TilK C3NTKS REPORTER THURSDAY A PULL 2. 1874. LOCAL ITEMS. Out friends will oblige bv sending us i;.m- -t I.H-al news in their locality, ffiyc ti* the fa* a only, and we will put them tit shape. nls<* notices of deaths and marri ages. Z j. , Any ot-.c sending us the names of six new ml m ribors, with the cash, will be entitled to receive the UKroKTxa one year free. The Kvp.irh it being read by neaily every body <>n this side of the county, where it hx* a larger circulation than any two pHpcrt, u ill b<* found the bi*st tntdiutti for advertisingMuSnew, sales, Ac. Ac. - Subscribers to the Reporter, chang ing their post-office address this spring, should give us notice, so that the paper can be mailed accordingly. - A SriKNDtn Chaws; T>> OO I>TO tiik 11 iKtiv ark Bi'sinkss. —Finding it very inconvenient and very expensive to can * on two stores, 1 have concluded to sell "out either my Milrov or Millheini stand, twauld prefer to sell in atilrey.) These are both good stands. Any one de siring to go into the Hardware business w ill find this a rare chance j any informa tion in regard to what business has been done will be cheerfully given. If deitvd the Real estate in MiSroy --an also be pur chased. Terms easy. Apply to W J. M MA.VIUAL, Mar tit. Milroy Pa Miller A Sort, take all kinds of Country Produce at highest market prices, in ex change for (Sriverirs, Drugs, Medicines, Ac. Our town has an addition of two families from Spring Mills, viz., Mr John Miller and Mr. 11. C. Beamer. We opine that when Mr. Beamer pulled out the big trout near Fahrion's, he d tl like Moses, looked to see that h# was not observed ztid then buried the slain Iffvj *tian in the fish basket. We call the attention of our reader* to the card of Drs. NcfT A Runkle, by whi-U it will beobserved that Dr. Runkle has become a partner with the former in the practice of medicine. Mr. Runkla starts out with bright prospects and we wish him success. Sandy llidge, W R. Miller, post master, is a now post office in thiscounfy. Jas. T. Stuart ha- been appointed post ma.-twr at Boalsburg Tlie weather up t> Tueslay was plc --anl save a sharp air. On Tuesday we had al-out an inch ot snow The House passed a bill securing the at , r..lance of children at school. n.:inl rr of men were flnei! a piece fori fi-hir.g *sth nets, in Prans creek. Tbe contract for tfee grading ef the S:-'. : sgrovc and North Branca railroad has been awarded to J. W GaugSer, ef Sc'... -grove. —A bill ha been introduced into the House of Representatives to re-juire the teaching of draw ing in public schools. Drawir g salaries we suppose, will only ; be d.-re by the teacher himself. Rev George Currin, ofSugar Valley, I son-in-law <>< Mr. Willow, of this place, had the misfortune to loose ar. eye, one day i-.s: week. The accident occurred wht >be was endeavoring to split a pir.e kn-w en a piece of it hit him in the eye. | en. l r... -id the fluid Of the same to run •ut- AVc -arn -iace that the physician , tl - Mr. Uurrin s sight may te preserv ed. What really bothers Brown most, is that Mr (irv-.s is not guilty of something bad. al ut w'• ii hhe could make a big fuss.' C.sv : Mr. Orvi* do something terrible, to j a . Mr. AV. W ;u:\rtl.efur.of' the thing ' —-Henry Gt-pi.att has moved from M ie::n to near Zion. Adam Krumrine f Potter : Fergu*on. Saru Geary from Penn t-> Yickaburg, Unioa co. - - Air. AL F. Beamer, while angling b - -u-'i-cr.-. in the creek, at Fahrior* s Hotel, Spring Mills, one day last wee!-, hi . tl .•' (tBM to catch a ;r< liu ".Iring 1". inches ir. length, and weigh ir _!J pound strong Ah, what a whop- I er. • makes cur mouth water. Air. Pardee was up last wsek, upon II tarin of James Ross, in Harris twp., to ei.r.nir the ore upon the same, and has i fiVcted an ore-lease upon it. The mine r p ; e re, and will yield from b' to fz l Air. i'arilie's • ~e leave i- aierg the Le xi. r t -, :;te cf the railroad. A fr; r-d wanted to know bow he c ' 1 find out the secrets of the Grangers. At e advi-ed him to catch the £-st one h# ri t alone in a field, crack him open and! see what's in him. Johnson's milk wagon broke down lL.!d E.-g'.e street last Sunday. I)au age -light. So >aysa Lock Haven paper d we think the reaa- n the damage w - cht **a. because m< re water than rni'.k j was spilled. One of the me*' important events of l ■ - L Burn-ide A Tbonsas, new i. • ,- eds. This verteran firm ha been w inniiig gfldn opinions for years un- i til it ha* become the leading house in th interier i-fthe state. They cater f-r an i n maud the very cream of the trade Ti,ey adapt themselves to all the Uste* ' They r.ow offer to the public the largest stcck of Mackerel, Salmon, Lake trout. AVLi'.e f.-h and Herring, Groceries of the finest and best grades. Their Molasse have ne Superior. The point is this, they' are determined t > tler goodi at *uch fair ; prl "- that they will meet the wants of the I 1 1 and the dfmend of the time-. But ter. Eggs and Flicb, caned fruit and ail kinds of Country produce wanted b* Bcknsjdk & Thomas Mr. Jacob Strobxn, of Potter twp draw s the prize for performing the coolest feat af this cool season. A few days ago a- lie was attempting to draw- water from a well, the rope broke, and his bucket went in the direction of China. Mr. -Strohni, nothing daunted, set out in pur suit. and endeavored to clamber down the well by braeir.g hitn-elf against the sides— but just here a fatal siip rame and our friend went through a bath of cold water. .- me 12 feet in depth, and 1- unced to surfiti e again with the "hough" that all inexperienced divers give vent to when g ipg through the feat. Afr. .Strohni of Course got out safely, and changed clothes. Tiie Tpten Siitsters Cacoht These chap* have been resorting to the RepoKTEh, all along, for manufacturing locals for their columns, sometimes steal ing right out without credit; at other time- copying them in one string under the stingy and ambiguous heading of "Re portvrisrns," and upon rare occasions giv ing proper credit. In their issue of M arch II th, they copied au trticle front this pa ler, relative to iron or# in Harris twp.. Mid jealously started out by crediting it, "an exchange -ays." AV# at once resolv e-i to pay these chaps in their own coin and, accordingly in the issue of the Uk- PORTEIt the week following, we copied some of their locals and gave them credit in th-ir own coin, just to see how the pil fercrs would .-colli, and sure enough here i- what "an exchange" says in its last Kurtz's Pennsvnlley pajier, in clip ping articles from this paper and inserting them ri the baekj side of his patent hcbdouiidal, has, fallen into the haiiit of crediting them to "an ex change.'' If the Reporter had an "ex change" of editors it would be an advan tage to the readers thereof.— Tuten Re publican, Mir eh 2bth. Now see how nice we got these yanks ; lot them take Their own snuff now. But farther, the same issue of tha Tuten sheet has a number of locais stolen verbatim from the REPORTER without credit. Item relative to wrestling, in its 2nd local col umn is stolen from the REPORTER. Now did ever any body see more impudence than we here expose? We are not bawl -11 - after credit for every little item that is i 'pied from the REPORTER] by our ex changes, but the Tutens are, and we only set a trap to expose them. We've caught the rats. Circuses are already on tin' move —Tituitill* l<oa*l * womin bill-pos er. Woman being such good "pesters" in many oilier things, why not mole good hill-poster* ? -- Now don't forget lliat the Model Book Store, of dames Welch A 00., has been removed to the most convenient and finest building in Bellefonto, the new Na tional Bank building. They are naw fix ed up to accomodate all who want h.*oht, stationery, fancy articles. Ac , cheap. It is the handsomest establishment in the state. We call the attention of the citizens of l'ennsvalley, want ing Lumber, to the advertisement ot Messrs- Underwood, who manufacture all kinds of Lumber at their steam mills, in the Seven Mountains. They have recently added a I'laaer, and are prepared to furnish flooring, siding Ac , at prices lower than can be lia.i else where. ( Brown says we are ne gentleman. Now >*r ctitj halicallv protest against his cla-sing us with himself. Brown says we are getting "thinner imsatiorl" all the time. He'* ju*t going in the opposite direction making a bleat of liimseSt. The protracted meeting in this place is still in progress. —They are ceiuing I AVhat are com ing* Why, the splendid stock of Spring Good* bought by S. S AVolf will be on hand by the middle oflhn week Gor geous prints, and dret* goods grand and beautiful to look upon, and all very cheap. The goods were bought cheap for cash and will he sold at very uiall advances for cash or produce. Every body should con sult their own interest and buy their goods from S. S. AN olf. The Central Feun'a Conference, M. K. Churvh, which was assembled at Al toona. and adjourned ou "24. ult, made the follow ing appointments for the Altooun District. T M Reese, presiding elder. Altoona, First churih, J Curns ; Eighth Avenue, R E AViLon ; Third charge, D Hartnxan : Hoi'iJaysburg, H C Tardoe Duncans ville, H Linn; Al art in-burg. D Castle man . Williamsburg, J AV Cleaver, J 1* HcnforJ; A'al ey. J A Dixon; Ty- I rone, J 11 M Cord . F.a-l Tyrone, G Uuv er : Fort Matilda. J Gus< Milesburg, AV M Aleminger; 1! ward, LS Crone; 15eaih Creek. J F Bell, AV J Owens, supt; Perm's A"alley, J AV Leek •. Bellefonte, M L Smyser; Half M m, J Lloyd; Pine Grove, AV 11 Norcr ■ AVarr. r's ilark, W Gvwnn: Birmingham. AV AV Reese Ph i Hips burg, T 15ar: *-'.. Grahamton, J AV Haughtawoul, A M'Closky; t*c<-. la J H Shaver, T H Switrer, -up ; Clearfield, I A I> Yocum; AVoodland, AV II l>i Clearfield circuit, F AV Bouse ; Curwens ville, J I* Young: Lumber City. U 11 AVharton : New Washing! ti. li II Col burn : Glen Hope. AV S Hamlin ; Snow Shoe. J Gray, G 15 Ague. AV Earnshaw, cha; lain N A I> > . l>a*-- , ton Oh .o, and member of AVmrrior * Mark ipiarti rlv conference "The President ot Spain," says an exchange, "is to rei-eive a salary of SIOO,- HV per annum." Well, keep that to yourself, please. It i- calculated to make i?ur Pre-ident thin* he . running the con cern r i.1n.0.-: nothing ' '--Ji . no I. Trial List —lit week—April Term. Etccir Si Foustv* E A <ir#ea A Co Ist National Bar.* Huntingdon vs same i Same v- J (irce- Ati Eby J 1* Coburn vs Ge > A', nada et al J Smith use of v> K K Nu.son Welch A A len v> J Nellen-de Same vs Savior. Day A Morey 1 A T M-'orvhead vs E G Hasting* Com of Penn'a vs A Brockerhoff J At F'razier v Hale A Co John Hoy v Writ Cox AVi T: .ir.-.aton *.- Pti ,v Meek At L Wilson et al * - J 11 S Thompson Lloyd Caldwell A Co v J Thomas A co Amelia Rover v J W Shol! ,! 1" Harris vs Brandlev Childs Th * Burnsidt * vs ti .\I A". . uiu, Adm'r Milliken, lloover A C ? vs J Ucder w od A dm'is S M C. nti * A Co v- t'has Brown Maria Filghuian v. it F SbntTer 2nd Week. Wm A'our.g et * 1 *• Cline t,' ilgley Harper Br • vs Roland Curtm T K Hindersm v.- i : - Sacak Oenm v. 1. B M<Entire at al Norwood coal A lumber covs Elliott a co I BS, hr ck vs pr ove-.ee:-, Br e! ntr J 1" Gephart, adm'r v- Rothrock heir* A Gariuan v. P*:in . RR t •. M Kruu-e vs A R.det Th * L ughrey t> J Lu a* heirs K Pletclierv* IVtin a RR Co. Judith Whitci aib s Pl.iiipaburg coal Iron A ;] Co, Jos R -bs -n v Hjdeoii AVeilanJ A L Bricker et al vs S L Brickcr t' Hev, rlv vs Penn a RR Co 1) Bechdol v tame John AVhile vs J Uecbdol Jno White et al vs J McCool Clark Cone vs Derbv Coai Co £ AV llaie v.* Jesse Klinger S Suyder vs B L?gg.-t. .1 Cortland et a! v* I) .1 bine et ml 1) M Wagner v J S For*ter LAV Mur.son At o *. J .dah Wbit- Cftub AV \\ A-plev A *- 1! L Batcbelor SB\\ y xnd v* AVm Lii htv I .i A Duncan *' B A F' I) I.igget L'ov i Caldwell A Co v* J S IteiJ A Co. i Mctiirk A IVrks v. A Owen R Lloyd vs Same \\ m fthower* vs J Gordons Adm'r* Daniel Btt- v- Snow Shoe Township May, L- ■. b A Co *Same Naiioi al Bank of Bellefonto vs J 1* Felt A Co J Heverly v* Penn u RR Co. Liet of Grand Juror- for April Term. Be le'onte b r-.—li I t lle|-burn, C ; P-rr, Henry Derr Unionvillo—K M Lucas Bc-nuer twp .1 K >1 ■- hcl, A J Shivoly B'-gg.- -Constance Curtin. And Fitzger. Buriisides— Martin VeJflr Ferguson—Da vi' 1 1v e { tiregg —I- Evans J P He kman, David j Fltm rick, Daniel Bartgi-s llainca— Robert Golo-en Al il> - Jam.-- 1* Frank, Henry G Ruy , er. Emanuel Harter. j Pcr.n F.lias Kreamer, BO Deininger Rush—J (,' Dunkle | Coring—\t J Dab-. H Kline \\ alker—Daniel Itoruiati List Traverse Jurors —let Week. Bellefonte b#r<>- Wm Nbortlidge. Geo ' 1 h'ltiiHS, Jac \ Thomas. Ftaok Steel, j U-o AS* Tata Mile-burg Boro-'J Allies Green I'liilipsburg—L ti K"*ler B>-nner T**j—John Kishel, Writ Ishier, Hlicvy. B<>gg- Philip' Resides, D F Shope J II Linn Burnsidt Jacob Craft t urtin—John Al ( '!? -key. A S Tipton Ferguson— Geo Human, AVm Musser D Denni* Vr.-gg John Tayl r. Jonathan Wa* er Half Moon John A Hunter, I Peck. Harris—J"hti S Forster Haine*—AV W Bower Huston—Daniel Irvin Liberty—Jno A Stover .Marion -Isaac Train, Samuel Al#y Palton- Geo Ree-cr, tie?? Alattene, P A Sellers, J ti Sunt* Perm 1* JI Swurtz, Fred Calherwan, 11 G Smith Potter—Peter lloffer, Win sVrniaga-t. John Purrtnali, A 1* llosterniuri, I) F' Lu*e. Rush—Geo McGatrey Snow Shoe Mark Money Spring—H K Gentzul ! Union—Jacob Sjiott* Wall er Jno H Peck, Jno Divent, W P Harris Traverse Jurors —2nd Week. ' Bellefonte Boro—Sain'l \'an Tries, Goo H. Weaver. P Gray Meek, 11 I) Yergcr Howard Boro- Raiser Weber Philisburg— Jarnt* Perks, W II AT- Cau-land, Henry Dunkle, O Adams. Milesburg—J I* Shuope (Tnionville--John Bing Boggs Twp—Frank AlcElroy, Thonia. ; Adams, Siuion Batliurst Ferguson —John F Krebs, Charles Sny der Gregg—S 1* Herring Haine-—Charles AV Wolf, A J Burrell, Michael Feidler Howard—Jas Antis, J M Hall Half Moon—P W Burket. Liberty—S II KOOIIS, Thus Bower. Allies—And Gram ley, Daniel Stray er SMtnuel Strobeeker, Samuel Condo. Potter—Rphriam Keller, Alex Kuhn, J no G Sankey Snow Shoe —Wm Holt Spring—C C Taylor Union—Thomas AIE wen Worth—Jos Thompson ABOUT FISH. We haxe Utely been in wrro)tOtnltiee with the Stale Fish Comnii**inei, rela tive to slocking tlio stream* of lYiii'svaßey with new food fishes, a. those stream* lire nearly depopulate.), by . x. .-iv.' net fish ing. We have received ver.x lavorablo replies, and we . all have ,t new, excellent, Mtul profitable fish in Point, I'me, Klk, an.l Sinking creek?., aiul the largo dam* along thoie stream*. in a very short tune, it our peop'e, particular!) thoe who are fon.l >•! fishing, will g.. to n little expense in the mailer, Thi xxotk .1 i. !>'• "ing treain* ha* been i .rri. vl on >ll. > • -IuI!\ in other part* at" lhi and man) other -late* of the I'nion. Itliu-pr sen pert-vtlv successful and of course would be attended with the -ante favorable r.u!l mil. large stream* that drain tb.> suite) The only cost will be that of trai • portali-?'? * the tiali for restocking will be furnished w th out coat by tbe Fish Commissioner* N. w we propose t%> receive fund* from all who favor ihi work, for defray ing the nece*a ry expenses. and lithe men who have he. li following the water- "f Penn I'ltie, Klk, and Sinking creek* w ill tend n their, n trlbutioris, to till* office, the tnonie- will be duly credited, aii.l expended in ttie proper directo , Cert. nix tin* .? a work that all should a*il in. Therefore end in your contribution?. Kite new tDli t! >l could be introduced into our creek*, with profit, il til# Black |l,i>), ot which we e cepy a description, a. taken trviin the Re |K>rt of the FU I'omtuinsiviisr* Block 15,-t o ltlack bao i* on. of the most prolific va rieties of our fro h wat> Their ■ tural increase n> - > gieat and their growth *0 rapid that it i oxer has t ,-, n ti oh ect to fih cultur.-t* to attempt th r artificial propagation \\ hen the -paw- g a* draw* near, the* .elect . .. led bv natur* al instinct, with great care : r the purpo-e 0 propagation certain petti, .of the riv er having a pebb!) or g iv.'.'y h ; r. From the*e they rem r . ireful!\ all iediutetif, weed* and st. k* Thi. *oik completed lea* e. a clear bright .pace in the bottom ~f the nver, c .ir i . for:?- and having a diameter ot about three feet There be.!, are re* i.!y di.l .• | 1 , the casual observer from th r-l.narv bot tom of the river by iht :r brightness, the gravel havu g the ... .ranee of having! been washed or scoured. When ih pa rent fish are ready t, pawn the female gee. upon t i- prep.tr . ' - , ,mi her spawn in a g'..: :: i b.,nd or ribbon .-lie bed S: e- I wed b* ?i ice l , then relieve each other in guarding li . bed, driving frotn it. ?:i ex •rv k i of predatory fish sv ,:i f'. • Ice and lurt! ; , : enls do not lea* e them immediate! v, bat ' ■ • . ■ : exer. -e of w cl , p . tl I . sunfish and catfish> taken n connection .:. i „ • their fertility Fifteen of these . , arr .d from t west in the tank of a I u. tive it t . Baltimore and O' ra i -ix: n \ ,r> ■ near Harper * Ferry. I ... mai. theiu ■ : this e in tl. r.ve- i The rapid growth of the.e fi-h . marvel ous, almost • urp i • ig f When three month, old the* .re three inches in j length ;at fourmonths, fur inches ;at -ix months .erne ofth<m t. !! measure -ix and ■ are capable of repreJuoi* * when a •ur old, having at that lime attained the eltra ordinary length f ti„ t r nine 1: hi. but this mere coi-j#- .re. bused ntor." part < u'ari; upon < ,r kc- w edge of tlx They fr juently attain the weight of live and six jnui; !■ in r.tre instances .even * • ' by any of the perch family. . given by our fellow-cHiren, Tbaddeu. ; : ... ler : ■ tree . r.ine spines and eighteen soft rays ; pecto rals fifteen , ventral* ■ s- e five ra* - anal three -p r*,■ J t*v. .# r#v. •. . n, • teen. 15 iy e or. • a a', on the belly, iy. large. uth very larp lower jaw long-- The v- rn- r ha* 1 rush like teeth fr- T n the j ..latine and pharyng il ; one Tongue smooth without teeth . front Three or ■ - * ear- ■ g - u.,n er of ; .; Su* juehatitis, K. huylkili and I>- la*, c rivers, - -nceiv . the i i.-a of stocking t e. ,■-■ . - * They sent t Harper * Ferry, on the I teniae rir. r, purchase ! a number of t.. fi-h, tran-1 rted them to the localitie -c --le ted f>r the r introdu* nr. 1 • - stream* are new -w . i will ; #-c fish that they promise, in a few ye.ir. more to rival the I'otoni:. in the abundance <>f their yield. Ha-- are fr . it y .aught weighing four a? d fivc'pe jiids in these ' geny ofth-.se originally transplanted from - taken with the r->-l, taking the ibait m> ea gerly a- ■! gre . .v. t w, -. i.r .- i the pa-sag . I.v fi.rb Idir.g ,t'. - b. ing taken in at.* other urii* Tin ra f lit* renders it exlr< midifficult lotakethet during the siimn r and fall wdh net- When -.an - lit tilln the wcej or bag I of the selt g ■ ,e en. -i • tl* most invariably regain tl.. Ir lihert* b* leaping oit of the water and over th up turn! ef' e - \|- , hi •-I er- , il it during the wirier month- when they are parti., Iy t pid with col l, rin tlio pi ing when they are luggl-h f. i the jr# lire 01 spawn and milt, it v. -. -I not he a difii cult matter to aim -st exterminate them by persistent ft-bing with-in t mesh seinr- Il would not he e-lvi-ah." to prevent, by legislation, the tl-hiri;.' wirl Kim * during the winter and -p.- ng. ilities where the fishing with tin se n.-t- ha. become n large m d prof. ?.b!c m-: a- on th- Ite'ttware, nor do un iim-mj any .ic! ! action. That which we do advise, ho ev j er, is an enactment forbiddit g the k- -ping of any of these : - h which nay be • ;iught at any tmeby p- r-.oi- ing in any oth er manner ex- j-' w •:I* -<i ami line. The has- with **!. eh we stocked the j waters of the > >l wer l iken | iiii' ipall - irotn the De ~\i i-e riv. r, .r Kaston, a ! few from the Ji - ti*er, mar Newport, j We distributed til rough out the Mate abi'l.t two thou-hik! nd I'-rt) .ur has*. b carefully wa- the w--rk <-f trunsportation d<?ne, that out of tli entile number not a dozen flu were 1- tintl . operation. The fish were convc. cd -n • rjinary fifteen gal lon mill. < an-, the temperature of the wa ter in the can* being kept by the use of ?ic at about '1- Fahrenheit. The oxygen thai was communed by the I'.-h win replaced by dipping the water fr -in the cans in u vessel c urrie-1 for that purpose, and pull ing it bat k into the can- again from a con siderable distance above them. The lab.u of transportation was considerable, nece itatiiig the employment of six men in tl,< "urk. We (srried from twenty !;*-■ t fifty fish in each can, and. rarely ever en truste.l more than one can to a man. OUTKAGKOUS CONDICT t)l ROUGHS. Lafayette, Illil., March '27. Tlio ladie to day inaugurated the prayer crusad against the saloon keepers anJ visited number of places. At one point u crowi ol drunken roughs a-setubled in a barro>u sang, yelled und indulged in blusphemy completely drowning the voie#* of th -ladies. MILLIIF.IM FRAGMKNTF. Mh KtltTOlt' Some fellow from Itrusl \ allev objections, to my heading :k*i ' I want lo wilt* up Millhaim item*, I should > confine myself to that city, and not go t< Kehersburg and oilier pla> •* Well now, . do! you ever! Don't the dunce know that Rehersbtl g. M tdi-onhurg, V n -:-. burg. Woodward nud *h-A are but the fta of Mttlhaim. Qo, cemull soma rw ■ cent work on modern geography, or Prof Ylagoe will he after mil with a sharp slick, at next examiria'ion. / . 'ilia.' We ara lnl rin. il l v tlie pa per*, for the ninety-ninth time that I is . oiollig to M ill hello, on tile 1;, ■ llspjv Millliciin, ala-, poor Woodward \ w 1 think proper arrangement* should he made, to transmit thi* important event to History Arti.t* should he engaged t take front, rear and aid• vie* , f [l.e pro .'Csiioli No doubt Frank Leslie the ii lustiated paper n an, would jay a g. o.t round price for them Uoportrr* should he on hand to w i ite up tha iricidrr ta - \\ you plaaae see to it, Mr Short, that matters are property attended 10. I' t. "Eternal vigilance i* the price ut It erty, and the price of hlowing into a watch, whether Swis or Lever, is one dol lar ami fifty cent*, itrtil mru*aee, I" ><!.' I ; Ifr.r What nie the pro*pecU for the yun/.uri /v. ;*, the coming -en>oti ' Our neighbor, Utttnrr, exhibit* much anxiety < u thi* rnatti : Please write to the Bureau of Agriculture, YVashing: ii, I). C t - r bi- hci-ft t are after tha bea! - The Ri der- recent v shot two at. me. 1) Davy e> to be lev- St.. . esstul 111 that line lilts rt kto v-.r pr - . than to t. ,a tn % pursuing 1 ear*. • (••> rge, the Be: . liter chap say* "Uncle John ' a talk i!>£ ivsbi'i'ih on "Kuvhre, *l*o oiutbi:.g'about a Ist - tie responsil iiity Tut, tut, George Did not think y u would get Iliad b-caue 1 refused a gallic with You. seasoned by a lit:'..' i, at •|: o- Abt'Ut ti e •■; , native, Go. rge, y.'.i must i. : -up tio-o that the sr n tfuej tru k succeed* hero, a* it did in the army To ■ thin, en- And now, Mr Shoal, I must take a con ditional '.drew 11 of y ..j and y. rraun A busy -*a- n u now at : and ai. 1, be tweed [daw ing. fence mak.i g, and ft tj *f< rt, I may not fii ! lime to ; ,ck upfrag mer.t* for the benefit f : re and -hop rk-if - mora anon | WOMAN- CIU - \DI. IN Y K l. >N (VrrcjM>ndence of tha Rej rter Aaron, Onto, March kith InTl Y! u Loitor 1 have been a constant . >f yea;-, and nevt •L , - ug wen anything n reference to i ;.r thriving little city, 1 .he ight it ring t interest sumo f your •ead-o-a to • sr:. - ... thir g aflhi W nan* .. •. • f ll.s :he southern part of the state, but nothing **• done in our i :y unt.- the evening of :he 41 h iiist , when Mia Br.wri, if Alli < > ew, ...is- • M pie to a tense of duty, and mats meeting* have bevn held every evening time then, Yt. r so '..id v• v * en : •ir - . m- a* . t. r d .-.the tvoper i: io cau-c. They isate f iruu ian u- suci its or, l.av r i . t:..-ir eft. er. as d he! i laily prayer-meeting* The > (• ws* m : it nimenced unt. the I'dh when four bar * twenty in each t and, tolemly rnar lied j through e.ir street*, and although, they tound *oare -a'.oar.s, with clo*. 1 d .of*, they -ang in the . en air. and knelt on the lamp stone walk- in earnci' prayer, that ind tin* terrible traffic be removed from .r . ty The tb-nder* rul ed, the light-. tiing* fla*h !, and the rain detcendrd in r< ts. but tin - ■ brave women faced lb* *: Su i a sight wa never . \ . iclt a heart *Une! And y.t m#k shewed n . ,;n* of ev. a respect Twenty sev n i Yce* have been tnorv or less active ly b>* g* J au: ig the p*-t week. A the fri.it* of tlic.r label-, four draler* have • ... c: . . , . : ■ > !r..gg ■ .- ■ • ii : • i. ;'idl>-1 and twenty-*. ght .' : • : w,.f k. Uut the lad • willi a large number . f tbe most iiifluen ' tial men of tin* cit v h* .e determine i curse of rum from Akron Thi* • but a brief sketch of the war thu* far, butfhs , 1 thi* meet your approval, I will give you ! further notice of it* progress. Limit M. K* vv ti; For the Reporter The Pr.rxt Ghove S. ii.tor. fxuißin ■■ The PiumGr ve school, taught by Prot Fred Jem.** ch :on Mi .iy dl. 1., with a fine exhibition, on the evening of I the same day The cu re. *<• con* ted of -j ■ h* . *■ it io r-. tlegue*. tab Icaut, and instrumental and vocal music The Prof, first -poke to the audience kindly a*king them to preserve good or der during the cieri e. a* the routn he ng i ol at all r> lumodiou*, and, he hoped ' that they would bear with him, as to thi lneon*enin< e. The audience w then enlivened with i beau: u! p - ii ti*ic, hv Mi*- Ma ■ HoffiT, i i Mi** Amanda Smith, M H ft", rj re le lat th* organ The -crvi r .. r j for th* o> casion. The exiri :-*- were in t : iper-ed with music throughout, win proved to b* very much appreciated by the audience The introdut t.iry vra* then delivtr i by Jnmt YV. Met'ormic he did inspart.. . ' well, and coii-eijuenlly phased io i . .j." • .' ■, . It w.iuld consume too much time a -[ini'O t>> write ot cat h, ol* the f >rty tlm , d.ffeiei.t excrc.-e*, but a nun, lo r of then were certainly worthy of comment Ve Ii • t pie, c < f reading w* then read by M; li ■ >••••: A W<• Ih< programme being i|uitc 'argo. we failed t •e, ur the mime* of h number of tbe per -1 f rtm i. but fuflSce it p. ay. they all did w•• 1. Ona in part it ulur *ve . oubl not we! ' forgt, wa* a-pooch by Frank Iteymond • ilitled "lighting du Mufkit.: h< made a great many gusluro* in connectior well 1 > d vI I , Y'oll W. 1, d 1181 ' thought the "lutiskFter" was troubling h n a stoiup speech , lie, by * one piu t:.c vvoulil na e an e cgaiit t|.akir Tlu ' valedictory wa* delivered by Fralici- A Potman. Mr Forrnan in • • .■*!> sp'.Li ■ to the audience, the scholar*, anil tin ' teas her. I'rol. Jemi-un then *)ioko i 1 tew words t i the audience, thanking then '' tor thi i kind alti i >oi arid go ~1 behuv io " durii g te exercin -of the evening ll> then pok* lotlie parent* , tha vkiilg then for the kindness show n to him, and hlm " showed them the no. •■--ity of having the! 1 school room enlarged, it being too -rnal ' fur the number of m holar*. It is hop*< " -oino effort w ill be inadc to have the roori ♦ nlarged, fur if there i* a chool in tin township de.nrving of a good school roon r it in this one. The exhibition a* aw hole was an entir '* success, and something not soon to he for gotten by the Member* of the Plum (irov school. Spectator. - —The Philipshurg Journal gives th ' following: On Monday a little duiighte of Richard M iller of Sandy Ridge fell fror ■" the loft of a stable receiving fatal injury . and when the rows of her sudden deat u ; whs conveyed to an elder si.-ter, h tnarrie '' j lady by the nuine of Tipple, she was t " , shocked and affected vvffli grief tliMt *h swooned arid exiiired in is skorltiin*. 1C There is u raiting flood in the Clurio and Allegheny rivers. THE SITUATION AT SUSt.'P Kll A v' A Siisi|uehaiiiia Depot this slat*, an im portant *ta(ion on the Erie Railroad, ami scat of the shop* of that , on. pullV , h*- heaii the *llllll ot a strike during th* last few .lays, which on Saturday night assumed ialarming proportion* Trvl i blocked, the mails delay ed, and a r.ot imminetil I'o ljuell till- latter the <io\ inol will de put, h fifteen hundred ti j| I • tin- | I Sus<|Uchaiiiia, Pa., Maiih - ."' Mltiaiti* ! vv. b II st 'pp. 1 lo nud git Tin requisition ot Sheriff llolin on Governor llaltialift : troeps t • protect 11.0 d< 1 ot* and other pr, |. t-rty at the Erie Riuiioad lieip fioni the *trik*i - hi. w ra- wn ad by calling .ut G.-I>*ral Oil ;i .*divi siwti of State ma'itia At elovcil o clock, in tbe foiet on io ,l*y ,'sid men under ( iFi.er *l (1-l . riiF wi : • ieporlrd ■ within twenty mm i'.r-, • t the town 1 lit tr op* wpie raid lo be poorly aimed and Other w. u unpiepare.l for immediate hottililiue and the tinkers reliiaitlod in forie in and around the lepol* V ice President ( !aik of the Erie Railway, w* already in town at th* time, having i me'al three o'clck in Fie in -ruing, toon .alter the striker* had re? iiln ip, >. snoii ol" the :■ d The men runa.i.ed c. ol and confident, and hall an h in later the troop.-, under command < I General Osborne, accompanied by two pie.es of artillery, marched into the tow n Soon after their arrival Vice-President ( lark had a conference wiih 'a coiuMiiUae' ol thu -Inkers and it w.is arranged tliut he *h. uld lubrnit i proponli i t the striker - . : direct colli en with the troop*. It e definitely it. . lat that same time that all; the rtttf- ■ . the ill . barged, I lit.- Coin - pony re-.mploytug those whom il taw fit I. mis ot vettiemeiit wire prepared bv tlie V:, -I'rt *. 11, Ii or two lat- r, and i ciaiii i! - th< (' ti. A in. ,tig <'fthe *tr.kei 11.U tw ung w* . ailed t i on-.-ler ul:. s : settlement, but il was at a-t e ,d*vl ! Hit until sight o '- * t ui rr- w in • ng be: -r. making their 4 ; i urmittiiig puisengi r train* to run in itivs hi!*, but detaining all freight, A ; - ;uiit u wa* at once made for more tr t and it it new expected that the i i I'erty f the Company will be • eixed by iry rce \ imai! ii ifor einent ot seventy-t. v a men reached ker* at r ght o ■ c. . this evening, and larger reinforce uients are I. urly evpc ted from I'hsladel 1 e strikers on the Erie K*ilr< ad : p i-e.l a i trains at Sutquehannr, Pa, on sturdily. In response to the - all of th* - ' t ,'F in of the tow n T>v ■ n :ia regiment* tn i'tuladelph a aie nuier inarching or ders It i> an* ui ; that passenger i train* weru t run thr gl last night Latest. Si.-,,:s*ha!-!.a, i'a Marcit Hp 1 „ iu. Kveryihtng quiet. The military have po*. -r-v r. f the Erie Ra irixd bu l-Lng*. Pa-F:iger train* are moving Freight trail • ate blockaded, awaiting the meet ing of the -trikrr* at eigiil i. tn. 10-dav. A very uiu v-y lee .i g prevail*. RIOTING IN BOMBAY A c'. : ! ~t India *ay- at more ex :, ii.ei t prev a .s .ii the tireel* of liombsy now that, l.a* bee . *ince the meeting of " .. ' . \ '■ '. ■ • ■ u .. on the Parser*, entering their bv>u*e, and i ti titig every h.nU of de; ledato ti In the attack many on both .d< are rc , irted t ■ have been Hi.ieo Th* i,:y ta lk rstie- seem ■ arce.y wqual to the emer ge cy . and the tr ops in and ar.- iml the -o-rve i rder The cau*e of the Mussel . yto t - Par- • * that i e©: i*.e '.attrt r-.-t ligioni. in which iomething was thought . • your read -rs to hi. n that there ar< (<•', a t Cv&stantineplo, *ll [ublic, ana for th ino-t part gratuitous Of these 287 *rt M u-*uluian , 77 Greek; is Aran :..an, r cftsati Catholic 4( Draelite, 5 Pro te*t-xut f Caraitcs r Arab In the Turk - iI to .ontain tbe essence t -f human and D.v tl chief * ft •: . : ' F : ;en mil. :. • levate-l ate In tiie others the erdinary rudit .eiit* of general learn ing ar*taught, r-- gi-u> tenvt*. h.-wen r, ill e* >ry • ;ni !:ilg : ' -st lAu- Every • u* in tlx*- Kast ciirg* tn his re: igi - l*|Hn that point he v*i! mrnt ha* devised a system >f universe not yet in general applivati n, owing tn -. .. t,-r - The Christian e- iiiiuun.'li. s main tain tin ir own ah. ©it, and though the quality an 5 rat ge of n it';:- t -n n .ght be unproved, there no > 1 j• < tion on the greund of quantity. THE CINCINNATI CRUSADER"-. (II i- nat i, March 27. The • wen prayed to-day during rhai go h.-uis at a i"n . n near th chamber uf mine; A great crowd collected and the jmlico with great difficulty preserved order The : ~rd of aldermen thi- afternoon unani mously parsed a resolution requesting the mayor lo enforce the city ordinance re gafiling crowds in the streets, whit h will prevent the praying band from holding tr---1 service*. Tbe mayor will probably i-*uc bis prut lamati<>n to-morrow. Kll, II i \\ ITII I'H 1. A FA( ill - n Friuii i-co, Mr, h 27 \ Tucson pei ,1 t the Han Digo Union -tate that Maj I lute tight Willi the Apa che* res tilted ill eleven killed and thirty four aptuis-l. It ir said tliHt shortly f --ter the fc- u. ( arb I'utbl , . the A; lo 1 . g!it iiioi;g tliFia-olv-- m which f.-iir were killed The fight war ot. a ioned hv force being u<-tl to make those cave the reservation who were unwilling until u short tune ago. r ERNMENT We are ind< bled F> tb* El in OJl'iw j for the following table contra*ting tbe <-tpcii-e.- ■ f bt-ite g varniiieiil in cl 1 D- ino , ratio tune- with what they are tinder i'adiciil rule -. 184.5, 1874. (vovt-ruor'e Salary $-5,(44) 111,(44) Private • rctar .... SS,*•**' Executive Clerk M e -eng. r Int -ieiitals ... . *J.O*4I M ntcliman Si crctur.v of ('-iHimiinwe ittb 1.3') 1.5(4) Deputy Heeietary .. .... 2,250 Chief Clerk .. I,M* I'lerk*..,. ... ~ 4,(*,) II A* Miseellanoou* . . . • 4i \ • ; <ti l • " • (••• I '1- ii* ( lurk I Sw a I Executing tax l.iw 1 isxi ■ Min-elliuioou. .. 5,275 Surveyor General 1.510 v. **) Chief Clerk I,Ntw• Clerks '..."a a i 1 .700 M iscellaneou- .... 2,4)4) Y.ljiitrtiild ieiieriil 1i(l 2,5(4) Clerks 4,(44i \l iscellaneour 11,072 Statu Treasurer . 1.4(a) ,"1,1441 Clerks 5,514) 0,2(4.1 Miscellaneous 2,700 Supt. of Common School* ,'*4 l 2,5(4i Deputy Superintendent I.tvi A till iti. mix I Deputy 2,20.J , Clerk* 4.5X4 • M iscellaneou* - 7.544 In ull tho Department- there was then at lea-til- much labor lo be performed a: ' ii -- w, and in tboaa --i the Auditor Qenara I and State Tre iiurer much inure, for a > that linn- tin- State managed thu entir* ■ sy-tcm of public improvements. Two o the clerks of thu Secretary of thu Cum monwealtb were then dctuiled to attend t< \ the t hool affair-, hut their salary was probably not included in tbe l,,ve *• it d nu* taken from tho chi>i.| I nut The ti a pn*t* of the department ul g- vtrnmcnl * not above laeiitioiied are ui, re-, d in *t I least thu same rati < Kiom tin. •laiauicnl , the people can readily see tl.a iliff. ian. e hetwaen Democratic . n n ai.d Republican rulr The ilißi lem ain name ie x arcaly greater than in up n ( t I Ulltlt list • ♦ • r Iho DeiuOt al* of the t'eiilmvlvain* - Legislature havo the mean* in their own 1 hand* w herewith 11 i< • life a tair appor tionment b.l for ' nat i , 1 meinl ti The ridW constitution provide* that . >ntir uiation of the (..iT. inoi iioiniee. * fur al! i r position* thall hav a twrnth ird* of the Nen> i alor* on yea an 4 ny \ute To tuppl v the j . new judicial dLiri. t* with judga* until the liekl ale. ti on re.pnri the app iitmenl i,| , ah, ut tuenty-ti* pei, • all of whom I will of .our-a be Itep iblu an*. Not on* ( can he afttrmod with ut Dfioocrall" vote* , Of. our*# all these gentlemen will w ant to , be. iifiiinei!, even tb -.g'l thoii t-i .ie j wiill bo a *h.irt one, an.l to obtain this . ti- ' flrmation their Senatorial friend* will have t ■ viold a fair aportiunmenl bill The Re- 1 , |>ublh aim are alway* j si wbentlu . ore ( f. reed t • be *o, • -we ( 1 lie Governer of California ha* approv > , the ,al ti| lu.ll law I)*avs w .lid* unroofrd li ise* in N < . York an M ud*y night I lie w !* uf J I) -ia - ! ( u rruii ,| led at ■ Hrrrburg, after a I.' geru.g iiln* - San Fran, .no i* enthusiastic upon the ' t.-iiiperan. e m iveii.*nt The bud tea of the Siamese Twin* ha.e ' been taken back lo North Carolina by two : ■■! the son. ()na thousand man at work on Bergen 11. : tunnel, N J tri. k li Monday for . higher wage*. In the Nmlh they are u. .n- hally s. 11- : ing a railroad for debt. Strawberries art- Sj . ent* < !. hi It. • ton -ugar arid cream citra Kama* apen* her an * I re.-ivc 1 - ,mju - immigrant* thi* ea>ori. Tha I-adi. s Mount Vcr A. iat. *rw illioul |._T cert., •Tire national windmill, mean* Col; gre**, in the Charletlun - ( Cvneicf, ■< Thi* la*t "inflation g.vct u* ail about ' |SO cent* apiece, if we could only get Since Dio Lewis went to V ashing: ' '-L. pf. j • there a;e ! I anyt ng it ; '.* l spirit*. Ot tin ...ai.J riuj. y< • viuj 1 ye; -he Erie K*ilr.*d Company, are on *tr ike j a". Su*.jUeha!ina, Pa. London, March IS 6 a m The <-a. - , 12,(4*>.have*lri. kw.r* Itlodgrtt. the Locorua, N 11 , w.femur iien r, plead, ig . ty e: tnur ler ir. t! e t - d degree ye le- *> , wa-'teutk-n 1 > to thirty y ear* A Brooklyn g.- of -,i tier* cyslbe y r.-aon the man on the new fractional cur rency k ks to n.ad, it t . j.e he i only 'j. .enter ... a.h ertisenrent off. : g the . rv.ee* of holies, tvpa.r* straw < hair a; •* lee. h- - <**, and makes past-y, deserts *• I Jelaea- 5 ' • -> .* la* I - *•'. )at Jersey . Shore and McadvilUin . but in N aj.lv ettr takes the triubie to com . . li.dependa p. 1* m at • *e:. s f i .jju I , Ist: :v i . Fnts a gal on. 1 he Mayor of A nan.ota, la , 1.-LJe. -e, . • ry va at f r * . . er.> ...*reL>y iacomng the Anatnosaly of a c great many. Contribution to tbe legicography of the f.. •# H tt!e, v r c 'inive at hlacl. 1 ii,ailing merehant* and plunder th* tr. ~(■ j urv. Butler, *. , one wbo buttle*. It :• rut :< i • . ,-t A , Dr Li. ingfUiflv remain* arrived at Prince Hum arch threaten • t. r< g in •.• iuaacv ef the a . : n 1. a), on the Army bill. Mar*li*l Serrano* at:*.* .:i Pard. CarhsU beyond Santa (!,: . .i *. ing 'juatitie* in M Kran t ty Aw . man named Costei wa : ir:.ed j.> - death on Friday night, in Titu.ville. The blame it laid jointlyi whitky and ki-r - • F!ie A wrucrin the Titutuille ('..rier e.li- i • at 'd>' 4) barrai* per day. TI *fa g p off of thirty per c.rt, within six month*. 1 and ought t> have th. off. tcfre ig prr . el N reliable infant.*ti of the <• . of either fire ©r in. .c fr. tn tbe North Carolina mountain. h Judge It. R Curt (ha* hern t ■ at* 1 1 t ' t;.l the vacant teat of Mr. Sumner, the Detii". ra.y i : Ma-. N w Mexico w.. uv t he. hf a S If ai .1 b. admitted to tile ut- Thej* ; • ii.-n i* 140.(44), nearly one-third Amen. ~ > an* l'hil* ielphia i:* r* : ver tha benefit uf the familie* of the efli. cr* twepi overboard fr .nit' Peniisv vania. . .. appeaVd t • the guveri merit for a n--w treaty with China, prohibiting any rrt er imi.ortatiou of Chinese lab .rer in:,< tin I n.ted State. The N.w York ("Fiit:* Pen- , i • Mini Kr o railroad inipante- have sdvai - ed the price* of ti ket t < ail we-ter: •' point*, and old rate* rule ag.vin. T - i- gr * - out cf the reevnt fike .. The temperance crusa :f is raj a , iprcadiiig throughout Mich., while tf.p i sin to ! • n.. nbalFiio 'it at any | - h work. j. A pi'o , f tie* w.-r pi ~ f.; ut'on the rr. road track a car Hinghampton. which w • K MoloUv night s latnitge done, ro ;in murderer* w. * f. iU i. A telegram a- -•:.: Ft Wayne, :nd Dr. Howard, We'-ville, Ind. ('uiiie at oni e with prenript: ('*-• of ('er. hr Sp.i al .Meningit V. re. • •-. ■ d "Come at once to sec procession it ("arric Spencer s Menagerie A few day* ago, ■ the Poll-t • n j , Ledger, the remain- of IYuniel (' Thayer,! ii *otdtcr who died in lsdl of wound* re " . rived in front of lYten-burg, wn* taken . hurch in l'ottst wn and remove j to th •w Mt Zion , I'liiFi. ry In doing i! • . it found thitt the ho.lv *va- < oinpiet \ * petrified turned to stone and the feature hud atsumed the appearance el pbister ■ •" Pari*. . V . l.mperor of Brnri lot- boon sired for lu hotel bill. Stopping recently t i the Grand Hotel du Louvre, in Porto. h> i wu- pre-.<nted, upon leaving, with o i v ti pm .g i: t a lull that he refuse I to pay it II \ Itio de Janeiro court will now have- l< ; -etile tha ditficuUy between the Emperi'r *i and hotel-keeper. ~. ♦ • II no-. g..t drunk on hard cider in Put (( nam s -uloor, in Warren, Mat--, anil () called for mere. Putnam refused lo sell u hiui usjimcli as lie wanted, and Hino* ru (aliated by suing Putnam for -idling li-, () | ijunr at all. Putnam |>aid a fine of $lO, n, mill then prosec itod Hirie* for int xioa (( tion. So lliiies had to pay $lO, too, and at that point tlio controversy refts. —• ♦ • " The work shop* connected with the Stat. )■) Prion at Charleston, Mai*., were do-trov *l ...1 by tire ell thu 21-t. Los* I The convict* wore ut dinner hI the time and thareforo locked up in a large nail ni thus preventing their escape. I Tha fire reccurd lor the past few da ys i-j '' (|uito fearful: Atlantic and Pacific Kail •o road machine shop- burned on the 20th-- re los. ?11I,(4X). 1 nuianapoli*. Ind., on the . 22d, $100,144); W ouster, Ohio, $75.0 0: llaiina, Ind . $1,0(41: New Brltan, Conn., n ' $800,000: Elgin, 111., $140,(441; Pougb to|keep*ie, N. Y., $100,014). We have *pi ■ iineu pagus of a new w 'fk called till' History of the Orange Move ment; * tlm Farmer's War \gamut Monopolo • A full and authantic ac rounl of the struggh of tl.a A'm rn all (artusis agauttt the uxtort ion* of tha rail road romp*tutu, with a history of the line ami |r-*kr•- > of the onler of pair '•> of llui bniulry, it* 11, pratwt < .indition atul pr..>pi (l To which it added al. >ti li es of th leading grangers. Ity Edward Window Martin, autlo i of "Behind the Srenrnin \\ lohingt m, i |r, Illustrated with u) fSna , nyrsvings and p rtrait of loading gran N linn*l Publishing ( oin| ,4 . I . li'lpbia, I' i 'i. . n I 1 '! > .. .!• in to a<JJte- them for term* M. Cha* D, HunkL of < ntr Hill, ha* the agency for ('■ ntre < anty, fur tha "History of the Grange M.. lom nt He i now traveling in the taie of the werk, and Una w.il he the only q ; itunitj to nblain it in our eouiiU' A somar Han war i'aoJl r. It ia wiih pleasure that we aiin-utfr tha fart that a number of capitalist*, head ad by L. A Msekay, K*q , of L'"k Haven, hava i otnpieled all the preliminary arrange n.anla for 1 orating and building a railroad along the rin r, frotu the mouth of Sift iirinahofiiag • ie- i. to Ivarthaus, and that a rr>rp of engineer*, und< r Col. Jarretl, wilt he in. Ed on the rout* within a month- We understand that the heir*, or owner*, i>f the harthau* estate are a!*o taking great interest hi tin. project and will land material ai l in the building of tin* line of | rad. Tliit is a movement in the right ( direction, Thi* road w ill not atop long at Karlhau*. It will t<>on move up to the mouth of Mushannun i reck, and ha built up that atrcam to Ptilliptbarj, while an- < tbor branch will come i . up the river to ;tie t'berry Tree and th -, t*a, within the next five year*. We predict now that fore tiifei ics 1 pa- a" o it, all the coal i,mod on the Moahannou will go to mar ket tie Kttrlhau* and Le-k Haven, in stead of our tha mountain to Tyrone. n,i> movement will c<> mora to develop ur rr unty and dig up cur hidden trea iure of coal, iron ore flu I fire < lay, than myth, g contemplated in thi* section of , State. The g. nl'euien at the head of iti* movement are energetic and command iu! p -.-i" any am int of capital Mr Matkey w ,11 be entitled to the thank* of vroperty owner*, and everybody else, in die north eastern irctiau of our county, or inaugurating thi* < onfeinplated iia jfovctiieiit ( fear field Hrpuhhcart. \riMTO|t si REPOKTOF POTTER 1 . ern.a: Overseer liar 24 To am t du* twp at settlement .. .... >l4 521 874 (far "l!i, Am I i fduplicate 751 lo I j-.'t 'M, i fit. liar 24th By :rt>r iri at of JICOD fash ltt) gar 25. 7 1 Am t for L Si '.* l • I . . lo ( ash a: Audi: SSKM Iu l>ue al settlement ... 389 63 feeiSC * t w.iL Id <• .lliiaiiil, Poor Overseer. DR. VI-u.S. 1 am i due twp at settlement S'JIfVJ >•74 Am t of duplicate 63206 ilirk A ssi't re: unde J from State If pilai ...... ... 2100 ngtori . 1000 CR Mar 21 Hv exoneration*, it Lee $2 32 !U lo 2 74 keeping pauper* C2('- 1 . Ity exonerate !, .. 14 3d - ■ ' k d 11*1 fl*. v tilemet;! 14110 i .. tu. 1* !- Road S ..i*rr*or DK Mar . 4, To audit of dttp ll*c*s!B Oil i.t of Work $J*. V 1 .. do Caflh al audit 40 01) Hal at s< lU- SIOBB 36 1 *• dv *• It •cr It S.. pervior. D ii J II I.ee ... SIN 72 $ &81 Mar So, By am't of w0rk...5<536111 ,i i do exotiarat n*.. . '.'47 ..... 7&00 d> >lo f a*n at audit . >-4 oy do Order to R Lee 20 05 $ 83) 1874 DR Mr'2.'>, Auditor* Received fash ..$144 09 do De l . '. Auditor'* credit 84(4) du 11 d in huts ! c: -Audit or* ... $ <"009 - Mar • Hv W A Kerr, < er-k. 7.1 $ 100 \N W L >ve. Auditor 200 ioJa* M> f .intu L 400 doje-t. nd 4 <k> do W W j-pang r 200 • o F K rt. 16 ft) doll Lee root) $ 84 00 ■I AM ( LI STICK, <s i.11.1.l LAND. .! .1 AUNKY, V. W -. a soil i. Auditors 1 i \\ *kly, Wil is y, a id llaily. . VI S 1 Hi st 1 m■' - 4Do*n U>r#kjutr* - a M * lit. h >4 i 1 ril.c r#, an ! . ■ v; v , my t .•* !>J ntni ar* •• f olic* 11 -at til*; rjkt n. rn Ki\ til# Ifft't (t| lu llSl *1 f-.1l u'ti i ' til, *• it ? .Jw*yw , (-<**ut*.l In A lilc.itltl.l# lilc.itltl.l# *r iefMl ni rninuw t: va < i f • ■. t ntninf in ! %£ tim! •-* fcn.l th* i t th li- t* au4 fc'ntptiS, i* tiht* It .* At.'wt ta!" • rj Tb* t*l* mnA r>" hn * *f < urrrtit litorAtut* ;.r* or*ful!j **i*ct*4| a;>*l lei iMj iriot**l lo it* t- .*<• T. u * iiH :t *i|f oitwml ;*i 't Th* ui<**t a . ■* t k- ' Iff .* t urhi . • tf|u 1r Ij •ptMMtr to tht* *l*i**itoa.oi| It la mi c>i. j . lent . leal i *P*~ n#tm o*> ;•*• t *i)'l aroAttn* I i*r ith*t.t* for t*noct|>lr. 4, fs.r t t Of hums! rn*u •' '• It **t* a' • .I#' t* *ta r n, m |aa tr fh* * tP'-flflm of tb* ffeflt t s uptt4n* t h*t ti * **k>n *n<i *• or o#uo i n l thr**tn t* untlor nln# rtpabik on ln*f itntloo* *1 fc'flbr: It h*a u 'eat f kfikm, *n4 **k UO f* *. : ft s>n tb*vr *uiiH4fl*r* it ti* t ,i* f*4 : I* to4io* *ni th* warkru ,s metis M|o,dfli > the. rfclti* m*t)t*i*. Vo which It i**v f*tUroUt tf*nt*o t< !!.•. !• . -t j *;•*? Ota 4o* ' "ill M ut It Mflf talHk nbpf It I* not j t tfvt . rilpf 1(1 h*• Th* He**k'* s rut. Ar.y p wis.. nn Am * n . t*ir dollar v. ; *>t iti* f*i**r f( a > *ai \' i h*tr* tr*T*lUi>A' A^fctil* It \N I Fht \ 'I N V1 4 1.| ral * i <*!,* i t i>f \ hAMuiitflfruM ikhraH KMI WKKkI \ Rl'N Hmm tit* M h* l ij Nun #.(**|. t \ iI 9m |rr c*Oi t*< illk DMI • M n • rg;* f(or j a#* h*j itwr of ) .it kM . -Iwrn ■ • l .i • * irruUiion r*t llD.'k*' All I. ..al l . a li p • tjv| pic* &k) C**A * o( 4 A" 140 * 1 lot lt> (f If ( **• . * til* t xnnl (*f }J i4r twet, a1 ir • THI M V \rw Tad t tta i<r i ri;tM l\ m W ionT * ,<• II . t ml. * A rrf*Ald*nt 4( f Oft .if < :'I on !*! •- in Ihc Jutlktol IHa trial . i.iiM.oiie of Ih <t|t.a*f t cut rw. t Itntou. and • vrtt : ' 11. if ill W \V leivo an.l ll It ■•rah)* ll v a-h h iair .1 ui|r**. to >ntr nty r .vtr.fc'i .><t tftctr j tn'r|it, l*t>ailU date* the i h day 4f .• uv \ l , in* (itro* ttHl for hvkl - 1 c rt..f(ct nii.t I crmi'ier and UMnil .Ull Ur \ r in B ilrfoDlr. • r 11*** ill of t tt 1 • an.) to commotio* on th* 41 !i M i l -.i 'f April **! hrlttc ih* tTlh (lay of Apr 1*74. an>i *• nliii ic I•> ** ck N iti. ■ l he ■ hy itiv f n to Ih* t'iMn*r. Jwattf** of th J l' - A l.ln tut n and i oniilalilM **t lh* **ul coanty tf 1 cntr* :! I*t t •<• t :i and thrr* In lhftr prt par * . Umfonaaw wmmU). witn t *t*|t i t |. tni|utaltion*. riaminatiotiA. and lli*lr own wofntiraoccfl, t •,!.thtMM* thliifa which to their .>9i>* *1 ,• rtain* t. I ckl.ru*. and thoar wbo ar h>und Jn rr . .yii: tm r* pro**cut* nßaiuat th* prl*on*r that arc rut,.lll** In th* jail of t*ntr* couutr. ba thru and th. in to proaccut* Agfainat them * ahall lc juat "M.v*r. un!*r my hand, at !t*ll*font*. th* 4lh day of -lan lu th* >**r of our Urd, laT4. and tn Ih* ntnrty (ooilh y*r of th* In.tcpendwnow'uf th* Putlcd Slat*" It K. MIAP KK sh*rtff tklOT A L M A (J K. 000 (*> SI"U It (lEOsN. t** (**• T. De Witt Tnlmngc i- editor otX44) (4k)The f hri-tiuu at Work ; 11. Sjiur (4)0 Udgeon, Special Contributor. TheytHKl UkKvi ite for no other puper in .Vmericii (44) mm Three iiiugiiißcent fhromos. Py(44) (4*ilarger coiinnis.-ion than any utheiOOO 04ipaper CAr.>mo- all ready. N.4J01) 000-'cctarianisin. No Sctionalii>in. (44) OiklOne agent obtained 180 s uh ,criptioti-ol4> <4Vin eighty hours absolute work. Shtm-000 tKßtplo copies and circulars sent free. 000 000 AGENTS Want e d. 000 ouo Horatio 0. Kiso, Publisher, 000 OUU 102 Chambers St. N. V. W4) MARRIAGES. On VOW all.. Mr. I'. F Keiiar and Mi Haggle llud/.ar, both ef I hi* placa. On iTtli u)t., Janir* Dutweiler and Jo ii* Waiiaa. bulli of Mlllhairo, On the V'Jud, lnt.. by Ilea N' M. Lan •. M r John S S Jonaa. to Miw Amanda i>r. Clinton to. paper* pi**** copy.) <n the .fltW inat .by Ha*. J. K Millar, t Hi* r-f. dene# of the brida'a father, Mr. ! i ■ h W Sweeny and Miaa Sarah C *M i*er, lo'.h of Hoabburg Fa. DEATHS. <n Match 21 at ult, in Hamburg lowa, 1 I'ln-rpeml I'eutonatia, wife of Ilr. J, A. I ior aged year* andlf month*. On the Huh March, lß7f, of conaamntion, •gar Valley. Clinton county. HaW-ca ■ ,! r. •••! jit yaara, 6 month*, and Vti day* on thalCth of March, near Kebertburg ' ><ii i mania, Eva infant daufC fGeorge atul Elizabeth Stover, aged I • car, ! month, and 23 day*. < Clinton co paper* p!*a*e copy.) HKLLKFONTEM AKK KTB. >V hi to Cheat $1 60, K*d 116 ... Rye,.... ..CoinfiO ....Out 36,...... Bar fey HO. ..Clo/erteeJ t, 60 ...... Polatoe* 60 J-ncd |.t jM.un.; b .fork par pound CM, Jl Fggau. .... flatter prrton SI. la llow 8 Macon 10 Ham 16 Pr puuod 8 cent* .....Buckwheat eta.. Kiourper barrel re lei lb. 80.. h. I. t aic 7,26 to 7.60 MILROY MARKETS I Nirreointj by Joba M'Dowel. Grain Merchant. White wio-at I,SO . lOdwbeatl 46... Rye X r n 6j Oat* 36......8ar1ey • I r teed 1,00. Timotbytand, 360........ *.t V 26 per *<k ....... H '• " Ham 16 ... iluttai 27... Egg* C 1 ... Planter tt 60 C tout C'.| per Tan $6 76 Bt/v • . per To $'J 60 Kgg Coal pur Tor; *> .. Liuieburner'* Coal per Ton $3 it 1 TO Farmers& Builders Having attached a PLAINER t Mrj 'iriiu uw-imll, an lb* istrwi MwuiUib> ; r Kuuil i, • r prepared to furnish | WHITE: A VFII.OW FIX* I LOOKING A. Hlltl\U, Vl' LOWEST MARKET PRICES DINGLES A RILL LUMBER Of \LL KINDS. FENCING Ac. FUR NIsHED TO ORDER. 1 A J. UNDERWOOD. Millruy, Pa.. ®r, I'pf Poltar's Mills. Pa. rV NEFF A Kt'NKLE-BU> 1 / frumhb* Jeff Mad. Col ' Phil a. I*a., das.r* la inform ihr •.hat they liar* now fully entered parlnarhip, and thai hereafter any r< i n employing one will consider hirn rmplcying b>tb, and that if a consul tU- i u re-juired. no extra charge will he HdTEtf / tENTER HALL Furniture (looms! KKI MHI\EA GUOSSMIX. • >pectfully inform the ciiixens of Centre uty, the". thev have bought out the old *t>d of J O Drininger, and have reduced pra-aa. They have constantly on hand, 'ni make to order BEDSTEADS, BUREAUS, SINKS. \% ASHSTAND% CORNER CUPBOARDS. TABLES, Ac., Ac, 11. u. M*ux CHAINS ALWAYS ok HAXD. In. r stock of ready-made Furniture it i rge and warranted of g<oJ workmanship - all made under their own imraedi tipe-vinon, and it offered at rale* 10-atMsr than eltewhere. t all and tec our stock before purchasing eltewhere. 36 feb. !y Kevstone Store. FOR FARMERS AND ALL OTHERS Go to H. YEARICK:& SON, FOR FOREIGN A DOMESTIC WHY GOODS, NOTIONS, HATS, CATS, BOOTS A SHOES. CLOTIIIXU. OIL < LOTUS. OUEKNSWARK. GROCERIES. PRO VISIONS. FLOUR. Ac No. C Bush's Arcade, Bellefonte, Pa. AM kinds of country produce tak en. Best Bargains in town to be bad. nov'iOtf Shortlidge & Co.. PROPRIETORS OF THE Bellefonte Lime Quarries. The only Manufacturers of Lima, burnt eiciutively with wood, in Central Pennsylvania. DEALERS IN Anthracite Coal, White Lime, I)u Pout's Powder, Sporting and Blasting Powder on hand, Fuse for Blasting. Fire Brick, Ground Fire C!#v, Feitilirers. ImplemenU. sat>3o TH Gfficc arj vnril near South end i<f the llatd Eag c Valley Railroad Depot. Helle-: fanle. Pa janlO.TSi Miller & Son, CKNTRE HALL. PA. DEALERS IN PI'RE PR COS AFP MEPICIXES, CHEMICALS, OILS, DTE STUFFS, PEH FIT MEK Y. NOTIONS, ARTICLES FOR TilK TOILET, Ac., Ac.. Ac. R HI: WINE AND LIQIOKS. for 'medicinal purposes. Trusses it Supporters in great variety. Also, choice CIGARS AND TOBACCO, Mndal! ether article usually kept in a fir-i class Drug Store. Ur.-M'iipti us carvfu Iv Compounded.! VS-Kt tf MILLER A SDN. 1 / 1 UOf KKY ST 'RE : - \ I Wool 7 ring & Cc., At the Grocery on Allegheny: <lrict, Bellefonte, Pa., opposite Hoffer] Itrc - inform the public generally, that tlu'N bavo now ana keep at all times one of the b-st and largest stocks of Groceries. ■ such n COFFEES, t TEA, sua A N, MOLASSAS, Ac., Aa., Ac., CANNED AND DRIED FRUITS OF ALL KINDS, consisting of canned peaches, cherries, oinatoes, plums, green com, dried apples, peaches, cherries Ac. In brief they have everything usually kept in a first class Grocery Store. Cxll i" ladies and gentlemen. Our prices art aeasonable. We aim to please. oct&tl m Excelsior Cement* Tha undaraigned now maanfheture Ce ment W A KB A NTED Or A SUPERIOR DUALITY, at their kllaa. Bear Pin* Creak Mill*. In Hainaa twp. Tbia cement ha* already Wean uted in large quantities a pun the L. C. AB. C. K K., and hat bean f.mnd highly *alifctory upon *ll ioba what* it hat been u*d, and ai equal to any now manufactured. Tha underaigaed now lake pie**ur in recommending, and warranting It l all. for u*a in CIS rEKNH. WATER PIPES or whatever puruoae a good quality of Cement la desi rable Thin Cement haa already bean tea ted far and wide, and rendered lb* ut moti uliifactioa. Paraona, tharafoiwoo*- •tructing Cintern*, laying Water I'ipe*. Ac., will find it to their advantage to beer thia in mind, and alio, that th*y warrant the article a* rjpretented. For farther particular-, add rot* MKYKR, HOPPER, A CO, Ahlec tf Aaronaburg, Pa. - v: noWhH uoofiifo ftvr — I* lnt la Mu* w#U la *ll a'.iwat**, hetaa meaton li eoai l i It. flu* HmiitßUiamlHiM, aa4 Ik*** | tor barto* WM ltoawa, ftotfoe*. U*l" < imiltw MtofvkuuoM, or W alt*, -ittow eetatfU I, ana la* ptaata* itoto* m t ito* i rf —'"* ' HVg a* lb* *a4*raiti tula of rtflan at • KlaM *r Tits* iUat, mm* aa • <atli w lew MM*, <wal aval lag II **i. t' -i *i.-l i uaOuaUua of Mutator* . Tha fcagliek fall t* patt. a* I* njl* at M lar4a .*•'. b. to tt la*>i i la irlatk, *■< ooetotada* • eerfea* <WitoK|<abaafwl. rrUHKK-PLY FELT. For Roofing. U ItoU*. a* Utohto tnd*. bt W fwt la toagUt . aaah *|U m> • Mft. la toot otatt*r*, or la* ujaaia r*M li a* to b* lad aoroa* uw roof, abtow*' ftWlw. art** a a> of too larlaa a** aanuad I* "- * : —r Uto wig— •M 14 b*U* *at4 u* taaa Vim lMt Ik* l 01l i* te ba Ml*t*4 ml M a*W g.o i i < b t• r*g sajm(S4 Tit* SggiM OMSMRS >* tblaoU. tautdr tor *M. **4 ta **t>U*4 villi * t>w*k TAKHED BCMIFINO FELT w U**4 aaMaltali tor Bb*l*a W uaaaa. **4 tor T*r • >••! I. ratal It ..'.or alw tor plbctoa bb4*r It tola. Tin u>4 bt.lt.*te tCoukam ll I* *aa4 to IMW< Wrvilto* *4 fin to i"*M Uton tram no 61m, fat ** to roil. *t*fcto *t a—4* aack U fontM* Fob vulaarrvr * *ortM* of la* )<•**• fa**. TWO-FLY \FELT. fwktai.ai, !t*vaa*a. K ni* Tfigtuo gnlieiaOi *u*u>* wu < 11*1.1 Iton. *a>4 tor *4toiat* ammm )Uta Bted M'Ugtfg tb run*. *Ma bM Vt4* t#r t* loot t la*tk *Oak M! vtU ibtv atrtoia I* toot aia*n r 14 *aaaaw iMI. ror ftUeUad U cam U Mlkd gw Um BiWii, 'Uliai * porkeM* air u*bi aknu*. **4 aa*a *va- Wba front ifaMp*—l Bat*, tata* or > irttife will aa* aa taw * MICA CAN VAS* ROOFING. la toll* aoaiitalae ** tofto toot la to ke la*4 **raM* tUta toot. *a4 lnnief al. su *to faafitoa arttfc • lap arf toa uaefcM, Otto avoamri ut aalua or *4 M vat* toaa. or be flu# t um ooit' ■rtnian ■ aai* tka> naaa aaa naatra * bntabia* >ai of f- —* a* ii*iu UNTARKKD SURATING FELT. Far l'*no< lJatam. ttoafabto* tlaoni, a*4 tor paaiaaa aa*i Main. Ft* aa>4 bluo*> fUorut*' Fat a*l* M-a aetrla* to> |uaMt toixnin.'.a ir.i auioAvaatttoa* aaaaia.ar Meaanaaa taaot Muiatotw.4 Of li.e l*r<iu KtoOfiug ( ., mar 6-2ro lUuSamtb Skraal, Pbtla. Stoves! Fire! Stov'g! At Andy iice*aiao', Centre Hell, are lataat and bet ctoee* out, be haa juat received a large lot of Cook Stove*, the Pioneer the Eclipee Cook, the Reliance Cook. PARLORS—The Radiant Light, eif-fee der, Oat Burner. National Egg, Jewell, Ac. *eil atovo* a* LOW a* anywhere in Mifflin or Contra co. TIN AND SHEETIRON WARE Tha under*igned hereby iufornaa tha t-iuseni of Pinuavallay that na ha* pur i hated the Tinhop heretofore rarried on by ibeC- H Mfr Co., and wilt continue the tame, at the oldttand, 1n all iu branch a*, in the manufacture of STOVE PIPE A SPOCTIXG. All kind* of repairing dona. Be ha* al way*on hand Fruit Can*, of all Six**, BUCKETS, CUPS, DIPPERS. DISHES, AC. AH work irarranted and charge* raaaoa able. A ihare of the public patmnaga *o [licitod. AND. REESMAN. j "laepTOv 'Centra Hall NEW WOODS AND NEW PRICES. AN ENTIRE NEW STOCi OF BOOTS AND SHOES at the BOSTON BOOT & SHOE STOKE, NO. 5. lIINII*N ARCADE. Price* Less than at any Other Shoe Store in Centre County. Cull and I s ! No. 5, Buch'a Arcade, Bellefont*. July lOtf. T L. M'ANGLEK, Attornay-nl-Law, 11 . Bellefonte. Pa Office with ; Bush A Yocum. Censultalion in Engltah and German. Collactiont promptly attend* s id to. feb&-tf ADAM HILD. PAINTER, *!. ST | offer* hit rerricet to the citixentof Mifflin If. ntre and adjoining counties, in lloiiar. feign and Ornamenatal l*Hinttng. GRAINING Oak, Walnut, Mapla, A ah, Mahogony. Ac., Plain and Fancy Parerhangiog. Or* der* respectfully solicited. All fine wo-k dene for other painters. no* 6if. N r OTICE.—Notice in hereby given that the account of D. F. Fortney. com mittee of N. Hiliibi.h, i lunatic). ba beea tiled in the effice of the Prothonotary of the Court of Common Pleas, of Centra county, and will be presented to Mid ctort for confirmation at April term next. AARON WILLIAMS. marl9-.lt. Prrhonotary. WT AT CXJRRY, BOOT & SHOE MAKER CENTRE H ALL. PA. Would most respectfully inforai the cit* xens <>f this s ieinity, that he has started a new Boot and Shoe Shop, and would be thankful for a share of the public patron age. Hoots and Shoes made to order and according to style, and warrants his work *T. e<jual any made elsewhere. All kinds of repairing done, and charges reasonable- Gitc him a call. feb 18 ly Best Sample Rooms in Town. BROCKERHOFF HOUSE, I). JOHNSTON A SONS, Proprietors, Bellefonte, Pentia. Free litis* fo and from the Depot. 1 Pa. 1. r. rmji-Niinnn. am I |iaeWil a* IX* P. if.rltT <4 r.aa'a ta IsJS. uS -fWr ) TtaWgaaarttaan CrfKteX Dr. Filler's Vegetable KlaEuMtM jrraa, I yaaraate* it aa itXCliXle tan Iw Marvw KiS tuuSnnatiWiKuw, Saws a,I>IiIMS AfrilUH- F. A OSBOU AN. AVfery MMMS Ve ntrrmss wars CcvJ tr It, and will uiMnraMfffl ln*OAKr.Tb<.MarpbT.D r> I wtaa.Madia.Pa. ROT.J K.Bocliaii*a<'laaeiJwaSMi. U O Kmitto. ttttafarri.N V. Raw JaeJlmn I'hila.Ar. Aflicte*. abonld wrlsa Mturr Pamphlat A griarmnt-aaratia SS* RayaidweawMb .urliWc*..Nucaru an Pf are—MP 1' S.—l)r. !• mer s Pills aocts, fbould ur ©d W''h svrim. If you are Suffering from taf CHRONIC DISEASE, Broken Down Constitution Or require a Remedy to Purify and Enrich the DIM 4 You wtlt find Dr.Crook"aCompeand of Poke Hoot to fasten praatsr MM U, otaS j vou mure speedily, and do you more imp i than anv and all other remedies c.>mbln*€, Tbat Pale,Yrllew. Nlek Ij-lMkisg Ittl I la changed to one of and nealtb Thoee Ulwasn of the Skla.HMplM.PsS tit lea. Blotebea and ErnpUeai are | movcti. Hrroftila, Hcrofuloua DlswatM of the F.), Wliilc Swellings, ElssZ old Korea or any kind of llumor raptdß 1 dwlnd e end disappear under Its influensA What la It? It la nature'a own nwtorerl A ■olubis oxyd of Iron combined, with tbf meillctnal properties of l>oke Root divans ot all disagreeable qualities. It will cure asO Sl.ru. wiiow real or direct cause la WOm Blood. Bhru mm lam, Psiar l Llwil or Bone*, l oaatitutlons broken lowa, by Mtxcunsi or other poisons, are all curst by It. Fur kj phills, or MypbtUUc lam . there la nothing equal to to A UtalMffl Msntb BsUV
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers