The Centre reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1871-1940, April 09, 1874, Image 3

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Our friends w ill oblige by tending us
i;tm* ot local news in their locality, give
us the facts only, and we will put tbeni in
ahnpe. also notices ot death* and marri
ages. , , .
Any < ne sending us the names of six new
subs, rihers, with the cash, willbe entitled
t > receive the RKIVIKTKK one year free.
The UsroK'.Kß being read by neatly
Cfvcrv boiW n this *iae of In# couuly,
w here it has a larger circulation than any
two jifijicr?, will foil lid th<* wediutn
for advertiing tiutinoss, sales, Ac. Ac
A Srt.KMvtti Cutxri TO oo IKTO
THK I!A*WARK 1U SINKS*. — Finding it
very inconvenient and vary expensive to
carry on two stores, 1 have concluded to
sell out either my MUroy or Millheim
stand, (would prefer to tell in Mtlrey.l
These are both good stand*. Any one de
siring to go into the Hardware business
will find this a rare chancs ; any intornis
tion in regard to what business has been
done will be cheerfully given. If desired
the Real estate in Milroy can alto be pur
chased. Term* east. Apply to
19 Mar fit. Milroy IV
Miller A Son, take all kind* of Country
Produce at highest market price*, in ex
change for Groceries, Drug*. Madicinoa,
The second story of Bsv. Miller
new building, which t* n*.w approaching
completion, we are informed, it to be us*l
£M*p Odd Fallow's hall.
> Dr. Wright, the fashionable harbor
o:^>is place, purchased a ticket in the
Ky. Library Lottery, and calculated it
should bring him one af the tick
lers, shura, and he fixed upon the follow
ing, prsigramme 'fara'the drawing was had:
Ist, Purchase the Stump properly in this
town; 2nd, buy a team and go into ihe
huckstering business; 3rd. Balance depo
sit in the Centre Hall bank. We showed
the Dr. the drawing day after it took
place, but heard nothing about calculi
lions of the past or future.
this place, came near being destroyed by
tiro, on Tue-da* afternoon last. Some
boys who were at play about tho bam.
oWmd * fir* starting up under the over
shot,- which they at once extinguished.
There was a high wind going at the time,
an J only (hit timely discovery prevented
a conflagration which would have swept
the entire premises. Mr. llv>ffr thinks
that the fir# was the result f carelessness
on the part of seina men who had beer,
at the barn about that time to look at a
colt, and '< thinks one of them may have
ignited a match to light a pipe or cigar,
and carelessly, as is so often the rasa,
threw the match down where it came so
r.-igh breeding t-rrible mischief. Let this
serve as another warning to smokers.
Mr, Witmer of this place, returned
fn m Sugar Valley the other day, having
been there on a visit, and brought with
him samples of what is claimed to be coal,
having been tested in stoves there, and
found to possess burning qualities. These
specimens wer# taken off the land of Peter
Kamctter, this side of Logansville. Hope
it will prove a genuine coat bank.
Jas. C. Williams has become pro
prietor of the large and elegant Drug
store, of B. F. Rankin & Co., and will car
ry it on at the same place, and in the same
manner. Mr Williams has already had
thorough experience iu this establishment,
and is a reliable druggist and perfect gen
tleman. He will be thankful for a share of
patronage, and we knew will render the
utmost satisfaction.
Wtn. Wolf, of the old Centre Hall
stand, is now in Philadelphia, laying in a
stock of spring goods, which will arrive
fn a day or two. Mr. Wolf intends to ex
ceed anything he has done heretofore in
having a splendid stack, and will offer
bargains that will pay the buyer to take,
bio look out for a large and complete as
sortment ef every thing, and at the lowest
prices. Hold up for the new arrival.
- Those local sneak-thieves from New
England, who bawl for "credit," and are
ail tie while guilty of wholesale pilfering
from "an exchange," in their la*t week *
i-sue hate copied a score ef REI-OBTEK lo
cals again without credit. These yanks
are guilty ef this petty littleness, while
bawling at others with bull-frog modesty,
when they imagine that a line of their'•
l.a- l een copied without big credit for lit
(rary effort. The Tuten sheet is good
whenever it draws upon the columns of
the KCPOBTKR, to which it is welcome
credit or no credit
The Lewistown Qascttc has been en
larged and improved. Glad to seethe
evidence of its prosperity.
The Watsonlown lumber ccrnpany,
succeeded in getting more logs to the river
during the flood in White Deer, ami ad
joining streams, than they bav been
known to for several years.
On the evening of the late election in
Milesjtownship, some petty thieves,' after
killing the watch dog, entered the bara of
Mr. Daniel Brumgart. and stole therefrom
a large quantity of oats. The members of
the family were absent at the time.
Mr. Adam Kahl of Sugar Valley i*
in search of the fellow wbotook a bee bive
with all its living inmates and the fruits of
their summer's labor from hi* bee-house
last winter. If be succeeds in finding him,
woe be to honeyed prosperity for genera
tioii* to come.
Prof. Jacob Rhone takes cha e of
the Pine Grove Academy, which opens Ist
Monday in May. The Professor is a ripe
scholar, and will make an efficient princi
A lumberman named Jacob With
ers. while floating White Deer creek du
ring the late freshet inadverdently attempt
cJTTrL' w *-L 11 log jam while in inotien,
and loosing his footing was immediately
crushed to death by the tumbling mass of
logs which surrounded biui.
The people ofTylergville, seem de
ter.nined to have a bridge to cross Fishing
creek at that place if it bankrupts the town
ship. They have built several bridges
within the last several years, all of which
have disappeared or become unsafe to
cross. Mr Kleckner, the accomodating
road-master, has undertaken the task of
spabuilding a new one this spring which it is
* hoped will endure longer than iu prede
No. 4 La Creine de la Creme (J. L. Pe
ters, N. Y.) offers the pianist a rich series,
as follows: "On the Sea," Barcarolle,
Kuhe, (sheet form 40cts ,) "The Break of
Day," Reverie, Ardite (.15cts); La Bailer
ino, Polka, Lichner, (Softs "When the
Swallows Homeward Fly," Oesten (GOet*;)
"E-piegleries, Caprice." Egghard. (40cts)
Price per No. 50 cent*, per year $4.
LOST.—Lost on '26 th March, on the pike
between Centre llall, and Wra. Hennigh's
a coverlet, red, white, blue and gre<n
colors, fringe about 0 inches long. The
finder will please leave the same at this
office, or at the residence of the owner
It M. M. CosiK), Centre Hall.
A meeting which had bean in pro
gress, iu Jacksonville, for four weeks
closed on the eve of March 24th, and re
sulted in tho conversion of2G souls. Quite
a number of them united with the Luth.
church at that place. The church had
been lying dormant for 13 years. It is
flourishing under the pastoral care of Rev.
J. A. Bright.
Quite an excitement was created iu
our town on Tuesday evening, by the ap
pearance of a procession of young ladies,
coming up the board-wa.L", who at once
were thought to be a gang of crusaders,
beaded by the venerable Dio Lewis,
the orlgnator of the temperance war, and
armed with buckets to convey the poison
■ ii- liquid to the gutters. Slowly and sad
ly they marched along, until finally they
dispersed and quiel.y returned to their
homes. After further inquiry we were
r siforu:.'d that they were only returning
from cleansing the M. K. church f the
Jilth and tobacco carried there during the
/evival, by unprincipled young men.
Two death*, of two wive*, af IwteL
lixait of Brush valley, living in th* time
house, occur rod an lust Sabbath, within a
few hour* of each other The Brat daalh
we* that of Mrs Frank wifeofJobn Frank,
aged about Til years. Mr. John Slrohtn oc
cupied <t part of Mr. Frank * house, hit
wife lay sick of typhoid pneumonia and
expired a few hour* after th# death of the
first named lady.
- Twenty counties in the slat# are out
of debt lteiks, Red ford, Bucks, Centre,
Clinton, Columbia, Fulton, (lieene, Hunt
ingdon. Juniata. Lehigh, M'kean, North
umtarland Snyder, Suuiersct. Sullivan,
Union, Warren, Wayne and Yo*k,
Henry See bold who lived about a
mils and a ball above New |lerlin, com
mitted suicide on Thursday, March '„V>, by
hanging himself in hi* granary. He wa*
a brother to Jacob Seebold. deceased, who
died last year at the Danville Asylum.
Henry had alto been to the asy turn awhile.
XWintgraee riiao
Mr. Peter 11 offer, of thi* place, ha*
sold hit iateratt in the ttore of iloffer
Bros, Hel!ffonte,toour veung and amiable
frirnd Kline, where a large slock of good*
will always be found on hand, and at
heretofore, to he sold at lowest price*, tor
which thii old and reliable tta: dit noted
tie and trv them.
Bill Brow.'lit opposed ta Orvi* be
ing judge. Jutl at always—Brown's op.
position w ill bo to the succe*i'ul man.
We know thai Orris won't op (so* a Brown
\on the Lieut. Governorship.
S Our friend Montgomery, secretary,
on informing ut of our election a* an hon
orary member of the Curtin Literary
Club, o! Millheim, also furnishes the list
of other honorary member*, a* follows.-
A. G. Curtin, IWilel'onte.
Fred. Kurt*. Centre Hall,
Jno. C. Mots. Woodward,
Wm. J, M'Mar.igal, Milroy,
J P. Gaphart, Kallefonta,
Dr. Hillibith, Bebersburg,
l>r. Mutter, Aarontburg.
J. P. Coburn, "
Jac\>b Gephart. Millheim.
W. K Alexander, "
W. L. Mutter, "
B 0. Deininger, "
G W. Foot*,
D. A. Muster, "
P. Gray Meek, Bellefohte.
We certaiuly esteem it an boner te be
thought worthy el'this mark of respect, on
the part ef our Millheim friends. Their
aim it a good one, >ud we wish he club
success, and that it may be a credit to
that town.
The establishment of BurutiJe A Thom
as opposite the Bush House hat become a
necessity to a great portion of the com
munity. You can always purchase at this
house—The finest groceries, Cigars and
Tobacco- af the best brands bought direct
from the manufactory. Th# Country it
flooded with damaged A cheap tobacco*.
The Knowledge has become general that
th* prices of this bouse it the lowest in the
trade. This it attributive to their whole
talc operalioas which give* them advan
tage* which but few if any other firmt
possess. A visit to this Jobbing house
will convince you that Burruic* A Thom
as ar* telling first class articles at low at
any other bouse are charging for ordinary
goods. Butter, Eggs, dried fruits A all
kinds of country produce wanted by
Burn side A Thomas.
The Treasurer's sale* have crowded
out several communications and other
matter, intended for this week * paper.
The Penn Hall Academy will be
opened; on Monday 13th in St., under
charge of Prof. Kirschner, who conducted
this institution so successfully last sum
mer. We are informed that many stu
dents will be in attendance. The popular
course and high standing of th* Professor
have gained a wide reputation for this
Academy, and pareuts find tbi* institution
second to none to gain an academic edu
cation for their sons and daughters.
THK MAGIC INKSTAND.— Have you teen
it? If net you have misted th* greatest
curiosity of the century. It it a little fac
tor, and makes its own ink,—enough for
an ordinary lifetime. It retails at two (2)
dollars, and can be had at at all station
ers, or by mail from K. C. Hoot, Anthony ]
A Co. New York.
The following locals we copy from
"an exchange'' which hat a habit of dodg
ing credit, and bawls like a calf when it i*
served after its own manner of doing
things :
Ex-Governor Curtin and wife have left
Jacksonville, Florida, where they hav#
spent most of the winter, and are journey
ing leasurly through the Southern States to
ward Naw Orlaans. They will return to
Bellefonte the later part of this month
Mrs. John Hoffer ef this place, whilego
ing down cellar, last Thursday, had her
twee badly lacerated and two ef her rib*
fractured by the stairs giving way and
percipitatir.g her upon the stone floor be
low. t We are pleased to hear that she is
Last Friday at two o'clock the bouse oc
cupied by Curtis De Has*, near the Rolling
Mill, was observed to be on fire Prompt
efforts were made te extinguish the flames
but without avail and the whole building
was toon in ashes. Furniture and other
content* were saved. No insurance. Fire
was first observed in the roof but the ori
gin is a question of doubt.
List of (irami Jurors for April Term.
Bellefonte boro'—Kobt Hepburn, C
Drr, Henry Derr
Cnionville— K M Lucas
Renner twp— J E Mitchel, A J Shively
Bogg*—Constance Curtin. And Fitiger.
Burnsidcs—Martin VedefTer
Ferguson—Davi'* Fv
Gregg—L Evans J F Heckman, David
Emeries, Daniel Bartge*
Haines—Robert Goheen
Miles—James P Frank, Henry G Buy
er, Emanuel Harlcr,
Penn—Elias Kreaiucr, BO Deininger
Rush—J C Dunkle
Soring— VV J Dale, 11 Kline
Walker—Daniel Dorman
List Traverse Jurors —let Week.
Bellefonte hero—Win fthortlidre. Geo
Thomas. Jac V Thomas, Flank Steel,
Geo W Tate
Milesburg Boro—J Miles Green
I'hilipsburg—LG Keier
Bonner Twp—John Rishel. Win Ishler,
H Hevy.
Boggs—Philips Resides, D F Shop* J
II Linn
Burnsidcs—Jacob Craft
Curtin —John M'Closkey. A S Tipton
f erguson—Geo Human, Wiu Muster D
Gregg—John Taylor, Jonathan Weav
Half Moon—John A Hunter, I Peck.
Harris—John S Forster
Haines—W W Bower
Huston—Daniel Irvin
Liberty—Jno A Stover
Marias—lsaac Train, Samuel Aley
Patton— Geo lieeser, Geo Mattene, I' A
Sellers, J G Stine
Penn—P II Swartz, Fred Catherman, U
G Smith
Potter —Peter Hoffer, Win Aruiugast,
Jobu Foreman, A 1' Hotter man, f) H
Hush—Geo M (-Galley
Snow Shoe—Mark Money
Spring—H E Gentzel
Union —Jacob SpotU
Walker—Jno H Peck, Jno Diverts, W
P Harris
Traverse .Jurors—2nd YNJeek.
Bellefoiite Boro—Saiu'l Van Tries, Geo
H Weaver. P Gray Meek, U D Yerger
Howard Boro—Balser Weber
Philisbutg—Jams* Perks, W H M'-
Can-land, Henry Dunkle, O Adams.
Milesbu-g—J P Shoope
Uiiioriville--Jolm Bine
Hoggs Twp— Frank McElroy, Thomas
Adams, Simon Bathurst
Ferguson—John F Krebs, Charles Sny
Gregg—B P Herring
Haines —Charles W Wolf, A J Burreli,
Michael Feidler
Howard—Ja* Antis, J M Hall
Half MIK>I—P W Burket.
Liberty—B 11 Koons, Thus Bower.
Milts—And Gramley, Daniel Stray tr,
Samuel Stroliecker, Samuel Condo
Potter— Rphriaiit Keller, Alex Kuiin,
Jno G Sankey
Snow Shoe —Wni Holt
Spring—C C Taylor
Union—Thomas M'Eweu
Worth—Jos Thompson
(Jrent Fire u( Milln'stonu
Seven Persons IVri.-li in the Flsiues
M illerntow n, Butler County, Pa., A jri
1 A tire broke out here at about hal
past one o'clock tin* morning in the I'en
tral hotel trvnu the gas u*od in the build
ing, at is uppo*ed. Seven person* wen
burned to death, but the b-nlie* were re
covered Their name* are Norah Carts
of Pleasantville ; George Deet, a German
Captain Oliver, oil operator . Martin Phil
it s and Saiiford Acetk, driller*. Th# otic
er two are unknown Nancy M'Cartv
jumped from a third -lory window of tin
Central hotel and was badly injured, but
is still alive.
All on the east side of Main street from
Frederick's grocers and hardware store,
including the Central and ilanlon hoiue*.
opera house, lord V Durant hardware
store, Link's hotel and other buildingi
south Oa the West side of Main street
from Bed Fiank * shebang, north, irtclu
sive of th* Butler county bank. United
Slates pipe line's ertice, express oilier
Millrrslowii savings' bank and Water
man's grocery up to Schneider's billiard
room on Slippery Bock street, north sol#
from Frederick's boot and shoe store, west
to Broomharts'sgrocery store from Hook's
dwelling south side of Slippery Rock street
east to Huffs laundry building, ninety
six building- in all
More persons, it is thought, have been
burned but net yet recovered.
Bay oune, March 30. -The news from
BilL-a through Carlist sources stales that
fighting was resumed on Saturday morn
ing and lasted all day. The Republicans
attacked but made no impression on the
Carlist lines, meeting with repulse at eve
ry point. Their lot- is estimated at 4,(M)
kill**! and wounded and wh)!Cth*t of the
Carlist* did not exceed I.OtW.
The Car! isls Turning Their Guns on
Scrrauo's Army.
London, March 31 A. M -There have
been heavy losses on both tides in the hat
tie betare Bilbao. Satilander is crowded
with wounded from the Republican ranks
The Carlist besieging force has partially
suspended the bombardment of liilbi-a, in
order to turn their guus against Serrano s
A man Thrown in the Air 101) Fret.
The York Uaxette gives the following
particulars of the accident mentioned in
the Patriot on Mv>ndy : At tho ot,
the explosion John Plans, front brakeman.
was sitting on the fireman's sea!, on the
angine, looking out the window He was
thrown more than a hundred feet up in
tha air and landed on the top of the third
car from tho locomotive with such fore# as
to break the tin roof. When found there
h* was dead. A country man who was
cloe by saw hi* body in ascending ri-e
above the mass of steam and smoke The,
engineer i Nicholas Tread way . was work
ing at something at the side of the engine
and was thrown some distance The fire
man (Charles L. Rohrbaught, wa* stand
ing on the foot board of the tender and
Jacob Welsh, brakeman, was sitting un
der the bridge on a log along tide the
track. Roth tluise men were also thrown
some feet. The engine was a complete
wreck. The fire box, the w. Ight of wbioh
is between five and six tons, landed in a
wheat field, about eighteen fret above the
level of the track and thri-e hundred and
ninety feet from where the explosion took
place, having pa*.-ed oyer the telegraph
wires, which at that point are about sixty
feet above the track Tho fir# bos first
struck the ground at a distance of three
hundred and twenty iert, tearing up the
earth to a depth of over three feet, and
rebounding toventy f>-et more landed, at
before stated, three hundred and ninety
feet from where it started. The ongine,
what was left ut it, was thrown to the bank
opposite the direction in whith the fire
box fiew and was reverted, the front end
being turned northward. Hevy pieces
of iron and wood were found in eyery di
rection. The bridge under which the
loccmotive was standing was struck with
such force a* to fly into hundreds of
pieces, the heavy timber* falling on the
Paris, March SO. -The report that Hen- •
ri Rochefort and Paschal Grouttat have
escaped from New Caledonia it confirmed
Ad. .p. tch from Malbourne of yesterday t
date, to Pari*, says tbey, with Gourde and
Builliere and two other convicts, have ar
rived at New Castle, New South Wales.
London, March 31—*1:30 a. m.—The
Daily Telegraph's Australian correspond
eat says Henry Rochefort and his com
panion* escaped from New Caledonia in a
small open boat. They had been three
days at sea when they were picked up by
a British sailing vessel and brought to an
Australian port. Rochefort has tele
graphed to Paris for fund*.
lie intend* to visit the United Slate*
and lecture in New York and other
American cities before he returns to Eu
rope, whvn he will probably take up Ins
residence in Brussel*.
The Daily New*'" special from India
say* incendiary fire* are alarmingly fre
quent in the neigb-irtiood of Seatamora, |
in the Gwalor di.-trict Two laigo vil
lages were entirely destroyed.
From Natmul large numbers cf inhabi
tant* are emigrating in consequence of the
death of Mr*. John 11. Brown, of Lock
Haven, in January last, created much ex
citemant in that city at the lime, mid ha- 1
led to a minute investigation into the
cause of her death by a coroner'* jury
last week. The Democrat remarks; "Tho
official ro|Krt of Prof. Rogers, of tin-
Pennsylvania University, on the Hnulysis
of the medicine taken and contents of
stomach of deceaard, was read, l'rof. Ro
gers reports the finding of strychnine in
tb* medicine and stomach, and the find
ing of 'bromine and iodine as bromide and
irdide of potash iri the liquid, and iodine
and bromine presumably a* iodide and
bromide of potash in the stomach.' The
verdict of the jury was, 'that Mrs. John
C. Brown came to her death from a poi.-
mo-fa* substance compounded in a pre
scription of medicine Ht the Drug Store ol
George K. Toxer, in the city of Lock Ha
ven, by some person to tho jury un
known.' "
London, March 26- The remains of l)r.,
Livingston left Aden on the 2-id, on the)
mail steamer Milivu, for England. Tney .
are inca-ed in a lead coffin and preserved
in salt. The body was fully recognised at j
London, March 27—6.80 P. M. The
Daily Telegraph announcing that the body
of Dr. Livingston w*"on its way to Eng
land, says an investigation at Oden result
ed in its complete identification.
Calcutta, April 4—Reports from the
famine-stricken districts show continued the general situation.
The authorities are now in a condition to
hope that the difficulties are over, except
iii the northwestern portion of Tirhoot,
where over oUOJUO persona are yet depend
cut upon the government for fooJ.
The spring crop has yielded well, ex
cept in Tirliuot.
Monday and TuesJav spring-like—ulter
wards ram-like.
For the Kvporter.
XI a Kuftrr V.r: It it said that "gnait
1 work it as good as any, if it hits," hut the
guessing of XI r. gaorge w.foiite, of lite Ue
richtcr, don't liit. If lie did not succeed
, better in hittug his mark while a toldiar,
1 than ha does in lumbling around in the
i fog far "Uncle John," 1 do not wonder
that th* government gives Ii Im but half a
] pension. 0 usds ! Ha
snceringly refers to toy lameness in walks
; irg, Ilia result of all accident I met with
year# ago Of this he should simply be
ashamed, (if that were possible,land at the
same time remember that a dis. rimaling
public sves a wide difference between a
; physical and a in.oaf lameness of gait
I'o all whom ii may concern 1 would tay
that 1 am nut "Uncle John, 1 Jo not
know who that tmsleriaus persuing* is;
| don't care to kuow, and that I have no
j interest in the history or doings uf th* liu
i richter and its aditer, or rather, thai i
will not have any, after a Certain htlle
matter still between us, is p-rc./. 'Null'
sed. "t>KKK Von FIVU."
! (The writer of the above comuiunicalian
wishes u to stale that b* is not "Uncle
j John." Publisher* are not in the habit of
saying who i* and who i* not the author
'ot coiumunicatiuns, yd in this msiaiic* we
will say that the wruer of the ahos# arid
"Uncle John are different person*. Ki>.)
Near Huh'ertl.urg, on 21st March,
jof typhoid fever, Mr. Jno ri. Swaila,
Near /..on, on the 4Ui, of A|ril, Mrs.
! Kii. a J Famolca, w if* of Henry Famolae,
aged '.7 years, 0 utoillht, and 10 days.
Ou l9tli ult. Mr Albert Scbenck, to
M us Nannie J. Halter, both of lL.w nrJ
(>n 25th ull Mr. George Kmcrick of
j Hublertburg, ta Mist Mary A. Shearer,
| of Beech Creek
Lime & Cement.
The basi quaLly of luau, always on
hand at the Centra Hall lime-kilns. Also
cement, which is warranted to he fa su
perior oualilv. Apply to
ap9-tf ' GEO. KOCH.
Tito Undersigned has for sale a large
stock of Lumber at the Loop Sawmill,
(lately Colycr *l, consisting of
YX ilirK. Vki LOW,
and all kinds of Lumber generally used
lor building purpose*
apr9-Bnt Poller* Mills.
IN AU Y.—TheSprlng Term Will be
gin the 6i i Monday in May. and continue
twenty weeks, client a vacation at two
weeks during harvest. Tuition and board
ing at moderate rales For further infor
mation address the Principal, Jscoa
BmoBE A M .or Dr. J R Smith Sac'y,
ot the Uoaid uf Trustee-, Pine Grove
Milt*, Cer.lrc Co. Pa. p9 3l
By virtue of sundry wut* of nen facias
levari facias aid venditioni Flponas, is
sued out of the Court of Common I'lr*s ol
lVntre)cwunty. to me diiected, there will be
exposed to public sale al the Court House,
in B.'llefotiie. on Monday. 271h day uf i
Ajirtl, 1874, the following described leal j
estate, v.* .-
All defendant's interest in and to certain !
lot of ground situate in the boro" of Phil
ipsburg. Kgsh tugnihip, Centre county,
know n and designated as iot Ko. •. in the
ground plan ef said lloro there, n erect#,l
frame dwelling house, wood shad and oth
er outbuildings. Seized, taken in execu
tion, and to he sold as the property of
Alexander Adams.
All those three certain messuages or
tracts of land situate in the township of
Gregg, bounded and descrit-sd at follows,
to wit. Baginiii.'ig a( a chestnut oak s
thence by land of Is-ac ll*'.lirgsr, U.
E. 29 perches to a stone ; thence by same
N. 50 E 5 6-10 perches to a stone, thence
bv land of Polly Hettinger, N. 38", XV
28 2-10 perches to stones, thence by lead
of Daac Hettinger, S. 58° XX' 5 4 111 per,
to the place ot beginning, containing one
acre neat measure.
2Ul'he second beginning at a chestnut oak
(hence along land of Isaac Hettinger, S.
&tf, W. 6 8-10 pprpbps to stoiips, tfcnce
along land of same, S. So"', H._U-fW jer. ui
stones, thence along same N. 35® XV. 29
perches to the place of beginning, con
tauig one acre neat measure.
Th* third beginning at a pint tree, land of Isaac Hettinger 8.
oj®. XX' 162 perthes to stone, thence by
land of Daniel Living*t>n*, N. 31® . \%.
66 p*r..bc to stone : Ihenpe by summit of
Egg Hill, N. 691 K K<B b 10 perches to a
stone, thence by land ei John B,>re!l and
John Sankey. 5.29 J , K. 55 perches to the
place of b, ginning, containing 51 acres 132
perches and al owance, together with the
building*, improvements, and heredita
ments Seized ami taken in execution
and to be said a* the property of Thu*. J.
ap9 St. Bheriff.
i\ TWP.—In account with John Hos
ier man, Overseer
1873. DR.
Mr 24, To am't due twp at
settlement SILI2I
Mar 251 L, Am't ofduplicato 751 15
1873 CR.
Mar 24th By error in aec't
of 72 J164
do Cash 1 U>
Mar 25, 74 Am't for keeping
jiaupers 463 83
do Exonerations I 35
do ,Service* 35 0"
do Dr. PDNeff 3000
do Percentage - 37 55
Jo Cash at Audit. 2000
do Du* at settlement 28;: (W
In acc't with I) GiiliUud, Poor Overseer.
1873 DR.
Mnr 24tli. To am't due twp
at settlement $20252
1874 Am't of duplicate 632 06
Mar 25. Am't refunded from
Slate Hospital 2400
do Cash from John Pen
nington 10 00
1873 Ctt
Mar 24, By exonerations, K
do By cash. 4(1)
do 2, '74 keeping paupors... 623 (6
do By exonerations 14 'AI
du do Services 50 00
do do Percentage 31 CO
do do lfal HlSettlement 143 1(1
In acc't with I' Shefllet, Road Supervwr
|s7.'. DK
Mar 24, To Order from Jno
Goodheirt $79 07
Mar2s, '74, Toaudit of dup 14)0928
1874 CR
Mar 25, By audit of work SB3O 96
do do exoneration*... 5 46
do da service* - 13500
do do Gush at audit 4000
do do But lit settle
ment 76 93
In acc't with S Rover. Road .Supervisor.
187.1 I)K
Mitr 24th. To order from
JB Lee $lB3 72
Mnr2s. T am't of duplicate 637 09
$ 820 81
1874 CR.
Mar 25, By am't of w0rk...5626 2l>
do 25, do exonerations 947
do do Services 75 00
do do Gash at audit 84 119
do do Order to R Lee 26 (k>
$ 820
j 1874 DR.
Xlur2s, Auditors Received
Cash s'4l 09
do Deduct Auditor'* credit **44B)
do Hit! in hand of Audit
ors $ 60 09
1874 CR
! Xl,,r 25. Bv XV A Kerr.
(Clerk. '73) $ 3 00
|do XV XX' Love. Auditor... 200
.do Jim M.'C intick 4 00
i do J- Gilliland... 4 00
! do J J Arney 1 00
J.lo XX' XV Spangler 200
do D Weidensatil room lent 150
idoFKurl/., printing 16 5(1
[do R Lee 50 00
$ 84 00
W. W. SPXHotgR, Auditor*.
I A\KS I (lit 18.9 MII.I 1873. *„ -
Notice is hereby given, thai in % '
pursuance of an A.-(ol Assanibly, .
passed tho 12th Jat of June, A ,
D 1816. entitled "An Act to 1,1
amend an At t duelling the uiode
of selling unsettled lands, in Cell fO
ire county," and Ihe several tup- 31*8
pleliieilU thereto, lliele will he PSi
evposed at public salvor outcry.'do
thu following Uacls uf unsealed jdi
lands ili said county lot the tin - Nil
due and unpaid tlieirun, al the Its'.
Court House in tho llnl* ugh o! 439
Bellafolllu, oil tin .- olid Xloii 198
day ..(June A D IBT4 18
llogga ToWllailip, "36"
oats nt Vasts ■
1,18H... Andrew Noiuiuur* 27 .>*h
bit Unknown <1 2C 7"
4<i " 4;(8, 61
Hts 94...0f A l elrer <3 29 Il
19, P> her A Lucas. P2 4'ki
hi ...Uukiiow 11 2 "ai 4to
4 ... 153... Jonathan llat vey 13 mi IS 11
4.11 40... XI,I-S, Hood 1i(74 tl*l
I'. l ..163 .David Lewis 27 t9 ( 35"
d ...d©,William Gray do £*•
4<> 84 XX" 111!! 729 4u
4 184 . . XX 111 Runnel! (, ••
Hurnsiiie Tuwushiji.
■IKS . 96 . James Hull 36 69 • '
433 Ale* Dallrs... 19 9tl •**'
do . ...Thomas liaiui)b.ii da
do 163 ..Unknown do A"
fi11... '" 9 931 6J
1(W 4of Jer Parker... do 2t
do 83 .Jeremiah I'arkar 2 i'." l 46
4i3 163 .Joseph Morris... 19 90 l<*l
do .. do ... Ale* Greater do 47
do do ...Geo Kddy do 222
46 . ...Uukiiow ............ 184 123
"si ...Samuel Harris— 4 J'Ui 15
I! 3 120...SalUUel Scutl 19 91 .'*•
da do ... Robert Gray 19 90 32
4 > do ... XX tn Dewart do 117
4 1...du ...John " ... do To
do .. do ....{nines Tower#,,. M do ha
do do ...XVm Gray do
415 John XX .-tire 1 .... 1908 ((,o
do . ...James 81ack...... do p>,|
do .. ...Jos J Wallace... do nil
433 I'JO XX" m Co. k 19 90 po,
do., do ...John t'owden do
do ... XX* ill P tirndy do
do do ...Henry Shaffer...- do
do do ...John HoUsel do
do do ...John Lyon do |u
do da ...Charles Gobeii... da |o,
do d© ...Tho* (tra1it......... do
do ...John Brady ...... d ;
do ...da ...Juhn Kida. da >
do do ...Henry Doiiclly... do
do ... Robert llrady...- do
7t5 Unknown - 23n Ip,
12 Ilenry XVheeler.. 692
UeiiurrToarti*hp. 425
1U8... ..Jacob Barium...- 390 do
Curtiu Township. d"
Snof Joseph Kelso 94(11 J?"
337 ... L.tidies Crate*... 47 BU ) ! '-J
415 . ~,Wm Gil he! t 77 4u
2u:i t Caleb Lal,lt ttlOJ iii
; 1 L o g.trelh .. 3d 64 f*'
4ii 163 ..James XX lute 77 6
4.4 4J .b XV Packer. 569 * r -
Itki . ...4 XX ml* Xlitcheit 66'
43 4 do
221' 4 da 4 73 ' lO
424 ...4 Jos Devling 6 02jd"
433 ..163...Th< nias 11a1a... 34 4o
'A*' J.-hn Palmer 16 At 421
461 XX in Yardley 19 Tn
376 ...Samuel Ba.rd ... 69 A<
4 '-. Mary Talluian... 2! 5j
414 Jos Devling -i rT t
216 ..163... F XX hait.ui IB 65 *<SJ
<A' J XX *SC Packer 6 I. 42.
293... 31...Charles Bruce 15 t;
415... ...Charlea Allen 44 29 A)
21? F XV harum 930 15
At .A Ham. ton 86 |t
3*J6 4 Job XX Packer 616 21
43 4 J"* Devling 61*" 4tU
2AH... . i.N P Mitchell— 6(v, aM
4UI 4 do _ 760 133
431 4 <• 9 301
iaj ...JJ P Mi5,.bi1...... n6l
I-i .. tCiiU Wuigley. . 225 i,_
AC4- ... K hert dUsley„.. 34 40 1 '
JUO ll,chard Tunis- 1294
do— do - 1290U
453 163...Th.uuas McKwen 18- i
144 J XV Packer 12u4ji (1
Aj74 ...I'tlrb Lann....... 22 a.' i,*)
"ACi . 1 le>ng:.-ih £i3.i
415, ... R u hard Tunis 8 (*> i,"
do . Rebec, a Kelso - 35'
do .Friar f.'"hjy......... 71 "
d • .. Casp. r XX s-tar £) 4'
AC4- .. Robert Amtley . do f ,
416. _ —John Mi Cat lay I7 84. ,k ~ j
53... 14 ("line (Juigly lUh
4AI . 46...Philip Myrr* Sill I ,'^
do . .do ... X'ah i.line Myers Jft t*, '•*'
do. do ... Mn hael Myers... do
du Simon Mvcrs 9
43i. 163...Th0mas 1* Hate 46 44
433... 163. Garnet Cs>tiinger 22 :t<. ~ ,
4*24 *6l Th.. (' 'A'!.a.toil 6# Hi Ail
4!l J...!*!, Hainws..... 86 55 -
4 1...1A" Ale* Bel 37 ' AU
433... 1%).. Cliarh • H..t! 37 A'
41 Joseph Taylor 8". U' - l<l '
448 Andrew Ki pte. 17 IN'
393... 80...R0t t lrvin 42*A
439—133... N 1. At wood 46 33 j' 1 *
#09... 19... do no 10 ,( *J
:ki4... 4—Job XX Parker- Ah 10
158 93 Job XV packer 17 30 j"
lid iiu ilu do
416 Peter 77 40 ™
415 J Thomas 47 85 *!
da Susan liahn 38 TO r*.,
d" Jaiob Wattt 48 09
425 Nathaniel Levy 39 99 "
415 Tho# Humphry 11! Si'!*™?
do Kohl G ray '4.5:
do Wtp Gray i(5 65 „W
4nl Win Yardley 19 7r
30U Malhew Leach 4 ;k> j 1 . 1 !
do N LAtwood 12 Wu
4k? 103 Abijah Davit 87 3
438 l<a J litgbve (lligbao) 1290 ;
Kcrgtieuti Township. , 1.
162 116 Geo Kutlinger 32 75 g,,
185 127 Joseph Harnett 885 oi
•'t'.'n John Andoraon 1912 J ; |
196 George Nice 19 0
122 Jacab Lilc 7 97
1:40 Peter Crispin 4 25!,
:fB4 Samuel Duncan 37 45 *'
36 47 T McCullough 2 331?'
70 L Hawthorn 22 92
10 I.aac Worrell 3
388 49 Alfred B Crew it 25 37 V
-4<>4 19 Thomas Ferguson 1202' JJ*
118 23 Aaron Irtivy IJ(5:V*'
404 115 James M. ore 13 21!**'
:tß* Hannah Turner 12 48;®°
:c.<B 122 David Turner 12 70 Uo
151 51 Lydia Fowlar 16 41;
91 41 Jacob Way 892 818
16 46 Henry Mcdler 290 50
lt* Richard, A Ginler 695 da
225 Richard A Mutely 14 73 *2
177 llenrv Manly 1467 SO
145 Rcnj Hoover 9 44 100
40 John Mi Kenn "2C d*
300 Robert Rankin 19 65 191
33" Isaac Brinkle do ]
40(1 James Baker 6 65 ggg
do John Palllcrbridge do gg)
300 Josiah Lurhy 19(6':>(g
125 Caleb North 4 07 oyj
63 J Pethorbridga 8 2>ij^Q)
110 John Baker S(ioU|g
150 Sanuie! Bryson 10 05; ,j t>
Gregg Township. 133
121 .lame* Barber 7 70 "247
All Unknown 8 70)428
50 " 145 187
Half Moon Township. j , w
216 Josiah Lnmboun 20 (*'.!'J®
210 104 Unknown 14 89l;'
II 114 '" 5 53A; w
52 138 05i 'l°
40 10 •" 3 14'°
58 12 " 4 Ns'
88 Win King 11 o:!'J°
174 Samuel Bryan 8 18|'|°
207 John Mi Ktwook 26U'm' °
41" 40 Ilenry Playd 82 60j'J®
:uw 80 R Whitehead 38 39 ,7®
+*• Al XX'm Laudhurn s(> 40 ],'"'
210 Jacob Underwood "26 46 ;J~
136 117 Jacob l'yle lilt;' 1
K*i 130 Richard Joliff 6040-<
AM John Hannah 25 20 '
4(*l Jacob Baker 60 40 'j®
do Jail 11 linker do ,
18 C&TDelig* 2 26
Ifnriin Township. ;! , w
50 of John Irvin 1 42
UI of John lrvin 1 42
do do do do t j u
WO Win Brown II 40 ( j 0
do Jas Reed do ( | (|
do Absalom Andre do
• '.■■ 125 J C Fi-lier 136 ,|, (
150 Unknown 4 27 ,i„
282 K Josephton 48 50 os.
A*l XX'in Cliaiicellur 31 30 pv'
816 J Bnsy 54 18
270 Seely ( Mountain) 44 84 cia
213 Monro .do 41 78 c,
Itri Williams 1/(54 -.ig,
433 163 John Pice 41 55
do do John Win eland do j.y
do da John Hollingtuti do l)o
do du Jmiies llualvr do • .
59 Unknown .501
lliiwiirii Towuahip. j„
25 Jacob linker 73
do Jos Graysburg 8 05 216
130 J J I,ingle 899; do
242 97 Jo Harris 14 76'(33
4'J II A Josttin 2 44 do
6(1 Jo, Gray-burg it 05 J.,
I*l,l J It t.ealber* is 10i els*
199 15 <J li Welch 24 27 do
50 . A D Harris 3(5 no
4?3 PA) Ale* Hunter UjT da
do do Joint Hovei* do da
do do Sum'l Young do du
do do lletij Young do ;du
do do Thoa Hamilton do 'do
do do Jacob XVeidner do Jo
80 Henry Antis !! 88 do
I9i Will R ilnsey 35 iki do
104 at John lim it' 034 109
50 ■ XV hit A Nesllerote 3 Of, ||jH
217 Sarah lioiibam 13 32 |33
11 itittA-af Township do
4(A) J nines Ban 2 90.®°
400 iXlury Jenks 2oJ4°
do Thos Ban do 4®
(■9O Mary Ban do °°
s ** w tk*.Nl> * N4MM tllll
> • Wm llsrrtoa do
12 140 Simon NnyJw 174
>! do <t<i
15 ('lmi If. 1| M I! "j txi
0 Bi*vir A Wolf 9 46
:l 17 (iur|(KSiHir 7 O'J
1 123 ('nth Snyucr 12 s'i
Liberty Towuahip.
0 Daniel I' (5 Ml
8 N Ruber! lria 27 20
(i I'jo hi< |'hSl<|ihiiitin 13 eo
• tl<i John Donwoody tin
> il( Kb iietihato 90 67
0 Kubl .SlM.ili 9 74
II 40 I'.lrt LeiUal 97 tV.I
• Chris Smith 29 US
h 10 <•! Ju l I'utur 1.1 44
Daniel RruUs* 1.l £1
0 JnoJ n ck...a 4 23
7 162 Daniel Kitawir 644
h mi K*lwrt lrin 13 do
II JMi M Sliaw 9 87
i) 1) Cats. addon 1 (>4
II 'l'liua King *1 36
u 40 Peter Lytic 1.l 110
li X! allow Leech li Ml
1 .1 r r J ei. k 11 64
ll Job XV I'a.ker 18 Ui
I Win liny 11 M 4
I Chris' NVslirrod* 451
u Nteph Chain bats 6 44
il Ku*a lUktr 9 id
J I'nm b Hi
. Simon Shingle 6 (l".i
i Daniel Krouse 18 60
Marion Township
i It .l.tiri You tig 6 40
J \V A Thomas 9 7(
i Unknown I o
ii do b 91
il D 1-aiub IS W
7 Jo b'jii
i Ala* Monti 4s 11
1 199 Abr Singer 80 lit.
i Henry McKwin 90!
I XX' in A lit.on 6 4'
Unknown 2860
A lex M. ■.(( 28 4:
• Christ Kolircr 10 90
t John shncna 10 Ml
Ml!m i'owiiship.
Tltoa Grant 6 SO]
I Ale* Hunter 1 44
I J er J nekton Sir.
. XV m Stradman 107
I Hubert Taggcrt Ml
i Tlio* Smith Kit
i Aaron Levy 1 39
I Robert tirade 6 67
I Hannah Orally 6 67
i Robert Gray 6 60
I Abraham Scott 1 06
' Samuel S, u'.t Mi
Abraham Kcott 1 60
> Samuel K.-mII 96
J ana llrady 2 66
I XV in I' lira Jy 6 76
I John llrady 2 66
Henry Toland 2 66
liamrl XX'ilham* "2 76
XX"in llrady 2US
Samuel Sertoli 2 76
K .chard I'arkar 2 Ui
Jer I'arkar 2 60
Jultn Sa.L-bnd 2 6.'.
Thus Grant 6 SO
I'cier lluuhl 2 76
184 XX'm Mili 11 u.
XX"m 1* llrady U
Jacob Seigbrid 2 K.
Slruliecker A Reynolds *2K6
do 1 71
Dan'l Seigbrid 866
lieu Calhoun 285j
lletij I 'alboun 2 B*. !
XV m H artier 8 07!
John Trip Jo ,
JorJ a ok vi n 1 42.
J. n Wolf 102
Win Da wart 2 66!
i'allua i'ovrnship.
Tho XX est 8 2n.i
XV m Ktlia 2 4u
Tho* Wnt 2"2.<
XX* m XV i icon 8 46 .
lletij Homer 87 25
Jacob Maker 9*i
Ilenry Gross 27 26
I'Qitcr Township.
wu. Hart lean I Utj
ii 11 Fullinan do
Edward CaUiagus S 2*'
XX to t'amagua do J
XX'm Hoffman 23!
Datue! Smith "2 64
Daniel Levy do
Samuel Youngs do
J a me* Moore 66 j
Geoigr McClaltaa lis
Jseph Goavill !} 3e
Taylor Township.
Jot Draak I*.' H",
M J Craig A S Sbarri. k 87 Ue
Th< XX'*! lace 4 22j
Richard XX' iu'ehrad 11 4"
J.oh XX'tUiame 8 6'.
Jnai.atab 8 B.'.
XV m 11.11 4X24
(>*•> XV Alberty 17 10,
And Hurry hill 8 6o
h'.-h llm.'iJ I \ '>•
George Hilar 11 4"'; XX*,lch 2 ho
Eliza l> Merrimaa 27 <k'
Kohl Campbell 111"'
JuoCsrr 4 27
Jatuex Carr 5 7o
Geo M.tiy 8 60
l b.. Martin 670
Jo* Clark 2 So
Jn. Sbet,k ll 4oj
Jno Hover 866
XVtn Addlatnan 70 (G
Jama* Foz 6 84
Maria Morria 6 74
163 loth XX'tHiamt 17 10
Jno Uriel* 3 17
168 Joth XX iliiatn* 17 10
Daniel Herb 4 63|
.if 44M Voder 1 71
Clem Back with 21.17!
jatne* Cowbar 6 7o
Motr* CaaU 20 01
lieorge XI ark ley 17 16!
mo Lamb 866.
j 110 Scbenck 1
Henry Mt Kwea do
Polly McKwin d"
Joah VViUiama 4 27
• Polly William* 61 i
Huge Hartiiiton do j
Hpriiip Townabip.
1 Henry Tool 19 2'.
90 of Henry Tool 4 011
J J Lingio 736 i
XX'm XX ilaoa 2 f* l
j ante* Smith 8 67
Tbot joluiion 1 "i"
do 6 12
i Catb Kubiton 12 A)
Rebecca Kabiton 13 90
Richard Kabiton 7 36
Unina Township.
David Kunaa 24 17
iiavca Davit 4 42
'do 22'1
26 KMulhollen 427
Boyce Davi* 2 28
Jatie Hl*ka 4 70;
biionuai Phillpt d<>
Dun woody A Long 7 S4
Kuh Township.
163 Jno Such 16 98
Jno Black do '
Jot XX'cilt do
of And Aliiton 18 .60
of Aliiton A Lilly 22 A>
100 J.ihn XX'hitmer 60 07
do John Loudan SB Ml
161 Christ llara M 0!
10 Jrcb Stack 86 64.
104 Christ Hara.Jr 63 #4l
7 (.verge Slough 1285
153 Andrew Shenk 64 07
do David Hart do
And Scott 10 19!
161 Michael Shenk 82 02
d> Chrintien Shank 64 07
do Christian Bohrar 32 02
do John M iilcr do !
do AKcigharljr d- i
A Vcigliart d>> ]
illH John Xlillar do
161 Johnllubler do i
da John Hand do .
68 Joseph Pitu 746
I 139 Henry Pint do
160 George Pint do
i 80 "I Hugh lluiniltan 15 97
I 163 laac llritohar do
do Kiuhard Malalia do <
do ilatiriah Turner do !
do Jaui> TurneJ do i
i Harabra Snydar 14 W!l
1 116 Ann Arthant 14 36
I 117 Thoa Arthant 18 19
I 162 Joseph Welch 32 03
163. Kohort Irvin 56071
do John Munsr do '
d<> Richard Peters do \
do Jacob Wilson 1598
do Jacob Milter do
do John Httbler 15 97]
i 147 Jacob Kuth 29 95
I 44 Jno XX'eidraan 31 22
! 116 Jacob do 49 47
I John Miller 16 97
) 163 Thoa Hamilton 3203
do Kllenor Siddent do i
!■ Krrht llainy 16 97
) 10 Rich Atharton ; l'.ft!
1 161 Rich Malin 15 07
da Isaac Briteher 15 9"
do Jno Gundayer 61 07
do George Slough 32 13
da Michael Oundager do
" 84 llarilinati Philips 27 20
1 166 Titos Hamilton 7'.*B
do Titos Grant do
3 168 Henry XVilner do
163 Richard Lot,den 15 96
do Daniel KiUerald 82 03
do Daniel Khler do
do Henry Ponkerton do
1 do Paul Ruth 15 98
> do Paul Black do
1 do Paul Such do
1 do John It.lreland do
1 do John Kcllay do
1 Jo John llitsli do
1 do Pdcr HruUiuan 15 90
I do Tims Kdwards 15 97
1 Jo It >bl Irwin do
9 Tims Hamilton 8 05
8 Tims Grant 4*
3 153 Tho* Reete 82 02
Jo David Havcrage 8 0.5
do Mar M CortnTck 805
do Jas Glentwortb do
do Goo Latimer do
do Ew'd Moyerton do
a seats, era' w.aa.arta Ntatt to
327 100 A nil Armstrong C(
4 431 103 Sarah Dc'any 8(1
A*i Wut M< I'haraa 37C
1 136 (18 XX" in 11 LaHmora 251
431 1.51 Rol.t Suear 16 1*
-do do ( hritl Letihora 82 (B !
do do Carper Shaffer do
do do Owon Jordoit 16 9t
,do do Chrltt Itohrer S2(
, lilt Rol.t Kmg 13 01
t 381 163 And Allitoti 14 M
120 no John Lilly Hhf
4-H 1 1 da' Slough 169*
I 50 II Jno Brechbitl 33 78
1 216 M) of Kohl I' tony 79s
l] 70 Tho*Grant 6le
I | .sl Christ (lobar 2 2V
1 'CI J<ejph Harrison IIIIU
, d" Kraal Dors It do
I 250 While \ I'atsunt 18 61
1 64 Kohl hi tig 897
■ n> Uakn.iwa 74 u>
| 5* • * do 71 (II
.4U 153 Roll! Miller 19 72
I 13 12 JtohtKlfig 8|
, 4 :<i 163 Join. Hopkins 3208
I 4 >4 Jno X|..j, igu), iff. O.J (< j
1 34 XV XX ,| do
I 433 I'd ilaniel Ta"tier 16 98
do Jan* Millar do
I 434 chat Lucas do
1 do Thoa Grant du
1 262 Ruht King 3262
, 463 163 Daniel Itu. kiay 970
1 Hiiow -boa Tuwiialiip.
1 453 Ksl Kobt Waller# 16 Ml
l| 414 Sarah Slat k 1 29
450 Sarah XI ('ardiati 23 SO
19(1 08 Henry X'atidyka 98*
do do 10 11
9W Jo. (leveling 8 70
do J Z Long 15 m
1 do Jo* DovSitig do
421 164 Kearney Wharton 46 01
100 David Carscadden SJO
433 153 Sarah Dt-iauey 22 4'J
do do XX mXL Pheron do
do do Kdwtn May stun do
. do do Win Lewis do
do do KranuU West do
do do Jasper Maylatt do
do do XA",.t ,j u
do do XX'in liigliarn 22 49
do da Ja Hawthora do
Jo do Rlair XI Isilislitn do
do 'do Kdward KOOU do
do do i'aul Co* g s
Jo *l.i XX Lewis i Lawyer] do
do do Tho* Cathbart dr
da do Rahert Morris du
do do Pkoli* Rrunt da
do do Tho* S Shiti|iep do
do do Than Hawthorn do
do do Goorg* Meade do
do do George Campbell do
4UI Ale* Martin £1 Ml
3UU Lewi* !,. *;> 21 49
433 163 Kearney XX'hart*n 46 01
•i) John Pun 16 97
i John Liggat 16 a>
432 153 Xlargaret Spaar 13 U3
216 Robt ltainv 1121
4'*l Sarah XI Canahna 23 40
433 153 Aad Bayard 22 50
Mo do Xlry M Wharton 24 49
>lo do Jos P.N" orris do
do do Francis Wert 45 01
do do XX'in XX ert do
do do John XX'ert 22 49
do do ll li Cunningham do
308 71 John M Net bill 1872
3<Al Jos Drvlii,g 1560
do as ss *4 70
do J Z Long 15 60
do Jos Deviltlg do
325 Wto Banks 129
400 David \Yil|itsm# 129
436 jsaiait*! Dubtou 11 21
433 (Mary Wharton 748
383 James T Hale 19 81
443 jamas XI. M anus 22 6',
da Samuel Linn do
do Bet.j R Morgan do I
415 Sarah Wharton 2157!
163 4 Mary do 22 60
do 4 J P Xorrt* 4oOI!
11*1 if Jos liar loan 6 AS
<4OO Job Riley do
415 Richard Wain ]1 22
433 Kurd Wilton 23 5.1
da 164 XpHife Xyiiartoo u2l
da da \X*n Parker do
do do Rebac< a XX'ain do
do do Heiij H Talhuan 22 60
do do Kiiaa XX'barton 1121
do Jo AS X aleniiaa do
do do TXI M.liiken do
A*l N j XI Hi bell A>MI
433 j vph Morris 22 47
do A leg G res'/of Jo
du Una Kddy da
do (im Parker do
162 Richard June* 9 41
Walker Townabip.
92 26 Wm Ackert 140
211 44 Capt Osman 299
115 13 M Dougherty 168
214 155 Margaret jama* 3 (•
179 Jlo Kl>xa Daugharty 247
110 39 Joseph K'ltli 140
"ill 73 H.hl. 296
90 .*4 John Vtercer 124
do do Kobt A skin do
86 40 Job Pa. kcr d<
89 do Job 1 '•c kcr. 4r do ;
59 do Danja! Johnston 84
827 164 Wm M 4 Csi
127 120 of Ruth Brooks 'JO 1
327 100 David Me rear 461
337 154 Robt 4) 4 Bakar 469
22 47 Jtbenraer liahn 83
'.5 40 XX*in liahn
3M 138 David (seller 532
.184 IBS XX ili Miller do
*2M! 129 Mary Caruac 892
214 166 Kdward James 30]
60 Benj Pyles ACu 68
ios 75 XI ry Cam*ban 168
26 4no XL Corning 2 67,
1212 Samuel Rerkaian 6 95j
1.'41 David Reed 4 60.
'M 39 M (Hugherty 14c
140 Christian Rohrer 24 14
'r.W 6 Kdward James 2Mi
50 MarvCamahan 08
70 J.u linker 1 I)
. 161 John Kung 3 36
le'i K.chaisl Purl*w 3MI
17* Kachaei Kobison 560
Worth Township.
91 63 Jacob Kuhties 1.3 Ai
.180 40 jo* Kuhna* 27 72
119 83 Abraham Kuhnat 18 81
247 1.70 George Kuhna* 38 03
-A) 40 Matluas Kuhnes 60 06
'260 J B Gray 19 25
30 Roland liu hards 560
SQ Unknown 7 To
71 Robert Campbell 61
26 "' " 1 71
74 Unknown 7 70'
sp9 Treasurer.
Ss d ® ■ -J i
* < i
m .55 0t wT
*8? r ? c
cv v V x ■ ,r
- c ~£ B 1 " ?
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. *a* 4j >r . _<w •• 5 >
~~C G * I
loJJ?rSsasej; i
©(ps. gs. q "O
iVhim iVheat $1 80. lU.| lift ...Ky0......
70. l oin 60 U. lt*rf.y hu.
70 Glo/er#ee<l 4,A0 PvlattM 60
I.*rd |>r |>outi.l 8 l'ork i,r pound 00
llutler W) Kggsikt Fluster i>rtnn
IIS TlllluW H Itf.r.l, to 1U,,,
Lard wr pound H cent# Buck *bn*t
06 ct# Fiuur per birrel remi!h,6o.. I
WHOLESALE 7,26 T<> 7,50
Corrected by John M Dowel, Grain
Men hunt.
White wheat l,fiO ...ID J wheat I 46,.,. Rye
SO Crn fiti Oat. 16 ... Hrley HO
! Cloveineedluo ...Timothy.ced, ;v,'jo I
Salt Sper >ii' It,,
•'"con 7c Ham IS ... Hut let 27 K|r
•JO ......Plaster V 60
Chi.inut Cual per Ten 16.76 HtiVo|
Coal per Ton t*i 60„...Ka Coal p. ?r T..nj
?'■ ■*! ... i.iinehurin r . (;.>al per ' $3 SO
rarnuir.s& ituildcrs
flavinx attachoJ a PLAINER to <,ur
team .aw-itiill, 1.1, the Sevan Mountain#!
near Kouat'#, we ate prepared to furnUh, j
WHITE *1 1 E1.1.0H I*l.\K
M iltruy, P,, or,
J •♦'P' 3 Put tar 1 * Mill#. Pa.
II A 1.1.
Kuril if ure itooms!
Hill tfltlM A ORIBPiNAX,
respectfully infurm the . itiae,, of OnUe
county Una ll.av have hour In out the old
"f* J o_Deinig#f, and have reduced
we pre*. haw con.tantly u hand,
*ftl fuakfl to urtief
Their tock of reaJy-niada Kuraiture i
larre and warranted ofrnd workmanthip '
aiiu u ail iitada under (heir own immedi*
ale #upervi(|nn, and L ~tfered at rateai 1
cheaper than einewhera
f ait and ace out atuok Lafora aurcha#inr' 1
IMfWb. ly li
Keystone Store.
Uu tu
PoBFOBEKiK Jt domestic
So. 0 Huh' Arcade, Belk-foute, Pa.
All kind, of country produce tak- ;
en. IJe#t llargiius in town to be
bad. uov2otf
Bellefonte Lime Quarries.
Th only M*rtufaclurr of Lime, burnt with wood, in Central
IVnroyJ vauia.
IiKA l.Cicn in
Anthracite Coal,
White Lime,
l)u Pont'# Powder,
jSporting and Planting Powder on
Fuiuj for Plaiting,
Fire Prick,
Ground Fire Clay,
jar. * 73
tlflli-a hi il yard near South *>ml of the
Hal.l Valley Railroad Dj>ot.
fontr. IV jan 10.73
Miller & Son,
Ac., Cic„ Ac.
for *tudicinal purp..<.
Truwoa <t Supporters in great variety.
Alto, choice
and all other article* utually kept in a
firt cla Ilnig Starr.
Prescriptions Compounded,
ttocttf MILLER A SON.
Wood ring <fe Co.,
At the Grocery Store on Alleeheny
Street. Rellefonte, IV, opposite 11 offer
Hro'a inform the public Ketierally. that
thev have now and keep at all timet one?
of tna heat and largest ttoeka of Groceries, j
Mich at
Ac., ; ke,, Ac.,
contitling of canned peaches, cherries,
omutops, plum 4, green corn,dried applet,
peachea, chcrrina Ac.
In brief they have everything usually
kept in a first clan* Grocery Store. Call in
ladies and gentlemen. Our price, are
seasonable We aim U please. octVtf
Weekly, Semi-Weekly, ami Daily.
TIIK WEEKLY SUN u U> wlddj known W reouire
in *i landed rev*>iuuieadatioii , Lot the reasons which
have* fflfffldy given U tlftjr lh*maan 1 iubwrtbtr, and
which will, wr htipt, |lr* it IMH} Omuaand woit, arc
briefly a* follow*
It m a tint rat* newspaper All the news of the da*
wilt IHI found in it. CONDROMKI whan important, at full
length nh*n of mutuant, and always i>ruantad la a
clear. Intelligible. and ioU>reUng Ehaauar.
It !• a first rate family paper, full of entertaining and
Instruct ive reading of every kind, but nothing that cau
offend the moat delicate and scrupulous taste.
It is a first rate story P*PW. The l>aat tales and re
inancaa of current literature are carefully selected and
legibly printed in its pages.
It Is a lir rate ajrricultuial paper. The wont frank
and Instructive article* on agricultural tuples regular
ly appear in this department
It Is an *mlr|<ndoiit political w-jwr. telouglng to no
patty ami wearing no collar It tight* for principle,
and lor the election of the beat tuen to office. It epe
cLilly devotes its eimrg • to the nuMunrs of the great j
crruptiona that tuw weakens tad disgraces *>ur coun-1
try. and threat on to undermine republican institutions
altogether It lias no tear of kuvoa. and aaks no fa
tors frwm their supporters
It reports the fashions for th ladies and the markets
for the men, t speciallv the cattle markets, to which It
liavs particular attention.
(• tnally. it i* tho cheapest paper published, one dol
lar a year will secure it lor any a ibacriber. It Is not
i necessary to get up a club in otdor to hare Ths Weakly
Sun at this rate Any one who souds a alugle dollar
will get the paper for a year
i We have Bo travelling agents.
TIIK WKKKLY SUN - Eight pages, Atycte uol
uiuns. Unl* fl uu a year. No diacovtut fruui UiU tote,
i TIIK SEMI WEkKI.Y SUN Same slju as the
Dgi l> Sim Iti tv a yuar A a/ flu per ffuut to
T&lftlMWVllN A large fuur page newspaper of
•weuty*elght olumu- Daily circulation over ISU.Ouu
All the news for a cents Subscript ion price l*> cents
a month, or #6 uu a year. To clubs of 10 or over, a dis
count of 20 per cent.
Apr. 2-8t Address "THE SUN." New York City.
Excelsior Cement
;• The un<il*rign<d now manafactura Ce
' QUALITY, at thair kiln*, nenr Pine
fl lCrcau Mill*, in Haine# twp Thia cement j
"i he* already been ued 111 large'|uantitie*l
apon the L C. &S. C. RK., and hat beeni
' found hirhly #alifactury upon all job#!
• whrie it ha# been itaed, and a cijual to
any now The undereignad!
now take p!ea*ure in renoratnendiag, and!
warranting it pi all, for u#e in CIS
a TERNS. WATER PIPES or whatever
purm>e a good quality of Cement i* de#i
r rahlf* Ihl# Cement ha# already bean
, U*ltd far and wide, and rendered the ut
moat ktttiifiaeUoa. Pcrtona, therefore con
#lru< tinr Cittern#, laying Water Pipe*,
, Ac , will lind it to their advanteg* to hear
tiiia in mind, and aio, that they warrant
, the article e ropr**efitvd. For further
. | particular*, addreM
jjodec tf Aaronahurg, Pa.
ENoLihii "uooFfKo" FELT;
U luvad U> (lead eaU la all rlnaaie. mimmx
Y "T 4 '■* lO'raeMatt*, Oau-aiMiaa.. tad UaO j
; fur lafibg FUI itwila, l*uu#r>. IJatRMi < •—-tTrtirf.
*n<raie.~a ta WI*. 'IUMM .aM4t,. aad im eMata#
*'•• "• 1 u. l !• • <*n#**4 etecu• I •ilia#
il.. uadaraaaU. >4# uf r.llMi ut . nuud or tll*9
, IPaU. mmlu * cttuid I* Iru* Kuala, iMnl.wrtlM
Hji. inui. ami I .rf NuuMn
I Tk Kui>.i. u euliap ta e.lw .r at rttU
iMWUi, Of at >n*W. la *ldli. | J M>u*atae a carfaee
! ut tm u,umlm tm lt .
Kor Roofing.
it""*- * '*".•. a> la taut i Uaeak, •*
•UJ a 'artturn M te< ut la, ~un 1.-1
'* '"4 Hiua Ufca nM. Ooaal- fiifclma nil •
ts uCl^' , ' , * d "*• * 4 *"
wpamjSßt, ifc. faii^JTu. ta iolaUS vlUt MaaM
■MftiaaUag J *ttd KtaAad Tba Maadt Haul Ileal la#
la lauwt. etadi I, am w.d y ,|| M .u. • braeb
L'aU •iiaaai.aO tut Muauaa Ham. *md tm Tat
4U - auiTwin. &
i£3HS 52 *—- - •—*
utjM ;■"}? I-MHI. wri.
U eeeae* I alt miiloutat a ortu. at baa ***** faet
rat Ihaauae. tlyoaaa lUuae Tw|~ia* H uUlu*
~.k. tig Wauit I 1 Wo, aud tut ota.ta#i -rf-t
,i.i. .ad hi, ,1.1,.
LlVatta, li lankai wtda b# k) taut la lauyUi Kaak
tali wiU outer a sactaea W tea* aaara . t le aiwn
tut HbaaOiif II aae U aatlad a|a>a tbe ataldiae,
atektaa a (eofarU* art Udl,t aheaOaa, u# aut tarn
leaitue trum lUaajoiaaa lut>. aoaa at -attaia aHi aet
- aaat il
la ralla Wtnlaui M nun (aat la I* ha bud me
,tha teal, and la : i-tr . tt*<lae evta a lae at tea
iiaie, aed aaaatad f> al.att tea addaa atti a* ae.
a, I.
Tint u Ut* out* I roapaamoa Keutad thai dee* aui
reuuirt a aaouaa coat at pale! a* matt
: tut I'arp.t Ldalee, Ottafaeiae rtaata, aed tar petUad .
i -ad. 1 alat*. Tin aed M,tdta Waa#M
Tui ap la raUa ni#et>Uad be a 1 a*At
te awutda 1 til a til untw a eartae* U taal ajoera, at
■ tm etaaea tew. Id-aafa. lurad to lit
I'cil II (tooling („
i ia * r fi -'" lUu South Jj| Street, Phila.
Stoves! Fi re! Stov's!;
At Andy Roeamitn'E, Centre ilall.are I
latest and best ctovee out, he ha* juat j
received u laue lot of
[Cook Stovea, tb# i'iowtrr Cook, J
the Jjt lijiac Cook, :
the Rcliatto# Cook. ;
|l* Alt I.UIIS The Radiant Light, aelf-fee- '•
der, UM Burner. National Egg.
Jewell Ac. I
He el!a stoves a# LOW a* anywhere
ia Miffiin or Centre co. *
The underaigned hereby inform# tb*
citiaent uf Pcnnavailey that ae he# pur
cha*ed the Titohop heretofore carried on
by the C M. Mfg Co., and wilt con tin u*
the fame, at the old aland, in all tub ranch
e. in the Manufacture of
All ltinda of repairing done. He hat
a!way#oo hand
Fruit C#nr, of all Biir,
All work warranted and charge* reatoe-,
able. A tharc of the public patronage ao-i
liciu-d AND. UEEBMAN. 1
laepTOr Centre Hall {
at the
, NO. .1. 11l Sir* ARCADE.
Prices Lata than at any Otber Shoe
Store in Ceulre County.
| Call ami See I s!
No. 5, ItueliL Arcade, Bellefonle.
July PHf.
New Rcriecd Edition.
Price an.d Style of Binding.
IKr.Uretj n-nttu* b# tb* bl*t trntw# am aratr tab 1
mi I'natmt raa mam In*, tad Ulartr#Wd a Ith '
j Mimi Tboaaaad Kfldrtvtag* aad Mafw
' Tb* work artvtiuJl? |>ul,ltab*d aadvr tb* til#* at '
" TIIK AMKKU .* cVt UK*k.Ol* mm oammlatatm ,
lIW3, uir. .in. h USM lb*wd*rtr<uUM>a ahlvb It a** I
*ll* 1. *ll part* ut Uw tatted IM*U* 4 lb* tic
Ml ahleb a*r l*k*. pi**, la aran I
t.rmarh <> kMh,. bwratar*. *ad ait, b#r tadacad I
lb* editor* *ad i..t ut rr* la H t am *a#ct aad |
Ibntafk m-WM.Mdt* lam a * (dab* Minted
Tb* ABMTICM C|tb|a*ta
W itbia tb* !** tea tear* lb* |t.,m* at di*ror#o I* I
man deimrtaießl o kn<—ld> b mad* a a am work '
of ibmM* #a Oaperali*. aaat. a
Tb* tauvaaaval ul ixliilral aCalra baa k*f, >M* I
wllbtb* 4wwrn-ol hmm, aed tba, frattlaf a#- I
alMluc tu (be ladattrtaJ aad aaafal art* aad tb* a
ooaMßleao* aad r*a**m*al o#aocial llfa Ut*al*tn ■
*sd ooaaeqa*a' reeolatbaa* ba** arrant is,.tii •
aaiieaal cbaataw of imallar anamt. Tb* civil mat |
.1 oar ewa eoaaiar. .he h ma at O* h.larbl m h*a tb* !
lam volota* of tb* old *r„l Ha* h*aaU* b**a ead I
e! aad a a*a wore of roauawvlal aad ladaafrtal a*. .
Itvtt# ba* tmca comweaced. . . . . f
l,ara* a**aw - r *m>rr#pbwal kaoeied** P
>,** beta mad* kr lb* la>l*Attd*M |*vi>lr*t* ul if
H Vb ereal |mllttoa] rerolaltoa# of tb* laal daead*.]
.lib Or* ami oral reaoll ul tb* Up** of tUa*. ha*,
hroaabt late pablw a lea a maltltod* of na* atsa.l
ebara* uaa* at* In aran <*•'• .moaih. #ad *1 abac* <j
.iiraarverv <* t* carton# W kaoa the parttcalar*. H
r.reat t>*X(le* have l-e*. fottaht and lm|mrtaatata*a .
maintained, of .hlch tb* datail* ar. aa pad pteaarrred -
oat* In tb* nvarapaper or tn the iraaatmil t-aMtonUoaai
iof Owdai. hat ehwh on*hi now lo tak* place is jmr-i
i manenl aad authentic hat.y. p
la preparta# lb* premnl edition for fb I taaa. it ha* .
accmllndlv been tb* alia of tb* *4llol* to brtaa down ,
tb* Infr-rtuallon l<> tb* latex iiatllib dale*, and te ■
faramh an ami rat* arcoaat of tb* tao*t tweeat die *
ootwrwe la #cteao*. of every fraeb production la litem, •
lam and ~f tb* newex irvenlion* la the practical „
art*, a* well n* totiv* a aurrtnet and tartaddaal record -
of tb* prcwTv**ofpolitical and blatorlcal rrrnta
Tb* work liaa to-en heaun after careful aad pr*ltmlna- ,
ry labor, aad with tb* mux ample rmn>arc** for carry- '
lad it on to * wrmaful termluattoa
N\,o* of lb* oiwinaj Xerutyp* plate* har* l.e*a u- .
rd. 1.0 l rrery !<** ha# l-en printed oo n*w type. "
fonulaa in fart new t>clop*rdta. with lb# #aaw a
plan and cuava## a* ll# |,red*.-ea#.,r bet with a far J
paakt pecuniary napend.Mtrw, and withmtch Improve j
,aal la Ba *uep**Mt,m a* hav* teen aucaeXed byj
1..„*,-r eitmrlenre aad enlarwed know led**.
Tb* Ulualralloua which are lntnodnred forth* 6rx
time in the preaeni edlUot, liar a been added not for J
aak* of pictorial IrSecl, hut to |fv* .teatet lucidity,"
aad force to lb* ptplauatloa la lb* uf Tney *tti /
bracr all l,taachr „f xieuc* aud of natural hiXory.'L
and deptrl lb* m,u fam,,ua and remarkable feature of r
nonary at- hitectur*. and art, a* well aa the varlou*
pt-jceeae-„l ntechaatc* and manufacture*. Although
intended for lntruction rather than rmbeliiahmaat.
u<> paina hav* been aparod to inaar* their artistic •
crHence . U ooal of their etocutien I* enortnoae, and
II U believed they .111 bud a welcome reception aa an
admirable frauture of tb* Cyclopaedia, ana worthy of
ttahlch character
Thla work la sold to Snbacribera only, payable on de
livery of eech volume. It will h* completed tn sixteen
large octavtvvolumea. each oontalnln* almat lh*epa*ea.
fully Illustrated with several tbousaud Wood Kn*rav-
In*.and nltb numerouseoharwd I.ltho*rapblc Map*.
l'rice and Slyle of Binding.
In citr* Cloth, per vol #SOO
lu Library leather perjvol OHO
In Hall Turkey Murrucco. per vol TOO
In llalf Russia, catra till per vol 000
lu Kul Mom.,co. ant lour #Ut cdjteapeiftol lUIW
in Full Russia, per vol 1000
Three volume* now ready. Hueeeedln* volumes, un
til completion, will he issued once tn two months.
Specimen !•##* of the American Cyclopaedia, show
In* type, illuetrattona etc., will be aent r#lU on ap
First Class Csntassing'Agents wanted
Dr. Crooks Wine of Tu
■UF Contalni TaoHmila In
gradients of t'sifsllHl#
■I Tonic VMlua oombltied
with the rich otoalclnbl
qualitit-s of Tar. which
cause It to fenfM np
Uvk Ik* weak Modi dekll
mJß Uw\lUled sof rapidly
B jmrnr If TC|r##ioreibo#lM
■ •WW' ■■ W*B#lreitili, Ucleause#
t,ie Liver it ui rati sea
BUkTli"! iiiiflMl'infW *** " ' o<Mi '*> dlyrct,
rriuoi u* l> •|,rpsl#
■MrliTWr nil!llPjg 1111 iti>K -iiuit. It
HnUKiffi rralore. UieappeUla;
h n<l hlrt i.gtbrna lha
Hlt.k. IJ J t p I IFffSiM natem. tor t'atna In
Hgge,.*LakjJ iCCTffgl the Jfrrant, MM a or
UTOWiffflßl " • " KM.
■ nejr il I nt-ane, (I I wnuea >
SjPpTlliaS ■*■*#. Jitttad tor or any
rjkOHparagßU f** v * CtiaMplaliit II
' HMdrn vIK tnallv cu re#nil# AMgthk
WaSap'*Skl dSSSci Colds, Hint nil diMHSkea
' lifllFHMfMfai ' tl.e THHUAT and.
LkXUb, au<i ha# baen j
pronouuoaii- a apeatA#
tor (rttonkalßrmkUib TB? IT; t
Mtkhlh* 1
Tr i'fi IT) Krnfluiite fromftho Jeff. Md. Col- BUTTS HOUSE ■ AJ. J. NHRF.FFI.F.R r\K.S.. OUTKLIUS, #■**# Moc*Knorr, *. IysRcoKET, t J ''"Cnn'Jti'.T? " T'mn l' -XT OTIC 8 Notice U hmbf ir il Unci Sample Rootn* >u Town. W A /S TJ RIT Y I
||iii=% i TUH..A_L f b t Mi D. M. RITTEBHOCfiE, lege, of Phil'.. Fa., desire to inform the HFLBKROWTK, PA. T A Y ixtv Is Pmidenl, (wi-hier. sptHdal aUentlon giUn to thorn having Nthr .™,.of7> F P.'. DFTFTT #' eLV U/iA'
*nlo partner-hip UND' THNT hereafter any ■. , , Prop **' Cnt. Hall where he I# at all time#, prepared Don I int., Mlllheim. F.N THE COt Nl7 BANKING CO. WRTTEEOF N. HlUbi*H, (lunatic!. has Wen BROCKERHOFF HOUSE. 80 4 °_T V SHOE MAKER j
_______ . __ partner nip, ana that hereafter an> Ha* flrat elaaa accommodation ; chare- to make all kind* of men and boy'# cloth- OffrU bit professional aervier* to the ann n* acknowledged I'ee*. .Mortgagee filed in the office of liie Trothonotarr of D JOHX-ITOX & SONS Prtmrietor# FEXTRE HALL. PA.
9 KOONS, SCIIWARZ A CO. person employ will consider him- ,f ing, according p> the latest style# and at public. He D prepared to perform all (Late Milliken. Hoover & Co.) *•■ Ofllce in the diamond. n,*rt h • id e of U,e CVurt of Common Picas of Centre nol!o''r>ntp Penm Would most respectfully inform theeit
f'■ _ •.'npl<>T>ng both, andthat if a consul- -a ww*.— lL_ reaion.blechar.e. operation, in the dental profession. RECEIVE DEPOSITS, the eo, U i house. IMtefonye -.-tia *nf county, and w, II be preJntedloaaid court UoUeronte, Penna. seat ofthia vWnitTjEth* haaataHß a
Syrwa liunUwanjfflktwWfiwibßl- ... . !N . Utton it raqulred, no astro charge will be A DMINIBTRATOR H NOTICE.— Jtffilfe ta now fully prepared to eklract . . Allow interetl /VENTRE 11 ALL HOTEL. for confirmation at April term neii r- „., ~ n new Boot and Shoe Bbop, and would be
ae/aS&nt a. ill ■ W AJtega'^ttust* FlSH. CHeeß6 and Provisions, ln * de - J\ seiiaii. oavta, c. T. Aua*A*oua. teeth 6io/o<f/y Without P „iH. myn-m-l f. Ann Allow inter**!, Jomk SPANOt tm. Pr*iprlHor. A ARON WILLIAMS. Frte B%rs U> and frem tkt DpeL thankful for a ahara of tho public ratr^a
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137 North lluah A T aciTm? InEngl H 2KELI£^ J SCf JmfifSXi KY. Attorney at Law, " d T M US, Attorney M'ALI.ISTER & BEAVER, '
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