The Centre reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1871-1940, April 09, 1874, Image 4

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    Para, harden and Household.
IloaaehiiM Recipes.
Cabbage and turnips, cooked in the
same room with milk or butter, would
in part a disagreeable taste to them.
For fattening animals, tliree-fouiths
to one pouud of meal per day to each
100 pounds of live weight is eaid to In?
about the proper quantity.
Arrun Saivß,—Two quarts of water,
a pint of molasses, a root of ginger, and
boil all together twenty minutes ; put
in while boiling a peck of pared, cored
and quartered apples. Stew till tender.
LONDON STLLAECB.- A pint and a half
of sherry ; two ounces of sugar ; grated
nutmeg ; two qimrts of milk. Sweeten
a pint and a half of sherry with the loaf
sugar in a bowl, and add nutmeg. Milk
into it from the cow about two quarts
of milk.
mended to paint the feet a few nights
with tincture of iodine. Another rem
edy. said to be sure, is : Take mutton
suet and resin, equal parts ; stew to
gether aud anoint the feet before going
to bed.
GOLDEN SALTS Rreiess.—Two quarts
raw linseed oil, three pounds beeswax.
Melt thoroughly together and turn into
tin boxes. This* is the best salve known
for burns, scalds, flesh wounds, old
•ores, piles, Ac. To make small quan
tities the same proportion as above is
ing before they are wanted peel aud
•lice them, lay them in a stew-pan and
sprinkle sugar between the layers of
potatoes; pour an water enough to
cover them, and sot the stew-pan on the
stove. In the morning, bv the time
you are ready to fry them, they will l*e
cooked just enough ; fry iu hot lard to
a light brown on both sides.
RICE PTDDINO. — One cup of rice ;
three quarts of milk ; one teaspoonful
of salt; two-thirds of a coo of sugar ;
bake very slowly. Eat with butter, or
leave oat the sugar and serve with
sauce. One egg ; one teacup of sugar;
beat together Sweaty minutes; two
thirds of a pint of boiling water.
POCWD CAKE.— One pound of flour,
ow pound of sugar, three-quarters of a
'pound of batter, eight eggs, and a pinch
of salt.
FRCTT CAKE.— One cup of butter, one
cup of brown sugar, one cup of molass
es, oue cap of sweet milk, three cups of
flour, four eggs, one and one-half tea
spoonfuls of cream of tartar, one tea
spoonful of soda, one nutmeg, and two
p>unds of raisins. This makes two
CORN BREAD. —Mrs. W. S. H. asks for
a recipe for corn bread. I have one
which I think is goed : One quart of
Indian meal, one and one-half pints of
rye meal before sifted, one cup of
e*mptyings,one-haU cap of molaasea,one
pinch of salt, and one cap of warm
water. Scald the corn meal before
adding the other ingredients.
Xalci on HealUi
COLDS.— Hot lemonade is one of the
best remedies in the world for a cold.
It acts promptly and effectively, and
has no unpleasant after effects.* One
lemon properly squeezed, cut in slices,
pat with sugar, and covered with half
a pint of bodice water. Drink just be
fore going to bed, and do not expose
yourself on the following day. This
remeuy will ward off an attack of the
chills and fever i. ; used promptly.
of St. Thomas Hospital, London, has
written an article detailing the effect#
of creosote applied to warts. He ap
plied it freely in an obstinate, warty
excrescence on the linger, then covered
it over with a piece of sticking plaster.
This coarse be pursued eTery three
days for two weeks, when the wart was
found to have disappeared, leaving the
part beneath it quite healthy.
the body is oue of the gentlest and
most useful kinds of exercise, either by
the hand, a piece of flannel, a tolerably
coarse towel, or a flesh-brush. Friction
cleans the skin, promotes perspiration,
and increases the warmth and energy
of the body. In rubbing the stomach,
Jerform tee operation in a circular
irection, as that is moat favorable to
the course of the intestines and their
natural action.
Crux FOB CHILBLAINS.— Bathe the
feet for half an hour in water as hot as
can be borne ; add hot water after the
feet have been in a few jnoments, as
they will bear more than at first. Let
the water be as hot when the feet are
removed aa when put in. This draws
the inflammation out and allays the
itching which is ao Tery painfnl. Dry
with a cloth ; then bathe well with
hemlock oil (which can be got at any
druggist's at a trifling cost t; dry it by
the fire. Repeat the application three
or four nights if needed. Care should
be taken not to chill the feet immedi
ately. *
FBOSTBD FEET. —They may be cured
as follows : White oak bark, taken fresh
and boiled in water for a strong liquor.
Blithe the feet in the liqnor. It is pro
nounced the best of all remedies.
ointmeut should not be made of ergot
but of its alkaloid, thns : ergotin (bon
jeani three drachms, lard one-half
pound, mix. The sire of a large pea
to be well rubbed in twice a day. Con
tinue the treatment for a couple of
RHECMATIBM. —The following is said
to be an excellent cure for rheuma
tism : Half a teaspoonful of Rocbelle
salts, to be taken every morning, hsll
an hour before breakfast Hot drink*,
spirits, wine, t>eer, cider, pepper and
apices are to be avoided, ana all greeee.
except good sweet butter. Fresh meat
or poultry may De eaten twice a day,
bnt salt meat and fish must be ab
stained from.
Ut DMIIIOM bf Onagen.
Members not clear on tho books
should not be given the annual word.
A Past Msster has the same rights as
any other member, and no more.
Granges cannot constitutionally re
fund or remit any part of the initiation
A subordinate grange cannot ohange
the by-law requiring money to accom
pany the petition.
A grange cannot take a note for fees
or vote back any fees after they have
once been paid in.
Standing committees on applications
are illegal; all committees on applica
tions mast be special.
Rituals are not to be distributed
among the different members of the
grange, but to be kept by one officer.
A grange cannot change its place of
meeting into the jurisdiction of another
grange without obtaining the consent
of the grange in whose jurisdiction
they propose to hold their meetings.—
Indiana. .
When persons from one jurisdiction
are taken into another grange without
consent, the grange whose territory was
encroached on may claim the fees, but
the other grange may retain the mem
Cars tor Sheep-Chasing Doge.
Many people will assent heartily to
the principle that the best possible cure
for a Bheep-ehasing dog, is to kill him
at the earliest practicable moment; but
there may be exceptionable cases. A
correspondent of the London Meld
seems to think BO at least, and relates
an instance where, after other attempts
hare failed, a fine Newfoundland dog
was cured by tying him to two old
Scotch rams, ana hit to such amuse
ment as he oould extract from their so
ciety. The result was an extensive ram
ble over hill and daler, hedges and
ditches, jßd diversified, of course, by
the discordant views each ram and the
dog entcf tinned as to the route for en
joying tkdLbest scenery. When all three
were they were loosed and
nothing thereafter was so extremely of
fensive to tirnt dog's taste as the society
of sheep. . J
Three Territories are knocking at the
X t iIL TT_:..k oi.x..
Some few autumns ago the rector of
a little seaside parish sat conning hie
hooka in the qmot of hie own study.
Mr. Ferguss..ti was puialed over hie
wotk, bothered by it in fact ; finally,
he sought assistance of his wife, who
sat opposite to him, busily knitting
children's socks.
" 1 shall ho glad when we get rid of
this money we are keeping for our peo
ple." he said, as he replaced the bags
which he had been examining. "1 am
so unused to having such a sum as £7O
in the house that I don't feel quite safe
with it. It'a to be hoped we shall never
be rich, Kite. I've been accustomed
to £2OO a year so long now, that 1 should
feel out of my element with a larger in
*' lly the bye," he continued, after a
pause, "was not Sarah to come home
to-night ?"
" Not till to-morrow. She wanted
one more dav to see a sailor brother who
was coming home. I think 1 shall not
keep Sarah any longer than Christmas.
I don't like some of her ways. I did
uot know so well when 1 engaged Sarah
what a had character her family bore ;
one brother has been in prison twice."
"AH the more reaaou for keeping Una
girl safe from evil influence. You
shouldn't be too hasty, Kate ; you are
a dear little soul, but, like all women,
you judge too impulsively, and Who's
that, 1 wonder ?'
A heavy step passed the window, fol
lowed by a riug at the hall bell. Mrs.
Fergus sou opened the study door as
Jane, their eider servant, J UNUSED dowu
the stair*, candle in hand.
Jane aoon returned withalarge, damp
The message was from the rector's
brother at Fordham, a place forty miles
distant, aud ran thus:
" Come immediately—a third bad fit
my father anxiously expects you."
The rector kissed his wife and chil
dren and was soon ou his way to his
brother's home.
Jane aud licr mistress looked two
very louelv and deserted females in
deed, as they stood peering out iuto
the darkness, listening to the wheels.
"Come, Jane, this will uever do,"
said her mistress at last, wiping some
raindrops aud drops of another nature
from her taoe. " Let us see that all the
doors and wiudows are fast ! Get your
supper, and come and tell me wheu you
are readv for bed."
Then she herself re-entered the study
and sat down to collect her thoughts
somewhat after the harry and turmoil
of the litt half hour.
This illness of her father-in-law;
would he relent at the last, and let her
hnsband share his property with hia
other ehildreu ? Differences arising out
of John Fergussou's marriage with a
dowerless woman, fomented by petty
family Jealousies, strengthened by the
independent attitude the young man
had assumed—attch differences had
been, after all, the heaviest grief of
Mrs. Fergassou's married life. And
now ahe wondered and pondered on
them, till the clock oa the chimuey-
Eieoe struck the hourof ton and atartlcd
er ont of her meditations.
It seemed to the mistress of the house
that ahe had slept so long that moruiug
must be near, when she awoke with an
inexplicable feeling of fright—a feeling
of something, or some one, close by
" What is it ?" she cried, starting np
in the bed, and instinctively catching
the sleeping child in her arms. No
Only a distinct sound of breathing,
and then a movement like a hand feel
ing along the wall—towards her.
She began to tremble violently; noth
ing but the presence of the chili! on her
panting,,boeom saved her from faint
" Who is it ?" she cried, ber Toiee
so shaking and hollow that it awakened
Hath, who clnug to her, sleepy and
Thig-time she had answer.
" We will do you no harm," a voice
spoke out of the darkness, " if you give
up that money you've got ;" and then,
before Mrs. Ferguason could muster
courage and breath to speak, another
voice, out of the room apparently, add
ed in a rough undertone, "And tell her
to look sharp about it, too !"
"TVo of them O God, help me!"
she whispered to herself, and Bath be
gan to break into screams and sobs.
" Keep that brat quiet," angrily mut
tered the voice on the lauding, " and
don't keep as here all night."
Sow surelv if ever a woman was in a
miserable plight, Mrs. Fergusson was
that woman. Not a house nearer than
the Hollands', a fnll quarter of a mile
off; no soul near to help her, for Jane,
who worked hard by day, slept bard by
night, and slept moreover in a queer
little room at the very top of the house:
all alone—worse than alone, utterly
helpless, and a woman who confessed to
the usual feminine share of cowardice.
Still, she drew her breath, and there
flashed from her heart a cry for help ;
and then, for a few brief moments, she
thought —thought with all her mind and
soul—Was there any wa\ for he* oat of
this ?
And her reason told her there was
" Come," said the voice in her own
room, "I'm a good tempered chap
enough, bnt my mate's ins hurry: don't
provoke him. Look alive, and tell us
where to find the swag—money !
She groaned and shook, and all her
limbs turned cold as the voice drew
nearer and nearer; and at the last words
a heavy hand was laid upon the bed.
Then, further to torment her, came the
thought that once this money were gone
there would be none to meet the people
with—the people who hail saved it week
by week, day by day, all the past year !
Heavy drops ran down her shaking
form ; her hands tamed numb and her
lips clammy and cold, while the beating
ol her heart was like the quick tolling
of a bell—louder, loader—till it deaf
ened her.
"11l find away to make her speak,"
growled the second voice ; " here's an
other kid in this room." Then in one
instant a thin streak of light shot across
the landing, and the next
" Mother, mother, MOTHER!" shrieked
Rosie's voice; and at that sound Ruth
redoubled her cries, and the unhappy
mother sprang np, claepiDg one child,
mad to protect the other.
" Silence, yon fool 1" said the man
by her, speaking harshly for the first
time. " You'll drive that fellow yonder
to do the child a mischief, if von won't
do as I tell you. Keep down, won't
you?" For she was struggling wildly
to pass him, to get across the room to
Rose—Rosie, whose cries were sounding
strangely stifled. "Look here, if you
don't give up this game, by the Lord,
he'll knock you on the head, if I don't."
And clasping one wrist like a vice, the
man held her fast, while with the other I
hand he turned on the light from a
small lantern slung at his side. She
lifted her eyes slowly, as fearing whom
she might see; but there woe little
enough visible of tho burglar's face—a
wide bat, a thick reddish beard, and a
loose, rough gray coat, were all she saw.
" Hush, hush," she murmured to
Ruth. " Mother will send them away ;
don't look at him." And she turned
the baby's face towards herself; then
raising her trembling voice, " Rosie,
my darling, your mother is comiDg 1"
But Rosie did not answer her. " O ray
God 1" she panted, and looked up wild
" Mate," said her captor, loud enongh
for the other man to hear, " take your
hand off that child's mouth if you aren't
in a hurry to be strung up." The
strange muffled sounds upon this broke
oat again into the old cry, " Oh,mother,
"Now," said the man, "one good turn
deserves another. You're plucky enough
for a woman, but I can't waste all the
night talking to yon;" and then he gave
her a look that made her shiver from
head to foot anew. "Bundle those two
brats of yours into one bed, and come
and get us what we want."
She seemed powerless now, and her
very soul fainted within her as she
crept after the tall dark [figure over the
landing into Rosie'a room.
"Oh, my child !" cried the poor wo
man, and essayed to run to the little
bed where lay the small figure, pinion
ed down by the heavy grasp of a taller,
darker man than her own captor.
"Hands off, minua," giowled the
"Hands off now ! Jni pnl that other
one in hero along of this one, and I'll
take and tnru the key on 'em both,
while ron take lis yonder to what wo re
lookiiO after."
No choice again but to obey; tvopu
•innate kisses and a low "God keep
you;" and between the two men alio was
marched frvtin the room, followed by
the children'• pitiful cries, their wild
frightened aoba.
She led them down the first short
flight of stair* to the door which, a* we
have already said, was partly overhung
with a curtain. This door opened into
a loom which had tw<eii used by Mr,
Fergtisson's predecessor as an oratory.
The rectory had been built in the time
of the late rector, ami bnilteanseqiient
ly very much to suit his taste and
One more peculiarity of the room to
note: the doors for there were two
fastened with a soring on being pushed
to, sml could only be re-oin>ned bv a
hand accustomed t-> the tank, and they
also were furnished with heavy bulb* on
the outside; one door opi ned on the
lauding; the other, a smaller oue, in
one side of the recess at the further
end, led into a bedroom which had been
Mr. Fergusaou'a predecessor's, ami
whence he could get in and out of his
favorite oratory at any hour of the day
or night, as it pleased hiiu.
Here, as the kitchen clock below
struck the hour three, stood the straugs
• trio—the murtle-J disguised meu, the
trembling white-faced woman.
But one of them carried a light, the
other had left his latlteru outside.
"Now," said the darker of the men,
• here's the room, you say ; we can flu
sh this business pretty quick."
The small safe, let iiito the wall, was
directly before tlieui; below it four
drawers reached down to the floor ; m
the lowest of these, at the back of it,
Mr. Fergnssou ha.l laiJ the key.
She jH'inted silently to the drawer,
which they at once dragged out, with
too much strength, for they jerked it
quite out on the floor. Oue of theiu
suddenly turned particular rbout mak
ing a noise, and bade their unwilling
helper " shut that door," As she fell
the spring catch securely beucath her
hand, there suddenly flashed upon her
a thought—a hope away of escape for
herself, away of saving yet that fatal
From the look the men had cast
around the room, Mrs. Fergussou was
sure they knew nothing of their where
"Shut the door," the man had said,
and never so much as cast a look to
wards where was the other door, com
pletely concealed iu the shadow of the
recess !
Every pulse beating wildly, she
glanced furtively across the room;
through the tall, narrow, ehurch-like
window yonder she could s?e the moon
struggling through thick elouds, and
she could see—her sight quickened by
the peril of the moment—she could see
a faint thread of light on one side
which told her that the further door
stood unlatched.
"O, Heaven help me, and give me
time !" she prayed; but her hand shook
so that it could scarcely obey her swift
thought. Another moment, and she
took in her exact position: the men
stooping over the keys, the lamp on the
floor, and the next she had flung her
shawl over the lamp, darted serosa the
floor, out into the room beyond, and
flung to the door with force.
Yet more to be doue. She drew the
bolts with frenzied speed, above, below
—that way was safe; then, with the pas
sionate strength of the moment, she
sped through the room, out on the land
ing to the curtained door, and made
that fast from withont, while the furi
ous captivts beat at it from within; and
then— Ah, then, poor thing, her forti
tude foraook her, and a thousand fears
she had not counted on most ernelly
beset her. She slid down a few stairs,
clinging to the rail; then, losing her
hold, fell heavily on the stone floor of
the hall below.
Mr. Fergnsaon had reached his near
est station in safety, had neut back the
wraps his careful wife had guarded Dim
with, and started by the ten o'clock
train to Fordhsm.
The rain beat on the windows as the
train flew along in the darkness, and
presently a prolonged whistle told him
that they were approaching a certain
junction where he would have to wait
sime ten miuutes or so.
Two or three lamps on the platform
by which they drew up showed some
few passengers and a oonple of sleepy
Dorters. Another train had just come
in Irom the opposite direction, from
Fordham, now only fifteen miles dis
tant; and some of its passengers hail
alighted and were making their way
past the line of carriages.
Looking out upon his fellow-travelers,
without mnch curiosity or interest, Mr.
Fergusson caught sight of a face which
he hail little expected to set'. Shouting
to a porter to open the door of hia com
partment, he sprang out and grasped
the arm of a man very much like him
self—in fact his own elder brother.
" George," he claimed, "wore von
going for me ? Is mv father worse ?"
"What on earth do yon mean, and
wherever did you spring from ?" was
the answer he got, accompanied by a
look of profound amazement.
"O, George," he said, with a gasp'
"did yen not telegraph me this even
ing that my father hod had autoher fit I'
" Most certainly I did not."
"O, my wife, my wife!" said the
clergyman ; and then he staggered up
to a heap of luggage and sat down and
hid his face in his hands. His brother
saw the matter was serious ; so he let
his own train pass on without resuming
his journey, and was soon in possession
of all the explanation John Fergusson
could give.
" Porter," he asked, "what time does
the night-mail go through to Wheel
borongh ?"
"1:25, sir," answered the man;
"reach Wlieelborougli 2:15."
The distance was flve-and-twenty
miles ; the present time a quarter, or,
by the time the explanation was ended,
half-past eleven.
" No help for it, John, we must wait
for the dowmtrsiu ; wo couldn't pick up
a horse, nor yet a pair, that would be
ready to start this time of night and get
us to Wheelborough before a quarter
past two. Come, old fellow, cheer np ;
i'ts no use taking for granted everything
yon dread!"
But George Fergusson thought in his
own mind that matters looked black
enough to justify any amount of fears,
and had hard work to find hopeful talk
for the next two hours. He tried family
matters—anything to pass away the
time—in vain; his brother's mind was
filled with overwhelming anxiety, his
eyes peering up the line to catcli the
first glimpse of the approaching train.
At last the shrill whistle, the glaring
lights creeping nearer and nearer, the
minute's steppage, and then off again
homewards— hitmrtrarda.' —and lie be
?;an to dread the moments he longed
At Wheolborough the two brothers
struck out at once from the station on
their five-mile walk ; and, as they left
the further outskirts of tho town, the
chnrch clock chimed half-past two
George Fcrgnsson could barely keep
up with his brother's rapid stride, and
thought him half-crazy with excitement
when he Baw him lightly leap a dilc'.i,
and start running across a broken
piece of earth.
" George," cried the rector, pointing
to his own house, not a stone's-throw
distant, " look at that light!" And
through the long narrow window of the
oratory a light shone plainly.
" Great God, if we are too late!"
The brothers scarcely knew how they
covered the short remaining distance.
A blow at the hall window, and their
united force at the shutters within,
and they made good their entrance to
see—Kute Fergusson lying senseless on
the floor; to hear the wailing and><jry
ing of children overhead; and a strange
sound of low voices whispering and
hands cutting away at wood-work. *
Late indeed they were, but not too
late. An outdoor bell, set clanging,
soon called ready help from the village,
while Jane, already roused by the
sounds, but too frightened to venture
from Iter room atono, baaiotl lieraelf
over her nnoouooiotta miatrena.
Tlio OAptivca in tlio oratory fotlgbt
bko rata, ami ono of tliotu gave Ootirge
l'Vrgtisaoit a t'ito in tho arm, tlio mark
of which ho will carry aa long as ho
livos that was " Kougli Dick." "(Icu
tlonian Jim" ttiinctl euUcn, ami suh
mittcd to tho foroo of uuinhora at the
laat vvitli a better grace.
When on their trial, two montha
later, "Heutlrman Jitn" paid i\lra. Fer
guaaon aevcrnl ooniplimenta, and |tihte
ly aHHiircd the judge before whom they
were tried that he ealeemed it no dia
grain* to liave been "trapped by aticli a
brick of a wtunan !"
Ilellgioua nu'ls have U-on commllliiig mur
der* and a.*u of violnnea lu Metwo lin
posing tuueial soivice© were held at htng'a
Chapel, Hostiin, iu honor of Senator Sumner.
l'h* autopsy showed that he died of tmyini
pecfc u t'apt C. 1.. l!r.fv has brought
suit to recover salvage for his service© in help
ing lo save Uie atoauier I'ennsy h M.ia. who©©
three chief nfllcers wrio washed ovei'mard at
sea lit© temperance crusade m still
spreading lu Chicago, Fltlshurgh, and oUier
cities I'hiladiilphia ctliaeufa have held an
niithUfaikßllc t'entaiuilal meetiiig The House
j i utuiutlto© on Military Affair*, after ©ponding
' two mouths upon th© subject have r©|Hiiltxl as
follow, favaliy regiments a ledttcln n of
ou© artillsry, foui regiments, a reduction (f
oue. and Infantry twenty regiments, a rod no
tion of flv© The total force, if Una hill should
pans, will therefor© consist of 33 regiment©,
Instead of 10. as a! present, with a uiailmuui
at length of 30,000 euhnted tlieti. tlfhcrin
projioruonalely will l*e tuusteir-d out.
Ihe uteamsklp l.acotua, while on her voyage
from Alexandria. Fgypt, to Algiers, having as
paaseuger* 273 pilgnm* returuiug from Mtxva,
turcountered terrific galva. On© huge wave
which struck Uie vessel washed overboard
from her deck 117 of Ui© pilgrims, and all were
i drowned . The hark Jupiter al fiihralter
from New York eiperieuce.l tempestuous,
weather on the passage and lost several bauds
overKiard, including the mister Henry
Mass and barney Mohncamp, neighbor* and
brother*m-law, living in, Lewis county, Ky ,
ha.l a .piarrel, dtiruig which Mass procured a
1 istol and shot Mohm-amps ts.f* uirticung
fatal wounds. Mas* then llew out his brain*
. . Al llosmer # Fond, la Camden, Me oa
Sunday evetuug, trlule a young mau named
Keller, of Camden, accompanied l>y Mis* Uolt,
of InnCuhiville. was driving a lop buggy on a
road used for hauheg ice. the team l>roke
through, carryuig the buggy and ll* occupants
under the ice, and alt were drowned The
clipper ship Three hr> ther. has discharged at
Havre neaily A.ttk) ton* of California gnxln,
enurvly free from damage.
Stanley wttte* to Uie London An-y \n-i
Uikf after careful Uivoatigaiiuti he is couviueed
lli at I'r. luvingaton is dead . The Cai. forma
Senate baa passed a Compulaury FducaUou
hU .. In the Massachusetts Senate the
Ten-Hour hill was passed to he enactod by a
Tote of 19 to 13. An effort will be made to
reconsider tins vote ..The Feunsylvarua
Lai:road Compariy own 26,030 a.'re© of coal
laud in th© anthracite region, which duet |3.-
©37,373. but which le now valued at t 10.000 OUO
.... lion. 0. U Hart Gowtior of Florida,
after a hngenug iUueas, die 1 at hta residence
in Jacksonville, Fla ....The Heard of Mana
ger* of th* l'faiii.faylvaiua LahroeJ Company
•Uie that the reveuuea of the main hne be
tween I'lntadeiphia and Piltelurgh from al
urcee duruig th* yrar were llt.ltf 4, at,d
the expetiMe tlS.tth.iiDh, leaving Uie net
earnings t ) tt3.(*\l, being aa etc©*© of tl,-
197,Wl ever the net earning* of 1371 The
total number of passengers carried in 1*73 was
3.3T9 6M, being an increase of C.", 1 291 aver the
previous year vjtieea Victoria has com
mended th* gallantry of Uie trvs>|i© which
f..tight against the Ashantev-s A motion
to censure the French < tovemmeul was defeated
in the National Assembly hy a majority of C 2.
Pasaeuger* confirm the report* of the rum-
Muig noises ai.d the general upheaving of Ui*
bald Mountain in western Carolina. People
living on and near the mountain are moving
out, and a volcanic eni[>tiou i* momentanly
expected.... Great bend, Kansas, is greatly
excited over the murvler of Heydinger and
Hailorn, two recently arrived immigrant© who
hail settled on the railroad land near the ruins
of Uie old Fort Zarah. and were killed for a
few dollar* iu money .. Notwithstanding Uie
rain 30,0(W Irishmen celebrated St.l'airtrk's day
in New York and ltrvs klyu... . A hundred
thousand persons applied for rv-hof in the
Tirhoot. District, India during ten days
The Ihshopia in the Austrian Keiths rath
threaten to withdraw from that body if the
(>a*aage of the Ecclesiastical lull is pressed .
It is said that th© (irrmau lUnchslag will be
dissolved if the ordinary strength of the army .
is not fixed at 9VX! OOtl men. as demanded by
the Government ... Mr. Diaraeh has been
re-elected to the llnUali Far Lament without
Charles E. Cook, of Brooklyn, chased a
burglar from hut house, and aa Uie latter was
climbing the fence Mr. Cook fired at linn. The
burglar wa* soon afterward found in an uu- '
occupied house severely wounded.... The tern
penuice movement closed many aalooua in
AYilUamirport. Pa. The ladle* started .-at ai.d on
reaching YYaehiuglon street tt was aecertain
ed that 200 or 300 men had congregated. Lager
beer wa© nerved from a wagon, and the crowd
wa* boisterous and threatening. Tumbler*
were thrown, and the police threatened. This
movement wa© unexpected, and greatly injured
the cause of the liquor teller* ... .The com- !
miUee appointed by the New Jersey legislature
to investigate the coraplieationa in connection
with the nparian right* of the State enhmlt'.ed
a rejort retting forth that the New Jeney
Central Ilaihoad t'ompany in possession of land
under water valued at $300.000 without warrant
from the State, and rtuogimcnd that all legisla
tion in regard to said railroad company 1*
a topped until the matter is adjusted. ..Toil ig
Frank Walworth is clerk in the hospital in the
Auburn prison. While in Kmg'Hiug prison be
made no complaint. lie worked hard, and was
liked by the officiate there He atill says that
he did only what was right under the eircutn
stancee in killing his father. He attends faith
fully to his duties, and ia letter pleased with
the ]>osition be hulda in Auburn than with that
which ho filled in biug Sing.
It is thought that a rupture between the Ar
gentine Hcpnhhe and Chili Is eminent
Keport* have reached Sedalia, Mo., that the
notorious Younger brothers, who are auppoeed
to have leeu engaged in the lowa liailmad
tram robbery some months ago, were al'arkod
at Mnnegar Springs, St. Clair couuly, in this
State, by a party of detectives, and adosperate
conflict ensued. In which one of the Younger
brothers and two detectives wero killed.. .
When ill* election of Kslaku* x> King of the
Hand with Island* M mad* known, a mob of
Qnoen Emma's adherents attacked the House
of Assembly. lsvat several of its members, one
of whom afterward died, tore up aeatn and
desk*, and set ftrn to tlio House. Tha marine*
from tha United Slate* steamer Tuseamra and
a British war vessel landed and dispersed tlie
mob. Quiet was then restored Capt.-
Oen. JoTellar. of Ouha. has suspended tem
porarily the inauguration of the law exacting
one-fourth duties in gol l, which WM to take
effect on the first of April. He has -approved
the law authorising the circulation of foreign
doubloons at seventeen dollars, and American
twenty dollar pieces at twenty-one dollars
'n the early part of February several thousand
dollars' worth of liquor*, wine*, etc , wore
seigwd from George Young's hotel, Boston, ami
Young was sentenced to pay a fine of 975 and
go to the Hon*) of Correction for three months.
He appealed and the ease came before ihe
Superior Court. The Jury rendered a verdict
of not guilty, and by a special verdict, ordered
the liquor* to tie returned ('apt. John
Frey, special agon l of the Poet-Office Depart
ment, at Richmond, Vv, succeeded in tracing
numerous recent robberies of letter*, Ac.,
from mail* to Andrew Harris, mail driver.
THE OROAX as a household instru
ment has been rapidly growing in favor
and the yearly Bales are now enormous.
A good Organ remains in tune, is easily
kept in order, and blends naturally with
the quality of the yoioe. The advertise
ment of the Smith American Organ Co,,
iu another column, is referred to the con
sideration of our readers. This house
has an enviable reputation for good
work and fair dealing.
Lynn, Mass., is the largest morocco
manufacturingoity in the United States,
with the exception of Philadelphia.
i 'l'lia Chklr laid bftkfiira Ilia getmle the ron
mnrial of Mm. t' tt. I.iiilrim, ..f New York,
kiiiioi|iH°Hi|! that lli. llilal 4p of (nlii|irrki - <•
' wonlil BOOH roach ilia nty of WaaliingO '.. aint
fankill|l lb* l lite hail. l of |ir*vtl>K WoIUVU I -fa
rwdtiwl *1 (lie liar of ihe Sunaie. mut thai lli.
, |ir.a.nt OivU|lll of tlio ehfalr. Nllli Meiiklolfa
I'lialiillar KM S|iif;uc lie a|t|H>ln(Bt M i*ißll
tiilllvo lo leinlie lli.tii. UvfrMeit to tlio Oom
-1 Utlllee IUI llliaißW.
Wht'ti llie trill to re. I of© til© of
- una aa reachmt 11 waa laid over oil 111011011 of
. Ml Weil
I Ml. Went ei|.lailied the pullgoin of 111©
- aoio I.ill. nayliii; lliat lU© lolal aiuounl .).|.ro
-1 yriabd ra Mm a>nnanl of Um mm for ih©
|unfa©ll( llwal year •-> 111 7'Sl (HXI. I lie ort|tl
nal ©all .talon for th© neat lineal Vear note
t iI.MI, HUH, tul tiiulor Ut© new ichhhl enti
lltalen liiev Nrle rfaWlsl to ail.XlH.lHkl 'Ml©
lloune lia.l voted for f All *,11. '! 1.0 Kenal©
I'otutultleo 011 A|.pro|'liallona had inihieed lliln
amount In aXT VlVYi*' or at 7ld sUll leas than
, the amount approiuikli I for th© p(M.lil li*. al
I year Th© ri.l ioUon wan uianilv du© In Ih©
I i-urtailment 1 f the aunv froiu d.1.e00 to d.'i.OUU
1 j men
, 1 Sir S|>©iHWir. of Ala, from th© Committee
' 011 t'ommori*©. r©|irte.l on th©
: tloun© hill lo UU|iroie tli© lUotlUl of lli© .Mtiielfa
' : falpt't rtier, aii|>ro|irtfaUiig ♦:W,tkH) for tnat
liilipuM. ml eh a|.| ro| iialioil lo ti© atailahlo
I ; fioui 111© I of th© fact, and acted Ita lm*
medial© eoUfalderoliiSl.
Th© hill ameiidaiory of th© act to prevent
1 ! the < iterminatioii of fur-heaitng annuals, Mint
, the l-itl to auUtorlitN tiie ©lli| !'.' uioufk.f orrtaiu
i alom> a* euginorm oiul pilots w©rr pa~i>ed.
Mr. Joll©*. of Nov , nut ui.".led fa ronoluUou
1 ] Uinlrueling the t'omutltte© 011 1 oinlueicn lo
' in. inio into the oX|v<Uttt>Cjr of dlrorlllip a
. suivey to lz© made of th© (Vllorado lii-nert, with
k view of it with water and al*o
Uie ©lf©, t of nuch nuhmeiwioit u|n>n the.-luuat©
I io that locality. Ao. Agreed to.
111. llu. king ham, of t'unu , uhiuittd a
rnaulutioti luntrui'tiiig ih© Scu'.arv of th©
i Intel .or to iN'tutuutiical© to Ih© Henat© the
1 numlmr of bidlfaiifa captured or killed hy Ih©
I'nlted Ml ate© Uoujm, lucludlng womeu fa'd
rUildrcu, during th© year ls7d, together with
the ntuul-er of rlUAeiia and facddlem killed hy
the Indiana during the ©aiu©
Tli© t'ommitt©© ou A| pro|ifittionn hkv© r©-
|H>rt©d Ui fa'or of striking out the last auction
of the army hill a* it iMsssd the Mou*©. which
provided 1 'hat all I'tfaiUi© of all eitueus who
remained loyal during the ear for stole© or
supplies taken or furnished dunna the re
bellion for the us© of the army of th© I'iiite.l
Stales and for th© Us© or lose of vessels or
t*oala while employed in lb© military errvie© of
. the I tilted Stat©*, un-ludiug any audi claims
! now peiidmg and luidcterunued 111 any d©|ian
j uienl of th© UiilMiiiucut, shall l>e preseiilrd
( to lli© Southern t'iriu 1 .uiiiumiuU before
November 11, M 75. who shall have eiclusive
{ junadictioii ta hoar and do'.oriuuie the unc.
1 Mr Kle\©us. u, of Ky. , offrred an aiiieud
! Mont Oi iifrmtig UI 41 the 1 >urt of t la.ins
JurtMlicUuii to dotrinuii© all ciaims gtuwuig
i-ul of the war of j*eia us who icuiamrd Icytl
or who took the oath of allegiance under ihe
Tieeldeiil s pruelaiuatiou of I'tveml-er, INJS,
! and al-oUsiUiig Ui© fckmthern I aims Cvlu-
Mr. Krelinghuyeeti, of N J., denied the
Obligation of Ut© lioverumeiil lo reimburse
aUAens for properly .ycd In the encmy s
Mr. litevrnwn argued that the Oovemmei.t
wan hound to make full comjenaaUoO for
propfaity taken or ueed by its ti.ei**, or ilc
stroyed uiherwm© than iu actual l-aule
Mr Maiter, of t'al pnwented 4 rweoiuiiou of
lite llalif.-ruia instructing th© Sen
ators and llrpreee-uUiMie* fruftn that Stat© 111
t ooiirras to us© their uiduen. © Bo have articles
3 and 6of out treaty viuh 1 iiuaa tucshned. s.
as to discourage th© furlhrr übtfairrati.zti of
Idiiiieer to our shivrtß. Mr ti. Bald there Were
IKiw HO.UOO 1 hunjM m • ah;una, an l not Oil©
Ui a thousand came Ikn* la amMplat> - with
the trraiy. The food Of the China*' nan luex
peuniva, and it ©an lOii- nwihie U* other l*l-.r
lo ivoupeie Will. V- 4ooni*(#rof our own
t>eo{ile are now Ui th# adWaMrflf San TraiKMaco
deelitut© of Uie noMidBM of . ><• U a
they have heeu cmwiSejQpi hy ('Uinear laU.r.
I'liiuA might send t 1 tiificountry a unlhou . r
t eußve inil.iOtis.-f ;U rjlusp p .laliou with
out ei.pcrien any luoonveniei therefrom.
Females are brought here from China for pur
' |- men 100 vile for hUD lo mention. Ihe |ieolde
| of California are iu©rk9© to administer my
, remedy and they appeal to the t ongrews of
the United State* lo ttlc iw afH"* l
llio Sena;© resumed the ixviisideiaUoit of Ih©
Artuy Aj j-r* .3 rvau.* hill, the ]•©' hug <jua©Uoa
hemg on th© faUielidrut i.t of Mr. Slevenaoti.
1 confemng jurts-lictiHi upon Uie Court of
> tdanui lo to-ar alt elßim* art sing fn m th© late
relwUi. u, and ais iialnng the Southern Claim©
i .mui.t— Tina wa taldml. Mr West, of
la. mi I over (l.ti.M.lH* wero saved hy tlnfa
bill, arid ki. army of 23,(H*J men a* large
enough. After discussion, tli© Vi tv. i hill, re
ducing hbo army to 23.0H0 men. wa© read a
Ihltd Ul:e k' d 1-a.HSrd.
Mr. \\et. of l.a , presented a memorial - f
the Now lirleana llraug© for an liicrraae of the
duty on sugar*, and said that lli© preei-nt
method of valuiug sugars etial'r© th© rrliners
I to imp.*© upon the thivemueut to Uie preju-
I die© of the h-.-m© producer.
i Mr. Morluu, c*f lnd„ preneuled a petition of :
th© ctUAemt ■ f Trias, alleging that the late
I Oov I'avis of that Matt* had lecii deprived of
! his oIH -e four months before th© ©i|4ralrou of 1
ha term, and that Uie election ilier© in Notrm- |
; twr last was in violation of law.
Mr Sl.rrtnan said front the hegmnii g of th©
I eestuon th© new Finance, t'ommitte© had twe.ii
hard at w..rk to |erfrci a Ui'.l. Over Mtty dtf- I
! f©rent |nvpWUt'iii iu th© shape of lilii and .
pcUtiot'© sere Imfors them, and it wa* a d;fh- j
cult matter agree u|on a general p'ar. con
cerning all the prvpofa.Uor.fa.
Mr. Melli-h, cf S. Y., tnoved to atrike out of
the atiproprlatloti hill th© item for milrsge, and
•aid that it was Urn© that tin* great American
. swindle wa© abolished. Mr. t lytnr. of Fa .
I sustained the amendment, and reviewed the
uUIHi of t'ongrt -a ou th© repeal of the Salary
hill, saying that when the Senate -uhehlute wan
. agreed to in the 11 -use it was staled publicly
and privately that when Uie proper time cam©
I the mileage )vrtiuti of that ntibetitute v .mid he
| fatnick out. The m'.leag© feature of their pay '
liad le*©n always deems shoue hy the American |
jieojile His colleague ( Mr. Smith hail shown ]
! Uiat fl'.ti.i* i had In-en |id to memlw-rs of Uie
j last Congress for mileage, while the actual
! traveling eijiense* fur thui session, with 19 |
; aiidiUoiial inemlwr*. was only ttn.Oud. He had
•tiowit. therefore, that ♦.'■Ni.t'tsi was given away
ui this manner, and h© submitted that the autu
was worth saving. Mr. Tremain. of N. Y..
argued that as the preeent t'ongrewa lial dr
| hlierateiy deeiaiisl that the com|>ensatiou < f ,
' tnembarw should be < .'>.(** 1 and mileage. Ui© ;
Home was UmnU to Icgioitte in contnruuiy .
with that.
The currency hill >u jessed by the Henso
fixing the rtrculation at #400.000,000. A num
ber of amendment* were offered to the lull but
rejected by largo majorities. The bill **
passed by a rote of yeas. 16 ; nay*. 77. The
following ia the teat <)f the bill :At ill to til
the amount of local lender nolo* at $400,000,-
000. H Aorviia, The existing uncertainty as to
whether the amount of legal tender note* nw
authorised br law to be kept in general rtmtla
t.on te #330.000,000, or ♦W0.000.000, is calm
lated to derange lite bnaitieee of the country
and unsettle \ alms. therefore be it enacted,
Ac.. That the provisions of law dieting prior
to the farrago of the act approved April 12.
lfififi. entitled. '• An act to amend an act to prxe
vide war* anil mean" to support the (loveni
roent," approved March 3, IMS, 1* and the
rame are hereby declared to be in force wo aw
to authorize legal tender uotee of tlio Tnited
Slater to the ainnnut of #400,000.000 to 1* kept
tit general circulation, and the total amount of
United State note* ianted or to be laeued
■ball l.over exceed #400,000,000.
Mr. Smith, of I'oun-, moved to suspend the
rules, and make in order to the legislative
Appropriation bill an amendment that mileage
shall not he paid to members of Congress, but
in lien thereof actual traveling expense*. The
motion to mi-pend the rules was not seconded,
fit to K>.
Mr. l.awrence. of Ohio, off end a resolution
instructing the Committee on Ways and Means
to impure into the etj>edieiicT of reiwaling
stamps on matches and lnk checks, and re
viving in lieu thereof the internal revenue tat
on lottenen, theatres, and places of public
amusement. Adopted.
A hill ai>|>ropneiiiig #250.000 for an iron and
masonry bridge across the eastern branch of
tlio Potomac, near tho present Anacostia
bridge, was reported from the District Com
mittee, and after discussion tlio enacting
clause was struck out.
After throe hours' discussion of Ihe Georgia
contested election case, the minority resolution
that llawls, the sitting member. wssoiititled to
the seat, was rejected, 77 to 133. and the
majority resolutions declaring Sloan, the con
testant," entitled to the seat, were adopted. 135
to 74. It was a purely party vote
Mr. W. It. Robert*, of N. Y. -I am re
vested by the Workingnieii'* Committee of
how York to present * memorial to tlio House
of Representative* in favor of th* Eight-Hour
Uw and for the removal of the Hujiervisiiig
Architect of the Treasury. The memorial is
signed by 40,1KK! persona, repreeenting tlie
Typogtapliical Union and the various trade*
and laboimg societies in New York city. In
presenting it 1 desire to cxjires* my entile and
full approval of the objects of the memorialists.
Ordered printed.
Tlio House proceeded to the discussion of
tlie bill to regulate inter-Slate railroad com
merce, and Mr. Willard, of Vt., made an argu
ment against the hill. He declared that every
impulse of his nature wan on the side of the
people in any controversy with Uie railroad
companies, and if he could be shown a safe, a
wise, and a constitutions! means to put restric
tions ujHin them, he would l>e In favor of adopt
ing it 'I he power*, rights, and duties of tlue
corporations were wholly created by Stale
lawn, and it was Just * much an impairment of
vested right* for Congress to say that any
railroad all all carry freights at any particular
I rice, a* it would tie to pass a law that they
should carry freight for nothing.
THE SPARROW. —The English sparrow
seems likely to be regarded the world
over as the most efficient of insectivor
ous birds. The opinion has been ex
pressed that the sparrow, if introduced
into the cotton growing Beet ions of tbe
Boutb could effectually destroy the
cotton- "sorm, whose ravages are so det
rimental to the interests of the conn
try. In Germany tluv laws against the
destruction of the sparrow are so strin
gent that there is a constant supply for
exportation. They are sent in largo
numbers to distant points.
Fish lu it llul Spring.
A oorrenpondont writing from Eldo,
Nevada, kbvh thai Ihern ar<> hot apringa
thero in which uumbera of flsh can be
imd swimming nliout, thougli the water
in no hot thnl egga ate cooked in " lean
lltun three aeoouda." The explanation
of this phenomenon liea in the fact that
thone hot springs riae in the batiks of
atrciuua the water of which ia intensely
cold. The cold water, on aocxiunt of
its greater sjteeiflc gravity, runa on the
bottom without miiitig much with the
water above, and the flah keep in a cool
atratuni. The water above the apringa
allowed a mean temperature of forty
two degreea, and by meatia of a ther
mometer foatened to the end of a pole
and kept an eloae to the bottom aa pos
aible, lite temperature of the laittom
water from aboTe the apringa to a point
below theiu woa found to im very low,
Tina at ream ia one of the many that
form the head-waters of the (loluinbia
ltiver, nud to this point, 1,800 milea
froiu ita mouth, the aalt water aalmou
come iu huudrrda in the aprmg and fid
to rpawn.
When am AsTimrTEor remedy for
any particular clan of diaeaae ohtaina a
wide-aproading notoriety, it ia but rea
aonable to aiipiroae that it muat merit
the popularity it reoeivra. It ia within
our province to meiitiuu that Dii. J.
WAi.kiu'a Califokmia Vinkuah liir
tcum, mi long and favorably known aa
the aafi-fat and moat reliable remedial
agent for the cure of Liver, Kidney,
bladder, aild tilandlllar l>iaeanea, Meu
tal and l'hyaical Debility, and all corn
ploittta emanating from a corrupt btate
of Uie bliMtd, etc., are in great demand.
Ho autiafii-d are we of the intrinaic
Wfa-rth of tliia medicine, thui we do not
heaitatc to notice it iu our columna. It
ia well to mcutiou that tliia medicine ia
compounded of roota, herba, and
flower* of California, and has no flery
material or alchol umh! in its preparation.
We can add no Iretter euloginm than
the fact that we uae it oouaUntly in our
own family, and each member thereof
partaken of it, when neceioiary, aeoori!-
lug to directions. -Aw York I'apcr.
Pork Packiko. —During tho laat rcgu
lar eeaaoii 1,32U,trJ4 hop's wi re packed
in Chicago ; average yield of lard,
37 44 1(10. The product manufactured
aa : Clear pork, 1,84b harrela ; uim
tw.irk, 170,307 barrela ; U. 0. pork, 1,0f>4
i>arrel ; family tueoa pork,'2,Bs'i bar
rel©; priiue uie©H pork, 14,554 barrels;
extra prime pork, 4,514 barrt-L; rump
jsj'k, N*'> barrels. Total of till kinds,
l.'o.trjT barrels, ;iti.'s4 tierotw of sweet
pickled h—i1t.1fc19.453 pound* of
gm-ti liaiiMi 4,961 421 (touuda of greeu
and dry aolted ahoulder*, aud 3,381
tiercea of sweet pickled shoulders.
Also, 10*2,533,299 pounds of sides of
various cut*, including 17.812,000
pounds of the different English cuts.
W? Lbt herl reeeutly of several
-cr© rnebc <f i itifcj iWmmi ram] by
John *•' .4iwii nr /iittmml; ourwe of a
mail h-riv-fito v oarn uIJ, who luw! nut duue a
>Uy wrttjh for four yoatw. The 1-arh alaould
Int washed, thru rubbed with a coarse
I towel. Ajij-ijr the liiaiuat fvid, and rub lu
J aeli with the baud CVew.
"Done-Mro" and other* who pretend
to know, eay Uiat (he follow lug .lint-tuna had
l Iter If rUninliu uaiuj; SJwrt-iam'i Car.iiry
: Ck'fuL/turn foedwi. Give a horse a teble
*|toiifui every night for a week ; the aaar for
a u. licit cow, and twice as much for an ul The
addition of a little hue aall wtfj be an aivau
' Ug*.—Oowu
Purruh Btbcp for nereoue affection*.-Com
A penny Mvt d here and there connt*
up at tii • end of the year. Hut tily Hii.tu
i 1 !!TKl> and you will rave dollani uinlead
of cent*. I'arvnU remember lliia -Coin.
Cough*, colli*, aore throat and similar
tronhlo tf allowed to progreae will reeult in
euouaputni'>uarv affection* frequently iiK-ur
< able. W i*hart'n I'ine Tiee Tar t'otthal roachea
at • nee the seat of the dieeaae, and gives un
i mediate relief. Com.
Danger sifru*U from the Weather
l'. ircau are i >t r dayugmftcant of a wtorm than
a oiegh t> f coi tßrjc,. hi. I'nvridential'y. we
.-an . air any c -gb With liana a llo.nki or
Uobuiorwt> asi> Tarn.
Pike'a Toothache Prop* cure ju one minute.
IKS O etaer ease* than karlai worm* ta the
brows* TEitsirros cos rtra
wilt destroy Worms wllhowt layer* to ta* rhlld
being perttectly W BITS, ul free frem aU coloring
; or other injurious ingredient* ueuelly aa*4 ta
worn rreparations.
CliRTI* * SHOWS, Piwpitelen,
So. 818 Puttee Street, Sew Torh.
Bi* by l"fff vef* eat (haeete, ewd desert ie
VHtrtae*. of a Bo*.
AS til.D H KIK.
SRS wisahow'i aooTßtso svarr ia Tin
rRtaCRIPTIOS 0 one of the beet Senate fkyat.
dan* Hi Surest la tbe Culled SHIM, and bee
. been weed fer thirty yrare won nsTrrtailtng eafely
! and hwmi by millions of mothers and cbildrra
fcwe the feeble Infant of one week old to tbe adult
It corrects acidity of tbe elenaob, relieree wind
coUc.regulaira lbs be wall, and giree reet, kealU
ai d comfort to mother end child. We belieee It to
be Ibe Beat and barret Bemedy to lb* World In all
DREN, whether It arteee f> ru Teetbin* or rrrtn
any other oauee. Full direction* for ueirf will no
lontwy eyh bottle. Sne Genuine unless tbe
fac aimUe of CCRTIS A I'BRRISa le on tbe interne
; wrapper.
Bono e a ul. Snorctwe Psai .**•
HOUSEHOLD win bo.. b..irrT
PANACEA To alt pel tone ensuring
AJff _ -. frcru Rbeametletn, Neuralgia,
FAMILY i rnmpe in the llniWe or ekotn
*cb, Billon* Colic, Pain In tbe
LINIMENT, hack, bo wale or tide, we would
ay Tnißoruaoui
two PaaiLT t.imnurr 11 of all
HOUSEHOLD Other* the remedy yoo want
FY\ \CEA r,T ,nt * ,a *' llo,l •*'* nUkl
It hae cared the above com-
„ 'plaints In tboneandeof abeci.
' There le no tn I a lake about it.
LINIMENT. ! Try It Bold by nil nrnrgtet*
•< StSTHISti 11KTTKK." roller Rroe Bon
l)r. John w'err. celebrated Tnimtu
Pri.oiit P*i**e, for Colde and Coneumption.
The *#i kcLs.
wrw Tim*.
Beef OBttib—Prtme to Extra Uulloetag .15 , .! < |
First quality lilt* -"k
Hcoond quality .10 1, a .11
Or Unary thin OatUe... .10 a .10
Inferior or lowest (trade .<<) .10
MPch 4J - 00 aSb.OO
Huge—lJve.. ~ S •*
Hhcep & • -Wtl
j Ontton—Middling - h
flour—Kitre Wiwloro a e.M
Bute Kit re •*' • ® "
| Wheat— Hod I.M a 1.01
Ko. 3 Hprtmr I* R e 1.&3
Bye - aisa i.oa
Barley—Mall '-J5 a ISO
Oete—Mixol Western • -**H
Oorn—Mlted Western .BH a -fl
lb;, per ton b ® • '$
i Hlrsw, per lon • • 10.00 *17.00
Hcps.._ TS's . ■>
| Pork—Mess... 14.00 *l4 38
! urd • • •">
! Petroleum-Crude 'Vll''k H*Sn*dl4\
> Butter--Mate M •
Ohio, Fin* 37 • .88
Tellow 34 • 8*
Western ordinary JJ * *"
Pennsylvania fin* *3® * >47
Oheww—HUle i'sctory 10 • .IAN
'• Skimmed "4 .40
Ohio ] • •">'
lM*—State.. 13 • •!
IteefOattls. ...... f. •
.#•* s ••••••*•* S • • A
Hows—LlT* -• •*" •£*
Flour f-.J • 3.07
Wh**t~No. 2HpriiAf I.;J !.*>
Corn J? a
l) A tii * W A ,M
Wyl ' 1 0i • 1 OH
lurlVy.'..' 1-30
L.r.l .08 v* .10
Whmt. - 1." •.•
Kye—(tut* • • .
Clorn—Mixed .38 • .37
! Hsrlsy- l.'S • > M
Oats—Wat* - • • *B°
Wheat—Western Bed 1.40 * J.*B
Corn—Yellow..... 40 * ,40
Ml *e<l 43 * .88
Petroleum—Crude l#)gßrßu*d .14\
Olovor Mwsl 9.80 ®l" l
Timothy 378 a 3.10
Ootton— Low Middling 18 qa .18 V
! Floor—Extra B.UO a 8.78
I Wheit ll *l4B
' 74 * .4n
: Oats 84 * .44
AOKNTS W4VTID to sell our Justly crlebrsted
*rn. tester I.allei' wear, iudlapenaable *"8
ebsotuteiy uei-eaaary. SOLD
MUBTHI.Y. They irlveWmf,,rt and sst a
OCT TIIKSI. Sample sent on receipt of s'4 OO
Kit I l '.K. 8 nd fr HlUAtrsted etrculsr. LB i'EHLI
RUBBER to , 90 Chambers Street, New York.
f4B per day Commission or 830 week Balnrv
and expenses. We offer it and will pay tt. Apply
now. 44. Webber 4b Co., Marlon, O.
A aents Wanted.-- Men or wom*r. 884 a week,
or yioOforleltert. Valuable samples/ree, Wrtts
at once to F, M. RKF.I), Eighth Street, hew York. _
OIT Cststoitue free. Sam pies SO cents.
elVe 0. P. CURTIS, Berth Parma, M. Y.
at whoi.malr rairaa.
Increased Facilttie# toClubOrgmuer
Mr nit tor llw l' lr#-l.ll.
r. o hob ana 3. si a©* M *•• i . a. r.
A|>|>l-lati's lllnalrwltd
aaw naviaKU bhitios
■ 411*4 1-y ix- ■ ... Mi run u4 Csan A Dana To
A* . umt>lia4 ia l*vi>luatfa . ©n-ffafal|f f Uuattaln*.
Fivb vulutilfa* IM.W >oa4y InuM A- "Okl, B. 14
ly Sul>< ovlli.n onl> k4 fur Hpnciaifau
11. Al-I'l.atos A CO.. 1-aMiebera.
tataixiui Bo .ao.r a*w Toifc
latlh* Vtltmlilt I'toh o#ttaUt<tll. full of Ik <,
ftgurM iid fuh 64 f ntfvt , to pit-fur** |ht lhß*4u
• tatn|iaaNil iddtcit /fUiAuiCn V 4. RrnalN't Njf.
$25,000 in Six Months.
I | IHO tii a0• r > ••hi f fi. $3. 9&
A4<lr H II IIPLI llK.Ulil til
EstaMd Nearly a Qnarter of a Century.
50,000 Organs Sold!
'I'HB Full©* cT tkta 1 ■ IQ u.. the o*4l
I izi.itii.l. wiUkmK rigal iu ©cat lit <n
yUijttr, i.n, 1 fan,, in iMO.II |M..uU'i . fac.ii familiar N .Ik a.nuslirlllllil IM4
lii.liua.iilt Iron <fa. 1,1.1, i f 1 fa. butint.4
Ti.t • .... *1.1.4!, uiiiiikiiM, tun lia Fa*
41.4 l! t * -HI tIBMuU.
Tfa. rlalm tfafal tkry fa... in.
<-fafa44 111 BV-.4NCIB* tkfa B ml I fa karuei,
ktjri /ram Unit *lil!< .[ Ik* ..cue Haifa l/>ii. iifav. Mitr Urn 4 in J'ufatfar,
Tfa. ! UO.lll Ifaliiir, f>a Ik. M".i Bfa.iu.iii Or
aitt lit 11,- V. -it.: rtf.i. 1 ki, Ot.faH
no* fa ft•.t lu Iks Rev |>t Talma©* * 1 fata I.k 1 fa.
Oi 11.1. f. ran il, fa.ed, Hz fad 1 I , .fa .tfafai koufafa.kfad
falU. cd IfafaufXUfafal
Oaa* am —I (.we > ..* Btrfaoefallr at, l-fafa! tksfaki
fur faißdißg teat Ilk* i.-- klfu lfa.ra< l Ccfa-
Ml.failKiui Kill'uf U.r Mill 11 fa 4tt.r11.-fai H .fad Ofgfatifa
■*. Ik* Atfadiaif of ll is ifailfallf Nui.d.r
fill 11.41 ftfa (mall 411 IfafaUutuefal Ifa tfauulft
• iut powrr to •a 4 rrgmtioii of ao fawi
Ib- ufaiifad >|ii. Tkc Trutlfart fat Wfall afa ayfafalf
fat. si. fa fa 1....4 Ntlfa II 1 fa. ftfa.lll, of Tt.tffa 14
414u 411 I kill lzi fa# 4.. It fad . 11.1*4.. (I ll*. lf.
uf 41l I kftfafa tort w ilk. Nfa.4ll.fad
• l*i.l of II a. ••iifafs. Ut, 4cc.,l ny
Ik* Ufa*, and kfallt.fa ma Ifa rfa 11141 fa Uzofal myicl
run, n urn,
Oco W. Nofau.a, Or gaunt.
Arfaf Fork, Fk 4.1W1
*' lofalrußfaßla of 4 BfaSofad laulllf UTow,
Air fr1.41. Ufa.. .
C 4t4k.|ui a. Bt to 40, adder. ■ oa acpliofaiioa.
Trcwoul M1.,|0 weUiun , Hml.b, Was#.
a.iug . fkU and aitlkfatillfa aeeoucl rf tfa* airs*-
flea of llu iauncti Fanner, faffaifa.l Ik. fasUir
ut.* ut Ik. Nfallrufad CußpfafaifaM, witk a Ml. tor, of
Ikfa in* and yr.f 1.11 if Ikfa Oidfar ut Fatvufafa of
n faibNiidry , It* olfsetfa fafaft ynnyfadi. II fafalla fal
• :*fal S. fad fur tfwlß.li ytfe and urm to
aytcu, sod afafa Nky it *.!! fatter Ikfa* any ulkat
book. Addtfa.t k 4110k 4 b 1LISW CO.
MlUfaf etalufa. Fa
i' 4 I 'Fit tV r nermpalßi pakHfaktrt
I illJ 1 I " "* . . kave takeb 44140144. of
Ik* ©-cat drßsud f rik-. Hitlorfcf Ufa OraoFfa
V. rrm.fal.fau fanr , I.■ falfa Not Man* tfa* .ok
)•*! - Nicr. aamfalatr—u from agnrmiurat eewwypu
yiii Do nut bfa taw.l.l ufofa tfa* tfaal tk< kouk
you kuy 1. it 4 t fate by in* leading Oratftfrra.
Dunham 4 Sons, Manufaeturm,
Wirtrwat, It East tut Sirs at,
t tm.lilt.hßl to* ; acwr YOMA.
S-aJ/or JUotraltd Cowlcr 4*2 ftvi Lot.
THIS PHfflnHG nil ; u r.r.:<:
Hair- f • Suil4iL*>. .1 V. ll tfa t r !• ky V T
Vvfatzrn l riluß, m Vl'urik XUfafat. la IS Ik fafaft
Fit t'fa. >*•' xltt. a full aa*t tt** fat ©f Auk t> kt
lOVU i * saw ru ■■ , ■ MB
le I.Abu 1 T A Hi \ M
Ml TI 1 KSIKef. V
Cuts ( eit better iban a ,W I B
diamond Rv*r>U-y / JJk
ebon Id baee OAC,
cbtia fn u§ i*. ftttt I
!'> jrvur • Hffii a rt> 1 0
cefpt i-1 Ml cut! %rd
• bf Ale VAX Is _
Ui\ Ejcr. :J9 wb!ntf i'ifc
/ ni f. p
t.KA'l'u \t aulr.l f r thit rraileea bock It
i* rump, teas <b* Advcaturee an • 1 a I o*
eW< man- rtffea < t Aeraaf/~lbr yeett the wife at
Iluime prvpb-t—elem'tins all Ikat is rr)ate
none, wit bed and etai ilittp pull of thilllte* ad
Teniniee, humoroa* and pathetic trenre the *1
faecinat c k retaui iv>iltal-of the Anibureet
and i f Ira' (n* Mrme mew end w h L-f* ard
Sroiri 111 Ac, for CI caiar*. add rare HART
FORD i'I'BLIMtIVG CO. Hattford. Conn
Wj.) " I'KIl D%V Ccenmlttioa or R3U a week
'. —* f talary. aed cipenaea Vt a i Srr it and will
|etf It. Apply note . u Wet ran A CSMailer.. O
111 To et .r dnrln* Spring and Summer la a
I /I r 1 but.i tee In tkeir own ronattr*. peylne
A~~ BI AG (tee Roatb. Addreea IUSLIeI
Met f RUT. Phitedelphia. Pn.. or np inltrle. Mae*
3000 WORDS.
The Prwunnnrliif Rand-book nf Word* flen Mis
prunounred. ae girett by the beet autbnrttlet.
Hen! to nay edarese en receii.t at Bmty cats.
I KF * SKKPASn Rceroq.
■Umf Jh wanted tit town and
I K" in tt ui.iry u> tell TI.A. or get up rjnb
■ crdert for the Inrgeet TM frnyuy
In America !tnp..Mrre'pricrr and Inducement*
t* Agrnt*. Send fir nrralar Addreee.
Boi.i BT B I LLP.*3\r.ey M S I I' O. Bo*. 12W.
Orient Safety Lamps,
fKatlrely af Metal, are tie* awly
tnaape tn me* whkh ran netUeer
brrnb.lrak,nor etplodr. Are or -
nemrutel an* rhaep. Adapted
la all koteeekald uerri nlaa ta
elnrr*. fectorl. *. r h are Bee, etc.
Agents Make $lO a Day
Selling Tbrve IdUßpe.
AO EMU WAKtRn In every county tn
tbe Called Metre Addreet
an ( liambtre Street. Xrw bark.
Millions of Acres
Ten Tempt Credit. Internet only 6 per Cant.
DeacrtfrftM ftneUd' teifb Siectteaai Jfjj.r, rent
r a /: g.
A handennte llluttrated Paper, can lairing the
I!->■*j .1 7uw. mailed f re* i>. all parte of the
world. Addreea it. F. DAVIS,
Land Commteelcner V. F. R. R-,
HflAir '• Should be read by
HI II IK all. I : atamnt. Addrea*
UUUA I'R. B' KAPAKTK.CtnrIa. all O
AM V I eendTngut tbe adSreetoften r recce with
' I Hicte will recelTf,/rr.a beat uful Ckromo
ntir I end metmrttone h- w to get rickbcelpetd.
UltC I ivy .Vorwifw 0... 10S Sou Ik sp St.. Pklta.Pn
WHY Eedßtk With nddtert e of k otkere and
Tt fl I r> , yoetpeid e Fin* rcromo, Tat worth
kiciT I' w end tnetrncttaai !■ clear I 1 a day.
HUI. i, t <■* Aio. on - ,ith Mb M„ Ptille.. Pe
JlatiOdioc, litcichen. Ante, Doi-bugn. Mot be, Ac.
d. J . IIKMiT. CI mux A CO.. N.Y..Sol< Agmta.
Colorado for Wis and Toraisls.
Its for rtn and AfttbaAt-
ICI. Ftt'l pwriictl*ri irt*#" hf.
Address, A. B PATTERSOK,
Fort Collins, CV>lorado._
Al nn I'klt UKKK inisrsrteed u> agents
V I Ull nn * hewtv lvtemed Article Stlslit
|H I fill Boor, For cttrtilsrs eddress.
Q/XUU k LAWYER. reteatee Pittsburgh Pa.
Nature's Great Remedy
It It the vital principle of the Pine Tree, obtained
by a peculiar procear in tbe distillation of Uie tar. by
which it* highest medicinal properties are iturned.
Tar even in its crude slate has been recommended by
eminent physicians of every school. It is confidently
offered to the afflicted (or the following simple reasons;
1. IT CO***,— net ty oSrnpt/y stepping tit eosegh—
but by dissolving the phlegm aud UJ luting nature to
throw off the unhealthy mailer causing tbe Irritation.
In case* of MoTcf cotrsi'wrt inn It both prolongs and
renders less burdensome ihe life of the afflicted sufferer.
s. Its healing principle acts upon the Irritated a nr.
bee of the lungs, tenet: .t.'ing to eat * Ji. eased /art,
relieving pain, sad ssehdmng in/taemmmtioss.
3. IT ruairiits ADD SFSKHSSTHI BLOOD. Posidvn
hr curing all humors, from the common rivris or
■SUCTION to the severest cases of Scrofula. Thousand*
of affidavits could be produced from those who have
felt the beneficial effects of PIN* TSSS TAB COSDIAL
in the various diseases arising from mrvama o*
' 4. It invigorate) the digestif t organs and restorm
the appetite. •
All who has* known or tried Dr. L. Q. C. Wis
hart's remedies require no references from us, but the
names of thousands cured by them can be gives to
any 00* who doubts our statement. Dr. L. Q. C.
Wishart'a Great American Dyspepsia PiOs sessd
Woass Sucaa Daors have never been equalled. Est
sale by all Druggist! and Storekeepers, and al
Jit. LiC, WISHARTS Offlcff,
i A*iJMB hi. aaooma §t m etMmom ll
THE Agents Make SIBO A
a*r r*' Konik, ••>" or >•
nl . av WAP*. I'MTt'Hlt*, ( HKO
BEBT *<>*, *(.. • *p ••
YOlt K TAt B. •< 1" >*<
( >ll •.•> scd ••• ' ur now effort,
wooon B, C, Mhl f,
Y ET iwS>
18111 fpl
■WO*I.. lpt ond r-hsn < .Md.*'—. Irnuo.w4M
imiwoWotonKiwittU. I " %i> toti. lumi, Miffs
DC- a HTirill 1
Bfe AU TIFU L. i ir it>rot to tiid tot t*
PICTU RES. !•• ".tit iMtwiwi.
Vluwort, *<■ u ... toot, btrJe,
i. /■•, if, Tnojr .... be int.i*'f
tut aitudg, K u to Imitate iM o#l k""'™
paintings A variety * plettohi. catalogs* •
ti>t> iu< tiers 10 t or. It. t|"'t tnijw,
J, u PATTItH A CO ,VI Woo kuesl How Tort
Soda Fountains!
to. o, its * gioo.
Shipped Ready tor Ue*.
ilKiu'otgrtd by J. W. tHAMUT
A CO., HtlrUUt, l.
rr Hond for •
Hi AA t' IHINCI t ~1l
WOn p" ;r.w.v:r. r !3vss
A ... Bootoo. Moot H 1 ltf .. r, Fa._
NEW book.
Ik wild ig l.ib* M to IJt*r*tss.
Aaaate wat.'-ed for Sctrnce ta Story, by Dr. S E
y.tftl ."r 1 "dit fr.*s. jlti—j[f
>.y Bill Pub. raii.ff Co , l* Fast rnth Siraat. H T.
r* . testic isedicink
by i ,I'HlB A Krl bATCMKt.
Ths arts aciuo* wlthtit thraa faars; Jwat to
t* r.d 111. Hi aaosl ma plats had raUakla work
rni: lEWpagas. substtollwtly to*ad.
t a i.,ab g.i r <*ae with c.mpldta set 10*
ato I*. "sto pi Eo'k and case sa*t to ayfrrt
f tha Cwi tod Matat and < ittow'
V it-It saves twt.a Its cost tw twsry family
wuh • htidr.u aarb year ,
Add'.*, iwsm ss *, Vu
PliffiLi: I'ksffiffs MNQTRMI e.t.busted is uc *• t /to dse CSC
tor i rwmiinont until cur ml. Call ou or hddiasß
DR. J. C. BECK, OUtotahAtt, O.
zft&ssr. L-vr ■£
Collins. - '&rmo :
Are a ssodam sloes Eh (to Are better, timaas
toUsk, far toller IIP they siva a Swat
Una any athar ta v# S pot, thaw way sttoe
SJUSteitca. pnlish.
Ytk4 LUiuht itJvtfy ks, vtU l— tteaa te*
Iteft lftktor wkst tHlf f psjl.stifts ftfft tit#4.
Ar# s Best sad cleat, dh fw Can to used even to
ly article, making no (J (m ths parbr wilhoal
dirt nor dust wl>~ V B u> troubla of ra
sssd. muvtug torul tors to
Bae no dlstgraaabla suit irons or strong arid
smell wbaa pre pared fur uae, but ar* ytaaaaat sad
harm Ices.
Ar* put ap to aaat ta a*oh hoc to* M
style aad la a farm mm etlcks. i suck Is **f
mora aaa.sclent tor 11 Bs Bcvalfur any stove,
•e* than way other *r ■ thus *ll waste ta
pOUak. SAVOd.
Are ike cheapest la the market, heeaas* atta
V v st JC cents will polish as mch surface to 3d
sects' worth f thawid p- liehes.
Bevs Met taken th* /\ m ttos with several •
Arst premium at tha (IP the best of the old
ladtaaeootis Espo- V B stove poll shea.
atUon, ta oompU
Bay Cera as or Coswsr of year ttorahstwto, U
he has them. will pnesrs them tor yon. if not,
send at one dollar, your name, sad ths imam a
year nearest ct press statin*, aad w# will sea* yoa
(sak €**, aad temple* of Barttost's Stocktog aad
Faarl Blaetcg free *1 cost. ,
Cs I'aas or fostorr eaa he bad of all Whole**!*
OroMit sad Dealers to the Called ksete*. aad lie
tall Dealer* will feed there th* moet proAthhl*.
(ram th* fact that they ar* toe fheteet sefliag
article of the k'ad la the amrket.
US Forth Front Street. Fhll*S*Bj>lA
141 Chain ben Blraet. How York.
43 Rros4 iuwe:. Bor.oc
I •
I 1 It is cot s qnsck
NTbe ingn*di<*nts arc pnhlishcd
cgth bottle of inedii'tDp, It
lifted Bdktl reconanended by
4bßPbyiuciAiis wherever it has
inlroluoed. It vrili
1 M positively euro SCSOFVLA
ttriout itaffr*,, JCJ/FV
ciuos srisirg from sc impure
condition ol the blood. Becd
for our Bokadaus AULA VAC, is
which you will find cvrtififwtes
from rciisble and trustworthy
I'hTsicitaA, Ministers of the
Gospel and others.
l it. E. Wfiraa Carr. of iwithnosw
says be has nwd It to reset of Hrrefnt*
st>d oU-< r disease* With tuncA mllefao
Er.T.C-FujlLof Bslitmorv, psecaa.
kitHli H to sS imposts suflrring with
diseased Flocid. Maying It M superior to
ut i mwratton hebasever ttsed.
l ev. tabus* Bali, at the ltaJttoosw
H. J. t'celrntrt ttooth, mts be ha*
teen sotwwrh twseStted by Its wee, that
he rljserfully neosrineadA It to sill his
friends *sd acquaintance*.
CraWß ft Ob. IVugglsiia si Oordooa
till,. Vs. say it never Us fa'ied togiv t
satmfsn ton.
s*m'l 0. VcEhfttes. *nrfamj',
Trtiicww, • it curtd bin of Uheu-
Mn a ben aS sis* tolled.
will car* CLIDs art Freer. I,t*er Ccwiplslat, Dys
p.ptls, sic. We rusracteehosACALte superior to
i *ll other Blend f-nrifltis. Send tor DeseiUpUvs
i C trcclar or Almauac-
■ S. Cosnmero* U, half tosses, XL
A em see k ss sstohvtmr Druggist Ar Bw*AasJa
E Dr. Isgr's C•-
-Vs.. srrh Kemrdy
HH by II- mil l.Jieal
|Mgl 1 rig pmiw-rtl-S.l.> w hlrh
■ / I lie disease ylelda
V' , ✓ J when lliv srslom hat
H l 51 been pul in perfect
P**<\ y nrtler with Duetor
T*' \ Plerce't t.oldcn
Vied leal Itlaeok cry, which slaiithl
bs tnLcii rarnelly to I'.irrcct blood and
stpieiu. whirl, ate altrsys at fault, also
to ael specifically, upon the diseased
ylamls of the nose ami Its chambers.
Catarrh liemcdv .houUI bcappllcl with
Dr. Pierce*# Masai Dourhc.with
which medicine can be carrietl At..;* up
and jwrtrrUu apnllcl to all parts of pas
sages ami cliamber* In which sore* ami
ulcers exist.and frv>m which discharge
proceed*. So successful lias this course
of treatment proven, that the proprietor
offer* SoOO Rett nrd for a ease of
" o>ld tn y/sotl" or f Vtfarrh which he
eannot rtire. The two medirtpos with
i nstmuient, for Cl, by All druggists.
(SfSWsh Kate It Wrek. Arruts wsoted, parttcu
F I t lars fres. J WORTH ACO S' l outs. Mo
Iron in the Blood
STRTP V!tallis
and Enriches lb*
Blood, Tone* np the
ftystem.Builds up the
Hroksu-down, I ures
Female t'ompUh.ts,
propey, Debtlity.Uu
fwors, VlyspeiwiA. Am
Thousands nsv *
been cttarml by tb-t
use of this remedy
from weak, sickly,
suffering creatures, to
strong, healthy, and happy men and women; and
Invalid* cannot reasonably hesitate to give It a trial.
Cbutfnn.—Be sure yen gel the right article. Bea
that "I'cruvian Syrup" Is blown to the ghm.
I'AinphleUfreo. Bendf-rone. BKTU W. FOnLB
A SONS, Proprietors, Boston, Mass. For sale hy
Dyt nr* WHAT iUK riLEHi
I I Facta," A Treatise on tha
w Causes, History, Cure and
■ % PrereßtkofPll.K*. Fab-
Wlithea bv 1' KKIsiAKD
■ ww ftTKK AOO .Sfi Walker Streej.
I II (Hew Vork Sent KKKKioaU
I I ll'sru ot tb* United Sutmort
_JL A 1 I 1 I fterieopi ot a tenet stamp.
I Hhl ■HIH ' o •> invested to WalLßt.
yale,ttin TuvVZt 9 c tt Oo-
I V Bftjaktri Mid iiroken, SS/ ,Si. Y,
I>r. J. Walker i ( alifonii* Vlh-
Afttr Bitter* re a partly Yatftbte
preparation, made chiefly from the na
il?# herb# round on the lower range# of
the Blerra Nevada mountain# of Califor
nia, the medicinal properties of which
are tt acted therefrom without die uae
of / .>ohol The queetion Is almort
dal . asked, " What U the cause of tha
unparalleled success of Vijtkoaji Bit-
Tiuf Our answer la, that they remove
the cause of disease, and the portent re
covers his health. They are the freaß
! blood purifier and a life-giving principle
a perfect Renovator and Invigorator
of the system. Never before ,n feft
history of the world has a msdktosbssffi
oomp-oiuird pasaeeeing tha ransiMWa
qtujSLsof V'HWJASIIITTsaain hosliaalha
sick of every disesaa man ia hair to. Ttugi
are a gentia lUntauve as well at a
raiiavibir CuiMtKa or Inflammatwo A
tha Liter sad Viaoeral drgaoa, in BUioafi
The propertiei* of DR. Walk***
YhmkjAK Birrs** are Aperient,
Corminabve, Kutritictw, I**a4ive, limivtlw
Sedative, Counter I must, Isadora*, Alters
ova and AnU-Il(lka.
It. 11. MrDOYtLD * CO..
Hrwggiate sad in> AfU.. Sao Fvsaoiswa.t Jlfmyiw
Hliw( WaMmtm s*4 < ftaitMff au W. f.
IMd kr all Urs(M< aadtkatrn.
~ .v r. w P. #* u_
R. R. R.
Cures the Wcrat Pain*
or r*o
Need any one Suffer with Pate.
Bat way's Basdy BslM is a sua to ssaqr Pala
I* Nil TXJ rtUT AM* U 4
k* iwtaswtir step* tha mh nwntoiar p*ta.
allays I•■,£■• s sue ctw ( (wu<. *kMk>
• r of the Lungs. Stem*.*. kb-*ds, vr taker gteM#
•r orgus. by aaa iyyllr>li'a,
vt r BOM osa TO rwarrr snarm,
W muter haw vteleet ar umdtttM tha pule She
BBV.'MATtr. Badi-tddai.. |E*rw>. fnjfpi**. Haw
Hasrslidc, ar with llisin u|
laAanutka sf tha sfths SLsAAsr
tnfismaboE sf tha Bewals,
Coararuaß sf tha Lufi
lon Tknal Diflnlt IrMtlutf,
fffiifhr. ToothAehs,
Tha •pplicautm of tha KSADT SBt ISF • tha hart
sr parts what* tha pataac AAcsltf aHM wtßsA
lur4 mif gal WAfort
Tweety Srwpetß half e IwMer eT water wtßla a
few alMhlctr, Crawipa, iaaaaas, Soar Suwaaah.
ttaarthara. ><k ■ llA biarrhaa. DnMttfy,
Wtrf ta tha Bewele.ae4 all latartua ftWa
Tra*lJ#r should always retry • bottlaef EA
wars skadt aausr wtta taata. A
In wmtar ;11 praaaatatrfearaa rr pataa froatMMß
mi water. It to hattar tku IraHt BraaSy as Ifh
l*rs at a Umutant.
rm SJfD sort rwraS Sw any eeetajhsag
IS aat a reat-fftal ont te this werli that arm mm
r.rar aad tftr. and aM other Madartoah. nkddA
Scarlet Tjr h"id T.llow. aad athar NmnWdtf
by HADtfiT-S PILXS) SB ah* sa SASWAI%
Sarsaiarilliai Resol?eat
Has saAsthff riastaataKto.iac Cusa; aoqaiek
Every Dsy ss Ibcrsu iaFlesh sad
Weifhtia Sees and Felt.
The Great Blood Purifier
Imf drop or ths SAmSAPASILLIAS UWU
."EST catamuata th>. a*h tha Stood. Sweat,
t'naa, and other SatAs and Jntcas of (t, intra tha
rigor of lift, Sof tt rapatra tha wa" at the tody
with srw aad tonaC awtcrtal. trriCdla. BypAUts,
Aaatuttiw, Chuadl Systopata. OlaadaWw Ala
•on, In tha threat. Souih, Tamers. Sadaa
In tha Glands n-td ether parts nf tha trstcm, Snrw
Byaa. Slnitaoraaa Staehsrffea nam the Ear* and
the worst Stoma at Shin die—eee. ErapMooe. Farer
(t rca. SoaM Bead. Kit* Worm. Salt Kheam. Brystp
etaa. Aewa, Slach Spts. Worms ta tha Flash. T
mors. Ceoeen la the W.anb. aad all w—haaty and
pamfal dWharw—. Hirhl Yweata. Ic-aa of Sperm
aad allwaaca f the Ills pnanpla. are wtdhia the
reraUre mr.ff- efthta Modrtu Chemlauy, *d ahe
daya' tito trill "prore to any i-raoe t*d 1* A*
either of these Aram cf disease its potaci power to
curt them.
If ihe paUent. Sslly hae—alßS redered hy Yhs
eras Irs aad dseompnsittoa that is cci.tu.urlly pra
yteaslay. lacreeds In arrec.lnff th—# wastes
r.'pnr* the same ertth new atttml made from
healthy hbmd—aad this the sX R AFAEILi-lA* wtU
aad has sec*re—a care ta crista; Sot a Sea aaca
this remedy nausmcis ts eort of mrltahlS,
aad succeeds la SlaMnl*Ma the has of weate*. US
repair* will to tptd.awd erery day the pattest
Will feel him self yrvrrtuff totter and etroayer. th#
fbod dtaeaiina heticr, appcUia lmproetßS, had
£ *h had wrirnt li.rreasli ff.
Vet only does the bassaraiiTtdJas Rttotrstrr ss
est all ktiorrn r. medial -i >sta the cure if Chroo.
te. hrrofalwt, i' .mstitetn net. had Skia diseases I
hat It id Us* only positive cur* ft r
Kidney and Bladder Complaints,
rrlnary. end Womb diseases, Orerrl, Oiiketes,
Dropsy. St. ppayeof Water, li'idtinasaca of Grip*.
Bria-hi * Disease. aad la all .weed
where there are ferwh-deat dep. eits.or the awtai
t* thick, dowdy, mtaod with suteiasres like tha
while of an eye. or threads like white alt, or thor*
Is a BOTbid. dark, htllow* appearance, had whim
b.. deposits, aad wbaa there Is a prlehtac,
barainy sensation hen past g wstar, sad path ta
the Small of ths hack aad aheap the bourn.
Tumor of 18 Years' Growth Cured by
Rsdwsy's Resolvent t
Perfect ParzatlTe aM Retdatiai fills,
perfectly tasteless. eleyerUy coated with street
gum, puree, rernlalr. purify, cleaner and strenath
sn. UOwdYl I'IILS. pir tie cure of all disoruara
of th* Btomacl>. Lirrr, Bowels, Kidneys, B lad dam
Ksreons Disrates. Hcudnrhe.Con tit patina, C<wtiupl
•ess. Indiyastlon, Drnrpsta, Rd.ousaecs, Bilious.
Typhus and Typhoid Perers. Inflammation of tha
Bowels, Piles, and all Drraxgementa of the Internal
▼lacerm. Wan-an led to effect a posture cure. Pure
ly Vrtrrtablr. eonthDaag no mercury, minerals, of
aeietartous Araws.
Obserr* the B.notrtrff rcmpioms retultiag from
disorder* of tha Dl Better Organs:
Bcons8 constipjttou. Inward Plica. Fullness of the Blood
I the Head. Acidity of the Btoautrh, Kantra,
earl-burn. Disgust of Pood, rullneas or Wright la
is Stomach, Hour Eructations, Stnktngor Flutter
lng at the Pit of h* Stomach. Burtmming of th*
Head, aurrted and Difficult Breathing, Flattering
SI the Ueart, Choking or Suflocnticg brnsatlrii*
When ta a Lying Fottare, Dimness of Vision, Dotg
Or Webs before the Siffhl, Perer nd Dull Psln la
the Head, Deflclency of Perspiration, Tcllotrnes* od
the Sktnnad Eyes, Pain In the Side. Phrst, Limbs,
had sudden Pluehesaf Heat. Burning in Ute Pltsh.
Afrw doacs of RAD WAT'S TILLS will free th* ST>
tera from All the ahore named disorders.
Fries 25 cents per Box. Sold hy Druggists.
RF.AD " FAI.SK AND TBrE " Send one letts*
Stamp to RADWAT S CO., HO. SS Warren St, K. 1
Information worth thousands will be seut yor.
■BIMIHH Diploma .itrtrri.
hy th Aturri*
P'kUHHQSwSUriia Iwattluie each
1 * r 2_ rear. A. W. Thumse,
im!SSS9SS^B-wSS® I ME Pateai.eand Ma- ufho-
tnter.ft.r Ute Lightest,
HOHISIIS9R liraiifrst and most
MNSRHn oomfnrtable Bottle—
The Standard Lotta—
that can be worn,
hut to suit every style of drees
Wholesale It-pus:
HOI h\CK HY., tnui.ADKl.Full.
And. Its Cure.
Carbolated Cod Liver Oil
Is a combination of two well-known madb
ens. Its theory to drat to arrest the decay, the*
ltl np the system. F'trslclana And the doatHnacor
rect The really eterUlng cures performed byWUI
son's OU sre proof.
CVirdoHc d'-ul piMUfmiy arrnt s Ztomry It Is ths
most powerful antiseptic In the known world. *n
tcrlnc into the circulation, it At one* grapple* with
corruption sad ueeay ceases. It parities the source*
°'c>hfAteeir OU It Xatwrt't tost auutant is rsstoOns
jr. IK. WTliI iBOW,
SS d*hA BUw*C, It* Ysrhi