The Centre reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1871-1940, April 16, 1874, Image 3

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Till: RSI) AY A PHIL 16. 1874
in friends will oblige by sending us
i:i ins <>t local news in their locality, give
U the (Hi ts only, and we will put them in
shape, also notices ol death* and inarrt
agos. .
Any one sending us the names ot six new
iuV-M l ibers, with the cash, will he entitled
to re. civ* the HKIMHTKR one year I"™**
The KaiMtt a a being read by nearly
everybody on this side el the county,
where it lias a larger circulation than any
two papers, w ill be found the best medium
for advertising business, sales, Ac. Ac.
\ Srt.KXDtn Ciisrcs TO UO INTO
TM DsHIWiU BtntlM. Finding it
very inconvenient and \#ry expensive to
carry on two stores, 1 Ixave concluded to
sell out either my Milrov or Millheim
Und, *IUI4 prrtor to sell in Milrov.l
These are both good stand*. Any one de
siring to go into the Hardware business
will find this a rare chance ; any iniorma
tion in regard to what business has been
done will be cheerfully given. It desired
the Rea! rstate in Milroy can also be pur
chased. Terms easy. Apply to
19 Mar >L Milroy re
Miller A Sort, take all kinds of Country
Produce at highe-t market prices, in ex
change for Groceries, Drugs. Medicines,
£•>&- For the convenience of our patrons
utSMillheim and vicinity, we have au
thorised Esq. Reifsnyder to receive sub
scription for the KxroiTXX, and receipt
for same. St
Advertise in the REPORTER. every
body on this side the county reads it.
--And now Millheim is AILL of joy—
Van Ormer, tip-tep miller, has got back.
—Rev. Jehn Tonncr, formerly of this
county, died at his home, in Canton,
Ohio, last week.
Mr, Bonj. Arney ha* only a few
more of the lusie Rose potatoes left, and
persons wanting any for seed, had better
call at once.
Brown says the REPORTER wants to
make a fool of him. He don't seem to
think that himself took that job etf our
hands long ago. and did the worlrso well.
We have received a copy of the
William-port Daily AVy: strr, by Galbrailh
A Biorly. It ha* been enlarged and ts> say
that it is a credit to its publishers as well as
that city is small praise.
Thursday eveaing 9th, it coßtmenc
vi snowing and on the following morning
the ground was covered with about six.
inche- of snew -the best for making inow- j
talis we had the past winter
James Hanley, a respected citizen
of M'.ilhall, and a soldier in the war of
lrlll, was found dead in bed last Friday
morning. He enlisted in the military ser- |
▼ice at the age of 14 years, lie w:u aged !
TO at the time ol' his death.
No eae should be without that u>fu)
article, a stencil plate, with which to mart
any article desired. These can be had
f. :si He*. Galbraith, of this p'.aee, who is
prepared t.> furnish \arious styles. See
bis advertisement in another column.
Messrs Weiser A lleickly, of Mill
he. in. are a new firm in the Sheetiron end
Tinware business, which they now cany
on in all its various branches and upon an
enlarged scale. Persons needing any
thing :n the line of Spouting. Roofing,
Tinware, Ac., will find them good partie
to apply te.
Mr. Jacob Kepler, an old and re
spectable citizen of Ferguson twp., died
suddenly of apoplexy, on 30th uIL Mr.
Kepler had just returned frem the field
where he was plowing, but before be en
tered his door, he fell over and expired,
lie was widely known, and an up-right
man. Age 74 years
On Sunday night, 1-l'u, about tweire
dollars worth of tobacco was stolen from
the cellar of J. K. Miller I drugstore.
The thief gained an entrance thr ugh a
back window, which led te the cellar.
The noise was heard Oy people living in
the same building, but suspicioned noth
ing. as they supposed it to be one of the
Such ef our patrons who have paid
u* their subscriptions within the last few
weeks, rendered us an agreeable service
aid have our thanks. Th* figures on the
add "ess of each paper show our patrons
how long a time is due. Those who find
themselves in arrears, and have the
amount to spare now will favor us by ft
risri ltUnce, ef wboleor part.
Mr. K- L. Spangler, writes us. Joli
ct. Ap. 7, — "Had the deepest snow of the
seai-on. on Saturday night and Sunday;
the Joiiel Iron and Steel works are having
a big fight with bondholders and creditors
—have been idle all win'er. and no pros
pects cf them starting soon. Health of
our village good—trade improving, and
financial matters close." Mr. S. is in the
boot and -hoe trade.
Brown's Republican gives credit to
an unfounded rumor, when it say* "that
some of the happy members of tb# Evan
gelical ehurcb at Woodward are stealing
timber." We know tho*e people 100 well
tier* to give turret c/ to such an un
f funded rumor. There is not a more up
r'glit class of citizens anywhere tban at
Wi-odward, and tbc report doe* them
great wrong, which we cheerfully correct.
Bea little more careful, Brown, there is a
command Jwhich ?av*, "Thou shalt no
bear false witness.
Daniel Snyder, aged about 13 years
son of Mrs. Rosarna Snyder of MitHin
burg. Pa., lelt the Womelsdorf (Berks
Co.) Orphan*' School sotne time during
the holidays, without Jthe permission or
knoarltdge of those in charge of said
school. Where he is, whether living[or
dead, is unknown to his poor grief-strick
en mother would give all she possessed to
know bis whereabouts. Any one who can
furnish information that will lead to his
discovery, will conier a very great! favor
by addressing this almost heart-broken
widow—Mrs. Eosanna Snyder, Mifflin
burg, Union Co., Pa. (Exchanges, please
P opy.)
Alight occurred on the pike, be
yond Judge Hosterman's on last Friday,
10th, between John Gwinn, of Lewistown,
and dutch Charley Smith. They had a
slight fuss between them in the hotel, at
the Old Fort, hut were separated before
an y injury could be inflicted on their t er
gons and Charley w:u> sent off on his way
to Potters Buii!-'i when Gwinu and Joe
ii lymyer started in pursuit, and met him
at the above place- Gwinn jumped from
hi* buggy, and Charley finding h was
too much foribito, drew hj knife, stabbing
him in the right side, ar4 inflicting a seri
ous gash, about 4 inches long in his thigh
\ t '.''cn Joe Blymyer saw he ued a knife,
be sprung froul hU bj *' v Char "
lay a sevens Hw acrow the forthed '
causing him to drop l'is knife. Charley,
catnc to town and was badly used up-
Gwinn's wound* are not sqppossd to We
fatal. A warrant wae issued for tbu arrest
of Blymyer and Gwinn.
A case of incest, one of these diabol
ical crimes which Hare rare even among
barbarians, has lately coine to light in
Potter township, this eonnty, by which a
slaughter has became the mother of a child
by her ourn father, the mest";detesuble
crime of tbw nature that is cofftained in
tho table of degrees of consanguinity.
The fruit of this abominable crime was
born about 18 months ago, and suspicion
resting upon another innocent party who
denied bis guilt, finally led to throw sus
picion upon the girl's father wb# was
thereupon cited before the ccunell of tho
German Ref. church of which he was*
member. He, however, did not appear,
and being visited by certain citizens of the
neighborhood, he confessed the crime, and
we are informed has now di*sppc* re( h
Th# daughter is about 1C or 1J years ot
age, and, what renders tho crime all the
more shocking, she is supposed by
to be somewhat lacking mentally. The
penalty for this horrible crima is ajfino not
exceeding si>oo and separate or solitary
confinement at labor, net exceeding three
Mr. J. Waiter*, writes us front Kd
wanhburg, Mich , April fith It com.
tnenced snowing Saturday nighl and snow
ed nil day Sunday ; the mow was about
one foot deep Sunday evening- Wheat
has the appearance of a good yielding rrop
so far
—There is only ene thing a person can
■ee willi eyes shut, and that is nothing.
For the Reporter.
Millheim Grange Organised Tues
day April 14th, by Deputy Frank Dorter,
assisted by Master of Progress Grange J.
J. Arney Master and Secretary of Spring
M ills (irange, and Leonard Rhone Depu
ty for 111 i county The follow ing Officers
Master Christ Alexander.
Overseer Franklin ttowcrsoi.
Lecturer—Thomas G Krliard.
Steward Jacob K erst otter.
Assistant Steward Kmanue! Kerstelter.
Chaplain Klias K reamer
Treasurer—Andrew Stover.
Secretary—D. L Zerbv
Gate Keeper—Jobu Long
Cere*'-Margret keen.
Pomona Harriet KsntsUsr.
Flora—Fannie Kreamer.
Persons desiring information. to organ
i*.e Granges apply to Leonard Rhone.
Centre Hall, Pa , Deputy for Centre Co..
want) Mo\ KSIXNT.— It is enjoined, by d;>
xiue authority, upon all Uible school
workers, especially at the preeent time
' that they go forward " The successes
that have hitherto crowned our effort*
justify the eipecUtion of further progress
to bo made in Ibis good cause. Past eg
periencs has doubtless qualified us fer
taking advanced slept the present season.
Last year, our schools generally were
well organised and quite efficiently con
ducted "To the victory, pressing on,"
should be our motto. What has been
done, tenders it easier te do still more for
the religu us improvi meut of the genera
1t en that is rapidly maturing around us.
j School* that have been suspeuded during
| the winter should now be in session again.
2 Make arrangements such as to insure a
good beginning. invite all te attend.
Give each one a place to fill and a work to
[ do. Ask your minister to preach a Sunday
school sermon. Prey for God * blessing
Let nothing discourage us. Do all things
l in order. Have a constitution and rule*
by which ell the member* ef the school
shell consent to be governed. Appoint a
good eecretary who shall call the roll or
take note of the attendance and report the
condition of the school as often as once a
month. L'se the International Uniform
Lessons. To avoid "leanness" feed'well.
Provide all that can be used by the school
to advantage. It will pay. It will give
me pleasure te render any assistance pos
sible. God speed you. Expect hi* bles
sing which is promised.
R. CRITTENDIX, Missionary,
Am. S. S. Union.
Forth* Reporter.
Much speculation has been indulged in,
since the Granger movement was first in
augurated in this county, as to the real in
tent and purpose of this seemingly popu- ; '
lar organization From present appear- I :
ance, and what is generally known out- 1
side ef the Order, the organ izatien has a
laudable ebject in view, which, if strictly j
adhered to. will prove beneficial tea cor- j 1
tain class of people—farmers, whose claims ' 1
do not command that recognition in busi- '
nes* circle, to which their peculiar calling ! 1
to eminently adapts them. But do tho** ! I
w ho are not actual member* of the Order, j
fully uneersund the rtal intent ot this i'
powerful combination? May there not ]
after all. be an undercurrent of affairs, *
which, if revealed in their true light, put
an entirely different phase u;ie.i this
movement, which is sweeping tornado
like over our country. A movement pre- <
maturely made, always bring* with it J
ruin and disgrace; a truth made tuani-1
fest by the political revolutions which , k
Granger-like, have swept over our coun- '
try, apparently carrying everything be- '
fore them ; but which wet* as shortlived '
as their success was brilliant in th* outset. :
All movements, whether social or politi- 1
cel. have in view the correction ef some "
evtt. and, when honest men, to the utter
exclusion of so-called reformers, assume ' J
its imniediato management, something : |
may be expected. But how often are the
leaders of the movements which so often :
disturb our social and political relations. ! |
rr.en of stability and sterling worth ?i J
Many of the would-be-reforiuers of th* '
present day, ;o tuea who aspire to notori- J
ety, and shrewdly taking advantage of a 1
favorable opportunity, originate a move i *
ment which, for a time, carries every-1 '
thing before it, but which soon sinks be- '
math the powerful wave of popular opin- }
ion, to be resurrected ne more forever. '
An organization, whether social ot politi- J
ca , must be founded on general principles 1
otherwise, its permanency mutt materially 1
be retarded. The Granger movement '
embodies principles which, in themselves 1
are excellence; yet to at least a portion of 1
the masses, they are objectionable ; for the 1
reason that they are not general enough in
their application. Will the Granger's 1
war with labor and capital? If they d->, '
they will be opposed by a combination
far more powerful than any present sketch '
of immigration can conceive. Will the \
Granger* assume a b-'id enougii front, to '
war with the lw* ruling elements of our ]
country—labor and capita!—elements :
which, in themselves, ere net antagonistic. '
If the Granger* are presumptous enough
to array themselves against these two con
troling elements, they will find the link
which binds them together, a Gordion '
knot, not easily severed bv the Granger •
shears. E. 9. G.
For the Reporter.
SOUTH WHITLXT. lad., Apr. CTB '7l.
MR. EDITOR. Although lam an entire
stranger to you. yet I have L-en a reader
of your valuable paper the "Reporter,"
and it has been a welcome visitor in our
family, for almost a year, and I find it al
ways fillt-d with choice reading, aad local
news. Thinking that a letter from this
part of the worlc, might prove interesting
to some of your inauy reader*. 1 writ* the
following ;
Whitley County, Ind., situated in the
north western part of tho Slate, is one of
the wealthiest counties in the state, it
abounds with choice timber lands; its
farming lands are of the best kind. 9uth
Whitley, the place we now reside, is a
beautiful little village of about five hun
dred inhabitants, situated along the banks
of eel-river, in the richest part of the coun
ty, and about ten miles from Columbia
City, the County Neat It supports two
large dry goods store*, three groceries, a
fine school bouse, also a M. K. C'burcb,
besides other places of business ot minor
importance. Trio Detroit. Kelriver and
Illinois R. 11. passes through the town. It
has been but a few years since tbis road
was completed, but It already doing a very
large freight business, and the prospects
for this road are very good, and from the
manner on which the business men of the
place take nn interest in improvements, I
think "South Whitley" is destined to be
come one of the most pleasant places in
the State. But for fear of tuv communi
cation becoming too long, I will close,
perhaps at some future dav vou will haar
from me again. J. 11. MILLER.
Lt'lU'r from Akron.
AKRON. OHIO, Apr. loth 1874.
Mr. Editor.— Bine# I wrote to you last,
on the 24tb ot March, we have had vry
• exciting times in our city. Tho ladies
continued their inarches on the streets with
tome success. But they have now. also,
another mode of warfare. Two ladies are
' stationed at the door of every saloon ; and
as most saloons have a "mysterious hack
door," two arc also stationed there. They
are relieved at tpe p(>d pf two hours by so
; other set of picket*. Tills "pipgaf tjuty,"
' as they call it, seems to bu tile most trying.
Not only to the ladies, hut tolhesalooniils,
' and more especially to the drinking men.
1 They ure stationed ther*. simply as silent
monitors, keeping# record of the nupiher
who enter. It was reported lest evening
1 by the president of the picket work, that
- the number of man who stop at these
i places for their "bitters," us thoy null it, is
. reduced to one-hall.
Meetings have been held by saloonUt*
and all opposed to temperance, for the last
week cr more, and they nominated whis
key candidates for counciliuen. Our
Spring l)sCt>oM*tonk place on Monday the
Otb, In the fsvppintf tim Jdies of the
league marched to file pity compel) rooms,
followed by crowd* of citi/ens, jfIT eager
to hear tlia result* ol the election. Tim la
dies sang the doxology with a right good
will, when they heard that out of tha six
wards, five wore carried by the temper
ance party. Tlie other having the small
majority of '23. The temperance majority
was 4tß. Alt ordinance had been read
twic.e in tjje city pupgpjl, prohibiting the
£gl of liquors within the cip.y jifJiita, It
read for the thir'(j time and passed in
the presence of this vast audience: The
.ladies rang, and the gentlemen Routed-
It w a gloiiou victory 1 The evening
tollnwing, a grand lulihcatioti meeting was
held In the largest hall in the cit.v Tliej
liall was littviis 11 \ jammed, ami hun
dreds wero compelled to go awav Flu
quont speeches were made, and the best
music in the eilv was furnished A mo
lieu was made that the ;v l>\ which ihisj
orsliaanco was signcJ should he sold to the
highotl bidder, and the money given tor,
the interests ot the Woman's League
Amid much metrimvnt the pen was at las',
sold to a wealthy dulchniatt. for '**
The majority of our peonle are rejoiced,
at this gieat victors l'hrce weeks ago it,
was beyond their hrighte-t anticipations
But victory i* not alwax• the hour of tri-j
uitt|sh They know and tvol that a great
work is yet left to be done.
If this x tctorv i followed by a firm pr, I
ecution ot th* law, alter ten days our cityt
s> ill be free of ev i ry saloon, and the fume
of liquor will no longer poison the Very
atmosphere ol Akron, Llixia Nl Row ia'
New York, Aprils The value ef th.
steamship Europe wa> about SI. £.'*), tID
and she was insured in French insurance
companies for about two thirds of tier
value. Her cargo wa a very valuable
one, consisting chiefly of silks, wines, tar
dines, ete. Her agentsthltik that on tin
trip she probably carried a great quantity
of tine goods forth* spring trade, and that
the value of her cargo . eutd not have b< > n '
less than It is thought that alt
th* paper* of the ship and the mails were
saved, as troui the tone of the dispatch it
would appear that there w a-plenty of lino
to transfer the passenger- The loss of the ji
Europe fall* with hraxuiss upon the!.
Transatlantic company at this lime, a
ihcy had ju>t completed their arrange j
uiruU to rua weekly -learners throughout;'
the coining season. "The Greece, with the i
rescued passengers, it expected to arrive ,
either to-night IT to-uiorrew, and all that'
is new doubtful concerning the disasterp
will then be solved.
The French steamship Europe, which I
sunk in tnid-oceau was insured for ■
OUt) in Loudon and Paris companies The
salvage crew ol the National line ot steam
#r# state that the leak which caused the .
Itsts of the vessel was in the engine room.
■ . —•
(From the Fayette i Missouri) Banner ] 11
liob Champion, who was hanged for the <
murder of hi* wife a little over a year ago,
did not commit the deed, but was acce-so- ,
ry thereto. The testimony showed during
the trial that Bob wanted to marry anetii
er woman, which ho was informed he!,
could not do wllheul a divorce This wo- <
man died a few days ago During her ill
ness she made a confession of the bomb!.-
deed, which corresponded with the testi
mouy of en* of th* witnesses. Th* con- ;
Cession wa as fellows : Bob and his para- ]
meur determined t* remove the obstacle
to their union and happiness. and for tin
purpose Bob induced hi* wite to make a
visit en the day of her disappearance
When she arrived near the place where
her tiodr was found, she met Bob and hit
paramour with pistol and knife, ready' to ,
commit the crime. From some cause Bob .- ,
courage failed, and he Cave the pistol to"
his paramour, and she fired, killing Bob's
wife instantly. She then requested Bob
to cut his wife * head off, which lie refused
to do. fi
She then took the ktute which one wit
ness testified Beb sharpened that merniug
and took with hinO and severed the head u
from the body, when he assisted in putting t
it in the log where it was found.
. V .
The power of primw movers i- measured
by horse-power. Walt found that the a
strongest London draft horses were cap*-',
blaol doing work equivalent to raising
33,0Ut pounds on# foot high per tninute, >
and he took this as the unit of power for $
the steam engine. The horse is not usual-j t |
ly capable of doing so great a quantity of
work. Rankin* gave lili.UUO foot pounds ' *
as the figure tor a mean of several expert-!
menu, and it is probable that 2j,UA> loot .
pounds is a fair minute s average work fer k
a good anitaa!. It would require live or *■
six men to do the work of a strong hotsc. n
Watt's estimate has become, by genera!
Consent among engineers, the sta-uartf of
power measurement for all purpose*. !
Seu-nf i/ic JmrriMN p
[From the Pall Mall Gazelle.]
Th# fetes given by the Viceroy of Egypt
i>n the occasion of the marriage ot his n
daughter, the Prince* Zeineb Hanoum,
with Ibrahim Pasha wereof a most bnliant
description. The fetes commenced on
Sunday, Feb. 31, wiien the Princes was
conducted Irwin the palace of the Viceroy '
lo that of her grandmother, his mother, ol
Her departure was announced hv salvoes
f artillery, and for three days following
ihe festivities were carried on. The invi
tations of the fete* were in accordance with P
the rank of each guest. The members of
th* priesthood received a special mark of u
donor by being invited on the first day. '•
The next day was devoted to the enter- ' fe
taintnent of tbc Consuls-General and of Vl
the higher functionaries of the State, civil ~
tnd military. Thirdly and last y came the "
religious heads of the Christian, conimum- d
ties and the Vice-Consuls, tho Governors
Jairo and Alexandria, and the principal .
bankets and merchant* of those cities. *
After th* banquet was a niagiScenldisplay P
!' fireworks, aud on the same evening a
reremony of a different character took
place in the apartment* of the hareuiiik,
where auuiuber of Eurepean ladies and (j
other notabilities were received by the
daughter* of tho Viceroy.
'To# Princess, however, remained in a c
private room with the Princess mothcrand ,|
aunt of the Khedive until after dinner,
when she received her lady guest* in an 11
other apartment, where were displayed
the costly marriage present* sent by the
Sultan Tho room was profusely and u
richly decorateJ, a carpet of tho riciiesl
fur covered the floor, ami the w alls and
ceiling were hung with fabrics ofinesti- *
mable value. Elevated in the middle of ;i
the room were three thrones covered with jj
fine silk tissue with gold embroidery. On
one ot these the Princes*, ratpiondant with
jewels, to>k a scat, her mother and grand
aunt seating themselves the one on her Ii
right hand, arid the other on her left.
To them now advance* thuir Higlit est the
maternal grandmother of the Prmccts, "
tba mother of Prince Ibrahim Pasha, and c
the wives of the Khedive; as they entered
they opened bags, front which, in confor
rnaly with an ancient custom, they look
handfuis of gold, which they Hung on the
heads of the festive assemblage.
Uu the following day, Ttiur day, the
bride was conducted with great pemp to |
the palace of her distinguished husband. ,
In vim van of the marriage cortege ca- (
pered the prefect of police on an Arab ~
charger, richly caparisoned, accompanied ,
by a brilliant unlourago of officers. Fol- i
lowing these marched dc'.atcbmciil* "I ,
cavelry and foot soldiers. Then came the
ulouias and iuiams chanting invocations .
for the happiness f the princely couple 1
The equipage of the ladn-s belonging to '
the household of the Khedive and of
Prince lbtaham brought up the rear, fol
lowed aud Hanked by a body cf canvasses
The carriage which contained lb* Princes* j'
Zeineb was drawn l>v six hetMK. Thej
street* were lined with troops, the forts '
thundered out their salute*, and vast mul l
titutes thronged to witness the procession
By tiro the Bald Eagle saw miiis, situ i
atd neur Hannah Furnace, in Taylor;
township. Centre county, and owned bv
John T. Fawler & Co . were entirely <!<• ;
stroyed with all their contents and coiven-!
iences near the buildings, on Friday
morning of lust week, at the hour ot four
o'clock. Thn lots, as summed up by Mi.
Mulliken, insurance adjuster, amounted
to SOdll.tlH, SI7iSJ of which was covered
by insurance in the following companies j
Nurraganset. of K. I. ; Citizens', of N. J. ;!
Newtown, of Bucks Co., Pa. ; Safeguard,
of Philadelphia ; Lycoming; Alamaiiia, id j
Pittsburgh ; National, of Philadelphia,
and AA" iuiams port, of Willianisport. Pa.
The adjuster was in Tvrono on Wednes ,
day, and arranged for tlie settlement ol the
fuil amount of insurance. How the mills 1 ;
teok fire remains u mysterv, but it is sup-1
posed it was the work of an incendiary
By the burning of these mills some forty;
men are thrown out of employment for the;
present, but, with that special energy with
whirli Mr. Fowler is possessed, new mills
with three time* the capacity ol the old
ones, will be up and running in thirty
days, So t|'u,t hut lttl delay will be sus
tained in filling f>|Jeri. The firm is com
posed of J. T. Fowlpr, V. Gityorund John
Semers.— Tyrone ffcrald.
1 t
In aot-ortiatice with the request ol
the temperance latliee of Harrishurg,
Major lloaa lias closed tlie cigar stores
and other bueinewt placca not authoriz
ed by law to be kept ojicu OIIHUIMIUV.
Temperance meetings coutinue Ui lie
held every day or evening. The u>e
of the House "of Repreaentatives hint
betn granted for the purpose for next
Tueatfity evenipg.
The powder horn which Abraham
Lincoln's father wore when he was
killed by the Indian* is in |tn*te*sion
of an old geutlemuu iu Beechland,
Ky. It has carved upon it a snake,
a hquftrc and compass, with tho legend,
ifiTberty or l}eMb. r?
TUK M Iii* INK.I AM' The \ir\
appropriate title of all* patented
HI Knnii •>. Gieat Britain and I lie I'liited
State* Million* have been .old in Europe
•old will be .--Id heie It make* il own
ink. enough for aa ordinary lifetime The
uik n >l allt'i ie.l by m id* or climate, and
llluw* freely from tho pen Sold by all
j .tationer- at two ik'l dollar* eai-h, or nir
I lo It C. Root, Anthony .V Co v New Y.-ik,
atul receive eee by return mail
♦ ♦
Rev. Miller began a protracted
meeting in thl* place, on lat Sunday - vi
lung Rev lvcrhn pleached nn Sunday
eve. Rev l.eil. nil al*o pruu u-d - iWel- '
nr.duy eve.
• ♦ •
The A bit n. L.i Apiil may fairly I•'
l uharacteiiaed u> a brilliant nuiuhei Ii (
ha. liAuun i-ngi av ing*. cliirrty front draw
,ng* by American arli.l., and not merely
Vlie-ii riicutioii, but the cure .lh which
I the prwMWork ha> been i nipleti d i. to b■
very highly commended The llne.l
to,-nl rugra*liig may be .polled by cai'i
lu-.,, or utukilful print.t-g, un-l even '
to here care and skill have buuli employed ,
the InipTmtoni mj be d•Sclent iu ibarp- <
ne and clea: lie.bocwu.a inferior paper 1
ba* been employ n! li. in want of lhaugbl
or a penny wi.p and pound f.-eli.b e, :u
--my. There i. nothing vl thi. in the Al
dine, and the ir.ull I. a pel feutiolt li, h
ha. yet to be eipiallnd -urp**t ,l il can- ,
not be. The froniupiece, a **.t>ouabl ■
vernal laltd.cap*. with cattle, unrl printed ~
ioi tint, u (roiu a draw ing by J D Wood
ward. Tlioma. Moran, wbem we tak- ,
interest iu from hi. lalenu, and because In-
L one ola family of l'lnladulpbia arti.U *
contribute* 1. v .t view, of Lake lie -rgu and
il* adjacent .uvnery There ii a Knu Ui
bockvr "bit by A (iault, and among ;
other iubjcct*. four European *ubject>.
"An Old-Tivue Sea-Fight, by Jo l*n- j
jvid.on, i* a very .pirited prv>duclion. i
Bolton, April 11. -The ballot for Unite, 1
State* Senator w* taken to-day w ;th th,-
following re*ult AVb- ie number of v n-i
cat. '&'•£; nece*ary to a choice, -1 I'd
Dawe., t> ; Hoar, ol ; Curti, (kl , A lain-
It, Sanford, 7 ; Bank., C; Wa.hburn, 4 \
A 11. Bullock, 15, Edward Leonard,
Judge I'itmar-, and Wbittier 1 each Tb
j Convention adjourned until Monday. I
A counterfeiter of nickel coin, oniy 17
year, of age, l-a. been nrre.toJ in Frank- a
| tin, 111. i
tjalvo.*loii I. the only lawn in Ti ti- „
which bat n-ked In be UIU lied With I tab
Tho maple >ugar yielJ'in New llanip- j
•hire tin. year u reported to be unuitially
large (
At a recent fuiieral in .Madiion, Cotiij
al! the *; v pall-bearer* w, re of the 'ain
Dr. Submit of the University nf Alhei -
after o4 year, of labor, has completed ti
map of the tuoon.
A Mi.ouri man hat olT.rcil to live 4n
Jay* witheut food, if any one will
him SAvO for doing it. No i-ffer.!
The ladus ef Leavenworth are tighir.g
a pledge "to u*c no more newspaper* ex
cept as men u*e the same ' h
A law court in low a ha. fined a farmer
J'JF. b ecaiue ho luade hi. ton turn a grind
done 1C con.ecutivo hours, for gi .ng bar. i
with an old maid fro in a tinging school
A young lady in Wotfielu, M., • , -trug
gird IO bard lo tuppres. a sne< xe that ,-tit
tide of her face became'paralyacd and per B
mancnlly distorted.
A town in Maine ha. "v :,-J il the 1
at.cators xoo- $1 on each deg k<-pt in
(own, anJutii dog that do nut pay nail
be .hot by the town agent.
It ha* been decided I v an low. jury
that when an engagement m mart,age i. * !
broken olf, the value ,<( .lithep: ty ; .g.
mud be retnrued in money.
The Time.' ('abulia corrc.p ndent re-,
ports the di.tre * from famine itu-ri a.u g
in Tirboot. and that according t- <-ffi -<!s I
estimate* 4,57 i.t*.*' per.ons in tl.e didrici* I
of Fatiia, Chasepore, and Kogi-.dyr ..n
Thr steamer Greece which rew ueJ the
eastc-nger* and crew of the Europe >■ I the x
unfortunate French line, an 1 which alter
that accident had, it i* supposed, aU->ul
fourteen hundred toui* on boird, has not
yet arrived al New York i-r even been
lighted, although she i in many da), over- \
Juo. Let u. pray Heaven *!.e i* not lost. N
Such an accident u u!W be with ut a par
klleleven in thee day* of xuful • ata.tro
phe*. .!
The Mi.i**ippi river remain* *ta (
lionarr, e inch above the iiigh vva- ■
ter mark of IST 1. The Bonnet Carre I
crevuee is 125 feet wide and 15 feel i
deep, and the water pouring
can lc heard for nviiea.
Th ere i# a srliutil district in .Maine ti,
where the 24 pupils arc nil the t- nt h at
er kfcond cmiiin-, and taeli in broth '•
•r, nirter. or Cou.iu of every other }>u
pil Thi* ie wjiat may be called a
lainiljr aehiHil.
The diiclura of Cleveland, Ohio, "
have united in a public aUletncut tlml
alcohol in rarely needed a* a incdieine,
and that "the nuwl perf-el health i *i
cvilupntilde with total abatineiiee "
By virtue of suinlry writ, -if fieri fu< ia
levari facia, aid venditioni cxp<in, i..
>u*d out of the Court of Common l'iea. l
Centn-Younty. lo me directed. thr<- will be h
eip-i.ed to public .all' at lilt} Court House
in Hellefunie, on Monday. 27th day ot
April, 1K74, the following deaeribed rent
estate, vi* .-
All defendant', iulerr.t in and t" errtain
bit of ground -ituate in the born' of Fhil
ip.burg, Ku-h township. Centre county,
known ami designated . lot N->. 7, itl tfic
ground plan of said 8.-ro' thereon i-re- te,!
frame dwelling hemo-, wo,.g .he,l and oth•
|er oiilhuililirit* Seized, taken in execu-j
tion, and to be .obi a. the jir.-pi-rty of-
Alexander Adam*.
A I-SO :
All llio-n three certain nip-.uagp* or
tract* of luinl situate iu the township 011 I
Gregg, bounded and described n* follow -.,
to wit: Beginning 111 a chestnut oak. 1
thi ni ahy land of 1- r lletling.r S. •'.."* (
E. 'J*-' perches to M .lone ; llu ui . hy .am-
N -*• , K oii in perch--- to a at• -11, then* e
lv land ol Folly Hettinger. N •> , \V
i'JH 210 perches lo stone., thenei I,\ Inmi
-f I a.-tc Hettinger, S. ,YH \V. 5 ii lo per.
to th* place ol beginning, containing one
j acre neat measure
I The second beginning nt n i-he.tnut onk
I ihenen along lain! ol I.auc Hetlingcr, S
W. 50-10 perches to .tone., thi-m
--along land of tame, S K 11-2.t per. t--
•lone-, thence along same N, :t".' > W. •
perches to the place of beginning, con- |
tutrix one acre ileal measure.
The third beginning at n pine tree.
1 then-, along bind of Isaac lli-ttinger S.
' ,| i°. VV. lt-'J pen-he* to -tone, lltcUt'C bv l
land ul Daniel Living-lone, N. "-1° , \V.
-V! perch., to stone ; ihrne. liv .uiiinul ol
Egg Hill, N. iV.IJ' K 1H h 111 pen he. to „
• -tune, thence by luml el John Borell Mini
• John San ke v, S V.i . | fis pen-lie, to I In
• place of begi nuing. Containing 7| acre* l.'W
I perches and ul owatu-e, togello-r with Un
building*, improvement., and hercdila
• menu. Seized and taken in execution
• and to be told a. the properly of Tito* J
) Decker.
All that certain tract of land situate in
Harris twp .bounded and described as fob
I low*: Beginning at post ami running
, along land of Geo Shcnebergcr Hl° \V 15
• pen-he* to a while oak. thence along land
ol A A Henderson, S 66° \Y Ml nerchi-s to
• a ton ; thence along land of John lint
. son. S 27" K (Hi 4 1(1 porches to VV ()::
j, thence 8 (i'2l° W 7 perches to a stone,
thence S 271°, K 127 perches t-s stone.,
e thence alt'ing land of George Shenehcrgcr
a N 72° E 94 o-10perches to i st-inc, theniv:
I N 271° W 77 H-lo perches to VV. U. Stump
thence N. (84 E 18 per to stone, thence
along land of Joseph Moyer, N 27° VV 98 j
percheg tq p*L tfipnce N iWj° E <1 8-10'
n perches to post, tnohou UT 1 * Wclb-'S pcrcll
ea lo place of beginning, containing 147
aero., about 125 acre, cb-urud land, tln-rc
n on erected u two .tory frame dwelling
I, house, hank burn and other outbuilding*
j. Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold
.' as the property of John B M'William*.
ap9-3t, .Sheriff.
White iVlu-st fl -ti, lied lii Rye, ..
„.Co| it oil .. (l it* ...Ilttrlc) hti
7t' ...Clo ,'iir.i'i il I HI Fi-talne* fdl
!,aril |o<r puttnil H ... I'orlt pr puiiiiflth,
Hulli*i *i> ...Kkh-I' ....I'latiri'pertun
f1 I In I 111 to h . lilt- nil 111 Hltlll 1-1
Lnrd pur pnitiil P i i nl. Itui kehrul
t-'i it* Fiutll pur biurd n-!n ilh .Vt
wholciile 7.'-"> lo 7,.'di
(otliucli i l-i Joint Jl Djw-I. Iriniti
M on limit
Whit. to iiuitl lel *Ri .( v. hrat 1 1, 1 It} 1
tH ..Corti iVt ...tini l.i llnrlt v tah.,,..
Clov ut -o ■. 1 ->t .tiii.iiltv -t t ,l, ,„jii
"h* 11 •U i pur on k,
lUcon Iliiii lo Hut tot 727 ■. ■ Egg.
.... l'laalur 0 6a>
C!,i--iiiiut C il pi-r Ten i■ . • .Siovu
Cue! |• i• r 1 -1 ei Fug Cool per Tun
>'i *' . Liiut l-uriii i - C,*al per T -ti
SI I.M il. <1 TTIMJ.
The Undt r.ijjnuil bav ipg rutirltided lo n
mailt in (be virinitv i-l'7'uiitie Hell, thr
plrreiit ara.iin, tonilhl re|nfcllullv inform
thu public tl-hl be Will I'ttgNgr 111 Ihc bu.l
o-> ot .1 IE NCI L CI I llNli
Jo.iring I'lalc tor mdrkilig itainlkuri hiola.
- loilutig, grain rick-, farming A
will do v> ull lo give bint N -nil No trouble
in .how temple. II C (iai nuai 111.
uptlti-It Cuiilre Hall.
|,V\Kl'l I'ilß'S NOTICE l.i-itrr ul
I jKxuruti -ii on the e.teln of Henry Sin.
v nr. lulu ol llnilir. twp , Cenlro county, d<r
, utile,l, )IK\ tug been granted to the under
. .ijjiiud be rmjueat. all perton. indebted to
.aid u-into to make iihiin-diuio pnymeiii,
and lho-if Imving legal claiiu. again. t the
-ame will prevent them without delay in
proper order for .ettlernent.
apr li ill. Executor,
INAR 1 I'heSpring Term will he
gill the lit.-t Man-lay in May, run! ronlinun
twenty weak., rxtepl a varutUfi of two
week, during harvest. Tuition and board
nig nt moderate rale. For further infor
mation :tddr#ft* the I'riin ipal. Jtcoi
RUONX A M ,or Dr J R Smith, Sec'y,
ot the lloaid of I'ru.u-u-i Fine tirovr
Mill*, Cectre Co. Fa ap'J 3t.
'1 i-e I nduriigned ba. for .ale h large
Cork of Lumber at the Loop Sawmill,
.lately Cotyer •), convitling of
and all kind, of Lumber generally u.ed
tor building pur|M<..
aprD Sio Fetter. Mill*.
Hlii 11 HATES lII'BHF.D Ol'T.\
liooiis al Old Fnthinned Brii-ch, j
At the 1)1*1 Sigiid of
id re.peetlully in for IU tl.e World and
the re.t of mankin-1, that he ha.
ju.t ot-ei.ed out and U eon.tantly
revolving a .large .tork of
wbicll he it otTering ut the verv lowe.t'
market price
Manufacturer, of
Sheetirtin Tin
Milllicim, l'u.
All i. d ef Tinware, lon.taitlly on
liar, 1 avid ma let ■ order
Shoctir i \\ re f every de.- rlption,
alway. on ban-t
It,- ling in Tin -mJ Sheetimn done in
the in,-,; approved and -alLfai try lv le.
Spouting dope to order
"I heir .1 • . of Tin anil Sbeetiron GomJ.
i. large and r -inplele. and offered at the
i.on us i pit H I S.
Their e.l-it-li.hme ; hi. In - n enlarged 1
.nd .terked r-mpletelv ll foughou!
r-ali.faction guarUf.tecd. and all job. 1
promptly attended to. aprlti-y
FarmTs& Ituildfrs
Having attached a FLA IN EH to our
• team -*-iiiiil. - II the Seven Mountain*
oar F u'. . we are prepared lo furni.h, i
nnn r. a vruon FIVE
■<HI NtiLKS d HI 1.1. I.I'M HE R <>F
i.v j rami OOD, j
M illroy. IV, or, j
apr dm Potter > Mill*. Pa f
Furniture Rooms!
kill Mm At:* GItOSSM I\,
-eipe<-tfully inform the ciliat-n* of Centre '
-ounly, that they have h .tight -oil the old j
ilaiiJufJ O Deiningcr, and have revluced '
,he |ir:ce. They have eon.tantly on hand. |
ml) make to order i
lll'lt K ACS, .
< itltN'Kß CU FUG A KDS. i
TABLES. Ac . Ac.
lIoMK M Vl>K Clivtu* \ T.WATS OX H A M>.
Their tock of rea-lv-made Furniture i*
la-gu and warranted of g,*od workman.liip |
and i* all made under their own immedi- i
ale .upervi.uvn, and i offered at ralei
cheaper than >-l*ewhere
Call and ii-o our ltn k before
uDewbore. 2*i feb. ly.
Kejstone Store.
(a to
< I.OTIIIA'H. Dili ri.OTIIS.
N- G Buah'.-i Arcade. Belli I'liutc, I'a.
All kind.i of i-oun'ry produce luk
cn. 11- el in town to he
h:i-l. iinv'Jlhf
\ 1
Woorlring <fc Co.,
At the Grocery store >n Allegheny
Struct, Ib'tluf irite, I'M ." Holfer
Pro'- iiif.-riii thu jnibli.- generally, that
they have now mnl keep ut all time* one
of the Itv.lniid large-t tlock* of Grm-erie*.
mi ll n.
\ TEA,
•! set;, in,
.\t(J LASS AS,
Ac., Ac,, Ac.
con-Utiug nl canned poaches, cherries
-mialoes, plum,, green corn, dried apples
I peach'-*, cherric- ,v<-.
In brief they have everything usually
kept in u llrst class Grocery Store. Cull ii
. lad toe and nntkMa. Our prices ar
Jeasunuble. Wo uitu to please. oct'Jt
Lime <fc Cement.
'I he bu.l totality of lime, nU iivi <>li
iiuiul tit tin- ( riiirw Hull 11ink kiln*. ALo
i I-iiiriii, win. III warranted to be of * *u
|n-i i.n <lllnlllv Apply to
•ptt H GEO KOCH-
Miller & Son,
UK A I.Kits IN
ASU AlKblt IShX,
Foil THK To I LET,
A- . Ac., A.
lor 'medicinal purpose.
1 I'ttiwih {■ Supporter* in great variety.
A lo, lib-lire
aiol nil t>iln-r article* usually kt<|>t in a
first da.* limn Mere.
' I'liM-rijitiona tanfuily Coiupouiutad,
Shortlidge & Co.,
J'Ji Oi'lilETOltS OF THE
Beliefonte Lime Quarries,
I'lm only Manufacturer, of Lium, burnt cly to ah wood, iu Central
Hl.At.Kltn in
Anthracite Cual,
White Lime,
Du lVmt'* Powder,
S|Hirlitig ami Bloating Powder oil
Fuse fur Blasting,
Fire Brick,
Ground Fire Clay,
Ferti liter*,
1 Ini-Ir liirliU.
iai. itl 7-t
Office arj yard near South end of the
Hnld Eagle V alley Railroad D-pot, Belle
felite, I'a. jan 10.78
p\KCUTOK: N'OTK'l L.tur. T*.
M.J lamentary having been granted U>
U:e undersigned, on thu estate ot Franci.
A lex ander late of I'ulter Town.hip dee d,
they request nil per.-.n. indebted to
• -late 1.1 make immediate payment, and
tin -o bat ing claim, to present pro.
p-rlj a utile nitrated for settlement. alao .11
partm. wishing to tramta-1 bu.ine.t with
>ai<! ritate, befor. April l.t 1874, will be
met for that purpby tha K x ecu trim at
th* late resident-* of the dee d in Centre
Hall, oil Saturdav March 21t,
a l ihc
NO. 5. 11l HU H AKtADC.
Price* la-** than til any Olhcr Shoe
Store in Centre County.
( Utll tin (I See Us !
No, 5. Bush'* Arcade, Beilt-fonte.
July wur I;
Excelsior Cement
Tin- utiller. ikned how manufarture (Te
QUALITY, i kiln, near Fin.!
r. , . Mil!., in llaine* twp. Thu eainent
h already been ued in large quantities
ap-in the I C A S C. I(K., and ha. been
1 i I highly satisfactory upon all job.
whelv it nil been uaetl, and a ei)ual to',
any t.-'w tnanufa turd The undersigned
now take pleasure in recommending, and .
warranting it l • all, f-r use in CIS
TERN'S, WATER FIFES, or whatever ,
purpose a gvo d quality ol ( emetit i. deai-j]
table Thll Cetnrlit ha. already been <
leted far and wide and rendered the ut- J
me,l satis fa-li-r. Person*, therefor, con- J
strutting Cisterns. laying Water Pipe*.
Ac , will find it to their advantage to bear ,
thi. in m.tnl, and alao, that they warrant ,
the article a represented. For further (
particular*, address .
SOdnetf Aarontburg, Pn.j<
U to • Aud U I* all c butof vtUAilv*
i liMtl f.rt K/WAm ll unr* I tl-ttiKDftfn Add 4* .
lot lAflt* tUt K.*U. U&tn* v
Nt. reh- .•*■ of WaU*. .ilhni uutAld* md tvf •<
M*f • Til A* It U A lap * 4 feAAp AAd rtffliff t AlllAA '
ot tbf und>fA*AUi Aid# ot ufa hUtd or TU*4
It * i, a*-1 AA A <uidA U> Irvo R*k <
(lent. Add* .oJodAAtbud of M kturo \
Th i.njtiAh NfttipvtiM la rvviu of SI rtrtb
Ungth. SS tdv Una its a tilth. Add PvAlAiAldf a Abft AT# 1
of lb lajthArr lift.
For 1 tooting-
In KutU. Jf tdhA *kU. by fat frut la Uafth . rwh .
dill A uaifAor t0 ful Ajtofa or It* AajdArr lf*t
It uto t<> iJ Mnn Ww runf, kliiniU fdAhk>. vlih A ]
iA|> .f t*> Idv hM nod uw urrd by dAlltwa tfao *4AA i
• it i fal dAtIA A%4 ltd CApA !i
WhPd Uhd. lb* I *ll • to bn th MmIU •
Kn( i o%Ln| hm) N*b4dl Tb# MaH. Kaauf < Viat lag
an i .taoj. trandy f4f une, Add ta applied dU. A braah
I'atwl ftt*hilT*tf for .ShraUftA HOUVUPA. add for TAT
nr A tinvrl K-ufing. aldu for |<U(ing under IhUtr. Tid
Add Nhtagir Kiwlu|
it UudattnfAcklßf Woolaae aad Kara to protrcl '
iLmi from motba. i i
I'ut dp ta r*dJa weighing U gwotadr aa* h
11 l>uub>li I fit Ul <v*#c A nurfaoA f lffi> frrt
InrSbfAlioi. llnnMA. lU4| TMApofHj It tlldtar* j
maim WgDi Tight Hmora. And for rla* tag ua4#r
siat-r aad Hhtagl— _
In roll. 'X in.hPA atdAby fa) foot ta Uagth Karh
r >ll nlili Hffl •tirfat* lu ffft tejuar* C * lb AfAM 1
f i.r Shfal lag It can nailod poa thr at aiding,
making a porfrrllr Air tight alt rating. Add aura fo
trclka ftvnt iUti>nm Uat. tdkrr or vrmla all) art
go nnr It.
In mIU ontAtnlng fit' ngoar# fot la ta hr laid a. ma
ttllr rmt. and Ufj<l alDngm fanhkon wtth a lap of ,
n< !••. ajid h rod > aaltag tbo rdgoa with Sf OR.
ar ha.
ThU li th# onl, CrttatMAHion Heading that d*ra dot)
mtjukrr n hntahkdg cual of paid! or crawal
I <>r t Lining. IVafanlng KfaMva. and lor |utUg
•imlff mat. Tin and Nhtngl<* Kiiflng
Tut ap in ml!a weighing ItW pNIMt
u iMtnavla 1 >lt will wrar a rrf apa Ifl foal ajuurr. or
Kc ajukti< tft Mannfat lnrad !• tbr
PCIIII Hooting Co..
mar G-Uiii 106South 'Jd Street, Fhila.
I Weekly. Semi-Weekly, ami Dnily.
TilK W KV'K I.Y Ml'N I. hmwlj.U knaw V. reaulr*
an riUadml rrcowrofwUtkm . bwt lha rvaauu which
tu( nlrondy glvan it fifty thouaa&d aulvAcrtbara. and
which will, wo bopa. giro It man) th- unnnd mora. an.
! hrtrfly a* follow
It I* a hoi rata nrana|ar All tha now* of Ua day
>iill l>* found Id it. coodanaad whan )ad|M>rtant. At foil
1. t.gfh alien of motuont. and alway* k'ta.antad Id A
claar. Intclllgilda. and mannar
It In a It rat raic faintly papat. full of antartatnlug aad
idairu* it*a ra>lidg f •'vary kind, bnt nothing that can
• dferd tla moat drlkoAto and acrupaloua taata
j It ta A hrrt raio aUry pa|or Tha bang talaa and ro
mancoA of currant litaraturo ara carafully aalactod and
li-slt-U prtnlcit in It. !<•<
II i. . lirt t.lo ullui.l ptopor Ih. tntwl ffh
.ml tn.lrurln* MUcle. -m .<rn ullur.l luvlc rtM
It nppfir In thl. ill'tlmi>i>l
11 l .n litol intei. helnnatna In no
|..1() .ml m(-.fin, no ii-ll.i tl n.liU for i-rlm ii-t*.
.n-l for Ihr elerllon ot Ihe 1-e.t men lo It e*|-e
■ rleltl iwOua rnernle. to U)r e.noeure of the ft-r.t
<-,,rroi*ltone th.t now er.lien. u4 dlHtr.i e. our nnr
tir .ml tlire.teo U nntlertnlne m|*u|jUren tn.tttutlon.
.luwdher II li.. no fe.r of kna.e., .ml ukr Ml.
- ~*,. from ihvlr .opporlerm
11 ,**f*..if. the f..liton. for the Utile, .ml the market.
• for Ihr men. nejiet tells the mttle ntaikeU. to atllfb It
li. lutrflriUu .tlentlon
\ i in.tlx. It I. llie che.iieat |*.|H>r |.ut*tlheil. one -lot
;Ur . > e.r will eecnrn II for nj > ilm rlber If I. not
, lio'eiui) to net up . vluli In orrler t The Week If
Ho Ia I Aiifotieeho H-ml. . >lnle dulUr
• 111 eel the p.pee lor . jeer
J We hare no Iterelllnc *eitt.
TIIK WIKKI.Y HUI* Klwhl |#w. lift) an 00l
uinii* i>!i *1 !'•<•• Ho a I—wants hwn talilst*
TIIK Ml WKKKI.V I'N Sam# alt* M Iho
Until Nun ♦ J.UU a r*r. A JI™ol ol *1 p fool lo
I'liiii* of 10 o*
TIIK. IIAII.Y M'X A Ur four !.<> n|.lior of
loorilj . Ihl H'lnmnk IWII SlrCuUUm nt.r Ifct.uu
All Ul nowo f..r 1 .onto MuWrlptlnn prion hi . onto
■ month. >.r ♦ (01 o jroor To stabs of 10 or Wtt, ■ dlo
Air™.*"'" Ad"d^ M • TIIK XUX." Wow YorA ■
if you are Suffering from any
Broken Down Constitution
Or require a Kemedy lo
Purify and F.nrleh tlic Blood,
' You win find nr.Crook'• Compound my r up
oof I'nlir Boot lo possess frmlrr tnrrii, curs
you mora epoedlly, and do you mora good
in in any anil all other remedies ooroblned.
That rule, Yellow.kieklylooltlnkltklp
la chamo-d lo ono of freshness and lieallh
Thorn- Itlscnsos of llio hk In.lMntple*. I'ua
I files, IHnlrhes and KrnpHnns sr* re
moved. Ki rofuln. Scrofulous !)loro
of the Kyes, Wl.llo kwellln*s, l lrr,
olil Korea or any bind of Humor rapidly
. I wind e and disappear under lt Influence.
What la lit It I* nature'-yOwii restorer I A
Jolublo oxyd of Iron outhblned witU the
medicinal pro|>ertles of fobn Knot divested
ot all disagreeable qualities. It wlllcureany
IHsenso whose real or d 1 reel cause I" Hull
Blood. Kliciiinn!lam. Coins In l.lrnbi
or Manea, Constitution* broken it
by Mercurial or other |>olsona. art all cured
5b M r^r?syrisi
•nti I*. ®oW6
iaXKS K<>H 1872 nr..! ih;:i.
Nutico in hereby given, that In
punoanr* of an Art of Assemble-,
passed the I'.'tli 'lay of June, A.
D 181 ft, entitled "An Act to
amend an Art (Hireling the mode
of selling n n tea 11 d land*. In Cea
ire county," and the eavaral su|-
plemeiit* thereto, there will be
e>at public eale or outcry
the following trni U of unseated
land* In eaid county foi the tatae
due and unpaid thetevn, at the
Court ilouee In the ' Borough ol
Itrllefollle, oil the second Nun
day of June, A D. 1874
. ui rea viOivrnaiva nm
m... 10.1... Andrew Hummer* 27 UV
M Unknown H ji
4... ... " i a*
M... A Feuer :t 3<
I''7 Darker A Lura*. 12>
4u Unknown. 2 56
4<M...t63... Jonathan Harvey IS 80
431... 40.. Mote. Iloed IS 74
138...188... David Lewie 27 V
do ..d0... William Dray ... do
■ 468... 84 Wu. Uliaaell 7
4134 . Win liuveeli 6Vu
Jturnsidc Township.
>188,., 'JO... JaID re Hail 3ft Ob
4.13... . Ales Dallr* I'J'JO
do Thuinae Hamilton de
do ...103 ..Unknown do
ftO " V VS
108... ...J ol Jar. Darker... do
.to ... ki .Jeremiah Darker 23V
433...163... Joseph Morris... IV 'JO
do ... A lei tireaver do
ido ...Geo Eddy do
40 I'nknow ' 184
60 Samuel Harris.... 230
, 4 tS... 120...Samuel Scott IV VI
lie ...Kobert Grey IV VU
■ 4 18...d0 ... Wm Dowart do
j 413...d0 ... John " ..._ do
ido ...James Towers...- do
jdo ... w 111 Gray .......... do
416. John WeUel IV 08
do Jatuee H1aek...... do
do Joe J Wallace... do
433... 130... Wm Cook IV V 0
do ...John Cowden...- do
do ...Win V Hrady..._ do
do ...Henry Shaffer.... do
Jo .. John H0u5e)...... do
do ...John Lyon do
Jo ...Charles Gobea... de
de ...Thoe Grant do
do ...John Brady de
do ...John Kidd. de
do ...Henry Donnlly... do
do ... Robert Brady.... do
7® Unknown 2 30
12V Henry Wheeler_ 6V2
100 Jacob liartaiu 3 V 0
Curtin Townehip.
3801 Joseph Kelso V 4 GO
337 Lindley Crate*... 47 30
lift -Wm Gilbert 77 40
JIT 4-. ...4 Caleb Lann 20 U0
2074- -. 4 1 Ljngstrelb... 20 64
1433 ..103...Jatuee White 77 83
434 4 Job W Darker. 60V
too 4Wm D Mitchell 6 0.1
434 4 do G 18
220 4 do 4 73
424 iJosDevling UU2
433... 133...Th0me* Hale 34 40
2i*i... ...John Palmer. 10 30
401 Wm Yardley IV 78
370 Samuel Bairu ..... GO 20
43 Mary Talltuan... 2160
43 Jo# Dealing ..... 688
!216... 163...P. Wharton 18 06
60 J Wa S C Darker 616
2V3... 3l...Char)ee llruce 16 86
116 Cherle* A11an.... 44 2V
217.. P Wlwdaa V3O
20 A Hami1t0n....... 86
33 4J ob W Packer 616
434 4 Jos Devling—.. 688
220 4 N D M itrbell.. 6 uft
400 . ...4 do .7 00
431 4 do _ V3O
•WU . ...tJ D M.ubell 661
. 63... ... 4Cline Ouigley... 226
Ji74- ••• Robert Ainiley— 34 40
200 Richard Tunis— 1204
Jo„. _ do 12 90
433. .163...Th0mas M. Kwea 18 66
144 J W Darker..... 12 04
2U74- .Caleb Lann 221W
JU74- ...I Longslelb 26 30
41ft Richard Tunis,— 806
do ...ltcbecca Kelso— 35 66
4o Ester Eddy——. 71 38
>lj ... —Caeper Wutar. 84 40
J074- ... Robert Annley... do
416.. -eJoha M<-Calley.. 17 M,
63... 14 Clin* 0uig1y...... jUI
420 48. . l'hilip Myers 36)2
>!•> ... Valentine Myerv 18 06'
Jo ... Michael My ere., de
Jo ... ...Simon Mien..— V 34
433... 163... Thorn a* D ilae... 4n 44
4.U ..168...Garnet Coumger 22 36
434 Ki...Th<i 1' Wharton 68 80
411 a.Joeiab Haines...- 36 66
433...130...A1ei Bell 37 20
433... 120...Charier Hall 37 20
416 Joerph Taylar — 86 00'
448 Andrew Kpple-... 17 20
392... ho...Robt irvin 42 20
433 138.-N L Atwood 46 33
809 .. IV.. do 30 10
t(>4... 4....J0b W Darker— 26 l 0:
K'aß 98 Job W Packer 17 20
Jo do do do ;
416 Deter llahn 77 40
416 Jo* Thomas 47 86
do Suean ilahn 38 70
do Jacob Wain 48 0V
426 Nathaniel Levy 89 99
416 Thoe Humphry 111 HO
do Robt Gray 63 63;
do Wm Gray 35 63'
451 Wm Yardley IV7B>
:**) Matbew Leech 4 30'
do N L Alweod 1290;
4.1-1 163 Abdah Daviv 37 20
438 163 JII igbec t Big be* 12 90
Ferguson Townehip.
162 116 Geo Kollinger 32 76
186 127 Joeeph Barnett 885
:t2R John Andenon 19 121
1 'JO G eorgo N ice 19 08 j
129 Jaceb Lite 7 97 j
130 Deter Criepin 4 26
:584 Samuel Duncan 37 46]
S6 47 T McCullougb 2 83;
70 L Hawthorn 22 92
10 lvaar Worrell 8 27
:,V 4V Alfred B Crewit 25 37
404 19 Ttoma* Ferguson 12 02 ,
418 23 Aaron Levy IS 06 :
B>l 116 Jamev Moore 1321
3M Hannah Turnvr 12 48
.198 122 David Turner 12 70 '
161 64 l.ydia Fowler 16 41
VI 41 Jacob Way 8 *.2 :
15 46 Henry Medler 290
100 Richard* A Uintcr 5 95
225 Richard A Moeely 14 73
177 Henry Manly 14 57
] 145 Hcnj Hoover 9 44,
40 John McKean 26
.kit Kobert Rankin 19 65]
337 Ivaac Brinkle do I
400 Jamee Baker 6 55
do John Detherbridge do j
300 Josiah Lurby 19 06]
125 Caleb North 4 071
6.1 J Detherbridge 3 26j
110 John Baker 3 00j
160 Samuel Bryaon 19 66
Gregg Township.
121 Jamee llarber 7 70
200 Unknown 8 70
60 " 1 45
Half Moon Townehip.
216 Joviab Latnboun 26 (K
230 104 Unknown 14 39
44 111 65*
62 138 " 6 W
40 10 " 314
68 12 " 486
88 Wm King 11 07
174 Samuel Bryan 8 18
207 John McKieeock 26 of>
417 -40 llenry l'lavd 62 60
808 X) K Whitehead 38 39
4<at 20 Wm Landburn .'*) 40
210 Jacob Underwood 9) 46
1:16 11" Jacob Dyle 17 14
4U> 120 Richard J oil AT 50 40
•Jkl John Hannah 95 20
400 Jacob Baker >4O
do Jehn llaker do
18 CAT Delige 926
Ilarrie Towimliip.
50 of John lrrin 1 42
50 of John lrvin 142
do do do do
400 Wm Brown II 40
do Jhv Reed do
do Abealom Andre do
384 26 J C Fivlier s
K'O Unknown 4 "J"
2H2 K Josepheon 48 50
200 Wtn Chancellor 84 30
315 J Henny 64 18
270 Seely (Slouutain)44 84
213 Moore do 41 73
102 William* 17 64
433 103 John l'iye 41 56
de do John Whceland do
do de John Rollington do
do do Jamet Halter do
69 Unknown 6 01
Howard Township.
26 Jacob Baker 73
do JoaGrnyrburg 3(6
130 J J Lingle 8 99
242 97 Jo* Herri* 14 76
40 H A Joetlin 2 44
60 Jos Urayvburg 3 06
53 J K Leather* 6 10
199 16 C B Welch 24 27
60 A D Harris 31.5
113 120 Aim Hunter 12 17
Jo do John Buyer* do
do do Sam'l Young do
Jo do Benj Young do
•lo do Thua Hamilton do
do do Jacob Wttidiier d<>
80 Hinrv Anti* 8 88
193 Wm Kaniaey 36 30
104 63 Jolin Brady 634
60 Whit A Ncvllcrotc 306
'217 Huruli Bonbuin 13 32
Haines Township
400 James Ban 2 90
400 Mary Jenks 2 9o
' do Thos Ban do
fOQ 60 Mary Ban do
> a't ru M UW
; d Win Harraon au .
202 IMI Simon Snyder 174
258 jo 4<
' 'her let |||| 'Jin)
I'." St.v.r A W'.Of 2 45
*43 17 GergrHnyder 7 02:
,411 131 Celb Snyder IfM
IJlorty I "Wtiihip.
M Daniel Pleteher QUO
■9* HI Robert lrla fj -jd
♦r. 120 Slcph Htenheneon IK Ml
<j* liu John DuilWundy 4a
do de Kb Benhem 30 57
NO Kebt Smith 2 74
i Al * t'vler 77 ,Vj
41V Cbri* Smith *1
II'JH 10 ot Jno Better >1144
1 IH Daniel K route ;i 2U
|2SO Jim Jiirkii'l 4 23
7 167 I Unlel K nmnrr 644
I 31* hO Keberl livin 13 00
> ;o Jot M SimW 337
50 D (.'nrteadden I 64
i so Tho* K inr 130
i 4-KS 40 Petri Lytic DUX)
i A*l Mlllirw li 6 80
i 1341 Jer Jack ion II Ml
4-* J b W I't. ktr It 00
i 3'rO Win Htvt II 84
'J>) Cbritl Nettle rode 461
lO Mleph Chauibeit 6 44
Mi lluu Biktr 201
:*) Peter* o mo
76 Simon Shingle 6 0V:
•J"i Deniel Krojt* Moo
Marion Townhip
ills Kobert Young 6 40
60 VV A Thumu 2 70
20 I n known 1 UN
W do 6 21
100 D Lemb IS 60
47 do 6 'JO
732 A!® i He nit 40 44
133 12V Abr Singer 30 00
16 Henry M.Kaiti 201
60 Win Aliieon 6 40
32 Unknown 34 60
117 Alex Scoll 38 42
70 (.'brill Rubrr 10 V 0
Kt John Sbecne 10 MO
Mile* Towimbip.
A<2 That Grant 5 30
410 A ■ i Hunter 1 44
300 Jr Jx-kkuti 3 07
136 Wm Stead man 197
130 Kubcrt Ttffrrt M 0
J/J 'l'liut Sin lib K8
300 A truii Levy I 37
430 Hubert Brady 6 67
410 Hannah Brady 6 67
439 Kobert Gray 6 6V
]<lo A brabam Sc-oU 1 96
60 Samuel Scell MO
160 Abraham Scott 1 0V
(14 Samuel Scott 96
266 Jana Brady 2 66
440 Will 1* Brady 6 76
1740 John Brady 2 66
436 llenry Tola nd 2 65
do llaniel WilHami 2 76
do Wm Brady 2 93
do Samuel Norton 2 76
334 Kichard Barker 2 63
334 Jer l'arker 2 60
419 John Seigkrid 2 66
j2OO Thoe Grant 6 30
Vi 6 Peter lioutel 276
1402 134 Wm Mile* 1163
Win P Brady 60
ill Jacob Neirbrid 2 N&
110 Btrohecker A Kaynoida 7H6
jdo do 1 71
350 Dan'l Seigbrid 3 65
434 Geo Celkuua 2 M 5
jdo liei,j Calhoun 2K5
'435 Wra Harner 307
Ju John Trip do
360 Jer Jaekawti 1 42
160 Jon Wolf 1 02
437 W m Dew art 2 66
Patum Towoabip.
'JO Thoe Watt 3 70
116 WmKlli* 240
! 14 Th. We*t 2 29
21 Wm Wilton 3 45
44U lieoj Homer 37 25
jaoo Jacob Baker 49 30
133 Henry Groea 27 25
Potter Township.
Wm liarriaen 3 30
196 li B Pullman do
hdward Cetuagut 3 'JO
W m Camagut do
400 Wm Hoffman 2 81
jdo I>aniel Smith 2 64
jdo Daniel Levy do,
100 Samuel Young do
42 Jiuim Moore 66
106 George McClellan 168
Joteph Gowgill 380
Taylor Townahip.
1403 Joe Dreek 20 951
.'•SO M J Ciaig A N Sherrick 87 05
I 92 Tliu* Wallace 4 22
3*4 Richard Whitehead 11 A)
1150 Joah William* 8 65
I*lo J tie Lamb 8 35
'J*4 Wm Bell 45 24
MM: Geo \V Alberty 17 10,
150 And Hurry bill 8 60!
211 Nich Hammond 1199
JO George Kiter 11 60
AD Joteph Welch 285
14(40 Klixah Merritnaa 27 00
.110 Kubt Campbell 11601
15 JueCarr 4 27
'JO6 Janice Cerr 6 70
i 150 Geo Many 8 50
1100 Thai Martin 6 70
50 Jo* Clark 2 Ho
160 JneShenk 11 60
160 Jno Hover 855
4U) Wm Addleman 70 06
40 J a met Fox 6 84
350 Maria Morria 8 74
433 153 Imti Williaint 17 10
Jh Jno Brigle 3 17
! 638 158 Joth William* 17 10
HO Daniel Beck 4 68
60 of Jo* Yoder 1 71
350 CI era Beck with 2137
, 100 Jamrt Cowber 6 70
176 VlutcwCeal* SO 08
HV George Mark ley 17 16
434 Jno Lamb 8 55
436 jno Sehenck 618
4.14 Henry McKwea do
do roily McKwin do I
217 joth"\ViHien* 6 27)
434 Polly William* 6 13 :
do Huge Hamilton do j
Spring Township.
250 Henry Tool 12 25
81 99 of Henry Too! 601
150 J l Lingle 7 85
i) 0 Wm Wilton 2W
80 janiet Smith 8 67
50 Thoi Johnton 4 90
250 .do 612
300 Calh Rubimn 12 20
do Rebecca Kobiton IS 90
do Richard Rabiton 7 85
Uiiiua Township.
318 David Kune* 24 17
50 Beyce Devi* 6 62
I do do 229
82 26 II Uulhollen 427
50 Hoyce Davit 2 28
100 Jane Blake 4 79
de Samuel Philip* do |
191 Dunwoody A lung 7 M i
Hindi Townabip.
433 163 Jno Such 16 98
A*) Jno Black do
812 Jo* Wall* do
250 of And A Minns 18 50
301 oi Aliiton A Lilly 22 20
813 106 John Wbitmer 56 67
do do John Louden 28 15
1 433 158 Cnrirt Hare 84 07
247 16 J*cb Steck 36 C 4
426 164 Chritt Hare, jr 63 84
167 7 Geerge Slough 12 35
433 153 Andrew Shenk 04 07
do do David Hare de
219 And Scott 16 19
433 163 Michael Shenk 32 02
do do Chritiian Shenk 64 07
do do Chrittian Bohrer 82 02
do do John Miller Co
do do A Krighart jr do
do A Veighart do
do 163 John Miller do
do 153 John HubVr do
do do John Hand do
321 58 Joteph Pirn 7A)
348 139 Hi-nry l'im do
301 150 George Pim do
216 Hi ..1 11ugh Hamilton 16 97
4:U 153 Laac Britcher do
do do Richard Malenc do
do d<> Hannah Turner do
jdo do Jnuirt Turner dO
4(*i Kara bra Snvdar 14 99
390 116 Ann Arlhent 14 35
394 117 Tho* Arthan* 18 19
433 162 Jeeeph Welch 32 08
do 158 Kobert Irvin 56 0"
do do John Mutter do
do do Richiird Peter* de
dc do Jacob Wilton 15 98
do d* Jacob Miller do
do do John Hubler 16 97
4n6 147 Jacob Ruth 29 96
422 44 Jno We diwan 3122
Al2 110 Jacob d 49 47
434 John Miller 16 97
433 163 Tho* Hamilton 8208
do do Kllenor Sidden* do
216 Robt Bainy 15 97
' A) 10 Rich Athertou 392
433 153 Rich Malin 15 07
do do Isaac Britcber 15 97
do do Jne Gundager 61 07
do do George Slough 8218
do do Michael Gundagar de
: 177 84 Hardman Philip* 27 20
, 216 158 Tho* Hamilton 798
ide do Tho* Grant do
I 433 163 llenry Witner do
do 153 Richard liuiden 15 96
do do Daniel 1 itxarald 32 03
do do Daniel Khirr do
do do llcnrv Ponkerton do
do do Paul' Both 16 98
de do Pnlil Black do
de do Paul Such do
do do John Horeland do
do do John Ridley do
do do Johnßuh do
do do Peter Hrutzinan 15 96
do do Tlun 16 97
do dn lt"bl Irwin do
109 Thus Hainiltou 806
108 Tho* Grant Jo
433 153 Tho* Keck* 8202
do do David Beverage 806
do do Mar M'Cormick 806
do Jo Jas Uleutworth Jo
do Jo Geo Latimsr do
do do Ew'd Moyerton do
'<< be*. rm' ouiamitan tt
327 1(11 And AmiHrong 6(>
483 103 Harsh De'eny HOO
Jill Wm MrPherun 870
136 03 WmO Uliffiur* 291
4*3 1M Kobt Huar 1&96
Jo do t'brUl Urnhur* 82 OR
do do Carper Shaffer do
d< do Owrn Jordwn Ift 90
do do Chml IColirrr 32 OR
MM Kobt King 13 01
SHI lftß And Alli*on 14 M>
120 Ml John 1.111/ MHH
4.13 103 Jae Hlouih 169H
A6 11 iltin Hreebbill 33 73
2lfi HO of Kobt "olnjr 7
70 Tbo* Grant ill
iW Christ Huber 2 22
I'M Jmeph Harriton ltllO
do Krwd l)<rh do
260 White A P*roD* 13 AO
M H..1.1 Ktf.ff IN
f®6 Unknown 74 CO
3<M <lo 71
438 158 Kobt Miller IV 7V
18 12 Kobt K i>, M 4
438 IftS Jakn Uuptlgi 82 08
'"ery ® <*
WW da do
483 168 Daniel To-.,., *
do J*oe Millar
434 Cbn* Lure* do
do Tbo* Grant d„
262 Kobl King 82 42
438 168 Daniel Buckley 9TO
Hnow Shoe Townahip.
433 1(91 Kobt Walter* 18 Kb
484 Sarah Slack 1 &
iftO Sarah M'Certhan 23 3d
t'JO 08 Henry Vandyke 91*
I'Jft do do 2011
MM Jo* 8 70
do J Z Long lft 60
do Jo* Darling do
433 161 Kramer Wharton 45 01
1011 Dafid Ceraceddeti ft a<
433 103 Sarah Jl. lane) 22 40
do do Win Mt-Pheron do
do do Edwin Mayatoa do
do do Wm Lewi* do
do do Pranci* Wti do
do do Ja* per Ma) tan do
do do Beaj Wi do :
do do Win ttigham 22 4V
do da Ja* Hawthorn do '
do do Blair M'Lanaban do '
do do Kdward Scott do
do do Paul Cox de
do do WL- w.. { Lawyer] do
do do Tboa Catbbart do
da do lieberl Morris do
do do Phalli Brunt do
do do Tboa H Bliip|ien do
do do Tboa Hawthorn do
do do Gaorga Meade do
do do George Campbell do
400. Alex Martin 20 80
800 Lewi* Lewi* 21 4V
483 168 Kearney Wharten 4ft 01
880 Joba Pirn lft 07
800 John Ligget lft (hi
432 lft3 Margaret Spur 13 08
216 Kobt Bain? 11 21
IftO Sarah M Canaban 23 4u
488 lft3 And Bayard 22 W
do do Mary M Wharton 24 4'.<
do do Jo* PNorri* de
do do Pranc-ia Wert 4ft 01
do do Wm Wert do
do do John Wert 22 40
do do D H Cunningham do
IMH 71 John M Xe.bitt 1H72
IW Jo* DerUng lft 00
do .... H7O
do J Z Long lft 00
do Jo* Dealing do
886 Wm Bank* 1 29
400 Darid William* 12b
686 (Samuel l>ob*on 1121
488 Mary Wharton 74e
353 lame* T Hale 19 hi
433 Jama* McManu* 22 fto
de Samuel Linn do
do lianj K Morgan do
415 Sarah Wharton 21 67
168 | Mary do 22 fto
de t J P Korri* 4ft 01
ISO of Jo* liar risen ft 2u
•WO job Riley do
41ft Richard Wain 1122
433 Burd Wil*oa 22 ftp
de IftS Moore Wharton II 21
do do Wm Parker do
do do Kebacca Waia do
do do Bonj U Tallmaa 22 5(1
do do Elixa Wharton 1121
do do AH Valentine do
Jo do TM Milliken do
•HO X j Mitchell 30 M
433 jotcpb Murri* 22 47
■io Alex Grearer do
do Geo Eddy do
do Uao Parker do
162 Richard jone* 8 41
Walker Townahip.
92 26 Win Ackert 14U
211 44 CaptOtman 285-
lift IS M Dougherty 1 fii
214 165 Margaret jame* SUb
179 110 Elix* Daugherty 247
110 89 je*eph Evan* 140
211 78 Peter llabn 296
90 94 John Mercer 124
do do Kobt Atkin do
86 40 Job Packer do
89 do job Packer, Jr do
ft 9 do Daniel JohnUon M
327 1&4 Wm Man red 4 OLI
127 139 of Ruth Brooks 32G
327 100 Der id Mercer 461
887 1&4 Kobt A J Baker 40k
22 47 Kbenexer Hahn 33
6S 40 Wm Hahn 90
SMS 1 Darid Laller ft 32
864 186 Wm Miller do
2WJ 129 Marv Camac 892
214 lftft Edward Jame* 301
60 Beaj Pyle* ACo i 4
10ft 75 M-try Camahac 1 (if
96 Jno McCorning 267
212 Haaauel Brkman 69S
ISO Darid Reed 4 ftO
94 89 M Daugherty 140
140 Christian Konrer 24 14
198 ft Kdward Jame* 2HO
60 Mary Camahan •"
70 Jaa Baker 1 II
161 John Knox 3 86
182 Richard Furdaw BSO
17ft Rap hael Rebtson ft 60
Worth Towoabin.
91 63 Jacob Kuhne* 13 20
IWJ 40 Joa Kuhne* 27 72
119 KJ Abraham Kuhne* 1H SI
247 I'M George Kuhne* BHO3
3*.M 40 Math la* Kuhne* 60 06
2fto J B Gray 19 2ft
80 Rcland Richard* ft SO
30 Unknown 7 TV
71 Robert Campbell 61
oft 1 71
"4 Unknown 7 70
*p9 Treasurer.
■?—•' - ———— u ,. I J HARRIS. J. P. IHDCirHT. J A RRAVER
Chas. H. Held, I john hokfrr. petrehoffrr. ATVAM tTTT T%
HAIR DRESSING. Clock. Wtfhkfr4: Jfwfler Ponnavallflr AJIAJI Illllllt
PROF. S-H. WEIGHT is now prepared jUillbeim, Centre Co., Pa. 011118 Y P A 1 tace Fa
to do all kindsefHalr Dressing equal to Respectfully inform* bit friends and the I iA 1 Alii 1 A| A M
the beat done in the citioe and at le*a cost. public in genarat, that he baa just opened Ud 11 lYillw V/l/. offer* hi* services to the cltlsen* of Mifflin
He has had long experience in manufac- ,t his new establishment, abore Alexan- O Centre and adjoining counties, in
turing Wig*, ladies Switches, Curie, Cbig der's store, and keep* constantly on hand, CKNTRK HALL PA. Honaf, Ni|n sand Ofiaatfßßt*'
non*, &c. Prof. Wright ruarantee. u- a „ uin d* oi Clock*, Watches and Jewelry vFCFIVF DKPOHITB Pmlntln*.
perior workmandiit. in all kind* of Hair „rih, latest styles, as also the Maranyllle *,i „i n ' P \., GRAINING
Dressing, and ladies wishing Switches, p a tent Calender Clock*, provided with a And Allow Interest, Oak. Walnut, Maple, Ash,
Chiwom <>r hnir curled, will :*!!, com pi eta index of the month, ind day of '* ii,,l An( i an MAho(Ofiy> Ac.,
and ee our work and judge f.jrthenieeives. , h , month and week on it* face, which i* H „. pi .:„ ci ol d ./d I* I *® and Fancy Psperhenging. Or-
Charge* !•* than in the city, and the warranted as a perfect time-keeper. Government Securities, Go d a der* respectfully solicited,
werk eeual to any RBF*Clocks. Watche* and Jewelry re- ... n Ail fine work dene for other painters,
went equa y w RIGHT, on short notice and warranted PgTER Horrsa W*. B. MIMLR. Rne
tf . Centre llnll. ep 11' ffllr Prest. Caahier WOT
ji ii-iiM ■! ii X) Ved. Co£ ® MAM. M. |\K. 8.0. (JI TRLIUB, Hir iiocKiuorr, . o. IHVUT, >T ° M rn'Jlii, > .T7 K ,.^^V)T"^ 3 LJ!.* Beet tjmmpk Kookaa in Town. TIT 4 U D V
T<N IAiI) M RiTTKNHOUBE i C |tc, of Phil'a. PH., de.lre to Inform the 11 — Notice i* hereby glean that ••' TeaSe-Th*
HBSffillXHla 111 ■ ' WITH public that they baee now fully entered J. 11. BLTTN, Prop r. Ont Hall where h- I. at allllrace, prn*rd __ Dentist, Mlllhelm. pEKTRK COUNTY BANKI NO CO. l.ndeor property L tale. Will draws* £|. i^nr h n"' 'SUV* wl" BROCKERHOFF HOUSE BOOT & MAKER
1^1 1\ I into partnenblp. and that hereafter any Hue firat clMe accommodation ; charg- p, make all kind* of men and buy * cloth- Oirtra hi* proleationa! eerylcoa to the L; and have acknowledged Deed*, Mortimn, iillaT, iK. ' vr, i Ml\< p CEXTREHALL,?!.
1 mIVAAWII KCIIWARZ A CO. |MTon employing ono will eoselder him- r ea*n *•*. tf. ing, according to th Ute.t styles and at public. Me I* i prepared to perform ell < hate Milliken. Hoover A Co.) *■ Office In the diamond, north f , ?>' n, r ,,JT n, D. JOHNSTON * SONS. Proprietor* Woold mort rcenectfullv inform tbe cit-
KOOS,kIIIHAKA4tW. £ employing both, and that II a con.ul- rmWiable charge*. operation, in the dental prf~.ion. UK( r VE 1)1- POKI TK the court hou*e. Bellefoot*. oct2*|fc ! , *.r ur l r _ < rT, , V mon P, . rm !' *aft£2 BffiUffifOllte, Pffinna. hTelrtoltr; that'he bee eterted a
iw I. vsXs*i .gjr/ag ution i* required, r.o extra charge will be SEED POTATOES. *-lle i* now Ailly prepared to ettract . irtrUOiin, WirWuxi nm t.r.t-L , county and will be ttroceated to. aid court new &<t and Shoe 8bo. ami w.Mild be
Fish Cheese and Provisions, ffi!*7*!L. N?W YOIKLATK ROBE. . '• B. temh-Aeotofc/ywifAoefpai,,. myS-W-tf. And Allow in tercel, O TK J," * Ar'."oLa!'Propri.tor r COnfirn, " t ' < TA HON \\TIU AM*, ee Bus, to and frvmUu Jyt thankful for a fbere of t& public patron
fr. a /toffif*"'* /toffif*"'- ' ]44 North Delaware Avenue TL. BPANOLKR, Attorney-nt-Lnw. All Order* left at thl* office or at \\ m r>W 17, V ALEXANDER k ROWERS * I WCOUnt fcoteo, stage* arrive and depart daily, for al tnarlU -St. Prottionltory. „ X MALLUTII 7. MII . a*e. BooU andHboet. made to order and
rOwfyaw *mt*M H,it: Vnrth W.t* Strw-i fj . 8.-llefonle, Pa. Olhce with Woir* *tore will roceite prompta}lent{on. A itornrVi-at-law <fflre oooorito CoSt T\ K. FOItTNKY. Attorney at I.nw, _ Iluy and potaU. north, aouth. ea.t and ewt ~ . ym< 1 1 I i""r D"oV i "in to and warranU b work
PHILADKCFHIA. Hu.h * *? $l.O0 per lluihcl, 2 Bu.hel. 1. ,6, 6 Ba.hcl. Houit, ieMatonto, Pa. L)e Belltfonto, Pa. Office oe.r Key- Covcrnmcnt SocuriticP.Oofd d \fILI.KRS LIOTKL, Woodwari, Pi. J Jr!LiHls r f 4 M SiwSffd^Vd^wrJl^lSS
o4to^ Cr,n * n Collection* . d depart daily.' ' BolUfboi SLft £*' a|>6BU lj