* county a little whtla." J. W. Teuoa. Mtertcwn : "I canvaxad my ne
and And your Threshold a perfect auccona. Send X) more. Yesterday I told 33. I will take the
•f Grant county." 0. H. Stephanaon. Mlertowp: "Tour Threshold id a good thing I wifl tSI
Wahaih county. Send on tha writing* and oua dctea Threshold*."
WISCONSIN.—M. A. SHlea. Bau Clatra: "There can be hundred! of them sold here n„o wr
P. Polch, Wrtghtatowni "I oun aril a grant m any here." Charlaa Butler, Oolumbua •'■BendU2i *"
trial. If it aucceeda. tt it tho first of a large number 1 will tend tor." ATc Morse Blo^.inx™ B .
"Do you £lre excluslva territory? I would 11 he tho waat part of Grant county " E' etc **> *
V'aahinatnu: "Nam* your lowaat figure tor 10 doaen Thraaholda; also what you will '■W. *-.'.'-""
Washington Oo." J. Wclfandeu. Vfonnawoc: "What will you take tor Juneau and SaLk i£u,,tt.!",X
K. Harton. Bemyer : "Sand me the right tor thia count T ior
hundred Threabold* Whet do you ask for Lawreuce, Me rear, Washington. Alleghanyud ScS!
otmnttaal" J. W. Sbarbaugh, Carroltown : "Thare can baa great rainy aold here I Jerob T
AUrtgbt, Bethlehem: -What would your charge he for Lehigh and Northampton counties ...d li
what prica could you let ma haea Threshold!?" J. R. Dull, Philadalphia "WhefarevouiMtan?a
fir Carbor. I.uterne and Schuylkill counttea? Write at one#." v m nat Are your terms
Mlt-tIIUAN.-J. X WataonAßro, White Pigeon: "The Threaholde are lust what wa wanted ta
X. W. Benton. Bronton "There can be a great many .old here." J. X. Leonard Cheaaninu • "I
think I can aall quit* a number. I believe tt to be a good thing." H W Park Vaaall "i, h.I
•truck ma aa I cing an axrelleqt thing. I would like to introduce them In thte county "
OHIO.- JoeepTi Ruhr. Loaeland : "Tou may eoon expect ba hear from me again " W w K..
Wakeman: "It la the beat thing of tha kind,to my mind, now In tha trade." Levi A. Horvin Bryan''■
"Have you an agent tn Toledo ? WU you give the exclusive right to Lucaa county I I tnink'lherc?.'
a chance to make something oot of it.
KAMSAH.-Root A Davla, Leeren worth: "It look* to 01 aa tf It waa Juat the thing tor this conn
try." I'. W. z.tgler, Manhattan. -1 w.ah the excluaiva right tor tbia county." /oahua Roberta
Lab* Sthlcy: "1 have built a houae, and tried to keep out rain, etc., but failed. Send 3 Three bold a -I
JtllSMM'ltl. J. S. Suodringen. KanasaClty: "It la juat tha thing needed In thte part of the
country." B. P. Tower. Holden : "I want tha excluaiya right of Johnaon county " Prnxier A
W'alhar, St. Louta: "What will you aall the right of Una State torf Plana* answer by return mall "
O THICK POIIUTB.-A. J. Miller. Berth Lanelng. N T : "It l "fa it
vary much and ao doea eyeryone that has aeen It." Judah Mead, San Praucirco, Cal.: "I am favor
ably Impressed with your ThWahold. 1 would like the agency for thlactty." Kenning Brox Chaaka
Minn. -Ten may aspect quite a large order, for w need something of that kind here very bad "*
C. H. Mauker,Harvard. .Neb.: "They will go like hot rakaa.for there la nothing of that aort Inthi.
S art of the country." W. J. Blatter, Winchester. Tann.: "I can soon aall aeraral hundred" W
. Ihiwrnan, Bew Orleans, La.: "1 run aell a number. There ta money in It." Tboa Terwlllane,'
Dock.Mown, N.J.:" What will you take for Orange Co., If ,T„ and what will you supply Thresholds to, -M
The foregoing teitimouy apeaka for itself. We need not add sword. Applicnttoas for Count*
Rlghta are iucreaalng. If you want one or more counties, apeak quick. Oar prices are yerr low II
weown the righttor thn United States There la plenty of money can be made out of it One man in
Indiana made oyer S'AJ tu one day. Other, are doing remarkably well. grirTo good parties who S,„°
not pay all the money down, we aell on monthly payments._£g Bow is youe time. Don't del** i
Name your territory and send tor terms. Retail prica for tingle doors la SI.BO. "
M-A rare opportunity la offered to parties poaaeaatng capital, who daalra to pnrchaae tkertoha
A iar " retur * c "° • b
WILSON, PEIRCE k CO., 182 CUrk.t, Chicago.
This adTtxtt.amast appeAre hat oxoe. OXIUMISAA Mrett,
lr. i. Wulker'N CalifoniU ft
Ptjar ore purely Vigcubl§
prcfiaration, ttuwie clileflr from the na
tive herb§ found <m the lower rangen tn
| the .HiotTß Nevada niruntain of <'alifor
i nia, the BiediciuaJ projiertlee of which
' are et' acted thercirom without the tiae
,of > vohoi- Tiie fiuefflion iff isimoet
doi Mked. "What iff the cauae of tu."
unparalleled ffucceffff of VI.MBOAB Brr-
Tf.jtr Our anffwrr iff, that they remove
the cause of diaeaae, and the patient re
cover* biff health. They are the (free*
Wood purifier and a life-giving principle
a jn'iiect Renovator and Invigorate*
of the system. Never before in the
hklury of' tb# world bu a uiodlcL# boee
tompounded pnaoeMing th rm*rttable
quAiitu * of VtpetiAff iliTr*B in beaiin* the
tick of every diaeaae mail ia heir to. Theft
. are a ffcuUa Purgative a. wall an a ToniK
i ntieriug Caoffatin or Inflfcinmaooß m
lha Liver aad Vioceml brgutu, in BiUoeff
! Euraaeg.
The proper!i<> of IB- WALKEBI
' Vipitoaß lilTTKaa #dc Ajdrncnt,
• Oarmiuativa, N utnuoua, Ijixative, In orotic
Sedative, Counter • Irritant, Kudorine, Aite*w
j Lin. and Anti-ltiiious
H. 11. MrDOIALD * CO.,
OraggioU oridtiem Agts . Kan Kr iiicUcv
mil! nur uf WaAbltwiua *u4 t bartt.n. Ms X. V,
fealst by nil l>ru**lis sad Pea-loan.
jv r jr a. *■
Orient Safety Lamps,
tKsstl.ely of Milsl. are tfca otsly
Laipsl* Man arblrbraa nallfaar
biisls.lask.aarsipMsi Ara sr
ssnssiersiel and risen,,. Adapted
la all tsaaarhold won a I *La la
•tares, fortasrtsa, alswraban, ala.
Agents Make $lO a Day
Sailing Tbnna Lamp*-
AO A* TV U AMI BO in *ry ocaalp la
lb* Vlisted ktaus Address
MB t hsinkrn Mrwl, Kasa 1 arb.
I 1 It ia not e qoeek noetrom.
HE JtLo iogrceiiciitdt are publiahed
each Lottie of medicine. Ik
Dkcd and rtoomnacoded by
m| * wherever it bi
BLmVbc<n introduced. It will
E* !y cure SCROFULA
tn Ht ariam* tfagrt, JtHEV
BRQXCBITI&, yiutrous
debility, JxapiJan
COB'H I Ml' TIGK, and all di*-
ariairig fr< m en impure
condition of the blood. Bend
for our KOFCAI'AI u AXJBAXAC, in
ASLI which yon will find eertifidsatce
from reliable and trustworthy
I'hyeiciana, Nmifftere of the
O' wpt l end otherm.
Br. R. Wfleee Carr. of ifaVioMra,
■it bus tied It te v as* aat BncfuK
niid cU.ce disraasa a ilk csuca nallnfao
Dr-T-CPofhof Baltlmwi, rsmeaa
BBrtnbs II la lis prtaoca auff'ariag astta
ffisaaaad IBuad, aaytag It b rapcrlor la
UV nrornratkca ba baa evrr * aA
£c. twfancy Ball, ad U>* laittotaa
10. fiiirnw Koatb. as,a ba baa
ha MKVifc Uarfftu-d ly tta as*. tbst
La ebon-felly nmaseib It la ail L
frbcdi ,id aorjonintaixvs.
Vi,,Vi,isj It Barer fan* fallad lagtv i
fin't" b.TvAlss'
Trateasa, sa- . It erred bun of Hb*-
t'— Bbebfeilabalnttaff.
will ctira CblD* and Pawar. Lien- Cr-myla'nL Dya
|u>pin.a*e. Wa f uaesataa Bnaaßnus parlor so
sil cUsar Blnod rtirtßar*. ffeod for ti .uifUva
C ircalAr or Almaonc.
Address CLBTsTTTI ff CO.,
• ff- Caroaes fft, faltsoat, JUL
feavraeasa- vrver W fcrvje. . re
rtiros all Hnwiora from tba warm Scrof.
Ala to a roawa Blolrh or Plßjafa.
> row two u> six bottle* are war*ecusl la
rare Ball Kbram or Truer, Plmplra
on lares Boils, I rjslprlu ud
l.lrrr CowplainL KU to twrlra bot
tles. swisttd to rota brrofaloas
* elllwrn AMI faores tod all Kb In ami
111 nod PI scfesr*. BT iu wonderfol
Kect.ssral pmj*r • it wilt ear* the nx*t
•ercrr reoenl or llt fenng € oasis in half
tiie time reqnlred >v ntiv otber medlelne
•ml is perfectly safe. }.> -cnbsg ooagb, aootb
ltg IrrllnUor. aed rritevlnjr onrraean. Sold
brail UrtiralMs R. V. I'IERCE, ■ B.
V orld'a IlisprnHr), llngatoTs. Y.
3000 WORDS.
Tb* T nmmnring Bsaf-k i t rl Wnrds oftoa Mi*-
aroaouncod. •• given k, tb* best autkoti'.iet
Sent ta any sCareas on raerlpt nf Slaty recta.
LEE A femtPARP, Boston.
TTt A 11 ' ' in town aed
1 t A ecuntry tu seU TEA. cr gat a* rink
■ ■'•l nroart to* tba largest Tag Can pan.
In Amartra. lmpurtnta' prices aad -.t.isucamant*
te Agents. Aeud f>e Circnia*. Aldus*
RUBKBT W ELLS. Vaa*r (C B T. r a Re*. IBC.